On this Day in History ... 9th August

09 Aug is in August.

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1664 Battle of St Gothard

1666 Holme's Bonfire

1666 Great Plague of London

1902 Coronation of Edward VII

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 9th August

On 09 Aug 1386 King Henry V of England was born to King Henry IV of England (age 19) and Mary Bohun (age 18) at Monmouth Castle [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.60%.

On 09 Aug 1386 King Henry V of England was created 1st Duke Cornwall.

After 09 Aug 1396 Robert Willoughby 4th Baron Willoughby (age 47) was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map] with his third wife Elizabeth Latimer 5th Baroness Latimer, Baroness Neville and Willoughby. Early Plate Bascinet Period. Remarkable helm on which the Baron's head rests with a Bearded Man crest. Excellent orle around the Baron's bascinet.

Letters and Papers 1517. 09 Aug 1517. R.O. 3572. SIR RICHARD WINGFIELD to WOLSEY.

Yesterday the Cardinal of Arragon left Calais. He did not go, as Wingfield wrote in his last, to Cambray, to visit the King Catholic, but to Boulogne, thence of Rouen, and so to Spain, to wait the King's arrival, if he can go there this year. He told Wingfield he intended to return from Spain and cross to England. He was sorry it was not his fortune to visit the King at that time in consequence of the plague in London and other places, and left, at his going, a letter for Wolsey. He travels like a nobleman, and has forty horses with him. Yesterday se'nnight the King of France entered Rouen. Has sent a spy to see what he is doing, and return by the seacoast to find what ships are at Dieppe. Calais, 9 Aug. Signed.

Diary of Edward VI. 09 Aug 1550. The French embassadour came to Windsore to sue for a pasport for the douagier of Scotteland (age 34); wich being graunted, so she came like a frend, he required 300 hors to passe, with 200 kepers, wich was not holly graunted, but only 200 hors with 150 kepers in on(e) companie, cumming into this realme as shuld be apointed, shuld without let passe into Fraunce, and not returne this way.1

Note 1. This plan was reversed. The queen sailed from Edinburgh (to visit her daughter Mary queen of Scots (age 7), who was then in France,) on the 7th Sept. 1550, and landed at Dieppe on the 19th. On her return she came through England, landing at Portsmouth on the 2d Nov. 1551: under which date we shall meet her again.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Aug 1561. The ix day of August the quen('s) (age 27) grace has commondyd that all chathredalles and coleges and studyans places that they shuld putt ther wyffes from them owt of the serkutt [circuit] of evere [every] colege.

On 09 Aug 1564 Anthony Mildmay (age 14), whilst being educated at Peterhouse College, Cambridge University [Map], delivered an oration to Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 30) with much success during her visit to the college.

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Aug 1654. To the old and ragged city of Leicester [Map], large and pleasantly seated, but despicably built, the chimney flues like so many smiths' forges; however, famous for the tomb of the tyrant, Richard III, which is now converted to a cistern, at which (I think) cattle drink. Also, here in one of the churches lies buried the magnificent Cardinal Wolsey. John of Gaunt has here also built a large but poor hospital, near which a wretch has made him a house out of the ruins of a stately church. Saw the ruins of an old Roman Temple, thought to be of Janus. Entertained at a very fine collection of fruits, such as I did not expect to meet with so far North, especially very good melons. We returned to my uncle's.

On 09 Aug 1657 Pierre Etienne Monnot was born in Orchamps Vennes.

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Aug 1661. I first saw the famous Queen Pine brought from Barbadoes, and presented to his Majesty (age 31); but the first that were ever seen in England were those sent to Cromwell four years since.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Aug 1664. They gone I to my office, and there my head being a little troubled with the little wine I drank, though mixed with beer, but it may be a little more than I used to do, and yet I cannot say so, I went home and spent the afternoon with my wife talking, and then in the evening a little to my office, and so home to supper and to bed. This day comes the newes that the Emperour hath beat the Turke1 killed the Grand Vizier and several great Bassas, with an army of 80,000 men killed and routed; with some considerable loss of his own side, having lost three generals, and the French forces all cut off almost. Which is thought as good a service to the Emperour as beating the Turke almost, for had they conquered they would have been as troublesome to him2.

Note 1. This was the battle of St. Gothard, in which the Turks were defeated with great slaughter by the imperial forces under Montecuculli, assisted by the confederates from the Rhine, and by forty troops of French cavalry under Coligni. St. Gothard is in Hungary, on the river Raab, near the frontier of Styria; it is about one hundred and twenty miles south of Vienna, and thirty east of Gratz. The battle took place on the 9th Moharrem, A.H. 1075, or 23rd July, A.D. 1664 (old style), which is that used by Pepys. B.

Note 2. The fact is, the Germans were beaten by the Turks, and the French won the battle for them. B.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Aug 1666. In the evening to Lumbard-streete [Map] about money, to enable me to pay Sir G. Carteret's (age 56) £3000, which he hath lodged in my hands, in behalf of his son and my Lady Jemimah, toward their portion, which, I thank God, I am able to do at a minute's warning. In my [way] I inquired, and find Mrs. Rawlinson is dead of the sickness, and her mayde continues mighty ill. He himself is got out of the house. I met also with Mr. Evelyn (age 45) in the streete, who tells me the sad condition at this very day at Deptford, Kent [Map] for the plague, and more at Deale [Map] (within his precinct as one of the Commissioners for sick and wounded seamen), that the towne is almost quite depopulated.

On 09 Aug 1666 and 10 Aug 1666 Holme's Bonfire was an attack by the English fleet commanded by Admiral Robert Holmes (age 44) on a Dutch merchant fleet of 140 ships at the Vlie estuary. The town of West-Terschelling was burnt down.

On or before 09 Aug 1726 Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford was born to Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 42) and Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton (age 35). He mother died on 09 Aug 1726. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Aug 1747 Henry Thomas Fox-Strangways 2nd Earl of Ilchester was born to Stephen Fox-Strangways 1st Earl of Ilchester (age 42) and Elizabeth Strangways-Horner Countess Ilchester (age 25).

After 09 Aug 1821. Monument in Church of St Oswald, Methley [Map] to Sarah Delaval Countess Mexborough (deceased).

On 09 Aug 1828 Henry St John Halford 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Halford 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Barbara Vaughan. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 09 Aug 1846 Georgina Moncrieffe Countess Dudley was born to Thomas Moncrieffe 7th Baronet (age 24) and Louisa Hay-Drummond Lady Moncrieffe.

New Inns. On the 9th of August we examined the remains of a barrow which had been raised upon a rocky mound near New Inns, Derbyshire, finding only broken human bones, teeth of rats and other quadrupeds, with flakes of flint and pieces of earthenware.

We then proceeded towards Cold Eaton, where in a pasture field, between Green Low [Map] and Net Low [Map] barrows, opened in 1845, are two more large flat barrows, previously unnoticed. That opened on the present occasion was nearest Net Low. It was about twenty yards across, with a central elevation of eighteen inches, and was entirely composed of earth. The original deposit was placed in a circular hole, eighteen inches diameter, sunk about six inches in the stony surface of the land on which the barrow was raised, so that the entire depth from the top of the latter was two feet. The interment consisted of a quantity of calcined human bones, which lay upon a thin layer of earth at the bottom of the hole, as compactly as if they had at first been deposited within a shallow basket, or similar perishable vessel. Upon them lay some fragments of iron, parts of two bone combs, and twent-eight convex objects of bone, like button-moulds.

The pieces of iron have been attached to some article of perishable material; the largest fragment has a good-sized loop, as if for suspension. One of the combs has been much like the small-tooth comb used in our nurseries, and is ornamented by small annulets cut in the bone; the other is of more elaborate make, having teeth on each side as the former, but being strengthened by a rib up the middle of both sides, covered with a finely-cut herring-bone pattern, and attached by iron rivets.

The twenty-eight bone objects consist of flattened hemispherical pieces, mostly with dots on the convex side; in some, dots within annulets. They vary from half an inch to an inch in diameter, and have generally eight, nine, or ten dots each; but these are disposed so irregularly that it would be difficult to count them off hand, which leads to the conclusion that these counters would not be employed for playing any game dependent upon numbers, like dominoes or dice, but that they were more probably used for a game analagou& to draughts. This is most likely to be the fact, as draughtmen have occasionally been found in Scandinavian grave mounds; and we must assign this interment, if not to the Danes, still to the Pagan Saxons, whose customs were in many respects identical. All the articles found in this barrow have undergone the process of combustion, along with the human remains.

On 09 Aug 1866 Emil Fuchs was born in Vienna.

On 09 Aug 1902 Winifred Anna Dallas Yorke Duchess Portland (age 38) served as a canopy bearer to Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 57) at the Coronation of Edward VII.

On 09 Aug 1974 Frederick John Wilcoxson (age 86) died.

Births on the 9th August

On 09 Aug 1298 Robert Ufford 1st Earl Suffolk was born to Robert Ufford 1st Baron Ufford (age 19) and Cecily Valoignes Baroness Ufford (age 14).

On 09 Aug 1303 Joan Verdun Baroness Furnivall was born to Theobald Verdun 2nd Lord Verdun (age 24) and Maud Mortimer Lady Verdun (age 17) at Wooton, Stanton Lacy. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.90%.

On 09 Aug 1386 King Henry V of England was born to King Henry IV of England (age 19) and Mary Bohun (age 18) at Monmouth Castle [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.60%.

On 09 Aug 1515 William Pole was born to William Pole (age 37).

On or before 09 Aug 1607, the date of her baptism at Rampton, Nottinghamshire, Elizabeth Babington was born.

On 09 Aug 1657 Pierre Etienne Monnot was born in Orchamps Vennes.

On 09 Aug 1667 John Bridgeman 3rd Baronet was born to John Bridgeman 2nd Baronet (age 35).

On 09 Aug 1693 Sophia Wilhelmina Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to John Ernest Saxe Coburg Saalfeld IV Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 34) and Charlotte Johanna Waldeck Wildungen Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld at Saalfield.

On 09 Aug 1722 Augustus William Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 33) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 35). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.

On or before 09 Aug 1726 Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford was born to Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 42) and Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton (age 35). He mother died on 09 Aug 1726. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Aug 1747 Henry Thomas Fox-Strangways 2nd Earl of Ilchester was born to Stephen Fox-Strangways 1st Earl of Ilchester (age 42) and Elizabeth Strangways-Horner Countess Ilchester (age 25).

On 09 Aug 1751 Samuel Hoare was born to Samuel Hoare (age 35) and Grizel Gurnell of Ealing (age 29) at Stoke Newington [Map].

On 09 Aug 1757 Francis Basset 1st Baron Dunstanville 1st Baron Basset Stratton was born.

On 09 Aug 1767 Thomas Cholmondeley 1st Baron Delamere was born to Thomas Cholmondeley (age 41).

On 09 Aug 1767 Charles Callis Western 1st Baron Western was born.

On 09 Aug 1772 Sherrod Beaumont Burnaby was born to Archdeacon Andrew Burnaby (age 39) and Anna Edwyn (age 36).

On 09 Aug 1774 George Frederick Beltz was born.

On 09 Aug 1776 George Augustus Clavering-Cowper 4th Earl Cowper was born to George Nassau Clavering-Cowper 3rd Earl Cowper (age 37) and Hannah Anna Gore 3rd Countess Cowper.

On 09 Aug 1785 John Henry Vivian was born to John Vivian of Truro (age 35) and Betsey Cranch.

On 09 Aug 1794 Beaumont Hotham 3rd Baron Hotham was born to Beaumont Hotham (age 25).

On 09 Aug 1795 Henry Charles Sturt was born to Charles Sturt of Crichel and Brownsea Castle (age 32) and Mary Anne Ashley Cooper and Brownsea Castle.

On 09 Aug 1799 Henry Maxwell 7th Baron Farnham was born.

On 09 Aug 1805 John Robert Townshend 1st Earl Sydney was born to John Townshend 2nd Viscount Sydney (age 41) and Caroline Elizabeth Letitia Clements Viscountess Sydney (age 40).

On 09 Aug 1815 Edmund Roche 1st Baron Fermoy was born to Edward Roche (age 44).

On 09 Aug 1822 Barbara Augusta Norah Mytton was born to John "Mad Jack" Mytton (age 25) and Caroline Mallet Giffard (age 22).

On 09 Aug 1823 Brigadier-General Daniel Martin Frost was born.

On 09 Aug 1828 Henry St John Halford 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Halford 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Barbara Vaughan. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 09 Aug 1830 Frederick Ellis 7th Baron Howard de Walden 3rd Baron Seaford was born to Charles Ellis 6th Baron Howard de Walden 2nd Baron Seaford (age 31) and Lucy Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (age 22). He was educated at Eton College [Map] and Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map].

On 09 Aug 1844 Wyndham Knatchbull 12th Baronet was born to Norton Joseph Knatchbull 10th Baronet (age 36) and Mary Watts-Russell.

On 09 Aug 1846 Georgina Moncrieffe Countess Dudley was born to Thomas Moncrieffe 7th Baronet (age 24) and Louisa Hay-Drummond Lady Moncrieffe.

On 09 Aug 1863 Henry Fitzgerald was born to Charles William Fitzgerald Fitzgerald 4th Duke Leinster (age 44) and Caroline Leveson-Gower Duchess Leinster (age 36) at Kilkea Castle, Castledermot, County Kildare.

On 09 Aug 1866 Emil Fuchs was born in Vienna.

On 09 Aug 1884 Edwyn Clement Hoskyns 13th Baronet was born to Edwyn Hoskyns 12th Baronet (age 33).

On 09 Aug 1914 Alastair Windsor 2nd Duke Connaught and Strathearn was born to Prince Arthur of Connaught (age 31) and Princess Alexandra Duff Duchess Fife (age 23) at 54 Mount Street Grosvenor Square. He was baptised on 01 Sep 1914 at his parent's home. His godparents were his maternal great-uncle George V King United Kingdom (age 49), Alfonso XIII King Spain (age 28), his maternal great-grandmother Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 69), his grandfather Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 64), his great-aunt Princess Louise Caroline Alberta Windsor Duchess Argyll (age 66) and his cousin Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 17). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.85%.

On 09 Aug 1952 William Jennings Capell was born to Bladen Horace Capell (age 29). He is the heir presumptive to Earl Essex.

Marriages on the 9th August

Before 09 Aug 1404 William Willoughby 5th Baron Willoughby (age 34) and Joan Holland Duchess York (age 24) were married. She by marriage Baroness Willoughby de Eresby. She the daughter of Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent and Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 54). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 09 Aug 1487 John Lynne of Southwick Hall and Jane or Joan Knyvet (age 72) were married.

On 09 Aug 1596 Thomas Posthumous Hoby (age 29) and Margaret Dakins (age 25) were married.

On 09 Aug 1731 Charles Eversfield (age 47) and Henrietta Scarborough Lady Jenkinson (age 36) were married. She the widow of Robert Jenkinson 3rd Baronet.

On 09 Aug 1749 Charles Dormer 8th Baron Dormer (age 24) and Mary Talbot were married.

Before 09 Aug 1751 Samuel Hoare (age 35) and Grizel Gurnell of Ealing (age 29) were married.

On 09 Aug 1753 Edwyn Francis Stanhope (age 24) and Caroline Brydges (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Henry Brydges 2nd Duke Chandos (age 45) and Mary Bruce.

Before 09 Aug 1761 Archbishop George Gilbert (age 67) and Margaret Sherard were married.

On 09 Aug 1783 Archibald Montgomerie 11th Earl Eglinton (age 57) and Frances Twysden (age 20) were married. The difference in their ages was 36 years. He the son of Alexander Montgomerie 9th Earl Eglinton and Susanna Kennedy Countess Winton.

On 09 Aug 1817 Martin John West and Maria Walpole (age 27) were married. She the daughter of Horatio Walpole 2nd Earl Orford (age 65) and Sophia Churchill.

Before 09 Aug 1828 Henry Halford 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Barbara Vaughan were married. They were half first cousins.

On 09 Aug 1830 King Leopold I of Belgium (age 39) and Louise Orléans Queen Consort Belgium (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years. He the son of Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha and Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 73).

On 09 Aug 1831 Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Fitzroy and Lucy Sarah Lethbridge were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Aug 1832 Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet (age 63) and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn were married. She by marriage Lady Copley Sprotborough. He was the younger brother of her first husband's [John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn] first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn.

On 09 Aug 1832 Henry George Grey 3rd Earl Grey (age 29) and Maria Copley 3rd Countess Grey (age 33) were married. She the daughter of Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet (age 63) and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn. He the son of Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 68) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 56).

On 09 Aug 1841 Keith Stewart (age 27) and Mary Caroline Fitzroy (age 18) were married. He the son of George Stewart 8th Earl Galloway and Jane Paget Countess Galloway (age 66). She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Aug 1862 Seymour Egerton 4th Earl Wilton (age 23) and Laura Caroline Russell Countess Wilton (age 20) were married. He the son of Thomas Grosvenor 2nd Earl Wilton (age 62) and Mary Smith-Stanley Countess Wilton. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Aug 1930 Evan Edward Charteris (age 66) and Dorothy Margaret Browne (age 42) were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She the daughter of Valentine Charles Browne 5th Earl of Kenmare (age 69) and Elizabeth Baring Countess Kenmare (age 63). He the son of Francis Richard Charteris 10th Earl of Wemyss and Anne Frederica Anson Countess Wemyss.

On 09 Aug 1947 Charles Hedworth Mills 4th Baron Hillingdon (age 25) and Sarah Gray Stuart (age 18) were married. She the daughter of Francis Douglas Stuart 18th Earl of Moray.

Deaths on the 9th August

On 09 Aug 1078 Peter Savoy I Count Savoy (age 30) died.

On 09 Aug 1211 William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber (age 67) died at France. His son Bishop Giles de Braose succeeded Baron Bergavenny (Feudal Creation).

On 09 Aug 1250 Henry Hastings (age 52) died at Blunham Biggleswade.

On 06 Aug 1254 or 09 Aug 1254 Bishop Hugh of Northwold died. He was buried at Ely Cathedral [Map].

On 09 Aug 1270 Richard de Dover Plantagenet (age 50) died in Carthage.

On 09 Aug 1284 James Lord Ivrea (age 18) died.

On 09 Aug 1289 Sophie Wittelsbach (age 53) died.

Before 09 Aug 1334 Edward Plantagenet (age 14) died.

On 09 Aug 1359 Constantine Mortimer (age 89) died.

Before 09 Aug 1422 Thomas Dunbar 2nd Earl of Moray (age 51) died. His son Thomas Dunbar 3rd Earl of Moray succeeded 3rd Earl Moray.

After 09 Aug 1457 Isabelle Metz died.

Before 09 Aug 1487 John Lynne of Southwick Hall died.

On 09 Aug 1496 John Pympe (age 49) died.

On 09 Aug 1518 Ralph St Leger (age 62) died.

On 09 Aug 1534 William Fitzwilliam (age 74) died.

On 09 Aug 1539 Roger Wentworth (age 79) died.

On 09 Aug 1552 Edmund Bedingfield (age 73) died.

On 09 Aug 1586 Mary Dudley (age 56) died.

Before 09 Aug 1589 Thomas Forster of Iden, Northumberland died.

On 09 Aug 1613 William Russell 1st Baron Russell (age 53) died. His son Francis Russell 4th Earl Bedford (age 20) succeeded 2nd Baron Russell of Thornhaugh.

On 09 Aug 1613 Humphrey Mildmay (age 58) died.

On 09 Aug 1620 Magdalene Hanover died.

On 09 Aug 1622 Jean Campbell (age 46) died.

On 09 Aug 1642 Elizabeth Neville (age 65) died.

On 09 Aug 1699 Charles Carnegie 4th Earl Southesk (age 38) died. His son James Carnegie 5th Earl Southesk (age 7) succeeded 5th Earl Southesk.

On 09 Aug 1706 William Eyre (age 68) died.

On 09 Aug 1716 Elizabeth Mordaunt Baroness Howard died.

On 09 Aug 1719 Charles Middleton 2nd Earl Middleton (age 69) died. He was buried at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines.

On 09 Aug 1726 Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton (age 35) died.

On 09 Aug 1741 Charles Howard (age 22) died.

On 09 Aug 1761 Archbishop George Gilbert (age 67) died in Twickenham, Richmond.

On 09 Aug 1785 Juliana Digby died.

On 09 Aug 1805 Caroline Elizabeth Letitia Clements Viscountess Sydney (age 40) died.

On 09 Aug 1806 Harriet Beresford (age 35) died.

On 09 Aug 1809 Frances Bold (age 69) died.

On 09 Aug 1819 Ponsonby Moore (age 83) died.

On 09 Aug 1821 Sarah Delaval Countess Mexborough (age 79) died.

On 09 Aug 1833 Mary East Lady Clayton (age 67) died.

On 09 Aug 1847 John Delves Broughton 7th Baronet (age 78) died without issue. His brother Henry Delves Broughton 8th Baronet (age 70) succeeded 8th Baronet Broughton of Broughton in Staffordshire. Mary Pigott Lady Broughton (age 59) by marriage Lady Broughton of Broughton in Staffordshire.

On 09 Aug 1853 Humphrey St John-Mildmay (age 59) died.

On 09 Aug 1861 Henry Montagu Villiers (age 48) died.

On 09 Aug 1865 John Ridley of Park End (age 85) died.

On 09 Aug 1871 Elizabeth Lavinia Newman Countess Poulett died. Six weeks later he married his second wife Emma Sophia Johnson Countess Poulett.

On 09 Aug 1891 Lieutenant Harry Tyrwhitt aka Tyrwhitt-Wilson (age 37) died.

On 09 Aug 1899 George Alexandrovich Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 28) died.

On 09 Aug 1906 Frederick Hanbury-Tracy (age 57) died.

On 09 Aug 1910 Archibald Peel (age 82) died.

On 09 Aug 1912 Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale 1st Baronet (age 63) died.

On 09 Aug 1915 Gerald Legge (age 33) was killed in action whilst serving with the 7th Bn. South Staffordshire Regiment at Suvla Bay.

On 09 Aug 1916 Victoria Noel Lady Buxton (age 77) died at North Lodge.

On 09 Aug 1918 Asher Ezra Wertheimer (age 74) died in Eastbourne.

On 09 Aug 1922 Lettice Hermione Violet Willoughby (age 68) died.

On 09 Aug 1929 Olga Katherine Godolphin Osborne (age 42) died.

On 09 Aug 1948 Leopoldina Olivia Keppel (age 81) died.

On 09 Aug 1961 George Cecil Paulet (age 56) died.

On 09 Aug 1974 Frederick John Wilcoxson (age 86) died.

On 09 Aug 2010 Anne Cavendish (age 82) died.