On this Day in History ... 9th September

09 Sep is in September.

1087 King William "The Conqueror" Dies King William II Succeeds

1460 Richard of York claims the Kingdom of England

1513 Battle of Flodden

1535 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1914 Battle of Aisne

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 9th September

On 09 Sep 384 Flavius Honorius Emperor was born to Theodosius I Emperor (age 37) and Aelia Flaccilla Empress (age 28).

On 09 Sep 1087 King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 59) died at the Priory of St Gervaise, Rouen. He was buried at Abbaye-aux-Hommes, Caen, Calvados, Basse Normandie at a ceremony presided over by Gilbert Arques Bishop Evreux. King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 19) attended. His son William "Rufus" II King England (age 31) succeeded II King England. His son Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 36) succeeded III Duke Normandy.

Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 09 Sep 1460. Ande this same year the Duke of Yorke (age 48) come out of Yrlonde, and londyd at the Redde Clyffe in Loncaschyre, and his lyvery was whyte and brewe in her clothyng, and i-brawderyd a-bove with fetyrlockys. And this he come forthe towarde London; ande then his lady the duchyes (age 45) met with him in a chare i-coveryd with blewe felewette, and iiij pore coursserys theryn. And so he come to Habyngdon, and there he sende for trompeters and claryners to bryng him to London, and there he gave them baners with the hole armys of Inglonde without any dyversyte, and commaundyd his swerde to ben borne uppe ryghte be-fore hym; and soo he rode forthe unto Lundon tylle he come to Westemyster to Kyng Harrys palys ande there he claymyde the crowne of Inglonde.

On 09 Sep 1461 Baldwin Fulford (age 46) was beheaded at Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map] on the orders of King Edward IV of England (age 19) for having supported King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 39).

On 09 Sep 1488 Francis Montfort II Duke Brittany (age 55) died. His daughter Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 11) succeeded Duchess Brittany 1364 War of Montfort.

Before 09 Sep 1513 King James IV of Scotland (age 40) based himself at Ford Castle [Map] before the Battle of Flodden.

On 09 Sep 1513 at the Battle of Flodden was fought at the Branxton, Northumberland [Map]. the English army was commanded by Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 70), Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 40), Edmund Howard (age 35), Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 45), Edward Stanley 1st Baron Monteagle (age 51) and Marmaduke Constable (age 56).

The English army included: Henry "Shepherd Lord" Clifford 10th Baron Clifford (age 59), William Conyers 1st Baron Conyers (age 44), Thomas Berkeley 5th Baron Berkeley (age 41) and Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape (age 45).

Randall Babington, John Bigod (age 38) and Thomas Fitzwilliam (age 39) were killed.

Marmaduke Constable (age 33), William Constable (age 38), George Darcy 1st Baron Darcy Aston (age 16), Edmund Walsingham (age 33), Thomas Burgh 7th Baron Cobham 5th Baron Strabolgi 1st Baron Burgh (age 25) and Walter Stonor (age 36) were knighted by Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 40).

Christopher Savage, Thomas Venables (age 44) and Brian Tunstall (age 33) were killed.

Bryan Stapleton of Wighill (age 55) was killed. (Some reports have him dying in 1518).

John Booth (age 78) was killed.

Father and son Ralph ellerker of risby in yorkshire and Ralph Ellerker were knighted by Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey (age 70).

The Scottish army suffered heavy casualties:

King James IV of Scotland (age 40) was killed. His body ws taken to London, then to Sheen Priory, Richmond; thereafter it disappeared. His son King James V of Scotland (age 1) succeeded V King Scotland.

Alexander Stewart ArchBishop of St Andrews (age 20) was killed.

David Kennedy 1st Earl Cassilis (age 43) was killed. His son Gilbert Kennedy 2nd Earl Cassilis (age 18) succeeded 2nd Earl Cassilis. Isabel Campbell Countess Cassilis by marriage Countess Cassilis.

William Sinclair 2nd Earl Caithness (age 54) was killed. His son John Sinclair 3rd Earl Caithness succeeded 3rd Earl Caithness.

Matthew Stewart 2nd Earl Lennox was killed. His son John Stewart 3rd Earl Lennox (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl Lennox.

William Hay 4th Earl Erroll was killed. His son William Hay 5th Earl Erroll (age 18) succeeded 5th Earl Erroll.

John Douglas 2nd Earl Morton was killed. His son James Douglas 3rd Earl Morton succeeded 3rd Earl Morton, 6th Lord Dalkeith.

Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell was killed. His son Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Bothwell.

Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies (age 32) was killed. His son Alexander Stewart 5th of Garlies (age 6) succeeded 5th Lord Garlies.

Alexander Elphinstone 1st Lord Elphinstone was killed. His son Alexander Elphinstone 2nd Lord Elphinstone (age 3) succeeded 2nd Lord Elphinstone.

Thomas Hay, George Hepburn Bishop Isles (age 59), Adam Hepburn Master (age 56), Thomas "Younger of Cushnie" Lumsden

William Douglas 6th Lord Drumlanrig was killed. William "Younger" Douglas 7th Lord Drumlanrig succeeded 7th Lord Drumlanrig.

George Seton 5th Lord Seton was killed. His son George Seton 6th Lord Seton succeeded 6th Lord Seton.

John Hay 2nd Lord Hay of Yester was killed. His son John Hay 3rd Lord Hay (age 23) succeeded 3rd Lord Hay of Yester. Elizabeth Douglas Lady Hay by marriage Lord Hay of Yester.

Robert Keith Master of Marischal (age 30), Guiscard Harbottle (age 28), John Erskine, David Home (age 22), Andrew Stewart 1st Lord Avondale (age 43), Archibald Campbell 2nd Earl Argyll (age 64), Robert Douglas of Lochleven (age 89) were killed.

Henry Sinclair 3rd Lord Sinclair (age 48) was killed. His son William Sinclair 4th Lord Sinclair succeeded 4th Lord Sinclair.

James Stewart 1st Lord of Traquair (age 33) was killed. His son William Stewart 2nd Lord Traquair (age 7) succeeded 2nd Lord Traquair.

John Maxwell 4th Lord Maxwell (age 57) was killed. His son Robert Maxwell 5th Lord Maxwell (age 20) succeeded 5th Lord Maxwell.

William Murray (age 43), Colin Oliphant (age 26), William Ruthven (age 33), George Douglas (age 44) and William Douglas (age 42) were killed.

George Home 4th Lord Home and John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl (age 38) fought.

Brothers David Lyon of Cossins, William Lyon and George Lyon were killed.

William Graham 1st Earl Montrose (age 49) was killed. His son William Graham 2nd Earl Montrose (age 21) succeeded 2nd Earl Montrose.

Robert Erskine 4th Lord Erskine 16th Earl Mar was killed. His son John Erskine 17th Earl Mar (age 26) de jure 17th Earl Mar, Lord Erskine.

Thomas Stewart 2nd Lord Innermeath (age 52) was killed. His son Richard Stewart 3rd Lord Innermeath succeeded 3rd Lord Innermeath.

Walter Lindsay of Arden and Walter Lindsay (age 33) were killed.

William Keith of Inverugie (age 43) was killed.

David Wemyss of Wemyss (age 40) was killed.

John Somerville 1st of Cambusnethan (age 55) was killed.

Robert Crichton 2nd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 41) was killed. His son Robert Crichton 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 22) succeeded 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar

Father and son William Rollo (age 59) and Robert Rollo 5th of Duncrub (age 34) were killed.

After 09 Sep 1513. Letter from Catherine of Aragon Queen Consort England (age 27) to King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 22).


My Lord Howard hath sent me a letter open to your Grace, within one of mine, by the which you shall see at length the great Victory [Battle of Flodden] that our Lord hath sent your subjects in your absence; and for this cause there is no need herein to trouble your Grace with long writing, but, to my thinking, this battle hath been to your Grace and all your realm the greatest honor that could be, and more than you should win all the crown of France; thanked be God of it, and I am sure your Grace forgetteth not to do this, which shall be cause to send you many more such great victories, as I trust he shall do. My husband, for hastiness, with Rougecross I could not send your Grace the piece of the King of Scots coat which John Glynn now brings. In this your Grace shall see how I keep my promise, sending you for your banners a king’s coat. I thought to send himself unto you, but our Englishmens’ hearts would not suffer it. It should have been better for him to have been in peace than have this reward. All that God sends is for the best.

My Lord of Surrey, my Henry, would fain know your pleasure in the burying of the King of Scots’ body, for he has written to me so. With the next messenger your Grace’s pleasure may be herein known. And with this I make an end, praying God to send you home shortly, for without this no joy here can be accomplished; and for the same I pray, and now go to Our Lady of Walsingham that I promised so long ago to see. At Woburn the 16th of September.

I send your Grace herein a bill found in a Scotsman’s purse of such things as the French King sent to the said King of Scots to make war against you, beseeching you to send Mathew hither as soon as this messenger comes to bring me tidings from your Grace.

Your humble wife and true servant, Katharine (age 27).

Letters and Papers 1535. 09 Sep 1535. R. O. 312. The Fellows of Magdalene College, Oxford, to Cromwell.

We have received the good and wholesome device directed to us by the King for the reformation of study, and cannot thank you sufficiently for setting it forward. Whereas our youth were heretofore brought up very corruptly for lack of the Greek tongue, and were so blindly instructed in the principles of logic that they could not tell whereabout they went when they learned, or what profit they got by it; after a great loss of time now they have that way and order prescribed to them, that in a few years this town, that hath hitherto been rejected as a place that maintained no learning nor profited the public weal shall be able to bring forth those that shall serve the Prince and the community. Although, in consequence of the labor of certain others that have always been led in this ignorance, and will see no better way, your commissioners have suspended some of these articles until the statutes be examined, we, who are the greater part, desire you not to give ear to sinistral information, for there is nothing in our statutes prohibiting these ordinances, but what allows "a lecture of Greek to be read to the company as the abolishment of their sophistry, Duns, and such like stuff, you so appointing who knoweth what you do in this thing better than they the contrary that would stop it." Although our college is well provided with lectures, it can provide a competent stipend for a Greek lecture. If among so great a number as we be in this college, other corrupt glosses of Duns should continue, and the study of Greek be neglected, a great part of the youth of this university would be deprived of the ordinance you have provided for them. If children and other young company be let to run to seek better learning abroad out of their own house, in other colleges, besides the danger in the time of plague, they will not return again without loss of time. We hope, therefore, you will continue beneficial to us in seeing these ordinances put in force. Oxford, Magdalene College, 9 Sept. Signed by 20 fellows.

Pp. 3. Add.: Secretary. Endd.

On 09 Sep 1543 Mary Queen of Scots was crowned I King Scotland.

On 09 Sep 1550 Thomas Coningsby was born to Humphrey Coningsby (age 34) and Anne Englefield (age 35).

After 09 Sep 1588 Thomas "The Navigator" Cavendish (age 27) paraded his treasure laden ship up the River Thames on his return from his two years and forty nine days trip around the world. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 55) who was invited to dine aboard.

After 09 Sep 1647. Monument to Edward Osborne 1st Baronet (deceased) in the Osborne Family Chapel at All Hallows' Church Harthill [Map]. His arms impaled with those of his second wife Anne Walmesley Lady Osborne (age 47).

Anne Walmesley Lady Osborne: Around 1600 she was born to Thomas Walmesley and Eleanor Danvers. After 13 Oct 1618 Edward Osborne 1st Baronet and she were married. On 13 Jul 1620 Edward Osborne 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Osborne of Kiveton. She by marriage Lady Osborne of Kiveton. On 20 Aug 1666 she died.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Sep 1665. At noon, by invitation, to my Lord Bruncker's (age 45), all of us, to dinner, where a good venison pasty, and mighty merry. Here was Sir W. Doyly (age 51), lately come from Ipswich about the sicke and wounded, and Mr. Evelyn (age 44) and Captain Cocke (age 48). My wife also was sent for by my Lord Bruncker (age 45), by Cocke (age 48), and was here.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Sep 1665. After dinner, my Lord (age 45) and his mistress would see her home again, it being a most cursed rainy afternoon, having had none a great while before, and I, forced to go to the office on foot through all the rain, was almost wet to my skin, and spoiled my silke breeches almost. Rained all the afternoon and evening, so as my letters being done, I was forced to get a bed at Captain Cocke's (age 48), where I find Sir W. Doyly (age 51), and he, and Evelyn (age 44) at supper; and I with them full of discourse of the neglect of our masters, the great officers of State, about all business, and especially that of money: having now some thousands prisoners, kept to no purpose at a great charge, and no money provided almost for the doing of it. We fell to talk largely of the want of some persons understanding to look after businesses, but all goes to rack. "For", says Captain Cocke (age 48), "my Lord Treasurer (age 58), he minds his ease, and lets things go how they will: if he can have his £8000 per annum, and a game at l'ombre, [Spanish card game] he is well. My Chancellor (age 56) he minds getting of money and nothing else; and my Lord Ashly (age 44) will rob the Devil and the Alter, but he will get money if it be to be got".

Pepy's Diary. 09 Sep 1667. After dinner, he and I and my wife to the Bear-Garden, to see a prize fought there. But, coming too soon, I left them there and went on to White Hall, and there did some business with the Lords of the Treasury; and here do hear, by Tom Killigrew (age 55) and Mr. Progers, that for certain news is come of Harman's (age 42) having spoiled nineteen of twenty-two French ships, somewhere about the Barbadoes, I think they said; but wherever it is, it is a good service, and very welcome. Here I fell in talk with Tom Killigrew (age 55) about musick, and he tells me that he will bring me to the best musick in England (of which, indeed, he is master), and that is two Italians and Mrs. Yates, who, he says, is come to sing the Italian manner as well as ever he heard any: says that Knepp won't take pains enough, but that she understands her part so well upon the stage, that no man or woman in the House do the like.

On 09 Sep 1694 John Vanderbank was born to John "The Elder" Vanderbank.

09 Sep 1713. Jane Barrett, aged thirteen, daughter of Paul Baarrett of Kent, was buried at St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map].

After 09 Sep 1728. Grave of Joseph Nicholson Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

On 09 Sep 1758 Arthur Pond (age 53) died in Great Queen Street Covent Garden. His collection of old master drawings was sold the following year, and realised over £1400.

On 09 Sep 1789 Maria Archer (age 21) died in childbirth at Corby Castle, Cumberland [Map]. Monument in Holy Trinity Church, Wetheral [Map] sculpted by Joseph Nollekens (age 52) costing £1500. He regarded it as his finest work; entitled Faith. When Nollekens realized that his work was destined for so remote a part of the Kingdom it is said that he burst into tears as he felt so few people would see it. This work is represented on the Nollekens Monument in Paddington Parish Church by William Behnes. On seeing the sculpture Wordsworth wrote "XXXIX Monument Of Mrs Howard By Nollekens In Wetheral Church, Near Corby, On The Banks Of The Eden".

Maria Archer: Around 1768 she was born to Andrew Archer 2nd Baron Archer and Sarah West Baroness Archer. On 22 Nov 1788 Henry Howard and she were married.

On 09 Sep 1815 John Singleton Copley (age 77) died. He was buried in Croydon Minster.

On 09 Sep 1821 James Smetham was born.

On 09 Sep 1833 Adeliza Maria Howard died in childbirth. Monument in Holy Trinity Church, Wetheral [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 58).

Adeliza Maria Howard: she was born to Henry Howard and Catherine Marie Mary Charlotte Neave. On 30 Apr 1830 Henry William Petre and she were married. They were half first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Wetton. On the 9th of September, we opened a mound nine yards across, near Thor's Cave, Wetton, situated midway between that object and the road to Grindon. Owing to its very slight elevation it is not easily seen, and a wall crosses it some distance from the centre. We turned most of it over, finding it to consist of red earth, mixed with chert, and to show near the surface charcoal, bits of bone, burnt and unbumt, and pieces of stags' horn. Near the centre, about a foot below the surface, we found two very curious vessels; one of rather globular form, four inches high, is carved in sandstone like some of the Irish urns, and is ornamented by four grooves round the outside. About a foot from it was another equally curious vessel, which may be styled a bronze pan or kettle, four inches higli and six diameter, with a slender iron bow like a bucket handle. It has been first cast and then hammered, and is very slightly marked by horizontal ridges. The stone vessel was found in an upright position, and the bronze one was inverted: above it were traces of decayed wood. It is probable that a deposit of burnt bones was placed near the centre of the mound, the greatest part of which was in a field that had been often tilled, so that they might easily have been so far removed by the plough as to leave only the few traces which we observed near the surface. Stone vessels of this kind are rarely found in England, but are common in the north of Scotland and the Shetland Isles, where they are not unfrequently provided with handles.

On 05 Nov 1862 Mary Anne Browne died. On 09 Sep 1853 Anna Martina ffolkes died. In 1960 Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet (age 61) died. Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].

Mary Anne Browne: she was born to Dominick Geoffrey Browne of Castle McGarrett.

Anna Martina ffolkes: she was born to Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet.

Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet: In 1899 he was born to Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet. On 18 Oct 1938 or 20 Oct 1938 Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet died. His son Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet succeeded 6th Baronet ffolkes of Hillington Hall in Norfolk.

On 09 Sep 1863 Ellen Mary Palmer died. Monument in St Giles' Church, Wrexham [Map] sculpted by Thomas Woolner (age 37).

Ellen Mary Palmer: she was born to William Henry Roger Palmer 4th Baronet. On 25 May 1857 Archibald Peel and she were married.

After 09 Sep 1882. Church of the Holy Trinity Embleton [Map]. Memorial to George Grey 2nd Baronet (deceased) and Anne Sophia Ryder Lady Grey (age 77).

George Grey 2nd Baronet: On 11 May 1799 he was born to George Grey 1st Baronet and Mary Whitbread Lady Grey. On 03 Oct 1828 George Grey 1st Baronet died at the Commissioner's Residence Portsmouth Dockyard. His son George Grey 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Grey of Fallodon. Before 21 Mar 1835 George Grey 2nd Baronet and Anne Sophia Ryder Lady Grey were married. She by marriage Lady Grey of Fallodon. She the daughter of Bishop Henry Dudley Ryder. On 09 Sep 1882 George Grey 2nd Baronet died. His grandson Edward Grey 1st Viscount Fallodon succeeded 3rd Baronet Grey of Fallodon.

Anne Sophia Ryder Lady Grey: On 11 May 1805 she was born to Bishop Henry Dudley Ryder. On 08 Jul 1893 Anne Sophia Ryder Lady Grey died.

On 09 Sep 1891 William "The Younger" Theed (age 87) died at his home Campden Lodge.

On 09 Sep 1892 Countess Anastasia Torby was born to Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich of Russia (age 30).

On 09 Sep 1914 Captain Percy Lyulph Wyndham (age 26) missing presumed killed in action whilst serving with the 11 Guards Brigade at the 1914 Battle of Aisne.

On 09 Sep 1934 Roger Fry (age 67) died.

Births on the 9th September

On 09 Sep 384 Flavius Honorius Emperor was born to Theodosius I Emperor (age 37) and Aelia Flaccilla Empress (age 28).

On 09 Sep 1209 Philip Capet was born to Louis "Lion" VIII King France (age 22) and Blanche Ivrea Queen Consort France (age 21). He a great grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 09 Sep 1233 Isabel Cornwall was born to Richard of Cornwall 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24) and Isabel Marshal Countess Cornwall, Gloucester and Hertford (age 32) at Marlow, Buckinghamshire. She a granddaughter of King John "Lackland" of England.

On 09 Sep 1349 Albert "With the Pigtail" Habsburg III Duke Austria was born to Albert Habsburg II Duke Austria (age 50) and Johanna Pfirt Duchess Austria.

On 09 Sep 1398 Marie Countess of Harcourt was born.

On 09 Sep 1516 Antonio Aviz was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 47) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.

On 09 Sep 1550 Thomas Coningsby was born to Humphrey Coningsby (age 34) and Anne Englefield (age 35).

On 09 Sep 1552 Michael Gardiner was born to Henry Gardiner (age 27).

On 09 Sep 1582 Penelope West was born to Thomas West 2nd Baron De La Warr (age 26) and Anne Knollys Baroness De La Warr (age 27).

On 09 Sep 1623 Charles Shirley 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Shirley 2nd Baronet (age 35) and Dorothy Devereux Lady Shirley (age 23).

On or before 09 Sep 1646 Charles Cocks was born to Thomas Cocks of Castleditch Herefordshire. He was baptised 09 Sep 1646.

On 09 Sep 1673 Francis Clavering 5th Baronet was born to John Clavering (age 32) and Dorothy Savile (age 28).

On 09 Sep 1694 John Vanderbank was born to John "The Elder" Vanderbank.

On 09 Sep 1700 Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld was born to Prince Louis Frederick I of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (age 32) and Anna Sophie Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 29).

Before 09 Sep 1706 Edward Mundy was born to Robert Mundy (age 31).

On 09 Sep 1716 Charles Bennet 3rd Earl Tankerville was born to Charles Bennet 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 18) and Camilla Colville Countess Tankerville (age 19).

Around 09 Sep 1718 Rebecca Buller was born to John Francis Buller (age 23) and Rebecca Trelawny (age 22). She was baptised on 24 Sep 1718 at Morval, Cornwall.

On 09 Sep 1730 Charles Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 29) and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 24). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1740 Francis Thomas-Fitzmaurice 3rd Earl Kerry was born to William Fitzmaurice 2nd Earl Kerry (age 46) and Gertrude Lambart.

On 09 Sep 1764 Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond was born to George Lennox (age 26) and Louisa Kerr. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 23 Aug 1768 Astley Paston Cooper 1st Baronet was born to Reverend Samuel Cooper (age 28) and Maria Susanna Bransby (age 31) at Brooke Hall, Norfolk. He was baptised on 09 Sep 1768 at St Peter's Church, Brooke [Map].

On 09 Sep 1774 Salomon Mayer von Rothschild was born to Mayer Amschel Rothschild (age 30).

On 09 Sep 1787 Olivia Letitia Catherine Fitzgerald was born to William Robert Fitzgerald 2nd Duke Leinster (age 38) and Emilia St George Duchess Leinster. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1804 Alexander Paul Ludwig Konstantin Teck was born to Ludwig Friedrich Alexander of Württemberg (age 48) and Princess Henriette Nassau Weilburg (age 24). He a great x 2 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1813 George Fenton Fletcher Boughey was born to John Fletcher aka Boughey 2nd Baronet (age 29) and Henrietta Dorothy Chetwode.

On 09 Sep 1813 Reverend William Bridgeman-Simpson was born to John Simpson (age 50).

On 09 Sep 1816 Louisa Farrer was born to Reverend Richard Farrer (age 40).

On 09 Sep 1821 James Smetham was born.

On 09 Sep 1826 Frederick Grand Duke of Baden was born to Leopold Grand Duke of Baden (age 36) and Princess Sophie of Sweden (age 25). He a great x 3 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 20 Aug 1827 Frances Mary Claxton was born to Richard Claxton and Ann Francis. She was baptised on 09 Sep 1827.

On 09 Sep 1830 Henry John Miller was born to Reverend Thomas Combe Miller 6th Baronet (age 50).

On 09 Sep 1835 Elizabeth Wright was born to Francis Wright of Osmaston Manor, Derbyshire and Selina Fitzherbert.

On 09 Sep 1865 Mary Gwendoline Petre was born to Edward Henry Petre (age 34) and Gwendoline Elizabeth Talbot.

On 09 Sep 1870 George Henry Bowyer 9th and 5th Baronet was born to Henry George Bowyer (age 57).

On 09 Sep 1884 Simon Richard Richmond Newburn was born.

On 09 Sep 1892 Countess Anastasia Torby was born to Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich of Russia (age 30).

On 09 Sep 1921 Lavinia Margaret Leslie Marchioness Cholmondeley was born to Colonel John Leslie (age 33).

On 09 Sep 1924 Rosemary Sybil Turnor was born to Major Herbert Turnor and Enid Victoria Rachel Fane (age 30).

On 09 Sep 1929 Raine Mccorquodale Countess Dartmouth and Spencer was born to Alexander Cowan McCorquodale (age 71) and Barbara Cartland (age 28). She, Barbara, appparently, later alleged, Raine was the daughter of either John Sutherland Egerton 6th Duke Sutherland (age 14) or Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent (age 26).

Marriages on the 9th September

Before 09 Sep 1087 Robert II Belleme 2nd Count Ponthieu 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 31) and Agnes Ponthieu Countess Ponthieu and Shrewsbury (age 7) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of Bishop Guy Ponthieu (age 60). He the son of Roger "The Great" Montgomery 1st Earl of Shrewsbury and Mabel Belleme.

Before 09 Sep 1427 Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 19) and Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 19) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ros Helmsley. She the daughter of Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 45) and Elizabeth Berkeley Countess Warwick. They were fourth cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

After 09 Sep 1456 Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon (age 24) and Mary Capet Countess Devon (age 10) were married at Coventry [Map]. She by marriage Countess Devon. She the illegitmate daughter of Charles Valois Anjou Count Maine (age 42). He the son of Thomas Courtenay 13th Earl Devon (age 42) and Margaret Beaufort Countess Devon. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Before 09 Sep 1513 William Keith of Inverugie (age 43) and Janet Gray Lady Wemyss (age 43) were married.

On 09 Sep 1576 Thomas Liddell of Ravensworth Castle (age 21) and Margaret Watson (age 20) were married at St Nicholas Church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Map].

On 09 Sep 1591 Friedrich Wilhelm Wettin I Duke Saxe Weimar (age 29) and Anna Maria Countess Palatine of Neuburg (age 16) were married. He the son of Johann Wilhelm Wettin Duke Saxe Weimar and Dorothea Susanne Palatine Duchess Saxe Weimar.

Before 09 Sep 1623 Henry Shirley 2nd Baronet (age 35) and Dorothy Devereux Lady Shirley (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex and Frances Walsingham Countess Essex (age 56).

Before 09 Sep 1685 Richard Ingoldsby (age 68) and Elizabeth Croke were married.

On 09 Sep 1743 Marcus Lowther-Crofton 1st Baronet and Catherine Crofton were married.

On 09 Sep 1766 Justinian Isham 7th Baronet (age 26) and Susannah Barrett (age 22) were married.

On 09 Sep 1775 George Jackson aka Duckett 1st Baronet (age 49) and Grace Goldstone Lady Duckett (age 25) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. The difference in their ages was 24 years.

On 09 Sep 1789 Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond (age 25) and Charlotte Gordon Duchess Richmond (age 20) were married at Gordon Castle, Fochabers. She the daughter of Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 46) and Jane Maxwell Duchess Gordon (age 41). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1799 James Duff 4th Earl Fife (age 22) and Maria Caroline Manners Countess Fife were married. She the daughter of John Manners and Louisa Tollemache 7th Countess Dysart (age 54). He the son of Alexander Duff 3rd Earl Fife (age 68).

Before 09 Sep 1806 John Lloyd (age 60) and Margaret Morrall (age 43) were married.

On 09 Sep 1824 Bishop Edward Grey (age 42) and Elizabeth Adair were married. He the son of Charles Grey 1st Earl Grey and Elizabeth Grey Countess Grey. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1844 Miles Thomas Stapleton 8th Baron Beaumont (age 39) and Isabella Anne Browne Baroness Beaumont (age 19) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She by marriage Baroness Beaumont. The difference in their ages was 20 years.

On 09 Sep 1858 Francis Edward Drewe (age 28) and Louisa Anne Vincent (age 28) were married.

On 09 Sep 1868 Charles Parry Hobhouse 3rd Baronet (age 43) and Anna Maria Sawers Lady Hobhouse were married. She by marriage Lady Hobhouse of Chantry House Wiltshire and Westbury College in Gloucestershire.

On 09 Sep 1909 Thomas Fermor-Hesketh 1st Baron Hesketh (age 27) and Florence Louise Breckinridge (age 28) were married.

On 09 Sep 1921 Georges Philéas Vanier (age 33) and Marie Eugénie Pauline Archer (age 23) were married.

On 09 Sep 1954 James Lowther 7th Earl Londsdale (age 31) and Jennifer Lowther Countess Lonsdale (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Lonsdale. They were third cousins.

Deaths on the 9th September

On 09 Sep 1087 King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 59) died at the Priory of St Gervaise, Rouen. He was buried at Abbaye-aux-Hommes, Caen, Calvados, Basse Normandie at a ceremony presided over by Gilbert Arques Bishop Evreux. King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 19) attended. His son William "Rufus" II King England (age 31) succeeded II King England. His son Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 36) succeeded III Duke Normandy.

On 09 Sep 1107 Roger Bigod died. Cecily Bigod (age 17) and her husband William "Brito aka Breton" D'Aubigny (age 21) inherited Belvoir Castle [Map].

On 09 Sep 1223 Bishop Simon Apulia died.

On 09 Sep 1285 Kunigunda Rostislavna Přemyslovna (age 40) died.

Before 09 Sep 1316 Robert Ufford 1st Baron Ufford (age 37) died. His son Robert Ufford 1st Earl Suffolk (age 18) succeeded 2nd Baron Ufford.

On 09 Sep 1396 John Beaumont 4th Baron Beaumont (age 35) died. His son Henry Beaumont 5th Baron Beaumont (age 16) succeeded 5th Baron Beaumont.

On 09 Sep 1398 King James I of Cyprus (age 64) died.

On 09 Sep 1407 Thomas Fauconberg 5th Baron Fauconberg (age 62) died.

On 09 Sep 1435 Robert Harling died. He was buried in Church of St Peter and St Paul, East Harling [Map].

On 09 Sep 1461 Baldwin Fulford (age 46) was beheaded at Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map] on the orders of King Edward IV of England (age 19) for having supported King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 39).

On 09 Sep 1462 Joan Neville Countess Arundel (age 39) died.

On 09 Sep 1462 Thomas Green (age 41) died. He was buried at St Bartholomew's Church, Greens Norton.

On 09 Sep 1488 Francis Montfort II Duke Brittany (age 55) died. His daughter Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 11) succeeded Duchess Brittany 1364 War of Montfort.

On 09 Sep 1506 Alexander Home 2nd Lord Home (age 50) died. His son Alexander Home 3rd Lord Home (deceased) succeeded 3rd Lord Home. Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell (age 37) by marriage Lord Home.

On 09 Sep 1513 Duncan Campbell 2nd of Glenorchy (age 58) died.

On 09 Sep 1513 at the Battle of Flodden was fought at the Branxton, Northumberland [Map]. the English army was commanded by Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 70), Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 40), Edmund Howard (age 35), Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 45), Edward Stanley 1st Baron Monteagle (age 51) and Marmaduke Constable (age 56).

The English army included: Henry "Shepherd Lord" Clifford 10th Baron Clifford (age 59), William Conyers 1st Baron Conyers (age 44), Thomas Berkeley 5th Baron Berkeley (age 41) and Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape (age 45).

Randall Babington, John Bigod (age 38) and Thomas Fitzwilliam (age 39) were killed.

Marmaduke Constable (age 33), William Constable (age 38), George Darcy 1st Baron Darcy Aston (age 16), Edmund Walsingham (age 33), Thomas Burgh 7th Baron Cobham 5th Baron Strabolgi 1st Baron Burgh (age 25) and Walter Stonor (age 36) were knighted by Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 40).

Christopher Savage, Thomas Venables (age 44) and Brian Tunstall (age 33) were killed.

Bryan Stapleton of Wighill (age 55) was killed. (Some reports have him dying in 1518).

John Booth (age 78) was killed.

Father and son Ralph ellerker of risby in yorkshire and Ralph Ellerker were knighted by Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey (age 70).

The Scottish army suffered heavy casualties:

King James IV of Scotland (age 40) was killed. His body ws taken to London, then to Sheen Priory, Richmond; thereafter it disappeared. His son King James V of Scotland (age 1) succeeded V King Scotland.

Alexander Stewart ArchBishop of St Andrews (age 20) was killed.

David Kennedy 1st Earl Cassilis (age 43) was killed. His son Gilbert Kennedy 2nd Earl Cassilis (age 18) succeeded 2nd Earl Cassilis. Isabel Campbell Countess Cassilis by marriage Countess Cassilis.

William Sinclair 2nd Earl Caithness (age 54) was killed. His son John Sinclair 3rd Earl Caithness succeeded 3rd Earl Caithness.

Matthew Stewart 2nd Earl Lennox was killed. His son John Stewart 3rd Earl Lennox (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl Lennox.

William Hay 4th Earl Erroll was killed. His son William Hay 5th Earl Erroll (age 18) succeeded 5th Earl Erroll.

John Douglas 2nd Earl Morton was killed. His son James Douglas 3rd Earl Morton succeeded 3rd Earl Morton, 6th Lord Dalkeith.

Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell was killed. His son Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Bothwell.

Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies (age 32) was killed. His son Alexander Stewart 5th of Garlies (age 6) succeeded 5th Lord Garlies.

Alexander Elphinstone 1st Lord Elphinstone was killed. His son Alexander Elphinstone 2nd Lord Elphinstone (age 3) succeeded 2nd Lord Elphinstone.

Thomas Hay, George Hepburn Bishop Isles (age 59), Adam Hepburn Master (age 56), Thomas "Younger of Cushnie" Lumsden

William Douglas 6th Lord Drumlanrig was killed. William "Younger" Douglas 7th Lord Drumlanrig succeeded 7th Lord Drumlanrig.

George Seton 5th Lord Seton was killed. His son George Seton 6th Lord Seton succeeded 6th Lord Seton.

John Hay 2nd Lord Hay of Yester was killed. His son John Hay 3rd Lord Hay (age 23) succeeded 3rd Lord Hay of Yester. Elizabeth Douglas Lady Hay by marriage Lord Hay of Yester.

Robert Keith Master of Marischal (age 30), Guiscard Harbottle (age 28), John Erskine, David Home (age 22), Andrew Stewart 1st Lord Avondale (age 43), Archibald Campbell 2nd Earl Argyll (age 64), Robert Douglas of Lochleven (age 89) were killed.

Henry Sinclair 3rd Lord Sinclair (age 48) was killed. His son William Sinclair 4th Lord Sinclair succeeded 4th Lord Sinclair.

James Stewart 1st Lord of Traquair (age 33) was killed. His son William Stewart 2nd Lord Traquair (age 7) succeeded 2nd Lord Traquair.

John Maxwell 4th Lord Maxwell (age 57) was killed. His son Robert Maxwell 5th Lord Maxwell (age 20) succeeded 5th Lord Maxwell.

William Murray (age 43), Colin Oliphant (age 26), William Ruthven (age 33), George Douglas (age 44) and William Douglas (age 42) were killed.

George Home 4th Lord Home and John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl (age 38) fought.

Brothers David Lyon of Cossins, William Lyon and George Lyon were killed.

William Graham 1st Earl Montrose (age 49) was killed. His son William Graham 2nd Earl Montrose (age 21) succeeded 2nd Earl Montrose.

Robert Erskine 4th Lord Erskine 16th Earl Mar was killed. His son John Erskine 17th Earl Mar (age 26) de jure 17th Earl Mar, Lord Erskine.

Thomas Stewart 2nd Lord Innermeath (age 52) was killed. His son Richard Stewart 3rd Lord Innermeath succeeded 3rd Lord Innermeath.

Walter Lindsay of Arden and Walter Lindsay (age 33) were killed.

William Keith of Inverugie (age 43) was killed.

David Wemyss of Wemyss (age 40) was killed.

John Somerville 1st of Cambusnethan (age 55) was killed.

Robert Crichton 2nd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 41) was killed. His son Robert Crichton 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 22) succeeded 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar

Father and son William Rollo (age 59) and Robert Rollo 5th of Duncrub (age 34) were killed.

On 09 Sep 1513 John Stewart of Minto died.

On 09 Sep 1516 Antonio Aviz died.

On 03 Sep 1517 or 09 Sep 1517 Robert Clifton (age 32) died.

On 09 Sep 1534 Thomas Fiennes 8th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 62) died. He was buried at Herstmonceux. His grandson Thomas Fiennes 9th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 19) succeeded 9th Baron Dacre Gilsland.

On 09 Sep 1545 Charles Valois (age 23) died.

On 09 Sep 1548 Robert Stewart 3rd of Traquair (age 20) died. His brother John Stewart 4th of Traquair (age 19) succeeded 4th Lord Traquair.

On 09 Sep 1552 John Carey (age 61) died at Hunsdon, Hertfordshire [Map]. He was buried at St Dunstan's Church, Hunsdon.

On 09 Sep 1586 Dorothea Marie Wettin (age 2) died at Weimar.

On 09 Sep 1611 Eleanor de Medici Duchess Mantua (age 44) died.

On 07 Sep 1633 Francis Smallman (age 68) died. He was buried at St James' Church, Kinnersley [Map] on 09 Sep 1633. He had made his will on 20 Jul 1633 leaving his only daughter a portion of £1,000. His son William Smallman of Kinnersley Castle (age 18) inherited Kinnersley Castle, Herefordshire [Map].

On 09 Sep 1634 Richard Wingfield 1st Viscount Powerscourt (age 84) died without issue. Viscount Powerscourt extinct.

On 09 Sep 1637 Louise Bourbon Condé Duchess Longueville (age 34) died.

On 09 Sep 1637 John Stradling 1st Baronet (age 74) died. His son Edward Stradling 2nd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baronet Stradling of St Donats in Glamorganshire.

On 09 Sep 1645 William Strode (age 47) died.

On 09 Sep 1647 Edward Osborne 1st Baronet (age 50) died. His son Thomas Osborne 1st Duke Leeds (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baronet Osborne of Kiveton.

On 09 Sep 1659 Frances Le Grys (age 64) died.

On 09 Sep 1661 Thomas Bowes (age 53) died.

On 09 Sep 1674 Murdough O'Brien 1st Earl Inchiquin (age 60) died. He was buried at St Mary's Cathedral, Limerick, County Limerick. His son William O'Brien 2nd Earl Inchiquin (age 34) succeeded 2nd Earl Inchiquin.

On 09 Sep 1685 Richard Ingoldsby (age 68) died.

Before 09 Sep 1690 John Cordell 2nd Baronet (age 44) died. He was buried on 09 Sep 1690 at Long Melford, Suffolk [Map]. His son John Cordell 3rd Baronet (age 12) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cordell of Long Melford.

On 09 Sep 1710 Thomas Rolt (age 78) died.

On 09 Sep 1710 Pedro Manuel Colón 7th Duke Veragua (age 58) died. His son Pedro Manuel Nuño Colón 8th Duke Veragua succeeded 8th Duke Veragua.

On 09 Sep 1726 Mary Banks Lady Whichcote died.

On 09 Sep 1730 Anne Hodgkinson died.

On 09 Sep 1740 Henry Neville aka Grey (age 57) died.

On 09 Sep 1744 William Dalrymple Crichton (age 9) died.

On 09 Sep 1758 Arthur Pond (age 53) died in Great Queen Street Covent Garden. His collection of old master drawings was sold the following year, and realised over £1400.

On 09 Sep 1785 George Neville 1st Earl Abergavenny (age 58) died. His son Henry Neville 2nd Earl Abergavenny (age 30) succeeded 2nd Earl Abergavenny, 2nd Viscount Neville, 18th Baron Bergavenny, 16th Baron Bergavenny. Mary Robinson Countess Abergavenny (age 25) by marriage Countess Abergavenny.

On 09 Sep 1789 Maria Archer (age 21) died in childbirth at Corby Castle, Cumberland [Map]. Monument in Holy Trinity Church, Wetheral [Map] sculpted by Joseph Nollekens (age 52) costing £1500. He regarded it as his finest work; entitled Faith. When Nollekens realized that his work was destined for so remote a part of the Kingdom it is said that he burst into tears as he felt so few people would see it. This work is represented on the Nollekens Monument in Paddington Parish Church by William Behnes. On seeing the sculpture Wordsworth wrote "XXXIX Monument Of Mrs Howard By Nollekens In Wetheral Church, Near Corby, On The Banks Of The Eden".

Maria Archer: Around 1768 she was born to Andrew Archer 2nd Baron Archer and Sarah West Baroness Archer. On 22 Nov 1788 Henry Howard and she were married.

On 09 Sep 1793 Robert Mead Wilmot 2nd Baronet (age 61) died. His son Robert Wilmot 3rd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 3rd Baronet Wilmot of Chaddesden in Derbyshire.

On 09 Sep 1795 Thomas Browne 6th Baronet (age 69) died.

On 09 Sep 1806 John Lloyd (age 60) died.

On 09 Sep 1811 Diana Sturt Lady Milner died.

On 09 Sep 1813 Reverend Henry Knightley (age 27) died.

On 09 Sep 1815 John Singleton Copley (age 77) died. He was buried in Croydon Minster.

On 09 Sep 1818 Seymour Dorothy Fleming (age 59) died.

On 09 Sep 1830 Harriet Kinloch Lady Cunliffe died at Acton Park.

On 09 Sep 1832 Reverend Winchcombe Hartley died.

On 09 Sep 1833 Adeliza Maria Howard died in childbirth. Monument in Holy Trinity Church, Wetheral [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 58).

Adeliza Maria Howard: she was born to Henry Howard and Catherine Marie Mary Charlotte Neave. On 30 Apr 1830 Henry William Petre and she were married. They were half first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1838 Elizabeth Bingham died.

On 09 Sep 1840 Vice-Admiral Mark Robert Kerr (age 63) died.

On 28 Aug 1848 Hugh Evelyn 5th Baronet (age 79) died without issue. He was buried on 09 Sep 1848 at St John's Church, Wotton. Baronet Evelyn of Wotton in Surrey extinct.

On 09 Sep 1862 John Kerr Twisden (age 42) died unmarried.

On 05 Nov 1862 Mary Anne Browne died. On 09 Sep 1853 Anna Martina ffolkes died. In 1960 Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet (age 61) died. Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].

Mary Anne Browne: she was born to Dominick Geoffrey Browne of Castle McGarrett.

Anna Martina ffolkes: she was born to Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet.

Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet: In 1899 he was born to Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet. On 18 Oct 1938 or 20 Oct 1938 Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet died. His son Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet succeeded 6th Baronet ffolkes of Hillington Hall in Norfolk.

On 09 Sep 1863 Ellen Mary Palmer died. Monument in St Giles' Church, Wrexham [Map] sculpted by Thomas Woolner (age 37).

Ellen Mary Palmer: she was born to William Henry Roger Palmer 4th Baronet. On 25 May 1857 Archibald Peel and she were married.

On 09 Sep 1875 Courtenay Phillips aka Mansel died.

On 09 Sep 1875 Major Courtenay Mansel (age 74) died.

On 09 Sep 1882 George Grey 2nd Baronet (age 83) died. His grandson Edward Grey 1st Viscount Fallodon (age 20) succeeded 3rd Baronet Grey of Fallodon.

On 09 Sep 1885 Frederick Anson died.

On 09 Sep 1891 William "The Younger" Theed (age 87) died at his home Campden Lodge.

On 09 Sep 1892 Reverend John Medley (age 87) died.

On 09 Sep 1898 Louisa Frances Mary King-Tenison died.

On 09 Sep 1900 Catherine Henrietta Fellowes died.

On 09 Sep 1907 Edgar Lubbock (age 60) died.

On 09 Sep 1910 Augusta Isabella Fitzherbert Lady Alleyne (age 82) died.

On 09 Sep 1914 Captain Percy Lyulph Wyndham (age 26) missing presumed killed in action whilst serving with the 11 Guards Brigade at the 1914 Battle of Aisne.

On 09 Sep 1917 Mary Philippa Shirley (age 59) died.

On 09 Sep 1920 Alan Egerton 3rd Baron Egerton Tatton (age 75) died. His son Maurice Egerton 4th Baron Egerton (age 45) succeeded 4th Baron Egerton Tatton.

On 09 Sep 1921 Henry Percy St John (age 67) died.

On 09 Sep 1924 Reverend William Arthur Heathcote 7th Baronet (age 71) died without issue; he was a Catholic Priest. His brother Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert Redvers Heathcote 8th Baronet (age 69) succeeded 8th Baronet Heathcote of Hursley in Hampshire. Mabel Frances Silvertop Lady Heathcote by marriage Lady Heathcote of Hursley in Hampshire.

On 09 Sep 1924 Henry Halliday Sparling (age 64) died.

On 09 Sep 1934 Roger Fry (age 67) died.

On 09 Sep 1944 Major John Ogilvie Spencer (age 39) was killed in action. He was buried at the Leopoldsburg War Cemetery Plot IV. A. 11. From 6 September until 12 September, Hechtel was the scene of heavy fighting between the Guards Armoured Division and General Student's 1st Falschirmarmee who were sent to reinforce the front between Geel and Hasselt. During the battle, 127 Germans, 623 British soldiers and 35 civilians lost their lives.

On 09 Sep 1944 William Cavendish (age 26) was killed at War Cemetery.

On 09 Sep 1962 Nora Juanita Muriel Beckett Viscountess Dillon died.

On 09 Sep 1962 Geoffrey Le Mesurier Mander (age 80) died.

On 09 Sep 1965 Edmund Rupert Drummond (age 81) died.

On 09 Sep 1969 Enid Victoria Rachel Fane (age 75) died.