Biography of Alexander Fraser 1610-1681
Around 1610 Alexander Fraser was born.
Pepy's Diary. 19 Sep 1664. So by coach home and to my office, where late, and so to supper and to bed. I met with James Pearce Surgeon to-day, who, speaking of Dr. Frazier's (age 54) being so earnest to have such a one (one Collins) go chyrurgeon to the Prince's (age 44) person will have him go in his terms and with so much money put into his hands, he tells me (when I was wondering that Frazier (age 54) should order things with the Prince in that confident manner) that Frazier (age 54) is so great with my Baroness Castlemayne (age 23), and Stewart (age 17), and all the ladies at Court, in helping to slip their calfes when there is occasion, and with the great men in curing of their claps that he can do what he please with the King (age 34), in spite of any man, and upon the same score with the Prince; they all having more or less occasion to make use of him.
Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jun 1666. Dined with me Sir Alexander Fraser (age 56), prime physician to his Majesty (age 36); afterward, went on board his Majesty's (age 36) pleasure-boat, when I saw the London frigate launched, a most stately ship, built by the City to supply that which was burnt by accident some time since; the King (age 36), Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, being there with great banquet.
Pepy's Diary. 03 Feb 1667. Up to the Duke of York (age 33), and with him did our business we come about, and among other things resolve upon a meeting at the office to-morrow morning, Sir W. Coventry (age 39) to be there to determine of all things necessary for the setting of Sir W. Pen (age 45) to work in his Victualling business. This did awake in me some thoughts of what might in discourse fall out touching my imployment, and did give me some apprehension of trouble. Having done here, and after our laying our necessities for money open to the Duke of York (age 33), but nothing obtained concerning it, we parted, and I with others into the House, and there hear that the work is done to the Prince (age 47) in a few minutes without any pain at all to him, he not knowing when it was done. It was performed by Moulins. Having cut the outward table, as they call corrupted, so as it come out without any force; and their fear is, that the whole inside of his head is corrupted like that, which do yet make them afeard of him; but no ill accident appeared in the doing of the thing, but all with all imaginable success, as Sir Alexander Frazier (age 57) did tell me himself, I asking him, who is very kind to me.
Pepy's Diary. 30 Apr 1667. Thence to the office, where we sat all the morning, but little to do, and then to the 'Change [Map], where for certain I hear, and the News book declares, a peace between France and Portugal. Met here with Mr. Pierce, and he tells me the Duke of Cambridge (age 3) is very ill and full of spots about his body, that Dr. Frazier (age 57) knows not what to think of it.
Pepy's Diary. 06 Jul 1667. Thence by coach home, and there wrote a few letters, and then to consult with my wife about going to Epsum to-morrow, sometimes designing to go and then again not; and at last it grew late and I bethought myself of business to employ me at home tomorrow, and so I did not go. This afternoon I met with Mr. Rolt, who tells me that he is going Cornett under Collonel Ingoldsby (age 49), being his old acquaintance, and Ingoldsby hath a troop now from under the King (age 37), and I think it is a handsome way for him, but it was an ominous thing, methought, just as he was bidding me his last adieu, his nose fell a-bleeding, which ran in my mind a pretty while after. This afternoon Sir Alexander Frazier (age 57), who was of council for Sir J. Minnes (age 68), and had given him over for a dead man, said to me at White Hall:-"What", says he, "Sir J. Minnes (age 68) is dead". I told him, "No! but that there is hopes of his life". Methought he looked very sillily after it, and went his way. Late home to supper, a little troubled at my not going to Epsum to-morrow, as I had resolved, especially having the Duke of York (age 33) and Sir W. Coventry (age 39) out of town, but it was my own fault and at last my judgment to stay, and so to supper and to bed. This day, with great satisfaction, I hear that my Lady Jemimah is brought to bed, at Hinchingbroke [Map], of a boy.
Pepy's Diary. 10 Nov 1667. After dinner Sir W. Pen (age 46) and I to White Hall, to speak with Sir W. Coventry (age 39); and there, beyond all we looked for, do hear that the Duke of York (age 34) hath got, and is full of, the small-pox; and so we to his lodgings; and there find most of the family going to St. James's, and the gallery doors locked up, that nobody might pass to nor fro and a sad house, I am sure. I am sad to consider the effects of his death, if he should miscarry; but Dr. Frazier (age 57) tells me that he is in as good condition as a man can be in his case. The eruption appeared last night; it seems he was let blood on Friday.
Pepy's Diary. 26 May 1669. To White Hall, where all the morning. Dined with Mr. Chevins (age 67), with Alderman Backewell (age 51), and Spragg (age 49). The Court full of the news from Captain Hubbert, of "The Milford", touching his being affronted in the Streights, shot at, and having eight men killed him by a French man-of-war, calling him "English dog", and commanding him to strike, which he refused, and, as knowing himself much too weak for him, made away from him. The Queen (age 30), as being supposed with child, fell ill, so as to call for Madam Nun, Mr. Chevins's (age 67) sister, and one of her women, from dinner from us; this being the last day of their doubtfulness touching her being with child; and they were therein well confirmed by her Majesty's being well again before night. One Sir Edmund Bury Godfry (age 47), a woodmonger and justice of Peace in Westminster, having two days since arrested Sir Alexander Frazier (age 59) for about £30 in firing, the bailiffs were apprehended, committed to the porter's lodge, and there, by the King's command, the last night severely whipped; from which the justice himself very hardly escaped, to such an unusual degree was the King (age 38) moved therein. But he lies now in the lodge, justifying his act, as grounded upon the opinion of several of the judges, and, among others, my Lord Chief Justice (age 62); which makes the King (age 38) very angry with the Chief-Justice, as they say; and the justice do lie and justify his act, and says he will suffer in the cause for the people, and do refuse to receive almost any nutriment. The effects of it may be bad to the Court. Expected a meeting of Tangier this afternoon, but failed.
On 03 May 1681 Alexander Fraser (age 71) died.