On this Day in History ... 18th July

18 Jul is in July.

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1660 July Creation of Peerages

1665 Great Plague of London

1666 Battle of Lowestoft

1666 Four Days' Battle

1679 Popish Plot

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 18th July

On 18 Jul 1194 Guy I King Jerusalem (age 44) died at Nicosia. His brother Almaric II King Jerusalem (age 49) succeeded II King Jerusalem.

Between 1451 and 15 Jun 1452 Robert Boyd 1st Lord Boyd (age 32) was created 1st Lord Boyd by King James II of Scotland (age 20). On 15 Jun 1452 King James II of Scotland (age 21) confirmed the charter of Robert Boyd (age 31), Lord of Kilmarnock and of Dalry, conveying one-third of the lands of Lynn in Dalry to Robert Boyd [indweller] of Lynn. He took his seat in Parliament on 18 Jul 1454.

Letters and Papers 1518. 18 Jul 1518. R. O. 4326. Pace (age 36) to WOLSEY.

Yesternight the King was advertised that one of my Lady Princess's servants was sick of a hot ague. He has commanded Pace (age 36) to write to Mr. Sydnor that the Princess should come to Byssham Abbey, remain there Tuesday, and be at the More on Wednesday. The King has since heard that the servant has recovered. He wishes the Princess to be removed, notwithstanding, till she hear further the King's pleasure, from Enfield. The Council wish Wolsey would devise "such gistes as shall be most for the King's surety and my Lady's," in consequence of the contagion. "We have daily advertisements here, other of some sweating or the great sickness from places very near unto us; and as for surfeits and drunkenness we have enough at home. My Lord of Durham's books were yesterday full evil entreated by lewd persons, to his no small discontentation. The Queen intendeth to hunt tomorrow four miles hence in a little park of Sir John Pechy's. Your grace shall receive here inclosed gistes devised by divers ways for my Lady Princess after she shall depart hence." From the More, 18 July.

Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.

ii. "The Princesse Giestes from Bisham to Hawryng."—"From Bysham to the More,—from the More to Enveld,—from Enveld to Hawryng."

"From Bysham to the More,—from the More to Tytynanger 8 miles, or to Hatfield 12,—from the More to Fortescuys Place 15 miles,—from Hatfield to Havvring 12 miles,—from Tytynanger to Havring 15 miles."

P. 1. Detached slip of paper.

Letters and Papers 1528. 18 Jul 1528. R.O. St. P.I.314. 4528. Thomas Benet, Priest, to Wolsey.

Repaired to Wilton [Map], and used every effort to bring over the nuns to Wolsey's wishes. Found them untoward, and put three or four of the captains of them in ward. Has closed up the doors, that none might have access to the nunnery. Found only the new elect and her sisters compliant. As they are now visited by the plague, and much straitened in their lodging by the burning of their dormitory, thought it best to advertise Wolsey before taking further proceedings. Wilton, 18 July.

Hol., p.1. Add. Sealed. Endd.

18 Jul 1536. Attainder of Lord Thomas Howard 1536 28 Hen 8 c24 by which Thomas Howard (age 25) was attainted for having married the King's (age 45) niece Margaret Douglas Countess Lennox (age 20) in secret thereby attempting to "interrupt ympedyte and lett the seid Succession of the Crowne" (she, Margaret Douglas Countess Lennox (age 20), was heir to the throne at the time). The Act sentenced Howard to death although it wasn't implemented.

On 18 Jul 1552 Rudolf II Holy Roman Emperor was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 24) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

On 18 Jul 1553 Thomas Tresham (age 53) proclaimed as queen Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) and accompanied her to London at Northampton, Northamptonshire [Map].

On 18 Jul 1658 Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 18) succeeded I Holy Roman Emperor.

On 18 Jul 1664 Petronilla Jiménez Queen Aragon Abdicated. Her son Alfonso II King Aragon succeeded II King Aragon.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Jul 1665. Up and to the office, where all the morning, and so to my house and eat a bit of victuals, and so to the 'Change [Map], where a little business and a very thin Exchange [Map]; and so walked through London to the Temple [Map], where I took water for Westminster to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), to wait on him, and so to Westminster Hall [Map], and there paid for my newes-books, and did give Mrs. Michell, who is going out of towne because of the sicknesse, and her husband, a pint of wine, and so Sir W. Warren coming to me by appointment we away by water home, by the way discoursing about the project I have of getting some money and doing the King (age 35) good service too about the mast docke at Woolwich, Kent [Map], which I fear will never be done if I do not go about it.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Jul 1666. Up in good case, and so by coach to St. James's after my fellows, and there did our business, which is mostly every day to complain of want of money, and that only will undo us in a little time. Here, among other things, before us all, the Duke of Yorke (age 32) did say, that now at length he is come to a sure knowledge that the Dutch did lose in the late engagements twenty-nine captains and thirteen ships. Upon which Sir W. Coventry (age 38) did publickly move, that if his Royal Highness had this of a certainty, it would be of use to send this down to the fleete, and to cause it to be spread about the fleete, for the recovering of the spirits of the officers and seamen; who are under great dejectedness for want of knowing that they did do any thing against the enemy, notwithstanding all that they did to us. Which, though it be true, yet methought was one of the most dishonourable motions to our countrymen that ever was made; and is worth remembering.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Jul 1666. Thence with Sir W. Pen (age 45) home, calling at Lilly's (age 47), to have a time appointed when to be drawn among the other Commanders of Flags the last year's fight. And so full of work Lilly (age 47) is, that he was faro to take his table-book out to see how his time is appointed, and appointed six days hence for him to come between seven and eight in the morning.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Jul 1668. Thence to the office, and then with my wife to the 'Change [Map] and Unthanke's, after having been at Cooper's (age 59) and sat there for her picture, which will be a noble picture, but yet I think not so like as Hales's (age 68) is.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Jul 1668. So home and to my office, and then to walk in the garden, and home to supper and to bed. They say the King of France (age 29) is making a war again, in Flanders, with the King of Spain (age 6); the King of Spain (age 6) refusing to give him all that he says was promised him in the treaty. Creed told me this day how when the King (age 38) was at my Lord Cornwallis's when he went last to Newmarket, Suffolk, that being there on a Sunday, the Duke of Buckingham (age 40) did in the afternoon to please the King (age 38) make a bawdy sermon to him out of Canticles, and that my Lord Cornwallis did endeavour to get the King (age 38) a whore, and that must be a pretty girl the daughter of the parson of the place, but that she did get away, and leaped off of some place and killed herself, which if true is very sad.

On 18 Jul 1668 Mary Lake was born to Thomas Lake (age 38) and Rebecca Langham.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jul 1679. I went early to the Old Bailey Sessions House, to the famous trial of Sir George Wakeman, one of the Queen's (age 40) physicians, and three Benedictine monks; the first (whom I was well acquainted with, and take to be a worthy gentleman abhorring such a fact), for intending to poison the King (age 49); the others as accomplices to carry on the plot, to subvert the government, and introduce Popery. The bench was crowded with the judges, Lord Mayor justices, and innumerable spectators. The chief accusers, Dr. Oates (age 29) (as he called himself), and one Bedlow, a man of inferior note. Their testimonies were not so pregnant, and I fear much of it from hearsay, but swearing positively to some particulars, which drew suspicion upon their truth; nor did circumstances so agree, as to give either the bench or jury so entire satisfaction as was expected. After, therefore, a long and tedious trial of nine hours, the jury brought them in not guilty, to the extraordinary triumph of the Papists, and without sufficient disadvantage and reflections on witnesses, especially Oates (age 29) and Bedlow.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jul 1685. I went to see the muster of the 6 Scotch and English regiments whom the Prince of Orange (age 34) had lately sent to his Ma* (age 51) out of Holland upon this rebellion, but which were now returning, there having ben no occasion for their use. They were all excellently clad and well disciplin'd, and were incamped on Blackheath [Map] with their tents: the King and Queene (age 46) came to see them exercise, and the manner of their incampment, which was very neate and magnificent. By a grosse mistake of the Secretary of his Ma*'s forces, it had ben order'd that they should be quarter'd in private houses, contrary to an Act of Parliament, but on my informing his Ma* timely of it, It was prevented. The two horsemen wch my son and myselfe sent into the county troopes, were now come home, after a moneth's being out to our greate charge.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jul 1691. To London to hear Mr. Stringfellow preach his first sermon in the newly erected Church of Trinity, in Conduit Street; to which I did recommend him to Dr. Tenison (age 54) for the constant preacher and lecturer. This Church, formerly built of timber on Hounslow-Heath by King James (age 57) for the mass priests, being begged by Dr. Tenison (age 54), rector of St. Martin's [Map], was set up by that public-minded, charitable, and pious man near my son's dwelling in Dover Street, chiefly at the charge of the Doctor (age 54). I know him to be an excellent preacher and a fit person. This Church, though erected in St. Martin's, which is the Doctor's parish, he was not only content, but was the sole industrious mover, that it should be made a separate parish, in regard of the neighborhood having become so populous. Wherefore to countenance and introduce the new minister, and take possession of a gallery designed for my son's family, I went to London, where, [NOTE. Text runs out?].

Avebury by William Stukeley. 18 Jul 1728. Table XI. Rundway hill 18 July, 1723. A. Bekhampton. B. the Model of a Camp. C. Celtic barrows. D. the way to Verlucio. [The drawing shows Silbury Hill [Map] and Cherhill aka Oldbury Hill Fort [Map]]

On 18 Jul 1750 Frederick Adolph Duke of Östergötland was born to Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 40) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia Queen Consort of Sweden (age 30).. He a great grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 18 Jul 1760 Philippe Mercier (age 71) died.

On 18 Jul 1819 James Anderson Rose was born to Arthur Miller Rose (age 22) and Susanna Rose nee Anderson (age 24) at Shoreditch [Map]. He was baptised 21 Jul 1819.

Exterior and interior of St Katherine's Church, Rowsley [Map]. The building of the church was commenced on 29 May 1854 by the 7th Duke Rutland (age 35) who laid coins of every value, from a sovereign to half a farthing in the foundations. The church was built to the designs of the architect Anthony Salvin. It was dedicated to St Catherine, after the name and in honour of the late Lady Manners. It was consecrated on 18 Jul 1855.

On 18 Jul 1893 David Ogilvy 12th Earl of Airlie was born to David Ogilvy 11th Earl of Airlie (age 37) and Mabell Gore Countess Airlie (age 27).

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries 1896 Dec 17 Thirkel Low. On July 18th, 1895, the Messrs. Salt and myself excavated a round barrow, 42 feet in diameter, upon this hill [Thirkel Low Round Barrow [Map]]. It was of considerable interest, for the construction of both the mound and the receptacle of its primary interment admitted of full and easy determination. As in the preceding barrow, part of its edge, that from east to south-west, was well defined by large stones set on end and inclining inwards. These were obviously the remnants of a former podium consisting of such stones in actual contact with one another ; but the mound did not appear to have ever been completely surrounded by the stones, for its north and north-west portions consisted mainly of rock, the outer face of which continued the circle. Within this podium, weathered limestones from the surrounding waste had been piled up without any order whatever. At the time of our excavation, the surface, in spite of its many irregularities, presented a general slight convexity, which probably approximated to its original form and height a shallow truncated cone with slightly domed top, the podium forming the shoulder. The preliminary investigation showed that the mound had not been much disturbed. A Mr. Webster made several slight excavations in 1894, and Mr. Salt a shallow trench (A on the accompanying plan and section from my notes on the spot) ; both found a few scattered bones.

On 13 Aug 1905 Emily Theresa Stern Baroness Sherborne (age 59) died. On 18 Jul 1919 Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne (age 88) died. His brother Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne (age 65) succeeded 5th Baron Sherborne. Monument in Saint Mary Magdalene's Church, Sherborne [Map].

Emily Theresa Stern Baroness Sherborne: Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne and she were married. On 21 Apr 1846 she was born to Hermann Stern. On 08 Mar 1883 James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne died. His son Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne succeeded 4th Baron Sherborne. She by marriage Baroness Sherborne.

Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne: On 23 Apr 1831 he was born to James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne and Elizabeth Howard Baroness Sherborne. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne: On 28 May 1840 he was born to James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne and Elizabeth Howard Baroness Sherborne at Bibury, Gloucestershire. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%. On 02 Jan 1920 Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne died. His nephew James Dutton 6th Baron Sherborne succeeded 6th Baron Sherborne.

On 18 Jul 1922 Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 22) and Edwina Ashley (age 20) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. He the son of Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven and Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven (age 59). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

The wedding, which attracted hugh crowds, was attending by Queen Mary (age 55), Queen Alexandra (age 77) and the Prince of Wales.

Left to right: Mary Ashley (age 15), Princess Margarita Glücksburg (age 17), Joan Esther Sybilla Pakenham (age 18), Sophie Glücksburg (age 8) (seated), Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 22), Edwina Ashley (age 20), Prince of Wales (age 28), Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (age 19) (seated), Princess Theodora (age 16) and Princess Cecile (age 11) (seated).

Births on the 18th July

Around 1524 Henry Pendleton was born. He was educated at Brasenose College, Oxford University graduating B.A. on 16 Nov 1542 and Doctor of Divinity on 18 Jul 1544.

On 18 Jul 1526 James Gresham was born to John Gresham (age 31) and Mary Ipswell (age 31).

On 18 Jul 1552 Rudolf II Holy Roman Emperor was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 24) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

Before 18 Jul 1622 Jane Chapman Lady Lucy was born to Thomas Chapman (age 35).

On 18 Jul 1624 Francis Pemberton was born.

On 18 Jul 1630 Mary Calvert was born to Cecil Calvert 2nd Baron Baltimore (age 24) and Ann Arundell Baroness Baltimore (age 14).

On 18 Jul 1668 Mary Lake was born to Thomas Lake (age 38) and Rebecca Langham.

On 18 Jul 1687 Mary Ross Duchess Atholl was born to William Ross 12th Lord Ross (age 31).

On 18 Jul 1702 Maria Clementina Sobieska was born to James Louis Sobieski (age 34).

On 18 Jul 1726 George Savile 8th Baronet was born to George Savile 7th Baronet (age 48) and Mary Pratt.

On 18 Jul 1728 Frances Seymour was born to Charles Seymour 6th Duke of Somerset (age 65) and Charlotte Finch Duchess Somerset (age 35).

On or before 18 Jul 1734, the date he was baptised, James Amyatt of Freemantle in Hampshire was born to Benjamin Amyatt of Totnes.

On 18 Jul 1746 Elizabeth Ridge Viscountess Ashbrook was born to Thomas Ridge of Oxfordshire.

On 18 Jul 1750 Frederick Adolph Duke of Östergötland was born to Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 40) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia Queen Consort of Sweden (age 30).. He a great grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 18 Jul 1753 Elizabeth Dryden was born to Bevill Dryden.

On 18 Jul 1788 John Lumley-Savile 8th Earl Scarborough was born to John Lumley-Savile 7th Earl Scarborough (age 27) and Anna Maria Herring Viscountess Lumley.

On 18 Jul 1803 Elizabeth Jane Stuart was born to George Stuart (age 23).

On 18 Jul 1807 Thomas Hare 2nd Baronet was born.

On 18 Jul 1819 James Anderson Rose was born to Arthur Miller Rose (age 22) and Susanna Rose nee Anderson (age 24) at Shoreditch [Map]. He was baptised 21 Jul 1819.

On 18 Jul 1830 Olivia Montagu Countess Tankerville was born to George Montagu 6th Duke Manchester (age 31) and Millicent Sparrow Duchess Manchester (age 32).

On 18 Jul 1837 Alice Louisa Cavendish was born to George Henry Cavendish (age 26) and Louisa Lascelles (age 24).

On 18 Jul 1859 Geoffrey George Gordon Fitzclarence 3rd Earl Munster was born to William Fitzclarence 2nd Earl Munster (age 35) and Wilhelmina Kennedy-Erskine (age 29). He a great grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 18 Jul 1877 Dorothy Beatrix Wynn was born to Thomas John Wynn (age 36) and Sybil Anna Catherine Corbet.

On 18 Jul 1893 David Ogilvy 12th Earl of Airlie was born to David Ogilvy 11th Earl of Airlie (age 37) and Mabell Gore Countess Airlie (age 27).

Marriages on the 18th July

On 18 Jul 1432 James "White Earl" Butler 4th Earl Ormonde (age 39) and Joan or Elizabeth Fitzgerald Countess Ormonde were married. She by marriage Countess Ormonde. She the daughter of Gerald Fitzgerald 5th Earl of Kildare and Margaret Rocheford Countess Kildare. He the son of James Butler 3rd Earl Ormonde and Anne Welles Countess Ormonde. They were half second cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 18 Jul 1519 Robert Cotton (age 40) and Dorothy Clere (age 39) were married. They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 18 Jul 1653 George Coventry 3rd Baron Coventry (age 25) and Margaret Tufton Baroness Coventry (age 17) were married. She by marriage Baroness Coventry. She the daughter of John Tufton 2nd Earl of Thanet (age 44) and Margaret Sackville Countess Isle Thanet (age 39).

Before 18 Jul 1655 John Chichester 1st Baronet (age 32) and Elizabeth Rayney were married.

On 18 Jul 1655 John Chichester 1st Baronet (age 32) and Mary Colley were married.

On 18 Jul 1661 Robert Shafto Of Whitworth (age 27) and Catherine Widdrington (age 19) were married.

Before 18 Jul 1668 Thomas Lake (age 38) and Rebecca Langham were married.

On 18 Jul 1677 John Burgoyne 3rd Baronet (age 26) and Constance Lucy Lady Burgoyne (age 18) were married.

On 18 Jul 1688 William Monson 4th Baronet (age 34) and Laetitia Paulet were married.

On 18 Jul 1703 Henry Northcote 4th Baronet (age 44) and Penelope Lovett Lady Northcote (age 26) were married.

On 18 Jul 1717 Marcus Beresford 1st Earl Tyrone (age 23) and Catherine Power Countess Tyrone (age 15) were married. She the daughter of James Power 3rd Earl Tyrone. They were second cousin once removed.

Before 18 Jul 1726 George Savile 7th Baronet (age 48) and Mary Pratt were married.

On 18 Jul 1771 George Amyand aka Cornewall 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Catherine Cornewall (age 19) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She her father's heir. He adopted his father-in-law's surname Cornewall two days later on 20 Jul 1771.

On 18 Jul 1799 Vice-Admiral Mark Robert Kerr (age 22) and Charlotte MacDonnell 3rd Countess of Antrim (age 19) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She the daughter of Randal William MacDonnell 1st Marquess of Antrim. He the son of William John Kerr 5th Marquess Lothian (age 62) and Elizabeth Fortescue 5th Marchioness Lothian. He a great x 5 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 18 Jul 1807 Henry Pelham-Clinton 4th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme (age 22) and Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 18) were married in Lambeth Palace [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Newcastle under Lyme. He the son of Thomas Pelham-Clinton 3rd Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme and Anna Maria Stanhope Countess Lincoln. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Jul 1807 William Cavendish (age 24) and Louisa Ocallaghan were married. He the son of George Augustus Henry Cavendish 1st Earl Burlington (age 53) and Elizabeth Compton Countess Burlington (age 47).

On 18 Jul 1837 Charles Thynne (age 24) and Harriet Bagot (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Bishop Richard Bagot (age 54) and Harriet Villiers (age 49). He the son of Thomas Thynne 2nd Marquess of Bath and Isabella Elizabeth Byng Marchioness Bath. They were fourth cousins.

On 18 Jul 1861 Arthur Wrottesley 3rd Baron Wrottesley (age 37) and Augusta Elizabeth Denison Baroness Wrottesley (age 28) were married.

Before 18 Jul 1863 John Barker (age 68) and Emily Charlotte Barker m Barker (age 74) were married.

On 18 Jul 1866 William Molyneux 4th Earl Sefton (age 30) and Cecil Emily Jolliffe (age 28) were married. He the son of Charles William Molyneux 3rd Earl Sefton. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 18 Jul 1872 Reverend Spencer Compton Hamilton-Spencer-Smith (age 30) and Mary Baillie-Hamilton were married. Around the same time his name was changed from Smith to Hamilton-Spencer-Smith by Royal Licence.

On 18 Jul 1880 Tsar Alexander II of Russia (age 62) and Catherine Dolgoroky were married. She by marriage Tsarina Russia. He a great x 4 grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 18 Jul 1883 Edward Arthur Palk 5th Baron Haldon (age 29) and Charlotte Frances Shelley (age 28) were married.

On 18 Jul 1884 Randolph Gordon Erskine-Wemyss (age 26) and Lillian Mary Paulet (age 24) were married. She the daughter of John Paulet 14th Marquess Winchester (age 83) and Mary Robinson Montagu Marchioness Winchester. He a great grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 18 Jul 1908 Algernon Edwyn Burnaby (age 40) and Minna Field were married at York Harbour.

On 18 Jul 1922 Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 22) and Edwina Ashley (age 20) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. He the son of Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven and Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven (age 59). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

The wedding, which attracted hugh crowds, was attending by Queen Mary (age 55), Queen Alexandra (age 77) and the Prince of Wales.

Left to right: Mary Ashley (age 15), Princess Margarita Glücksburg (age 17), Joan Esther Sybilla Pakenham (age 18), Sophie Glücksburg (age 8) (seated), Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 22), Edwina Ashley (age 20), Prince of Wales (age 28), Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (age 19) (seated), Princess Theodora (age 16) and Princess Cecile (age 11) (seated).

On 18 Jul 1944 Charles Alfred Euston Fitzroy 10th Duke Grafton (age 52) and Rita Emily Carr-Ellison Duchess Grafton (age 32) were married. She by marriage Duchess Grafton.

On 18 Jul 1946 Lieutenant-Colonel Peter William Marsham (age 33) and Hersey Coke (age 31) were married.

On 18 Jul 1955 Peter John Henry Whiteley and Angela Mary North (age 24) were married.

Deaths on the 18th July

On 18 Jul 1038 Gunhilda Knytlinga (age 18) died.

On 18 Jul 1100 Godfrey Flanders Lord Bouillon (age 39) was killed at Acre. The Arab chronicler Ibn al-Qalanisi reported "while he was besieging the city of Acre, Godfrey, the ruler of Jerusalem, was struck by an arrow, which killed him". Other reports suggest he may have contracted an illness, or may have been poisoned.

On 18 Jul 1155 Archbishop Geoffrey of Loroux died.

On 18 Jul 1194 Guy I King Jerusalem (age 44) died at Nicosia. His brother Almaric II King Jerusalem (age 49) succeeded II King Jerusalem.

Before 18 Jul 1204 Herbert Fitzherbert (age 79) died.

On 18 Jul 1232 John de Braose (age 35) died at Bramber.

On 18 Jul 1279 Archbishop Boniface Savoy (age 72) died.

On 18 Jul 1301 John Beke 1st Baron Beke (age 78) died at Beke without male issue. Baron Beke abeyant between his two daughters Alice Beke and Margaret Beke (age 45).

On 18 Jul 1317 Humphrey Beauchamp (age 64) died.

On 18 Jul 1375 Agnes Bereford Baroness Maltravers (age 75) died.

On 18 Jul 1389 Robert Howard (age 58) died.

On 18 Jul 1442 Margarete of Berg (age 78) died.

On 18 Jul 1450 Francis Montfort I Duke Brittany (age 36) died. His brother Peter Montfort II Duke Brittany (age 32) succeeded II Duke Brittany 1364 War of Montfort.

On 18 Jul 1472 Elizabeth Grey (age 24) died in Ruthyn.

Before 18 Jul 1487 David Stewart (age 32) died.

On 18 Jul 1505 Catherine Valois (age 53) died.

On 18 Jul 1519 Robert Cotton (age 40) died.

On 18 Jul 1526 Andrew Kerr of Cessford (age 41) was killed while escorting James V to Edinburgh.

On 18 Jul 1551 Owen West (age 45) died.

On 18 Jul 1556 Margaret Keith Countess Marischal (age 45) died.

On 18 Jul 1565 Katherine "Kat" Champernowne (age 63) died. She was buried in All Saints Church, Maidstone.

After 18 Jul 1587 Thomas Culpepper (age 60) died.

On 18 Jul 1588 Anne Talbot Countess Pembroke (age 65) died.

On 18 Jul 1591 William Tyrwhitt (age 60) died.

On 18 Jul 1601 Radclyffe Gerard (age 46) died.

On 18 Jul 1608 Joachim Frederick Hohenzollern (age 62) died.

On 18 Jul 1618 William Craven (age 70) died. He was buried at St Andrew Undershaft, Aldgate Ward.

On 18 Jul 1618 Edward Carey (age 78) died at St Bartholomew the Less.

Around 18 Jul 1639 Mary Caryll Viscountess Molyneux (age 42) died.

On 18 Jul 1639 Bernhard Wettin (age 34) died.

On 18 Jul 1659 Anna Sabine Oldenburg (age 66) died.

On 18 Jul 1662 John Lister (age 60) died.

On 18 Jul 1667 George Winn 1st Baronet (age 60) died. His son Edmund Winn 2nd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 2nd Baronet Winn of Nostel in Yorkshire.

On 18 Jul 1698 Henry Davenport (age 54) died.

On 18 Jul 1699 William Waller (age 60) died.

On 18 Jul 1701 William Leman 2nd Baronet (age 63) died. His grandson William Leman 3rd Baronet (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baronet Leman of Northaw in Hertfordshire.

On 18 Jul 1709 Philip Bourbon died.

On 18 Jul 1711 Richard Verney 19th Baron Latimer 11th Baron Willoughby (age 90) died. He was buried at Compton Verney Chapel [Map]. His son George Verney 20th Baron Latimer 12th Baron Willoughby (age 51) succeeded 20th Baron Latimer of Corby, 12th Baron Willoughby Broke. Margaret Heath Baroness Latimer and Willoughby by marriage Baroness Latimer of Corby, Baroness Willoughby Broke.

On 18 Jul 1717 Anne Savile (age 26) died.

On 18 Jul 1719 John Turnor (age 65) died.

On 18 Jul 1731 Walter Yonge 3rd Baronet (age 78) died. His son William Yonge 4th Baronet (age 38) succeeded 4th Baronet Yonge of Colyton in Devon. Anne Howard Lady Yonge by marriage Lady Yonge of Colyton in Devon.

On 18 Jul 1741 Charles Blackwell 2nd Baronet (age 41) died. His son Lambert Blackwell 3rd Baronet (age 9) succeeded 3rd Baronet Blackwell of Sprowston Hall in Norfolk.

On 18 Jul 1748 Henry Scheemakers (age 62) died.

On 18 Jul 1753 Winifrede Howard Baroness Stourton (age 26) died.

On 18 Jul 1755 Thomas Charles Keyt 4th Baronet (age 42) died. His brother Robert Keyt 5th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 5th Baronet Keyt of Ebrington in Gloucestershire.

On 18 Jul 1760 Philippe Mercier (age 71) died.

On 15 or 18 Jul 1763 John Evelyn 1st Baronet (age 81) died. He was buried at St John's Church, Wotton on 22 Jul 1763. His son John Evelyn 2nd Baronet (age 56) succeeded 2nd Baronet Evelyn of Wotton in Surrey.

On 18 Jul 1765 Infante Philip of Spain (age 45) died.

On 18 Jul 1774 Thomas Alston 5th Baronet (age 50) died. He left his estate to his housekeeper Margaret Lee through whom it eventually made its way to his illegitimate son Thomas Alston. He was buried at the Church of All Saints Odell [Map]. His brother Rowland Alston 6th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 6th Baronet Alston of Odell in Bedfordshire.

On 18 Jul 1777 William O'Brien 4th Earl Inchiquin (age 77) died.

On 18 Jul 1784 Charles Finch died.

On 18 Jul 1811 Henry Edward Fox (age 56) died.

On 18 Jul 1825 Ann Maria Pleydell-Bouverie (age 8) died.

On 18 Jul 1846 Georgiana Louisa Best (age 37) died.

On 18 Jul 1863 John Barker (age 68) died.

On 18 Jul 1874 Louis Napoléon Lannes 2nd Duke Montebello (age 72) died.

On 18 Jul 1876 George Pitt-Rivers (age 60) died.

On 18 Jul 1876 General Ernest Frederick Gascoigne (age 79) died.

On 18 Jul 1877 Georgiana Stuart Gore died.

On 18 Jul 1881 Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (age 65) died.

On 18 Jul 1892 Jessy Brooke died.

On 18 Jul 1899 Auguste Sophie Friederike Hesse-Kassel (age 75) died.

On 13 Aug 1905 Emily Theresa Stern Baroness Sherborne (age 59) died. On 18 Jul 1919 Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne (age 88) died. His brother Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne (age 65) succeeded 5th Baron Sherborne. Monument in Saint Mary Magdalene's Church, Sherborne [Map].

Emily Theresa Stern Baroness Sherborne: Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne and she were married. On 21 Apr 1846 she was born to Hermann Stern. On 08 Mar 1883 James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne died. His son Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne succeeded 4th Baron Sherborne. She by marriage Baroness Sherborne.

Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne: On 23 Apr 1831 he was born to James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne and Elizabeth Howard Baroness Sherborne. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne: On 28 May 1840 he was born to James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne and Elizabeth Howard Baroness Sherborne at Bibury, Gloucestershire. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%. On 02 Jan 1920 Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne died. His nephew James Dutton 6th Baron Sherborne succeeded 6th Baron Sherborne.

On 18 Jul 1918 Elizabeth Feodorovna Hesse Darmstadt (age 53) died.

On 18 Jul 1920 Joachim Hohenzollern (age 29) died.

On 18 Jul 1920 Augusta Caroline Law (age 76) died.

On 18 Jul 1929 Assheton Edward Harbord (age 68) died.

On 18 Jul 1938 Marie Windsor (age 62) died at Sinaia.

On 18 Jul 1939 Constance Blanche Godolphin Godolphin Osborne (age 64) died.

On 18 Jul 1951 George Leveson-Gower (age 93) died.

On 18 Jul 1955 Ernest John Bridgman (age 71) died.

On 18 Jul 1994 Rupert Baring 4th Baron Revelstoke (age 83) died. His son John Baring 5th Baron Revelstoke (age 59) succeeded 5th Baron Revelstoke of Membland in Devon.