On this Day in History ... 15th June

15 Jun is in June.

1215 Magna Carta

1312 Capture, Trial and Execution of Piers Gaveston

1327 Weardale Campaign

1381 Peasants' Revolt

1429 Battle of Meung sur Loire

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1541 Executions

1553 My Device for the Succession

1665 Battle of Lowestoft

1688 Trial and Imprisonment of the Seven Bishops

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 15th June

On 15 Jun 923 Robert I King West Francia (age 57) died. On 13 Jul 923 his son-in-law Rudolph aka Raoul I King West Francia (age 33) was elected I King West Francia.

On 15 Jun 1215 King John "Lackland" of England (age 48) met with his Baron's at Runnymede [Map] where he agreed to the terms of the Magna Carta which attempted to reduce the King's authority through political reform. Those who signed as surety included:

Roger Bigod 2nd Earl Norfolk (age 71)

his son Hugh Bigod 3rd Earl Norfolk (age 33)

Henry Bohun 1st Earl Hereford (age 39)

Richard Clare 3rd Earl Hertford (age 62)

his son Gilbert Clare 5th Earl Gloucester 4th Earl Hertford (age 35)

William "The Younger" Marshal 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 25)

William Mowbray 6th Baron Thirsk (age 42)

Saer Quincy 1st Earl Winchester (age 45)

Robert Ros (age 43), Richard Percy 5th Baron Percy Topcliffe (age 45)

Robert de Vere 3rd Earl of Oxford (age 50)

Eustace Vesci (age 46)

John Fitzrobert 3rd Baron Warkworth (age 25)

John Lacy Earl Lincoln (age 23).

William D'Aubigny (age 64), Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex (age 24)

Robert Clare Fitzwalter

William Forz 3rd Earl Albemarle aka Aumale

William Hardell Lord Mayor

William Huntingfield

William Llanvallei

William Malet 1st Baron Curry Mallet

Roger Montbegon, Richard Montfichet

Geoffrey Saye (age 60) signed as surety the Magna Carta.

Ranulf de Blondeville Gernon 6th Earl Chester 1st Earl Lincoln (age 45) witnessed.

On 15 Jun 1315 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 48) and Marie Lusignan Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon.

Before 15 Jun 1327 the Weardale Campaign commenced with the Scottish army crossed the border into England after truce negotiations had broken down. One army crossed in the west, one in the east.

On 15 Jun 1330 Edward "Black Prince" was born to King Edward III of England (age 17) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 15) at Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 15 Jun 1381 John Cavendish (age 35) was captured at Church of St Mary, Cavendish during the Peasants' Revolt. He was beheaded in the Market Place in Bury St Edmunds.

Calendars. 15 Jun 1381. Commission of oyer and terminer to William Walleworth, mayor of London, Robert Bealknapp, Robert Knolles, Nicholas Brembre, John Philipot, Robert Launde, and William Cheyne, on information that great crowds of labourers and others have collected together, especially in the counties of Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Middlesex, compelled their betters to go with them, killed many of the king's lieges, and burned many houses, entered the city of London, and burned the house of the king's uncle John, duke of Lancaster (age 41), called the 'Sauveye [Map],' and the priory in Clerkenwelle of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and killed Simon, archbishop of Canterbury (deceased) and chancellor, and Robert de Hales (deceased), prior of the said Hospital. By К. June 15. London.

On 15 Jun 1381 King Richard II of England (age 14) met with Wat Tyler at Smithfield [Map]. During the course of the meeting Wat Tyler was wounded by William Walworth. Wat Tyler was then captured and beheaded at Smithfield [Map]. His head was placed on top a pole and carried through the city, then displayed on London Bridge.

Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 15 Jun 1415. Al so the same year the kyng (age 28) toke his jornay and wagyd10 in to Normandy; and the xv day of Juny the kyng roode thorowe London11 whithe sherevys, aldermen, and alle the comeners brought the King at Blacke Hethe [Map]; and there the mayre ande alle his aldermen with alle the comyns toke there leve of [th]e King, and the kyng bade the mayre goo home and kepe welle his chambyr in his absens, and [yave hym]12 Crystysse blessyng and hys, and he said "Cryste save London."

Note 10. So in MS., but apparently a transcriber's error for "viagyd."

Note 11. So in MS.; but doubtless we should supply here, as the beginning of a new sentence, "And the mayor."

Note 12. Omitted in our MS., but supplied from Vit. A. xvi.

On 15 Jun 1429 Joan of Arc (age 17) and Jean Poton Xaintrailles (age 39) fought at Meung-sur-Loire, Loiret during the Battle of Meung sur Loire capturing the bridge over the Loire.

Between 1451 and 15 Jun 1452 Robert Boyd 1st Lord Boyd (age 32) was created 1st Lord Boyd by King James II of Scotland (age 20). On 15 Jun 1452 King James II of Scotland (age 21) confirmed the charter of Robert Boyd (age 31), Lord of Kilmarnock and of Dalry, conveying one-third of the lands of Lynn in Dalry to Robert Boyd [indweller] of Lynn. He took his seat in Parliament on 18 Jul 1454.

On 15 Jun 1515 Anne Parr Countess Pembroke was born to Thomas Parr (age 32) and Maud Green (age 23).

The Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey Volume 2. Around 15 Jun 1517. But his Majesty was soon interrupted in his intention, for, before June was expired, there broke out among the people a distemper, called the Sweating Sickness, which made great ravage in the Kingdom especially in London. It was otherwise termed the Sudor Anglicanus, or the English Sweat; "which carried off, says Lord Herbert, divers Knights, Gentlemen, and Officers of the King's Courts, particularly Lord Clinton (deceased)1, Lord Grey of Wilton (deceased), and "others of quality." In some places it took away a third, in others half the people. This plague continued from the latter end of June to December during which time the Judges adjourned the Term, and his Majesty kept no Court, but was only attended by his own Family and his Prime Minister, Wolsey ; and Hall says he much lamented the affliction that thus attended his people.

No sooner did this infectious distemper cease, but it was succeeded, as Stow relates, by so great a Drought, that it did not rain from December to May following, and the frost was so hard in the Winter, that Horses and Carts passed over the ice between Westminster and Lambeth.

Note 1. From this Nobleman [Thomas Clinton 8th Baron Clinton (deceased)] the late Right Honourable Henry, Earl of Lincoln, was descended, who was Paymaster of the Forces in the Reign of George the III. His Lordship married Lucy, sister of his present Grace, Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, by whom he had issue two sons, George and Henry besides Daughters. The Earl died the 7th of Sept. 1728, and his Countess the 20th of July, 1736; and his Lordship was succeeded in his Honour and Estate by George, his eldest son, a young Nobleman just arrived at Age, who gives room for great Expectations. The Title of Lord Clinton is now enjoyed by the Right Hon. Hugh Fortescue, who was called up by Writ to the House of Lords on the 16th of March having first made out his claim to the satisfaction of his Majesty and the House of Lords.

Letters 1536. 15 Jun 1536. R. O. 1138. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

I have received your sundry letters by Tatton and Shepard, and lately of Goodalle. As to the marsh, I delivered your letter to Mr. Secretary, and he made me as good an answer as I could wish, viz., that the inhabitants must bring the marsh to its first state at their own cost, and they shall have it in common, as it was before the draining and enclosure lately made by Sir Rob. Wingfield. He promised that Wingfield's patent should be resumed now by Act of Parliament, and that of this I should have an answer this day; but I think this cannot well be on account of the solemnities at Westminster, where the King and Queen (age 27) have been at mass, and came riding thither and homewards with all the estates and peers before them on horseback. There were almost as many people as at the Coronation. Tonight or in the morning I will call on him for his letters.

This would have been dispatched long since if the instruction had been discreetly given by Water Skynner; "or else the writer penning the same after his purpose did pretend to work some feat of his friendship, giving a cast of his office to Sir R. W. Howbeit, I trust the same is now at some better point than divers would have it." As soon as Mr. Secretary had showed me his mind I made Mr. Boys and Mr. Prisley privy thereto. I write in my other letters touching your Lordship's own affairs. Southwark, Corpus Christi Day, 15 June. Hol., pp. 2. Add.

On 15 Jun 1541 John Neville of Chevet (age 53) was executed for having failed to report a conspiracy.

On 15 Jun 1542 Richard Grenville was born to Roger Grenville (age 24).

On 15 Jun 1549 Elizabeth Knollys was born to Francis Knollys (age 37) and Catherine Carey (age 25).

On 15 Jun 1553 William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley (age 32) signed My Device for the Succession.

Edward Rogers (age 55) was present.

On 15 Jun 1660 Thomas Tipping (age 44) was knighted by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) at Whitehall Palace [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 15 Jun 1663. Both at and after dinner we had great discourses of the nature and power of spirits, and whether they can animate dead bodies; in all which, as of the general appearance of spirits, my Lord Sandwich (age 37) is very scepticall. He says the greatest warrants that ever he had to believe any, is the present appearing of the Devil1 in Wiltshire, much of late talked of, who beats a drum up and down. There are books of it, and, they say, very true; but my Lord observes, that though he do answer to any tune that you will play to him upon another drum, yet one tune he tried to play and could not; which makes him suspect the whole; and I think it is a good argument. Sometimes they talked of handsome women, and Sir J. Minnes (age 64) saying that there was no beauty like what he sees in the country-markets, and specially at Bury, in which I will agree with him that there is a prettiest women I ever saw. My Lord replied thus: "Sir John, what do you think of your neighbour's wife?" looking upon me. "Do you not think that he hath a great beauty to his wife? Upon my word he hath". Which I was not a little proud of.

Note 1. In 1664, there being a generall report all over the Kingdom of Mr. Monpesson his house being haunted, which hee himself affirming to the King (age 33) and Queene (age 53) to be true, the King (age 33) sent the Lord Falmouth, and the Queene (age 53) sent mee, to examine the truth of; but wee could neither see nor heare anything that was extraordinary; and about a year after, his Majesty told me that hee had discovered the cheat, and that Mr. Monpesson, upon his Majesty sending for him, confessed it to him. And yet Mr. Monpesson, in a printed letter, had afterwards the confidence to deny that hee had ever made any such confession" ("Letters of the Second Earl of Chesterfield", p. 24, 1829, 8vo.). Joseph Glanville published a relation of the famous disturbance at the house of Mr. Monpesson, at Tedworth, Wilts, occasioned by the beating of an invisible drum every night for a year. This story, which was believed at the time, furnished the plot for Addison's play of "The Drummer", or the "Haunted House". In the "Mercurius Publicus", April 16-23, 1663, there is a curious examination on this subject, by which it appears that one William Drury, of Uscut, Wilts, was the invisible drummer. B.

Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jun 1665. Came news of his highness's (age 35) victory, which indeed might have been a complete one, and at once ended the war, had it been pursued, but the cowardice of some, or treachery, or both, frustrated that. We had, however, bonfires, bells, and rejoicing in the city. Next day, the 9th, I had instant orders to repair to the Downs, so as I got to Rochester, Kent [Map] this evening. Next day I lay at Deal, Kent [Map], where I found all in readiness: but, the fleet being hindered by contrary winds, I came away on the 12th, and went to Dover, Kent [Map], and returned to Deal, Kent [Map]; and on the 13th, hearing the fleet was at Solbay, I went homeward, and lay at Chatham, Kent [Map], and on the 14th, I got home. On the 15th, came the eldest son of the present Secretary of State to the French King, with much other company, to dine with me. After dinner, I went with him to London, to speak to my Lord General for more guards, and gave his Majesty (age 35) an account of my journey to the coasts under my inspection. I also waited on his Royal Highness (age 31), now come triumphant from the fleet, gotten into repair. See the whole history of this conflict in my "History of the Dutch War"..

Pepy's Diary. 15 Jun 1665. So late back, and to the office, wrote letters, and so home to supper and to bed. This day the Newes book upon Mr. Moore's showing L'Estrange1 (Captain Ferrers's letter) did do my Lord Sandwich (age 39) great right as to the late victory. The Duke of Yorke (age 31) not yet come to towne. The towne grows very sickly, and people to be afeard of it; there dying this last week of the plague 112, from 43 the week before, whereof but [one] in Fanchurch-streete [Map], and one in Broad-streete, by the Treasurer's office.

Note 1. "The Public Intelligencer", published by Roger L'Estrange, the predecessor of the "London Gazette"..

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jun 1688. Being the first day of term, the Bishops were brought to Westminster on habeas corpus, when the indictment was read, and they were called on to plead; their counsel objected that the warrant was illegal; but, after long debate, it was overruled, and they pleaded. The Court then offered to take bail for their appearance; but this they refused, and at last were dismissed on their own recognizances to appear that day fortnight; the Archbishop in £200, the Bishops in £100 each.

On 12 Jun 1705 or 15 Jun 1705 Thomas Davies of Denbigh (age 51) died. He was buried at St Marcella's Church, Denbigh [Map].

Thomas Davies of Denbigh: Around 1654 he was born. Before 12 Jun 1705 Thomas Davies of Denbigh and

On 15 Jun 1707 Antonio Verrio (age 71) died.

On 15 Jun 1766 Mary Walpole (age 41) died. She was buried at the Church of St Andrew, Wickmere [Map] on 15 Jun 1766.

Mary Walpole: On 25 Feb 1725 she was born to Horatio Walpole 1st Baron Walpole and Mary Magdalen Lombard. On 20 Jun 1764 Captain Maurice Suckling and she were married. She died twenty months later. There was no issue from the marriage.

On 15 Jun 1781 Ann Dighton (age 63) died. Memorial at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Ann Dighton: Around 1718 she was born to Reverend Dighton of Newmarket. On 14 Jun 1762 Reverend John Gordon and she were married.

On 15 Jun 1822 John Bathurst Deane (age 24) and Caroline Lemprière were married at St Nicholas's Church, Shaldon [Map].

On 15 Jun 1844 Thomas Campbell (age 66) died.

On 15 Jun 1888 Frederick III King Prussia (age 56) died at New Palace, Potsdam. His son Wilhelm Hohenzollern (age 29) succeeded II Emperor aka Kaiser. Hermine Reuss by marriage Empress aka Kaiser.

On 15 Jun 1890 Ivy Lilian Close was born.

On 15 Jun 1905 Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 22) and Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 55) and Luise Margarete Hohenzollern Duchess Connaught (age 44). He the son of Gustav V King Sweden (age 46). He a great x 5 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 15 Jun 1913 Emily Wilding Davison (deceased) was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church Morpeth [Map].

Births on the 15th June

On 15 Jun 1330 Edward "Black Prince" was born to King Edward III of England (age 17) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 15) at Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 15 Jun 1496 Joan Albret was born to Jean III King Navarre (age 27) and Catherine Grailly I Queen Navarre (age 28).

On 15 Jun 1515 Anne Parr Countess Pembroke was born to Thomas Parr (age 32) and Maud Green (age 23).

On 15 Jun 1521 Thomas Wotton was born to Edward Wotton of Boughton Place in Kent (age 31).

On 15 Jun 1534 Henri I de Montmorency was born to Anne I Duke of Montmorency (age 41) and Madeleine of Savoy (age 24) at Chantilly.

On 15 Jun 1536 Edward Clere was born to Admiral John Clere (age 25) and Anne Tyrrell at Blickling Hall, Norfolk [Map].

On 15 Jun 1542 Richard Grenville was born to Roger Grenville (age 24).

On 15 Jun 1549 Elizabeth Knollys was born to Francis Knollys (age 37) and Catherine Carey (age 25).

On 15 Jun 1567 Eleanor le Strange was born to John le Strange (age 28).

On 15 Jun 1605 Thomas Randolph was born to William Randolph at Newnham, Northamptonshire [Map]. He was baptised on 18 Jun 1605.

On 15 Jun 1615 Samuel Sandys was born to Edwin Sandys (age 24) and Penelope Bulkeley.

On 05 Jun 1621 Thomas Pepys was born to Talbot Pepys (age 38) at Norwich, Norfolk [Map]. On 15 Jun 1621 Thomas Pepys was christended at Church of St Stephen, Norwich [Map].

On 13 Oct 1622 Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet was born to Robert Delaval of Seaton Delaval (age 22) and Barbara Selby. He was baptised on 27 Oct 1622. He was educated at Queen's College, Oxford University; matriculated 15 Jun 1638. He was admitted to Lincoln's Inn on 28 Nov 1639.

On 15 Jun 1628 Nicholas Eliot was born to John Eliot (age 36).

On 15 Jun 1636 Thomas Slingsby 2nd Baronet was born to Henry Slingsby 1st Baronet (age 34) and Barbara Belasyse (age 26).

On 15 Jun 1645 Sidney Godolphin 1st Earl Godolphin was born to Francis Godolphin (age 39) and Dorothy Berkeley (age 43).

On 15 Jun 1677 James Vernon was born to James Vernon (age 31).

On 15 Jun 1709 Louis Bourbon Condé Count Clermont was born to Louis Bourbon Condé (age 40) and Louise Françoise Bourbon (age 36). He a great x 3 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 15 Jun 1713 Mary Scrope Countess of Deloraine was born to Gervase Scrope of Cockeringham (age 30) and Elizabeth Cresswell (age 21).

On or before 15 Jun 1714 James Bransby was born to Thomas Bransby (age 43) and Elizabeth m Bransby (age 28). He was baptised on 15 Jun 1714.

On 15 Jun 1724 John Henniker 1st Baron Henniker was born.

On 15 Jun 1735 Charles Wolfram Cornwall was born.

Before 15 Jun 1749 John Mordaunt was born illegitimately to Charles Mordaunt 4th Earl Peterborough 2nd Earl Monmouth (age 41) and Robiana Brown.

On 15 Jun 1760 Reverend Richard Wolseley 4th Baronet was born to Colonel Clement Wolseley (age 30) and Catherine St George (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 15 Jun 1765 Henry Thomas Colebrooke was born to George Colebrooke 2nd Baronet (age 36) and Mary Gaynor.

On 15 Jun 1767 Charles Buckworth aka Shakerley was born to Charles Buckworth and Elizabeth Shakerley.

On 15 Jun 1792 Thomas Mitchell was born.

On 15 Jun 1805 Edward Gyles Howard was born to Edward Charles Howard (age 31).

On 15 Jun 1805 Betty von Rothschild was born to Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (age 30).

On 15 Jun 1812 Harriet Anne Cockerell was born to Charles Cockerell 1st Baronet (age 57) and Harriet Rushout (age 42).

On 15 Jun 1832 Louisa Vonalten Duchess Devonshire and Manchester was born to Karl Franz Viktor Vonalten (age 31).

On 15 Jun 1834 Ferdinando Dudley Lea Smith was born to Ferdinando Smith (age 55).

On 15 Jun 1863 Jane Grey McDonnell Baroness Clinton was born to Mark Kerr aka McDonnell 5th Earl of Antrim (age 49) and Jane Macan Countess of Antrim (age 38).

On 15 Jun 1887 Major John Clive Darling was born to Charles John Darling 1st Baron Darling (age 37) and Mary Caroline Greathed Baroness Darling (age 23).

On 15 Jun 1890 Ivy Lilian Close was born.

On 15 Jun 1902 Francis George North was born to Frederick George North 8th Earl Guildford (age 25).

On 15 Jun 1912 General John Nelson was born.

On 15 Jun 1946 Richard John Rycroft 8th Baronet was born to Henry Richard Rycroft (age 34).

On 15 Jun 1954 Lyulph Lubbock 5th Baron Avebury was born to Eric Lubbock 4th Baron Avebury (age 25) and Kina-Maria O'Kelly de Gallagh Baroness Avebury.

Marriages on the 15th June

On 15 Jun 1315 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 48) and Marie Lusignan Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon.

After 15 Jun 1416 Georges de La Trémoille (age 34) and Joan II Countess of Auvergne Duchess Berry (age 38) were married. She the daughter of John II Count Auvergne and Aliénor de Comminges.

On 15 Jun 1514 Henry Somerset 2nd Earl of Worcester (age 18) and Margaret Courtenay Countess of Worcester (age 15) were married. She by marriage Countess Worcester. She the daughter of William Courtenay 1st Earl Devon and Catherine York Countess Devon (age 34). He the son of Charles Somerset 1st Earl of Worcester (age 54) and Elizabeth Herbert 3rd Baroness Herbert Raglan. They were second cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

Before 15 Jun 1536 Admiral John Clere (age 25) and Anne Tyrrell were married.

Before 15 Jun 1551 Colin Campbell of Glenorchy (age 38) and Catherine Ruthven were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 15 Jun 1560 Johann Wilhelm Wettin Duke Saxe Weimar (age 30) and Dorothea Susanne Palatine Duchess Saxe Weimar were married at Heidelburg. She the daughter of Frederick Palatine III Elector Palatine.

On 15 Jun 1605 Anthony Hungerford of Black Bourton (age 37) and Sarah Crouch (age 31) were married.

On 15 Jun 1646 Henry Ireton (age 35) and Bridget Cromwell (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Oliver Cromwell (age 47) and Elizabeth Bourchier (age 48).

On 15 Jun 1650 Robert Paston 1st Earl of Yarmouth (age 19) and Rebecca Clayton Countess Yarmouth (age 15) were married.

On 15 Jun 1651 Ernest Günther Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 41) and Auguste Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 17) were married. She by marriage Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. The difference in their ages was 23 years. He the son of Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg. They were first cousins.

Before 15 Jun 1677 James Vernon (age 31) and Mary Buck were married.

Before 15 Jun 1685 John Shelley 3rd Baronet (age 23) and Winifred Neville Lady Shelley were married. She by marriage Lady Shelley of Mitchelgrove in Sussex. His father Charles Shelley 2nd Baronet and her mother Mary Gifford Baroness Bergavenny (age 55) were married meaning her step-father became her father-in-law.

Before 15 Jun 1713 Gervase Scrope of Cockeringham (age 30) and Elizabeth Cresswell (age 21) were married.

On 15 Jun 1742 George Lyttelton 1st Baron Lyttelton (age 33) and Lucy Fortescue (age 24) were married.

On 15 Jun 1754 Thomas Pelham 1st Earl Chichester (age 26) and Anne Frankland Countess Chichester (age 19) were married at Mortlake, Richmond.

On 15 Jun 1760 Charles Stuart FitzRoy Douglas-Hamilton James (age 21) and Catherine Napier (age 17) were married at Church of St Mary, Moor Crichel. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Jun 1775 Charles Philip Stourton 17th Baron Stourton (age 22) and Mary Langdale Baroness Stourton (age 23) were married. She by marriage Baroness Stourton.

On 15 Jun 1790 Edward Lockwood Perceval and Louisa Bridget Manners-Sutton were married.

On 15 Jun 1807 Henry Delves Broughton 8th Baronet (age 30) and Mary Pigott Lady Broughton (age 19) were married. They had nine sons and nine daughters.

On 15 Jun 1815 James Eversfield (age 19) and Mary Crew (age 20) were married.

On 15 Jun 1821 Charles Nevill of Nevill Holt, Leicestershire and Georgiana Bingham were married. She the daughter of Richard Bingham 2nd Earl Lucan (age 56) and Elizabeth Belasyse Duchess Norfolk. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Jun 1822 John Hely-Hutchinson 3rd Earl of Donoughmore (age 35) and Margaret Gardiner (age 26) were married. They had two children.

On 15 Jun 1822 John Bathurst Deane (age 24) and Caroline Lemprière were married at St Nicholas's Church, Shaldon [Map].

On 15 Jun 1826 Mathew Wilson 1st Baronet (age 23) and Sophia Louisa Emerson Amcotts (age 22) were married.

On 15 Jun 1869 George Parker Heathcote (age 40) and Isabella Mararetta Elizabeth Walpole were married. They were half second cousins.

On 15 Jun 1905 Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 22) and Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 55) and Luise Margarete Hohenzollern Duchess Connaught (age 44). He the son of Gustav V King Sweden (age 46). He a great x 5 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 15 Jun 1912 Captain Louis Edwin William Egerton (age 31) and Jane Seymour (age 22) were married. They were second cousins.

On 15 Jun 1920 Hugo Meynell FitzHerbert 6th Baronet (age 47) and Diana Isabel Erskine Lady Fitzherbert (age 28) were married. She by marriage Lady Fitzherbert of Tissington in Derbyshire.

On 15 Jun 1926 Harold Arthur Lee Dillon 17th Viscount Dillon (age 82) and Margaret Louisa Everard ffolkes Viscountess Dillon were married. She by marriage Viscountess Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo. He a great x 5 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Deaths on the 15th June

On 15 Jun 923 Robert I King West Francia (age 57) died. On 13 Jul 923 his son-in-law Rudolph aka Raoul I King West Francia (age 33) was elected I King West Francia.

On 15 Jun 1301 Isabel D'Aubigny (age 68) died.

On 15 Jun 1381 John Cavendish (age 35) was captured at Church of St Mary, Cavendish during the Peasants' Revolt. He was beheaded in the Market Place in Bury St Edmunds.

On 15 Jun 1381 King Richard II of England (age 14) met with Wat Tyler at Smithfield [Map]. During the course of the meeting Wat Tyler was wounded by William Walworth. Wat Tyler was then captured and beheaded at Smithfield [Map]. His head was placed on top a pole and carried through the city, then displayed on London Bridge.

On 15 Jun 1386 John Maltravers (age 48) died.

On 15 Jun 1416 John Valois 1st Duke Berry (age 75) died. Duke Berry extinct. His daughter Marie Valois I Duchess Auverge (age 41) succeeded I Duchess Auvergne.

On 15 Jun 1439 Robert Poyntz (age 80) died at Iron Acton, Gloucestershire [Map].

On 15 Jun 1467 Philip "Good" Valois III Duke Burgundy (age 70) died. His son Charles "Bold" Valois Duke Burgundy (age 33) succeeded Duke Burgundy.

On 15 Jun 1482 John Savile of Thornhill (age 75) died.

On 15 Jun 1505 Ercole Este I Duke Ferrara (age 73) died.

On 15 Jun 1508 John Williams (age 39) died.

On 15 Jun 1522 John Heron (age 52) died.

On 15 Jun 1541 Robert Carey (age 84) died.

On 15 Jun 1541 John Neville of Chevet (age 53) was executed for having failed to report a conspiracy.

On 15 Jun 1545 Elisabeth Habsburg Spain Queen Consort Poland (age 18) died.

On 15 Jun 1571 John Delves (age 36) died.

On 15 Jun 1574 Thomas Guildford (age 41) died.

On 15 Jun 1578 Philippa Wilford died.

On 15 Jun 1585 Jacques of Savoy 2nd Duke of Nemours (age 53) died. His son Henri I Duke of Nemours (age 12) succeeded Duke Nemours.

On 15 Jun 1587 Frederick II Oldenburg (age 19) died.

Around Oct 1591 Henry Daunt of Owlpen, Gloucestershire (age 34) died. His will, which he had written on 15 Jun 1588, was proved in probate by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 18 Nov 1591.

On 15 Jun 1596 Bishop Richard Fletcher (age 51) died.

On 15 Jun 1609 John Hotham of Scorborough (age 68) died.

On 15 Jun 1614 Henry Howard 1st Earl of Northampton (age 74) died unmarried. He was buried at Chapel Dover Castle. Earl of Northampton extinct.

On 15 Jun 1644 Edward Montagu 1st Baron Montagu (age 81) died at the Savoy Hospital. His son Edward Montagu 2nd Baron Montagu (age 27) succeeded 2nd Baron Montagu of Boughton in Northamptonshire. Anne Winwood Baroness Montagu by marriage Baroness Montagu of Boughton in Northamptonshire.

On 15 Jun 1671 John Ashburnham (age 68) died.

On 15 Jun 1691 Henry Pollexfen of Nutwell in Woodbury in Devon (age 59) died.

On 12 Jun 1705 or 15 Jun 1705 Thomas Davies of Denbigh (age 51) died. He was buried at St Marcella's Church, Denbigh [Map].

Thomas Davies of Denbigh: Around 1654 he was born. Before 12 Jun 1705 Thomas Davies of Denbigh and

On 15 Jun 1707 Antonio Verrio (age 71) died.

On 15 Jun 1723 Frances Cecil (age 74) died.

On 15 Jun 1742 Reverend Robert Tyrwhitt (age 44) died.

On 15 Jun 1766 Mary Walpole (age 41) died. She was buried at the Church of St Andrew, Wickmere [Map] on 15 Jun 1766.

Mary Walpole: On 25 Feb 1725 she was born to Horatio Walpole 1st Baron Walpole and Mary Magdalen Lombard. On 20 Jun 1764 Captain Maurice Suckling and she were married. She died twenty months later. There was no issue from the marriage.

On 15 Jun 1778 Cecil Bisshopp 6th Baronet (age 77) died. His son Cecil Bisshopp 7th Baronet succeeded 7th Baronet Bisshopp of Parham in Sussex.

On 15 Jun 1781 Ann Dighton (age 63) died. Memorial at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Ann Dighton: Around 1718 she was born to Reverend Dighton of Newmarket. On 14 Jun 1762 Reverend John Gordon and she were married.

On 15 Jun 1788 William Lowther 1st Baronet (age 80) died.

On 15 Jun 1809 George Baker 1st Baronet (age 87) died. He was buried at St James' Church, Piccadilly. His son Frederick Baker 2nd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baronet Baker of Loventor in Totnes in Devon.

On 15 Jun 1814 George John Frederick Manners died.

On 15 Jun 1821 Charles Vere Dashwood (age 76) died.

On 15 Jun 1822 Frances Drax died.

On 15 Jun 1822 Horatio Walpole 2nd Earl Orford (age 69) died. His son Horatio Walpole 3rd Earl Orford (age 39) succeeded 3rd Earl Orford, 4th Baron Walpole of Wollerton. Mary Fawkener Countess Orford (age 34) by marriage Countess Orford.

On 15 Jun 1824 John Wentworth-Fitzwilliam died.

On 15 Jun 1828 Elizabeth Boscawen Duchess Beaufort (age 81) died.

On 15 Jun 1844 Thomas Campbell (age 66) died.

On 15 Jun 1856 George Duckett 2nd Baronet (age 78) died. His son George Floyd Duckett 3rd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 3rd Baronet Jackson aka Duckett of Hartham House in Wiltshire.

On 15 Jun 1864 Archibald Acheson 3rd Earl Gosford (age 57) died. His son Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson 4th Earl Gosford (age 22) succeeded 4th Earl Gosford.

On 15 Jun 1876 William Ormsby-Gore (age 97) died.

On 15 Jun 1877 Charlotte Legge (age 88) died.

On 15 Jun 1877 Caroline Elizabeth Sheridan (age 65) died.

On 15 Jun 1881 Frances Duncombe (age 78) died.

On 15 Jun 1884 William Bromley-Davenport (age 62) died.

On 15 Jun 1885 Frederick Charles Hohenzollern (age 57) died.

On 15 Jun 1888 Frederick III King Prussia (age 56) died at New Palace, Potsdam. His son Wilhelm Hohenzollern (age 29) succeeded II Emperor aka Kaiser. Hermine Reuss by marriage Empress aka Kaiser.

On 15 Jun 1889 Turner Arthur Macan of Elstow, Bedfordshire (age 63) died.

On 15 Jun 1908 Emily Katherine Anne Somerset (age 82) died.

On 15 Jun 1916 Laura Caroline Russell Countess Wilton (age 74) died.

On 15 Jun 1928 Helen Smith (age 90) died.

On 15 Jun 1931 William Henry Garforth (age 76) died.

On 15 Jun 1932 Randall McDonnell 7th Earl of Antrim (age 53) died. His son Randal McDonnell 8th Earl of Antrim (age 21) succeeded 8th Earl Antrim 2C, 8th Viscount Dunluce.

On 15 Jun 1934 Eveline Mary Curzon (age 70) died.

On 15 Jun 1935 George Leopold Bryan aka Bellew 4th Baron Bellew (age 78) died without issue.

On 15 Jun 1943 Alice Isabella Harriet Bligh (age 82) died.

On 15 Jun 1946 Ileene Frances Cairne Hastings (age 74) died.

On 15 Jun 1950 Reginald Henry Bertie (age 94) died.

On 15 Jun 1952 Victoria Blanche Constance Theodora Butler (age 54) died.

On 15 Jun 1959 Antoinette Fredericka Conyngham Baroness Croft (age 36) died.

On 15 Jun 1962 George Charles Montagu 9th Earl Sandwich (age 87) died. His son Victor Montagu 10th Earl Sandwich (age 56) succeeded 10th Earl Sandwich. Anne Cavendish Countess Sandwich (age 52) by marriage Countess Sandwich.

On 15 Jun 1968 Helen Cynthia Crewe Milnes (age 84) died.

On 15 Jun 2010 Ashley Ponsonby 2nd Baronet (age 89) died.