On this Day in History ... 9th October

09 Oct is in October.

1192 Capture of Richard I

1329 Battle of Ardnocher

1459 Parliament of the Devils

1514 Marriage of Mary Tudor and Louis XII of France

1671 Woodcock and Flatfoot Race at Newmarket

1690 Storming of Cork

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 9th October

On 09 Oct 1192 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 35) left the Holy Land for England. Bad weather forced him to land at Corfu [Map]. Richard sailed from Corfu but his ship was wrecked at Aquileia [Map] from where he travelled overland.

On 20 Aug 1222 Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 38) was moved to Marlborough Castle [Map] where she remained until 09 Oct 1223.

Flowers of History 1233. The king was in the meantime at Westminster, where he attended the conference on the 9th of October, as he had promised the nobles, in order to consult with them as to the reforms necessary to be made in the kingdom ; but the evil advice which he followed prevented this being carried out. Several of the bishops present humbly begged the king, in the Lord's name, to make peace with his barons and other nobles whom he had condemned to banishment without any trial by the peers, burning their villages and buildings, cutting down their woods and fruit trees, and destroying their parks and lakes. The king however said that they were traitors, although it was by their assistance that he ought to arrange his plans and manage the business of the kingdom. Peter bishop of Winchester also replied that the peers in England were not like those in France ; wherefore the king of Kngland had a right, by the justiciaries whom he appointed, to banish any guilty persons from the kingdom and to condemn them after trial. The bishops, on hearing these words, as if with one voice threatened to excommunicate by name the principal amongst these evil advisers of the king ; and amongst these they especially named Peter bishop of Winchester, and his son Peter de Rivaulx, Stephen Segrave (age 62) the justiciary, and Robert Paaselewe the treasurer. To these threats Peter of Winchester replied, that he had been consecrated a bishop by the supreme pontiff at Rome, and was therefore exempt from their authority, and he appealed to the apostolic see against their pronouncing that sentence upon him. The bishops aforesaid then excommunicated all those who had estranged the king's affection from his natural English subjects, and disturbed the peace of the kingdom.

On 09 Oct 1261 Denis I King Portugal was born to Alfonso III King Portugal (age 51) and Beatrice Queen Consort Portugal (age 19). Denis I King Portugal succeeded I King Portugal. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.41%.

On 09 Oct 1329 Thomas Butler 1st Baron Dunboyne (age 58) was killed at the Battle of Ardnocher by the Chief of the Clan Geoghegan. His son Piers Butler 2nd Baron Dunboyne (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baron Dunboyne.

On 09 Oct 1390 John I King Castile (age 32) died. His son Henry III King Castile (age 11) succeeded III King Castile.

On 09 Oct 1459 Thomas Tresham (age 39) was elected Speaker of the House of Commons at Coventry [Map]. The primary purpose of the Parliament was to attaint the Yorkist leaders:

Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 48), his sons Edward Earl of March (age 17), Edmund Earl of Rutland (age 16) were attainted, as were Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59) and his sons Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 30) and John Neville 1431-1471 (age 28).

A Brief Latin Chronicle. 09 Oct 1459. In the same year, around the feast of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr, a parliament was convened at Coventry, where the said Duke and three Earls, along with many other knights and magnates, were indicted there for grand treason and declared to be attainted traitors by the lords of that parliament; and the actions approved by the said duke and lords regarding their insurrection at the town of St Albans in the previous parliament were completely annulled in this one. And on the feast of Saint Agnes following, the said Duke and lords were publicly proclaimed as attainted traitors in the city of London, and thus remained until about the feast of Saint John the Baptist following.

Eodem anno, circiter festum Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martiris, convocato parliamento apud Coventre, indictati sunt ibidem dicti Dux et tres Comites cum aliis multis militibus et magnatibus super grandi prodicione et declarati pro ateyntid traytowrs per dominos illius parliamenti; et ea que per dictos ducem et dominos de insurreccione sua apud villam Sancti Abani in priori parliamento approbata sunt, in isto penitus sunt cassata. Et in festo Sancte Agnetis proximo sequente, dicti Dux et domini in civitate London. publice proclamati sunt pro ateyntid traytours, et sic manserunt usque circiter festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste proximo sequens.

Chronicle of Gregory 1459. After 09 Oct 1459. Also that same year the Duchyes of Yorke (age 44) com unto Kyng Harry (age 37) and submyttyd her unto his grace, and she prayde for her husbonde (age 48) that he might come to his answere and to be ressayvyd unto his grace; and the King full humbely grauntyde her grace, and to alle hyrs that wolde come with hyr, and to alle othyr that wolde com yn with yn viij dayes. And after viij days to done þe execusyon of the lawe as hit requyryd. And many men, bothe knyghtys and squyers, come whythe Syr Water Deverose, in her schyrtys and halters in her hondys, fallynge by-fore the King, and alle hadde grace and marcy bothe of lyffe and lym.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 09 Oct 1514. A peace betwene the King (age 23) and French King (age 52) duringe both their lives; and the Ladie Marie (age 18), sister to the King (age 23), married to the French King (age 52),d at Abireld [Map],e in Picardye, in October.f

Note c. This paragraph has been misplaced in MS. before the preceding; the Parliament did not meet till the 3rd January, 1514.

Note d. The Princess Mary (age 18) was in her seventeenth year, and her husband Louis XII (age 52), to whom she was third wife, in his fifty-fourth year.

Note e. At Abbeville [Map], in Picardy. From which place Mary (age 18), three days after her marriage, wrote letters to her brother and Wolsey.

Note f. The marriage ceremony had been preriously celebrated at Greenwich by proxy, but was not consummated till October 9th. For fuller particulars, see Ellis's Original Letters, First and Second Series.

Letters and Papers 1514. 09 Oct 1514. Vitell. C. XVI., 243. B.M. 3348. Marriage of the French Queen.

Declaration by Louis XII. that he takes the Princess Mary [sister] of the King of England as his wife. Signed: Loys. Fr. Vellum, much injured by fire.

Leland's Coll. I., ii., p. 704.

ii. The names of the Lords and other Noblemen of France being at the said marriage:—

The Duke of Valois and Bretagne, the Duke of Alençon, the son of the King Don Frederic of Naples, the Earl of Vendôme, the Duke of Longueville, the Prince de la Roche Suryon, the Duke of Albany, the Earl of St. Poll, the Earl of Guise, brother to the Duke of Lorraine, Louis Monsieur, brother to the Earl of Nevers, the Earl of Roussy, the Lord of Lautrec, the Earl of Sancerre, the Lord de Lespar, the Earl Manfroy, the Lord de la Palice, Grand Maistre de France, the Earl Galiace de Saint Severin, Grand Esquire, the Earl of Alexandrie, the Earl of Maleverer, Grand Seneschal of Normandy, le Sr. de Graville, Admiral, le Sr. de Monmorancy, Premier Baron Chamb., le Sr. de Testeville, le Sr. de la Tremoille, le Prince de Talmon, son fils, le Sr. de Piennes, Lieutenant de Picardie, le Sr. de Bouchaige Chambrelan, le Sr. de Dourriers, le Sr. de Chesnes, le Sr. Daubigny, le Vidame D'Amiens, le Sr. de Boysy, Monsieur de Bonyvet, le Vidame de Chartres, Monsieur de Fou, Monsieur de Cursoll, Monsieur de Wansay, Monsieur Louis D'Ars, le Sr. du Pont de Remy, les trois Generaux de France, viz., Normandie, Languedoie, Languedoc, Monsieur de Beaudiner, Mons. de Gynry, Mons. de Rouville, Grand Veneur, Mons. Denebatt, Cappne des Toilles, Monsieur de Boucheron.

Ibid, p. 701. 3. [5483.] "The names of the lords and gentlemen of England being at the marriage of the Right Excellent Princess the Lady Mary," showing the wages paid to each, all receiving 20 days' wages in hand:—The Duke of Norfolk, my Lady his wife, the Countess of Oxford, and the Lord Edmund Howard, with 100 horses; the Marquis of Dorset, my Lady his wife, and the Lord Edward his brother, 80; the Lord Thomas Rowthall Bishop of Durham, 68, the Earl of Surrey, son and heir to the Duke of Norfolk, 58, the Lord Lawarre, 30, the Lord Berners, chamberlain to the French Queen, and the Lord Montaigle and my Lady his wife, 30; the Lord Richard Grey, the Lord John Grey, the Lord Leonard Grey, brethren to my Lord Marquis, each 20; Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir David Owen, Sir Andrew Windsor, Sir John Husee, Sir John Peche and Sir Henry Wyot, bannerets; Sir Morice Berkeley, 20, Sir Wm. Sandes, 20, Sir John Hungerford, 12, Sir Robert Drury, Sir Tho. Botrym, 12, Sir Philipp Calthorp, Sir Thomas Clynton, Sir Robert Cotton, Sir John Heydon, Sir John Carre, Sir Edward Greville, Sir Will. Essex, Sir Philip-Tylney, Sir Nicholas Applyard, Sir Edward Bensted, Sir Will. Rows, and Sir John Wallop, knights; John Broughton, Rich. Weston, Giles Strangways, Tho. Cheyney, Ralph Chamberlain, Rich. Blont, Gerard Danet, and Robert Jonys, esquires; Garter Principal King of Arms, and his four servants; Thomas Pawlet, — Manners, George Cobham, and Anthony Saintliger; Richmond Herald; John Myclow with 50 officers of the King's household servants that were officers with the French Queen; Hen. Webb, gentleman usher; Tho. Rushe and Ambrose [Bradman], serjeant at arms.

The names of the ladies and gentlewomen being at the said marriage:—The Duchess of Norfolk, and in her company the Countess of Oxford, her daughter, the Marquise of Dorset.

Gentlewomen which were appointed to have abidden in France with the French Queen:—Dame Guylford, lady of honor, Lady Elizabeth Grey, Eliz. Ferrys. M. Ann Devereux, — Grey of Wilton, M. Boleyne, M. Wotton, Alice Denys and Anne Ferningham (age 10) (Jerningham?), chamberers, Dr. Denton, almoner, Mr. Palgrave, secretary, — (blank), chaplains.

Note. The "M. Boleyne" may be a reference to either Mary Boleyn (age 15) or Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 13).

On 09 Oct 1518 King Frederick I of Denmark (age 47) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 20) were married. The difference in their ages was 26 years. He the son of Christian I King Denmark and Dorothea of Brandenburg.

Letters and Papers 1535. 09 Oct 1535. R. O. 571. Sir Anthony Wyndesore to Lord Lisle (age 71).

By a letter in your own hand, written on Midsummer Day last, you desired me to see Sir Edward Seymour (age 35) paid £100 at the feast of All Saints, according to the award of my Lord Chancellor and Master Secretary, and to take a statute of him. I never saw the award, and can get no knowledge how the money should be paid. I wrote to Leonard Smith what to do, but have had no answer from him yet. I beg to know your pleasure as soon as possible, for you wrote that you trusted Sir Edward Seymour (age 35) would allow the £60 in part of the £100. Your audit shall begin at Kingston Lisle on the 18th Oct. I have been obliged to attend the King since he came into Hampshire, and have had no leisure to write to you or my Lady. His Grace has been in Hampshire from about the 10th Sept., and intends to be till 19th Oct., except four days that he lieth in Salisbury, and returneth to Hampshire again. He will be at Windsor on Allhallows Eve. He was at Portsmouth and Porchester, but I was not there, for I was then commanded to cause the weirs to be plucked down upon the rivers through the whole shire. The King and Queen (age 34) were very merry in Hampshire. I enclose a letter for the Purrege (Purbeck) stone sold by Gillot, and have taken account of him before Jas. Hauxhed, which I have written in the end of the letter. Est Meon, 9 Oct. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1547. 09 Oct 1547. The ninth of October being tuesdaie, monsieur de Desse, with his Frenchmen and Almans, came in the morning long before daie to Hadington, meaning to haue woone the towne by stealth. And verelie the enterprise was gouerned in such secret maner, that the Frenchmen had killed the English scouts, and were entered the base court, yer anie alarum was raised: and hauing slaine the watch, some of them ran to a place behind a church, where the Englishmen had their vittels and munitions, and some thrust vp to the towne gate, inforsing with great violence to breake it open, crieng with noise and shouts, Uictorie, victorie, whereof in déed they accounted themselues then assured. And questionles the Englishmen being thus wakened out of their sléeps on the sudden, were in some great disorder; so that manie of them came running foorth without either armour or apparell, their shirts excepted; & others ran they wist not well whither, nor where to take héed. But yet as the Frenchmen were thronged togither at the gate to breake it open, a Frenchman (as their writers doo report) that serued within the towne, but as other saie Tiberio capteine of the Italians, with his match light gaue fier to a double canon, that laie readie bent against the gate, so that the same shooting off, made such a lane among the Frenchmen, that they were glad to giue place, and with such a fearefull crie, that those which were behind, not vnderstanding what losse their fellowes before had susteined, brake their arraie and fled amaine.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Oct 1551. The ix day of October was stallyd at Wyndsore the lord chamburlayne Darcy (age 44) knyght of the garter.

On 09 Oct 1554 William Howard 1st Baron Howard (age 44) was appointed 334th Knight of the Garter by Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 38).

Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 09 Oct 1621. I spent some part of the remainder of this October in the study of the law, resolving to settle seriously upon the work, though yet awhile hindered with many cares and distractions.

Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 09 Oct 1621. Michaelmas Term beginning upon Tuesday, the 9th day of October, John Williams (age 39), Doctor of Divinity, Dean of Westminster and Bishop of Lincoln, took his place in the Chancery, as Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, Viscount Mandeville (age 58), Lord President, administering the oath to him. Much talk there was of this divine's sudden rising, being a Welchman by birth, and, but a few years before, a poor subsizar in St. John's College in Cambridge of little regard or learniug. After he had taken his oath, he made a long, learned, and ho&est speech in the Chancery Court; but little practised it, as the sequel too plainly verified. I heard it confidently reported, that the old Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere, prophesied of him, being then his household chaplain, that he would prove another Wolsey, which was as strangely verified many years after by his fall, as now by his rising.

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Oct 1641. [Date obscured] I passed by boat to Bruges [Map], taking in at a redoubt a convoy of fourteen musketeers, because the other side of the river, being Contribution-land, was subject to the inroads and depredations of the bordering States. This river was cut by the famous Marquis Spinola, and is in my judgment a wonderful piece of labour, and a worthy public work, being in some places forced through the main rock, to an incredible depth, for thirty miles. At the end of each mile, is built a small redoubt, which communicates a line to the next, and so the whole way, from whence we received many volleys of shot, in compliment to my Lord Marshal (age 56), who was in our vessel, a passenger with us. At five that evening, we were met by the magistrates of Bruges [Map], who came out to convey my Lord to his lodgings, at whose cost he was entertained that night.

morning after we went to see the Stadt house and adjoining aqueduct, the church, and market-place, where we saw cheeses and butter piled up in heaps; also the fortifications and graffs, which are extremely large.

On 09 Oct 1650 Frances Altham Countess Carbery (age 29) died in childbirth.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1660. This morning Sir W. Batten (age 59) with Colonel Birch (age 45) to Deptford, to pay off two ships. Sir W. Pen (age 39) and I staid to do business, and afterwards together to White Hall, where I went to my Lord, and found him in bed not well, and saw in his chamber his picture1, very well done; and am with child2 till I get it copied out, which I hope to do when he is gone to sea.

Note 1. Peter Lely (age 42). Portrait of Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 35) in his Garter Robes and Garter Collar.

Note 2. A figurative expression for an eager longing desire, used by Udall and by Spenser. The latest authority given by Dr. Murray in the "New English Dictionary", is Bailey in 1725.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1662. Up early about my business to get me ready for my journey. But first to the office; where we sat all the morning till noon, and then broke up; and I bid them adieu for a week, having the Duke's leave got me by Mr. Coventry (age 34). To whom I did give thanks for my newes yesterday of the Duke's words to my Lord Sandwich (age 37) concerning me, which he took well; and do tell me so freely his love and value of me, that my mind is now in as great a state of quiett as to my interest in the office, as I could ever wish to be. I should this day have dined at Sir W. Pen's (age 41) at a venison pasty with the rest of our fellows, but I could not get time, but sent for a bit home, and so between one and two o'clock got on horseback at our back gate, with my man Will with me, both well-mounted on two grey horses. We rode and got to Ware, Hertfordshire [Map] before night; and so resolved to ride on to Puckeridge, which we did, though the way was bad, and the evening dark before we got thither, by help of company riding before us; and among others, a gentleman that took up at the same inn, the Falcon, with me, his name Mr. Brian, with whom I supped, and was very good company, and a scholar. He tells me, that it is believed the Queen (age 23) is with child, for that the coaches are ordered to ride very easily through the streets.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1663. And did keep my bed most of this morning, my body I find being still bound and little wind, and so my pain returned again, though not so bad, but keeping my body with warm clothes very hot I made shift to endure it, and at noon sent word to Mr. Hollyard (age 54) of my condition, that I could neither have a natural stool nor break wind, and by that means still in pain and frequent offering to make water. So he sent me two bottles of drink and some syrup, one bottle to take now and the other to-morrow morning. So in the evening, after Commissioner Pett (age 53), who came to visit me, and was going to Chatham, Kent [Map], but methinks do talk to me in quite another manner, doubtfully and shyly, and like a stranger, to what he did heretofore. After I saw he was gone I did drink one of them, but it was a most loathsome draught, and did keep myself warm after it, and had that afternoon still a stool or two, but in no plenty, nor any wind almost carried away, and so to bed. In no great pain, but do not think myself likely to be well till I have a freedom of stool and wind. Most of this day and afternoon my wife and I did spend together in setting things now up and in order in her closet, which indeed is, and will be, when I can get her some more things to put in it, a very pleasant place, and is at present very pretty, and such as she, I hope, will find great content in. So to bed.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1665. Up, my head full of business, and called upon also by Sir John Shaw, to whom I did give a civil answer about our prize goods, that all his dues as one of the Farmers of the Customes are paid, and showed him our Transire; with which he was satisfied, and parted, ordering his servants to see the weight of them. I to the office, and there found an order for my coming presently to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), and what should it be, but to tell me, that, if my Lord Sandwich (age 40) do not come to towne, he do resolve to go with the fleete to sea himself, the Dutch, as he thinks, being in the Downes, and so desired me to get a pleasure boat for to take him in to-morrow morning, and do many other things, and with a great liking of me, and my management especially, as that coxcombe my Lord Craven (age 57) do tell me, and I perceive it, and I am sure take pains enough to deserve it.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1665. Thence away and to the office at London, where I did some business about my money and private accounts, and there eat a bit of goose of Mr. Griffin's, and so by water, it raining most miserably, to Greenwich, Kent [Map], calling on several vessels in my passage. Being come there I hear another seizure hath been made of our goods by one Captain Fisher that hath been at Chatham, Kent [Map] by warrant of the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), and is come in my absence to Tooker's and viewed them, demanding the key of the constable, and so sealed up the door. I to the house, but there being no officers nor constable could do nothing, but back to my office full of trouble about this, and there late about business, vexed to see myself fall into this trouble and concernment in a thing that I want instruction from my Lord Sandwich (age 40) whether I should appear in it or no, and so home to bed, having spent two hours, I and my boy, at Mr. Glanvill's removing of faggots to make room to remove our goods to, but when done I thought it not fit to use it. The newes of the killing of the [King of] France is wholly untrue, and they say that of the Pope too.

On 09 Oct 1666 John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 19) and Anna Sophie Oldenburg (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Frederick III King Denmark (age 57) and Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark (age 38). He the son of John George Wettin Elector Saxony (age 53). They were third cousin once removed.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1667. By and by my wife comes with Willet, my wife in her velvett vest, which is mighty fine, and becomes her exceedingly. I am pleased with my Lady Paulina (age 18) and Anne, who both are grown very proper ladies, and handsome enough. But a thousand questions my Lady (age 42) asked me, till she could think of no more almost, but walked up and down the house, with me. But I do find, by her, that they are reduced to great straits for money, having been forced to sell her plate, 8 or £900 worth; and she is now going to sell a suit of her best hangings, of which I could almost wish to buy a piece or two, if the pieces will be broke. But the house is most excellently furnished, and brave rooms and good pictures, so that it do please me infinitely beyond Audley End. Here we staid till night walking and talking and drinking, and with mighty satisfaction my Lady (age 42) with me alone most of the day talking of my Lord's bad condition to be kept in Spayne without money and at a great expense, which (as we will save the family) we must labour to remove.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Oct 1667. By and by to dinner, and after dinner I walked up to Hinchingbroke [Map], where my Lady (age 42) expected me; and there spent all the afternoon with her: the same most excellent, good, discreet lady that ever she was; and, among other things, is mightily pleased with the lady that is like to be her son Hinchingbroke's (age 19) wife, which I am mightily glad of.

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Oct 1671 and 10 Oct 1671. I went, after evening service, to London, in order to a journey of refreshment with Mr. Treasurer (age 41), to Newmarket, Suffolk, where the King (age 41) then was, in his coach with six brave horses, which we changed thrice, first, at Bishop-Stortford [Map], and last, at Chesterford; so, by night, we got to Newmarket, Suffolk, where Mr. Henry Jermain (age 35) (nephew to the Earl of St. Alban (age 66)) lodged me very civilly. We proceeded immediately to Court, the King (age 41) and all the English gallants being there at their autumnal sports. Supped at the Lord Chamberlain's; and, the next day, after dinner, I was on the heath, where I saw the great match run between Woodcock and Flatfoot, belonging to the King (age 41), and to Mr. Eliot, of the bedchamber, many thousands being spectators; a more signal race had not been run for many years.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 09 Oct 1690. Thursday, my sonne (age 39) went to Chester; retorned about 7; Angell went away about 4; 2 Mrs Hardwares made us a visit in the afternoone.

On 09 Oct 1690 Richard Power 1st Earl Tyrone (age 60) was sent to the Tower of London [Map] having accussed of treason.

On 09 Oct 1690 Henry Fitzroy 1st Duke Grafton (age 27) was killed at Cork [Map] during the Storming of Cork. His son Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 6) succeeded 2nd Duke Grafton, 2nd Earl Euston, 2nd Viscount Ipswich, 2nd Baron Sudbury.

Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 31 Dec 1690. The four lords that came for it were Henry Viscount Mandeville, Lord Treasurer, Lodowick Stewart, Duke of Lennox, Lord Steward of the King's house-hold, William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain of the same household, and Thomas Earl of Arundel, Earl Marshal of England (whom I should have placed before Pembroke); they, coming to York House [Map] to him, where he lay, told him they were sorry to visit him upon such an occasion, and wished it had been better. "No, my lords," replied he, "the occasion is good;" and then delivering them the great seal, he added, "It was the King's favour that gave me this, and it is my fault that hath taken it away: Rex dedit, culpa abstulit" - or words to that effect. So leaving him, the said four lords carried the gage they had received to Whitehall, to the King, who was overheard by some near him to say upon their delivery of it to him, "Now, by my soul, I am pained at the heart where to bestow this; for as to my lawyers, I think they be all knaves." Which it seemeth his Majesty spake at that time to prepare a way to bestow it on a clergyman, as the Marquis of Buckingham had intended; for otherwise there were at this present divers able wise lawyers, very honest and religious men, fit for the place, in whom there might easily have been found as much integrity, and less fawning and flattery than in the clergy; and, accordingly, Doctor Williams, now Dean of Westminster, and before that time made Bishop of Lincoln, was sworn Lord Keeper, and had the great seal delivered to him. On October the 9th, next ensuing, being the first day of Michaelmas Term, one Lloyd, or Floud, a Papist, being of the Inner Temple, having spoken these buse and opprobrious words following of the distressed Prince Elector Palatine and his royal lady, to wit, - "What is now become of your goodman Palsgrave, and your goodwife Palsgrave?1 - they had, I think, as much right to the kingdom of Bohemia as I have to the principality of Wales," was censured by the House of Commons, to pay a fine to the King, to be imprisoned during the King's pleasure, to ride disgracefully two several days in the open street upon a horse, with his face to the tail of it, and each day to stand in the pillory. The execution was long deferred, his fine and imprisonment remitted, and himself and his fellow Romanists began to boast that nothing should be inflicted. But at last, tho two Houses of Parliament appearing stoutly in the cause, he underwent the first day's punishment on May the 30th, being Wednesday, and the second on Friday the 1st day of June, on which Midsummer Term began. These days' actions I have added a little before the due time, that I might at once finish the relation of this business; in which the faithful zealous affection of the whole state and kingdom, in their body representative, consisting of the two Houses of Parliament, was fully expressed to that royal Princess, our King's only daughter, amidst the many scorns and oppressions of her irreconcilable and bloody enemies.

Note 1. This exclamation is given somewhat differently by Meade in the Harl. MSS. He says, "On Tuesday, Floyd, a counsellor, steward and receiver in Shropshire to the old Lord Chancellor Ellesmere and the Earl of Suffolk, a papist, and prisoner in the Fleet, was censured to ride thrice with papers, and stand in the pillory, and first at Westminster, for saying, Goodman Palsgrave. and Goody Palsgrave may or must go pack their children at their backs and beg. On Wednesday should have been the first time, but his Majesty stayed it. Yesterday the King and House met; his Majesty thanked them for the care they had of his son-in-law, daughter, and grandchildren's honour; if it were in them to censure this prisoner, the censure should be executed, otherwise there should be a punishment equivalent to that they had set down; which gave good content."

On 08 Oct 1718 Bishop Richard Cumberland (age 86) died. He was buried the next day at Peterborough Cathedral [Map]. Sculpted by Thomas Green of Camberwell (age 59).

Bishop Richard Cumberland: On 15 Jul 1632 he was born In 1691 Bishop Richard Cumberland was elected Bishop of Peterborough. He, apparently, discovered he had been elected when he read it in a newspaper whilst enjoying his habitual morning coffee at a coffe-house in Stamford.

On 09 Oct 1750 Bishop Joseph Butler (age 58) was enthroned Bishop of Durham by proxy.

On 09 Oct 1757 King Charles X of France was born to Dauphin Louis Bourbon (age 28) and Dauphine Maria Josepha of France (age 25).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1885 V22 Pages 234-238. "Friday, 9 October [1807]. Fine and mild day. From Marlborough to Everley in a chaise, where I met my "Magnus Apollo," Mr. Cunnington. Mounted my horse and rode with him thus— see large map of Wilts. To the right between East and West Everley, a group of three barrows, viz., a finely formed Druid barrow between two bowl-shaped. A little beyond them on the declivity of a hill is a square earthen work, very perfect on three sides, and corners apparently rounded. In a northerly direction is a very interesting group of eight tumuli — very rude and possessing some novelty in their forms— particularly that of a long barrow within a circle. To the west of these, and a little on the left of the track leading to Pewsey, are two circles connected with each other by a ditch or hollow way [Map]. (The blackness of the soil, and the irregularity of the ground give me good reason to suppose that on digging I shall find the site of a British settlement here.) Turned off to the right, and skirted the ridge of hills, enjoying a most enchanting view of the richly wooded and cultivated vale beneath, terminated by the abrupt and bold Martinshall. On the declivity of the down see an immense irregular long barrow, called vulgarly the Giant's Grave [Map]. Beyond this tumulus and between it and Milton Farm-house, we evidently found the site of British habitations, and picked up a great deal of pottery. From hence crossed over to Easton Hill, where we discovered irregular earthen works, and excavations denoting ancient habitation. Returned to Milton Hill — a group of five tumuli very near each other, and another on the declivity of the hill [Map]. In our way back to Everley saw several others detached, but no earthen works or excavations exciting curiosity.

"A most interesting ride, full of novelty and information.

On 09 Oct 1830 John Williams 1st Baronet (age 68) died. Memorial at St Asaph Cathedral [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 55). His son John Hay-Williams 2nd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.

John Williams 1st Baronet: On 22 Dec 1761 he was born. On 21 Oct 1791 he and Margaret Williams Lady Williams were married. On 27 Jul 1798 John Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire. Margaret Williams Lady Williams by marriage Lady Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.

John Hay-Williams 2nd Baronet: On 09 Jan 1794 he was born to John Williams 1st Baronet and Margaret Williams Lady Williams. In 1842 he and Sarah Elizabeth Amherst were married. She the daughter of William Pitt Amherst 1st Earl Amherst and Sarah Archer Countess Plymouth and Amherst.

On 09 Oct 1830 Harriet Clark Lady Graham died in a carriage accident in Paris [Map].

On 09 Oct 1838 Henry George Jarvis (age 29) died in Grenada, Caribbean. Memorial at St Peter's Church, Doddington [Map].

Henry George Jarvis: On 18 Feb 1809 he was born to George Ralph Payne Jarvis.

After 09 Oct 1916. Memorial to Henry Wollaston Hutton at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

On 09 Oct 1917 Henry Cecil Vane (age 35) died from wounds in a hospital at Rouen, France [Map]. He was buried at St Sever Cemetery. He has a memorial at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map].

Henry Cecil Vane: On 19 Sep 1882 he was born to Henry de Vere Vane 9th Baron Barnard and Catherine Sarah Cecil Baroness Barnard. On 25 Aug 1914 or 25 Oct 1914 Henry Cecil Vane and Enid Victoria Rachel Fane were married. She the daughter of Anthony Fane 13th Earl of Westmoreland.

On 09 Oct 1934 Alexander I King Yugoslavia (age 45) was assassinated at Marseilles, France.

Births on the 9th October

On 09 Oct 1261 Denis I King Portugal was born to Alfonso III King Portugal (age 51) and Beatrice Queen Consort Portugal (age 19). Denis I King Portugal succeeded I King Portugal. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.41%.

On 09 Oct 1267 Alan Zouche 1st Baron Zouche Ashby was born to Roger Zouche (age 25) and Ela Longespée (age 23) at North Molton, Devon. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 09 Oct 1269 Louis Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria was born to Henry Wittelsbach I Duke Lower Bavaria I Duke Bavaria (age 33) and Elizabeth Duchess Bavaria (age 33). He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 09 Oct 1300 John Grey 1st Baron Grey was born to John Grey (age 29) and Margaret Oddingseles Baroness Grey Rotherfield at Rotherfield Greys, Oxfordshire. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 09 Oct 1564 Stillborn Wettin was born to Johann Wilhelm Wettin Duke Saxe Weimar (age 34) and Dorothea Susanne Palatine Duchess Saxe Weimar at Weimar.

On 09 Oct 1569 Dorothea Oldenburg was born to John "Younger" Oldenburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 24) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (age 19).

On 09 Oct 1609 Thomas Weston 4th Earl of Portland was born to Richard Weston 1st Earl of Portland (age 32) at Nayland, Suffolk [Map].

On 09 Oct 1617 Toby Tyrrell 3rd and 2nd Baronet was born to Edward Tyrrell 1st Baronet (age 44).

On 09 Oct 1636 Anne Calvert was born to Cecil Calvert 2nd Baron Baltimore (age 31) and Ann Arundell Baroness Baltimore (age 20).

On 09 Oct 1684 Simon Harcourt was born to Simon Harcourt 1st Viscount Harcourt (age 22).

On 09 Oct 1727 David Murray 2nd Earl Mansfield was born to David Murray 6th Viscount Stormont (age 37).

On 09 Oct 1750 Gertrude Seymour-Conway was born to Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 32) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 24). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Oct 1754 Jean-Baptiste Regnault was born.

On 09 Oct 1757 King Charles X of France was born to Dauphin Louis Bourbon (age 28) and Dauphine Maria Josepha of France (age 25).

On 09 Oct 1775 Alexander Boswell 1st Baronet was born.

Before 09 Oct 1776 Robert Heathcote was born to Gilbert Heathcote 3rd Baronet (age 56) and Elizabeth Hudson Lady Heathcote (age 21).

On 09 Oct 1778 John Fitzmorris was born to Thomas Fitzmaurice Earl Orkney (age 36) and Mary O'Brien 4th Countess Orkney (age 23).

On 09 Oct 1778 General Lionel Smith 1st Baronet was born to Benjamin Smith (age 36) and Charlotte Turner (age 29).

On 09 Oct 1778 Louisa Hotham October was born to Beaumont Hotham 2nd Baron Hotham (age 41).

On 09 Oct 1789 Charles Leonard Irby was born to Frederick Irby 2nd Baron Boston (age 40) and Christian Methuen.

On 09 Oct 1811 Friederike Karoline Juliane Glücksburg was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 26) and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 22). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 09 Oct 1818 Bishop Harvey Goodwin was born in King's Lynn, Norfolk [Map].

On 09 Oct 1840 Simeon Solomon was born to Michael Meyer Solomon.

On 09 Oct 1856 Frederick William Pomeroy was born.

On 09 Oct 1872 John Peniston Milbanke 10th Baronet was born to Peniston Milbanke 9th Baronet (age 25) and Elizabeth Margaret Denman Lady Milbanke.

On 09 Oct 1873 Kenelm Edgcumbe 6th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe was born to Richard Edgcumbe (age 30).

On 09 Oct 1905 Mary Lalle Foley 17th Baroness Berkeley was born to Colonel Frank Wigram Foley and Eva Mary FitzHardinge Milman 16th Baroness Berkeley (age 30).

On 09 Oct 1935 Edward Windsor 2nd Duke Kent was born to Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent (age 32) and Princess Marina Glücksburg Duchess Kent (age 28). He a grandson of George V King United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.96%.

On 09 Oct 1938 Angus Montagu 12th Duke of Manchester was born to Alexander Montagu 10th Duke of Manchester (age 36) and Nell Vere Stead Duchess Manchester (age 36).

On 09 Oct 1941 Peter Nelson 9th Earl Nelson was born to Captain John Nelson.

Marriages on the 9th October

Before 09 Oct 1371 Piers Mauley 4th Baron de Mauley (age 40) and Constance Sutton Baroness Haversham (age 15) were married. She by marriage Baroness Haversham. The difference in their ages was 25 years. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 09 Oct 1381 John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby (age 44) and Elizabeth Latimer 5th Baroness Latimer, Baroness Neville and Willoughby (age 24) were married. She by marriage Baroness Neville Raby. The difference in their ages was 20 years. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 09 Oct 1427 William Bonville 1st Baron Bonville (age 35) and Elizabeth Courtenay Baroness Bonville and Harington were married. She the daughter of Edward "Blind Earl" Courtenay 11th Earl Devon and Maud Camoys Countess Devon. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

On 09 Oct 1518 King Frederick I of Denmark (age 47) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 20) were married. The difference in their ages was 26 years. He the son of Christian I King Denmark and Dorothea of Brandenburg.

On 09 Oct 1666 George Willoughby 7th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 27) and Elizabeth Clinton Baroness De La Warr were married.

On 09 Oct 1666 John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 19) and Anna Sophie Oldenburg (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Frederick III King Denmark (age 57) and Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark (age 38). He the son of John George Wettin Elector Saxony (age 53). They were third cousin once removed.

On 09 Oct 1771 Carlos Fitz James Stuart 10th Duke Veragua 4th Duke Berwick (age 19) and Caroline Stolberg Gedern Duchess Veragua Duchess Berwick (age 16) were married. She by marriage Duchess Veragua, Duchess of Liria, Duchess of Jérica, Duchess Berwick. He the son of James Fitz James 3rd Duke Berwick 10th Duke Veragua (age 52) and Maria Teresa Silva Duchess Berwick and Veragua (age 55). He a great x 2 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Oct 1845 Richard William Penn Curzon Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 48) and Anne Gore Countess Howe were married. She by marriage Countess Howe.

On 09 Oct 1895 Henry Adelbert Wellington Fitzroy 9th Duke Beaufort (age 48) and Louise Emily Harford 9th Duchess Beaufort (age 31) were married. He the son of Henry Charles Fitzroy Somerset 8th Duke Beaufort (age 71) and Georgiana Charlotte Curzon Howe Duchess Beaufort (age 70).

Deaths on the 9th October

On 09 Oct 1296 Louis Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria (age 27) died. His brother Stephen Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 25) succeeded I Duke Bavaria.

On 09 Oct 1326 Reginald I Count Guelders (age 71) died. His son Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders (age 31) succeeded II Count Guelders.

On 09 Oct 1329 Thomas Butler 1st Baron Dunboyne (age 58) was killed at the Battle of Ardnocher by the Chief of the Clan Geoghegan. His son Piers Butler 2nd Baron Dunboyne (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baron Dunboyne.

On 09 Oct 1390 John I King Castile (age 32) died. His son Henry III King Castile (age 11) succeeded III King Castile.

On 09 Oct 1529 Colin Campbell 3rd Earl Argyll (age 43) died. His son Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll (age 22) succeeded 4th Earl Argyll.

On 09 Oct 1564 Bishop Cuthbert Scott died at Louvain [Map].

On 09 Oct 1646 Balthasar Charles Habsburg Spain Prince Asturias (age 16) died.

On 09 Oct 1650 Frances Altham Countess Carbery (age 29) died in childbirth.

On 09 Oct 1680 William Hicks 1st Baronet (age 84) died. His son William Hicks 2nd Baronet (age 50) succeeded 2nd Baronet Hicks of Beverston in Gloucestershire.

On 09 Oct 1690 Henry Fitzroy 1st Duke Grafton (age 27) was killed at Cork [Map] during the Storming of Cork. His son Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 6) succeeded 2nd Duke Grafton, 2nd Earl Euston, 2nd Viscount Ipswich, 2nd Baron Sudbury.

On 09 Oct 1690 John Maynard (age 86) died.

On 08 Oct 1718 Bishop Richard Cumberland (age 86) died. He was buried the next day at Peterborough Cathedral [Map]. Sculpted by Thomas Green of Camberwell (age 59).

Bishop Richard Cumberland: On 15 Jul 1632 he was born In 1691 Bishop Richard Cumberland was elected Bishop of Peterborough. He, apparently, discovered he had been elected when he read it in a newspaper whilst enjoying his habitual morning coffee at a coffe-house in Stamford.

On 09 Oct 1718 Bishop Richard Cumberland (age 87) died.

On 09 Oct 1728 James Cecil 5th Earl Salisbury (age 37) died.

On 09 Oct 1759 Harry Powlett 4th Duke Bolton (age 68) died. His son Charles Powlett 5th Duke Bolton (age 41) succeeded 5th Duke Bolton, 10th Marquess Winchester, 10th Earl Wiltshire, 10th Baron St John.

On 09 Oct 1805 Peyton Skipwith 7th Baronet (age 64) died. He was buried at the Skipwith Family Cemetery, Prestwould. His son Grey Skipwith 8th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 8th Baronet Skipwith of Prestwould in Leicestershire. Harriet Townsend Lady Skipwith (age 26) by marriage Lady Skipwith of Prestwould in Leicestershire.

On 09 Oct 1830 John Williams 1st Baronet (age 68) died. Memorial at St Asaph Cathedral [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 55). His son John Hay-Williams 2nd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.

John Williams 1st Baronet: On 22 Dec 1761 he was born. On 21 Oct 1791 he and Margaret Williams Lady Williams were married. On 27 Jul 1798 John Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire. Margaret Williams Lady Williams by marriage Lady Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.

John Hay-Williams 2nd Baronet: On 09 Jan 1794 he was born to John Williams 1st Baronet and Margaret Williams Lady Williams. In 1842 he and Sarah Elizabeth Amherst were married. She the daughter of William Pitt Amherst 1st Earl Amherst and Sarah Archer Countess Plymouth and Amherst.

On 09 Oct 1830 Harriet Clark Lady Graham died in a carriage accident in Paris [Map].

On 09 Oct 1837 Catherine Anguish Duchess Leeds (age 73) died.

On 09 Oct 1873 George Robinson 7th Baronet (age 76) died. His son John Blencowe Robinson 8th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 8th Baronet Robinson of London.

On 09 Oct 1926 Arthur Dyke Acland 13th Baronet (age 78) died. His son Francis Dyke Acland 14th Baronet (age 52) succeeded 14th Baronet Acland of Columb John in Devon.

On 09 Oct 1937 Ernest Louis Hesse Darmstadt Grand Duke (age 68) died.

On 09 Oct 1941 Priscilla Cecilia Moore Countess Annesley died.

On 09 Oct 1956 Una Mary Dawson 25th Baroness de Ros of Helmsley (age 77) died. Her granddaughter Georgiana Ross 26th Baroness de Ros of Helmsley (age 23) succeeded 26th Baroness Ros Helmsley.