On this Day in History ... 3rd November

03 Nov is in November.

1428 Siege of Orléans

1533 First Act of Supremacy

1539 Exeter Conspiracy

1640 Treaty of Ripon

1666 St James' Day Battle

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 3rd November

On 03 Nov 1220 Urraca Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal (age 33) died.

On 03 Nov 1373 Joan Valois Queen Consort Navarre (age 30) died at Évreux.

On 03 Nov 1456 Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 26) died of plague at Carmarthen Castle [Map] leaving his twelve year old wife Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 13) pregnant with their child Henry Tudor, the future King Henry VII. His son Henry Tudor succeeded 2nd Earl Richmond.

Hall's Chronicle 1533. 03 Nov 1533. In this year the third day of November the King’s Highness held his high court of Parliament, in the which was concluded and made many and sundry good, wholesome, and godly statutes: but among all one special statute, which authorised the King’s highness to be Supreme Head of the Church of England, by the which the Pope with all his College of Cardinals abolished, with all their pardons and indulgences was utterly abolished out of this realm, God be everlastingly praised therefore. In this Parliament also was given to the King’s highness the first fruits and tenths of all dignities and spiritual promotions. And in the end of the same Parliament the King’s Majesty most graciously grannted (and willed it by the same Parliament to be established) his most gracious and general free pardon.

On 03 Nov 1534 Parliament enacted the First Act of Supremacy by which Henry VIII (age 43) and his heirs were declared to be Supreme Head of the Church of England.

Hall's Chronicle 1538. 03 Nov 1539. The third day of November were Henry Marquess of Exeter and Earl of Devonshire (age 43) and Sir Henry Pole knight and Lord Montague and Sir Edward Neville brother to the Lord Bergavenny sent to the Tower which three were accused by Sir Geoffrey Pole (age 38) brother to the Lord Montague (age 47), of high treason, and the two lords were arraigned the last day of December, at Westminster before the Lord Audley of Walden, Lord Chancellor, and then the High Steward of England, and there found guilty, likewise on the third day after was arraigned Sir Edward Neville, Sir Geoffrey Pole and two priests called Croftes and Collins, and one Holande a mariner and all attainted, and the ninth day of Januarie, were the said two lords and Sir Edward Neville beheaded at the Tower Hill, and the two priests and Holande were drawnn to Tyburn, and there hanged and quartered, and Sir Geoffrey Pole was pardoned.

After 03 Nov 1612. Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map]. Monument to Christopher Yelverton (deceased) and Margaret Catesby was buried at Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map]. Early canopied Jacobean Hooded Monument with eight daughters shown on one side, four sons on the other. The posts support a canopy of two semicircular arches with coffered soffits, urn ornaments at the angles, and shields of arms.

Christopher Yelverton: In 1536 he was born to William Yelverton and Amy Fermor. Before 29 Jun 1566 Christopher Yelverton and Margaret Catesby were married. On 24 Nov 1597 he was appointed Speaker of the House of Commons. On 31 Oct 1612 Christopher Yelverton died at his seventy room house in Easton Maudit.

Margaret Catesby: In 1543 she was born to Thomas Catesby of Whiston. In 1611 Margaret Catesby died.

Evelyn's Diary. 30 Dec 1640. I saw his Majesty (age 40) (coming from his Northern Expedition) ride in pomp and a kind of ovation, with all the marks of a happy peace, restored to the affections of his people, being conducted through London with a most splendid cavalcade; and on the 3d of November following (a day never to be mentioned without a curse), to that long ungrateful, foolish, and fatal Parliament, the beginning of all our sorrows for twenty years after, and the period of the most happy monarch in the world: Quis talia fando!

Pepy's Diary. 03 Nov 1660. Saturday. At home all the morning. In the afternoon to White Hall, where my Lord and Lady were gone to kiss the Queene's (age 50) hand. To Westminster Hall [Map], where I met with Tom Doling, and we two took Mrs. Lane to the alehouse, where I made her angry with commending of Tom Newton and her new sweetheart to be both too good for her, so that we parted with much anger, which made Tom and me good sport. So home to write letters by the post, and so to bed.

Pepy's Diary. 03 Nov 1665. Was called up about four o'clock and in the darke by lanthorne took boat and to the Ketch and set sayle, sleeping a little in the Cabbin till day and then up and fell to reading of Mr. Evelyn's (age 45) book about Paynting1, which is a very pretty book.

Note 1. This must surely have been Evelyn's "Sculptura, or the History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving in Copper", published in 1662. The translation of Freart's "Idea of the Perfection of Painting demonstrated" was not published until 1668.

Calendars. 03 Nov 1666. Declaration [by Lord Arlington]. The King (age 36), haying maturely considered the charges brought against Sir Rob. Holmes (age 44) by Sir Jeremy Smith, finds no cause to suspect Sir Robert (age 44) of cowardice in the fight with the Dutch of June 25 and 26, but thinks that on the night of the 26th, he yielded too easily to the opinion of his pilot, without consulting those of the other ships, muzzled his ship, and thus obliged the squadron to do the same, and so the enemy, which might have been driven into the body of the King's fleet, then returning from the pursuit, was allowed to escape. [Hnt. Book 23, p. 264.]

On 03 Nov 1701 Philippe V King Spain (age 17) and Maria Luisa Savoy (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Victor Amadeus King Sardinia (age 35) and Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia (age 32). He the son of Louis "Le Grand Dauphin" Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 40) and Maria Anna Victoria Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy. They were second cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.

On 03 Nov 1775 General Edward Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 31) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 33).

On 03 Nov 1817 Ernest Hébert was born.

On 03 Nov 1886 Alexander Mountbatten 1st Marquess Carisbrooke was born to Henry Mountbatten (age 28) and Princess Beatrice (age 29). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 03 Nov 1923 Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 40) and Louise Mountbatten Queen Consort Sweden (age 34) were married. She the daughter of Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven and Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven (age 60). He the son of Gustav V King Sweden (age 65). He a great x 5 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Births on the 3rd November

On 03 Nov 1552 Thomas Gresley was born to William Gresley (age 27) and Catherine Aston at Drakelow [Map].

On 03 Nov 1557 Charles Bourbon Condé was born to Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 27) and Eléanor de Roucy de Roye Princess Condé (age 22).

On 03 Nov 1598 John Curzon 1st Baronet was born to John Curzon (age 47) and Millicent Sacheverell at Kedleston [Map].

On 03 Nov 1601 Gaston Henri Duke Verneuille was born illegitimately to Henry IV King France (age 47) and Catherine Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues (age 22).

On 03 Nov 1625 Thomas Culpepper was born to Thomas Culpepper (age 50) and Elizabeth Cheney (age 43).

On 03 Nov 1663 Dorothy Davey Baroness Altham was born to John Davey.

On 03 Nov 1689 John Crowley was born.

On 03 Nov 1691 William Leigh of Adlestrop and Longborough was born to Theophilus Leigh (age 44) and Mary Brydges (age 26).

On 03 Nov 1701 Smart Lethieullier was born to John Lethieullier and Elizabeth Smart at Aldersbrook Manor House. He was educated at Eton College [Map] and Trinity College, Oxford University; he was awarded MA in 1723.

On 03 Nov 1775 General Edward Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 31) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 33).

On 03 Nov 1779 Hugh Gough 1st Viscount Gough was born to Lieutenant Colonel George Gough (age 29) and Letitia Bunbury of Lisnavagh (age 25).

On 03 Nov 1783 Captain Thomas Pottinger was born to Eldred Curwen Pottinger (age 30).

On 03 Nov 1817 Ernest Hébert was born.

On 03 Nov 1817 Leonard Jerome "King of Wall Street" Financier was born to Isaac Jerome (age 31) and Aurora Murray at Pompey.

On 03 Nov 1831 Augusta Fane was born to William Mildmay Fane (age 42) and Louisa Hay Dashwood (age 40) in India.

On 03 Nov 1852 Henry Finch-Hatton 8th Earl Nottingham 13th Earl Winchilsea was born to George Finch-Hatton 5th Earl Nottingham 10th Earl Winchilsea (age 61) and Fanny Margaretta Rice Countess Nottingham Winchilsea.

On 03 Nov 1886 Alexander Mountbatten 1st Marquess Carisbrooke was born to Henry Mountbatten (age 28) and Princess Beatrice (age 29). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 03 Nov 1892 Major Terence Eden 8th Baron Auckland was born to George Eden (age 31) and Amy Violet Hay-Drummond (age 24).

On 03 Nov 1922 James Lowther 7th Earl Londsdale was born to Anthony Lowther (age 26).

Marriages on the 3rd November

On 03 Nov 1295 Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford (age 21) and Maud Clare Baroness Clifford Baroness Welles (age 19) were married at Clifford Castle, Herefordshire [Map]. They were third cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 03 Nov 1358 Robert De La Mare (age 44) and Maud Hastings (age 23) were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King John "Lackland" of England.

On 03 Nov 1473 Peter Bourbon II Duke Bourbon (age 34) and Anne Valois Duchess Bourbon (age 12) were married. She by marriage Duchess Bourbon. The difference in their ages was 22 years. She the daughter of Louis "Father of the People" XI King France (age 50) and Charlotte Savoy Queen Consort France (age 31). He the son of Charles Bourbon I Duke Bourbon and Agnes Valois Duchess Bourbon (age 69). They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 03 Nov 1567 Richard Polstead (age 22) and Elizabeth More were married.

On 03 Nov 1592 John Perrot (age 63) and Anne Cheney were married.

On 03 Nov 1601 John Heveningham (age 24) and Bridget Paston (age 19) were married at St Margaret's Church, Paston [Map].

Before 03 Nov 1701 John Lethieullier and Elizabeth Smart were married.

On 03 Nov 1701 Philippe V King Spain (age 17) and Maria Luisa Savoy (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Victor Amadeus King Sardinia (age 35) and Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia (age 32). He the son of Louis "Le Grand Dauphin" Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 40) and Maria Anna Victoria Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy. They were second cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.

On 03 Nov 1705 Gilbert Affleck (age 21) and Anne Dolben were married at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Before 03 Nov 1726 John Talman (age 49) and Frances Cockayne (age 41) were married.

On 03 Nov 1763 Francis William Drake (age 39) and Elizabeth Heathcote (age 33) were married. They had two daughters. They were half first cousins.

On 03 Nov 1789 Richard Croft 6th Baronet (age 27) and Margaret Denman were married.

On 03 Nov 1799 Richard White 1st Earl Bantry (age 32) and Margaret Anne Hare Countess Bantry were married. She the daughter of William Hare 1st Earl Listowel (age 48).

Before 03 Nov 1817 Isaac Jerome (age 31) and Aurora Murray were married.

On 03 Nov 1829 John Fane (age 25) and Ellen Catherine Parker were married. She the daughter of Thomas Parker 5th Earl Macclesfield (age 66) and Daughter of Lewis Edwards. They were first cousin once removed.

On 03 Nov 1870 Harold Arthur Lee Dillon 17th Viscount Dillon (age 26) and Julia Stanton Viscountess Dillon were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 03 Nov 1888 Major-General Peter Ewart 1st Baronet (age 50) and Evelyn Clementina Heathcote-Willoughby-Drummond Lady Ewart (age 24) were married at Lowndes Square, Belgravia. The difference in their ages was 26 years. She the daughter of Gilbert Henry Heathcote Drummond Willoughby 1st Earl Ancaster (age 58) and Evelyn Elizabeth Gordon Countess Ancaster (age 42).

On 03 Nov 1923 Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 40) and Louise Mountbatten Queen Consort Sweden (age 34) were married. She the daughter of Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven and Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven (age 60). He the son of Gustav V King Sweden (age 65). He a great x 5 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 03 Nov 1932 Commander Edward Gavin Heywood-Lonsdale and June Grace Shakespeare were married.

Deaths on the 3rd November

On 03 Nov 1219 Saer Quincy 1st Earl Winchester (age 49) died at Damietta. His son Roger de Quincy 2nd Earl Winchester (age 24) succeeded 2nd Earl Winchester.

On 03 Nov 1220 Urraca Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal (age 33) died.

On 03 Nov 1345 Peter Capet I Count Dreux (age 47) died. His half sister Joan Capet I Countess Dreux (age 36) succeeded I Countess Dreux.

On 03 Nov 1348 Agnes aka Matilda Fitzalan (age 50) died in Bedale.

On 03 Nov 1373 Joan Valois Queen Consort Navarre (age 30) died at Évreux.

On 03 Nov 1448 Margaret Squery Baroness Poynings died.

On 03 Nov 1456 Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 26) died of plague at Carmarthen Castle [Map] leaving his twelve year old wife Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 13) pregnant with their child Henry Tudor, the future King Henry VII. His son Henry Tudor succeeded 2nd Earl Richmond.

On 03 Nov 1465 Katherine Moleyns (age 41) died.

Around 03 Nov 1477 Richard Fowler (age 52) died.

On 03 Nov 1486 John Catesby (age 53) died.

On 03 Nov 1506 William Dormer of Thame and West Wycombe (age 68) died.

On 03 Nov 1584 Saint Cardinal Charles Borromeo (age 46) died.

On 03 Nov 1592 John Perrot (age 63) died at Tower of London [Map] whilst awaiting execution.

On 03 Nov 1602 Alice Cockayne (age 67) died at Penkridge, Staffordshire [Map]. She was buried at St Michael's Church Penkridge [Map].

On 03 Nov 1608 Roland Lacon (age 71) died.

On 03 Nov 1616 Agnes Hedwig of Anhalt (age 43) died.

On 03 Nov 1625 Ellis Crispe (age 63) died. He was buried at St Mildred's Church, Bread Street. His will was proven on 07 Nov 1625 at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

On 03 Nov 1636 Francis Catesby (age 56) died.

On 03 Nov 1639 Barbara Bacon (age 86) died.

Before 03 Nov 1645 William Norton (age 37) died.

Before 03 Nov 1653 George Trevelyan (age 40) died.

On 03 Nov 1655 Elizabeth Willoughby Lady D'Ewes and Glentworth (age 30) died.

On 03 Nov 1672 Edward Pytts of Kyre Park (age 66) died.

On 03 Nov 1681 Matthew Tomlinson (age 64) died. He was buried at St James the Great's Church, East Malling.

On 03 Nov 1708 Henriette Catherine Orange Nassau (age 71) died.

On 03 Nov 1720 Herbert Croft 1st Baronet (age 69) died.

On 03 Nov 1726 John Talman (age 49) died.

On 03 Nov 1734 Mary Catesby Countess Uxbridge died.

On 03 Nov 1753 Dent Knightley (age 76) died.

On 03 Nov 1754 Brownlow Cecil 8th Earl Exeter (age 53) died. His son Brownlow Cecil 9th Earl Exeter (age 29) succeeded 9th Earl Exeter, 10th Baron Burghley. Laetitia Townshend Countess Exeter (age 28) by marriage Countess Exeter.

On 03 Nov 1769 Bishop Robert Lamb (age 66) died unmarried. His younger brother Matthew Lamb 1st Baronet inherited his estate.

On 03 Nov 1770 James Ogilvy 6th Earl Findlater 3rd Earl Seafield (age 56) committed suicide. His son James Ogilvy 7th Earl Findlater 4th Earl Seafield (age 20) succeeded 7th Earl Findlater, 4th Earl Seafield.

On 03 Nov 1776 Robert Lee 4th Earl Lichfield (age 70) died without issue. Earl Lichfield and Baronet Lee of Quarrendon in Buckinghamshire extinct.

On 03 Nov 1807 Archbishop William Markham (age 88) died.

On 03 Nov 1808 Isabella Carr Countess Erroll died.

On 03 Nov 1813 Anne Meade (age 88) died.

On 03 Nov 1832 Thomas Noel-Hill 2nd Baron Berwick (age 62) died in Naples without issue. His brother William Noel-Hill 3rd Baron Berwick (age 59) succeeded 3rd Baron Berwick of Attingham in Shropshire.

On 03 Nov 1840 Thomas Walpole (age 85) died.

On 03 Nov 1852 William Welby 2nd Baronet (age 83) died. His son Glynne Earl Welby 3rd Baronet (age 46) succeeded 3rd Baronet Welby of Denton Manor in Lincolnshire.

On 03 Nov 1854 Charlotte Maria Barrington Countess of Strathmore (age 28) died.

On 03 Nov 1859 William James Felix Tollemache (age 32) died.

On 03 Nov 1860 Henry John Hyde Seymour (age 65) died.

On 03 Nov 1868 Granville Leveson Proby 3rd Earl of Carysfort (age 86) died.

On 03 Nov 1875 Charles Edward Kennaway (age 75) died.

On 03 Nov 1888 Benjamin James Chapman 4th Baronet (age 78) died. His son Montagu Richard Chapman 5th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 5th Baronet Chapman of Killua Castle.

On 03 Nov 1898 Jane Seymour Fitzgerald (age 74) died.

On 03 Nov 1899 Frederick Ellis 7th Baron Howard de Walden 3rd Baron Seaford (age 69) died. His son Thomas Scott-Ellis 8th Baron Howard de Walden 4th Baron Seaford (age 19) succeeded 8th Baron Howard de Walden, 4th Baron Seaford of Seaford in Essex. His inheritance included a large part of Marylebone, London and earned him the title of 'Britain's wealthiest bachelor'. His fortune derived from his grandmother's estates which she had inherited as daughter of the Duke of Portland.

On 03 Nov 1904 Pascoe Charles Glyn (age 71) died.

On 03 Nov 1916 Auberon Herbert 9th Baron Lucas (age 40) was killed in action. He was unmarried. His sister Nan Ino Cooper 10th Baroness Lucas (age 36) succeeded 10th Baroness Lucas of Crudwell.

On 03 Nov 1924 George Chichester May died.

On 03 Nov 1932 Anthony Cope 13th Baronet (age 90) died. His son Denzil Cope 14th Baronet (age 59) succeeded 14th Baronet Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.

On 03 Nov 1932 Brien Ibrican Cokayne 1st Baron Cullen (age 68) died. His son Charles Cockayne 2nd Baron Cullen (age 20) succeeded 2nd Baron Cullen of Ashbourne in Derbyshire.

On 03 Nov 1937 Richard Edgcumbe (age 94) died.

On 03 Nov 1958 Nan Ino Cooper 10th Baroness Lucas (age 78) died. Her daughter Anne Rosemary Cooper 11th Baroness Lucas (age 39) succeeded 11th Baroness Lucas of Crudwell. Major Robert Jocelyn Palmer Baron Lucas (age 39) by marriage Baron Lucas of Crudwell.

On 03 Nov 1964 Evelyn Harriet Leveson-Gower died.

On 03 Nov 1970 Lieutenant-Colonel Peter William Marsham (age 57) died.