On this Day in History ... 27th May

27 May is in May.

1199 Coronation of King John

1389 Scrope vs Grosvenor Case

1405 Northern Rising

1464 Battle of Hexham

1536 Arrest of Brereton

1541 Executions

1550 Visit of the French Ambassadors

1940 Battle of Wytschaete

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 27th May

Bede. 668. There was at that time in Rome, a monk, called Theodore (age 66), well known to Hadrian (age 31), born at Tarsus in Cilicia, a man well instructed in worldly and Divine literature, as also in Greek and Latin; of known probity of life, and venerable for age, being sixty-six years old. Hadrian (age 31) offered him to the pope to be ordained bishop, and prevailed; but upon these conditions, that he should conduct him into Britain, because he had already travelled through France twice upon several occasions, and was, therefore, better acquainted with the way, and was, moreover, sufficiently provided with men of his own; as also that being his fellow-labourer in doctrine, he might take special care that Theodore (age 66) should not, according to the custom of the Greeks, introduce any thing contrary to the true faith into the church where he presided. Hadrian (age 31), being ordained subdeacon, waited four months for his hair to grow, that it might be shorn into the shape of a crown; for he had before the tonsure of St. Paul, the apostle, after the manner of the eastern people. He was ordained by Pope Vitalian, in the year of our Lord 668, on Sunday, the 26th of March, and on the 27th of May was sent with Hadrian (age 31) into Britain.

On 27 May 866 Ordoño I King Asturias (age 45) died. His son Alfonso "Great" III King Asturias (age 18) succeeded III King Asturias.

On 27 May 1153 Malcolm IV King Scotland (age 12) was crowned IV King Scotland at Scone.

On 27 May 1199 King John "Lackland" of England (age 32) was crowned I King England by Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 39) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Bishop Herbert Poore attended.

Letters. 27 May 1208. Letter VII. Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 24) to her subjects in Brittany.

Eleanora, duchess of Bretagne and countess of Richmond, to her dear and faithful lords the bishops of Nantes, Vannes, and Cornwall, and to Eudo de Poule, and Geoffry Espine, and Oliver de Rugy, and Pagan de Mal-Estrail, and all other her barons and faithful subjects of Bretagne, greeting.

We give you manifold thanks concerning the things of which you have informed us, and earnestly entreat you that you, the above-named, come to England to my lord and uncle the king of England (age 41); and know you, certainly, that your advent will, God willing, tend to your and our great honour and convenience, and, by God's grace, to our liberation.

We have spoken with our said uncle (age 41) about affording you a safe-conduct, and he is glad of your coming, and sends you his letters patent of safe-conduct; and you may all come safely by means of those letters - or as many of you as can, if all cannot come.

Witness myself, at Sarum, the 27th day of May.

On 27 May 1234 King Louis IX of France (age 20) and Margaret Provence Queen Consort France (age 13) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Raymond Berenguer Provence IV Count Provence (age 36) and Beatrice Savoy Countess Provence (age 36). He the son of Louis "Lion" VIII King France and Blanche Ivrea Queen Consort France (age 46). They were half third cousins. He a great grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 27 May 1257 Sanchia Provence Queen Consort Germany (age 29) was crowned Queen Consort Germany at Aachen Cathedral, Aachen aka Aix-le-Chapelle.

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 27th [May 1358], the Earl of Douglas (age 35) dined with the Queen (age 63); and the Maréchal D'Audenham came to supper.

In Sep 1389 the Scrope vs Grosvenor Case was brought to the Court of Chivalry. Up to that time two families, Scrope and Grosvenor, had been using the armorial Scrope Arms: Azure, a bend or.

Several hundred witnesses were called including John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 49), Geoffrey Chaucer (age 46) and John Savile of Shelley and Golcar (age 64).

On 03 Sep 1386 Owain ap Gruffudd "Glyndŵr" Mathrafal Prince Powys (age 27) gave evidence at the Church of John the Baptist, Chester [Map].

The Court decided in favour of Scrope.

Neither party was happy with the decision so King Richard II (age 22) was called upon to give his personal verdict.

On 27 May 1390 he confirmed that Grosvenor could not bear the undifferenced arms.

As a consequence of the case the Grosvenor has for many years used the name Bendor for horses and nicknames.

On 27 May 1405 Archbishop Richard Scrope (age 55) and Thomas Mowbray 4th Earl Norfolk 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 19) assembled a force of around 8000 men at Shipton Moor, Hambleton. Believing they had been given safe conduct by Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 41) and assured their demands would be met, the rebel army disbanded

On 27 May 1435 Nicholas Montgomery (age 59) died at Great Cubley [Map]. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Great Cubley [Map]. Damaged. Probably carved in 1461. Early Suns and Roses Collar. Hip Belt. IHC NASARE Lettering. Early Plate Bascinet and Gorget Period. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings holding Shields.

Nicholas Montgomery: Around 1376 he was born to Nicholas Montgomery and Margaret Foljambe at Great Cubley. In or before 1390 he and Joan Longford were married.

On 27 May 1464 John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 33) was created 1st Earl of Northumberland as a reward for successfully suppressing the Lancastrian resistance in the North. The Ealdom of Northumberland traditionally held by the Percy family with whom the Neville family had been feuding for generations.

Hall's Chronicle 1522. 27 May 1522. The King of England (age 30) was come to Canterbury [Map], the twenty-seventh day of May, and received by the Archbishop (age 72): and hearing of the Emperors arrival, with a small company on the Wednesday, being the Ascension eve, he rode to Dover, and with much joy and gladness the Emperor (age 22) and he met, and there tarried the Ascension Day, and on Friday, the King brought the Emperor aboard on his new ship, called the Henry Grace Dieu, a ship of fifteen hundred tons and rowed about to all his great ships, which then lay in Dover road. The Emperor and his lords, much praised the making of the ships, and especially the artillery, they said, they never saw ships so armed.

Letters and Papers 1530. 27 May 1530. 256. Anne Boleyn (age 29).

Warrant to Lord Windsor, keeper of the Great Wardrobe, to deliver the following parcels to the use of the lady Anne Rocheford (age 25): (1) For a saddle of the French fashion, with a pillow of down, covered with black velvet, fringed with silk and gold, the head of copper and gilt, graven with antyke works; one footstool, covered with black velvet, fringed with silk and gold; one saddle hose of velvet, lined with black buckram; one harness of black velvet, both fringed with silk and gold, with buttons pear fashion, and tassels of silk and gold; one great tuft of silk and gold upon the crupper, with buckles and pendants of copper and gilt; one slophouse of leather, lined with cotton; two girths of white twine; and two bits with two pair of gilt bosses.

Item, for a pillion for the said lady Anne (age 25), of white fustian stuffed with fine down, with leathers and buckles to the same; one pillion cloth of velvet, fringed with black silk, and lined with black buckram; one footstool, covered with black velvet, and fringed with black silk, garnished with gilt nails, with two buckles of copper and gilt; one harness to the same pillion, of black velvet, fringed with black silk, with buckles and pendants of copper and gilt; two white girths of twine of the double fashion; one pair of reins, covered with black velvet fringed with silk and gold; two buttons and one tassel of silk and gold, with two buckles of copper and gilt, for a saddle of the French fashion for the same lady Anne, with a pillow of fine down covered with black velvet, lined with black buckram, fringed with silk and gold; one head for the same, of copper and gilt, graven with antique works; one footstool covered with black velvet, fringed with silk and gold, garnished with gilt nails, with two buckles of copper and gilt; one harness of black velvet, with a false crupper, fringed with silk and gold, with buttons and tassels of silk and gold, with buckles and pendants of copper and gilt; one slophowse of leather lined with cotton; four girths of twine of the double fashion, and two bits with two pair of gilt bosses; another saddle for the said lady Anne, of the French fashion, with a head of copper and gilt, graven with antique works; one pillion of fine down, covered with black velvet, fringed with silk and gold, lined with black buckram; one footstool, covered with black velvet, fringed with silk and gold, garnished with gilt nails, with two buckles of copper and gilt; one harness of black velvet, fringed with silk and gold, with buttons and tassels of silk and gold, with buckles and pendant of copper and gilt; one slophowse of leather, lined with black cotton; four girths of twine of the double fashion, and two bits with two pair of gilt bosses.

Item, for two moylettes; two saddles of black leather, garnished with white nails, for the said lady Anne's moylettes that carry her litter, with two pair of double harness, with collars and breeches double-lined and stuffed with buff leather; two headstalls with reins of black leather, and two leading reins eight... bosis varnished... double braces of black leather; eight great pins of iron, varnished black; two double girths of twine [of] the double [fashion], and two... of twine. Richmond, 27 May 22 Henry VIII. Signed.

Archaeologia Volume 23 Section V. Deane. But what can ye tell of Brerton?

George. By my troeth, yf any of them was innocent, it was he. For other he was innocente or els he dyed worst of them all.

Deane. How so?

27 May 1536. George. Apon thursdaye afore Maye daye in the mornynge I spake with hym abowt nyne of the clocke, And he tolde me that there was no waye but one with any matter. For I did aske hym & was bold apon hym because we were borne within foure myles together, And also we wente to grammar scole together. And the same daye afore ij of the clock was he in the towre as ferre as the best. What was layed against hym I know not nor never hearde.

On 27 May 1541, after some two and a half years of imprisonment, Margaret Pole Countess Salsbury (age 67) was executed at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map] for her role in the Exeter Conspiracy. Earl Salisbury, Baron Montagu and Baron Montagu forfeit.

Baron Montagu and Baron Montagu forfeit.

Hall's Chronicle 1541. 27 May 1541. On the same day was Margaret Countess of Salisbury (age 67), which had been long prisoner in the Tower [Map], beheaded in the Tower, and she was the last of the right line and name, of Plantagenet.

Diary of Edward VI. 27 May 1550. The embassadours, after thei had hunted, sat with me at souper.3

Note 3. "Upon Tuesday the King's matie had them on hunting in Hyde park, and that night they supped with his highness in the privy chamber." (Ibid.)

On 27 May 1639 Laura Martinozzi Duchess Modena was born to Girolamo Martinozzi Count da Fano (age 29) and Laura Mazarin (age 31).

Evelyn's Diary. 27 May 1641. Arrived at Hague, I went first to the Queen of Bohemia's (age 44) Court, where I had the honour to kiss her Majesty's (age 44) hand, and several of the Princesses' her daughters. Prince Maurice (age 20) was also there, newly come out of Germany, and my Lord Finch (age 19), not long before fled out of England from the fury of the Parliament. It was a fasting-day with the Queen for the unfortunate death of her husband, and the presence-chamber had been hung with black velvet ever since his decease.

Pepy's Diary. 27 May 1668. Thence by coach to the Exchange [Map], and there met with Sir H. Cholmly (age 35) at Colvill's; and there did give him some orders, and so home, and there to the office again, where busy till two o'clock, and then with Sir Prince to his house, with my Lord Brouncker (age 48) and Sir J. Minnes (age 69), to dinner, where we dined very well, and much good company, among others, a Dr., a fat man, whom by face I know, as one that uses to sit in our church, that after dinner did take me out, and walked together, who told me that he had now newly entered himself into Orders, in the decay of the Church, and did think it his duty so to do, thereby to do his part toward the support and reformation thereof; and spoke very soberly, and said that just about the same age Dr. Donne did enter into Orders. I find him a sober gentleman, and a man that hath seen much of the world, and I think may do good.

Pepy's Diary. 27 May 1669. At the office all the morning, dined at home, Mr. Hollier (age 60) with me. Presented this day by Mr. Browne with a book of drawing by him, lately printed, which cost me 20s. to him. In the afternoon to the Temple [Map], to meet with Auditor Aldworth about my interest account, but failed meeting him. To visit my cozen Creed, and found her ill at home, being with child, and looks poorly.

On 27 May 1794 Cornelius "Commodore" Vanderbilt was born to Cornelius van Derbilt and Phebe Hand at Staten Island.

On 27 May 1819 George V King Hanover was born to Ernest Augustus King Hanover (age 47) and Frederica Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort Hanover (age 41). He a grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.19%.

On 27 May 1820 Princess Mathilde Laetitia Wilhelmine Bonaparte was born.

On 27 May 1844 Henry Hopper (age 77) died at 13 Wigmore Street Cavendish Square.

On 27 May 1849 Archibald John Stuart-Wortley was born to James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie (age 43) and Jane Lawley (age 28).

On 27 May 1866 Paul Albert Steck was born at Troyes, France [Map].

On 27 May 1893 Jane Gordon (age 82) died. She was buried at St Edwen's Church, Llanedwen [Map].

Jane Gordon: On 20 Apr 1811 she was born.

After 27 May 1918. Monument to Benjamin Footman who died of wounds on 27 May 1918. North Staffordshire Regiment Service Number: 42703. Son of Amelia Footman, of Hanbury Wharf, Droitwich, Worcs, and the late Benjamin Footman; husband of Julia Footman, of "Lincs," Fairfield Rd., Leckhampton, Cheltenham..

Benjamin Footman was born at Hanbury Wharf, Worcestershire in 1884. In 1911 he was working as a butler in Catsfield, Sussex when he married Julia Bartlett in Cheltenham. They moved to Somerset but by 1914 had moved to Fulbeck (where he was still a butler). He signed up for the Army in Nov 15 but wasn't mobilised until Jun 1916. He joined 3rd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment and was soon made Lieutenant Corporal, probably because he'd previously served 20 months in the Worcestershire Regiment (presumably before he became a butler). He was training at the Lincolnshire Regiment depot at Grimsby in Oct 1917, though he seems to have been ill or injured during this time.

In Oct 1917 he was sent to Ireland and based at Blackrock Castle, Cork. On 3rd March 1918 he sailed from Folkestone to France, where he was transferred to 8th Battalion, North Staffordshire Regiment.

On 12th (or 15th) April 1918 he received a gunshot wound to the head. He was evacuated and sent to the Royal Victoria Military Hospital, Netley, near Southampton. Here he had several operations but the wound became infected and he died on 27th May. His body was sent by train to Leadenham station and he was buried in Fulbeck churchyard. The gravestone is of an unusual design, so it may be that his former employer paid for it before the Commonwealth War Graves Commission was set up. Julia received a widows pension of 33/9d a week for herself and their four children. By the end of 1918 they'd moved to Cheltenham and were living at 6 Andover St. By 1920 her address was 'Lincs' Fairfield Rd., Leckhampton, Cheltenham.

On 27 May 1921 Haydn Keeton Organist (age 73) died. He was buried at Peterborough Cathedral [Map].

Haydn Keeton Organist: On 26 Oct 1847 he was born. In 1870 he was appointed Organist at Peterborough Cathedral.

On 27 May 1940 George Coventry 10th Earl Coventry (age 39) was killed in action during the Battle of Wytschaete at La Bassée. His son George William Coventry 11th Earl Coventry (age 6) succeeded 11th Earl Coventry.

On 27 May 1949 William Lever 2nd Viscount Leverhulme (age 61) died. He was buried at Christ Church, Port Sunlight [Map]. His son Philip Lever 3rd Viscount Leverhulme (age 33) succeeded 3rd Viscount Leverhulme of the Western Isles, 3rd Baron Leverhulme of Bolton le Moors in Lancashire, 3rd Baronet Lever of Thornton Manor in Cheshire.

Philip Lever 3rd Viscount Leverhulme: On 01 Jul 1915 he was born to William Lever 2nd Viscount Leverhulme. In 1988 he was appointed 968th Knight of the Garter. On 04 Jul 2000 he died. Viscount Leverhulme of the Western Isles, Baron Leverhulme of Bolton le Moors in Lancashire, Baronet Lever of Thornton Manor in Cheshire extinct.

Births on the 27th May

On 27 May 1220 Amice Clare Countess Devon was born to Gilbert Clare 5th Earl Gloucester 4th Earl Hertford (age 40) and Isabel Marshal Countess Cornwall, Gloucester and Hertford (age 19). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 27 May 1349 Maurice Berkeley was born to Thomas Rich Berkeley 8th and 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 53) and Katherine Clivedon Baroness Berkeley (age 39).

On 27 May 1397 John Fitzwilliam was born to John Fitzwilliam (age 19) at Sprotbrough, South Yorkshire.

On 27 May 1564 Margherita Gonzaga was born to William Gonzaga I Duke Mantua (age 26) and Eleanor of Austria Duchess Mantua (age 29).

On 27 May 1626 William Orange Nassau II Prince Orange was born to Frederick Henry Orange Nassau II Prince Orange (age 42) and Amalia Solms Braunfels Princess Orange (age 23).

On or before 27 May 1635 John Molesworth 2nd Baronet was born to Hender Molesworth (age 38). He was baptised on 27 May 1635.

On 27 May 1639 Laura Martinozzi Duchess Modena was born to Girolamo Martinozzi Count da Fano (age 29) and Laura Mazarin (age 31).

On 27 May 1652 Elizabeth Charlotte Palatinate Simmern Duchess Orléans was born to Charles Louis Palatinate Simmern (age 34) and Charlotte Hesse-Kassel (age 24) at Heidelburg. She a great granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 27 May 1712 Thomas Cave 5th Baronet was born to Thomas Cave 3rd Baronet (age 31) and Margaret Verney Lady Cave. He was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 27 May 1717 Barbara Slaney was born to John Slaney (age 33).

On 27 May 1726 Anne Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 25) and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 20). She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On or before 27 May 1730 George Robinson 5th Baronet was born to John Robinson 4th Baronet (age 25) and Mary Morgan. He was baptised on 27 May 1730.

In or after 1733 Elizabeth Chamberlayne was born to George Chamberlayne (age 30) and Constance Hardy (age 23). Some sources describe her being born in 1731 which is inconsistent with the marriage of her parents on 27 May 1732.

On 27 May 1735 James Dormer was born to John Dormer 7th Baron Dormer (age 43).

On 27 May 1748 William Fitzherbert 1st Baronet was born to William Fitzherbert (age 36).

On 27 May 1787 John Spencer Stanhope was born to Walter Spencer-Stanhope (age 37) and Mary Winifred Pulleine.

On 27 May 1789 Sarah Fawkener was born to William Augustus Fawkener (age 39) at Iping Chichester.

On 27 May 1794 Cornelius "Commodore" Vanderbilt was born to Cornelius van Derbilt and Phebe Hand at Staten Island.

On 27 May 1798 John Walbanke-Childers was born to Colonel John Walbanke-Childers and Selena Gideon (age 26).

On 27 May 1798 George Henry Roper-Curzon 16th Baron Teynham was born to Henry Francis Roper-Curzon 14th Baronet (age 31) and Bridget Hawkins Baroness Teynham.

On 27 May 1811 Harriet Elizabeth Vyvyan was born to Vyell Vyvyan 7th Baronet (age 43).

On 27 May 1814 John Manners-Sutton 3rd Viscount Canterbury was born to Charles Manners-Sutton 1st Viscount Canterbury (age 34) and Lucy Maria Denison.

On 27 May 1819 George V King Hanover was born to Ernest Augustus King Hanover (age 47) and Frederica Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort Hanover (age 41). He a grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.19%.

On 27 May 1820 Princess Mathilde Laetitia Wilhelmine Bonaparte was born.

On 27 May 1820 Sophie Lambe was born to Alfred Lambe (age 31) and Anne Philpot (age 29). She was baptised on 23 Jun 1820.

On 27 May 1828 Charles Henry Spencer-Churchill was born to Charles Spencer-Churchill (age 33) and Etheldred Bennett.

On 27 May 1834 Henry Wodehouse was born to Henry Wodehouse (deceased).

On 27 May 1849 Archibald John Stuart-Wortley was born to James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie (age 43) and Jane Lawley (age 28).

On 27 May 1864 Fiennes Cornwallis 1st Baron Cornwallis was born to Fiennes Wykeham-Martin Cornwallis (age 32) and Harriet Elizabeth Mott at Chacombe Priory, Banbury [Map].

On 27 May 1866 Paul Albert Steck was born at Troyes, France [Map].

On 27 May 1893 Harry Frederick Crookshank 1st Viscount Crookshank was born at Cairo, Egypt.

On 27 May 1899 Charles Peter Denys 4th Baronet was born to Francis Denys-Burton 3rd Baronet (age 50).

On 27 May 1915 Garnet Wolseley 12th Baronet was born to Richard Bingham Wolseley (age 61).

On 27 May 1925 Ela Helen Aline Beaumont Countess Carlisle was born to Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont 2nd Viscount Allendale (age 34) and Violet Lucy Emily Seely Viscountess Allendale (age 28).

On 27 May 1949 Hugh Lowther 8th Earl Lonsdale was born to James Lowther 7th Earl Londsdale (age 26) and Tuppina Cecily Bennet.

Marriages on the 27th May

On 27 May 1234 King Louis IX of France (age 20) and Margaret Provence Queen Consort France (age 13) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Raymond Berenguer Provence IV Count Provence (age 36) and Beatrice Savoy Countess Provence (age 36). He the son of Louis "Lion" VIII King France and Blanche Ivrea Queen Consort France (age 46). They were half third cousins. He a great grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 27 May 1546 John Tresham (age 26) and Eleanor Catesby were married.

Before 27 May 1560 Nicholas Grafton of Shrewsbury (age 53) and Anne Crome were married.

Before 27 May 1594 Richard Baker (age 64) and Kathrine Tyrrell were married.

On 27 May 1601 Edward Seymour 1st Earl Hertford (age 62) and Frances Howard Duchess Lennox and Richmond (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Hertford. The difference in their ages was 39 years. He the son of Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset and Anne Stanhope Duchess Somerset. They were half third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 27 May 1655, her sixteenth birthday, Alfonso Este IV Duke Modena (age 20) and Laura Martinozzi Duchess Modena (age 16) were married.

On or after 27 May 1691, the date of the licence, Thomas Rowney (age 23) and Elizabeth Noel were married.

On 27 May 1696 John Noel (age 36) and Elizabeth Sherard (age 17) were married.

On 27 May 1711 John Astley 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Mary Prynce were married.

Before 27 May 1730 John Robinson 4th Baronet (age 25) and Mary Morgan were married.

On 27 May 1732 George Chamberlayne (age 29) and Constance Hardy (age 22) were married.

On 27 May 1743 Christian Wilhelm Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 36) and Luise Reuss Schleiz were married. He the son of Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg and Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg.

On 27 May 1758 Robert Mead Wilmot 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Mary Woolett (age 23) were married at St Wystan's Church, Repton [Map].

On 27 May 1802 John Townshend 2nd Viscount Sydney (age 38) and Caroline Elizabeth Letitia Clements Viscountess Sydney (age 37) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Sydney. She the daughter of Robert Clements 1st Earl Leitrim (age 69) and Elizabeth Skeffington Countess Leitrim.

On 27 May 1948 Nicholas Eliot 9th Earl of St Germans (age 34) and Margaret Eleanor Wyndham (age 34) were married. They were divorced in 1959. He the son of Montague Eliot 8th Earl of St Germans (age 78).

Deaths on the 27th May

On 27 May 866 Ordoño I King Asturias (age 45) died. His son Alfonso "Great" III King Asturias (age 18) succeeded III King Asturias.

On 27 May 1039 Dirk Gerulfing III Count Holland died. On 27 May 1039 His son Dirk Gerulfing IV Count Holland (age 14) succeeded IV Count Holland.

On 27 May 1085 Walter Lacy died.

On 27 May 1143 Mathilde Chateaudun died.

On 27 May 1240 William Warenne 5th Earl of Surrey died. His son John Warenne 6th Earl of Surrey (age 9) succeeded 6th Earl Surrey and inherited his estates including Conisbrough Castle [Map].

On 27 May 1266 Elizabeth Brunswick-Lüneburg Countess Holland (age 36) died.

On 27 May 1295 Ralph Tosny (age 39) died at Gascony [Map].

Before 27 May 1335 Hugh Neville 1st Baron Neville Essex (age 58) died. His son John Neville 2nd Baron Neville Essex (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baron Neville Essex.

On 27 May 1378 Margaret Grey (age 64) died in Newcastle upon Tyne [Map].

Around 27 May 1414 Bishop John Burghill died.

On 27 May 1435 Nicholas Montgomery (age 59) died at Great Cubley [Map]. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Great Cubley [Map]. Damaged. Probably carved in 1461. Early Suns and Roses Collar. Hip Belt. IHC NASARE Lettering. Early Plate Bascinet and Gorget Period. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings holding Shields.

Nicholas Montgomery: Around 1376 he was born to Nicholas Montgomery and Margaret Foljambe at Great Cubley. In or before 1390 he and Joan Longford were married.

On 27 May 1442 Humphrey Stafford (age 63) died at Bromyard, Herefordshire.

On 27 May 1508 Ludovico Sforza Duke Milan (age 55) died.

Around 27 May 1509 Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 50) died. Earl Devon, Baron Okehampton, Baron Courtenay forfeit since his son William Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 34) had been attainted in Feb 1504.

On 27 May 1538 Anthony Fitzherbert (age 72) died at Norbury, Derbyshire [Map].

On 27 May 1541, after some two and a half years of imprisonment, Margaret Pole Countess Salsbury (age 67) was executed at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map] for her role in the Exeter Conspiracy. Earl Salisbury, Baron Montagu and Baron Montagu forfeit.

Baron Montagu and Baron Montagu forfeit.

On 27 May 1546 John Tresham (age 26) died.

Before 27 May 1560 Anne Crome died.

On 27 May 1569 François de Coligny d'Andelot (age 48) died.

On 27 May 1594 Richard Baker (age 64) died.

On 27 May 1602 Robert Stewart died.

On 27 May 1612 Randle Mainwaring (age 59) died.

On 27 May 1661 Archibald Campbell 1st Marquess Argyll (age 54) was beheaded for his perceived treason on the restoration of Charles II at Edinburgh [Map]. He was buried at Kilmun Church.

On 27 May 1665 Arthur Loftus died.

On 27 May 1675 Anne Bourbon Condé (age 4) died.

In 1679 John Grobham Howe (age 54) died. On 27 May 1679 he was buried at Langar, Nottinghamshire.

On 27 May 1699 John Gage 4th Baronet (age 57) died. His son John Gage 5th Baronet (age 7) succeeded 5th Baronet Gage of Firley in Sussex.

On 27 May 1704 Laurence Hyde died.

On 27 May 1707 Françoise Athénaïs Marquise Montespan (age 66) died.

On 27 May 1712 William Keith 9th Earl Marischal (age 48) died. His son George Keith 10th Earl Marischal (age 20) succeeded 10th Earl Marischal.

On 27 May 1714 George Saunderson 5th Viscount Castleton (age 82) died at Sandbeck Park Maltby. His son James Saunderson 1st Earl Castleton (age 47) succeeded 6th Viscount Castleton.

On 27 May 1719 Thomas Newport 1st Baron Torrington (age 64) died without issue. Baron Torrington of Torrington in Devon extinct. He was buried at Wroxeter, Shropshire [Map].

On 20 May 1723 Bridget Trollop (age 86) died. She was buried a week later on 27 May 1723.

On 27 May 1723 Charles Lennox 1st Duke Richmond (age 50) died. His son Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 22) succeeded 2nd Duke Richmond, 2nd Earl March, 2nd Baron Settrington. Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 17) by marriage Duchess Richmond.

On 20 May 1737 Elizabeth Hall Lady Buckworth died. She was buried at St Peter le Poer Church, Broad Street on 27 May 1737.

On 27 May 1762 Georg Wilhelm Nassau Weilburg (age 1) died.

On 27 May 1764 Gilbert Eliott 3rd Baronet (age 84) died. His son John Eliott 4th Baronet (age 58) succeeded 4th Baronet Eliott of Stobs.

On 27 May 1771 Major William Markham (age 85) died.

On 27 May 1773 Mary Blount Duchess Norfolk (age 62) died.

On 27 May 1775 Louise Élisabeth Bourbon Condé Princess Conti (age 81) died.

On 27 May 1776 Sarah Inwen Countess Suffolk died.

On 27 May 1782 Anne Clarges (age 87) died.

On 27 May 1794 Mary Reynolds (age 78) died.

On 27 May 1796 Charles Townshend (age 28) died.

On 27 May 1808 Frances Rous Lady Peyton died.

On 27 May 1810 Pascoe Grenfell (age 81) died.

On 27 May 1814 James Hamilton (age 27) died.

On 27 May 1816 Elizabeth Bossley of Bakewell (age 66) died.

On 27 May 1826 Amalia Elisabeth Hesse Darmstadt (age 5) died.

On 27 May 1837 John Henry Campbell (age 16) died.

On 27 May 1840 Caroline Hamond (age 28) died.

On 27 May 1841 Henry Dawson Damer (age 54) died.

On 27 May 1844 Henry Hopper (age 77) died at 13 Wigmore Street Cavendish Square.

On 27 May 1864 Edward Graham 9th Baronet (age 44) died. His son Robert James Graham 10th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 10th Baronet Graham of Esk in Cumberland

On 27 May 1869 Caroline Parsons died.

On 27 May 1870 Francis Nathaniel Clements (age 58) died.

On 27 May 1871 Joseph Causton (age 56) died.

On 27 May 1872 Philip Pleydell-Bouverie (age 83) died.

On 27 May 1873 Caroline Yorke Countess Somers (age 78) died.

On 27 May 1874 Major-General Caledon Richard Egerton (age 59) died.

On 27 May 1876 Anna Maria Sandys died.

On 27 May 1879 Samuel Charles Whitbread (age 83) died.

On 27 May 1893 Jane Gordon (age 82) died. She was buried at St Edwen's Church, Llanedwen [Map].

Jane Gordon: On 20 Apr 1811 she was born.

On 27 May 1898 Harriet Anne Stirling died.

On 27 May 1898 Caroline Frances Byng died.

On 27 May 1898 Henry Reginald Courtenay (age 62) died in Powderham, Devon.

On 27 May 1900 Captain Ralph Nevile Fane (age 30) died of pneumonia at Wynberg where he was buried.

On 27 May 1901 Arthur Charles Greville (age 74) died.

On 27 May 1911 Johann Glücksburg (age 85) died.

On 27 May 1921 Haydn Keeton Organist (age 73) died. He was buried at Peterborough Cathedral [Map].

Haydn Keeton Organist: On 26 Oct 1847 he was born. In 1870 he was appointed Organist at Peterborough Cathedral.

On 27 May 1933 Lieutenant-Colonel John Foster Manifold (age 76) died.

On 27 May 1933 Amy Augusta Jackson Lawford Baroness Coleridge died.

On 27 May 1940 George Coventry 10th Earl Coventry (age 39) was killed in action during the Battle of Wytschaete at La Bassée. His son George William Coventry 11th Earl Coventry (age 6) succeeded 11th Earl Coventry.

On 27 May 1942 Mary Thicknesse-Touchet 22nd Baroness Audley (age 83) died unmarried. Her first cousin twice removed Thomas Percy Tuchet-Jesson (age 28) succeeded 23rd Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.

On 27 May 1949 William Lever 2nd Viscount Leverhulme (age 61) died. He was buried at Christ Church, Port Sunlight [Map]. His son Philip Lever 3rd Viscount Leverhulme (age 33) succeeded 3rd Viscount Leverhulme of the Western Isles, 3rd Baron Leverhulme of Bolton le Moors in Lancashire, 3rd Baronet Lever of Thornton Manor in Cheshire.

Philip Lever 3rd Viscount Leverhulme: On 01 Jul 1915 he was born to William Lever 2nd Viscount Leverhulme. In 1988 he was appointed 968th Knight of the Garter. On 04 Jul 2000 he died. Viscount Leverhulme of the Western Isles, Baron Leverhulme of Bolton le Moors in Lancashire, Baronet Lever of Thornton Manor in Cheshire extinct.

On 27 May 1949 Elizabeth Maud Conyngham (age 87) died.

On 27 May 1951 George Leonard Westmacott (age 82) died.

On 27 May 2021 John Roper-Curzon 20th Baron Teynham (age 92) died. His son John Roper-Curzon 21st Baron Teynham (age 55) succeeded 21st Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.