On this Day in History ... 5th November

05 Nov is in November.

1665 Great Plague of London

1678 Gunpowder Plot

1688 Glorious Revolution

1854 Battle of Inkerman

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 5th November

On 05 Nov 1235 (possibly March) Elisabeth Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon (age 30) died in Toro, Zamora.

On 05 Nov 1327 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 60) died. His son Alfonso IV King Aragon (age 28) succeeded IV King Aragon since his eldest son wished to take holy orders.

Calendars. On 05 Nov 1483 King Richard III of England (age 31). Bridport, Dorset [Map]. Commission of array in Wales to the king's kinsman William, Earl of Huntingdon (age 32), and James Tyrrell (age 28), knight, for the resistance of the rebels. By K. by word of mouth.

The like to James Tyrell, knight.

After 10 May 1490 Alice Southill (age 30) was buried at Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. After 05 Nov 1524 John Harrington (age 44) was buried with his wife.

Fluted Period. Esses and Roses Collar. The Bedesman, Chunky Lions Mane, Swirling Tail, Dogs chewing at her dress with Studded Collar, Dress Folds at Feet and Angels supporting the pillow are all indicative of Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent

Alice Southill: Around 1460 she was born to Henry Southill at Everingham. Before 10 May 1490 she died. In 1500 John Harrington and she were married. The difference in their ages was 20 years; she, unusually, being older than him.

John Harrington: After 1480 he was born to Robert Harrington at Exton, Rutlandshire. Date adjusted from 1473 to 1480 to be consistent with father's birth in 1465. On 05 Nov 1524 John Harrington died at Exton, Rutlandshire.

On 26 Jan 1546 John Spelman (age 66) died. On 05 Nov 1556 Elizabeth Frowick died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

John Spelman: Around 1480 he was born to Henry Spelman and Ela Narborough. In 1498 John Spelman and Elizabeth Frowick were married. They had thirteen sons and seven daughters. In 1531 he was appointed Justice of the King's Bench.

Elizabeth Frowick: she was born to Henry Frowick of South Mimms and Anne Knollys. John Coningsby of North Mimms and she were married.

On 05 Nov 1585 John St John 1st Baronet was born to John St John (age 33) and Lucy Hungerford.

On 05 Nov 1614 Anne St John Countess Rochester was born to John St John 1st Baronet (age 29) and Anne Leighton.

On 05 Nov 1616 William Segar (age 62) was knighted.

On 05 Nov 1665 William Brownlow 4th Baronet was born to Richard Brownlow 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Elizabeth Freke Lady Brownlow (age 32).

Pepy's Diary. 05 Nov 1665. Thence I to the Swan [Map], thinking to have seen Sarah but she was at church, and so I by water to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there made a visit to Mr. Evelyn (age 45), who, among other things, showed me most excellent painting in little; in distemper, Indian incke, water colours: graveing; and, above all, the whole secret of mezzo-tinto, and the manner of it, which is very pretty, and good things done with it. He read to me very much also of his discourse, he hath been many years and now is about, about Guardenage; which will be a most noble and pleasant piece. He read me part of a play or two of his making, very good, but not as he conceits them, I think, to be. He showed me his Hortus Hyemalis leaves laid up in a book of several plants kept dry, which preserve colour, however, and look very finely, better than any Herball. In fine, a most excellent person he is, and must be allowed a little for a little conceitedness; but he may well be so, being a man so much above others. He read me, though with too much gusto, some little poems of his own, that were not transcendant, yet one or two very pretty epigrams; among others, of a lady looking in at a grate, and being pecked at by an eagle that was there.

Pepy's Diary. 05 Nov 1665. To dinner, where a great deale of silly discourse, but the worst is I hear that the plague increases much at Lambeth, Surrey [Map], St. Martin's [Map] and Westminster, and fear it will all over the city.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1673. This night the youths of the city burned the Pope in effigy, after they had made procession with it in great triumph, they being displeased at the Duke (age 40) for altering his religion and marrying an Italian lady (age 15).

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1678. Dr. Tillotson (age 48) preached before the Commons at St. Margaret's [Map]. He said the Papists were now arrived at that impudence, as to deny that there ever was any such as the gunpowder-conspiracy; but he affirmed that he himself had several letters written by Sir Everard Digby (one of the traitors), in which he gloried that he was to suffer for it; and that it was so contrived, that of the Papists not above two or three should have been blown up, and they, such as were not worth saving.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1688. A declaration was published, prohibiting all persons to see or read the Prince's (age 38) manifesto, in which was set forth at large the cause of his expedition, as there had been one before from the States.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1688. These are the beginnings of sorrow, unless God in his mercy prevent it by some happy reconciliation of all dissensions among us. This, in all likelihood, nothing can effect except a free Parliament; but this we cannot hope to see, while there are any forces on either side. I pray God to protect and direct the King (age 55) for the best and truest interest of his people!-I saw his Majesty (age 55) touch for the evil, Piten the Jesuit, and Warner officiating.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1688. I went to London; heard the news of the Prince (age 38) having landed at Torbay, coming with a fleet of near 700 sail, passing through the Channel with so favorable a wind, that our navy could not intercept, or molest them. This put the King (age 55) and Court into great consternation, they were now employed in forming an army to stop their further progress, for they were got into Exeter [Map], and the season and ways very improper for his Majesty's forces to march so great a distance.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1688. The Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71) and some few of the other Bishops and Lords in London, were sent for to Whitehall, and required to set forth their abhorrence of this invasion. They assured his Majesty (age 55) that they had never invited any of the Prince's (age 38) party, or were in the least privy to it, and would be ready to show all testimony of their loyalty; but, as to a public declaration, being so few, they desired that his Majesty (age 55) would call the rest of their brethren and Peers, that they might consult what was fit to be done on this occasion, not thinking it right to publish anything without them, and till they had themselves seen the Prince's (age 38) manifesto, in which it was pretended he was invited in by the Lords, spiritual and temporal. This did not please the King; so they departed.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1689. The Bishop of St. Asaph (age 62), Lord Almoner, preached before the King (age 39) and Queen (age 27), the whole discourse being an historical narrative of the Church of England's several deliverances, especially that of this anniversary, signalized by being also the birthday of the Prince of Orange, his marriage (which was on the 4th), and his landing at Torbay this day. There was a splendid ball and other rejoicings.

On 05 Nov 1704 Samuel Pegge was born to Christopher Pegge and Getrude Stephenson.

On 05 Nov 1739 Hugh Montgomerie 12th Earl Eglinton was born to Alexander Montgomerie (age 19).

On 05 Nov 1807 Angelica Kauffmann (age 66) died in Rome, Italy.

On 05 Nov 1830 George James Cholmondeley (age 78) died. Memorial in St Oswald's Church, Malpas [Map].

George James Cholmondeley: On 22 Feb 1752 he was born to Robert Cholmondeley. Before 05 Nov 1830 George James Cholmondeley and Mary Elizabeth Townshend Countess Romney were married. The difference in their ages was 47 years.

On 05 Nov 1851 Edward Robert Hughes was born at Clerkenwell [Map]. His uncle was the painter Arthur Hughes (age 19).

After 05 Nov 1853. Church of St Mary, East Raynham [Map]. Memorial to Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend (deceased) and Charlotte Elizabeth Loftus.

Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend: On 16 Sep 1785 he was born to George Townshend 2nd Marquess Townshend and Charlotte Mainwaring Ellerker Countess of Leicester. Before 05 Nov 1853 Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend and Charlotte Elizabeth Loftus were married. He the son of George Townshend 2nd Marquess Townshend and Charlotte Mainwaring Ellerker Countess of Leicester. They were first cousins. On 05 Nov 1853 Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend died. He was buried at Church of St Mary, East Raynham.

Charlotte Elizabeth Loftus: she was born to General William Loftus and Elizabeth Townshend. On 21 Mar 1866 she died. She was buried in the Townshend family vault at Raynham Hall, Norfolk.

On 05 Nov 1854 at the Battle of Inkerman ...

Granville Charles Cornwallis Eliot (age 26) and Cavendish Hubert Greville (age 19) were killed.

On 05 Nov 1854 Robert Lydston Newman 2nd Baronet (age 32) was killed in action at the Battle of Inkerman. His brother Lydston Newman 3rd Baronet (age 30) succeeded 3rd Baronet Newman of Stokeley and Mamhead in Devon.

On 05 Nov 1854 Captain William Kent Allix (age 31) was killed in action at the Battle of Inkerman whilst serving with the 1st Royal Regiment.

The London Gazette 21997. War-Office, May 5, 1857.

The Queen (age 37) has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the Decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned Officers of Her Majesty's Army, who have been recommended to Her Majesty for that Decoration,—in accordance with the rules laid down in Her Majesty's Warrant of the 29th of January, 1856,—on account of acts of bravery performed by them before the Enemy during the late War, as recorded against their several names; viz.

Grenadier Guards. Colonel Hon. Henry Hugh Manvers Percy (age 39). Date of Act of Bravery, 5th November, 1854 [ at the Battle of Inkerman]

At a moment when the Guards were at some distance from the Sand Bag Battery, at the Battle of Inkerman, Colonel Percy charged singly into the battery, followed immediately by the Guards; the embrasures of the battery, as also the parapet, were held by the Russians, who kept up a most severe fire of musketry.

At the Battle of Inkerman Colonel Percy, found himself with many men of various regiments, who had charged too far, nearly surrounded by the Russians, and without ammunition. Colonel Percy, by his knowledge of ground, though wounded, extricated these men, and, passing under a heavy fire from the Russians then in the Sand Bag Battery, brought them safe to where ammunition was to be obtained, thereby saving some fifty men, and enabling them to renew the combat. He received the approval of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, for this action, on the spot.—Colonel Percy was engaged with, and put hors de combat, a Russian soldier.

7th Regiment. Lieutenant William Hope. Date of Act of Bravery, 18th June, 1855.

After the troops had retreated on the morning of the 18th June, 1855, Lieutenant W. Hope being informed by the late Serjeant-Major William Bacon, who was himself wounded, that Lieutenant and Adjutant Hobson was lying outside the trenches badly wounded, went out to look for him, and found him lying in the old agricultural ditch running towards the left flank of the Redan. He then returned, and got four men to bring him in. Finding, however, that Lieutenant Hobson could not be removed without a stretcher, he then ran back across the open to Egerton's Pit, where he procured one, and carried it to where Lieutenant Hobson was lying.

All this was done under a very heavy fire from the Russian batteries.

7th Regiment. Assistant-Surgeon Thomas Egerton Hale, M.D. Date of Act of Bravery, 8th September, 1855

First. For remaining with an officer who was dangerously wounded, (Captain H. M. Jones, 7th Regiment), in the fifth parallel, on 8th September, 1855, when all the men in the immediate neighbourhood retreated, excepting Lieutenant W. Hope and Dr. Hale; and for endeavouring to rally the men, in conjunction with Lieutenant W. Hope, 7th Royal Fusiliers.

Secondly. For having, on 8th September, 1855, after the regiments had retired into the trenches, cleared the most advanced sap of the wounded, and carried, into the sap, under a heavy fire, several wounded men from the open ground, being assisted by Serjeant Charles Fisher, 7th Royal Fusiliers

Coldstream Guards (late of the 49th Regiment). Brevet-Major John Augustus Conolly Date of Act of Bravery, 26th October, 1854.

In the attack by the Russians against the position held by the Second Division, 26th October, 1854, Major Conolly, then a Lieutenant in the 49th Regiment, while in command of a company of that regiment, on outlying picket, made himself most conspicuous by the gallantry of his behaviour. He came particularly under the observation of the late Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, while in personal encounter with several Russians, in defence of his post. He ultimately fell, dangerously wounded. Lieutenant Conolly was highly praised in General Orders, and promoted into the Coldstream Guards, as a reward for his exemplary behaviour on this occasion.

After 05 Nov 1854. St Martin's Church, Ancaster [Map]. Memorial to Captain William Kent Allix (deceased) who was killed at the Battle of Inkerman.

Captain William Kent Allix: Before 05 Nov 1804 he was appointed Aide-de-Camp to General George de Lacy Evans. On 09 Apr 1823 he was born to Colonel Charles Allix and Mary Elizabeth Hammond at Willoughby Hall. He was educated at Harrow School where there is a memorial plaque to him. On 05 Nov 1854 Captain William Kent Allix was killed in action at the Battle of Inkerman whilst serving with the 1st Royal Regiment.

On 05 Nov 1862 Mary Anne Browne died. On 09 Sep 1853 Anna Martina ffolkes died. In 1960 Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet (age 61) died. Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].

Mary Anne Browne: she was born to Dominick Geoffrey Browne of Castle McGarrett.

Anna Martina ffolkes: she was born to Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet.

Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet: In 1899 he was born to Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet. On 18 Oct 1938 or 20 Oct 1938 Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet died. His son Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet succeeded 6th Baronet ffolkes of Hillington Hall in Norfolk.

05 Nov 1876. Portrait of Henry Gastineau from the Illustrated London News.

Births on the 5th November

On 05 Nov 1226 Isabel Clare Lady Annandale was born to Gilbert Clare 5th Earl Gloucester 4th Earl Hertford (age 46) and Isabel Marshal Countess Cornwall, Gloucester and Hertford (age 26). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 05 Nov 1436 Richard Grey 3rd Earl Tankerville was born to Henry Grey 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 18) and Antigone Lancaster Countess Tankerville (age 14) at Pontesbury, Shropshire. He a great grandson of King Henry IV of England.

On 05 Nov 1563 Anna Orange Nassau was born to William "The Silent" Orange Nassau I Prince Orange (age 30) and Anna of Saxony (age 18).

On 05 Nov 1585 John St John 1st Baronet was born to John St John (age 33) and Lucy Hungerford.

Before 05 Nov 1612 George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol was born to John Digby 1st Earl Bristol (age 32) and Beatrice Walcott. On 05 Nov 1612 George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol was baptised.

On 05 Nov 1614 Anne St John Countess Rochester was born to John St John 1st Baronet (age 29) and Anne Leighton.

On 05 Nov 1640 John Verney 1st Viscount Fermanagh was born to Ralph Verney 1st Baronet (age 26).

On or before 05 Nov 1663 William Wray was born to Cecil Wray of Caistor (age 20) and Susan Cressy.

On 05 Nov 1665 William Brownlow 4th Baronet was born to Richard Brownlow 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Elizabeth Freke Lady Brownlow (age 32).

On 05 Nov 1667 Henri Bourbon Condé was born to Henri Jules Bourbon Condé Prince Condé (age 24) and Anne Henriette Palatinate Simmern (age 19). He a great x 2 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 05 Nov 1694 Robert Blackwood 1st Baronet was born.

On 05 Nov 1704 Samuel Pegge was born to Christopher Pegge and Getrude Stephenson.

On 05 Nov 1709 Lionel Copley was born to Lionel Copley (age 32) and Maria Wilson aka Burrill (age 40).

On 05 Nov 1713 Gorges Lowther was born to George Lowther of Kilrue in Meath.

On 05 Nov 1727 William Keppel was born to William Anne Keppel 2nd Earl Albermarle (age 25) and Anne Lennox Countess Albermarle (age 24). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 05 Nov 1734 Edward Newenham was born to William Newenham and Dorothea Worth.

On 05 Nov 1735 Henrietta Vernon Countess Grosvenor was born to Henry Vernon (age 17) and Henrietta Wentworth (age 15).

On 05 Nov 1739 Hugh Montgomerie 12th Earl Eglinton was born to Alexander Montgomerie (age 19).

On 05 Nov 1741 Brigadier-General John Johnson 2nd Baronet was born.

On 03 Jan 1744 or 05 Nov 1744 Reverend Barton Wallop was born to John Wallop Viscount Lymington (age 25) and Catherine Conduit.

On 05 Nov 1755 Princess Charlotte of Hesse-Darmstadt was born to Prince George William of Hesse-Darmstadt (age 33) and Countess Maria Louise Albertine of Leiningen-Dagsburg-Falkenburg (age 26).

On 05 Nov 1770 Lavinia Matilda Cary was born to Lucius Ferdinand Cary Master of Falkland (age 35).

On 05 Nov 1787 Emily Susanna Waldegrave was born to William Waldegrave 1st Baron Radstock (age 34). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 05 Nov 1792 Reverend William Molesworth was born to William Molesworth 6th Baronet (age 34).

On 05 Nov 1796 Henry Thompson 3rd Baronet was born to Charles Thompson 1st Baronet (age 56).

On 05 Nov 1797 Catherine Walpole was born to Horatio Walpole 2nd Earl Orford (age 45) and Sophia Churchill (age 41). She was baptised on 23 Nov 1797 at St James' Church, Piccadilly.

Around 05 Nov 1803 Emma Agnes Howard was born to Henry Howard (age 46) and Catherine Marie Mary Charlotte Neave (age 33).

On 05 Nov 1803 Lucius Cary 10th Viscount Falkland was born to Charles John Cary 9th Viscount Falkland (age 35) and Christiana Anton Viscountess Falkland.

On 05 Nov 1808 Mark Hanbury Durant was born to George Durant and Marianne Unknown.

On 05 Nov 1809 Jane Georgiana Sheridan Duchess Somerset was born to Thomas Sheridan (age 33) and Caroline Henrietta Callander (age 30).

On 05 Nov 1815 Christopher Dannit was born.

On 05 Nov 1833 Charles Henry Gurney was born to Daniel Gurney (age 42) and Harriet Jemima Hay (age 30).

On 05 Nov 1851 Edward Robert Hughes was born at Clerkenwell [Map]. His uncle was the painter Arthur Hughes (age 19).

On 05 Nov 1860 Lionel Charles Lane Fox-Pitt was born to Augustus Henry Fox Pitt-Rivers (age 33) and Alice Margaret Stanley (age 32).

On 05 Nov 1892 George Guy Bulwer Nugent 4th was born to George Colborne Nugent (age 28) and Isabel Mary Bulwer (age 23).

On 05 Nov 1898 Ernest Claude Williams was born to Ernest Martyn Williams (age 26).

On 05 Nov 1901 Mary Constance Vivian Smith was born to Vivian Hugh Smith 1st Baron Bicester (age 33) and Sybil Mary McDonnell Baroness Bicester (age 25).

On 05 Nov 1902 Gerald Gordon Ley 3rd Baronet was born.

On 05 Nov 1911 Robert Vernon "The Mad Boy" Heber Percy was born.

On 05 Nov 1916 John Wynne Bankes was born to Robert Wynne Bankes (age 29).

On 05 Nov 1963 Charles Pelham 8th Earl of Yarborough was born to John Edward Pelham 7th Earl of Yarborough (age 43) and Florence Anne Petronel Upton Countess Yarborough (age 39).

Marriages on the 5th November

Before 05 Nov 1436 Henry Grey 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 18) and Antigone Lancaster Countess Tankerville (age 14) were married. She by marriage Countess Tankerville. She the illegitmate daughter of Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 46). He the son of John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville and Joan Charleton Countess Tankerville. They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England. She a granddaughter of King Henry IV of England.

Between 05 Nov 1598 and 31 Jan 1599 William Hervey 1st Baron Hervey (age 34) and Mary Browne Countess Southampton (age 46) were married. Her third husband.

Before 05 Nov 1704 Christopher Pegge and Getrude Stephenson were married.

Before 05 Nov 1709 Lionel Copley (age 32) and Maria Wilson aka Burrill (age 40) were married.

On 05 Nov 1716 John Crispe 3rd Baronet (age 40) and Elizabeth Sayer were married.

On 05 Nov 1770 William Charles Colyear 3rd Earl Portmore (age 25) and Mary Leslie Countess Portmore (age 17) were married. She the daughter of John Leslie 10th Earl Rothes and Hannah Cole Countess Rothes. He the son of Charles Colyear 2nd Earl Portmore (age 70).

On 05 Nov 1795 Matthew Wood 1st Baronet (age 27) and Maria Page were married.

Before 05 Nov 1812 William Seymour and Hester Maltravers were married. He the son of Edward Seymour 8th Duke of Somerset and Mary Webb Duchess Somerset.

Before 05 Nov 1830 George James Cholmondeley (age 78) and Mary Elizabeth Townshend Countess Romney (age 30) were married. The difference in their ages was 47 years.

On 05 Nov 1835 Edmund L'Estrange and Henrietta Lumley-Savile were married.

Before 05 Nov 1853 Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend (age 68) and Charlotte Elizabeth Loftus were married. He the son of George Townshend 2nd Marquess Townshend and Charlotte Mainwaring Ellerker Countess of Leicester. They were first cousins.

On 05 Nov 1859 William George Granville Harcourt (age 32) and Maria Thérese Lister were married.

On 05 Nov 1878 Thomas Francis Anson 3rd Earl Lichfield (age 22) and Mildred Coke Countess Lichfield (age 24) were married at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map]. She the daughter of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 55) and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. He the son of Thomas George Anson 2nd Earl Lichfield (age 53) and Harriet Georgiana Louisa Hamilton Countess Lichfield (age 44). They were half first cousin twice removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 05 Nov 1910 Detmar Jellings Blow and Winifred Gertrude Tollemache (age 28) were married.

On 05 Nov 1923 Robert Anthony Eden 1st Earl Avon (age 26) and Beatrice Helen Beckett (age 18) were married.

Before 05 Nov 1963 John Edward Pelham 7th Earl of Yarborough (age 43) and Florence Anne Petronel Upton Countess Yarborough (age 39) were married. He the son of Marcus Herbert Pelham 6th Earl of Yarborough (age 70).

On 05 Nov 2002 Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 64) and Jamila Ben M'Barek Countess of Shaftesbury (age 41) were married. She by marriage Countess Shaftesbury. The marriage lasted until April 2004 when he started a relationship with Nadia Orche. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

Deaths on the 5th November

On 05 Nov 1011 Mathilde Saxon Ottonian Abbess Essen (age 62) died.

On 05 Nov 1219 Hugh Lusignan IX Count Lusignan (age 56) died. His son Hugh Lusignan X Count Lusignan V Count La Marche (age 36) succeeded X Count Lusignan.

On 05 Nov 1235 (possibly March) Elisabeth Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon (age 30) died in Toro, Zamora.

On 05 Nov 1288 Jean I de Harcourt (age 89) died.

On 05 Nov 1327 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 60) died. His son Alfonso IV King Aragon (age 28) succeeded IV King Aragon since his eldest son wished to take holy orders.

On 05 Nov 1376 or 05 Dec 1376 John Arundell (age 40) was drowned on the journey to Brittany. See Adam of Usk.

After 05 Nov 1376 John III Arundell (age 66) died.

On 05 Nov 1420 Philip Boteler (age 32) died.

On 05 Nov 1427 John Stafford (age 26) died.

On 05 Nov 1427 Thomas Hopton (age 55) died.

On 05 Nov 1450 John IV Count Armagnac (age 54) died. His son Jean V Count Armagnac (age 30) succeeded V Count Armagnac.

On 05 Nov 1459 John Fastolf (age 79) died at Caister, Norfolk [Map]. He was buried at St Benet's Abbey, Norfolk [Map]. William Yelverton (age 59) was executor. Fastolf's will was disputed by Yelverton and the other executors once it was discovered that John Paston (age 38) was to inherit the estates. The dispute between Yelverton and Paston was taken up by the Lord Chancellor's office and went on for many years.

On 05 Nov 1463 Bishop John Kingscote died.

Before 05 Nov 1486 Anne Neville (age 20) died.

Before 05 Nov 1520 Margaret Woodville (age 59) died.

On 05 Nov 1524 John Harrington (age 44) died at Exton, Rutlandshire.

On 26 Jan 1546 John Spelman (age 66) died. On 05 Nov 1556 Elizabeth Frowick died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

John Spelman: Around 1480 he was born to Henry Spelman and Ela Narborough. In 1498 John Spelman and Elizabeth Frowick were married. They had thirteen sons and seven daughters. In 1531 he was appointed Justice of the King's Bench.

Elizabeth Frowick: John Coningsby of North Mimms and she were married. she was born to Henry Frowick of South Mimms and Anne Knollys.

On 05 Nov 1559 William Hussey (age 28) died.

He was buried at St Martin's Church, Ludgate. His inscriptions read/reads:

Gulielmo Huseo (age 28), Cœlebi, Almæ Curiæ Cantauriensis Registro, literarum scientia vitæ probitate, morumque urbanitate claro, notis & amicis omnibus dilecto. Antonius (age 63) & Katharina conjuges, Chari parentes, orbati filio, Monumentum hoc dolentes posuerunt. Obiit quinto Kalendas Novembris Anno Dom. 1559. vixit annos 28. menses 3. dies 7. Obdormiat in Domino.

Roughtly transated:

William Hussey (age 28). Registrar Canterbury. Life and learning, well mannered and moral, to all his beloved friends and aquaintances. His dear parents Anthony (age 63) and Katherine of this beloved son, have set this reminder for grieving. Died 05 Nov 1559. 28 years 3 months and 7 days. Asleep in the Lord.

Before 05 Nov 1572 Robert Boyd of Penkill died.

On 05 Nov 1592 Thomas Fitzwilliam (age 60) died.

On 05 Nov 1606 George Lynne of Southwick died.

Around 05 Nov 1623 Elizabeth Corbet (age 40) died.

On 05 Nov 1624 James Wriothesley (age 19) died of fever at Roosendaal. On 28 Dec 1624 he was buried at Titchfield, Hampshire [Map].

On 05 Nov 1627 John Radclyffe of Ordsall (age 46) died.

On 05 Nov 1648 Mary Digby Countess Donegal (age 36) died in childbirth. She was buried at All Saints Church, Eggesford.

On 05 Nov 1649 Henry Carey (age 26) died.

On 05 Nov 1660 Lucy Percy Countess Carlisle (age 60) died.

On or before 05 Nov 1676, the date he was buried at St James' Church, Clerkenwell, John Cropley 1st Baronet died. His grandson John Cropley 2nd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cropley of Clerkenwell in Middlesex.

On 05 Nov 1680 Francis Trefusis (age 30) died.

On 05 Nov 1686 Robert Whitley (age 74) died.

On 05 Nov 1688 Thomas Exton (age 57) died.

On 05 Nov 1688 Frederick Louis Oldenburg died.

On 05 Nov 1692 Katherine Murray died.

On 05 Nov 1701 Charles Gerard 2nd Earl Macclesfield (age 42) died without legitimate issue; his two children with Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 33) had been declared illegitimate. His brother Fitton Gerard 3rd Earl Macclesfield (age 38) succeeded 3rd Earl Macclesfield, 3rd Viscount Brandon of Brandon in Suffolk, 3rd Baron Gerard of Brandon in Suffolk.

Before 05 Nov 1702 James Stanley died.

On 05 Nov 1702 Henry Winchcombe 2nd Baronet (age 43) died. Baronet Winchcombe of Bucklebury in Berkshire extinct. His estate Bucklebury Manor, Berkshire were inherited by his daughter Frances Winchcombe Viscountess Bolingbroke (age 21) and her husband Henry St John 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (age 24).

On 05 Nov 1702 William Stanley 9th Earl of Derby (age 47) died. On His brother James Stanley 10th Earl of Derby (age 38) succeeded 10th Earl Derby. Baron Strange Knockin abeyant between his two daughters Henrietta Stanley Countess Anglesey (age 15) and Elizabeth Stanley. On the death of Elizabeth Stanley in 1714 the abeyance was terminated in favour of Henrietta Stanley Countess Anglesey (age 15).

On 05 Nov 1743 Erasmus Philipps 5th Baronet (age 43) drowned in the River Avon after his horse was frightened by pigs. He was unmarried. His brother John Philipps 6th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 6th Baronet Philips of Picton Castle.

On 16 Nov 1745 James Butler 2nd Duke Ormonde (age 80) died. His coffin-plate says 05 Nov 1645. He was buried in the Duke of Ormonde Vault, King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey. His brother Charles Butler 3rd Duke Ormond (age 74) de jure 3rd Duke Ormonde (he didn't claim the title since his brother the second duke had been attainted for supporting the Jacobite rebellion), 3rd Marquess Ormonde, 14th Earl Ormonde, 7th Earl Ossory.

On 05 Nov 1755 Maria Henrietta Stafford-Howard (age 43) died.

On 05 Nov 1763 John Fleming 1st Baronet (age 33) died. Baronet Fleming of Brompton Park in Middlesex extinct.

On 05 Nov 1767 Benjamin Bathurst (age 75) died.

On 01 Nov 1768 John Haskins Eyles-Styles 4th Baronet (age 27) died unmarried. Baronet Eyles of London extinct. He was buried on 05 Nov 1768 at St Helen's Church Bishopsgate.

On or before 05 Nov 1768 Anne Heathcote Lady Drake (age 66) died. She was buried on 05 Nov 1768 at Hackney.

On 05 Nov 1774 John Murray 3rd Duke Atholl (age 45) died at Dunkeld. His son John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 19) succeeded 4th Duke Atholl, 5th Marquess Atholl, 6th Earl Atholl, 7th Earl Tullibardine.

On 05 Nov 1779 Roger Twisden 6th Baronet (age 41) died. His brother John Papillion Twisden 7th Baronet (age 36) succeeded 7th Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent. There was an older brother, William Twisden, who was barred from the succession. It appears that there was some doubt as to whether he and his wife Mary Kirk had been legally married before his birth. Sources refer to John Francis Twisden and John Kerr Twisden, grandson and great-gandson of William Twisden respectively as de jure 7th and 8th Baronets. Their line ran out with the death of John Kerr Twisden and the Baronetcy was inherited by William Twisden 9th Baronet.

On 05 Nov 1796 Mary Bruce Duchess Richmond died.

On 05 Nov 1799 William Kemp 8th Baronet (age 81) died. His son William Robert Kemp 9th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 9th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk. Sarah Adcock Lady Kemp by marriage Lady Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk.

On 05 Nov 1800 William Seymour (age 76) died.

On 05 Nov 1805 John Beresford (age 67) died.

On 05 Nov 1807 Angelica Kauffmann (age 66) died in Rome, Italy.

On 05 Nov 1811 Richard Byron (age 87) died.

On 05 Nov 1813 Thomas Style 7th Baronet (age 16) died unmarried. His brother Thomas Charles Style 8th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 8th Baronet Style of Wateringbury in Kent.

On 05 Nov 1818 Thomas Hanmer (age 37) died.

On 05 Nov 1824 Elizabeth Dryden (age 71) died.

On 05 Nov 1827 George Allanson-Winn (age 42) died.

On 05 Nov 1828 Empress Sophie Dorothea of Russia (age 69) died.

On 05 Nov 1830 George James Cholmondeley (age 78) died. Memorial in St Oswald's Church, Malpas [Map].

George James Cholmondeley: On 22 Feb 1752 he was born to Robert Cholmondeley. Before 05 Nov 1830 George James Cholmondeley and Mary Elizabeth Townshend Countess Romney were married. The difference in their ages was 47 years.

On 05 Nov 1838 George William Coventry (age 29) died.

On 05 Nov 1847 Archbishop Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt (age 90) died.

On 05 Nov 1848 Charlotte Legge Baroness Feversham Duncombe Park (age 74) died.

On 05 Nov 1850 Duncombe Pleydell-Bouverie (age 70) died.

On 05 Nov 1853 Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend (age 68) died. He was buried at Church of St Mary, East Raynham [Map].

On 05 Nov 1854 Charles Francis Seymour-Conway (age 35) was killed in action at Inkerman.

On 05 Nov 1854 Captain William Kent Allix (age 31) was killed in action at the Battle of Inkerman whilst serving with the 1st Royal Regiment.

On 05 Nov 1854 Robert Lydston Newman 2nd Baronet (age 32) was killed in action at the Battle of Inkerman. His brother Lydston Newman 3rd Baronet (age 30) succeeded 3rd Baronet Newman of Stokeley and Mamhead in Devon.

On 05 Nov 1855 Lieutenant General Frederick William Buller (age 82) died.

On 05 Nov 1856 Digby Willoughby 7th Baron Middleton (age 86) died. His first cousin once removed Henry Willoughby 8th Baron Middleton (age 39) succeeded 8th Baron Middleton 9th Baronet Willoughby of Wollaton. Julia Louisa Bosville Baroness Middleton (age 32) by marriage Baroness Middleton.

On 05 Nov 1862 Mary Anne Browne died. On 09 Sep 1853 Anna Martina ffolkes died. In 1960 Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet (age 61) died. Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].

Mary Anne Browne: she was born to Dominick Geoffrey Browne of Castle McGarrett.

Anna Martina ffolkes: she was born to Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet.

Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet: In 1899 he was born to Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet. On 18 Oct 1938 or 20 Oct 1938 Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet died. His son Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet succeeded 6th Baronet ffolkes of Hillington Hall in Norfolk.

On 05 Nov 1869 Reverend Edmund Luttrell Stuart (age 71) died.

On 05 Nov 1876 Charles Towneley (age 73) died.

On 05 Nov 1879 Susan Hussey Bosville Bosville Macdonald (age 72) died.

On 05 Nov 1882 Bertha Chauncey (age 49) died.

On 05 Nov 1890 Charles William Blunt 6th Baronet (age 79) died unmarried. His first cousin William Blunt 7th Baronet (age 64) succeeded 7th Baronet Blunt of the City of London.

On 05 Nov 1904 Thomas Merthyr Guest (age 66) died.

On 05 Nov 1906 Auberon Edward William Molyneux Howard Herbert (age 68) died.

On 05 Nov 1913 Mary Caroline Greathed Baroness Darling (age 49) died.

On 05 Nov 1915 Thomas Carew Trollope 3rd Baron Kesteven (age 24) died from wounds received unmarried. Baron Kesteven extinct. His first cousin once removed William Henry Trollope 10th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 10th Baronet Trollope of Casewick in Lincolnshire.

On 05 Nov 1921 Robert Victor Grosvenor 3rd Baron Ebury (age 53) died. His brother Francis Egerton Grosvenor 4th Baron Ebury (age 38) succeeded 4th Baron Ebury.

On 05 Nov 1925 Ethel Louisa Beresford (age 69) died.

On 05 Nov 1925 Frances Lucy Tennant (age 37) died.

Around 05 Nov 1934 Constance Augusta Mary FitzClarence Phillipson (age 83) died.

On 05 Nov 1935 Francis Richard Bingham (age 72) died.

On 05 Nov 1938 Major Frederick Yelverton Goring (age 45) died.

On 04 Nov 1943 James Benn (age 23) committed suicide. On 05 Nov 1943 the Lancashire Evening Pos reported he took his service rifle from the rack in a hut in East Anglia, went outside and shot himself. His is buried at St Michael's Church, Lamplugh [Map].

On 05 Nov 1943 William Vere Reeve Fane aka King-Fane (age 75) died.

On 05 Nov 1946 Thomas Scott-Ellis 8th Baron Howard de Walden 4th Baron Seaford (age 66) died. His son John Scott-Ellis 9th Baron Howard de Walden 5th Baron Seaford (age 33) succeeded 9th Baron Howard de Walden, 5th Baron Seaford of Seaford in Essex.

On 05 Nov 1953 Isabel "Nellie" Larnach Marchioness Abergavenny (age 63) died.

On 05 Nov 1955 Myra Idina Sackville Countess of Erroll (age 62) died.

On 05 Nov 1955 Alice Eve Hanbury-Tracy (age 78) died.

On 05 Nov 1958 Sybil Augusta Coventry died.

On 05 Nov 2004 Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 66) was murdered by the brother, Mohammed M'Barek, of his wife Jamila Ben M'Barek Countess of Shaftesbury (age 43) on her behalf. On 07 Apr 2005 the remains of Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 66) were discovered in a valley at Théoule-sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes on the outskirts of Cannes. His son Anthony Ashley-Cooper 11th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 27) succeeded 11th Earl Shaftesbury, 11th Baron Ashley of Wimborne St Giles, 12th Baronet Cooper of Rockbourne in Southampton. He died six months later, six weeks after assuming the title.