On this Day in History ... 20th September

20 Sep is in September.

1066 Battle of Fulford

1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak

1486 Birth and Christening of Arthur Prince of Wales

1497 Perkin Warbreck Plot

1547 Battle of Pinkie Cleugh

1586 Babington Plot

1643 First Battle of Newbury

1665 Great Plague of London

1854 Battle of Alma

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 20th September

John of Worcester. 20 Sep 1066. After these transactions, Harold Harfaager (age 51), king of Norway, brother [Note. maternal half-brother] of St. Olave the king, suddenly arrived at the mouth of the river Tyne [Map], with a powerful fleet of more than five hundred great ships. Earl Tosti (age 40) joined him with his fleet, as they had before agreed, and they made all sail into the Humber; and then ascending the river Tyne against the current, landed their troops at a place called Richale. As soon as king Harold (age 44) received this news, he marched with all expedition towards Northumbria; but, before the king's arrival, the two brothers, earls Edwin and Morcar, at the head of a large army, fought a battle with the Norwegians on the northern bank of the river Ouse, near York, on the eve of the feast of St. Matthew the Apostle [20th September], being Wednesday; and their first onset was so furious that numbers of the enemy fell before it. But, after a long struggle, the English, unable to withstand the attack of the Norwegians, fled with great loss, and many more of them were drowned in the river than slain in the fight. The Norwegians remained in possession of the field of death; and, having taken one hundred and fifty hostages from York, and leaving there one hundred and fifty hostages of their own, returned to their ships.

On 20 Sep 1349 Archbishop Simon Islip was elected Archibishop Canterbury. His three predecessors having died in quick succession from the 1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak.

On 20 Sep 1384 Louis Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 45) died. His son King Louis of Naples (age 6) succeeded Louis II Duke Anjou.

On 20 Sep 1440 Frederick I Elector Brandenburg (age 68) died.

On 20 Sep 1486, nine months exactly after his parents married, Prince Arthur Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 29) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 20) at Winchester Priory [Map]. he was created Duke Cornwall at birth.

Polydore Vergil. Around 20 Sep 1497. Learning of his enemies' departure, Henry (age 40) headed straight for Taunton, Somerset [Map]. Duke Edward of Buckingham (age 19) arrived there, a young man endowed with great spirit and virtue of character, and he was followed by a host of right noble knights with armor and all the other things requisite for warfare. In that number were Giles Briggs, Alexander Baynham, Maurice Berkeley, Robert Tames, John Guise, Robert Point, Henry Vernon, John Mortimer, Thomas Tremayle, Edward Sutton, Amyas Powlet (age 40), John Bicknell, John Sapcot, Hugh Luterell, John Wadham and his son Nicholas, John Speck, Richard Beauchamp of St. Amand, Francis Cheney, Rogerd Tokett, Thomas Long, Nicholas Lattimer, John d'Urbeville, William Storton, Roger Newberg, William Martin, Thomas Lind, Henry Rogers, Walter Hungerford, John Semery, Edward Carell, Maurice Borroughs, William Norris, John Langford, Richard Corbett, Thomas Blount, Richard Lacon, Thomas Cornwallis, and many other excellent soldiers. Meanwhile, when the king (age 40) had come up, either to avoid delaying the fight or fearing the fortune of war, he sent ahead Robert Lord Broke, Richard Thomas, and Giles Daubney (age 46) to begin the battle, while he followed after, so that, when he saw the battle begin, he could either come to the aid of his men or launch a simultaneous attack on the enemy rear. But the king's plan was unnecessary. For Peter (age 23) was so far from standing his ground, that after he learned the enemy were in arms, he furtively slipped away in the night and quickly fled to the asylum at Beaulieu Abbey [Map]. Whether he did this out of cowardice (with which he was well supplied), or because he suspected trickery, is not known, but it is well enough agreed that it was a good thing for the king that he was not compelled to come to blows with the Cornishmen, whose strength was so enhanced by despair that they had all determined on conquering or dying to the last man in that battle.

Detail of his head with a short haircut and beard. He wearing a circlet, possibly coronet. His head resting on a Great Helm with Peacock in Pride ie with its feathers displayed.

Detail of his Leg Garter, Shoulder Garter and his Knots and Encircled Shields Collar Livery Collar.

Her feet on a Griffin. His feet resting on a Unicorn, with its horn missing.

His Mitten Gauntlets with the cloven-hooved foot of the Unicorn visible.

Detail of his Great Helm with Cap of Maintenance and the Manners Peacock in Pride ie with its feathers displayed.

Detail of the panels of the chest.

Detail of her dress with fastenings, heart locket, hands crasped in prayer.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The 20th daie, being Sainct Matthewes Eaven, was a solemne sermon made in Poules [Map] by the Bishopp of Lincolne, with procession, Ponies. kneeling with their copes in the quire, and after that Te Deum song with the organns playinge to give laude to God for the said victorie, my lord major, with his brethren the aldermen, being present, with all the comens in their lyveries, and that night great fiars were made in everie streete with banqueting for joy of the said victorie.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. This yeare also the Lord Protectors Grace (age 47) went into Scotlande with an armie riall in the beginning of September, and the 20th daie of September [Note. Mistake for 20 Sep 1547] he had battell with the Scottes within fower miles of Edenboroughe, where, by the power of God, he had the victorie, and there was slaine of the Scottes fiftene thousande, and tow thousand taken prisoners. The Erle of Huntley (age 33), Chauncelor of the Scottes, was one, the Earl of Cassells slaine [Note. Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 32) was captured.], and the Lord Fleeming (deceased). And of Englishemen their were not slaine above an hundred persons in all. The Scottes were numbred above fortie thousande, and the Englishmen not above sixteene thousande; and also they tooke there shipps and all their ordinance, with all the spoile of the fielde, and certeyne castells were yelded to him.

On 20 Sep 1586 Anthony Babington (age 24), John Ballard, Henry Donn, Thomas Salusbury (age 22) and Chideock Tichbourne (age 24) were hanged at St Giles' Field Holborn for their involvement.

On 20 Sep 1638 Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France was born to Philip IV King Spain (age 33) and Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.39%.

On 20 Sep 1643 the First Battle of Newbury was fought at Newbury, Berkshire [Map] with King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 42) commanding the Royalist army and Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 52) commanding the victorious Parliamentary army. For King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 42) John Byron 1st Baron Byron (age 44) fought with distinction.

Henry Bertie was killed.

Robert Dormer 1st Earl Carnarvon (age 33) was killed. His son Charles Dormer 2nd Earl Carnarvon (age 10) succeeded 2nd Earl Carnarvon, 3rd Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 3rd Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.

William Villiers 2nd Viscount Grandison (age 29) was killed. His brother John Villiers 3rd Viscount Grandison succeeded 3rd Viscount Grandison.

Edward Villiers (age 23) fought.

Lucius Carey 2nd Viscount Falkland (age 33) was killed. His son Lucius Carey 3rd Viscount Falkland (age 11) succeeded 3rd Viscount Falkland.

Richard Neville (age 28) served under the Earl Carnarvon (age 33). Carnarvon was killed and Neville took up the command as a Colonel of Horse.

Major General Charles Fleetwood (age 25) was wounded.

After 20 Sep 1643. Monument to Lucius Carey 2nd Viscount Falkland (deceased) who was killed at the First Battle of Newbury and who is buried in St Michael & All Angels Church, Great Tew [Map]. The inscription reads:

This tablet is erected to record the fact that LUCIUS CAREY, VISCOUNT FALKLAND distinguished in the time of Charles the First is buried in this Church. The exact spot where his remains lie is not known, nor was there, so far as is known, any memorial to him in this Church until the erection of the present one in 1885, but his burial at Tew is certified by the parish register He fell fighting on the side of the King in the battle of Newbury, on the 20th September 1643, in the 34th year of his age. He was lord of the manor of Great Tew, and resided at Tew, attracting round him there a society of learned friends from Oxford, as is mentioned by Clarendon, who has celebrated his worth with an eloquent pen and with the warmth of friendship. The praises of Clarendon are confirmed by Sir Philip Warwick, Waller and Cowley, who all extol the eminence of his natural gifts and the variety and extent of his learning. But that which has yet more contributed to keep his memory and shed lustre upon it, is the admiration which he won by his fine and blameless character.

After 20 Sep 1659. Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map]. Grave slab for Bishop Thomas Morton (deceased). Note his grave slab states his name as Thomas Dunelm. Dunelm is the surname traditionally taken by Bishops of Durham. Main armorial the arms of the Bishop of Durham impaled with unknown arms.

Pepy's Diary. 20 Sep 1665. But, Lord! what a sad time it is to see no boats upon the River; and grass grows all up and down White Hall court, and nobody but poor wretches in the streets! And, which is worst of all, the Duke (age 31) showed us the number of the plague this week, brought in the last night from the Lord Mayor; that it is encreased about 600 more than the last, which is quite contrary to all our hopes and expectations, from the coldness of the late season. For the whole general number is 8,297, and of them the plague 7,165; which is more in the whole by above 50, than the biggest Bill yet; which is very grievous to us all.

Pepy's Diary. 20 Sep 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and to set some papers to rights in my chamber, and the like in my office, and so to church, at our own church, and heard but a dull sermon of one Dr. Hicks, who is a suitor to Mrs. Hovell, the widow of our turner of the Navy; thence home to dinner, staying till past one o'clock for Harris (age 34), whom I invited, and to bring Shadwell the poet with him; but they come not, and so a good dinner lost, through my own folly. And so to dinner alone, having since church heard the boy read over Dryden's (age 37) Reply to Sir R. Howard's (age 42) Answer, about his Essay of Poesy, and a letter in answer to that; the last whereof is mighty silly, in behalf of Howard1.

Note 1. The title of the letter is as follows: "A Letter from a Gentleman to the Honourable Ed. Howard, Esq., occasioned by a Civiliz'd Epistle of Mr. Dryden's (age 37) before his Second Edition of his Indian Emperour. In the Savoy, printed by Thomas Newcomb, 1668". The "Civiliz'd Epistle" was a caustic attack on Sir Robert Howard; and the Letter is signed, "Sir, your faithful and humble servant, R. F".-i.e., Richard Flecknoe.

On 20 Sep 1724 David von Krafft (age 69) died.

On 20 Sep 1822 Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 33) died from childbirth. She had given birth to twins one of whom was stillborn, one survived ten days.

Monument in Milton Mausoleum, Markham Clinton [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 47).

Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne: On 01 Jun 1789 she was born to Edward Miller Mundy. On 18 Jul 1807 Henry Pelham-Clinton 4th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme and she were married in Lambeth Palace. She by marriage Duchess Newcastle under Lyme. He the son of Thomas Pelham-Clinton 3rd Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme and Anna Maria Stanhope Countess Lincoln. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 20 Sep 1854 Charles Pierrepont Darcy Lane-Fox (age 24) was wounded, Poulett George Henry Somerset (age 32) fought.

Major-General John Douglas (age 37) commanded the 79th Regiment of Foot.

William Frederick Waldegrave (age 38) died from wounds received.

Henry Hugh Manvers Percy (age 37) was shot through the arm.

General George Augustus Frederick Paget (age 36), Godfrey Morgan 1st Viscount Tredegar (age 23) and Hedworth Joliffe 2nd Baron Hylton (age 25) fought.

Arthur Williams-Wynn (age 35), Captain of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, was killed.

On 20 Sep 1854 Captain William Monck (age 31) was killed at the Battle of Alma.

On 20 Sep 1858 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 60) and Adeline Horsey Countess Cardigan (age 33) were married after having been his mistress. She by marriage Countess Cardigan. The marriages something of a scandal since James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 60) had left his first wife; Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 39) refused to have her at court. The difference in their ages was 27 years. He the son of Robert Brudenell 6th Earl Cardigan and Penelope Cooke Countess Cardigan.

20 Sep 1858. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 30). Drawing of Louisa Ruth Herbert (age 27).

Births on the 20th September

On 20 Sep 1313 Hugh Cressy was born to William Clifton Cressy (age 21) at Hodsock.

On 20 Sep 1357 Nicholas Haute was born.

On 20 Sep 1410 Robert Harcourt was born to Thomas Harcourt (age 33) at Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire [Map].

On 20 Sep 1486, nine months exactly after his parents married, Prince Arthur Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 29) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 20) at Winchester Priory [Map]. he was created Duke Cornwall at birth.

On 20 Sep 1599 Christian Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel was born.

On 20 Sep 1638 Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France was born to Philip IV King Spain (age 33) and Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.39%.

On 20 Sep 1649 Carr Scrope 1st Baronet was born to Adrian Scrope (age 33) and Mary Carr.

After 20 Sep 1650 Robert Ridgeway 4th Earl Londonderry was born to Weston Ridgeway 3rd Earl Londonderry and Frances Temple.

On 20 Sep 1652 Louis Bourbon Condé was born to Louis "Le Grand Condé" Bourbon Condé II Prince Condé (age 31) and Claire Clémence Maillé Brézé Princess Condé.

On 20 Sep 1702 Karl Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 26) and Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg at Gotha.

On 20 Sep 1704 Isaac Basire was born to Jacques or James Basire and Magdelaine Lair.

On 20 Sep 1742 Anne Chaloner Baroness Harewood was born to William Chaloner (age 28).

On 20 Sep 1752 Louise Stolberg Gedern was born to Gustav Adolh Stolberg Gedern at Mons.

On 20 Sep 1759 Charles Shaw-Lefevre was born to Reverend George Shaw.

On or before 20 Sep 1762 Theodosia Margaret Monson Lady Shaw was born to John Monson 2nd Baron Monson (age 35). She was baptised on 20 Sep 1762.

On 20 Sep 1768 Vice Admiral William Lukin Windham was born.

On 20 Sep 1778 James Mann 5th Earl Cornwallis was born to James Cornwallis 4th Earl Cornwallis (age 35) and Catherine Mann.

On 20 Sep 1779 Mary Evetts was born.

On 20 Sep 1783 Juliana Butler Countess Belmore was born to Henry Butler 2nd Earl Carrick (age 37).

On 20 Sep 1790 Henry Frederick Stephenson was born illegitimately to Charles Howard 11th Duke of Norfolk (age 44).

On 20 Sep 1795 Frederick William Thomas Vernon Wentworth was born to Henry Vernon (age 47).

Before 20 Sep 1797 Leland Noel was born to Gerard Edwardes aka Noel 2nd Baronet (age 38) and Diana Middleton 2nd Baroness Barham (age 35).

On 20 Sep 1799 William Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond (age 35) and Charlotte Gordon Duchess Richmond (age 31). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 20 Sep 1799 Reverend Charles Smith Royds was born to James Royds of Falinge (age 41) and Mary Smith (age 32). He was baptised on 29 Nov 1799 at St Mary's Church, Rochdale.

On 20 Sep 1804 George Lewen Glyn 4th Baronet was born to George Glynn 2nd Baronet (age 65).

On 20 Sep 1818 Emma Howard was born to John Howard (age 37) and Elizabeth m Howard (age 36).

On 20 Sep 1821 Augustus Charles Lennox Fitzroy was born to Charles Augustus Fitzroy (age 25) and Mary Lennox (age 31).

On 20 Sep 1834 William Vincent 12th Baronet was born to Frederick Vincent 11th Baronet (age 36) and Louisa Norris (age 32).

On 20 Sep 1839 Princess Cecilie of Baden was born to Leopold Grand Duke of Baden (age 49) and Princess Sophie of Sweden (age 38). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 20 Sep 1843 Nicoholas Holstein Gottorp Romanov was born to Tsar Alexander II of Russia (age 25) and Maria Alexandrovna Hesse Darmstadt (age 19). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.67%.

On 20 Sep 1871 Henry Robert Beauclerk Coventry was born to Henry Amelius Beauclerk Coventry (age 29) and Evelyn Mary Craven (age 31).

On 20 Sep 1876 Robert Bland Bird 2nd Baronet was born.

On 20 Sep 1889 Trevor Wood Wheler 13th Baronet was born to Edward Wheler 12th Baronet (age 31) and Mary Leontine Wood Lady Wheler.

On 20 Sep 1921 Captain William Joseph Straker-Smith was born to Thomas Dalrymple Straker-Smith.

On 20 Sep 1936 Johanna Hesse Darmstadt was born to Georg Donatus Hesse Darmstadt Grand Duke (age 29) and Cecilie Glücksburg Grand Duchess (age 25). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.81%.

On 20 Sep 1939 Anthony FitzHardinge Gueterbock 18th Baron Berkeley was born to Brigadier Ernest Adolphus Leopold Gueterbock of The Plough in Terrick in Buckinghamshire and Cynthia Ella Foley (age 30).

Marriages on the 20th September

On 20 Sep 1293 Henry of Bar III Count of Bar (age 34) and Eleanor Plantagenet (age 24) were married. She the daughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England (age 54) and Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England. He the son of Theobald of Bar II Count of Bar and Jeanne Toucy Countess Bar. He a great x 5 grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 20 Sep 1301 Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 14) and Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville (age 15) were married. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King John "Lackland" of England.

Before 20 Sep 1303 Robert Umfraville 8th Earl Angus (age 26) and Lucy Kyme were married. He the son of Gilbert Umfraville 7th Earl Angus (age 58) and Elisabetha Comyn.

After 20 Sep 1643 Charles Villiers 2nd Earl Anglesey and Mary Bayning Countess Anglesey (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Anglesey. He a cousin of her first husband. He the son of Christopher Villiers 1st Earl Anglesey and Elizabeth Sheldon Countess Anglesey (age 35).

Before 20 Sep 1649 Adrian Scrope (age 33) and Mary Carr were married.

On 20 Sep 1650 Weston Ridgeway 3rd Earl Londonderry and Frances Temple were married at St Ann Blackfriars Church Farringdon Within.

Before 20 Sep 1660 John Gauden Bishop and Elizabeth Russell (age 50) were married.

After 20 Sep 1697 Samuel Edwin (age 26) and Catherine Montagu were married. She the daughter of Robert Montagu 3rd Earl Manchester and Anne Yelverton Countess Manchester (age 67).

Before 20 Sep 1726 Thomas Mainwaring 3rd Baronet (age 45) and Martha Lloyd were married.

On 20 Sep 1752 Pryse Campbell (age 25) and Sarah Bacon (age 26) were married.

On 20 Sep 1775 Richard Worsley 7th Baronet (age 24) and Seymour Dorothy Fleming (age 16) were married. She brought £52,000 to the marriage.

On 20 Sep 1783 Arthur Annesley 1st Earl Mountnorris (age 39) and Sarah Cavendish Countess Mountnorris were married. She by marriage Viscountess Valentia. He the son of Richard Annesley 6th Earl Anglesey and Juliana Donovan Countess Anglesey.

On 20 Sep 1810 Reynold Abel Alleyne 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Rebecca Alton Lady Alleyne (age 16) were married at St Philip, Barbados. She by marriage Lady Alleyne of Four Hills in Barbados.

On 20 Sep 1831 Augustus John Villiers (age 21) and Georgiana Elphinstone (age 21) were married. He the son of George Child-Villiers 5th Earl Jersey (age 58) and Sarah Sophia Fane Countess Jersey (age 46).

On 20 Sep 1848 William Harry Hay 19th Earl Erroll (age 25) and Eliza Amelia Gore Countess Erroll (age 19) were married in Montreal. She by marriage Countess Erroll. He the son of William Hay 18th Earl Erroll and Elizabeth Fitzclarence Countess Erroll (age 47). He a grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 20 Sep 1856 Frederick Grand Duke of Baden (age 30) and Princess Louise of Prussia (age 17) were married. She the daughter of William I King Prussia (age 59). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 20 Sep 1858 William George Grey (age 39) and Theresa Stedink were married. He the son of Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 82).

On 20 Sep 1858 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 60) and Adeline Horsey Countess Cardigan (age 33) were married after having been his mistress. She by marriage Countess Cardigan. The marriages something of a scandal since James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 60) had left his first wife; Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 39) refused to have her at court. The difference in their ages was 27 years. He the son of Robert Brudenell 6th Earl Cardigan and Penelope Cooke Countess Cardigan.

On 20 Sep 1871 William Henry Paulett 6th Earl Paulett (age 43) and Emma Sophia Johnson Countess Poulett were married six weeks after the death of his first wife Elizabeth Lavinia Newman Countess Poulett. She by marriage Countess Poulett.

On 20 Sep 1883 Colonel Henry Richard Howel Lloyd-Mostyn (age 26) and Pamela Georgina Douglas-Pennant (age 20) were married.

On 20 Sep 1916 Major Hubert James Cecil Rostron (age 41) and Isabel Jacqueline Rawdon-Hastings (age 29) were married.

Deaths on the 20th September

On 20 Sep 1305 Nigel Bruce (age 29) was hanged at Berwick on Tweed [Map].

On 20 Sep 1307 Joan Munchensi Countess Pembroke (age 77) died. Her son Aymer de Valence 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 32) succeeded 2nd Earl Pembroke.

On 20 Sep 1369 Eve Clavering (age 64) died. She was buried at Langley Abbey [Map] with her four husbands.

On 20 Sep 1370 Edward Plantagenet (age 6) died of plague at Bordeaux [Map].

On 20 Sep 1384 Louis Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 45) died. His son King Louis of Naples (age 6) succeeded Louis II Duke Anjou.

On 20 Sep 1395 Bernard Brocas (age 65) died. He was buried at the Chapel of St Edmund, Westminster Abbey [Map] in Westminster Abbey.

On 20 Sep 1398 Thomas Boteler 4th Baron Sudeley (age 39) died at Bewsey, Lancashire. His son John Boteler 5th Baron Sudeley (age 13) succeeded 5th Baron Sudeley.

On 20 Sep 1400 John Roches (age 67) died.

On 20 Sep 1400 Maud Mohun Baroness Strange Knockin (age 43) died.

On 20 Sep 1404 Peter Valois II Count Alençon (age 64) died.

On 20 Sep 1405 Reginald Braybrooke (age 49) died at Sluys [Map]. He was buried at Church of St Mary Magdalene, Cobham.

On 20 Sep 1432 Anne Stafford Duchess Exeter died.

On 20 Sep 1440 Frederick I Elector Brandenburg (age 68) died.

On 20 Sep 1480 Anne Neville Duchess Buckingham (age 72) died.

On 20 Sep 1492 Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess Warwick (age 66) died.

On 20 Sep 1492 Alexander Carew (age 53) died at Antony, Cornwall.

On 20 Sep 1501 Thomas Grey (age 46) died.

On 20 Sep 1501 Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 46) died. On 20 Sep 1501 His son Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset (age 24) succeeded 2nd Marquess Dorset, 2nd Earl Huntingdon, 8th Baron Ferrers of Groby. Eleanor St John Marchioness Dorset by marriage Marchioness Dorset.

Before 20 Sep 1508 Edward Raleigh (age 38) died.

On 20 Sep 1532 Jaime I Duke of Braganza (age 53) died.

On 20 Sep 1540 Duarte Aviz (age 24) died.

On 20 Sep 1555 Christopher Threlkeld (age 63) died.

Before 20 Sep 1559 John Raynsford (age 73) died. He was buried at St Katharine Cree Church on 20 Sep 1559.

On 20 Sep 1580 Christina Stewart 4th Countess Buchan (age 32) died.

On 20 Sep 1586 Anthony Babington (age 24), John Ballard, Henry Donn, Thomas Salusbury (age 22) and Chideock Tichbourne (age 24) were hanged at St Giles' Field Holborn for their involvement.

On 20 Sep 1609 Anna Elisabeth Palatinate Simmern (age 60) died.

On 20 Sep 1615 Samson Lennard Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 71) died. His son Henry Lennard 12th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 45) succeeded 12th Baron Dacre Gilsland. Chrysogona Baker Baroness Dacre Gilsland by marriage Baroness Dacre Gilsland.

On 20 Sep 1625 Marguerite of Lorraine (age 61) died.

On 20 Sep 1639 Thomas Edmondes Lord Treasurer (age 76) died.

On 20 Sep 1641 Robert Newton (age 66) died.

On 11 Sep 1643 Elizabeth aka Mary Fotherby (age 29) died. She was buried on 20 Sep 1643 at Canterbury Cathedral [Map].

On 20 Sep 1643 William Brooke (age 45) died. Baron Cobham abeyant between his four daughters and co-heirs

On 20 Sep 1643 the First Battle of Newbury was fought at Newbury, Berkshire [Map] with King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 42) commanding the Royalist army and Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 52) commanding the victorious Parliamentary army. For King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 42) John Byron 1st Baron Byron (age 44) fought with distinction.

Henry Bertie was killed.

Robert Dormer 1st Earl Carnarvon (age 33) was killed. His son Charles Dormer 2nd Earl Carnarvon (age 10) succeeded 2nd Earl Carnarvon, 3rd Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 3rd Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.

William Villiers 2nd Viscount Grandison (age 29) was killed. His brother John Villiers 3rd Viscount Grandison succeeded 3rd Viscount Grandison.

Edward Villiers (age 23) fought.

Lucius Carey 2nd Viscount Falkland (age 33) was killed. His son Lucius Carey 3rd Viscount Falkland (age 11) succeeded 3rd Viscount Falkland.

Richard Neville (age 28) served under the Earl Carnarvon (age 33). Carnarvon was killed and Neville took up the command as a Colonel of Horse.

Major General Charles Fleetwood (age 25) was wounded.

On 20 Sep 1643 Major Thomas Eure (age 36) died. His brother William Eure of Elvet and Kelloe in County Durham (age 35) succeeded 14th Baron Scrope of Bolton.

On 20 Sep 1659 Bishop Thomas Morton (age 95) died at Easton Maudit.

On 20 Sep 1660 John Gauden Bishop died.

On 20 Sep 1663 Henry Vaux 5th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 72) died unmarried. Baron Vaux Harrowden abeyant between his sisters and their issue. In 1838 His great x 7 nephew George Charles Mostyn 6th Baron Vaux of Harrowden abeyance terminated 6th Baron Vaux Harrowden. Caroline Vansittart Baroness Vaux by marriage Baroness Vaux Harrowden.

On 20 Sep 1667 Elizabeth Denton (age 57) died.

On or before 20 Sep 1670 Elizabeth Cole Lady Wheler died. She was buried on 20 Sep 1670 at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 20 Sep 1677 Henry Noel (age 35) died.

On 20 Sep 1686 Mary Clotworthy died.

On 20 Sep 1688 Elizabeth Leigh Viscountess Tracy died. She was buried at Toddington, Gloucestershire.

On 20 Sep 1705 Sarah Dashwood Baroness Brooke (age 59) died.

On 20 Sep 1724 David von Krafft (age 69) died.

Before 20 Sep 1726 Henry Mainwaring died.

On 20 Sep 1733 Anne Grey died.

On 20 Sep 1751 Anne Vaughan Duchess Bolton died.

On 20 Sep 1752 Mary Fitzwilliam (age 67) died in Heythrop, Oxfordshire.

On 20 Sep 1758 Charles Tottenham (age 64) died.

On 20 Sep 1777 Edward Howard 9th Duke of Norfolk (age 91) died.

Earl Norwich and Baron Howard of Castle Rising extinct.

Charles Howard 10th Duke of Norfolk (age 56) succeeded 10th Duke Norfolk, 28th Earl Arundel Sussex, 11th Earl Surrey, 8th Earl Norfolk, 18th Baron Maltravers, 18th Baron Arundel. Catherine Brockholes Duchess Norfolk (age 59) by marriage Duchess Norfolk.

Baron Furnivall, Baron Talbot, Baron Strange Blackmere, Baron Mowbray and Baron Segrave abeyant.

On 20 Sep 1797 Edward James Eliot (age 39) died at Port Eliot, Cornwall.

On 20 Sep 1797 Reverend Thomas Edwardes 7th Baronet (age 67) died. He was buried at St Mark's Church, Frodesley where hiss memorial has the incription "JULIANA, wife of the Revd Thos EDWARDS Rector, was entombed beneath, July 16th 1778, Aged 56, Also the remains, of the Revd Sr Thos EDWARDES Bart, Rector, were interred 20th Septr 1797, Aged 70". His son Reverend John Thomas Cholmondeley Edwardes 8th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 8th Baronet Edwardes of Shrewsbury in Shropshire. Frances Gask Lady Edwardes (age 32) by marriage Lady Edwardes of Shrewsbury in Shropshire.

Around 20 Sep 1797 Julia Annabella Evelyn died.

On 20 Sep 1806 Matthew Blakiston 2nd Baronet (age 45) died. His son Matthew Blakiston 3rd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 3rd Baronet Blakiston of the City of London.

On 20 Sep 1817 Ludwig Friedrich Alexander of Württemberg (age 61) died.

On 20 Sep 1822 Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 33) died from childbirth. She had given birth to twins one of whom was stillborn, one survived ten days.

Monument in Milton Mausoleum, Markham Clinton [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 47).

Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne: On 01 Jun 1789 she was born to Edward Miller Mundy. On 18 Jul 1807 Henry Pelham-Clinton 4th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme and she were married in Lambeth Palace. She by marriage Duchess Newcastle under Lyme. He the son of Thomas Pelham-Clinton 3rd Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme and Anna Maria Stanhope Countess Lincoln. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 20 Sep 1831 Frederick Lumley-Savile (age 69) died.

On 20 Sep 1834 Charles Buckworth aka Shakerley (age 67) died.

On 20 Sep 1839 Amy Mary Arundell died.

On 19 Sep 1841 or 20 Sep 1841 John Tarleton (age 85) died. He was buried at St Pancras Old Church [Map].

On 20 Sep 1844 Lucy Elizabeth Byng Countess Bradford (age 77) died.

On 20 Sep 1845 Charlotte Eyre (age 54) died.

On 20 Sep 1848 Henry Monck 1st Earl of Rathdowne (age 63) died without male issue. Earl Rathdowne extinct. His brother Charles Monck 3rd Viscount Monck (age 57) succeeded 2nd Viscount Monck.

On 20 Sep 1853 George Boyce died.

On 20 Sep 1854 Captain William Monck (age 31) was killed at the Battle of Alma.

On 20 Sep 1854 Charles Pierrepont Darcy Lane-Fox (age 24) was wounded, Poulett George Henry Somerset (age 32) fought.

Major-General John Douglas (age 37) commanded the 79th Regiment of Foot.

William Frederick Waldegrave (age 38) died from wounds received.

Henry Hugh Manvers Percy (age 37) was shot through the arm.

General George Augustus Frederick Paget (age 36), Godfrey Morgan 1st Viscount Tredegar (age 23) and Hedworth Joliffe 2nd Baron Hylton (age 25) fought.

Arthur Williams-Wynn (age 35), Captain of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, was killed.

On 20 Sep 1855 Brooke Henry Bridges (age 86) died.

On 20 Sep 1884 William Compton Domvile 3rd Baronet (age 59) died. His son Compton Meade Domvile 4th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 4th Baronet Domvile of Templeogue and Santry House in the County of Dublin.

On 20 Sep 1885 Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Edward Fraser (age 54) died without issue.

On 20 Sep 1890 Mary Caroline Myddelton-Biddulph (age 50) died. She was buried at Brompton Cemetery, Kensington.

On 20 Sep 1910 Ernestine Wellington Sidney died.

On 20 Sep 1910 Sybil Evelyn De Vere Beauclerk (age 39) died.

On 20 Sep 1915 Lieutenant Noel Henry Cragg (age 22) was killed in action by shell fire at Nieuport, Belgium while in charge of a naval gun. He was buried at Dunkirk. While serving on H.M.S. King Edward VII he was publicly thanked by Admiral Sir Lewis Bayley and noted by the Admiralty for saving life at sea. As Sub-Lieutenant on H.M.S. Hind T.B.D. [Torpedo Boat Destroyer] he took part in the Battle of Heligoland Bight and the Cuxhaven Raid. He was mentioned in Sir John French's despatches for gallant and distinghuished conduct in the field.

On 20 Sep 1920 Colonel Alfred Nathaniel Curzon (age 60) died.

On 20 Sep 1929 Hedworth Lambton aka Meux (age 73) died.

On 20 Sep 1944 Lieutenant Richard Thomas Ward (age 22) was killed in action.

On 20 Sep 1947 Howel Joseph Moore-Gwyn died.

On 20 Sep 1960 Ida Rubinstein Dancer (age 76) died.

On 20 Sep 1975 George Parker 7th Earl Macclesfield (age 87) died. His son George Parker 8th Earl Macclesfield (age 61) succeeded 8th Earl Macclesfield. Valerie Mansfield Countess Macclesfield (age 56) by marriage Countess Macclesfield.

On 20 Sep 1982 Lavender Cecilia Denny died.