On this Day in History ... 6th July

06 Jul is in July.

1189 Death of King Henry II

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1483 Coronation of Richard III

1535 Execution of Bishop Fisher and Thomas More

1537 Bigod's Rebellion

1553 Death of Edward VI

1586 Babington Plot

1641 Battle of La Marfée

1660 July Creation of Peerages

1685 Battle of Sedgemoor

1758 Battle of Carillon

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 6th July

Instruction for a Ruler Book 3 Chapter 26. 06 Jul 1189Therefore, with these things having been completed in this manner, the king (age 56) had himself carried to the castle of Chinon [Map]; where, his health worsening on Thursday, and having taken to his bed on the seventh day, on that day which physicians call critical, he was lethally struck down, repeating, indeed multiplying, these words, which the intensity of his thoughts, both of the illness and of the pain as well as indignation, extorted from him, because the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart, 'Oh, the shame of a defeated king! Oh, the shame!' he struggled in his final moments. And thus, finally, among such wretched cries, the very herald of his own disgrace, he expired, overwhelmed and oppressed more than ended by natural death. From this, it is clear that the higher one is elevated by prosperity, the more forcefully they are cast down; and the more the bow is bent back, the more powerfully the arrow is propelled forward.

His igitur in hunc modum exactis, ad Chinonense castrum se rex deferri fecit; ubi invalescente valetudine feria quinta, et a qua decubuit septima, die videlicet quem physici criticum vocant, letaliter correptus, hæc ingeminando immo multiplicando verba, quae de reliquiis cogitationum vehementia tam morbi quam doloris pariter et indignationis extorsit, quoniam ex abundantia cordis os loqui solet, "Proh pudor de rege victo! proh pudor!" in extremis laboravit. Et sic demum inter aerumnosas hujusmodi voces, propria praco confusionis, exspiravit, obrutusque magis et oppressus quam naturali morte finitus occubuit. Ex quo patet quod, quanto [quis] secundis altius elevatur, tanto impetuosius ad imum demittitur; quantoque arcus magis retro curvatur, tanto sagitta fortius in anteriora propellitur.

On 06 Jul 1249 Alexander II King Scotland (age 50) died at Kerrera. He was buried at Melrose Abbey, Melrose. His son Alexander III King Scotland (age 7) succeeded King Scotland.

On 06 Jul 1320 Charles I King Hungary (age 32) and Elisabeth Unknown Queen Consort Hungary were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Hungary. He the son of Charles Martel King Hungary and Clementia Habsburg. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 06 Jul 1402 Louis Wittelsbach III Elector Palatine (age 24) and Blanche Lancaster Elector Palatinate (age 10) were married. She the daughter of King Henry IV of England (age 35) and Mary Bohun. He the son of Rupert King Germany (age 50).

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 06 Jul 1450. And uppon the morowe by tymys came my lord the Cardynalle of Yorke (age 70), and my Lord of Cauntyrbury, and the Byschoppe of Winchester (age 52), and they tretyde by twyne the Lord Schalys (age 53) and that captayne, that the sore conflycte and skarmasche was sessyde, ande gaffe the captayne and his mayne a generalle chartoure for him and for alle his company in his name, callyng him selfe John Mortymere, and thoroughe that mene they were i-voydyde the moste partye. And the vj day aftyr that, the Satyr-daye at evyn 3 the iij heddys were takyn downe of London Brygge, that is to say, the Lord Say (deceased) is hedde, Crowmers (deceased), and the Bayleyes, and the othyr ij [2] heddys sette uppe a-yenne that stode a-pon London Brygge be-fore, and the body whythe hedde were i-burydde at the Gray Fryers at London.

On 06 Jul 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) was crowned III King England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 65) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Anne Neville Queen Consort England (age 27) by marriage Queen Consort England. Duke Gloucester merged with the Crown.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) was appointed Lord High Steward. William Brandon (age 58), Thomas Fitzalan 17th Earl of Arundel (age 33), Thomas St Leger (age 43), Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 50), Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), Elizabeth York Duchess Suffolk (age 39), Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 32) and Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 59) attended.

Robert Dymoke (age 22) attended as the Kings' Champion.

Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 66) carried The Pointed Sword of Justice. Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40) carried the Crown. Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) carried the Third Sword of State. John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 40) carried the Sceptre. John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 21) carried the Cross and Ball. Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 28) carried the king's train. Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 13) bore the Queen's Crown.

Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 48) carried the Lord High Constable's Mace. Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 40) held Queen Anne's train. Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 34) carried The Blunt Sword of Mercy. Christopher Willoughby 10th Baron Willoughby (age 30) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 59) attended.

Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 68) refused to attend the Coronation of Richard III. History doesn't record her reason.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 01 Jul 1535. This yeare allso, the first day of Julie, beinge Thursdaye, Sir Thomas More (age 57), knight, sometyme Chauncellor of England, was death, arreigned at Westminster for highe treason and there condemned,c and the Tuesday after, beinge the 6th of Julie, he was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and his bodie was buried within the chappell in the Tower of London [Map], and his head was sett on London Bridge. The effect of his death was for the same causse that the Bishopp of Rochester (deceased) died for.d

Note c. The interrogatories and answers of Sir Thomas More and Bishop Fisher will he found printed in the first rolume of State Papers, pp. 431-6.

Note d. For refusing to subscribe the new Oath of Supremacy as enacted hy the last parliament "This Act," said Sir Thomas More, "is like a sword with two edges, for if a man answer one way it will destroy the soul, and if he answer another it will destroy the body."

Letters and Papers 1537. 3 July.

203. Norfolk to Cromwell.

Calig. B. vii. 224. B. M.

Received yesternight his letter of the 28 June and a packet under the King's Seal. Has appointed all therein named of the West Marches to be with him at York, Friday se'nnight, when Aske (age 37) is to suffer. Before his execution an exhortation to be given. Will take care to satisfy the King.

On 06 Jul 1537 Robert Constable (age 59) was hanged in chains from the Beverley Gate in Kingston upon Hull witnessed by Thomas Howard 3rd Duke Norfolk (age 64).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1551. The vj day of July the Kynges (age 13) grace rod thrugh Grenwyche parke [Map] unto Blake heth [Map], and my lord of Darbe (age 42), and my lord of Warwyke (age 47), and my lord admerall Clyntun (age 39), and sir Wylliam Harbard (age 50), and odur lordes and knyghts and gentyllmen, and trumpeters playhyng, and alle the gardes in ther dobelets and ther hosse, with bowes and arowes and halbards ij and ij to-gether, and the Kynges grace in the myds on horsse-bake, and ther the Kynges grace ran at the ryng on Blake heth with lordes and knyghtes. [The earl of Warwick met the King there with a hundred men of arms, and great horses, and gentlemen] in clothe, and brodered the alffe, and the same night the Kyng suppyd at Depforth [Map] in a shype with my lord Admyral, [and the lords] of the conselle, and with many gentylmen.

Note. The king supped at Deptford. Machyn has dated this event two days too late. It is thus recorded in the king's own diary: "4. I was banketted by the lord Clinton at Detford, where I saw the Primrose and the Marie Willoughby launched."

On 06 Jul 1553 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 15) died at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. His first cousin once removed Lady Jane Grey  (age 17) succeeded I Queen England.

Thomas Wendy (age 53) attended the King as physician.

Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary 1553. 06 Jul 1553. KING EDWARD (age 15) died at Greenwich, on the 6th July 1553, "towards night."a The event was kept perfectly secret during the next day;b but measures were taken to occupy and fortify the Tower of London [Map].c On "the 8. of July the lord maior of London was sent for to the court then at Greenwich, to bring with him sixe aldermen, as many merchants of the staple, and as many merchant adventurers, unto whom by the Councell was secretly declared the death of king Edward, and also how hee did ordaine for the succession of the Crowne by his letters pattents, to the which they were sworne, and charged to keep it secret."d

Note a. Letter of the council to sir Philip Hoby (age 48), ambassador with the emperor, printed in Strype's Memorials, 1721, ii. 430. It was not written until the 8th of the month, and is silent regarding the successor to the throne. Mary (age 37), in her letter to the lords of the council, dated from Kenynghall [Map] on the 9th of July (printed in Foxe's Actes and Monuments), also states that she had learned from some advertisement that the king her brother had died on Thursday (the 6th) at night last past.

Note b. Northumberland's (age 49) intention was to keep the death of the king (age 15) a secret, until he should have obtained possession of the person of the lady Mary (age 37), who had been summoned to visit her brother, and was at no further distance from London than the royal manor of Hunsdon in Hertfordshire. But there were not wanting about the court those who from attachment to Mary, or from self-interest, ventured to incur the hazard of conveying to her this momentous intelligence; whereupon she immediately took alarm, and rode off towards the eastern coast, from which she might have escaped to the continent, had such a step become necessary. Many writers assert that it was the earl of Arundel (age 41) who made a private communication to her. I have not found any contemporary authority for this statement; but sir Nicholas Throckmorton (age 38), in his poetical autobiography (MS. Cole, vol xl. p. 272, verses 111, 112, 113, 114), claims the credit of having been the officious person. He had been a favourite servant of king Edward; and on his royal master's death,

"Mourning, from Greenwich I didd strayt departe

To London, to an house which bore our name.

My bretheren guessed by my heavie hearte

The King was dead, and I confess'd the same:

The hushing of his death I didd unfolde,

Their meaninge to proclaime queene Jane I tolde.

And, though I lik'd not the religion

Which all her life queene Marye hadd profest,

Yett in my mind that wicked motion

Right heires for to displace I did detest.

Causeless to proffer any injurie,

I meant it not, but sought for remedie.

Wherefore from four of us the newes was sent,

How that her brother hee was dead and gone;

In post her goldsmith then from London went,

By whome the message was dispatcht anon.

Shee asked, ' If wee knewe it certainlie ? '

Whoe said, ' Sir Nicholas knew it verilie.'

The author bred the errand's greate mistrust:

Shee fear'd a traine to leade her to a trapp.

Shee saide, ' If Robert had beene there shee durst

Have gag'd her life, and hazarded the happ.'

Her letters made, shee knewe not what to doe:

Shee sent them oute, butt nott subscrib'd thereto."

By "Robert" the lady Mary meant sir Robert Throckmorton, one of the four brothers.

Note c. See the Diary of Henry Machyn, p. 35. for 07 July 1553.

Note d. It appears most probable that this was the first intimation which the citizens had received of the existence of the letters patent: and that it was on this occasion that, being "sworn to them," they affixed their signatures, although the document had been previously executed on the 21st of June. No fewer than thirty-two signatures follow that of the lord mayor, but the parties were perhaps not all citizens, and from the arrangement of their names in the existing transcript (mentioned in the following note b ) it would be difficult to distinguish which were the aldermen, which the merchants of the staple, and which the merchant adventurers.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1553. The vj day of July, as they say, dessessyd the nobull Kyng Edward the vj (age 15). and the vij yere of ys rayne, and sune and here to the nobull kyng Henry the viij; and he was poyssoned, as evere body says, wher now, thanke be unto God, ther be mony of the false trayturs browt to ther end, and j trust in God that mor shall folow as thay may be spyd owt.

On 06 Jul 1586 Anthony Babington (age 24) wrote to Mary Queen of Scots (age 43), telling her that he and a group of friends were planning to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 52).

Pepy's Diary. 06 Jul 1668. Thence with W. Coventry (age 40) walked in the Park together a good while, he mighty kind to me. And hear many pretty stories of my Chancellor's (age 59) being heretofore made sport of by Peter Talbot the priest, in his story of the death of Cardinall Bleau1 by Lord Cottington, in his 'Dolor de las Tyipas'2 and Tom Killigrew (age 56), in his being bred in Ram Ally, and now bound prentice to Lord Cottington, going to Spain with £1000, and two suits of clothes.

Note 1. It is probable these stories, in ridicule of Clarendon, are nowhere recorded. Cardinal Jean Balue was the minister of Louis XI of France. The reader will remember him in Sir W. Scott's "Quentin Durward". He was confined for eleven years in an iron cage invented by himself in the Chateau de Loches, and died soon after he regained his liberty. B.

Note 2. Gripes. It was a joke against Lord Cottington that whenever he was seriously ill he declared himself a Roman Catholic, when he was well again he returned to the Protestant faith.

Pepy's Diary. 06 Jul 1668. Thence home to dinner, and thence to Mr. Cooper's (age 59), and there met my wife and W. Hewer (age 26) and Deb.; and there my wife first sat for her picture: but he is a most admirable workman, and good company. Here comes Harris (age 34), and first told us how Betterton (age 32) is come again upon the stage: whereupon my wife and company to the [Duke's] house to see "Henry the Fifth"; while I to attend the Duke of York (age 34) at the Committee of the Navy, at the Council, where some high dispute between him and W. Coventry (age 40) about settling pensions upon all Flag-Officers, while unemployed: W. Coventry (age 40) against it, and, I think, with reason.

Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1679. Now were there papers, speeches, and libels, publicly cried in the streets against the Dukes of York (age 45) and Lauderdale (age 63), etc., obnoxious to the Parliament, with too much and indeed too shameful a liberty; but the people and Parliament had gotten head by reason of the vices of the great ones.

On 06 Jul 1685 John Berkeley 4th Viscount Fitzhardinge (age 35) fought at Westonzoyland Bridgwater, Somerset during the Battle of Sedgemoor.

Francis Compton (age 56) was wounded.

Sharington Talbot (age 29) "behaved himself very handsomely".

On 06 Jul 1685 Sharington Talbot (age 29) was killed in a duel with Captain Love over whose troops fought better at the Battle of Sedgemoor which had been fought earlier the same day.

Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1686. I supp'd with the Countesse of Rochester (age 40), where was also the Dutchesse of Buckingham (age 47) and Madame de Governe, whose daughter (age 20) was married to ye Marquess of Halifax's (age 52) sonn (age 52). She made me a character of ye French King (age 47) and Dauphin (age 24), and of ye persecution. That they kept much of the cruelties from the King's knowledge; that the Dauphin was so afraid of his father, that he durst not let any thing appeare of his sentiments; that he hated letters and priests, spent all his time in hunting, and seem'd to take no notice of what was passing.

Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1695. I dined at Lambeth [Map], making my first visit to the Archbishop (age 58), where there was much company, and great cheer. After prayers in the evening, my Lord (age 58) made me stay to show me his house, furniture, and garden, which were all very fine, and far beyond the usual Archbishops, not as affected by this, but being bought ready furnished by his predecessor. We discoursed of several public matters, particularly of the Princess of Denmark (age 30), who made so little figure.

On 06 Jul 1749 John Montagu 2nd Duke Montagu (age 59) died without surviving male issue. Duke Montagu extinct. His estates were inherited by his daughter Mary (age 38) and her husband George Brudenell aka Montagu 1st Duke Montagu (age 36) who changed his name to Montagu from Brudenell. Monument in St Edmund's Church, Warkton [Map]. Sculpted by Louis Francois Roubiliac (age 46). Erected by his widow, Mary Churchill (age 59), the daughter of the 1st Duke of Marlborough, who stands at the left hand side of the monument.

On 06 Jul 1755 John Flaxman was born to John Flaxman (age 29) in York [Map]

On 06 Jul 1758 George Howe 3rd Viscount Howe (age 33) was killed at Fort Carillon Ticonderoga at the Battle of Carillon. His brother Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 32) succeeded 4th Viscount Howe, 4th Baron Glenawley.

On 06 Jul 1766 John Russell 6th Duke Bedford was born to Francis Russell (age 26) and Elizabeth Keppel (age 27). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1834 Joseph Edgar Boehm was born in Vienna of Hungarian parents.

On 06 Jul 1885 Bishop George Moberly (age 81) died. Salisbury Cathedral [Map].

Bishop George Moberly: On 10 Oct 1803 he was born in St Petersburg. In 1869 he was appointed Bishop of Salisbury.

On 06 Jul 1893 George V King United Kingdom (age 28) and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 26) were married at Chapel Royal, St James's Palace. She by marriage Duchess York. He the son of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 51) and Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 48). They were second cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1947 Adolfo Müller-Ury (age 85) died.

Births on the 6th July

On 06 Jul 1332 Elizabeth Burgh Duchess of Clarence was born to William Donn Burgh 3rd Earl Ulster (age 19) and Maud Plantagenet Countess Ulster (age 22) at Carrickfergus Castle, Carrickfergus, County Antrim. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Before 06 Jul 1541 Mary Russell was born to Thomas Russell (age 22) and Francis Cholmley (age 11).

On 06 Jul 1579 Francis Norreys 1st Earl Berkshire was born to William Norreys (age 31) and Elizabeth Morrison Countess Lincoln.

On 06 Jul 1586 Thomas Trevor was born to John Trevor of Trevalyn, Denbighshire. The fifth and youngest son.

On 06 Jul 1589 Ralph Freeman was born.

On 30 Jun 1659 Edward Reade 2nd Baronet was born to Compton Reade 1st Baronet (age 34) and Mary Cornwall Lady Reade (age 29). He was baptised on 06 Jul 1599. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 06 Jul 1693 Elizabeth Lewes was born to Thomas Lewes at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire.

On 06 Jul 1704 Susanna Hoare was born to Henry Hoare (age 27).

On 06 Jul 1704 Stillborn Hervey was born to John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 38) and Elizabeth Felton Countess Bristol (age 27).

On 06 Jul 1709 William Byron was born to William Byron 4th Baron Byron (age 39) and Frances Wilhelmina Bentinck Baroness Byron (age 25).

On 06 Jul 1714 John Tottenham 1st Baronet was born to Charles Tottenham (age 19).

On 06 Jul 1734 Charles Francis Strickland was born to Thomas Strickland (age 33).

On 06 Jul 1746 William Lubbock was born to Reverend William Lubbock (age 45) and Elizabeth Cooper.

On 06 Jul 1755 John Flaxman was born to John Flaxman (age 29) in York [Map]

On 06 Jul 1760 Thomas Fane was born to John Fane 9th Earl of Westmoreland (age 32) and Augusta Bertie (age 28).

On 06 Jul 1766 John Russell 6th Duke Bedford was born to Francis Russell (age 26) and Elizabeth Keppel (age 27). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1767 Philip Egerton 9th Baronet was born to Philip Egerton of Oulton (age 29) and Mary Eyles-Styles (age 22). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 06 Jul 1778 Matilda Jane Courtenay was born to William Courtenay 8th Earl Devon (age 35) and Frances Clack Countess Devon.

On 06 Jul 1785 William Jackson Hooker was born.

On 06 Jul 1789 Maria Isabel Queen Consort of the Two Sicilies was born to Charles IV King Spain (age 40) and Maria Luisa of Parma (age 37). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.66%.

On 06 Jul 1796 Tsar Nicholas I of Russia was born to Paul Emperor of Russia (age 41) and Empress Sophie Dorothea of Russia (age 36). He a great x 3 grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1799 Caroline Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck was born to William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck 4th Duke Portland (age 31) and Henrietta Scott Duchess Portland (age 25).

On 06 Jul 1803 Martin Tucker Smith was born to John Smith.

On 06 Jul 1805 Richard Birkin was born.

On 06 Jul 1814 James Duff 5th Earl Fife was born to Alexander Duff (age 37).

On 06 Jul 1819 Standish Prendergast Vereker 4th Viscount Gort was born to John Vereker 3rd Viscount Gort (age 29).

On 06 Jul 1821 Cecil Augutus Bisshopp 10th Baronet was born to George Bisshopp 9th Baronet (age 30) and Catherine Elizabeth Sproule.

On 06 Jul 1821 Henry Vivian 1st Baron Swansea was born to John Henry Vivian (age 35) and Sarah Jones at Singleton Abbey.

On 06 Jul 1823 Louisa Charlotte Hill was born to Colonel Thomas Noel Hill (age 39).

On 06 Jul 1825 Charles Robert Blakiston was born to Matthew Blakiston 3rd Baronet (age 42).

On 06 Jul 1829 Cornelia Frances Blomfield was born to Reverend George Becher Blomfield and Frances Maria Massie.

On 06 Jul 1829 Captain Thomas William Goff was born.

On 06 Jul 1829 Frederick Christian Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg was born to Christian August Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 30) and Louise Sophie Danneskiold Samsøe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. He a great x 3 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1830 Admiral Mark Robert Pechell was born to Reverend Horace Robert Pechell (age 38) and Caroline Mary Kerr.

On 06 Jul 1834 Joseph Edgar Boehm was born in Vienna of Hungarian parents.

On 06 Jul 1837 John Lockwood Kipling was born.

On 06 Jul 1846 Grace Emma Abdy was born to Thomas Neville Abdy 1st Baronet (age 35) and Harriet Alston.

On 06 Jul 1851 John Goldsmith was born at 3 Popham Street, Islington.

On 06 Jul 1860 Edmund Royds of Stubton Hall was born to Reverend Francis Coulman Royds (age 34) and Cornelia Frances Blomfield (age 31). He was baptised on 29 Jul 1860 at Coddington [Map].

On 06 Jul 1871 Ulric Oliver Thynne was born to Henry Frederick Thynne (age 38).

On 06 Jul 1873 George Gibbs 1st Baron Wraxall was born to Antony Gibbs (age 31).

On 06 Jul 1886 Marion Beatrice Smith Viscountess Leverhulme was born to Bryce Smith.

On 06 Jul 1905 Major John Ogilvie Spencer was born to Edwin John Spencer (age 44) and Julia Constance Ogilvie (age 36).

On 06 Jul 1916 Patricia Bowes-Lyon was born to John "Jock" Bowes-Lyon (age 30) and Fenella Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis (age 26).

On 06 Jul 1958 Henry Seymour 9th Marquess of Hertford was born to Hugh Seymour 8th Marquess Hertford (age 28) and Pamela Therese Louise de Riquet Comtesse de Caraman-Chimay (age 25).

Marriages on the 6th July

On 06 Jul 1320 Charles I King Hungary (age 32) and Elisabeth Unknown Queen Consort Hungary were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Hungary. He the son of Charles Martel King Hungary and Clementia Habsburg. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 06 Jul 1336 Ralph Stafford 1st Earl Stafford (age 34) and Margaret Audley Countess Stafford (age 18) were married. She by marriage Baroness Stafford. She the daughter of Hugh Audley 1st Earl Gloucester (age 45) and Margaret Clare Countess Gloucester. She a great granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 06 Jul 1402 Louis Wittelsbach III Elector Palatine (age 24) and Blanche Lancaster Elector Palatinate (age 10) were married. She the daughter of King Henry IV of England (age 35) and Mary Bohun. He the son of Rupert King Germany (age 50).

Before 06 Jul 1490 John Bourchier 6th Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 52) and Elizabeth Chichele were married. He the son of Henry Bourchier 2nd Count Eu 1st Earl Essex and Isabel York Countess Eu and Essex. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 06 Jul 1512 Henry IV Duke Saxony (age 39) and Catherine of Mecklenburg Duchess of Saxony (age 25) were married.

Before 06 Jul 1528 Ralph Verney (age 73) and Eleanor Pole (age 66) were married.

On 06 Jul 1544 Matthew Stewart 4th Earl Lennox (age 27) and Margaret Douglas Countess Lennox (age 28) were married. She by marriage Countess Lennox. She the daughter of Archibald Douglas 6th Earl Angus (age 55) and Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland. He the son of John Stewart 3rd Earl Lennox and Isabel or Elizabeth Stewart Countess Lennox (age 49). They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1551 William "The Silent" Orange Nassau I Prince Orange (age 18) and Anna Egmond Princess Orange were married. She by marriage Princess Orange.

Before 06 Jul 1553 William Sharington (age 58) and Eleanor Walsingham were married.

On 06 Jul 1562 William Butler (age 32) and Margaret Greeke (age 28) were married.

On 06 Jul 1626 Mildmay Fane 2nd Earl of Westmoreland (age 24) and Grace Thornhurst Countess of Westmoreland (age 22) were married. He the son of Francis Fane 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 46) and Mary Mildmay Countess of Westmoreland (age 44). They were fourth cousins.

On 06 Jul 1630 Henry Carey 1st Earl Dover (age 50) and Mary Morris Countess Dover (age 65) were married at St Peter le Poer Church, Broad Street. She by marriage Countess Dover.

On 06 Jul 1637 Francis Browne 3rd Viscount Montagu (age 27) and Elizabeth Somerset Viscountess Montague (age 19) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Montagu. She the daughter of Henry Somerset 1st Marquess Worcester (age 60) and Anne Russell 2nd Marchioness Worcester (age 59). They were fourth cousins.

On 06 Jul 1655 Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden (age 44) and Elizabeth Bertie Viscountess Campden (age 15) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Campden. The difference in their ages was 29 years. She the daughter of Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey (age 47) and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness. They were second cousin twice removed.

On 06 Jul 1663 Henry Marwood 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Dorothy Bellingham were married.

On 06 Jul 1704 Henry Grey 3rd Earl Stamford (age 19) and Dorothy Wright Countess Stamford (age 19) were married.

On 06 Jul 1728 Henry Hoare "The Magnificient" (age 22) and Susan Colt were married.

On 06 Jul 1737 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine (age 26) and Mary Scrope Countess of Deloraine (age 24) were married at Cockerington, Lincolnshire. She by marriage Countess Deloraine. He the son of Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1740 James Agar (age 26) and Rebecca Flower (age 18) were married.

On 06 Jul 1740 Hugh Percy 1st Duke Northumberland (age 24) and Elizabeth Seymour Duchess Northumberland (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Algernon Seymour 7th Duke of Somerset (age 55) and Frances Thynne Duchess Somerset (age 41).

On 06 Jul 1824 James Haughton Langston (age 28) and Julia Reynolds-Moreton (age 15) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She the daughter of Thomas Reynolds-Moreton 1st Earl Ducie (age 47) and Frances Herbert Baroness Ducie Tortworth (age 42).

On 06 Jul 1837 John Crichton 3rd Earl Erne (age 34) and Selina Griselda Beresford Countess Erne (age 33) were married.

On 06 Jul 1841 Captain Ebenezer Jones (age 43) and Caroline Rainier (age 33) were married at All Saints Church, Southampton.

On 06 Jul 1865 St George Gerald Foley (age 50) and Augusta Selina Sturt were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 06 Jul 1893 George V King United Kingdom (age 28) and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 26) were married at Chapel Royal, St James's Palace. She by marriage Duchess York. He the son of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 51) and Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 48). They were second cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

Before 06 Jul 1905 Edwin John Spencer (age 44) and Julia Constance Ogilvie (age 36) were married.

Deaths on the 6th July

On 06 Jul 918 William "Pious" Poitiers I Duke Aquitaine (age 43) died.

On 06 Jul 1179 Eudo Harsick died.

On 06 Jul 1218 Odo III Duke Burgundy (age 52) died. His son Hugh IV Duke Burgundy (age 5) succeeded IV Duke Burgundy.

On 06 Jul 1249 Alexander II King Scotland (age 50) died at Kerrera. He was buried at Melrose Abbey, Melrose. His son Alexander III King Scotland (age 7) succeeded King Scotland.

On 06 Jul 1403 Reginald Cobham 2nd Baron Cobham (age 55) died. His son Reginald Cobham 3rd Baron Cobham (age 22) succeeded 3rd Baron Cobham.

On 06 Jul 1420 Thomas Harcourt (age 43) died at Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire [Map].

On 06 Jul 1462 Duncan Campbell 1st of Auchinbreck (age 31) died.

On 06 Jul 1470 Catherine Tunstall (age 75) died.

After 06 Jul 1483 Edmund Dudley (age 58) died.

On 06 Jul 1489 George Hopton (age 28) died in Westhorpe, Suffolk [Map].

Around 06 Jul 1515 Margaret Gascoigne Baroness Ogle (age 42) died.

After 06 Jul 1524 Elizabeth Crichton (age 54) died.

On 06 Jul 1528 Ralph Verney (age 73) died.

On 06 Jul 1537 Robert Constable (age 59) was hanged in chains from the Beverley Gate in Kingston upon Hull witnessed by Thomas Howard 3rd Duke Norfolk (age 64).

Before 06 Jul 1553 William Sharington (age 58) died. His brother Henry Sharington of Lacock in Wiltshire (age 21) inherited Lacock Abbey [Map].

On 06 Jul 1553 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 15) died at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. His first cousin once removed Lady Jane Grey  (age 17) succeeded I Queen England.

Thomas Wendy (age 53) attended the King as physician.

On 06 Jul 1572 Richard Weston (age 45) died.

On 06 Jul 1583 Archbishop Edmund Grindal (age 64) died.

On 06 Jul 1609 Ann Maitland Countess Winton (age 20) died.

On 06 Jul 1614 Anthony Cope 1st Baronet (age 66) died. His son William Cope 2nd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire. Elizabeth Chaworth Lady Cope by marriage Lady Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.

After 06 Jul 1631 Catherine Bowes died. Major Thomas Eure (age 24) de jure 14th Baron Scrope of Bolton.

On 06 Jul 1669 John Drake 1st Baronet (age 44) died. His son John Drake 2nd Baronet (age 22) succeeded 2nd Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon.

On 06 Jul 1679 Edward Bayntun (age 61) died.

On 06 Jul 1684 Bishop Peter Gunning (age 70) died.

On 06 Jul 1684 Anne Marie Gonzaga (age 68) died.

On 06 Jul 1685 Sharington Talbot (age 29) was killed in a duel with Captain Love over whose troops fought better at the Battle of Sedgemoor which had been fought earlier the same day.

On 06 Jul 1690 Mary Done (age 85) died.

Before 06 Jul 1699 John Ogle of Kirkley (age 81) died.

On 06 Jul 1700 Henry Thompson (age 41) died.

On 06 Jul 1711 James Douglas 2nd Duke Queensberry (age 48) died. His son Charles Douglas 3rd Duke Queensberry (age 12) succeeded 3rd Duke Queensberry.

On 06 Jul 1719 George Byron (age 11) died.

On 06 Jul 1749 John Montagu 2nd Duke Montagu (age 59) died without surviving male issue. Duke Montagu extinct. His estates were inherited by his daughter Mary (age 38) and her husband George Brudenell aka Montagu 1st Duke Montagu (age 36) who changed his name to Montagu from Brudenell. Monument in St Edmund's Church, Warkton [Map]. Sculpted by Louis Francois Roubiliac (age 46). Erected by his widow, Mary Churchill (age 59), the daughter of the 1st Duke of Marlborough, who stands at the left hand side of the monument.

On 06 Jul 1758 George Howe 3rd Viscount Howe (age 33) was killed at Fort Carillon Ticonderoga at the Battle of Carillon. His brother Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 32) succeeded 4th Viscount Howe, 4th Baron Glenawley.

On 06 Jul 1763 Philip Stanhope (age 17) died.

On 06 Jul 1784 Robert Keyt 5th Baronet (age 60) died without issue. Baronet Keyt of Ebrington in Gloucestershire extinct.

On 06 Jul 1790 George Augustus Eliott 1st Baron Heathfield (age 72) died. His son Francis Augustus Eliott 2nd Baron Heathfield (age 39) succeeded 2nd Baron Heathfield of Gibraltar.

On 06 Jul 1799 William Lee 4th Baronet (age 72) died. His son William Lee 5th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 5th Baronet Lee of Hartwell in Buckinghamshire.

On 06 Jul 1815 Samuel Charles Whitbread (age 51) died.

On 06 Jul 1858 Robert Brown Wolseley (age 49) died.

On 06 Jul 1865 Princess Sophie of Sweden (age 64) died.

On 06 Jul 1872 Charles Balfour (age 48) died.

On 06 Jul 1874 Edward William Seymour (age 83) died.

On 06 Jul 1880 Aldborough Brydges John Henniker (age 83) died.

On 06 Jul 1880 Francis Vincent 10th Baronet (age 77) died. His first cousin once removed Frederick Vincent 11th Baronet (age 82) succeeded 11th Baronet Vincent of Stoke d'Abernon. Maria Copley Young (age 60) by marriage Lady Vincent of Stoke d'Abernon.

On 06 Jul 1885 Bishop George Moberly (age 81) died. Salisbury Cathedral [Map].

Bishop George Moberly: On 10 Oct 1803 he was born in St Petersburg. In 1869 he was appointed Bishop of Salisbury.

On 06 Jul 1897 Charles Alexander Gore (age 85) died.

On 06 Jul 1901 William James Stillman (age 73) died at Frimley Green, Surrey. He was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking.

On 06 Jul 1910 Victoria Campbell (age 56) died.

On 06 Jul 1913 Edith Campbell Duchess Northumberland (age 63) died.

On 06 Jul 1918 Caroline Louisa Burnaby (age 85) died.

On 06 Jul 1920 Gertrude Augusta Anderson-Pelham (age 59) died.

On 06 Jul 1932 Kenneth Grahame (age 73) died at Pangbourne, Berkshire.

On 06 Jul 1947 Adolfo Müller-Ury (age 85) died.

On 06 Jul 1947 Admiral Colin Keppel (age 84) died.

On 06 Jul 1964 Sergeant Laurence Calvert (age 72) died.

On 06 Jul 1993 Ruth Sylvia Gill Baroness Fermoy (age 84) died.