On this Day in History ... 18th December

18 Dec is in December.

1688 Glorious Revolution

1865 Slavery Abolished in the USA

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 18th December

On 18 Dec 1075 Edith of Wessex Queen Consort England (age 49) died.

The Chronicle of Adam of Usk. 18 Dec 1381. In this same year there came into England one Pileus1, cardinal priest of Saint Praxedes, to treat, on behalf of the emperor of Germany and king of Bohemia, with the council of England of and about a marriage between our king and the lady Ann (age 15), sister of the same emperor2; who afterwards became thereby our most gracious queen, howbeit she died without issue. At his coming, this cardinal, falsely feigning himself legate a latere and as having the power of the pope, then did exercise the papal offices. And among other things he made me notary, though to no purpose, in the house of the friars preachers of London, where he was then dwelling. Thus did he gather to himself countless money, and, the treaty of marriage being settled, he departed from England with his gains, to his own condemnation; idly trusting that the pope would approve these his acts. And, after his departure, the said lady Ann (age 15) was bought for a great price by our lord the king (age 14), for she was much sought in marriage by the king of France3; and she was then sent over into England to be crowned queen.

Note 1. Pileo di Prata, bishop of Padua, and, in 1370, archbishop of Ravenna. He was one of the papal legates employed, at Bruges, in negotiating a peace between England and France, in 1375. At the papal schism, in 1378, he threw in his lot with Urban VI., by whom he was made cardinal, and was sent nuncio to Germany. In 1386, he seceded to Clement VII., who employed him in an unsuccessful attempt to break the power of Urban in Florence. But three years after, on the death of Urban, he deserted Clement for Boniface IX., who made him cardinal bishop of Tusculum. By these agile changes he got the nickname of ‘"Cardinalis trium Pileorum," the Cardinal of Three Hats. He was further appointed legate at Viterbo; but he exasperated the people to such a degree that they drove him out. He died in 1401.—Ciaconius, Vite Pont. Rom. ij. 637.

Note 2. Wenceslaus, or Wenzel, emperor of Germany, 1378.

Note 3. This is not stated by the other chroniclers. The idea was no doubt suggested by the intention of the king of France, Charles V., to waylay and capture her on the sea, out of hostility to England. He desisted on the remonstrance of Ann's uncle, the duke of Brabant (age 44). Ann landed in England on the 18th December, 1381, and was married on the 14th January, 1382. Knighton (ij. 150) says:— "dedit imperatori, ut dicebatur, pro maritagio decem mille libras, preter alias expensas in querendo eam et adducendo eam sumptibus suis propriis."

On 18 Dec 1439 Cardinal John Kempe (age 59) was created Cardinal.

On 18 Dec 1468 Giovanna degli Albizzi was born.

On 18 Dec 1495 Alfonso II King Naples (age 47) died. His son Ferdinand II King Naples (age 26) succeeded II King Naples. Joanna Trastámara Queen Consort Naples (age 16) by marriage Queen Consort Naples.

On 18 Dec 1506 Louis Amboise Bishop Albi (age 27) was appointed Cardinal.

Letters and Papers 1535. 18 Dec 1535. R. O. 991. Thomas Broke to Lady Lisle (age 41).

I have delivered your token to Mrs. Margery Horsman, who says she knows not the man she sent to your Ladyship, but was desired by a near friend to write in his favor. She says also the Queen (age 34) sets much store by a pretty dog; "and her Grace (age 34) delighted so much in little Purkoy, that after he was dead of a fall there durst nobody tell her Grace of it." But she values a dog more than a bitch. Mr. Smythe says it would have been no use speaking of £160 or £180, for they would not agree to more than £120, but preferred that it should go to law. Jas. Roberts is come to London this day, but I cannot meet with him. As soon as I receive the cap I will have it sent to the prioress of Winchester. My bedfellow has been three times at Mr. Judd's, but has failed to find him. London, 18 Dec.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1554. The xviij day of Desember was a grett tryhumph at the court gatte, by the Kyng (age 27) and dyvers lordes boyth English-men and Spaneards, the wyche the Kyng and his compene [were] in goodly harnes, and a-pon ther armes goodly jerkyns of bluw velvett, and hosse in-brodered with sylver and bluw sarsenett; and so thay rane on fott with spayrers [spears] and swerds at the tornay, and with dromes and flutes in whyt velvet [drawn] owt with blu sarsenett, and ther wher x aganst [the King] and ys compene, the wher xviij in odur colers.

On 18 Dec 1574 Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress was born to William Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 26) and Renata Lorraine Duchess Bavaria (age 30). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.86%.

On 18 Dec 1622 George Booth 1st Baron Delamer was born to William Booth (age 27) and Vere Egerton (age 26).

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1685. I din'd at the greate entertainment his Ma* (age 52) gave ye Venetian Ambassadors, Sign. Zenno and Justiniani, accompanied with 10 more noble Venetians of their most illustrious families, Cornaro, Maccenigo, &c. who came to congratulate their Maties coming to ye Crowne. The dinner was most magnificent and plentifull, at four tables, with music, kettle drums, and trumpets, wcb sounded upon a whistle at every health. The banquet [desert] was 12 vast chargers pil'd up so high that those who sat one against another could hardly see each other. Of these sweetemeates, weh doubtless were some days piling up in that exquisite manner, the Ambassadors touch'd not, but leaving them to ye spectators who came out of curiosity to see the dinner, were exceedingly pleas'd to see in what a moment of time all that curious work was demolished, the comfitures voided, and the tables clear'd. Thus his Ma* entertain'd them three days, which (for the table only) cost him £600, as the Cleark of the Greene cloth (Sr Wm Bbreman (age 73)) assur'd me. Dinner ended, I saw their procession or cavalcade to Whitehall, innumerable coaches attending. The two Ambass. had 4 coaches of their owne and 50 footemen (as I remember), besides other equipage as splendid as ye occasion would permitt, the Court being still in mourning. Thence I went to the audience wch they had in the Queene's presence chamber, the Banquetting house [Map] being full of goods and furniture till the galleries on the garden side, Council chamber, and new Chapell now in building, were finish'd. They went to their audience in those plain black gownes and caps which they constantly weare in the Citty of Venice. I was invited to have accompanied the 2 Ambassadors in their coach to supper that night, returning now to their own lodgings, as no longer at the King's expence; but being weary I excus'd myself.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1688. All the world go to see the Prince (age 38) at St. James's [Map], where there is a great Court. There I saw him, and several of my acquaintance who came over with him. He is very stately, serious and reserved. The English soldiers sent out of town to disband them; not well pleased.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1688. I saw the King (age 55) take barge to Gravesend, Kent [Map] at twelve o'clock-a sad sight! The Prince (age 38) comes to St. James's [Map], and fills Whitehall with Dutch guards. A Council of Peers meet about an expedient to call a Parliament; adjourn to the House of Lords. The Chancellor, Earl of Peterborough (age 67), and divers others taken. The Earl of Sunderland (age 47) flies; Sir Edward Hale (age 43), Walker, and others, taken and secured.

On 18 Dec 1690 Edmund Isham 6th Baronet was born to Justinian Isham 4th Baronet (age 32) and Elizabeth Turnor Lady Isham (age 24).

On 18 Dec 1844 Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth 1st Baron Shuttleworth was born.

On 18 Dec 1865 the 13th Amendment by which Slavery was abolished was certified by Secretary of State William H. Seward.

On 18 Dec 1882 Dean Francis Close (age 85) died. Monument in Carlisle Cathedral [Map] sculpted by Henry Hugh (age 54).

Dean Francis Close: On 11 Jul 1797 he was born in Frome, Somerset. On 24 Nov 1856 he was appointed Dean of Carlisle.

On 18 Dec 1894 Dulcie Edyth Angela Redford was born.

On 18 Dec 1925 William Hamo Thornycroft (age 75) died. He was buried at Wolvercote Cemetery Oxford [Map].

On 18 Dec 1949 Albert Toft (age 87) died.

Births on the 18th December

On 18 Dec 1468 Giovanna degli Albizzi was born.

On 18 Dec 1481 Sophie of Mecklenburg was born to Magnus II Duke of Mecklenburg (age 40).

On 18 Dec 1574 Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress was born to William Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 26) and Renata Lorraine Duchess Bavaria (age 30). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.86%.

On 18 Dec 1602 Simonds D'Ewes 1st Baronet was born to Paul d'Ewes (age 35) and Cecilia Simonds (age 23) at Milden, Suffolk.

On 18 Dec 1611 Georg Friedrich Oldenburg was born to Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 38) and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 32).

On 18 Dec 1622 George Booth 1st Baron Delamer was born to William Booth (age 27) and Vere Egerton (age 26).

On 18 Dec 1624 John Hull was born at Market Harborough, Leicestershire [Map].

On 18 Dec 1626 Christina Queen of Sweden was born to King Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden (age 32).

On 18 Dec 1626 Thomas Stonor was born to William Stonor (age 32) and Elizabeth Lake (age 26).

On 18 Dec 1640 Paulina Pepys was born to John Pepys Tailor (age 39) in Salisbury Court, Fleet Street.

On 18 Dec 1664 Susanna Knightley was born to Lucius Knightley (age 41) and Elizabeth Dent (age 32).

On 18 Dec 1690 Edmund Isham 6th Baronet was born to Justinian Isham 4th Baronet (age 32) and Elizabeth Turnor Lady Isham (age 24).

On 18 Dec 1707 Walter Calverley aka Blackett was born to Walter Calverly 1st Baronet (age 37) and Julia Blacket Lady Calverley (age 21).

On 18 Dec 1714 Philippine Élisabeth Bourbon was born to Philippe Bourbon II Duke Orléans (age 40) and Françoise Marie Bourbon Duchess Orléans (age 37). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.39%.

On 18 Dec 1719 Thomas Stanhope was born to William Stanhope 1st Earl of Harrington (age 36) and Anne Griffith (age 21). One of twins; their mother Anne Griffith (age 21) died in childbirth..

On 18 Dec 1719 William Stanhope 2nd Earl of Harrington was born to William Stanhope 1st Earl of Harrington (age 36) and Anne Griffith (age 21). One of twins; their mother Anne Griffith (age 21) died in childbirth.

On 18 Dec 1734 John Thorold 9th Baronet was born to John Thorold 8th Baronet (age 31) and Elizabeth Ayton Lady Thorold.

On 18 Dec 1736 Friederike Sophie Dorothea Hohenzollern was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Hohenzollern (age 36) and Sophia Dorothea Hohenzollern (age 17). She a great granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.05%.

On 18 Dec 1751 Thomas Kinnersley of Clough Hall in Staffordshire was born.

On 18 Dec 1760 Georg Wilhelm Nassau Weilburg was born to Charles Christian Nassau Weilburg (age 25) and Carolina Orange Nassau (age 17) at The Hague. He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 18 Dec 1766 William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans was born to Aubrey Beauclerk 5th Duke St Albans (age 26) and Catherine Ponsonby Duchess St Albans (age 24). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Dec 1767 John Wallop 3rd Earl Portsmouth was born to John Wallop 2nd Earl Portsmouth (age 25) and Urania Fellowes (age 25). He was identified as an unsound mind from an early age.

On 18 Dec 1769 William Wyndham was born to William Wyndham (age 30) and Elizabeth Heathcote (age 25).

On 18 Dec 1784 Vice-Admiral William Gordon was born to George Gordon Lord Haddo (age 20) and Charlotte Baird (age 34).

On 18 Dec 1794 Patrick Wilson Bannerman was born to Charles Bannerman (age 44).

On 18 Dec 1794 Philip Richard Fendall II was born at 614 Oronoco Street.

On 18 Dec 1801 William George Daniel-Tyssen was born to William George Daniel-Tyssen and Amelia Amherst.

On 18 Dec 1829 Prince William of Baden was born to Leopold Grand Duke of Baden (age 39) and Princess Sophie of Sweden (age 28). He a great x 3 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 18 Dec 1836 Adolphus John Spencer-Churchill Chichester was born to Edward Chichester 4th Marquess Donegal (age 37) and Amelia Ogrady Marchioness County Donegal.

On 18 Dec 1844 Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth 1st Baron Shuttleworth was born.

On 18 Dec 1847 Admiral William Alison Dyke Acland 2nd Baronet was born to Henry Wentworth Acland 1st Baronet (age 32) and Sarah Cotton (age 32).

On 18 Dec 1857 Eleanor Georgina Dixon was born to John Dixon of Astle Hall in Chelford in Cheshire and Sophia Tatton.

On 18 Dec 1872 James Edward Harris 5th Earl Malmesbury was born to Edward Harris 4th Earl Malmesbury (age 30) and Sylvia Georgina Stewart Countess of Malmesbury.

On 18 Dec 1875 Charles Robinson Sykes was born.

On 18 Dec 1894 Dulcie Edyth Angela Redford was born.

On 18 Dec 1911 Derek Keppel was born to Walter Keppel 9th Earl Albermarle (age 29) and Judith Sydney Myee Wynn Carington (age 22).

On 18 Dec 1936 John William Fleetwood Fuller 3rd Baronet was born to Gerard Henry Fleetwood Fuller 2nd Baronet (age 30) and Fiona Pratt Countess Normanton.

On 18 Dec 1943 Keith Richards Musician was born.

On 18 Dec 1952 Charles Chetwynd-Talbot 22nd Earl of Shrewsbury 7th Earl Talbot was born to John Chetwynd-Talbot 21st Earl of Shrewsbury 6th Earl Talbot (age 38) and Nina Mortlock Countess Shrewsbury, Waterford and Talbot.

Marriages on the 18th December

On 18 Dec 1244 Amedeo Savoy IV Count Savoy (age 47) and Cecilia Baux Countess Savoy (age 14) were married. She by marriage Countess Savoy. The difference in their ages was 33 years. He the son of Thomas Savoy I Count Savoy and Margaret Geneva Countess Savoy (age 64).

On 18 Dec 1565 Francesco I de Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany (age 24) and Joanna of Austria Grand Duchess Tuscany (age 18) were married. She by marriage Grand Duchess Tuscany. She the daughter of Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor and Anne Jagiellon Holy Roman Empress. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 18 Dec 1602 Paul d'Ewes (age 35) and Cecilia Simonds (age 23) were married.

On 18 Dec 1638 Henry Bourchier 5th Earl Bath (age 51) and Rachael Fane Countess Bath and Middlesex (age 25) were married at Church of St Bartholomew the Great. She by marriage Countess Bath, Countess Eu. The difference in their ages was 26 years. She the daughter of Francis Fane 1st Earl of Westmoreland and Mary Mildmay Countess of Westmoreland (age 56). They were second cousin twice removed.

Before 18 Dec 1676 Thomas Felton 4th Baronet (age 27) and Elizabeth Howard Lady Felton were married. She by marriage Lady Felton of Playford in Suffolk. She the daughter of James Howard 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 57) and Barbara Villiers Countess Suffolk (age 54).

Before 18 Dec 1712 Hugh Calveley Cotton (age 41) and Mary Russell (age 43) were married.

Before 18 Dec 1719 William Stanhope 1st Earl of Harrington (age 36) and Anne Griffith (age 21) were married.

On 18 Dec 1753 Reverend John Coleridge (age 34) and Anne Bowden (age 27) were married.

On 18 Dec 1769 Francis Webb (age 20) and Mary Garritt were married at St Peter's Church, Stanway.

On 18 Dec 1775 Colonel Edward Thoroton Gould and Barbara Yelverton (age 15) were married at Gretna Green, Dumfrieshire. She the daughter of Henry Yelverton 3rd Earl of Sussex (age 47).

Before 18 Dec 1808 Thomas Corbet (age 78) and Elizabeth Edwin were married.

On 18 Dec 1823 William Duncombe 2nd Baron Feversham (age 25) and Louisa Stewart Baroness Feversham Duncombe Park (age 19) were married. She the daughter of George Stewart 8th Earl Galloway (age 55) and Jane Paget Countess Galloway (age 49).

On 18 Dec 1856 James Molyneux Caulfeild 3rd Earl Charlemont (age 36) and Elizabeth Jane Somerville Countess Charlemont (age 22) were married.

Before 18 Dec 1857 John Dixon of Astle Hall in Chelford in Cheshire and Sophia Tatton were married.

On 18 Dec 1879 William Legge 6th Earl Dartmouth (age 28) and Mary Coke Countess Dartmouth (age 30) were married. She by marriage Countess Dartmouth. She the daughter of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 56) and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. He the son of William Legge 5th Earl Dartmouth (age 56) and Augusta Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 57). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Dec 1888 Henry Haughton Reynolds-Moreton (age 31) and Ada Margarette Smith were married. There was no issue. He the son of Henry Reynolds-Moreton 3rd Earl of Ducie (age 61) and Julia Langston Countess Ducie (age 59).

On 18 Dec 1906 Keppel Pulteney and Lucia Frances Alice Darling were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Dec 1945 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil 6th Marquess of Salisbury (age 29) and Marjorie Olein Wyndham-Quin (age 23) were married. He the son of Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil 5th Marquess Salisbury (age 52) and Elizabeth Vere Cavendish Marchioness Salisbury (age 50).

On 18 Dec 1951 Percy Hamilton Seymour 18th Duke of Somerset (age 41) and Gwendoline Collette Jane Thomas Duchess Somerset were married. He the son of Evelyn Francis Edward Seymour 17th Duke of Somerset (age 69) and Edith Mary Parker Duchess Somerset (age 70).

Before 18 Dec 1952 John Chetwynd-Talbot 21st Earl of Shrewsbury 6th Earl Talbot (age 38) and Nina Mortlock Countess Shrewsbury, Waterford and Talbot were married. She by marriage Countess of Shrewsbury, Countess Waterford, Countess Talbot.

Deaths on the 18th December

On 18 Dec 1075 Edith of Wessex Queen Consort England (age 49) died.

On 18 Dec 1208 Emma de Dinan (age 72) died.

On 18 Dec 1214 Beatrice Warenne (age 40) died.

On 18 Dec 1316 Bishop Gilbert Segrave (age 50) died.

Before 18 Dec 1327 Joan Plugenet of Kilpec died. She was buried in the Lady Chapel of Hereford Cathedral [Map] where there is a monument. An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west states: "In Lady chapel—against N. wall, (1) to [Joan (Plunkenet), wife of Henry de Bohun, 1327], altar-tomb with effigy in wallrecess, plain altar-tomb with moulded top-edge enriched with paterae and heads alternately, at head recumbent canopy with ogee cinque-foiled arch, crockets and finial; effigy of woman in wimple and veiled head-dress, tight sleeves and loose gown, head on cushion and feet on dog; all set in a 13th-century recess with moulded and segmental-pointed arch and label with head-stops and apex turned up to mitre with string-course of chapel; remains of black and red colour on effigy and arch, traces of painted figure and arch on back of recess and remains of decoration in spandrels of arch, including a diaper of fleur-de-lis and rosettes and two shields-of-arms (a) Plunkenet and (b) formerly Bohun but now obliterated"

On 18 Dec 1398 Maud Lacy Countess Northumberland (age 55) died.

On 18 Dec 1405 Isabel Scrope (age 68) died.

On 18 Dec 1415 Louis Valois (age 18) died.

On 18 Dec 1446 Marie Montfort Duchess Alençon (age 55) died.

On 18 Dec 1475 Margery Berners Baroness Berners (age 67) died.

On 18 Dec 1495 Alfonso II King Naples (age 47) died. His son Ferdinand II King Naples (age 26) succeeded II King Naples. Joanna Trastámara Queen Consort Naples (age 16) by marriage Queen Consort Naples.

On 18 Dec 1515 Alexander Stewart 1st Duke Ross (age 1) died at Stirling Castle [Map].

On 18 Dec 1557 Archdeacon John Philpot (age 41) was burned at the stake.

On 18 Dec 1558 James Fleming 4th Lord Fleming (age 24) died. His brother John Fleming 5th Lord Fleming (age 29) succeeded 5th Lord Fleming.

Around 18 Dec 1565 Catherine Neville (age 45) died.

On 18 Dec 1571 William Boleyn (age 80) died.

On 18 Dec 1577 Anna of Saxony (age 32) died.

On or before 18 Dec 1585 Katharine Walsingham (age 25) died. She was buried on 18 Dec 1585.

On 18 Dec 1598 Richard Brereton died.

On 18 Dec 1609 William Spencer (age 60) died.

On 18 Dec 1610 Edward Littleton of Pillaton Hall (age 62) died.

On 18 Dec 1614 Moyle Finch 1st Baronet (age 64) died. His son Theophilius Finch 2nd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 2nd Baronet Finch of Eastwell in Kent.

On 18 Dec 1618 Charity White died.

On 18 Dec 1651 William Brabazon 1st Earl Meath (age 71) died. His son Edward Brabazon 2nd Earl Meath (age 41) succeeded 2nd Earl Meath. Mary Chambré Countess Meath (age 40) by marriage Countess Meath.

On 18 Dec 1651 Francisco de Melo (age 54) died.

On 18 Dec 1660 Johanna Elisabeth Saxe Gotha died at Gotha.

On 18 Dec 1665 Unamed Oldenburg died.

On 18 Dec 1672 Colonel Bullen Reymes (age 58) died.

On 18 Dec 1679 Frances Wray (age 62) died. She was buried at Shipbourne, Kent.

On 18 Dec 1679 Johann Friedrich Hanover (age 54) died.

On or before 18 Dec 1689 Peter Eure (age 34) died. He was buried on 18 Dec 1689. His sister Mary Eure (age 38) de jure 16th Baroness Scrope of Bolton.

On 18 Dec 1700 Edward Harley (age 76) died.

Before 18 Dec 1712 Hugh Calveley Cotton (age 41) died.

On 18 Dec 1712 Robert Cotton 1st Baronet (age 77) died. His son Thomas Cotton 2nd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire. Philadelphia Lynch Lady Cotton (age 37) by marriage Lady Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire.

On 18 Dec 1715 Charles Henry Fitzroy (age 1) died.

On 18 Dec 1732 Frances Herbert (age 73) died.

On 18 Dec 1734 Robert Kemp 3rd Baronet (age 67) died at Ufford, Suffolk. His son Robert Kemp 4th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 4th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk.

On 18 Dec 1735 Henry Bertie (age 60) died.

On 18 Dec 1745 Joanna Taylor Lady Wray died.

On 18 Dec 1755 John Hamilton (age 41) drowned in Portsmouth Harbour.

On 18 Dec 1760 Juliana Noel Baroness Carbery (age 26) died.

On 18 Dec 1765 Thomas Grey (age 85) died.

On 18 Dec 1771 James O'Brien (age 70) died.

On 18 Dec 1784 John Chichester 5th Baronet (age 63) died. His son John Chichester 6th Baronet (age 32) succeeded 6th Baronet Chichester of Raleigh in Devon.

On 18 Dec 1792 David Kennedy 10th Earl Cassilis (age 58) died unmarried. His second cousin once removed Archibald Kennedy 11th Earl Cassilis (age 72) succeeded 11th EarL Cassilis at which time he was lviign in New York. Baronet Kennedy of Culzean in Ayrshire extinct.

On 18 Dec 1801 Bennet Langton (age 65) died.

On 18 Dec 1808 Thomas Corbet (age 78) died.

On 18 Dec 1823 Henry Barry 8th Earl Barrymore (age 53) died. Earl Barrymore extinct.

On 18 Dec 1842 Frances Dormer died.

On 18 Dec 1846 George Hilaro Barlow 1st Baronet (age 83) died.

On 18 Dec 1855 Samuel Rogers (age 92) died.

On 18 Dec 1856 Jane Sherard (age 57) died.

On 18 Dec 1857 Robert Barlow Palmer Byng (age 41) was killed at Alumbagh, India, while on active service.

On 18 Dec 1868 Thomas Gresley 10th Baronet (age 36) died. His son Robert Gresley 11th Baronet (age 2) succeeded 11th Baronet Gresley of Drakelow in Derbyshire.

On 18 Dec 1869 Agnes Georgiana Elizabeth Hay Countess Fife (age 40) died.

On 18 Dec 1882 Dean Francis Close (age 85) died. Monument in Carlisle Cathedral [Map] sculpted by Henry Hugh (age 54).

Dean Francis Close: On 11 Jul 1797 he was born in Frome, Somerset. On 24 Nov 1856 he was appointed Dean of Carlisle.

On 18 Dec 1894 George Wall (age 72) died.

On 18 Dec 1899 Charles Bennet 6th Earl Tankerville (age 89) died. His son George Montagu Bennet 7th Earl Tankerville (age 47) succeeded 7th Earl Tankerville, 8th Baron Ossulston of Ossulston in Middlesex. Leonora Sophia van Marter Countess of Tancerville by marriage Countess Tankerville.

On 18 Dec 1914 Mary Frances Andrews (age 68) died.

On 18 Dec 1922 Carl Ferdinand Meyer 1st Baronet (age 70) died. His son Frank Meyer 2nd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baronet Meyer of Shortgrove.

On 18 Dec 1923 Emilie Beaujolais White died.

On 18 Dec 1925 William Hamo Thornycroft (age 75) died. He was buried at Wolvercote Cemetery Oxford [Map].

On 18 Dec 1941 Hugh Charles Clifford (age 75) died.

On 18 Dec 1943 Rachel Louisa Fane (age 74) died.

On 18 Dec 1949 Albert Toft (age 87) died.

On 18 Dec 1949 Edward Henry Pelham (age 72) died.

On 18 Dec 1953 Edith Letitia Anna Emerson-Tennent (age 77) died.

On 18 Dec 1955 Drummond Cospatric Hamilton-Spencer-Smith 5th Baronet (age 79) died. His son Thomas Cospatric Hamilton-Spencer-Smith 6th Baronet (age 38) succeeded 6th Baronet Hamilton-Spencer-Smith of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.

On 18 Dec 1959 Gerald Constable-Maxwell (age 64) died.

On 18 Dec 2012 William Marcus Worsley 5th Baronet (age 87) died at Hovingham Hall. His son William Ralph Worsley (age 56) succeeded 6th Baronet Worsley of Hovingham Hall.