On this Day in History ... 13th November

13 Nov is in November.

1002 St. Brice's Day Massacre

1093 Battle of Alnwick

1160 Louis VII marries Adela of Blois

1362 Edward III Creates two sons as Dukes

1441 Trial and Punishment of Eleanor Cobham

1715 Battle of Sheriffmuir

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 13th November

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1002. This year the king (age 36) and his council agreed that tribute should be given to the fleet, and peace made with them, with the provision that they should desist from their mischief. Then sent the king to the fleet Alderman Leofsy, who at the king's word and his council made peace with them, on condition that they received food and tribute; which they accepted, and a tribute was paid of 24,000 pounds. In the meantime Alderman Leofsy slew Eafy, high-steward of the king; and the king banished him from the land. Then, in the same Lent, came the Lady Elfgive Emma, Richard's daughter, to this land. And in the same summer died Archbishop Eadulf; and also, in the same year the king gave an order to slay all the Danes that were in England. This was accordingly done on the mass-day of St. Brice; because it was told the king, that they would beshrew him of his life, and afterwards all his council, and then have his kingdom without any resistance.

William of Malmesbury Book 2 Chapter 9. 13 Nov 1002. For, besides the English, whom he King Æthelred (age 36) despoiled of their hereditary possessions without any cause, or defrauded of their property for supposititious crimes: besides the Danes, whom, from light suspicion only, he ordered to be all butchered [St. Brice's Day Massacre] on the same day throughout England; which was a dreadful spectacle to behold; each one compelled to betray his dearest guests, now become dearer from the tenderest connexions of affinity, and to cut short their embraces with the sword: yet besides all this, I say, he was so inconstant towards his wife [Emma aka Ælfgyfu of Normandy Queen Consort England (age 17)], that he scarcely deigned her his bed, and degraded the royal dignity by his intercourse with harlots. She too, a woman, conscious of her high descent, became indignant at her husband, as she found herself endeared to him neither by her blameless modesty nor her fruitfulness; for she had borne him two children, Elfred and Edward. She was the daughter of Richard, earl of Normandy, the son of William, who, after his father, presided over that earldom for fifty-two years, and died in the twenty-eighth year of this king. He lies at the monastery of Fescamp, which he augmented with certain revenues, and which he adorned with a monastic order, by means of William, formerly abbat of Dijon. Richard was a distinguished character, and had also often harassed Ethelred: which, when it became known at Rome, the holy see, not enduring that two Christians should be at enmity, sent Leo, bishop of Treves, into England, to restore peace: the epistle describing this legation was as follows:- "John the fifteenth, pope of the holy Roman church, to all faithful people, health. Be it known to all the faithful of the holy mother church, and our children spiritual and secular, dispersed through the several climates of the world, that inasmuch as we had been informed by many of the enmity between Ethelred, king of the West-Saxons, and Richard the marquis, and were grieved sorely at this, on account of our spiritual children; taking, therefore, wholesome counsel, we summoned one of our legates, Leo, bishop of the holy church of Treves, and sent him with our letters, admonishing them, that they should return from their ungodliness. He, passing vast spaces, at length crossed the sea, and, on the day of the Lord's nativity, came into the presence of the said king; whom, having saluted on our part, he delivered to him the letters we had sent. And all the faithful people of his kingdom, and senators of either order, being summoned, he granted, for love and fear of God Almighty, and of St. Peter, the chief of the apostles, and on account of our paternal admonition, the firmest peace for all his sons and daughters, present and future, and all his faithful people, without deceit. On which account he sent Edelsin, prelate of the holy church of Sherborne, and Leofstan, son of Alfwold, and Edelnoth, son of Wulstan, who passed the maritime boundaries, and came to Richard, the said marquis. He, peaceably receiving our admonitions, and hearing the determination of the said king, readily confirmed the peace for his sons and daughters, present and future, and for all his faithful people, with this reasonable condition, that if any of their subjects, or they themselves, should commit any injustice against each other, it should be duly redressed; and that peace should remain for ever unshaken and confirmed by the oath of both parties: on the part of king Ethelred, to wit, Edelsin, prelate of the holy church of Sherborne; Leofstan, the son of Alfwold; Edelnoth, the son of Wulstan. On the part of Richard, Roger, the bishop; Rodolph, son of Hugh; Truteno, the son of Thurgis. "Done at Rouen, on the kalends of March, in the year of our Lord 991, the fourth of the indiction. Moreover, of the king's subjects, or of his enemies, let Richard receive none, nor the king of his, without their respective seals".

On 13 Nov 1002 King Æthelred "Unready" II of England (age 36) ordered the St Brice's Day Massacre. Its isn't clear how many died.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1020. This year came King Knute (age 25) back to England; and there was at Easter a great council at Cirencester, Gloucestershire [Map], where Alderman Ethelward was outlawed, and Edwy, king of the churls. This year went the king (age 25) to Assingdon; with Earl Thurkyll, and Archbishop Wulfstan, and other bishops, and also abbots, and many monks with them; and he ordered to be built there a minster of stone and lime, for the souls of the men who were there slain, and gave it to his own priest, whose name was Stigand; and they consecrated the minster at Assingdon. And Ethelnoth the monk, who had been dean at Christ's church, was the same year on the ides of November consecrated Bishop of Christ's church by Archbishop Wulfstan.

On 13 Nov 1093 the Battle of Alnwick was fought at Alnwick, Northumberland [Map] between the forces of Malcolm III King Scotland (age 62) and Robert de Mowbray 1st Earl Northumbria.

Malcolm III King Scotland (age 62) was killed at The Peth Alnwick [Map]. His son Duncan II King Scotland (age 33) succeeded II King Scotland. He died a year minus day later.

Malcolm's son Edward Dunkeld was killed.

Duncan II King Scotland: Around 1060 he was born to Malcolm III King Scotland and Ingibiorg Finnsdottir Queen Consort Scotland. On 12 Nov 1094 Duncan II King Scotland died. His uncle Donald "The Fair White" III King Scotland succeeded III King Scotland.

Edward Dunkeld: he was born to Malcolm III King Scotland and Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland. On 16 Nov 1093 Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland died three days after her husband Malcolm III King Scotland and her son Edward Dunkeld were killed at the Battle of Alnwick.

On 13 Nov 1137 Ramiro "Monk" II King Aragon (age 51) abdicated. Petronilla Jiménez Queen Aragon (age 1) succeeded Queen Aragon.

On 13 Nov 1160 Louis VII King Franks (age 40) and Adèle Blois were married a month or so after his second wife (deceased) had died in childbirth; Louis needed an heir. She the daughter of Theobald Blois II Count Champagne IV Count Blois and Matilda Carinthia Countess Champagne and Blois. He the son of Louis "Fat" VI King France and Adelaide Savoy Queen Consort France. They were third cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 13 Nov 1312 King Edward III of England was born to King Edward II of England (age 28) and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 17) at Windsor Castle [Map]. He was christened on 17 Nov 1312 with Archbishop Walter Reynolds being one of his godfathers. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.16%.

On 13 Nov 1362, his fiftieth birthday, King Edward III of England (age 50) created two sons as Dukes ...

Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence (age 23) was created 1st Duke Clarence. Elizabeth Burgh Duchess of Clarence (age 30) by marriage Duchess Clarence.

John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 22) was created 1st Duke Lancaster. Blanche Plantagenet Duchess Lancaster (age 17) by marriage Duchess Lancaster.

On 13 Nov 1440 Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 61) died at Howden. She was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] next to her mother Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster.

Chronicle of Gregory 1441. 13 Nov 1441. Ande in that same year the Lady of Glouceter (age 41) for the same treson she was juggyde by the spyrytualle lawe to iij [3] sondyr or dyvers placys, that is to wete, on Mondaye, the xiij daye of Novembyr, to Powlys; and on the Wanysday i-sygnyd unto Crychyrche; and on the Fryday nexte folowyng to Synt Mychellys in Cornehylle.

Letters and Papers 1537. 13 Nov 1537. 1079. Queen Margaret (age 47) to Henry VIII (age 46).

Rejoices that he has a prince. Hopes he is informed both by her own writings sent with the herald Master Svallo and the information sent to Sir Tomas Qwarton, how she is treated. Trusts Henry will not let her be wronged daily. Would sooner be dead than remain in such trouble as she has been in since Master Sadler's departure. Desires only to "brwk" her lands given her by the King her father and confirmed by the three estates of this realm; of which she is only debarred by lord Meffen (age 42). Has her sentence of divorce ready to be pronounced written and concluded with forty "famos prewes" (proofs), but the King her son (age 25) supports Meffen (age 42), as her husband, in possession of her lands. When she passed to her land the forest of Ettrick the King her son accused her of intending to marry "him that was Earl of Angus," which Henry knows she had never a mind to do. Her son will only let her "depart bed and bwred," which is unjust, and fears she will pass into England. Trusts Henry will for his own honor refuse redress on the Borders till she has her due. Is now 49 years old and should not travel like a poor gentlewoman, following her son from place to place as she has done for 20 weeks past. 13 Oct.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Nov 1553. [The 13th of November were arraigned at Guildhall doctor Cranmer (age 64), archbishop of Canterbury, the lord] Gylfford Dudlay (age 18), the sune of the duke of Northumberland and my lade Jane (age 17) ys wyff, the doythur of the duke of Suffoke-Dassett (age 36), and the lord Hambrosse Dudlay (age 23), [and the] lord Hare Dudlay (age 22), the wyche lade Jane was proclamyd [Queen]: they all v wher cast for to dee.

On 13 Nov 1553 Lady Jane Grey (age 17) was tried at Guildhall [Map].

Calendars. 13 Nov 1664. 93. William Coventry (age 36) to [Sec. Bennet (age 46)]. Hopes the wind will change, and bring the Charles and the other ships out of the river; will not then fear what Opdam can do, though the men are raw, and need a little time at sea. The Ruby and Happy Return have brought some supernumeraries, but 500 more are wanted; 200 are expected from Plymouth, but till some runaways are hanged, the ships cannot be kept well manned. Sends a list of some fit to be made examples of in the several counties where they were pressed, with the names of those who pressed them. The Dutch ship named before is brought in, and two others are stayed at Cowes, Isle of Wight by virtue of the embargo, the order in Council making no exception for foreigners, The King's pleasure should be known therein, as the end, which is to gather seamen, does not seem to require the stopping of foreigners. Prize officers must- be sent speedily to [Portsmouth], Dover, and Deal. Those at Deal, Kent [Map] should have men in readiness to carry prizes up the river, that the men belonging to the fleet be not scattered. Persons should also be hastened to 'take care of the sick and wounded. The Duke (age 31) intends to appoint Erwin captain of the ship hired to go to St. Helena; he is approved by the East India Company, which is important, trade being intermixed with convoy, and they find fault if a commander of the King's ships bring home any little matter privately bought. The Duke has divided the fleet into squadrons, assigning to each a vice and rear adiniral; Sir John Lawson (age 49) and Sir William Berkeley to his own, Mennes (age 65) and Sansum to Prince Rupert's (age 44), Sir George Aiscue (age 48) [Ayscough] and Teddeman to the Earl of Sandwich. Hopes in a few days to be in much better order, if good men can be got. Will send a list of the squadrons. The Guernsey is damaged by running aground. Rear-Admiral Teddeman, with 4 or 5 ships, has gone to course in the Channel, and if he meet any refractory Dutchmen, will teach them their duty. The King's declaration for encouraging seamen has much revived the men, and added to their courage. [Four pages.]

Evelyn's Diary. 13 Nov 1695. Famous fireworks and very chargeable, the King (age 45) being returned from his progress. He stayed seven or eight days at Lord Sunderland's (age 54) at Althorpe [Map], where he was mightily entertained. These fireworks were shown before Lord Romney (age 54), Master of the Ordnance, in St. James's great square, where the King (age 45) stood.

On 13 Nov 1715 John Lyon 5th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 19) was killed at Sheriffmuir during the Battle of Sheriffmuir fighting for the Jacobites. His brother Charles Lyon 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 16) succeeded 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 13 Nov 1718. Mr Norroy (age 57) brought us an old roll in Parchment of the Blazon of the Coats of Aarms of all the County of Norfolk in the time of Henry VII said to be done by the Botton[?] herald to Sir John Falstaff. An old deed upon parchment of Edward the Confessor, a piece of great antiquity. Its a donation of a Mannor [Manor] in Great Swell [Map] in Gloucestershire to the Abby of Evesham [Map]. Likewise two curious old books of seals of the nobility, with many ancient deeds, &c.

On 13 Nov 1726 Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort England (age 60) died.

On 13 Nov 1745 Richard Paul Jodrell of Lewknor Scholar was born.

After 13 Nov 1746. Hasting's Chapel St Helen's Church Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire [Map]. Monument to Theophilus Hastings 9th Earl Huntingdon (deceased). The bust in the roundel of his wife Selina Shirley Countess Huntingdon (age 39) sculpted by John Michael Rysbrack (age 52). The monument was designed by William Kent. The obelisk sculpted by Joseph Pickford. The epitaph was written by Henry St John 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (age 68).

On 13 Nov 1757 George Capell Coningsbury 5th Earl Essex was born to William Anne Capell 4th Earl Essex (age 25) and Frances Hanbury Williams Countess Essex.

On 13 Nov 1797 Jacob Astley 16th Baron Hastings was born to Jacob Astley 5th Baronet (age 41).

On 13 Nov 1849 William Etty (age 62) died.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1851. 13 Nov 1851. After Clipstone Street spent the evening with Wells (age 22) at John (age 24) and Thomas Seddon's (age 30), 7 Percy Street; G. Rossetti (age 23), F. M. Brown (age 30) and G. Truefitt (age 27) were there.

On 13 Nov 1872 Margaret Sarah Carpenter nee Geddes (age 79) died.

New York Times 13 Nov 1904. 13 Nov 1904. VAL PRINSEP (deceased), R. A., DEAD. Well-Known English Artist Was Born in India in 1838.

LONDON, Nov. 12.—Valantine Cameron Prinsep, R. A., better known as Val Prinsep, Professor of Painting to the Royal Academy, died yesterday from the effects of an operation.

It was thought in 1896 that Val Prinsep would be elected President of the Royal Academy, but Sir Edward Poynter was (age 68) the successful candidate.

Mr. Prinsep was born in India in 1838. but was educated in England, returning to the land of his birth in 1876 to paint what is perhaps his best-known work, the "Declaration of the Queen as Empress" at the famous Delhi Durbar. A pupil of Watts and Gleyre, Prinsep exhibited his first picture at the Academy in 1862, when he was twenty-four years old. He achieved rapid success and became an A. R. A. in and an R. A. in 1894. He was an author and playwright as well as a painter.

Mr. Prinsep married a daughter [Florence Leyland (age 45)] of the late F. R. Leyland, the patron of Whistler and Rossetti. When Mr. Leyland died there was a good deal of criticism of the Prinseps because the "Peacock Room" in his London house was not preserved where the public could see it. This work of Whistler, who was a fellow-pupil of Prinsep under Gleyre, has recently been bought by an American.

Births on the 13th November

On 13 Nov 1312 King Edward III of England was born to King Edward II of England (age 28) and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 17) at Windsor Castle [Map]. He was christened on 17 Nov 1312 with Archbishop Walter Reynolds being one of his godfathers. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.16%.

On 13 Nov 1412 Bryan Stapleton was born to Bryan Stapleton (age 28).

On 13 Nov 1453 Christopher I Margrave Baden was born to Charles I Margrave Baden (age 26) and Catherine of Austria (age 29).

On 13 Nov 1504 Landgrave Philip I of Hesse was born to William II Landgrave of Hesse (age 35).

On 13 Nov 1595 George William Hohenzollern was born to John Sigismund Hohenzollern (age 23) and Anna Hohenzollern (age 19).

On 13 Nov 1615 Mary Carey was born to Henry Carey 1st Earl Dover (age 35) and Judith Pelham Countess Dover (age 25).

On 13 Nov 1681 James Lee was born to Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 18) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 17). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 Nov 1693 Thomas Watson 1st Marquess Rockingham was born to Thomas Watson (age 28).

On 13 Nov 1697 William Manners was born to John Manners 2nd Duke Rutland (age 21) and Catherine Russell Duchess Rutland (age 21).

On 13 Nov 1701 Louise Christine Lorraine was born to Leopold Duke of Lorraine (age 22) and Élisabeth Charlotte Bourbon Duchess Lorraine (age 25). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 13 Nov 1734 Susanna de Crespigny was born to Philip Champion (age 30).

On 13 Nov 1745 Richard Paul Jodrell of Lewknor Scholar was born.

On 13 Nov 1757 George Capell Coningsbury 5th Earl Essex was born to William Anne Capell 4th Earl Essex (age 25) and Frances Hanbury Williams Countess Essex.

On 13 Nov 1760 Washington Shirley 8th Earl Ferrers was born to Robert Shirley 6th Earl Ferrers (age 37) and Catherine Cotton Countess Ferrers.

On 13 Nov 1771 Josias Henry Stracey 4th Baronet was born to Edward Stracey 1st Baronet (age 30).

On 13 Nov 1775 Richard Butler 1st Earl Glengall was born.

On 13 Nov 1777 Robert Scott was born to Robert Scott.

On 13 Nov 1797 Jacob Astley 16th Baron Hastings was born to Jacob Astley 5th Baronet (age 41).

On 13 Nov 1805 Eleanor Bridges was born to Brook William Bridges 4th Baronet (age 38) and Eleanor Foote (age 34).

On 13 Nov 1806 Philip de Malpas Grey-Egerton 10th Baronet was born to Philip Egerton 9th Baronet (age 39) and Rebecca Du Pre Lady Egerton (age 26).

On 13 Nov 1811 Reverend William Henry Egerton was born to Philip Egerton 9th Baronet (age 44) and Rebecca Du Pre Lady Egerton (age 31).

On 13 Nov 1813 Elizabeth Guiness was born to Edward Guiness (age 41).

On 13 Nov 1816 George Lane-Fox was born to George Lane-Fox (age 23).

On 13 Nov 1823 Colonel Charles Freville Surtees was born to Robert Surtees of Redworth Hall (age 41) and Elizabeth Cookson (age 40).

On 13 Nov 1837 Henry Montagu Villiers was born to Henry Montagu Villiers (age 24).

On 13 Nov 1848 Albert Grimaldi was born at Paris [Map].

On 13 Nov 1853 Frederick Gunning 6th Baronet was born to George Gunning 5th Baronet (age 25).

On 13 Nov 1856 Brooke Boothby 10th Baronet was born to Reverend Brooke William Boothby 9th Baronet (age 47) and Martha Serena Boothby. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 13 Nov 1889 Wenefryde Agatha Scott 10th Countess of Dysart was born to Charles Norman Lindsay Tollemache Scott and Agnes Mary Manners Tollemache (age 34).

Marriages on the 13th November

On 13 Nov 1160 Louis VII King Franks (age 40) and Adèle Blois were married a month or so after his second wife (deceased) had died in childbirth; Louis needed an heir. She the daughter of Theobald Blois II Count Champagne IV Count Blois and Matilda Carinthia Countess Champagne and Blois. He the son of Louis "Fat" VI King France and Adelaide Savoy Queen Consort France. They were third cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

Before 13 Nov 1393 William Heron 1st Baron Heron and Elizabeth Saye 5th Baroness Say (age 27) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King John "Lackland" of England.

On 13 Nov 1553 Thomas Venables (age 9) and Elizabeth Brereton (age 13) were married. They were third cousin once removed.

Before 13 Nov 1581 Edmund Sheffield 1st Earl Mulgrave (age 15) and Ursula Tyrwhitt (age 41) were married. She by marriage Baroness Sheffield of Butterwick in Lincolnshire. The difference in their ages was 25 years; she, unusually, being older than him.

On 13 Nov 1654 Edward Watson 2nd Baron Rockingham (age 24) and Anne Wentworth Baroness Rockingham (age 25) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford and Arabella Holles.

On 13 Nov 1677 Gabriel Sylvius and Ann Howard Maid of Honour (age 24) were married in the King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 13 Nov 1790 George Kein Hayward Coussmaker (age 31) and Catherine Southwell (age 22) were married.

On 13 Nov 1797 Henry Hoghton 7th Baronet (age 29) and Susannah Brooke Lady Hoghton (age 35) were married. She by marriage Lady Hoghton of Hoghton Tower in Lancashire.

On 13 Nov 1850 Edward Sacheverell Chandos-Pole (age 24) and Anna Caroline Stanhope (age 18) were married at St Andrew's Church, Radbourne [Map]. She the daughter of Leicester FitzGerald Charles Stanhope 5th Earl of Harrington (age 66) and Elizabeth Green Countess Harrington (age 41). She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 13 Nov 1856 Reverend Brooke William Boothby 9th Baronet (age 47) and Martha Serena Boothby were married. They were first cousins.

On 13 Nov 1860 Wilfrid Lawson 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Mary Pocklington Senhouse (age 20) were married. They had four boys and four girls.

On 13 Nov 1866 Richard Horner Paget 1st Baronet (age 34) and Caroline Isabel Surtees (age 18) were married.

On 13 Nov 1874 Hervey Charles Pechell (age 33) and Blanche Henrietta Johnes Shelley were married.

Deaths on the 13th November

On 13 Nov 986 Otto Carolingian (age 16) died.

On 13 Nov 1093 the Battle of Alnwick was fought at Alnwick, Northumberland [Map] between the forces of Malcolm III King Scotland (age 62) and Robert de Mowbray 1st Earl Northumbria.

Malcolm III King Scotland (age 62) was killed at The Peth Alnwick [Map]. His son Duncan II King Scotland (age 33) succeeded II King Scotland. He died a year minus day later.

Malcolm's son Edward Dunkeld was killed.

Duncan II King Scotland: Around 1060 he was born to Malcolm III King Scotland and Ingibiorg Finnsdottir Queen Consort Scotland. On 12 Nov 1094 Duncan II King Scotland died. His uncle Donald "The Fair White" III King Scotland succeeded III King Scotland.

Edward Dunkeld: he was born to Malcolm III King Scotland and Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland. On 16 Nov 1093 Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland died three days after her husband Malcolm III King Scotland and her son Edward Dunkeld were killed at the Battle of Alnwick.

On 13 Nov 1175 Henry Capet Archbishop of Reims (age 54) died.

On 13 Nov 1239 Henry of Bar II Count of Bar died. His son Theobald of Bar II Count of Bar (age 18) succeeded II Count Bar.

Before 13 Nov 1278 Alexander Balliol died.

On 13 Nov 1299 Bishop Oliver Sutton (age 80) died at Nettleham.

On 13 Nov 1386 Thomas Beauchamp 11th Earl Warwick (age 73) died of plague. His son Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick (age 48) succeeded 12th Earl Warwick.

On 13 Nov 1397 Anne Welles Countess Ormonde (age 37) died.

Before 13 Nov 1410 Joan Roches (age 23) died.

On 13 Nov 1440 Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 61) died at Howden. She was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] next to her mother Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster.

On 13 Nov 1442 Elizabeth Wittelsbach (age 59) died.

On 13 Nov 1460 Henry "The Navigator" Aviz (age 66) died.

On 13 Nov 1461 Robert Manners (age 53) died.

On 13 Nov 1507 George Lumley 2nd Baron Lumley (age 62) died. On 13 Nov 1507 His grandson Richard Lumley 3rd Baron Lumley (age 30) succeeded 3rd Baron Lumley.

On 13 Nov 1536 Robert Pakington (age 47) was shot and killed with a handgun; probably the first person to be murdered in England with a gun.

On 13 Nov 1550 Paulus Fagius (age 46) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church Cambridge.

On 13 Nov 1556 John Giffard (age 90) died at Bridgworth, Shropshire. He was buried at Brewood, Staffordshire.

On 13 Nov 1591 Anthony Sandys of Esthwaite died.

On 13 Nov 1592 Margaret Godolphin (age 48) died.

On 13 Nov 1611 William Cornwallis (age 62) died.

On 13 Nov 1612 George Carew died.

On 13 Nov 1614 Margaret Wentworth (age 46) died.

On 13 Nov 1620 Frances Moore (age 30) died.

Before 13 Nov 1639 Peregrine Bertie (age 55) died. He 13 Nov 1639 Peregrine Bertie (age 55) was buried at St Giles in the Fields Church, Camden [Map].

On 13 Nov 1640 Nicholas Saundeson 2nd Viscount Castleton died. His son Nicholas Saundeson 3rd Viscount Castleton (age 14) succeeded 3rd Viscount Castleton.

On 13 Nov 1641 Elizabeth Mainwaring (age 54) died.

On 13 Nov 1661 Charles Compton (age 36) died.

On 13 Nov 1666 Anna Marie Eleonore Hanover (age 35) died.

Before 13 Nov 1668 Anne Wenman Lady Fettiplace (age 38) died.

On 13 Nov 1692 Mary Browne (age 99) died.

On 13 Nov 1695 William Byron 3rd Baron Byron (age 59) died. His son William Byron 4th Baron Byron (age 25) succeeded 4th Baron Byron of Rochdale in Lancashire.

On 13 Nov 1699 Paul Foley (age 54) died.

On 13 Nov 1708 Samuel Heathcote (age 52) died.

On 13 Nov 1715 John Lyon 5th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 19) was killed at Sheriffmuir during the Battle of Sheriffmuir fighting for the Jacobites. His brother Charles Lyon 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 16) succeeded 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.

On 13 Nov 1726 Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort England (age 60) died.

On 13 Nov 1760 George Tollemache (age 16) drowned after on a voyage to Lisbon after falling from the mizzen topmast head of HMS Modeste.

On 13 Nov 1760 James Dalrymple 3rd Earl of Stair (age 61) died. His brother William Dalrymple Crichton 5th Earl Dumfries 4th Earl of Stair (age 61) succeeded 4th Earl of Stair.

On 13 Nov 1765 Sophia Dorothea Hohenzollern (age 46) died.

On 13 Nov 1770 George Granville (age 58) died.

On 13 Nov 1771 Jane Hamilton (age 45) died.

On 13 Nov 1771 Elizabeth Chapman Countess Gainsborough (age 63) died.

On 13 Nov 1774 Robert Rochfort 1st Earl of Belvedere (age 66) died. His son George Rochfort 2nd Earl Belvedere (age 36) succeeded 2nd Earl Belvedere, 2nd Viscount Belfield, 2nd Baron Belfield.

On 13 Nov 1778 John Douglas 3rd Baronet (age 70) died. His son William Douglas 4th Baronet (age 48) succeeded 4th Baronet Kelhead.

On 13 Nov 1780 James Charles Pitt (age 19) died at Antigua.

On 13 Nov 1784 Mary Wilbraham-Bootle (age 25) died.

On 13 Nov 1788 Sarah Hunt (age 40) died.

On 13 Nov 1789 Jane Thornhill (age 80) died in Chiswick.

On 13 Nov 1791 Anne Waller died.

On 13 Nov 1797 Reverend Mark Browne 9th Viscount Montagu (age 52) died. Viscount Montagu extinct.

On 13 Nov 1810 Maria Joséphine of Savoy (age 57) died.

On 13 Nov 1814 Francis Ferrand Foljambe (age 65) died.

On 13 Nov 1827 Reverend Charles Fynes aka Fynes-Clinton (age 79) died.

On 13 Nov 1828 Baldwin Leighton 6th Baronet (age 81) died. His son Baldwin Leighton 7th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 7th Baronet Leighton of Wattlesborough.

On 13 Nov 1836 George John Forbes (age 51) died.

On 13 Nov 1838 Henrietta Plumbe Tempest died.

On 13 Nov 1844 Gregory Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes 8th or 14th Baron Saye and Sele (age 75) died. His son William Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes 9th or 15th Baron Saye and Sele (age 46) succeeded 9th or 15th Baron Saye and Sele.

On 13 Nov 1847 Hester Granville Countess Fortescue (age 81) died.

On 13 Nov 1848 Robert Darwin (age 82) died.

On 13 Nov 1849 William Etty (age 62) died.

On 13 Nov 1855 Richard Sutton 2nd Baronet (age 55) died. His son John Sutton 3rd Baronet (age 35) succeeded 3rd Baronet Sutton of Norwood Park in Nottinghamshire.

On 13 Nov 1860 Reverend Henry Pepys (age 77) died.

On 13 Nov 1872 Elizabeth Bligh died.

On 13 Nov 1872 Margaret Sarah Carpenter nee Geddes (age 79) died.

On 13 Nov 1874 Frances Harriet Henslow (age 49) died.

On 13 Nov 1877 Christopher St George (age 65) died.

On 13 Nov 1885 William Sharon Senator Banker (age 64) died.

On 13 Nov 1886 Marcia Mary Vavasour (age 70) died.

On 13 Nov 1892 Jane Frances Stuart (age 70) died.

On 13 Nov 1893 Augusta Catherine Fitzwygram (age 74) died.

On 13 Nov 1900 Mairi Myrtle Willoughby (age 42) died.

On 13 Nov 1903 Georgiana Mary Harbord (age 91) died.

On 13 Nov 1904 Harriet Jacqueline Buller Lady Salusbury-Trelawny (age 83) died.

On 13 Nov 1918 Robert Grosvenor 2nd Baron Ebury (age 84) died. His son Robert Victor Grosvenor 3rd Baron Ebury (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baron Ebury.

On 13 Nov 1925 Eglantine Pleydell-Bouverie died.

On 13 Nov 1928 Kathleen Susan Emma Bligh (age 74) died.

On 13 Nov 1929 Viktoria Hohenzollern (age 63) died.

On 13 Nov 1937 John Richard Geers Cotterell 4th Baronet (age 71) died.

On 13 Nov 1938 Algernon Edwyn Burnaby (age 70) died. Hugh Edwyn Burnaby inherited Baggrave Hall. He sold it in 1939.

On 13 Nov 1940 Captain John Ralph Starkey 1st Baronet (age 81) died. His son William Randle Starkey 2nd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baronet Starkey of Norwood Park in Nottinghamshire.

On 13 Nov 1950 Rowena Wall Duchess Somerset (age 89) died.

On 13 Nov 1954 Frances Louisa Spencer-Churchill Lady Gresley (age 84) died.

On 13 Nov 1969 Edward Littleton 5th Baron Hatherton (age 69) died. His brother John Littleton 6th Baron Hatherton (age 63) succeeded 6th Baron Hatherton.

On 13 Nov 2001 Dorothy Lygon (age 89) died.