On this Day in History ... 29th October
29 Oct is in October.
Events on the 29th October
On 29 Oct 1285 John le Romeyn Archbishop of York (age 55) was elected Archbishop of York.
On 29 Oct 1295 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 28) and Blanche Capet Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon (age 46). They were half second cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 29 Oct 1339 Aleksandr Mikhailovich of Tver (age 38) was murdered.
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 29 Oct 1415. And in that same year, onne the morne aftyr Syn Symonnys day and Jude, that the mayre shulde ryde to Westemyster for to take his othe, come tydyngys to London of the batayle a-bove said by the Byschoppe of Worseter20, that tyme beyng Chaunceler, for he come to London erly in the mornynge, and warnyd the mayre. And thenne thorowe London they lette rynge the bellys in every chyrche and song Te Deum; and at Powlys [Map], at ix of the clocke, the tydyngys were oppynly proclaymyd to alle the comeners of [th]e cytte and to alle othyr strangerys. And thenne the Quene (age 45)21, and alle her byschoppys and alle the lordys [th]at were in London that tyme, wentte to Westemyster on her fete a prosessyon to Synt Edward is schryne, whythe alle the prestys, and clerkys, and fryers, and alle othyr relygyous men, devoutely syngynge ande saynge the letanye. And whenne they hadde offerde, the mayre com home rydynge merely whythe alle his aldermen and comeners as they were i-wounte for to doo.
Note 20. Should be Winchester. Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester (age 40), afterwards Cardinal. The title is given correctly in Vit.
Note 21. Joan of Navarre (age 45), widow of Henry IV.
On 29 Oct 1485 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) processed from Tower of London [Map] to Westminster Abbey [Map]. Ahead of him marched the heralds and serjeants-at-arms, the Esquire of the Body, the King's Secretary Richard Fox (age 37), almoner Christopher Urswick (age 37), the mayor of London and the Garter King of Arms. Also ahead of him were Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 50), John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 23), John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 43) and William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 59). Following behind were the only two Dukes: Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 53), created the day before, and John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 43).
On 29 Oct 1525 Christian III King Denmark (age 22) and Dorothea of Saxe Lauenburg Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 14) were married. He the son of King Frederick I of Denmark (age 54) and Anna of Brandenburg.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 29 Oct 1530. This yeare, the morrowe after Simon and Jude,c which was the Majors feast, there dyned in the Guylde hall [Map] at the said feast the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande (age 52), the Duke of Northfolke (age 57), the Duke of Suffolke (age 46), and 9 Earles and a Bishopp, sittinge all at one table, prepared in the Majors courte in the Guyld hall [Map], and two other side tables sittinge with lordes and knightes.
Note c. October 29.
On 29 Oct 1537 Margaret Douglas Countess Lennox (age 22) was released from Syon Abbey [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1554. The same day sir Thomas Audley, a famous captain, was buried in saint Mary Overy's [Map]. There attended his funeral the lord Gray, lord Fitzwalter, and divers other] captaynes and knyghtes and gentyllmen [to the number of] lx. be-syd odur.
On 29 Oct 1560 Christian Wettin I Elector Saxony was born to Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 34) and Anna Oldenburg (age 27).
On 29 Oct 1618 Walter Raleigh (age 64) was beheaded at Old Palace Yard, Westminster Palace. He was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].
Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 29 Oct 1619. The 29th came little Sir Harry Neville and dined here and went back to Penshurst.
This night the Drawing Chamber chimney was on fire so that I supped in the new Drawing Chamber with my Lord (age 30). After this I never stirred out of my own bedchamber till the 23rd of March1.
Note 1. All this term there was much sitting in the Star Chamber by all the Heads of the Council about my Lord Suffolk’s business, In the end the answer was given that he should pay six thousand pounds to the King and that he and his Lady should remain prisoners in the Tower during his Majesty’s pleasure. The 16th at night Willoughby came to lie in the child’s chamber and Pennis to do all the work in the nursery.
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1651. Came news and letters to the Queen and Sir Richard Browne (age 46) (who was the first that had intelligence of it) of his Majesty's (age 21) miraculous escape after the fight at Worcester; which exceedingly rejoiced us.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1660. I up early, it being my Lord Mayor's day1, (Sir Richd. Browne (age 58)), and neglecting my office I went to the Wardrobe, where I met my Lady Sandwich (age 35) and all the children; and after drinking of some strange and incomparable good clarett of Mr. Rumball's he and Mr. Townsend did take us, and set the young Lords at one Mr. Nevill's, a draper in Paul's churchyard; and my Lady and my Lady Pickering (age 34) and I to one Mr. Isaacson's, a linendraper at the Key in Cheapside; where there was a company of fine ladies, and we were very civilly treated, and had a very good place to see the pageants, which were many, and I believe good, for such kind of things, but in themselves but poor and absurd. After the ladies were placed I took Mr. Townsend and Isaacson to the next door, a tavern, and did spend 5s. upon them. The show being done, we got as far as Paul's with much ado, where I left my Lady in the coach, and went on foot with my Lady Pickering (age 34) to her lodging, which was a poor one in Blackfryars, where she never invited me to go in at all, which methought was very strange for her to do. So home, where I was told how my Lady Davis is now come to our next lodgings, and has locked up the leads door from me, which puts me into so great a disquiet that I went to bed, and could not sleep till morning at it.
Note 1. When the calendar was reformed in England by the act 24 Geo. II. c. 23, different provisions were made as regards those anniversaries which affect directly the rights of property and those which do not. Thus the old quarter days are still noted in our almanacs, and a curious survival of this is brought home to payers of income tax. The fiscal year still begins on old Lady-day, which now falls on April 6th. All ecclesiastical fasts and feasts and other commemorations which did not affect the rights of property were left on their nominal days, such as the execution of Charles I on January 30th and the restoration of Charles II on May 29th. The change of Lord Mayor's day from the 29th of October to the 9th of November was not made by the act for reforming the calendar (c. 23), but by another act of the same session (c. 48), entitled "An Act for the Abbreviation of Michaelmas Term", by which it was enacted, "that from and after the said feast of St. Michael, which shall be in the year 1752, the said solemnity of presenting and swearing the mayors of the city of London, after every annual election into the said office, in the manner and form heretofore used on the 29th day of October, shall be kept and observed on the ninth day of November in every year, unless the same shall fall on a Sunday, and in that case on the day following".
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1662. Was my Lord Mayor's show, with a number of sumptuous pageants, speeches, and verses. I was standing in a house in Cheapside [Map] against the place prepared for their Majesties. The Prince (age 9) and heir of Denmark was there, but not our King. There were also the maids of honor. I went to Court this evening, and had much discourse with Dr. Basiers, one of his Majesty's (age 32) chaplains, the great traveler, who showed me the syngraphs and original subscriptions of divers eastern patriarchs and Asian churches to our confession.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1662. So my mind full of thoughts, and some trouble at night, home and to bed. Sir G. Carteret (age 52), who had been at the examining most of the late people that are clapped up, do say that he do not think that there hath been any great plotting among them, though they have a good will to it; but their condition is so poor, and silly, and low, that they do not fear them at all.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1662. I have also a letter from my Lord Sandwich (age 37) desiring me upon matters of concernment to be with him early tomorrow morning, which I wonder what it should be.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1662. Lord Mayor's Day. Intended to have made me fine, and by invitation to have dined with the Lord Mayor to-day, but going to see Sir W. Batten (age 61) this morning, I found Sir G. Carteret (age 52) and Sir J. Minnes (age 63) going with Sir W. Batten (age 61) and myself to examine Sir G. Carteret's (age 52) accounts for the last year, whereupon I settled to it with them all the day long, only dinner time (which Sir G. Carteret (age 52) gave us), and by night did as good as finish them, and so parted, and thence to my office, and there set papers in order and business against to-morrow.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1663. By and by about one o'clock, before the Lord Mayor (age 47) came, come into the Hall, from the room where they were first led into, the Chancellor (age 54) (Archbishopp before him), with the Lords of the Council, and other Bishopps, and they to dinner. Anon comes the Lord Mayor (age 47), who went up to the lords, and then to the other tables to bid wellcome; and so all to dinner. I sat near Proby, Baron, and Creed at the Merchant Strangers' table; where ten good dishes to a messe, with plenty of wine of all sorts, of which I drunk none; but it was very unpleasing that we had no napkins nor change of trenchers, and drunk out of earthen pitchers and wooden dishes1. It happened that after the lords had half dined, came the French Embassador, up to the lords' table, where he was to have sat; but finding the table set, he would not sit down nor dine with the Lord Mayor (age 47), who was not yet come, nor have a table to himself, which was offered; but in a discontent went away again. After I had dined, I and Creed rose and went up and down the house, and up to the lady's room, and there stayed gazing upon them. But though there were many and fine, both young and old, yet I could not discern one handsome face there; which was very strange, nor did I find the lady that young Dawes married so pretty as I took her for, I having here an opportunity of looking much upon her very near. I expected musique, but there was none but only trumpets and drums, which displeased me. The dinner, it seems, is made by the Mayor and two Sheriffs for the time being, the Lord Mayor (age 47) paying one half, and they the other. And the whole, Proby says, is reckoned to come to about 7 or £800 at most.
Note 1. The City plate was probably melted during the Civil War.-M.B.
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1664. Was the most magnificent triumph by water and land of the Lord Mayor. I dined at Guildhall [Map] at the upper table, placed next to Sir H. Bennett (age 46), Secretary of State, opposite to my Lord Chancellor (age 55) and the Duke of Buckingham (age 36), who sat between Monsieur Comminges, the French Ambassador, Lord Treasurer (age 57), the Dukes of Ormond (age 54) and Albemarle (age 55), Earl of Manchester (age 62), Lord Chamberlain, and the rest of the great officers of state. My Lord Mayor came twice up to us, first drinking in the golden goblet his Majesty's (age 34) health, then the French King's as a compliment to the Ambassador; we returned my Lord Mayor's health, the trumpets and drums sounding. The cheer was not to be imagined for the plenty and rarity, with an infinite number of persons at the tables in that ample hall. The feast was said to cost £1,000. I slipped away in the crowd, and came home late.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1666. Up, and to the office to do business, and thither comes to me Sir Thomas Teddiman, and he and I walked a good while in the garden together, discoursing of the disorder and discipline of the fleete, wherein he told me how bad every thing is; but was very wary in speaking any thing to the dishonour of the Prince (age 46) or Duke of Albemarle (age 57), but do magnify my Lord Sandwich (age 41) much before them both, for ability to serve the King (age 36), and do heartily wish for him here. For he fears that we shall be undone the next year, but that he will, however, see an end of it.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1666. So home to dinner and to discourse with my brother upon his translation of my Lord Bacon's "Faber Fortunae", which I gave him to do and he has done it, but meanely; I am not pleased with it at all, having done it only literally, but without any life at all.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1666. By and by the King (age 36) and Queene (age 56), Duke (age 33) and Duchesse (age 29), and all the great ladies of the Court; which, indeed, was a fine sight. But the play being "Love in a Tub", a silly play, and though done by the Duke's people, yet having neither Betterton (age 31) nor his wife (age 29), and the whole thing done ill, and being ill also, I had no manner of pleasure in the play. Besides, the House, though very fine, yet bad for the voice, for hearing. The sight of the ladies, indeed, was exceeding noble; and above all, my Baroness Castlemayne (age 25). The play done by ten o'clock. I carried them all home, and then home myself, and well satisfied with the sight, but not the play, we with great content to bed.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1667. Up, and at the office, my Lord Bruncker (age 47) and I close together till almost 3 after noon, never stirring, making up a report for the Committee this afternoon about the business of discharging men by ticket, which it seems the House is mighty earnest in, but is a foolery in itself, yet gives me a great deal of trouble to draw up a defence for the Board, as if it was a crime; but I think I have done it to very good purpose. Then to my Lady Williams's, with her and my Lord, and there did eat a snapp of good victuals, and so to Westminster Hall [Map], where we find the House not up, but sitting all this day about the method of bringing in the charge against my Chancellor (age 58); and at last resolved for a Committee to draw up the heads, and so rose, and no Committee to sit tonight. Here Sir W. Coventry (age 39) and Lord Bruncker (age 47) and I did in the Hall (between the two Courts at the top of the Hall) discourse about a letter of Sir W. Coventry's (age 39) to Bruncker, whereon Bruncker did justify his discharging men by ticket, and insists on one word which Sir W. Coventry (age 39) would not seem very earnest to have left out, but I did see him concerned, and did after labour to suppress the whole letter, the thing being in itself really impertinent, but yet so it is that Sir W. Coventry (age 39) do not desire to have his name used in this business, and I have prevailed with Bruncker for it.
Pepy's Diary. 29 Oct 1668. At the office all the morning, where Mr. Wren (age 39) first tells us of the order from the King (age 38), came last night to the Duke of York (age 35), for signifying his pleasure to the Sollicitor-General (age 46) for drawing up a Commission for suspending of my Lord Anglesey (age 54), and putting in Sir Thomas Littleton (age 47) and Sir Thomas Osborne, the former a creature of Arlington's (age 50), and the latter of the Duke of Buckingham's (age 40), during the suspension. The Duke of York (age 35) was forced to obey, and did grant it, he being to go to Newmarket, Suffolk this day with the King (age 38), and so the King (age 38) pressed for it. But Mr. Wren (age 39) do own that the Duke of York (age 35) is the most wounded in this, in the world, for it is done and concluded without his privity, after his appearing for Lord Anglesey (age 54), and that it is plain that they do ayme to bring the Admiralty into Commission too, and lessen the Duke of York (age 35). This do put strange apprehensions into all our Board; only I think I am the least troubled at it, for I care not at all for it: but my Lord Brouncker (age 48) and Pen do seem to think much of it.
On 29 Oct 1682 Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden (age 71) died. His son Edward Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 41) succeeded 4th Viscount Campden. Elizabeth Wriothesley Countess Gainsborough (age 36) by marriage Viscountess Campden. He was buried at Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map].
A huge monument in black and white marble, with a tall base on which stand obelisks, on balls capped by two black urns and a large open pediment. Within, are the Viscount and his fourth wife Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden (age 42) in effigy and various low reliefs, depicting his previous wives and nineteen children, in Roman dress, completed at least by Grinling Gibbons (age 34).
Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden: In 1640 she was born to Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness. On 06 Jul 1655 Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden and she were married. She by marriage Viscountess Campden. The difference in their ages was 29 years. She the daughter of Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness. They were second cousin twice removed. In 1683 Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden died.
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1682. Being my birthday, and I now entering my great climacterical of 63, after serious recollections of the years past, giving Almighty God thanks for all his merciful preservations and forbearance, begging pardon for my sins and unworthiness, and his blessing on me the year entering, I went with my Lady Fox to survey her building, and give some directions for the garden at Chiswick; the architect is Mr. May (age 61), somewhat heavy and thick, and not so well understood: the garden much too narrow, the place without water, near a highway, and near another great house of my Lord Burlington (age 14), little land about it, so that I wonder at the expense; but women will have their will.
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1687. An Anabaptist, a very odd ignorant person, a mechanic, I think, was Lord Mayor. The King (age 54) and Queen (age 29), and Dadi, the Pope's Nuncio, invited to a feast at Guildhall. A strange turn of affairs, that those who scandalized the Church of England as favorers of Popery, should publicly invite an emissary from Rome, one who represented the very person of their Antichrist!
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1688. There was a Council called, to which were summoned the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71), the Judges, the Lord Mayor, etc. The Queen Dowager (age 49), and all the ladies and lords who were present at the Queen Consort's (age 30) labor, were to give their testimony upon oath of the Prince of Wales's birth, recorded both at the Council Board and at the Chancery a day or two after. This procedure was censured by some as below his Majesty (age 55) to condescend to, on the talk of the people. It was remarkable that on this occasion the Archbishop (age 71), Marquis of Halifax (age 54), the Earls of Clarendon and Nottingham (age 41), refused to sit at the Council table among Papists, and their bold telling his Majesty (age 55) that whatever was done while such sat among them was unlawful and incurred praemunire;-at least, if what I heard be true.
Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1688. Lady Sunderland (age 42) acquainted me with his Majesty's (age 55) taking away the Seals from Lord Sunderland (age 47), and of her being with the Queen (age 30) to intercede for him. It is conceived that he had of late grown remiss in pursuing the interest of the Jesuitical counsels; some reported one thing, some another; but there was doubtless some secret betrayed, which time may discover.
Roger Whitley's Diary. 29 Oct 1690. Wednesday, Huson retorned from Manchester; Philips came past 11 to speake of the damage done by Swinford miller.
On 29 Oct 1722 Thomas Howard 8th Duke of Norfolk (age 38) was arrested under suspicion of involvement in a Jacobite plot, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map].
After 29 Oct 1722. All Saints Church, Harmston [Map]. Monument to George Thorold 1st Baronet (deceased).
On 29 Oct 1900 Christian Victor Oldenburg (age 33) died of enteric fever during the Boer War.
On 29 Oct 1914 Arthur John Hamilton (age 31) was killed.
On 29 Oct 1914 Richard Wellesley (age 35) was killed in action.
29 Oct 1915. Coalville Times. Memorial Service at Ashby Church [Map].
At the Ashby Parish Church on Wednesday afternoon, a memorial service was held for the late Capt. Paulyn Charles James Reginald Rawdon-Hastings (deceased), and 2nd Lieut. Edward Hugh Hastings Rawdon-Hastings (deceased), only sons of Lady Maude Hastings (age 58) and the late Hon. Paulyn Hastings of the Manor House, Ashby, who have fallen in the defence of their country. Capt. Hastings (deceased) was in the 5th Battalion Leicestershire Territorial Regiment, commanding A (Coalville and Ashby) Co. and was killed in the great battle about the middle of this month when the Leicestershire Territorials assisted in the capture of two lines of German trenches. His brother, Lieut. Hastings (deceased), was in the 2nd Black Watch, and had gone to the front, but about six weeks ago contracted enteric and died in a military hospital in France.
There was a crowded congregation at the memorial service, many being unable to find seats. The members of the family present included Lady Maude Hastings (age 58) (mother), the Misses Hastings (four sisters) [Note. Edith Maud Rawdon-Hastings 12th Countess Loudon (age 32), Elizabeth Frances Abney-Hastings Viscountess St Davids (age 31), Flore Anne Rawdon-Hastings (age 30) and Isabel Jacqueline Rawdon-Hastings (age 28)], Earl of Loudoun (age 60) (uncle), the Duke (age 67) and Duchess of Norfolk, (uncle and aunt), Earl (age 63) and Countess Verulam (age 62), and Lady Jane Joddrell (age 66). Also present were Mr J. G. Shields, J.P., of Isley Walton (agent for the Donington estate to which the late Capt. Hastings was the heir), Lady Beaumont, Mr R. Lawton, J.P., whose son, a brother officer of Captain Hastings was mortally wounded about the same time), members of the Ashby Urban Council and practically all the leading residents of the neighbourhood.
All the clergy holding benefices in the Hastings family were invited to attend. They were the Rev. J. Hewitson (Measham), the Rev. E. Finch (Breedon-on-the-Hill), the Rev. G. Moore (Packington), and the Rev. B. Kenyon (Blackfordby). Others invited and present included the Rev. H. E. Worthington, R. D. (Netherseal), the Rev. D. W. Lloyd (Ticknall), the Rev. C. T. Moore (Appleby), and the Rev. A. Phillemore (Willesley).
Several military officers in uniform were present, including Col. German, Capt. Stevenson, Staff-Capt. Hassall and Lieut. Faulkner, also a contingent of the 2/5th Leicesters, a number of wounded soldiers from the Ashby Cottage Hospital and all the members of the Ashby Grammar School Cadet Corps in khaki, under command of Lieut. C. Elliott.
The service was conducted by the Rev. H. R. Sawyer (vicar), assisted by the Rev. F. E. Hobbs (curate) and the Rev. W. Fowley (Vicar of Holy Trinity, Ashby), the latter reading the lesson 1 Cor: 15c from v20 to end. The hymns sung were, "Now the labourer's task is over," "Peace, perfect peace," and "On the resurrection morning." Mr Underwood, one of the Grammar School masters, officiated at the organ - the regular organist, Mr Walter Handford, being at the front - and after the singing of the National Anthem, played the Dead March. At the conclusion, buglers of the 2/5th Leicesters, under Sergt.-Drummer Crossley, outside the church sounded "The Last Post."
The service was very impressive and many of the congregation were in tears. Both the deceased officers were very popular in the town and district of Ashby and the greatest public sympathy is felt for Lady Maude Hastings and the family in their terrible loss.
As Lady Maude Hastings passed with other mourners into her home, nearby the buglers were called to "Attention." The Earl of Loudoun (age 60) in highland dress saluted, and the Duke of Norfolk (age 67) took off his hat and conversed with the sergeant in charge. His Grace and the Duchess, who have been staying with Lady Hastings, left the Manor House yesterday afternoon.
A touching incident was noticed at the memorial service for Capt. and Lieut. Hastings at Ashby Parish Church on Wednesday afternoon. In the congregation, seated throughout the service was a wounded soldier from the Cottage Hospital whose foot and leg were heavily bandaged and who could only get along with the aid of crutches and assistance. By his side sat a nurse, and despite her kindly remonstrance's, the gallant soldier at the close of the service, persisted in standing whilst the National Anthem was sung. It was obviously an effort for him to do so, notwithstanding which he remained standing on one leg while the congregation sung all three verses.
On 29 Oct 1950 George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester was appointed an Extra Gentleman Usher to Frederick, Prince of Wales, and served until the Prince's death in 1751.
On 29 Oct 1950 Gustav V King Sweden (age 92) died. His son Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 67) succeeded VI King Sweden. Louise Mountbatten Queen Consort Sweden (age 61) by marriage Queen Consort Sweden.
On 29 Oct 1989 Commander Clare George Vyner (age 95) died in a car accident at Ullapool.
After 29 Oct 19105. Memorial to William O'Neill at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].
Births on the 29th October
On 29 Oct 1256 Agnes Wittelsbach was born to Henry Wittelsbach I Duke Lower Bavaria I Duke Bavaria (age 20) and Elizabeth Duchess Bavaria (age 20). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 29 Oct 1515 Marie Bourbon was born to Charles Bourbon Duke Vendôme (age 26) and Françoise Valois Countess Vendôme (age 25).
On 29 Oct 1560 Christian Wettin I Elector Saxony was born to Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 34) and Anna Oldenburg (age 27).
On 29 Oct 1633 Henry Cooke 2nd Baronet was born to Bryan Cooke (age 63).
On 29 Oct 1690 Martin Folkes was born to Martin Folkes (age 50) and Dorothy Hovell.
On 29 Oct 1693 Edward Wilmot 1st Baronet was born to Robert Wilmot (age 25).
On 29 Oct 1693 Philip Lyon was born to John Lyon 4th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 30) and Elizabeth Stanhope Countess Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 30).
Before 29 Oct 1704 Admiral John Byng was born to George Byng 1st Viscount Torrington (age 41).
On 29 Oct 1716 George Townshend was born to Charles Townshend 2nd Viscount Townsend (age 42) and Dorothy Walpole Viscountess Townsend (age 30).
On 29 Oct 1737 Hercules Rowley 2nd Earl Langford was born to Hercules Langford Rowley 1st Earl Langford (age 23) and Elizabeth Rowley 1st Viscountess Langford (age 24).
On 29 Oct 1753 Bartholomew Bouverie was born to William Pleydell-Bouverie 1st Earl Radnor (age 28) and Rebecca Alleyne (age 28).
On 29 Oct 1754 William Hicks 7th Baronet was born to Howe Hicks 6th Baronet (age 32).
On 29 Oct 1762 Richard Wingfield 4th Viscount Powerscourt was born to Richard Wingfield 3rd Viscount Powerscourt (age 31) and Amelia Stratford Viscountess Powerscourt at Letheringham, Suffolk.
On 29 Oct 1798 William Lascelles was born to Henry Lascelles 2nd Earl Harewood (age 30) and Henrietta Sebright Countess Harewood.
On 29 Oct 1799 Henry Arthur Wallop Fellowes was born to Newton Wallop aka Fellowes 4th Earl of Portsmouth (age 27) and Frances Sherard.
On 29 Oct 1813 George Robert Osborn 6th Baronet was born to John Osborn 5th Baronet (age 40) and Frederica Louisa Davers.
On 29 Oct 1815 William George Cavendish 2nd Baron Chesham was born to Charles Compton Cavendish 1st Baron Chesham (age 22) and Catherine Susan Gordon Baroness Chesham (age 23).
On 29 Oct 1821 James Emilius William Evelyn Gascoyne-Cecil was born to James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd Marquess Salisbury (age 30) and Frances Mary Gascoyne Marchioness Salisbury (age 15).
On 29 Oct 1833 Agnes Mary Georgiana Byng was born to George Byng 2nd Earl Strafford (age 27) and Agnes Paget (age 29).
On 29 Oct 1837 Arthur Thomas Liddell 5th Baron Ravensworth was born to Robert Liddell (age 29) and Emily Ann Charlotte Wellesley (age 34).
On 29 Oct 1849 Margaret Elizabeth Leigh Countess Jersey was born to William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh (age 25) and Caroline Amelia Grosvenor Baroness Leigh (age 21).
On 29 Oct 1854 Thomas Lister 4th Baron Ribblesdale was born to Thomas Lister 3rd Baron Ribblesdale (age 26) at Fontainebleau.
On 29 Oct 1874 Irene Louisa Arundel Hastings was born to Francis Power Plantagenet Hastings 14th Earl Huntingdon (age 32).
On 29 Oct 1875 Marie Windsor was born to Prince Alfred Windsor (age 31) and Maria Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 22) at Eastwell Park, Kent. She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 29 Oct 1879 Frances Grey was born to Harry Grey 8th Earl Stamford 4th Earl Warrington (age 67).
On 29 Oct 1883 Marmaduke Furness 1st Viscount Furness was born to Christopher Furness 1st Baron Furness (age 31) and Jane Annette Suggitt Baroness Furness.
On 29 Oct 1885 Gordon Clavering Trollope 15th Baronet was born to Frederick James Anthony Trollope (age 38).
On 29 Oct 1912 Ethel Patricia Hare Lady Milnes-Coates was born to Richard Granville Hare 4th Earl of Listowel (age 46).
On 29 Oct 1925 Erskine William Gladstone 7th Baronet was born to Charles Andrew Gladstone 6th Baronet (age 37).
On 29 Oct 1939 Anthony Vernon-Harcourt 11th Baron of Kinderton was born to Colonel William Vernon-Harcourt (age 30).
On 29 Oct 1957 David Ellis Cunliffe 9th Baronet was born to Cyril Henley Cunliffe 8th Baronet (age 56).
Marriages on the 29th October
On 29 Oct 1271 Roger Bigod 5th Earl Norfolk (age 26) and Aline Basset (age 50) were married. She the widow of Hugh Despencer. The difference in their ages was 24 years; she, unusually, being older than him. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.
On 29 Oct 1295 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 28) and Blanche Capet Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon (age 46). They were half second cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 29 Oct 1431 John Clinton 5th Baron Clinton (age 21) and Joan Ferrers Baroness Clinton were married. She by marriage Baroness Clinton.
On 29 Oct 1525 Christian III King Denmark (age 22) and Dorothea of Saxe Lauenburg Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 14) were married. He the son of King Frederick I of Denmark (age 54) and Anna of Brandenburg.
On 29 Oct 1582 Richard Verney 14th Baron Latimer 6th Baron Willoughby (age 19) and Margaret Greville 14th Baroness Latimer 6th Baroness Willoughby of Broke (age 21) were married at Alcester [Map].
On 29 Oct 1628 John Culpepper 1st Baron Culpeper (age 28) and Philippa Snelling were married.
On 29 Oct 1663 David Carnegie 1st Baronet (age 22) and Catherine Primrose Lady Carnegie were married. She by marriage Lady Carnegie of Pittarrow in Kincardine.
On 29 Oct 1681 Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Winchilsea (age 53) and Elizabeth Ayres Countess Winchelsea were married. She by marriage Countess Winchilsea. He the son of Thomas Finch 2nd Earl Winchilsea and Cecily Wentworth Countess Winchelsea.
On 29 Oct 1684 David Carnegie 1st Baronet (age 43) and Catherine Gordon Lady Carnegie (age 40) were married. She by marriage Lady Carnegie of Pittarrow in Kincardine.
On 29 Oct 1719 Thomas Reade 4th Baronet (age 36) and Jane Mary Dutton Lady Reade were married at Saint Mary Magdalene's Church, Sherborne [Map].
On 29 Oct 1732 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine (age 22) and Mary Lister Countess of Deloraine (age 27) were married. She by marriage Countess Deloraine. He the son of Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 29 Oct 1825 Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley (age 65) and Marianne Caton Marchioness Wellesley (age 37) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Wellesley. The difference in their ages was 27 years. He the son of Garrett Wellesley 1st Earl Mornington and Anne Hill Countess Mornington (age 83).
She one of the four Caton sisters, daughters of Richard Caton (age 62), a merchant from Baltimore, the three eldest, known as the "The Three American Graces", married European husbands husbands. Only the fourth daughter Emily Caton (age 30) had children.
Marianne Caton Marchioness Wellesley (age 37) married Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley (age 65),
Elizabeth Caton Baroness Stafford (age 35) married George William Stafford-Jerningham 8th Baron Stafford (age 54),
Louisa Catharine Caton Duchess Leeds (age 32) married firstly Felton Elwell Hervey-Bathurst 1st Baronet and secondly Francis Godolphin Osborne 7th Duke Leeds (age 27).
Emily Caton (age 30) married Consul John MacTavish (age 38).
On 29 Oct 1833 Lieutenant-General Frederick Ashworth and Harriet Graham Marchioness Donegal (age 3) were married.
Deaths on the 29th October
On 29 Oct 1633 Mary Griffin 12th Baroness Braybrooke (age 88) died. Her son Griffin Markham 13th Baron Latimer of Braybrooke (age 63) de jure 13th Baron Latimer of Braybrook.
On 29 Oct 1664 John Wray 3rd Baronet (age 45) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. His brother Christoper Wray 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.
On 29 Oct 1682 Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden (age 71) died. His son Edward Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 41) succeeded 4th Viscount Campden. Elizabeth Wriothesley Countess Gainsborough (age 36) by marriage Viscountess Campden. He was buried at Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map].
A huge monument in black and white marble, with a tall base on which stand obelisks, on balls capped by two black urns and a large open pediment. Within, are the Viscount and his fourth wife Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden (age 42) in effigy and various low reliefs, depicting his previous wives and nineteen children, in Roman dress, completed at least by Grinling Gibbons (age 34).
Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden: In 1640 she was born to Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness. On 06 Jul 1655 Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden and she were married. She by marriage Viscountess Campden. The difference in their ages was 29 years. She the daughter of Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness. They were second cousin twice removed. In 1683 Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden died.
On 29 Oct 1683 William Wyndham 1st Baronet (age 51) died. His son Edward Wyndham 2nd Baronet (age 16) succeeded 2nd Baronet Wyndham of Orchard in Somerset.
On 29 Oct 1684 Bishop George Morley (age 86) died.
On 29 Oct 1704 Vere Leigh Lady Isham died.
On 29 Oct 1716 John Werden 1st Baronet (age 76) died. His son John Werden 2nd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 2nd Baronet Werden of Cholmeaton in Cheshire.
On 29 Oct 1717 Robert Jenkinson 3rd Baronet (age 31) died. His brother Robert Bankes Jenkinson 4th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 4th Baronet Jenkinson of Walcot in Oxfordshire and of Hawkesbury in Gloucestershire.
On 29 Oct 1722 George Thorold 1st Baronet (age 56) died without suriving issue at Bloomsbury Square. His brother Samuel Thorold 2nd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 2nd Baronet Thorold of Harmston.
On 29 Oct 1755 Reginald Graham 4th Baronet (age 51) died. His son Bellingham Graham 5th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 5th Baronet Graham of Norton Conyers in Yorkshire.
On 29 Oct 1765 George Forbes 3rd Earl Granard (age 80) died. His son George Forbes 4th Earl Granard (age 55) succeeded 4th Earl Granard.
On 29 Oct 1765 Barbara Legge Baroness Bagot (age 56) died.
On 29 Oct 1779 George Willoughby 17th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 30) died without issue. Baron Willoughby Parham extinct.
On 29 Oct 1804 John Howe 4th Baron Chedworth (age 50) died unmarried. Baron Chedworth extinct.
On 29 Oct 1810 Henry Gould Yelverton 19th Baron Grey Ruthyn (age 30) died without male issue. His daughter Barbara Yelverton Marchioness Hastings succeeded 20th Baroness Grey of Ruthyn aged seven months.
On 29 Oct 1835 Thomas Elmsley Croft 7th Baronet (age 37) died. His brother Archer Denman Croft 8th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 8th Baronet Croft of Croft Castle in Herefordshire
On 29 Oct 1849 Benjamin Rawlinson Faulkner (age 62) died.
On 29 Oct 1856 John Lumley-Savile 8th Earl Scarborough (age 68) died. On 29 Oct 1856 His first cousin once removed Richard Lumley 9th Earl Scarborough (age 43) succeeded 9th Earl Scarborough, 10th Viscount Lumley.
On 29 Oct 1877 Adelaide Horatia Seymour-Conway Countess Spencer (age 52) died.
On 29 Oct 1881 Frederick Hervey-Bathurst 3rd Baronet (age 74) died. His son Frederick Hervey-Bathurst 4th Baronet (age 48) succeeded 4th Baronet Hervey-Bathurst of Lainston in Hampshire.
On 29 Oct 1886 George Byng 2nd Earl Strafford (age 80) died. His son George Byng 3rd Earl Strafford (age 56) succeeded 3rd Earl Strafford, 3rd Viscount Enfield of Enfield in Middlesex, 3rd Baron Strafford of Harmondsworth in Middlesex. Alice Leveson-Gower aka Egerton Countess Strafford (age 56) by marriage Countess Strafford.
On 29 Oct 1892 Lydston Newman 3rd Baronet (age 68) died. His son Robert Newman 1st Baron Mamhead (age 21) succeeded 4th Baronet Newman of Stokeley and Mamhead in Devon.
On 29 Oct 1903 William Perceval Heathcote 6th Baronet (age 77) died. His son Reverend William Arthur Heathcote 7th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 7th Baronet Heathcote of Hursley in Hampshire.
On 29 Oct 1929 Genille Cave-Browne-Cave 12th Baronet (age 60) died. His first cousin Reginald Ambrose Cave-Browne-Cave 13th Baronet (age 69) succeeded 13th Baronet Cave of Stanford in Northamptonshire.
On 29 Oct 1932 Hugh Fortescue 4th Earl Fortescue (age 78) died. His son Hugh William Fortescue 5th Earl Fortescue (age 44) succeeded 5th Earl Fortescue, 5th Viscount Ebrington of Ebrington in Gloucestershire, 7th Baron Fortescue of Castle Hill. Margaret Helen Beaumont Countess Fortescue (age 39) by marriage Countess Fortescue.
On 29 Oct 1950 Gustav V King Sweden (age 92) died. His son Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 67) succeeded VI King Sweden. Louise Mountbatten Queen Consort Sweden (age 61) by marriage Queen Consort Sweden.
On 29 Oct 1955 Alexander Keiller (age 65) died.
On 29 Oct 1959 Giles Fox-Strangways 6th Earl of Ilchester (age 85) died. His son Edward Fox-Strangways 7th Earl of Ilchester (age 54) succeeded 7th Earl Ilchester, 7th Baron Ilchester and Stavordale of Redlynch in Somerset, 7th Baron Strangways of Woodford in Dorset, 7th Baron Ilchester of Ilchester in Somerset.Helen Elizabeth Fox-Strangways Countess Ilchester by marriage Countess Ilchester.
On 29 Oct 2004 Alice Christabel Montagu-Douglas-Scott Duchess Gloucester died.