On this Day in History ... 25th December

25 Dec is in December.

800 Coronation of Charlemgne as Holy Roman Emperor

800 Coronation of Charles "Younger" King Franks

1060 Ealdred Appointed Archbishop of York

1066 Coronation of William The Conqueror

1137 Coronation of Eleanor of Aquitaine as Queen Consort Franks

1175 Abergavenny Massacre

1192 Capture of Richard I

1285 Antony Bek Enthroned as Bishop of Durham

1327 Coronation of Edward III

1406 John II King Castile Succeeds

1600 Baptism of Prince Charles

1603 Prince Henry's Welcome at Winchester

1642 Birth of Isaac Newton

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

25 Dec is Christmas Day, the Feast of the Nativity, the birth of Jesus Christ.

Events on the 25th December

On 25 Dec 800 Charles "Younger" King Franks (age 28) was crowned King of the Franks.

On 25 Dec 800 Charles "Charlemagne aka Great" King Franks King Lombardy Holy Roman Emperor (age 58) was crowned Holy Roman Emperor at St Peter's Basilica by Pope Leo III.

On 25 Dec 980 Otto "Red" II King Germany II Holy Roman Emperor II King Italy (age 25) was appointed II King Italy. Theophanu Unknown Holy Roman Empress by marriage Queen Consort Italy.

On 25 Dec 1046 Henry "Black Pious" Salian III Holy Roman Emperor (age 29) was crowned as III Holy Roman Emperor.

On 25 Dec 1060 Archbishop Ealdred was appointed Archbishop of York.

Flowers of History. Before 25 Dec 1066. William, Duke of Normandy (age 38), proceeded to the city of London, was received with great exultation by both clergy and people, and was proclaimed king by universal acclamation, and on the day of the birth of our Lord he received the crown of the kingdom of England from Aeldred, archbishop of York. For he refused to accept the office of consecration from Stigand archbishop of Canterbury, although of ancient right that solemn office is known to belong to that see, because he had no legal right to occupy that pre-eminent dignity. Then, haying received homage and the oath of fealty, and hostages likewise, from the nobles, and being confirmed in his kingdom, be became the terror of all those who had aspired to the kingdom. And having arranged his affairs in the different cities and castles, and having placed his own servants in them, he sailed back to Normandy [Map] with the English hostages, and with inestimable treasures. And, when he put the hostages in prison, and committed them to the custody of safe keepers, he returned again to England, where he distributed with a liberal hand the estates and possessions of the Epglish among his Norman comrades who had helped him to subdue the country in the battle of Hastings; expelling all the legitimate owners successively, and becoming a tyrant rather than a king, he burdened the little that remained to them with the yoke of perpetual slavery. And when he saw himself now raised to such a lofty dignity, and confirmed in his proud kingdom, he became rapidly changed into another man; and, alas ! alas ! trampled under foot the nobles of the land, whom their hereditary blood had elevated from the times of old. And the nobles of the kingdom being indignant at this, fled, some of them to Malcolm, king of Scotland (age 35), others, preferring to end their unhappy lives rather than to endure a shameful slavery, sought the desert places and woods, and there living the life of wild beasts, and repenting of having made submission to the Normans, and being weighed down as to their inmost hearts with violent grief, though it was now too late, had recourse to the only hope left them, and prepared secret plots and intrigues. But the noble counts, the brothers Edwin and Morcar, and many other nobles, and many also of the bishops and clergy and many others, whom it would take too long to enumerate by name, when they saw that theirs was the weaker side, and as they disdained to become slaves, abandoned England altogether.

Flowers of History. 25 Dec 1066. William (age 38) was consecrated king, and crowned on the day of the Nativity of our Lord, on the second day of the week, by Ealdred, archbishop of York, as I have said before, because Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, had been suspended by pope Alexander (age 56) as a schismatic. At that time there was a very powerful officer, Eadric, surnamed Silvaticus, the son of Aelfric, the son of Edric Streona; and the chatelains of Hereford, and Richard, the son of Scrob, frequently laid waste his territories, because he disdained to submit to the king (age 38), but, as often as they attacked him they lost a great number of their soldiers and men-at-arms. Therefore Edric invited Bleothwin and Biwathe, kings of Wales, to come to his assistance; and, about the day of The Assumption of the blessed Virgin, he laid waste the province of Hereford, as far as the bridge over the river Wye, and carried off a large booty.

On 25 Dec 1100 Baldwin I King Jerusalem (age 42) was crowned I King Jerusalem.

Around 25 Dec 1175, Christmas, William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber (age 31) invited the local Welsh nobles to his Christmas court at Abergavenny Castle [Map] as an act of reconciliation. Seisyll ap Dyfnwal Gwent and his elder son Geoffrey Gwent were murdered. William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber (age 31) and his men then rode to Seisyll's home. There his younger son Cadwalladr Gwent (age 7) was murdered and his wife captured.

Around 25 Dec 1192 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 35) was captured near Vienna by Leopold V Duke of Austria (age 35) who blamed Richard for the death of his cousin Conrad of Montferrat. Further, Richard had offended Leopold by casting down his standard from the walls of Acre. Leopold imprisoned Richard at Dürnstein Castle. Leopold was excommunicated by Pope Celestine III for having imprisoned a crusader. He, Richard, had travelled from Aquileia which suggests he was taking an easterly route around the Alps rather than travelling westerly through Lombardy, or across the Alps, both of which would have been shorter.

On 25 or 26 Dec 1251 Alexander III King Scotland (age 10) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 11) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. The couple remained in York until Jan 1252 after which they travelled to Edinburgh [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 44) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 28). He the son of Alexander II King Scotland and Marie Coucy (age 33). They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 25 Dec 1285 Bishop Antony Bek (age 40) was enthroned at Durham Cathedral [Map].

On 25 Dec 1322 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 55) and Elisenda Montcada Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon.

Froissart. 01 Feb 1327. AFTER that the most part of the company of Hainault were departed and sir John Hainault (age 39) lord of Beaumont tarried, the queen (age 32) gave leave to her people to depart, saving a certain noble knights, the which she kept still about her and her son to counsel them, and commanded all then that departed to be at London the next Christmas, for as then she was determined to keep open court, and all they promised her so to do. And when Christmas was come, she held a great court. And thither came dukes,' earls, barons, knights, and all the nobles of the realm, with prelates and burgesses of good towns; and at this assembly it was advised that the realm could not long endure without a head and a chief lord. Then they put in writing all the deeds of the king (age 42) who was in prison, and all that he had done by evil counsel, and all his usages and evil behavings, and how evil he had governed his realm, the which was read openly in plain audience, to the intent that the noble sages of the realm might take thereof good advice, and to fall at accord how the realm should be governed from thenceforth. And when all the cases and deeds that the king had done and consented to, and all his behaving and usages were read and well understanded, the barons and knights and all the counsels of the realm drew them apart to counsel; and the most part of them accorded, and namely the great lords and nobles with the burgesses of the good towns, according as they had heard say and knew themselves the most part of his deeds. Wherefore they concluded that such a man (age 42) was not worthy to be a king, nor to bear a crown royal, nor to have the name of a king. But they all accorded that Edward (age 14) his eldest son, who was there present and was rightful heir, should be crowned king instead of his father, so that he would take good counsel, sage and true, about him, so than it was before, and that the old king his father (age 42) should be well and honestly kept as long as he lived, according to his estate. And thus as it was agreed by all the nobles, so it was accomplished; and then was crowned with a crown royal at the palace of Westminster [Map] beside London the young king Edward the third (age 14), who in his, days after was right fortunate and happy in arms. This coronation was in the year of our Lord MCCCXXVI., on Christmasday [Note. Other sources day 01 Feb 1327], and as then the young king was about the age of sixteen; and they held the feast till the Conversion of Saint Paul following, and in the meantime greatly was feasted sir John of Hainault (age 39) and all the princes and nobles of his country, and was given to him and to his company many rich jewels. And so he and his company in great feast and solace both with lords and ladies tarried till the Twelfth day. And then sir John of Hainault (age 39) heard tidings how that the king of Bohemia (age 30) and the earl of Hainault (age 41) his brother and other great plenty of lords of France had ordained to be at Conde [Map] at a great feast and tourney that was there cried. Then would sir John of Hainault no longer abide for no prayer, so great desire he had to be at the said tourney, and to see the earl his brother and other lords of his country, and specially the right noble king in largess the gentle Charles king of Bohemia. When the young king Edward (age 14) and the queen (age 32) his mother and the barons saw that he would no longer tarry, and that their request could not avail, they gave him leave sore against their wills, and the king (age 14) by the counsel of the queen (age 32) his mother did give him four hundred marks sterlings of rent heritable to hold of him in fee, to be paid every year in the town of Bruges [Map], and also did give to Philip of Chateaux, his chief esquire and his sovereign counsellor, a hundred mark of rent yearly, to be paid at the said place [Map], and also delivered him much money to pay therewith the costs of him and of his company, till he come into his own country, and caused him to be conducted with many noble knights to Dover, Kent [Map], and there delivered hint all his passage free. And to the ladies that were come into England with the queen (age 32), and namely to the countess of Garennes, who was sister to the earl of Bar, and to divers other ladies and damosels, there were given many fair and rich jewels at their departing. And when sir John of Hainault was departed from the young king Edward, and all his company, and were come to Dover, Kent [Map], they entered incontinent into their ships to pass the sea, to the intent to come betimes to the said tourney; and there went with him fifteen young lusty knights of England, to go to this tourney with him and to acquaint them with the strange lords and knights that should be there, and they had great honour of all the company that tourneyed at that time at Conde [Map].

On 25 Dec 1406 Henry III King Castile (age 27) died. His son John II King Castile (age 1) succeeded II King Castile.

On 25 Dec 1424 Margaret Stewart Dauphine of France was born to King James I of Scotland (age 30) and Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20) at Perth [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 25 Dec 1483 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 26) promised to marry Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 17) at a ceremony in Rennes Cathedral [Map].

Hall's Chronicle 1537. 25 Dec 1537. The Kinges Majesty (age 46) kept his Christmas at Greenwich in his mourning apparel, and so was all the Court till the morrow after Candlemas day, and then he and all other changed.

On 25 Dec 1584 Margaret of Austria Queen Consort Spain was born to Charles Habsburg Spain II Archduke Austria (age 44) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach (age 33) at Graz. Coefficient of inbreeding 13.84%.

On 25 Dec 1600 Alexander Livingston 1st Earl Linlithgow was created 1st Earl Linlithgow on the occasion of the Baptism of Prince Charles.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1603. Before 25 Dec 1603. Before Xmas my cousin Frances was sent for from Nonsuch to North Hall by reason that her Grace was to go from thence to be brought up with the Lady Harrington in the country. All this time we were merry at North Hall. My cousin Frances Bouchier (age 16) and my cousin Frances Russell and I did use to walk much in the garden and were great with one another. Now there was much talk of a masque which the Queen (age 29) had at Winchester and how all the ladies about the Court had gotten such ill names that it was grown a scandalous place, and the Queen herself was much fallen from her former greatness and reputation she had in the world.

Note 1. The Diary appears to pass at once from 1603 to 1616.

On 25 Dec 1605 Francis Godolphin was born to William Godolphin (age 38).

On 25 Dec 1642 Isaac Newton was born to Isaac Newton and Hannah Ayscough posthumously at Woolsthorpe Manor [Map]. His father had died three months before Isaac was born.

Evelyn's Diary. 25 Dec 1651. The King (age 21) and Duke (age 18) received the Sacrament first by themselves, the Lords Byron (age 52) and Wilmot (age 39) holding the long towel all along the altar.

Evelyn's Diary. 25 Dec 1655. I went to London, where Dr. Wild preached the funeral sermon of Preaching, this being the last day; after which Cromwell's (age 56) proclamation was to take place, that none of the Church of England should dare either to preach, or administer Sacraments, teach schools, etc., on pain of imprisonment, or exile. So this was the most mournful day that in my life I had seen, or the Church of England herself, since the Reformation; to the great rejoicing of both Papist and Presbyter.54 So pathetic was his discourse, that it drew many tears from the auditory. Myself, wife (age 20), and some of our family, received the Communion, God make me thankful, who hath hitherto provided for us the food of our souls as well as bodies! The Lord Jesus pity our distressed Church, and bring back the captivity of Zion!

On 25 Dec 1699 William Hervey was born to John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 34) and Elizabeth Felton Countess Bristol (age 23).

On or before 25 Dec 1736 John Sparrow of Bishton Hall in Staffordshire was born to Ambrose Sparrow (age 67). He was baptised 25 Dec 1736 at St Chad's Church, Wybunbury [Map].

On 25 Dec 1749 Thomas Dashwood was born to James Dashwood 2nd Baronet (age 36) and Elizabeth Spencer Lady Dashwood (age 33).

On 25 Dec 1850 Thomas Frank Dicksee (age 31) and Eliza Bernard (age 24) were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly. His address given as 23 Howland Street, Fitzroy Square, hers as 4 Church Place.

Eliza Bernard: Around 1826 she was born to John Bernard. He, John, a Turner and Dishing Tackle Manufacturer according to her marriage certificate. In 1879 she died.

Around 25 Dec 1860. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 32). Portrait of Mrs William Morris aka Jane Morris nee Burden (age 21). Signed top-left Upton (ie the Red House) Xmas 1860.

On 25 Dec 1870 Clara Annabel Caroline Huth-Jackson nee Duff was born to Mountstuart Grant Duff (age 41).

On 25 Dec 1962 All Saints' Church, Branston [Map] was damaged by fire. The Church was rehallowed on 17 Mar 1966.

Births on the 25th December

On 25 Dec 1240 John Cobham was born to John Cobham (age 20) and Maude Joan Fitzbenedict at Cobham, Kent.

On 25 Dec 1291 William Clifton Cressy was born at Hodsock.

On 25 Dec 1321 William Zouche 2nd Baron Zouche Harringworth was born to Eudo Zouche (age 24).

Around 25 Dec 1401 Henry Fenwick was born to Alan Fenwick (age 36) at Alnwick Castle [Map].

On 25 Dec 1424 Margaret Stewart Dauphine of France was born to King James I of Scotland (age 30) and Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20) at Perth [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 25 Dec 1505 Christine of Saxony was born to George Duke of Saxony (age 34) and Barbara Jagiellon (age 27).

On 25 Dec 1516 Richard Bertie Baron Willoughby was born to Thomas Bertie (age 36).

On 25 Dec 1584 Margaret of Austria Queen Consort Spain was born to Charles Habsburg Spain II Archduke Austria (age 44) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach (age 33) at Graz. Coefficient of inbreeding 13.84%.

On 25 Dec 1601 Ernest "The Pious" Saxe Gotha I Duke Saxe Gotha was born to Johann Wettin II Duke Saxe Weimar (age 31) and Dorothea Maria Anhalt at Altenburg.

On 25 Dec 1605 Francis Godolphin was born to William Godolphin (age 38).

On 25 Dec 1637 Thomas Culpepper was born to Thomas Culpepper (age 38) and Barbara Sidney (age 38).

On 25 Dec 1642 Isaac Newton was born to Isaac Newton and Hannah Ayscough posthumously at Woolsthorpe Manor [Map]. His father had died three months before Isaac was born.

On 25 Dec 1650 Philippe Carteret 2nd Baronet was born to Philippe Carteret 1st Baronet (age 30) and Anne Dumaresq Baroness Carteret (age 23) at St Ouen Jersey. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.37%.

On 25 Dec 1651 Pedro Manuel Colón 7th Duke Veragua was born at Madrid.

On 25 Dec 1667 Catherine Wooley was born to Robert Wooley (age 29) and Catherine Norbury (age 23).

On 25 Dec 1667 Melusine Schulenburg 1st Duchess Munster 1st Duchess Kendal was born at Emden, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt.

On 25 Dec 1675 Jane Savile was born to John Savile of Methley (age 31) and Sarah Tryon (age 24).

On 25 Dec 1688 Christopher Musgrave 5th Baronet was born to Philip Musgrave (age 27) and Mary Legge.

On 25 Dec 1699 William Hervey was born to John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 34) and Elizabeth Felton Countess Bristol (age 23).

On 25 Dec 1707 Joseph Hoare 1st Baronet was born to Edward Hoare (age 30).

On 25 Dec 1717 George Augustus Eliott 1st Baron Heathfield was born to Gilbert Eliott 3rd Baronet (age 37).

On 25 Dec 1724 John Mitchell was born.

On 25 Dec 1734 George Armytage 3rd Baronet was born.

On or before 25 Dec 1736 John Sparrow of Bishton Hall in Staffordshire was born to Ambrose Sparrow (age 67). He was baptised 25 Dec 1736 at St Chad's Church, Wybunbury [Map].

On 25 Dec 1741 William Hesse-Kassel was born to Frederick Hesse-Kassel (age 21) and Mary Hanover (age 18). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 25 Dec 1744 John Parnell 2nd Baronet was born to John Parnell 1st Baronet (age 24) and Anne Ward Lady Parnell.

On 25 Dec 1749 Thomas Dashwood was born to James Dashwood 2nd Baronet (age 36) and Elizabeth Spencer Lady Dashwood (age 33).

On 25 Dec 1750 Henry Lawson 6th Baronet was born to Henry Lawson 4th Baronet (age 38).

On 25 Dec 1753 George Rodney 2nd Baron Rodney was born to George Brydges Rodney 1st Baron Rodney (age 35) and Jane Compton (age 23).

On 25 Dec 1755 Isabella Rachel Seymour-Conway was born to Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 37) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 29). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Dec 1760 George Ashburnham 3rd Earl Ashburnham was born to John Ashburnham 2nd Earl Ashburnham (age 36) and Elizabeth Crowley Countess Ashburham.

On 25 Dec 1767 Henry Lascelles 2nd Earl Harewood was born to Edward Lascelles 1st Earl Harewood (age 27) and Anne Chaloner Baroness Harewood (age 25) at Stapleton Darrington.

On 25 Dec 1771 Dorothy Wordsworth was born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson at Wordsworth House.

On 25 Dec 1774 Benjamin Welstead was born to Charles Marion Welstead (age 31) and Ann Richards (age 31).

On 25 Dec 1789 John Neville 3rd Earl Abergavenny was born to Henry Neville 2nd Earl Abergavenny (age 34) and Mary Robinson Countess Abergavenny (age 29).

On 25 Dec 1790 Anna Eliza Kempe was born to John Kempe and Anne Arrow.

Before 25 Dec 1793 William Cragg was born to John Cragg of Threekingham (age 32) and Ann Warren (age 26).

On 25 Dec 1796 Hugh Lee Pattinson was born.

On 25 Dec 1799 Edwin Lascelles was born to Henry Lascelles 2nd Earl Harewood (age 32) and Henrietta Sebright Countess Harewood.

On 25 Dec 1806 Christiana Bacon was born to John "The Younger" Bacon (age 29) and Susanna Sophia Taylor (age 24).

On 25 Dec 1826 William Hicks-Beach was born to William Hicks-Beach (age 43) and Jane Henrietta Browne.

On 25 Dec 1830 Bishop John Gott was born to William Gott (age 33).

On 25 Dec 1833 Joseph Temple was born to Thomas Temple (age 36).

On 25 Dec 1866 Henry Hoare was born to Henry Hoare of Staplehurst and Mary Marsham (age 55).

On 25 Dec 1870 Clara Annabel Caroline Huth-Jackson nee Duff was born to Mountstuart Grant Duff (age 41).

On 25 Dec 1877 Henry Joseph Lawson 3rd Baronet was born to John Lawson 2nd Baronet (age 48).

On 25 Dec 1878 Richard Noël Middleton was born to John William Middleton (age 39) and Mary Asquith (age 39).

On 23 Dec 1894 William Grosvenor 3rd Duke Westminster was born to Henry George Grosvenor (age 33) and Dora Mina Erskine-Wemyss (age 38). On 25 Dec 1894 his mother (age 38) died from childbirth. He a great x 2 grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 25 Dec 1901 Vera Ruby Tyrwhitt 15th Baroness Berners was born to Major Rupert Tyrwhitt (age 42).

On 25 Dec 1908 Cynthia North was born to Frederick George North 8th Earl Guildford (age 32).

On 25 Dec 1918 Valerie Mansfield Countess Macclesfield was born to Ralph Mansfield 4th Baron Sandhurst (age 26).

On 25 Dec 1918 Edmund Harry Cooke-Yarborough was born to George Eustace Cooke-Yarborough (age 42).

On 25 Dec 1936 Alexandra Windsor was born to Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent (age 34) and Princess Marina Glücksburg Duchess Kent (age 30). She a granddaughter of George V King United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.96%.

Marriages on the 25th December

On 25 or 26 Dec 1251 Alexander III King Scotland (age 10) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 11) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. The couple remained in York until Jan 1252 after which they travelled to Edinburgh [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 44) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 28). He the son of Alexander II King Scotland and Marie Coucy (age 33). They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

Before 25 Dec 1281 Henry Lacy 4th Earl Lincoln, Earl Salisbury (age 30) and Margaret Longespée 4th Countess of Salisbury and Lincoln were married. She by marriage Countess Lincoln. He by marriage Earl Salisbury. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

After 25 Dec 1281 Henry Lacy 4th Earl Lincoln, Earl Salisbury (age 30) and Joan Fitzmartin Countess Lincoln were married. She by marriage Countess Lincoln. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 25 Dec 1322 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 55) and Elisenda Montcada Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon.

On 25 Dec 1357 John Sutton 2nd Baron Sutton (age 18) and Katherine Stafford Baroness Sutton Dudley (age 9) were married. She by marriage Baroness Sutton of Dudley. She the daughter of Ralph Stafford 1st Earl Stafford (age 56) and Margaret Audley Countess Stafford. They were half third cousin once removed. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 25 Dec 1400 John Sutton 4th Baron Sutton (age 20) and Constance Blount Baroness Sutton Dudley (age 20) were married. She by marriage Baroness Sutton of Dudley.

Before 25 Dec 1557 Richard Freston Cofferer (age 57) and Anne Coke (age 42) were married.

Before 25 Dec 1560 Edward Seymour 1st Earl Hertford (age 21) and Catherine Grey Countess Hertford (age 20) were married in secret by an anonymous clergyman at Hertford House Canon Row. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk. He the son of Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset and Anne Stanhope Duchess Somerset (age 63). He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 25 Dec 1577 Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby (age 22) and Mary Vere Baroness Willoughby of Eresby were married. She the daughter of John de Vere 16th Earl of Oxford and Margery Golding Countess of Oxford. He the son of Richard Bertie Baron Willoughby (age 61) and Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk (age 58).

On 25 Dec 1632 Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden (age 21) and Anne Feilding were married. She the daughter of William Feilding 1st Earl Denbigh (age 45) and Susan Villiers Countess Denbigh (age 49).

Before 25 Dec 1650 Philippe Carteret 1st Baronet (age 30) and Anne Dumaresq Baroness Carteret (age 23) were married. They were first cousins.

Before 25 Dec 1660 Henry Somerset 1st Duke Beaufort (age 31) and Mary Capell Duchess Beaufort (age 30) were married. He the son of Edward Somerset 2nd Marquess Worcester (age 58) and Elizabeth Dormer.

Before 25 Dec 1688 Philip Musgrave (age 27) and Mary Legge were married.

On 25 Dec 1688 Edmund Bacon 4th Baronet (age 16) and Philippa Bacon Lady Bacon were married. She by marriage Lady Bacon of Mildenhall in Suffolk. They were third cousins.

On 25 Dec 1704 John Tynte 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Jane Kemeys Lady Tynte (age 19) were married at St Michael's Church, Clapton-in-Gordano. She by marriage Lady Tynte of Halswell in Somerset.

On 25 Dec 1744 Henry Brydges 2nd Duke Chandos (age 36) and Anne Wells Duchess Chandos were married at Keith's Chapel, Mayfair. She by marriage Duchess Chandos. Two versions of their meeting are related... He the son of James Brydges 1st Duke Chandos and Mary Lake.

Notes & Queries 1870 4th Series, Vol. 6, p.179: Lord Omery remarked, on 15th January 1745, "Of her person & character people speak variously, but all agree that both are very bad." He was speaking of Anne, Duchess of Chandos. She was the daughter of one John Wells of Newbury (& St. Marylebone) whose arms appear as azure, three fountains proper, on her hatchment at Keynsham Church. She was chambermaid at the Pelican Inn Newbury, and married to Jeffries the Ostler there. There is a story about the Duchess told by an old lady of Newbury, who was ten years old at the time. Henry Bridges, 2nd Duke of Chandos (age 36), while on his way to London, dined at the Pelican Inn in Newbury, with a companion (it has been claimed that the Inn was the Marlborough Castle, but this is incorrect). After dinner there was a stir and a bustle in the Inn Yard. The explanation came that "A man is going to sell his wife and they are leading her up the yard with a halter round her neck". "We will go and see the sale, " said the Duke. On entering the yard, however, he was so smitten with the woman's beauty and the patient way she waited to be set free from her ill‑conditioned husband, the Inn's ostler, that he bought her himself. She was his mistress for some years. In August 1738 his wife died, and by 1744 the ostler was dead also, and the two were finally married at Mr. Keith's Chapel, Mayfair on 25th December 1744.

The Gentleman's Magazine 1832. The Duke of Chandos (age 36), while staying at a small country inn, saw the ostler beating his wife in a most cruel manner; he interfered and literally bought her for half a crown. She was a young and pretty woman; the Duke had her educated; and on the husband's death he married her. On her death-bed, she had her whole household assembled, told them her history, and drew from it a touching moral of reliance on Providence; as from the most wretched situation, she had been suddenly raised to one of the greatest prosperity; she entreated their forgiveness if at any time she had given needless offence, and then dismissed them with gifts; dying almost in the very act.

On 25 Dec 1759 George Lennox (age 22) and Louisa Kerr were married. She the daughter of William Henry Kerr 4th Marquess Lothian (age 49) and Caroline Darcy Marchioness Lothian. He the son of Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Before 25 Dec 1809 Reverend Richard Kaye 6th Baronet (age 73) and Ellen Fenton (age 64) were married.

On 25 Dec 1815 Hugh Lee Pattinson (age 19) and Phoebe Walton were married.

In On 25 Nov 1817 or 25 Dec 1817 Hercules Robert Pakenham (age 36) and Emily Stapleton (age 13) were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

On 25 Dec 1850 Thomas Frank Dicksee (age 31) and Eliza Bernard (age 24) were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly. His address given as 23 Howland Street, Fitzroy Square, hers as 4 Church Place.

Eliza Bernard: Around 1826 she was born to John Bernard. He, John, a Turner and Dishing Tackle Manufacturer according to her marriage certificate. In 1879 she died.

On 25 Dec 1861 Debonnaire John Monson 8th Baron Monson (age 31) and Augusta Louisa Caroline Ellis Baroness Monson (age 19) were married.

Before 25 Dec 1878 John William Middleton (age 39) and Mary Asquith (age 39) were married.

Deaths on the 25th December

Around 25 Dec 1175, Christmas, William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber (age 31) invited the local Welsh nobles to his Christmas court at Abergavenny Castle [Map] as an act of reconciliation. Seisyll ap Dyfnwal Gwent and his elder son Geoffrey Gwent were murdered. William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber (age 31) and his men then rode to Seisyll's home. There his younger son Cadwalladr Gwent (age 7) was murdered and his wife captured.

Around 25 Dec 1193 Obizzo I Marquis Este (age 83) died.

On 25 Dec 1199 Duchess Helena of Austria (age 44) died.

Before 25 Dec 1230 Gilbert Lacy (age 24) died at Trim County Meath.

On 25 Dec 1283 Manuel Ivrea (age 49) died.

On 25 Dec 1359 Beatrix Wittelsbach (age 15) died.

On 25 Dec 1361 Margaret Plantagenet Countess of Pembroke (age 15) died probably of plague. She was buried at Abingdon Abbey [Map].

On 25 Dec 1386 Roger Scales 4th Baron Scales (age 32) died. His son Robert Scales 5th Baron Scales (age 14) succeeded 5th Baron Scales.

On 25 Dec 1406 Henry III King Castile (age 27) died. His son John II King Castile (age 1) succeeded II King Castile.

On 25 Dec 1428 John Dynham (age 69) died.

On 25 Dec 1475 Elizabeth Howard Countess of Oxford (age 65) died at Stratford.

On 25 Dec 1486 John Barry 9th Baron Barry (age 51) was killed by Donogh MacCartie, Lord of Ealla. His son Thomas Barry 10th Baron Barry succeeded 10th Baron Barry.

On 25 Dec 1495 David Lindsay 1st Duke Montrose (age 55) died. Duke Montrose had been granted for life only and was, therefore, extinct. His son John Lindsay 6th Earl Crawford succeeded 6th Earl Crawford.

On 25 Dec 1505 George Grey 2nd Earl Kent (age 51) died. His son Richard Grey 3rd Earl Kent (age 24) succeeded 3rd Earl Kent, 6th Baron Grey of Ruthyn. Elizabeth Hussey Countess Kent by marriage Countess Kent.

On 25 Dec 1526 George Meverell (age 44) died.

On 25 Dec 1530 John Albret died.

Before 25 Dec 1557 Anne Coke (age 42) died.

On 25 Dec 1575 Margaret Neville (age 55) died.

On 25 Dec 1631 John Wingfield of Tickencote (age 36) died.

On 25 Dec 1632 Ann Clinton (age 36) died in Charlestown Massachusetts.

On 25 Dec 1634 Lettice Knollys Countess Essex (age 91) died.

On 25 Dec 1648 Claudia Medici (age 44) died.

Before 08 Jun 1658 Richard Willoughby of Peyhembury (age 80) died. He was buried on 25 Dec 1658.

On 25 Dec 1676 Matthew Hale (age 67) died.

On 25 Dec 1677 Alice Moore Countess Clanbrassil died.

On or before 25 Dec 1681 John Willoughby of Leahill (age 70) died. He was buried on 25 Dec 1681.

On 25 Dec 1681 Stephen Goffe (age 76) died in Paris [Map].

On 25 Dec 1686 Edward Bertie (age 62) died.

On 25 Dec 1712 William Wray (age 49) died. He was buried at West Tanfield, North Yorkshire [Map].

On 25 Dec 1717 Robert Shirley 1st Earl Ferrers (age 67) died. His son Washington Shirley 2nd Earl Ferrers (age 40) succeeded 2nd Earl Ferrers, 8th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire. Mary Levinge Countess Ferrers by marriage Countess Ferrers. His granddaughter Elizabeth Shirley Countess Northampton (age 23) succeeded 15th Baroness Ferrers of Chartley.

On 25 Dec 1730 Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine (age 54) died. His son Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine (age 20) succeeded 2nd Earl Deloraine.

On 25 Dec 1736 Louisa Carteret Viscountess Weymouth (age 24) died.

On 25 Dec 1748 Anne Hamilton (age 39) died.

On 25 Dec 1756 Ellis Key (age 37) died.

On 25 Dec 1757 Captain Robert Frankland died at Bombay, India while Commander of HMS Yarmouth.

On 25 Dec 1761 Dorothea Oldenburg (age 76) died.

On 25 Dec 1766 William Finch (age 75) died.

On 25 Dec 1767 Grace Montagu (age 77) died.

On 25 Dec 1781 Charles Cope 3rd Baronet (age 11) died. He was buried at Hanwell, Oxfordshire. His uncle Jonathan Cope 4th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Baronet Cope of Bruern in Oxfordshire.

On 25 Dec 1794 Harry Powlett 6th Duke Bolton (age 74) died without male issue. Duke Bolton extinct. His third cousin once removed George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester (age 72) succeeded 12th Marquess Winchester, 12th Earl Wiltshire, 12th Baron St John. Martha Ingoldsby Marchioness Winchester by marriage Marchioness Winchester.

On 25 Dec 1795 John Butler 17th Earl Ormonde 11th Earl Ossory (age 55) died. His son Walter Butler 1st Marquess Ormonde (age 25) succeeded 18th Earl Ormonde, 12th Earl Ossory.

On 25 Dec 1816 Mary Douglas (age 79) died.

On 25 Dec 1827 William Wrightson (age 75) died.

On 25 Dec 1845 Catherine Anne Wingfield (age 28) died.

On 25 Dec 1846 Charles George Beauclerk (age 72) died.

On 25 Dec 1847 Mary Elizabeth Townshend Countess Romney (age 47) died.

On 25 Dec 1862 Edith Blanche Gordon (age 1) died.

On 25 Dec 1878 Claud Francis Hamilton died.

On 25 Dec 1880 Violet Streatfeild (age 25) died.

On 25 Dec 1890 Archbishop William Thomson (age 71) died.

On 25 Dec 1899 Henry Lopes 1st Baron Ludlow (age 71) died. His son Henry Lopes 2nd Baron Ludlow (age 31) succeeded 2nd Baron Ludlow of Heywood in Wiltshire.

On 25 Dec 1899 Frances Elizabeth Anson Marchioness Hertford (age 89) died.

On 25 Dec 1909 Thomas Anthony Denny (age 91) died.

On 25 Dec 1911 Anne Selina Adderley (age 82) died.

On 25 Dec 1925 George St John Colthurst 6th Baronet (age 75) died. His son George Oliver Colthurst 7th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 7th Baronet Colthurst of Ardum in County Cork.

On 25 Dec 1954 William Huddlestone De Vere Beauclerk (age 71) died.

On 25 Dec 1969 Cynthia Maud Beckett (age 69) died.

On 25 Dec 1970 John Evans 10th Baron Carbery (age 78) died without male issue.

On 25 Dec 1981 Henry Gerald Valerian Francis Wellesley (age 74) died.

On 25 Dec 2007 Carolyn Mary Wynyard Hardinge (age 75) died.

On 25 Dec 2012 Rachel Leila Brand 27th Baroness Dacre (age 83) died. Her son James Thomas Douglas-Home 28th Baron Dacre (age 60) succeeded 28th Baron Dacre Gilsland.