On this Day in History ... 17th March

17 Mar is in March.

1190 Massacre of the Jews at York

1328 Roger Mortimer created Earl of March

1328 Treaty of Edinburgh Northampton

1623 Charles I's Trip to Spain

1943 Battle of the Mareth Line

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 17th March

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1040. This year died King Harold (age 24) at Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map], on the sixteenth before the calends of April; and he was buried at Westminster. He governed England four years and sixteen weeks; and in his days tribute was paid to sixteen ships, at the rate of eight marks for each steersman, as was done before in King Knute's days. The same year they sent after Hardacnute (age 22) to Bruges [Map], supposing they did well; and he came hither to Sandwich, Kent [Map] with sixty ships, seven nights before midsummer. He was soon received both by the Angles and Danes, though his advisers afterwards severely paid for it. They ordered a tribute for sixty-two ships, at the rate of eight marks for each steersman. Then were alienated from him all that before desired him; for he framed nothing royal during his whole reign. He ordered the dead Harold (age 24) to be dragged up and thrown into a ditch. This year rose the sester of wheat to fifty-five pence, and even further. This year Archbishop Edsy went to Rome.

On 14 Mar 1190 twin boys Robert Capet and Philip Capet were born to King Philip II of France (age 24) and Isabelle Flanders Queen Consort France (age 19). The eldest Robert died the same day, the youngest Philip died three days later. Their mother Isabelle Flanders Queen Consort France (age 19) died from childbirth the day after the birth.

On 17 Mar 1190 at York [Map] the Jewish population sought protection from violence in Clifford's Tower. The tower was besieged by the mob of crusaders preparing to leave on the Third Crusade. The Jewish men killed their wives and children, after which they set fire to the wooden keep. Those who did escape were murdered.

Froissart. 17 Mar 1328. Treaty of Edinburgh Northampton. AND when that the Scots were departed by night from the mountain, whereas the king of England (age 15) had besieged them, as ye have heard herebefore, they went twentytwo mile through that savage country without resting, and passed the river of Tyne right near to Carlisle, Cumberland [Map]1; and the next day they went into their own land, and so departed every man to his own mansion. And within a space after there was a peace purchased between the kings of England and Scotland; and as the English chronicle saith,' it was done by the special counsel of the old queen (age 33) and sir Roger Mortimer (age 40); for by their means there was a parliament holden at Northampton, Northamptonshire [Map], at the which the king (age 15) being within age granted to the Scots to release all the fealties and homages that they ought to have done to the crown of England, by his charter ensealed, and also there was delivered to the Scots an indenture, the which was called the Ragman, wherein was contained all the homages and fealties that the king of Scots and all the prelates, earls and barons of Scotland ought to have done to the crown of England, sealed with all their seals, with all other rights that sundry barons and knights ought to have had in the realm of Scotland.

Note 1. This may be a mistake since the River Tyne doesn't flows near Carlisle. The River Eden flows through Carlisle.

On 17 Mar 1328 Robert the Bruce (age 53) signed the Treaty of Edinburgh Northampton bringing to an end the First Scottish War of Independence. The English Parliament signed at Northampton, Northamptonshire [Map] on 03 May 1328. The terms of the Treaty included:

Scotland to pay England £100,000 sterling,

The Kingdom of Scotland as fully independent,

Robert the Bruce (age 53), and his heirs and successors, as the rightful rulers of Scotland, and.

The border between Scotland and England as that recognised under the reign of Alexander III (1249-1286).

The Treaty lasted four years only being regarded by the English nobility as humiliating; the work of Edward's (age 15) mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 40) rather than King Edward (age 15). Two years after King Edward (age 15) commenced his personal reign he commenced the Second War of Scottish Independence in Aug 1332.

Froissart. 17 Mar 1328. Then the earl marshal (age 27) and the earl of Kent (age 26), the king's uncle, made a peace between the king (age 15) and the earl of Lancaster (age 47), on whose part was sir Henry lord Beaumont (age 49), sir Fulke Fitz-Warin (age 43), sir Thomas Rocelin, sir William Trussel (age 48), sir Thomas Wither and about a hundred knights, who were all expelled out of England by the counsel of queen Isabel and the earl Mortimer: for he was so covetous, that he thought to have the most part of all their lands into his own hands, as it is more plainly shewed in the English chronicle, the which I pass over and follow mine author.

Froissart. 17 Mar 1328. And also they delivered to them again the black cross of Scotland, the which the good king Edward conquered and brought it out of the abbey of Scone [Map], the which was a precious relic; and all rights and interests that every baron had in Scotland was then clean forgiven. And many other things were done at that parliament to the great hurt and prejudice of the realm of England, and in manner against the wills of all the nobles of the realm, save only of Isabel (age 33) the old queen and the bishop of Ely and the lord Mortimer (age 40): they ruled the realm in such wise, that every man was miscontent. So that the earl Henry of Lancaster (age 47) and sir Thomas Brotherton (age 27), earl marshal, and sir Edmund of Woodstock (age 26), the king's uncle, and divers other lords and commons were agreed together to amend these faults, if they might. And in that meantime the queen Isabel (age 33) and sir Roger Mortimer (age 40) caused another parliament to be holden at Salisbury, at the which parliament sir Roger Mortimer (age 40) was made earl of March against all the barons' wills of England, in prejudice of king and his realm, and sir John of Eltham (age 11) the king's brother was made earl of Cornwall. To the which parliament the earl Henry of Lancaster (age 47) would not come, wherefore the king was brought in belief that he would have destroyed his person; for the which they assembled a great host and went toward Bedford [Map], whereas the earl Henry (age 47) was with his company.

On 17 Mar 1337 Edward "Black Prince" (age 6) was created 1st Duke Cornwall.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Mar 1552. The xvij day of Marche rod thrugh London unto [St.] James in the feld, the kyng('s) plase [Note. palace], the kynges syster my [lady] Elsabeth (age 18), with a grett compeny of lordes and knyghtes and gentyll men, and after her a grett nombur of lades and gentyllwomen to the nombur of ij C. on horsse-bake, and yomen.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Mar 1557. The xvij day of Marche cam rydyng from kyng Phelype (age 29) from be-yond the see unto the court at Grenwyche [Map], to owre quen (age 41), with letters in post, my lord Robart Dudley (age 24), and after master Kemp of the preve chambur, that the kyng (age 29) wold com to Cales [Map] the xvij day of Marche; and the sam day dyd pryche a-for the quen the nuwe bysshope of Lynckolne doctur Watsun (age 42).

On 17 Mar 1608 Maximilian Colt (age 33) was employed on a second monument in Westminster Abbey above the grave of the Princess Sophia, the infant child of King James I (age 41), who was born and died in the preceding June. Colt received 215l for this work.

Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 17 Feb 1623. There happened on Monday, the 17th day of the month, so strange an accident as after ages will scarce believe it. For Charles Prince of Wales (age 22) began his journey from London into Spain on Monday, the 17th day of February, with the beloved Marquis of Buckingham (age 30), Sir Francis Cottington (age 44), and Mr. Endimion Porter (age 36), only in his campaign; who only, besides the King himself, were the alone men aquainted with the Prince's resolution. Their going was so secretly carried as none, I believe, knew of it in England till they were landed in France, through which kingdom they passed by posthorse into Spain.1 The journey was thought so dangerous, being above 1100 English miles by land, besides the crossing of the seas between Dover and Calais, as all men were generally ensaddened at the ad- venture, often wishing it had been better advised upon; although they knew the Spaniards durst do the Prince no harm, so long as his royal sister and her illustrious oflspring survived. Soon after followed the Lord Hays (age 43), Earl of Carlisle, and passed into France to excuse to that King the Prince's sudden and secret passing through his kingdom without giving him a visit. All men now took it for granted, that the Prince's marriage with the Infanta Maria, the King of Spain's sister, was concluded on, and that he went over only to consummate it; no man imagining that he would take up such a resolution upon uncertainties, especially occasioning so vast and unnecessary expense at a time when the King's wants pressed him much. But God, whose decree binds princes as well as peasants, had otherwise disposed, so as our royal suitor, arriving at Madrid in Spain on Friday the 7th (or 17th) of March, about three weeks later his departure from London, and taking ship for his return to England on the 18th (or 28th) of September, then next ensuing, stayed in Spain about seven months; in all which time he seldom saw or spoke with the Spanish Princess, nor could ever receive a fair or sincere denial from her brother, although her marriage had been absolutely disposed of by her father's last will and testament; he bequeathing her to Ferdinand, son and heir of Ferdinand the Second, Emperor of Germany, who afterwards did accordingly espouse her.

Note 1. "And now behold a, strange adventure and enterprise! The Prince and the Marquis of Buckingham, accompanied with Cottington and Endimion Porter, post in disgiuse to Spain to accelerate the marriage. The 17th of February they went privately from Court, and the next day came to Dover, where they embarked for Boulogne, and from thence rode post to Paris, where they made some atop. The Prince, shadowed under a bushy peruque, beheld the splendour of that court, and had a full view of the Princess Henrietta Maria (age 13), who was afterwards his royal consort. For, besides the great privacy of the journey, they had so laid the English ports, that none should follow or give the least advertisement, until they had got the start of intelligencers, and passed the bounds of France. Howbeit they escaped narrowly, and a swift intelligence sent to the King of Spain from Don Carlos Coloma was even at their heels before they arrived at Madrid. The Prince and Buckingham being in the territories of Spain, to make but little noise, rode post before their company. The 7th of March they arrived at Madrid, the royal residence, and were conveyed with much secrecy into the Earl of Bristol's (age 43) house-Rushworth, i. p. 76. A fuller account of this extraordinary adventure will be found elsewhere.

Pepy's Diary. 17 Mar 1666. At noon home to dinner and presently with my wife out to Hales's (age 66), where I am still infinitely pleased with my wife's picture. I paid him £14 for it, and 25s. for the frame, and I think it is not a whit too deare for so good a picture. It is not yet quite finished and dry, so as to be fit to bring home yet. This day I begun to sit, and he will make me, I think, a very fine picture. He promises it shall be as good as my wife's, and I sit to have it full of shadows, and do almost break my neck looking over my shoulder to make the posture for him to work by.

On 17 Mar 1715 Bishop Gilbert Burnet (age 71) died. Salisbury Cathedral [Map].

On 17 Mar 1720 John Rawdon 1st Earl Moira was born.

On 17 Mar 1728 John Delaval 1st Baron Delaval was born to Francis Blake Delaval (age 35) and Rhoda Apreece.

Archaeologia Volume 8 Appendix. The Hon. Daines Barrington (age 68) communicated the following observations by him on the Grey Weathers in Berkshire, and the Crypts in Canterbury Cathedral. Read March 17, 17 85.

On 17 Mar 1839 John Pettie was born.

On 17 Mar 1943 Nicholas Townshend Durham was killed in action at the Battle of the Mareth Line.

On 25 Dec 1962 All Saints' Church, Branston [Map] was damaged by fire. The Church was rehallowed on 17 Mar 1966.

Births on the 17th March

On 17 Mar 1242 Maud Prendergast Baroness Offaly was born to Gerald Prendergast (age 45) and Maud Burgh.

Before 17 Mar 1484 John Sackville was born to Richard Sackville of Buckhurst (age 24) and Isabel Digges (age 19).

On 17 Mar 1510 Archibald Campbell was born to John Campbell 1st of Cawdor (age 20) in Calder.

On or before 17 Mar 1587 David Lindsay 1st Lord Balcarres was born to John Lindsay of Balcarres Lord Menmuir (age 35).

On or before 17 Mar 1632 Robert Pierrepont was born to Henry Pierrepont 1st Marquess Dorchester (age 26) and Cecilia Bayning (age 18). He was baptised on 17 Mar 1632. He died an infant.

On 17 Mar 1683 Ann Heathcote was born to Gilbert Heathcote 1st Baronet (age 31).

On 17 Mar 1720 John Rawdon 1st Earl Moira was born.

On or before 17 Mar 1722, the date he was baptised, Charles Schuckburgh 5th Baronet was born to Charles Schuckburgh (age 28).

On 17 Mar 1722 William Wentworth 2nd Earl Strafford was born to Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford (age 49) and Anne Johnson Countess Strafford.

On 17 Mar 1728 John Delaval 1st Baron Delaval was born to Francis Blake Delaval (age 35) and Rhoda Apreece.

On 17 Mar 1741 William Withering was born.

On 17 Mar 1753 Charles Stanhope 3rd Earl of Harrington was born to William Stanhope 2nd Earl of Harrington (age 33) and Caroline Fitzroy Countess Harrington (age 30). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 17 Mar 1761 Oswald Mosley was born to John Parker Mosley 1st Baronet (age 29).

On 17 Mar 1780 John Hearle Tremayne was born to Henry Hawkins Tremayne (age 39).

On 17 Mar 1794 Edward Cust 1st Baronet was born to Brownlow Cust 1st Baron Brownlow (age 49) and Frances Bankes Baroness Brownlow at Hill Street, Berkeley Square.

On 17 Mar 1799 Elizabeth Chichester Lady Bateman was born to Spencer Stanley Chichester (age 23) and Anne Harriet Stewart (age 30).

On 17 Mar 1803 John Ogilvy of Inverquharity 9th Baronet was born.

On 17 Mar 1809 Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps De Lisle was born.

On 17 Mar 1809 John Thomas Duckworth aka Buller 2nd Baronet was born to John Thomas Duckworth 1st Baronet (age 62) and Susannah Catherine Buller.

On 17 Mar 1810 George Patrick Evans 7th Baron Carbery was born to Percy Evans (age 36).

On 17 Mar 1811 Thomas Parker 6th Earl Macclesfield was born to Thomas Parker 5th Earl Macclesfield (age 48) and Eliza Wolstenholme Countess Macclesfield (age 30).

On 17 Mar 1839 John Pettie was born.

On 17 Mar 1855 Ernle Elizabeth Louisa Maria Grosvenor Burton was born to Colonel Francis Augustus Plunkett Burton (age 29).

On 17 Mar 1868 Winifred Selina Sturt was born to Henry Gerard Sturt 1st Baron Alington (age 42) and Augusta Bingham Baroness Alington (age 36). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 17 Mar 1873 Maud Eleanor Joliffe was born to William Sydney Hylton Joliffe (age 31).

On 17 Mar 1886 Victoria Patricia "Patsy" Windsor was born to Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 35) and Luise Margarete Hohenzollern Duchess Connaught (age 25). She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 17 Mar 1912 Joyce Hancock was born to Reverend Hugh Hancock.

Marriages on the 17th March

Before 17 Mar 1466 William Stanley of Hooton (deceased) and Alicia Hoghton were married.

Before 17 Mar 1668 Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 20) and Mary Anne Boyle (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Richard Boyle 2nd Earl Cork 1st Earl Burlington (age 55) and Elizabeth Clifford Countess Burlington (age 54). He the son of Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 42) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 43).

On 17 Mar 1785 Henry Burgh 1st Marquess Clarincade (age 43) and Urania Paulet Marchioness Clanricarde (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester (age 62) and Martha Ingoldsby Marchioness Winchester. He the son of John Smith Burgh 11th Earl Clanricarde and Hester Amelia Vincent Countess Clanricarde.

On 17 Mar 1823 George Glyn Banker 1st Baron Wolverton (age 25) and Marianne Grenfell Baroness Wolverton (age 21) were married.

On 17 Mar 1823 George Dashwood 5th Baronet (age 33) and Elizabeth Broadhead were married.

On 17 Mar 1863 Captain Thomas William Goff (age 33) and Dorothea Fitzclarence (age 17) were married. She a granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 17 Mar 1891 Wentworth Beaumont 1st Baron Allendale (age 61) and Edith Althea Hamilton Baroness Allendale (age 42) were married at St Paul's Church, Knightsbridge. No issue.

On 17 Mar 1905 George Lane-Fox 1st Baron Bingley (age 34) and Mary Agnes Emily Wood Baroness Bingley (age 27) were married.

On 17 Mar 1915 Evelyn Hugh Boscawen 8th Viscount Falmouth (age 27) and Mary Margaret Desiree Meynell Viscountess Falmouth (age 20) were married.

Before 17 Mar 1938 Guillermo Mainini Ríos and Corina Kavanagh (age 48) were married.

Deaths on the 17th March

On 17 Mar 1126 Conrad Welf (age 21) died. His brother Henry "Proud" Welf X Duke Bavaria (age 18) succeeded X Duke Bavaria.

On 14 Mar 1190 twin boys Robert Capet and Philip Capet were born to King Philip II of France (age 24) and Isabelle Flanders Queen Consort France (age 19). The eldest Robert died the same day, the youngest Philip died three days later. Their mother Isabelle Flanders Queen Consort France (age 19) died from childbirth the day after the birth.

On 17 Mar 1228 Stephen Devereux (age 37) died.

On 17 Mar 1299 Roger Bassett (age 53) died.

On 17 Mar 1337 Margaret Basset (age 57) died at Drayton Bassett, Staffordshire [Map].

On 17 Mar 1358 Gerard Braybrooke (age 51) died.

On 16 or 17 Mar 1377 Marie Chatillon Countess Pembroke (age 74) died.

On 17 Mar 1378 William Boteler 9th Baron Warrington (age 69) died.

On 17 Mar 1391 Uliana of Tver (age 66) died.

On 17 Mar 1416 Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 66) died.

On 17 Mar 1442 Ralph Grey (age 36) died.

On 17 Mar 1454 Elizabeth Cobham Baroness Strange and Mohun (age 35) died.

Before 17 Mar 1467 Maud Fitzhugh (age 76) died at Malton Priory [Map].

On 17 Mar 1487 William Thornton (age 63) died.

On 17 Mar 1499 Margaret Jones (age 55) died.

On 17 Mar 1505 Annabella Dummond Countess Montrose (age 42) died.

On 17 Mar 1516 Giuliano Medici Duke Nemours (age 37) died.

On 17 Mar 1518 Christopher Danby died.

On 17 Mar 1536 Katherine Howard Baroness Berners died.

On 17 Mar 1543 Guy Lynne of Southwick Hall (age 53) died.

On 17 Mar 1559 Edward Grimston (age 51) died.

On 17 Mar 1565 Thomas Cheney (age 49) died.

On 17 Mar 1570 Richard Herbert (age 64) died.

On 17 Mar 1576 Richard Morrison (age 63) died.

On 17 Mar 1591 Margaret Howard Baroness Scrope Bolton (age 48) died.

On 17 Mar 1595 John Isham (age 69) died.

On 17 Mar 1601 Richard Saltonstall (age 80) died.

On 17 Mar 1602 Patrick Plunkett 7th Baron Dunsany (age 58) died. His son Christopher Plunkett 8th Baron Dunsany succeeded 8th Baron Dunsany.

Before 17 Mar 1635 Thomas Randolph (age 29) died at Blatherwycke Hall whilst visiting there.

On 17 Mar 1663 Jerome Weston 2nd Earl of Portland (age 57) died. His son Charles Weston 3rd Earl of Portland (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl of Portland.

On 17 Mar 1665 Mary Gardiner (age 38) died of smallpox. On 01 Apr 1665 she was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 17 Mar 1674 Thomas Burman (age 56) died in the parish of St Martin in the Fields [Map]. He was buried at St Paul's Church, Covent Garden.

On 17 Mar 1680 William Brereton 3rd Baron Brereton (age 48) died. His son John Brereton 4th Baron Brereton (age 20) succeeded 4th Baron Brereton and inherited Brereton Hall, Cheshire [Map].

On 17 Mar 1685 Richard Bulkeley 1st Baronet (age 50) died.

Before 17 Mar 1686 Susanna Bateman died. On 17 Mar 1686 she was buried at St Olave's Church [Map].

Around 17 Mar 1691 Jenico Preston 7th Viscount Gormanston (age 61) died.

On 17 Mar 1696 Élisabeth Marguerite d'Orléans (age 49) died.

On 17 Mar 1715 Bishop Gilbert Burnet (age 71) died. Salisbury Cathedral [Map].

On or before 17 Mar 1735 Elizabeth Henshaw Lady Dering died. She was buried at St Nicholas' Church, Pluckley on 17 Mar 1735.

On 17 Mar 1740 Charlotte Hyde (age 33) died.

On 17 Mar 1757 Henry O'Brien of Blatherwycke (age 49) died. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church, Blatherwycke [Map].

On 17 Mar 1758 James Hamilton 1st Earl Clanbrassil (age 63) died.

On 17 Mar 1799 Charles Thompson 1st Baronet (age 59) died. His son Norborne Thompson 2nd Baronet (age 14) succeeded 2nd Baronet Virkees.

On 17 Mar 1828 Charles Hamilton 8th Earl Haddington (age 74) died. His son Thomas Haddington 9th Earl Haddington (age 47) succeeded 9th Earl Haddington.

On 17 Mar 1848 Thomas Lawrence Dundas (age 72) died.

On 17 Mar 1864 Charlotte Augusta Somerset (age 65) died.

On 17 Mar 1874 Edward Wodehouse (age 71) died.

On 17 Mar 1880 Augusta Hervey (age 80) died.

On 17 Mar 1889 Francis Hugh Lindley Wood (age 15) died.

On 17 Mar 1891 Frederica Maria Liddell died.

On 17 Mar 1892 Frances Dolben (age 75) died.

On 17 Mar 1894 Maria Jocelyn died.

On 17 Mar 1904 Prince George Hanover 2nd Duke Cambridge (age 84) died at Gloucester House without issue. Duke Cambridge extinct.

On 17 Mar 1906 Herbert Perrot Murray Pakington 3rd Baron Hampton (age 58) died.

On 17 Mar 1917 Ellen Glynn Wynn died.

On 17 Mar 1923 Mary Egerton-Warburton died.

On 17 Mar 1931 Rear-Admiral Cuthbert Godfrey Chapman died.

On 17 Mar 1938 John Foley Grey 8th Baronet (age 44) died.

On 17 Mar 1943 Nicholas Townshend Durham was killed in action at the Battle of the Mareth Line.

On 17 Mar 2001 Ann Prunella Beckett (age 93) died.