On this Day in History ... 22nd August

22 Aug is in August.

851 Battle of Jengland

1138 Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton

1165 Louis VII's Heir

1358 Death of Isabella of France Queen Consort

1371 Battle of Baesweiler

1485 Battle of Bosworth

1553 Trial and Execution of Lady Jane Grey's Supporters

1572 Rising of the North

1582 Raid of Ruthven

1591 Elizabeth's Royal Progress

1665 Great Plague of London

1666 Holme's Bonfire

1713 General Election

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 22nd August

On 22 Aug 1036 Ramiro Sánchez I King Aragon (age 29) and Gisberga or Ermesinda Bigorre 1015 1049 Queen Consort Aragon (age 21) were married. He the illegitmate son of Sancho "Great" III King Pamplona and Sancha Aibar.

Flowers of History 1138. 22 Aug 1138. Of the pitched battle between the Scots and English.

The Scots hearing the shout, like women, raised their usual war-cry of Alban! Alban! which was, however, soon drowned in the dreadful rush of the engaging armies. A body of the men of Lothian, who had obtained from the king (age 54) the honour of striking the first blow, with numbers of missiles and with their long lances, bore down impetuously upon the mailed English knights, but fell upon them like as upon a wall, for they remained immovable. The English archers, then mingling with the cavalry, poured their arrows like a cloud upon the Scots, pierced all who were not protected by their armour, whilst the whole English line and the glory of the Normans, crowding around the standard, remained firm and unshaken. The commander of the men of Lothian fell slain by an arrow, and his men all took to flight. For the most high God was offended with them: therefore their valour was broken like a spider's web in the battle. The main body of the Scots, which was fighting in another part of the field, seeing their comrades routed, lost courage and retreated also. But the king's troops, who were of different clans, began first to flinch individually, and afterwards to recoil in a body, though the king (age 54) still stood firm: but his friends compelled him to mount his horse and fly, whilst his brave son (age 24), heeding not the flight of the rest, but solely bent on acquirincr glory, charged the lines of the enemy with headlong valour, though his men could do no execution on knights that were sheathed in mail; but at last they were forced to take flight, not, without much bloodshed, and were ignominiously driven off the field in all directions. It was reported that eleven thousand of the Scots were slain, besides those who were found mortally wounded in the corn-fields and woods: our army happily triumphed with very little loss of life, and all the knights, the brother of Gilbert de Lacy was the only one slain. This battle was fought in the month of August, by the people who lived in the country beyond the Humber. The same year, in the month of October, the count of Anjou compelled the inhabitants of Orismes to surrender, and laid siege to Bayeux and Falaise.

The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon Book 8. 22 Aug 1138. While the king was thus engaged in the south, David of Scotland (age 54) led an immense army into the north of England, against which the northern nobles, at the exhortation and under the command of Thurstan, archbishop of York (age 68), made a resolute stand. The royal standard was planted at Alverton1, and as the archbishop was prevented by illness from being present at the battle, he commissioned Balph, bishop of Durham2, to fill his place, who, standing on an eminence in the centre of the army, roused their courage with words to this effect:

Brave nobles of England, Normans by birth ; for it is well that on the eve of battle you should call to mind who you are, and from whom you are sprung: no one ever withstood you with success. Gallant France fell beneath your arms; fertile England you subdued; rich Apulia flourished again under your auspices; Jerusalem, renowned in story, and the noble Antioch, both submitted to you. Now, however, Scotland which was your own rightly, has tataken you at disadvantage, her rashness more fitting a skirmish than a battle. Her people have neither military skill, nor order in fighting, nor self command. There is, therefore, no reason for fear, whatever there may be for indignation, at finding those whom we have hitherto sought and conquered in their own country, madly reversing the order, making an irruption into ours. But that which I, a bishop, and by divine permission, standing here as the representative of our archbishop, tell you, is this: that those who in this land have violated the temples of the Lord, polluted his altars, slain his priests, and spared neither children nor women with child, shall on this same soil receive condign punishment for their crimes. This most just fulfilment of his will God shall this day accomphsh by our hands. Rouse yourselves, then, gallant soldiers, and bear down on an accrursed enemy with the courage of your race, and in the presence of God. Let not their impetuosity shake you, since the many tokens of our valour do not deter them. They do not cover themselves with armour3 in war; you are in the constant practice of arms in times of peace, that you may be at no loss in the chances of the day of battle. Your head is covered with the helmet, your breast with a coat of mail, your legs with greaves, and your whole body with the shield. Where can file enemy strike you when he finds you sheathed in steel? "What have we to fear in attacking the naked, bodies of men who know not the use of armour? Is it their numbers? It is not so much the multitude of a host, as the valour of a few, which is decisive. Numbers, without discipline, are an hindrance to success in the attack, and to retreat in defeat. Your4 ancestors were often victorious when they were but a few against many. What, then, does the renown of your fathers, your practice of arms, your military discipline avail, unless they make you, few though you are in numbers, invincible against the enemy's hosts? But I close my discourse, as I perceive them rushing on, and I am delighted to see that they are advancing in disorder. Now, then, if any of you who this day are called to avenge the atrocities committed in the houses of God, against the priests of the Lord, and his little flock, should fall in the battle, I, in the name of your archbishop, absolve them from all spot of sin, in the name of the Father, whose creatures the foe hath foully and horribly slain, and of the Son, whose altars they have defiled, and of the Holy Ghost, from whose grace they have desperately fallen."

Note 1. Allerton. This famous Battle of the Standard is also fully described by Roger of Wendover. See also William of Newbury and Trivet; but the MS. of the "Gesta Stepfani" after relating the irruption into Northumberland, becomes imperfect just in this place.

Note 2. Both the MSS. which I have consulted concur with Savile's printed text in the reading of "Orcadum;" but as Roger of Wendorer calls Ralph Bishop of Durham, and he was evidently a suffragan of the Archbishop of York, I have adopted that reading. Perhaps the bishop of Durham had jurisdiction in the Orkneys? [Note. Possibly Bishop Radulf Novell, Bishop of Orkney?]

Note 3. "Nesciunt annare se ;" and just afterwards the historian calls them "nudos et inermes!" Not that they went to battle unarmed, as the passage has been rendered, but the rank and file of the Scots used no defensive armour, and perhaps, like their posterity, they only wore the kilt.

Note 4. Arundel MS., "our."

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 22 Aug 1138. Irruption of the Scots, and Battle of the Standard.

During these events, David (age 54), king of Scotland, made a third irruption from the borders of his kingdom, with large bands both of horse and foot, and began to set on fire farms, towns, and castles, on the confines of Northumbria, and lay waste nearly all the country. But as he threatened at last to pursue his inroad as far as York and the Humber, Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury, archbishop of York, had a conference with the Yorkshiremen, and prevailed on them all, with one consent, to take the oath of fealty to king Stephen, and resist the king of Scots. David, however, was still more incensed at this, and rejecting all advice to the contrary, and reaching the river Tees on the octave of the Assumption of St. Mary [22nd August], which happened on a Monday, he determined to surprise our troops, there being a thick fog in the morning of that day. Hoping, in consequence, to come upon us unawares, he left many vills untouched, and would not suffer his men to set fire to any place, as they usually did. Meanwhile, our troops being warned by a squire, though somewhat late so that they were nearly taken by surprise, armed themselves, and drew up in order of battle with the utmost despatch, sending out archers in front, by whom the Scots were severely galled. Then the king's barons marched with the knights, having all dismounted and stationed themselves in the first rank, and thus fought hand-in-hand with the enemy. The conflict was ended, and victory secured at the very first onset, for the Scots gave way, and either fell or fled in the greatest alarm. Our men, however, being on foot, and having caused all their horses to be led to some distance, were unable to continue the pursuit long, otherwise they would have taken or put to the sword the king (age 54) himself, with his son (age 24), and all his immediate attendants. Of his army, nearly ten thousand men fell in different places, and as many as fifty persons of rank were made prisoners. The vanquished king (age 54) himself escaped by flight, overwhelmed with terror and shame. His chancellor, William Comyn, was taken by the bishop of Durham; but being set at liberty, he gave thanks to God, heartily hoping he should never again fall into such a scrape. The king's son (age 24) reached Carlisle on foot, attended by a single knight; and his father (age 54) escaped with some difficulty through the woods and thickets to Roxburgh. He had led an innumerable army consisting of French, as well as English, Scots, Galwegians, and the people of all the isles which owed him allegiance, but nineteen only out of two hundred of his mailed knights carried back their armour; for every one left nearly all that he had to become the spoil of the enemy, so that an immense booty, both of horses, arms, and clothing, and many other things, was taken from his army. Eustace Fitz-John (age 50), who had joined his expedition, met with a similar fate, having been wounded, and barely escaping with life to his castle. Among the valiant men who, in Christ's name, fought on behalf of king Stephen, were the earl of Albemarle (age 37), Bernard de Baliol, and many others, but the earl was distinguished for his bravery in the battle.1

Note 1. A more detailed account of this famous "Battle of the Standard" will be found in Henry of Huntingdon's History, pp. 267, &c. [.Antiq. Lib.], and in Roger of Wendover, ibid, p. 489. Cf. also William of Newbury, Trivet, and Rieval "de Bello Standardi," in Twysden

On 22 Aug 1138 Walter Gaunt (age 58) died. Possibly at the Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton?

On 22 Aug 1138 an English army commanded by William "Fat" Blois 1st Earl Albemarle aka Aumale 1st Earl York (age 37), William "The Younger" Peverell (age 58) and Robert III Stuteville defeated a Scottish army led by King David I of Scotland (age 54) and his son Henry Dunkeld 3rd Earl Huntingdon 1st Earl of Northumbria (age 24). The battle was fought at Cowton Moor, Northallerton. The name "Battle of the Standard is derived from the Standards (banners) of the Bishops of Durham, York, Beverly and Ripon which were flown from a mast mounted on a cart.

Robert III Stuteville: he was born to Robert Stuteville at Estouteville. Before 1186 Robert III Stuteville and Helewise de Murdac were married. In 1186 Robert III Stuteville died. Before 1186 Robert III Stuteville and Sibilla Valognes were married.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 22 Aug 1138. In this year came David, King of Scotland (age 54), with an immense army to this land. He was ambitious to win this land; but against him came William, Earl of Albemarle (age 37), to whom the king (age 44) had committed York, and other borderers, with few men, and fought against them, and routed the king (age 54) at the Standard, and slew very many of his gang.

On 22 Aug 1165 King Philip II of France was born to Louis VII King Franks (age 45) and Adèle Blois in Gonesse. The much longed for heir to the crown of France; named after his father. He was also given the name 'Dieu Donné' meaning God Given. He a great x 2 grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 22 Aug 1350 King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France (age 56) died. His son King John "The Good" II of France (age 31) succeeded II King France: Capet Valois.

On 22 Aug 1358 Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 63) died at Hertford Castle [Map]; see Archaeologia Vol. 35 XXXIII. She was buried in Christ Church Greyfriars [Map].

The funeral was performed by Archbishop Simon Islip. She was buried in the mantle she had worn at her wedding and at her request, Edward's heart, placed into a casket thirty years before, was interred with her.

On 22 Aug 1371 Guy of Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol and Ligny (age 31) was killed at Baesweiler, Aachen aka Aix-le-Chapelle.

Waleran Luxemburg (age 16) was captured.

On 24 Aug 1371 Edward Duke Guelders (age 35) died from wounds..

On 22 Aug 1485 King Richard III of England (age 32) was killed during the Battle of Bosworth. His second cousin once removed Henry Tudor  (age 28) succeeded VII King England. Earl Richmond forfeit.

Those supporting Henry Tudor included:

John Blount 3rd Baron Mountjoy (age 35).

John Cheney 1st Baron Cheyne (age 43).

Richard Guildford (age 35).

Walter Hungerford (age 21).

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 50).

John Wingfield.

Edward Woodville Lord Scales (age 29).

Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26).

Rhys ap Thomas Deheubarth (age 36).

Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 53).

William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 47).

Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 34).

William Stanley (age 50).

Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 52).

Henry Marney 1st Baron Marney (age 38).

William Brandon (age 29) was killed.

James Harrington (age 55) was killed.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 60) was killed and attainted. He was buried firstly at Thetford Priory, Norfolk [Map] and therafter at Church of St Michael the Archangel, Framlingham [Map]. Duke Norfolk, Baron Mowbray, Baron Segrave forfeit.

John Sacheverell (age 85) was killed.

Philibert Chandee 1st Earl Bath

William Norreys (age 44), Gilbert Talbot (age 33), John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 42) and John Savage (age 41) commanded,.

Robert Poyntz (age 35) was knighted.

Those who fought for Richard III included:

John Bourchier 6th Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 47).

John Conyers (age 74).

Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 17).

William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 59).

Richard Fitzhugh 6th Baron Fitzhugh (age 28).

John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 48).

Thomas Scrope 6th Baron Scrope Masham (age 26).

Henry Grey 4th or 7th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 50).

Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 68).

Ralph Neville 3rd Earl of Westmoreland (age 29).

John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 23).

Humphrey Stafford (age 59).

George Talbot 4th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 17).

Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 42) was wounded, captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map] for three years. He was attainted; Earl Surrey forfeit.

Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 29) fought and escaped.

John Zouche 7th Baron Zouche Harringworth (age 26) was captured.

John Babington (age 62), William Alington (age 65), Robert Mortimer (age 43), Robert Brackenbury, Richard Ratclyffe (age 55) and Richard Bagot (age 73) were killed

Walter Devereux Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 53) was killed.

William Catesby (age 35) was executed at Leicester, Leicestershire [Map] after the battle.

George Stanley 9th Baron Strange Knockin 5th Baron Mohun Dunster (age 25) held as a hostage by Richard III before the Battle of Bosworth.

Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 36) betrayed King Richard III of England (age 32) by not committing his forces at the Battle of Bosworth.

John Iwardby (age 35) was killed.

Ancient Funeral Monuments Canterbury Cathedral. In a little Chappell built by himslfe, lieth William Warham (deceased), Archbishop of this See. A gentleman of an ancient house in Hampshire, brought up in the Colledge of Winchester, and chosen thence to the new Colledge in Oxford, where he proceeded Doctor of Law. Presently upon which, he practised as an Advocate in the Arches, then hee was Parson of Barley in Hertfordshire as I finde in that Church-windowes, and Master of the Rolls. He was sent Embassadour by Henry the Seventh, to the Duke of Burgundy, concerning the two counterfeits, Lambert, and Perkin Warbeck, which the Duchesse his wife had set up against him. In which businesse hee behaved himselfe fo wisely, as the King highly commended him, and preferred him upon his returne, to the Bishopricke of London; and upon the death of Henry Deane to this of Canterbury. He was also made Lord Chancellour of England by the same King; in which office he continued, untill hee was wrung out by Wolsey, the seventh of Henry the eight. The ceremony of his inthronization to Canterbury was performed in a most magnificent manner: the Duke of Buckingham, and many other great men of the kingdome being that day his officers. In his solemne and sumptuous feast, all his honours and offices were drawne, depicted,or delineated, after a strange manner, in gilded Marchpaine upon the banqueting dishes: and first because he was brought up in the University of Oxford, the Vicechancelour with the Bedels before him, and a multitude of Schollars following him, were described to present to the King and the Nobilitie, fitting in Parliament, this William Warham with this laudatorie Tetrafticon.

On 22 Aug 1553 John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 49) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. Duke Northumberland, Earl Warwick and Viscount Lisle forfeit. John Dudley 2nd Earl Warwick (age 26), his son, was also attainted, with the Earldom of Warwick forfeit.

Thomas Palmer and John Gates (age 49) were hanged, drawn and quartered.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Aug 1557. The xxij day of August was the herse [of my lade Anne of Cleves (deceased)] taken downe at Westmynster, the wyche the monkes [by night had spoiled of] all welvett cloth, armes, baners, penselles, of all the [majesty and] valans, the wyche was never sene a-fore so done.

22 Aug 1582. The Raid of Ruthven was a plot by several nobles led by William Ruthven 1st Earl Gowrie (age 39) to kidnap the fifteen years old King James VI of Scotland (age 16), son of Mary Queen of Scots (age 39), (before he became King of England) to reform the government of Scotland.

The nobles included John Erskine 19th Earl Mar (age 20), Thomas Lyon Master of Glamis, Robert Boyd 5th Lord Boyd (age 65), Patrick Lindsay 6th Lord Lindsay of the Byres (age 61), and David Erskine Commendator of Dryburgh.

They were opposed by Esme Stewart 1st Duke Lennox (age 40) and James Stewart 1st Earl Arran who controlled the government.

King James VI of Scotland (age 16) was captured whilst hunting near Ruthven Castle.

The rebels were joined by Francis Stewart 5th Earl Bothwell (age 19) and James Cunningham 7th Earl Glencairn (age 30).

Esme Stewart 1st Duke Lennox (age 40) was exiled; he died a year later in Paris. James Stewart 1st Earl Arran was imprisoned.

On 22 Aug 1591 Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 57) arrived in Chichester [Map] as a guest of John Lumley 1st Baron Lumley (age 58).

On 22 Aug 1620 Oliver Cromwell (age 21) and Elizabeth Bourchier (age 22) were married.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Aug 1665. Up, and after much pleasant talke and being importuned by my wife and her two mayds, which are both good wenches, for me to buy a necklace of pearle for her, and I promising to give her one of £60 in two years at furthest, and in less if she pleases me in her painting, I went away and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], in my way seeing a coffin with a dead body therein, dead of the plague, lying in an open close belonging to Coome farme, which was carried out last night, and the parish have not appointed any body to bury it; but only set a watch there day and night, that nobody should go thither or come thence, which is a most cruel thing: this disease making us more cruel to one another than if we are doggs.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Aug 1666. Up and by coach with £100 to the Exchequer to pay fees there. There left it, and I to St. James's, and there with; the Duke of Yorke (age 32). I had opportunity of much talk with Sir. W. Pen (age 45) to-day (he being newly come from the fleete); and he, do much undervalue the honour that is given to the conduct of the late business of Holmes (age 44) in burning the ships and town1 saying it was a great thing indeed, and of great profit to us in being of great losse to the enemy, but that it was wholly a business of chance, and no conduct employed in it. I find Sir W. Pen (age 45) do hold up his head at this time higher than ever he did in his life. I perceive he do look after Sir J. Minnes's (age 67) place if he dies, and though I love him not nor do desire to have him in, yet I do think (he) is the first man in England for it.

Note 1. The town burned (see August 15th, ante) was Brandaris, a place of 1000 houses, on the isle of Schelling; the ships lay between that island and the Fly (i.e. Vlieland), the adjoining island. This attack probably provoked that by the Dutch on Chatham, Kent [Map].

On 22 Aug 1680 John George Wettin Elector Saxony (age 67) died. His son John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 33) succeeded Elector Saxony.

On 22 Aug 1713 Leonard Smelt (age 30) was elected MP Northallerton during the 1713 General Election.

On 22 Aug 1713 Thomas Frankland 3rd Baronet (age 28) was elected MP Thirsk during the 1713 General Election.

On 22 Aug 1789 Johann Heinrich Tischbein (age 66) died.

On 22 Aug 1793 John Thomas (age 81) died. He has a memorial in the South Aisle of the Nave of Westminster Abbey. A grey and white marble with a bust and relief of the Holy Lamb, with a mitre and crozier behind. On either side are a chalice and paten and other emblems of the Eucharist made by John "The Elder" Bacon (age 52). The inscription reads .... Sacred to the memory of the Right Reverend John THOMAS, Doctor of Laws, Bishop of Rochester, Dean of this Collegiate Church, and of the most honourable Order of the Bath. Having passed a well spent boyhood at Carlisle School, he gathered the riper fruits of learning at Oxford, whence, by reason of his intellect, his character, his humane and profound scholarship, he emerged as an ornament to the legal profession. His fame thereafter growing and duly spreading abroad, he adorned his offices by his worthiness, increased his riches by his bounty, governed this church with his wisdom, protected it by his authority, and instructed it by his example. Unweared in his labours, indefatigable in his studies, his constant principle was edification: until, having virtuously fulfilled all life obligations, and for long sore pressed by a cruel disease, which was borne however with indomitable patience, he resigned his soul to God on 20th August 1793 in his 81st year. It fell to the lot of his relative, G.A.T., A.M. [Master of Arts] to offer this vain tribute, this token of sorrow, mean though it be.

On 22 Aug 1805 Maria Elizabeth Boothby (age 47) died. Monument in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map].

Maria Elizabeth Boothby: On 16 Feb 1758 she was born to Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet and Phoebe Hollins Lady Boothby in Ashbourne Hall, Derbyshire.

On 22 Aug 1845 Bishop Watkin Williams was born.

On 28 Jun 1853 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 81) died. His son Francis Charles Charteris 9th Earl of Wemyss (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Wemyss, 2nd Baron Wemyss of Wemyss in Fife. Louisa Bingham Countess Wemyss (age 55) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

His obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban Volume XL reads as follows:

THE EARL OF WEMYSS AND MARCH June 28 At Gosford House East Lothian in his 81st year the Right Hon Francis Wemyss Charteris Wemyss sixth Earl of Wemyss and Lord Elcho and Methel 1633 Baron Wemyss of Elcho 1628 Earl of March Viscount of Peebles and Lord Niedpath, Lyne and Munard 1697 all dignities in the peerage of Scotland Baron Wemyss of Wemyss co Fife 1821 and Lord Lieutenant of Peebleshire.

He was born on the 15th April 1772 the only son of Francis Lord Elcho son and heir apparent of the fifth Earl by Miss Susan Tracy Keck one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte the second daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck esq of Great Tew co Oxford by Lady Susan Hamilton fourth daughter of James fourth Duke of Hamilton and first Duke of Brandon KG and KT.

In early life his lordship had a commission in the army and from 1793 to 1797 was aide de camp to his grand uncle Lord Adam Gordon Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland He quitted the army in 1797.

His father Lord Elcho died on the 20th June 1808 and his grandfather on the 24th August following whereupon he succeeded to the Earldom of Wemyss and its attendant titles. On the death of William fourth Duke of Queensberry in Dec 1810 he inherited the barony of Niedpath and the extensive property which had belonged to his Grace in the county of Peebles in pursuance of the terms of the marriage contract of the first Earl of March his Grace's grandfather. He also succeeded to the dignities of Earl of March, Viscount of Peebles and Lord Douglas of Niedpath, Lyne and Munard the patent of creation being to Lord William Douglas et heredes masculos de ejus corpore quibus deficientibus alios ejus hæredes masin culos et talliæ contentos in ejus infeofa mentis terrarum et dominii de Niedpath.

His Lordship was created a peer of the united kingdom by the title of Baron Wemyss at the Coronation of King George IV by patent dated 17 Jul 1821. He supported the Conservative party in parliament but took but little interest in politics.

He married May 31 1794 Margaret fourth daughter of Walter Campbell esq of Shawfield by his first wife Eleanor daughter of Robert Kerr of Newfield eldest son of Lord Charles Kerr second son of Robert first Marquess of Lothian. By that lady who died in 1850 he had issue two sons and nine daughters 1 Francis his successor (age 56) 2 Lady Eleanor married in 1820 to Walter Frederick Campbell of Woodhall co Lanark (age 55) esq eldest son of Colonel John Campbell by Lady Charlotte (age 78) daughter of John fifth Duke of Argyle and died in 1832 3 the Hon Walter died 1818 4 Susan who died in infancy 5 Lady Margaret married in 1824 to Lieut Colonel John Wildman and died in 1825 6 Lady Katharine married in 1824 to her cousin George Harry Lord Grey of Groby who died in 1835 and she died in 1844 leaving issue the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington (age 26) and Lady Margaret Milbanke 7 Lady Charlotte (age 58) married in 1825 to Andrew Fletcher esq of Salton Castle East Lothian 8 Lady Louisa Antoinetta (age 58) married in 1832 to William Forbes esq of Callendar co Stirling late MP for Stirlingshire 9 Lady Harriet (age 58) married in 1829 to Sir George Grant Suttie Bart 10 Lady Jane and 11 Lady Caroline. The present Earls (age 56) in 1796 married in 1817 Lady Louisa Bingham (age 55) fourth daughter of Richard 2d Earl Lucan by whom he has issue Francis Lord Elcho (age 34) four other sons and daughters.

On 22 Aug 1863 Charles Francis Fuller (age 33) and Helen Mary Ann Bagge (age 24) were married at Boulogne sur Mer [Map].

On 22 Aug 1876 Maude Baring nee Lorillard was born to Pierre Lorillard IV (age 42).

On 22 Aug 1905 Alfred Waterhouse (age 75) died.

After 22 Aug 1918. St John Lee Church, Hexham [Map]. Monument to George Pears Walton.

On 22 Aug 1920 Anders Zorn (age 60) died.

Births on the 22nd August

On 22 Aug 1165 King Philip II of France was born to Louis VII King Franks (age 45) and Adèle Blois in Gonesse. The much longed for heir to the crown of France; named after his father. He was also given the name 'Dieu Donné' meaning God Given. He a great x 2 grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 22 Aug 1412 Frederick II Duke Saxony was born to Frederick I Duke Saxony (age 42) and Catherine of Brunswick-Lüneburg (age 17).

On or before 22 Aug 1509 William Stanford was born to William Stanford Mercer.

On 22 Aug 1575 Marie Oldenburg was born to John "Younger" Oldenburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 30) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (age 25).

On 22 Aug 1610 Penelope Noel was born to Edward Noel 2nd Viscount Campden (age 28) and Juliana Hicks Viscountess Campden (age 24).

On or before 22 Aug 1615 Christoper Gibbons was born. He was baptised on 22 Aug 1615.

On or before 22 Aug 1631 Mary Pretyman Baroness Latimer and Willoughby Broke was born to John Pretyman 1st Baronet (age 19) and Elizabeth Turpin Lady Pretyman.

On 22 Aug 1647 Denis Papin was born.

On 22 Aug 1669 Peter Legh was born to Richard Legh (age 35) and Elizabeth Chicheley.

Before 22 Aug 1722 Constantine Phipps 1st Baron Mulgrave was born to William Phipps and Catherine Annesley (age 22). He a great grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 22 Aug 1748 Charles Lloyd was born to Sampson Lloyd (age 49) at Birmingham.

On 22 Aug 1759 Andrew St John 14th Baron St John was born to John St John 12th Baron St John (age 33) and Susanne Louise Simond at Woodford, Northamptonshire.

On 22 Aug 1806 Henry Fitzroy was born to Henry Fitzroy (age 36) and Caroline Pigot (age 31).

On 22 Aug 1820 Anne Primrose was born to Archibald Primrose 4th Earl Rosebery (age 36) and Anna Margaret Anson Countess Camden (age 23).

On 22 Aug 1832 David Dundas Whigham was born to Robert Whigham of Lochpatrick.

On 22 Aug 1835 Georgina Emily Kingscote was born to Colonel Thomas Henry Kingscote of Kingscote Park in Gloucestershire (age 36) and Harriot Mary Anne Bloomfield (age 29).

On 22 Aug 1845 Bishop Watkin Williams was born.

On 22 Aug 1876 Maude Baring nee Lorillard was born to Pierre Lorillard IV (age 42).

On 22 Aug 1890 Dorothy Grosvenor was born to Henry George Grosvenor (age 29) and Dora Mina Erskine-Wemyss (age 34). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 22 Aug 1905 Martin Lindsay was born.

On 22 Aug 1912 John Aubrey-Fletcher 7th Baronet was born to Henry Aubrey-Fletcher 6th Baronet (age 24) and Mary Augusta Chilton Lady Fletcher.

On 22 Aug 1921 Major Charles William Lambton was born to Brigadier-General Charles Lambton (age 63) and Lavinia Marion Garforth (age 36).

Marriages on the 22nd August

On 22 Aug 1036 Ramiro Sánchez I King Aragon (age 29) and Gisberga or Ermesinda Bigorre 1015 1049 Queen Consort Aragon (age 21) were married. He the illegitmate son of Sancho "Great" III King Pamplona and Sancha Aibar.

After 22 Aug 1435 John Fray (age 38) and Agnes Danvers Baroness Wenlock (age 27) were married.

On 22 Aug 1455 Thomas Fitzgerald 7th Earl Desmond and Ellice Barry Countess Desmond (age 35) were married. She by marriage Countess Desmond. He the son of James Fitzgerald 6th Earl Desmond. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 22 Aug 1553 Henry Dudley (age 22) and Margaret Audley Duchess Norfolk (age 13) were married. He the son of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 49) and Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 44). They were third cousin once removed.

Before 22 Aug 1594 John Markham of Sidebrook and Jane Roberts (age 30) were married.

After 22 Aug 1594 William Skipwith (age 30) and Jane Roberts (age 30) were married.

On 22 Aug 1620 Oliver Cromwell (age 21) and Elizabeth Bourchier (age 22) were married.

On 22 Aug 1656 Philip Smythe 2nd Viscount Strangford (age 22) and Isabella Sydney were married. She the daughter of Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 60) and Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 58).

On 22 Aug 1672 Daniel Lascelles (age 16) and Margaret Metcalfe were married.

Before 22 Aug 1722 William Phipps and Catherine Annesley (age 22) were married. She the daughter of James Annesley 3rd Earl Anglesey and Catherine Darnley Duchess Buckingham and Normandby (age 42). She a granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 22 Aug 1726 Thomas Vernon (age 44) and Jane Stile were married.

On 22 Aug 1778 John Fenton-Cawthorne (age 25) and Frances Delaval (age 19) were married.

On 22 Aug 1807 Jérôme Bonaparte (age 22) and Princess Katharina Friederike Württemberg (age 24) were married. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 22 Aug 1843 Claude Champion de Crespigny 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Mary Tyrell Lady Champion de Crespigny (age 20) were married. She by marriage Lady Champion de Crespigny of Champion Lodge in Surrey.

On 22 Aug 1848 William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh (age 24) and Caroline Grosvenor (age 20) were married. They had eight children. She the daughter of Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster (age 53) and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster (age 51).

On 22 Aug 1861 Somerset Lowry-Corry 4th Earl Belmore (age 26) and Anne Elizabeth Honoria Gladstone (age 19) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. He the son of Armar Lowry-Corry 3rd Earl Belmore and Emily Louise Shepherd Countess Belmore (age 47).

On 22 Aug 1863 Charles Francis Fuller (age 33) and Helen Mary Ann Bagge (age 24) were married at Boulogne sur Mer [Map].

On 22 Aug 1871 Colonel John Worthy Chaplin (age 31) and Isabel Thompson were married at Bishopsthorpe, Yorkshire.

Before 22 Aug 1887 Augustus Frederick Phipps (age 78) and Mary Elizabeth Emily Fitzroy (age 70) were married. She the daughter of Henry Fitzroy 5th Duke Grafton and Mary Caroline Berkeley Duchess Grafton. He the son of Henry Phipps 1st Earl Mulgrave and Martha Sophia Thomson Maling Countess Mulgrave. He a great x 3 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 22 Aug 1892 Major Charles Beague St John-Mildmay (age 31) and Evelyn Augusta St John-Mildmay were married. They were second cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 22 Aug 1921 Brigadier-General Charles Lambton (age 63) and Lavinia Marion Garforth (age 36) were married. The difference in their ages was 26 years. He the son of George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton 2nd Earl Durham and Beatrix Frances Hamilton Countess Durham. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 22 Aug 1942 Maurice Victor Macmillan (age 21) and Katharine Margaret Alice Ormsby-Gore (age 21) were married. He the son of Harold Macmillan 1st Earl Stockton (age 48) and Dorothy Evelyn Cavendish (age 42).

Deaths on the 22nd August

On 22 Aug 1138 Walter Gaunt (age 58) died. Possibly at the Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton?

On 22 Aug 1280 Constance Ivrea (age 22) died.

On 22 Aug 1315 Robert Fitzpayn 1st Baron Fitzpayn (age 61) died. His son Robert Fitzpayn 2nd Baron Fitzpayn (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baron Fitzpayn.

On 22 Aug 1350 King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France (age 56) died. His son King John "The Good" II of France (age 31) succeeded II King France: Capet Valois.

On 22 Aug 1358 Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 63) died at Hertford Castle [Map]; see Archaeologia Vol. 35 XXXIII. She was buried in Christ Church Greyfriars [Map].

The funeral was performed by Archbishop Simon Islip. She was buried in the mantle she had worn at her wedding and at her request, Edward's heart, placed into a casket thirty years before, was interred with her.

On 22 Aug 1371 Guy of Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol and Ligny (age 31) was killed at Baesweiler, Aachen aka Aix-le-Chapelle.

Waleran Luxemburg (age 16) was captured.

On 24 Aug 1371 Edward Duke Guelders (age 35) died from wounds..

On 22 Aug 1412 Joan Dynham (age 51) died.

On 22 Aug 1425 Juana Trastámara (age 2) died.

On 22 Aug 1435 Thomas Baldington (age 18) died.

On 22 Aug 1468 Elizabeth Freville (age 70) died.

On 22 Aug 1485 King Richard III of England (age 32) was killed during the Battle of Bosworth. His second cousin once removed Henry Tudor  (age 28) succeeded VII King England. Earl Richmond forfeit.

Those supporting Henry Tudor included:

John Blount 3rd Baron Mountjoy (age 35).

John Cheney 1st Baron Cheyne (age 43).

Richard Guildford (age 35).

Walter Hungerford (age 21).

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 50).

John Wingfield.

Edward Woodville Lord Scales (age 29).

Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26).

Rhys ap Thomas Deheubarth (age 36).

Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 53).

William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 47).

Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 34).

William Stanley (age 50).

Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 52).

Henry Marney 1st Baron Marney (age 38).

William Brandon (age 29) was killed.

James Harrington (age 55) was killed.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 60) was killed and attainted. He was buried firstly at Thetford Priory, Norfolk [Map] and therafter at Church of St Michael the Archangel, Framlingham [Map]. Duke Norfolk, Baron Mowbray, Baron Segrave forfeit.

John Sacheverell (age 85) was killed.

Philibert Chandee 1st Earl Bath

William Norreys (age 44), Gilbert Talbot (age 33), John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 42) and John Savage (age 41) commanded,.

Robert Poyntz (age 35) was knighted.

Those who fought for Richard III included:

John Bourchier 6th Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 47).

John Conyers (age 74).

Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 17).

William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 59).

Richard Fitzhugh 6th Baron Fitzhugh (age 28).

John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 48).

Thomas Scrope 6th Baron Scrope Masham (age 26).

Henry Grey 4th or 7th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 50).

Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 68).

Ralph Neville 3rd Earl of Westmoreland (age 29).

John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 23).

Humphrey Stafford (age 59).

George Talbot 4th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 17).

Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 42) was wounded, captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map] for three years. He was attainted; Earl Surrey forfeit.

Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 29) fought and escaped.

John Zouche 7th Baron Zouche Harringworth (age 26) was captured.

John Babington (age 62), William Alington (age 65), Robert Mortimer (age 43), Robert Brackenbury, Richard Ratclyffe (age 55) and Richard Bagot (age 73) were killed

Walter Devereux Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 53) was killed.

William Catesby (age 35) was executed at Leicester, Leicestershire [Map] after the battle.

George Stanley 9th Baron Strange Knockin 5th Baron Mohun Dunster (age 25) held as a hostage by Richard III before the Battle of Bosworth.

Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 36) betrayed King Richard III of England (age 32) by not committing his forces at the Battle of Bosworth.

John Iwardby (age 35) was killed.

On 22 Aug 1485 Robert Brandon (age 75) died at North Cray, Bromley.

On 22 Aug 1498 Thomas Ferrers (age 60) died.

After 22 Aug 1502 Anne Stafford (age 61) died.

On 22 Aug 1517 Roger Eyre of Holme Hall (age 49) died.

On 22 Aug 1529 Edith Sandys Baroness died.

On 22 Aug 1529 Dousabella Tempest (age 62) died.

On 22 Aug 1532 Archbishop William Warham (age 82) died.

On 22 Aug 1545 Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 61) died. His son Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 9) succeeded 2nd Duke Suffolk.

On 22 Aug 1549 Wymond Carew (age 56) died in Antony, Cornwall.

On 22 Aug 1553 Geoffrey Gates (age 47) died at High Easter [Map].

On 22 Aug 1553 John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 49) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. Duke Northumberland, Earl Warwick and Viscount Lisle forfeit. John Dudley 2nd Earl Warwick (age 26), his son, was also attainted, with the Earldom of Warwick forfeit.

Thomas Palmer and John Gates (age 49) were hanged, drawn and quartered.

On 22 Aug 1557 George Chaworth (age 57) died.

On 22 Aug 1557 Thomas Hawley died.

On 22 Aug 1559 James Calthorpe (age 53) died.

On 22 Aug 1563 Anne Dacres (age 79) died.

On 22 Aug 1577 Henry Clifford (age 70) died.

On 22 Aug 1583 Henry Bedingfield (age 74) died.

On 22 Aug 1584 Joan Warren (age 39) died.on

On 22 Aug 1586 Giles Alington (age 87) died.

On 22 Aug 1592 William Strode died.

On 22 Aug 1594 Margaret Cave (age 27) died.

On 22 Aug 1607 Bartholomew Gosnold (age 36) died.

On 22 Aug 1614 Philipp Ludwig Count Palatine of Neuburg (age 66) died.

On 22 Aug 1622 Henry Clere 1st Baronet (age 24) died without surviving male issue. Baronet Clere of Ormesby in Norfolk extinct. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Blickling [Map] where his inscription reads "Hic requiescit Henricus Clere Baronettus, qui Thalamo sibi Conjunxit, Merielem, Filiam Edmundi Domini Mondeford, Equitis Aurati, ex quâ habuit prolem Filiam unicam, Abigalem, obijt xxii. Augusti, Anno Domini Mdcxxii. Ætatis suæ - - - - - - - - - - -" i.e. "Here rests Henry Clere, Baronet, who married Meriel, daughter of Edmund Lord Mondeford, Knight of the Golden Knight, by whom he had an only daughter, Abigail, who died xxii. Augustus, Anno Domini Mdcxxii. of his age - - - - - - - - - - -".

On 22 Aug 1630 Michael Gardiner (age 77) died.

Before 22 Aug 1637 William Cope 2nd Baronet (age 60) died. On 22 Aug 1637 he was buried at Hanwell, Oxfordshire. His son John Cope 3rd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.

On 22 Aug 1639 Edward Brydges (age 49) died.

On 22 Aug 1643 William Pennyman 1st Baronet (age 36) died during the Oxford Plague. Baronet Pennyman of Marske in Yorkshire extinct.

On 22 Aug 1643 Philippe Carteret 3rd Seigneur Sark (age 59) died. His son Philippe Carteret 1st Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Seigneur of Sark.

On 22 Aug 1660 Mary Neville (age 49) died.

On 22 Aug 1661 Roger Grosvenor (age 33) was killed in a duel by his cousin Hugh Roberts.

On 22 Aug 1672 Anne Sackville Countess Home (age 22) died.

On 22 Aug 1676 Edward Cocker (age 45) died.

On 22 Aug 1680 John George Wettin Elector Saxony (age 67) died. His son John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 33) succeeded Elector Saxony.

On 22 Aug 1683 John Hobart 3rd Baronet (age 55) died. His son Henry Hobart 4th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 4th Baronet Hobart of Intwood in Norfolk.

On 22 Aug 1701 John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 72) died. His son Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath (age 39) succeeded 2nd Earl Bath; he shot himself two weeks later.

On 22 Aug 1701 Ferdinando Forster (age 31) was killed in a duel by John Fenwick. Ferdinando slipped on the cobbles before the duel commenced, and was run through by John Fenwick. As Ferdinando had slipped this was regarded as murder and exactly one month later, Fenwick was hanged on the same spot, the authorities having barred all the city gates to prevent any attempt by supporters, to rescue the condemned man.

In the annals of the line of "Bamburgh Forsters", Ferdinando is known only for his untimely end, and for his armour hanging in the Chancel of St Aidan's church, Bamburgh. It has been suggested that in a brawl at a Newcastle pub, Ferdinando, MP for Berwick, and Fenwick taunted each other with partisan political songs. But there seems to be more to it…

On 22 Aug 1716 Anne Murray (age 75) died.

On 22 Aug 1726 Thomas Vernon (age 44) died.

On 22 Aug 1745 Mary Brown (age 69) died.

On 22 Aug 1765 George Brodrick 3rd Viscount Midleton (age 34) died of an abscess in the spleen. His son George Brodrick (age 10) succeeded 4th Viscount Midleton of Midleton in Cork, 4th Baron Brodrick of Midleton in Cork.

On 22 Aug 1774 Cecil Forester (age 53) died.

On 22 Aug 1778 Charles Whitworth (age 57) died.

On 22 Aug 1779 William Henry Dawson 1st Viscount Carlow (age 66) died.

On 22 Aug 1783 Charles Buckworth died.

On 22 Aug 1785 Hester Lyttelton died from childbirth giving birth to her second child who also died.

On 22 Aug 1789 Johann Heinrich Tischbein (age 66) died.

On 22 Aug 1792 George Dundas (age 40) died.

On 22 Aug 1793 John Thomas (age 81) died. He has a memorial in the South Aisle of the Nave of Westminster Abbey. A grey and white marble with a bust and relief of the Holy Lamb, with a mitre and crozier behind. On either side are a chalice and paten and other emblems of the Eucharist made by John "The Elder" Bacon (age 52). The inscription reads .... Sacred to the memory of the Right Reverend John THOMAS, Doctor of Laws, Bishop of Rochester, Dean of this Collegiate Church, and of the most honourable Order of the Bath. Having passed a well spent boyhood at Carlisle School, he gathered the riper fruits of learning at Oxford, whence, by reason of his intellect, his character, his humane and profound scholarship, he emerged as an ornament to the legal profession. His fame thereafter growing and duly spreading abroad, he adorned his offices by his worthiness, increased his riches by his bounty, governed this church with his wisdom, protected it by his authority, and instructed it by his example. Unweared in his labours, indefatigable in his studies, his constant principle was edification: until, having virtuously fulfilled all life obligations, and for long sore pressed by a cruel disease, which was borne however with indomitable patience, he resigned his soul to God on 20th August 1793 in his 81st year. It fell to the lot of his relative, G.A.T., A.M. [Master of Arts] to offer this vain tribute, this token of sorrow, mean though it be.

On 22 Aug 1796 Richard Benyon (age 50) died.

On 22 Aug 1805 Maria Elizabeth Boothby (age 47) died. Monument in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map].

Maria Elizabeth Boothby: On 16 Feb 1758 she was born to Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet and Phoebe Hollins Lady Boothby in Ashbourne Hall, Derbyshire.

On 22 Aug 1807 Maria Walpole Duchess Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 71) died.

On 22 Aug 1815 Mark Hanbury Durant (age 6) died. He was buried at St Bartholemew's Church, Tong [Map].

On 22 Aug 1829 Henry Bryant Streatfeild (age 72) died.

On 28 Jun 1853 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 81) died. His son Francis Charles Charteris 9th Earl of Wemyss (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Wemyss, 2nd Baron Wemyss of Wemyss in Fife. Louisa Bingham Countess Wemyss (age 55) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

His obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban Volume XL reads as follows:

THE EARL OF WEMYSS AND MARCH June 28 At Gosford House East Lothian in his 81st year the Right Hon Francis Wemyss Charteris Wemyss sixth Earl of Wemyss and Lord Elcho and Methel 1633 Baron Wemyss of Elcho 1628 Earl of March Viscount of Peebles and Lord Niedpath, Lyne and Munard 1697 all dignities in the peerage of Scotland Baron Wemyss of Wemyss co Fife 1821 and Lord Lieutenant of Peebleshire.

He was born on the 15th April 1772 the only son of Francis Lord Elcho son and heir apparent of the fifth Earl by Miss Susan Tracy Keck one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte the second daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck esq of Great Tew co Oxford by Lady Susan Hamilton fourth daughter of James fourth Duke of Hamilton and first Duke of Brandon KG and KT.

In early life his lordship had a commission in the army and from 1793 to 1797 was aide de camp to his grand uncle Lord Adam Gordon Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland He quitted the army in 1797.

His father Lord Elcho died on the 20th June 1808 and his grandfather on the 24th August following whereupon he succeeded to the Earldom of Wemyss and its attendant titles. On the death of William fourth Duke of Queensberry in Dec 1810 he inherited the barony of Niedpath and the extensive property which had belonged to his Grace in the county of Peebles in pursuance of the terms of the marriage contract of the first Earl of March his Grace's grandfather. He also succeeded to the dignities of Earl of March, Viscount of Peebles and Lord Douglas of Niedpath, Lyne and Munard the patent of creation being to Lord William Douglas et heredes masculos de ejus corpore quibus deficientibus alios ejus hæredes masin culos et talliæ contentos in ejus infeofa mentis terrarum et dominii de Niedpath.

His Lordship was created a peer of the united kingdom by the title of Baron Wemyss at the Coronation of King George IV by patent dated 17 Jul 1821. He supported the Conservative party in parliament but took but little interest in politics.

He married May 31 1794 Margaret fourth daughter of Walter Campbell esq of Shawfield by his first wife Eleanor daughter of Robert Kerr of Newfield eldest son of Lord Charles Kerr second son of Robert first Marquess of Lothian. By that lady who died in 1850 he had issue two sons and nine daughters 1 Francis his successor (age 56) 2 Lady Eleanor married in 1820 to Walter Frederick Campbell of Woodhall co Lanark (age 55) esq eldest son of Colonel John Campbell by Lady Charlotte (age 78) daughter of John fifth Duke of Argyle and died in 1832 3 the Hon Walter died 1818 4 Susan who died in infancy 5 Lady Margaret married in 1824 to Lieut Colonel John Wildman and died in 1825 6 Lady Katharine married in 1824 to her cousin George Harry Lord Grey of Groby who died in 1835 and she died in 1844 leaving issue the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington (age 26) and Lady Margaret Milbanke 7 Lady Charlotte (age 58) married in 1825 to Andrew Fletcher esq of Salton Castle East Lothian 8 Lady Louisa Antoinetta (age 58) married in 1832 to William Forbes esq of Callendar co Stirling late MP for Stirlingshire 9 Lady Harriet (age 58) married in 1829 to Sir George Grant Suttie Bart 10 Lady Jane and 11 Lady Caroline. The present Earls (age 56) in 1796 married in 1817 Lady Louisa Bingham (age 55) fourth daughter of Richard 2d Earl Lucan by whom he has issue Francis Lord Elcho (age 34) four other sons and daughters.

On 22 Aug 1860 James Maitland 9th Earl Lauderdale (age 76) died unmarried at Thirlestane Castle. His first cousin Thomas Maitland 11th Earl Lauderdale (age 57) succeeded 10th Earl Lauderdale.

On 22 Aug 1862 Caroline Janetta Beauclerk Countess Essex (age 58) died.

On 22 Aug 1866 Selina Hayes died.

On 22 Aug 1867 George Percy 5th Duke Northumberland (age 89) died. His son Algernon George Percy 6th Duke Northumberland (age 57) succeeded 6th Duke Northumberland, 3rd Earl Beverley, 9th Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire. Louisa Drummond Duchess Northumberland by marriage Duchess Northumberland.

On 22 Aug 1881 George Graham Otway 2nd Baronet (age 65) died. His brother Arthur John Otway 3rd Baronet (age 59) succeeded 3rd Baronet Otway of Brighthelmstone in Sussex.

On 22 Aug 1882 Lieutenant-Colonel William Arthur Heathcote (age 74) died.

On 22 Aug 1884 Georgiana Elizabeth Ryder Baroness Wharncliffe (age 80) died.

On 22 Aug 1885 Captain John Heron-Maxwell 6th Baronet (age 77) died.

On 22 Aug 1887 Mary Elizabeth Emily Fitzroy (age 70) died. She was buried at The Church of St Genevieve, Euston.

On 22 Aug 1887 Theodosia Julia Ashburnham (age 85) died.

On 22 Aug 1905 Alfred Waterhouse (age 75) died.

On 22 Aug 1906 Mary Henrietta Longley died.

On 22 Aug 1909 William George Cavendish-Bentinck (age 55) died.

On 22 Aug 1918 Tom Cecil Noel (age 20) was killed in action at Westrosebeke. Noel was flying with Latimer when they were shot down by Leutnant Willi Nebgen of Jasta 7. Noel was killed and Latimer was captured. He was awarded a Bar to his Military Cross.

On 22 Aug 1920 Anders Zorn (age 60) died.

On 22 Aug 1927 Amy Mary Cliff (age 66) died at "Gaitgil", Gatehouse of Fleet, Kircudbrightshire, Scotland.

On 22 Aug 1933 Arthur Edward Sebright (age 74) died.

On 22 Aug 1936 Ida Frances Annabella Lumley Countess Bradford (age 87) died.

On 22 Aug 1940 Gerald Strickland 1st Baron Strickland (age 79) died.

On 22 Aug 1940 Michael Hanbury-Tracy (age 31) died.

On 22 Aug 1942 William Walter Raleigh Kerr (age 79) died.

On 22 Aug 1950 Francis Morven Dallas Cavendish-Bentinck (age 50) died.

On 22 Aug 1964 Leila Georgina Egerton (age 82) died.

On 22 Aug 1996 Gladys Mona m Trotter (age 92) died.

On 22 Aug 1996 Ella Marguerite Farrar Lady Watson died.

On 22 Aug 1997 Alvaro Antonio Orléans Galliera (age 87) died.