On this Day in History ... 29th September

29 Sep is in September.

1308 de Clare and de Burgh Double Marriage

1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak

1364 Battle of Auray

1397 Richard II Rewards his Supporters

1399 Abdication of Richard II

1469 Execution of the Neville Brothers

1470 King Edward flees to Burgundy

1553 Coronation of Mary I

1555 Great Flood

1599 Robert Devereux Earl Essex loses the Plot

1915 Battle of Loos

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

29 Sep is known as Michaelmas being the Feast of St Michael, and also Saints Gabriel and Raphel, aka the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of All Saints.

Events on the 29th September

On 29 Sep 792 Æthelred I of Northumbria (age 30) and Queen Ælfflæd of Northumbria were married. She by marriage Queen Northumbria. She the daughter of King Offa of Mercia and Cynethryth Queen Mercia. He the son of Æthelwald Moll King of Northumbria.

On 29 Sep 1102 Bishop Roger of Salisbury was appointed Bishop of Salisbury.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. After 29 Sep 1126. Then after Michaelmas came David, the king of the Scots (age 42), from Scotland to this land; and the King Henry (age 58) received him with great worship; and he continued all that year in this land.

On 29 Sep 1308 (possibly 30th) in a Siblings Marriage de Clare siblings married de Burgh siblings at Waltham Abbey, Essex [Map] in the presence of King Edward II of England (age 24).

John Burgh (age 22) and Elizabeth Clare Lady Verdun (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford and Joan of Acre Countess Gloucester and Hertford. He the son of Richard "Red Earl" Burgh 2nd Earl Ulster (age 49) and Margaret Burgh Countess Ulster. She a granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

Gilbert de Clare 8th Earl Gloucester 7th Earl Hertford (age 17) and Matilda Burgh Countess Gloucester and Hertford (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Gloucester, Countess Hertford. She the daughter of Richard "Red Earl" Burgh 2nd Earl Ulster (age 49) and Margaret Burgh Countess Ulster. He the son of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford and Joan of Acre Countess Gloucester and Hertford. He a grandson of King Edward I of England.

On 29 Sep 1349 Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 52) died of plague. Her son John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 19) succeeded 4th Baron Wake of Liddell and inherited her dower lands and the estates she had inherited from her brother Thomas Wake 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell.

On 29 Sep 1360 Joan Auvergne Queen Consort France (age 34) died. Her son Philip I Duke Burgundy (age 14) succeeded Count Auvergne and Count Boulogne.

On 29 Sep 1364 Battle of Auray decided the Breton Succession in favour of John Montfort V Duke Brittany (age 25). The Breton and English army was commanded by John Chandos (age 44) and included William Latimer 4th Baron Latimer of Corby (age 34), Miles Stapleton (age 44) and Hugh Calverley (age 40). Charles "Saint" Chatillon Duke Brittany (age 45) was killed. Bertrand Geusclin (age 44) surrendered.

On 29 Sep 1397 King Richard II (age 30) rewarded his relations with Dukedoms, possibly for their part in downfall of Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester (deceased), Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick (age 59) and Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 11th Earl of Arundel (deceased) ...

His older half-brother John Holland 1st Duke Exeter (age 45) was created 1st Duke Exeter. Elizabeth Lancaster Duchess Exeter (age 34) by marriage Duchess Exeter.

His nephew Thomas Holland 1st Duke Surrey (age 23) was created 1st Duke Surrey.

His second cousin once removed Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 29) was created 1st Duke Norfolk. Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk (age 31) by marriage Duchess Norfolk.

His first cousin Edward York 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle (age 24) was created 1st Duke Albemarle aka Aumale. Beatrice Burgundy Countess Rutland and Cork (age 24) by marriage Duchess Albemarle aka Aumale.

His illegitimate first cousin John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset (age 24) was created 1st Marquess Somerset, 1st Marquess Dorset. Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence (age 12) by marriage Marchioness Somerset, Marchioness Dorset.

Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 33) was created 1st Earl of Westmoreland. Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 18) by marriage Countess of Westmoreland.

Around 1401. Jean Creton Chronicler. The Capture and Death of King Richard. King Richard II of England delivered to the citizens of London.

On 29 Sep 1402 Ferdinand Aviz was born to King John I of Portugal (age 50) and Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 42). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 29 Sep 1469 brothers Humphrey Neville of Brancepeth (age 30) and Charles Neville of Brancepeth were beheaded at York [Map] in the presence of King Edward IV of England (age 27) and Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 40) bringing to an end the Neville-Neville feud that arose as a consequence of the senior line being dis-inherited.

Warkworth's Chronicle 1470. 29 Sep 1470. But anone one of the oste went oute frome the fellawschippe, and tolde Kynge Edwarde alle manere of thynge, and bade hym avoyde, for he was not strong enoghe to gyff batayle to Markes Montagu (age 39); and then anone Kynge Edwarde haysted hym in alle that he might to the towne of Lynne, and ther he toke schyppynge one Michaelmesse day, in the x. yere of his regne, with Lorde Hastynges, that was the Kynges ChambEarlyne, Lorde Say, withe dyverse other knyghtes and squires, passed and saylede overe the see into Flaunders, to his brother-in-lawe1 the Duke of Burgeyne2, for socoure and helpe, &c.

Note 1. The Harl. MS. 7353, is a most curious roll on vellum, containing pictures on one side representing parts of scripture history, and on the other assumed similar transactions in the life of Edward IV. We have, 1. The King on his throne. 2. The King encouraging his soldiers. 3. The King with a triple sun shining upon him through three golden crowns, and saying "Domine! quid vis me facere? [Lord! What do you want me to do?]" 4. Pardoning Henry after the battle of Northampton. 5. Setting sail for Calais. At the bottom is a genealogical tree, with portraits of all the members of the houses of York and Lancaster, very fantastically arranged.

Note 2. Duke of Burgeyne. Charles the Bold (age 36), Duke of Burgundy, married Edward's sister on the 18th of June, 1467 [1468?]. It was to this marriage that Edward owed his preservation abroad, and the final recovery of his kingdom. An account of the marriage, with the reception of the Princess in Flanders, may be seen in MS. Cotton. Nero, C. IX. Cf. Cart. Antiq. Mus. Brit. XI. 54.

Letters. 29 Sep 1520. 996. For Sir Thos. Boleyn (age 43) and Elizabeth (age 40) his wife, Margaret Boleyn (age 66), widow, a daughter and heir of Thos. late Earl of Ormond, and John Trevethen, Thos. Barrett, Wm. Tusser and Nich. Fynche.

Pardon for the alienation of the manor of Fritwell, Oxon [Map]. Westm., 29 Sept.

Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Sep 1551. The xxix day of September was Saynt Myghell, the Kyng grase dyd where the robes of order of [Saint] Myghell with skalopshells of Franse; and the sam tyme was chossen of the order of the garter the lord chamburlayne Darcy (age 44), in the plasse of ser John Wallop knyght of the gartter and captayn of Gynes.

Note. The king wearing the order of St. Michael. "The fest of Michelmas was kept by me in the robes of th'ordre." (King Edward's Diary.) The following minutes are from the register of the privy council:

"14 June, 1551. This daye the French ambassador had accesse to the lordes, to whom he declared that the kinge his master and the company of the ordere of Saint Michael had appointed the kinges majestie to be of the same order, for which purpose the marshall St. Androwe was enjoyned to bringe the same order to his majestie, prainge his majestie that he would accepte the same accordinglye." (MS. Harl. 352, f. 160b.)

"June 22, 1551. A Letter of apparance to the deane of Windsore, that for asmuch as there shall arive here shortely a nobleman sente from the French kinge wth the order of St. Michalle to bee presented to the kinges Matie, and to bringe wth him such recordes as remayne in his custodie, as well for the acceptacion of the said order by his majesties behalfe, or for any other thinge by ceremony concerning the said order; and that all thinges there may be put in good order for the celebracione of St. George's feaste, and to bringe wth him also a note of so muche money of the poore knights as he hathe in his custodie." (Ibid. f. 161b.) King Edward was invested by the ambassador at Hampton Court on the 16th of July, as detailed by himself in his diary, and more fully in Ashmole's History of the Garter, pp. 368, 369. The documentary instruments brought to England on this occasion are still preserved in the Chapter House at Westminster.

Note. P. 9. The king wearing the order of St. Michael. The robes of Saint Michael worn by king Edward the Sixth were preserved for fifty years after in the royal wardrobe,—Elizabeth, who never parted with any of her own gowns, nor with those of her sister that had come into her possession, retaining these also among her stores. They were thus described in the year 1600: "Robes late king Edwarde the VIth's. Firste, one robe of clothe of silver, lyned with white satten, of th'order of St. Michale, with a brode border of embrodirie, with a wreathe of Venice gold and the scallop shell, and a frenge of the same golde, and a small border aboute that; the grounde beinge blew vellat, embrodered with half-moones of silver; with a whoode and a tippet of crymsen vellat, with a like embroderie, the tippet perished in one place with ratts; and a coate of clothe of silver, with demi-sleeves, with a frenge of Venice golde." Nichols's Progresses, &c. of Queen Eliz.—In the Addit. MS. (Brit. Mus.) 6297, art. 7 describes "How king Edward VI. received the order of St. Michael."

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Sep 1553. The xxix day of September the Qwuen('s) (age 37) grace mad knyghts of the Bathe xv; the furst was the yerle of Devonshyre (age 26), the yonge yerle of Surray (age 17), the iijde lord of Borgane, and lord Barkley, the lord Monjoye (age 20), lord Sowche (age 27), ser Wylliam Pallet, my lord Cardyff (age 52), the lord Wyndsore('s) (age 54) sune (age 21), sir Ryche('s) sune, sir Clynton, ser Pagett, ser Robart Rochaster, ser Hare Jernyngham (age 41), ser Edward Dormer.

Note. P. 45. The knights of the Bath made at the coronation of queen Mary were, Edward earl of Devonshire (age 26), Thomas earl of Surrey (age 17), William lord Herbert of Cardiff (age 52), Henry lord Bergavenny (age 23), Henry lord Berkeley (age 18), John lord Lumley, James lord Mountjoy (age 20), sir Robert Rochester (age 59), controller of the queen's house, sir Henry Jerningham (age 41), sir William Powlett (age 21), sir Henry Clinton, sir Hugh Rich, sir Henry Paget, sir Henry Parker, and sir William Dormer. The arms of these knights are beautifully tricked in the Cottonian MS. Claudius C. III.

Note. P. 45. Coronation of queen Mary. A document respecting the claims at this coronation has been printed in the Society's volume of Rutland Papers, p. 118: and, as there mentioned, a formulary of the ceremonial is in the library of the Society of Antiquaries.

On 29 Sep 1553 Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Sep 1555. The xxix day of September was the grettest rayn and fludes that ever was sene in England, that all low contreys was drounyd, and in dyver plasses boyth men and catell drounyd, and all the marssys, and sellers boyth of wyne and bere and alle and odur marchandysse, in London and odur plassys, drounyd; and the rayne begane after Bathellmuw-tyd telle sant Edwardes tyde, after not x days fayre....ij goodly whytt branchys and xij longe torchys .... stayffes torchys grett, and a c. mornars in blake, [xij poor] men and xij women, and all xxiiij in rosett gownes [and the] vomen raylles apon ther heds, and iiij gylt candyllstykes, with iiij grett tapurs and xx prestes and xx clarkes.

On 29 Sep 1560 King Gustav I of Sweden (age 64) died. His son King Erix XIV of Sweden (age 26) succeeded XIV King Sweden.

On 29 Sep 1599 Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex (age 33) was compelled to stand before the Council during a five-hour interrogation. The Council, which included his uncle William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (age 55), took a quarter of an hour to compile a report, which declared that his truce with O'Neill was indefensible and his flight from Ireland tantamount to a desertion of duty. He was committed to the custody of Sir Richard Berkeley (age 68) in his own York House [Map] on 1 October.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 29 Sep 1617. The 29th my Lord (age 28) came here to Knole from his long journey. All this Michaelmas did my Lord (age 28) receive four thousand pounds of my Uncle the Earl of Cumberland, which was the first penny that I received of my portion.

Pepy's Diary. 29 Sep 1664. Up and to the office, where all the morning, dined at home and Creed with me; after dinner I to Sir G. Carteret (age 54), and with him to his new house he is taking in Broad Streete, and there surveyed all the rooms and bounds, in order to the drawing up a lease thereof; and that done, Mr. Cutler, his landlord, took me up and down, and showed me all his ground and house, which is extraordinary great, he having bought all the Augustine Fryers, and many, many a £1000 he hath and will bury there.

Pepy's Diary. 29 Sep 1664. So to supper and to bed. Fresh newes come of our beating the Dutch at Guinny quite out of all their castles almost, which will make them quite mad here at home sure. And Sir G. Carteret (age 54) did tell me, that the King (age 34) do joy mightily at it; but asked him laughing, "But", says he, "how shall I do to answer this to the Embassador when he comes?" Nay they say that we have beat them out of the New Netherlands too1 so that we have been doing them mischief for a great while in several parts of the world; without publique knowledge or reason. Their fleete for Guinny is now, they say, ready, and abroad, and will be going this week. Coming home to-night, I did go to examine my wife's house accounts, and finding things that seemed somewhat doubtful, I was angry though she did make it pretty plain, but confessed that when she do misse a sum, she do add something to other things to make it, and, upon my being very angry, she do protest she will here lay up something for herself to buy her a necklace with, which madded me and do still trouble me, for I fear she will forget by degrees the way of living cheap and under a sense of want.

Note 1. Captain (afterwards Sir Robert) Holmes' (age 42) expedition to attack the Dutch settlements in Africa eventuated in an important exploit. Holmes suddenly left the coast of Africa, sailed across the Atlantic, and reduced the Dutch settlement of New Netherlands to English rule, under the title of New York. "The short and true state of the matter is this: the country mentioned was part of the province of Virginia, and, as there is no settling an extensive country at once, a few Swedes crept in there, who surrendered the plantations they could not defend to the Dutch, who, having bought the charts and papers of one Hudson, a seaman, who, by the commission from the crown of England, discovered a river, to which he gave his name, conceited they had purchased a province. Sometimes, when we had strength in those parts, they were English subjects; at others, when that strength declined, they were subjects of the United Provinces. However, upon King Charles's claim the States disowned the title, but resumed it during our confusions. On March 12th, 1663-64, Charles II granted it to the Duke of York (age 30) ... The King (age 34) sent Holmes, when he returned, to the Tower, and did not discharge him; till he made it evidently appear that he had not infringed the law of nations ". (Campbell's "Naval History", vol. ii, p., 89). How little did the King (age 34) or Holmes himself foresee the effects of the capture, B.

On 29 Sep 1665 Martin Noell (age 65) died of plague.

After 29 Sep 1679. Monument to John Manners 8th Earl of Rutland (deceased) and Frances Montagu Countess Rutland. Monument sculpted by Grinling Gibbons (age 31).

On 29 Sep 1680 Louise Dorothea Hohenzollern was born to Frederick I King Prussia (age 23) and Elisabeth Henriëtte Hesse-Kassel (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.64%.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 29 Sep 1690. Monday, Huson, Tomkinson, &c. went to Chester to sell cattle, horses, wooll, &c. Ned the postilion & the kitchenmayd went away; one Cooper came from Shrewsbery about a debt of Rogers; came at 11, dined, & went before 2; a carpenter came from Mr Ellis Lloyd to see our cydermill; went againe before dinner; no other company.

Evelyn's Diary. 29 Sep 1695. Very cold weather. Sir Purbeck Temple, uncle to my son Draper, died suddenly. A great funeral at Addiscombe. His lady being own aunt to my son Draper, he hopes for a good fortune, there being no heir. There had been a new meeting of the commissioners about Greenwich Hospital [Map], on the new commission, where the Lord Mayor, etc. appeared, but I was prevented by indisposition from attending. The weather very sharp, winter approaching apace. The King (age 44) went a progress into the north, to show himself to the people against the elections, and was everywhere complimented, except at Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map], where it was not as he expected, so that he hardly stopped an hour there, and having seen the theater, did not receive the banquet proposed. I dined with Dr. Gale (age 60) at St. Paul's school, who showed me many curious passages out of some ancient Platonists' MSS. concerning the Trinity, which this great and learned person would publish, with many other rare things, if he was encouraged, and eased of the burden of teaching.

On 29 Sep 1719 Henry Johnson Baron Wentworth (age 58) died of gout at Bath, Somerset [Map].

On 29 Sep 1833 Ferdinand VII King Spain (age 48) died. His daughter Isabella II Queen Spain (age 2) succeeded Queen Spain. Her succession was disputed by her uncle Infante Carlos María Isidro of Spain (age 45) since her father Ferdinand VII King Spain (age 48) had modified the laws of the Salic Spanish Succession, known as the Pragmatic Sanction, shortly before her birth. Traditionally the Spanish succession has allowed females to inherit. When Philippe V King Spain inherited the throne he introduced the French Salic Law barring females.

Adeline Horsey Recollections. It is said that few people achieve greatness, but that some have it thrust upon them. I can class myself with the latter, for I could have married a Prince of the Royal Family of Spain, the Count de Montemolin (age 26), who was at one time regarded as the rightful King of Spain.

Carlos Luis Fernando de Bourbon, Count de Montemolin (age 26), born 1818, was the eldest son of the first Don Carlos (age 45), the legitimist claimant to the Spanish throne on the death of his brother, Fernando VII (age 48), in 1833. After the ending of the first Carlist war in the defeat of the legitimists and the establishment of Isabella (age 14) on the throne, the old Don Carlos (age 56) retired into private life and abdicated his claims in 1845 to his eldest son Montemolin (age 26), who thus became the second Don Carlos. He was a young man of some ability but weak and unstable. There was a strong party in Spain desirous to bring about a reconciliation of the two branches of the Royal Family by a marriage between the young Queen Isabella (age 14) and her first cousin, Montemolin (age 26), but political passion and personal animosity stood in the way, and all Europe took part in the intrigue known as the Spanish Marriages. This ended of course in the disastrous marriage of Isabella (age 14) with her cousin Francisco, and that of her sister Fernanda (age 12) with the Due de Montpensier (age 20), the son of Louis Philippe (age 71), a defeat for English diplomacy which nearly caused a war with France. The Carlists had never been favourable to the idea of a marriage of Montemolin (age 26) and Isabella (age 14), whom they regarded as a usurper, and they looked out a legitimist Royal Princess for him. His younger brother, Don Juan (age 22), married Princess Beatrix of Modena, and their son was the late Don Carlos. Queen Isabella married in 1846, and dissensions very soon broke out between her and her wretched husband, who really, like most of the Royal Family, was a Carlist at heart. Montemolin had issued a manifesto at Bourges in France in 1845, when he saw that he could not marry Isabella (age 14) on his own terms, and his father had abdicated in the same year, and he soon after came to London, mustered his party, and began to organise a fresh Carlist rising in Spain. English diplomacy had suffered a great defeat and he found plenty of people here to help him; he was made much of in Society and became a lion for a time, being treated with full royal honours.

On 29 Sep 1853 Thyra Glücksburg Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale was born to King Christian IX of Denmark (age 35) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 36). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.84%.

Bole Hill. On the 29th of September, we examined the remains of a large tumulus at Bole Hill, on Bakewell Moor, near that [Bole Hill Barrow [Map]] investigated on the 24th of August, 1843. (Vestiges, page 47.) By measurement with a tape, the diameter was ascertained to be exactly 23 yards; about eighteen inches only in height remained, the upper part having been removed at the time of the enclosure of the common for the sake of the stone. The remainder consisted entirely of small gravelly stone, the upper moiety having been much disturbed, together with all the later interments that had been deposited above the natural surface; of these we observed the remnants of at least two, some in their natural state, others calcined. We also found a few articles of different dates, the most modem being a small piece of kiln-baked pottery, of coarse texture, and red colour, and a circular stud of green glass, which may possibly have graced the centre of a fibula, as a fictitious gem; a more ancient object was the point of a very slender bronze dagger, much attenuated by frequent sharpening; it was in two pieces, which lay some distance apart: there were many bones and teeth of animals amongst the gravel, and when we arrived at a depth that left only six or eight inches of artificial ground above the natural level, we observed innumerable rat' bones, and in the gravel just below, near the centre of the barrow, we discovered the primary interment in a state of advanced decay; it was the skeleton of a man lying on his left side, with the knees drawn up and the head to the north-east; beneath the head was a very rude instrument of grey flint, nearly round, which was the only article of man's device found near him. From the unmanageable nature of the clayey soil on which the skeleton lay, and the friable condition of the bones, no measurement of the long bones could be taken, but fortunately so many pieces of the skull were recovered as to allow of its restoration. To us it appears a remarkable example, and may be described as having the calvarium long, narrow, and conveying the idea of lateral pressure; the forehead retreating, with the frontal sinuses prominent, the facial bones large, and the upper maxiilaries, together with the lower jaw, strong and wide.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1866 V10 Pages 209-216. Excavations at Avebury. Under the Direction of the Secretaries of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, September 29th,— October 5th, 1865.

Note. In preparing the following account, I have had the advantage of comparing the notes which Mr. King and Mr. Cunnington also took of our daily work as it proceeded, and from the three several accounts I have compiled this paper. Alfred Charles Smith.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1866 V10 Pages 209-216. On September 29th of last year, Mr. Cunnington and I, on behalf of our Society, began some considerable researches within the area of the temple at Avebury, sinking holes in many places, running trenches across certain spots, and tunnelling the large external mound, and tapping it at several points, with the view of thoroughly examining its structure and materials; and in every case digging down to the chalk or clay which forms the natural substratum of the district.

In these explorations we were materially assisted by the respected Vicar of the parish, the Rev. Bryan King (age 53), who very kindly directed and superintended the workmen, whenever neither of us was able to be on the spot, and otherwise furthered our operations. We were also most kindly and zealously aided by those true friends of archaeology, Mr. George Brown and Mr. Kemm, who not only sanctioned our somewhat unceremonious disturbance of their land, but abetted us to the utmost of their power, by providing the labourers and all the materiel required for carrying out the work.

To these gentlemen as well as to Mr. Robert Smith, who suffered us to dig an extensive trench across one of his fields, we beg at the outset to tender our hearty thanks, as without their permission and assistance, we could of course have done nothing.

On 29 Sep 1898 Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 81) died.

On 29 Sep 1915 Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur George Edward Egerton (age 36) was killed in action at the Battle of Loos.

Throwley. On the same day we opened another barrow on Throwley Moor, which, like the last in the same locality, is formed on an uneven protuberance of rock; it is thirteen yards diameter. About two feet from the surface, near the centre, we found a shallow rounded grave, about three feet in average diameter, the bottom covered with black ashes, amongst which were a few dislocated bones, above which were some large pieces of a plain globular urn of considerable size, which had been perforated at the side with two small holes, like a similar vessel found at Steep Low [Map], near Alstonefield, in 1845. At no great distance was ano ther depression in the rock, seven feet long and just wide enough to receive a human body, the broken remains of which were accompanied by a few calcined bones and one chipping of flint. A piece of the urn was found in the earth above.

On 29 Sep 1949 George Henry Hubert Lascelles 7th Earl Harewood (age 26) and Marion Stein Countess Harewood (age 22) were married at St Mark's Church North Audley Street. King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 53), his uncle, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Queen Consort England (age 49), Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 82) Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 52), his mother, and other members of the Royal family attended the wedding. He the son of Henry Lascelles 6th Earl Harewood and Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 52). He a grandson of George V King United Kingdom.

Marion Stein Countess Harewood: On 18 Oct 1926 she was born at Vienna. On 06 Mar 2014 she died.

Blore. 29th of September, we examined a tumulus at Pike Low [Map], between the villages of Waterhouses and Waterfall, which had likewise been destroyed by lime burning.

After 29 Sep 1984. Memorial to Predendary John Hugh Barker Andrews at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Weare Giffard.

Births on the 29th September

On 29 Sep 1259 Hugh Bardolf 1st Baron Bardolf was born.

On 29 Sep 1305 Henry Wittelsbach XIV Duke Bavaria was born to Stephen Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 34) and Jutta Jawor Duchess Bavaria.

On 29 Sep 1312 Henry Scrope 1st Baron Scrope of Masham was born to Geoffrey Scrope (age 27) and Ivette Ros (age 27) at Masham.

On 29 Sep 1328 Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales was born to Edmund of Woodstock 1st Earl Kent (age 27) and Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 31) at Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire [Map]. She a granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

On 29 Sep 1402 Ferdinand Aviz was born to King John I of Portugal (age 50) and Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 42). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 29 Sep 1408 Thomas Lumley 1st Baron Lumley was born to John Lumley (age 25) and Felicia Wodecok.

On 29 Sep 1548 William Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria was born to Albert V Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 20) and Anna Habsburg Spain Duchess Bavaria (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.

On 29 Sep 1574 Ludovic Stewart 2nd Duke Lennox 1st Duke Richmond was born to Esme Stewart 1st Duke Lennox (age 32) and Catherine Balsac Duchess Lennox.

On 29 Sep 1580 Gertrude Talbot Baroness Pierrepont Holme Pierrepoint was born to Henry Talbot (age 17) and Elizabeth Rayner (age 24).

On 29 Sep 1600 Thomas Aston 1st Baronet was born to John Aston (age 23).

On 29 Sep 1639 William Russell was born to William Russell 1st Duke Bedford (age 23) and Anne Carr Countess of Bedford (age 23).

On 29 Sep 1671 Arthur Somerset was born to Henry Somerset 1st Duke Beaufort (age 42) and Mary Capell Duchess Beaufort (age 41).

On 29 Sep 1680 Louise Dorothea Hohenzollern was born to Frederick I King Prussia (age 23) and Elisabeth Henriëtte Hesse-Kassel (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.64%.

On 29 Sep 1685 George Brudenell 3rd Earl Cardigan was born to Francis Brudenell (age 31) and Frances Savile (age 27).

On 29 Sep 1699 Charles Calvert 5th Baron Baltimore was born to Benedict Calvert 4th Baron Baltimore (age 20) and Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 20). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 Sep 1703 Thomas Needham 9th Viscount Kilmorey was born to Robert Needham 7th Viscount Kilmorey (age 20).

On 29 Sep 1728 Charles Sloane Cadogan 1st Earl Cadogan was born to Charles Cadogan 2nd Baron Cadogan (age 43) and Elizabeth Sloane Baroness Cadogan (age 33).

On 29 Sep 1729 James Duff 2nd Earl Fife was born to William Duff 1st Earl Fife (age 32).

On 29 Sep 1732 Henry Cavendish 2nd Baronet was born to Henry Cavendish 1st Baronet (age 25) and Anne Pyne (age 25).

On 29 Sep 1738 Michael D'Anvers 5th Baronet was born to John Danvers 3rd Baronet (age 65).

On 29 Sep 1782 Windham Quin 2nd Earl Dunraven and Mount Earl was born to Valentine Richard Wyndham Quin 1st Viscount Mount Earl 1st Earl Dunraven and Mount Earl (age 30).

On 29 Sep 1788 Francis Charles Stanhope was born to Charles Stanhope 3rd Earl of Harrington (age 35) and Jane Fleming Countess Harrington (age 33). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 Sep 1794 John Hadley D'Oyly 8th Baronet was born to John Hadley D'Oyly 6th Baronet (age 40) and Diana Rochfort Lady D'Oyly (age 39) at Calcutta, India.

On 29 Sep 1804 Jane Elizabeth Liddell Viscountess Barrington was born to Thomas Liddell 1st Baron Ravensworth (age 29) and Maria Susannah Simpson Baroness Calthorpe (age 31).

On 29 Sep 1811 Maria Louisa Vanneck was born to Joshua Vanneck 2nd Baron Huntingfield (age 33).

On 29 Sep 1829 Catherine Hamilton Noel was born to Charles Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 47) and Arabella Hamlyn-Williams.

On 29 Sep 1853 Thyra Glücksburg Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale was born to King Christian IX of Denmark (age 35) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 36). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.84%.

On 29 Sep 1855 Alice Emily White Countess Leicester was born to Luke White 2nd Baron Annaly (age 26).

On 29 Sep 1857 Matthew Wood 4th Baronet was born to Francis Wood 3rd Baronet (age 23).

On 29 Sep 1882 Alexandra Hanover was born to Ernest Augustus Hanover 3rd Duke Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 37) and Thyra Glücksburg Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 29). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 29 Sep 1886 Paul Ayshford Methuen 4th Baron Methuen was born to Paul Methuen 3rd Baron Methuen (age 41) and Mary Ethel Sanford Baroness Methuen.

On 29 Sep 1903 Evelyn Baring 1st Baron Howick was born to Evelyn Baring 1st Earl Cromer (age 62).

On 29 Sep 1911 Gerald Bridgeman 6th Earl of Bradford was born to Orlando Bridgeman 5th Earl Bradford (age 37) and Margaret Cecilia Bruce Countess Bradford (age 28).

On 29 Sep 1928 Eric Lubbock 4th Baron Avebury was born to John Lubbock 3rd Baron Avebury (age 13).

Marriages on the 29th September

On 29 Sep 792 Æthelred I of Northumbria (age 30) and Queen Ælfflæd of Northumbria were married. She by marriage Queen Northumbria. She the daughter of King Offa of Mercia and Cynethryth Queen Mercia. He the son of Æthelwald Moll King of Northumbria.

On 29 Sep 1308 (possibly 30th) in a Siblings Marriage de Clare siblings married de Burgh siblings at Waltham Abbey, Essex [Map] in the presence of King Edward II of England (age 24).

John Burgh (age 22) and Elizabeth Clare Lady Verdun (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford and Joan of Acre Countess Gloucester and Hertford. He the son of Richard "Red Earl" Burgh 2nd Earl Ulster (age 49) and Margaret Burgh Countess Ulster. She a granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

Gilbert de Clare 8th Earl Gloucester 7th Earl Hertford (age 17) and Matilda Burgh Countess Gloucester and Hertford (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Gloucester, Countess Hertford. She the daughter of Richard "Red Earl" Burgh 2nd Earl Ulster (age 49) and Margaret Burgh Countess Ulster. He the son of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford and Joan of Acre Countess Gloucester and Hertford. He a grandson of King Edward I of England.

Before 29 Sep 1442 John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 17) and Katherine Moleyns (age 18) were married. They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Around 29 Sep 1488 James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 25) and Joan Bourchier Baroness Audley and Tuchet were married. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 29 Sep 1494 David Kennedy 1st Earl Cassilis (age 24) and Agnes Borthwick were married.

Before 29 Sep 1502 Vladislaus II King Hungary (age 46) and Anna Foix Queen Consort of Hungary and Bohemia (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 27 years.

On 29 Sep 1679 William Wycherley (age 38) and Letitia Robartes Countess Drogheda (age 29) were married in secret fearing to lose the King's patronage. She the daughter of John Robartes 1st Earl Radnor (age 73) and Letitia Isabella Smythe Countess Radnor (age 49).

Before 29 Sep 1708 James Oxenden 2nd Baronet (age 67) and Arabella Watson Lady Oxenden were married. She by marriage Lady Oxenden of Dene in Kent.

On 29 Sep 1720 Francis Drake 4th Baronet (age 26) and Anne Heathcote Lady Drake (age 18) were married. She by marriage Lady Drake of Buckland in Devon.

On 29 Sep 1729 Walter Calverley aka Blackett (age 21) and Elizabeth Orde Lady Blackett were married. They were first cousins.

On 29 Sep 1782 George Legge 3rd Earl Dartmouth (age 26) and Frances Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Aylesford and Charlotte Seymour Countess Aylesford (age 52). He the son of William Legge 2nd Earl Dartmouth (age 51) and Frances Catherine Gounter Nicoll Countess Dartmouth (age 49). They were second cousin once removed.

On 29 Sep 1848 William Wells Addington 3rd Viscount Sidmouth (age 24) and Georgiana Susan Pellew Viscountess Sidmouth (age 18) were married. They were first cousins.

On 29 Sep 1949 George Henry Hubert Lascelles 7th Earl Harewood (age 26) and Marion Stein Countess Harewood (age 22) were married at St Mark's Church North Audley Street. King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 53), his uncle, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Queen Consort England (age 49), Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 82) Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 52), his mother, and other members of the Royal family attended the wedding. He the son of Henry Lascelles 6th Earl Harewood and Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 52). He a grandson of George V King United Kingdom.

Marion Stein Countess Harewood: On 18 Oct 1926 she was born at Vienna. On 06 Mar 2014 she died.

Deaths on the 29th September

On 29 Sep 1052 Sweyn Godwinson 1st Earl Hereford (age 31) died at Constantinople aka Istanbul, Turkey on his return from the Holy Land. Earl Hereford extinct.

On 29 Sep 1210 Mabel Marmion Baroness Burford (age 50) died at Worcestershire.

On 29 Sep 1241 Bishop Roger Niger died.

On 29 Sep 1253 Otto "Illustrious" Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria (age 47) died.

On 29 Sep 1268 John Burgundy Count Charolais (age 37) died.

On 29 Sep 1288 Matilda Reginar Countess Saint Pol (age 64) died.

On 29 Sep 1304 John Warenne 6th Earl of Surrey (age 73) died at Kennington, Kent. He was buried at Lewes Priory [Map]. His grandson John Warenne 7th Earl of Surrey (age 18) succeeded 7th Earl Surrey and inherited his estates including Conisbrough Castle [Map].

On 29 Sep 1349 Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 52) died of plague. Her son John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 19) succeeded 4th Baron Wake of Liddell and inherited her dower lands and the estates she had inherited from her brother Thomas Wake 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell.

On 29 Sep 1355 Katherine Saye Baroness St John Lagenham (age 40) died.

On 29 Sep 1360 Joan Auvergne Queen Consort France (age 34) died. Her son Philip I Duke Burgundy (age 14) succeeded Count Auvergne and Count Boulogne.

On 29 Sep 1364 Battle of Auray decided the Breton Succession in favour of John Montfort V Duke Brittany (age 25). The Breton and English army was commanded by John Chandos (age 44) and included William Latimer 4th Baron Latimer of Corby (age 34), Miles Stapleton (age 44) and Hugh Calverley (age 40). Charles "Saint" Chatillon Duke Brittany (age 45) was killed. Bertrand Geusclin (age 44) surrendered.

On 29 Sep 1439 Agnes Darcy Countess Kildare (age 61) died at Knayth.

On 29 Sep 1469 brothers Humphrey Neville of Brancepeth (age 30) and Charles Neville of Brancepeth were beheaded at York [Map] in the presence of King Edward IV of England (age 27) and Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 40) bringing to an end the Neville-Neville feud that arose as a consequence of the senior line being dis-inherited.

On 29 Sep 1530 Anne Bourchier Baroness Dacre of Gilsland (age 60) died.

On 29 Sep 1557 William Courtenay 2nd Earl Devon (age 28) died.

On 29 Sep 1558 George Brooke 9th Baron Cobham (age 61) died. His son William Brooke 10th Baron Cobham (age 30) succeeded 10th Baron Cobham. Dorothy Neville Baroness Cobham (age 33) by marriage Baroness Cobham.

On 29 Sep 1560 King Gustav I of Sweden (age 64) died. His son King Erix XIV of Sweden (age 26) succeeded XIV King Sweden.

On 29 Sep 1596 Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 56) died.

On 29 Sep 1616 Henry Clinton 2nd Earl Lincoln (age 75) died at Sempringham. His son Thomas Clinton 3rd Earl Lincoln (age 45) succeeded 3rd Earl Lincoln, 11th Baron Clinton. Elizabeth Knyvet Countess Lincoln (age 38) by marriage Countess Lincoln.

On 29 Sep 1642 William Stanley 6th Earl of Derby (age 81) died. His son James Stanley 7th Earl of Derby (age 35) succeeded 7th Earl Derby. Charlotte Thouars Countess Derby (age 42) by marriage Countess Derby.

On 29 Sep 1642 David Barry 1st Earl Barrymore (age 37) died in Castlelyons, County Cork. He was buried in Youghal, Cork. His son Richard Barry 2nd Earl Barrymore (age 11) succeeded 2nd Earl Barrymore.

On 29 Sep 1689 John Hotham 2nd Baronet (age 57) died. He was buried in St Mary's Church South Dalton. His son John Hotham 3rd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.

On 29 Sep 1700 Henry Every 2nd Baronet (age 70) died. His son Henry Every 3rd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baronet Every of Egginton in Derbyshire.

On 29 Sep 1708 James Oxenden 2nd Baronet (age 67) died without issue. His brother Henry Oxenden 3rd Baronet (age 63) succeeded 3rd Baronet Oxenden of Dene in Kent.

On 29 Sep 1763 Grace Fitzroy Countess Darlington (age 66) died.

On 29 Sep 1789 James Brydges 3rd Duke Chandos (age 57) died without male issue. Duke Chandos, Marquess Carnarvon, Earl Carnarvon, Viscount Wilton, Baron Chandos of Sudeley and Baronet Brydges of Wilton in Herefordshire extinct. His wife Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos (age 52) had pulled away a chair, whether inadvertently or deliberately is unknown, he was about to sit in causing him injuries from which he ultimately died. She was, thereafter, declared a lunatic and confined to their London home, 2 Queen Anne Street aka Chandos House Marylebone.

On 29 Sep 1798 John Parker Mosley 1st Baronet (age 66) died. His grandson Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baronet Mosley of Ancoats.

On 29 Sep 1830 Charlotte Granville Lady Williams-Wynn (age 76) died.

On 29 Sep 1830 John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 74) died. His son John Murray 5th Duke Atholl (age 52) succeeded 5th Duke Atholl, 6th Marquess Atholl, 7th Earl Atholl, 8th Earl Tullibardine, 10th Baron Strange Knockin.

On 29 Sep 1833 Ferdinand VII King Spain (age 48) died. His daughter Isabella II Queen Spain (age 2) succeeded Queen Spain. Her succession was disputed by her uncle Infante Carlos María Isidro of Spain (age 45) since her father Ferdinand VII King Spain (age 48) had modified the laws of the Salic Spanish Succession, known as the Pragmatic Sanction, shortly before her birth. Traditionally the Spanish succession has allowed females to inherit. When Philippe V King Spain inherited the throne he introduced the French Salic Law barring females.

On 29 Sep 1898 Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 81) died.

On 29 Sep 1910 Virginia Somers-Cocks Countess Somers (age 83) died.

On 29 Sep 1931 William Orpen (age 52) died.

On 29 Sep 1955 Emmeline "Nina" Welby-Gregory (age 88) died.

On 29 Sep 2014 Elizabeth Mairi Keppel Baroness Sudeley (age 72) died.