On this Day in History ... 18th April

18 Apr is in April.

1589 Trial of Philip Earl of Arundel

1668 Great Barbados Fire

1693 Battle of Aughrim

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 18th April

On 18 Apr 796 Æthelred I of Northumbria (age 34) died.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Ethelred (age 34), king of the Northumbrians, was slain by his own people, on the thirteenth day before the calends of May; in consequence of which, Bishops Ceolwulf and Eadbald retired from the land. Everth took to the government of Mercia, and died the same year. Eadbert, whose other name was Pryn, obtained the kingdom of Kent; and Alderman Ethelherd died on the calends of August. In the meantime, the heathen armies spread devastation among the Northumbrians, and plundered the monastery of King Everth at the mouth of the Wear. There, however, some of their leaders were slain; and some of their ships also were shattered to pieces by the violence of the weather; many of the crew were drowned; and some, who escaped alive to the shore, were soon dispatched at the mouth of the river.

On 18 Apr 1503 King Henry II of Navarre was born to Jean III King Navarre (age 34) and Catherine Grailly I Queen Navarre (age 35).

On 18 Apr 1521 François de Coligny d'Andelot was born to Gaspard I de Coligny Count of Coligny (age 56).

On 18 Apr 1589 Christopher Wray (age 65) acted as judge during the Trial of Philip Earl of Arundel.

On 18 Apr 1613 Philip Wharton 4th Baron Wharton was born to Thomas Wharton (age 25) and Philadelphia Carey.

On 18 Apr 1621 Bridget Chaworth (age 79) died. Monument in St Andrew's Church, Ufford [Map]. Marble with Corinthian Columns and reclining effigy. Corinthian Columns. Jacobean Hooded Monument.

The inscription reads "Dame Bridget, Lady Carr, widow, daughter of Sir John Chaworth of Wiverton, Nottingham, late wife to Sir William Carr of Old Sleaford in the county of Lincoln, who served the late Queen Elizabeth of most famous memory, being one of the gentlewomen of her Majesty's Privy Chamber for the space of five and twenty years, and afterwards served the most renowned Queen Anne, wife to our most gracious sovereign, King James, for the space of 14 years, being the residue of her life, and died the 18th day of April being of the age of 79 years, the which said Lady Carr, out of her love to her dear sister Katherine, the wife of George Quarles of this town of Ufford, esquire, hath caused her body to be here interred 1621".

Bridget Chaworth: In 1542 she was born to John Chaworth and Mary Paston. Around 1590 William Carr and she were married.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Apr 1666. There left her 'sans essayer alcune cose con elle1', and so away by boat to the 'Change [Map], and took coach and to Mr. Hales (age 66), where he would have persuaded me to have had the landskipp stand in my picture, but I like it not and will have it otherwise, which I perceive he do not like so well, however is so civil as to say it shall be altered.

Note 1. 'sans essayer alcune cose con elle'. Without trying to do anything with her.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Apr 1666. [Up] and by coach with Sir W. Batten (age 65) and Sir Thos. Allen (age 54) to White Hall, and there after attending the Duke (age 32) as usual and there concluding of many things preparatory to the Prince (age 46) and Generall's going to sea on Monday next, Sir W. Batten (age 65) and Sir T. Allen (age 54) and I to Mr. Lilly's (age 47), the painter's; and there saw the heads, some finished, and all begun, of the Flaggmen in the late great fight with the Duke of Yorke (age 32) against the Dutch. The Duke of Yorke (age 32) hath them done to hang in his chamber, and very finely they are done indeed. Here is the Prince's (age 46), Sir G. Askue's (age 50), Sir Thomas Teddiman's, Sir Christopher Mings (age 40), Sir Joseph Jordan, Sir William Barkeley (age 27), Sir Thomas Allen (age 33), and Captain Harman's (age 41), as also the Duke of Albemarle's (age 57); and will be my Lord Sandwich's (age 40), Sir W. Pen's (age 44), and Sir Jeremy Smith's. Being very well satisfied with this sight, and other good pictures hanging in the house, we parted, and I left them, and [to] pass away a little time went to the printed picture seller's in the way thence to the Exchange [Map], and there did see great plenty of fine prints; but did not buy any, only a print of an old pillar in Rome made for a Navall Triumph1, which for the antiquity of the shape of ships, I buy and keepe.

Note 1. The columna rostrata erected in the Forum to C. Duilius, who obtained a triumph for the first naval victory over the Carthaginians, B.C. 261. Part of the column was discovered in the ruins of the Forum near the Arch of Septimius, and transferred to the Capitol. B.

On 18 Apr 1668 a great fire in Bridgetown, Barbados destroyed eight hundred building in the town.

On 18 Apr 1674 Charles Townshend 2nd Viscount Townsend was born to Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 43) and Mary Ashe Viscountess Townshend (age 22).

On 18 Apr 1689 Marie Anne Bourbon Condé Conti was born to François Louis "Le Grand Conti" Bourbon Condé Conti Prince Conti (age 24) and Marie Thérèse Bourbon Condé (age 23). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.14%.

Calendars. 18 Apr 1693. Whitehall. Proceedings upon the petition of Helen, Viscountess Kenmare. Shows that upon settlements made by her father and mother, she had, before the wars in Ireland, several lands and tenements in counties Kerry, Cork, and Limerick, to the value of 1,400l. per ann.; that likewise upon her marriage with Nicholas Browne (age 33), esq., now Viscount Kenmare, a jointure was settled and secured to her of 500l. per annum out of the said Lord Kenmare's estate; and that both her husband's and her own estate are seized upon the attainder of her said husband, who was made prisoner of war at Aughrim and afterwards discharged upon the Articles of Limerick. The petitioner prays for a reasonable maintenance out of her own and her husband's estate for the support of herself and her children. Referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. [Ibid., p. 473.]

On 18 Apr 1728 William Tyler was born.

Salisbury Cathedral [Map]. On 18 Apr 1756 James Everard Arundell died. Monument to James Everard Arundell died aged one month.

James Everard Arundell: In Mar 1756 he was born to James Everard Arundell and Ann Wyndham.

After 18 Apr 1765. Church of St Andrew, Wickmere [Map]. Memorial to Henry Spelman (age 46).

Henry Spelman: Around 1719 he was born to William Spelman. Something of a guess. Henry is buried in Wickmere suggesting he is descended from Henry Spelman of Wickmere whose heir William Spelman we guess was this Henry's father. On 18 Apr 1765 Henry Spelman died in Calcutta, India whilst working for the East India Company. His remains were brought to England by Peter Downes. He was buried in Church of St Andrew, Wickmere.

On 18 Apr 1778 Mary Nisbet Countess Elgin was born to William Hamilton Nisbet (age 31) and Mary Manners (age 22).

After 18 Apr 1790. St Giles' Church, Wrexham [Map]. Monument to Evan Morris.

Evan Morris: On 24 Aug 1889 Evan Morris was knighted by Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom on her visit to Wrexham. On 18 Apr 1890 he died.

On 18 Apr 1813 Horatio Walpole 4th Earl Orford was born to Horatio Walpole 3rd Earl Orford (age 29) and Mary Fawkener Countess Orford (age 25).

After 18 Apr 1817. Monument to Catherine Maria Whalley nee Packe at Church of St Mary Magdalene, Ecton [Map] sculpted by John Charles Felix Rossi (age 55).

On 18 Apr 1905 Princess Margarita Glücksburg was born to Andrew Glücksburg (age 23) and Princess Alice of Battenburg (age 20). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Time Team Series 1 Episode 1: The Guerrilla Base of the King was filmed between 16 Apr 1993 and 18 Apr 1993. It was originally shown on 16 Jan 1994.

Location: Athelney Abbey [Map].

Category: Time Team Early Medieval.

Time Team:

Tony Robinson (age 47), Presenter

Mick Aston (age 47), Bristol University Landscape Archaeologist

Gerry Barber, Bristol University Environmental Archaeologist

Phil Harding (age 43), Wessex Archaeological Trust Field Archaeologist

Carenza Lewis (age 30), Royal Commission on Historic Monuments

Robin Bush (age 50), Archivist

Victor Ambrus (age 58), Historical Illustrator

John Gator, Chris Gaffney, Geophysics

Gerry McDonnell, Archeaological Scientist.

Base: George Hotel [Map] in Wedmore.

Techniques: Field Walking, Excavations, Magnetometry, Resistivity, Soil Coring

Sources: Life of Alfred by Asser, Assers Life of Alfred 878.

Historical Figures: King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex, Guthrum Viking.

Events: Battle of Edington.

Outcomes: Plan of Athelney Abbey [Map], possible site of original Saxon church, Anglo-Saxon iron slag indicating iron working; the furthest west found at the time.

Channel 4 Episode

Births on the 18th April

On 18 Apr 359 Gratian Roman Emperor was born.

Before 18 Apr 1367 Philippa Guines Duchess Ireland was born to Enguerrand de Coucy 1st Earl Bedford 1st Count Soissons (age 27) and Isabella Countess Bedford and Soissons (age 34) at Eltham Palace, Kent [Map]. She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 18 Apr 1446 Ippolita Maria Sforza was born to Francesco Sforza I Duke Milan (age 44) and Bianca Maria Visconti (age 21).

On 18 Apr 1463 Ralph Harbottle was born to Bertram Harbottle and Joan Lumley (age 36). His birthdate is usually given as 18 Apr 1465 but this would make his father's death on 02 Aug 1462 incorrect. Adjusted to 18 Apr 1463 which is possible if posthumous. Given his sister Agnes (age 15) is believed to have been born in 1448 Ralph's birth year may be around the same time.

On 18 Apr 1503 King Henry II of Navarre was born to Jean III King Navarre (age 34) and Catherine Grailly I Queen Navarre (age 35).

On 18 Apr 1521 François de Coligny d'Andelot was born to Gaspard I de Coligny Count of Coligny (age 56).

On 18 Apr 1587 Charles Morrison was born to Charles Morrison (age 38) and Dorothea Clerke.

On 18 Apr 1613 Philip Wharton 4th Baron Wharton was born to Thomas Wharton (age 25) and Philadelphia Carey.

On 18 Apr 1620 Winston Churchill was born.

On 18 Apr 1625 John Baber was born.

On 18 Apr 1650 Edward Dering 3rd Baronet was born to Edward Dering 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Mary Harvey Lady Dering (age 20).

On 18 Apr 1656 Anna Walpole was born to Edward Walpole of Houghton (age 31) and Susan Crane (age 25).

On 18 Apr 1674 Charles Townshend 2nd Viscount Townsend was born to Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 43) and Mary Ashe Viscountess Townshend (age 22).

On 18 Apr 1676 Thomas Twysden 4th Baronet was born to William Twysden 3rd Baronet (age 40).

On 18 Apr 1689 Marie Anne Bourbon Condé Conti was born to François Louis "Le Grand Conti" Bourbon Condé Conti Prince Conti (age 24) and Marie Thérèse Bourbon Condé (age 23). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.14%.

On 18 Apr 1708 James Cholmondeley was born to George Cholmondeley 2nd Earl Cholmondeley (age 42) and Elisabeth van Ruytenburgh Baroness Newborough and Newburgh (age 28).

On 18 Apr 1728 William Tyler was born.

On 18 Apr 1731 Alexander Duff 3rd Earl Fife was born to William Duff 1st Earl Fife (age 34).

On 18 Apr 1740 Francis Baring 1st Baronet was born to John Baring (age 43) at Larkbeare House Exeter, Devon.

On 18 Apr 1742 Philip Wenman 7th Viscount Wenman was born to Philip Wenman 6th Viscount Wenman (age 22) and Sophia Herbert (age 25).

On 18 Apr 1752 Thomas Dyke Acland 9th Baronet was born to John Dyke Acland 7th Baronet (age 29) and Elizabeth Dyke Lady Acland.

On 18 Apr 1778 Mary Nisbet Countess Elgin was born to William Hamilton Nisbet (age 31) and Mary Manners (age 22).

On 18 Apr 1783 Reverend Henry Pepys was born to William Weller Pepys 1st Baronet (age 43).

On 18 Apr 1796 Commander William Dent Hedley Dent was born.

On 18 Apr 1813 Horatio Walpole 4th Earl Orford was born to Horatio Walpole 3rd Earl Orford (age 29) and Mary Fawkener Countess Orford (age 25).

On 18 Apr 1831 Marcia Susan Cholmondeley was born to William Cholmondeley 3rd Marquess Cholmondeley (age 31) and Marcia Emma Georgiana Arbuthnot Marchioness Cholmondeley (age 27).

On 18 Apr 1850 William Grey 9th Earl Stamford 5th Earl Warrington was born to William Grey (age 31) at Newfoundland.

On 18 Apr 1860 Robert Grimston was born to James Walter Grimston 2nd Earl Verulam (age 51) and Elizabeth Joanna Weyland Countess Verulam (age 35).

On 18 Apr 1861 Blanche Felicia Curzon was born to Alfred Nathaniel Holden Curzon 4th Baron Scarsdale (age 29) and Blanche Pocklington Senhouse Baroness Scarsdale (age 23).

On 18 Apr 1871 Godfrey Baring 1st Baronet was born to Charles Baring (age 41).

On 18 Apr 1874 Hugh Christopher Whichcote 10th Baronet was born to George Whichcote 8th Baronet (age 56) and Louisa Clagett.

On 18 Apr 1882 Philip Kerr 11th Marquess Lothian was born to Ralph Drury Kerr (age 44) and Anne Fitzalan (age 25).

On 18 Apr 1891 Dorothy Charlotte Forster Baroness Wardington was born to Henry Forster 1st Baron Forster (age 25) and Rachel Douglas-Scott-Montagu.

On 18 Apr 1905 Princess Margarita Glücksburg was born to Andrew Glücksburg (age 23) and Princess Alice of Battenburg (age 20). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 18 Apr 1917 Frederica Hanover Queen Consort Greece was born to Ernest Augustus Hanover Duke Brunswick (age 29) and Viktoria Luise Hohenzollern Duchess Brunswick (age 24). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 18 Apr 1944 Amanda Carmen Heywood-Lonsdale Duchess of Devonshire was born to Commander Edward Gavin Heywood-Lonsdale and June Grace Shakespeare.

On 18 Apr 1971 Samantha Gwendoline Sheffield was born to Reginald Adrian Berkeley Sheffield 8th Baronet (age 25) and Annabel Jones Viscountess Astor (age 22).

Marriages on the 18th April

After 18 Apr 1579 Edward Tyrrell (age 28) and Mary Aston were married.

Before 18 Apr 1623 Christopher Villiers 1st Earl Anglesey (age 30) and Elizabeth Sheldon Countess Anglesey (age 15) were married. He the son of George Villiers of Brokesby and Mary Beaumont 1st Countess Buckingham (age 53).

On 18 Apr 1627 Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey (age 19) and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness (age 22) were married. She the daughter of William Cockayne and Mary Morris Countess Dover (age 62). He the son of Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey (age 44) and Elizabeth Montagu Countess Lindsey.

On 18 Apr 1732 Charles Cockayne 5th Viscount Cullen (age 21) and Ann Warren Viscountess Cullen were married. She by marriage Viscountess Cullen.

On 18 Apr 1736 James Brydges 1st Duke Chandos (age 63) and Lydia Catherine Van Hatten Duchess Chandos were married. She by marriage Duchess Chandos.

On 18 Apr 1785 George Hay 7th Marquess Tweedale (age 32) and Hannah Maitland Marchioness Teviotdale (age 35) were married. She the daughter of John Maitland 7th Earl Lauderdale (age 67) and Mary Turner Lombe Countess Launderdale. They were fourth cousins.

On 18 Apr 1796 Robert Darwin (age 29) and Susannah Wedgwood (age 31) were married. She brought £25,000 which she had inherited from her father Josiah Wedgwood who had died the previous year. They has six children.

On 18 Apr 1816 Reverend John Applethwaite Jones (age 26) and Louisa Prevost were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

On 18 Apr 1816 George Thicknesse-Touchet 20th Baron Audley (age 33) and Anne-Jane Donnelly Baroness Audley were married.

On 18 Apr 1828 Henry Peyton 3rd Baronet (age 23) and Georgina Elizabeth Bethell-Codrington Lady Peyton (age 29) were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Apr 1867 Nathan Meyer 1st Baron Rothschild (age 26) and Emma Louise von Rothschild Baroness Rothschild (age 23) were married. They were half first cousins.

On 18 Apr 1882 Lancelot Aubrey-Fletcher 5th Baronet (age 36) and Emily Harriet Wade Lady Fletcher were married at St Anne's Church, Soho [Map].

On 18 Apr 1892 Arthur Lyttelton (age 35) and Edith Balfour were married.

On 18 Apr 1893 William Craven 4th Earl Craven (age 24) and Cornelia Martin Countess Craven (age 21) were married at Grace Church Manhattan. She an heiress bringing an allowance of $75000 per year and property in Mayfair. He the son of George Grimston Craven 3rd Earl Craven.

On 18 Apr 1895 William Grey 9th Earl Stamford 5th Earl Warrington (age 45) and Penelope Theobald Countess Stamford and Warrington were married in London She by marriage Countess Stamford, Countess Warrington.

On 18 Apr 1903 Montagu Aubrey Rowley Cholmeley 4th Baronet (age 26) and Mabel Janetta Waldo-Sibthorp Lady Cholmeley (age 25) were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Apr 1910 Hedworth Lambton aka Meux (age 53) and Mildred Cecilia Sturt Lady Montagu (age 41) were married. He the son of George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton 2nd Earl Durham and Beatrix Frances Hamilton Countess Durham. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Apr 1932 George Herbert Arthur Edward Hyde Villiers (age 25) and Marion Feodorovna Louise Glyn (age 31) were married. He the son of George Herbert Hyde Villiers 6th Earl Clarendon (age 54).

On 18 Apr 1940 Captain Heneage Michael Charles Finch 9th Earl of Aylesford (age 31) and Pamela Elizabeth Finch Countess of Aylesford (age 38) were married. He was killed in action six weeks later.

On 18 Apr 1953 Michael Temple Canfield (age 26) and Caroline Lee Bouvier (age 20) were married. He the illegitmate son of Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent and Alice "Kiki" Preston aka Gwynne. He a grandson of George V King United Kingdom.

Before 18 Apr 1974 Peter Alistair Ward (age 48) and Claire Leonora Baring (age 38) were divorced.

On 18 Apr 1974 Peter Alistair Ward (age 48) and Elizabeth Rose Westmacott were married. He the son of William Humble Eric Ward 3rd Earl of Dudley and Rosemary Millicent Sutherland-Leveson-Gower.

Deaths on the 18th April

On 18 Apr 796 Æthelred I of Northumbria (age 34) died.

On 18 Apr 818 Bernard King Lombardy (age 21) died.

On 18 Apr 963 Reginar Ardennes Count Ardennes died.

On 18 Apr 1330 Margery Stuteville died.

On 18 Apr 1519 Sibylle Wittelsbach (age 29) died.

On 18 Apr 1527 Isabel Worsley (age 67) died at Tonbridge, Kent [Map].

On 18 Apr 1554 Friedrich Wittelsbach died.

On 18 Apr 1555 Polydore Vergil (age 85) died.

On 18 Apr 1556 John Gage (age 76) died at Firle Place.

On 18 Apr 1579 Eleonore Magdalene Wittelsbach died.

On 18 Apr 1579 Mary Lee died.

On 18 Apr 1585 John Southcote (age 74) died.

On 18 Apr 1607 Rosamund Freschville Baroness Darcy (age 30) died.

On 18 Apr 1614 Thomas Hinson (age 63) died.

On 18 Apr 1617 Mary Knightley (age 32) died.

On 18 Apr 1619 Thomas Hanmer (age 49) died.

On 18 Apr 1621 Bridget Chaworth (age 79) died. Monument in St Andrew's Church, Ufford [Map]. Marble with Corinthian Columns and reclining effigy. Corinthian Columns. Jacobean Hooded Monument.

The inscription reads "Dame Bridget, Lady Carr, widow, daughter of Sir John Chaworth of Wiverton, Nottingham, late wife to Sir William Carr of Old Sleaford in the county of Lincoln, who served the late Queen Elizabeth of most famous memory, being one of the gentlewomen of her Majesty's Privy Chamber for the space of five and twenty years, and afterwards served the most renowned Queen Anne, wife to our most gracious sovereign, King James, for the space of 14 years, being the residue of her life, and died the 18th day of April being of the age of 79 years, the which said Lady Carr, out of her love to her dear sister Katherine, the wife of George Quarles of this town of Ufford, esquire, hath caused her body to be here interred 1621".

Bridget Chaworth: In 1542 she was born to John Chaworth and Mary Paston. Around 1590 William Carr and she were married.

On 18 Apr 1626 Elizabeth Killigrew (age 47) died.

On 18 Apr 1629 Catherine Ogle 8th Baroness Ogle (age 59) died at Bothal [Map].

On 18 Apr 1636 Judge Julius Ceasar (age 78) died.

On 18 Apr 1639 Nicholas St John (age 19) died.

On 18 Apr 1650 Simonds D'Ewes 1st Baronet (age 47) died. His son Willoughby D'Ewes 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet D'Ewes of Stowlangtoft Hall.

On 18 Apr 1674 Captain John Graunt (age 53) died.

On 18 Apr 1681 Robert Gordon 6th of Pitlurg (age 72) died.

Around 18 Apr 1686 Archbishop John Dolben (age 61) died of smallpox. He had been returned from York to London when he came into contact with a person infected with small-pox. Becoming infected himself he died a few days later.

On 18 Apr 1689 George "Hanging Judge" Jeffreys 1st Baron Jeffreys (age 43) died. His son John Jeffreys 2nd Baron Jeffreys (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baron Jeffreys.

On 18 Apr 1690 Charles V Duke of Lorraine (age 47) died. His son Leopold Duke of Lorraine (age 10) succeeded Duke Lorraine.

On 18 Apr 1694 William Hamilton Duke Hamilton (age 59) died. His son James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon (age 36) succeeded 4th Duke Hamilton. His son Charles Hamilton 2nd Earl Selkirk (age 32) succeeded 2nd Earl Selkirk.

On 18 Apr 1702 Penelope O'Brien Countess Peterborough (age 80) died.

On 18 Apr 1712 Louisa Maria Teresa Stewart (age 19) died.

On 18 Apr 1712 William Tracy 4th Viscount Tracy (age 55) died. He was buried at Toddington, Gloucestershire. His son Charles Tracy 5th Viscount Tracy (age 21) succeeded 5th Viscount Tracy of Rathcoole in Dublin.

On 18 Apr 1713 Dorothea Marie Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 39) died at Meiningen.

On 18 Apr 1735 Thomas Hesketh (age 36) died.

On 18 Apr 1752 John Murray 2nd Earl Dunmore (age 66) died. His brother William Murray 3rd Earl Dunmore (age 56) succeeded 3rd Earl Dunmore.

Salisbury Cathedral [Map]. On 18 Apr 1756 James Everard Arundell died. Monument to James Everard Arundell died aged one month.

James Everard Arundell: In Mar 1756 he was born to James Everard Arundell and Ann Wyndham.

On 18 Apr 1758 Charlotte Luther died. She was buried at Lewknor, Oxfordshire.

On 18 Apr 1773 John Berkeley 5th Baron Berkeley (age 75) died without issue at Bruton Abbey [Map]. Baron Berkeley of Stratton in Cornwall extinct.

On 18 Apr 1787 Robert Shirley 6th Earl Ferrers (age 63) died. His son Robert Shirley 7th Earl Ferrers (age 30) succeeded 7th Earl Ferrers, 13th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire. Elizabeth Prentiss Countess Ferrers by marriage Countess Ferrers.

On 18 Apr 1792 Bishop Christopher Wilson (age 78) died.

On 18 Apr 1802 Erasmus Darwin (age 70) died at Breadsall Priory [Map].

On 18 Apr 1816 Arthur John Henry Somerset (age 36) died.

On 18 Apr 1818 Sarah Maria Williams (age 69) died.

On 18 Apr 1827 John Fleming Leicester 1st Baron Tabley (age 65) died. His son George Leicester aka Warren 2nd Baron Tabley (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baron Tabley.

On 18 Apr 1828 John Trevelyan 4th Baronet (age 93) died. His son John Trevelyan 5th Baronet (age 67) succeeded 5th Baronet Trevelyan of Nettlecombe.

On 18 Apr 1830 Louisa Tollemache (age 39) died.

On 18 Apr 1833 Harriet Scott Marchioness Lothian (age 52) died.

On 18 Apr 1834 Harriet Hale Baroness Dundas (age 64) died at 19 Arlington Street, Piccadilly.

On 18 Apr 1846 Frances Elizabeth Ellis (age 53) died.

On 18 Apr 1851 Henry Bickersteth 1st Baron Langdale (age 67) died. Baron Langdale of Langdale in Westmoreland extinct.

On 18 Apr 1865 William Augustus Frederick Craven (age 26) died.

On 18 Apr 1872 George Edward Thicknesse-Touchet 21st Baron Audley (age 55) died. Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire abeyant between his two daughters Mary Thicknesse-Touchet 22nd Baroness Audley (age 13) and Emily Thicknesse-Touchet.

On 18 Apr 1873 Alan Spencer-Churchill (age 47) died.

On 18 Apr 1877 Anthony William Ashley-Cooper (age 74) died.

On 18 Apr 1890 Evan Morris died.

On 18 Apr 1905 Edward Cecil Lascelles (age 18) died.

On 18 Apr 1906 Captain Edwin Payne-Gallwey (age 56) died.

On 18 Apr 1911 Alfred Christian Hohenlohe Langenburg died.

On 18 Apr 1915 Captain Rupert Cholmeley Yea Dering (age 32) died from wounds received in action.

On 18 Apr 1919 George Murray Smith (age 60) died.

On 18 Apr 1923 Aleathea Louisa Adeane died.

On 18 Apr 1926 Edith Bernal (age 80) died.

On 18 Apr 1933 Brigadier-General Herbert Conyers Surtees (age 75) died.

On 18 Apr 1941 Mary Caroline Stuart-Wortley (age 92) died.

On 18 Apr 1944 Major Victor Mackenzie 3rd Baronet (age 61) died.

On 18 Apr 1965 Winifred Contance Hester Paget (age 84) died.

On 18 Apr 2011 Jane McNeill Duchess of Buccleuch (age 81) died.