On this Day in History ... 24th April

24 Apr is in April.

1540 Creation of Garter Knights

1545 Christening of Henry Wriothesley

1558 Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots and the Francis Dauphin of France

1563 Creation of Garter Knights

1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

1616 Creation of Garter Knights

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 24th April

John of Worcester. 24 Apr 1066. The same year a comet was seen on the eighth of the calends of May [24th April], not only in England, but, as it is reported, all over the world: it shone with excessive brilliance for seven days. Soon afterwards earl Tosti (age 40) returned from Flanders, and landed in the Isle of Wight [Map]; and, having compelled the islanders to give him pay and tribute, he departed, and plundered along the sea-coast, until he arrived at Sandwich, Kent [Map]. King Harold (age 44), who was then at London, having been informed of this, ordered a considerable fleet and a body of horse to be got ready, and prepared to go in person to the port of Sandwich, Kent [Map]. On receiving this intelligence, Tosti (age 40) took some of the boatmen of the place, willing or unwilling, into his service, and, departing thence, shaped his course for Lindsey [Map], where he burnt several vills and slew a number of men. Thereupon Edwin, earl of Mercia, and Morcar, earl of Northumbria, flew to the spot with some troops, and drove him out of that neighbourhood; and, on his departure, he repaired to Malcolm (age 35), king of the Scots, and remained with him during the whole summer. Meanwhile king Harold (age 44) arrived at the port of Sandwich, Kent [Map], and waited there for his fleet. When it was assembled, he sailed to the Isle of Wight [Map]; and as William (age 38), earl of Normandy, king Edward's cousin, was preparing an army for the invasion of England, he kept watch all the summer and autumn, to prevent his landing; besides which, he stationed a land army at suitable points along the sea-coast; but provisions failing towards the time of the feast of the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September], both the fleet and army were disbanded.

On 24 Apr 1086 Ramiro "Monk" II King Aragon was born to Sancho Ramírez I King Aragon V King Pamplona (age 44) and Felicia Montdidier Queen Consort Aragon and Pamplona (age 26).

Letters 1536. 24 Apr 1536. Vienna Archives. 720. Chapuys (age 46) to [Granvelle].

This very moment when the courier was about to mount I have been informed of his departure, and having already written pretty fully, I shall say little now. I forgot in my last to make answer about the intentions of those here with regard to the Council. They have made no formal reply, only saying that they would not disturb such a good thing, or cut themselves off from the number of Christians, but they conclude that such a Council must be convoked by the Emperor. Does not think they want one. Thinks the news of an arrangement between the Emperor and the king of France has thrown them into great confusion, and compelled them to dispatch this courier; because previously they cared nothing, and would not have written even to their ambassador if Chapuys had not urged them, which he very soon afterwards repented, for he would have dispatched the courier two days sooner without waiting for their letters. Yesterday the French ambassador was long at Court, and Chapuys has not been able yet to discover what he was negociating. The King also sent for the late Queen's physician, and told him he would have called him sooner but for fear of its being insinuated that there had been some intrigue to put the Queen to death. The King said he wished to make use of him, and thought that I would consent willingly, and get the Emperor to agree to it, otherwise he would not take him into his service, and that the means to get the Emperor and me to agree to it was to give out that he was retained for the Princess, with whom he would be left till all suspicions and murmurs had died out. And hereupon the King began to speak very well of me, and asked the physician two or three times if he had not spoken with me since Easter Tuesday when I was with him. I think he wished to find out what was in my mind after his brusque replies. Although I would not kiss or speak to the Concubine (age 35), the Princess and other good persons have been somewhat jealous at the mutual reverences required by politeness which were done at the church. I refused to visit her until I had spoken to the King. If I had seen any hope from the King's answer I would have offered not two but 100 candles to the shedevil, although another thing made me unwilling, viz., that I was told she was not in favor with the King; besides, Cromwell was quite of my opinion that I should do well to wait till I had spoken to the King. Even before receiving instructions from the Emperor, has always avoided "l'envoy" which the Princess urged, as again she has since done, for the reasons which he has heretofore written1. London, 24 April 1536. Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 3.

Note 1. "Sans quil eust pleu a sa matc me faire aduertir dexcuser lenvoy, dont la Princesse me sollicitoit comme encoires elle a depuis fait je nen (qu. m'en?) avoye garde, et continuellement luy ay satisfait des raisons que jay cy devant escriptes."

On 24 Apr 1540 Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 52) was appointed 304th Knight of the Garter by King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 48).

In 1540 Anthony Browne (age 40) was appointed 305th Knight of the Garter by King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 48).

On 24 Apr 1545 Henry Wriothesley, the future 2nd Earl Southamption, was christened at St Andrew's Church, Holborn [Map]. His godparents were Henry VIII (age 53), Henry's daughter Mary Tudor (age 29) and Charles Brandon 1st Duke Suffolk (age 61).

On 24 Apr 1558 Dauphin of France (age 14) and Mary Queen of Scots (age 15) were married at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral [Map]. He by marriage King Consort Scotland. She the daughter of King James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise Queen Consort Scotland (age 42). He the son of King Henry II of France (age 39) and Catherine Medici Queen Consort France (age 39). They were fourth cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1560. The xxiv day of Aprell was bered at sant Magd[alene's] master Hansley a grocer, and he had a dossen of skochyons of armes, and ther was the masturs of the compene of the Grocers, and prestes and clarkes syngyng, and master Juelle (age 37) the byshope of Saylbere dyd pryche, and he gayff (blank) gownes unto pore men; and ther was at ys berehyng all the masters of (the) hospetalle with ther gren stayffes in ther handes.... the Queen (age 26) with the lord Russelle (age 33) whent downe unto Depford .... shype and her nuw galley, and dynyd in the s[hip] and ther my lord admerall (age 50) mad her grett ch[eer, and] after wher serten brygendar wher red [ready] with [furniture of] ware [war]; and ther wher iiij lytyll pennys de .... hordenanse, and gayff grett sawtt [assault] unto the breg[antine] and shott grett ordenanse and fowth [fought] were ser .... all maner of artelere, and ther youe shuld [have] sene men sthrone [thrown] in-to the water, and horlyng stones and mores pykes; and ther was grett fythe [fight] be-twyne the bryg dendar [and the] pennys, and as grett shutyng as cold be; ther wher a-boyff iiij thowsand of pepull [on the water] and the land.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1563. The sam day was elected knyghtes of the Garter the yerle of Northumberland (age 35) and the yerle of Warwyke (age 33).

The Letter Books of Amias Paulet Keeper of Mary Queen of Scots Published 1874 Marys Execution. Poulet (age 54), as has already been said, was made Chancellor of the Garter in April, 1587, but he did not retain this preferment for a whole year. He continued in the Captaincy of Jersey up to his death, but he appears to have resided in and near London. In the British Museum are two letters from him of small importance. One, addressed to the Lord High Admiral, is dated, "From my poor lodging in Fleet Street [Map], the 14th of January, 1587," about "right of tenths in Jersey, belonging to the Government." The other, "From my little lodge at Twickenham, the 24th of April, 1588," "on behalf of Berry," whose divorce was referred by the Justices of the Common Pleas to four Doctors of the Civil Law, of whom Mr. Doctor Caesar, Judge of the Admiralty, to whom the letter was written, was one.

His name also occurs in a letter, from Walsingham to Burghley, dated May 23, 1587, while Elizabeth still kept up the farce of Burghley's disgrace for despatching Mary Stuart's death-warrant. "Touching the Chancellorship of the Duchy, she told Sir Amias Poulet that in respect of her promise made unto me, she would not dispose of it otherwise. But yet hath he no power to deliver the seals unto me, though for that purpose the Attorney is commanded to attend him, who I suppose will be dismissed hence this day without any resolution." And on the 4th of January following, together with the other lords of the Council, he signed a letter addressed by the Privy Council to the Lord Admiral and to Lord Buckhurst, the Lieutenants of Sussex, against such Catholics as "most obstinately have refused to come to the church to prayers and divine service," requiring them to "cause the most obstinate and noted persons to be committed to such prisons as are fittest for their safe keeping: the rest that are of value, and not so obstinate, are to be referred to the custody of some -ecclesiastical persons and other gentlemen well affected, to remain at the charges of the recusant, to be restrained in such sort as they may be forthcoming, and kept from intelligence with one another." On the 26th of September, in the year in which this letter was written, 1588, Sir Amias Poulet died.

Poulet was buried in St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. [Map]. When that church was pulled down to be rebuilt, his remains, with the handsome monument erected over them, were removed to the parish church of Hinton St. George. After various panegyrics in Latin, French, and English inscribed on his monument, a quatrain, expressive apparently of royal favour, pays the following tribute to the service rendered by him to the State as Keeper of the Queen of Scots: Never shall cease to spread wise Poulet's fame; These will speak, and men shall blush for shame: Without offence to speak what I do know, Great is the debt England to him doth owe.Execution of Mary Queen of Scots.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1679. The Duke of York (age 45), voted against by the Commons for his recusancy, went over to Flanders; which made much discourse.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1691. I visited the Earl (age 49) and Countess of Sunderland (age 45), now come to kiss the King's (age 40) hand after his return from Holland. This is a mystery. The King (age 40) preparing to return to the army.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1692. Much apprehension of a French invasion, and of an universal rising. Our fleet begins to join with the Dutch. Unkindness between the Queen (age 29) and her sister (age 27). Very cold and unseasonable weather, scarce a leaf on the trees.

On or after 24 Apr 1889, the date of the licence, Herbert Gustav Schmalz aka Carmichael (age 32) and Edith Ellen Pullen (age 23) were married.

On 24 Apr 1925 Leslie Alcock was born.

24 Apr 1932. The Kinder Mass Trespass started at Bowden Bridge Quarry [Map].

On 24 Apr 1936 Alice Emily White Countess Leicester (age 80) died. Memorial at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Alice Emily White Countess Leicester: Before 09 Jul 1880 Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester and she were married. He the son of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 29 Sep 1855 she was born to Luke White 2nd Baron Annaly.

Births on the 24th April

On 24 Apr 1086 Ramiro "Monk" II King Aragon was born to Sancho Ramírez I King Aragon V King Pamplona (age 44) and Felicia Montdidier Queen Consort Aragon and Pamplona (age 26).

On 24 Apr 1288 Thomas Audley was born to Nicholas Audley (age 30) and Katharine Giffard. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

After 24 Apr 1403 Christian Keith was born to Alexander Keith (age 63) and Marjorie Stewart Countess Moray (age 55).

On 24 Apr 1532 Thomas Lucy was born.

On 24 Apr 1538 William Gonzaga I Duke Mantua was born to Federico Gonzaga II Duke Mantua (age 37) and Margaret Palaeologina Duchess Mantua (age 27).

On 24 Apr 1553 John Maxwell 1st Earl Morton was born to Robert Maxwell 6th Lord Maxwell and Beatrix Douglas Lady Maxwell. He was born posthumously.

On 24 Apr 1572 Walter Acton of Aldenham was born to Robert Acton (age 45).

On 24 Apr 1576 Elizabeth Carey was born to George Carey 2nd Baron Hunsdon (age 29) and Elizabeth Spencer Baroness Hunsdon and Eure (age 23). She was baptised on the 07 Jun 1576 at St Dunstan's Church, Hunsdon; her godmothers were Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 42) and Elizabeth Tailboys Countess Warwick.

On 24 Apr 1586 Henry Hastings 5th Earl Huntingdon was born to Francis Hastings (age 26) and Sarah Harrington (age 21) at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire. He was educated at Gray's Inn.

On 24 Apr 1592 John Trelawny 1st Baronet was born to Johnathan Trelawny (age 23) and Elizabeth Killigrew.

On 24 Apr 1620 Captain John Graunt was born.

On 24 Apr 1649 Vere Kerr was born to William Kerr 1st Earl Lothian (age 44).

On 24 Apr 1761 Henry Willoughby 6th Baron Middleton was born to Henry Willoughby 5th Baron Middleton (age 34) and Dorothy Cartright Baroness Middleton.

On 24 Apr 1773 Justinian Isham 8th Baronet was born to Justinian Isham 7th Baronet (age 32) and Susannah Barrett (age 29).

On 24 Apr 1777 William Edwardes 2nd Baron Kensington was born to William Edwardes 1st Baron Kensington (age 66) and Elizabeth Warren Baroness Kensington.

On 24 Apr 1780 Luke Dillon 2nd Baron Clonbrook was born to Robert Dillon 1st Baron Clonbrook (age 26).

On 24 Apr 1783 James Lindsay 7th Earl Balcarres 24th Earl of Crawford was born to Alexander Lindsay 6th Earl Balcarres (age 31) and Elizabeth Bradshaigh Dalrymple Countess Balcarres. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 24 Apr 1787 FitzRoy Henry Richard Stanhope was born to Charles Stanhope 3rd Earl of Harrington (age 34) and Jane Fleming Countess Harrington (age 31). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Apr 1788 Carl Mayer von Rothschild was born to Mayer Amschel Rothschild (age 44).

On 24 Apr 1790 Friedrich Wilhelm Hesse-Kassel was born to Frederick Hesse-Kassel (age 42). He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 22 Dec 1790 Phillis Buston was born to Thomas Buston (age 34) and Phillis Storey (age 30). She was baptised on 24 Apr 1793.

On 24 Apr 1792 Thomas Stapleton was born to Thomas Stapleton 12th Baron Despencer (age 25) and Elizabeth Eliot Baroness Despencer (age 34).

On 24 Apr 1793 Peter Buckworth-Herne-Soame 7th Baronet was born to Buckworth Buckworth-Herne-Soame 6th Baronet (age 31) and Susan Semperingham Lady Buckworth-Herne-Soame.

On 24 Apr 1798 William Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes 9th or 15th Baron Saye and Sele was born to Gregory Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes 8th or 14th Baron Saye and Sele (age 29).

On 24 Apr 1805 Edward Russell was born to John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 38) and Georgiana Gordon Duchess Bedford (age 23). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Apr 1815 Anthony Trollope was born to Thomas Anthony Trollope (age 41).

On 24 Apr 1819 Orlando Bridgeman 3rd Earl Bradford was born to George Bridgeman 2nd Earl Bradford (age 29) and Georgina Elizabeth Moncrieffe Countess Bradford (age 28).

On 24 Apr 1825 Isabella Mary Smith was born to Oswald Smith (age 30) and Henrietta Mildred Hodgson (age 20).

On 24 Apr 1825 Reverend Evelyn Boothby was born to Reverend Charles Boothby (age 39).

On 24 Apr 1834 Eustace Brownlow Henry Gascoyne-Cecil was born to James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd Marquess Salisbury (age 43) and Frances Mary Gascoyne Marchioness Salisbury (age 28).

On 24 Apr 1852 Margaret Coke Baroness Belper was born to Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 29) and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester (age 26).

On 24 Apr 1883 Commander Arthur Asquith was born to Herbert Henry Asquith 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith (age 30) and Helen Kelsall Melland (age 29).

On 24 Apr 1910 Robert George Grosvenor 5th Duke Westminster was born to Hugh William Grosvenor (age 26) and Mabel Florence Mary Creighton.

On 24 Apr 1913 Marguerite Rose Bligh was born to Esme Ivo Bligh 9th Earl of Darnley (age 26) and Daphne Rachel Mulholland.

On 24 Apr 1915 Arthur Beresford 6th Baron Decies was born to John Beresford 5th Baron Decies (age 48) and Helen Vivien Gould Baroness Decies (age 21).

On 24 Apr 1925 Leslie Alcock was born.

On 24 Apr 1937 John Scott 5th Earl of Eldon was born to John Scott 4th Earl Eldon (age 38) and Magdalen Mary Charlotte Fraser Countess Eldon (age 23).

Marriages on the 24th April

On 24 Apr 1390 Albert Habsburg IV Duke Austria (age 12) and Joanna Sophia Wittelsbach Duchess Austria (age 17) were married at Vienna. She by marriage Duchess Austria. She the daughter of Albert Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 53) and Margaret Silesia. He the son of Albert "With the Pigtail" Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 40) and Beatrix Hohenzollern Duchess Austria (age 28). They were third cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 24 Apr 1474 John More (age 23) and Agnes Graunger were married at St Giles without Cripplegate Church [Map].

On 24 Apr 1558 Dauphin of France (age 14) and Mary Queen of Scots (age 15) were married at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral [Map]. He by marriage King Consort Scotland. She the daughter of King James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise Queen Consort Scotland (age 42). He the son of King Henry II of France (age 39) and Catherine Medici Queen Consort France (age 39). They were fourth cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 24 Apr 1583 William "The Silent" Orange Nassau I Prince Orange (age 50) and Louise Coligny Princess Orange were married. She by marriage Princess Orange.

Before 24 Apr 1586 Francis Hastings (age 26) and Sarah Harrington (age 21) were married. He the son of George Hastings 4th Earl Huntingdon (age 46) and Dorothy Port Countess Huntingdon.

Before 24 Apr 1592 Johnathan Trelawny (age 23) and Elizabeth Killigrew were married.

On 24 Apr 1604 Edward Peyton 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Martha Livesey were married.

On 24 Apr 1606 Henry Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 43) and Margherita Gonzaga Duchess Lorraine (age 14) were married. The difference in their ages was 28 years. He the son of Charles "The Great" Lorraine III Duke Lorraine (age 63) and Claude Valois Duchess Lorraine. They were third cousins.

On 24 Apr 1638 Arthur Annesley 1st Earl Annesley (age 23) and Elizabeth Altham Countess Anglesey (age 18) were married.

On 24 Apr 1645 Edward Palatinate Simmern (age 19) and Anne Marie Gonzaga (age 29) were married. He the son of Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 48). He a grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Before 24 Apr 1665 Charles Mordaunt 4th Baronet (age 27) and Elizabeth Johnson Lady Mordaunt (age 26) were married. She by marriage Lady Mordaunt of Massingham Parva.

On 24 Apr 1740 James Stuart 8th Earl of Moray (age 32) and Margaret Wemyss Countess Moray (age 21) were married. She by marriage Countess Moray. She the daughter of David Wemyss 4th Earl of Wemyss and Elizabeth St Clair. He the son of Francis Stuart 7th Earl of Moray.

On 24 Apr 1749 John Maitland 7th Earl Lauderdale (age 31) and Mary Turner Lombe Countess Launderdale were married. She by marriage Countess Lauderdale. They had twelve children, six boys and six girls. He the son of Charles Maitland 6th Earl Lauderdale and Elizabeth Ogilvy Countess Lauderdale (age 56).

On 24 Apr 1769 Thomas Vesey 1st Viscount Vesci (age 34) and Selina Elizabeth Brooke Viscountess Vesci (age 16) were married.

Before 24 Apr 1793 Buckworth Buckworth-Herne-Soame 6th Baronet (age 31) and Susan Semperingham Lady Buckworth-Herne-Soame were married. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Apr 1802 Duke Augustus of Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 29) and Karoline Amalie Hesse-Kassel Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 30) were married at Kassel. She the daughter of William Elector of Hesse (age 58) and Electress Wilhelmina Caroline Oldenburg (age 54). He the son of Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 57) and Charlotte Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 50). She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 24 Apr 1817 Felton Elwell Hervey-Bathurst 1st Baronet (age 35) and Louisa Catharine Caton Duchess Leeds (age 24) were married.

She one of the four Caton sisters, daughters of Richard Caton (age 54), a merchant from Baltimore, the three eldest, known as the "The Three American Graces", married European husbands husbands. Only the fourth daughter Emily Caton (age 22) had children.

Marianne Caton Marchioness Wellesley (age 29) married Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley (age 56),

Elizabeth Caton Baroness Stafford (age 27) married George William Stafford-Jerningham 8th Baron Stafford (age 45),

Louisa Catharine Caton Duchess Leeds (age 24) married firstly Felton Elwell Hervey-Bathurst 1st Baronet (age 35) and secondly Francis Godolphin Osborne 7th Duke Leeds (age 18).

Emily Caton (age 22) married Consul John MacTavish (age 30).

On 24 Apr 1828 Francis Godolphin Osborne 7th Duke Leeds (age 29) and Louisa Catharine Caton Duchess Leeds (age 35) were married. He the son of George William Frederick Osborne 6th Duke Leeds (age 52) and Charlotte Townshend Duchess Leeds (age 52).

She one of the four Caton sisters, daughters of Richard Caton (age 65), a merchant from Baltimore, the three eldest, known as the "The Three American Graces", married European husbands husbands. Only the fourth daughter Emily Caton (age 33) had children.

Marianne Caton Marchioness Wellesley (age 40) married Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley (age 67),

Elizabeth Caton Baroness Stafford (age 38) married George William Stafford-Jerningham 8th Baron Stafford (age 56),

Louisa Catharine Caton Duchess Leeds (age 35) married firstly Felton Elwell Hervey-Bathurst 1st Baronet and secondly Francis Godolphin Osborne 7th Duke Leeds (age 29).

Emily Caton (age 33) married Consul John MacTavish (age 41).

On 24 Apr 1845 Edward Arkwright (age 36) and Charlotte Wilmot-Sitwell (age 23) were married.

On 24 Apr 1849 Reverend Andrew Godfrey Stewart (age 30) and Mary Penelope Noel (age 19) were married. He the son of Robert Stewart 2nd Earl Castle Stewart (age 64).

On 24 Apr 1851 William Ward 1st Earl of Dudley (age 34) and Selina Constance de Burgh (age 21) were married. She died some seven months later.

On 24 Apr 1856 Francis William Henry Cavendish (age 36) and Eleanor Sophia Diana Fitzgibbon (age 33) were married. She the daughter of Richard Hobart Fitzgibbon 3rd Earl de Clare (age 63).

On 24 Apr 1856 John Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 11th or 17th Baron Saye and Sele (age 26) and Augusta Sophia Hay-Drummond Baroness Saye and Sele were married. She the daughter of Thomas Hay-Drummond 11th Earl Kinnoull (age 71) and Louisa Burton Rowley Countess Kinnoul.

On 24 Apr 1884 George Espec John Manners (age 23) and Anna Gilstrap were married.

On or after 24 Apr 1889, the date of the licence, Herbert Gustav Schmalz aka Carmichael (age 32) and Edith Ellen Pullen (age 23) were married.

On 24 Apr 1890 Charles Edward Henry Hobhouse 4th Baronet (age 27) and Georgina Fleetwood Fuller Lady Hobhouse (age 23) were married.

On 24 Apr 1906 Degge Wilmot-Sitwell (age 36) and Dorothy Violet Chandos-Pole (age 23) were married.

Deaths on the 24th April

On 24 Apr 624 Bishop Mellitus died.

On 24 Apr 1404 Joan Ware Baroness West died.

On 24 Apr 1407 Olivier de Clisson V Count Porhoët (age 71) died.

On 24 Apr 1466 Margaret Valois (age 59) died.

On 24 Apr 1502 John Leigh died.

On 24 Apr 1516 John Mohun (age 46) died at Ottery St Mary, Devon.

Before 24 Apr 1560 Anne Smyth (age 40) died in childbirth apparently giving birth to her seventeenth child.

On 24 Apr 1580 Philippine Welser Archduchess Austria (age 53) died.

On 24 Apr 1625 Anna of Holstein-Gottorp (age 50) died.

On 24 Apr 1627 Robert Chichester (age 49) died. He was buried in Church of St Mary the Virgin, Pilton [Map].

On 24 Apr 1640 Dutton Gerard 3rd Baron Gerard (age 27) died. His son Charles Gerard 4th Baron Gerard (age 6) succeeded 4th Baron Gerard of Gerard's Bromley.

On 24 Apr 1667 Bishop Matthew Wren (age 81) died.

On 24 Apr 1678 Louis VI Landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt (age 48) died.

On or before 24 Apr 1696 Robert Wooley (age 58) died. He was buried at All Hallows the Great Church on 24 Apr 1696.

On 24 Apr 1723 Grey Neville (age 41) died.

On 24 Apr 1726 Christian August of Holstein Gottorp Prince Eutin (age 53) died.

On 24 Apr 1731 William Morgan (age 31) died. Judge Thomas Morgan of Rhiwpera (age 28) inherited Tredegar House, Monmouthshire.

On 24 Apr 1762 Martha Collins died.

On 24 Apr 1764 Charles Stewart 5th Earl Traquair (age 67) died. His brother John Stewart 6th Earl Traquair (age 65) succeeded 6th Earl Traquair, 12th Lord Traquair. Christian Anstruther Countess Traquair (age 62) by marriage Countess Traquair.

On 24 Apr 1770 Robert Douglas 6th Baronet died.

On 24 Apr 1783 Maria Durant (age 3) died. She was buried at St Bartholemew's Church, Tong [Map].

On 24 Apr 1787 Elizabeth Juliana Chichester died.

On 24 Apr 1793 Humphrey Prideaux (age 74) died.

On 24 Apr 1803 John Smith-Burges 1st Baronet (age 69) died without issue. Baronet Smith-Burges of Eastham in Essex extinct.

On 24 Apr 1817 Thomas Maynard Haselrigge 10th Baronet (age 89) died without issue. His nephew Arthur Hasselrigge aka Grey 11th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 11th Baronet Haselrigge of Noseley Hall in Leicestershire. Henrietta Anne Bourne Lady Haselrigge (age 33) by marriage Lady Haselrigge of Noseley Hall in Leicestershire.

On 24 Apr 1831 Catherine "Kitty" Pakenham Duchess Wellington (age 58) died.

On 24 Apr 1849 Charles Monck 3rd Viscount Monck (age 57) died. His son Charles Stanley Monck 4th Viscount Monck (age 29) succeeded 4th Viscount Monck.

On 24 Apr 1852 Leopold Grand Duke of Baden (age 61) died. His son Louis II Grand Duke of Baden (age 27) succeeded II Grand Duke of Baden. He suffered from a mental illness during all of his life so his brother Frederick Grand Duke of Baden (age 25) acted a Regent until 1852 when Frederick Grand Duke of Baden (age 25) also became Grand Duke of Baden.

On 24 Apr 1859 William James Chaplin (age 72) died.

On 24 Apr 1861 Hedworth Williamson (age 63) died.

On 24 Apr 1865 Nicoholas Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 21) died.

On 24 Apr 1867 Fanny Georgina Mildred Gascoyne-Cecil (age 2) died.

On 24 Apr 1875 Selina Elizabeth Anne Hastings (age 24) died.

On 24 Apr 1879 Reverend Charles Smith Royds (age 79) died at Haughton Rectory. He was buried at St Giles' Church, Haughton [Map] on 30 Apr 1879.

On 24 Apr 1881 Charlotte Isabelle Innes-Kerr (age 39) died.

On 24 Apr 1884 Rear-Admiral Frederick Paul Irby died.

On 24 Apr 1901 Maurice Fitzgerald (age 48) died at Johnstown Castle, Murrintown, County Wexford.

On 24 Apr 1907 Antony Gibbs (age 65) died.

On 24 Apr 1914 John Wrixon-Becher 3rd Baronet (age 85) died.

On 24 Apr 1919 Major Dudley Francis De Crespigny Buckle (age 42) died from wounds at the Bolton Hall, Edlingham [Map]; the home of his father-in-law Major-General George Lambert. He was buried at St John the Baptist Church, Edlingham [Map].

On 24 Apr 1920 Marlborough Robert Pryor (age 71) died.

On 24 Apr 1924 Adelaide Jane Fraser died.

On 24 Apr 1930 Charlotte Knollys (age 95) died.

On 24 Apr 1934 Alice Claypoole Gwynne (age 88) died.

On 24 Apr 1936 Alice Emily White Countess Leicester (age 80) died. Memorial at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Alice Emily White Countess Leicester: Before 09 Jul 1880 Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester and she were married. He the son of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 29 Sep 1855 she was born to Luke White 2nd Baron Annaly.

On 24 Apr 1959 Eleanor Lambton Viscountess Cecil (age 91) died.

On 24 Apr 1968 Margery Spencer Viscountess Greenwood (age 81) died.

On 24 Apr 1981 Princess Margarita Glücksburg (age 76) died.

On 24 Apr 1986 Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 89) died.