On this Day in History ... 23rd September

23 Sep is in September.

1338 French Raid on Walcheren

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1459 Battle of Blore Heath

1535 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1642 Battle of Powick Bridge

1683 Rye House Plot

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 23rd September

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 788. This year Elwald, king of the Northumbrians, was slain by Siga, on the eleventh day before the calends of October; and a heavenly light was often seen on the spot where he was slain. He was buried in the church of Hexham [Map]; and Osred, the son of Alred, who was his nephew, succeeded him in the government. This year there was a synod assembled at Acley.

On 23 Sep 1338 a French fleet attacked an English fleet unloading cargo at Walcheren. Five large and powerful English cogs, including Edward III's (age 25) flagships the Cog Edward and the Christopher were captured. The captured crews were executed and the ships added to the French fleet.

On 23 Sep 1450 William Tresham was killed by a group of men as a result of a propery dispute before he was tried for treason.

Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 23 Sep 1459. Ande this year was done a grete jornaye at the Blowre Hethe by the Erle of Saulysbury (age 59) ande the Quenys galentys. And that day the King made vij knyghtys, first, Syr Robert Molyners, Syr John Daune, Syr Thomas Uttyng, Syr John Brembly, Syr Jon Stanley, Syr John Grysly, and Syr Rychard Hardon; and v of thes knyghtys were slayne full manly in the fylde, and many men of yemonry soore hurte, and a full nobylle knyght, the Lord Audeley (age 61), and Syr Thomas Hamdon, knyght, was the getynge of the fylde, and Thomas Squyer and Counteroller of the Pryncys house full sore hurte. And [the] batayle or jornay lastyd alle the aftyr none, fro one of the clocke tylle v aftyr non, and the chasse lastyd unto vij at the belle in the mornynge. And men were maymyd many one in the Quenys party. There were in the Quenys party vM [Note. 5000], and in that othyr party vC [Note. 500], a grete wondyr that evyr they might stonde the grete multytude not ferynge, the King beyng with yn x myle and the quene (age 29) with yn v myle at the castelle of Egyllyssale [Map]. But the Erle of Saulysbury (age 59) hadde ben i-take, save only a Fryer Austyn schot gonnys [Note. shot guns] alle that nyght in a parke that was at the backe syde of the fylde, and by this mene the erle come to Duke of Yorke (age 48). And in the morowe they founde nothyr man ne ehylde in that parke but the fryer, and he said that for fere he a-bode in that parke alle that nyght. But in the mornyng, by-twyne the fylde and Chester, Syr John Dawne is son that was at home in his fadyrs place hadde worde that his fadyr was slayne; a-non he raysyd his tenantys and toke by-syde a lytyl towne i-namyd Torperlay [Map] Syr Thomas Nevyle (age 29), Syr John Nevyle (age 28), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 59), and brought them unto the castelle of Chester, ande there they a-boode tylle the batayle of Northehampton was done, &c.

Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1459. 23 Sep 1459. And in processe of time after, as he was riding towarde Salysbury, or, after some, from his lodging toward London, the lord Audley, with a strong company, was assigned to meet with him, and as a prisoner to bring him unto London. Whereof the said Earl being warned, gathered unto him the more men, and keeping his journey, met with the said Lord Audley at a place callyd Blore Heth, where both companies ran together and had there a strong bickering; whereof in theendthe Earl was victour, and slew there the Lord Audley and many of his retinue. At this skirmish were the. ii. sons of the said Earl sore wounded, named Sir Thomas and Sir John ; the which shortly after, as they were going homewarde, were by some of the queen's party taken, and as prisoners sent unto Chester. When this was known unto the Duke of York and to the other lordys of this party, they knew and understood, that if they provided not shortly for remedy for themself, they should all be destroyed. And for that, they by one assent gathered to them a strong host of men, as of Marchemen and other, and in the month of October, that was in the beginning of the XXXVIII. year of the reign of King Henry, and the later end of this mayor's year, they drew them toward the King, to the entent to remove from him such persons as they thought were enemies unto the common weale of England. But the Queen and her cousel hearing of the intent and strength of these lords, caused the King in all haste to send for the comissions to gather the people, so that in short while the King was strongly accompanied, and so sped him upon his journey toward the Duke of York and his company.

On 23 Sep 1459 John Dudley 1st Baron Dudley (age 58) attempted to ambush John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 28) whilst he was travelling to Ludlow [Map] to join up with the main Yorkist army; the Battle of Blore Heath. Forewarned by scouts he arranged his troops into battle order. The Yorkist army included John Conyers (age 48), Thomas Harrington (age 59), James Harrington (age 29), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59), William Stanley (age 24), Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 26), John Savile, Walter Strickland (age 48) and John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 59).

The Lancastrian army included brothers John Dutton, Thomas Dutton (age 38) and Peter Dutton who were killed.

James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 61) was killed by Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 26). His son John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 33) succeeded 6th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 3rd Baron Tuchet. Anne Echingham Baroness Audley Heighley (age 39) by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.

John Dudley 1st Baron Dudley (age 58) and Edmund Dudley (age 34) were captured. Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles (age 53) fought.

Richard Molyneux of Sefton was killed.

John Egerton (age 55) was killed.

After the battle Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 29) took refuge at Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire [Map].

After the battle Thomas Harrington (age 59), John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 28) and Thomas Neville (age 29) were captured at Acton Bridge Tarporley [Map] and imprisoned at Chester Castle [Map] having been detached from the main Yorkist force.

William Troutbeck (age 23) was killed.

On 23 Sep 1461 Charles "Viana" IV King Navarre (age 40) died. His sister Blanche Trastámara II Queen Navarre (age 37) succeeded II Queen Navarre.

Letters and Papers 1535. 23 Sep 1535. R. O. 413. John Wylliamson to Cromwell.

I have received your letter by John Gresham, with seven pieces of diaper. I have been with Mr. Malete divers times concerning your livery coat, and he says the pattern of the coat for the privy chamber is not yet come, and therefore I have had a coat of "new color sad" to be made for you after my own device. I have sent your letter to Mr. Williams at Hampton Court, and he says that we shall have all that he can do in that behalf. Your works draw to an end. I have delivered to Thomas Thacker, for your buildings, &c. £100. They have been viewed by Mr. Vaghan, and, I trust, will be found as I have written. Sir Ric. a Lee, Sir John, and I are diligent in forwarding your works. One of your masons, dwelling against your great gate in Friar Austins, is sick of the plague. Three corses were buried at Hackney last St. Matthew's Day. Sir Thomas Greene is diligent. My mother and all are well. At the Rolls, 23 Sept. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.

On 23 Sep 1607 Princess Mary Stewart (deceased) was buried in the Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey [Map] opposite her sister Sophia's tomb in a private ceremony. Her effigy, created by Maximilian Colt (age 32), represented a young girl, clad in a mature dress, with the traditional ruff, carved in ivory.

On 23 Sep 1642 Maurice Palatinate Simmern (age 21) was wounded at during the Battle of Powick Bridge.

Lawrence Carey (age 32) was killed.

Charles Lucas (age 29) was wounded.

John Reresby's Diary 05 Aug 1665. 05 Aug 1665. His royal highness (age 31) and his duchess (age 28) came down to York, where they stayed till September the 23rd, when the Duke (age 31) went for Oxford, where the King (age 35) was to meet the Parliament. The Duchess (age 28) went not till some time after. Most of the gentry attended at York whilst their liighnesses were there. The Duke passed his time in shooting and other exercises, the Duchess (age 28) in receiving the ladies, which she did very obligingly. One evening having a little snake (which I kept in bran in a box) in my hand as I was in the presence, one of the maids of honour seeing of it was frightened. The Duchess (age 28), hearing the noise, and what was the occasion, desired to see the snake, and took it into her hand without any fear. This Duchess (age 28) was Chancellor Hyde's (age 56) daughter, and she was a very handsome woman, and had a great deal of wit; therefore it was not without reason that Mr. Sydney (age 24), the handsomest youth of his time, of the Duke's bedchamber, was so much in love with her, as appeared to us all, and the Duchess (age 28) not unkind to him, but very innocently. He was afterwards banished the Court for another reason, as was reported.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Sep 1665. Thence by coach to Lambeth, Surrey [Map], his Lordship, and all our office, and Mr. Evelyn (age 44), to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), where, after the compliment with my Lord very kind, we sat down to consult of the disposing and supporting of the fleete with victuals and money, and for the sicke men and prisoners; and I did propose the taking out some goods out of the prizes, to the value of £10,000, which was accorded to, and an order, drawn up and signed by the Duke (age 31) and my Lord, done in the best manner I can, and referred to my Lord Bruncker (age 45) and Sir J. Minnes (age 66), but what inconveniences may arise from it I do not yet see, but fear there may be many.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Sep 1668. At my office busy all the morning. At noon comes Mr. Evelyn (age 47) to me, about some business with the Office, and there in discourse tells me of his loss, to the value of £500, which he hath met with, in a late attempt of making of bricks1 upon an adventure with others, by which he presumed to have got a great deal of money: so that I see the most ingenious men may sometimes be mistaken.

Note 1. At the end of the year 1666 a Dutchman of the Prince of Orange's party, named Kiviet (age 41), came over to England with proposals for embanking the river from the Temple [Map] to the Tower with brick, and was knighted by the King (age 38). He was introduced to Evelyn (age 47), whom he persuaded to join with him in a great undertaking for the making of bricks. On March 26th, 1667, the two went in search of brick-earth, and in September articles were drawn up between them for the purpose of proceeding in the manufacture. In April, 1668, Evelyn subscribed 50,000 bricks for the building of a college for the Royal Society, in addition to £50 given previously for the same purpose. No more information on the subject is given in Evelyn's "Diary".

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Sep 1680. Came to my house some German strangers and Signor Pietro, a famous musician, who had been long in Sweden in Queen Christina's (age 53) Court; he sung admirably to a guitar, and had a perfect good tenor and bass, and had set to Italian composure many of Abraham Cowley's pieces which showed extremely well. He told me that in Sweden the heat in some part of summer was as excessive as the cold in winter; so cold, he affirmed, that the streets of all the towns are desolate, no creatures stirring in them for many months, all the inhabitants retiring to their stoves. He spoke high things of that romantic Queen's learning and skill in languages, the Majesty (age 50) of her behavior, her exceeding wit, and that the histories she had read of other countries, especially of Italy and Rome, had made her despise her own. That the real occasion of her resigning her crown was the nobleman's importuning her to marry, and the promise which the Pope had made her of procuring her to be Queen of Naples, which also caused her to change her religion; but she was cheated by his crafty Holiness,43 working on her ambition; that the reason of her killing her secretary at Fontainebleau, was, his revealing that intrigue with the Pope. But, after all this, I rather believe it was her mad prodigality and extreme vanity, which had consumed those vast treasures the great Adolphus, her father, had brought out of Germany during his [campaigns] there and wonderful successes; and that, if she had not voluntarily resigned, as foreseeing the event, the Estates of her kingdom would have compelled her to do so.

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Sep 1683. There was this day a collection for rebuilding Newmarket, consumed by an accidental fire, which removing his Majesty (age 53) thence sooner than was intended, put by the assassins, who were disappointed of their rendezvous and expectation by a wonderful providence. This made the King (age 53) more earnest to render Winchester the seat of his autumnal field diversions for the future, designing a palace there, where the ancient castle stood; infinitely indeed preferable to Newmarket for prospects, air, pleasure, and provisions. The surveyor has already begun the foundation for a palace, estimated to cost £35,000, and his Majesty (age 53) is purchasing ground about it to make a park, etc.

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Sep 1700. I went to visit Mr. Pepys (age 67) at Clapham, Surrey, where he has a very noble and wonderfully well-furnished house, especially with Indian and Chinese curiosities. The offices and gardens well accommodated for pleasure and retirement.

On 23 Sep 1713 Ferdinand VI King Spain was born to Philippe V King Spain (age 29) and Maria Luisa Savoy (age 25) at the Royal Alcázar of Madrid. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.

On 23 Sep 1749 Watkin Williams-Wynn 4th Baronet was born to Watkin Williams-Wynn 3rd Baronet (age 57) and Frances Shackerley Lady Williams-Wynn (age 28).

On 23 Sep 1845 René de Saint-Marceaux was born at Reims.

On 23 Sep 1860 Violet Wilhelmina Morgan was born to Frederick Courtenay Morgan (age 26).

On 23 Sep 1880 George Henry Cavendish (age 70) died in Ashford Hall [Map]. He was buried in the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].

George Henry Cavendish: George Henry Cavendish and Louisa Lascelles were married. She the daughter of Henry Lascelles 2nd Earl Harewood and Henrietta Sebright Countess Harewood. On 19 Aug 1810 he was born to William Cavendish and Louisa Ocallaghan.

After 23 Sep 1905. Durham Cathedral [Map]. Memorial to George Hans Hamilton (deceased).

George Hans Hamilton: On 21 Jan 1823 he was born. In 1865 he was appointed Archdeacon of Lindisfarne which office he held until 1882. In 1865 he was appointed Archdeacon of Northumberland. On 23 Sep 1905 he died.

Diary of WEV Young. 23 Sep 1930. Pages 129-131.

Mr Gray (age 58) called me into the hut at five o’clock and paid me off, remarking as he did so that funds this time were very short (I hope he will get enough for his own “honorarium”). Mrs Gray (age 55) also joined in with a few well chosen remarks, plainly intended for my edification, although addressed to her spouse – “Really dear: I cannot keep on making up the expenses of the excavations, my purse will not allow it. I had to make up five pounds for the Ham Hill work.” … In the presence of Sir Joseph and Lady Bowley, I listened meekly to all this … behaving myself with that gruelling humility one should do, in the presence of their superiors, then touching my ragged cap I backed away, and took my leave.

On 23 Sep 1996 Stuart Piggott (age 86) died.

Births on the 23rd September

On 23 Sep 1383 Mary Talbot was born to Richard Talbot 7th Baron Strange Blackmere 4th Baron Talbot (age 22) and Ankaret Strange 7th Baroness Strange Blackmere, Baroness Talbot (age 22) at Hatford. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 23 Sep 1434 Yolande Valois Duchess Savoy was born to Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 31) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 29). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.89%.

On 23 Sep 1571 Christine Wittelsbach was born to William Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 22) and Renata Lorraine Duchess Bavaria (age 27). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.86%.

On 23 Sep 1593 Robert Walpole was born to Calybut Walpole of Houghton (age 32).

After 23 Sep 1632 Elizabeth Wharton Countess Lindsey was born to Philip Wharton 4th Baron Wharton (age 19) and Elizabeth Wandesford Baroness Wharton (age 19).

On 23 Sep 1647 Joseph Dudley was born to Thomas Dudley (age 70) at Roxbury Boston, Massachusetts.

On 23 Sep 1681 Grey Neville was born to Richard Neville (age 25) and Catherine Grey (age 27).

On 23 Sep 1691 John Tufton was born to Thomas Tufton 6th Earl of Thanet (age 47) and Catherine Cavendish Countess Isle Thanet (age 26).

On 23 Sep 1703 Sophia Von Keilmansegg Viscountess Howe was born to Johan Adolf Von Kielmansegg (age 34) and Sophia Charlotte Hanover Countess of Darlington and Leinster (age 28).

On 23 Sep 1713 Ferdinand VI King Spain was born to Philippe V King Spain (age 29) and Maria Luisa Savoy (age 25) at the Royal Alcázar of Madrid. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.

On 23 Sep 1725 Walter Shirley was born to Laurence Shirley (age 31) and Anne Clarges (age 30) at Staunton Harold, Leicestershire [Map].

On 23 Sep 1749 Watkin Williams-Wynn 4th Baronet was born to Watkin Williams-Wynn 3rd Baronet (age 57) and Frances Shackerley Lady Williams-Wynn (age 28).

On 23 Sep 1773 Mary Copley was born to John Singleton Copley (age 35).

On 23 Sep 1781 Juliane Anna Feodorovna Saxe Coburg Gotha was born to Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 31) and Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 24).

On 23 Sep 1781 George Baring was born to Francis Baring 1st Baronet (age 41) and Harriet Herring Lady Baring (age 31). He was baptised on 24 Oct 1781 at St Gabriel's Church.

On 23 Sep 1783 Johnathan Frederick Pollock 1st Baronet was born.

On 23 Sep 1784 James Alexander Stewart was born to Admiral Keith Stewart (age 45).

On 23 Sep 1801 Richard Williams-Bulkeley 10th Baronet was born to Robert Williams 9th Baronet (age 37) and Anne Hughes.

On 23 Sep 1826 Anne Elizabeth Coke was born to George Coke (age 29) and Anne-Elizabeth Hodgson (age 23).

On 23 Sep 1845 René de Saint-Marceaux was born at Reims.

On 23 Sep 1860 Violet Wilhelmina Morgan was born to Frederick Courtenay Morgan (age 26).

On 03 Sep 1901 Legh Algernon Clowes was born to Arthur Clowes (age 34) and Lucy Littleton (age 25). He was baptised at the Church of St Barlok, Norbury [Map] on 23 Sep 1901.

On 04 Mar 1903 Margaret Violet Louisa Clowes was born to Arthur Clowes (age 35) and Lucy Littleton (age 26). He was baptised at the Church of St Barlok, Norbury [Map] on 23 Sep 1901.

On 23 Sep 1907 Frederick Cambridge was born to Adolphus Cambridge Duke Teck (age 39) and Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor Duchess Teck (age 34) at Vienna. He a great x 2 grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 23 Sep 1928 Sarah Gray Stuart was born to Francis Douglas Stuart 18th Earl of Moray (age 36).

On 23 Sep 1929 James George Alexander Bannerman Carnegie 3rd Duke of Fife was born to Charles Alexander Carnegie 11th Earl of Southesk (age 36) and Princess Maud Duff Countess Southesk (age 36). He a great grandson of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom.

Marriages on the 23rd September

Before 23 Sep 1415 Edward Burnell (age 44) and Elizabeth Pole (age 25) were married. She the daughter of Michael de la Pole 2nd Earl Suffolk (deceased) and Katherine Stafford Countess Suffolk (age 39). They were first cousins. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 23 Sep 1454 Charles Artois Count Eu (age 60) and Helen Melun Countess Eu (age 84) were married. She by marriage Countess Eu. The difference in their ages was 24 years; she, unusually, being older than him. He the son of Philip Artois Count Eu and Marie Valois I Duchess Auverge. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry III of England.

On 23 Sep 1584 Robert Sidney 1st Earl of Leicester (age 20) and Barbara Gamage Countess Leicester (age 21) were married. She her father's heir to his considerable fortune. He, the father, had died some twenty-five days before. The marriage took place apparently against the wishes of Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 51).

On 23 Sep 1632 Philip Wharton 4th Baron Wharton (age 19) and Elizabeth Wandesford Baroness Wharton (age 19) were married. She by marriage Baroness Wharton.

On 23 Sep 1666 Louis Henry Count Palatine of Simmern-Kaiserslautern (age 25) and Maria Orange Nassau (age 24) were married. They had no issue. They were first cousin once removed.

On 23 Sep 1731 Robert Smyth of Isfield 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Louisa Carolina Isabella Hervey (age 16) were married. She the daughter of John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 66) and Elizabeth Felton Countess Bristol (age 54).

On 23 Sep 1751 John Howe 2nd Baron Chedworth (age 37) and Martha Parker (age 35) were married.

On 23 Sep 1757 Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet (age 42) and Mary Buller Lady Copley (age 30) were married.

On 23 Sep 1792 Charles Talbot 15th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 39) and Elizabeth Hoey Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford were married.

On 23 Sep 1845 Frederick Hervey-Bathurst 3rd Baronet (age 38) and Clare Emily Brooke were married.

On 23 Sep 1851 David Ogilvy 10th Earl of Airlie (age 25) and Henrietta Blanche Stanley (age 21) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 23 Sep 1852 George Truefitt (age 28) and Mary Haywood were married.

On 23 Sep 1853 William Backhouse Astor Jr (age 24) and Caroline Webster "Lina" Schermerhorn (age 23) were married at Trinity Church.

On 23 Sep 1868 Walter Stafford Northcote 2nd Earl Iddesleigh (age 23) and Elizabeth Lucy Meysey-Thompson (age 24) were married. He the son of Stafford Henry Northcote 1st Earl Iddesleigh (age 49) and Cecilia Frances Farrer Countess Iddesleigh.

Deaths on the 23rd September

On 23 Sep 987 Beatrice Capet (age 49) died.

On 23 Sep 1104 Simon Montfort (age 36) died.

On 23 Sep 1253 King Wenceslaus I of Bohemia (age 48) died.

On 23 Sep 1270 William Montagu (age 57) died.

On 23 Sep 1390 John Metz I Duke Lorraine (age 44) died. His son Charles Metz II Duke Lorraine (age 26) succeeded II Duke Lorraine.

Before 23 Sep 1399 John Savile of Shelley and Golcar (age 74) died at Halifax. His will was proved on 23 Sep 1399. His elder son, John (age 45), appearing as his principal executor. Two months later his widow, Isabel (age 59), took a vow of perpetual chastity before a suffragan of the archbishop of York.

On 23 Sep 1440 Lorenzo "The Elder" de Medici (age 45) died.

On 23 Sep 1448 Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 75) died.

On 23 Sep 1450 William Tresham was killed by a group of men as a result of a propery dispute before he was tried for treason.

On 23 Sep 1455 Philip Dymoke (age 53) died at Scrivelsby. He was buried at Horncastle [Map].

On 23 Sep 1459 John Dudley 1st Baron Dudley (age 58) attempted to ambush John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 28) whilst he was travelling to Ludlow [Map] to join up with the main Yorkist army; the Battle of Blore Heath. Forewarned by scouts he arranged his troops into battle order. The Yorkist army included John Conyers (age 48), Thomas Harrington (age 59), James Harrington (age 29), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59), William Stanley (age 24), Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 26), John Savile, Walter Strickland (age 48) and John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 59).

The Lancastrian army included brothers John Dutton, Thomas Dutton (age 38) and Peter Dutton who were killed.

James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 61) was killed by Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 26). His son John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 33) succeeded 6th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 3rd Baron Tuchet. Anne Echingham Baroness Audley Heighley (age 39) by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.

John Dudley 1st Baron Dudley (age 58) and Edmund Dudley (age 34) were captured. Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles (age 53) fought.

Richard Molyneux of Sefton was killed.

John Egerton (age 55) was killed.

After the battle Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 29) took refuge at Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire [Map].

After the battle Thomas Harrington (age 59), John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 28) and Thomas Neville (age 29) were captured at Acton Bridge Tarporley [Map] and imprisoned at Chester Castle [Map] having been detached from the main Yorkist force.

William Troutbeck (age 23) was killed.

On 23 Sep 1459 John Troutbeck (age 47) died.

On 23 Sep 1459 Elizabeth Stanley (age 36) died.

On 23 Sep 1459 Richard Molyneux (age 62) died at Madeley, Staffordshire.

On 23 Sep 1461 Charles "Viana" IV King Navarre (age 40) died. His sister Blanche Trastámara II Queen Navarre (age 37) succeeded II Queen Navarre.

On 23 Sep 1463 Alice Venables (age 64) died.

Before 23 Sep 1506 John Giffard of Twyford (age 75) died.

On 23 Sep 1508 Beatrice Trastámara (age 50) died.

On 23 Sep 1544 Dorothy Fitzherbert (age 72) died.

On 23 Sep 1571 Bishop John Jewel (age 49) died at Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire. He was buried at Salisbury Cathedral [Map].

On 23 Sep 1582 Louis Duke of Montpensier (age 69) died.

On 23 Sep 1608 Christopher Conyers (age 63) died.

On 23 Sep 1623 Samuel Peyton 1st Baronet (age 32) died. His son Thomas Peyton 2nd Baronet (age 10) succeeded 2nd Baronet Peyton of Knowlton in Kent.

On 23 Sep 1625 John Leventhorpe 1st Baronet (age 65) died. His son Thomas Leventhorpe 2nd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 2nd Baronet Leventhorpe of Shingey Hall in Hertfordshire.

On 23 Sep 1631 Richard Cholmley (age 50) died at Whitby.

On 23 Sep 1632 John Temple (age 33) died.

On 23 Sep 1642 Maurice Palatinate Simmern (age 21) was wounded at during the Battle of Powick Bridge.

Lawrence Carey (age 32) was killed.

Charles Lucas (age 29) was wounded.

On 23 Sep 1655 Elizabeth Vernon Countess Southampton (age 83) died at Hodnet, Shropshire.

On 23 Sep 1691 John Tufton died.

On 23 Sep 1695 Frances Pierrepont Duchess Newcastle upon Tyne (age 65) died.

On 23 Sep 1744 Susannah Hanmer Lady Bunbury (age 68) died.

On 23 Sep 1747 Henrietta Nassau 2nd Countess Cowper (age 34) died.

On 23 Sep 1775 John Bentinck (age 37) died.

On 23 Sep 1778 Henry Bankes (age 80) died.

On 23 Sep 1779 Henry Pelham-Clinton (age 1) died.

On 23 Sep 1792 John Manners (age 61) died.

On 23 Sep 1793 Anne Stevenson died.

On 23 Sep 1842 Maria Digby Countess Ilchester died.

On 23 Sep 1842 Henry Roper-Curzon 15th Baron Teynham (age 53) died without issue. His brother George Henry Roper-Curzon 16th Baron Teynham (age 44) succeeded 16th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.

On 23 Sep 1851 Sophia Sherard Lady Whichcote (age 55) died.

On 23 Sep 1856 Peregrine Langton aka Massingberd (age 76) died.

On 23 Sep 1856 Jane Cornwallis Baroness Braybrook (age 57) died.

On 23 Sep 1856 George Joicey (age 43) died.

On 23 Sep 1864 Louisa Tollemache Duff (age 40) died.

On 23 Sep 1880 George Henry Cavendish (age 70) died in Ashford Hall [Map]. He was buried in the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].

George Henry Cavendish: George Henry Cavendish and Louisa Lascelles were married. She the daughter of Henry Lascelles 2nd Earl Harewood and Henrietta Sebright Countess Harewood. On 19 Aug 1810 he was born to William Cavendish and Louisa Ocallaghan.

On 23 Sep 1886 Gerald Fitzgerald (age 65) died.

On 23 Sep 1899 Alfred Grey (age 65) died.

On 23 Sep 1905 George Hans Hamilton (age 82) died.

On 23 Sep 1912 María Teresa Bourbon (age 29) died.

On 23 Sep 1919 John Henry Kennaway 3rd Baronet (age 82) died.

On 23 Sep 1926 Katherine Louisa Phipps Countess Ellesmere (age 76) died.

On 23 Sep 1932 Anthony Cecil Ashley-Cooper (age 83) died.

On 23 Sep 1936 Algernon Digby (age 87) died.

On 23 Sep 1939 Sigmund Freud (age 83) died.

On 23 Sep 1948 Henry Montagu Villiers (age 85) died.

On 23 Sep 1965 Juliet Lowther (age 84) died.

On 23 Sep 1996 Stuart Piggott (age 86) died.

On 23 Sep 2005 John Knatchbull 7th Baron Brabourne (age 80) died. His son Norton Knatchbull 3rd Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 57) succeeded 8th Baron Bradbourne.