On this Day in History ... 16th October

16 Oct is in October.

1485 Coronation of Henry VII

1551 Arrest of the Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

1555 Execution of Bishops

1660 Trial and Execution of the Regicides

1665 Great Plague of London

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 16th October

On 16 Oct 1430 King James II of Scotland was born to King James I of Scotland (age 36) and Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 26). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 16 Oct 1485 Philibert Chandee 1st Earl Bath was created 1st Earl Bath at Tower of London [Map] by King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) for having supported Henry's claim to the throne.

On 16 Oct 1514 Richard de la Bere died. Brass. Figures of man in plate armour with head on helm, and of two wives in pedimental head-dresses with long girdles, groups of four daughters and one son of first wife and ten sons and six daughters of second wife, names of two daughters, three shields-of-arms. South East Transept of Hereford Cathedral [Map].

Richard de la Bere: Before 1498 he and Anne Tuchet were married. One son, four daughters. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England. After 1503 he and Elizabeth Mores were married. Ten sons, six daughters.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Oct 1551. The xvj day of October was had to the Towre the duches of Somersett (age 54) and Sir Raff a Vane and Sir John Thyn (age 36), [as also] Sir Thomas Holcroft (age 46), Sir Michael Stanhope (age 44), Mr. Hammond, Mr. John Seimour (age 24), Mr. Walley, Mr. Nudigate, Mr. Banister, Mr. Brayne, Mr. Crane and his wife, Sir Myles Parterege, and Sir Thomas Arundell (age 49) and Lady (age 36).

On 16 Oct 1551 the King's (age 14) uncle Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 51) was arrested for having conspired to commit murder at the banquet. He was acquitted of treason, but convicted of felony for raising a contingent of armed men without a licence. He was executed three months later.

On 16 Oct 1553 Lucas Cranach "The Elder" (age 81) died.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Oct 1555. [The same day were burnt at Oxford for heresy doctor Latimer (age 68), late bishop of Worcester, and doctor Ridley (age 55),] late bysshope of London; [they were some] tyme grett prychers as ever was; and at ther bornyng dyd pryche doctur Smyth, sum-tyme the master of Vetyngtun colege (blank).

On 16 Oct 1555 Bishop Hugh Latimer (age 68) and Bishop Nicholas Ridley (age 55) were burned at the stake at Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 66) was forced to watch.

On 16 Oct 1619 the will of Robert "The Elder" Peake (deceased) was proved.

On 16 Oct 1660 Hugh Peter (age 62) and John Cook (age 52) were hanged, drawn and quartered at Charing Cross [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 16 Oct 1660. This morning my brother Tom (age 26) came to me, with whom I made even for my last clothes to this day, and having eaten a dish of anchovies with him in the morning, my wife and I did intend to go forth to see a play at the Cockpit [Map] this afternoon, but Mr. Moore coming to me, my wife staid at home, and he and I went out together, with whom I called at the upholsters and several other places that I had business with, and so home with him to the Cockpit [Map], where, understanding that "Wit without money" was acted, I would not stay, but went home by water, by the way reading of the other two stories that are in the book that I read last night, which I do not like so well as it. Being come home, Will. told me that my Lord had a mind to speak with me to-night; so I returned by water, and, coming there, it was only to enquire how the ships were provided with victuals that are to go with him to fetch over the Queen (age 50), which I gave him a good account of. He seemed to be in a melancholy humour, which, I was told by W. Howe, was for that he had lately lost a great deal of money at cards, which he fears he do too much addict himself to now-a-days. So home by water and to bed.

Pepy's Diary. 16 Oct 1665. Up about seven o'clock; and, after drinking, and I observing Mr. Povy's (age 51) being mightily mortifyed in his eating and drinking, and coaches and horses, he desiring to sell his best, and every thing else, his furniture of his house, he walked with me to Syon [Map]1, and there I took water, in our way he discoursing of the wantonnesse of the Court, and how it minds nothing else, and I saying that that would leave the King (age 35) shortly if he did not leave it, he told me "No", for the King (age 35) do spend most of his time in feeling and kissing them naked... But this lechery will never leave him.

Note 1. Sion House [Map], granted by Edward VI to his uncle, the Duke of Somerset. After his execution, 1552, it was forfeited, and given to John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland. The duke being beheaded in 1553, it reverted to the Crown, and was granted in 1604 to Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. It still belongs to the Duke of Northumberland.

Pepy's Diary. 16 Oct 1665. Thence I walked to the Tower [Map]; but, Lord! how empty the streets are and melancholy, so many poor sick people in the streets full of sores; and so many sad stories overheard as I walk, every body talking of this dead, and that man sick, and so many in this place, and so many in that. And they tell me that, in Westminster, there is never a physician and but one apothecary left, all being dead; but that there are great hopes of a great decrease this week: God send it!

Evelyn's Diary. 16 Oct 1671. In the morning, we went hunting and hawking; in the afternoon, till almost morning, to cards and dice, yet I must say without noise, swearing, quarrel, or confusion of any sort. I, who was no gamester, had often discourse with the French Ambassador, Colbert (age 46), and went sometimes abroad on horseback with the ladies to take the air, and now and then to hunting; thus idly passing the time, but not without more often recess to my pretty apartment, where I was quite out of all this hurry, and had leisure when I would, to converse with books, for there is no man more hospitably easy to be withal than my Lord Arlington (age 53), of whose particular friendship and kindness I had ever a more than ordinary share. His house is a very noble pile, consisting of four pavilions after the French, beside a body of a large house, and, though not built altogether, but formed of additions to an old house (purchased by his Lordship (age 53) of one Sir T. Rookwood) yet with a vast expense made not only capable and roomsome, but very magnificent and commodious, as well within as without, nor less splendidly furnished. The staircase is very elegant, the garden handsome, the canal beautiful, but the soil dry, barren, and miserably sandy, which flies in drifts as the wind sits. Here my Lord was pleased to advise with me about ordering his plantations of firs, elms, limes, etc., up his park, and in all other places and avenues. I persuaded him to bring his park so near as to comprehend his house within it; which he resolved upon, it being now near a mile to it. The water furnishing the fountains, is raised by a pretty engine, or very slight plain wheels, which likewise serve to grind his corn, from a small cascade of the canal, the invention of Sir Samuel Morland (age 46). In my Lord's (age 53) house, and especially above the staircase, in the great hall and some of the chambers and rooms of state, are paintings in fresco by Signor Verrio (age 35), being the first work which he did in England.

On 16 Oct 1797 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan was born to Robert Brudenell 6th Earl Cardigan (age 28) and Penelope Cooke Countess Cardigan (age 27) at Hambledon, Buckinghamshire.

On 16 Oct 1847 Maria Pia of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal was born.

Adeline Horsey Recollections. On September 28, 1858, my marriage took place at the Military Chapel Gibraltar, and I was the first Countess of Cardigan to be married on foreign soil, I wore a white silk gown draped with a blue scarf, and a large hat adorned with many feathers; Lord Cardigan's (age 60) friends, Stuart Paget, Mrs, Paget and the Misses Paget, were present, and we gave a ball on the yacht in the evening. We spent a very gay week at Gibraltar, and then left for Cádiz, touching at Malacca and Alicante; then we took rail to Madrid, where we arrived on October 16 in time to witness a review of 30,000 troops on Queen Isabella's (age 27) birthday. After a short stay at Madrid we rejoined the Airedale at Barcelona, and went 500 miles by sea to Leghorn. We experienced bad weather and many storms, and every one on board was ill except myself. The cook was a great sufferer, and his absence was naturally felt by those who were able to look at food without aversion.

From Leghorn we went to Elba, when I saw the place Napoleon embarked from after the "hundred days". We left the Airedale at Civiti Vecchia and started for Rome, Italy in our travelling-carriage with six horses, escorted by some of the Papal Guard sent by the Pope to protect us. I met many of my friends in the Eternal City; I saw everything worth seeing during my delightful sojourn there, and before we left Lord Cardigan and I were blessed by the Pope at an audience we had with his Holiness. As I wished to go to Genoa by sea, we returned to Civita Vecchia and set out in the yacht for Genoa, where we landed; we went from there to Turin, and on by rail by the Mont Cenis route to Paris [Map].

Paris was then a city of delight, revelling in the palmy days of the Second Empire, and I greatly enjoyed my visit there. One night I went to the Opera with Cardigan and we saw Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trelawney in a box. Mrs. Trelawney was the famous Miss Howard, once the English mistress of Louis Napoleon (age 50), who paid her £250,000 when he renounced her to marry Eugenie de Montijo (age 32). Mrs. Trelawney annoyed the Emperor (age 50) and Empress (age 32) as much as she dared by sitting opposite the Royal box at the Opera, and driving almost immediately behind the Empress's (age 32) carriage in the Bois de Boulogne. She was a very fat woman, and her embonpoint increased to such an extent that the doors of her carriage had to be enlarged to allow her to get in and out with comfort.

Clarence Trelawney was a friend of mine, and the poor fellow came to a sad end. After his wife's death he married an American lady, but unfortunately he got into debt. He appealed to his relations, who were very wealthy but apparently equally mean, for they refused to lend him the £400 he asked for, and driven desperate by worry he blew out his brains.

From Paris we came to London and stayed at Lord Cardigan's town-house in Portman Square Marylebone; then we went to Deene [Map] on December 14, where we met with a royal reception, six hundred tenants on horseback escorting our carriage from the station to the house.

Births on the 16th October

On 16 Oct 1351 Gian Galeazzo Visconti 1st Duke Milan was born to Galeazzo II Visconti (age 31) and Bianca Savoy (age 15).

On 16 Oct 1430 King James II of Scotland was born to King James I of Scotland (age 36) and Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 26). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 16 Oct 1662 William Sitwell was born to Francis Sitwell (age 31) and Catherine Sacheverell.

On 16 Oct 1673 Mary Tudor Countess Derwentwater was born to King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 43) and Mary "Moll" Davis (age 25). He subsequently dismissed her with a pension of an annual pension of £1000.

On 16 Oct 1685 William Ward 10th Baron Dudley 5th Baron Ward was born to William Ward (age 26).

On 16 Oct 1697 Marie Anne Bourbon Condé was born to Louis Bourbon Condé (age 28) and Louise Françoise Bourbon (age 24). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 16 Oct 1703 Henry Fane was born to Henry Fane of Brympton (age 34) and Anne Scrope.

On 16 Oct 1716 Augustus Fitzroy was born to Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 32) and Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton (age 26). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1732 John Newton was born to Michael Newton 4th Baronet (age 37) and Margaret Coningsby 2nd Countess Coningsby (age 23).

On 16 Oct 1744 Bishop Henry Bathurst was born to Benjamin Bathurst (age 52) and Catherine Brodrick.

On 16 Oct 1751 Queen Frederica Louisa of Prussia was born to Landgrave Louis IX of Hesse-Darmstadt (age 31) and Countess Palatine Caroline of Zweibrücken (age 30).

On 16 Oct 1767 Robert Edward Clifford was born to Hugh Clifford 4th Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 41) and Anne Lee Baroness Clifford Chudleigh (age 36). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1768 Grenville Temple 9th Baronet was born to John Temple 8th Baronet (age 37).

On 16 Oct 1784 George Coventry 8th Earl Coventry was born to George Coventry 7th Earl Coventry (age 26) and Margaret "Peggy" Pitches Countess Coventry (age 24).

On 16 Oct 1791 James Drummond was born to James Drummond 11th Earl Perth (age 47) and Clementia Elphinstone Countess Perth (age 42).

On 16 Oct 1797 Charlotte Gascoyne was born to General Isaac Gascoyne (age 34).

On 16 Oct 1797 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan was born to Robert Brudenell 6th Earl Cardigan (age 28) and Penelope Cooke Countess Cardigan (age 27) at Hambledon, Buckinghamshire.

On 16 Oct 1804 Ferdinand St John was born to George Richard St John 4th Viscount St John 3rd Viscount Bolingbroke (age 43) and Isabella Charlotte Hompesch Baroness von Hompesch (age 28).

On or before 16 Oct 1811 Reverend Brabazon Lowther was born to Gorges Lowther of Hampton Hall, Somerset. He was baptised 16 Oct 1811 at Ovington, Hampshire.

On 16 Oct 1814 Henry Cavendish Grey was born to Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 50) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 38).

On 16 Oct 1816 Willoughby Wolstan Dixie 8th Baronet was born.

Before 16 Oct 1819 Francis Russell was born to George Russell (age 29) and Elizabeth Anne Rawdon.

On 16 Oct 1819 Francis Russell 9th Duke Bedford was born to George Russell (age 29) and Elizabeth Anne Rawdon.

On 16 Oct 1839 John Crichton 4th Earl Erne was born to John Crichton 3rd Earl Erne (age 37) and Selina Griselda Beresford Countess Erne (age 35).

On 16 Oct 1841 Colonel Almeric George Spencer was born to Reverend William Henry Spencer (age 31).

On 16 Oct 1846 Francis Hervey was born to Frederick Hervey 2nd Marquess of Bristol (age 46) and Katherine Isabella Manners (age 37).

On 16 Oct 1847 Maria Pia of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal was born.

On 16 Oct 1848 Marlborough Robert Pryor was born to Robert Pryor (age 36).

On 16 Oct 1850 Fernando Yznaga Banker was born to Antonio Modesto Yznaga del Valle (age 27).

On 16 Oct 1854 Guy Theophilus Campbell 3rd Baronet was born to Edward Fitzgerald Campbell 2nd Baronet (age 31).

On 16 Oct 1861 Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich of Russia was born.

On 16 Oct 1863 Austen Chamberlain was born to Joseph Chamberlain (age 27).

On 16 Oct 1874 Osborne De Vere Beauclerk 12th Duke St Albans was born to William Amelius Aubrey Beauclerk 10th Duke St Albans (age 34) and Grace Bernal Duchess St Albans (age 26).

On 16 Oct 1900 Richard Dundas Harington 13th Baronet was born to Richard Harington 12th Baronet (age 39) and Selina Louise Grace Dundas Lady Harington (age 25).

On 16 Oct 1904 Elspeth Grace Whitaker Marchioness Northampton was born.

Marriages on the 16th October

On 16 Oct 1265 William Leybourne 1st Baron Leybourne (age 23) and Juliana de Sandwich (age 20) were married.

On 16 Oct 1306 Rudolph Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 24) and Elizabeth Richeza Unknown Duchess Austria were married at Prague. She by marriage Duchess Austria. He the son of Albert Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 51) and Elizabeth Carinthia Duchess Austria.

Before 16 Oct 1662 Nicholas L'Estrange 3rd Baronet (age 30) and Mary Coke (age 45) were married.

On 16 Oct 1662 Nicholas L'Estrange 3rd Baronet (age 30) and Elizabeth Isham Lady Strange (age 9) were married. She by marriage Lady Strange of Hunstanton in Norfolk. The difference in their ages was 20 years.

Before 16 Oct 1671 Edward Stanley 3rd Baronet (age 28) and Elizabeth Bosville (age 26) were married.

On 16 Oct 1725 Robert Moore (age 37) and Anne Lennard 16th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland Baroness Teynham (age 41) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Lennard 1st Earl of Sussex and Anne Fitzroy Countess Sussex. He the son of Henry Hamilton Moore 3rd Earl of Drogheda. She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1735 Simon Harcourt 1st Earl Harcourt (age 21) and Rebecca Samborne Le Bass were married.

On 16 Oct 1739 Robert Clifton 5th Baronet (age 49) and Hannah Lombe Lady Clifton were married. She by marriage Lady Clifton of Clifton in Nottinghamshire.

On 16 Oct 1811 Du Pre Alexander 2nd Earl Caledon (age 33) and Catherine Yorke Countess Caledon (age 25) were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly. She the daughter of Philip Yorke 3rd Earl of Hardwicke (age 54) and Elizabeth Lindsay Countess Hardwicke (age 48). He the son of James Alexander 1st Earl Caledon.

Before 16 Oct 1819 George Russell (age 29) and Elizabeth Anne Rawdon were married. He the son of John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 53) and Georgiana Elizabeth Byng. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1841 Friedrich Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 26) and Adelheid Schasumburg Lippe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg were married. He the son of Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 52). He a great x 2 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1860 William Meredyth Somerville 1st Baron Meredyth and Athlumney (age 58) and Maria Georgiana Elizabeth Jones (age 29) were married. The difference in their ages was 29 years.

On 16 Oct 1883 Montagu Arthur Bertie 7th Earl of Abingdon (age 47) and Gwendoline Mary Dormer (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 28 years. He the son of Montagu Bertie 6th Earl of Abingdon (age 75) and Elizabeth Lavinia Harcourt Countess Abingdon.

On 16 Oct 1892 Alfred George Taylor (age 20) and Mary Kirwan were married.

On 16 Oct 1897 Henry de la Poer Beresford 6th Marquess Waterford (age 22) and Beatrix Petty-Fitzmaurice Duchess St Albans (age 20) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Waterford. She the daughter of Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice 5th Marquess Lansdowne (age 52) and Maud Evelyn Hamilton Marchioness Lansdowne (age 47). He the son of John Beresford 5th Marquess Waterford and Blanche Elizabeth Adelaide Somerset. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1912 Michael Alexandrovich Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 33) and Natalia Sergeyevna Wulfert were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 16 Oct 1919 Vice-Admiral Henry Jack Egerton (age 27) and Marion Frances Theresa Beckett (age 22) were married.

Deaths on the 16th October

On 16 Oct 922 Æthelweard Wessex died.

On 16 Oct 1071 Almodis La Marche Margrave Provence (age 51) died.

On 16 Oct 1210 Maud Metz (age 40) died.

Around 16 Oct 1254 Norman Darcy (age 62) died in Nocton, North Kesteven.

On 16 Oct 1274 Eleanor Ferrers Countess Winchester (age 38) died.

On 16 Oct 1323 Amadeus V "Great" Savoy (age 74) died. His son Edward "Liberal" Savoy Count Savoy (age 39) succeeded Count Savoy.

On 16 Oct 1376 Robert Clifton (age 48) died at Clifton, Nottinghamshire.

On 16 Oct 1383 Beatrice Mortimer (age 61) died at Wigmore, Herefordshire [Map].

On 16 Oct 1383 Beatrice Brewes Baroness Say (age 31) died.

On 16 Oct 1386 Hugh Stafford 2nd Earl Stafford (age 50) died returning from his Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. His son Thomas Stafford 3rd Earl Stafford (age 18) succeeded 3rd Earl Stafford, 4th Baron Stafford.

Before 16 Oct 1421 Herbert Maxwell died.

On 16 Oct 1432 Gerald Fitzgerald 5th Earl of Kildare died. She was buried at Grey Abbey, County Kildare. His uncle John Fitzgerald 6th Earl of Kildare succeeded 6th Earl Kildare.

After 16 Oct 1486 Joan Stewart Countess Morton (age 58) died.

On 16 Oct 1514 Richard de la Bere died. Brass. Figures of man in plate armour with head on helm, and of two wives in pedimental head-dresses with long girdles, groups of four daughters and one son of first wife and ten sons and six daughters of second wife, names of two daughters, three shields-of-arms. South East Transept of Hereford Cathedral [Map].

Richard de la Bere: Before 1498 he and Anne Tuchet were married. One son, four daughters. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England. After 1503 he and Elizabeth Mores were married. Ten sons, six daughters.

Before 16 Oct 1520 Robert Crichton 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 29) died. His son Robert Crichton 4th Lord Crichton (age 5) succeeded 4th Lord Crichton of Sanquhar.

On 16 Oct 1520 John Goring (age 50) died.

On 16 Oct 1553 Lucas Cranach "The Elder" (age 81) died.

On 16 Oct 1555 Robert Tyrrell of Birdbrooke in Essex died.

On 16 Oct 1555 Bishop Hugh Latimer (age 68) and Bishop Nicholas Ridley (age 55) were burned at the stake at Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 66) was forced to watch.

On 16 Oct 1590 Anna Habsburg Spain Duchess Bavaria (age 62) died.

On 16 Oct 1594 William Allen (age 62) died in Rome, Italy.

On 16 Oct 1597 Jane Somerset (age 67) died.

On 16 Oct 1609 Dorothea Hedwig of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (age 22) died in childbirth.

On 16 Oct 1612 Thomas Shirley (age 70) died.

On 16 Oct 1616 James Douglas 8th Lord Drumlanrig died.

On 16 Oct 1632 George More (age 78) died.

On 16 Oct 1640 John Smythe (age 41) died in Siena.

On 16 Oct 1660 Hugh Peter (age 62) and John Cook (age 52) were hanged, drawn and quartered at Charing Cross [Map].

On 16 Oct 1671 Edward Stanley 3rd Baronet (age 28) died. His son Thomas Horton Stanley 4th Baronet (age 1) succeeded 4th Baronet Stanley of Bickerstaffe.

On 16 Oct 1678 Francis Head (age 37) died.

On 16 Oct 1679 Roger Boyle 1st Earl Orrery (age 58) died. His son Roger Boyle 2nd Earl Orrery (age 33) succeeded 2nd Earl Orrery. Mary Sackville Countess Orrery (age 31) by marriage Countess Orrery.

On 16 Oct 1680 Thomas Cullum 2nd Baronet (age 51) died. His son Dudley Cullum 3rd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.

On 16 Oct 1682 Charlotte Maria died.

On 16 Oct 1683 George Cooke 1st Baronet (age 51) died unmarried. His brother Henry Cooke 2nd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cooke of Wheatley Hall in Yorkshire.

On 16 Oct 1692 Christian Albert Hohenzollern (age 17) died.

On 16 Oct 1701 James Reade 2nd Baronet (age 46) died. He was buried on 21 Oct 1701 in the Brocket Chapel at St Elthreda's Church, Bishop's Hatfield. His son John Reade 3rd Baronet (age 10) succeeded 3rd Baronet Reade of Brocket Hall in Hertfordshire.

On 16 Oct 1725 Emma Barnard (age 79) died.

On 16 Oct 1726 George Monson (age 68) died.

On 16 Oct 1732 Bennet Sherard 1st Earl Harborough (age 57) died. His first cousin once removed Philip Sherard 2nd Earl Harborough (age 52) succeeded 2nd Earl Harborough, 2nd Viscount Sherard, 4th Baron Sherard of Leitrim, 2nd Baron Sherard of Harborough. Anne Pedley Countess Harborough (age 57) by marriage Countess Harborough.

On 16 Oct 1739 John Lumley (age 36) died unmarried

On or before 16 Oct 1747 Jane Kemeys Lady Tynte (age 62) died. She was buried on 16 Oct 1747 at the Church of St Edward King and Martyr, Goathurst [Map].

On 16 Oct 1753 Henry Lascelles (age 63) died.

On 16 Oct 1767 Ellis Cunliffe 1st Baronet (age 50) died. His brother Robert Cunliffe 2nd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cunliffe of Liverpool in Lancaster. Mary Wright Lady Cunliffe by marriage Lady Cunliffe of Liverpool in Lancaster.

On 16 Oct 1769 George Forbes 4th Earl Granard (age 59) died. His son George Forbes 5th Earl Granard (age 29) succeeded 5th Earl Granard.

On 16 Oct 1793 at 12:15 Queen Marie Antoinette of France (age 37) was guillotined at the Place de la Révolution. Her last words were "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur. Je ne l'ai pas fait exprès" or "Pardon me, sir, I did not do it on purpose" after she accidentally stepped on the executioners shoe.

On 16 Oct 1841 Reverend George de la Poer Beresford (age 76) died.

On 16 Oct 1844 Augusta Champagne Graves died.

On 16 Oct 1869 Robert King 6th Earl Kingston (age 65) died.

On 16 Oct 1873 Frances Agnes Trevelyan died.

On 16 Oct 1881 Raikes Currie (age 80) died.

On 16 Oct 1886 Mayer Carl Freiherr von Rothschild (age 66) died.

On 16 Oct 1886 Caroline Esther Curzon died.

On 16 Oct 1888 William Cowper Temple 1st Baron Mount Temple (age 76) died.

On 16 Oct 1898 Ethel Errington (age 53) died in Cairo, Egypt.

On 16 Oct 1907 Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune (age 86) died.

On 16 Oct 1913 George Orby Wombwell 4th Baronet (age 80) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Coxwold, North Yorkshire [Map]. He was the last surviving officer of the Charge of the Light Brigade. His brother Henry Herbert Wombwell 5th Baronet (age 73) succeeded 5th Baronet Wombwell of Wombwell in Yorkshire.

On 16 Oct 1926 Frederica Hanover (age 78) died.

On 16 Oct 1927 Melissa Ray Lady Reade died.

On 16 Oct 1938 Edward Montagu Cavendish Stanley (age 44) died at Marylebone.

On 16 Oct 1969 Theodora Glücksburg (age 63) died.

On 16 Oct 1971 Alexander Peregrine Fuller-Acland-Hood 2nd Baron St Audries (age 77) died. Baron St Audries of St Audries in Somerset extinct. His first cousin Alexander William Fuller-Acland-Hood 6th and 8th Baronet (age 70) succeeded 6th Baronet Hood of Tidlake in Surrey and 8th Baronet Bateman of Hartington Hall in Derbyshire.

On 16 Oct 1972 Alan Rupert Brodrick (age 68) died.

On 16 Oct 1977 Theodosia Louisa Augusta Acheson (age 95) died.

On 16 Oct 1981 Gerard Henry Fleetwood Fuller 2nd Baronet (age 75) died. His son John William Fleetwood Fuller 3rd Baronet (age 44) succeeded 3rd Baronet Fuller of Neston Park in Corsham in Wiltshire.

On 16 Oct 1997 Olga Glücksburg (age 94) died.

On 16 Oct 2003 Robert Charles Darling 2nd Baron Darling (age 84) died. His son Robert Julian Henry Darling 3rd Baron Darling (age 59) succeeded 3rd Baron Darling of Langham in Essex.