On this Day in History ... 24th November

24 Nov is in November.

1326 Execution of Hugh Despencer The Younger

1440 Douglas Black Dinner

1496 Perkin Warbreck Plot

1531 Anne Boleyn Attacked by a Mob

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 24th November

Froissart. 24 Nov 1326. WHEN this feast was done, then sir Hugh Spencer (age 40), who was nothing beloved, was brought forth before the queen (age 31) and all the lords and knights, and there before him in writing was rehearsed all his deeds, against the which he could give no manner of answer. And so he was then judged by plain sentence, first to be drawn on an hurdle with trumps and trumpets through all the city of Hereford [Map], and after to be brought into the market-place [Map], whereas all the people were assembled, and there to be tied on high upon a ladder that every man might see him; and in the same place there to be made a great fire, and there his privy members cut from him, because they reputed him as an heretic and so deemed, and so to be burnt in the fire before his face; and then his heart to be drawn out of his body and cast into the fire, because he was a false traitor of heart, and that by his traitor's counsel and exhortation the king (age 42) had shamed his realm and brought it to great mischief, for he had caused to be beheaded the greatest lords of his realm, by whom the realm ought to have been sustained and defended; and he had so induced the king (age 42) that he would not see the queen his wife nor Edward his eldest son (age 14), and caused him to chase them out of the realm for fear of their lives; and then his head to be stricken off and sent to London. And according to his judgment he was executed. Then the queen (age 31) and all her lords took their way toward London, and did so much by their journeys that they arrived at the city of London, and they of the city with great company met them and did to the queen and to her son great reverence, and to all their company, as they thought it best bestowed. And when they had been thus received and feasted the space of fifteen days, the knights strangers, and namely sir John of Hainault (age 38), had great desire to return again into their own countries, for they thought they had well done their devoir and achieved great honour, and so took their leave of the queen and of the lords of the realm: and the queen and the lords required them to tarry longer a little space, to see what should be done with the king (age 42), who was in prison; but the strangers had so great desire to return into their own countries that to pray them the contrary availed not. And when the queen and her council saw that, they yet desired sir John of Hainault (age 38) to tarry till it was past Christmas, and to retain with him such of his company as pleased him best. The gentle knight would not leave to perform his service, but courteously granted the queen to tarry as long as it pleased her, and caused to tarry such of his company as he could get that was but a few, for the remnant would in no wise tarry, whereof he was displeased. When the queen and her council saw that they would not abide for no prayers, then they made them great cheer and feasts. And the queen made to be given to them plenty of gold and silver for their costs and services, and did give great jewels to each of them according to their degrees, so as they all held themselves right well content. And over that they had silver for their horses, such as they would leave behind them, at their own estimation without any grudging. And thus sir John of Hainault (age 38) abode still with a small company among the Englishmen, who always did him as much honour as they could imagine, and to all his company. And in likewise so did the ladies and damosels of the country; for there were great plenty of countesses and great ladies [and] gentle pucelles, who were come thither to accompany the queen. For it seemed well to them that the knight sir John of Hainault (age 38) had well deserved the cheer and feast that they made him.

On 24 Nov 1326 Hugh "Younger" Despencer 1st Baron Despencer (age 40) was hanged in Hereford [Map]. Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 31) and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 39) were present.

He was dragged naked through the streets, for the crowd's mistreatment. He was made a spectacle, which included writing on his body biblical verses against the capital sins he was accused of. Then he was hanged as a mere commoner, yet released before full asphyxiation could happen.

He was then tied firmly to a ladder and his genitals sliced off and burned while he was still conscious. His entrails were slowly pulled out; finally, his heart was cut out and thrown into a fire. His body was beheaded and cut into four pieces. His head was mounted on the gates of London.

Baron Despencer forfeit.

On 24 Nov 1331 King David II of Scotland (age 7) was crowned II King Scotland at Scone Abbey [Map].

On 24 Nov 1406 Sibia Fortia Queen Consort Aragon died at Barcelona. She had a state funeral. She was buried in the convent of San Francisco (Framenors) in Barcelona.

On 24 Nov 1426 Elizabeth Lancaster Duchess Exeter (age 63) died. She was buried at St Mary's Church, Burford [Map].

On 24 Nov 1440 William Crichton 1st Lord Crichton arranged a dinner of reconciliation at the Great Hall, Edinburgh Castle. During the course of the dinner the young brothers William Douglas 3rd Duke Touraine (age 16) and David Douglas (age 10) was beheaded in front of the young King James II of Scotland (age 10).

On 24 Nov 1472 Pietro Torrigiano was born.

On 24 Nov 1496 John Radclyffe 9th Baron Fitzwalter (age 44) was beheaded at Calais [Map] for trying to bribe his jailers. His son Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 13) succeeded 10th Baron Fitzwalter.

Calendars. Nov. 24. [1531] Sanuto Diaries, v. lv. p. 168. 701. Advices from France, received by the French Ambassador in Venice.

On the day of All Saints the King gave most gracious greeting at Compiegne to the Vice-Chancellor (Vice gran Canzelier) of England, who was accompanied by Sir Francis Bryan (age 41). On the morrow of All Souls the King went out of mourning for his mother, as did the princes, lords, and gentlemen. The Queen and the King's children did not put themselves into mourning. The Queen of Navarre and the children of the King [of Navarre] wore it from beginning to end, spontaneously. The King chose to have an exact list of all the lords, gentlemen, officials, and servants of his mother, and has provided for all of them, from the highest to the lowest, giving them the same amount of salary as they received from the deceased; placing some in his own household, others with the Dauphin and his brothers, the rest in the household of the Princesses, his daughters. The ladies of his mother's household are placed in that of the Queen, and the maids of honour with his daughters. The act was that of a magnanimous prince, such as he is.

On the 5th instant the Bishop of Bayonne returned to the Court from England, and says that the King, on hearing of the death of the late most illustrious “Madame,” made all the English princes and great lords go into mourning; and when the Bishop told this to the Legate, there was present the Emperor's ambassador, who declared that his master had done the like, which is a demonstration of great friendship.

It is said that more than seven weeks ago a mob of from seven to eight thousand women of London went out of the town to seize Boleyn's daughter (age 30), the sweetheart of the King of England, who was supping at a villa (in una easa di piacere) on a river, the King not being with her; and having received notice of this, she escaped by crossing the river in a boat. The women had intended to kill her; and amongst the mob were many men, disguised as women; nor has any great demonstration been made about this, because it was a thing done by women.

To prevent the exportation of grain from France a proclamation has been issued forbidding all millers, bakers, and usurious wheat merchants, any longer to raise the price of corn. No corn may be sold save at market, and no baker, miller, or corn merchant can purchase it two hours after the close of the market, so that the people may be enabled to buy their supply; and the granaries of Paris are to be inspected by competent and worthy men, who are to acquaint themselves with the number of persons forming the household of each proprietor, whether noblemen, councillors, citizens, or merchants, and the annual amount of grain required for their consumption; which being set apart, they will be bound to take all the rest to market and sell it to the people, by reason of the King's just fear lest the people of Paris lack the means of subsistence.

La Fère, 24th November 1531. Registered by Sanuto 18th Dec.


On 24 Nov 1534 Thomas Wriothesley (age 46) died.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Nov 1554. [The same day cardinal Pole (age 54) came from Gravesend [Map] by water, with the earl of Shrewsbury (age 54), the lord Montagu (age 25), the bishops of Durham (age 80) and Ely (age 48), the lord Paget (age 48), sir Edward Hastings (age 33), the lord Cobham (age 57), and diverse] knyghts and gentyllmen, in barges, and thay all [did shoot the] bryge be-twyn xij and on of the cloke, and a-g[ainst] the steleard [Map] of Temes my lord chanseler (age 71) mett [them in his] barge, and my lord of Shrousbury (age 54) [had his] barge with the [talbot, all] ys men in bluw cotes, red-hosse, skarlett capes, [and white] fethers; and so to the cort gatt, and ther the Kyng('s) (age 27) grace [met him] and inbrasyd hym, and so lad ym thrughe the kyng('s) hall;] and he had borne a-for hym a sylver crosse, and [he was arrayed in] a skarlet gowne and a sqware skarlett cape; and my lord [North] bare the swarde a-for the Kyng; and so they whent up unto the Quens chambur, and ther her grace (age 38) salutyd hym; and after he toke ys leyffe, and toke ys barge to ys plase at Lambeth [Map], that was the bysshope of Cantorberys, Crenmer (age 65), and so to dener.

On 24 Nov 1655 Charles XI King Sweden was born to Charles Gustav X King Sweden (age 33).

Pepy's Diary. 24 Nov 1665. After dinner Captain Cocke (age 48) and I about some business, and then with my other barrel of oysters home to Greenwich, Kent [Map], sent them by water to Mrs. Penington, while he and I landed, and visited Mr. Evelyn (age 45), where most excellent discourse with him; among other things he showed me a ledger of a Treasurer of the Navy, his great grandfather, just 100 years old; which I seemed mighty fond of, and he did present me with it, which I take as a great rarity; and he hopes to find me more, older than it. He also shewed us several letters of the old Lord of Leicester's, in Queen Elizabeth's time, under the very hand-writing of Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary, Queen of Scotts; and others, very venerable names.

After 24 Nov 1679. St Peter and St Paul Church, Belton [Map]. Monument to John "Old Sir John" Brownlow 1st Baronet (deceased) sculpted by William Stanton (age 40).

On 24 Nov 1740 John "The Elder" Bacon was born to Thomas Bacon in Southwark, Surrey [Map].

On 24 Nov 1741 Admiral Peter Rainier was born to Peter Rainier.

On 24 Nov 1745 Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain was born to Charles III King Spain (age 29).

On 24 Nov 1745 Thomas Wyndham 1st Baron Wyndham (age 63) died unmarried. Baron Wyndham of Finglass extinct. Monument at Salisbury Cathedral [Map] sculpted by John Michael Rysbrack (age 51).

Against a broad obelisk, Hibernia weeps, holding a rod and draped harp. By an urn, the purse for the Great Seal of Ireland.

Thomas Wyndham 1st Baron Wyndham: On 27 Dec 1681 he was born to Colonel John Wyndham and Alice Fownes. In 1724 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. In 1726 he was appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland. In 1731 Thomas Wyndham 1st Baron Wyndham was created 1st Baron Wyndham of Finglass.

On 24 Nov 1805 Wilhelm Bottner (age 53) died.

On 24 Nov 1816 Llewellynn Jewitt was born to Arthur Jewitt (age 44) and Martha Sheldon of Crooke's Moor in Sheffield at Kimberworth.

On 24 Nov 1935 Herbert Gustav Schmalz aka Carmichael (age 79) died.

Births on the 24th November

On 24 Nov 1273 Alfonso Plantagenet was born to King Edward "Longshanks" I of England (age 34) and Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 32) in Bayonne [Map]. Their ninth child. He was named after Eleanor's (age 32) half-brother Alfonso X King Castile X King Leon (age 52) who was also the child's godfather and attended his christening.

On 24 Nov 1394 Charles Valois Duke Orléans was born to Louis Valois Duke Touraine I Duke Orléans (age 22) and Valentina Visconti (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.38%.

On 24 Nov 1427 John Stafford 1st Earl Wiltshire was born to Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 25) and Anne Neville Duchess Buckingham (age 19). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.35%.

On 24 Nov 1462 James Walsingham was born at Scadbury, Chislehurst.

On 24 Nov 1472 Pietro Torrigiano was born.

On 24 Nov 1559 Oliph Leigh was born to John Leigh of Addington and Joan Oliph.

After 24 Nov 1561 Elizabeth Cave was born to Roger Cave of Stanford (age 38) and Margaret Cecil (age 39).

On 24 Nov 1569 Francis Ashley was born to Anthony Ashley of Damerham (age 28).

On 24 Nov 1589 Lettice West was born to Thomas West 2nd Baron De La Warr (age 33) and Anne Knollys Baroness De La Warr (age 34).

On 24 Nov 1615 Christopher Milton was born to John Milton (age 53) and Sara Jeffrey (age 43).

On 24 Nov 1643 Rebecca Allen was born to John Alleyne (age 43).

On 24 Nov 1655 Charles XI King Sweden was born to Charles Gustav X King Sweden (age 33).

On 24 Nov 1666 Lucy Knightley was born to Lucius Knightley (age 43) and Elizabeth Dent (age 34).

On 24 Nov 1681 Robert Darcy 3rd Earl Holderness was born to John Darcy (age 22) and Bridget Sutton (age 16).

Before 24 Nov 1691 Joseph Gurney was born.

On 24 Nov 1713 Laurence Sterne was born.

On 24 Nov 1724 Anne Buller was born to John Francis Buller (age 29) and Rebecca Trelawny (age 28).

On 24 Nov 1725 George Warde was born.

On 24 Nov 1740 John "The Elder" Bacon was born to Thomas Bacon in Southwark, Surrey [Map].

On 24 Nov 1741 Admiral Peter Rainier was born to Peter Rainier.

On 24 Nov 1745 Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain was born to Charles III King Spain (age 29).

On 24 Nov 1760 William Molyneux was born to Edmund Molyneux of Wall Hill and Newsham House (age 48). He was baptised on 01 Jan 1761 at West Derby.

On 24 Nov 1778 Salusbury Pryce Davenport was born at Rectory, Clungunford.

On 24 Nov 1782 Charles Thomas Talbot was born to Francis Jerome Talbot (age 54) and Margaret Frances Sheldon.

On 24 Nov 1816 Llewellynn Jewitt was born to Arthur Jewitt (age 44) and Martha Sheldon of Crooke's Moor in Sheffield at Kimberworth.

On 24 Nov 1816 Alexander Baillie-Cochrane 1st Baron Lamington was born to Admiral Thomas John Cochrane (age 27).

On 24 Nov 1818 William Henry Wellington Brydges Nugent was born to George Nugent 1st Marquess Westmeath (age 33) and Emily Anne Bennet Elizabeth Cecil Marchioness Westmeath (age 29).

On 24 Nov 1821 Alexander Keiller was born to James Keiller (age 46).

On 24 Nov 1831 Lucius Cary Master of Falkland was born to Lucius Cary 10th Viscount Falkland (age 28) and Amelia Fitzclarence Viscountess Falkland (age 24). He a grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

Before 24 Nov 1837 Louisa Nina Murray was born to William David Murray 4th and 3rd Earl Mansfield (age 31) and Louisa Ellison.

On 24 Nov 1838 Margaret Elizabeth Williams was born to Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Peers Williams (age 43) and Emily Bacon.

On 24 Nov 1855 Algernon Francis Peyton 6th Baronet was born to Thomas Peyton 5th Baronet (age 38).

On 24 Nov 1856 Major Ernest Charles Penn Curzon was born to Ernest George Curzon Howe (age 28).

On 24 Nov 1862 Roland Dormer 13th Baron Dormer was born to James Charlemagne Dormer (age 28).

On 24 Nov 1867 Henry Milles was born to George Milles 1st Earl Sondes (age 43) and Charlote Stracey.

On 24 Nov 1867 Madeline Edith Clifton was born to Thomas Henry Clifton (age 22) and Madeline Diana Elizabeth Agnew (age 20).

On 24 Nov 1932 Victor Brooke 3rd Viscount Alanbrooke was born to Field-Marshal Alan Brooke 1st Viscount Alanbrooke (age 49).

Marriages on the 24th November

Around 24 Nov 1329 Hugh 4th Earl Ross (age 32) and Margaret Graham Countess Ross were married. She by marriage Countess Ross.

On 24 Nov 1435 John Valois II Count of Nevers, Etampes, Rethel and Eu (age 20) and Jacqueline Ailly Countess Nevers were married. He the son of Philip Valois II Count Nevers and Bonne Artois Duchess Burgundy. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 24 Nov 1519 John Raynsford (age 33) and Winifred Pympe (age 22) were married.

On 24 Nov 1561 Roger Cave of Stanford (age 38) and Margaret Cecil (age 39) were married.

On 24 Nov 1562 John Dive and Douglas Denny (age 28) were married.

On 24 Nov 1654 Oliver St John 2nd Earl Bolingbroke (age 21) and Frances Cavendish Countess Bolingbroke were married. She the daughter of William Cavendish 1st Duke Newcastle upon Tyne (age 61) and Elizabeth Bassett Countess Newcastle upon Tyne. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

On 24 Nov 1673 Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 42) and Mary Ashe Viscountess Townshend (age 21) were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years.

Before 24 Nov 1679 John "Old Sir John" Brownlow 1st Baronet (age 89) and Alice Pulteney Baroness Brownlow were married. She by marriage Lady Brownlow of Belton in Lincolnshire.

Before 24 Nov 1681 John Darcy (age 22) and Bridget Sutton (age 16) were married. He the son of Conyers Darcy 2nd Earl Holderness (age 59) and Frances Howard.

On 24 Nov 1687 William Savile 2nd Marquess Halifax (age 22) and Elizabeth Grimston were married. He the son of George Savile 1st Marquess Halifax (age 54) and Dorothy Spencer Lady Savile.

On 24 Nov 1687 Henry Carew 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Gratiana Darrell were married.

Before 24 Nov 1733 Charles Gounter Nicoll (age 29) and Elizabeth Blundell were married.

On 24 Nov 1757 John Chaplin (age 37) and Elizabeth Cecil (age 32) were married. She the daughter of Brownlow Cecil 8th Earl Exeter.

On 24 Nov 1784 Richard Langley and Dorothy Willoughby were married.

On 24 Nov 1787 Grand Duke Charles Frederick of Baden (age 59) and Countess Louise Caroline von Hochberg (age 19) were married. The difference in their ages was 39 years.

On 24 Nov 1800 Mathew Wilson of Eshton Hall (age 28) and Margaret Clive Wilson (age 36) were married. They were first cousins.

On 24 Nov 1824 William Robert Keith Douglas (age 41) and Elizabeth Irvine were married.

On 24 Nov 1830 Reverend John Venables-Vernon (age 32) and Frances Barbara Duncombe were married.

On 24 Nov 1837 William Brabazon 11th Earl of Meath (age 34) and Harriot Brooke Countess Meath were married. He the son of John Brabazon 10th Earl Meath (age 65).

Before 24 Nov 1838 Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Peers Williams (age 43) and Emily Bacon were married.

On 24 Nov 1846 Lieutenant-General Richard Wilbraham (age 35) and Elizabeth Frances Egerton were married. They were first cousins.

On 24 Nov 1864 William Earle Welby (age 41) and Adeline Fane (age 34) were married at St Nicholas' Church, Fulbeck.

On 24 Nov 1891 Colonel Arthur William Henry Drummond of Cromlix (age 29) and Mary Scott were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Nov 1894 Colonel Charles Herbert Clay (age 18) and Violet Harriet Nightingale (age 27) were married.

On 24 Nov 1909 Charles Beresford Fulke 3rd Baron Greville (age 38) and Olive Agnes Grace Baroness Greville (age 33) were married at St Paul's Church, Knightsbridge. She, a widow, brought $1million to the marriage that she had inherited from her first husband; Dollar Princess. Further, she was the nice of the millionaire brothers Michael P. Grace and William R. Grace. She was, apparently, twenty minutes late as a consequence of her car breaking down; pssoibbly the first such bride to be so affected given the earliness of the year.

The reception was held at Carlton Terrace. Guests included Alexander Teck 1st Earl Athlone (age 35).

Their honeymoon was cut short by the serious illness of his father Algernon Greville-Nugent 2nd Baron Greville (age 68) who died nine days after the wedding.

On 24 Nov 1936 Group Captain Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness (age 30) and Isabel Violet Kathleen Manners (age 18) were married. They were divorced in 1951. She the daughter of John Henry Montagu Manners 9th Duke Rutland (age 50) and Kathleen Tennant Duchess Rutland (age 41).

Deaths on the 24th November

On 24 Nov 1192 Bishop Albert Reginar (age 26) was assassinated at Reims.

On 24 Nov 1315 Fulk Fitzwarin 1st Baron Fitzwarin (age 64) died. His son Fulk Fitzwarin 2nd Baron Fitzwarin (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baron Fitzwarin. Eleanor Beauchamp Baroness Fitzwarin (age 37) by marriage Baroness Fitzwarin.

On 24 Nov 1326 Hugh "Younger" Despencer 1st Baron Despencer (age 40) was hanged in Hereford [Map]. Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 31) and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 39) were present.

He was dragged naked through the streets, for the crowd's mistreatment. He was made a spectacle, which included writing on his body biblical verses against the capital sins he was accused of. Then he was hanged as a mere commoner, yet released before full asphyxiation could happen.

He was then tied firmly to a ladder and his genitals sliced off and burned while he was still conscious. His entrails were slowly pulled out; finally, his heart was cut out and thrown into a fire. His body was beheaded and cut into four pieces. His head was mounted on the gates of London.

Baron Despencer forfeit.

Around 24 Nov 1333 Philip Darcy (age 75) died.

On 24 Nov 1361 Thomas Pole (age 28) died.

On 24 Nov 1370 John de Lisle 4th Baron Lisle (age 34) died. His son John de Lisle 5th Baron Lisle (age 4) succeeded 5th Baron Lisle.

On 24 Nov 1406 Sibia Fortia Queen Consort Aragon died at Barcelona. She had a state funeral. She was buried in the convent of San Francisco (Framenors) in Barcelona.

On 24 Nov 1426 Elizabeth Lancaster Duchess Exeter (age 63) died. She was buried at St Mary's Church, Burford [Map].

On 25 Nov 1431 Walter Fitzwalter 7th Baron Fitzwalter (age 31) drowned at sea in a storm whilst returning from France.

Elizabeth Fitzwalter Baroness Dinham 8th Baroness Fitzwalter (age 1) succeeded 8th Baroness Fitzwalter. Note. Chronicle of Gregory 1432 states 24 Nov 1432 or, more specifically, "on Syn Kateryn ys eve" - St Katherine's feast day is 25 Nov.

On 24 Nov 1440 William Crichton 1st Lord Crichton arranged a dinner of reconciliation at the Great Hall, Edinburgh Castle. During the course of the dinner the young brothers William Douglas 3rd Duke Touraine (age 16) and David Douglas (age 10) was beheaded in front of the young King James II of Scotland (age 10).

On 24 Nov 1440 Malcolm Fleming of Biggar and Cumbernauld (age 57) died.

On 24 Nov 1442 Joan Braybrooke 5th Baroness Cobham (age 39) died at Cooling Castle [Map]. Her son Edward Brooke 6th Baron Cobham (age 27) succeeded 6th Baron Cobham. Elizabeth Tuchet Baroness Cobham (age 22) by marriage Baroness Cobham.

On 24 Nov 1462 Walter Culpepper (age 60) died at Goudhurst, Kent.

On 24 Nov 1464 Thomas Parr (age 57) died.

On 24 Nov 1492 Louis de Bruges 1st Earl of Winchester (age 65) died. His son John de Bruges 2nd Earl of Winchester (age 34) succeeded 2nd Earl Winchester.

On 24 Nov 1496 John Radclyffe 9th Baron Fitzwalter (age 44) was beheaded at Calais [Map] for trying to bribe his jailers. His son Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 13) succeeded 10th Baron Fitzwalter.

Between 24 Nov 1526 and 02 May 1527 William Keith 2nd Earl Marischal (age 77) died. His son William Keith 3rd Earl Marischal succeeded 3rd Earl Marischal.

On 24 Nov 1534 Thomas Wriothesley (age 46) died.

On 24 Nov 1549 Anthony Lee (age 39) died.

On 24 Nov 1558 George Leslie 4th Earl Rothes (age 74) died. His son Andrew Leslie 5th Earl Rothes (age 17) succeeded 5th Earl Rothes.

On 24 Nov 1572 John Knox Minister (age 58) died.

On 24 Nov 1587 Anne Carew (age 67) died.

On 24 Nov 1587 William Pelham (age 59) died.

Around 24 Nov 1610 Sophie Hohenzollern (age 28) died from childbirth four weeks after the birth of her only child Jacob Kettler.

Around 24 Nov 1610 John Cooper (age 58) died.

Before 24 Nov 1618 Frances Burgh died.

On 24 Nov 1628 Ralph Delaval (age 51) died.

Before 24 Nov 1637 Margaret Whitmore (age 61) died.

On 24 Nov 1676 Anne Cecil Countess Stamford (age 80) died.

On 24 Nov 1679 John "Old Sir John" Brownlow 1st Baronet (age 89) died without issue. Baronet Brownlow of Belton in Lincolnshire extinct. He left Belton House [Map] to his great-nephew John Brownlow 3rd Baronet (age 20) (grand-son of his brother William Brownlow 1st Baronet) and niece Alice Sherard Baroness Brownlow (age 20) (grand-daughter of his sister Elizabeth Brownlow ) who had married three years before in 1676. He also left them an income of £9,000 per annum and £20,000 in cash. They immediately bought a townhouse in Southampton Square.

On 24 Nov 1684 Anne Grey (age 47) died.

On 24 Nov 1691 Thomas Higgons (age 67) died.

On 24 Nov 1692 Edward Carey (age 36) died.

On 24 Nov 1693 Archbishop William Sancroft (age 76) died.

On 24 Nov 1706 Josiah Heathcote died.

On 24 Nov 1714 Walter Aston 3rd Baronet (age 81) died. His son Walter Aston 4th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 4th Baronet Aston of Tixall and 4th Baronet Aston of Forfar.

On 24 Nov 1715 Hedwig Eleonora Queen Consort Sweden (age 79) died.

On 24 Nov 1722 Elizabeth Percy Duchess Somerset (age 55) died.

On 24 Nov 1724 Ernst Ludwig I Duke of Saxe Meiningen (age 52) died.

On 24 Nov 1733 Charles Gounter Nicoll (age 29) died. He was buried at St Peter's Church Racton Chichester.

On 24 Nov 1738 Charles Turner 1st Baronet (age 72) died without surviving male issue. His brother John Turner 2nd Baronet (age 68) succeeded 2nd Baronet Turner of Warham in Norfolk.

On 24 Nov 1741 Richard Aston died.

On 24 Nov 1744 Catherine Gounter Lady Maynard (age 42) died.

On 24 Nov 1744 Anne Robinson Baroness Gowran died.

On 24 Nov 1745 Thomas Wyndham 1st Baron Wyndham (age 63) died unmarried. Baron Wyndham of Finglass extinct. Monument at Salisbury Cathedral [Map] sculpted by John Michael Rysbrack (age 51).

Against a broad obelisk, Hibernia weeps, holding a rod and draped harp. By an urn, the purse for the Great Seal of Ireland.

Thomas Wyndham 1st Baron Wyndham: On 27 Dec 1681 he was born to Colonel John Wyndham and Alice Fownes. In 1724 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. In 1726 he was appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland. In 1731 Thomas Wyndham 1st Baron Wyndham was created 1st Baron Wyndham of Finglass.

On 24 Nov 1753 Edmund Pytts of Kyre in Worcestershire (age 57) died.

On 24 Nov 1762 Euphemia Lockhart Countess Wigtown (age 59) died.

On 24 Nov 1772 Edward Brabazon 7th Earl Meath (age 81) died. His son Anthony Brabazon 8th Earl Meath (age 51) succeeded 8th Earl Meath.

On 24 Nov 1784 Catherine Brockholes Duchess Norfolk (age 66) died.

On 24 Nov 1784 John Willes (age 63) died.

On 24 Nov 1785 Duchess Frederica of Württemberg (age 20) died.

Before 24 Nov 1792 Elizabeth Strangways-Horner Countess Ilchester (age 70) died.

On 24 Nov 1797 Robert Shafto (age 65) died.

On 24 Nov 1803 Luise Oldenburg (age 20) died.

On 24 Nov 1805 Wilhelm Bottner (age 53) died.

On 24 Nov 1807 Lieutenant Nevile Fane (age 19) died of yellow fever at Bridgetown, Barbados where he was buried.

On 24 Nov 1835 Eleanor Mary Arundell Baroness Clifford Chudleigh (age 69) died.

On 24 Nov 1837 Louisa Ellison died probably as a consequence of childbirth since her daughter Louisa Nina Murray was born shortly before.

On 24 Nov 1837 Richard Le Poer Trench 2nd Earl Clancarty (age 70) died. His son William Trench 3rd Earl of Clancarty (age 34) succeeded 3rd Earl Clancarty.

On 24 Nov 1853 Mary Grace Watson died.

On 24 Nov 1869 Evelyn Leveson-Gower (age 44) died.

On 24 Nov 1876 Maria Francesca Rossetti (age 49) died unmarried of overian cancer. She was buried in the convent plot at Brompton Cemetery, Kensington.

On 24 Nov 1879 Granville Dudley Ryder (age 79) died.

On 24 Nov 1884 Reverend Henry Montagu Browne (age 85) died.

On 24 Nov 1885 Anne Legge (age 88) died.

On 24 Nov 1887 Ida Louise Bennet Countess Dalhousie (age 30) died.

On 24 Nov 1894 Eleanor Cecily Lowther died.

On 24 Nov 1935 Herbert Gustav Schmalz aka Carmichael (age 79) died.

On 24 Nov 1940 George Tryon 1st Baron Tryon (age 69) died.

On 24 Nov 1941 Lieutenant Brinsley Sheridan Bush Plunket (age 38) died. He was buried at the Khartoum War Cemetery, Plot 2. C. 19.

On 24 Nov 1943 Herbert Walter Acland-Troyte (age 61) died.

On 24 Nov 1958 Arthur Morton Grenfell (age 85) died.

On 24 Nov 1960 Olga Alexandrovna Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 78) died.

On 24 Nov 1974 Mary Caroline Magdalan Fitzalan Howard (age 94) died.

On 24 Nov 1990 Richard Acland 15th Baronet (age 83) died. His son John Dyke Acland 16th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 16th Baronet Acland of Columb John in Devon.

On 24 Nov 2001 Sophie Glücksburg (age 87) died.