On this Day in History ... 24th January

24 Jan is in January.

1121 Marriage of King Henry I and Adeliza of Louvain

1236 Wedding of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence

1328 Marriage of King Edward III and Philippa of Hainault

1336 Alfonso IV King Aragon Dies Peter IV King Aragon Succeeds

1407 Marriage of Edmund Holland Earl of Kent and Lucia Visconti

1445 Battle of Arbroath

1536 Henry VIII Tournament Accident

1666 Great Storm

1684 Frost Fair

1692 Candlemas Massacre aka Raid on York

1900 Battle of Spion Kop

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 24th January

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 29 Jan 1121. On the fourth of the calends of February the maiden (age 18) already mentioned as selected for queen was married to the king (age 53) by William, bishop of Winchester, at the command of Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury; and on the following day, the third of the calends of February (30th January), she was consecrated and crowned as queen by the archbishop in person.

Note. Some sources say 24 Jan 1121.

On 24 Jan 1285 King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia and Poland (age 13) and Queen Judith of Bohemia and Poland (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Rudolph I King Romans (age 66) and Gertrude Hohenburg. He the son of Ottokar "Iron King" II King Bohemia and Kunigunda Rostislavna Přemyslovna (age 40).

Calendars. 24 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23). Canterbury, Kent [Map]. To the Sheriffs of London. Order to deliver John de la Dune, Roger de Hopton, Richard le Harpour, Roger de Soppewalle, Roger le Keu, Rober le Hunt, Thomas de Sydenham, Henry le Gardener, Thomas de la More, Philip Kemp, John le Wayt, and John le Wodeward, the men and servants of Adam de Kyngeshemede, in the King's prison of Newgate [Map] for a trespass committed by them upon the King's men at Westminster [Map], from prison upon their finding sufficient mainpernor's to have them before the King (age 23) or his Lieutenant in the quinzaine of the Purification of St Mary to stand to right concerning the said trespass. Witness: Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24).

On 24 Jan 1328 King Edward III of England (age 15) and Philippa of Hainault (age 13) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort England. She was crowned the same day. She the daughter of William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland (age 42) and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault (age 34). He the son of King Edward II of England and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33). They were second cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

The marriage was the quid pro quo for her father William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland (age 42) having supported his mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 40) returning to England to usurp the throne of Edward's father King Edward II of England.

Froissart. 24 Jan 1328. It was not long after but that the king (age 15) and the queen (age 33) his mother, the earl of Kent (age 26) his uncle, the earl of Lancaster (age 47), sir Roger Mortimer (age 40) and all the barons of England, and by the advice of the king's council, they sent a bishop1 and two knights bannerets, with two notable clerks, to sir John of Hainault (age 40), praying him to be a mean that their lord the young king of England might have in marriage one of the earl's (age 42) daughters of Hainault, his brother (age 42), named Philippa (age 13); for the king and all the nobles of the realm had rather have her than any other lady, for the love of him. Sir John of Hainault (age 40) lord Beaumont feasted and honoured greatly these ambassadors, and brought them to Valenciennes to the earl his brother, who honourably received them and made them such cheer, that it were over long here to rehearse. And when they had skewed the content of their message, the earl (age 42) said, 'Sirs, I thank greatly the king (age 15) your prince and the queen (age 33) his mother and all other lords of England, sith they have sent such sufficient personages as ye be to do me such honour as to treat for the marriage; to the which request I am well agreed, if our holy father the pope (age 84) will consent thereto'-. with the which answer these ambassadors were right well content. Then they sent two knights and two clerks incontinent to the pope, to Avignon [Map], to purchase a dispensation for this marriage to be had; for without the pope's licence they might not marry, for [by] the lineage of France they were so near of kin as at the third degree, for the two mothers [Note. Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault (age 34)] were cousin-germans issued of two brethren2. And when these ambassadors were come to the pope (age 84), and their requests and considerations well heard, our holy father the pope (age 84) with all the whole college consented to this marriage, and so feasted them. And then they departed and came again to Valenciennes with their bulls. Then this marriage was concluded and affirmed on both parties. Then was there devised and purveyed for their apparel and for all things honourable that belonged to such a lady, who should be queen of England: and there this princess was married by a sufficient procuration brought from the king of England; and after all feasts and triumphs done, then this young queen entered into the sea at Wissant [Map], and arrived with all her company at Dover, Kent [Map]. And sir John of Hainault (age 40) lord Beaumont, her uncle, did conduct her to the city of London, where there was made great feast, and many nobles of England, ... queen was crowned. And there was also great jousts, tourneys, dancing, carolling and great feasts every day, the which endured the, space of three weeks. The English chronicle saith this marriage and coronation of the queen was done at York [Map] with much honour, the Sunday in the even of the Conversion of Saint Paul, in the year of our Lord MCCCXXVII. In the which chronicle is shewed many other things of the ruling of the realm, and of the death of king Edward of Caernarvon, and divers other debates that were within the realm, as in the same chronicle more plainly it appeareth: the which the author of this book speaketh no word of, because peradventure he knew it not; for it was hard for a stranger to know all things. But according to his writing this young queen Philippa (age 13) abode still in England with a small company of any persons of her own country, saving one who was named Watelet of Manny (age 18), who abode still with the queen and was, her carver, and after did so many great prowesses in divers places, that it were hard to make mention of them all.

Note 1. This should be: 'And the other barons of England who had continued to be of the council of the king sent a bishop,' etc. Or according to a better text, ' took advice to marry him. So they sent a bishop,' etc.

Note 2. The meaning is that the kinship came by the relationship of both to the house of France. The mother of Edward was daughter of Philip the Fair and the mother of Philippa was daughter of Charles I of Valois [who were brothers; Edward and Philippa were second cousins].

On 24 Jan 1336 Alfonso IV King Aragon (age 36) died. His son Peter IV King Aragon (age 16) succeeded IV King Aragon.

On 24 Jan 1407 Edmund Holland 4th Earl Kent (age 23) and Lucia Visconti Countess Kent (age 27) were married at Southwark Cathedral [Map]. She by marriage Countess Kent. He was killed eighteen month's later at the Battle of Île de Bréhat. He the son of Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent and Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 57). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 24 Jan 1407. Ande that year the Erle of Kent (age 23) weddyd the Erlys daughter (age 27) of Mylayne, at Synt Mary Overeys in Sowtheworke [Map], the xiiij day of Juylle..

Note. Other sources say 24 Jan 1407?

On 24 Jan 1445 the Battle of Arbroath was fought between Clan Lindsay and Clans Ogilvy, Gordon, Oliphant, Seton and Forbes. David Lindsay 3rd Earl Crawford (age 40) was killed when attempting to prevent the battle by riding between the two armies in an attempt to call a truce. Unfortunately a member of the Clan Ogilvy, thinking the Earl was attacked threw his spear at the Earl, hitting him in the mouth, killing him instantly. Clan Lindsay victorious.

Letters 1536. 24 Jan 1536. Vienna Archives. 200. Chapuys (age 46) to Granvelle.

On the eve of the Conversion of St. Paul, the King being mounted on a great horse to run at the lists, both fell so heavily that every one thought it a miracle he was not killed, but he sustained no injury. Thinks he might ask of fortune for what greater misfortune he is reserved, like the other tyrant who escaped from the fall of the house, in which all the rest were smothered, and soon after died.

On 24 Jan 1536 Henry VIII (age 44) held a tournament at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map] some two weeks after Catherine of Aragon's (deceased) death.

On 24 Jan 1592 James Harrington (age 81) died. He was buried in the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. Monument to James Harrington (age 81) and Lucy Sidney. A large standing Elizabethan Period monument with 2 kneeling figures at a prie-dieu in a double aedicule. Wrought in various marbles and enriched with low-relief carving, strapwork etc. surmounted by obelisk, and arms. Stylistically similar to the monument to Robert Keilway. Possibly sculpted by Nicholas Johnson or Nicholas Stone (age 5).

Lucy Sidney: James Harrington and she were married. Around 1520 she was born to William Sidney and Anne Pakenham at Penshurst, Kent. Around 1591 Lucy Sidney died at Exton, Rutlandshire.

On 24 Jan 1630 Henry Yelverton (age 63) died. He was buried at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map].

On 29 Apr 1625 Mary Beale (age 43) died. She was buried at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map].

Elaborate canopied Jacobean Hooded Monument of alabaster, the effigies one above the other, with the figures of four sons and five daughters below. The canopy is supported by bedesmen in black gowns, and is surmounted by figures of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Above is an inscribed panel surrounded by books on end and various linked symbols with winged cherubs above. Large caryatids representing hooded bedesmen to left and right. Arch above with 3 standing figures and 2 hour-glasses on sculls.

Mary Beale: Around 1582 she was born to Robert Beale. Before 27 Mar 1602 Henry Yelverton and she were married. She the daughter of Robert Beale.

On or before 24 Jan 1664 John Vanbrugh was born. He was baptised on 24 Jan 1664.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Jan 1666. By agreement my Lord Bruncker (age 46) called me up, and though it was a very foule, windy, and rainy morning, yet down to the waterside we went, but no boat could go, the storme continued so. So my Lord to stay till fairer weather carried me into the Tower [Map] to Mr. Hore's and there we staid talking an houre, but at last we found no boats yet could go, so we to the office, where we met upon an occasion extraordinary of examining abuses of our clerkes in taking money for examining of tickets, but nothing done in it.

Pepy's Diary. 24 Jan 1669. Lord's Day. An order brought me in bed, for the Principal Officers to attend the King (age 38) at my Lord Keeper's this afternoon, it being resolved late the last night; and, by the warrant, I find my Lord Keeper did not then know the cause of it, the messenger being ordered to call upon him, to tell it him by the way, as he come to us. So I up, and to my Office to set down my Journall for yesterday, and so home, and with my wife to Church, and then home, and to dinner, and after dinner out with my wife by coach, to cozen Turner's, where she and The. (age 17) gone to church, but I left my wife with Mrs. Dyke and Joyce Norton, whom I have not seen till now since their coming to town: she is become an old woman, and with as cunning a look as ever, and thence I to White Hall, and there walked up and down till the King (age 38) and Duke of York (age 35) were ready to go forth; and here I met Will. Batelier, newly come post from France, his boots all dirty. He brought letters to the King (age 38), and I glad to see him, it having been reported that he was drowned, for some days past, and then, he being gone, I to talk with Tom Killigrew (age 56), who told me and others, talking about the playhouse, that he is fain to keep a woman on purpose at 20s. a week to satisfy 8 or 10 of the young men of his house, whom till he did so he could never keep to their business, and now he do.

On 24 Jan 1670 William Congreve was born.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jan 1684. The frost continuing more and more severe, the Thames before London was still planted with boothes in formal streetes, all sorts of trades and shops furnish'd and full of commodities, even to a printing presse, where the peopje and ladyes tooke a fancy to have their names printed, and the day and yeare set down when printed on the Thames; this humour tooke so universally, that 'twas estimated the printer gain'd £5. a day, for printing a line onely, at sixpence a name, be sides what he got by ballads, &c. Coaches plied from Westminster to the Temple, and from several other staires to and fro, as in the streetes, sleds, sliding with skeetes, a bull-baiting, horse and coach races, puppet plays and interludes, cookes, tlpling, and other lewd places, so that it seem'd to be a bacchanalian triumph, or carnival on the water, whilst it was a severe judgment on the land, the trees not onely splitting as if lightning-struck, but men and cattle perishing in divers places, and the very seas so lock'd up with ice, that no vessells could stir out or come in. The fowles, fish, and birds, and all our exotiq plants and greenes universally perishing. Many parkes of deer were destroied, and all sorts of fuell so deare that there were greate con tributions to preserve the poore alive. Nor was this severe weather much lesse intense in most parts of Europe, even as far as Spaine and the most Southern tracts. London, by reason of the excessive coldnesse of the aire hindering the ascent of the smoke, was so fill'd with the fuliginous steame of the sea-coale, that hardly could one see crosse the streetes, and this filling the lungs with its grosse particles, exceedingly obstructed the breast, so as one could scarcely breath. Here was no water to be had from the pipes and engines, nor could the brewers and divers other tradesmen worke, and every moment was full of disastrous accidents.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jan 1685. I din'd at Lord Newport's (age 64), who has some excellent pictures, especialy that of Sr Tho. Hanmer, by Van Dyke, one of the best he ever painted; another of our English Dobson's painting; but above all, Christ in the Virgin's lap by Poussin, an admirable piece, with some thing of most other famous hands.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jan 1687. I saw the Queen's (age 28) new apartment at Whitehall [Map], with her new bed, the embroidery of which cost £3,000. The carving about the chimney piece, by Gibbons (age 38), is incomparable.

On 24 Jan 1692 Shubael Dummer (age 56) was killed at York, York County, Maine during the Candlemas Massacre aka Raid on York.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jan 1692. A frosty and dry season continued; many persons die of apoplexy, more than usual. Lord Marlborough (age 41), Lieutenant-General of the King's army in England, gentleman of the bedchamber, etc., dismissed from all his charges, military and other, for his excessive taking of bribes, covetousness, and extortion on all occasions from his inferior officers. Note, this was the Lord who was entirely advanced by King James (age 58), and was the first who betrayed and forsook his master. He was son of Sir Winston Churchill of the Greencloth.

On 24 Jan 1712 Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 23) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 24). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.

On 24 Jan 1743 Anne Luttrell Duchess Cumberland and Strathearn was born to Simon Luttrell 1st Earl Carhampton (age 30) and Judith Maria Lawes Countess Carhampton (age 23) at Marylebone.

On 24 Jan 1746 Gustav III King Sweden was born to Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 35) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia Queen Consort of Sweden (age 25). He a great grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 24 Jan 1770 John Cust 3rd Baronet (age 51) died. His son Brownlow Cust 1st Baron Brownlow (age 25) succeeded 4th Baronet Cust of Stamford in Lincolnshire and inherited Belton House [Map].

Monument in St Peter and St Paul Church, Belton [Map]. Sculpted by William Tyler (age 41).

On 24 Jan 1881 James Collinson (age 55) died at 16 Paulet Road, Camberwell. He was buried at Camberwell Old Cemetery.

On 24 Jan 1896 Frederick Leighton (age 65) was created 1st Baron Leighton of Stretton in Shropshire. He died the next day.

On 23 and 24 Jan 1900 the Battle of Spion Kop was fought between British and Boer forces.

Robert Calverley Bewicke fought.

On 24 Jan 1900 Hugh Stewart McCorquodale (age 24) was killed in action at the Battle of Spion Kop.

Hugh Stewart McCorquodale: On 18 Aug 1875 he was born to George Mccorquodale and Emily Sanderson at Miningsby, Kirkcudbrightshire.

On 24 Jan 1900 Lieutenant Neville Windsor Hill-Trevor (age 31) was killed in action at the battle of Battle of Spion Kop serving with the 2nd Life Guards of Thornycroft's Mounted Infantry.

On 24 Jan 1909 Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 86) died. His son Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester (age 60) succeeded 3rd Earl of Leicester. Alice Emily White Countess Leicester (age 53) by marriage Countess of Leicester. St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester: Before 09 Jul 1880 Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester and Alice Emily White Countess Leicester were married. He the son of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 20 Jul 1848 he was born to Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. On 19 Nov 1941 Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester died. His son Thomas William Coke 4th Earl of Leicester succeeded 4th Earl of Leicester.

Alice Emily White Countess Leicester: On 29 Sep 1855 she was born to Luke White 2nd Baron Annaly.

After 24 Jan 1938. Memorial to Captain Adrian Jones in the Churchyard of St Laurence's Church, Ludlow [Map].

Births on the 24th January

On 24 Jan 1287 Bishop Richard de Bury was born.

On 24 Jan 1513 Thomas Kempe was born to William Kempe (age 26) and Eleanor Browne (age 28).

On or before 24 Jan 1606, the date she was baptised, Anne Halsall was born to Cuthbert Halsall (age 33) and Dorothy Stanley.

On or before 24 Jan 1625 Compton Reade 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Reade of Appleton (age 18) and Mary Cornwall (age 19). He was baptised 24 Jan 1625.

On 24 Jan 1635 Captain Henry Morgan Privateer was born.

On or before 24 Jan 1664 John Vanbrugh was born. He was baptised on 24 Jan 1664.

On 24 Jan 1670 William Congreve was born.

On or before 24 Jan 1687 John Astley 2nd Baronet was born to Richard Astley 1st Baronet (age 62). He was baptised on 24 Jan 1687 at St Mary's Church, Patshull.

On or before 24 Jan 1687 Robert Bankes Jenkinson 4th Baronet was born to Robert Jenkinson 2nd Baronet (age 32). He was baptised at Charlbury, Oxfordshire on 24 Jan 1687.

On 24 Jan 1688 Philip Howard was born to Thomas Howard (age 31) and Mary Elizabeth Savile (age 24).

On 24 Jan 1712 Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 23) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 24). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.

On 24 Jan 1721 John Buller was born to John Francis Buller (age 25) and Rebecca Trelawny (age 25).

On 24 Jan 1738 Eliza Trefusis was born to Robert Trefusis (age 33).

On 24 Jan 1741 Diana Beauclerk was born to Henry Beauclerk (age 39) and Martha Lovelace. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Jan 1743 Anne Luttrell Duchess Cumberland and Strathearn was born to Simon Luttrell 1st Earl Carhampton (age 30) and Judith Maria Lawes Countess Carhampton (age 23) at Marylebone.

On 24 Jan 1746 Gustav III King Sweden was born to Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 35) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia Queen Consort of Sweden (age 25). He a great grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 24 Jan 1748 Richard Fitzpatrick was born to John Fitzpatrick 1st Earl Upper Ossory (age 29) and Evelyn Leveson-Gower Countess Upper Ossory (age 22).

On 24 Jan 1784 Henry Gough-Calthorpe was born to Henry Gough-Calthorpe 1st Baron Calthorpe (age 35) and Frances Carpenter Baroness Calthorpe (age 22).

On 24 Jan 1789 Jeremiah Head was born.

On 24 Jan 1795 Augustus Brydges Henniker 3rd Baronet was born to Brydges Trecothic Henniker 1st Baronet (age 27) and Mary Press.

On 24 Jan 1797 John Shaw-Lefevre was born to Charles Shaw-Lefevre (age 37) and Helena Lefevre.

On 24 Jan 1801 Thomas Villiers was born to George Villiers (age 41) and Theresa Parker (age 26).

On 24 Jan 1801 Frederick Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond (age 36) and Charlotte Gordon Duchess Richmond (age 32). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Jan 1825 Robert Montagu was born to George Montagu 6th Duke Manchester (age 25) and Millicent Sparrow Duchess Manchester (age 26).

Before 24 Jan 1830 Sophia Grenfell was born to Vice-Admiral John Pascoe Grenfell (age 29).

On 24 Jan 1833 Joseph William Drexel was born to Francis Martin Drexel (age 40).

Marriages on the 24th January

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 29 Jan 1121. On the fourth of the calends of February the maiden (age 18) already mentioned as selected for queen was married to the king (age 53) by William, bishop of Winchester, at the command of Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury; and on the following day, the third of the calends of February (30th January), she was consecrated and crowned as queen by the archbishop in person.

Note. Some sources say 24 Jan 1121.

On 24 Jan 1285 King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia and Poland (age 13) and Queen Judith of Bohemia and Poland (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Rudolph I King Romans (age 66) and Gertrude Hohenburg. He the son of Ottokar "Iron King" II King Bohemia and Kunigunda Rostislavna Přemyslovna (age 40).

On 24 Jan 1328 King Edward III of England (age 15) and Philippa of Hainault (age 13) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort England. She was crowned the same day. She the daughter of William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland (age 42) and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault (age 34). He the son of King Edward II of England and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33). They were second cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

The marriage was the quid pro quo for her father William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland (age 42) having supported his mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) and Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 40) returning to England to usurp the throne of Edward's father King Edward II of England.

On 24 Jan 1403 Louis Savoy (age 39) and Jeanne Savoy were married. She the daughter of Louis Savoy I Count Savoy and Anne Cyprus Countess Savoy. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 24 Jan 1407 Edmund Holland 4th Earl Kent (age 23) and Lucia Visconti Countess Kent (age 27) were married at Southwark Cathedral [Map]. She by marriage Countess Kent. He was killed eighteen month's later at the Battle of Île de Bréhat. He the son of Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent and Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 57). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 24 Jan 1496 Richard Wingfield (age 27) and Catherine Woodville Duchess Buckingham Duchess Bedford (age 38) were married. She the daughter of Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers and Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 24 Jan 1522 Edward Hungerford and Alice aka Agnes Cotell (age 37) were married.

After 24 Jan 1622 Edward Dering 1st Baronet (age 24) and Anne Ashburnham Lady Dering (age 17) were married. She a second-cousin once-removed of the King's favourite George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 29).

On 24 Jan 1704 George Rochfort (age 22) and Elizabeth Moore (age 17) were married. She the daughter of Henry Hamilton Moore 3rd Earl of Drogheda (age 48) and Mary Cole Countess of Drogheda (age 44).

Before 24 Jan 1705 Edward Littleton (age 52) and Susannah Bidduph were married.

On 24 Jan 1727 Edmund Pytts of Kyre in Worcestershire (age 31) and Susanna Collet were married. They had four sons and four daughters.

On 24 Jan 1777 Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie 2nd Earl Radnor (age 26) and Anne Duncombe Countess Radnor (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess Radnor. He the son of William Pleydell-Bouverie 1st Earl Radnor and Harriet Pleydell.

On 24 Jan 1790 Jacobo Fitz James Stuart 10th Duke Veragua 5th Duke Berwick (age 16) and María Teresa Fernández Silva Duchess Veragua Duchess Berwick (age 17) were married. She by marriage Duchess Veragua, Duchess of Liria, Duchess of Jérica, Duchess Berwick. She the daughter of Pedro Fernández Silva 10th Duke Híjar. He the son of Carlos Fitz James Stuart 10th Duke Veragua 4th Duke Berwick and Caroline Stolberg Gedern Duchess Veragua Duchess Berwick (age 34). He a great x 3 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Jan 1861 Prince Victor of Hohenlohe Langenburg Count Gleichen (age 27) and Princess Laura Williamina Seymour (age 28) were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

The Times. 25 Jan 1865. MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. The marriage of the Earl of Coventry (age 26) and Lady Blanche Craven (age 22), third daughter of Earl Craven (age 55), was solemnized yesterday morning at St. George's Church, Hanover-square. The bridegroom and the friends of both families assembled at the church at 11 o'clock, and shortly afterwards were joined by the bride (age 22), accompanied by her mother, the Countess Craven (age 48). The bride (age 22) was received by her father (age 26) at the church door, and, attended by eight bridesmaids, proceeded at once to the communion table, in front ot which a numerous company had assembled, including the Earl (age 65) and Countess of Clarendon (age 54) and Lady Emily Villiers (age 22), the Countess of Verulam (age 40) and Lady Harriet Grimston (age 20), Viscount (age 49) and Viscountess Folkestone (age 43) and Hon. Miss Bouverie, the Countess of Sefton (age 27) and Lady Cecilia Molyneux, Viscount Chelsea (age 24), and Lady Caroline Townley (age 27) and Miss Townley, Viscount Uffington (age 23), Sir Henry (age 58) and Lady Sophia Des Voeux, Hon. Mr. and Mrs Coventry, Hon. Gerald (age 35) and Lady Maria Ponsonby (age 28), Mr. Oswald andl Miss Oswald, Dr. Quin, Mr. Cecil Boothby (age 51), Mr. James Oswald, Miss Talbot, Viscount (age 32) and Viscountess Grey de Wilton (age 28), Lady Evelyn Bruce (age 25), Hon. Mrs. Grimston and Miss Grimston, &c.

The Hon. and Rev. Edward Grimston (age 52), uncle of the bride, performed the religious rite. After the registration of the marriage the wedding party left the church, and procceded to the Earl (age 55) and Countess Craven's (age 48) mansion in Charles-street, Mayfair. At 2 o'clock the newly-wedded couple took their departure for Croome Court, tbe Earl of Coventry's (age 26) seat, near Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire [Map], there to pass the honeymoon. At Croome Pirton and Severn Stoke, Worcestershire, the marriage was celebrated yesterday by the tenantry and neighbours of the Earl of Coventry (age 26). The tenantry of the Crome Pirton and Severn Stoke estates, to ths number of about 100, dined together in two parties yesterday at Severn Stoke and High-green. At Pirton and Severn Stoke garlands of evergreens and flags were hung out over the roads, and at night a bonfire was lighted at High-green. The rejoicings have extended over all his Lordship's (age 26) large estates in the southern portion of Worcestershire. The inhabitants of Worcester [Map] celebrated the marriage by hoisting flags from tile windows and streamers across the streets. The bells from the various churches rang merry peals all day.

On 24 Jan 1865 George Coventry 9th Earl Coventry (age 26) and Blanche Craven Countess Coventry (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Coventry. She the daughter of William Craven 2nd Earl Craven (age 55) and Emily Mary Grimston Countess Craven (age 48). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 24 Jan 1918 Charles Alfred Euston Fitzroy 10th Duke Grafton (age 25) and Doreen Buxton Duchess Grafton (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Sydney Charles Buxton 1st Earl Buxton (age 64).

On 24 Jan 1918 Charles Marsham 6th Earl Romney (age 26) and Marie Henrietta Keppel Countess of Romney (age 27) were married. He the son of Charles Marsham 5th Earl Romney (age 53). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Deaths on the 24th January

On 24 Jan 1165 William Ypres 1st Earl Kent (age 75) died. Earl Kent extinct.

On 24 Jan 1336 Alfonso IV King Aragon (age 36) died. His son Peter IV King Aragon (age 16) succeeded IV King Aragon.

On 24 Jan 1360 John de Vere 7th Earl of Oxford (age 47) died. He was buried at Colne Priory [Map]. His son Thomas de Vere 8th Earl of Oxford (age 24) succeeded 8th Earl of Oxford.

Before 24 Jan 1370 Peter Montfort 3rd Baron Montfort (age 79) died.

On 24 Jan 1425 Catherine Valois Duchess Austria (age 46) died.

On 24 Jan 1431 Juana Mendoza (age 71) died.

On 24 Jan 1445 the Battle of Arbroath was fought between Clan Lindsay and Clans Ogilvy, Gordon, Oliphant, Seton and Forbes. David Lindsay 3rd Earl Crawford (age 40) was killed when attempting to prevent the battle by riding between the two armies in an attempt to call a truce. Unfortunately a member of the Clan Ogilvy, thinking the Earl was attacked threw his spear at the Earl, hitting him in the mouth, killing him instantly. Clan Lindsay victorious.

On 24 Jan 1448 John Mohun (age 36) died at Ottery St Mary, Devon.

On 24 Jan 1489 Humphrey Sackville died.

On 24 Jan 1489 John Bagot (age 53) died.

On 24 Jan 1505 Elizabeth Tyrrell (age 65) died at Maldon [Map].

On 24 Jan 1511 Elizabeth Hay (age 25) died.

On 24 Jan 1516 John Mohun (age 76) died.

On 24 Jan 1518 John Broughton died.

On 24 Jan 1522 Edward Hungerford died.

On 24 Jan 1522 Jane Zouche (age 42) died.

On 24 Jan 1557 Nicholas Wentworth (age 75) died at Lillingstone Lovell, Buckinghamshire.

Between 1569 and 24 Jan 1577 John Preston (age 66) died.

On 24 Jan 1575 Edward Windsor 3rd Baron Windsor (age 43) died in Venice. His son Frederick Windsor 4th Baron Windsor (age 15) succeeded 4th Baron Windsor of Stanwell in Buckinghamshire.

On 24 Jan 1592 James Harrington (age 81) died. He was buried in the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. Monument to James Harrington (age 81) and Lucy Sidney. A large standing Elizabethan Period monument with 2 kneeling figures at a prie-dieu in a double aedicule. Wrought in various marbles and enriched with low-relief carving, strapwork etc. surmounted by obelisk, and arms. Stylistically similar to the monument to Robert Keilway. Possibly sculpted by Nicholas Johnson or Nicholas Stone (age 5).

Lucy Sidney: James Harrington and she were married. Around 1520 she was born to William Sidney and Anne Pakenham at Penshurst, Kent. Around 1591 Lucy Sidney died at Exton, Rutlandshire.

On 24 Jan 1595 Ferdinand Habsburg Spain II Archduke Austria (age 65) died.

On 24 Jan 1597 Elizabeth Brooke (age 34) died.

On 24 Jan 1600 Christopher Preston 4th Viscount Gormanston (age 54) died. His son Jenico Preston 5th Viscount Gormanston (age 16) succeeded 5th Viscount Gormanston.

On 24 Jan 1619 Henry Brooke 11th Baron Cobham (age 54) died. His nephew William Brooke (age 21) de jure 12th Baron Cobham but he was unable to claim the title since it was suject to an attainder.

On 24 Jan 1622 Elizabeth Tufton died.

On 24 Jan 1630 Henry Yelverton (age 63) died. He was buried at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map].

On 29 Apr 1625 Mary Beale (age 43) died. She was buried at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Easton Maudit [Map].

Elaborate canopied Jacobean Hooded Monument of alabaster, the effigies one above the other, with the figures of four sons and five daughters below. The canopy is supported by bedesmen in black gowns, and is surmounted by figures of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Above is an inscribed panel surrounded by books on end and various linked symbols with winged cherubs above. Large caryatids representing hooded bedesmen to left and right. Arch above with 3 standing figures and 2 hour-glasses on sculls.

Mary Beale: Around 1582 she was born to Robert Beale. Before 27 Mar 1602 Henry Yelverton and she were married. She the daughter of Robert Beale.

On or before 24 Jan 1637 Jane Weston (age 84) died. She was buried on 24 Jan 1637.

After 24 Jan 1643 Jane Plunkett Countess Westmeath died.

On 24 Jan 1644 James Hamilton 1st Viscount Clandeboye (age 84) died.

On 24 Jan 1644 William Savile 3rd Baronet (age 32) died. His son George Savile 1st Marquess Halifax (age 10) succeeded 4th Baronet Savile of Thornhill.

Before 24 Jan 1648 William Whitmore of Apley Hall in Shropshire (age 74) died.

On 24 Jan 1657 Claude Guise (age 78) died.

Around 21 Jan 1668 Anthony Joyce committed suicide by jumping into a pond in Islington [Map]. On 24 Jan 1668 he was buried at St Sepulchre without Newgate Church.

On 24 Jan 1675 Bishop Benjamin Lany (age 84) died.

On 24 Jan 1680 Charlotte Sophie Hohenzollern died.

On 24 Jan 1692 Shubael Dummer (age 56) was killed at York, York County, Maine during the Candlemas Massacre aka Raid on York.

On 24 Jan 1698 Elizabeth Altham Countess Anglesey (age 78) died.

On 24 Jan 1705 Edward Littleton (age 52) died.

On 24 Jan 1706 Francis Russell 2nd Baronet (age 69) died without male issue. He was buried at Church of St John the Baptist, Strensham. Baronet Russell of Wytley in Worcestershire extinct.

On 24 Jan 1709 Admiral George Rooke (age 59) died.

On 24 Jan 1711 William Anstruther (age 60) died.

On 24 Jan 1718 Peter Plunkett 4th Earl of Fingall (age 40) died. He was buried at the Chapel, Somerset House. His son Justin Plunkett 5th Earl of Fingall succeeded 5th Earl of Fingall.

On 24 Jan 1724 Henry Gough (age 75) died. He was buried at Bushbury.

On 24 Jan 1726 Rowland Gwynne (age 68) died.

On 24 Jan 1737 Frances Ward (age 49) died.

On 24 Jan 1737 Archbishop William Wake (age 79) died at Lambeth Palace [Map].

On 24 Jan 1750 William Morice 3rd Baronet (age 43) died without issue. Baronet Morice of Werrington in Devon extinct.

On 20 Jan 1752 Anne Boscawen Lady Evelyn (age 77) died. She was buried at St John's Church, Wotton on 24 Jan 1752.

On 24 Jan 1754 George Stanhope (age 36) died.

Around 24 Jan 1766 Charles Fane 2nd Viscount Fane (age 58) died without issue. Viscount Fane and Baron Fane of Loughguyre in the County of Limerick extinct. His estates were divided between his surviving sisters Mary Fane and Dorothy Fane Countess Sandwich (age 48).

On 24 Jan 1770 John Cust 3rd Baronet (age 51) died. His son Brownlow Cust 1st Baron Brownlow (age 25) succeeded 4th Baronet Cust of Stamford in Lincolnshire and inherited Belton House [Map].

Monument in St Peter and St Paul Church, Belton [Map]. Sculpted by William Tyler (age 41).

On 24 Jan 1773 Gabriel Hanger 1st Baron Coleraine (age 76) died. His son John Hanger 2nd Baron Coleraine (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baron Coleraine.

On 24 Jan 1779 Brinsley Butler 2nd Earl Lanesborough (age 50) died. His son Robert Herbert Butler 3rd Earl Lanesborough (age 19) succeeded 3rd Earl Lanesborough.

On 24 Jan 1783 Sarah Gurney (age 26) died from childbirth ten days after the birth of her son Samuel Hoare.

On 24 Jan 1784 Christian Calcraft (age 54) died.

On 24 Jan 1795 Samuel Guinness (age 68) died.

On 24 Jan 1815 Charles Warre Malet 1st Baronet (age 62) died.

On 24 Jan 1825 Sackville Tufton 9th Earl of Thanet (age 55) died at Chalons, without issue. His brother Charles Tufton 10th Earl of Thanet (age 54) succeeded 10th Earl of Thanet, 10th Baron Tufton, 11th Baronet Tufton of Hothfield.

On 24 Jan 1829 Caroline Sidney Kerr (age 62) died.

On 24 Jan 1837 Joseph Sabine (age 66) died at his home in Mill Street, Hanover Square. He was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery on 01 Feb 1837.

On 24 Jan 1855 Emily Mary Sutton died.

On 24 Jan 1859 Mary Penelope Noel (age 28) died at Oakham, Rutlandshire.

On 24 Jan 1867 Clare Emily Brooke died.

On 24 Jan 1869 Emma Georgiana Stewart (age 28) died.

On 24 Jan 1881 James Collinson (age 55) died at 16 Paulet Road, Camberwell. He was buried at Camberwell Old Cemetery.

On 24 Jan 1883 Harriet Anne Musgrave died.

On 24 Jan 1892 Dr Frederic Septimus Leighton (age 92) died.

On 24 Jan 1892 Eleanor Bridges (age 86) died.

On 24 Jan 1895 Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill (age 45) died.

On 24 Jan 1897 St George Gerald Foley (age 82) died.

On 24 Jan 1897 Elizabeth Theresa Pepys died.

On 24 Jan 1898 Charles Cavendish Winn (age 40) was killed whilst playing polo at Ambala aka Umballa, Haryana.

On 24 Jan 1900 Hugh Stewart McCorquodale (age 24) was killed in action at the Battle of Spion Kop.

Hugh Stewart McCorquodale: On 18 Aug 1875 he was born to George Mccorquodale and Emily Sanderson at Miningsby, Kirkcudbrightshire.

On 24 Jan 1900 Lieutenant Neville Windsor Hill-Trevor (age 31) was killed in action at the battle of Battle of Spion Kop serving with the 2nd Life Guards of Thornycroft's Mounted Infantry.

On 24 Jan 1901 Algernon Charles Heber-Percy (age 88) died.

On 24 Jan 1909 Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 86) died. His son Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester (age 60) succeeded 3rd Earl of Leicester. Alice Emily White Countess Leicester (age 53) by marriage Countess of Leicester. St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester: Before 09 Jul 1880 Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester and Alice Emily White Countess Leicester were married. He the son of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 20 Jul 1848 he was born to Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester. On 19 Nov 1941 Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester died. His son Thomas William Coke 4th Earl of Leicester succeeded 4th Earl of Leicester.

Alice Emily White Countess Leicester: On 29 Sep 1855 she was born to Luke White 2nd Baron Annaly.

On 24 Jan 1917 Samuel Cunliffe Lister 2nd Baron Masham (age 60) died. His brother John Cunliffe Lister 3rd Baron Masham (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baron Masham of Swinton.

On 24 Jan 1919 Paul Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 58) died.

On 24 Jan 1919 James Walker Larnach died.

On 24 Jan 1938 Adrian Jones (age 92) died at his home 147 Church Street, Chelsea.

On 24 Jan 1941 Josslyn Victor Hay 22nd Earl of Erroll (age 39) died. His daughter Diana Hay 23rd Countess of Erroll (age 15) succeeded 23rd Countess Erroll.

On 24 Jan 1950 Stuart Holland 2nd Baron Rotherham (age 73) died.

On 24 Jan 1958 Charles Trevelyan 3rd Baronet (age 87) died.

On 24 Jan 1965 Winston Churchill (age 90) died.