On this Day in History ... 9th January

09 Jan is in January.

1431 Trial of Joan of Arc

1514 Death of Anne Duchess of Brittany

1536 Death of Catherine of Aragon

1684 Frost Fair

1806 Funeral of Horatio Nelson

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 9th January

On 15 Aug 1369 Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 55) died at Windsor Castle [Map]. Her husband King Edward III of England (age 56) and youngest son Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester (age 14) were present. She was given a state funeral six months later on 09 Jan 1370 at which she was interred at on the northeast side of the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor, Westminster Abbey [Map] at Westminster Abbey. Her alabaster effigy was executed by sculptor Jean de Liège.

On 09 Jan 1431 Joan of Arc (age 19) was tried at Rouen Castle [Map]. John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 41) and Henry Beauchamp 1st Duke Warwick (age 5) were present.

On 09 Jan 1499 John "Cicero" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg (age 43) died.

On 09 Jan 1514 Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 36) died. She the last of the de Montfort family to hold the title (the Montfort family is a scion the Capet family; her father was descended from Louis VII King Franks. Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France (age 14) succeeded I Duchess Brittany. Claude (age 14) and King Francis I of France (age 19) married after which the Duchy of Brittany and the Crown of France were combined.

Letters 1536. 09 Jan 1536. Vienna Archives. 59. Chapuys (age 46) to Charles V.

Just after having finished my last letter of 30 Dec. I mounted horse to go with all possible haste "selon la grande compagnie que menvoie" to see the Queen (deceased). On my arrival she called roe at once, and that it might not be supposed her sickness was feigned and also because there was a friend of Cromwell's whom the King had sent to accompany me, or rather to spy and note all that was said and done, the Queen thought best, with my consent, that my conductor and the principal persons of the house, such as the chamberlain and steward, who had not seen her for more than a year, and several others, should be at our first interview. After I had kissed hands she took occasion to thank me for the numerous services I had done her hitherto and the trouble I had taken to come and see her, a thing that she had very ardently desired, thinking that my coming would be salutary for her, and, at all events, if it pleased God to take her, it would be a consolation to her to die under my guidance (entre mes braz) and not unprepared, like a beast. I gave her every hope, both of her health and otherwise, informing her of the offers the King had made me of what houses she would, and to cause her to be paid the remainder of certain arrears, adding, for her further consolation, that the King was very sorry for her illness; and on this I begged her to take heart and get well, if for no other consideration, because the union and peace of Christendom depended upon her life. To show this I used many arguments, as had been prearranged with another person between the Queen and me, in order that my conductor and some of the bystanders might make report of it, so that by this means they might have the greater care of her life. After some other conversation, the Queen bade me rest after the fatigue of the journey, and meanwhile she thought she could sleep a little, which she had not done for two hours altogether during the six days previous. Shortly afterwards she sent for me again, and I spent full two hours in conversation with her, and though I several times wished to leave her for fear of wearying her, I could not do so, she said it was so great a pleasure and consolation. I spent the same period of time with her every day of the four days I staid there. She inquired about the health of your Majesty and the state of your affairs, and regretted her misfortune and that of the Princess, and the delay of remedy by which all good men had suffered in person and in goods, and so many ladies were going to perdition. But, on my showing her that your Majesty could not have done better than you had done hitherto, considering the great affairs which had hindered you, and also that the delay had not been without advantages (for, besides there being some hope that the French, who formerly solicited the favour of this King, would now turn their backs, there was this, that the Pope, by reason of the death of the cardinal of Rochester, and other disorders, intended to seek a remedy in the name of the Holy See, and thus, preparations being made at the instance of the Holy See, the King could not blame her as the cause), she was quite satisfied and thought the delay had been for the best. And as to the heresies here [I said] she knew well that God said there must of necessity be heresies and slanders for the exaltation of the good and confusion of the wicked, and that she must consider that the heresies were not so rooted here that they would not soon be remedied, and that it was to be hoped that those who had been deluded would afterwards be the most firm, like St. Peter after he had tripped. of these words she showed herself very glad, for she had previously had some scruple of conscience because [the heresies] had arisen from her affair.

Having staid there four days, and seeing that she began to take a little sleep, and also that her stomach retained her food, and that she was better than she had been, she thought, and her physician agreed with her (considering her out of danger), that I should return, so as not to abuse the licence the King had given me, and also to request the King to give her a more convenient house, as he had promised me at my departure. I therefore took leave of her on Tuesday evening, leaving her very cheerful; and that evening I saw her laugh two or three times, and about half an hour after I left her she desired to have some pastime (soy recreer) with one of my men "que fait du plaisant." On Wednesday morning one of her chamber told me that she had slept better. Her physician confirmed to me again his good hope of her health, and said I need not fear to leave, for, if any new danger arose, he would inform me with all diligence. Thereupon I started, and took my journey at leisure, lest any further news should overtake me on the road; but none came. This morning I sent to Cromwell to know when I could have audience of the King his master to thank him for the good cheer he had caused to be shown me in my journey, and also to speak about the said house. He sent to inform me of the lamentable news of the death of the most virtuous Queen, which took place on Friday the morrow of the Kings, about 2 p.m. This has been the most cruel news that could come to me, especially as I fear the good Princess will die of grief, or that the concubine (age 35) will hasten what she has long threatened to do, viz., to kill her; and it is to be feared that there is little help for it. I will do my best to comfort her, in which a letter from your Majesty would help greatly. I cannot relate in detail the circumstances of the Queen's decease, nor how she has disposed of her affairs, for none of her servants has yet come. I know not if they have been detained.

This evening, on sending to tell (qu. ask?) Cromwell what they had determined to do, that I might for my part do my duty, he told my man that just as he was entering the gate he had dispatched one of his own to inform me, on the part of the King and Council, that it was determined to give her a very solemn and honorable funeral both on account of her virtue and as having been wife of Prince Arthur, and, moreover, for her lineage and relationship to your Majesty, and that, if I wished to be present, the King would send me some black cloth for myself and my servants, but that the time and place had not yet been arranged. I replied that, presuming that everything would be done duly, I agreed to be present, and that, as to the cloth, the King need not trouble himself about it, for I was provided. It is certain that they will not perform her exequies as Queen, but only as Princess, and for this reason I despatch in haste to Flanders one of my servants who will have time to go and come, that I may know how to conduct myself, for nothing will be done for 18 or 20 days. The Queen's illness began about five weeks ago, as I then wrote to your Majesty, and the attack was renewed on the morrow of Christmas day. It was a pain in the stomach, so violent that she could retain no food. I asked her physician several times if there was any suspicion of poison. He said he was afraid it was so, for after she had drunk some Welsh beer she had been worse, and that it must have been a slow and subtle poison1 for he could not discover evidences of simple and pure poison; but on opening her, indications will be seen. London, 9 Jan. 1535. Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 4.

Note 1. "Poison aterminec (qu. atermoiee ?) et artificieuse."

Letters 1536. 09 Jan 1536. Add. MS. 28,588, f. 114. B. M. 60. Chapuys (age 46) to Ortiz.

Received on the 29th ult. the Emperor's letter of the 3rd ult., and with them, the [account of the] receptions given to the Emperor in Micina and Naples.

Hearing that the Queen was very ill, went to ask the King for leave to visit her, which he obtained, with some trouble. Set off as soon as possible. Found that the Queen had been troubled with vomiting and pain in the stomach for a week, being unable to eat or sleep, except so little that it might be called nothing. She was so wasted that she could not support herself either on her feet or sitting in bed. During four days that he was with her she got better, and seemed to be much comforted by his visit. She did not cease to tell him that he had served her well, and shown the affection for her service, which she knew that he felt. She desired him to return and solicit her removal, in which the physician concurred, thinking her out of danger for the time. Returned as she wished, and to-day news came to the King that on the third day after his departure she had a relapse and died in twelve hours, which was the day before yesterday, Friday the 7th, at 2 p.m. Feels it deeply, and hopes the same fate will not happen to the Princess. Will not now mention what her Highness said, and her last wishes. Refers to his letter to Cifuentes. London, 9 Jan. 1536. Sp., pp. 3. Modern copy.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Jan 1667. Thence to Faythorne (age 51), and bought a head or two; one of them my Lord of Ormond's (age 56), the best I ever saw, and then to Arundell House [Map], where first the Royall Society meet, by the favour of Mr. Harry Howard (age 38), who was there, and has given us his grandfather's library, a noble gift, and a noble favour and undertaking it is for him to make his house the seat for this college. Here was an experiment shown about improving the use of powder for creating of force in winding up of springs and other uses of great worth. And here was a great meeting of worthy noble persons; but my Lord Bruncker (age 47), who pretended to make a congratulatory speech upon their coming hither, and in thanks to Mr. Howard (age 38), do it in the worst manner in the world, being the worst speaker, so as I do wonder at his parts and the unhappiness of his speaking.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Jan 1668. So to the office, where all the morning busy, and so home at noon to dinner with my people, where Mr. Hollier (age 59) come and dined with me, and it is still mighty pleasant to hear him talk of Rome and the Pope, with what hearty zeal and hatred he talks against him.

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Jan 1684. I went crosse the Thames on the ice, now become so thick as to beare not onely streetes of boothes, in which they roasted meate, and had divers shops of wares, quite acrosse as in a towne, but coaches, carts, and horses, passed over. So I went from Westminster Stayres to Lambeth [Map], and din'd with the Archbishop (age 66): where I met my Lord Bruce, Sir Geo. Wheeler (age 32), Coll. Cooke, and severall divines. After dinner and discourse with his Grace till evening prayers, Sir Geo. Wheeler (age 32) and I walked over the ice from Lambeth Stayres to the horse ferry.

On 09 Jan 1735 John Jervis 1st Earl St Vincent was born to Swynfen Jervis.

On 09 Jan 1806 the funeral of Horatio Nelson 1st Viscount Nelson was held at St Paul's Cathedral [Map].

The London Gazette 15881. 09 Jan 1806. Early in the Morning of Thursday the 9th Instant, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (age 43), Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of the Blood Royal, with several of the Great Officers, and the Nobility and Gentry, in their Carriages; the Relations of the Deceased, with the Officers and others of his Household, the Officers of Armss, and a Number of Naval Officers, in Mourning Coaches, assembled in Hyde Park; having been admitted at Cumberland and Grosvenor Gates upon producing Tickets issued from the College of Arms.; and, having there been marshalled within the Rails, proceeded, One by One, across Piccadilly, into St. James's Park, by the Gate at the top of Constitution Hill, and onwards, through the Horse Guards, to the Admiralty, in the Order in which they were to move in the Procession.

The Chief Mourner, with his Supporters and Train-Bearer, and the several Naval Officers to whom Duties were assigned in the Solemnity, assembled at the Admiralty: the Seamen and Marines of the Victory, the Pensioners from Greenwich Hospital, the Watermen of the Deceased, the Six Conductors, the Messenger of the College of Arms, and the Marshal's-Men, with the Trumpets and Drums, were stationed in the Admiralty Yard.

On 09 Jan 1819 William Powell Frith was born.

On 09 Jan 1861 Aaron Clulow Howard (age 39) died at Southport, Lancashire.

Aaron Clulow Howard: In 1822 he was born to John Howard and Elizabeth m Howard.

On 09 Jan 1870 Prince Francis of Teck was born to Francis Teck (age 32) and Princess Mary Adelaide Hanover (age 36). He a great grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 09 Jan 1982 Catherine Middleton Princess of Wales was born to Michael Middleton (age 32) and Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith (age 26).

Births on the 9th January

Between 10 Jan 1465 and 09 Jan 1466 Ellen Roche Countess Desmond was born to Maurice Roche 2nd Viscount Fermoy and Joan Fitzgerald Lady Fermoy.

On 09 Jan 1500 Diane de Poitiers was born.

On 09 Jan 1567 Thomas Temple 1st Baronet was born to John Temple (age 25).

On 09 Jan 1576 Anne Brereton was born to Randle Brereton (age 26) and Frances Throgmorton at Malpas [Map].

On 09 Jan 1577 Anthony Irby was born.

On or before 09 Jan 1586 Edward Lawley was born to Thomas Lawley (age 39).

Before 09 Jan 1603 Dorothy Alington Lady Leventhorpe was born to Giles Alington (age 30) and Dorothy Cecil.

On 09 Jan 1620 Elizabeth Altham Countess Anglesey was born to James Altham of Oxhey.

On 09 Jan 1626 John Newton 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Newton (age 66).

On 09 Jan 1627 Elizabeth Foote was born to Thomas Foote 1st Baronet (age 29).

On 09 Jan 1646 John Burrard was born to Thomas Burrard and Elizabeth Isham.

On 09 Jan 1731 William Pulteney was born to William Pulteney 1st Earl Bath (age 46).

On 09 Jan 1735 John Jervis 1st Earl St Vincent was born to Swynfen Jervis.

On 09 Jan 1762 Richard Croft 6th Baronet was born to Herbert Croft (age 40).

On 09 Jan 1769 William Robert Spencer was born to Charles Spencer (age 28) and Mary Beauclerk (age 25) at Kensington Palace. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Jan 1780 Charles Manners-Sutton 1st Viscount Canterbury was born to Archbishop Charles Manners-Sutton (age 24) and Mary Thoroton. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.13%.

On 09 Jan 1794 John Hay-Williams 2nd Baronet was born to John Williams 1st Baronet (age 32) and Margaret Williams Lady Williams (age 25).

On 09 Jan 1819 William Powell Frith was born.

On 09 Jan 1821 William Sharon Senator Banker was born at Smithfield Ohio.

On 09 Jan 1822 Thomas Moncrieffe 7th Baronet was born to David Moncrieffe 6th Baronet (age 33).

On 09 Jan 1848 Frederica Hanover was born to George V King Hanover (age 28) and Marie Saxe Altenburg Queen Consort Hanover. He a great grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 09 Jan 1854 Jenny Jerome was born to Leonard Jerome "King of Wall Street" Financier (age 36) and Clarissa Hall (age 29) at Cobble Hill Brooklyn, New York.

On 09 Jan 1855 Henry Charles Bunbury 10th Baronet was born to Henry William St Pierre Bunbury (age 42) and Cecila Caroline Napier (age 36).

On 09 Jan 1858 William Augustus Lane Fox-Pitt was born to Augustus Henry Fox Pitt-Rivers (age 30) and Alice Margaret Stanley (age 30).

On 09 Jan 1870 Prince Francis of Teck was born to Francis Teck (age 32) and Princess Mary Adelaide Hanover (age 36). He a great grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 09 Jan 1889 William Lorenzo Parker 3rd Baronet was born to William Parker 2nd Baronet (age 64).

On 09 Jan 1898 Randal Smith 2nd Baron Bicester was born to Vivian Hugh Smith 1st Baron Bicester (age 30) and Sybil Mary McDonnell Baroness Bicester (age 21).

On 09 Jan 1900 Henry Victor Hohenzollern was born to Prince Henry Hohenzollern (age 37) and Irene Hesse Darmstadt (age 33). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.42%.

On 09 Jan 1902 John Charles Peniston Milbanke 11th Baronet was born to John Peniston Milbanke 10th Baronet (age 29) and Amelia Madeline Louisa Crichton (age 25).

On 09 Jan 1920 Thomas Brooke 2nd Viscount Alanbrooke was born to Field-Marshal Alan Brooke 1st Viscount Alanbrooke (age 36).

On 09 Jan 1939 Murray Beauclerk 14th Duke St Albans was born to Charles Beauclerk 13th Duke St Albans (age 23) and Nathalie Chatham Walker.

On 09 Jan 1982 Catherine Middleton Princess of Wales was born to Michael Middleton (age 32) and Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith (age 26).

Marriages on the 9th January

On 09 Jan 1449 Richard Welles 7th Baron Welles, Baron Willoughby (age 21) and Joan Willoughby 7th Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 24) were married. They were fourth cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 09 Jan 1506 John Ogilvy 2nd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie and Jean Graham were married.

On 09 Jan 1541 Maurice Elector of Saxony (age 19) and Agnes of Hesse (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 36) and Christine of Saxony (age 35). They were half first cousin once removed.

Before 09 Jan 1585 Richard Grosvenor of Eaton (age 22) and Christiana Brooke were married.

On 09 Jan 1620 Francis Molyneux 2nd Baronet (age 18) and Theodosia Heron (age 18) were married at St Laurence's Church, Surfleet. They had one son and four daughters.

Before 09 Jan 1646 Thomas Burrard and Elizabeth Isham were married.

After 09 Jan 1694 Charles Stewart 4th Earl Traquair (age 35) and Mary Maxwell Countess Traquair (age 23) were married. She by marriage Countess Traquair. She the daughter of Robert Maxwell 4th Earl Nithsdale and Lucy Douglas Countess Nithsdale (age 50). He the son of John Stewart 2nd Earl Traquair and Anne Seton. They were second cousins.

On 09 Jan 1696 Richard Jones 1st Earl Ranelagh (age 54) and Margaret Cecil Countess Ranelagh (age 24) were married. She by marriage Countess Ranelagh. The difference in their ages was 30 years. She the daughter of James Cecil 3rd Earl Salisbury and Margaret Manners Countess of Salisbury.

On 09 Jan 1697 George Hanger of Driffield in Gloucestershire and Ann Beale were married.

On 09 Jan 1727 Charles Cavendish (age 22) and Anne Grey were married. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke Kent (age 56) and Jemima Crew Marchioness Kent (age 52). He the son of William Cavendish 2nd Duke Devonshire (age 55) and Rachel Russell Duchess Devonshire.

On 09 Jan 1730 Henry Cavendish 1st Baronet (age 22) and Anne Pyne (age 23) were married.

On 09 Jan 1774 Henry Hopkins Fane Chomley (age 26) and Catherine Cholmley (age 22) were married. Yorkshire Gazette. 28 August 1886 page 11. Yorkshire In The Last Century. Old History Retold. 1774. Jan. 9. By the Rev. M. Marsden, chaplain to the Archbishop of York, Henry Hopkins Fane, Esq., was married to Miss Cholmley, and Abraham Grimes, Esq., to Miss Mary Cholmley, the two eldest daughters of Nathaniel Cholmley, Esq., of Housham, Yorks.

On 09 Jan 1777 Ralph Milbanke aka Noel 6th Baronet (age 29) and Judith Noel (age 26) were married.

On 09 Jan 1792 David Simpson (age 31) and Mary Jarvey (age 21) were married.

On 09 Jan 1813 Robert Jocelyn 3rd Earl Roden (age 24) and Maria Frances Catherine Stapleton Countess Roden were married. He the son of Robert Jocelyn 2nd Earl Roden (age 56).

On 09 Jan 1834 Charles Abbott (age 30) and Emily Frances Stuart were married at St Mary's Church, Bryanston Square, Marylebone.

On 09 Jan 1846 James Johnstone of Alva (age 44) and Augusta Anne Norton were married.

On 09 Jan 1883 Henry Montagu Villiers (age 45) and Charlotte Louisa Emily Cadogan were married.

On 09 Jan 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur George Edward Egerton (age 26) and Nora Mary Fynvola Mackinnon (age 25) were married.

On 09 Jan 1907 Charles Strathavon Heathcote-Willoughby-Drummond (age 36) and Muriel Agnes Stuart Erskine were married. She the daughter of Shipley Gordon Stuart Erskine 14th Earl Buchan (age 57). He the son of Gilbert Henry Heathcote Drummond Willoughby 1st Earl Ancaster (age 76) and Evelyn Elizabeth Gordon Countess Ancaster (age 60).

On 09 Jan 1933 Anthony Chaplin 3rd Viscount Chaplin and Alvilde Bridges Viscountess Chaplin (age 23) were married.

Deaths on the 9th January

On 09 Jan 1217 Sybille Flanders (age 38) died.

On 09 Jan 1310 Catherine Wittelsbach (age 42) died.

Before 09 Jan 1337 Robert Constable (age 33) died.

On 15 Aug 1369 Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 55) died at Windsor Castle [Map]. Her husband King Edward III of England (age 56) and youngest son Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester (age 14) were present. She was given a state funeral six months later on 09 Jan 1370 at which she was interred at on the northeast side of the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor, Westminster Abbey [Map] at Westminster Abbey. Her alabaster effigy was executed by sculptor Jean de Liège.

On 09 Jan 1450 Bishop Adam Moleyns was lynched by a mob of discontented unpaid soldiers who dragged him from the Royal Garrison Church, Portsmouth and executed him for being a supporter of William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 53) and for the losses in Normandy.

On 09 Jan 1463 William Neville 1st Earl Kent (age 58) died. He was buried at Gisborough Priory [Map]. No surviving legitimate issue. Earl Kent extinct.

On 09 Jan 1471 Otto V Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (age 32) died.

On 09 Jan 1499 John "Cicero" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg (age 43) died.

On 09 Jan 1499 Anne Tattershall (age 60) died at York Castle [Map].

Before 09 Jan 1506 John Ogilvy 2nd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie died. His son James Ogilvy 3rd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie succeeded 3rd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie.

On 09 Jan 1510 Thomas Bradbury (age 50) died.

On 09 Jan 1517 Joanna of Aragon Queen Consort Naples (age 63) died.

On 09 Jan 1528 Walter Strickland (age 64) died.

On 09 Jan 1528 Walter Strickland (age 31) died.

On 09 Jan 1543 Guillaume du Bellay (age 52) died.

On 09 Jan 1564 Margaret Audley Duchess Norfolk (age 24) died at Norwich, Norfolk [Map] following the birth of her fourth child. She was buried at Church of St John the Baptist, Norwich [Map].

On 09 Jan 1572 Martha Denny (age 67) died.

On 09 Jan 1576 Katherine Sampson (age 80) died.

On 09 Jan 1600 or 08 Nov 1600 John Spencer (age 51) died.

On 09 Jan 1617 Marmaduke Wyvill 1st Baronet (age 76) died. He was buried at Masham. His grandson Marmaduke Wyvill 2nd Baronet (age 22) succeeded 2nd Baronet Wyvill of Constable Burton in Yorkshire.

On 09 Jan 1628 Edward Lewis (age 68) died.

On or before 09 Jan 1637, the date he was buried, Horatio Eure died.

On 09 Jan 1641 Hugh Boscawen (age 63) died.

On 09 Jan 1656 Anne Gordon died.

On 09 Jan 1685 Elisha Leighton died.

On 09 Jan 1685 Elias Leighton died at the Parish of St Andrew's Holborn. He was buried at St Giles' Church Horsted Keynes [Map].

On 09 Jan 1689 Hugh Cholmley 4th Baronet (age 56) died without male issue. Baronet Cholmley of Whitby in Yorkshire extinct.

On 09 Jan 1699 Rowland Hunt (age 69) died.

On 09 Jan 1755 Augustus Berkeley 4th Earl Berkeley (age 39) died. His son Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 10) succeeded 5th Earl Berkeley, 5th Viscount Dursley, 13th Baron Berkeley.

On 09 Jan 1762 Bishop Thomas Hayter (age 60) died.

On 09 Jan 1768 Sophie Henriette Glücksburg (age 69) died.

On 09 Jan 1770 Nathaniel Booth 4th Baron Delamer (age 60) died. Baron Delamer extinct. His second cousin George Booth 6th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 6th Baronet Booth of Dunham Massey.

On 09 Jan 1777 Frances Maria Fountayne (age 26) died.

On 09 Jan 1785 Humble Ward (age 29) died.

On 09 Jan 1788 Benedict Swingate Calvert (age 65) died.

On 09 Jan 1813 Grace Foley Countess Clanbrassil (age 70) died.

On 09 Jan 1816 Frederick William Nassau Weilburg (age 47) died.

On 09 Jan 1819 Catherine Pavlovna of Russia (age 30) died.

On 09 Jan 1823 Mary Douglas (age 27) died.

On 09 Jan 1831 Charlotte Boyle 20th Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 61) died. Her son Henry Fitzgerald 21st Baron Ros Helmsley (age 37) succeeded 21st Baron Ros Helmsley.

On 09 Jan 1860 Susan Georgiana Ryder (age 32) died.

On 09 Jan 1861 Arthur George Fitzroy (age 33) died.

On 09 Jan 1861 Francis Walpole (age 66) died.

On 09 Jan 1861 Aaron Clulow Howard (age 39) died at Southport, Lancashire.

Aaron Clulow Howard: In 1822 he was born to John Howard and Elizabeth m Howard.

On 09 Jan 1867 Lady Caroline Cavendish (age 69) died.

On 09 Jan 1870 General George de Lacy Evans (age 82) died.

On 09 Jan 1873 Emperor Napoléon III (age 64) died.

On 09 Jan 1876 John Russell (age 33) died.

On 09 Jan 1877 Ralph Greville Leveson-Gower died.

On 09 Jan 1878 King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia (age 57) died.

On 09 Jan 1883 Frederick Vincent 11th Baronet (age 85) died. His son William Vincent 12th Baronet (age 48) succeeded 12th Baronet Vincent of Stoke d'Abernon.

On 09 Jan 1896 Anne Mary Littledale (age 75) died. She was buried at St Oswald's Church, Brereton [Map] on 13 Jan 1896 where she has a memorial window in the south transept.

On 09 Jan 1899 Louisa Ryder died.

On 09 Jan 1900 Standish Prendergast Vereker 4th Viscount Gort (age 80) died. His son John Gage Prendergast 5th Viscount Gort (age 50) succeeded 5th Viscount Gort.

On 09 Jan 1904 General Percy Feilding (age 76) died.

On 09 Jan 1905 Cornwallis Maude 1st Earl Montalt (age 87) died.

On 09 Jan 1909 Frederick Courtenay Morgan (age 74) died.

On 09 Jan 1917 Richard Orlando Beaconsfield Bridgeman (age 37) died.

On 09 Jan 1919 Andrew Marshall Porter 1st Baronet (age 81) died.

On 09 Jan 1937 Rudolph Feilding Viscount Feilding (age 51) died.

On 09 Jan 1945 William Henry Grenfell 1st Baron Desborough (age 89) died.

On 09 Jan 1958 Charles Alexander Souter died.

On 09 Jan 1968 Eveline Maude (age 87) died.