Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536 is in Wriothesley's Chronicle.

1536 Death of Catherine of Aragon

1536 Anne Boleyn's Miscarriage

1536 Funeral of Catherine of Aragon

1536 Henry VIII becomes Supreme Head of the Church

1536 May-Day Jousts

1536 Arrest of George Boleyn

1536 Arrest of Anne Boleyn

1536 Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

1536 Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

1536 Execution of George Boleyn, Brereton, Norris, Smeaton and Weston

1537 Bigod's Rebellion

1537 Birth and Christening Edward VI

Death of Catherine of Aragon

07 Jan 1536. This yeare, the morrowe after twelve daie being Fridaie and the 7th daie of Januarieb, 1536 the honorable and noble Princes, Queene Katherin (age 50), former wife to King Henrie the VIII (age 44), departed from her worldlie lief at Bugden [Map], in Huntingdonshire, about tenne of the clocke at nightb, and...

Note. Stow and Hall, with other authorities, state that Queen Katharine died on the 8th Jannary, but the correctness of our text as to the day is placed beyond a doubt by the original letter of Sir Edward Chamberleyn (age 52) and Sir Edmund Bedyngfeld (age 57) transmitting this intelligence to Cromwell (age 51), still extant in the Public Record Office, and which runs thus:

"Pleaseth yt yower honorable Maystershipp to be advertysed, that this 7th day of January, abowt 10 of the clock before none, the Lady Dowager was aneled with the Holy Oyntment, Mayster Chamberlein (age 57) and I called to the same; and before 2 of the clock at aftenone she departed to God. Besechyng yow that the Kyng may be advertyscd of the same, and furder to know yower pleasour yn every thyng aperteynyng to that purpose; and, furder, in all other causes concernyng the hows, the servantes, and all other thynges, as shall stand wyth the Kynge's pleasour and yowers."

Note b. This would appear to be an error for 2 o'clock in the afternoon. See preceding note.

Funeral of Catherine of Aragon

29 Jan 1536. She was buried at Peterborowe [Map]c the 29th daie of Januarie, being Saturdaie.

Note c. In the Abbey Church, which Henry VIII afterwards converted into a Cathedral. The circular letter addressed by the King to many persons of quality, requiring their attendance in the conveyance of the corpse from Kimbolton to Peterborough, will be found in MS. Harleian. 540, fol 52b.

Anne Boleyn's Miscarriage

29 Jan 1536. This yeare also, three daies before Candlemasd, Queene Anne (age 35) was brought a bedd and delivered of a man chield, as it was said, afore her tyme, for she said that she had reckoned herself at that tyme but fiftene weekes gonne with chield; it was said she tooke a fright, for the King ranne that time at the ring and had a fall from his horse, but he had no hurt; and she tooke such a fright withall that it caused her to fall in travailee, and so was delivered afore her full tyme, which was a great discompfort to all this realme.f

Note d. As Candlemas Day is the 2nd of February, our Author must have calculated three full days, exclusive of the 29th January, 1536.

Note e. Another account is that her miscarriage was occasioned by the shock which she received upon discovering that Henry VIII had transferred his affections to Jane Seymour (age 27).

Note f. Her miscarriage was thought to have made an ill impression on the King's mind, who from thence concluded that this marriage was displeasing to God. Burnet, i. p. 196.

Henry VIII becomes Supreme Head of the Church

06 Feb 1536. This yeare also, the first Soundaie after Candlemas, being the sixt daie of Februarie, the Archbishopp of Canterberie, called Thomas Cranmer (age 46), preached at Paules Crosse [Map], my Lord Chauncelor (age 48)g being then present at his sermon, and their he approved, by scripture and by the decrees of the Popes lawes, that the Bishop of Rome, otherwise called Pope, was Antichrist, and also brought divers expositions of holie sainctes and doctors for the same; and how craftelie, and by what meanes, and how long, he had taken upon him the power of God and the aucthoritie above all princes christened, and how his aucthoritie and lawes was contrarie to scripture and the lawe of God, as he then honorably declared and approved to the cleere understanding of all the people.

Note g. Sir Thomas Audley, who had succeeded the learned Sir Thomas More as Chancellor in 1532.

13 Feb 1536. The seconde sermon, being on Septuagesima Sundaie, their preached at Powles Crosse [Map] the Bishop of Rochester.a

Note a. John Hilsey, Prior of the Dominican Friars in London, appointed 4th October, 1535, to this see, then vacant by the execution of Bishop Fisher.

20 Feb 1536. The Sondaie of Sexagesima preached at St. Poules Crosse [Map] the Bishopp of Lincolne (age 63).b

Note b. John Longland, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and late Canon of Windsor.

27 Feb 1536. The Soundaie of Quinquegesima, being the 27th daie of Februarie and Leepe yeare, a.d. 1536, preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bushoppe of Durhame, named Dr. Dunstall (age 62),c sometime Bishopp of London, and afore that, being Master of the Rolls; and their were present at his sermon the Archbishopp of Canterberie (age 46) with eight other bishopps, sitting at the crosse before the preacher; and the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande (age 48), the Duke of Norfolke (age 63), the Duke of Suffolke, with six Erles and divers other lordes, stoode behinde the preacher within the pulpitt, and also fower monkes of the Charterhouse of London were brought to the said sermon, which denied the King (age 44) to be supreame heade of the Church of Englande. And their the said preacher declared the profession of the Bishopp of Rome when he is elected Pope, according to the confirmation of eight universall general counsells, which were congregate for the faith of all Christendome; and everie Pope taketh an othe on the articles, promising to observe, keepe, and hould all that the said counsells confirmed, and to dampne all that they dampned; and how he, contrarie to his oth, hath usurped his power and aucthoritie over all Christendome; and also how uncharitably he had handled our Prince, King Henrie the Eight (age 44), in marying [him to] his brother's wife, contrarie to Godes lawes and also against his owne promise and decrees, which he opened by scriptures and by the cannons of the Appostles; and also how everie Kinge hath the highe power under God, and ought to be the supreame head over all spirituall prelates, which was a goodlie and gracious hearing to all the audience being their present at the same sermon. And in his prayers he said, after this manner, ye shall pray for the universall church of all Christendome, and especiall for the prosperous estate of our Soveraigne and Emperour King Henrie the Eight, being the onelie supreame head of this realme of Englande; and he declared also in his said sermon how that the Cardinalls of Rome bee but curattes and decons of the cittie and province of Bome, and how that everie curate of any parrish have as much power as they have, according to scripture, save onelie that the Pope of Rome hath made them so high aucthorities onelie for to ezhalt his name and power in Christen realmes for covetousnes, as by his owne decrees he evidentlie their approved.

Note c. Cuthbert Tunstall (age 62), translated from London 25th March, 1530.

The first Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bishopp of Salisberie (age 51).a

Note a. Nicholas Shaxton, elected 22nd Febnuuy, 1586, in place of Cardinal Canipeggio» who was deprired by Act of Parliament, in 1534, for jion-residenoe.

The second Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bishop of Worcestre (age 49).b

Note b. Hugh Latimer (age 49).

The third Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bishopp of Bangor.c

Note c. John Salcot, alias Capon, Abbot of Hyde, consecrated 19th April, 1684.

May-Day Jousts

This yeare, on Maye daie, 1536, beinge Moundaie, was a great justing at Greenewych [Map], where was chalengers my Lorde of Rochforde (age 33) and others, and defenders Mr. Noris (age 54) and others.d.

Note d. Stow adds: "From these joustes King Henry sodainely departed to Westminster, haying only with him six persons, of which sodaine departore men manreiled."

Arrest of George Boleyn

And the secondo dale of Maie, Mr. Noris (age 54) and my Lorde of Rochforde (age 33) were brought to the Towre of London [Map] as prisoners;

Arrest of Anne Boleyn

02 May 1536. ... and the same daie, about five of the clocke at nighta, Anne Bolleine (age 35) was brought to the Towre of London by my Lord Chauncelor (age 48)b, the Duke of Norfolke (age 63), Mr. Secretarie (age 51),c and Sir William Kingston (age 60), Constable of the Tower; and when she came to the court gate,d entring in, she fell downe on her knees before the said lordes, beseeching God to helpe her as she was not giltie of her accusement,e and also desired the said lordes to beseech the Kinges grace to be good unto her, and so they left her their prisoner.f

Note a. "In the afternoon." — Stow.

Note b. Sir Thomas Audley.

Note c. Sir Thomas Cromwell, afterwards Earl of Essex.

Note d. "Towergate" in Stow.

Note e. On her arrest she was informed of the accusation of adultery.

Note f. Anne's prison-chamber was that in which she had slept the night before her coronation.

Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

Item, the 12th daie of Maie, 1536, being Fridaie, their were arraygned at Westminster [Map]g Sir Frances Weston (age 25), knight, Henrie Norrisy (age 54) esquier, Brerton, and Markes (age 24), being all fower of the Kinges Privie Chamberh, and their condemned of high treason against the Kinge (age 44) for using fornication with Queene Anne (age 35), wife to the Kinge, and also for conspiracie of the Kinges death, and their judged to be hanged, drawen, and quartered, their members cutt of and brent [burned] before theim, their heades cutt of and quartered; my Lord Chauncelor (age 48) being the highest Commissioner he geving their judgment, with other lordes of the Kinges Counsell being presente at the same tyme.

Note g. They were tried by a Commission of Oyer and Terminer in Westminster Hall, after having been twice indicted. True bills were found by the two grand juries of the counties of Kent and Middlesex, the crimes they were charged with being said to be done in both counties.

Note h. Sir Francis Western and William Brereton, esq. of the King's Privy Chamber. Henry Norris, Groom of the Stole, and one Mark Smeton, a musician.

And the morrowe after, being Satterdaie, and the thirtenth of Maie, Maister Fittes-Williams (age 46),a Treasorer of the Kinges house, and Mr. Controoler,b deposed and brooke upp the Queenes househoulde at Greenewich [Map], and so discharged all her servantes of their offices clearlye.

Note a. Sir WilliamFitzwilliam, knt. afterwards Earl of Soathampton, held the office of Treasurer of the Household from 1626 to 1687.

Note b. Sir Edward Poynings.

Item, on Munday,c the 15th of May, 1536, there was arreigned within the Tower of London [Map] Queene Anne (age 35),d for treason againste the Kinges owne person, and there was a great scaffold made in the Kinges Hall within the Tower of London [Map], and there were made benches and seates for the lordes, my Lord of Northfolke (age 63) sittinge under the clothe of estate, representinge there the Kinges person as Highe Steward of Englande and uncle to the Queene, he holdinge a longe white staffe in his hande, and the Earle of Surrey (age 20) his sonne and heire, sittinge at his feete before him holdinge the golden staffe for the Earle Marshall of Englande, which sayde office the saide duke had in his handes; the Lord Awdley Chauncellour of England (age 48), sittinge on his right hande, and the Duke of Suffolke on his left hande, with other marqueses, earles, and lordes, everie one after their degrees.

Note c. Stow's account seems to hare been taken from this, with considerable verbal differences and some omissions.

Note d. There was no precedent for the trial of a Queen for treason, so Henry determined that she should be arraigned before a commission of Lords, as had been practised in the case of the Duke of Buckingham.

15 May 1536. And first the Kinges commission was redd, and then the Constable of the Tower (age 60)e and the Lieutenant (age 56) brought forthe the Queene (age 35) to the barre, where was made a chaire for her to sitt downe in, and then her indictment was redd afore her,g whereunto she made so wise and discreet aunsweres to all thinges layde against her, excusinge herselfe with her wordes so clearlie, as thoughe she had never bene faultie to the same,a and at length putt her to the triall of the Peeres of the Realme, and then were 26 of the greatest peeres there present chosen to passe on her, the Duke of Suffolke beinge highest, and, after they had communed together, the yongest lorde of the saide inquest was called first to give verdict, who sayde guiltie, and so everie lorde and earle after their degrees sayde guiltie to the last and so condemned her. And then the Duke of Northfolke (age 63) gave this sentence on her, sayinge: Because thou haste offended our Sovereigne the Kinges grace, in committinge treason against his person, and here attaynted of the same,' the lawe of the realme is this, that thou haste deserved death, and thy judgment is this: That thow shalt be brent here within the Tower of London on the Greene [Map], els to have thy head smitten of as the Kinges pleasure shal be further knowne of the same; and so she was brought to warde agayne, and two ladies wayted on her, which came in with her at the first, and wayted still on her, whose names were the Ladie Kingstone (age 60) and the Ladie Boleyn (age 56), her aunte.

Note e. Sir William Kingston (age 60).

Note f. Sir Edmond Walsingham (age 56).

Note g. Her indictment, which comprised six sereral charges, is preserred in the Public Record Office, with the subsequent proceedings thereon.

Note a. Upon her examination she positively denied she had ever been false to the King; but, being told that Norris, Weston, Brereton, and Smeton had accused her, she said she ought not to conceal certain things which had passed between her and them. See Burnet, tom, i. pp. 191, 280, &c.

Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

15 May 1536. After this, immediately the Lord of Rocheforde (age 33), her brother, was arreigned for treason, which was for knowinge the Queene, his sister, carnallie, moste detestable against the la we of God and nature allso, and treason to his Prince, and allso for conspiracie of the Kinges death: Whereunto he made aunswere so prudentlie and wiselie to all articles layde against him, that manreil it was to heare, and never would confesse anye thinge, but made himselfe as cleare as though he had never offended. Howbeit he was there condemned by 26 lordes and barons of treason, and then my Lord of Northfolke (age 63) gave him this judgment: That he should goo agayne to prison in the Tower [Map] from whence he came, and to be drawne from the saide Towre of London thorowe the Cittie of London to the place of execution called Tybume [Map], and there to be hanged, beinge alyve cutt downe, and then his members cutt of and his bowells taken owt of his bodie and brent [burned] before him, and then his head cutt of and his bodie to be divided in 4 peeces, and his head and bodie to be sett at suche places as the King should assigne; and after this the court brake up for that tyme. The Major of London with certeyne Aldermen were present at this arreignment of the Queene and her brother, with the wardeins and 4 persons more of 12 of the principall craftes of London.

Execution of George Boleyn, Brereton, Norris, Smeaton and Weston

17 May 1536. Allso the 17th day of May, beinge Weddensday, the Lord of Rochforde (age 33), Mr. Norys (age 54), Mr. Bruton, Sir Francis Weston (age 25), and Markys (age 24), were all beheaded [Note. Smeaton was hanged] at the Tower-hill [Map]; and the Lord of Rocheforde, brother to Queene Anne, sayde these wordes followinge on the scaffolde to the people with a lowde voyce: Maisters all, I am come hither not to preach and make a sermon, but to dye, as the lawe hath fownde me, and to the lawe I submitt me, desiringe you all, and speciallie you my maisters of the Courte, that you will trust on God speciallie, and not on the vanities of the worlde, for if I had so done, I thincke I had bene alyve as yee be now; allso I desire you to helpe to the settinge forthe of the true worde of God; and whereas I am sclaundered by it, I have bene diligent to reade it and set it furth trulye; but if I had bene as diligent to observe it, and done and lyved thereafter, as I was to read it and sett it forthe, I had not come hereto, wherefore I beseche you all to be workers and lyve thereafter, and not to reade it and lyve not there after. As for myne offences, it can not prevayle you to heare them that I dye here for, but I beseche God that I may be an example to you all, and that all you may be wayre by me, and hartelye I require you all to pray for me, and to forgive me if I have offended you, and I forgive you all, and God save the Kinge. Their bodies with their heades were buried within the Tower of London [Map]; the Lord of Rochfordes (age 33) bodie and head within the chappell of the Tower [Map], Mr. Weston (age 25) and Norys (age 54) in the church yeard of the same [Map] in one grave, Mr. Bruton and Markes (age 24) in another grave in the same churche yerde within the Tower of London.

And the same day, in the after-noone, at a solemne court kept at Lambeth by the Lord Archbishoppe of Canterburie (age 46) and the doctors of the lawe, the King was divorced from his wife Queene Anne (age 35), and there at the same cowrte was a privie contract approved that she had made to the Earle of Northumberlande (age 34) afore the Kings tyme; and so she was discharged, and was never lawfull Queene of England, and there it was approved the same.

Bigod's Rebellion

30 Jun 1537. This yeare, the 30th daie of June, the Lord Darcye (age 70) was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and his head sett on London Bridge, and his bodie buried at the Crossed Friars [Map] beside the Tower of London.

Also the Lord Hussey (deceased) was beheaded at Lyncolne, and Sir Robert Constable (age 59) was hanged at Hull in Yorkeshire in chaines. Aske (age 37) was hanged in the cittie of Yorke in chaines till he died.

26 Aug 1537. This yeare, on Soundaie the 26th daie of August, the Lord Crumwell (age 52) was made Knight of the Garter and stlled at Wyndsore.

1537. Also this yeare, after Trinitie terme, the sinode of the bishopps and cleargie of this realme brooke upp, which had contynued from Februarie hitherto, for an union and reformation of the Church of Englande, as by a booke of the articles now had in printeb more planelie appeares.

Note b. The publication of the Ten Articles occasioned great rariety of censures, the Reformers being scandalised hj the determination concerning anricnlar confession and the real presence, and the Roman Catholics thrown into unspeakable conster- nation by the rejection of the fundamental articles of their creed, so Ion;; since determined, the Papal authority abolished, and the existence of purgatory colled in question.

11 Oct 1537. This yeare, the 11th daie of October, Anno 1537, and the 29th yeare of the raigne of King Henrie the Eight, being Thursdaie, their was a solempne generall procession in London, with all the orders of friars, preistes, and clarkes going all in copes, the major and aldermen, with all the craftes of the cittie, following in their liveries, which was donne to pray for the Queene that was then in labour of chielde.

Birth and Christening Edward VI

12 Oct 1537. And the morrowe after, being Fridaie and the eaven of Sainct Edwarda, sometime King of Englande, at tow of the clocke in the mominge the Quecne [was] delivered of a man chieldeb at Hampton Court beside Kingston. And the same daie, at eight of the clocke in the morning, Te Deum was songe in everie parish church throughout Londonc, with all the bells ringing in everie church, and great fiars made in everie streete; and at 9 of the clocke their was assembled at Ponies all the orders of friars, monkes, channons, priestes, and clarkes about London, standing all about Paules in rich copes, with the best crosses and candlestickes of everie parrishe church in London; the Bishopp of London, the Bishopp of Chichestre, Deane of Poules, and the Abbott of West- minster being mitred, the said Bishopp and Deane of Paules making a collation to the people at the quire dore of Poules, the French Kinges embassadour being present, the Lord Chauncelor of Englande, the Lord Privie Scale, the Lorde Marques Dorsett, with all the judges and serjeantes of the lawe; the Major of London, with the orderman [aldermen] and sherives, with all the craftes of London, standing in their liveries: and after the said collation Poules quire song an attempncd of the Trinitie, with Te Deum, and the 9th responde of the Trinitie, with the colect of the same. Then the Kinges waites and the waites of London plaied with the shalmes; and after that a great peale of gonnea were shott at the Tower of London, all which solempnitie was donne to give laude and prayse to God for joy of our prince.

October 12th. Circular letters, in the Queen's name and under her signet, were prepared, announcing the birth of Prince Edward. One of them, addressed to the Lord Privy Seal, and dated on that day at Hampton Court, is now in the British Museum, Nero, C. x. leaf 7.

Note b. The story of Edward's being brought into the world by surgical art, and at the sacrifice jof his mother's life, seems to haye been invented by Nicolas Sanders, the Jesuit, from whom it was borrowed by Sir John Hayward, and adopted in his life of Edward VI. - See Kennett's Hist. Engl. vol. ii. p. 273. From this source it found its way into various historical books. The error apparently originated through the Queen's death having been assigned to the 14th, only two days after her deliyery, instead of to the 24th. - See p. 69 of this Chronicle.

Note c. As the King had caused his two daughters by his former marriages to be declared illegitimate, nothing could be more acceptable than the birth of a son which put the succession of the Crown out of all dispute.

Note d. Anthem.

12 Oct 1537. Also, the same night, at five of the clocke, their was new fiers made in everie strecte and lane, people sitting at them banquetting with fruites and wyne, the shalmes and waites playing in Cheepeside, and hogsheaddes of wyne sett in divers places of the Cittie for poore people to drinke as long as they listed; the major and aldermen riding about the cittie thancking the people, and praying them to give laude and praise to God for our prince; also their was shott at the Tower that night above tow thousand gonns, and all the bells ringing in everie parish church till it was tenne at the clocke at night; also the marchantes of the Styliard made great fiers, and brent a hundred staffe torches at their place, and gave a hogeshed of wyne to poore people, and tow barrells of beare also.

18 Oct 1537. This yeare, on Sainct Edwardes dalea, at the election of the maire, the Kinges letter was sent to electe and chose Mr. Richard Gressame (age 52)b, mercer, for maire for the yeare following, which was donne at the Kinges commandment; howbeit the Commens grudged, because he had bene alderman but one yeare; for that tyme they would have had Mr. Holes (age 66)c, which had beene put of three yeares by the Kinges letter.

Note a. October 18th.

Note b. Father of Sir Thomas Greaham (age 18).

Note c. Afterwards Sir William Holies, chosen Lord Major in 1539.

Birth and Christening Edward VI

15 Oct 1537. This yeare, the 25thd daie of October, being Moundaie, the Prince was christened in the Kinges chappell at Hampton Court, the Archbishopp of Canterberie (age 48) and the Duke of Norfoike (age 64) godfathers at the font, and my Ladie Maries grace (age 21), the Kinges daughter by Queene Katherin, godmotherb, and the Duke of Suffolke, godfather at the confirmation, the Princes name being Edwarde, proclaymed after his christning by the King of Haroldesa, "Edward, sonne and heire to the King of Englande, Duke of Cornewall, and Earle of Chester." The goodlie solempnitie of the lordes and ladies done at the christning was a goodlie sight to behoulde, everie one after their office and degree; the Ladie Elizabeth (age 4), the Kinges daughter, bearing the chrisome on her breast, the Viscoumpt Beauchampe (age 37), brother to the Queeneb, bearing her in his armes, the Earle of Essex (age 52) bearing the salte, the Ladie Marques of Exceter (age 34) bearing the Prince to the church and home againe, the Duke of Norfolke (age 64) staying his head, as she bare him, and the Duke of Suffolke (age 53) at his feete.

Note d. Evidently a clerical error for the 15th, which was Monday, whereas the 25th would haye been Thursday.

Note e. It is cnrions to note the incongruity of the sponsors: these were Archbishop Cranmer (age 48), the head of the Protestant Reformers, the Duke of Norfolk (age 64), leader of the lay Catholics, and the Princess Mary (age 21), a bigoted Catholic, who had been bastardised by her father.

Note a. Thomas Hawley, Clarencieux King-at-Arms.

Note b. Edward Seymour (age 37), elder brother of Queen Jane, and so brother-in-law of Henry VIII was created Viscount Beauchomp, of Hache, co. Somerset, 5th June, 1536. He was lineally descended from Sir Roger Seymour (temp. Edward III.) who married Cicely, sister and eldest coheir of John de Beauchamp, last Baron Beauchamp.

18 Oct 1837. Also, on Saint Lukes daiec, being Thursdaie, the Prince was proclaymed at the court "Edward, sonne and heire to King Henrie the Eight, Prince of Wales, Duke of Comewall, and Earle of Chesterd." Also the King made that daie tow earles and six knightes, that is to saie: Mr. Fittes Williams, Lord Admirall and Vice-Treasorer, was made Earle of Hamptone, and the Queenes brother, Viscount Beawchamp, was made Earle of Hertfordef and Mr. Powlett was made Vice-Treasorer,a and Sir John Russell, Controler of the Kinges howse, Mr. Henageb, Mr. Longc, and Mr. Knevett of the Kinges Privie Chamber, knightes, and Mr. Coffin, and Mr. Listred, knightes and Mr. Semere, the Queenes brother, knight..

Note c. October 18th.

Note d. This passage would seem to countenance the common account that the infant prince was almost immediately invested with these titles, whereas he himself tells us in his journal that he was only about to be created so when his father died, in which he is confirmed by Burnet, who says that Edward was called Prince of Wales, as the heirs to this crown are, yet he was not invested with that dignity by a formal creation.

Note e. William Fitzwilliam, descended from the ancestor of the present Earl Fitswilliam, was created Earl of Southampton, October 18th, 1537.

Note f. By which title he is known until the accession, in 1547, of his nephew Edward VI. when he was created Duke of Somerset, and was made Lord Protector of the Kingdom.

Note a. Sir William Poulet, Comptroller of the Household, was made Treasurer of the Household in 1587, when the Comptrollership was conferred on Sir John Russell, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, who eventually became first Earl of Bedford.

Note b. Thomas Hennage.

Note c. Richard Long, Master of the Buckhonnds.

Note d. Richard Lister, Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Note e. The Queen's younger brother, Thomas Seymour.