On this Day in History ... 19th July

19 Jul is in July.

1333 Battle of Halidon Hill

1408 Battle of Bramham Moor

1540 Arrest and Attainder of Thomas Cromwell

1545 Battle of the Solent and the Sinking of the Mary Rose

1549 Kett's Rebellion

1603 Main and Bye Plots

1664 Battle of Levice

1667 Raid on the Medway

1691 Battle of the Boyne

1821 Coronation of King George IV

1821 Coronation of William IV

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 19th July

On 19 Jul 1333 Edward Balliol I King Scotland (age 50) was restored I King Scotland.

On 19 Jul 1333 King Edward III of England (age 20) defeated the Scots army at the Battle of Halidon Hill near Berwick on Tweed [Map]. John of Eltham 1st Earl Cornwall (age 16) commanded.

English archers, just as at the Battle of Dupplin Moor one year previously, had a significant impact on the massed ranks of Scottish schiltrons. Edward's army included: Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk (age 33), who commanded the right wing, Hugh Courtenay 9th Earl Devon (age 56), Robert Pierrepont, Hugh Courtenay 10th Earl Devon (age 30), Henry Beaumont Earl Buchan (age 54) and John Sully (age 50). One of the few English casualties was John Neville (age 34) who was killed.

The Scottish army included King David II of Scotland (age 9). Alexander Bruce, Alan Stewart (age 61), James Stewart (age 57), John Stewart, William Douglas 1st Earl Atholl, Archibald Douglas (age 35) who were all killed.

Hugh 4th Earl Ross (age 36) was killed. His son William 5th Earl Ross succeeded 5th Earl Ross.

Malcolm Lennox 2nd Earl Lennox was killed. His son Domhnall Lennox Earl Lennox succeeded Earl Lennox.

Kenneth de Moravia Sutherland 4th Earl Sutherland was killed. His son William de Moravia Sutherland 5th Earl Sutherland succeeded 5th Earl Sutherland. Johanna Menteith Countess Sutherland by marriage Countess Sutherland.

On 19 Feb 1408 Thomas Rokeby's force of Yorkshire levies defeated the Percy army during the Battle of Bramham Moor bringing to an end the Percy rebellion.

Henry Percy 1st Earl of Northumberland (age 66) was killed. His body was afterwards hanged, drawn and quartered, his head being sent to London bridge and his quarters to diverse places. His grandson Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 15) succeeded 5th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 13th Baron Percy of Topcliffe.

Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 38) was killed. Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk had been forfeited in 1406 when Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 38) was declared a traitor. It was restored on 19 Jul 1408 to his two daughters Anne Bardolf Baroness Cobham Sternborough (age 18) and Joan Bardolf (age 17) and their husbands William Clifford (age 33) and William Phelip (age 25).

On 19 Jul 1415 Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 55) died at Sacavém.

On 19 Jul 1483 Edward York Prince of Wales (age 9) was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

Hall's Chronicle 1540. 09 Jun 1540. The xix. day of July [a mistake for June], Thomas Lord Cromwell (age 55), late made Earl of Essex, as before you have hard, being in the counsel chamber, was suddenly apprehended, and committed to the Tower of London [Map], the which many lamented, but more rejoiced, and especially such, as ether had been religious men, or favoured religious persons, for they banqueted, and triumphed together that night, many wishing that that day had been seven years before, and some fearing least he should escape, although he were imprisoned, could not be merry. Other who knew nothing but truth by him, both lamented him, and heartily prayed for him. But this is true that of certain of the clergy, he was detestably hated, and specially of such as had borne swinge, and by his meanes was put from it, for in deed he was a man, that in all his doings, seemed not to favour any kind of Popery, nor could not abide the snoffing pride of some prelates, which undoubtedly whatsoever else was the cause of his death, did shorten his life, and procured the end that he was brought unto which was that the xix. day of the said month, he was attainted by Parliament, and never came to his answer, which law many reported, he was the causer of the making thereof, but the truth thereof I know not. The Articles for which he died, appear in the Record, where his attainder is written, which are too long to be here rehearsed, but to conclude he was there attainted of heresy, and high treason.

On 19 Jul 1545 during the Battle of the Solent the Mary Rose sank. Roger Grenville (age 27) and George Carew (age 41) drowned.

Hall's Chronicle 1445. 19 Jul 1545. After the departyng of thenglyshe nauy, from Newhauen, the Admyrall of Fraunce, called the Lorde Dombalt, a man of greate expteryence, halsed vp hys sayles, and with hys whole nauie, came to the point of the Isle of Wyght, called. S. Helenes poynt, and there in good ordre cast their Ankers, and sent. xvi. Galies dayly, to the very hauen of Portesmouthe. Thenglyshe nauye liyngin the hauen, made them prest and set out towardes the, and styl the one shot at the other. But one day aboue all other, the whole nauie of the Englishmen made out, and purposed to set on the Frenchmen: but in their settyng forward, a goodly ship of Englande called the Mary Rose, was by to much foly, drouned in the middest of the hauen, for she was laden wyth much ordinaunee, and the portes left open, which were very lowe, and the great ordinaunce, vnbreched, so that when the ship should turne, the water entred, and sodainly she sanke. In her was sir George Carewe knight, Capitain of thesaid shyppe, and foure hundreth men, and much ordinaunce.

Calendars. 19 Jul 1545. Towards evening, through misfortune and carelessness, the ship [Mary Rose] of Vice-Admiral George Garew foundered, and all hands on board, to the number of about 500, were drowned, with the exception of about five and twenty or thirty servants, sailors and the like, who escaped. I made enquiries of one of the survivors, a Fleming, how the ship perished, and he told me that the disaster was caused by their not having closed the lowest row of gun ports on one side of the ship. Having fired the guns on that side, the ship was turning, in order to fire from the other, when the wind caught her sails so strongly as to heel her over, and plunge her open gunports beneath the water, which flooded and sank her. They say, however that they can recover the ship and guns.

On 19 Jul 1553 Lady Jane Grey (age 17) Abdicated I King England. Her first cousin once removed Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) succeeded I Queen England.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1553. The xix day of July was qwene Mare (age 37) proclamyd qwene of England, France, and Yrland, and alle domy(ni)ons, [as the] syster of the late kyng Edward the vj. and doythur unto the nobull kyng Henry the viij. be-twyn v and vj of the cloke at nyght, and ther wher at proclamasyon iiij trumpeters and ij harold(s) of armes, and the erle of Arundell (age 41), the erle of Shrossbery (age 53), th'erle Penbroke (age 52), my lord Tressorer (age 70), my lord of Preveselle, my lord Cobham (age 56), my lord Warden, master Masun, and my lord Mare, and dyvers odur nobull men; and thys was done at the crosse [Map] in Chepe, and from that plasse thay whent unto Powlls and ther was Te Deum Laudamus, with song, and the organes playhyng, and all the belles ryngyng thrugh London, and bone-fyres, and tabuls in evere strett, and wyne and bere and alle, and evere strett full of bonfyres, and ther was money cast a-way.

Note. Proclamation of queen Mary. A printed copy of the proclamation making known the title of queen Mary, is at the Society of Antiquaries.

On 19 Jul 1603 Walter Raleigh (age 49) arrested for his part in the Main and Bye Plots.

On 19 Jul 1664 the Habsburg Imperial Army commanded by Jean-Louis Raduit Count de Souches (age 55) defeated an Ottoman army under the command of Ali Pasha. Ali Pasha was killed.

Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1664. To London, to see the event of the lottery which his Majesty (age 34) had permitted Sir Arthur Slingsby (age 41) to set up for one day in the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace [Map], at Whitehall; I gaining only a trifle, as well as did the King (age 34), Queen-Consort (age 25), and Queen-Mother (age 54), for near thirty lots; which was thought to be contrived very unhandsomely by the master of it, who was, in truth, a mere shark.

Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1667. I went to Gravesend, Kent [Map]; the Dutch fleet still at anchor before the river, where I saw five of his Majesty's (age 37) men-at-war encounter above twenty of the Dutch, in the bottom of the Hope, chasing them with many broadsides given and returned toward the Buoy of the Nore, where the body of their fleet lay, which lasted till about midnight. One of their ships was fired, supposed by themselves, she being run on ground. Having seen this bold action, and their braving us so far up the river, I went home the next day, not without indignation at our negligence, and the nation's reproach. It is well known who of the Commissioners of the Treasury gave advice that the charge of setting forth a fleet this year might be spared, Sir W. C. (William Coventry (age 39)) by name.

Pepy's Diary. 19 Jul 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and to my chamber, and there I up and down in the house spent the morning getting things ready against noon, when come Mr. Cooper (age 59), Hales (age 68), Harris (age 34), Mr. Butler, that wrote Hudibras, and Mr. Cooper's (age 59) cozen Jacke; and by and by comes Mr. Reeves and his wife, whom I never saw before: and there we dined: a good dinner, and company that pleased me mightily, being all eminent men in their way. Spent all the afternoon in talk and mirth, and in the evening parted, and then my wife and I to walk in the garden, and so home to supper, Mrs. Turner (age 45) and husband and daughter with us, and then to bed.

Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1683. George, Prince of Denmark (age 30), who had landed this day, came to marry the Lady Anne (age 18), daughter to the Duke (age 49); so I returned home, having seen the young gallant at dinner at Whitehall [Map].

Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1689. The Convention (or Parliament as some called it) sitting, exempt the Duke of Hanover (age 29) from the succession to the crown, which they seem to confine to the present new King (age 38), his wife (age 27), and Princess Anne of Denmark (age 24), who is so monstrously swollen, that it is doubted whether her being thought with child may prove a TYMPANY only, so that the unhappy family of the Stuarts seems to be extinguishing; and then what government is likely to be next set up is unknown, whether regal and by election, or otherwise, the Republicans and Dissenters from the Church of England evidently looking that way.

Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1689. The Scots have now again voted down Episcopacy there. Great discontents through this nation at the slow proceedings of the King (age 38), and the incompetent instruments and officers he advances to the greatest and most necessary charges.

Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1691. The great victory of King William's army in Ireland was looked on as decisive of that war. The French General, St. Ruth, who had been so cruel to the poor Protestants in France, was slain, with divers of the best commanders; nor was it cheap to us, having 1,000 killed, but of the enemy 4,000 or 5,000.

On 19 Jul 1830 Alfred Waterhouse was born.

On 19 Jul 1843 Emma Lucy Madox Brown was born to Ford Madox Brown (age 22) and Elizabeth Bromley (age 24) at Paris [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

Diary of a Dean by Merewether. 20th. Opened a flat barrow (No. 1) of about 25 yards from skirt to skirt, and 5 feet from the apex to the level of the surrounding down, situated in the centre of the flat down about a mile and a quarter from Avebury, and at half a mile's distance from any other barrow. At the centre, 18 inches below the surface, were the fragments of a coarse unornamented vase, containing the bones of a child which had cut its first teeth, but had not changed them. In the chalk rubble were numerous pieces of deer's ribs. 2 ft. 6 in. from the surface was a skeleton of an adult (A); the thigh-bones measured 14½ inches, the whole frame compressed, tlie right hand turned hack under the wrist, the left laid across the face, and the bones of the wrist and forearm between the upper and lower jaws; the skull fractured into minute portions. The crouched posture of the skeleton, the rudeness of the vase with the hones of the child, the flat form and insulated position of the barrow, assign it to the earliest period of sepulture. The molar teeth were much worn, but were evidently those of a young person.

On 19 Jul 1883 Beatrice Mills Countess of Granard was born at Newport, Rhode Island.

On 28 Jul 1915 Lieutenant Theodore William Warlow (age 20) died from wounds received whilst trying to take a wounded man into safety on 19 Jul 1915. He was buried at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. Memorial in All Saints Church, Ledsham [Map].

Lieutenant Theodore William Warlow: Around 1895 he was born to Reverend George Edmund Warlow and Ellen Constance Eiloart. Before 19 Jul 1915 he was appointed Lieutenant of the 6th Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

Births on the 19th July

On 19 Jul 1420 William VIII Marquis of Montferrat was born to John Jacob Marquis of Montferrat (age 25) and Joan of Savoy.

On or before 19 Jul 1607 John Kelyng was born to John Kelyng of Hertford and Alice Waterhouse.

On 19 Jul 1643 Vere Booth was born to George Booth 1st Baron Delamer (age 20) and Catherine Clinton.

On 19 Jul 1703 Jane Calvert was born to Benedict Calvert 4th Baron Baltimore (age 24) and Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 24) at Epsom, Surrey. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Around 19 Jul 1706 Dorothy Grey was born to Henry Grey 3rd Earl Stamford (age 21) and Dorothy Wright Countess Stamford (age 21).

On or before 19 Jul 1723 Daniel Craster of Craster was born to Daniel Craster of Embleton and Craster (age 42).

On 19 Jul 1735 Garrett Wellesley 1st Earl Mornington was born to Richard Colley aka Wesley 1st Baron Mornington (age 45) and Elizabeth Sale in Dangan Castle, Summerhill, Trim, County Meath.

On 19 Jul 1746 Princess Marie Thérèse of France was born to Dauphin Louis Bourbon (age 16) and Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.43%.

On 19 Jul 1765 Reverend George de la Poer Beresford was born to John Beresford (age 27) and Constantia Ligondes.

On 19 Jul 1770 Eleanor Egerton Marchioness Westminster was born to Thomas Egerton 1st Earl Wilton (age 20) and Eleanor Assheton Viscountess Wilton (age 17).

On 19 Jul 1772 Karl Ludwig Nassau Weilburg was born to Charles Christian Nassau Weilburg (age 37) and Carolina Orange Nassau (age 29). He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 19 Jul 1778 Thomas Foley was born to Andrew Foley (age 31) and Elizabeth Tomlinson (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.32%.

On 19 Jul 1830 Alfred Waterhouse was born.

On 19 Jul 1843 Emma Lucy Madox Brown was born to Ford Madox Brown (age 22) and Elizabeth Bromley (age 24) at Paris [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 19 Jul 1857 Caroline Chandos-Pole was born to Edward Sacheverell Chandos-Pole (age 31) and Anna Caroline Stanhope (age 25).

On 19 Jul 1878 Leopold Clement Saxe Coburg Gotha was born to Ferdinand Philipp Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 34) and Louise Wettin (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.57%.

On 19 Jul 1878 Prince Antoine Bibesco was born to Alexandre Bibesco (age 36).

On 19 Jul 1883 Beatrice Mills Countess of Granard was born at Newport, Rhode Island.

On 19 Jul 1884 Charles Edward Saxe Coburg Gotha was born to Leopold Saxe Coburg Gotha 1st Duke Albany and Helena Waldeck Duchess Albany at Claremont House Esher, Surrey. He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 19 Jul 1887 Richard St John Jefferyes Colthurst 8th Baronet was born to George St John Colthurst 6th Baronet (age 36) and Edith Jane Morris Lady Colthurst (age 27).

On 19 Jul 1892 Ralph Mansfield 4th Baron Sandhurst was born.

On 19 Jul 1913 Bishop Gerald Fitzmaurice Colin was born.

On 19 Jul 1927 Gerard Robert Henry Sigismund Newman 3rd Baronet was born to Cecil Gustavus Jacques Neumann aka Newman 2nd Baronet (age 36) and Joan Grimston Lady Neumann at Burloes Hall, Hertfordshire.

On 19 Jul 1951 Caroline Anne Beauclerk was born to Charles Beauclerk 13th Duke St Albans (age 35) and Suzanne Marie Fesq Duchess St Albans (age 30).

Marriages on the 19th July

After 19 Jul 1353 Albert Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 16) and Margaret Silesia were married. He the son of Louis Wittelsbach IV Holy Roman Emperor and Margaret Hainault Holy Roman Empress (age 41). He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 19 Jul 1620 Henry Grey 1st Earl Stamford (age 21) and Anne Cecil (age 24) were married. She by marriage Baroness Grey of Groby. She the daughter of William Cecil 2nd Earl Exeter (age 54) and Elizabeth Drury Countess Exeter (age 42). They were fourth cousins.

On 19 Jul 1641 Henry Hastings (age 36) and Jane Goodall were married at Long Clawson Belgrave, Leicestershire.

Before 19 Jul 1649 Richard Wynn 2nd Baronet (age 61) and Anne Darcy (age 55) were married.

Before' 19 Jul 1664 John Falconer Clerk of the Ropeyard and Elizabeth Falconer were married.

On 19 Jul 1696 Rushout Cullen 3rd Baronet (age 35) and Eleanor Jarrett were married.

On 19 Jul 1727 Johnathan Hurt (age 27) and Catherine Sitwell (age 24) were married.

In or before 19 Jul 1735 Richard Colley aka Wesley 1st Baron Mornington (age 45) and Elizabeth Sale were married.

On 19 Jul 1737 Nicholas Herbert (age 31) and Anne North were married. He the son of Thomas Herbert 8th Earl Pembroke 5th Earl Montgomery and Margaret Sawyer Countess Pembroke and Montgomery.

On 19 Jul 1743 Lawrence Washington (age 25) and Anne Fairfax (age 15) were married.

On 19 Jul 1764 Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (age 33) and Henrietta Vernon Countess Grosvenor (age 28) were married.

On 19 Jul 1769 Ferdinand Duke of Parma (age 18) and Maria Amalia Duchess of Parma (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Francis I Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 52). He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.

On 19 Jul 1774 John Parnell 2nd Baronet (age 29) and Laetitia Charlotte Brooke were married. They were third cousin once removed.

On 19 Jul 1804 William Beresford (age 23) and Anna Bennett (age 29) were married. She the daughter of Charles Bennet 4th Earl Tankerville (age 60) and Emma Colebrooke Countess Tankerville (age 52).

On 19 Jul 1836 John Thomas Dutton (age 25) and Lavinia Parker (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Parker 5th Earl Macclesfield (age 73) and Eliza Wolstenholme Countess Macclesfield (age 55).

On 19 Jul 1853 Granville Leveson Proby 4th Earl of Carysfort (age 28) and Augusta Maria Hare (age 21) were married. She the daughter of William Hare 2nd Earl Listowel (age 51) and Maria Augusta Windham Countess Listowel (age 48).

On 19 Jul 1855 Thomas Edward Lloyd-Mostyn (age 25) and Henrietta Augusta Neville (age 25) were married. She the daughter of William Neville 4th Earl Abergavenny (age 63) and Caroline Leeke Countess Abergavenny.

On 19 Jul 1890 James St Clair-Erskine 5th Earl of Rosslyn (age 21) and Violet Aline Vyner were married.

On 19 Jul 1932 Lieutenant-General Frederick Browning (age 35) and Daphne du Maurier (age 25) were married at the Church of St Willow, Lanteglos.

Before 19 Jul 1958 William Harvey Astell of Woodbury Hall in Befordshire (age 97) and Elizabeth Maria Prendergast Vereker (age 96) were married.

Deaths on the 19th July

On 19 Jul 1230 Theobald Butler (age 30) died at Poitou. He was buried at Arklow Abbey, Arklow, County Wicklow. His son Theobald Butler (age 6) succeeded 3rd Chief Butler Ireland.

Around 19 Jul 1276 Ela Longespée (age 32) died.

On 19 Jul 1333 King Edward III of England (age 20) defeated the Scots army at the Battle of Halidon Hill near Berwick on Tweed [Map]. John of Eltham 1st Earl Cornwall (age 16) commanded.

English archers, just as at the Battle of Dupplin Moor one year previously, had a significant impact on the massed ranks of Scottish schiltrons. Edward's army included: Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk (age 33), who commanded the right wing, Hugh Courtenay 9th Earl Devon (age 56), Robert Pierrepont, Hugh Courtenay 10th Earl Devon (age 30), Henry Beaumont Earl Buchan (age 54) and John Sully (age 50). One of the few English casualties was John Neville (age 34) who was killed.

The Scottish army included King David II of Scotland (age 9). Alexander Bruce, Alan Stewart (age 61), James Stewart (age 57), John Stewart, William Douglas 1st Earl Atholl, Archibald Douglas (age 35) who were all killed.

Hugh 4th Earl Ross (age 36) was killed. His son William 5th Earl Ross succeeded 5th Earl Ross.

Malcolm Lennox 2nd Earl Lennox was killed. His son Domhnall Lennox Earl Lennox succeeded Earl Lennox.

Kenneth de Moravia Sutherland 4th Earl Sutherland was killed. His son William de Moravia Sutherland 5th Earl Sutherland succeeded 5th Earl Sutherland. Johanna Menteith Countess Sutherland by marriage Countess Sutherland.

On 19 Jul 1337 Bishop John Langton died.

On 19 Jul 1353 Violante Barcelona (age 42) died.

On 19 Jul 1361 Margaret de Bermingham (age 31) died.

After 19 Jul 1375 Geoffrey Denny (age 46) died.

On 19 Jul 1380 Richard Radclyffe of Ordsall (age 60) died.

On 19 Feb 1408 Thomas Rokeby's force of Yorkshire levies defeated the Percy army during the Battle of Bramham Moor bringing to an end the Percy rebellion.

Henry Percy 1st Earl of Northumberland (age 66) was killed. His body was afterwards hanged, drawn and quartered, his head being sent to London bridge and his quarters to diverse places. His grandson Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 15) succeeded 5th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 13th Baron Percy of Topcliffe.

Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 38) was killed. Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk had been forfeited in 1406 when Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 38) was declared a traitor. It was restored on 19 Jul 1408 to his two daughters Anne Bardolf Baroness Cobham Sternborough (age 18) and Joan Bardolf (age 17) and their husbands William Clifford (age 33) and William Phelip (age 25).

On 19 Jul 1415 Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 55) died at Sacavém.

On 19 Jul 1464 Elizabeth Echingham (age 70) died.

On 19 Jul 1475 William Rhyther (age 67) died

On 19 Jul 1476 Pierfrancesco "The Elder" de Medici (age 46) died.

On 19 Jul 1485 John Rich (age 57) died. Date adjusted to 1485 to reflect birth on son Thomas in 1485.

Around 19 Jul 1492 John Bohun (age 46) died.

On 19 Jul 1500 Miguel Aviz (age 1) died.

On 19 Jul 1529 Thomas Brooke 8th Baron Cobham (age 59) died. He was buried at St Mary Magdalene New Churchyard, Cobham. His son George Brooke 9th Baron Cobham (age 32) succeeded 9th Baron Cobham. Anne Braye Baroness Cobham (age 28) by marriage Baroness Cobham.

On 19 Jul 1539 Cardinal Lorenzo Campeggio (age 64) died.

On 19 Jul 1543 Mary Boleyn (age 44) died. Her considerable wealth and properties were inherited by her two children from her first marriage Catherine Carey (age 19) and Henry Carey 1st Baron Hunsdon (age 17), and her second husband William Stafford (age 35).

On 19 Jul 1545 during the Battle of the Solent the Mary Rose sank. Roger Grenville (age 27) and George Carew (age 41) drowned.

On 19 Jul 1574 Edward Littleton of Pillaton Hall (age 51) died at Pillaton Hall.

On 19 Jul 1580 Thomas Venables (age 70) died.

On 19 Jul 1585 Frances Drury (age 35) died.

On 19 Jul 1596 Francis Knollys (age 84) died.

On 19 Jul 1629 Matthew Plunkett 5th Baron Louth died. His son Oliver Plunkett 6th Baron Louth (age 21) succeeded 6th Baron Louth.

On 19 Jul 1644 John Gordon 1st Baronet (age 34) was beheaded for treason. On 19 Jul 1644 His son John Gordon 2nd Baronet (age 12) succeeded 2nd Baronet Gordon of Haddo for suppressing the Conventers.

On or before 19 Jul 1647 Frances Vaughan died.

On 19 Jul 1649 Richard Wynn 2nd Baronet (age 61) died without issue. His brother Owen Wynn 3rd Baronet (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Wynn of Gwydir.

On 19 Jul 1664 John Falconer Clerk of the Ropeyard died. He was buried on 22 Jul 1664.

On 19 Jul 1681 George Montagu (age 58) died.

Around 19 Jul 1684 George Downing 1st Baronet (age 59) died. His son George Downing 2nd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baronet Downing of East Hatley in Cambridgeshire. Catherine Cecil Lady Downing by marriage Lady Downing of East Hatley in Cambridgeshire.

On 19 Jul 1687 Laura Martinozzi Duchess Modena (age 48) died.

On 19 Jul 1695 Alexander Kennedy of Craigoch and Kilhenzie (age 57) died.

On 19 Jul 1702 Frederick IV Duke of Holstein Gottorp (age 30) died.

On 19 Jul 1721 Bishop Jonathan Trelawny 3rd Baronet (age 71) died. His son John Trelawny 4th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 4th Baronet Trelawny of Trelawny in Cornwall.

On 19 Jul 1731 James Darcy 1st Baron Darcy of Navan (age 81) died. His grandson James Jessop aka Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy of Navan (age 24) succeeded 2nd Baron Darcy of Navan.

On 19 Jul 1745 Nicholas Williams 1st Baronet (age 64) died. Baronet Williams of Edwinsford in Carmarthenshire extinct. His brother Thomas Williams of Edwinsford in Llandeilo (age 63) inherited his estates.

On 19 Jul 1748 Elizabeth Wood died.

On 19 Jul 1748 Christian Wilhelm Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 42) died.

On 19 Jul 1759 Frances Capell died.

On 19 Jul 1759 John Prideaux (age 41) died.

On 19 Jul 1787 Sophia Herbert (age 70) died.

On 19 Jul 1792 Charles Mill 9th Baronet (age 70) died. His son Charles Mill 10th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 10th Baronet Mill of Camois Court in Sussex.

On 19 Jul 1801 Catherine Southwell (age 32) died.

On 19 Jul 1809 John Macnamara Hayes 1st Baronet (age 59) died.

On 19 Jul 1823 James Innes-Kerr 5th Duke Roxburghe (age 87) died. His son James Innes-Kerr 6th Duke Roxburghe (age 7) succeeded 6th Duke Roxburghe.

On 19 Jul 1855 Hugh Kerr aka McDonnell 4th Earl of Antrim (age 42) died. His brother Mark Kerr aka McDonnell 5th Earl of Antrim (age 41) succeeded 5th Earl Antrim 2C, 5th Viscount Dunluce. Jane Macan Countess of Antrim (age 30) by marriage Countess Antrim 2C.

On 19 Jul 1867 John James King (age 72) died.

On 19 Jul 1872 Henry Alphonsus Arundell (age 31) died.

On 19 Jul 1876 Percy Burrell 4th Baronet (age 64) died. His brother Walter Burrell 5th Baronet (age 61) succeeded 5th Baronet Burrell of Valentine House in Essex. Dorothea Jones Lady Burrell (age 48) by marriage Lady Burrell.

On 19 Jul 1880 Arthur Lascelles (age 73) died.

On 28 Jul 1915 Lieutenant Theodore William Warlow (age 20) died from wounds received whilst trying to take a wounded man into safety on 19 Jul 1915. He was buried at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. Memorial in All Saints Church, Ledsham [Map].

Lieutenant Theodore William Warlow: Around 1895 he was born to Reverend George Edmund Warlow and Ellen Constance Eiloart. Before 19 Jul 1915 he was appointed Lieutenant of the 6th Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

On 19 Jul 1931 May Prinsep Baroness Tennyson (age 77) died.

On 19 Jul 1958 Robert Edward Innes-Kerr (age 72) died.

On 19 Jul 1958 William Harvey Astell of Woodbury Hall in Befordshire (age 97) died.

On 19 Jul 1958 Elizabeth Maria Prendergast Vereker (age 96) died.

On 19 Jul 1966 Fenella Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis (age 76) died. Her great nephew Gerard Nevile Mark Fane-Trefusis 22nd Baron Clinton (age 32) abeyance terminated 22nd Baron Clinton.

On 19 Jul 1968 Lieutenant-Colonel Vere Arthur Richard Isham (age 78) died.

On 19 Jul 1971 John Jacob Astor 1st Baron Astor (age 85) died. His son Gavin Astor 2nd Baron Astor (age 53) succeeded 2nd Baron Astor.

On 19 Jul 1977 Constance Robison (age 89) died.

On 19 Jul 1993 Guy Theophilus Halswell Campbell 5th Baronet (age 83) died. His son Lachlan Philip Kemeys Campbell 6th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 6th Baronet Campbell of St Cross Mede in Hampshire.

On 19 Jul 2001 Richard Gibbs 2nd Baron Wraxall (age 73) died unmarried. His brother Eustace Gibbs 3rd Baron Wraxall (age 72) succeeded 3rd Baron Wraxall of Clyst St George in Devon.