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On this Day in History ... 7th July
07 Jul is in July.
Events on the 7th July
Florence of Worcester. 07 Jul 1118. Death of the Author of the Chronicle
Dom Florence of Worcester, a monk of that monastery, died on the nones [the 7th] of July. His acute observation, and laborious and diligent studies, bave rendered this Chronicle of Chronicles pre-eminent above all others.
His spirit to the skies, to eai'th his body given.
For ever may he reign with God's blest saints in heaven!
On 07 Jul 1307 King Edward I of England (age 68) died at Burgh by Sands [Map] whilst on his way north to Scotland. His son King Edward II of England (age 23) succeeded II King England. Earl Chester merged with the Crown.
Edward (age 68) had gathered around him Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 29), Guy Beauchamp 10th Earl Warwick (age 35), Aymer de Valence 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 32) and Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford (age 33) and charged them with looking after his son in particular ensuring Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 23) didn't return from exile.
On 07 Jul 1399 Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York (age 58) appointed William Scrope 1st Earl Wiltshire (age 49), Henry Green (age 52) and John Bussy to protect Kent against invasion by Henry Bolingbroke Earl of Derby (age 32).
After 07 Jul 1399 Henry Bolingbroke Earl of Derby (age 32) landed at Ravenspur [Map] with Thomas Rempston.
William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 29) joined Henry Bolingbroke Earl of Derby (age 32) with a large retinue.
On 07 Jul 1448 Marie Bourbon Duchess Anjou (age 20) died in childbirth.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 07 Jul 1453. For their recovery, the noble warrior Earl of Shropshire (age 70) along with his son, Lord Lisle (age 27), and others, were sent, who valiantly reclaimed them. But, which I report with sorrow, rashly or heedlessly engaging in a conflict with the French [Battle of Castillon], they were killed there, and the French reacquired all that was there, and thus still hold it peacefully.
Ad cujus recuperacionem missus est nobilis ille belliger Comes Salopie cum filio suo, domino de Lyel, et aliis, qui viriliter eam recuperaverunt. Sed, quod dolenter refero, incaute seu capitose se dantes cuidam conflictui cum Franciugenis, ibi interfecti sunt, et readquisierunt Francigene omnia que illic erantl, et sic adhuc pacifice detinent.
On 07 Jul 1453 the Battle of Castillon, the last battle of the Hundred Years War, was fought at Castillon.
John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 70) was killed. His grandson Thomas Talbot 2nd Viscount Lisle (age 4) succeeded 2nd Viscount Lisle, 2nd Baron Lisle. Margaret Herbert Viscountess Lisle by marriage Viscountess Lisle. On His son John Talbot 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 35) succeeded 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, 2nd Earl Waterford, 7th Baron Furnivall, 11th Baron Strange Blackmere, 8th Baron Talbot. Elizabeth Butler Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford (age 29) by marriage Countess of Shrewsbury Countess Waterford.
John Talbot 1st Viscount Lisle (age 27) was killed. He the son of John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 70).
Robert Hungerford 3rd Baron Hungerford 1st Baron Moleyns (age 22) and John Foix 1st Earl Kendal (age 43) were captured.
On 07 Jul 1528 Anna Habsburg Spain Duchess Bavaria was born to Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor (age 25) and Anne Jagiellon Holy Roman Empress (age 24).
Letters and Papers 1528. 07 Jul 1528. Otho, C. X. 218. 4480. B. M. Burnet, I. 104. 4480. Anne Boleyn (age 27) to Wolsey.
In most humble wise that my poor heart can think, I thank your Grace for your kind letter and rich present, which I shall never be able to deserve without your help; "of the which I have hitherto had so great plenty that all the days of my life I am most bound, of all creatures, next the King's grace, to love and serve your Grace." I beseech you never to doubt that I shall ever vary from this thought while breath is in my body. As to your Grace's trouble with the sweat, I thank God those that I desired and prayed for have escaped,—namely, the King and you. I much desire the coming of the Legate, and, if it be God's pleasure, I pray Him to bring this matter shortly to a good end, when I trust partly to recompense your pains.
Letters and Papers 1528. 07 Jul 1528. Love Letters XIII. 4477. Henry VIII (age 37) to Anne Boleyn (age 27).
Since her last, Walter Welshe, Master Browne, Thomas Care, Yrion of Brearton, John Coke the potecary, are fallen of the sweat in this house, and, thank God, have all recovered, so the plague has not yet quite ceased here. The rest of us are well, and I hope will pass it. As for the matter of Wylton, my Lord Cardinal has had the nuns before him, and examined them in presence of Master Bell, who assures me that she whom we would have had abbess has confessed herself to have had two children by two different priests, and has since been kept, not long ago, by a servant of Lord Broke that was. "Wherefore I would not, for all the gold in the world, cloak your conscience nor mine to make her ruler of a house which is of so ungodly demeanour; nor I trust you would not that neither for brother nor sister I should so distayne mine honor or conscience. And as touching the prioress or dame Ellenor's eldest sister, though there is not any evident case proved against them, and the prioress is so old that of many years she could not be as she was named, yet notwithstanding, to do you pleasure, I have done that nother of them shall have it, but that some other good and well-disposed woman shall have it, whereby the house shall be the better reformed, whereof I ensure you it hath much need, and God much the better served. As touching your abode at Hever [Map], do therein as best shall like you, for you know best what air doth best with you; but I would it were come thereto, if it pleased God, that nother of us need care for that, for I ensure you I think it long. Suche (Zouch) is fallen sick of the sweat, and therefore I send you this bearer because I think you long to hear tidings from us, as we do in likewise from you.".
Letters and Papers 1528. 07 Jul 1528. R. O. St. P. I. 310. 4476. Dr. Bell To Wolsey.
In consequence of the notice from Cooksey, under-sheriff of Worcestershire, of the state of the shire, left destitute by Compton's (deceased) death, the King desires you will direct a commission to Sir Edward Feres (or Ferrers), of Warwickshire, "for the finishing of this present year," unless you know of any more suitable person. He will make a further arrangement at your next repairing here. He desires you, by virtue of your legatine prerogative, to bestow the vicarage of Thaxted on his chaplain, Mr. Wilson, and the prebend in the college of Tamworth on his chaplain, Dr. Dyngle, vacant by resignation of his chaplain, Mr. Stapulles, for whose preferment he thanks you; and that the small benefice held by Forest, servant to the duke of Richmond, named Covyngton, in Huntingdonshire, be also given to Dyngle. He wishes the high stewardship of Salisbury to be given to his servant, Sir Edward Baynton. He desires the rest of Compton's offices to be stayed; among others, the office of Furnesse, which he intends for Mr. Treasurer (Fitzwilliam) and Mr. Chancellor of the Duchy (More), as joint patentees. He orders me to tell you that himself, the Queen, and all others here are well, and the plague so far ceased that none have had the sweat these three days, except Mr. Butt. He is very desirous for your health, and that you will put aside all fear and phantasies, make as merry as you can, put apart all cares for the time, and commit all to God. Though he commends your virtuous and religious disposition, yet he ofttimes wishes your Grace's heart were as good as his is. He desires to have an answer to my former letter to you, concerning the election at Wilton. Tittenhanger [Map], St. Thomas's Day.
On 07 Jul 1530 John Albret was born to King Henry II of Navarre (age 27) and Marguerite Valois Orléans Queen Consort Navarre (age 38).
Letters 1536. 07 Jul 1536. R. O. St. P. vii 565. Instructions to my Lord of Rochford, whom the King now sends to the French king.
1. Rochford is to repair to the French king with all speed, and in passing by Paris to make the King's and Queen's hearty recommendations to the Queen of Navarre, if she be there, and say that the Queen his mistress much rejoices in the deeply-rooted amity of the two kings, but wishes her to get the interview deferred, as the time would be very inconvenient to her, and the King is so anxious to see his good brother that he will not put it off on her account. Her reasons are, that being so far gone with child, she could not cross the sea with the King, and she would be deprived of his Highness's presence when it was most necessary, unless the interview can be deferred till April next. Rochford is to press this matter very earnestly, and say that the King having at this time appointed another personage to go to his good brother, the Queen, with much suit, got leave for Rochford to go in his place, principally on this account.
2. That there was nothing she regretted at the last interview so much as not having an interview with the said Queen of Navarre; and she hopes she may be able to come to Calais with her brother in April next, if the interview be deferred till then.
3. He is then to proceed to the French Court, and after delivery of the King's letters, mention the overture made by the embassy lately arrived from Lubeck and Hamburg, soliciting a contribution of 100,000 cr., that they may elect a king of Denmark wholly at their devotion. Considering how this would thwart the Emperor's purposes, the King suggests that Francis should contribute the moiety of that sum "like as his Highness hath with him contributed into Germany."
4. The King is informed that though the duke of Wyttenbergh is now lately restored by his and his good brother's means, yet he now seeks peace with the Emperor and Ferdinand. It is important that the truth about this should be ascertained.
5. He is to desire the liberation of an Italian White Friar named Palvisinus, who has been imprisoned at Paris only for writing a letter to the King, which his Grace thinks strange.
6. He is then to begin the Queen's suit for the prorogation of the interview, using such ways and means as the Queen of Navarre approves, and adding, as of himself, that he thinks it would be advisable to agree to it, "as the time will shortly be here." He shall also say, as of himself, that the King refused to write to the French king on the subject, notwithstanding the urgent suit of many of the nobles on the Queen's behalf, who are now mostly assembled at London on account of certain treasons conspired against his Grace, "the said Lord Rochford even so tempering his communication with the French king in this matter as he small not the King's highness to be overmuch desirous of it, but all in the Queen's name."
In Jun 1548 a French army took the town of Haddington from the English.
On 07 Jul 1548 a Scottish Parliament held at a nunnery near the town of Haddington agreed to marry Mary Queen of Scots (age 5) to the Dauphin of France (age 4).
Diary of Edward VI. 07 Jul 1550. The master of Erskin (age 22) passed into Scoteland comming from Fraunce. Also the French embassadour1 did come before me, first, after shewing the birth of mons. d'Engoulesme, afterward declaring that, wheras the French king (age 31) had for my sake let goe the prisoners at Saint Andrew, who befor thei were taken had shamfully murdered the cardinal2, he desired that al Scottes that were prisoners, it was answerid that al were delivered. Then he moved for one called th' arbishop of Glasco3, who since the peax came disguised without pasport4, and so was taken; it was answerid that we had no peax with Scoteland such that thei might passe our countrie, and the master of Erskin affirmed the same.
Note 1. "The French King hath appointed two ambassadors to go to the regent [queen Mary of Guise] for the pacifying the matters of Scotland, the one a Frenchman, brother to Aubespine, named Basse Fontaine; the other a Scotishman, which either shall be Erskine or Livingstone." Letter of sir John Mason (age 47) to the council, dated from Poissy, 29th June, 1550, in Tytler, vol. i. p. 306. Claude de I'Aubespine was the French king's secretary.
Note 2. These prisoners were those which had been made at the taking of the town of St. Andrew's by Leo Strozzi, prior of Capua, in 1547. They were carried to France, and confined on board the galleys. Among them was the celebrated John Knox, besides Norman Lesley, William Kirkaldy of Grange, and others of the murderers of cardinal Beaton. The negociations for their release are described in sir John Mason's (age 47) letters, in Tytler's Edward VI. and Mary, i. 295, 327.
Note 3. Alexander Gordon (age 34), brother to George fourth earl of Huntly (age 36), was in 1547 elected archbishop of Glasgow by the chapter, but the pope decided in favour of James Betoun, abbot of Aberbrothwick. Alexander Gordon (age 34) was, in compensation, translated to the titular archbishopric of Athens; in 1553 he was consecrated bishop of the Isles, and in 1558 translated to Galloway. He embraced the Reformation, and died in 1576. See Keith's Catalogue of the Bishops of Scotland, pp. 166, 175; Douglas's Peerage of Scotland (edit. Wood), i. 646.
Note 4. At the council held on the 4th of July, "It was declared that the archbusshope of Glasco and of Catems (Caithness) (age 34), being brother to the earl of Hunteley (age 36), Scottishman, was come out of Fraunce without passeporte, and wolde have taken post hors to have rydden straight home into Scotlande. Whereupon it was debated wheather he was prisoner or not. And the treaties being examined, it appeared plaine that he rested good prisoner, both by the treaties and by the lawes of this realme. Wherefore sir Thomas Palmer was commaunded to keepe him in curteise warde for iiij or v daies till the counsaill's further order shoulde be knowen. — July xxij. A warraunt to sir John Williams to pay lx li. unto sir Thomas Palmer, in recompence of his chardges for the dyetts of th'arch- busshop of Glasco."
Henry Machyn's Diary. The vij day of July begane a nuw swet in London, and ... ded my lord Crumwell (deceased) in Leseter-shyre, and was bered [with a stand] ard, a baner of armes, and cote, elmett, sword, targett, and sc [ochyons, and] harold; and the sam tyme ded my lord Powes (age 48), and the x day [at W]ollwyche, sir John Lutterell (age 32), knyght, a nobull captayne.
Note. Death of lord Cromwell. Gregory lord Cromwell died on the 4th of July 1551, and was buried at Laund in Leicestershire: his mural monument there is engraved in Nichols's History of that County, vol. iii. pl. xlv.
Note. Death of lord Powis. Edward third lord Grey of Powis. The funeral of his widow, a daughter of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, occurs in p. 163.
Note. Sir John Luttrell, of Dunster castle, co. Somerset, knighted at the taking of Leith in 1547, and made a knight banneret soon after, at the taking of Yester. Just before his death he had been divorced from his wife, for Strype notices "A Commission to sir William Petre, secretary, sir Richard Read, &c. upon due proof of the manifest adultery of the lady Mary Luttrel, to separate and divorce her from sir John Luttrel her husband. Dated in June, 1551." (Memorials, Book ii. chap. 29.) She was the daughter of sir John Griffith, K.B. and was remarried to James Godolphin, of Cornwall.
Around 07 Jul 1551 Edward Grey 3rd Baron Grey of Powis (age 48) died of sweating sickness without legitimate issue.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Jul 1553. [The same day there came to the Tower the lord Treasurer, the earl of Shrewsbury (age 53), and the lord Admiral, with others; and there they discharged sir James Croft (age 35) of the] constabullshype of the Towre, and ther thay put [in the said lord] Admerall, and toke ys othe and charge of the Towre, and [the morrow] after he convayd in-to all plasys of the Towre and ... grett gunnes, as the Whyt Towre on hee.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Jul 1559. The vij day of July, was sant Thomas of Cantebere day, my good lord of Wynchastur doctur Whytt (age 49) came owt of the Towre [Map], with the leyftenantt ser Edward Warner (age 48), by vj [6] in mornyng, and so to my lord keper of the brod selle, and from thens unto master Whyt, John, [possibly Thomas] altherman, and ther he lys.
On 07 Jul 1606 William Larkin (age 24) became a Freeman of Worshipful Company of Stainers under the patronage of Arabella Stewart (age 31) and Edward Seymour 1st Earl Hertford (age 67).
On 07 Jul 1606 William Larkin (age 24) became a freeman of the Worshipful Company of Stainers.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 07 Jul 1617 and 08 Jul 1617. The 7th and 8th still I kept in complaining of my side which I took to be the spleen.
Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. 28 Jun 1645. In the handwriting of Sir Roger:
Mdm. when Sedry went I owed hym for 2 weekes as he sayd chamber rent wch had beene 12s a weeke and was to be payd to Sedry of this he was to have half, vide 12s wch Mr Not payd. he payd him and a 4th part of ye fee (he asked four marke for ye fee) but I would pay but after 2 so I payed him ye mony wch hee sayd he had payd Sedry for me vide 12 shillings for ye mony he sayd he payd Mr Sedry for me and ten shillings for fer or Entrance mony and this I payd in ye presence of my wife and ye gyrl 7 July.
On 07 Jul 1648 Kenelm Digby (age 23) and Francis Villiers (age 19) were killed.
On 07 Jul 1649 Maria Leopoldine Habsburg Spain Queen Consort Bohemia (age 17) died.
In Jul 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration ...
2nd. Maurice Berkeley 3rd Viscount Fitzhardinge (age 32) was created 1st Baronet Berkeley of Bruton in Somerset. Anne Lee Viscountess Fitzhardinge (age 37) by marriage Lady Berkeley of Bruton in Somerset.
4th. Thomas Myddelton 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Myddelton of Chirk Castle.
6th. Varney Noel 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Noel.
7th. George Monck 1st Duke Albemarle (age 51) was created 1st Duke Albemarle, 1st Earl Torrington in Devon. Anne Clarges Duchess Albermarle (age 41) by marriage Duchess Albemarle.
12th. Robert Hales 1st Baronet (age 50) was created 1st Baronet Hales of Beakesbourne in Kent.
12th. Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 34) was created 1st Earl Sandwich. Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 35) by marriage Countess Sandwich.
14th. Elizabeth Feilding Countess Guildford was created 1st Earl Guildford by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30). The peerage for life.
18th. Samuel Morland 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Morland of Sulhamstead Banister. Susanne de Milleville Lady Morland by marriage Lady Morland of Sulhamstead Banister.
23rd. Henry Vernon 1st Baronet (age 55) was created 1st Baronet Vernon of Hodnet in Shropshire.
23rd. John Aubrey 1st Baronet (age 54) was created 1st Baronet Aubrey of Llantrithyd in Glamorganshire.
Pepy's Diary. 07 Jul 1663. Thence walked alone, only part of the way Deane (age 29) walked with me, complaining of many abuses in the Yard, to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and so by water to Deptford, where I found Mr. Coventry (age 35), and with him up and down all the stores, to the great trouble of the officers, and by his help I am resolved to fall hard to work again, as I used to do. So thence he and I by water talking of many things, and I see he puts his trust most upon me in the Navy, and talks, as there is reason, slightly of the two old knights, and I should be glad by any drudgery to see the King's stores and service looked to as they ought, but I fear I shall never understand half the miscarriages and tricks that the King (age 33) suffers by. He tells me what Mr. Pett (age 52) did to-day, that my Lord Bristoll (age 50) told the King (age 33) that he will impeach the Chancellor (age 54) of High Treason: but I find that my Lord Bristoll (age 50) hath undone himself already in every body's opinion, and now he endeavours to raise dust to put out other men's eyes, as well as his own; but I hope it will not take, in consideration merely that it is hard for a Prince to spare an experienced old officer, be he never so corrupt; though I hope this man is not so, as some report him to be. He tells me that Don John (age 34) is yet alive, and not killed, as was said, in the great victory against the Spaniards in Portugall of late. So home, and late at my office.
Evelyn's Diary. 07 Jul 1664. To Court, where I subscribed to Sir Arthur Slingsby's (age 41) lottery, a desperate debt owing me long since in Paris.
Evelyn's Diary. 07 Jul 1665. To London, to Sir William Coventry (age 37); and so to Sion [Map], where his Majesty (age 35) sat at Council during the contagion: when business was over, I viewed that seat belonging to the Earl of Northumberland, built out of an old nunnery, of stone, and fair enough, but more celebrated for the garden than it deserves; yet there is excellent wall-fruit, and a pretty fountain; nothing else extraordinary.
Pepy's Diary. 07 Jul 1665. To Westminster, and there with Mr. Povy (age 51) and Creed talking of our Tangier business, and by and by I drew Creed aside and acquainted him with what Sir G. Carteret (age 55) did tell me about Backewell the other day, because he hath money of his in his hands.
Pepy's Diary. 07 Jul 1667. Lord's Day. Up, and to my chamber, there to settle some papers, and thither comes Mr. Moore to me and talked till church time of the news of the times about the peace and the bad consequences of it if it be not improved to good purpose of fitting ourselves for another war. He tells me he heard that the discontented Parliament-men are fearful that the next sitting the King (age 37) will put for a general excise, by which to raise him money, and then to fling off the Parliament, and raise a land-army and keep them all down like slaves; and it is gotten among them, that Bab. May (age 39), the Privy-purse, hath been heard to say that £300 a-year is enough for any country gentleman; which makes them mad, and they do talk of 6 or £800,000 gone into the Privy-purse this war, when in King James's time it arose but to £5,000, and in King Charles's but £10,000 in a year. He tells me that a goldsmith in town told him that, being with some plate with my Baroness Castlemayne (age 26) lately, she directed her woman (the great beauty), "Wilson", says she, "make a note for this, and for that, to the Privy-purse for money". He tells me a little more of the baseness of the courses taken at Court in the case of Mr. Moyer, who is at liberty, and is to give £500 for his liberty; but now the great ones are divided, who shall have the money, the Duke of Albemarle (age 58) on one hand, and another Lord on the other; and that it is fain to be decided by having the person's name put into the King's warrant for his liberty, at whose intercession the King (age 37) shall own that he is set at liberty; which is a most lamentable thing, that we do professedly own that we do these things, not for right and justice sake, but only to gratify this or that person about the King (age 37). God forgive us all!
Roger Whitley's Diary. 07 Jul 1690. Monday, Baroby & Morgan went away about 6; my sonne (age 39) went to Chester, about 11; Bidolph took phisick; Angell came to see him, dined with us; Crew's man came after dinner to acquainte us that his mother would be buryed tomorrow;.
On 07 Jul 1745 Christian Oldenburg was born to Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 22) and Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 20). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 07 Jul 1763 Henry Somerset 5th Duke Beaufort (age 18) graduated from Oriel College, Oxford University witha Doctor of Civil degree.
On 07 Jul 1770 Amelia Watts (age 19) died from childbirth one month afte the birth of her son Robert Jenkinson 2nd Earl Liverpool .
On 07 Jul 1771 Louise Auguste possible father Johann Friedrich Struensee Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg was born to Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 22) and Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 19). She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.66%.
On 07 Jul 1815 Son Poyntz drowned at Bognor Regis.
On 07 Jul 1815 Son Poyntz drowned at Bognor Regis.
After 07 Jul 1827. St Deiniol & St Marcella Church, Marchwiel [Map]. Monument to John Edgworth. Sculpted by Wright and Harrison.
Ten Years' Digging 1849 Hurdlow. On the 7th of July we opened the first of a line of three small tumuli, occupying the summits of hills between the Buxton and Ashbourne road and the village of Church Sterndale. The field in which it is placed is called "Top of the Hurst". The mound, about 12 yards across, and not more than a foot high, consisted of earth, tempered in that part immediately above the grave, which was so far sunk into the rock as to render its floor rather more than two feet below the turf. It was cut nearly east to west, and contained a skeleton extended at length, with the head to the latter point; the lower bones were fairly preserved, but of the upper parts there were but few remains, the enamel crowns of the teeth being in the best condition. At the left hip was a small iron knife, 4 inches long; and where the right shoulder had been was an assemblage of curious articles, the most important of which was a small bronze box, or canister, with a lid to slide on, measuring altogether 2 inches high and the same in diameter. When found it was much crushed, but still retained inside remains of thread, and bore on the outside impressions of linen cloth. Close to it were two bronze pins or broken needles, and a mass of corroded iron, some of which has been wire chainwork connected with a small bronze ornament with five perforations, plated with silver and engraved with a cable pattern, near which were two iron implements of larger size, the whole comprising the girdle and chatelaine with appendages, of a Saxon lady. Many pieces of hazel stick were found in contact with these relics, which were probably the remains of a basket in which they were placed at the funeral All the iron shows impressions of woven fabrics, three varieties being distinguishable, namely, coarse and fine linen, and coarse flannel or woollen cloth. The box is very faintly ornamented by lozenges, produced by the intersection of oblique lines scratched in the metal and may be compared with one found at Stand Low in 1845 (see Vestiges, p. 75).
Swinscoe aka Near Hill Barrow. On the 7th of July, we opened a barrow [Near Hill Barrow [Map]] on the Near Hill, Swinscoe, thirteen yards diameter, with a basin-like depression in the middle, five yards over and three feet deep. Having sunk to the depth of five feet from the basin, through earth and stone, a skeleton was found, the lower part of which only was undisturbed, the head and upper portion having apparently been long removed. Their fragments, with small pieces of burnt bone, Samian ware, and a piece of iron of no great antiquity, were found throughout the cutting from the surface downwards. The femur of the skeleton, wanting the joint at the knee, measures 18½ inches, and must have been near two inches longer.
Mayfield. On the same day, we excavated Mayfield Low, a flat barrow, eighteen yards diameter, composed of sand and pebbles, in which a stone cist, containing an urn, had been discovered some years previously. We made numerous cuttings without much success, finding only a few pieces of an urn and some burnt bones near thee astern edge.
Adeline Horsey Recollections. The wicked Countess and her lover lived at Clieveden [Map] - "the bower of wanton Shrewsbury and of love" - and her spirit is supposed to haunt the beautiful riverside retreat, but I am thankful to say she has never appeared in the old home of her innocent girlhood. Her portrait by Sir Peter Lely hangs in the White Hall at Deene, and is a fine example of the artist's well-known very décolleté style of "robes loosely flowing, hair as free", with the usual mise en scène of a beauty of Charles II's time. The third Earl of Cardigan was Master of the Buckhounds to Queen Anne; he married a daughter of the Earl of Ailesbury, and their fourth son inherited the Ailesbury title and estates. Lord Cardigan's eldest son married the heiress of the Duke of Montagu in 1766 [Note. Married on 07 Jul 1730. He was created Duke in 1766]. He was a friend of Horace Walpole, the influence of whose pseudo-Gothic tastes may still be seen in the south front of Deene [Map], built at this time, and which now incorporates the great ball-room built for me by my dear husband.
On 07 Jul 1883 Prince Eitel Friedrich Hohenzollern was born to Wilhelm Hohenzollern (age 24) and Empress Auguste Viktoria Oldenburg (age 24). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 07 Jul 1935 Oliver Russell 2nd Baron Ampthill (age 66) died of pneumonia. His son John Russell 3rd Baron Ampthill (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baron Ampthill of Ampthill in Bedfordshire.
Births on the 7th July
On 07 Jul 1447 William of York was born to Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 35) and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 32). He died young. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.42%.
On 07 Jul 1487 John Erskine 17th Earl Mar was born to Robert Erskine 4th Lord Erskine 16th Earl Mar.
On 07 Jul 1528 Anna Habsburg Spain Duchess Bavaria was born to Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor (age 25) and Anne Jagiellon Holy Roman Empress (age 24).
On 07 Jul 1530 John Albret was born to King Henry II of Navarre (age 27) and Marguerite Valois Orléans Queen Consort Navarre (age 38).
On 07 Jul 1560 Margaret Russell Countess Cumberland was born to Francis Russell 2nd Earl Bedford (age 33) and Margaret St John Countess Bedford (age 27).
On 07 Jul 1577 Thomas West 3rd Baron De La Warr was born to Thomas West 2nd Baron De La Warr (age 21) and Anne Knollys Baroness De La Warr (age 22).
On 07 Jul 1585 Thomas Howard 21st Earl of Arundel 4th Earl of Surrey 1st Earl Norfolk was born to Philip Howard 20th Earl of Arundel (age 28) and Anne Dacre Countess Arundel (age 28) at Finchingfield, Essex.
Around 07 Jul 1667 George Carteret 1st Baron Carteret was born to Philip Carteret (age 26) and Jemima Montagu.
On 07 Jul 1692 Edward Montagu Viscount Hinchingbrooke was born to Edward Montagu 3rd Earl Sandwich (age 22) and Elizabeth Wilmot Countess Sandwich (age 17).
On 07 Jul 1719 William Grey 1st Baron Walsingham was born to Thomas Grey (age 38).
On 07 Jul 1728 Henry Yelverton 3rd Earl of Sussex was born to Talbot Yelverton 1st Earl of Sussex (age 38) and Lucy Pelham Countess Sussex.
On 07 Jul 1745 Christian Oldenburg was born to Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 22) and Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 20). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 07 Jul 1755 George Edward Henry Arthur Herbert 2nd Earl Powis was born to Henry Herbert 1st Earl Powis (age 52) and Barbara Herbert Countess Powis (age 20) at Finchley. He a great x 3 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 07 Jul 1771 Louise Auguste possible father Johann Friedrich Struensee Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg was born to Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 22) and Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 19). She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.66%.
On 07 Jul 1787 Reverend Henry Dryden 3rd Baronet was born to John Turner aka Dryden 1st Baronet (age 34) and Elizabeth Dryden (age 33).
On 07 Jul 1797 Captain Edward St John-Mildmay was born to Henry Paulet St John-Mildmay 3rd Baronet (age 32) and Jane Mildmay.
On 07 Jul 1805 Frederick William Robert Stewart 4th Marquess Londonderry was born to Charles William Vane 3rd Marquess Londonderry (age 27) and Catherine Bligh (age 30).
On 07 Jul 1828 Henry Warrender Fitzmaurice was born to Thomas Fitzmaurice 5th Earl Orkney (age 24) and Isabella Irby Countess Orkney (age 21).
On 07 Jul 1835 Lionel Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington 11th Baronet was born to William Pilkington 8th Baronet (age 59).
On 07 Jul 1837 Susan Catherine Mary Murray Countess Southesk was born to Alexander Murray 6th Earl Dunmore (age 33) and Catherine Herbert Countess Dunmore (age 22).
On 07 Jul 1840 Theodora Grosvenor was born to Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster (age 45) and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster (age 43).
On 07 Jul 1849 Lieutenant-Colonel Lionel Hervey-Bathurst aka Paston-Cooper was born to Frederick Hervey-Bathurst 3rd Baronet (age 42) and Clare Emily Brooke.
On 07 Jul 1851 Lionel Philip Payne-Gallwey was born to William Payne-Gallwey 2nd Baronet (age 43) and Emily Anne Frankland-Russell Lady Frankland (age 29).
On 07 Jul 1869 Gwendoline Edwardes was born to William Edwardes 4th and 1st Baron Kensington (age 34) and Grace Elizabeth Douglas Baroness Kensington (age 26).
On 07 Jul 1870 Charles Reginald Lindley Wood was born to Charles Lindley Wood 2nd Viscount Halifax (age 31) and Agnes Elizabeth Courtenay Viscountess Halifax (age 32).
On 07 Jul 1883 Prince Eitel Friedrich Hohenzollern was born to Wilhelm Hohenzollern (age 24) and Empress Auguste Viktoria Oldenburg (age 24). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 07 Jul 1889 Burton Robert Williams 6th Baronet was born to William Robert Williams 3rd Baronet (age 29).
On 07 Jul 1894 Robert Shirley 12th Earl Ferrers was born to Walter Shirley 11th Earl Ferrers (age 30) and Mary Jane Moon Countess Ferrers.
On 07 Jul 1911 Michael George Motley Stracey 8th Baronet was born to Edward Paulet Stracey 7th Baronet (age 40) and Mary Elizabeth Brinsley Sheridan Lady Stracey (age 39).
On 07 Jul 1912 Raymond Alexander Baring was born to Godfrey Baring 1st Baronet (age 41).
On 07 Jul 1918 Major Richard John Wrottesley 5th Baron Wrottesley was born to Walter Bennet Wrottesley (age 40).
On 07 Jul 1945 Michael Andrew Foster Jude Kerr 13th Marquess Lothian was born to Peter Francis Walter Kerr 12th Marquess Lothian (age 22).
Marriages on the 7th July
Before 07 Jul 1617 Nicholas Barnewall 1st Viscount Barnewell (age 25) and Bridget Fitzgerald Viscountess Barnewell (age 27) were married. They had five sons and four daughters. She the daughter of Henry Fitzgerald 12th Earl of Kildare and Frances Howard Countess Kildare.
On 07 Jul 1648 Henry Howard (age 28) and Elizabeth Spencer Baroness Craven (age 31) were married. He the son of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Berkshire (age 60) and Elizabeth Cecil Countess Berkshire (age 52). They were fourth cousins.
On 07 Jul 1670 Henry Booth 1st Earl Warrington (age 18) and Mary Langham Countess Warrington (age 18) were married.
On 07 Jul 1702 Henry Somerset 2nd Duke Beaufort (age 18) and Mary Sackville 2nd Duchess Beaufort (age 13) were married. She by marriage Duchess Beaufort. She the daughter of Charles Sackville 6th Earl Dorset 1st Earl Middlesex (age 59) and Mary Compton Countess Dorset and Middlesex. They were fourth cousins.
On 07 Jul 1718 Edward des Bouverie 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Mary Smyth Lady Bouverie were married. She by marriage Lady Bouverie of St Catherine Cree Church in London.
On 07 Jul 1730 George Brudenell aka Montagu 1st Duke Montagu (age 17) and Mary Montagu Duchess of Montagu (age 19) were married. She the daughter of John Montagu 2nd Duke Montagu (age 40) and Mary Churchill Duchess of Montagu (age 40). He the son of George Brudenell 3rd Earl Cardigan (age 44) and Elizabeth Bruce 3rd Countess Cardigan (age 41).
On 07 Jul 1767 Jules 1st Duke of Polignac (age 21) and Yolande Martine Gabrielle Polastron Duchess Gramont (age 17) were married.
On 07 Jul 1768 Willoughby Bertie 4th Earl of Abingdon (age 28) and Charlotte Warren were married. He the son of Willoughby Bertie 3rd Earl of Abingdon and Anna Maria Collins Countess Abingdon.
On 07 Jul 1787 John Whalley aka Whalley-Gardiner 1st Baronet (age 44) and Martha Newcombe were married.
On 07 Jul 1787 John Ramsden 4th Baronet (age 31) and Louise Ingram Lady Ramsden (age 21) were married. She by marriage Lady Ramsden of Byram in Yorkshire.
On 07 Jul 1809 Arscott Ourry Molesworth 7th Baronet (age 20) and Mary Brown were married. She by marriage Lady Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall.
On 07 Jul 1887 Admiral William Alison Dyke Acland 2nd Baronet (age 39) and Emily Anna Smith Lady Acland (age 28) were married.
On 07 Jul 1932 William James Harris 6th Earl Malmesbury (age 24) and Diana Claudia Carleton Countess of Malmesbury (age 20) were married. He the son of James Edward Harris 5th Earl Malmesbury (age 59) and Dorothy Gough-Calthorpe Countess of Malmesbury (age 46).
On 07 Jul 1954 Edward Astley 22nd Baron Hastings (age 42) and Catherine Hinton Baroness Hastings (age 34) were married.
Deaths on the 7th July
Around 07 Jul 705 Bishop Hedda died.
Around 07 Jul 705 Bishop Hædde died. Some sources suggest 703.
On 07 Jul 1307 King Edward I of England (age 68) died at Burgh by Sands [Map] whilst on his way north to Scotland. His son King Edward II of England (age 23) succeeded II King England. Earl Chester merged with the Crown.
Edward (age 68) had gathered around him Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 29), Guy Beauchamp 10th Earl Warwick (age 35), Aymer de Valence 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 32) and Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford (age 33) and charged them with looking after his son in particular ensuring Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 23) didn't return from exile.
On 07 Jul 1329 Richard Fitzgerald 3rd Earl of Kildare (age 12) died. His brother Maurice Fitzgerald 4th Earl of Kildare (age 11) succeeded 4th Earl Kildare.
On 07 Jul 1349 Joan Plantagenet Baroness Mowbray (age 37) died in @@Yorkshire.
On 07 Jul 1448 Marie Bourbon Duchess Anjou (age 20) died in childbirth.
On 07 Jul 1452 Eleanor Cobham Duchess of Gloucester (age 52) died at Beaumaris Castle [Map].
On 07 Jul 1453 the Battle of Castillon, the last battle of the Hundred Years War, was fought at Castillon.
John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 70) was killed. His grandson Thomas Talbot 2nd Viscount Lisle (age 4) succeeded 2nd Viscount Lisle, 2nd Baron Lisle. Margaret Herbert Viscountess Lisle by marriage Viscountess Lisle. On His son John Talbot 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 35) succeeded 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, 2nd Earl Waterford, 7th Baron Furnivall, 11th Baron Strange Blackmere, 8th Baron Talbot. Elizabeth Butler Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford (age 29) by marriage Countess of Shrewsbury Countess Waterford.
John Talbot 1st Viscount Lisle (age 27) was killed. He the son of John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 70).
Robert Hungerford 3rd Baron Hungerford 1st Baron Moleyns (age 22) and John Foix 1st Earl Kendal (age 43) were captured.
Around 07 Jul 1551 Edward Grey 3rd Baron Grey of Powis (age 48) died of sweating sickness without legitimate issue.
On 07 Jul 1602 Friedrich Wilhelm Wettin I Duke Saxe Weimar (age 40) died at Weimar Friedrich Wettin Duke Saxe Altenburg (age 3) His son Friedrich Wettin Duke Saxe Altenburg (age 3) succeeded Duke Saxe Altenburg.
On 07 Jul 1607 Penelope Devereux Countess Devonshire (age 44) died.
On 07 Jul 1649 Maria Leopoldine Habsburg Spain Queen Consort Bohemia (age 17) died.
Around 07 Jul 1649 Catherine Vaux Baroness Bergavenny (age 57) died.
Before 07 Jul 1708 Henry Darrell Carew 3rd Baronet (age 21) died unmarried. His brother Thomas Carew 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Carew of Haccombe in Devon.
On 07 Jul 1713 Bishop Henry Compton (age 81) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Fulham.
On 07 Jul 1721 Tristram Dillington 5th Baronet (age 43) died unmarried. Baronet Dillington of Knighton, Isle of Wight in Hampshire extinct.
On 07 Jul 1731 Jemima Grey Countess Ashburham (age 32) died.
On 07 Jul 1739 Philip Astley 2nd Baronet (age 71) died. His son Jacob Astley 3rd Baronet (age 47) succeeded 3rd Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.
On 07 Jul 1743 Jocelyn Sidney 7th Earl of Leicester (age 61) died. His will left everything to his illegitimate daughter Anne Sidney (age 14) but was succeessfully contested by cousins. Earl of Leicester and Viscount Lisle extinct.
On 07 Jul 1754 Frances Thynne Duchess Somerset (age 55) died.
On 07 Jul 1764 William Pulteney 1st Earl Bath (age 80) died. Earl Bath extinct.
On 07 Jul 1769 James Hamilton 7th Duke Hamilton 4th Duke Brandon (age 14) died at Hamilton Palace, Hamilton. His brother Douglas Hamilton 8th Duke Hamilton 5th Duke Brandon (age 12) succeeded 8th Duke Hamilton, 5th Duke Brandon of Suffolk, 5th Baron Dutton of Cheshire.
On 07 Jul 1770 Amelia Watts (age 19) died from childbirth one month afte the birth of her son Robert Jenkinson 2nd Earl Liverpool .
On 07 Jul 1772 Anne Clayton Lady Blackwell died.
On 25 Jun 1780 Thomas Gerard 8th Baronet (age 57) died. He was buried at St Oswald's Church, Winwick on 07 Jul 1780. His brother Robert Cansfield Gerard 9th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 9th Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire. Catherine Anderton Lady Gerard (age 38) by marriage Lady Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.
On 07 Jul 1802 Charles Cockayne 5th Viscount Cullen (age 91) died.
On 07 Jul 1829 Frances Molesworth Marchioness Camden (age 73) died at Bayham Abbey, Tunbridge Wells [Map].
On 07 Jul 1830 Harriet Townsend Lady Skipwith (age 51) died.
On 07 Jul 1831 John Hayford Thorold 10th Baronet (age 58) died. His son John Charles Thorold 11th Baronet (age 15) succeeded 11th Baronet Thorold of Marston in Lincolnshire.
On 07 Jul 1847 Grenville Temple 10th Baronet (age 47) died. His son Grenville Leofric Temple 11th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 11th Baronet Temple of Stowe.
On or before 07 Jul 1866, the date he was buried at St Leonard's Church Swithland Charnwood, Leicestershire, George John Butler-Danvers 5th Earl of Lanesborough (age 71) died.
On 07 Jul 1894 Henry Ainslie Hoare 5th Baronet (age 70) died. His first cousin Henry Hugh Hoare 6th Baronet (age 28) succeeded 6th Baronet Hoare of Barn Elms in Surrey.
On 07 Jul 1935 Oliver Russell 2nd Baron Ampthill (age 66) died of pneumonia. His son John Russell 3rd Baron Ampthill (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baron Ampthill of Ampthill in Bedfordshire.
On 07 Jul 1942 Richard Henry Williams-Bulkeley 12th Baronet (age 79) died. His grandson Richard Harry David Williams-Bulkeley 13th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 13th Baronet Bulkeley-Williams of Penrhyn in Caernarfonshire.
On 07 Jul 2001 Edward Horace Fiennes-Clinton 18th Earl of Lincoln (age 88) died. His grandson Robert Edward Fiennes-Clinton 19th Earl of Lincoln (age 29) succeeded 19th Earl Lincoln.
On 07 Jul 2005 Christopher Henry Pease 2nd Baron Wardington (age 81) died. His brother William Simon Pease 3rd Baron Wardington (age 79) succeeded 3rd Baron Wardington of Alnmouth in Northumberland. Elizabeth Jane Ormsby-Gore Baroness Wardington (age 75) by marriage Baroness Wardington of Alnmouth in Northumberland.