On this Day in History ... 14th October

14 Oct is in October.

633 Battle of Hatfield Chase

1066 Battle of Hastings

1537 Death of Jane Seymour

1586 Trial of Mary Queen of Scots

1642 Battle of Edge Hill

1660 Trial and Execution of the Regicides

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 14th October

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 633. This year King Edwin (age 47) was slain by Cadwalla and Penda, on Hatfield moor, on the fourteenth of October [Note. Some sources say 12 Oct 633]. He reigned seventeen years. His son Osfrid was also slain with him. After this Cadwalla and Penda went and ravaged all the land of the Northumbrians; which when Paulinus saw, he took Ethelburga (age 28), the relict of Edwin, and went by ship to Kent. Eadbald and Honorius received him very honourably, and gave him the bishopric of Rochester, where he continued to his death.

Letters. 14 Oct 1274. Note. The year could be 1274-1279. Letter XV. Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 33) to Robert Burnell Lord Chancellor (age 35).

Eleanora, by God's grace qaeen of England, lady of Ireland, and duchess of Aquitaine to lord Robert Burnell, sends loving greeting.

We require and affectionately entreat you to give counsel and assistance to this affair, that the transgression injuriously committed against the bearer of these presents, the servant of the lady Constance1 our cousin, which Master John Painter Clarell will shew you, may be reasonably redressed. For the confidence which we have in your benevolence is the cause why we so often direct to you our prayers on behalf of our friends. And do you for love of us give such diligence in this affair, that we may henceforth be bound to you by special favour. Given at Guildford [Map], xiiij day of October.

1. There is much discussion among historians as to which Constance is being referred to here. Also which Eleanor wrote the letter: Eleanor of Provence or Eleanor of Castile..

On 14 Oct 1404 Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France was born to King Louis of Naples (age 27) and Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.77%.

On 14 Oct 1499 Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France was born to Louis XII King France (age 37) and Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 22). Coefficient of inbreeding 5.00%.

Hall's Chronicle 1537. 14 Oct 1537. But Lord what lamentation shortly after was made for the death of his noble and gracious mother Queen Jane (age 28), which departed out of this life the fourteenth day of October, next following: and of none in the realm was it more heavier taken than of the King’s Majesty (age 46) himself, whose death caused the King immediately to remove unto Westminster, where he mourned and kept himself close and secret a great while.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1537. 14 Oct 1537. This yeare, the 14 of October, beinge Weddnesday1, Queene Jane (age 28) departed this lyfe, lyeinge in childe bedd, aboute 2 of the clocke in the morninge, when she had reigned as the Kings wife, beinge never crowned, one yeare and a quarter2.

Note 1. This date has evidently been tampered with by the transcriber to make it correspond with Stow, Hall, Godwin, and others, who assign the Queen's death to the 14th, whereas it took place on the 24th, which was evidently correctly given by the original writer of this Chronicle, as he makes it Wednesday, whereas the 14th would have been Sunday. It is very remarkable that the date of an event of so much interest at the time as the Queen's death should haye been misplaced by no less than ten days by nearly all ancient chroniclers, but the doubt as to the correct date is set at rest by an original letter written by Sir John Russell, from Hampton Court, to Cromwell, and dated the 24th of October, which is still extant in the Public Record Office, and reads as follows: "Sir, the King was determyned this day to have remoyed to Asher, and because the Queene was very sik this night and this day he taried, but to morrowe, God willing, he entendithe to be ther. If she amende, he will go; and if she amende not, he tolde me this day, he coold not fynde in his harte to tary; for I ensuer you she hathe bene in grete dannger yesternight and this day, bnt, thankid be God, she is somwhat amended, and, if she skape this night, the fyshionns be in good hope that she is past all dannger." Also Cecil's Journal is to the same effect.

Note 2. One year and nearly five months.

Before 14 Oct 1586 Walter Mildmay (age 65) went to Fotheringay Castle, Northamptonshire [Map] to inform Mary Queen of Scots (age 43) of her forthcoming trial in which he subsequently took part as one of the special commissioners.

On 14 Oct 1608 Robert "The Elder" Peake (age 57) was paid £7 for "pictures made by His Highness' (age 14) command".

On 14 Oct 1610 Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 35) gave Dorothy Bulstrode (age 18) a gown of black satin.

In 1611 Maximilian Colt (age 36) carved 'a crown on the head of the Duke of York's (age 10) barge,' and in the following years he was employed in decorating the king's and queen's private barges. The last payment for this work was made on 14 Oct 1624.

On 14 Oct 1630 Sophia Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 34) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 34). She a granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 14 Oct 1631 Sophie Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark (age 74) died.

On 30 Sep 1635 Joanna Granville was born to Bevil Grenville (age 40) and Grace Smith. She was baptised on 14 Oct 1635.

On 14 Oct 1642 Richard Newport 1st Baron Newport (age 55) was created 1st Baron Newport of High Ercall in Shropshire; by King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 41) in return for having provided £6000 for the purchase of artillery before the Battle of Edge Hill.

Evelyn's Diary. 14 Oct 1660. Axtall (age 38), Carew (age 38), Clement (age 66), Hacker, Hewson [Note. Evelyn possibly wrong here since John Hewson died in 1662], and Peters (age 62), were executed.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Oct 1663. Up and to my office, where all the morning, and part of it Sir J. Minnes (age 64) spent, as he do every thing else, like a fool, reading the Anatomy of the body to me, but so sillily as to the making of me understand any thing that I was weary of him, and so I toward the 'Change [Map] and met with Mr. Grant (age 43), and he and I to the Coffee-house, where I understand by him that Sir W. Petty (age 40) and his vessel are coming, and the King (age 33) intends to go to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] to meet it.

On 14 Oct 1666 Bishop John Warner (age 85) died. Monument in Rochester Cathedral [Map].

Bishop John Warner: On or before 17 Sep 1581 he was born. He was baptised at St Clement Danes on 17 Sep 1586. On 13 Nov 1637 Bishop John Warner was elected Bishop of Rochester. On 14 Jan 1638 Bishop John Warner was consecrated Bishop of Rochester. Pepy's Diary. 04 Oct 1660. This morning I was busy looking over papers at the office all alone, and being visited by Lieut. Lambert of the Charles (to whom I was formerly much beholden), I took him along with me to a little alehouse hard by our office, whither my cozen Thomas Pepys the turner had sent for me to show me two gentlemen that had a great desire to be known to me, one his name is Pepys, of our family, but one that I never heard of before, and the other a younger son of Sir Tho. Bendishes, and so we all called cozens. After sitting awhile and drinking, my two new cozens, myself, and Lieut. Lambert went by water to Whitehall, and from thence I and Lieut. Lambert to Westminster Abbey, where we saw Dr. Frewen translated to the Archbishoprick of York. Here I saw the Bishops of Winchester, Bangor, Rochester, Bath and Wells, and Salisbury, all in their habits, in King Henry Seventh's chappell. But, Lord! at their going out, how people did most of them look upon them as strange creatures, and few with any kind of love or respect.

Evelyn's Diary. 14 Oct 1688. The King's (age 55) birthday. No guns from the Tower as usual. The sun eclipsed at its rising. This day signal for the victory of William the Conqueror against Harold, near Battel, in Sussex. The wind, which had been hitherto west, was east all this day. Wonderful expectation of the Dutch fleet. Public prayers ordered to be read in the churches against invasion.

On 14 Oct 1736 Charles Le Gros of Croftwight (age 85) died. On 04 Feb 1758 Elizabeth Turner (age 85) died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

Charles Le Gros of Croftwight: Around 1651 he was born. Before 14 Oct 1736 he and Elizabeth Turner were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

Elizabeth Turner: Around 1673 she was born to William Turner of North Elmham.

On 14 Oct 1757 Charles Abbot 1st Baron Colchester was born.

On 14 Oct 1784 Ferdinand VII King Spain was born to Charles IV King Spain (age 35) and Maria Luisa of Parma (age 32). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.66%.

On 14 Oct 1835 Joseph John Elliott was born.

On 01 Sep 1843 Walter Grindlay Simpson 2nd Baronet was born to James Young Simpson 1st Baronet (age 32). He was baptised on 14 Oct 1843.

On 14 Oct 1869 Joseph Duveen 1st Baron Duveen was born.

On 14 Oct 1879 Thomas John Clapperton was born to John William Clapperton at Galashiels, Roxburghshire.

Births on the 14th October

On 14 Oct 1404 Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France was born to King Louis of Naples (age 27) and Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.77%.

After 14 Oct 1485 Elizabeth Hay was born to William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll (age 36) and Elizabeth Leslie Countess Errol.

On 14 Oct 1499 Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France was born to Louis XII King France (age 37) and Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 22). Coefficient of inbreeding 5.00%.

On 14 Oct 1501 Andrew Albret was born to Jean III King Navarre (age 32) and Catherine Grailly I Queen Navarre (age 33).

On 14 Oct 1524 Elizabeth Oldenburg was born to King Frederick I of Denmark (age 53) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 26).

Before 14 Oct 1593 Cornelius Johnson was born. On 14 Oct 1593 Cornelius Johnson was baptised at Austin Friars.

On 14 Oct 1609 Ernest Günther Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg was born to Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 36) and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 30).

On 14 Oct 1619 John Bright 1st Baronet was born to Stephen Bright and Joan Westby.

On or before 14 Oct 1627, the date of his baptism at Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, Edward Lovett was born to Robert Lovett (age 50) and Anne Saunders.

On 14 Oct 1630 Sophia Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 34) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 34). She a granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 14 Oct 1634 Alfonso Este IV Duke Modena was born to Francesco Este I Duke Modena (age 24).

On 30 Sep 1635 Joanna Granville was born to Bevil Grenville (age 40) and Grace Smith. She was baptised on 14 Oct 1635.

On 14 Oct 1644 William Penn was born to Admiral William Penn (age 23) and Margaret Jasper (age 20).

On or before 14 Oct 1651 Henry Hene 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Hene 2nd Baronet (age 19) and Meriel Corbet. He was baptised on 14 Oct 1651.

On 14 Oct 1672 William Legge 1st Earl Dartmouth was born to George Legge 1st Baron Dartmouth (age 25) and Barbara Archbold Baroness Dartmouth (age 22).

On or before 14 Oct 1694, the day he was baptised at St Katharine Cree Church, Jacob Bouverie 1st Viscount Folkestone was born to William des Bouverie 1st Baronet (age 38) and Anne Urry Lady Bouverie (age 29).

On 14 Oct 1706 Mathew Wilson was born to Mathew Wilson.

Before 14 Oct 1710 Henry Northcote 5th Baronet was born to Henry Northcote 4th Baronet (age 51) and Penelope Lovett Lady Northcote (age 33).

On 14 Oct 1712 George Granville was born to Richard Granville (age 34).

On 14 Oct 1726 Admiral Charles Middleton 1st Baron Barham was born to Robert Middleton of Bo'ness and Helen Dundas.

On 26 Sep 1728 Deborah Knightley was born to Lucius Knightley (age 44). She died three weeks later on 14 Oct 1728.

On 14 Oct 1749 Edmund Bacon 9th and 8th Baronet was born to Castel Bacon of Raveningham (age 36).

On 14 Oct 1757 Charles Abbot 1st Baron Colchester was born.

On 14 Oct 1760 Edward Nightingale 10th Baronet was born to Gamaliel Nightingale (age 29).

On 14 Oct 1775 Godfrey Bosville Macdonald was born at Edinburgh [Map].

On 14 Oct 1776 Robert Farquhar was born to Walter Farquhar 1st Baronet (age 38) and Anne Stevenson.

On 14 Oct 1781 William Beauchamp-Proctor 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Beauchamp-Proctor 2nd Baronet (age 25) and Mary Palmer Lady Beauchamp-Proctor (age 21).

On 14 Oct 1784 Ferdinand VII King Spain was born to Charles IV King Spain (age 35) and Maria Luisa of Parma (age 32). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.66%.

On 14 Oct 1788 Edward Sabine was born to Colonel Joseph Sabine (age 44) and Sarah Hunt (age 40).

On 14 Oct 1790 Harriett Bouverie Countess Camden was born to Bartholomew Bouverie (age 36) and Mary Arundell (age 33).

On 14 Oct 1793 Thomas John Kemp 11th Baronet was born to William Robert Kemp 9th Baronet (age 48) and Sarah Adcock Lady Kemp.

On 14 Oct 1799 Frederica Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William II King Prussia (age 29). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 14 Oct 1824 Julius Glücksburg was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 39) and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 35). He a great x 2 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 14 Oct 1827 William George Granville Harcourt was born to William Vernon-Harcourt (age 38).

On 14 Oct 1835 Joseph John Elliott was born.

On 14 Oct 1836 Randolph Stewart 11th Earl Galloway was born to Randolph Stewart 9th Earl Galloway (age 36) and Harriet Blanche Somerset Countess Galloway (age 25) at Galloway House. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.

On 01 Sep 1843 Walter Grindlay Simpson 2nd Baronet was born to James Young Simpson 1st Baronet (age 32). He was baptised on 14 Oct 1843.

On 14 Oct 1846 Vauncey Harpur-Crewe 10th Baronet was born to John Harpur Crewe 9th Baronet (age 22) and Eliza Lovell Lady Harpur.

On 14 Oct 1848 Alfred John Howard was born to Frederick Howard (age 34) and Fanny Cavendish (age 39).

On 14 Oct 1851 Sydney Charlotte Montagu Countess Kintore was born to George Montagu 6th Duke Manchester (age 52) and Harriet Sydney Dobbs Duchess Manchester (age 17).

On 14 Oct 1854 Henry Waldegrave 11th Earl Waldegrave was born to William Frederick Waldegrave (deceased) and Frances Bastard (age 26). He was born posthumously.

On 14 Oct 1865 George Keppel was born to William Keppel 7th Earl Albermarle (age 33) and Sophia Mary MacNab of Dundurn Castle (age 33) at East Sheen, Surrey.

On 14 Oct 1869 Joseph Duveen 1st Baron Duveen was born.

On 14 Oct 1877 William Dudley Ward was born to William Humble Dudley Ward (age 28).

On 14 Oct 1879 Thomas John Clapperton was born to John William Clapperton at Galashiels, Roxburghshire.

On 14 Oct 1884 John Shelley 10th Baronet was born to John Shelley 9th Baronet (age 36).

On 14 Oct 1928 Randolph Stewart 13th Earl of Galloway was born to Randolph Stewart 12th Earl Galloway (age 35) and Philippa Fendall Wendell Countess of Galloway (age 23).

On 14 Oct 1950 Edward Lycett Green 6th Baronet was born to Richard Lycett Green (age 25).

Marriages on the 14th October

After 14 Oct 1257 Richard Percy 5th Baron Percy Topcliffe and Agnes Neville (age 36) were married. The difference in their ages was 51 years.

Before 14 Oct 1485 William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll (age 36) and Isabel Gordon Countess Erroll were married. She by marriage Countess Erroll. She the daughter of George Gordon 2nd Earl Huntley (age 30) and Anabella Stewart (age 49). He the son of William Hay 1st Earl Erroll and Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll. They were third cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

After 14 Oct 1485 William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll (age 36) and Elizabeth Leslie Countess Errol were married. She by marriage Countess Erroll. He the son of William Hay 1st Earl Erroll and Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll.

Before 14 Oct 1537 William Locke (age 51) and Katherine Cooke were married.

On or after 14 Oct 1551 Colin Campbell 6th Earl Argyll (age 7) and Joan Stewart Countess Argyll were married. He the son of Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll (age 44) and Margaret Graham Countess Argyll. They were second cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

After 14 Oct 1568 William Mohun (age 28) and Anne Reskymer were married. They had three sons and two daughters.

On 14 Oct 1577 William Lodge (age 23) and Mary Blagrave were married.

On 14 Oct 1610 Henry Cavendish of Doveridge and Bridget Willoughby were married.

On 14 Oct 1616 Conyers Darcy 1st Earl Holderness (age 17) and Grace Rokeby Countess Holderness (age 16) were married.

On 14 Oct 1641 Henry Grey 10th Earl Kent (age 46) and Mary Courtine Countess Kent were married. She by marriage Countess Kent. He the son of Anthony Grey 1453-1490 9th Earl Kent (age 84) and Magdelane Purefoy Countess Kent (age 69).

In or before 14 Oct 1651 Henry Hene 2nd Baronet (age 19) and Meriel Corbet were married.

On 14 Oct 1694 Edwin Sandys (age 35) and Alice Rushout were married.

Before 14 Oct 1736 Charles Le Gros of Croftwight (age 85) and Elizabeth Turner (age 63) were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

On 14 Oct 1777 William Fitzherbert 1st Baronet (age 29) and Sarah Perrin were married by which he inherited five Plantations. Four sugar plantations of Blue Mountain, Forest, Grange Hill and Vere and the coffee plantation of Retrieve Mountain.

On 14 Oct 1789 William Dolben 3rd Baronet (age 62) and Charlotte Affleck Lady Dolben were married. She by marriage Lady Dolben of Finedon in Northamptonshire. They were second cousins.

On 14 Oct 1801 James Cockburn 9th Baronet (age 30) and Marianna Devereux were married.

On 14 Oct 1845 Adolphus Frederick Octavious Liddell (age 27) and Elizabeth Lane-Fox were married.

Before 14 Oct 1846 John Harpur Crewe 9th Baronet (age 22) and Eliza Lovell Lady Harpur were married.

On 14 Oct 1868 George Henry Cornewall 5th Baronet (age 35) and Louisa Frances Bayley Lady Cornewall were married. The date appears to be the same date on which his unmarried older brother Velters Cornewall 4th Baronet (age 44) died and George Henry Cornewall 5th Baronet (age 35) inherited the title?

On 14 Oct 1874 Francis Horace Pierrepont Cecil (age 23) and Edith Brooks were married. He the son of William Alleyne Cecil 3rd Marquess Exeter (age 49).

On 14 Oct 1886 George Egerton-Warburton (age 42) and Ruth Lascelles were married.

On 14 Oct 1911 William Craven 5th Earl Craven (age 14) and Mary Williamina George Countess Craven were married. He the son of William Craven 4th Earl Craven (age 42) and Cornelia Martin Countess Craven (age 40).

On 14 Oct 1920 Christopher Vane 10th Baron Barnard (age 31) and Sylvia Mary Straker Baroness Barnard were married at St Agatha's Church, Gilling West [Map]. She by marriage Baroness Barnard.

From the Darlington & Stockton Times of October 16, 1920:

"The weather was beautifully fine, with brilliant sunshine showing to advantage the autumn tints of the well wooded countryside," began the lengthy report. "Although difficult to access, Gilling was early a scene of activity with motor coaches, motor cars and other means of conveyance converging on the village in the rapid succession. The lengthy highway through the village was thronged with motor vehicles and the queue of cars was finally over half a mile in length."


"The bride was charmingly attired in old parchment duchesse satin, skirt artistically draped, with corsage of softly blended chiffon, embroidered in fine diamanti," said the paper, recording every single sartorial detail. "The Court train was of white and gold brocade, weighted at hem and sides with bands of cloth of gold tissue, held in place by two handsome gold and diamanti ornaments…"

The D&S said how after the reception at the Grange, the couple motored to London and then honeymooned on their Shropshire estate.

"The bride's travelling dress was of Indian red crepe de chine, finely pleated skirt and long travelling coat of Indian red velour cloth trimmed with natural racoon," it said.

It then devoted thousands of words to a list of wedding presents. Suffice to say that the happy couple would never again go short of fish knives and cigar cases, cigar cutters and cigarette holders.

On 14 Oct 1924 Randolph Stewart 12th Earl Galloway (age 31) and Philippa Fendall Wendell Countess of Galloway (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess Galloway. He the son of Randolph Stewart 11th Earl Galloway and Amy Mary Pauline Cliffe Countess Galloway.

On 14 Oct 1931 George Pitt-Rivers (age 41) and Rosalind Venetia Henley (age 24) were married. They were second cousins.

Deaths on the 14th October

On 14 Oct 962 Gerloc aka Adela Normandy Duchess Aquitaine (age 50) died.

On 14 Oct 1152 Ralph I Capet I Count Vermandois died.

On 14 Oct 1153 Archbishop Henry Murdac died at Beverley [Map]. He was buried at York Minster [Map].

On 14 Oct 1257 John Deincourt 7th Lord Deincourt (age 32) died. His son Edmund Deincourt 1st Baron Deincourt (age 7) succeeded 8th Lord Deincourt.

On 14 Oct 1274 Henry Plantagenet (age 6) died. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Around 1322 Robert Fitzpayn 2nd Baron Fitzpayn (age 37) died. Possibly 14 Oct 1322 at the Rout of Byland Abbey. His son Robert Fitzpayn 3rd Baron Fitzpayn (age 22) succeeded 3rd Baron Fitzpayn.

On 14 Oct 1352 Alan VII Viscount Rohan (age 44) died. His son Jean I Viscount Rohan (age 28) succeeded I Viscount Rohan.

On 14 Oct 1355 John Lisle 2nd Baron Lisle (age 37) died. His son Robert Lisle 3rd Baron Lisle (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baron Lisle of Rougemont.

In 14 Oct 1360 Guy IV de La Tremoille (age 70) died.

On 14 Oct 1416 Henry "The Mild" Welf died.

On 14 Oct 1478 Eleanor Camoys (age 70) died.

On 14 Oct 1479 Margaret Wittelsbach (age 37) died.

On 14 Oct 1537 Katherine Cooke died.

On 14 Oct 1558 James Fitzgerald 13th Earl Desmond died.

On 14 Oct 1559 John Williams 1st Baron Williams (age 59) died at Ludlow Castle [Map]. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church, Thame. Isabel Williams (age 37) inherited Thame, Oxfordshire. His son Francis William 2nd Baron Thame succeeded 2nd Baron Williams of Thame although he died four months later at which time the Barony became extinct. Some sources don't mention Francis William 2nd Baron Thame regarding the Barony as extinct following the death of John Williams 1st Baron Williams (age 59).

On 14 Oct 1565 Thomas Chaloner (age 44) died.

On 14 Oct 1568 John Trelawny died.

On 14 Oct 1586 Elizabeth Oldenburg (age 62) died.

On 14 Oct 1593 Arthur Grey 14th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 57) died. He was buried at Whaddon, Buckinghamshire. On 14 Oct 1593 His son Thomas Grey 15th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 17) succeeded 15th Baron Grey of Wilton.

On 14 Oct 1594 Anne Swan died.

Around 14 Oct 1596 Henry Vane of Hadlow in Kent (age 36) died.

On 14 Oct 1614 Thomas Herbert of York (age 60) died.

On 14 Oct 1631 Sophie Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark (age 74) died.

On 14 Oct 1632 Francis Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 60) died. His son Charles Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 28) succeeded II Duke Lorraine. Nicole Lorraine Duchess Lorraine (age 24) by marriage Duchess Lorraine.

On 14 Oct 1638 Anne Finch Lady Twysden (age 64) died.

On 14 Oct 1658 Francesco Este I Duke Modena (age 48) died.

On 14 Oct 1666 Bishop John Warner (age 85) died. Monument in Rochester Cathedral [Map].

Bishop John Warner: On or before 17 Sep 1581 he was born. He was baptised at St Clement Danes on 17 Sep 1586. On 13 Nov 1637 Bishop John Warner was elected Bishop of Rochester. On 14 Jan 1638 Bishop John Warner was consecrated Bishop of Rochester. Pepy's Diary. 04 Oct 1660. This morning I was busy looking over papers at the office all alone, and being visited by Lieut. Lambert of the Charles (to whom I was formerly much beholden), I took him along with me to a little alehouse hard by our office, whither my cozen Thomas Pepys the turner had sent for me to show me two gentlemen that had a great desire to be known to me, one his name is Pepys, of our family, but one that I never heard of before, and the other a younger son of Sir Tho. Bendishes, and so we all called cozens. After sitting awhile and drinking, my two new cozens, myself, and Lieut. Lambert went by water to Whitehall, and from thence I and Lieut. Lambert to Westminster Abbey, where we saw Dr. Frewen translated to the Archbishoprick of York. Here I saw the Bishops of Winchester, Bangor, Rochester, Bath and Wells, and Salisbury, all in their habits, in King Henry Seventh's chappell. But, Lord! at their going out, how people did most of them look upon them as strange creatures, and few with any kind of love or respect.

On 14 Oct 1669 Thomas Barnardiston 1st Baronet (age 51) died. His son Thomas Barnardiston 2nd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 2nd Baronet Barnardiston of Ketton in Suffolk.

On 14 Oct 1669 Thomas Thynne (age 59) died.

On 14 Oct 1672 Robert Morgan (age 71) died.

On 14 Oct 1674 John Monson (age 48) died.

On 14 Oct 1675 Jemima Waldegrave Baroness Crew (age 73) died.

On 14 Oct 1678 Alathea Compton (age 17) died.

On 14 Oct 1690 Richard Power 1st Earl Tyrone (age 60) died in the Tower of London [Map]. His son John Power 2nd Earl Tyrone (age 25) succeeded 2nd Earl Tyrone.

On 14 Oct 1736 Charles Le Gros of Croftwight (age 85) died. On 04 Feb 1758 Elizabeth Turner (age 85) died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

Charles Le Gros of Croftwight: Around 1651 he was born. Before 14 Oct 1736 he and Elizabeth Turner were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

Elizabeth Turner: Around 1673 she was born to William Turner of North Elmham.

On 14 Oct 1745 David Erskine 9th Earl Buchan (age 73) died. He died intestate and his estate was administered to a creditor on 12 December 1745. His son Henry Erskine 10th Earl of Buchan (age 35) succeeded 10th Earl Buchan.

On 14 Oct 1750 Richard Philipps (age 89) died.

Around 14 Oct 1756 James Campbell 5th Baronet (age 78) died.

On 14 Oct 1758 James Francis Edward Keith (age 62) died.

On 14 Oct 1758 Friedrike Wilhelmine Hohenzollern (age 49) died.

On 14 Oct 1773 Septimanie d'Egmont (age 33) died.

On 14 Oct 1781 Admiral Peircy Brett (age 72) died.

On 14 Oct 1783 Mary Cross died.

On 14 Oct 1788 William Courtenay 8th Earl Devon (age 45) died. His son William "Kitty" Courtenay 9th Earl Devon (age 20) succeeded 9th Earl Devon, 3rd Viscount Courtenay.

On 14 Oct 1790 Mary Katherine Law (age 79) died.

Before 14 Oct 1794 George Clavering of Greencroft (age 75) died.

On 14 Oct 1798 Reverend Thomas Rutherforth aka Ady (age 42) died.

On 14 Oct 1805 Rowland Winn 6th Baronet (age 30) died unmarried. His second cousin once removed Edmund Mark Winn 7th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 7th Baronet Winn of Nostel in Yorkshire. Nostell Priory, Wakefield [Map] was inherited by his nephew John Williamson aka Winn (age 12), son of Rowland's sister Esther Winn (age 37). All of Esther's children changed their surname to Winn.

On 14 Oct 1822 James Fraser  1760-1822 (age 62) died.

On 14 Oct 1827 Charles Stewart 7th Earl Traquair (age 83) died. His son Charles Stewart 8th Earl Traquair (age 46) succeeded 8th Earl Traquair, 14th Lord Traquair.

On 14 Oct 1853 Isabella Caroline Ellison (age 48) died. She was buried at Kingsbury, Middlesex.

On 14 Oct 1855 Charlotte Cassandra Surtees died.

On 14 Oct 1859 Edward Lloyd of Berth in Denbighshire (age 81) died.

On 14 Oct 1868 Velters Cornewall 4th Baronet (age 44) died unmarried. His brother George Henry Cornewall 5th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 5th Baronet Amyand aka Cornewall of Moccas Court in Herefordshire. Louisa Frances Bayley Lady Cornewall by marriage Lady Amyand aka Cornewall of Moccas Court in Herefordshire.

On 14 Oct 1872 Albert Hohenzollern (age 63) died.

On 14 Oct 1873 Charlotte Gascoyne (age 75) died.

On 14 Oct 1873 Francis Lindley Wood (age 31) died.

On 14 Oct 1883 Arthur Hallam Elton 7th Baronet (age 65) died.

On 14 Oct 1884 Friedrich Wilhelm Hesse-Kassel (age 63) died.

On 14 Oct 1922 Frederick Ernest Villiers (age 81) died.

On 14 Oct 1924 Charles Horatio Algernon Capell (age 79) died.

On 14 Oct 1939 Thomas Touchet-Jesson (age 60) died.

On 14 Oct 1959 Thomas Cospatric Hamilton-Spencer-Smith 6th Baronet (age 41) died. Probably suicide by posioning. His son John Hamilton Spencer-Smith 7th Baronet (age 12) succeeded 7th Baronet Hamilton-Spencer-Smith of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.

On 14 Oct 1960 Roger Coke (age 73) died.