John Evelyn's Diary 1676

 John Evelyn's Diary 1676 February John Evelyn's Diary 1676 April John Evelyn's Diary 1676 May John Evelyn's Diary 1676 June John Evelyn's Diary 1676 July John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September John Evelyn's Diary 1676 October

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1670s.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 February

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 February 20

20 Feb 1676. Dr. Gunning (age 62), Bishop of Ely, preached before the King (age 45) from St. John xx. 21, 22, 23, chiefly against an anonymous book, called "Naked Truth", a famous and popular treatise against the corruption in the Clergy, but not sound as to its quotations, supposed to have been the Bishop of Hereford and was answered by Dr. Turner, it endeavoring to prove an equality of order of Bishop and Presbyter.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 February 27

27 Feb 1676. Dr. Pritchard, Bishop of Gloucester, preached at Whitehall [Map], on Isaiah v. 5, very allegorically, according to his manner, yet very gravely and wittily.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 February 28

28 Feb 1676. [Note. Date adjusted to 28 Feb since original entry stated 29 Feb when it isn't a leap year.] I dined with Mr. Povey (age 62), one of the Masters of Requests, a nice contriver of all elegancies, and exceedingly formal. Supped with Sir J. Williamson, where were of our Society Mr. Robert Boyle (age 49), Sir Christopher Wren (age 52), Sir William Petty (age 52), Dr. Holden, subdean of his Majesty's (age 45) Chapel, Sir James Shaen, Dr. Whistler, and our Secretary, Mr. Oldenburg (age 57).

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March 04

04 Mar 1676. Sir Thomas Linch was returned from his government of Jamaica.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March 16

16 Mar 1676. The Countess of Sunderland (age 30) and I went by water to Parson's Green, to visit my Baroness Mordaunt (age 44), and to consult with her about my Lord's monument. We returned by coach.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March 19

19 Mar 1676. Dr. Lloyd (age 39), late Curate of Deptford, but now Bishop of Llandaff, preached before the King (age 45), on 1 Cor. xv. 57, that though sin subjects us to death, yet through Christ we become his conquerors.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March 23

23 Mar 1676. To Twickenham Park, Lord Berkeley's (age 48) country seat, to examine how the bailiffs and servants ordered matters.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March 24

24 Mar 1676. Dr. Brideoake (age 63), Bishop of Chichester, preached a mean discourse for a Bishop. I also heard Dr. Fleetwood (age 72), Bishop of Worcester, on Matt. xxvi. 38, of the sorrows of Christ, a deadly sorrow caused by our sins; he was no great preacher.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 March 30

30 Mar 1676. Dining with my Lady Sunderland (age 30), I saw a fellow swallow a knife, and divers great pebble stones, which would make a plain rattling one against another. The knife was in a sheath of horn.

30 Mar 1676. Dr. North (age 30), son of my Lord North (age 74), preached before the King (age 45), on Isaiah liii. 57, a very young but learned and excellent person. Note. This was the first time the Duke (age 42) appeared no more in chapel, to the infinite grief and threatened ruin of this poor nation.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 April

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 April 02

02 Apr 1676. I had now notice that my dear friend Mrs. Godolphin (age 23), was returning from Paris [Map]. On the 6th, she arrived to my great joy, whom I most heartily welcomed.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 April 28

28 Apr 1676. My wife (age 41) entertained her Majesty (age 45) at Deptford [Map], for which the Queen (age 37) gave me thanks in the withdrawing room at Whitehall [Map].

28 Apr 1676. The University of Oxford presented me with the "Marmora Oxoniensia Arundeliana"; the Bishop of Oxford writing to desire that I would introduce Mr. Prideaux, the editor (a young man most learned in antiquities) to the Duke of Norfolk (age 49), to present another dedicated to his Grace (age 49), which I did, and we dined with the Duke (age 49) at Arundel House [Map], and supped at the Bishop of Rochester's (age 51) with Isaac Vossius (age 58).

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 May

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 May 07

07 May 1676. I spoke to the Duke of York (age 42) about my Lord Berkeley's (age 74) going to Nimeguen. Thence, to the Queen's Council at Somerset House [Map], about Mrs. Godolphin's (age 23) lease of Spalding [Map], in Lincolnshire.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 May 11

11 May 1676. I dined with Mr. Charleton, and went to see Mr. Montague's (age 37) new palace, near Bloomsbury, built by Mr. Hooke (age 40), of our Society, after the French manner.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 May 13

13 May 1676. Returned home, and found my son (age 21) returned from France; praised be God!

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 May 22

22 May 1676. Trinity Monday. A chaplain of my Lord Ossory's (age 41) preached, after which we took barge to Trinity House in London. Mr. Pepys (age 43) (Secretary of the Admiralty) succeeded my Lord as Master.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 June

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 June 02

02 Jun 1676. I went with my Lord Chamberlain (age 58) to see a garden, at Enfield [Map] town; thence, to Mr. Secretary Coventry's (age 48) lodge in the Chase. It is a very pretty place, the house commodious, the gardens handsome, and our entertainment very free, there being none but my Lord and myself. That which I most wondered at was, that, in the compass of twenty-five miles, yet within fourteen of London, there is not a house, barn, church, or building, besides three lodges. To this Lodge are three great ponds, and some few inclosures, the rest a solitary desert, yet stored with no less than 3,000 deer. These are pretty retreats for gentlemen, especially for those who are studious and lovers of privacy.

02 Jun 1676. We returned in the evening by Hampstead, to see Lord Wotton's (age 33) house and garden (Bellsize House), built with vast expense by Mr. O'Neale, an Irish gentleman who married Lord Wotton's mother, Baroness Stanhope. The furniture is very particular for Indian cabinets, porcelain, and other solid and noble movables. The gallery very fine, the gardens very large, but ill kept, yet woody and chargeable. The soil a cold weeping clay, not answering the expense.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 June 12

12 Jun 1676. I went to see Sir Thomas Bond's new and fine house by Peckham; it is on a flat, but has a fine garden and prospect through the meadows to London.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 July

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 July 02

02 Jul 1676. Dr. Castillion, Prebend of Canterbury, preached before the King (age 46), on John xv. 22, at Whitehall.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 July 19

19 Jul 1676. Went to the funeral of Sir William Sanderson (deceased), husband to the Mother of the Maids (age 72), and author of two large but mean histories of King James and King Charles I. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 August

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 August 01

01 Aug 1676. In the afternoon, after prayers at St. James's Chapel, was christened a daughter of Dr. Leake's (age 34), the Duke's (age 42) Chaplain: godmothers were Lady Mary (age 14), daughter of the Duke of York (age 42), and the Duchess of Monmouth (age 25): godfather, the Earl of Bath (age 47).

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 August 15

15 Aug 1676. Came to dine with me my Lord Halifax (age 42), Sir Thomas Meeres (age 42), one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty, Sir John Clayton, Mr. Slingsby (age 55), Mr. Henshaw (age 58), and Mr. Bridgeman.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 August 25

25 Aug 1676. Dined with Sir John Banks (age 49) at his house in Lincoln's Inn Fields, on recommending Mr. Upman to be tutor to his son going into France. This Sir John Banks (age 49) was a merchant of small beginning, but had amassed £100,000.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 August 26

26 Aug 1676. I dined at the Admiralty with Secretary Pepys (age 43), and supped at the Lord Chamberlain's (age 58). Here was Captain Baker, who had been lately on the attempt of the Northwest passage. He reported prodigious depth of ice, blue as a sapphire, and as transparent. The thick mists were their chief impediment, and cause of their return.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September 02

02 Sep 1676. I paid £1,700 to the Marquis de Sissac, which he had lent to my Lord Berkeley (age 48), and which I heard the Marquis lost at play in a night or two.

02 Sep 1676. The Dean of Chichester preached before the King (age 46), on Acts xxiv. 16; and Dr. Crichton preached the second sermon before him on Psalm xc. 12, of wisely numbering our days, and well employing our time.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September 03

03 Sep 1676. Dined at Captain Graham's, where I became acquainted with Dr. Compton (age 44) (brother to the Earl of Northampton (age 54)), now Bishop of London, and Mr. North, son to the Lord North, brother to the Lord Chief-Justice and Clerk of the Closet, a most hopeful young man. The Bishop (age 44) had once been a soldier, had also traveled in Italy, and became a most sober, grave, and excellent prelate.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September 06

06 Sep 1676. Supped at the Lord Chamberlain's (age 58), where also supped the famous beauty and errant lady, the Duchess of Mazarine (age 30) (all the world knows her story), the Duke of Monmouth (age 27), Countess of Sussex (age 15) (both natural children of the King (age 46) by the Duchess of Cleveland (age 35)) [Note. A mistake by Evelyn. Jame's Scott's (age 27) mother was Lucy Walter, Anne Fitzroy's (age 15) mother was Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 35)], and the Countess of Derby (age 16), a virtuous lady, daughter to my best friend, the Earl of Ossory (age 42).

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September 10

10 Sep 1676. Dined with me Mr. Flamsted (age 30), the learned astrologer [Note. Astronomer] and mathematician, whom his Majesty (age 46) had established in the new Observatory in Greenwich Park, furnished with the choicest instruments. An honest, sincere man.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September 12

12 Sep 1676. To London, to take order about the building of a house, or rather an apartment, which had all the conveniences of a house, for my dear friend, Mr. Godolphin (age 31) and lady (age 24), which I undertook to contrive and survey, and employ workmen until it should be quite finished; it being just over against his Majesty's (age 46) wood-yard by the Thames side, leading to Scotland Yard.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 September 19

19 Sep 1676. To Lambeth, Surrey [Map], to that rare magazine of marble, to take order for chimney-pieces, etc., for Mr. Godolphin's (age 31) house. The owner of the works had built for himself a pretty dwelling house; this Dutchman had contracted with the Genoese for all their marble. We also saw the Duke of Buckingham's (age 48) glasswork, where they made huge vases of metal as clear, ponderous, and thick as crystal; also looking-glasses far larger and better than any that come from Venice.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 October

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 October 09

09 Oct 1676. I went with Mrs. Godolphin (age 24) and my wife (age 41) to Blackwall [Map], to see some Indian curiosities; the streets being slippery, I fell against a piece of timber with such violence that I could not speak nor fetch my breath for some space; being carried into a house and let blood, I was removed to the water-side and so home, where, after a day's rest, I recovered. This being one of my greatest deliverances, the Lord Jesus make me ever mindful and thankful!

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 October 31

31 Oct 1676. Being my birthday, and fifty-six years old, I spent the morning in devotion and imploring God's protection, with solemn thanksgiving for all his signal mercies to me, especially for that escape which concerned me this month at Blackwall [Map]. Dined with Mrs. Godolphin (age 24), and returned home through a prodigious and dangerous mist.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 November

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 November 09

09 Nov 1676. Finished the lease of Spalding [Map], for Mr. Godolphin (age 31).

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 November 16

16 Nov 1676. My son (age 21) and I dining at my Lord Chamberlain's (age 58), he showed us among others that incomparable piece of Raphael's, being a Minister of State dictating to Guicciardini, the earnestness of whose face looking up in expectation of what he was next to write, is so to the life, and so natural, as I esteem it one of the choicest pieces of that admirable artist. There was a woman's head of Leonardo da Vinci; a Madonna of old Palma, and two of Vandyke's, of which one was his own picture at length, when young, in a leaning posture; the other, an eunuch, singing. Rare pieces indeed!

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 December

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 December 04

04 Dec 1676. I saw the great ball danced by all the gallants and ladies at the Duchess of York's (age 18).

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 December 10

10 Dec 1676. There fell so deep a snow as hindered us from church.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 December 12

12 Dec 1676. To London, in so great a snow, as I remember not to have seen the like.

John Evelyn's Diary 1676 December 17

17 Dec 1676. More snow falling, I was not able to get to church.