On this Day in History ... 24th March

24 Mar is in March.

1338 French Raid on Portsmouth

1339 French Raid on Harwich

1458 Loveday

1550 Peace of Boulogne

1556 Salisbury Execution of Protestant Martyrs

1603 Death of Queen Elizabeth I Accession of James I

1616 Thomas Overbury Murder and Trial of his Murderers

1668 Bawdy House Riots

1688 Siege of Colchester

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 24th March

Florence of Worcester. 24 Mar 1128. The venerable Godfrey, abbot of Shrewsbury, died on Wednesday, the fourth of the calends of April (24th March). Geoffrey, prior of Canterbury, was, at the request of David, king of Scots, and with the permission of William the archbishop, elected abbot of a place in Scotland called Dunfermline, and ordained by Robert, bishop of St. Andrew's. Urban (age 52), bishop of Llandaff, returned to England, after a successful journey; and, by the king's command, the apostolical mandates respecting him were carried into effect.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 24 Mar 1140. After this, in the Lent, the sun and the day darkened about the noon-tide of the day, when men were eating; and they lighted candles to eat by. That was the thirteenth day before the kalends of April. Men were very much struck with wonder.

On 24 Mar 1338 a large fleet of small French coastal ships sailed across the Channel from Cales [Map] and into the Solent where they landed and burnt the town of Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map].

On 24 Mar 1339 a French fleet raided Harwich, Essex [Map].

On 24 Mar 1458 at Westminster Hall [Map] King Henry VI (age 36) made a great speech [See Chronicle of St Albans] the purpose of which was to ensure future peace in his Kingdom. Some were required to pay fines in recomponse for deaths at the First Battle of St Albans some three years before, some prisoners were released, some were bound to good behaviour, and future arbitration.

After the speech King Henry VI (age 36), Queen Margaret (age 28), John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford (age 22), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 58), Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 29), Henry Beaufort 2nd or 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 22), Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 46), Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland (age 36) and Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 35) processed, hand-in-hand to St Paul's Cathedral [Map] and a ttended a service presided over by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 40).

A Brief Latin Chronicle. 24 Mar 1458. In the year of our Lord 1457 [Note. March 1457 is in 1458 in the Gregorian Calendar], during the sacred Lenten season, a peace was made in London between Lord Richard, Duke of York, the Earl of Warwick, and the Earl of Salisbury, with their followers on one side, and the Duke of Somerset, the Earl of Northumberland, and Lord Clifford, with their followers on the other side, mediated by the illustrious King Henry and other spiritual and temporal lords of the kingdom; for there had been grave and dangerous disturbances [First Battle of St Albans] by some lords at the town of St Albans; the killing of whom had disturbed and inflamed the hearts of many, but was somewhat quelled by a certain satisfaction made, with the Most High granting peace. However, it did not last long.

Anno Domini millesimo cccc°.lvij., sacro tempore quadragesimali, London' facta est concordia inter Dominum Ricardum ducem Eboracensem, Comitem de Warwyc, et comitem Sarum, cum suis, ex parte una, et ducem Somersetie, et Comitem Northumbrie et dominum Clifford, cum suis, ex parte altera, per illustrem regem Henricum et alios dominos regni spirituales et temporales; gravis enim, et periculosa quorundam dominorum apud villam Sancti Albani; quorum interfeccio inquietans et accendens corda multorum, satisfactione quadam facta, prestante Altissimo, partim sopita est. Sed non diu permansit.

Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1458. 24 Mar 1458. In token and for joy wherof, the King, the Queen, and all the said lordys, upon our Lady day annunciacion in Lent, at Paulys went solempnly in processyon, and soone after euery Lord departyd where his pleasure was. And in ther moneth of2 .... folowing, was a great fray in Flete strete, atwene the inhabytauntys3 of the saide strete ; in which fray a gentylman, being the quenys attourney, was slayen. Vpon the Thursday in Whitson weke, the Duke of Somerset, with Antony Ryuers, and other, iiii. kepte iustis of peace before the Queen within the Towre of London, agayne thre esquyers of the quenys, and in lyke maner at Grenewych the Sonday folowing. And upon Trynyte Sunday or the Monday folowing, certeyne shyppys, apperteyning unto the Earl of Warwick, mette with a flote of Spanyardys, and after longe and cruell fyght, toke. vi. of them laden with iron and other marchaudyse, and drowned and chasyd to the noumber of. xxvi. not without sheding of blode on both partyes ; for of the Englyssheme were slayen an hundreth, and many moo woundyd and sore hurte.

Note 1. ii. edit. 1533. 1542. 155

Note 2. of March. MS.

Note 3. the men of court and the inhabytauntys.

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 24 Mar 1458. Ande this same year at Covyntre there was made a pesse [Note. peace] by-twyne the Duke of Somersett Harry (age 22), and the Earl of Saulysbury (age 58), and the Erle of Warwycke (age 29), for the dethe of his fadyr Duke of Somersette, that the Duke of Yorke (age 46) put to dethe at Synt Albonys. And this tretys was made at Covyntre, in the holy tyme of Lentyn, by the mene of Kyng Harry the VI. And alle that holy tyme of Lentyn there might noo mane man that shulde preche by-fore the King, but that he shulde shewe his sarmon in wrytyng, were he docter or other, in so moche the lordys woldys A B C wolde assygne what he schulde say, as for any thynge that longyd unto the common wele, and yf he passyd her commaundement he schulde lese his costys, and goo as he come, withowte mete and drynge. But a becheler of holy devynyte come to that cytte, and whenn he come to preche byfore the kyng, as Maystyr Wylliam Saye, Dene of Poulys and Dene of the kyngys chapylle, hadde desyryd and asygnyd, A B C axyd his name, and his name was Mayster Wylliam Ive, at that tyme beyng at Wynchester in Wycham is college. And A B C said that they moste nedys se his sarmon and his purposse, that he was a vysyd to say by-fore the King the Sonday nexte comynge. And he full goodly toke them his papyr; and they seyng and redynge his papyr, commaundyd to leve out and put a way many troughtys. But that same Mayster Wylliam Ive said but lytylle, but whenn he come to pulpyt he sparyd not to sayd the troughthe, and reportyd by-fore the kyng that A B C made the sarmonys that were said fore, and not thoo that prechyd, and that causyd that þe men that prechyd hadde but sympylle sarmons, for her purposse was alle turnyde upsodowne 3 and that they hadde made love days as Judas made whythe a cosseb with Cryste for they cyste ovyr the mane. The grete rewarde that he hadde for his labyr was the rydyng of viij xx myle yn and out for his travayle, and alle his frendys full sory for hym. But qui veritatem dicit caput fractum habebit, &c. And that same year alle thes lordys departyd from the Parlyment, but they come nevyr alle togedyr after that tyme to noo Parlyment nor conselle, but yf it were in fylde with spere and schylde.

Note b. kiss.

Calendars. 24 Mar 1458. Westminster. Grant to Edmund de Hadham, earl of Richmond, and Jasper de Hathefeld (age 26), earl of Pembroke, the king's uterine brothers, of the keeping of all possessions in the king’s hands by the death of John, duke of Somerset, and by reason of the minority of Margaret (age 14), his daughter and heir, with the marriage of the heir, to hold during her minority, and so from heir to heir. By ps. etc.

Note. Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond and Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 14) were married in 1455.

Letters 1536. 24 Mar 1536. R. O. 541. Lord Lisle (age 71) to Cromwell.

Sends a letter from the captain of Gravelyng to the Emperor's ambassador in England, brought hither by an Englishman who dwells in the English house at Bruges.

On Tuesday last Parker's servant received three of the King's horses, and the fourth is lame. The captain of Gravelines gave 24 crs. for him, and, if he recovers, Parker will pay back this sum and for his meat, and have the horse again. On Monday last Diryck and the man of the duchy of Holster, who came in his company, were sent in a waggon from Bruges to Gawnt, and 16 archers with them. The same day the queen of Hungary removed from Bruges to the forest of Eclow towards Antwerp. Will send news when he hears of Diryk and his companion, as he has a person daily in the Regent's Court. Hears from a man of Marguyson that on Tuesday at midnight all those of Marguyson who belong to the garrison of Boulogne rode forth in harness, he thinks to the revictualling of Turwyn. Begs Cromwell to be good to him in his suits. Calais, 23 March.

After writing the above, went to the dyke to view the foundation of the wall which late fell. As the first stone was laid in the foundation, the rest of the wall and the rampire fell to the ground. If one who spied it had not given warning, it would have killed 10 men. No man can remember such a breach here before. Asks that there may be no lack of money. The breach shall be rid and the work set forward with all diligence. Forty men shall work day and night, and meantime that quarter shall be well furnished with ordnance, and 20 gunners shall watch there every night beside the stand watch and search watch.

The night of the date of this letter, received Cromwell's letter and two letters to the captain of Gravelines, from Cromwell and from the Emperor's ambassador. Has written him an answer, and sent the letters by a discreet fellow, one of the King's servants. Today, 24 March, heard that the Regent is returned from the forest to Gawnte for redress of great matters. Will write again when he hears from the captain of Gravelines. Signed.

Pp. 2. Add.: Chief Secretary and Master of the Rolls. Endd.

R. O. 2. Corrected draft of the preceding. Pp. 2. Add.

Diary of Edward VI. 24 Mar 1550. Peax4 concluded between Englaund, Fraunce, and Scoteland, by, on th' English side, Jhon erl of Bedford lord previ seal, lord Paget de Beaudesert, sir William Petre (age 45) secretary, and sir Jhon Mason (age 47); on the French side, monsuir de Bochepot5, mons. Chastillon,1a Guillart de Mortier,2a and Bouchetel de Sarcy,3a upon condicions, that al titles, tributs and defensis shuld remaine; that the fault of on(e) man, except he be unpunished, shuld not breake the league; that the shippes of marchaundis shal passe to and froe, that pirats shall be called bake, and shippes of warre; that prisoners shal be deliverid of both sides; that we shal not warr with Scoteland, except new occasion be gieven; that Boulein, with the pecis of new conquest, and 2 basilicus,4a 2 demy canons, 3 culvrins, 2 dimy culvrins, 3 sacres, 6 faucons, 94 hagbutes a croke with wodden tayles,5a 21 iron peces; and Lodres1b and Dunglas, with, all th' ordonaunce, saving that that cam from Hadington, shall, within six monthes after this peax proclaimed, be delivred, and for that the French to pay 200,000 scutes within three dayes after the delivery of Boullein, and 200,000 scutes on our Ladie day in harvest next ensuyng, and that if the Scottes raised Lodr. et [?]. we shuld raise Roxborough and Aymouth. For the performance of wich on the 7 of April shuld be deliveride at Guisnes and Ard thies hostagies:

2Marques de Means (age 31).1c, My lord of Soutlifolke (age 14).2c

Mons. Trimouille (age 29).1d My lord of Hertford (age 10).2d

Mons. d'Anguien (age 21).3d My lord Talbot (age 22).4d

Mons. Montmorency (age 19).5d My lord Fizwarren (age 21).6d

Mons. Henaudiere.7d My lord Matravers (age 12).8d

Vicedam de Chartres (age 28).9d My lord Straunge (age 18).10d

Note 4. The commission issued by Henry H. King of France on the 20th Jan. to his four plenipotentiaries to treat for peace is printed in Rymer, Fœdera, xv. 202, and that to the same persons for its ratification, dated 31 March, ibid. p. 220. King Edward's instructions to his commissioners are printed by Burnet, History of the Eeformation, ii. Eecords, No 49, followed (No. 50) by other articles devised in answer to certain doubts moved on the 27th Feb. The original of the latter paper is in MS. Cotton. Caligula, E. IV. (not E. I. as Burnet gives the reference) fol. 270, preceded by other original instructions, also bearing the signatures of the King and council. The treaty itself is printed in Rymer's collection, xv. 211.

Note 5. François de Montmorency (age 54), seigneur de la Rochepot, governor of the isle of France, and lieutenant-general in Picardy. He was younger brother to the constable Anne duc de Montmorency (age 57); and died in 1551. Auselme, Histoire Genealogique, iii. 603.

Note 1a. Gaspard de Coligny II. seigneur de Chatillon-sur-Loing, son of Gaspard de Coligny I. marshal of France, who died in 1541, and brother to Odet cardinal de Châtillon and François seigneur d'Andelot. He was born in 1516, and was now lieutenant-general of the Boulenois in the absence of the seigneur de la Rochepot. After the death of the seigneur d'Annebaut, in 1552, he was made admiral of France. He was afterwards still more distinguished as the chief of the Huguenots, and was one of the victims of the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. Anselme, Histoire Geneal. vii. 152, 883.

Note 2a. André Guillart seigneur du Mortier, a privy councillor.

Note 3a. Guillerm Bochetel seigneur de Sassy, secretary of state and the finances, and greffier of the order of St. Michael.

Note 4a. The acquittance of the French commissioners on the receipt of the artillery and munitions here mentioned, dated the 24th March, is printed in Rymer, xv. 218. The list agrees very nearly with that given by King Edward: — "c'est assavoir, deux Gros Cannons qu'on appelle Bazehqs, deux Demys Canons, trois Coullevrines, deux Demyes Coulevrines, deux Sacres, six Faulcons, soixante quartorze Harquebuzes a crochet de bronze, quinze pieces de fer qu'on appelle Serpentines bons et mauvais, six Harquebuzes de fer a crocq, quatre barillz pouldre serpentine, septcens boulletz de fer pour demyz canons, quatre cens quatre vingtz boullets de fer pour coullevrines, quatre cens quatre vingtz douze boullets de fer pour demys coullevrines, et quatre vingtz douze boullets de fer pour sacres "Two of the "long French pieces called Basiliques" had been brought to Portsmouth, and are mentioned in a warrant addressed to sir Francis Flemming, April 2, 1550. (Council Book.)

Note 5a. The MS. is indistinct in the word "tayles" or "rayles;" but the figures are 94, instead of 74, according to the French receipt. "Hagbuttes of croke of yron" occur in an inventory of the royal artillery, 1 Edw. VI. printed in Meyrick's Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour, vol. iii. p. 11: and the croke is there explained as "the crooked part of the butt protected by iron." The hakbute, or harquebus, was "a short but heavy fire-arm whicli preceded the musket, and carried a ball of about three ounces. The stock of it greatly resembled that of a cross-bow." (Glossary in the same work.) I suspect the crook was really a rest to support it when discharged.

Note 1b. Lauder, in Scotland.

Note 2b. The French hostages were given as security for the payment of the sum of 200,000 crowns in the following August; the English as security for the restoration of the town of Boulogne to France. The custom of giving hostages during the period of a treaty for peace is one of very remote antiquity. "Jurisconsultis obsides dicuntur, qui dati sunt a populi Komani hostibus pro captivis redimendis, vel pro pace componenda." (Lexicon Antiq. Eoman.) The selection of the children of persons of high rank for this purpose may also be traced to the Roman times. Csesar mentions a resolution "Obsides nobilissimi cujusque liberos poscere." (De Bello Gall. i. 31. j The same custom may be traced existing at long intervals in subsequent ages. On the treaty with Scotland in 1139, David king of Scots gave as hostages to king Stephen the sons of five earls. (Ric. of Hexham, in Twysden's Decern Scriptores.) At the conclusion of peace between Edward II. and France in 1325, ten noble youths, who happened at the time to be wards of the Crown, were appointed to accompany the royal train. Their names were Edward de Monthermer, Bernard de la Bret, Jame le Botiller, Johan de Multon, Eobert de Ferrers, Johan Lestrange, Esteven Dabingdon, Hugh le Despenser, Donenald de Mar, and Eic. Tuyt. Each was to be attended either by a maistre or a compaignon. (Archasologia, xxxvi. 248.) On the present occasion the English hostages were all youths; but those of the French were of more advanced age. On the 28th of March the council directed "lettres to the duchesse of Suffolke to give order as the duke of Suffolke her son (being appointed to be a hostage in France) may be furnished and accompanied as to their honours and state belongeth; so as he may be beyond the seas by Easter day; and signifying his abode there not to be long, and his charges to be maintained by the Kinges Matie. The like letters to the duke of Somerset for th'earl of Hertford his son; to th'earl of Warwick for the lord Lisle (age 23) his son; to th' earl of Shrewsbury (age 50) for the lord Talbot (age 22); to the earl of Bedford for the lord Russell; to the earl of Derby for the lord Straunge (age 18); to the earl of Huntingdon for the lord Hastings; to the earl of Bath for the lord Fitzwarren; to the earl of Arundell for the lord Matravers. [Of these it will be perceived that three, the lords Lisle, Russell, and Hastings, were afterwards excused.] Letters to the lord Talbot for his speedy repayre hither by post for the same purpose. "On the 1st of April" the receiver of the Wards has warrant for CC markes to the duke of Suffolke towards his furniture into France." On the following day the Council issued a "warrant to mr. Ayleworth receiver of Devon and Cornwall for C li. to the lord Fitzwarren son to the earle of Bath, towards his furniture, being appointed one of the noblemen hostages to be sent into France. Also a warrant to mr. Wilhams for C li. to the lord Talbot, of the sales, for like purpose. Letters to the lord Cobham (age 53), deputy of Calais, to provide carriage for the stuff and other necessaryes of the hostages, with lodging. Mr. Williams had warrant for M li. to Robert Beverley for the household of the hostages, imprest of the sales. Letter to the said Beverley to defray money upon the warrant of Richard Blunt; governour of the hostages. Warrant to (blanJc) for xl li. towards the furniture of the officers of the household of the hostages, as followeth, for the Pantry, Ewry, Buttrey, Cellar, Kitchen, Pastry, and ScuUery, viij in number, according to the bill." On the xiij April the council sent "lettres to mr. Dansell to have in readiness M'M' crownes of the sunne to be sent into France to the Kinges matie hostages there, whensoever mr. Richard Blount their governour, or in his absence he that shall have the chief charge of them, shall send for the same; wherein he [Dansell] shoulde be repayd according to the value of the money." On the vij May, "a warrant to (blank) for payment of CC marks by waie of his Matie gifte towards the charges of the furniture of the erle of Hertford, appointed one of the hostaiges lately sent into Fraunce." On the iiij July "a warrant to (blank) to paie CCxlvli. xvj s. iijd. to the duke of Somerset in recompense of his charges emploied on the erle of Hertford when he was sent hostaige."

Note 1c. Francois de Lorraine (age 31), marquis de Mayenne, eldest son of Claude first duc de Guise (age 53), and brother to Mary queen of Scotland (age 7). His father died whilst he was in England on this occasion, on the 12th April, 1550. He became prince de Joinville in 1552, and grand-maitre of France in 1559. He was killed at the siege of Orleans in 1563. Anselme, Hist. Geneal. de France, iii. 486, viii. 387.

Note 2c. Charles Brandon, second duke of Suffolk (1545), who died of the sweating sickness in 1551. Two miniatures of him (one of which is incorrectly assigned to his brother) are engraved in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads. Other particulars respecting him are collected in a note to Machyn's Diary, p. 318.

Note 1d. Louis III (age 29). of the name, seigneur de la Tremouille, born in 1521. For his military services in Italy, and elsewhere, Charles IX. erected his vicomté of Thouars into a duchy in 1563. He died at the seige of Mesle in 1577. Anselme, iv. 170.

Note 2d. Edward Seymour (age 10), the Protector's (age 50) heir apparent, by his second wife Anne Stanhope (age 53); restored to the dignity of earl of Hertford by queen Elizabeth in 1559, and died in 1621. Mr. Tytler, vol. i. p. 279, has printed a letter of the duke of Somerset to lord Cobham, deputy of Calais, thanking him for letters dated 13th April 1550, whereby "we be advertised of the good health of our son the earl of Hertford, and also of his behaviour towards the company where he cometh, gaining thereby much commendation, whereof we be right glad." The duke, though no longer Protector, retained the royal "We."

Note 3d. Jean de Bourbon (age 21), comte de Soissons et d'Enghien, brother to Anthony de Bourbon (age 31) at this time duc de Vendosme and afterwards king of Navarre, and to the cardinal de Bourbon (age 26). He was bom in 1528, and died of a pistol-shot received at the battle of St. Quintin in 1557. Anselme, i. 330.

Note 4d. George Talbot (age 22), only son of the earl of Shrewsbury (age 50): he succeeded as ninth earl 1560, and died 1590.

Note 5d. François de Montmorency (age 19), eldest son of the constable Anne duc de Montmorency (age 57). He was born in 1530, and when duc de Montmorency was grand maitre and constable of France; he was elected a knight of the Garter in 1572, as his father had been in 1532. He died in 1579. Anselme, iii. 604.

Note 6d. John Bourchier (age 21), son and heir apparent of William [John] earl of Bath (age 51). He died in his father's life-time, leaving issue William, who succeeded his grandfather in 1560 [1561].

Note 7d. Jean III. seigneur d'Annebaut, only son of Claude d'Annebaut (age 55), marshal and admiral of France, by Françoise de Toumemine, baronne de la Hunaudaye, whose title he now bore. He died of wounds received at the battle of Dreux in 1562, and was the last of his ancient family. Anselme, vii. 179.

Note 8d. Henry FitzAlan (age 12), only son of the earl of Arundel (age 37), born in 1538. He also died during his father's life, in the year 1556, and the ancient earldom went in consequence to the Howards.

Note 9d. Francois de Vendome (age 28), vldame de Chartres, succeeded his father in 1526, and died in 1563, in his 38th year, or, according to other authorities, in 1560. Anselme, viii. 731.

Note 10d. Henry Stanley (age 18), son and heir apparent of the earl of Derby (age 40). He succeeded his father (age 40) as the fourth earl in 1576 [1572?], and died in 1592 [1593].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1554. The xxiiij day of Marche was delevered owt of the Towre [Map] and had the quen('s) (age 38) pardon the lord marques of Northamtun (age 42), my lord Cobham (age 57), and ij of ys sunes, and dyvers odur mo.

Foxe's Book of Martyrs. 24 Mar 1556. Those articles thus answered, (for their articles were one, and their answers in manner like,) the chancellor read their condemnation, and so delivered them to the sheriff: Then spake John Spicer, saying; "O Master Sheriff, now must you be their butcher, that you may be guilty also with them of innocent blood before the Lord." This was the twenty-hird day of March, anno 1556; and the twenty-fourth day of the same month they were carried out of the common gaol [Map] to a place betwixt Salisbury and Wilton, where were two posts set for them to be burnt at: which men coming to the place, kneeled down, and made their prayers secretly together; and then, being disclothed to their shirts, John Maundrel spake with a loud voice, "Not for all Salisbury;" which words men judged to be an answer to the sheriff, which offered him the queen's pardon if he would recant. And after that in like manner spake John Spicer, saying, "This is the joyfullest day that ever I saw." Thus were they three burnt at two stakes; where most constantly they gave their bodies to the fire, and their souls to the Lord, for testimony of his truth.

Note. Tradition suggests they were burned at the location of the Spike, indicating a stake or, subsequently, a gallows, indicated 'S' bottom left on John Speed's map of 1611.

On 24 Mar 1556 Protestant Martyrs Willam Coberley, John Maundrel and John Spicer were burned at the stake in Salisbury Marketplace, Wiltshire [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1560. The xxiiij day of Marche, was mydlent sonday, master Barlow (age 62) byshope of sant Davys dyd pryche at the cowrtt, but the quen was not at yt; butt ther was mony pepull; and he was in ys rochet and ys chymmer, and at v of the cloke yt ended; and contenentt her chapell whent to evy[ning song,] and ther the crosse stood on the auter, and ij candylstykes and ij tapurs bornyng, and after done a goodly anteme song.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1560. The xxiiij day of Marche, was mydlentt sonday, dyd pryche at Powlles [Map] [doctor] Sandes (age 41) the nuw byshope of Wosseter, and ther was m[y lord mayor (age 64)] and the althermen, and he prychyd in ys rochet [and chiminer,] and ther was my lord the erle of Bedford (age 33), and dyvers g[entlemen] and grett audyens of pepull.

Calendars. 24 Mar 1585. Commission to John Audeley of Audeley, knight, Thomas Bryan, knight, Westminster. Humphrey Starky, knight, and Robert Brakenbury, knight of the body, to enquire into the petition of Thomas Bruyn, esquire, that whereas John Colyn, parson of the church of Stifford, was seised of the manor of Southwokyndon, co. Essex, and two acres of land in Stifford, co. Essex, in his demesne as of fee and demised the same to Robert de Memey for life with remainder to Ingelram Bruyn and the heirs male of his body, and the said Robert was seised of the premises and died and they remained to the said Ingelram, who received the esplees thereof and had issue Maurice Bruyn and died, and the premises descended to the said Maurice and he was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee tail and enfeoffed Philippa, late duchess of York, of the same and she granted the same to him and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and they were accordingly seised of the same in their demesne as of fee tail, and the said Maurice enfeoffed John Cley, knight, John Crowland, clerk, Robert Oldefeld, clerk, William Jenny and John Huntyngdon of the same and these granted the same to Thomas Sevmour, knight, Thomas Hungerford, esquire, John Heron, esquire, William Ludlowe, esquire, Nicholas Stathum, Thomas More, Richard Langton and William Everard and their assigns for the life of the said Elizabeth without impeachment of waste, with remainder to the said Maurice and the heirs male of his body, and the said Maurice died and the said Elizabeth afterwards died and the said Thomas Bruyn, as son and heir male of Maurice, entered into the premises and was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee tail imtil he was unjustly disseised by Thomas Tirell, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, now the wife of William Brandon, esquire, to her use, and the said Thomas Tirell died and the said Elizabeth married the said William Brandon and they were seised in their demesne as of fee in her right of the premises, and by an act in Parliament at Westminster, 28 January, 1 Richard III, it was ordained that the said William Brandon should forfeit all the possessions which he held on 18 October then last past, by an inquisition taken at Brendewode, co. Essex, on 80 September, 2 Richard III, it was found etc (as on p, 524), and accordingly the premises were taken into the king's hands and are still in his hands, but the said William Brandon and Elizabeth had no right to the premises, wherefore he prays that justice may be done. By p.s.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1603. 24 Mar 1603. About 10 o’clock King James was proclaimed in Cheapside by all the Council with great joy and triumph.1 I went to see and hear. This peaceable coming-in of the King was unexpected of all sorts of people. Within two or three days we returned to Clerkenwell again. A little after this Queen Elizabeth’s corpse came by night in a barge from Richmond to Whitehall, my Mother (age 42) and a great company of ladies attending it, where it continued a great while standing in the Drawing Chamber, where it was watched all night by several lords and ladies, my Mother (age 42) sitting up with it two or three nights, but my Lady would not give me leave to watch, by reason I was held too young. At this time we used to go very much to Whitehall, and walked much in the garden which was frequented by lords and ladies, my Mother (age 42) being all full of hopes, every man expecting mountains and finding molehills, excepting Sir R. Cecil (age 39) and the house of the Howards, who hated my Mother (age 42) and did not much love my Aunt Warwick. About this time my Lord Southampton (age 29) was enlarged of his imprisonment out of the Tower. When the corpse of Queen Elizabeth had continued at Whitehall as the Council had thought fit, it was carried with great solemnity to Westminster,2 the lords and ladies going on foot to attend it, my Mother (age 42) and my Aunt of Warwick being mourners, but I was not allowed to be one, because I was not high enough, which did much trouble me then, but yet I stood in the church at Westminster to see the solemnities performed. A little after this my Lady and a great deal of other company as Mrs Eliz. Bridges (age 25), Lady Newtin, and her daughter Lady Finch (age 43) [?], went down with my Aunt Warwick to North Hall, and from thence we all went to Tibbalds to see the King who used my Mother (age 42) and aunt very graciously, but we all saw a great change between the fashion of the Court as it is now and of that in the Queen’s time, for we were all lousy by sitting in the chamber of Sir Thomas Erskine (age 37). As the King came out of Scotland, when he lay at York, there was a strife between my Father (age 44) and Lord Burleigh3 (who was the President,) who should carry the sword, but it was adjudged on my Father’s side because it was an office by inheritance and so it lineally descended to me. From Tibbalds the King went to Charterhouse, where Lord T. Howard (age 41) was created Earl of Suffolk, and Lord Mountjoy (age 40) Earl of Devonshire, and restored Lords Southampton (age 29) and Essex (age 12), who stood attainted, likewise he created many barons, among which my uncle Russell (age 43) was made Lord Russell of Thorney, [sic] and for knights they were innumerable. All this spring I had my health very well. My Father (age 44) used to come to us sometimes at Clerkenwell but not often, for he had at this time as it were wholly left my Mother (age 42), yet the house was kept still at his charge.

Note 1. The first time that King sent to the Lords in England, he gave command that the Earls of Northumberland (age 38), Cumberland (age 44), Lord Thomas Howard (age 41), and Lord Mountjoy (age 40) should be added to the Council.

Note 2. Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was on Thursday, April the 8th.

Note 3. A dispute between George Earl of Cumberland (age 44), and the Lord Burleigh.

On 24 Mar 1603 Elizabeth I (age 69) died at Richmond Palace [Map] around three in the morning. Her first cousin twice removed King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) succeeded I King England Scotland and Ireland.

Immediately following her death Robert Carey 1st Earl Monmouth (age 43) started on horseback for Edinburgh to inform King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) arriving at Holyrood Palace [Map] late on the 26 Mar 1603. His conduct met with general disapproval and merited censure as contrary to all decency, good manners and respect. George Carew and Thomas Lake (age 35) were sent by the Council to formally inform James of her death.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1603. 24 Mar 1603. The 20th [Note. A mistake for the 24th?] Mr Flocknall, my Aunt Warwick's man, brought us word from his Lady, that the Queen died about 2/3 o’clock in the morning.

This message was delivered to my Mother (age 42) and me in the same chamber where afterwards I was married.

Note 1. I was at Queen Elizabeth’s death thirteen years and two months old, and Mr Richard Sackville was fourteen years old, he being then at Dorset House with his grandfather and that great family.

At the death of this worthy Queen my mother and I lay at Austin Friars in the same chamber where afterwards I was married.

On 24 Mar 1611 Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 24) was created 1st Viscount Rochester and to the Privy Council. Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 24) was now the Kings (age 44) favourite.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 22 Mar 1616. Upon the 22nd my Lady and I went in a coach to Whingfield and rode about the Park and saw all the woods.1

Note 1. Upon the 24th my Lady Somerset (age 25) was sent by water from Blackfriars as Prisoner to the Tower.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1662. So home again, and took water with them towards Westminster; but as we put off with the boat Griffin came after me to tell me that Sir G. Carteret (age 52) and the rest were at the office, so I intended to see them through the bridge [Map] and come back again, but the tide being against us, when we were almost through we were carried back again with much danger, and Mrs. Pierce was much afeard and frightened. So I carried them to the other side and walked to the Beare [Map], and sent them away, and so back again myself to the office, but finding nobody there I went again to the Old Swan [Map], and thence by water to the New Exchange [Map], and there found them, and thence by coach carried my wife to Bowes to buy something, and while they were there went to Westminster Hall [Map], and there bought Mr. Grant's (age 41) book of observations upon the weekly bills of mortality, which appear to me upon first sight to be very pretty.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1662. Early Sir G. Carteret (age 52), both Sir Williams and I on board The Experiment, to dispatch her away, she being to carry things to the Madeiras with the East Indy fleet. Here (Sir W. Pen (age 40) going to Deptford, Kent [Map] to send more hands) we staid till noon talking, and eating and drinking a good ham of English bacon, and having put things in very good order home, where I found Jane, my old maid, come out of the country, and I have a mind to have her again.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1665. Thence to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), where my wife all this day, having kept Good Friday very strict with fasting. Here we supped, and talked very merry. My Lady alone with me, very earnest about Sir G. Carteret's (age 55) son, with whom I perceive they do desire my Lady Jemimah may be matched.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1665. Then to our discourse with him, Creed, Mr. Viner (age 76), myself and Poyntz about the business of the Workehouse at Clerkenwell, and after dinner went thither and saw all the works there, and did also consult the Act concerning the business and other papers in order to our coming in to undertake it with Povy (age 51), the management of the House, but I do not think we can safely meddle with it, at least I, unless I had time to look after it myself, but the thing is very ingenious and laudable.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1666. After dinner I to White Hall to a Committee for Tangier, where the Duke of Yorke (age 32) was, and I acquitted myself well in what I had to do. After the Committee up, I had occasion to follow the Duke into his lodgings, into a chamber where the Duchesse (age 29) was sitting to have her picture drawn by Lilly (age 47), who was there at work. But I was well pleased to see that there was nothing near so much resemblance of her face in his work, which is now the second, if not the third time, as there was of my wife's at the very first time. Nor do I think at last it can be like, the lines not being in proportion to those of her face.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1667. Away thence, and met with Sir H. Cholmly (age 34), who tells me that he do believe the government of Tangier is bought by my Lord Allington (age 27) for a sum of money to my Lord Arlington (age 49), and something to Lord Bellasses (age 52), who (he did tell me particularly how) is as very a false villain as ever was born, having received money of him here upon promise and confidence of his return, forcing him to pay it by advance here, and promising to ask no more there, when at the same time he was treating with my Lord Allington (age 27) to sell his command to him, and yet told Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) nothing of it, but when Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) told him what he had heard, he confessed that my Lord Allington (age 27) had spoken to him of it, but that he was a vain man to look after it, for he was nothing fit for it, and then goes presently to my Lord Allington (age 27) and drives on the bargain, yet tells Lord Allington what he himself had said of him, as [though] Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) had said them. I am glad I am informed hereof, and shall know him for a Lord, &c. Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) tells me further that he is confident there will be a peace, and that a great man did tell him that my Lord Albemarle (age 58) did tell him the other day at White Hall as a secret that we should have a peace if any thing the King of France (age 28) can ask and our King can give will gain it, which he is it seems mad at.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1667. By and by to the Duke of York (age 33), where we all met, and there was the King (age 36) also; and all our discourse was about fortifying of the Medway and Harwich, Essex [Map], which is to be entrenched quite round, and Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map]: and here they advised with Sir Godfry Lloyd and Sir Bernard de Gum, the two great engineers, and had the plates drawn before them; and indeed all their care they now take is to fortify themselves, and are not ashamed of it: for when by and by my Lord Arlington (age 49) come in with letters, and seeing the King (age 36) and Duke of York (age 33) give us and the officers of the Ordnance directions in this matter, he did move that we might do it as privately as we could, that it might not come into the Dutch Gazette presently, as the King's and Duke of York's (age 33) going down the other day to Sheerenesse [Map] was, the week after, in the Harlem Gazette. The King (age 36) and Duke of York (age 33) both laughed at it, and made no matter, but said, "Let us be safe, and let them talk, for there is nothing will trouble them more, nor will prevent their coming more, than to hear that we are fortifying ourselves". And the Duke of York (age 33) said further, "What said Marshal Turenne, when some in vanity said that the enemies were afraid, for they entrenched themselves? 'Well,' says he, 'I would they were not afraid, for then they would not entrench themselves, and so we could deal with them the better.'"

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1667. Lord's Day. With Sir W. Batten (age 66) to White Hall, and there I to Sir G. Carteret (age 57), who is mighty cheerful, which makes me think and by some discourse that there is expectation of a peace, but I did not ask (him). Here was Sir J. Minnes (age 68) also: and they did talk of my Lord Bruncker (age 47), whose father, it seems, did give Mr. Ashburnham (age 63) and the present Lord Digby (age 54) £1200 to be made an Irish lord, and swore the same day that he had not 12d. left to pay for his dinner: they make great mirth at this, my Lord Bruncker (age 47) having lately given great matter of offence both to them and us all, that we are at present mightily displeased with him.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1668. Thence up and down Westminster by Mrs. Burroughes her mother's shop, thinking to have seen her, but could not, and therefore back to White Hall, where great talk of the tumult at the other end of the town, about Moore-fields [Map], among the 'prentices, taking the liberty of these holydays to pull down bawdy-houses1. And, Lord! to see the apprehensions which this did give to all people at Court, that presently order was given for all the soldiers, horse and foot, to be in armes! and forthwith alarmes were beat by drum and Trumpet through Westminster, and all to their colours, and to horse, as if the French were coming into the town! So Creed, whom I met here, and I to Lincolne's Inn-fields, thinking to have gone into the fields to have seen the 'prentices; but here we found these fields full of soldiers all in a body, and my Lord Craven (age 59) commanding of them, and riding up and down to give orders, like a madman. And some young men we saw brought by soldiers to the Guard at White Hall, and overheard others that stood by say, that it was only for pulling down the bawdy-houses; and none of the bystanders finding fault with them, but rather of the soldiers for hindering them. And we heard a justice of the Peace this morning say to the King (age 37), that he had been endeavouring to suppress this tumult, but could not; and that, imprisoning some [of them] in the new prison at Clerkenwell, the rest did come and break open the prison and release them; and that they do give out that they are for pulling down the bawdy-houses, which is one of the greatest grievances of the nation. To which the King (age 37) made a very poor, cold, insipid answer: "Why, why do they go to them, then?" and that was all, and had no mind to go on with the discourse. Mr. Creed and I to dinner to my Lord Crew (age 70), where little discourse, there being none but us at the table, and my Lord and my Lady Jemimah, and so after dinner away, Creed and I to White Hall, expecting a Committee of Tangier, but come too late. So I to attend the Council, and by and by were called in with Lord Brouncker (age 48) and Sir W. Pen (age 46) to advise how to pay away a little money to most advantage to the men of the yards, to make them dispatch the ships going out, and there did make a little speech, which was well liked, and after all it was found most satisfactory to the men, and best for the King's dispatch, that what money we had should be paid weekly to the men for their week's work until a greater sum could be got to pay them their arrears and then discharge them. But, Lord! to see what shifts and what cares and thoughts there was employed in this matter how to do the King's work and please the men and stop clamours would make a man think the King (age 37) should not eat a bit of good meat till he has got money to pay the men, but I do not see the least print of care or thoughts in him about it at all. Having done here, I out and there met Sir Fr. Hollis (age 25), who do still tell me that, above all things in the world, he wishes he had my tongue in his mouth, meaning since my speech in Parliament. He took Lord Brouncker (age 48) and me down to the guards, he and his company being upon the guards to-day; and there he did, in a handsome room to that purpose, make us drink, and did call for his bagpipes, which, with pipes of ebony, tipt with silver, he did play beyond anything of that kind that ever I heard in my life; and with great pains he must have obtained it, but with pains that the instrument do not deserve at all; for, at the best, it is mighty barbarous musick.

Note 1. It was customary for the apprentices of the metropolis to avail themselves of their holidays, especially on Shrove Tuesday, to search after women of ill fame, and to confine them during the season of Lent. See a "Satyre against Separatists", 1642. "Stand forth, Shrove Tuesday, one a' the silenc'st bricklayers; 'Tis in your charge to pull down bawdy-houses". Middleton's Inner Temple Masque, 1619, Works, ed. Bullen, vii., 209.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1669. Up, and walked abroad in the garden, and find that Mrs. Tooker has not any of her daughters here as I expected and so walked to the yard, leaving Middleton at the pay, and there I only walked up and down the yard, and then to the Hill-House, and there did give order for the coach to be made ready; and got Mr. Gibson, whom I carried with me, to go with me and Mr. Coney, the surgeon, towards Maydston [Map] which I had a mighty mind to see, and took occasion, in my way, at St. Margett's, to pretend to call to see Captain Allen (age 57) to see whether Mrs. Jowles, his daughter, was there; and there his wife come to the door, he being at London, and through a window, I spied Jowles, but took no notice of he but made excuse till night, and then promised to come and see Mrs. Allen again, and so away, it being a mighty cold and windy, but clear day; and had the pleasure of seeing the Medway running, winding up and down mightily, and a very fine country; and I went a little out of the way to have visited Sir John Bankes (age 42), but he at London; but here I had a sight of his seat and house, the outside, which is an old abbey just like Hinchingbroke [Map], and as good at least, and mighty finely placed by the river; and he keeps the grounds about it, and walls and the house, very handsome: I was mightily pleased with the sight of it.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1669. Thence to Maydstone, which I had a mighty mind to see, having never been there; and walked all up and down the town, and up to the top of the steeple, and had a noble view, and then down again: and in the town did see an old man beating of flax, and did step into the barn and give him money, and saw that piece of husbandry which I never saw, and it is very pretty: in the street also I did buy and send to our inne, the Bell, a dish of fresh fish. And so, having walked all round the town, and found it very pretty, as most towns I ever saw, though not very big, and people of good fashion in it, we to our inne to dinner, and had a good dinner; and after dinner a barber come to me, and there trimmed me, that I might be clean against night, to go to Mrs. Allen. And so, staying till about four o'clock, we set out, I alone in the coach going and coming; and in our way back, I 'light out of the way to see a Saxon monument [Map]1, as they say, of a King, which is three stones standing upright, and a great round one lying on them, of great bigness, although not so big as those on Salisbury Plain; but certainly it is a thing of great antiquity, and I mightily glad to see it; it is near to Aylesford, where Sir John Bankes (age 42) lives.

Note 1. Kits-Cotty House [Map], a cromlech in Aylesford parish, Kent, on a hillside adjacent to the river Medway, three and a half miles N. by W. of Maidstone. It consists of three upright stones and an overlying one, and forms a small chamber open in front. It is supposed to have been the centre of a group of monuments indicating the burial-place of the Belgian settlers in this part of Britain. Other stones of a similar character exist in the neighbourhood.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Mar 1669. So homeward, and stopped again at Captain Allen's (age 57), and there 'light, and sent the coach and Gibson home, and I and Coney staid; and there comes to us Mrs. Jowles, who is a very fine, proper lady, as most I know, and well dressed. Here was also a gentleman, one Major Manly, and his wife, neighbours; and here we staid, and drank, and talked, and set Coney and him to play while Mrs. Jowles and I to talk, and there had all our old stories up, and there I had the liberty to salute her often, and pull off her glove, where her hand mighty moist, and she mighty free in kindness to me, and je do not at all doubt that I might have had that that I would have desired de elle had I had time to have carried her to Cobham, as she, upon my proposing it, was very willing to go, for elle is a whore, that is certain, but a very brave and comely one. Here was a pretty cozen of hers come in to supper also, of a great fortune, daughter-in-law to this Manly, mighty pretty, but had now such a cold, she could not speak. Here mightily pleased with Mrs. Jowles, and did get her to the street door, and there to her su breasts, and baiser her without any force, and credo that I might have had all else, but it was not time nor place. Here staid till almost twelve at night, and then with a lanthorn from thence walked over the fields, as dark as pitch, and mighty cold, and snow, to Chatham, Kent [Map], and Mr. Coney with great kindness to me: and there all in bed before I come home, and so I presently to bed.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1676. Dr. Brideoake (age 63), Bishop of Chichester, preached a mean discourse for a Bishop. I also heard Dr. Fleetwood (age 72), Bishop of Worcester, on Matt. xxvi. 38, of the sorrows of Christ, a deadly sorrow caused by our sins; he was no great preacher.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1682. At the meeting of the Royal Society were exhibited some pieces of amber sent by the Duke of Brandenburg (age 62), in one of which was a spider, in another a gnat, both very entire. There was a discourse of the tingeing of glass, especially with red, and the difficulty of finding any red color effectual to penetrate glass, among the glass-painters; that the most diaporous, as blue, yellow, etc., did not enter into the substance of what was ordinarily painted, more than very shallow, unless incorporated in the metal itself, other reds and whites not at all beyond the superfices.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1686. Dr. Cradock (Provost of Eaton) (age 23) preached at the same place on 49 Psalm 13 shewing the vanity of earthly enjoyments.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1688. I went with Sir Charles Littleton (age 60) to Sheen [Map], a house and estate given him by Lord Brounker; one who was ever noted for a hard, covetous, vicious man; but for his worldly craft and skill in gaming few exceeded him. Coming to die, he bequeathed all his land, house, furniture, etc., to Sir Charles (age 60), to whom he had no manner of relation, but an ancient friendship contracted at the famous siege of Colchester, forty years before. It is a pretty place, with fine gardens, and well planted, and given to one worthy of them, Sir Charles (age 60) being an honest gentleman and soldier. He is brother to Sir Henry Littleton (age 64) of Worcestershire, whose great estate he is likely to inherit, his brother being without children. They are descendants of the great lawyer of that name, and give the same arms and motto. He is married to one Mrs. Temple (age 39), formerly Maid of Honour to the late Queen (age 49), a beautiful lady, and he has many fine children, so that none envy his good fortune.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1688. After dinner, we went to see Sir William Temple's near to it; the most remarkable things are his orangery and gardens, where the wall-fruit-trees are most exquisitely nailed and trained, far better than I ever noted.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1688. From thence to Kew, to visit Sir Henry Capel's (age 50), whose orangery and myrtetum are most beautiful and perfectly well kept. He was contriving very high palisadoes of reeds to shade his oranges during the summer, and painting those reeds in oil.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1688. There are many good pictures, especially of Vandyke's, in both these houses, and some few statues and small busts in the latter.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 24 Mar 1690. Monday, I sent Huson to Chester; cosen Whitley retorned about 3; no company after that day.

Calendars. 24 Mar 1693. Whitehall. Post warrant and passes for Mr. Francis Clarke, the messenger, to go to Harwich [S.P. Dom. Warrant Book 87, p.6]; for Peter Mercier, ditto; for Mr. Thomas Scott, ditto; for Lucas Petersen van Willingen, ditto; for Daniel Kulp and Henry Bauman, ditto; and for Isaac Elias, ditto [Ibid., p. 7].

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1699. My only remaining son died after a tedious languishing sickness, contracted in Ireland, and increased here, to my exceeding grief and affliction; leaving me one grandson (age 17), now at Oxford, whom I pray God to prosper and be the support of the Wotton family. He was aged forty-four years and about three months. He had been six years one of the Commissioners of the Revenue in Ireland, with great ability and reputation.

On 24 Mar 1707. St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Monument to William Boothby 1st Baronet (age 69) and Hill Brooke.

Hill Brooke: Around 1636 she was born to William Brooke and Pembroke Lennard. On 06 Apr 1657 William Boothby 1st Baronet and she were married at Chiswick. On 14 May 1704 Hill Brooke died.

On 29 Feb 1720 Ulrika Eleonora Palatinate Zweibrücken Queen Consort Sweden (age 32) abdicated King Sweden. On 24 Mar 1720 her husband Frederick I King Sweden (age 43) was appointed I King Sweden.

In 1772 the original church of the site of Church of St Rumbold, Stoke Doyle [Map] was demolished. The first service in the current church was held on 24 Mar 1727, with funds largely provided by Edward Ward.

Edward Ward: he was born to Edward Ward and Elizabeth Papillon.

Life of William Morris. William Morris, the eldest son and third child of William Morris (age 36) and Emma Shelton, was born at Elm House, Clay Hill, Walthamstow, on the 24th of March, 1834. His ancestry was on neither side in any way remarkable, and family records in the undistinguished middle class, whether commercial or professional, to which both his parents belonged, are generally scanty in amount and do not go far back. Such fact's as have been preserved may be briefly set down, without laying any stress on what is known or what is unknown in the history of the family.

After 24 Mar 1946. St Mary's Churchyard, Chirk. Commonwealth War Grave of 1403645 Leading Aircraftman David Morris Williams Royal Air Force died 24 Mar 1946 aged twenty-four. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Attached to RAF North Witham, accidently drowned at Brampton. Son of David And Maria Ann Williams, of Chirk.

In 24 Mar 1953 Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 85) died.

Births on the 24th March

On 24 Mar 1257 Yolande Lusignan was born to Hugh Lusignan XII Count Lusignan VII Count La Marche III Count Angoulême (age 22) and Jeanne Fougères Countess Lusignan Countess La Marche and Angoulême.

On 24 Mar 1330 William Latimer 4th Baron Latimer of Corby was born to William Latimer 3rd Baron Latimer of Corby (age 30) and Elizabeth Botetort Baroness Latimer Corby at Scampston, Ryedale.

On 24 Mar 1335 Edward Despencer 1st Baron Despencer, Baron Burghesh was born to Edward Despencer (age 25) and Anne Ferrers (age 36) at Essendine Ryall, Rutlandshire. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.78%.

On 24 Mar 1433 Anne Beaufort was born to Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 27) and Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 24). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 24 Mar 1537 Thomas Southwell was born to Robert Southwell (age 31) and Margaret Neville (age 17) at Mereworth, Kent.

On 24 Mar 1615 John St John was born to John St John 1st Baronet (age 29) and Anne Leighton.

On 24 Mar 1650 Bishop Jonathan Trelawny 3rd Baronet was born to Jonathan Trelawny 2nd Baronet (age 27) and Mary Seymour (age 31). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 24 Mar 1685 John Fane 7th Earl of Westmoreland was born to Vere Fane 4th Earl of Westmoreland (age 40) and Rachel Bence Countess of Westmoreland.

On 24 Mar 1730 Mary Wray was born to John Wray 12th Baronet (age 40) and Frances Norcliffe Lady Wray (age 29).

On 24 Mar 1745 John Frederick Sackville 3rd Duke Dorset was born to John Sackville (age 31) and Frances Leveson-Gower (age 24).

On 24 Mar 1753 Frances Manners Countess Tyrconnel was born to John Manners Marquess of Granby (age 32) and Frances Seymour (age 24).

On 24 Mar 1760 Charles Compton 1st Marquess Northampton was born to Spencer Compton 8th Earl of Northampton (age 21) and Jane Lawton Countess Northampton.

On 24 Mar 1801 William Beauclerk 9th Duke St Albans was born to William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans (age 34) and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Mar 1822 Mary Stapleton Viscountess Falmouth 13th Baroness Despencer was born to Thomas Stapleton (age 29) and Frances Woodley (age 62).

On 24 Mar 1828 Wilhelmine Oldenburg was born to Christian August Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 29) and Louise Sophie Danneskiold Samsøe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 24 Mar 1834 William Morris was born to William Morris (age 36) and Emma Shelton (age 30) at Elm House, Clay Hill.

On 24 Mar 1844 Julia Frances Somerville Lady Blackett was born to Kenelm Somerville (age 56).

On 12 Mar 1854 Edith Katherine Manners was born to John James Robert Manners 7th Duke Rutland (age 35) and Catherine Louise Georgina Marlay (age 23). Her mother died three weeks later. On 24 Mar 1854 Edith Katherine Manners died.

On 24 Mar 1859 Henry Lopes 1st Baron Roborough was born to Massey Lopes 3rd Baronet (age 40).

On 24 Mar 1873 Hugh Douglas Blackett 8th Baronet was born to Edward William Blackett 7th Baronet (age 42) and Julia Frances Somerville Lady Blackett (age 29).

On 24 Mar 1940 John Palmer 4th Earl of Selborne was born to Captain William Palmer (age 27) and Priscilla Egerton-Warburton (age 24).

On 24 Mar 1946 Christopher Guy Dyke Acland 6th Baronet was born to Antony Guy Acland 5th Baronet (age 29) and Margaret Joan Rooke Lady Acland.

On 24 Mar 1958 Alexandra Sitwell was born to Sacheverell Reresby Sitwell 7th Baronet (age 30) and Penelope Forbes (age 34).

On 24 Mar 1966 Jago Eliot was born to Peregrine Nicholas Eliot 10th Earl of St Germans (age 25).

Marriages on the 24th March

Before 24 Mar 1300 William Latimer 3rd Baron Latimer of Corby and Elizabeth Botetort Baroness Latimer Corby were married. She by marriage Baroness Latimer of Corby.

Before 24 Mar 1553 Alexander Graham of Wallaceston and Marion Seton Countess Eglinton (age 58) were married. The difference in their ages was 28 years; she, unusually, being older than him. He the son of William Graham 2nd Earl Montrose (age 61) and Janet Keith Countess Montrose. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 24 Mar 1729 Henry Grey 1st Duke Kent (age 58) and Sophia Bentinck Duchess Kent (age 27) were married. She by marriage Duchess Kent. The difference in their ages was 30 years. She the daughter of William Bentinck 1st Earl of Portland and Jane Martha Temple Countess Portland (age 57). He the son of Anthony Grey 1453 1490 11th Earl Kent and Mary Lucas Countess Kent.

On 24 Mar 1798 John Trollope 6th Baronet (age 32) and Anne Thorold were married.

On 24 Mar 1845 Cornwallis Maude 1st Earl Montalt (age 27) and Clementina Elphinstone-Fleming Viscountess Hawarden (age 22) were married.

Deaths on the 24th March

On 24 Mar 1224 William Mowbray 6th Baron Thirsk (age 51) died. Baron Thirsk extinct.

On 24 Mar 1386 John I Count of Auvergne died. His son John II Count Auvergne succeeded II Count Auvergne and Count Boulogne.

On 24 Mar 1390 Elizabeth Darcy Countess Ormonde (age 57) died.

On 24 Mar 1522 Christopher Urswick (age 74) died in Hackney. He was buried in St Augustine's Church Hackney.

On 24 Mar 1574 Henry Denny (age 34) died.

On 24 Mar 1603 Elizabeth I (age 69) died at Richmond Palace [Map] around three in the morning. Her first cousin twice removed King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) succeeded I King England Scotland and Ireland.

Immediately following her death Robert Carey 1st Earl Monmouth (age 43) started on horseback for Edinburgh to inform King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) arriving at Holyrood Palace [Map] late on the 26 Mar 1603. His conduct met with general disapproval and merited censure as contrary to all decency, good manners and respect. George Carew and Thomas Lake (age 35) were sent by the Council to formally inform James of her death.

On 24 Mar 1605 Elizabeth Russell Countess Bath died.

On 24 Mar 1645 Thomas Aston 1st Baronet (age 44) died. His son Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet (age 4) succeeded 2nd Baronet Aston of Aston.

Before 24 Mar 1662 Henry Mildmay 16th Baron Fitzwalter (age 17) died. He was buried on 24 Mar 1662. His brother Benjamin Mildmay 17th Baron Fitzwalter (age 16) succeeded 17th Baron Fitzwalter.

On 24 Mar 1669 John Russell 3rd Baronet (age 29) died. His son William Russell 4th Baronet (age 5) succeeded 4th Baronet Russell of Chippenham in Wiltshire.

On 24 Mar 1676 Cicely Compton Baroness Arundel Wardour (age 66) died.

On 24 Mar 1741 Elizabeth Folkes Lady Hamner (age 41) died.

On 24 Mar 1748 Coventry Carew 6th Baronet (age 31) died without issue. Baronet Carew of Antony in Cornwall extinct. Some sources refer to a seventh and eighth Baronet although it is unclear who these are? Reginald Pole aka Pole-Carew inherited the manor of Antony, Cornwall and changed his surname from Pole to Pole-Carew.

In 24 Mar 1767 Christian Fredericke Zincke (age 84) died at Lambeth, Surrey [Map].

On 24 Mar 1780 Catherine Dashwood Lady Jenkinson (age 87) died.

On 24 Mar 1796 Hercules Rowley 2nd Earl Langford (age 58) died unmarried. Viscount Langford of Longford Lodge extinct.

On or before 24 Mar 1798 Anne Busby Lady Tynte died. On 24 Mar 1798 she was buried at the Church of St Edward King and Martyr, Goathurst [Map].

On 24 Mar 1838 Abraham Hume 2nd Baronet (age 89) died. Baronet Hume of Wormleybury in Hertfordshire extinct.

On 24 Mar 1852 Jane Crawfurd Bruce died.

On 24 Mar 1869 George Chetwynd 3rd Baronet (age 59) died. His son George Chetwynd 4th Baronet (age 19) succeeded 4th Baronet Chetwynd of Brocton Hall in Staffordshire.

On 24 Mar 1870 William Williams 1st Baronet (age 78) died. His son Frederick Martin Williams 2nd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baronet Williams of Tregullow in Cornwall. Mary Christian Law Lady Williams by marriage Lady Williams of Tregullow in Cornwall

On 24 Mar 1909 Dean Herbert Mortimer Luckock (age 75) died. He was buried in the Cathedral Close at Lichfield Cathedral [Map].

On 24 Mar 1921 Marcus Stone (age 80) died.

On 24 Mar 1945 George Kemp 1st Baron Rochdale (age 78) died. His son John Kemp 1st Viscount Rochdale (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baron Rochdale of Rochdale in Lancashire.

In 24 Mar 1953 Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 85) died.

On 24 Mar 1976 Field-Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery 1st Viscount Montgomery (age 88) died. He was buried at St Margaret of Antioch's Church, East Wellow [Map]. His son David Bernard Montgomery 2nd Viscount Montgomery (age 47) succeeded 2nd Viscount Montgomery of El Alamein.

On 24 Mar 1989 Edmund Stockdale 1st Baronet (age 85) died.