Culture, General Things, Arts, Paintings, Windsor Beauties

Windsor Beauties is in Paintings.

Around 1662 Peter Lely (age 43). Portrait of Princess Henrietta Stewart Duchess Orléans (age 17). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1662 Peter Lely (age 43). Portrait of Anne Hyde Queen Consort England (age 24). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1662 Peter Lely (age 43). Portrait of Frances Teresa Stewart Duchess Lennox and Richmond (age 14). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1664 Peter Lely (age 45). Portrait of Jane Needham (age 19). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1664 Peter Lely (age 45). Portrait of Margaret Brooke Lady Denham (age 24). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1665 Peter Lely (age 46). Portrait of Frances Brooke Lady Whitmore (age 25). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Frances Brooke Lady Whitmore: Around 1640 she was born to William Brooke and Pembroke Lennard. Before May 1665 Thomas Whitmore and she were married. In 1690 Frances Brooke Lady Whitmore died.

Around 1665 Peter Lely (age 46). Portrait of Elizabeth Wriothesley Countess Gainsborough (age 19). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1665 Peter Lely (age 46). Portrait of Mary Bagot Countess Falmouth. One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1665 Peter Lely (age 46). Portrait of Henrietta Boyle Countess Rochester (age 19). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Before 1666 Peter Lely (age 47). Portrait of Anne Digby Countess Sunderland (age 19). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Around 1666 Peter Lely (age 47). Portrait of Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 25). One of the Windsor Beauties.

Pepy's Diary. 21 Aug 1668. After dinner I by coach to my bookseller's in Duck Lane [Map], and there did spend a little time and regarder su moher, and so to St. James's, where did a little ordinary business; and by and by comes Monsieur Colbert (age 43), the French Embassador, to make his first visit to the Duke of York (age 34), and then to the Duchess (age 31): and I saw it: a silly piece of ceremony, he saying only a few formal words. A comely man, and in a black suit and cloak of silk, which is a strange fashion, now it hath been so long left off: This day I did first see the Duke of York's (age 34) room of pictures of some Maids of Honour, done by Lilly (age 49): good, but not like1.

Note 1. The set of portraits known as "King Charles's Beauties", formerly in Windsor Castle, but now at Hampton Court [Map]. B.

The Windsor Beauties are a set of portraits of the ladies of the court of King Charles II painted by Peter Lely.