On this Day in History ... 6th March

06 Mar is in March.

1400 Death of Richard II

1536 Funeral of Catherine of Aragon

1536 Anne Boleyn's Miscarriage

1662 Great Storm

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 6th March

John of Worcester. 06 Mar 1052. Elfgiva Emma (age 67), wife of the kings Ethelred and Canute, died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map] on the second of the nones [the 6th] of March, and was buried there.

John of Worcester. After 06 Mar 1052. In the same year, Griffyth, king of Wales, ravaged a great part of Herefordshire: the inhabitants of that province, with some Normans from a castle, flew to arms and attacked him; but, having slain a great number of them, he obtained the victory and carried off much plunder. This battle was fought on the same day on which, fourteen years before, the Welsh slew Edwin, earl Leofric's brother, in an ambuscade.

John of Worcester. After 06 Mar 1052. A short time afterwards, earl Harold (age 30) and his brother Leofwine (age 17), returning from Ireland, and sailing into the mouth of the river Severn with a large fleet, landed on the borders of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire, and plundered many villages and farms in those parts. A great number of the people of Devonshire and Somersetshire gathered together in arms against them; but Harold (age 30) defeated them with the loss of more than thirty noble thanes, and many others. He then returned to his fleet with the booty, and sailed round Penwithsteort.68 Thereupon, king Edward (age 49) quickly despatched forty ships, well provisioned, and having on board a chosen body of soldiers, to the port of Sandwich, Kent [Map], with orders to wait and look out for the arrival of earl Godwin (age 51). Notwithstanding this, he escaped observation, and, returning with a few ships, landed in Kent; and, by his secret emissaries, gained over to espouse his cause, first, the Kentishmen, and then the people of Sussex, Essex, and Surrey, with all the seamen69 of Hastings and other places on the sea-coast, besides some others. All these, with one voice, declared that they were ready to live or die with him.

Note 68. Penwith-Steort—the Land's End.

Note 69. Butsecarles—Boats-carles. Our author uses the word again, a few sentences later, in the general sense of mariners, seamen.

On 14 Feb 1400 (exact date not known) King Richard II (age 33) died at Pontefract Castle [Map] where he had been imprisoned three months before; possibly murdered, possibly starved to death. His death was a consequence of the Epiphany Rising; he was still considered a threat. His first cousin Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster de jure Heir to the Throne of England since she was the daughter of Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence. She at this time had four children with her husband Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster. The new King Henry IV (age 32) ignored her claim.

On 17 Feb 1400 Richard's (deceased) corpse was displayed at St Paul's Cathedral [Map].

On 06 Mar 1400 Richard's (deceased) remains were buried at King's Langley Priory, Hertfordshire [Map].

On 06 Mar 1405 John II King Castile was born to Henry III King Castile (age 25) and Catherine of Lancaster Queen Consort Castile (age 31). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.15%.

Calendars. 06 Mar 1536. 35. Since the above was written I have had a letter from the Imperial ambassador in France, in date of the 15th ultimo, intimating that, according to news received from England, the King wished to marry the Princess to a gentleman of his kingdom, and that king Francis had told the Imperial ambassador that in consequence of a fall from his horse king Henry had been two hours unconscious without speech1; seeing which Ana Bolans (age 35) (Boleyn) was so struck that she actually miscarried of a son. Great news these, for which we are bound to thank God, because, were the Princess to be married as reported, she may at once be considered out of danger; for her marriage may hereafter be dissolved and declared null, as it would effectually be owing to the violence used, and the evident fear the Princess has of her life, should she not consent to it. At any rate, it must be owned that though the King himself was not converted like St. Paul after his fall, at least his adulterous wife (age 35) has miscarried of a son.

Note 1. Que el Rey de Inglaterra auia caitlo con su cavallo, y estado mas de dos horas sin habla, de lo qual la Ana (age 35) tuvo tan grande alteracion que movió un hijo." [That the King of England had fallen with his horse and remained without speech for more than two hours, causing such a great disturbance to Ana that she gave birth to a child.]

Calendars. 06 Mar 1536. 35. Dr. Ortiz to the Empress..

His last letter, announcing the death and martyrdom of the Queen of England, was dated the 30th of January.

Since then he (Ortiz) has received one, dated the 19th of January, [from Chapuys?], informing him that the Princess (age 20) (Mary) was in good health. The Queen before dying showed well what her whole life had been; for not only did she ask for, and receive, all the sacraments ordained by the Church, but answered the questions put by the priest with such ardour and devotion that all present were edified. Some of those who were by her bedside, having suggested that it was not yet time to receive the sacrament of Extreme Unction, she replied that she wished to hear and understand everything that was said, and make fitting answers. She preserved her senses to the last, &c.

They say that when the king of England (age 44) heard of the death of his Queen, dressed in mauve silk as he was at the time, and with a white feather in his cap, he went to solace himself with the ladies of the palace. In fact it may well be said of him and of his kingdom what the Prophet Isaias says, cap. lvii., "Justus periet, et non est qui recogitet in corde suo, et viri misericordia colliguntur quia non est qui intelligat."

Her Highness the Queen was buried with the honors of a Princess [dowager], 18 miles from the place where she died, at an abbey called Yperberu [Map] (Peterborough), the King having only sent thither some ladies of his Court to attend the funeral. The King and the concubine (age 35) were not in London, but at a place on the road called Octinton [Map] [Huntingdon].

Letters 1536. 06 Mar 1536. The Queen was buried as princess, at an abbey 18 miles from where she died, called Yperveru (Peterborough). The King only sent some ladies to assist in the interment. No exequies or honors were performed in London, but only at a town on the road (de camino) called Octuiton (?).

Calendars. 06 Mar 1536. 35. Anne Bolans (age 35) is now in fear of the King deserting her one of these days, in order to marry another lady (age 27).

Calendars. 06 Mar 1536. 35. The King having sent his ambassadors into Scotland to persuade the king (age 23) of that country to separate from, and refuse obedience to, the Apostolic See, it happened that the very day and moment when the English were delivering their embassy a storm arose, and a most tremendous clap of thunder was heard, at which king James (age 23) horrified rose from his seat, crossed himself, and exclaimed, "I scarcely know which of the two things has caused me most fear and horror, that thunder and lightning we have just heard, or the proposition you have made me." After which, and in the very presence of the English ambassadors, he ordered unconditional obedience to the Church to be proclaimed throughout his dominions.

Letters 1536. 06 Mar 1536. La Ana (age 35) fears now that the King will leave her to make another marriage. The King has sent ambassadors to Scotland to ask the King to separate himself from the See Apostolic. During their audience there was a great storm and thunder, at which the Scotch king was much frightened, and, crossing himself, said he did not know whether to be more frightened at the thunder or their proposals. He ordered a sermon to be preached before the ambassadors on the obedience due to the Church.

When the Queen's death was known here the bull for the King's privation was already sealed. It has not been published, but the executorials in the principal cause have been obtained, with no little trouble to get them before the Queen's death was known. Rome, 6 March 1536.

On 06 Mar 1616 Francis Beaumont (age 32) died.

Evelyn's Diary. 06 Mar 1652. Saw the magnificent funeral of that arch-rebel, Ireton, carried in pomp from Somerset House [Map] to Westminster [Map], accompanied with divers regiments of soldiers, horse and foot; then marched the mourners, General Cromwell (age 52) (his father-in-law), his mock-parliament-men, officers, and forty poor men in gowns, three led horses in housings of black cloth, two led in black velvet, and his charging horse, all covered over with embroidery and gold, on crimson velvet; then the guidons, ensigns, four heralds, carrying the arms of the State (as they called it), namely, the red cross and Ireland, with the casque, wreath, sword, spurs, etc.; next, a chariot canopied of black velvet, and six horses, in which was the corpse; the pall held up by the mourners on foot; the mace and sword, with other marks of his charge in Ireland (where he died of the plague), carried before in black scarfs. Thus, in a grave pace, drums covered with cloth, soldiers reversing their arms, they proceeded through the streets in a very solemn manner. This Ireton was a stout rebel, and had been very bloody to the King's (age 21) party, witness his severity at Colchester, when in cold blood he put to death those gallant gentlemen, Sir Charles Lucas (age 39) and Sir George Lisle. My cousin, R. Fanshawe (age 43), came to visit me, and informed me of many considerable affairs. Sir Henry Herbert (age 57) presented me with his brother, my Lord Cherbury's book, "De Veritate"..

Pepy's Diary. 06 Mar 1662. This night my new camelott riding coat to my coloured cloth suit came home. More news to-day of our losses at Brampton by the late storm.

Pepy's Diary. 06 Mar 1669. Up, and to the office, where all the morning, only before the Office I stepped to Sir W. Coventry (age 41) at the Tower, and there had a great deal of discourse with him; among others, of the King's putting him out of the Council yesterday, with which he is well contented, as with what else they can strip him of, he telling me, and so hath long done, that he is weary and surfeited of business; but he joins with me in his fears that all will go to naught, as matters are now managed. He told me the matter of the play that was intended for his abuse, wherein they foolishly and sillily bring in two tables like that which he hath made, with a round hole in the middle, in his closet, to turn himself in; and he is to be in one of them as master, and Sir J. Duncomb in the other, as his man or imitator: and their discourse in those tables, about the disposing of their books and papers, very foolish. But that, that he is offended with, is his being made so contemptible, as that any should dare to make a gentleman a subject for the mirth of the world: and that therefore he had told Tom Killigrew (age 57) that he should tell his actors, whoever they were, that did offer at any thing like representing him, that he would not complain to my Lord Camberlain, which was too weak, nor get him beaten, as Sir Charles Sidly is said to do, but that he would cause his nose to be cut. He told me the passage at the Council much like what my Lord Bellassis (age 54) told me. He told me how that the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) did himself, some time since, desire to join with him, of all men in England, and did bid him propound to himself to be Chief Minister of State, saying that he would bring it about, but that he refused to have anything to do with any faction; and that the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) did, within these few days, say that, of all men in England, he would have chosen W. Coventry (age 41) to have joined entire with. He tells me that he fears their prevailing against the Duke of York (age 35); and that their violence will force them to it, as being already beyond his pardon. He repeated to me many examples of challenging of Privy-Councillors and others; but never any proceeded against with that severity which he is, it never amounting to others to more than a little confinement. He tells me of his being weary of the Treasury, and of the folly, ambition, and desire of popularity of Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38); and yet the rudeness of his tongue and passions when angry. This and much more discourse being over I with great pleasure come home and to the office, where all the morning, and at noon home to dinner, and thence to the office again, where very hard at work all the afternoon till night, and then home to my wife to read to me, and to bed, my cold having been now almost for three days quite gone from me. This day my wife made it appear to me that my late entertainment this week cost me above £12, an expence which I am almost ashamed of, though it is but once in a great while, and is the end for which, in the most part, we live, to have such a merry day once or twice in a man's life.

After 06 Mar 1764. St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map]. Monument to Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (deceased) and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke.

Framed inscription panel in white marble surmounted by an enriched sarcophagus in brown veined marble against a grey obelisk to which is affixed an achievement of arms in oval frame; around the base are putti with wreaths and emblems of office; on each side, life-size figures, one of Athene; two medallions on the sarcophagus depict the Earl (deceased) and Countess; signed 'J. STUART (age 51), INVT P. SCHEEMAKERS, SCULPR (age 73).'

In Apr 1813 Fanny Mary ffolkes (age 36) died.

On 06 Mar 1869 Fanny Anna West (age 43) died.

On 16 Nov 1867 William John Browne ffolkes Cricketer (age 47) died.

Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].

Fanny Mary ffolkes: In Apr 1777 she was born to Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet and Fanny Turner. On 28 May 1802 Gilbert Hervey West and she were married.

Fanny Anna West: In 1826 she was born to Edward West and Lucretia Georgiana ffolkes at Bombay, India. Before 06 Mar 1869 Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gregory Wale and she were married.

William John Browne ffolkes Cricketer: On 13 Jan 1820 he was born to William Browne ffolkes 2nd Baronet and Charlotte Philippa Browne.

After 06 Mar 1821. Monument in Ripon Cathedral [Map] to George Coates of Bishopton sculpted by Fisher of York.

On 06 Mar 1835 Margaret Williams Lady Williams (age 66) died. Memorial at St Asaph Cathedral [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 59).

Margaret Williams Lady Williams: On 25 Apr 1768 she was born. On 21 Oct 1791 John Williams 1st Baronet and she were married. On 27 Jul 1798 John Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire. She by marriage Lady Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.

Parsley Hay. March 6th was passed in opening a cairn or tumulus [Map] [Parsley Hay Barrow [Map]] of stone in a plantation near the Parcelly Hay wharf of the Cromford and High Peak Railway. We found the primary interment beneath the middle of the barrow, in a small oval excavation in the rook below the natural surface of the land, about three feet in depth, and not exceeding the same in its greatest diameter, consequently the body had been placed upright in a sitting or crouching posture, as was abundantly evident from the order in which the bones were found. The grave was roughly covered in with large flat slabs of limestone, which had prevented the material of the tumulus from quite filling it up; a good deal of earth had, however, been washed in, which had the effect of preserving the bones in unusual perfection. The remains accompanying the body were of the poorest description, consisting merely of three pieces of chipped flint, some shreds from a drinking cup, and various animal bones and teeth, some of which were calcined. The fine skull from this interment has been engraved in the magnificent work by Messrs. Davis and Thumam, entitled "Crania Britannica," where its internal capacity is given at 72½ ounces; length of the femur, 18.3 inches. The high antiquity of this interment may be inferred when we take into consideration the fact, that upon the covering stones there lay another skeleton, quite unprotected from the loose stone of the barrow, and accompanied by weapons indicating that the owner lived at a very remote period. This body was badly preserved, owing to the percolation of water through the over lying stones, but it appeared to have been laid as usual upon the lefl side, with the knees slightly advanced; near the upper part of the person were placed a very elegantly formed axe head of granite, with a hole for the shaft, and a very fine bronze dagger of the earliest or archaic bronze period, with three studs for fastening the handle. The engraving gives an accurate section of this remarkable barrow,

After 06 Mar 1857. St Peter and St Paul's Church, Rock [Map]. Memorial to Leopold Reiss (deceased) and Caroline m Reiss (age 43).

Caroline m Reiss: Around 1814 she was born. Before 09 Jun 1833 Leopold Reiss and she were married. In 1841 Leopold Reiss and Caroline m Reiss lived at Crumpsall Crescent, Crumpsall, Manchester. On 10 Jan 1893 she died at Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames.

On 06 Mar 1866 William Whewell (age 71) died.

On 06 Mar 1923 James Jebusa Shannon (age 61) died.

On 06 Mar 1927 Marie Spartali aka Stillman (age 82) died at Ashburn Place, Kensington. She was buried with her husband at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking.

On 06 Mar 1964 Paul I King Greece (age 62) died.

Births on the 6th March

On 06 Mar 1340 John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster was born to King Edward III of England (age 27) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 25) at the Prinsenhof Palace [Map] in Ghent aka Gaunt. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 06 Mar 1405 John II King Castile was born to Henry III King Castile (age 25) and Catherine of Lancaster Queen Consort Castile (age 31). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.15%.

On or before 06 Mar 1608 James Pennyman 1st Baronet was born illegitimately to William Pennyman. He was baptised on 06 Mar 1608 at St Cuthbert's Church, Ormesby.

Before 06 Mar 1638 Henry Capell 1st Baron Capell Tewkesbury was born to Arthur Capell 1st Baron Capell Hadham (age 30) and Elizabeth Morrison Baroness Capell Hadham (age 27) at Little Hadham, Hertfordshire [Map].

On 06 Mar 1663 Bishop Francis Atterbury was born.

On 06 Mar 1665 Caleb Heathcote was born to Gilbert Heathcote and Ann Dickens (age 35).

On 24 Feb 1683 John Finch 6th Earl Winchilsea was born to Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Winchilsea (age 55) and Elizabeth Ayres Countess Winchelsea. He was christened on 06 Mar 1683 at Eastwell, Kent.

On or before 06 Mar 1690 Carew Mildmay was born to Carew Mildmay (age 32).

On 06 Mar 1704 John Ward 1st Viscount Dudley and Ward was born to William Ward (age 27) and Mary Grey. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.15%.

On 06 Mar 1710 Robert Dashwood was born to Robert Dashwood (age 45) and Mary Garner.

On 06 Mar 1758 John Kennaway 1st Baronet was born.

On 06 Mar 1766 Lawrence Palk 2nd Baronet was born to Robert Palk 1st Baronet (age 48) and Anne van Sittart Lady Palk.

On 06 Mar 1792 Elizabeth Wilson was born to Reverend Henry Wilson 10th Baron Berners (age 29).

On 06 Mar 1795 Elizabeth Anne Brudenell was born to Robert Brudenell 6th Earl Cardigan (age 25) and Penelope Cooke Countess Cardigan (age 25).

On 06 Mar 1804 James Watts of Manchester was born to John Watts and Elizabeth Beesley (age 41). He was baptised on 15 Apr 1804 at St Thomas' Church, Ardwick.

On or before 06 Mar 1829 Emmelina Marjory Lowe Lady Clifford was born to Robert Lowe and Charlotte Atwell. She was baptised on 06 Mar 1829 at Cheltenham. Her father's occupation is shown as Honourable East India Company Medical Service.

On 06 Mar 1835 Greville Richard Vernon was born to Robert Smith aka (age 35) and Emma Mary Fitzpatrick Baroness Lyveden. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.13%.

On 06 Mar 1842 Alexandre Bibesco was born to Georges Demètre Bibesco (age 37).

On 06 Mar 1854 William George Cavendish-Bentinck was born to George Cavendish-Bentinck (age 32) and Prudence Penelope Cavendish-Bentinck nee Leslie (age 27).

On 06 Mar 1877 Douglas Walter Campbell was born to Walter Campbell (age 28) and Olivia Milns.

On 06 Mar 1882 Geoffrey Le Mesurier Mander was born to Samuel Theodore Mander (age 29) and Flora St Clair Paint.

On 06 Mar 1932 Captain David Peter Dudley Stapleton-Cotton was born to Francis Stapleton-Cotton 4th Viscount Combermere (age 44) and Constance Marie Katherine Williams-Drummond (age 38).

On 06 Mar 1943 Frances Helen Mary Eliot was born to Nicholas Eliot 9th Earl of St Germans (age 29) and Helen Mary Villiers (age 27).

Marriages on the 6th March

Before 06 Mar 1345 William Morley 4th Baron Marshal 3rd Baron Morley (age 26) and Cecily Bardolf Baroness Marshal and Morley were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 06 Mar 1427 John Holland 2nd Duke Exeter (age 31) and Anne Stafford Duchess Exeter were married. She by marriage Duchess Exeter. She the daughter of Edmund Stafford 5th Earl Stafford and Anne of Gloucester Plantagenet Countess Eu and Stafford (age 44). He the son of John Holland 1st Duke Exeter and Elizabeth Lancaster Duchess Exeter. They were second cousins. He a great grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 06 Mar 1497 Thomas Greville (age 45) and Elizabeth Vaughan Baroness Grey Wilton (age 34) were married.

Before 06 Mar 1545 Robert Ogle 5th Baron Ogle (age 32) and Jane Radclyffe Baroness Ogle (age 23) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ogle. He a great grandson of King Edward IV of England.

Before 06 Mar 1647 John Savage 2nd Earl Rivers (age 44) and Mary Ogle Countess Rivers were married. She by marriage Countess Rivers. He the son of Thomas Savage 1st Viscount Savage and Elizabeth Darcy 1st Countess Rivers (age 66).

Before 06 Mar 1704 William Ward (age 27) and Mary Grey were married. They were first cousin once removed.

On 06 Mar 1725 John St John 11th Baron St John (age 37) and Elizabeth Crowley Baroness St John were married. She by marriage Baroness St John of Bletso.

On 06 Mar 1730 Augustine Washington (age 35) and Mary Ball (age 21) were married.

On 06 Mar 1776 Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 25) and Sophie Saxe Hildburghausen Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha were married. She by marriage Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha. She the daughter of Ernst Friedrich Saxe Hildburghausen 2nd Duke Saxe Hildburghausen. He the son of Ernest Frederick Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 51) and Sophia Antonia Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 52).

On 06 Mar 1781 George John Spencer 2nd Earl Spencer (age 22) and Lavinia Bingham Countess Spencer (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Charles Bingham 1st Earl Lucan (age 45) and Margaret Smith Countess Lucan (age 41). He the son of John Spencer 1st Earl Spencer (age 46) and Margaret Georgiana Poyntz Countess Spencer (age 43).

On 06 Mar 1801 William Baring-Gould (age 30) and Diana Amelia Sabine (age 26) were married at Littleham, Devon.

On 06 Mar 1806 George Baring (age 24) and Harriet Rochfort D'Oyly (age 20) were married.

Before 06 Mar 1826 John Lindsay (age 63) and Charlotte North were married. She the daughter of Frederick North 2nd Earl Guildford and Anne Speke Countess Guilford. He the son of James Lindsay 5th Earl Balcarres and Anne Dalrymple Countess Balcarres.

On 06 Mar 1828 Glynne Earl Welby 3rd Baronet (age 21) and Frances Cholmeley were married.

Before 06 Mar 1869 Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gregory Wale (age 48) and Fanny Anna West (age 43) were married.

On 06 Mar 1897 Vivian Hugh Smith 1st Baron Bicester (age 29) and Sybil Mary McDonnell Baroness Bicester (age 20) were married. She the daughter of William Randall McDonnell 6th Earl of Antrim (age 46) and Louisa Grey Countess of Antrim (age 42).

On 06 Mar 1923 Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt (age 43) and Gloria aka Maria Mercedes Morgan (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years.

On 06 Mar 1963 James Lowther 7th Earl Londsdale (age 40) and Nancy Ruth Cobbs Countess Lowther were married. She by marriage Countess Lonsdale.

Deaths on the 6th March

On 06 Mar 1352 Elizabeth Hastings Baroness Grey Ruthyn (age 57) died.

On 06 Mar 1353 Roger Grey 1st Baron Grey Ruthyn (age 63) died at Ruthyn. His son Reginald Grey 2nd Baron Grey Ruthyn (age 31) succeeded 2nd Baron Grey of Ruthyn.

On 06 Mar 1360 Eleanor Damory Baroness Zouche Mortimer (age 41) died.

On 06 Mar 1389 Blanche Aviz died.

On 14 Feb 1400 (exact date not known) King Richard II (age 33) died at Pontefract Castle [Map] where he had been imprisoned three months before; possibly murdered, possibly starved to death. His death was a consequence of the Epiphany Rising; he was still considered a threat. His first cousin Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster de jure Heir to the Throne of England since she was the daughter of Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence. She at this time had four children with her husband Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster. The new King Henry IV (age 32) ignored her claim.

On 17 Feb 1400 Richard's (deceased) corpse was displayed at St Paul's Cathedral [Map].

On 06 Mar 1400 Richard's (deceased) remains were buried at King's Langley Priory, Hertfordshire [Map].

On 06 Mar 1450 John Chideock 6th Baron Fitzpayn (age 48) died.

Around 06 Mar 1455 William Mainwaring (age 59) died.

On 06 Mar 1490 Margaret Woodville Countess Arundel (age 36) died.

On 06 Mar 1491 Richard Woodville 3rd Earl Rivers (age 38) died. Earl Rivers extinct.

On 06 Mar 1497 Thomas Greville (age 45) died.

On 06 Mar 1545 Robert Ogle 5th Baron Ogle (age 32) died. On 06 Mar 1545 His son Robert Ogle 6th Baron Ogle (age 16) succeeded 6th Baron Ogle.

Before 06 Mar 1558 Philip Parris died.

Before 06 Mar 1561 Dean Seth Holland died at the Marshalsea Prison [Map].

On 06 Mar 1565 Anne Blenerhassett (age 74) died.

On 06 Mar 1597 William Brooke 10th Baron Cobham (age 69) died. His son Henry Brooke 11th Baron Cobham (age 32) succeeded 11th Baron Cobham.

On 06 Mar 1600 Alice Mitford died.

On 06 Mar 1616 Francis Beaumont (age 32) died.

On 06 Mar 1616 Henry D'Oyley (age 30) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Shotesham [Map].

On 06 Mar 1623 Francis Newport (age 68) died.

On 06 Mar 1629 Emilia Orange Nassau (age 59) died.

On 06 Mar 1629 Edward Fox (age 50) died.

On 06 Mar 1650 Arthur Hopton Diplomat (age 62) died. He was at St Mary the Virgin Church, Black Bourton.

On 06 Mar 1656 Jane Stapleton (age 78) died.

On 06 Mar 1660 Philip Bedingfield (age 70) died.

Before 06 Mar 1662 Anne Wriothesley (age 62) died.

On 01 Mar 1680 John Shaw 1st Baronet (age 65) died. He was buried on 06 Mar 1721 at the Church of Holy Trinity, Eltham on 06 Mar 1680. His son John Shaw 2nd Baronet (age 20) succeeded 2nd Baronet Shaw of Eltham in Kent.

On 06 Mar 1680 Anne or Abigail Sherard (age 47) died.

On 06 Mar 1701 William Brownlow 4th Baronet (age 35) died. His son John Brownlow 1st Viscount Tyconnel (age 10) succeeded 5th Baronet Brownlow of Humby in Lincolnshire and inherited Belton House [Map].

On 06 Mar 1704 George Seton 4th Earl Winton (age 63) died. His son George Seton 5th Earl of Winton (age 26) succeeded 5th Earl Winton.

Before 06 Mar 1710 Robert Dashwood (age 8) died.

On 06 Mar 1712 Charles Stanhope (age 57) died.

On or before 03 Mar 1722 Rowland Winn 3rd Baronet (age 46) died. He was buried on 06 Mar 1722. His son Rowland Winn 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Winn of Nostel in Yorkshire.

Before 06 Mar 1729 John Lowther died.

On 06 Mar 1729 William Lowther 1st Baronet (age 65) died. His son William Lowther 2nd Baronet (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baronet Lowther of Swillington in West Yorkshire. Diana Condon Lady Lowther by marriage Lady Lowther of Swillington in West Yorkshire.

On 06 Mar 1735 Brinsley Butler 1st Viscount Lanesborough died.

On 06 Mar 1741 Bartholomew Bouverie (age 12) died.

On 06 Mar 1754 Henry Pelham (age 59) died. He was buried in the Pelham family vault at All Saint's Church, Laughton.

On 06 Mar 1758 Henry Vane 1st Earl Darlington (age 53) died. His son Henry Vane 2nd Earl Darlington (age 31) succeeded 2nd Earl Darlington, 2nd Viscount Barnard, 4th Baron Barnard. Margaret Lowther Countess Darlington (age 30) by marriage Countess Darlington.

On 06 Mar 1762 Princess Antoinette of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (age 65) died.

On 06 Mar 1772 Thomas Liddell (age 56) died.

On 06 Mar 1773 William Maxwell 6th Earl Nithsdale died without male issue. Earl Nithsdale, Lord Maxwell and Lord Herries of Terregles extinct?

On 06 Mar 1784 Robert Cansfield Gerard 9th Baronet (age 59) died. His son Robert Clifton Gerard 10th Baronet (age 12) succeeded 10th Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.

On 06 Mar 1793 Richard Barry 7th Earl Barrymore (age 23) died. His brother Henry Barry 8th Earl Barrymore (age 22) succeeded 8th Earl Barrymore.

On 06 Mar 1795 Richard Brooke 5th Baronet (age 42) died. His son Richard Brooke 6th Baronet (age 9) succeeded 6th Baronet Brooke of Norton Priory in Cheshire.

On 06 Mar 1813 Mary Elizabeth Nugent Marchioness Buckingham (age 55) died. Her son George Nugent-Grenville 2nd Baron Nugent (age 24) succeeded 2nd Baron Nugent.

In Apr 1813 Fanny Mary ffolkes (age 36) died.

On 06 Mar 1869 Fanny Anna West (age 43) died.

On 16 Nov 1867 William John Browne ffolkes Cricketer (age 47) died.

Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].

Fanny Mary ffolkes: In Apr 1777 she was born to Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet and Fanny Turner. On 28 May 1802 Gilbert Hervey West and she were married.

Fanny Anna West: In 1826 she was born to Edward West and Lucretia Georgiana ffolkes at Bombay, India. Before 06 Mar 1869 Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gregory Wale and she were married.

William John Browne ffolkes Cricketer: On 13 Jan 1820 he was born to William Browne ffolkes 2nd Baronet and Charlotte Philippa Browne.

On 06 Mar 1822 William Stuart (age 67) died.

On 06 Mar 1826 John Lindsay (age 63) died.

On 06 Mar 1835 Margaret Williams Lady Williams (age 66) died. Memorial at St Asaph Cathedral [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 59).

Margaret Williams Lady Williams: On 25 Apr 1768 she was born. On 21 Oct 1791 John Williams 1st Baronet and she were married. On 27 Jul 1798 John Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire. She by marriage Lady Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.

On 06 Mar 1838 Augusta Fane Countess Lonsdale (age 76) died.

On 06 Mar 1843 Jacinta Dorothea Lethbridge (age 47) died.

On 06 Mar 1857 Leopold Reiss (age 53) died. He was buried at Weaste Cemetery, in an A plot vault.

On 06 Mar 1861 Louisa Henrietta-Venables-Vernon died.

On 06 Mar 1865 Frances Geraldine Manners died.

On 06 Mar 1866 William Whewell (age 71) died.

On 06 Mar 1881 Horatia Nelson (age 80) died.

On 06 Mar 1884 Harriet Graham Marchioness Donegal (age 54) died.

On 06 Mar 1893 Emily Paget Countess Sydney Scadbury Kent (age 83) died.

On 06 Mar 1895 Jules Charles Victurnien de Noailles 7th Duke of Noailles (age 68) died.

On 06 Mar 1895 Eleanor Isabel Bridget Ashburnham (age 80) died.

On 06 Mar 1901 Fernando Yznaga Banker (age 50) died.

On 06 Mar 1907 Francis George Osborne (age 76) died.

On 06 Mar 1910 Henry de Courcy Agnew (age 58) died.

On 06 Mar 1910 Horatia Charlotte Pechell died.

On 06 Mar 1914 George Washington Vanderbilt (age 51) died.

On 06 Mar 1915 George Cadogan 5th Earl Cadogan (age 74) died. His son Gerald Oakley Cadogan 6th Earl Cadogan (age 45) succeeded 6th Earl Cadogan, 6th Viscount Chelsea.

On 06 Mar 1923 James Jebusa Shannon (age 61) died.

On 06 Mar 1927 Marie Spartali aka Stillman (age 82) died at Ashburn Place, Kensington. She was buried with her husband at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking.

On 06 Mar 1937 Leila Sophia Hill-Trevor (age 66) died.

On 06 Mar 1939 Captain William Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray (age 86) died.

On 06 Mar 1941 Louis Greville (age 85) died.

On 06 Mar 1954 Charles Edward Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 69) died at Coburg.

On 06 Mar 1964 Paul I King Greece (age 62) died.

On 06 Mar 1968 Violet Ellinor Leveson-Gower (age 95) died.

On 06 Mar 1984 Bridget Coke Countess Airlie (age 93) died.

On 06 Mar 1986 Robert Early Strawbridge (age 89) died.

On 06 Mar 2014 Marion Stein Countess Harewood (age 87) died.