On this Day in History ... 13th January

13 Jan is in January.

858 Death of King Æthelwulf

888 Death of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor

1312 Gaveston Returns from Exile

1396 Marriage of John of Gaunt and Katherine Roet

1400 Epiphany Rising

1559 Coronation of Elizabeth I

1666 Great Plague of London

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 13th January

After 13 Jan 47BC Ptolemy XIV Philopator 59BC 44BC and Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 22) were married. They were brother and sister.

On 13 Jan 858 King Æthelwulf of Wessex died. His son King Æthelbald of Wessex succeeded King Wessex.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 901. This year died ALFRED, the son of Ethelwulf, six nights before the mass of All Saints. He was king over all the English nation, except that part that was under the power of the Danes. He held the government one year and a half less than thirty winters; and then Edward (age 27) his son took to the government. Then Prince Ethelwald, the son of his paternal uncle, rode against the towns of Winburn and of Twineham [Map], without leave of the king and his council. Then rode the king with his army; so that he encamped the same night at Badbury [Map] near Winburn; and Ethelwald remained within the town with the men that were under him, and had all the gates shut upon him, saying, that he would either there live or there die. But in the meantime he stole away in the night, and sought the army in Northumberland. The king gave orders to ride after him; but they were not able to overtake him. The Danes, however, received him as their king. They then rode after the wife that Ethelwald had taken without the king's leave, and against the command of the bishops; for she was formerly consecrated a nun. In this year also died Ethered, who was alderman of Devonshire, four weeks before King Alfred.

Chronica Majora. 05 Jan 1237. In the year of our Lord 1237 which was the twentieth of the reign of King Henry the Third, he held his court at Christmas, at Winchester, whence he forthwith sent royal warrants throughout all the English territories, ordering all nobles belonging to the kingdom of England, namely, archbishops, bishops, abbats, installed priors, earls, and barons, all to assemble without fail in the octaves of the Epiphany at London, to arrange the royal business and matters concerning the whole kingdom. The nobles on hearing this immediately obeyed the king's summons, and accordingly on the day of St. Hilary, a countless multitude of nobles, namely, the whole community of the kingdom, came to London, and proceeded to the royal palace at Westminster to hear the king's pleasure. When they had all taken their seats, there stood up in the midst of them, one William de Kaele, a clerk and familiar of the king's, a discreet man and well skilled in the laws of the land, who, acting as a sort of mediator between the king and the nobles, disclosed to them the king's pleasure and intentions. "My lord the king," he said, "informs you that, whatever he may have done heretofore, he now and henceforth will, without hesitation, submit himself to the advice of all of you, as his faithful and natural subjects. But those men who have till now, in the management of his affairs, been in charge of his treasury, have rendered him an incorrect account of the moneys received by them, and owing to this the king is now destitute of money, without which any king is indeed destitute; he therefore humbly demands assistance from you in money, on the understanding that the money which may be raised by your good will shall be kept to be expended for the necessary uses of the kingdom, at the discretion of any of you elected for the purpose. "When the assembled nobles heard this speech, they each and all, not expecting anything of this sort, murmured greatly, and "Alter in alterius jactantes lumina vultus". [Each hearer lost in dire amaze, Turned on his neighbour's face his gaze.]

And they said to one another, Fuderunt partum montes: en ridiculus mus. [The labouring mountains shook the earth, And to a paltry mouse gave birth. This is a quote from Aesop's Fable "The Mountain in Labour". It refers to speech acts which promise much but deliver little].

They then replied with indignation that they were oppressed on all sides, so often promising and paying now the twentieth, now the thirtieth, and now the fiftieth part of their property, and they declared that it would be unworthy of them, and injurious to them, to allow a king so easily led awav, who had never repelled or even frightened one of the enemies of the kingdom, even the least of them, and who had never increased his territories but rather lessened them, and placed them under foreign yoke, to extort so much money, so often, and by so many arguments, from his natural subjects, as if they were slaves of the lowest condition, to their injury and for the benefit of foreigners. "When the king heard this, he wished to calm the general discontent, and promised on oath that he would never again provoke or annoy the nobles of the kingdom by injuring them in that way, provided that the thirtieth part of all moveable property in England was granted and paid to him for his present use; because the large sum of money which he had a little while before sent to the emperor (age 42) (as he stated) for the marriage of his sister (age 23), and also what he had spent at his own marriage, had in a great degree exhausted his money. To this they openly replied that he, the king, had done all this without the advice of his liege subjects, and they ought not to share the punishment as they were innocent of the crime. They however withdrew to a private place to consult about obeying the king's demand, and supplying his necessities, and to discuss the kind and quantity of assistance which was demanded. As they were withdrawing for this purpose, Gilbert Bassett (age 49) said to the king in the hearing of all. and with less circimispection of speech than he ought, - "My lord king, send some one of your friends to be present at the conference of your barons." He was, when he said this, sitting on one side of the king, with only a few persons between them, and in reply to his speech, Richard Percy (age 67), who had been at the conference of the nobles, and was, not without cause, angry at it, said, "What is it, friend Gilbert, that you said? are we too foreigners, and are we not amongst the number of the king's friends? "And Gilbert felt himself rebuked by this unpleasant and sudden speech. And thus by a multipHcity of arguments the conference was protracted for four days.

On 13 Jan 1312 King Edward II of England (age 27) and Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 28) were reunited at Knaresborough Castle [Map] (probably).

On 13 Jan 1334 Henry "Fratricide" II King Castile was born illegitimately to Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile (age 22) and Eleanor Guzman. He was one of twins.

On 13 Jan 1349 Constanza Manuel Queen Consort Castile (age 33) died.

On 13 Jan 1403 Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England (age 33) with her two daughters Marguerite Montfort Viscountess Rohan (age 11) and Blanche Montfort Countess Armagnac (age 6) departed from Camaret to travel to England intending to land at Southampton. A storm caused them to land at Falmouth, Cornwall from where they travelled to Winchester.

Letters. 13 Jan 1513. Maximilian (age 53) to Margaret of Savoy (age 33). Has received her letter of 23 Dec. and thinks that, by her answer to the King of England, she has gone too far and put the Emperor's countries in danger of open war with the French without any assurance of the King of England, who, if he thus obtain all he wants from the Emperor will not care about concluding any treaty. She must not permit him to levy men or hoys as yet; for when the treaty is made he shall have lansknechts, Swiss and hoys enough. Landau, 13 Jan. 1512.

Letters. 13 Jan 1513. Sir Richard Wingfield (age 44) to Wolsey (age 39). A boat of Dover bringing the budget was "upon the 12th day" taken by the Barke of Boulogne; but the budget had been previously cast overboard. Five Easterlings and two merchantmen of London were taken in her and remain prisoners in Boulogne. Thinks that more strict commands should be given for the keeping of the Narrow Seas, as many inconveniences have arisen. Calais, 13 Jan.

P.S.-The Lord Walayn has been slain at Brussells. Hopes the safe conduct Wolsey (age 39) promised to send him (Wingfield) has not been drowned with the budget. Signed.

On 13 Jan 1559 two new peerages were created ...

Henry Carey 1st Baron Hunsdon (age 32) was created 1st Baron Hunsdon. Anne Morgan Baroness Hunsdon (age 30) by marriage Baroness Hunsdon.

Oliver St John 1st Baron St John (age 37) was created 1st Baron St John of Bletso. Agnes Fisher Baroness St John Bletso (age 33) by marriage Baroness St John of Bletso.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Jan 1559. The xiij day of January with-in the Towre the Quen mad Knyghtes of the Baythe x.

Note. P. 186. The Knights of the Bath made at the Coronation of queen Elizabeth were in number eleven, viz.:—

John lord Darcy of the North (age 19),

John lord Sheffield (age 21),

John lord Darcy of Chiche (age 27),

Sir Robert Rich (age 22),

Sir Roger North (age 29),

Sir John Zouch,

Sir Nicholas Pointz (age 31),

Sir John Berkeley,

Sir Edward Unton (age 25),

Sir Henry Weston (age 24),

Sir George Speke (age 29),

See Anstis's History of the Order of the Bath, App. lxx.; and Nicolas, Appx. p. xiv.

On 13 Jan 1601 Guido Cagnacci was born.

Pepy's Diary. 13 Jan 1664. So to the Coffee House where extraordinary good discourse of Dr. Whistler's' upon my question concerning the keeping of masts, he arguing against keeping them dry, by showing the nature of corruption in bodies and the several ways thereof.

Pepy's Diary. 13 Jan 1666. Home with his Lordship to Mrs. Williams's, in Covent-Garden [Map], to dinner (the first time I ever was there), and there met Captain Cocke (age 49); and pretty merry, though not perfectly so, because of the fear that there is of a great encrease again of the plague this week. And again my Lord Bruncker (age 46) do tell us, that he hath it from Sir John Baber; who is related to my Lord Craven (age 57), that my Lord Craven (age 57) do look after Sir G. Carteret's (age 56) place, and do reckon himself sure of it.

John Ashton Edmund Elliot Richard Graham 1691. On Fryday, the 2d day of this Sessions, my Lord Preston (age 41), John Ashton and Edmund Elliot, were all Arrained for High Treason, my Lord Preston (age 41) was Tryed on Saturday by the name of Sir Richard Graham, Mr. Ashton on Monday. The Indictments against them consisted of Two Parts, the First of which set forth, That they had a Treasonable Design carrying on to Depose the King and Queen, and to Subvert and Alter the Government of the Kingdom of England, and to raise War and Rebellion in the same; which said Traiterous and Wicked Designs and Purposes to bring to pass, they did, on the 29th of December last, Meet and Conspire together, with several other Traitors not yet discovered, and did Compose several Treasonable Letters, Notes and Memorandums in writing, which set forth the most effectual way and means how they might Dethrone and Depose our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord and Lady the King (age 40) and Queen (age 28), and further describing therein how the Affairs of this Kingdom stood, and of what Strength and Force our Shipping was; as also the Fortifications of several Sea-Port-Towns within this Kingdom. The Second Part was their adhering to the Kings's Enemies: And to that end, that they might Acquaint Lewis the French King of the same, they did hire a Boat and Embarque themselves in order to Transport themselves and Pacquet of Treasonable Letters into France, agreeing to pay for their said Passages the Sum of One hundred Pound; and, in order to their Treasonable Voyage, they had made their Passage as far as below Gravesend [Map], but were then Taken by Captain Billop, who Cruised abroad to search for them.

After this the Evidence for the King (age 40) being called, gave an Account particularly from Step to Step, how cunningly and subtilly they managed this horrid Conspiracy, by hiring the Smack called the Thomas and Elizabeth, to convey them secretly into France; in order to which they took Water in a Skuller at Surrey-Stairs, and went on Board the aforesaid Vessel, which lay in the River of Thames over against the Tower [Map]: From thence they set Sail down the River, till coming within the View of the George Frigate, lying in Long-reach, they desired the Master of the Smack to hide them under the Quarter-Hatches; which was done, they having some Fear of being discovered: There they remained till past that Danger, and then came up; but when they were within Sight of Gravesend [Map] they hid again, and a little below it Captain Billop came aboard them, under Pretence of Pressing the Masters two Men, who were assistants to him; but indeed his Design and real Intention was to find out those Traytors, which, upon Search, he found lying along under the Hatches; and after their being haled up he search'd them, and found a Pacquet of Treasonable Papers in Mr. Ashton's Bosom: which he with the Prisoners carried before my Lord Nottingham; who examined the Papers, and after being examined by the Cabinet Council they were committed to the Tower. The Evidence was very full and plain against them both, much to the same effect and purport: The Letters being also Read against them in Court, were adjudged to be of no less Import than High-Treason. Upon the whole they had nothing material to offer in their Defence; so after a very long hearing, they were both found Guilty of High Treason. Edmond Elliot was ordered to remain till further order.

Evelyn's Diary. 13 Jan 1695. The Thames was frozen over. The deaths by smallpox increased to five hundred more than in the preceding week. The King (age 44) and Princess Anne (age 29) reconciled, and she was invited to keep her Court at Whitehall, having hitherto lived privately at Berkeley House [Map]; she was desired to take into her family divers servants of the late Queen; to maintain them the King (age 44) has assigned her £5,000 a quarter.

On 13 Jan 1735 Polyxena Hesse Rotenburg Queen Consort Sardinia (age 28) died.

Archaeologia Volume 4 Section VIII. Observations on Kit’s Cotty House [Map], in Kent. In a Letter to the Honourable Daines Barrington (age 56), from the Reverend Mr Pegge (age 69). Read at the Society of Antiquaries, Jan. 13, 1774.

On 13 Jan 1777 Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Hesketh (age 28) at New York.

On 13 Jan 1805 Maria wife of Robert Henson died. Monument in Church of St John the Baptist, Barnack [Map]. Sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 29).

On 30 Aug 1810 Reverend Henry Spelman (age 82) died. On 13 Jan 1795 Ann Harwick died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

Reverend Henry Spelman: Around 1728 he was born to John Spelman. Before 13 Jan 1795 Reverend Henry Spelman and Ann Harwick were married.

Ann Harwick: she was born to Edmund Harwick and Amy Goodwin.

On 13 Jan 1881 Nathaniel Jocelyn (age 84) died.

13 Jan 1887. Marriage Certificate of Edward John Smith and Sarah Eleanor Pennington who were marred at St Oswald's Church, Winwick. He, twenty-five years later, was Captain of the Titanic who went down with his ship.

On 13 Jan 1929 Emil Fuchs (age 62) committed suicide by shooting himself at the Hotel des Artistes in New York.

On 13 Jan 1945 Francis Pryor was born to Robert Matthew Marlborough Pryor. He was educated at Eton College [Map] before studying Archaeology at Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map].

Births on the 13th January

On 13 Jan 1334 Fadrique Alfonso Ivrea was born illegitimately to Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile (age 22) and Eleanor Guzman at Seville.

On 13 Jan 1334 Henry "Fratricide" II King Castile was born illegitimately to Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile (age 22) and Eleanor Guzman. He was one of twins.

On 13 Jan 1400 Prince John Aviz Constable Portugal was born to King John I of Portugal (age 48) and Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 39). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 13 Jan 1441 Louise of Laval was born to Guy 14th de Laval Count (age 34) and Isabella Montfort (age 30).

On 13 Jan 1448 Thomas Fitzwilliam was born to Richard Fitzwilliam (age 33) in Aldwark, North Yorkshire [Map].

On 13 Jan 1563 Adrian Scrope was born to Ralph Scrope (age 45) and Elizabeth Windsor.

On 13 Jan 1583 George St George was born.

On 13 Jan 1601 Guido Cagnacci was born.

On 13 Jan 1610 Maria Anna Habsburg Spain Duchess Bavaria was born to Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 31) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.68%.

On 13 Jan 1622 Grey Skipwith 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Skipwith 1st Baronet (age 32) and Ann Kemp Lady Skipwith (age 30).

On 28 Sep 1667 Ferdinand Wenzel Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 27) and Margaret Theresa Habsburg Holy Roman Empress (age 16). On 13 Jan 1668 Ferdinand Wenzel Habsburg Spain died. Coefficient of inbreeding 30.98%.

On 13 Jan 1707 Ludovic Grant 7th Baronet was born to James Grant 6th Baronet (age 27).

On 07 Jan 1714 Bourchier Wrey 6th Baronet was born to Bourchier Wrey 5th Baronet (age 32) and Diana Rolle (age 31). He was baptised on 13 Jan 1714 in Westminster. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.36%.

On 13 Jan 1753 Henry tempest 4th Baronet was born to Henry Tempest 3rd Baronet (age 56).

On 13 Jan 1763 John Marjoribanks 1st Baronet was born to Edward Marjoribanks (age 28).

On 13 Jan 1770 Charlotte Myddelton was born to Richard Myddelton (age 44) and Elizabeth Rushout (age 40).

On 13 Jan 1777 Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Hesketh (age 28) at New York.

On 13 Jan 1779 Sophia Curzon was born to Nathaniel Curzon 2nd Baron Scarsdale (age 26) and Sophia Susanna Noel.

On 13 Jan 1785 John Chandos Reade 7th Baronet was born to John Reade 6th Baronet (age 22) and Jane Hoskyns Lady Reade (age 30). He was baptised at St Marylebone Church.

On 13 Jan 1798 Astley Paston Cooper 2nd Baronet was born to Reverend Samuel Lovick Cooper (age 34) and Sarah Leman Rede (age 32).

On 13 Jan 1801 Sophia Laura Wodehouse was born to John Wodehouse 2nd Baron Wodehouse (age 30) and Charlotte Norris Baroness Woodhouse.

On 13 Jan 1801 Major Courtenay Mansel was born to Commander Richard Mansel aka Philipps (age 24).

On 13 Jan 1815 Hugh Morton Shand was born to Alexander Garden Shand and Isabella Morton.

On 13 Jan 1820 William John Browne ffolkes Cricketer was born to William Browne ffolkes 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Charlotte Philippa Browne (age 21).

On 13 Jan 1821 Paul William Molesworth 10th Baronet was born to Reverend William Molesworth (age 28) and Katherine Treby (age 32).

On 13 Jan 1831 Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Edward Fraser was born to Thomas Alexander Fraser 12th Lord Lovat (age 28) and Charlotte Georgina Stafford-Jerningham (age 31).

On 13 Jan 1834 Richard Trench 4th Earl of Clancarty was born to William Trench 3rd Earl of Clancarty (age 30) and Sarah Juliana Butler (age 21).

On 13 Jan 1843 William Purdie Treloar 1st Baronet was born.

On 13 Jan 1850 Richard Mansel 12th Baronet was born to Major Courtenay Mansel (age 49) and Eliza Sidney.

On 13 Jan 1858 Brigadier-General Herbert Conyers Surtees was born to Colonel Charles Freville Surtees (age 34) and Bertha Chauncey (age 25).

On 13 Jan 1865 Princess Marie Orléans was born.

On 13 Jan 1869 Gerald Villiers-Stuart was born to Henry Windsor Villiers-Stuart (age 41) and Mary Power (age 25).

On 13 Jan 1869 Richard Arthur Surtees Paget 2nd Baronet was born to Richard Horner Paget 1st Baronet (age 36) and Caroline Isabel Surtees (age 21).

On 13 Jan 1883 Prince Arthur of Connaught was born to Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 32) and Luise Margarete Hohenzollern Duchess Connaught (age 22). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 13 Jan 1897 Violet Lucy Emily Seely Viscountess Allendale was born to Charles Seely

On 13 Jan 1920 Iris Mountbatten was born to Alexander Mountbatten 1st Marquess Carisbrooke (age 33) and Irene Denison Marchioness Carisbrooke (age 29). She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 13 Jan 1945 Francis Pryor was born to Robert Matthew Marlborough Pryor. He was educated at Eton College [Map] before studying Archaeology at Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map].

On 13 Jan 1948 Peter Charles Beauclerk was born to Charles Beauclerk 13th Duke St Albans (age 32) and Suzanne Marie Fesq Duchess St Albans (age 26).

On 13 Jan 1953 Jonathan Francis Portal 6th Baronet was born.

Marriages on the 13th January

After 13 Jan 47BC Ptolemy XIV Philopator 59BC 44BC and Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 22) were married. They were brother and sister.

On 13 Jan 1409 John Fastolf (age 29) and Millicent Tiptoft (age 40) were married.

After 13 Jan 1530 Henry Stewart 1st Lord Methven (age 35) and Janet Stewart were married. She the daughter of John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl and Janet Campbell Countess Atholl. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Between 13 Jan 1571 and 26 Feb 1572 Colin Campbell 6th Earl Argyll (age 28) and Agnes Keith Countess Moray and Argyll (age 40) were married. She by marriage Countess Argyll. She the daughter of William Keith 4th Earl Marischal (age 64) and Margaret Keith Countess Marischal. He the son of Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll and Margaret Graham Countess Argyll. They were half fourth cousins.

On 13 Jan 1585 John Fleming 1st Earl Wigtown (age 18) and Lilias Graham Countess Graham were married. She the daughter of John Graham 3rd Earl Montrose (age 37). They were first cousin once removed.

On 13 Jan 1586 Thomas Liddell of Ravensworth Castle (age 31) and Jane Mitford (age 13) were married in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

On 13 Jan 1625 Albert Morton (age 41) and Elizabeth Apsley were married. He died a seven months later.

On 13 Jan 1646 John Claypole (age 20) and Elizabeth Cromwell (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Oliver Cromwell (age 46) and Elizabeth Bourchier (age 48).

On 13 Jan 1651 John Fettiplace 1st Baronet (age 25) and Anne Wenman Lady Fettiplace (age 21) were married.

On 13 Jan 1653 David Wemyss 2nd Earl of Wemyss (age 42) and Margaret Leslie Countess Buccleuch and Wemyss (age 32) were married. She the daughter of John Leslie 6th Earl Rothes and Anne Erskine Countess of Rothes. He the son of John Wemyss 1st Earl of Wemyss and Jane Gray Countess Wemyss. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 13 Jan 1784 John Reade 6th Baronet (age 21) and Jane Hoskyns Lady Reade (age 29) were married at St Marylebone Church.

On 13 Jan 1794 Charles Cholmondeley (age 23) and Caroline Elizabeth Smythe (age 22) were married.

Before 13 Jan 1795 Reverend Henry Spelman (age 67) and Ann Harwick were married.

On 13 Jan 1803 John Ponsonby 1st Viscount Ponsonby (age 33) and Frances Elizabeth Villiers Viscountess Ponsonby (age 17) were married. She the daughter of George Bussy Villiers 4th Earl Jersey (age 67) and Frances Twysden (age 49). He the son of William Ponsonby 1st Baron Ponsonby of Imokilly in County Cork (age 58) and Louisa Molesworth Countess Fitzwilliam (age 54).

Before 13 Jan 1815 Alexander Garden Shand and Isabella Morton were married.

In or before 13 Jan 1820 William Browne ffolkes 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Charlotte Philippa Browne (age 21) were married.

On 13 Jan 1846 Frederick Herbert Kerr (age 28) and Emily Maitland were married. He the son of William Kerr 6th Marquess Lothian and Harriet Scott Marchioness Lothian. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 Jan 1852 Reverend Francis Coulman Royds (age 26) and Cornelia Frances Blomfield (age 22) were married at Stevenage, Hertfordshire.

On 13 Jan 1858 Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Edward Fraser (age 27) and Georgina Mary Heneage (age 20) were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 Jan 1880 Charles Stuart Abbott 3rd Baron Tenterden (age 45) and Emma Mary Bailey Baroness Tenterden (age 37) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She by marriage Baroness Tenterden of Hendon in Middlesex.

On 13 Jan 1881 Walter Grindlay Simpson 2nd Baronet (age 37) and Ann Fitzgerald Mackay Lady Simpson (age 24) were married at Banchory-Devenick.

Before 13 Jan 1897 Rear-Admiral Algernon Horatio Anson (age 42) and Adela Venables-Vernon (age 26) were married. They were second cousin once removed.

Deaths on the 13th January

On 13 Jan 47BC Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator 61BC 47BC (age 14) drowned in the River Nile following, or during the course of, the Battle of the Nile.

On 13 Jan 731 Archbishop Berhtwald died.

On 13 Jan 858 King Æthelwulf of Wessex died. His son King Æthelbald of Wessex succeeded King Wessex.

On 13 Jan 1049 Dirk Gerulfing IV Count Holland (age 24) was murdered. His brother Floris Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 24) succeeded I Count Holland.

On 13 Jan 1151 Hawise Salisbury Countess Dreux (age 33) died.

On 13 Jan 1177 Duke Henry II of Austria (age 70) died.

On 13 Jan 1182 Agnes of Austria (age 31) died.

On 13 Jan 1200 Otto Hohenstaufen I Count Burgundy (age 29) was murdered.

On 13 Jan 1330 Frederick "Fair" Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 41) died. His brother Leopold Habsburg I Duke Austria succeeded I Duke Austria.

On 13 Jan 1349 Constanza Manuel Queen Consort Castile (age 33) died.

On 13 Jan 1401 Charles Valois (age 8) died.

On 13 Jan 1417 Nicholas Haute (age 59) died.

On 13 Jan 1450 Henry Grey 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 32) died. His son Richard Grey 3rd Earl Tankerville (age 13) succeeded 3rd Earl Tankerville.

On 13 Jan 1483 Margrave Henry III of Upper Hesse (age 42) died.

After 13 Jan 1495 Elizabeth Fray (age 54) died.

On 13 Jan 1504 Nicholas Byron (age 46) died.

On 13 Jan 1513 Thomas Cheney (age 65) died.

On 13 Jan 1528 Margaret Neville (age 62) died.

On 13 Jan 1530 Alexander Gordon (age 25) died.

Before 13 Jan 1542 Elizabeth Paston (age 76) died.

On 13 Jan 1584 Thomas Wentworth 2nd Baron Wentworth (age 59) died. His son Henry Wentworth 3rd Baron Wentworth (age 25) succeeded 3rd Baron Wentworth.

On 13 Jan 1587 Elisabeth Oldenburg (age 12) died.

On 13 Jan 1593 or 13 Jul 1593 Henry Neville (age 73) died.

On 13 Jan 1601 Bridget Hussey Countess Bedford (age 75) died.

On 13 Jan 1612 Jane Dormer Duchess Feria (age 74) died.

On 13 Jan 1619 Francis Fitzherbert (age 80) died.

On 13 Jan 1646 Ranulph Crewe (age 87) died.

On 13 Jan 1679 Mary Tryon (age 26) died.

On 13 Jan 1683 William Dalston 1st Baronet (age 73) died. His son John Dalston 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Dalston of Dalston.

On 13 Jan 1691 George Fox Quaker (age 66) died.

On 13 Jan 1694 Mary Stafford Countess Stafford (age 74) died. She was buried at the Chapel of St Edmund, Westminster Abbey [Map]. Her son Henry Stafford-Howard 1st Earl Stafford (age 46) succeeded 2nd Baron Stafford.

On 13 Jan 1697 Elizabeth Cutler Countess Radnor died.

On 13 Jan 1701 John Garrard 3rd Baronet (age 63) died without male issue. He was buried at St Helen's Church, Wheathampstead. His brother Samuel Garrard 4th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 4th Baronet Garrard of Lamer.

On 13 Jan 1709 Malet Wilmot Viscountess Lisburne (age 33) died.

On 13 Jan 1735 Polyxena Hesse Rotenburg Queen Consort Sardinia (age 28) died.

On 13 Jan 1742 Sherard Manners (age 29) died.

On 13 Jan 1780 Katherine Sophia Sheffield (age 75) died.

On 13 Jan 1781 Margaret Rolle Countess Orford (age 71) died. Her son George Walpole 3rd Earl Orford (age 50) succeeded 16th Baron Clinton.

On 13 Jan 1781 Thomas Hesketh (age 32) died.

On 13 Jan 1794 William George Henry Somerset died.

On 30 Aug 1810 Reverend Henry Spelman (age 82) died. On 13 Jan 1795 Ann Harwick died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

Reverend Henry Spelman: Around 1728 he was born to John Spelman. Before 13 Jan 1795 Reverend Henry Spelman and Ann Harwick were married.

Ann Harwick: she was born to Edmund Harwick and Amy Goodwin.

On 13 Jan 1812 Mary Beauclerk (age 68) died.

On 13 Jan 1816 Henry Francis Greville (age 55) died.

On 13 Jan 1818 George Rose (age 73) died.

On 13 Jan 1821 Catherine Anderton Lady Gerard (age 79) died.

On 13 Jan 1824 Jane Perceval (age 23) died.

On 13 Jan 1828 Elizabeth Berkeley Margrave Brandenburg Ansbach (age 77) died.

Around 13 Jan 1829 Charles Baring (age 86) died.

On 13 Jan 1836 George Manners-Sutton died.

On 13 Jan 1844 Sophia Coutts Lady Burdett died.

On 13 Jan 1847 Archduke Joseph of Austria (age 70) died.

On 13 Jan 1852 Thomas Molyneux Royds (age 27) died. He was buried in Braidwood Cemetery, New South Wales.

On 13 Jan 1859 Henry Grey died at his home 5 East Claremont Street, Edinburgh. He was buried at St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh.

On 13 Jan 1861 Carlos Luis de Borbón Count Montemolín (age 42) died.

On 13 Jan 1873 John Cavendish Browne 3rd Baron Kilmaine (age 78) died.

On 13 Jan 1881 Nathaniel Jocelyn (age 84) died.

On 13 Jan 1884 Arthur Chetwynd-Talbot (age 78) died.

On 13 Jan 1888 Jane Bosville Macdonald (age 72) died.

On 13 Jan 1890 Maria Arabella St John (age 98) died.

On 13 Jan 1893 Georgina Bloomfield (age 83) died.

On 09 Jan 1896 Anne Mary Littledale (age 75) died. She was buried at St Oswald's Church, Brereton [Map] on 13 Jan 1896 where she has a memorial window in the south transept.

On 13 Jan 1901 Lionel Gascoyne-Cecil (age 47) died.

On 13 Jan 1906 Fanny Pottinger Lady Smith (age 73) died.

On 13 Jan 1916 Elizabeth Philippa Adeane (age 81) died.

On 13 Jan 1923 Reverend John Greville Chester (age 60) died.

On 13 Jan 1929 Emil Fuchs (age 62) committed suicide by shooting himself at the Hotel des Artistes in New York.

On 13 Jan 1932 Sophia Hohenzollern Queen Consort Greece (age 61) died.

On 13 Jan 1952 Robert Lygon (age 72) died.

On 13 Jan 1957 Gladys Bewicke-Copley died.

On 13 Jan 1976 Blanche Marion Devereux died.

On 13 Jan 2017 Antony Armstrong-Jones 1st Earl of Snowdon (age 86) died. His son David Armstrong-Jones 2nd Earl of Snowdon (age 55) succeeded 2nd Earl Snowdon, 2nd Viscount Linley. Serena Stanhope (age 46) by marriage Countess Snowdon.