Coronation of Anne Boleyn
Coronation of Anne Boleyn is in 1532-1535 Marriage and Coronation of Anne Boleyn.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. On Monday were the Jousts at the Tilt, before the King’s gate, where the Mayor and his brethren had a goodly standing: but there were very few spears broken, by the reason the horses would no cope.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. The Receiving and Conveying of the Queen through London.
To the intent that the horses should not slide on the Pavement, nor that the people should not be hurted by horses, the high streets where the Queen should passe were all gravelled from the Tower to Temple Bar and railed on the one side, within which rails stood the crafts along in their order from Gracechurch where the merchants of the Steelyard stood till the little conduit in Chepe where the Aldermen stood, and on the other side of the street stood the Constables of the city apparelled in velvet and silk with great staves in their hands to cause the people to keep room and good order. And when the streets were somewhat ordered, the Mayor clothed in a gown of crimson Velvet and a riche collar of Esses with two footmen clad in white and red damask rode to the Tower to give his attendance on the Queen, on whom the Sheriffs with their officers did wait till they came to Tower hill, where they taking their leave rode down the high streets commanding the Constables to see room and good order kept, and so went and stood by the Aldermen in Chepe. And before the Queen and her train should come, Cornhill and Gracious Street were hanged with fine Scarlet, Crimson and other grayned [ie dyed] clothes, and in some place with rich Arras, Tapestry and Carpets, and the most part of the Chepe was hanged with cloth of Tissue, Gold, Velvet and many rich hangings which made a goodly show, and all the windows were replenished with ladies and gentlewomen to behold the Queen and her train as they should pass by. The first of the Queen's company that set forward were twelve Frenchmen which were belonging to the French Ambassador clothed in coats of blue velvet with sleeves of yellow and blue velvet and their horses trapped with close trappers of blue sarcenet powdered with white crosses: after them marched gentlemen, squires, knightes two and two. After them the judges, and after them the Knights of the Bath in violet gowns with hoods purfeled with miniver like doctors, after them Abbots, then Barons, after them bishops, then Earles and Marquesses, then the Lorde Chancellor of England, after him the archbishop of York and the ambassador of Venice, after him the archbishop of Canterbury and the ambassador of France, after rode two squires of honour with robes of estate rolled and worn baudrike wise about their necks with caps of estate representing the Dukes of Normandy and Aquitaine, after them rode the Mayor of London with his Mace and Garter in his coat of arms, which Mayor bore his Mace to Westminster Hall, after them rode the Lord William Howard with the Marshal's Rod deputy to his brother the Duke of Norfolk Marshall of England which was ambassador then in France: and on his right hand rode Charles Duke of Suffolk for that day High Constable of England bearing the verder of silver appertaining to the office of Constableship, and all the Lords for the most part were clothed in crimson velvet, and all the Queen’s servants or officers of arms in scarlet. Next before the Queen rode her Chancellor bareheaded, the Sergeants and Officers of Armes rode on both the sides of the Lords. Then came the Queen in a litter of white cloth of gold not covered nor bayled which was led by two palfreys clad in white damask down to the ground head and all, led by her footmen. She had on a circot of white cloth of tissue and a mantle of the same furred with ermine, her hair hanged down, but on her head she had a coif with a circlet about it full of riche stones. Over her was borne a canopy of cloth of gold with four gilt staves and four silver belles. For bearing of which canopy were appointed sixteen knights, four to bear it one space on foot and other four another space according to their own appointment. Next after the Queen rode the Lord Borough her Chamberlain, next after him William Coffyn Master of the Horses leading a spare horse with a side saddle trapped down clothe of tissue: after him rode seven ladies in crimson velvet turned up with cloth of gold and of tissue and their horses trapped with cloth of gold, after them two chariots covered with red cloth of gold. In the first chariot was two ladies which were old Duchess of Norfolk (age 54) and the old Marchioness of Dorset (age 44). In the second chariot were four ladies all in crimson velvet. After them rode seven ladies in the same suite their horses trappers and all, after them came the third Chariot all white with six ladies in crimson velvet, next after them came the fourth chariot all red with eight ladies also in crimson velvet, after who followed thirty gentlewomen all in velvet and silk in the livery of their ladies on whom they gave their attendance. After them followed the guard in coats of Goldsmith’s work, in which order they rode forth till they came to Fenchurch, where was made a pageant all with children apparelled like merchants which welcomed her to the City with two proper prepositions both in French and English, and from thence she rode to Gracious church corner, where was a costly and a marvellous cunning pageant made by the merchants of the Steelyard, for there was the Mount Parnassus with the fountain of Helicon, which was of white Marble and four streams without pipe did rise an ell high and meet together in a little cup about the fountain, which fountain ran abundantly racked Rhenish wine until night. On the mountain sat Appollo and at his feet sat Calliope, and on every side of the mountain sat four Muses playing on several sweet instruments, and at their feet Epigrammes and Poeses were written in golden letters, in the which every Muse according to her property praised the Queen: so from thence she passed to Leaden Hall where was a goodly pageant with a type and a heavenly roof [?], and under the type was a rote of gold set on a little mountain environed with red roses and white, out of the type came down a Falcon all white and sate upon the rote, and incontinent came down an Angel with great melody and set a close-crown of gold on the Falcon’s head, and in the same pageant sat Saint Ann with all her issue beneath her, and under Mari Cleoph sat her four children, of the which children one made a goodly Oration to the Queen of the fruitfulness of Saint Anne and of her generation, trusting that like fruit should come of her. Then she passed to the conduit in Cornhill where were three graces set in a throne, afore who was the spring of grace continually running wine. Afore the fountain sat a Poet declaring the properties of every grace, and that done every lady by herself according to her property gave to the Queen a several gift of grace. That done she passed by the great conduit in Chepe which was newly painted with armes of devises: out of the which conduit by a goodly fountain set up the one end ran continually wine both white and claret all that afternoon, and so she rode to the Standard which was richly painted with images of Kings and Queens and hanged with banners of arms, and in the top was miraculous sweet harmony both of song and instrument. Then she went forward to the crosse which was newly gilt, until she came where the Aldermen stood, and then Master Baker the Recorder came to her with low reverence making a proper and brief proposition and gave to her in the name of the City a thousand marks in gold in a Purse of gold, which she thankfully accepted with many goodly words, and so rode to the little conduit where was a riche pageant full of melody and song, in which pageant was Pallas, Juno and Venus, and before them stood Mercury which in the name of the three goddesses gave to her a ball of gold divided in three, signifying three gifts the which three Goddesses gave to her, that is to say, wisdom, riches and felicity. As she entered into Paul’s gate there was a pretty pageant in which sat three ladies richly clothed, and in a circle on their head was written Regina Anna prospers procede et regna [May Queen Anne prosper and reign]. The Lady in the middle had a Tablet in the which was written Veni arnica coronaberis [Come, you will be crowned with gold], And under the tablet sat an Angel with a close crown, and the lady sitting on the right hand had a Tablet of silver in which was written Domine directe gressus meos [Lord direct my steps], and the third lady had a Tablet of gold with letters Asure written, confido in domine [I trust in the Lord], and under their feet was written, Anna Reginan ominum Regis de sanguine natum, cum paries populis aurea secla tuis [? Anna Queen of the names of the King born of blood, when you wall the peoples of your golden age]. And these ladies cast down wafers, on the which the two verses were written. From thence she passed to the East end of Paul’s Churchyard against the school, where stood on a scaffold two hundred children well apparelled, which said to her diverse goodly verses of poets translated into English, to the honour of the King and her, which she highly commended. And when she came to Ludgate, the gate was newly garnished with gold and byse. And on the leads of Saint Martin’s Church stood a goodly choir of singing men and children which sang new ballads made in praise of her. After that she was passed Ludgate she preceded toward Fleet Street where the Conduit was newly painted, and all the arms and angels refreshed, and the chime melodiously sounding. Upon the Conduit was made a town with four turrets, and in every turret stood one of the cardinal virtues with their tokens and properties, which had several speeches, promising the Queen never to leave her, but to be aiding and comforting her. And in the midst of the tower closely was such several solemn instruments, that it seemed to be an heavenly noise, and was much regarded and praised: and beside this the said Conduit ran wine Claret and Red all the afternoon. So she with all her company and the Mayor rode forth to Temple Bar, which was newly painted and repaired, where stood also divers singing men and children, until she came to Westminster Hall, which was richly hanged with clothe of Arras and new glazed. And in the midst of the hall she was taken out of her litter, and so led up to the high dais under the clothe of estate, on whose left hand was a cupboard of ten stages marvellous rich and beautiful to behold, and within a little season was brought to the Queen with a solemn service in great standing spice plates, a void of spice and subtleties with Hippocras and other wines, which she sent down to her ladies, and when the ladies, had drunk she gave hearty thanks to the Lordes and Ladies, and to the Mayor and other that had given their attendance on her, and so withdrew herself with a few ladies to the Whitehall and so to her chamber, and there shifted her, and after went into her barge secretly to the King to his Manor of Westminster where she rested that night.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. On Wednesday, the King sent for the Mayor and his brethren to Westminster, and there he himself gave to them hearty thanks, with many goodly words.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. On Midsomer day after, the lady Mary (age 35) the Frenche Queen died in Suffolk at the lordship of.... who was the late wife to Louis the 12th, and after married to Charles Duke of Suffolk (age 47), and was buried at....
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 25 May 1532. Knyghtes made at Grenwyche the sonday before Whytsonday.
And the sondaye before this tryumphe beyng the xxv daye of Maye the Kynge made at his maner of Grenwyche all these Knyghtes.
Syr Christofer Danby
Syr Christofer Hylarde
Syr Brian Hastynges.
Syr Thomas Butteller.
Syr Willyam Walgrave.
Syr Wyllyam Feldeyng.
Syr Thomas Methven.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 29 May 1532. First the twenty-ninth daye of Maye beynge thursday all the worshypfull craftes1 and occupacyons in their best araye goodly besene toke theyr bargs which were splayed2 with goodly baners fresshe and newe with the cognysaunce and armes of theyr faculty to the nombre of fifty great barges comly besene and euery barge hauynge mynstrels makynge greate and sweete armony. Also there was the bachelers barge comly besene decked with innumerable baners and all about hangyd with ryche cloth of golde foystes3waytynge her upon decked with a great shotte of ordynaunce whiche descended the ryuer afore all the barges and the bachelers barge formestt and so folowynge in good araye and ordre euery crafte in theyr degree and ordre tyll they came to Greenwyche and there taryed abydynge the quenes grace which was a wonderfull goodly syght to beholde. Than at thre of the clocke the quenes grace cam to her barge and incontynent4 all the cytezins with that goodly company set forth towards London in good arraye as before is sayd. And to wryte what nombre of gon shot what with chambres and great peces of ordynaunce were shotte as she passed by in dyuers places it passeth my memory to wryte or to tell the nombre of them and specially at Ratly and at lyme house out of certeyne shyppes. And so the quenes grace in her ryche barge amonge her nobles the cytezyns accompanyed her to London unto the toure wharfe. Also or she came nere the toure there was shot innumerable peces of ordynaunce as euer was there by any mennes remembraunces where the Kyng receyued her grace with a noble louyng countenaunce and so gaue great thankes and prayse to all the cytezyns for theyr great kyndnesse and louynge labour and paynes in that behalfe taken to the greate ioye and comforte of all the citezyns. Also to beholde the wonderfull nombre of people that euer was seen that stode on the shore on bothe sydes of the ryuer was neuer in one syght out of the cyte of London sene what in goodly lodgynges and houses that be on the ryuer syde bytwene Grenwyche and London it passeth al mennes iudgementes to csteme the infinyte nombre of them. Wherein her grace with al her ladyes reioysed moche.
Note 1. City companies.
Note 2. Displayed.
Note 3. Swift ships.
Note 4. immediately.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 30 May 1532. The fryday made Knyghtes of the Bathe xix whose names foloweth.
Also on fryday the thirteth day of Maye the Kynge treated and made in the towre of London, nineteen noble men Knyghtes of the bathe whose names folowe.
The lorde Marques Dorset (age 15).
The erle of Derby (age 23).
The lorde Clyfforde (age 15) sone aud heyre to therle of Cumberlande (age 39).
The lorde Fitzwater sone and heyre to therle of Sussex.
The lorde Hastynges sone and heyre to therle of Huntyngton.
The Lorde Barkelay.
The lorde Mountagle.
The lorde Vaux.
Syr Henry Parker sone and heyre to the lorde Morley.
Syr Wyllyam Wyndsour sone and heyre to the lorde Wyndesour.
Syr John Mordant sone and heyre to the lorde Mordant.
Syr Fraunces Weston.
Syr Thomas Aroundell.
Syr Johan Hudelston.
Syr Thomas Ponynges.
Syr Henry Sauell.
Syr George Fitz Wyllyam of Lyncolne shire.
Syr Johan Tyndall.
Syr Thomas Jermey.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 31 May 1532. Also the Saturday the last daye of May the Kyngc made Knyghtes of the swerde in the towre of London whose names folowe.
Syr Wyllyam Drury.
Syr John Gernyngham.
Syr Thomas Rusche.
Syr Randolfe Buerton.
Syr George Caluerly.
Syr Edwarde Fytton.
Syr George Conyers.
Syr Robert Nedham.
Syr Johan Chaworth.
Syr George Gresley.
Syr Johan Constable.
Syr Thomas Umpton.
Syr John Horsley.
Syr Richarde Lygon.
Syr Johan Saintclere.
Syr Edwarde Maidison.
Syr Henry Feryngton.
Syr Marmaduc Tustall.
Syr Thomas Halsall.
Syr Robert Thyrkham.
Sir [sic] Anthony Wyndsour.
Syr Water Hubbert.
Syr Johan Wyllongby.
Syr Thomas Thytson.
Sir Thomas Mysseden.
Sir Thomas Fouleshurst.
Sir Henry Delues.
Sir Peter Warburton.
Sir Rycharde Bulkelley.
Sir Thomas Lakyng.
Sir Henry Lakyng.
Sir Water Smythe.
Sir Henry Eueringham.
Sir Willyam Unedall.
Sir Tho. Massyngberd.
Sir Willyam Sandon.
Sir James Baskeruille.
Sir Edmonde Trafforde.
Sir Arthur Eyre.
Sir Henry Sutton.
Sir Johan Nories.
Sir Willyam Malorie.
Sir Johan Harcourt.
Sir Johan Tyrell.
Sir Willyam Browne.
Sir Nycolas Sturley.
Sir Randolfe Manering.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 01 Jun 1532. Also all the pavements of the cyte from Charyncrosse to the towre was ouer couerde and caste with grauell. And the same Saturday beyng Whytson euen the mayre with all the aldermen and the craftes of the cyte prepared aray in a good order to stande and receyue her and with rayles for euery crafte to stande and leane from prease of people. The mayre mette the quenes grace at her comyng forthe of ye towre and all his bretherne and aldermen standyng in chepe. And upon the same Saturday the quene came forth from the towre towarde Westmynster in goodly aray as here after foloweth. She passed the stretes first with certayne straungers then horses trapped with blewe sylke and them selves in blewe veluet with white fethers acompanyed two and two. Lykewise squiers knights barons and baronetts knightes of the bath clothed in vyolet garmentes edged with armyns lyke iuges. Than folowyng the juges of the lawe and abbottes. All these estats were to the nombre of two hundred cople with more two and two accompanyed. And than folowed bysshops two and two: and tharch bysshops of Yorke and Caterbury the ambassaders of Fraunce and Venyce the lorde mayre with a mace mayster garter the kyng of heraudes and the kings cote armour upon him with the offycers of armes apoyntyng euery estate in their degre. Than folowed two aunciente knights with olde fassion hattes poudred on their heedes disgysed who dyd represent the duke of Normandy and of Guyen after an olde custome: the lorde constable of Englande for the tyme beyng the duke of Suffolke the lorde Willyam Hawarde the deputie for the tyme to the lorde marshall duke of Norfolke. Than folowed the qucnes grace in her lytter costly and rychly besene with a ryche canape ouer her which bare the lordes of the fyue portes : after her folowyng the mayster of her horse with a whyte spare palfray ledde in his hande rychly apoynted. Than folowed her noble ladyes of estate rychly clothed in crymosyn poudred with armyns to the nobre of twelve. Than the mayster of the garde with the garde on both sydes of the strets in good aray and all the constables well besene in veluet and damaske cotes with whyte stanes in their handes settynge euery man in araye and orner in the stretes untyll she came to Westminster. Than folowed four ryche charyottes with ladyes of honour after than folowed thirty ladyes and gentylwomen r(ich)ly1 garnysshcd and so the seruyng men after them. And a(s)2 t she was departed from ye towne a meruaylous great shot of gonnes was there fyred and shot. So this moste noble company passed till her grace came to fanchurch where was a pagent fayre and semly with certayne chyldren which saluted her grace with great honour and prayse after a goodly fassyon : and so passed forthe to Grase churche where was a ryght costly pagent of Apollo with the nyne muses amonge the mountaynes syttyng on the mount of Pernasus and euery of them hauynge theyr instruments and apparayle acordyng to the descryption of poets and namely of Uirgyll with many goodly verses to her great prayse and honour. And so she passed forth through gracyous3 strete unto leaden hall where was buylded a sumptuous and a costly pagent in maner of a castell wherein was fasshyoned an heuenly roufe and under it vpon a grene was a roote or a stocke whereout spronge a multytude of whyte roses and reed curyously wrought so from the heuenly roufe descended a whyte faucon and lighted upon the said stocke and roote and incontynent descended an angell with goodly armony hauynge a close crowne bytwene his handes and set it on the faucons heed : and on the said flour sate saynt Anne in the hyest place on that one syde her progeny with scripture that is to wete the thre Marys with theyr issue that is to vnderstande : Mary the mother of Christ Mary Solome the mother4 of Zebedee with the two chyldren of them also Mary Cleophe with her husbande Alphee with their four chyldren on the other syde with other poetycall verses sayd and songe with a balade in englisshe to her great prayse (and)5 honour and to al her progeny also. And so she passed (for)th5 from thence through cornehill and at the condyt was a sumptuous pagent of the thre graces : and at the comynge of the quenes grace a poete declared the nature of all those thre ladyes and gave hye prayses vnto the quene. And after his preamble fynysshed every lady partyculer spake great honour and hye prayse of the quenes grace : And so she passed forth with all her nobles tyll she came in chepe and at the great condyt was made a costly fountayne whereout ranne whyte wyne claret and reed great plenty all that after noone : and ther was great melody with speches. And so passed forthe through chepe to the standarde whiche was costly and sumptuously garnisshed with gold and asure with armes and stories wher was great armony and melody : and so passed she forth by the crosse in chepe whiche was newe garnisshed and so through chepe towarde the lesser condyt. And in the mydwaye bytwene the recorder of London receyved her afore the Aldermen with great reuerence and honour salutynge her grace with a louyng and humble preposycion presentynge her grace with a ryche and costly purse of golde and in it a thousande marke in golde coyne gyuen vnto her as a free gyfte of honour : to whom she gaue great thankes bothe with herte and mynde. And so her grace passed a lytell further and at the lesser condyt was a costly and a ryche pagent where as was goodly armonye of musyke and other mynstrels with syngyng : And within that pagent was fyue costly seates wherin was set these fyue personages that is to wete Juno Pallas Mercury and Venus and Parys hauyng a ball of golde presentyng it to her grace with certayne verses of great honour and chyldren syngyng a balade to her grace and prayse to all her ladyes and so passed forth to Poules gate where was a proper and a sumptuous pagent that is to wete ther sat three fayre ladyes virgyns costly arayde with a fayre rounde trone ouer their heedes where aboute was written this. Regina Anna prospere precede et regna that is in englysshe Quene Anne prospere precede and reygne. The lady that sate in the myddes hauynge a table of golde in her hande wrytten with letters of asure. Ueni arnica coronaberis. Come my loue thou shallbe crowned. And two aungels hauyng a close crowne of golde bytwene their handes. And the lady on the ryght hande had a table of syluer wherein was writte. Domine dirige gressos meos. Lorde god dyrecte my wayes. The other on the lyfte hande had in another table of syluer written thus. Confide in domino. Trust in god. And vnder theyr fete was a longe rol wherin was written this. Regina Anna nouum regis de sanguine natum cum paries populis aurea secla tuis. Quene Anne whan you shalte beare a newe sone of the kynges bloode there shalbe a golden worlde vnto thy people. And so the ladyes caste ouer her heede a multytude of wafers with rose leaues and about the wafers were written with letters of gold this posay6. And so her grace passed forth into Poules chyrchyarde and at the eest ende of the chyrch agaynst the schole was a great scaffblde whereon stode the nombre of two hundred chyldren well befene who receyued with poetes verses to her noble honour whan they had fynisshed she sayd Amen with ioyful smylyng countenaunce and so passed forth thrugh the longe chyrchyarde and so to Ludgate whiche was costly and sumptuously garnysshed with golde colours and asure with swete armony of ballades to her greate prayse and honour with dyuerse swete instrumentes. And thus her grace came thorowe the cyte with great honour and royaltye and passed thorowe Flete strete tyll she came to the Standarde and condyth where was made a fayre toure with foure tourrettes with fanes there within great plenty of swete instrumentes with chyldren syngyng the standarde of mason warke costly made with ymages and aungels costly gylted with golde and asure with other colours and dyuerse fortes of armes costly set out shall there contynue and remayne and within the standarde a vyce with a chyme. Also there ranne out of certayne small pypes great plenty of wyne all that afternoone. And so her grace passed through the cyte to temple barre and so to Charyng crosse and so thorowe Westmynster into Westmynster hall where that was well and rychly hanged with cloth of Arras with a meruaylous ryche cupborde of plate and there was a voyde7 of spyce plates and wyne. And that done the quenes grace withdrewe her in to the whyte hall for that nyght and so to Yorke place by water.
Note 1. In the original copy, in the British Museum, the corner is torn off after the letter "r" but the three missing letters are of course "ich."
Note 2. The missing letter is as evidently "s."
Note 3. Gracechurch Street.
Note 4. Wife.
Note 5. Torn away.
Note 6. The posy is not given in the original.
Note 7. Collation.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 08 Jun 1532. Also the sonday after Whytsonday beyng trynyte sonday and the eighth daye of June was made at Grenewyche these knyghtes followynge.
Sir Johan Dawne
Sir Richarde Haughton.
Sir Thomas Langton.
Sir Edwarde Bowton.
Sir Henry Capell.
Sir Christofer Cowen.
Sir Geffray Mydelton.
Sir Hugh Treuyneon.
Sir George West.
Sir Clement Herleston.
Sir Humfrey Feryes.
Letters and Papers 1533. 27 Apr 1533. 391. Preparations are making for the coronation of the Lady, which will exceed in sumptuousness all previous ones. It is said that it will take place on Ascension Day. The said Lady (age 32) will be bravely crowned, seeing she has all the Queen's jewels, with which she adorns herself every day; and it seems a very strange thing to every one, and very cruel, that the King should allow the Queen to be so despoiled of her jewels, and give them to another; which will certainly increase confusion. London, 27 April 1533.
Hol., Fr., pp. 6. From a modern copy.
Letters and Papers 1533. 28 Apr 1533. Harl. MS. 283, f. 96. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. II. 32. 395. Henry VIII. to Lady Cobham.
Has appointed her to attend on horseback at the coronation of "the lady Anne our Queen (age 32)," on the feast of Pentecost, at Westminster.
Desires her to be at Greenwich on the previous Friday, to accompany the Queen to the Tower; on the next day to ride through London to Westminster; and on Whitsunday to attend at the coronation in the monastery. She must provide white or white grey palfreys or geldings for herself and her women. The apparel for her own horse will be furnished by the Queen's master of the Horse, except the bit and bosses. Her robes and liveries shall be delivered by the keeper of the Great Wardrobe. Greenwich, 28 April. Stamped. P. 1. Add.
Letters and Papers 1533. 28 Apr 1533. Egerton MS. 985, f. 57 b. B. M. Add. MS. 6,113, f. 33 b. B. M. 396. Queen Anne Boleyn (age 32).
"For the Quenes coronacion."
[To appoint the day for the coronation, and to prepare all things for the same.] Letters from the King to be sent to the nobles, lords, knights, ladies, and others to attend; and to those who will be created knights of the Bath, [whose names Garter is to have]. Commissions to be made for the Great Steward and Constable. The day when the Steward shall sit in the White Hall. All noble men who hold land by service royal to bring in their claims. The mayor, aldermen, commoners, and crafts of London are to meet the Queen before she comes to the Tower. The King will meet her at the Tower. A kirtle and mantle of cloth of gold furred with ermines. A lace of silk and gold with tassels for the mantle. A circlet of gold garnished with precious stones. A litter of timber covered with cloth of gold. Down pillows covered with cloth of gold, for the litter.
A lady [appointed by name] to bear her train. The mayor, aldermen, and crafts of London are to do their service accustomed, and the streets between the Tower and Westminster are to be garnished with tapestry, arras, silk, &c., [and the banners, standard, and pennons of crafts to be ready to garnish the barges and stand where the wardens be of each occupation.]
Memorandum.—The Lords, the High Steward, Constable of England, Garter, the Mayor of London, and the two squires of honor to be in crimson velvet and "beket" (fn. 4) hats. The tipstaves of the marshals in their liveries, to avoid the press of people. A canopy of gold with valance to be borne by 16 knights. [Two esquires of honor to be appointed to represent the dukes of Normandy and Aquitaine.] A horse of estate, saddled, [to be led by the Master of the Queen's horse]. Six henchmen on palfreys harnessed with cloth of gold. Two chairs covered with cloth of gold, and ladies of the highest estate to sit in them, clothed in crimson velvet. Six ladies on palfreys with saddles and harness like those of the henchmen. Two other chairs richly garnished for the Queen's ladies. A great number of ladies and gentlewomen on palfreys dressed according to their estates. A void to be prepared for the Queen at Westminster. A kirtle and mantle of purple velvet furred with ermines, with a lace, &c., for the day of the coronation. A circlet. A cloth of estate in Westminster Hall. The procession. A ray cloth [to go from the Hall to Westminster]. A canopy borne by the barons of the Cinque Ports. Two bishops to go every side of the Queen. The verge of ivory [to be borne]. The sceptre. A rich crown of gold. Liveries to be given according to the precedents of the Wardrobe. The archbishop of Canterbury to do as appertaineth. The seat royal or pulpit to be dressed with cloth of gold and cushions. The Queen to be howseled, and after to have a secret refection [of such meat as she likes best]. A stage to be made, latticed and covered with rich cloths, for the King and others to see the solemnity. [The mayor, aldermen, and commoners of London, with their crafts, to meet the Queen before she comes to the Tower. The King to meet her, and welcome her at the Tower.] The service to the Queen at dinner, and the ordering of the hall, to be committed to those who have authority. A stage in Westminster Hall for minstrels and trumpets. The kings of arms, heralds, [and pursuivants] to keep their accustomed stage at the right end of the table, [and to have a cloth on the table with proper service.] The Treasurer and Comptroller to go on foot, and the three high estates [Constable, Marshal, and Steward], on horseback, [their horses trapped.] A stage on the left side of the Hall latticed and garnished for the King. The surnap, and who shall draw it; [the marshal to be named.] The void after. [The Mayor to bear the cup of gold.] Jousts and tourneys. [To appoint the number of challengers and defenders for the jousts, to go before the Queen from the Tower to Westminster Hall on their steryng horses, garnished with bells and devices.] The Lord Steward, Treasurer, and Comptroller must give warning overnight to those who shall do any service.
Two copies; pp. 3 each.
Letters and Papers 1533. 18 May 1533. 508. The Londoners wish to make all the inhabitants contribute to the costs of the coronation, which will be a charge to them of about 5,000 ducats, of which 3,000 are for a present to the Lady (age 32), and the rest for the ceremonial. Formerly there was no opposition to the said contribution; now they compel even foreigners to contribute; but I hear they will have the decency in this case to exempt the Spaniards. The Easterlings, as being subjects of your Majesty, would like to be excused, but the great privileges they enjoy here prevent them from objecting. London, 18 May 1533.
Hol., Fr., pp. 6. From a modern copy.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. 19 May 1533. The coming by water from Greenwich the Thursday.
The nineteenth day of May the Mayor and his brethren all in Scarlet, and such as were knights had collars of Esses and the remnant having good chains, and the counsel of the city with them assembled at saint Mary Hill, and at one of the clock descended to the New Stair to their barge, which was garnished with many goodly banners and streamers, and richly covered. In which barge were Shalmes, Shagbushes and diverse other instruments, which continually made goodly harmony. After that the Mayor and his brethren were in their barge seeing that all the companies to the number of fifty barges were ready to wait upon them. They gave commandment to the companies that no barge should row nearer to another then twice the length of the barge upon a great pain. And to see the order kept, there were three light wherys prepared, and in every one of them two officers to call on them to keep their order, after which commandment given they set forth in order as hereafter is described.
First before the Mayors barge was a Foyst or Wafter full of ordinance, in which Foyst was a great Dragon continually moving, and casting wildfire, and round about the said Foyst stood terrible monsters and wild men casting fire and making hideous noises: Next after the Foyst a good distance came the Mayors barge, on whose right hand was the Batchelors barge, in the which were trumpets and diverse other melodious instruments. The decks of the said barge and the sailyards and the top castles were hanged with rich cloth of gold and silk. At the foreship and the Stern were two great banners rich beaten with the arms of the king and the queen, and on the top castle also was a long streamer newly beaten with the said arms. The sides of the barge were set full of Flags and banners of the devises of the company of Haberdashers and merchant adventurers, and the cords were hanged with innumerable pensels having little bells at the ends which made a goodly noise and a goodly sight wavering in the wind. On the outside of the barge were three dozen Escutcheons in metal of arms of the king and the Queen which were beaten upon square bucram divided so that the right side had the King's colours, and the left side the Queen's, which Escutcheons were fastened on the clothes of gold and silver hanging on the decks on the left hand. On the left hand of the Mayor was another Foyst, in the which was a mount and on the same stood a white Falcon crowned upon a rote of gold environed with white roses and red, which was the Queens devise: about which mount sat virgins singing and playing sweetly. Next after the Mayor followed his fellowship the Haberdashers. Next after them the Mercers, then the Grocers, and so every company in his order, and last of all the Mayors and sheriff's officers, every company having melody in his barge by himself, and goodly garnished with banners and some garnished with silk and some with Arras and rich carpets, which was a goodly sight to behold, and in this order they rowed to Greenwich to the point next beyond Greenwich, and there they turned backward in another order, that is to wete, the Mayor and Sheriff's officers first, and the meanest craft next, and so ascending to the uttermost crafts in order and the Maior last as they go to Paul's at Christmas, and in that order they rowed downward to Greenwich town and there cast anchor making great melody. At three of the clock the Queen appeared in rich cloth of gold and entered into her barge accompanied with diverse ladies and gentlewomen, and incontinent the Citizens set forwards in their order, their minstrels continually playing, and the Batchelors barge going on the queen's right hand which she took great pleasure to behold. About the Queen's barge were many noble men, as the duke of Suffolk, the Marques Dorset, the Erle of Wiltshire, her father, the Earls of Arundel, Derby, Rutland, Worcester, Huntingdon, Sussex, Oxford, and many bishops and noblemen every one in his barge, which was a goodly sight to behold. She thus being accompanied rowed toward the Tower, and in the mean way the shippes which were commanded to lie on the shore for letting of the barges shot diverse peals of guns, and or she landed there was a marvellous shot out of the Tower as ever was heard there. And at her landing there met with her the Lord Chamberlain with the officers of arms and brought her to the King, which received her with loving countenance at the Posterne by the water side and kissed her, and then she turned back again and thanked the Mayor and the citizens with many goodly words, and so entered into the Tower. After which entry the citizens all this while housed before the Tower making great melody and went not aland, for none were assigned to land but the Mayor, the Recorder and two Aldermen. But for to speak of the people that stood on every shore to behold the sight, he that saw it not would not believe it.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. 20 May 1533. On Friday at dinner served the King all such as were appointed by his highness to be Knights of the Bath, which after dinner were brought to their chambers, and that night were bathed and shriven according to the old usage of England, and the next day in the morning the King dubbed them according to the ceremonies thereto belonging whose names ensueth.
The Marques Dorset.
The Earl of Darby.
The Lord Clifford.
The Lord Fitzwater.
The Lord Hastings.
The Lord Mounteagle.
Sir John Mordaunt.
The Lord Vaux.
Sir Henry Parker.
Sir William Windsor.
Sir Francis Weston.
Sir Thomas Arundel.
Sir John Hulstone.
Sir Thomas Poynings.
Sir Henry Saville.
Sir George Fitzwilliam.
Sir John Tindall.
Sir Thomas Jermey.
Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. 29 May 1533. The Thursdaye nexte before the feaste of Pentecost, the Kyng (age 41) and the Queene (age 32) beyng at Grenewyche, all the Craftes of London thereunto well appoynted, in severall bargis deckyd after the most gorgiouse and sumptuous maner, with dyverse pagiantes thereunto belongyng, repayred and wayted all together upon the Mayre of London; and so, well furnysshed, cam all vnto Grenewiche, where they taryed and wayted for the Queenes commyng to her barge: which so done, they brought her unto the Tower, tromppets, shambesa2 and other dyverse instrumentes all the wayes playng and makyng greate melodic, which, as ys reported, was as combly donne as neuer was lyke in any tyme nyghe to our rememberaunce. And so her Grace cam to the Tower on Thursdaye at nyghte, abowte v. of the clocke, where also was suche a pele of gonnes as hathe not byn harde lyke a great while before.
Letters and Papers 1533. 31 May 1533. MS. L. f. 1. Coll. of Arms. 563. Anne Boleyn (age 32).
On Thursday, 29 May 1533, 25 Hen. VIII., the lady Anne marchioness of Pembroke (age 32) was received at Greenwich, and conveyed to the Tower of London, and thence to Westminster, where she was crowned queen of England.
Order was taken by the King and his Council for all the Lords spiritual and temporal to be in the barge before Greenwich at 3 p.m., and give their attendance till the Queen took her barge. The mayor of London, Stephen Pecocke, haberdasher, had 48 barges in attendance richly decked with arras, hung with banners and with pennons of the arms of the crafts in fine gold, and having in them trumpets, shallands, and minstrels; also every barge decked with ordnance of guns, "the won to heill the other troumfettly as the tyme dyd require." Also there was the bachelor's barge sumptuously decked, and divers foists with great shot of ordnance, which went before all the barges. Order given that when her Grace's barge came "anontes" Wapping mills, knowledge should be given to the Tower to begin to shoot their ordnance. Commandment given to Sir Will. Vinstonne (Kingston), constable of the Tower, and Sir Edw. Wallsyngham, lieutenant of the Tower, to keep a space free for her landing. It was marvellous sight how the barges kept such good order and space between them that every man could see the decking and garnishing of each, "and how the banars and penanntes of armis of their craftes, the which were beaten of fyne gould, yllastring so goodly agaynste the sonne, and allso the standardes, stremares of the conisaunsys and devisis ventylyng with the wynd, allso the trompettes blowyng, shallmes and mistrielles playng, the which war a ryght symtivis and a tryhumfantt syght to se and to heare all the way as they paste upon the water, to her the sayd marvelles swett armone of the sayd ynstermentes, the which soundes to be a thinge of a nother world. This and this order hir Grace pasyng till she came a nontt Rattlyffe."
The Queen was "hallsyd with gones forth of the shippes" on every side, which could not well be numbered, especially at Ratcliffe. When she came over against Wapping mills the Tower "lousyd their ordinaunce" most triumphantly, shooting four guns at once.
At her landing, a long lane was made among the people to the King's bridge at the entrance of the Tower. She was received on coming out of her barge by Sir Edw. Walsingham, lieutenant of the Tower, and Sir Will. Kinston, constable of the Tower. The officers of arms gave their attendance; viz., Sir Thos. Writhe, Garter king-of-arms, Clarencieux and Norroy kings-of-arms, Carlisle, Richmond, Windsor, Lancaster, York, and Chester heralds; the old duchess of Norfolk bearing her train; the lord Borworth (sic), chamberlain to her Grace, supporting it, &c. A little further on she was received by lord Sandes, the King's chamberlain, lord Hause (Hussey), chamberlain with the Princess, the lord Windsor, the lord Nordunt (Mordaunt?), and others; afterwards by the bishops of Winchester and London, the earl of Oxford, chamberlain of England, lord Will. Haworth, marshal of England, as deputy to his brother Thos. duke of Norfolk, the earl of Essex, &c.
Somewhat within the Tower she was received by the King, who laid his hands on both her sides, kissing her with great reverence and a joyful countenance, and led her to her chamber, the officers of arms going before. After which every man went to his lodging, except certain noblemen and officers in waiting. The King and Queen went to supper, and "after super ther was sumptuus void."
Letters and Papers 1533. 29 May 1533. 556. The Duke left two hours after I had returned, so that neither he nor his company, among which is the brother (age 30) of the Lady (age 32), have delayed one day to see the triumph in which the Lady (age 32) has today come from Greenwich to the Tower. She was accompanied by several bishops and lords, and innumerable people, in the form that other queens have been accustomed to be received; and, whatever regret the King may have shown at the taking of the Queen's barge, the Lady has made use of it in this triumph, and appropriated it to herself. God grant she may content herself with the said barge and the jewels and husband of the Queen, without attempting anything, as I have heretofore written, against the persons of the Queen and Princess. The said triumph consisted entirely in the multitude of those who took part in it, but all the people showed themselves as sorry as though it had been a funeral. I am told their indignation increases daily, and that they live in hope your Majesty will interfere. On Saturday the Lady will pass all through London and go to the King's lodging, and on Sunday to Westminster, where the ceremony of the coronation will take place. London, 29 May 1533.
Fr., pp. 9. From a modern copy.
Letters and Papers 1533. 29 May 1533. R. O. 554. Rob. Tomlynson, Alderman of Our Lady's Guild in Boston, to Cromwell.
It pleased you to show me the King's letters for preparing a present for him against the Queen's coronation. The letters came not to my knowledge, which I regret. I have endeavoured since to provide such wild fowl as I could get in these parts, i.e. six cranes, six bitterns, and three dozen godwits, all of which I send you by Thos. Chapman. Please let Geoffrey Chamber know what you will have done with them. Boston, 29 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Of the King's Council.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 29 May 1533. Memorandum, Thursdaie, the 29th daie of Maie, 1533, Ladie Anne, Marques of Pembroke (age 32), was receayed as Queene of Englande by all the Lordes of Englande.c And the Majord and Aldermen, with all the craftes of the Cittie of London, went to Greenewych in their barges after the best fashion, with a barge also of Batchlers of the Majors crafte rytchlie behanged with cloath of golde and a foyste to wayte on her. And so all the Lordes, the Major, with all the craftes of London, brought her by water from Greenewych [Map] to the Tower of London [Map], and ther the Kinges grace (age 41) receaved her at her landinge; and then were shott at the Towre above a thousand gunnes, besides other shotts that were shott at Lymehowse, and in other shipps lying in the Thammes. And the morrowe after being Fridaief their were made divers Knightes of the Bath.
Note c. Anne Boleyn (age 32) was descended through both parents from the royal stock of King Edward I; paternally, from Elizabeth, daughter of that monarch, and, maternally, from Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, son of the same King.
Note d. Sir Stephen Pecocke
Note e. A light and fast-sailing ship.
Note f. May 30.
Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. 30 May 1533. And the same nyghte, and Frydaye aldayeb2 , the Kyng (age 41) and Queene (age 32) taryed there; and on Frydaye at nyght the Kyngs Grace made xviij knyghts of the Bathe, whose creacion was not alonly so strange to here of, as also their garmentes stranger to beholde or loke on; whiche said Knightes, the nexte daye, whiche was Saturday, rydde before the Queene's grace thorowte the Citie of London towards Westminster palice, over and besyds the moste parte of the nobles of the Realme, whiche lyke accompanied her grace thorowe owte the said citie; she syttyng in her heere, upon a Horse Lytter, rychely appareled, and iiij knyghtes of the v. ports beryng a Canapye over her hedd. And after her cam iiij. riche charettes, one of them emptie, and iij. other furnysshed with diuerse auncient old lades; and after them cam a great trayne of other Ladies and gyntillwomen: whyche said Progresse, from the begynnyng to thendyng, extendid half a myle in leyngthe by estimacion or thereabout. To whome also, as she came alongeste the Citie, was shewid many costely pagiants, with diverse other encomyes spoken of chyldren to her; wyne also runyng at certeyne Condits plentiously. And so procedyng thorowte the streats, passid furthe vnto Westminster Hall, where was a certeyn banket prepared for her, which donne, she was conveyd owte of the bake syde of the palice into a Barge and so vnto Yorke Place, where the Kyng's grace was before her comyng, for this you muste ever presuppose that his Grace came allwayes before her secretlye in a Barge aswell frome Grenewyche to the Tower as from the Tower to Yorke place.
Letters and Papers 1533. 30 May 1533. 563. On Friday, 30 May, all noblemen, &c. repaired to Court, and in a long chamber within the Tower were ordained 18 "baynes," in which were 18 noblemen all that night, who received the order of knighthood on Saturday, Whitsun eve. Also there were 63 knights made with the sword in honor of the coronation. Then all the nobles, knights, squires, and gentlemen were warned to attend on horseback, on the Tower Hill on Saturday next, to accompany her Grace to Westminster, to do service at the coronation. Pp. 6. Early copy.
An English Garner Volume 2 Page 52. Nicholas Udall. English Verses and Ditties at the Coronation Procession of Queen Anne Boleyn. [Royal MS. 18. A. Lxiv.]
At the Pageant representing the Progeny of Saint ANNE, exhibited at Cornhill, besides Leadenhall.
Were pronounced unto the Queen's Grace, these words following.
Most excellent Queen, and bounteous Lady !
Here now to see your gracious Goodness,
With such honour entering this City ;
What joy we take, what hearty gladness, No pen may write, nor any tongue express! For of you, depend the sure felicity And hope, both of us and our posterity.
For like as from this devout Saint ANNE
Issued this holy generation,
First CHRIST, to redeem the soul of man ;
Then JAMES th'apostle, and th'evangelist JOHN ;
With these others, which in such fashion
By teaching and good life, our faith confirmed,
That from that time yet to, it hath not failed:
Right so, dear Lady ! our Queen most excellent !
Highly endued with all gifts of grace,
As by your living is well apparent ;
We, the Citizens, by you, in short space,
Hope such issue and descent to purchase ;
Whereby the same faith shall be defended,
And this City from all dangers preserved.
Which time that we may right shortly see,
To our great comfort, joy and solace ;
Grant the most high and blessed Trinity !
Most humbly beseeching your noble Grace,
Our rude simpleness showed in this place To pardon ;
and, the brief time considering,
To esteem our good minds, and not the thing.
Letters and Papers 1533. 31 May 1533. R. MS. 18, A. LXIV. B. M. 564. Queen Anne Boleyn.
Verses composed by Nic. Udall, and spoken at the pageants in Cornhill, Leadenhall, and Cheapside, at queen Anne's procession through the city.
"Hereafter ensueth a copy of divers and sundry verses, as well in Latin as in English1, devised and made partly by John Leland, and partly by Nicholas Vuedale, whereof some were set up and some other were spoken and pronounced unto the most high and excellent Queen the lady Anne, wife unto our sovereign lord king Henry the Eight, in many goodly and costely pageants exhibited and showed by the mayor and citizens of the famous city of London at such time as her Grace rode from the Tower of London through the said city to her most glorious coronation at the monastery of Westminster, on Whitson eve in the xxvth year of the reign of our said sovereign lord." Latin and English, pp. 29. Endorsement pasted on: Versis and dities made at the coronation of Quene Anne.
Note 1. Several of the English verses are printed by Arber in his "English Garner," ii. 52.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 31 May 1533. And on Saturdaie, the last daie of Maie, shee (age 32) rode from the Towre of London [Map] throwe the Cittie,a with a goodlie companye of Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemen, with all the Peares of the Realme, rytchlie apparailed, and also eightene Knightes of the Bath newlie made, ridinge in blewe gownes with hoodes on their sholders purfeled with white, and white laces of silke knitt on the left sholders of their gownes. And she herself riding in a rytch chariott covered with cloath of silver, and a rich canapie of cloath of silver borne over her heade by the fower Lordes of the Portes,b in gownes of Scarlett, and fower chariotts, with ladies followinge after her rytchlie behanged; and also divers other ladies and gentlewomen riding on horscbacke all in gownes made of crymson velvett; and their was divers pageants made on skaffoldes in the Cittie; and all the craftes standing in their liveries everie one in order, the Major and Aldermen standinge in Cheepeside; and when she came before them the Recorder of London made a goodlie preposition to her, and then the Majorc gave her a purse of cloath of golde, with a thousand markes of angell nobles in it, for a presente for the whole bodie of the Cittie; and so the Lordes brought her to the Palace at Westminster, and their left her that night.
Note a. The City on this occasion appears to hare been decorated in a more somptaoos manner than at any time heretofore. — Maitland's "History of London," p. 188.
Note b. Cinque Ports.
Note c. According to Stow, it was Master Baker, the Recorder of London, who presented to Anne Boleyn (age 32) the City purse, containing one thousand marks of gold.
Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. 01 Jun 1533. Nowe than on Soundaye was the Coronacion, which allso was of such a maner.
In the mornynge ther assembled withe me at Westminster Churche the bysshop of Yorke, the Bishop of London (age 58), the Bishop of Wynchester (age 50), the Bishop of Lyncoln (age 60), the Bishop of Bathe, and the Bishop of Saint Asse (age 58), the Abbote of Westminstre with x or xij moo Abbottes, whiche all revestred ourselfs in our pontificalibus, and, soo furnysshed, withe our Crosses and Crossiers, procedid oute of th' Abbey in a procession unto Westminstre Hall, where we receyved the Queene (age 32) apareled in a Robe of purple velvet, and all the ladyes and gentillwomen in robes and gownes of scarlet accordyng to the maner vsed before tyme in such besynes: and so her Grace sustayned of eche syde with ij to bysshops, the Bysshope of London (age 58) ande the Bysshop of Wynchester (age 50), came furthe in processyon unto the Churche of Westminster, she in her here, my Lord of Suffolke (age 49) berying before herr the Crowne, and ij to other Lords beryng also before her a Ceptur and a white Rodde, and so entred up into the highe Alter, where diverse Ceremoneys used aboute her, I did sett the Crowne on her hedde, and then was songe Te Deum, &c. And after that was song a solempne Masse, all which while her grace sjatt crowned upon a scaffold whiche was made betwene the Highe Alter and the Qwyer in Westminstre Churche; which Masse and ceremonyes donne and fynysshed, all the Assemble of noble men broughte her into Westminstre Hall agayne, where was kepte a great solempne feaste all that daye; the good ordre therof were to longe to wrytte at this tyme to you. But nowe Sir you may nott ymagyn that this Coronacion was before her mariege, for she was maried muche about sainte Paules daye last, as the condicion therof dothe well appere by reason she ys nowe sumwhat bygg with chylde. Notwithstandyng yt hath byn reported thorowte a greate parte of the realme that I (age 43) maried her; whiche was playnly false, for I myself knewe not therof a fortenyght after yt was donne. And many other thyngs be also reported of me, whiche be mere lyes and tales.
Other newys have we none notable, but that one Fryth, whiche was in the Tower in pryson, was appoynted by the Kyngs grace to be examyned befor me, my Lorde of London, my lorde of Wynchestre, my Lorde of Suffolke, my Lorde Channcelour, and my Lorde of Wylteshere, whose opynion was so notably erroniouse, that we culde not dyspache hym but was fayne to leve hym to the determynacion of his Ordinarye, whiche ys the bishop of London. His said opynyon ys of suche nature that he thoughte it nat necessary to be beleved as an Article of our faythe, that ther ys the very corporall presence of Christe within the Oste and Sacramente of the Alter, and holdethe of this poynte muste after the Opynion of Oecolampadious. And suerly I myself sent for hym iij or iiij tymes to perswade hym to leve that his Imaginacion, but for all that we could do therin he woulde not applye to any counsaile, notwithstandyng nowe he ys at a fynall ende with all examinacions, for my Lorde of London hathe gyven sentance and delyuerd hym to the secular power, where he loketh every daye to goo unto the fyer. And ther ys also condempned with hym one Andrewe a taylour of London for the said self same opynion.
And thus farr you well, from my manor of Croydon the xvij. daye of June.
Note a. Hall, Chron. edit. 1809. p. 794. Holinsh. edit. 1808. vol. iii. p. 777.
Note b. Queen Elizabeth was born on September the 7th. 1533.
Note c. Stow, Ann. edit. 1631. p. 562.
Note d. Herb. Life of Hen. VIII. edit. 1649. p. 341. Bumet in his History of the Reformation has likewise fallen into this error.
Note e. Lingard's Hist Engl. 1st. edit. vol. iv. p. 190.
a1. re-journying.
a2. shaums.
b2. all day.
On 01 Jun 1533 the six months pregnant Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 32) was crowned Queen Consort England by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 43) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. See Coronation of Anne Boleyn.
John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 62) bore the Crown. Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 16) carried the Salt. Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 46) rode in the procession. William Coffin (age 38) was appointed Master of the Horse. Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 50) served as Lord Sewer. Henry Parker (age 20) and William Coffin (age 38) were knighted. Thomas Berkeley 6th Baron Berkeley (age 28), Thomas Stanley 2nd Baron Monteagle (age 26) and Henry Capell (age 27) were created Knight of the Bath. Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 46) rode in the procession. Arthur Hopton (age 44) attended.
Thomas More (age 55) refused to attend. Shortly thereafter, More was charged with accepting bribes, but the charges had to be dismissed for lack of any evidence.
Anne Braye Baroness Cobham (age 32) was the attendant horsewoman.
Charles Wriothesley (age 25) attended.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 01 Jun 1533. Memorandum, the first dale of June,d Queene Anne (age 32) was brought from Westminster Hall to the Abbey of Sainct Peeter's [Map] with procession, all the monkes of Westminster going in rytch copes of golde with 13 abbotts mitred; and after them all the Kinges Chappell in rych copes with fower bushopps and tow archbishopps mittred, and all the Lordes going in their Perliament roabes,e and the crowne borne afore her by the Duke of Suffolke (age 49), and her tow scepters by tow Earles, and she herself going under a rytch canapie of cloath of golde, apparailed in a kirtell of crymson velvett powdred with ermyns, and a robe of purple velvett furred with powdred ermines over that, and a rich cronett with a calla of pearles and stones on her hedde, and the olde Dutches of Norfolke (age 56)b bearing upp her traine in a robe of scarlett with a cronett of golde on her bonett, and the Lorde Boroughe,c the Queenes Chamberlaine, staying the traine in the middes; and after her tenne ladies following in robes of scarlett furred with ermins and rounde cronettes of golde on their heades; and next after theim all the Queenes maides in gownes of scarlett edged with white lettushe furre; and so was shee brought to Sainct Peeters Church [Map] at Westminster, and their sett in her seate riall, which was made on a high scaffolde before the highe aulter; and their shee was anoynted and crowned Queene of Englande by the Archbishopp of Canterberied1 and the Archbishoppe of Yorke, and so sate crowned in her seate riall all the masse, and offred also at the said masse; and the masse donne, they departed everie man in their degrees to Westminster Hall [Map], she going still under the cannapie crowned with towe septers in hir handes, my Lorde of Wilshire, her father,e1 and the Lorde Talbottf leadinge her, and so theire dynned; wheras was made the most honorable feast that hath beene seene.
The great hall at Westminster was rytchlie hanged with rych cloath of Arras, and a table sett at the upper ende of the hall, going upp twelve greeses,a2 where the Queene dyned; and a rytch cloath of estate hanged over her heade; and also fower other tables alongest the hall; and it was rayled on everie side, from the highe deasse in Westminster Hall to the scaffold in the church in the Abbaj.
And when she went to church to her coronation their was a raye cloath,b2 blew, spreed from the highe dessesc of the Kinges Benche unto the high alter of Westminster, wheron she wente.
Note B. the Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 23), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
And when the Queenes grace had washed her handes, then came the Duke of Suffolke (age 49), High Constable that daie and stewarde of the feast, ryding on horsebacke rytchlie apparailed and trapped, and with him, also ridinge on horsebacke, the Lorde William (age 23) Howarde as deputie for the Duke of Norfolke (age 60) in the romthd2 of the Marshall of Englande, and the Queenes servicee2 following them with the Archbishopps, a certaine space betwene which was bornef2 all by knightes, the Archbishopp sitting at the Queenes borde, at the ende, on her left hande.g2 The Earle of Sussex (age 50) was sewer, the Earle of Essex carver, the Earle of Darbie (age 24) cuppbearer, the Earle of Arrondell (age 57) butler, the Viscount Lisle (age 69) pantler, the Lord Gray almoner.
Att one of the fower tables sate all the noble ladies all on one side of the hall, at the second table the noble men, at the thirde table the Major of Londonh2 with the Aldermen, att the fowerth table the Barons of the Fortes with the Masters of the Chauncerie. The goodlie dishes with the delicate meates and the settles which were all gilt, with the noble service that daie done by great men of the realme, the goodlie sweete armonie of minstrells with other thinges were to long to expresse, which was a goodlie sight to see and beholde.
And when shee had dined and washed her handes she stoode a while under the canopie of estate, and behelde throwghe the hall, and then were spices brought with other delicates, which were borne all in great high plates of gold, wherof shee tooke a litle refection, and the residue geavinge among the lordes and ladies; and that donne she departed up to the White Hall, and their changed her apparell, and so departed secreetlie by water to Yorke Place [Map], which is called White Hall, and their laie all night.
Note d. Whitsanday. Compare this with the account of the receiving and coronation of Anne Boleyn in MS. Harleian. Cod. 41, arts. 2-5, and MS. Harleian. 543, fol. 119.
Note e. Henry's (age 41) first wife, Katharine of Aragon (age 47), was crowned with him, and a magnificent ceremony was ordained for her successful rival Anne Boleyn, but none of the other wives of Henry were honoured with a coronation.
Note a. A caul was a kind of net in which women inclosed their hair.
Note b. Grandmother (age 56) of Anne Boleyn, being widow of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, whose daughter Elizabeth (age 53) married Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 56), afterwards Earl of Wiltshire, the father of Anne.
Note. b, immediately above, appears to be a mistake? The grandmother of Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey, first wife of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk. He, Thomas, married secondly his first wife's first cousin Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk (age 56) who must be the old Duchess of Norfolk referred to since Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey died in Apr 1497.
Note c. Thomas, Lord Bnrgh of Gainsboroogh (age 45).
d1. In Sir Henry Ellis's Collection of Original Letters occurs a very interesting letter written by Cranmer to the English ambassador at the Emperor's court, giving his own account of the pronouncing of sentence on Katharine and of the coronation of Anne Boleyn (age 32).
e1. Anne Boleyn's father (age 56) had been created Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond on the 8th December, 1529.
a2. Steps or stain, Latin gressus.
b2. Striped cloth.
Note c. Desks.
d2. Room.
e2. Suite.
f2. Occupied.
g2. Stow expressly states that Archbishop Cranmer sat on the right hand of the Queen at the table's end. Ed. 1631, p. 567.
h2. Sir Stephen Pecocke.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. 01 Jun 1533. The order and sitting at diner.
While the Queen was in her chamber, every lord and other that ought to do service at coronation did prepare them according to their duty, as the duke of Suffolk High Steward of England which was richly apparelled, his doublet and jacket set with orient pearl, his gown of crimson velvet embroidered, his courser trapped with a cloth trapper head and all to the ground of crimson velvet set full of letters of gold of goldsmith’s work having a long white rod in his hand, on his left hand rode the Lord William, deputy for his brother as Earl Marshal with the Marshal’s rod, whose gown was crimson velvet, and his horse trapper purple velvet cut on white satin embroidered with white lions. The Earl of Oxford was High Chamberlain, the Earl of Essex carver, the Earl of Sussex sewer, the Earl of Arundel chief butler on who twelve citizens of London did give their attendance at the cupboard. The Earl of Derby Cupbearer, the Viscount Lisle Panter, the Lorde of Burgayne chief larder, the Lord Bray almoner for him and his coperteners, and the Mayor of Oxford kept the buttery bar, and Thomas Wyatt was chief eurer for sir Henry Wyatt his father. When all thing was ready, the Queen under her canopy came to the Hall and washed and sat down in the midst of the table under the cloth of estate. On the right side of the chair stood the Countess of Oxford widow, and on the left side stood the Countess of Worcester all the dinner season, which diverse times in the dinner time did hold a fine cloth before the Queen’s face when she list to spit or do otherwise at her pleasure. At the tables end sat the Archbishop of Canterbury on the right hand of the Queen, and in the midst between the Archbishop and the Countess of Oxford stood the Earl of Oxford with a white staff all diner time, and at the Queen’s feet under the table sat two gentlewomen all dinner time. When all these things were thus ordered came in the Duke of Suffolk and the Lord William Howard on horseback and the Sergeants of Arms before them, and after them the Sewer, and then the Knights of the Bath bringing in the first course which was twenty-eight dishes beside subtleties and ships made of wax marvellous gorgeous to behold, all which time of service the trumpets standing in the window at the nether end of the hall played melodiously. When her grace was served of two dishes, then the Archbishop service was set down, whose Sewer came equal with the third dish of the Queen’s service on his left hand. After that the Queen and the Archbishop was served, the Barons of the Portes began the table on the right hand next the wall, next them at the table sat the masters and clerks of the chancery, and beneath them at the table other doctors and gentlemen. The table next the wall on the left hand by the cupboard was begun by the Mayor and Aldermen the chamberlain and the counsel of the City of London, and beneath them sat substantial merchants, and so downward other worshipful persons. At the table on the right hand in the midst of the hall sat the Lord Chancellor and other temporal Lords on the right side of the table, in their circots. And on the left side of the same table, sat Bishops and Abbots in their Parliament robes, beneath them sat the Judges, Servantes, and the King’s Counsel, beneath the Knights of the Bathe. At the table on the left hand, in the middle part, sat Duchesses, Marquesses, Countesses, Baronesses, in their robes, and other ladies in circots, and gentle women in gowns. All which ladies and gentle women, sat on the left side of the table a long, and none on the right side: and when all were thus set, they were incontinent served and so quickly, that it was marvel, for the servitors gave such good attendance, that meat or drink ne anything else needed not to be called for, which in so great a multitude was marvel. As touching the fare there could be devised, no more costlier dishes nor subtleties. The Mayor of London was served with, twenty-three dishes at two courses, and so were all his brethren, and such as sat at his table. The Queen had at her second course, twenty-four dishes, and thirty at the third course: and between the two last courses, the Kings of Arms cried arges [?], in three parts of the hall and after stood in their place, which was in the bekins [?] the King’s Bench. And on the right hand, out of the Cloister of St Stephen’s, was made a little closet, in which the King with diverse Ambassadors, stood to behold the service. The Duke of Suffolk and the Lord William, rode oftentimes about the hall, cheering the lords, ladies, and the Mayor and his brethren. After they all had dined, they had wafers and Hippocras, and then they washed, and were commanded to rise, and to stand still in their places, before the table or on the forms until the Queen had washed: when she had taken wafers and Hippocras, the table was taken up, and the Earl of Rutland brought up the surnap, and laid it at the Lord’s end, which immediately was drawn, and cast by Master Rode, Marshal of the hall: and the Queen washed, and after the Archbishop, and after the surnap was drawn of, she arose and stood in the midst of the Hall place: to whom the Earl of Sussex in a goodly spice plate, brought a void of spice and comfits. After him the Mayor of London, brought a standing Cup of gold, set in a Cup of assay of gold, and after that she had drunk, she gave the Mayor the Cup, with the Cuppe of assay, because there was no leyar [?], according to the claim of the city, than King him and all his brethren, of their pain. Then she under her Canopy, departed to her Chamber, and at the entry of her Chamber, she gave the Canopy with bells and all, to the Barons of the Portes, according to their claim, with great thanks. Then the Mayor of London bearing his Cup in his hand, with his brethren went through the hall to their barge, and so did all other noble men and gentlemen, for it was six of the clock.
Hall's Chronicle 1533. 01 Jun 1533. Sonday being Whit Sunday the first day of June and the day of her Coronation.
On Sunday the Mayor clad in crimson velvet and with his collar and all the Aldermen and Sheriffs in Scarlet and the counsel of the city took their barge at the Crane by seven of the clock and came to Westminster where they were welcomed and brought into the hall by Master Treasurer and other of the King’s house, and so gave their attendance till the Queen should come forth. Between eight and nine she came into the Hall and stood under the clothe of estate, and then came in the King’s Chapel and the monks of Westminster all in rich copes and many Bishops and Abbots in copes and mitres which went into the midst of the hall, and there stood a season. Then was there a ray clothe spread from the Queen’s standing in the hall through the palace and sanctuary, which was railed on both sides to the high Altar of Westminster. After that the ray clothe was cast, the Officers of Armes appointed the order accustomed. First went gentlemen, then esquires, then knights, then the Aldermen of the city in their cloaks of scarlet, after them the Judges in their mantles of scarlet and coifs. Then followed the Knights of the Bathe being no Lords, every man having a white lace on his left sleeve. Then followed Barons and Viscounts in their parliament robes of scarlet. After them came Earles, Marquesses and Dukes in their robes of estate of crimson velvet furred with ermine powdered according to their degrees. After them came the Lord Chancellor in a robe of scarlet open before bordered with lettice: after him came the King’s Chapel and the monks solemnly singing with procession, then came Abbots and Bishops mitred, then Sergeants and Officers of Armes, then after them went the Mayor of London with his mace and garter in his coat of arms. Then went the Marquess Dorset in a robe of estate which bare the sceptre of gold, and the Earl of Arundel which bare the rod of Ivory with the Dove both together. Then went alone the Earl of Oxford High Chamberlain of England which bare the crown, after him went the duke of Suffolk in his robe of estate also for that day being High Steward of England, having a long white rod in his hand, and the Lord William Howard with the Rod of the Marshalship, and every Knight of the Garter had on his collar of the order. Then preceded forth the Queen in a circot and robe of purple velvet furred with ermine in her hair coif and circlet as she had the Saturday, and over her was borne the canopy by four of the five [Cinque] Portes all crimson with points of blue and red hanging on their sleeves, and the Bishops of London and Winchester bare up the lappets of the Queen’s robe. The Queen’s train which was very long was borne by the old Duchess of Norfolk (age 56) after her followed ladies being Lord’s wives which had circots of scarlet with narrow sleeves, the breast all lettice with bars of borders according to their degrees. And over that they had mantels of scarlet furred, and every mantle had lettice about the neck like a neckerchief likewise powdered, so that by the powderings their degree was known. Then followed ladies being Knight’s wives in gowns of scarlet with narrow sleeves without trains only edged with lettice, and likewise had all the Queen’s gentlewomen. When she was thus brought to the high place made in the midst of the church between the choir and the high altar she was set in a riche chair. And after that she had rested a while she descended down to the High Altar and there prostrate herself while the Archbishop of Canterbury said certain collettes: then she rose and the bishop anointed her on the head and on the breast, and then she was led up again, where after diverse Orisons said, the Archbishop set the crown of Saint Edward on her head, and then delivered her the sceptre of gold in her right hand, and the rod of Ivory with the Dove in the left hand, and then all the choir sang Te Deum, §c. Which done the bishop took of the crown of Saint Edward being heavy and set on the crown made for her, and so went to Masse. And when the offertory was begun she descended down and offered being crowned, and so ascended up again and sate in her chair till Agnus. And then she went down and kneeled before the altar where she received of the Archbishop the holy sacrament and then went up to her place again. After that Masse was done she went to Saint Edwardes shrine and there offered, after which offering done she withdrew her into a little place made for the nuns on the one side of the choir. Now in the mean season every Duchess had put on their bonnets a corona of gold wrought with flowers, and every Marquesses put on a demy Coronal of gold, every Countess a plain circlet of gold wrought with flowers, and every King of Armes put on a crown of copper and gilt all which were worn till night. When the Queen had a little reposed her the company returned in the same order that they set forth, and the Queen went crowned and so did the Ladies aforesaid. Her right hand was sustained by the Earl of Wiltshire (age 56) her father, and her left hand by the Lord Talbot deputy for the Earl of Shrewsbury and Lord Furnival his father. And when she was out of the Sanctuary and appeared within the palace the trumpets played marvellous freshly, and so she was brought to Westminster Hall, and so to her withdrawing chamber, during which time the Lords, Judges, Mayor and Aldermen put of their robes, Mantels and Cloaks, and took their hoods from their necks and cast them about their shoulders, and the Lords sat only in their circots and the Judges and Aldermen in their gowns. And all the Lords that served that day served in their circots and their hoods about their shoulders. Also, diverse officers of the King’s house being no Lords had circots and hoods of scarlet edged with miniver, as the Treasurer, Controller and Master of the Jewel House, but their circots were not gilt.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 02 Jun 1533. On the morrowe after was great justes at the tilte donne by eightene lordes and knightes, where was broken many speares valiantlie, but some of their horses would not come at their pleasure nere the tilt, which was great displeasure to somme of them that ranne; and, the justes donne, their was a goodlie banquett made to all the lordes, ladies, and gentlemen in the Queenes Chamber.
Letters and Papers 1533. 30 May 1553. Harl. MS. 41, f. 15. B. M. 561. Coronation Of Anne Boleyn. The order in proceeding from the Tower to Westminster.
The King's messengers to ride foremost with their boxes, to stay when that time is, and to go when that time is, as they see the followers do pause.
The strangers that ride, and the Ambassadors' servants. Item, next the trumpets, the gentlemen ushers, the chaplains having no dignity, the squires for the Body, with pursuivants two and two on each side. The knights and challenger and defender with steryng horses. The aldermen of London. The great chaplains of dignity. Heralds, two and two on each side. The knights of the Bath, the "barenettes" [and abbots]. (fn. 3) The knights of the Garter, being no lords. The two Chief Judges and Master of the Rolls. Then all the Lords and Barons in order after their estates. The Bishops. The Earls and Ambassadors. The comptroller of Household. The treasurer of Household. The steward of Household. Two kings-of-arms. The King's chamberlain. The Lord Privy Seal. The Lord Admiral of England. The Great Chamberlain of England. The Archbishops and Ambassadors. The two esquires of honor, with robes of estate rolled and worn baldric wise about their necks, with caps of estate representing the duke of Normandy and the duke of Aquitain. The Lord Mayor and Garter. The Marshal, the Constable, the Treasurer, the Chancellor. The Serjeants-of-arms on both sides. Her Chancellor bareheaded. The Queen's grace. The Lord Chamberlain. The Master of the Horse leading a spare horse. Seven ladies in crimson velvet. Two chariots; two ladies in the first, and four in the second, all of the greatest estates. Seven ladies in the same suit, their horses trapped to the pastron. The third chariot, wherein were six ladies with crimson velvet. The fourth chariot, with eight ladies in crimson velvet. Thirty gentlewomen, all in velvet and silk of the liveries of their ladies. The captain of the Guard. The King's guard in their rich coats.
Vellum, pp. 2.
Letters and Papers 1533. 30 May 1553. Add. MS. 21,116, f. 48. B. M. 562. Coronation Of Anne Boleyn.
"The appointment what number of officers and servitors that shall attend upon the Queen's grace, the Bishop and the ladies sitting at the Queen's board in the Great Hall at Westminster, the day of the coronation, as followeth:—
Carvers: Lord Montague for the Queen. Sir Edw. Seymour for the Bishop. Thos. Arundell for the ladies at the board.
Cupbearers: Lord William Howard for the Queen. Lord Clynton for the Bishop. Lord Audeley's son and heir for the board.
Sewers: Sir Edw. Nevill for the Queen. Percival Harte for the Bishop. Richard Verney for the board. Chief pantry, 1. Chief butler, 1. Chief sewer, 1. Almoners, 7. Servitors, knights, and gentlemen for three messes, 60.
Sewers, 8. Servitors, 80. Yeomen, 16.
Knights of the Bath: Marquis of Dorset, earl of Derby, lords Clifford, Fitzwater, Hastings, Mountegle, and Vaux; Mr. Parker, lord Morley's son; Mr. Wynsor, lord Winsor's son; John Mordant, lord Mordant's son; Fras. Weston, Thos. Arundell, Mr. Corbet, Mr. Wyndham, John Barkeley, John Huddelston, Ric. Verney of Penley, Thos. Ponynges, Hen. Savile, John Germayne, Rob. Whitneye of Gloucestershire, Geo. Fitzwilliams, John Tyndall.
Knights and gentlemen to be servitors: Sir John St. John, Sir Michael Fisher, Sir Thos. Rotheram, Sir Geo. Somerset, Sir Wm. Essex, Sir Antony Hungerford, Sir Ric. Graundfeild, Sir John Hamond, Sir Robt. Painton, Sir Giles Alington, Sir Thos. Elyot, Sir Rafe Langford, Sir John Fulford, Sir Thos. Darcy, Sir John Villers, Sir John Markham, Sir John Beryn, Sir Nic. Stirley, Sir Thos. Straung, Sir Fras. Lovell, Sir Edw. Chamberlen, Sir Adrian Fortescue, Sir Water Stoner, Sir Wm. Barentyne, Sir Wm. Newman, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Edm. Beningfeild, Sir Ant. Wingfeild, Sir Geo. Frogmerton, Sir John Russell of Worster, Sir Geo. Darcy, Sir Wm. Pickering, Sir Thos. Cornvell, Sir John Bridges, Sir Wm. Hussey, Sir Edw. Wotton, Sir Wm. Hault, Sir John Skott, Sir Ric. Clementes, Sir Wm. Kempe, Sir Edw. Cobham, Sir Wm. Fynch, Sir John Thymbleby, Sir Rob. Hussey, Sir Chr. Willughbie, Sir Wm. Skipwith, Sir Wm. Askice, (fn. 4) Sir Jeffrey Poole, Sir Jas. Worsley, Sir Thos. Lysley, Sir John Talbot, Sir John Gifford, Sir Wm. Basset, Sir Ph. Dracote, Sir Henry Longe, Sir Ant. Lutterell, Sir John Sainctlowe, Sir Roger Copley, Sir Wm. Pellam, Sir Wm. Goring, Sir Walter Hungerford, John Hersley, George Lyne, Ric. Philips,—Yorke, Ric. Dodham, Rafe Mannering, John Seintler, Clement Harleston, John Turell, Humfrey Ferres, Geo. Grissley, Wm. Drurye, Wm. Cope, John St. John, Edm. Tame, Ric. Lygon, Leonard Poole, John Arnold, John Arden, Wm. Stafford, Chas. Herbert of Troy, Sir Wm. Paunder, Young Wingfeild, Holcrofte, Skipwith, Diar, Young Barkeley.
Sewers: Roger Banbricke, Antony Isley, Edm. Browne, John Cheyne, Wm. Morgan, Davy Morgan, Hen. Seymer, William Jones.
Yeomen ushers and yeomen appointed to attend upon the Queen at her Coronation: John Lane, Laurence Sendell, Robt. Griffith, Thos. Marshall, John Brygden, Davyd Philips, John Geffrey, Wm. Avenell, Ric. Ryder, Wm. Sendre, Hugh Troblefeild, John Ashton, John Smith, senior, John Robertes, John Perce, Antony Saunders, Walter Wagham, Thos. Coxe, Ric. Stone, Thos. Hawkins, Wm. Bond, Robt. Whitbrowe, Hugh Lewis, Thos. Gethens, Ric. Gilmyn, Rob. Gibbes, Ric. Rawneshaw, John Bromfeld, Robt. Langden, John Holcomb, Robt. Owen, Griffith ap Morice, Walter Menours, Wm. Jones, Robt. Mortoun, Edm. Stoner, John Gethens, Edw. Philips, John Wympe, Ric. Clerke, John Holland, John Alcock, Ric. Gilling, John Evanse, Lyonell Martyn, Fras. Coket, John Brathwet, John Cox, John Knotford, John Belson, John Byrte, John Node, Moris Apenevet, Michael Whiting, John Stevens, Hugh David, Lewis ap Watkyn, John Cowper, Edw. Johnson, Ric. Fowler, John Grymith, Symond Symmes, Robert Stonhouse, Edw. Aprichard, Hen. Holden.
Ibid., f. 50 b. ii. Officers appointed to attend on the Queen and the Bishop sitting at the Queen's board end, on the day of her coronation.
John Hancote, Thos. Berram, Roger Gerers, John Massye, John Colby, John Person Edw. Dickey, Ric. Estoune, Wm. Lawry, George Banckes, Thos. Massy, Ralfe Ball, John Gounter, Ric. Baker, John Thomas, Thos. Norton, Wm. Germaine, Thos. Toby, Richard Faice, Geo. Hodson. John Williams, Adam Holland, Robt. Bird, Robt. Gibson, Wm. Batty, Hugh Norres, Thos. Calfe, Wm. Paye.
Carvers: The earl of [Essex or] Rutland for the Queen; Sir Edm. (Edward) Seymour for the Archbishop.
Cupbearers: Lord Derby for the Queen; Sir John Dudley for the Archbishop.
Sewers: The earl of Sussex for the Queen; Sir Thos. Arundell for the Archbishop.
Panters: Viscount Lisle, chief panter; John Apricharde; John Gislym.
[Butlers]: Earl of Arundell, chief butler; Ric. Hill, Edm. Harvye. [Ewers]: Sir Henry [Thomas] Wyat, Jeffrey Villers, Henry Atkinson. Chief almoners for the Queen: Lord Bray, Sir Wm. Gascoyne. Almoners: Henry Wells, Thos. Mason. Edmond Pekham, cofferer. William Thynne. Thos. Hatclife, Edw. Weldon, for the Bishop, and the said Bishop to be served covered. Surveyors at the dressers: Thos. Weldon for the Queen; Thos. Holden for the Bishop. Michael Wentworth, Henry Bricket, to see that nothing be embezzled.
Servitors from the dressers: For the Queen: Sir — Parker, Sir John St. John, Sir William Wynsor, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Fras. Weston, Sir John Gifforte, Sir John Barkeley, Sir John Huddleston. Sir Ric. Verney, Sir Thos. Poninges, Sir Hen. Savell, Sir John Germayne, Sir Robt. Whetney, Sir Geo. Fitzwilliams, Sir John Tyndall, Sir Michael Fisher, Sir Tho. Rotheram, Sir Geo. Somerset, Sir Wm. Essex, Sir Antony Hungerford, Sir Ric. Graundfeild, Sir John Shamond1, Sir Robt. Paynton, Sir Walter Stoner. For the Archbishop: Sir Thos. Elyot, Sir Rafe Langford, Sir John Fulford, Sir Thos. Dar[c]y. Sir John Villers, Sir John Markham, Sir John Berryn, Sir Nic. Stirley, Sir Thos. Straung, Sir Fras. Lovell, Sir Edw. Chamberlen, Sir Adryan Fortescue, Sir Hen. Longe, Sir Wm. Barington, Sir Wm. Newman, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Edw. Beningfeild, Sir Antony Wingfield, Sir Geo. Frogmerton [Throggemorton.], Sir John Russell of Worcestershire, Sir George Dar[c]y, Sir Wm. Pickering, Sir Thos. Cornwall, Sir John Bridges.
Waferers: Rob. Leigh for the Queen and the Bishop. He must bring his wafers for both services to the Queen's cupboard, to be set [sic: fet?from thence by the sewers. Confectionery: Cutbert Blakden [Vaughan] for the Queen and Bishop, with similar orders.
Kitchen: For the Queen and Bishop: John Plume, Edw. Wilkinson, Ric. Currey, John Armstrong, Robt. Plume, child, Thos. Galepy, fryer.
Larder: Lord Burgenye, John Dale, Jas. Mitchell.
Sausery: John Richardson for the Queen and Bishop, remaining in the house.
Pastry: John Cuncle, Elister Shainc. Boilers: John White, [John Tayler].
Scullery: Wm. Richarde for the Queen; Wm. Rawlyns for the Bishop, and to be served with gilt plate.
Marshals: Ric. Rede for the Queen; Edw. Vaux for the Bishop; Jesper Terrell; John Stevens. Richard Chace to be supervisor that every man give his due attendance that shall wait in the hall beneath the bar.
Lord Chamberlain: John earl of Oxford to give the King water.
The towel: Allen Asplonge, or his heirs, to give the Queen the towel before dinner.
The Queen's Champion:
Officers appointed to attend on the Lords Spiritual and Temporal at the middle board on the right hand of the Queen. The first board to be 11 yards in length, and to be served with three services of a like fare, and 30 services of another fare.
Sewers: John Barney at the board, John Banbricke at the dresser. Panters: Thos. Bend, Ric. Holbroke, Ric. Madoxe, John Stoddard, Wm. Dennys, Pierce Barly. Buttery and cellar: Bryan Aunsley, William Abbot, Ric. Weckly, John Aman. Ewris: Allyn Matthew, Thos. Christmas, Robt. Clynton.
Almoners: Thos. Oldnall, Wm. Blakeden, Hugh Williams.
[Conveyers]: Thos. Child, Thos. Hinde, Wm. Berman. Surveyors at the dressers: Thos. Hall, Wm. Thynne. John Lane, to see that the yeomen give due attendance. [Servitors from the dresser]: Richard Gilmyn, Robt. Griffith, Thos. Marshall, John Brogden, David Phillip, John Geffrey, Wm. Avenell, Ric. Ryder, Robt. Gibes, Wm. Semerre, Hugh Troblefeild, John Ashton, John Smith the elder, John Robertes, John Perce, Antony Perce, Antony Saunders, Walter Vaughan, Thos. Coxe, Ric. Stone, Thos. Hawkins, Wm. Bonde. Robt. Whitbrowe, Hugh Lewis, Thos. Githens. Waferers: Robt. Lystar. Confectionery: John Amnesleye. Kitchen: Wm. Bolton, Robt. Forster, John Floy [Sloye], John Laurence, John Baker, child, Wm. Botte [Abbott], fryer. Larder: John Dale, Jas. Michell. Saulsery: John Richard, Symond Dudley. Pastry: John Connicle, Robt. Dauson, Ric. Byre. Boiler: John White.
Scullery: Wm. Rice, Wm. Rawlins, Thos. Coke, child, John Worall [Morall], conducte.
Marshals: Thos. Ward, Hen. Hokars. Huisshers: John Gilman, Thos. Myles.
Officers to attend upon Duchesses and other ladies at the middle board on the left hand of the Queen; the first board 8 yards long. To be served with 3 services of like fare, 3 of another fare, and 30 of another fare.
Sewers: John Bonam, Ric. Sterkey.
Pantry: Thos. Skasley, John Markham, John Coxe, Thos. Hall. Conveyors of the bread to the panters: Richard Boxham, Geo. Forman. Buttery and cellar: Wm. Morrant, Ric. Lee, Ric. Parker, Thos. Trewth[Strewth].
[Ewers]: Geo. Fitzgeffrey, John Morgan, John Dixe. [Almoners]: John Stanbanck, Edw. Garret, Thos. Inde, Thos. Walker, Geo. Bond, Wm. Kedle, Thos. Turner. Surveyor at the dresser without, Thos. Hatcliffe; at the dresser within, Thos. Horden. John Powes to see that the yeomen give due attendance. Servitors from the dresser: Ric. Rainshawe, John Kinge, John Wellet, John Aprice, Ric. Saidell, Wm. Tolley, John Strymyn, Rafe Tykill, Thos. Jones, John Sydnam, Leonard Barowes, John Dorset, Thos. Lewis, Jas. [John] Stanley, John Tompson, John Smothen, Edw. Deckey, Ric. Eston, Wm. Laury, Geo. Bankes, Thos. Massie, Rafe Baiely, John Gaunter. Wafe[...] Robt. Lyster. Confectioner: John Amnesley. Kitchen: John Dale, George Benson, Rafe Iswell, Wm. Maie, Philip Yarow, child, Ric. Rede, fryer. Larder: Thos. English. Boiler: John Tailour. Saulsery: John Richard, John
Ringros. Pastry: Elize Shaunce, Wm. Andreson, conducte. Scullery: Wm. Wells, John Awmorer, conduct, Silvester Glossope.
Marshals: Nic. Sainctes [Synce], Thos. Braken. Huishers: John Towe, Nic. Ashfeild.
Officers to attend upon the Barons of the Cinque Ports, at the side board on the Queen's right hand, next the wall. The first board to be 8 yards long, and to be served with 3 services of like fare, and 30 services of another fare.
Sewers: Ant. Isley, John Cheyne. Panters: Wm. Cowper, John Bartlet, John Whitstall, Wm. Sotherne, conveyers of bread. Buttery and cellar: John Burnell, Robt. Gardener, Matthew Hanmer, Thos. Stanbridge [Skarbridge]. Ewry: Edw. Myller [Myllet], Thos. Colbeck, Robt. Maxton [Napton].
Almoners: Willm. Cressell, Wm. Breredge, Ric. Valentyne, Thos. Reding, and John Downslowe; John Davie and Robt. Rendon [Bendon], conveyers.
Surveyors at the dressers: Edw. Welden, Jas. Sutton. Servitors from the dresser: Laurence Serle, overseer, John Bromfeld, Robt. Lamdon, John Holcombe, Robt. Owen, Griffith Myres, Wm. Jones, Rob. Orton, Edm. Stone, John Githons, Edw. Philips, John Umpe, Ric. Clerke, John Holland, John Alcocke, Ric. Gilling, John Evans, Lymerell Martyn, Fras. Socket [Cockett], John Brewet, John Coxe, John Knotfort, John Bilson [Bason], John Birte. Waferer: Robt. Lyster. Confectionery: John Amnsley. Kitchen: Laurence Thexted, Ric. Townsend, Roger Brosse, John Coke, Rafe Hogan, child, Wm. More, fryer. Larder: Hen. Groves [Greve]. Boiler: John Tailour. Saulserie: John Richardson, Matthew White. Pastry: Matthew White, child, Roger Brynge, conducte. Scullery: Wm. Phillip, Wm. Hamhider. Marshal: Ric. Wales. Huishers: John Fisher, Jas. Aleasley.
Officers to attend upon the Mayor of London, sitting at the board next the wall on the left hand of the Queen. The first board to be 9 yards long, and to be served with 5 services of like fare, and 30 of another.
Sewers: Edw. Browne, Wm. Jones. Panters: Thos. Pulfort, Hugh Mynours, John Tryce, Robt. Hylston. Buttery and cellar: Thos. Mynours, Wm. Corffale, caker, John Throughgood, Wm. Agre. Ewry: Edw. Bird, Geo. Smert, Wm. Cheke.
Almoners: John Fisher, John Rowland, Wm. Blike, Wm. Willkinson, and Hen. Hungreford; Adam Faulcet, Hen. Wilkinson, conveyers of bread.
Surveyors at the dressers: John Mery, Robt. Pagman. Servitors from the dresser: Henry Bird to superintend, John Wode, Moris Apdenevet, Michael Whiting, John Stevens, Hugh David, Lewis ap Watkin, John West, John Burton, Robert Fleminge, Edw. Clayton, Lewis Appowell, John Cowper, Edw. Johnson, Ric. Fuller, John Treveth, Simmosune Symes, Robt. Stonehouse, Hen. Holden, John Hancocke, Thos. Boram, Roger Meres, John Massye, John Colby. Waferers: Robt. Lyster, John Amnsley. Kitchen: William Snowball, John Sterne, John Crane, John Mathew, Thos. Borrey, child, Peter Child, fryer. Larder: Ric. Mathewe. Boilers: John White, John Tailour. Saulsery: John Richardson, Thos. Nash. Pastry: Thos. Dover [Wever], Ric. Wilkinson. Scullery: Thos. More, Robt. Cellye. Marshals: Thos. Greves, Wm. Bellingham. Huisshers: Thos. Croftes, Wm. Bate.
The hall must be served with plate, as spoons, salts, pots, and bowls.
The Queen's Lord Chamberlain and Vice-chamberlain and two gentlemen must attend upon the Queen.
Officers appointed for serving the waste. Panter: Wm. Wilkinson. Clerk: Jas. Harington. Cook: John Hautcliffe. Larderer: John Dauson. Cooks for the "Worchouses" [Marchawses"(?)in § 2.]: John Birket, Ric. Parker, John Stevens, John Johnson, Steven God, Wm. Whitfeild.
Noblemen admitted to do service according to the tenure of their lands, and for the trial of their fees and profits unto the morrow of St. John Baptist's Day: Earl of Arundel, chief butler; Viscount of Lisle, chief panter; earl of Oxford, chief chamberlain; Sir Hen. Wyat, chief ewre; earl of Shrewsbury to support the Queen's right arm and bear the sceptre; sixteen Barons of the Cinque Ports to bear the canopy over her; lord Burgeine, chief larderer; Sir Giles Alington to bear the first cup to the Queen; earl of Sussex, chief sewer; the Mayor of London to bear a cup of gold to the Queen at her void.
Pp. 23.
Add. MS. 6,113, f. 34. B. M. 2. "Officers and servitors which did service the same day of coronation, being the first of June."
A list similar to ii., but with a few additions and variations, of which the more important have been noted. Pp. 18.
Note 1. Hamonde in § 2.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. The sondaye in the mornynge at eight of the clocke the quenes grace with noble ladyes in theyr robes of estate with al the nobles aparayled in parlyament robes as dukes cries archbysshops and bysshops with barons and the barons of the fyue portes1 with the mayre of the cite the aldermen in theyr robes as mantels of scarlet. The barons of the fyve portes bare a ryche canopy of cloth of golde with stanes of golde and four belles of syluer and gylt. The abbot of Westmynster in his rygals2 came in to the hall in pontificalibus with his monkes in theyr best copes the Kynges chapell in theyr best copes with the bysshops rychely aourned3 in pontificalibus and the ray cloth blewe spredde from the hygh desses of the kynges benche unto the hygh aulter of Westmynster. And so every man procedynge to the mynster in the best order euery man after theyr degree apoynted to theyr order and office as aperteyneth came vnto the place apoynted where her grace receyued her crowne with al the serymonyes therof as ther vnto belongeth. And so al the serimonyes done with the solempne masse they departed home in their best orders euery man to the hal of Westmynster where the quenes grace withdrew her for a tyme in to her chambre apoynted and so after a certayne space her grace came in to the hall. Than ye shulde haue sene euery noble man doyng their seruyce to them apoynted in the best maner thatl hath ben sene in any suche serimony. The quenes grace wasshed the archbisshop of Canterbury sayd grace. Than the nobles were set to the table therwith came the quenes seruice with the seruyce of tharch bysshop a certayne space thre men with the quenes grace seruyce. Before the said seruyce came the duke of Suffolke high constable that day and stewarde of the feest on horsbacke and meruaylously trapped in aparell with rychesse. Than with hym came the lorde Wyllyam Hawarde as depute to the duke of Norfolke in the rome of the marshal of Englande on horsbacke. The erle of essex caruer. Therle of Sussex sewer. Therle of Darby cupberer. Therle of Arundell butteller. The visconte lysle panter. The lorde Bray awmoner. These noble men dyd theyr seruyce in suche humble sorte and fassyon that it was wonder to se the payne and dylygence of them beynge suche noble personages. The seruyce borne by Knyghtes whiche were to me to longe to tell in order the goodly seruyce of kyndes of meate with their deuyses from the hyest vnto the lowest there haue not ben sene more goodlyer nor honorablyer done in no mannes dayes. There was foure tables in the great hall alonge the sayde hall. The noble women one table syttyng al on the one syde. The noble men an other table. The mayre of London an other table with his bretherne. The barons of the portes with the mayster of the chauncery the fourth table. And thus all thynges nobly and tryumphantly done at her coronacyon her grace retourned to Whyte hall with great ioy and solempnyte and the morowe was great iustes at the tylte done by eighteen lordes and knyghtes where was broken many speares valyauntly : but some of their horses wolde nat come at their pleasure nere unto the tylte whiche was displeasure to some that there dyd ronne.
Thus endeth this triumphe: Imprinted at London in flete strete by Wynkyn the Worde, for John Goughe.
Note 1. Whenever the five ports are mentioned in the original a curious contraction is used at the end of the word probably for "es."
Note 2. Vestments.
Note 3. A misprint for adourned.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. The Noble and Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. Wyfe unto the Most Noble Kynge Henry the VIII.
Note 1. MS note : Q. Anne Bullen the second wife of K. Henry 8 was crowned at Westminster on Whitsonday the first of lune Anno Domini MDXXXIII. This triumph is set forth at large in Stowes Chronicle.