On this Day in History ... 30th June

30 Jun is in June.

1360 Release of King John II of France

1483 Coronation of Richard III

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1535 Execution of Bishop Fisher and Thomas More

1537 Bigod's Rebellion

1540 Arrest and Attainder of Thomas Cromwell

1596 Sack of Cádiz

1613 The Globe Theatre Burns Down

1632 Gunpowder Plot

1660 June Creation of Baronets

1665 Battle of Lowestoft

1670 Death of Henrietta Stewart

1685 Argyll's Rising

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 30th June

On 30 Jun 1360 King John "The Good" II of France (age 41) left the Tower of London [Map] and proceeded to Eltham Palace, Kent [Map] where Queen Philippa (age 46) had prepared a great farewell entertainment. Passing the night at Dartford, Kent [Map], he continued towards Dover, Kent [Map], stopping at the Maison Dieu of St Mary at Ospringe, and paying homage at the shrine of St Thomas Becket at Canterbury [Map] on 04 Jul 1360. He dined with the Black Prince (age 30) at Dover Castle [Map], and reached English-held Calais [Map] on 08 Jul 1360.

On 30 Jun 1470 Charles VIII King France was born to Louis "Father of the People" XI King France (age 46) and Charlotte Savoy Queen Consort France (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.65%.

Calendars. 30 Jun 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30). Westminster Palace [Map]. Commission to the king's kinsman John duke of Norfolk (age 58), to execute the office of steward of England at the king's coronation. By K.

Calendars. 30 Jun 1483 William Catesby (age 33) was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer. King Richard III of England (age 30). Westminster Palace [Map] Grant for life to William Catesby (age 33), esquire, of the office of Baron of the Exchequer, receiving the accustomed fees at the Exchequer or the receipt of the Exchequer, with all rights, profits and commodities. By p.s.

Letters and Papers 1517. 30 Jun 1517. Galba, B. VI. 224b. B. M. 3421. G. DE CROY (CHIEVRES) to the ENGLISH AMBASSADOR.

Has received his letters. Regrets that the sickness still prevails in England. Has heard nothing of the going of the Duke of Albany, and the dispatch of the Scotchmen, since they conferred together, but has written about it. The King will be at Middleburgh on Tuesday.

Hol., Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.

On or before 30 Jun 1528 John Stanley (age 18) died of sweating sickness; probably, the sweating sickness given there was an outbreak at the time. See Letters 1528 1440.

On 30 Jun 1528 William Compton (age 46) died of sweating sickness. His son Peter Compton (age 5) became a ward of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 55).. In his will he left Anne Stafford Countess Huntingdon (age 45) a life interest in property in Leicestershire and founded a chantry where prayers would be said daily for her soul.

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. 4440. P.S. There have died at Wolsey's house the brother (age 18) of the Earl of Derby (age 19) and a nephew of the Duke of Norfolk (age 55); and the Cardinal has stolen away with a very few people, letting no one know whither he has gone. The King has at last stopped twenty miles from here, at a house built by Wolsey, finding removals useless. I hear he has made his will, and taken the sacraments, for fear of sudden death. However, he is not ill. I have not written this with my own hand, as you do not read it easily when I write hastily.

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. 4440. The young lady (age 27) is still with her father. The King (age 37) keeps moving about for fear of the plague. Many of his people have died of it in three or four hours. of those you know there are only Poowits (deceased), Carey (deceased) and Cotton (age 46) dead; but Feuguillem, the marquis [Dorset] (age 51), my Lord William, Bron (Brown), Careu, Bryan [Tuke], who is now of the Chamber, Nourriz (Norris), Walop, Chesney, Quinston (Kingston), Paget, and those of the Chamber generally, all but one, have been or are attacked. Yesterday some of them were said to be dead. The King (age 37) shuts himself up quite alone. It is the same with Wolsey (age 55). After all, those who are not exposed to the air do not die. Of 40,000 attacked in London, only 2,000 are dead; but if a man only put his hand out of bed during twenty-four hours, it becomes as stiff as a pane of glass.

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. R. O. St. P. I. 304. 4439. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 55) to King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 37).

Is glad the King has escaped the plague. Has just heard of the death of Sir William Compton (age 46), and advises the King to stay the distribution of his offices for a time. Is sorry to be so far away from the King, but will at any time attend him with one servant and a page to do service in the King's chamber. Hampton Court [Map], 30 June. Signed.

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. R. O. St. P. I. 303. 4438. Hennege to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 55).

The King (age 37) begs you to be of good comfort, and do as he does. He is sorry that you are so far off, and thinks that if you were at St. Alban's [Map] you might every hour hear the one of the other, and his physicians attend upon you, should anything happen. News is come of the death of Sir William Compton (age 46). Suits are made for his offices, and the King wishes to have a bill of them. All are in good health at the Court, and they that sickened on Sunday night are recovered. The King (age 37) is merry, and pleased with your "mynone house" here. Tuesday.

P.S.-I will not ask for any of those offices for myself, considering the little time I have been in the King's service. The King sent for Mr. Herytage today, to make a new window in your closet, because it is so little.

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. R. O. 4442. Sir William Compton (age 46).

Will of Sir William Compton, made on 8 March 1522, 14 Henry VIII. Desires to be buried at Compton Wynyates [Map] in Warwickshire, beside his ancestors: That is if his wife (age 28) die before he return home from his journey, she be afterwards brought to Compton and buried there. Bequeaths to his wife (age 28) movables at Bettyschorne, and at the great park of Windsor, and the plate which belonged to Francis Cheyny, "my predecessor." If his wife be delivered of a son, bequeaths to him all his household stuff at Compton, with the plate which was given him by the French king in a schedule. His wife to have the control of it till the child be of age. If he have a son, bequeaths to each of his daughters 1,000 marks for their marriages, and 100 marks in plate. Wills that 40 pair of vestments be made of one suit, to be distributed to the parish churches in the counties of Warwick and Worcester, adjoining to Compton. All his apparel to be used in making vestments and other works of charity. Bequeaths to the abbey of Winchcomb his wedding gown of tynsen satin, to make a vestment that they may pray for the souls of his ancestors. Wills his executors to release to the monastery of Denny all the debts they owe him, and bequeaths to them £10 for an obit. Bequeaths goods to the value of 200 marks to be distributed to poor householders, and to the marriages of poor maids in the counties of Warwick and Worcester. Wills that a tomb of alabaster be prepared for his father, with his arms graven upon it. Bequeaths to the King (age 37) his little chest of ivory with gilt lock, "and a chest bourde under the same, and a pair of tables upon it," with all the jewels and treasure enclosed, now in his wife's custody; also "certain specialties to the sum of 1,000 marks, which I have of Sir Thomas Bullen (age 51), knight," for money lent to him. Wills that his children have their plate on coming to their full ages; i.e., on the males coming to the age of twenty-one, and the females to the age of eighteen.

Bequests to his sister [Elizabeth] Rudney, and his cousin John Rudney, her son. Wills that his mother's body be taken up and buried at Compton Wynyates [Map]. Bequest to the daughter of his aunt Appulby. £20 to be put in a box at the abbey of Winchecombe, to make defence for all such actions as may be wrongfully taken against his wife or his executors. Two chantries to be founded in his name at Compton Wynyates [Map], to do daily service for the souls of the King, the Queen, my Lady Anne Hastings (age 45), himself, his wife and ancestors. The priests to be appointed by the Abbot of Winchecombe, or, failing him, the Abbot of Evesham. 5 marks a year to be paid to the parson of Compton to keep a free grammar school. £100 a year to be paid to his wife during her life, for her jointure, besides her inheritance in Barkeley's lands. Bequests to the monasteries of Evesham, Hayles, Winchecombe, Worcester, Croxton, the charterhouses of Henton and Coventry, for obits; to Sir William Tyler, Sir Thomas Lynne, Thomas Baskett and George Lynde; to his servants who happen to be with him this journey; to John Draper, his servant, and Robert Bencare, his solicitor; to Griffin Gynne, now with Humphrey Brown, serjeant-at-law, for his learning; and to Lady Anne Hastings (age 45). Executors appointed: Dame Warburgh my wife (age 31), the bishop of Exeter (age 66), Sir Henry Marney, Lord Privy Seal, Sir Henry Guildford (age 39), Sir Richard Broke, Sir John Dantsy, Dr. Chomber, Humphrey Brown, serjeant-at-law, Thomas Leson, clk., James Clarell and Thomas Unton. Appoints my Lord Bishop of  Canterbury (age 78) supervisor of his will. Gifts to the executors.

3. Bargain and sale by Sir Henry Guildford (age 39), Humphrey Brown, Thomas Hunton and Thomas Leeson, as executors of Sir William Compton, to Sir Thomas Arundell, of certain tenements in St Swithin's Lane [Map], [London,] lately in the possession of Lewis... and Humphrey... as executors of Sir Richard Wingfield.

4. Inventory of the goods of Sir William Compton in his house in London.

Ready money, gold and silver, 1,£338 7s. 0½d. Jewels of gold and silver, £898 6s. 2d. Gilt plate, £85 5s. 3d. Parcel gilt plate, £31 12s. 2d. White plate, £90 0s. 3½d. Silks, £210 13s. 6d.=2,£654 4s. 5d.

5. Names of the officers upon the lands late Sir William Compton's.

[Note. Lots of names of Steward and Bailiffs and values.].

6. Inquisition taken in Middlesex on the death of Sir William Compton, 20 Henry VIII.

Found that Richard Broke, serjeant-at-law, [Walter Rodney] [Names in brackets crossed out], William Dyngley and John Dyngley, now surviving, with [Sir Rob. Throgmerton and William Tracy,]* deceased, were seized of the manors of Totenham, Pembrokes, Bruses, Daubeneys and Mokkyngs, with lands in Tottenham, Edelmeton and Enfeld, to Compton's use; and that George Earl of Shrewsbury (age 60), Henry Earl of Essex, John Bourchier Lord Bernes (age 61), [Sir Rob. Ratclyf,]* Rob. Brudenell (age 67), justice of the King's Bench, Richard Sacheverell (age 61) [and Thomas Brokesby],* now surviving, with [Sir Ralph Shyrley,]* deceased, were seized of the manor of Fyncheley and lands in Fyncheley and Hendon to his use. His son, Peter Compton (age 5), is his heir, and is six years old and over.

7. Citation by Wolsey (age 55), as legate, of Sir William Compton, for having lived in adultery with the wife (age 45) of Lord Hastings (age 41), while his own wife, dame Anne Stafford Countess Huntingdon (age 45), was alive, and for having taken the sacrament to disprove it.

4443. Sir William Compton.

Inventory of the goods of Sir William Compton at his places in London, Compton, Bittisthorne, the Great Park of Windsor, Sir Walter Stoner's place. Total of moveables, 4,£485 2s. 3½d. "Sperat dettes," estimated at 3,£511 13s. 4d. "Chatell Royall," £666 13s. 4d.

Wards.-One ward that cost £466 13s. 4d.; another of 500 marks land; the third, "Sir George Salynger's son and his heir." There is at Windsor Great Park plate embezzled to the value of £579 2s. 6d., as appears by a bill found in Sir William's place at London. Desperate debts estimated at 1,£908 6s. 8d. Debts owing by him estimated at £1,000

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. Le Grand, III. 143. 4440. Du Bellay (age 36) to Montmorency.

Such conversations as he has had with Wolsey (age 55) he has pretty well foreseen. Will not presume to say things are going wrong, but if they go on, you will not gain much. I protest, if I have not my recall, I will go without it; and whoever would whip me, not being my master, shall find I fear less 100 deaths than one dishonor. Job would have lost patience in my place. Whatever you have done, I hear from Richard d'Albene that he has not a crown, and I am sure if my man had one, he has given it him. He would have spent 1,000 crowns in nine months in that stupid way;-a good thing to resolve me, seeing I had assigned all my property to bankers and bull-brokers before my departure.

Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. 4440. So they do need patience; but I would sooner endure that than what is inflicted on me, for it does not last so long. But, with your aid, or even without it, I mean to be off. After my protests for the last four months, no one will be able to blame me. Let those who have the charge look to it. Moreover, in choosing the persons, you had better not send an Italian, for Wolsey (age 55) will not have one. Some days ago he told me he would not trust them for their partiality; besides, a man who speaks Latin is required, and he has often been in terrible difficulty for want of it; but you have plenty of bishops and others who will do. In any case, don't send a man who will not spend money, else matters will not mend. I do not speak without reason.

As Wolsey told me he would cause the money of the contribution to be paid to me for you, I spoke to a merchant that it might be paid you at Lyons. Let me know how much is due to you at the end of July, if, as I suppose, it begins on the first day of this month.

Wolsey is informed of great overtures made by the Emperor to the Venetians and duke of Bari, which he thinks they will accept, and that the Duke's ambassador had yielded to the Emperor the investiture of Milan, pretending he had been forced to do so.

The King and Wolsey wish a confirmation by France of the privileges of the isles of Guernsey [Map],-a sort of neutrality which they obtained long ago from the Pope. Such a confirmation was made by Louis XI. London, 30 June.

Letters and Papers 1535. 30 Jun 1535. 949. Sends bills in accordance with this interpretation of prophecy, which will show what hope there is of putting affairs right again. If there be no remedy all will go to ruin. It is wonderful that the people are not Lutheran before this, considering what the King causes to be said. Hears from Rome that the Pope was determined to grant the executorials, and the death of the good Bishop of Rochester (deceased) will not alter his decision. Some think that if commerce (contractacion) was forbidden by virtue of the executorials, the people would rise and put things right themselves, especially during this distrust of Frauce. Already they begin to murmur, because ever since these executions began it has rained continually, and they say it is the vengeance of God. Refers him to his letters to the Emperor. London, 30 June 1535.

Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1.

Letters and Papers 1535. 30 Jun 1535. Vienna Archives. 949. Chapuys to [Granvelle].

Sends a gallant and notable interpretation of a chapter of the Apocalypse which was played on the eve of St. John. To see it, the King went thirty miles from here, walked 10 miles at 2 o'clock at night with a two-handed sword, and got into a house where he could see everything. He was so pleased at seeing himself cutting off the heads of the clergy, that in order to laugh at his ease, and encourage the people, he discovered himself. He sent to tell his lady (age 34) that she ought to see the representation of it repeated on the eve of St. Peter.

Letters 1536. 30 Jun 1536. Vienna Archives. 1227. Charles V. to Chapuys.

Has received his letters of the 6th by his man George. Is much pleased with his conduct to the king of England, his ministers, and the new Queen (age 27), and with his good advice to the Princess [Mary].

As to the principal point, the persistence of the King and Cromwell that he should persuade the Emperor to make peace, nothing could justify the Emperor's conduct better than his answer, to show the French king's obstinacy in refusing his offers, especially that of Milan for the duke of Angoulême, which, in the answer he has sent to Rome, he insists upon having for the duke of Orleans. He also refuses to restore what he has taken from the duke of Savoy, and has gone on from bad to worse, even to a war against the Emperor, whose ambassador he has dismissed, while he has invaded the Low Countries. Does not think the mediation of the king of England, or of any one else, is any good, nor does he see how he can now listen to the proposals. Is pleased with the ambassador's telling Henry that the only method to bring Francis to reason is for him to declare himself openly on the Emperor's side. Gives him arguments to use to the King and Cromwell for this purpose, referring to his letters from Gaeta and Asti. Sends a copy of a letter which he writes to the King, and a new power. His letters from Gaeta will serve for instructions.

If the King insists on no peace being made with France unless he gets his claim, according to previous agreement between him and the Emperor, the ambassador must first find out Henry's intention about the declaration and the assistance which he will give, and whether there is any appearance of his procuring any money for the enterprise. If he really intends to give good aid, the ambassador may promise that the Emperor will not make peace without his intervention and without regard to his honor and the weal of his kingdom. If he wants more security he may take time to consult the Emperor, or, if the King will not wait, he may treat on the lines of the old treaties, binding the Emperor as little as possible. If there is no hope of his assisting, the ambassador must procure his neutrality.

Nothing must be treated or promised which is directly or indirectly against the Pope or his authority, or to the prejudice of the Council. If he cannot induce the King to return to his obedience to the Holy See, or remit his differences with the Pope to the Emperor and to the Council, no treaty must be entered into, but the matter must be discussed in a friendly way to gain time and see how our enterprise succeeds.

The ambassador has done well in telling the king of England and his ministers what the Emperor wrote about the marriage of the said King with the infanta of Portugal, daughter of the Queen of France our sister, though there is no chance of it taking effect, as the King will have seen the Emperor's good will by it.

Is desirous of the marriage between Don Luys of Portugal and the Princess. It would be a means to reduce the King to obedience to the Church and the Emperor's friendship. In this case it would be important for the Princess to be declared heiress, at least in case of no male heirs. Has some hopes of this from the demonstration lately made by the King, the Queen's goodwill to her, and the words of Cromwell. In any case the King cannot prejudice her rights. If he will not make this declaration, the ambassador must find out what portion he will give her in ready money and in the future, and promise that the Emperor will do the best he can for the good of both parties and to content the King.

Finally, he is to do his best to get the King of England to declare himself against France and assist the Emperor with money, for it is too late to get men from him, and would do no good, and also to treat the said marriage if it can be accomplished. If not, or if the King demands exorbitant terms, he must negociate at least to prevent his aiding France.

Thinks it unnecessary to send any other personage to England; he has so much confidence in Chapuys, and it is so important in the first place to know how far the King's friendship is to be depended upon. If there were sufficient grounds to treat, would send some one either from here or Flanders. Desires to know what chances there are of the match with Portugal. Approves of his visiting the new Queen and commending to her the interests of the Princess. He may further declare the Emperor's pleasure on hearing of her marriage and of her goodwill to the Princess. Savillan in Piedmont, 30 June 1536.

Fr. From a modern copy, pp. 6.

On 30 Jun 1537 Thomas Darcy 1st Baron Darcy Templehurst (age 70) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. In 1539 he was postumously attainted; Baron Darcy of Darcy aka Templehurst forfeit.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 30 Jun 1537. This yeare, the 30th daie of June, the Lord Darcye (age 70) was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and his head sett on London Bridge, and his bodie buried at the Crossed Friars [Map] beside the Tower of London.

Also the Lord Hussey (deceased) was beheaded at Lyncolne, and Sir Robert Constable (age 59) was hanged at Hull in Yorkeshire in chaines. Aske (age 37) was hanged in the cittie of Yorke in chaines till he died.

Letters of Thomas Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell (age 55) to King Henry VIII. 30 Jun 1540.

This letter survives in two forms, as a heavily mutilated draft (British Museum Otho C. x f.247), and a finished copy (Hatfield House, Cecil Papers, 124-7)

To the king, my most gracious Sovereign lord, his Royal Majesty.

Most merciful king and most gracious sovereign lord, may it please the same to be advertised that the last time it pleased your benign goodness, to send unto me the right honourable Lord Chancellor, [Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 52)] the Right Honourable Duke of Norfolk [Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 67)], and the Lord Admiral [William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 50)] to examine, and also to declare to me, diverse things from your Majesty, amongst the which, one special thing they moved and thereupon charged me as I would answer, before God at the dreadful day of Judgement and also upon the extreme danger and damnation of my soul and conscience, to say what I knew in the marriage and concerning the marriage between your highness and the queen, to the which I answered as I knew, declaring to them the particulars as nigh as I then could call to remembrance, which when they had heard, they, in your Majesty’s name, and upon like charge as they had given me, before commanded me to write to your highness the truth as much as I knew in that matter, which now I do, and the very truth as God shall save me, to the uttermost of my knowledge.

First, after your Majesty heard of the lady Anne of Cleves’ arrival at Dover and that her journeys were appointed towards Greenwich, and that she should be at Rochester on New Year’s Eve at night, your highness declared to me that you would privily visit her at Rochester upon New Year’s Day, adding these words "to nourish love," which accordingly your Grace did upon New Year’s Day as is abovesaid. And the next day being Friday, your Grace returned to Greenwich where I spoke with your Grace and demanded of your Majesty how you liked the lady Anne. Your highness answered, as I thought heavily and not pleasantly, "nothing so well as she was spoken of." Saying further that if your highness had known as much before as you then knew, she should not have come within this realm, saying as by way of lamentation what remedy, unto the which I answered and said I knew none but was very sorry. Therefore, and so God knows, I thought it a hard beginning, the next day after the receipt of the said lady and her entry made into Greenwich and after your highness had brought her to her chamber, I then waited upon your highness in your privy chamber, and being there, your Grace called me to you, saying to me these words, or the like, "my lord, is it not as I told you, say what they will, she is nothing so fair as she has been reported, howbeit, she is well and seemly." Whereunto I answered, saying, "by my faith, Sir, you say truth," adding thereunto that yet I thought she had a queenly manner, and nevertheless was sorry that your Grace was no better content, and thereupon your Grace commanded me to call together your Council, which were these by name: the Archbishop of Canterbury, [Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 50)] the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk [Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 56)], my lord Admiral, my lord of Durham [Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 66)] and myself, to common of those matters, and to know what commission the Agents of Cleves had brought as well, touching the performance of the covenants sent before from hence to Doctor Wootton [Nicholas Wotton (age 43)] to have been concluded in Cleves, as also in the declaration how the matters stood for the covenants of marriage between the Duke of Lorraine’s son [Francis Lorraine I Duke Lorraine (age 22)] and the said lady Anne. Whereupon, Olisleger and Hoghestein were called and the matters purposed, whereby it plainly appeared that they were much astounded and abashed and desired that they might make answer in the next morning, which was Sunday. Upon Sunday in the morning, your said Councillors and they met early, and there again it was proposed unto them, as well touching the omission for the performance of the treaty and articles sent to Master Wootton, and also touching the contracts and covenants of marriage between the Duke of Lorraine’s son and the lady Anne, and what terms they stood in. To the which things so proposed, they answered as men much perplexed that as touching the commission they had none to treat concerning the articles sent to Mr. Wootton, and as to the contract and covenant of marriage they could say nothing but that a revocation was made, and that they were but spouseless, and finally after much reasoning they offered themselves to remain prisoners until such time as they should have sent unto them from Cleves, the first articles ratified under the Duke, [William La Marck Duke of Jülich Cleves Berg (age 23)] their Master’s, signature and seal, and also the copy of the revocation made between the Duke of Lorraine’s son and the lady Anne. Upon the which answers, I was sent to your highness by my lords of your said Council to declare to your highness what answer they had made, and came to your highness by the privy way into your privy chamber and declared to the same all the circumstances, where your Grace was very much displeased, saying I am not well handled, insomuch that I might well perceive that your highness was fully determined not to have gone through with the marriage at that time, saying unto me these word or the like, in effect that, "if it were not that she is come so far into my realm, and the great preparations that my states and people have made for her, and for fear of making of a ruffle in the world, that is to mean to drive her brother into the hands of the Emperor and French king’s hands, being now together, I would never have nor marry her," so that I might well perceive your Grace was neither content with the person nor yet content with the preceding of the Agents. And after dinner, the said Sunday, your Grace sent for all your said Councillors, and in repeating how your highness was handled as well as touching the said articles and also the said matter of the Duke of Lorraine’s son, it might, and I doubt not, did appear to them how loathe your highness was to have married at that time. And thereupon and upon the considerations aforesaid, your Grace thought that it should be well done that she should make a protestation before your said Councillors, and notaries to be present, that she was free from all contracts which was done accordingly. Thereupon, I repairing to your highness, declaring how that she had made her protestation, whereunto your Grace answered in effect the words, or much like, "there is none other remedy but that I must need against my will, put my neck in the yoke," and so I departed, leaving your highness in a study or pensiveness. And yet your Grace determined the next morning to go through, and in the morning which was Monday, your Majesty, preparing yourself towards the ceremony, there was some question who should lead here to church and it was appointed that the Earl of Essex [Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count Eu] desist, and an earl that came with her should lead her to church, and thereupon one came to your highness and said unto you that the Earl of Essex was not yet come, whereupon your Grace appointed me to be the one that should lead here. And so I went unto her chamber to the intent to have done your commandment, and shortly after I came into the chamber, the Earl of Essex had come, whereupon I repaired back again in to your Grace’s privy chamber and showed your highness how he had come, and thereupon your Majesty advanced towards the gallery out of your privy chamber, and your Grace, being in and about the middle of your chamber of presence, called me unto you, saying the words or the like in sentence, "my lord, if it were not to satisfy the world and my realm, I would not do that I must do this day for no earthly thing." And there, with one brought your Grace’s word that she was coming, and thereupon your Grace repaired into the gallery towards the closet and there paused her coming, being nothing content that she so long tarried as I judged then, and so consequently she came, and your Grace afterwards proceeded to the ceremony, and then being finished travelled the day, as appertained, and the night after the custom. And in the morning on Tuesday, I repairing to your Majesty in to your privy chamber, finding your Grace not so pleasant as I trusted to have done, I was so bold to ask your Grace how you liked the queen, whereunto your Grace soberly answered, saying that I was not all men, surely my lord as you know I liked her before not well but now I like her much worse. For to quote your highness; "I have felt her belly and her breasts and thereby as I can judge she should be not a maid, which struck me so to the heart when I felt them that I had neither will nor courage to proceed any further in other matters," saying, "I have left her as good a maid as I found her," which me thought then you spoke displeasantly, which I was very sorry to hear. Your highness also, after Candlemas, and before Shrovetide, once or twice said that you were in the same case with her as you were before and that your heart could never consent to meddle with her carnally. Notwithstanding, your highness alleged that you, for the most part, used to lie with her nightly or every second night, and yet your Majesty ever said that she was as good a maid for you as ever her mother bore her, for anything that you had ministered to her. Your highness showed me also in Lent last passed, at such time as your Grace had some communication with her of my lady Mary how that she began to wax stubborn and wilful, ever lamenting your fate and ever verifying that you had never any carnal knowledge with her, and also after Easter your Grace likewise at diverse times. In the Whitsun week. in your Grace’s privy chamber at Greenwich, exceedingly lamented your fate and that your greatest grief was that you should surely never have any more children for the comfort of this realm if you should so continue, assuring me that before God you thought she was never your lawfully wife, at which time your Grace knows what answer I made, which was that I would for my part do my uttermost to comfort and deliver your Grace of your affliction, and how sorry I was, both to see and hear your Grace. God knows your Grace diverse times since Whitsuntide declared the like to me, ever alleging one thing, and also saying that you had as much done to much the consent of your heart and mind as ever did man, and that you took God to witness, but ever you said the obstacle could never out of your mind, and gracious prince, after that you had first seen her at Rochester, I never thought in my heart that you were or would be contented with that marriage, and Sir, I know now in what case I stand in, which is only in the mercy of God and your Grace, if I have not to the uttermost of my remembrance said the truth and the whole truth in this matter, God never help me. I am sure as I think there is no man living in this your realm that knew more in this then I did, your highness only except, and I am sure my lord Admiral, calling to his remembrance, can show your highness and be my witness to what I said unto him after your Grace came from Rochester, and also after your Grace’s marriage, and also now of late since Whitsuntide, and I doubt not but many and diverse of my lords of your Council, both before your manage and since, have right well perceived that your Majesty has not been well pleased with your marriage, and as I shall answer to God I never thought your Grace content after you had once seen her at Rochester, and this is all that I know.

Most gracious and most merciful sovereign lord, beseeching almighty God, whoever in all your causes has ever counselled perceived, opened, maintained, relieved and defended your highness so he now will save to counsel you, preserve you, maintain you, remedy you, relieve and defend you as may be most to your honour, wealth prosperity, health and comfort of your heart’s desires. For the which, and for the long life and prosperous reign of your most royal Majesty, I shall, during my life and while I am here, pray to almighty God that He of his most abundant goodness, will help aid and comfort you, and after your continuance of Nestor’s1 years, that that most noble Imp, the prince’s grace, your most dear son, may succeed you to reign long, prosperously and felicitously to God’s pleasure, beseeching most humbly, your Grace to pardon this, my rude writing, and to consider that I am a most woeful prisoner, ready to take the death when it shall please God and your Majesty. Yet the frail flesh incites me continually to call to your Grace for mercy and pardon for my offences and in this, Christ save, preserve, and keep you. Written the Tower, this Wednesday the last of June, with the heavy heart and trembling hand of your highness’ most heavy and most miserable prisoner and poor slave.

Most gracious prince, I cry for mercye, mercye, mercye

Thomas Crumwell

Note 1. Nestor from the Iliad, known for wisdom and generosity, which increased as he aged. The comparison was considered a compliment

Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Jun 1557. The sam day the Kyng('s) (age 30) grace rod on untyng [hunting] in-to the forest, and kyllyd a grett stage with gones [guns].

On 30 Jun 1596 at two in the morning the Anglo-Dutch fleet could be seen from Cádiz Spain, but it could not enter the bay due to bad weather. At five o'clock in the morning, both sides commenced an intense artillery barrage. After two hours, the Spanish fleet, outnumbered by the English, had to retreat to the interior of the bay. In the fray, the Spanish galleons San Andrés and San Mateo were captured, while the San Felipe and Santo Tomás sank, set fire by their captains in the face of possible capture by the Anglo-Dutch forces. They entered the bay at eight o'clock in the morning.

Letters of the Court of James I 1613 Reverend Thomas Lorkin to Sir Thomas Puckering Baronet 30 Jun 1613. 30 Jun 1613. London. Reverend Thomas Lorkin to Thomas Puckering 1st Baronet (age 21).

My last letters advertised you of what had lately happened concerning Cotton, who yielding himself to the king's clemency, doth nevertheless utterly disavow the book, and constantly denieth to be the author of it. Hereupon, his study hath been searched, and there divers papers found, containing many several pieces of the said book, and (which renders the man more odious) certain relics of the late saints of the gunpowder treason, as one of Digby's fingers, Percy's toe, some other part either of Catesby or Bookwood (whether I well remember not), with the addition of a piece of one of Peter Lambert's ribs, to make up the full mess of them. If the proofs which are against him will not extend to the touching of his life, at least they will serve to work him either misery and affliction enough.

Upon Saturday last, being the 26th of this present, there was found, in the stone gallery at Whitehall, a certain letter, bearing address unto the king, which advertiseth him of a treasonable practice against his majesty's own person, to be put in execution the 4th day of the next month, as he went a-hunting (if the commodity so served), or otherwise, as they should find their opportunity; affirming that divers Catholics had therein joined hands, as finding no other means to relieve themselves in the liberty of their conscience; and how there was one great nobleman about his majesty that could give him further instructions of the particulars. That himself was appointed to have been an actor in it; but, touched with a remorse of dyeing his hands in his prince's blood, moved likewise with the remembrance of some particular favours which his father (saith he) had formerly received from his majesty, he could do no less than give him a general notice and warning of it. But because he instanceth not in any one particular, neither subscribed his name, it is held to be a mere invention to intimidate the king, and to beget some strange jealousies in his head of such as are conversant about him.

The prince is as to-morrow to begin housekeeping at Richmond. Sir David Murray and Sir Robert Car (age 35) have newly procured to be sworn (with Sir James Fullerton (age 50)), gentlemen of the bedchamber. Sir Robert Carey (age 50) hath taken no oath, and remains in the same nature that Sir Thomas Chaloner (age 54) did to the late prince deceased. Sir Arthur Mainwaring (age 33), Varnam, and Sir Edward Lewys (age 53), have at length, with much suit, obtained to be sworn gentlemen of his highness's privy chamber.

The great officers must rest still in a longer expectance, unless this occasion help them. The king (age 47) is desirous to relieve his wants by making estates out of the prince's lands; and having taken the opinion of the best lawyers what course is fittest to be followed, their judgment is, that no good assurance can be made unless the prince himself join likewise in the action. Now, this cannot be done without his council and officers for that purpose; so that it is supposed that some time in Michaelmas term next, before any conveyance be made, certain of these officers, if not all, shall be put again into the possession of their former places.

My Lord of Southampton (age 39) hath lately got licence to make a voyage over the Spa, whither he is either already gone, or means to go very shortly. He pretends to take remedy against I know not what malady; but his greatest sickness is supposed to be a discontentment conceived, that he cannot compass to be made one of the privy council; which, not able to brook here well at home, he will try if he can better digest it abroad.

No longer since than yesterday, while Burbage's company were acting at the Globe the play of Henry VIII, and there shooting off certain chambers in way of triumph, the fire catched and fastened upon the thatch of the house, and there burned so furiously, as it consumed the whole house, all in less than two hours, the people having enough to do to save themselves1.

You have heretofore heard of Widdrington's book2, wherein he maintains against the usurpation of popes, the right of kings in matters temporal. This book hath been undertaken to be confuted by some in France; but the author hath proceeded so far in his confutation against kings' prerogatives, as the Court of Parliament at Paris have censured the book, and given order to have the sentence printed.

It is bruited abroad here, that Sir Thomas Puckering (age 21) is grown a very hot and zealous Catholic. Sir Thomas Badger reports to have heard it very confidently avouched at a great man's table; and I assure you, it is the general opinion, or rather fear, of the most that know you and honour you. How far this may prejudice you, I leave to your wise consideration. I myself rest fully assured to the contrary, and so endeavour to possess others. Your care will be in the mean time to avoid all occasions whereby to increase this suspicion and jealousy.

Note 1. Barbage was Shakspeare's associate. The play was Shakespeare's, and the theatre was the one in which he had achieved his brilliant reputation.

Note 2. Probably that printed at Frankfort in 1613, and entitled "Apologia Card. Bellarmini pro jare principam contra anas ipsins rationes pro Aactoritate Papali Principes deponendi."

Around 30 Jun 1632 Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 43) and Elizabeth Howard Countess Banbury (age 49) were married some five weeks after the death of her first husband William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (age 88) on 25 May 1632. They, Edward and Elizabeth, when teenagers, had been subject to marriage negotiations which broke down as a consequence of the Gunpowder Plot and she had married William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (deceased) some forty years her senior. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 68).

In Jun 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration ...

6th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) and John Talbot of Lacock (age 29) were knighted.

7th Geoffrey Palmer 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Palmer of Carlton in Northampton

7th Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 54) was created 1st Baronet Bridgeman of Great Lever in Lancashire.

7th John Langham 1st Baronet (age 76) was created 1st Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

11th Henry Wright 1st Baronet (age 23) was created 1st Baronet Wright of Dagenham. Ann Crew Lady Wright by marriage Lady Wright of Dagenham.

13th Nicholas Gould 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Gould of the City of London.

14th Thomas Allen 1st Baronet (age 27) was created 1st Baronet Allen of Totteridge in Middlesex.

18th Thomas Cullum 1st Baronet (age 73) was created 1st Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.

19th Thomas Darcy 1st Baronet (age 28) was created 1st Baronet Darcy of St Osith's.

22nd Robert Cordell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Cordell of Long Melford.

22nd John Robinson 1st Baronet (age 45) was created 1st Baronet Robinson of London. Anne Whitmore Lady Robinson (age 48) by marriage Lady Robinson of London.

25th William Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 47) was created 1st Baronet Bowyer of Denham Court. Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 43) by marriage Lady Bowyer of Denham Court.

25th Thomas Stanley 1st Baronet (age 63) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Alderley in Cheshire.

26th Jacob Astley 1st Baronet (age 21) was created 1st Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.

27th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire. Olympia Tufton Lady Ashby (age 36) by marriage Lady Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire.

28th Oliver St John 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.

29th Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland. Anne Leslie Lady Delaval by marriage Lady Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland.

30th Andrew Henley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Henley of Henley in Somerset.

Pepy's Diary. 30 Jun 1664. Then to the making up my month's accounts, and find myself still a gainer and rose to £951, for which God be blessed. I end the month with my mind full of business and some sorrow that I have not exactly performed all my vowes, though my not doing is not my fault, and shall be made good out of my first leisure. Great doubts yet whether the Dutch wary go on or no. The Fleet ready in the Hope, of twelve sayle. The King (age 34) and Queenes (age 54) go on board, they say, on Saturday next. Young children of my Lord Sandwich (age 38) gone with their mayds from my mother's, which troubles me, it being, I hear from Mr. Shepley, with great discontent, saying, that though they buy good meate, yet can never have it before it stinks, which I am ashamed of.

Evelyn's Diary. 30 Jun 1665. To Chatham, Kent [Map]; and, 1st July, to the fleet with Lord Sandwich (age 39), now Admiral, with whom I went in a pinnace to the Buoy of the Nore, where the whole fleet rode at anchor; went on board the Prince, of ninety brass ordnance, haply the best ship in the world, both for building and sailing; she had 700 men. They made a great huzza, or shout, at our approach, three times. Here we dined with many noblemen, gentlemen, and volunteers, served in plate and excellent meat of all sorts. After dinner, came his Majesty, the Duke (age 31), and Prince Rupert (age 45). Here I saw the King (age 35) knight Captain Custance for behaving so bravely in the late fight. It was surprising to behold the good order, decency, and plenty of all things in a vessel so full of men. The ship received a hundred cannon shot in her body. Then I went on board the Charles, to which after a gun was shot off, came all the flag officers to his Majesty (age 35), who there held a General Council, which determined that his Royal Highness (age 35) should adventure himself no more this summer. I came away late, having seen the most glorious fleet that ever spread sails. We returned in his Majesty's (age 35) yacht with my Lord Sandwich (age 39) and Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, landing at Chatham, Kent [Map] on Sunday morning.

On 30 Jun 1670 Princess Henrietta Stewart Duchess Orléans (age 26) (sister of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 40)) died at the Château de Saint Cloud. Her death came shortly after she had visited Dover, Kent [Map]. She had suffered pains in her side for a number of years. The evening before she consumed a glass of chicory water after which she immediately cried out that she had been posisoned.

On 30 Jun 1685 Archibald Campbell 9th Earl Argyll (age 56) was beheaded on the Maiden (an early gullotine) in Edinburgh [Map] for his part in Argyll's Rising. His son Archibald Campbell 1st Duke Argyll (age 26) succeeded 10th Earl Argyll. Elizabeth Tollemache Duchess Argyll (age 25) by marriage Countess Argyll.

After 30 Jun 1695. St Mary's Church, Fawsley [Map]. Monument to Devereux Knightley (deceased).

Devereux Knightley: On 14 Apr 1676 he was born to Devereux Knightley and Elizabeth Crewe. On 30 Jun 1695 Devereux Knightley died.

Evelyn's Diary. 30 Jun 1696. I went with a select committee of the Commissioners for Greenwich Hospital [Map], and with Sir Christopher Wren (age 72), where with him I laid the first stone of the intended foundation, precisely at five o'clock in the evening, after we had dined together. Mr. Flamstead (age 49), the King's Astronomical Professor, observing the punctual time by instruments.

On 30 Jun 1753 George Strode of Parnham died. On 14 Sep 1746 Catherine Brodrepp died. Monument in Church of St Mary, Beaminster [Map]. Classical Period.

Probably by Peter Scheemakers (age 62), erected by Thomas Strode, brother of George, with reclining figures of a man and woman on a sarcophagus and on either side standing allegorical figures one with a cornucopia the other an anchor, above is an achievement-of-arms.

George Strode of Parnham: George Strode of Parnham and Catherine Brodrepp were married. he was born to Thomas Strode of Parnham.

Catherine Brodrepp: she was born to Richard Brodrepp of Maperton.

Thomas Strdode of Parnham: he was born to Thomas Strode of Parnham.

On 30 Jun 1817 John Dalton Hooker was born to William Jackson Hooker (age 31) and Mary Palgrave (age 73).

Section I Tumuli 1843. The 30th of June 1843 was occupied in examining the middle part of a large barrow on Brassington Moor, usually called Galley Lowe [Map], but formerly written Callidge Lowe, which is probably more correct. About two feet from the surface were found a few human bones mixed with rats' bones and horses' teeth; amongst these bones (which had been disturbed by a labourer digging in search of treasure) the following highly interesting and valuable articles were discovered: several pieces of iron, some in the form of rivets, others quite shapeless, having been broken on the occasion above referred to, two arrow-heads of the same metal, a piece of coarse sandstone, which was rubbed into the form of a whetstone; an ivory pin or bodkin, of very neat execution; the fragments of a large urn of well-baked earthenware, which was glazed in the interior for about an inch above the bottom; two beads, one of green glass, the other of white enamel, with a coil of blue running through it, and fourteen beautiful pendant ornaments of pure, gold, eleven of which are encircled by settings of large and brilliantly coloured garnets, two are of gold without setting, and the remaining one is of gold wire twisted in a spiral manner, from the centre towards each extremity (a gold loop of identical pattern is affixed to a barbaric copy of a gold coin of Honorius in the writer's possession); they have evidently been intended to form one ornament only, most probably a necklace, for which use their form peculiarly adapts them. It will here not be out of place to borrow some quotations relative to a remarkable superstition connected with glass beads similar to those discovered in Galley Lowe, particularly the one having "two circular lines of opaque sky-blue and white," which seem to represent a serpent entwined round a centre, which is perforated. "This was certainly one of the Glain Neidyr of the Britons, derived from glain, which is pure and holy, and neidyr, a snake. Under the word glain, Mr. Owen, in his Welsh Dictionary, has given the following article: "The Nair Glain, transparent stones, or adder stones, were worn by the different orders of the Bards, each exhibiting its appropriate colour. There is no certainty that they were worn from superstition originally; perhaps that was the circumstance which gave rise to it. Whatever might have been the cause, the notion of their rare virtues was universal in all places where the Bardic religion was taught."

These beads are thus noticed by Bishop Gibson, in his improved edition of Camden's Britannia: "In most parts of Wales, and throughout all Scotland, and in Cornwall, we find it a common opinion of the vulgar, that about Midsummer-eve (though in the time they do not all agree) it is usual for snakes to meet in companies, and that by joining heads together and hissing, a kind of bubble is formed, like a ring, about the head of one of them, which the rest, by continual hissing, blow on, until it comes off at the tail, when it immediately hardens, and resembles a glass ring, which whoever finds shall prosper in all his undertakings: the rings they supposed to be thus generated are called gleinen nadroeth, namely, gemma anguinum. They are small glass annulets, commonly about half as wide as our finger-rings, but much thicker, of a green colour usually, though some of them are blue, and others curiously waved with blue, red, and white.'' There seems to be some connexion between the glain neidyr of the Britons and the ovum anguinnm, mentioned by Pliny as being held in veneration by the Druids of Gaul and to the formation of which he gives nearly the same origin. They were probably worn as a mark of distinction, and suspended round the neck as the perforations are not large enough to admit the finger. A large portion of this barrow still remaining untouched on the south-east side, which was but little elevated above the natural soil, yet extending farther from the centre, it offered a larger area, in which interments were more likely to be found than any other part of the tumulus, it was decided on resuming the search on the 3d of July, 1843, by digging from the outside until the former excavation in the centre was reached. In carrying out this design the following interments were discovered, all of which seem to pertain to a much more remote era than the interment whose discovery has been before recorded. First, the skeleton of a child, in a state of great decay; a little farther on a lengthy skeleton, the femur of which measures nineteen and a half inches, with a rudely ornamented urn of coarse clay deposited near the head; a small article of ivory, perforated with six holes, as though for the purpose of being sewn into some article of dress or ornament (a larger one of the same kind was found in a barrow at Gristhorpe, near Scarborough, in 1832); a small arrow-head of gray flint, a piece of iron-stone, and a piece of stag's horn, artificially pointed at the thicker end, were found in the immediate neighbourhood of the urn. Between this skeleton and the centre of the barrow four more skeletons were exhumed, two of which were of young persons; there was no mode of arrangement perceptible in the positions of the bodies, excepting that the heads seemed to lie nearest to the urn before mentioned. Amongst the bones of these four skeletons a small rude incense cup was found, which is of rather unusual form, being perforated with two holes on each side, opposite each other.

On 30 Jun 1863 Philip Leslie Agnew was born to William Agnew 1st Baronet (age 37).

On 30 Jun 1879 John Collier (age 29) and Marian "Mady" Huxley (age 20) were married. They had one child. He would marry her sister Emma aka Ethel Huxley (age 13) ten years later; Married to Two Siblings.

On 30 Jun 1917 Antonio de la Gándara (age 55) died.

On 30 Jun 1958 Princess Margaret (age 27) unveiled a tablet to commemorate the restoration of St Laurence's Church, Ludlow [Map].

Births on the 30th June

Around 30 Jun 1460 Cecily Bonville Marchioness Dorset was born to William Bonville 6th Baron Harington (age 18) and Katherine Neville Baroness Bonville and Hastings (age 18) at Shute Manor. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 30 Jun 1468 Johann Elector Saxony was born to Ernest Elector Saxony (age 27) and Elisabeth Wittelsbach Electress of Saxony (age 25).

On 30 Jun 1470 Charles VIII King France was born to Louis "Father of the People" XI King France (age 46) and Charlotte Savoy Queen Consort France (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.65%.

On 30 Jun 1478 John Trastámara Prince Asturias was born to Ferdinand II King Aragon (age 26) and Isabella Queen Castile (age 27) at Seville. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.23%.

On 30 Jun 1503 Johann Frederick I Duke Saxony was born to Johann Elector Saxony (age 35) and Sophie of Mecklenburg (age 21).

On 30 Jun 1540 Elisabeth Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick III Elector Palatine (age 25).

On or before 30 Jun 1579 Mary Witham 1st Baronetess Bolles was born to William Witham of Ledstone (age 33) at Ledsham. She was baptised 30 Jun 1579.

On 30 Jun 1585 Johann Wilhelm Wettin was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Wettin I Duke Saxe Weimar (age 23) and Sophie of Württemberg Duchess of Saxe-Weimar (age 21).

On 30 Jun 1641 Meinhart Schomberg 3rd Duke Schomberg was born to Frederick Schomberg 1st Duke Schomberg (age 25).

On 30 Jun 1659 Edward Reade 2nd Baronet was born to Compton Reade 1st Baronet (age 34) and Mary Cornwall Lady Reade (age 29). He was baptised on 06 Jul 1599. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 30 Jun 1674 Catherine Musgrave was born to Richard Musgrave 2nd Baronet (age 29).

On or before 30 Jun 1677, the date she was baptised, Elizabeth Pert Baroness Stawell was born to William Pert and Elizabeth Forster.

On 30 Jun 1745 Edward Montagu was born to John Montagu 4th Earl Sandwich (age 26) and Dorothy Fane Countess Sandwich (age 28).

On 30 Jun 1747 George Finch-Hatton was born to Edward Finch-Hatton (age 50) and Elizabeth Palmer (age 37).

On 30 Jun 1751 Anne Wallis was born.

On 30 Jun 1756 Charles Fitzgerald 1st Baron Lecale was born to James Fitzgerald 1st Duke Leinster (age 34) and Emilia Mary Lennox Duchess Leinster (age 24). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 30 Jun 1758 William Molesworth 6th Baronet was born to John Molesworth 5th Baronet (age 29) and Frances Smyth.

On 30 Jun 1767 John Bligh 4th Earl Darnley was born to John Bligh 3rd Earl Darnley (age 47).

On 30 Jun 1781 Charles Knightley 2nd Baronet was born to Charles Knightley (age 27).

On 30 Jun 1784 General George Thomas Napier was born to Colonel George Napier (age 33) and Sarah Lennox Lady Bunbury (age 39). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 30 Jun 1800 Richard Bethell 1st Baron Westbury was born to Richard Bethell (age 33).

On 30 Jun 1804 Henry Peyton 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Peyton 2nd Baronet (age 24).

On 30 Jun 1817 John Dalton Hooker was born to William Jackson Hooker (age 31) and Mary Palgrave (age 73).

On 30 Jun 1826 Reverend James Allgood was born to Robert Lancelot Allgood (age 31) and Elizabeth Hunter (age 34).

On 30 Jun 1845 Henry Lowry-Corry was born to Armar Lowry-Corry 3rd Earl Belmore (age 43) and Emily Louise Shepherd Countess Belmore (age 31).

On 30 Jun 1846 Francis Somerville Head was born to Francis Somerville Head 2nd Baronet (age 29).

On 30 Jun 1862 Charles Edward Henry Hobhouse 4th Baronet was born to Charles Parry Hobhouse 3rd Baronet (age 37) and Edith Lucy Turton.

On 30 Jun 1863 Philip Leslie Agnew was born to William Agnew 1st Baronet (age 37).

On 30 Jun 1873 Caroline Beatrix Parker Viscountess Bridgeman was born to Cecil Thomas Parker (age 28) and Rosamond Esther Harriet Longley.

On 30 Jun 1884 Arthur Noel 4th Earl of Gainsborough was born to Charles William Noel 3rd Earl Gainsborough (age 33) and Mary Elizabeth Dease. He a great x 2 grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 30 Jun 1894 John Charles Langham 14th Baronet was born to Herbert Charles Arthur Langham 13th Baronet (age 24) and Ethel Sarah Emerson-Tennent Lady Langham (age 22).

On 30 Jun 1937 Clive Reginald Douglas was born to Ronald David Douglas (age 27) and Iris Stokes.

Marriages on the 30th June

On 30 Jun 1308 Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 32) and Margaret Clare Baroness Badlesmere (age 21) were married. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 30 Jun 1597 Thomas Stukeley (age 28) and Elizabeth Goodwin (age 22) were married.

On 30 Jun 1614 Augustine Vincent (age 30) and Elizabeth Primont were married.

On 30 Jun 1618 John Bullock of Norton (age 41) and Catherine Fanshawe (age 29) were married.

Before 30 Jun 1627 Charles Howard 3rd Earl Nottingham (age 16) and Arabella Smith Countess Nottingham were married. He the son of Charles Howard 1st Earl Nottingham and Margaret Stewart 1st Countess Nottingham (age 36). He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Around 30 Jun 1632 Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 43) and Elizabeth Howard Countess Banbury (age 49) were married some five weeks after the death of her first husband William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (age 88) on 25 May 1632. They, Edward and Elizabeth, when teenagers, had been subject to marriage negotiations which broke down as a consequence of the Gunpowder Plot and she had married William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (deceased) some forty years her senior. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 68).

On 30 Jun 1653 Robert Arbuthnot 1st Viscount Arbuthnott (age 28) and Catherine Fraser Viscountess Arbuthnot were married. She by marriage Viscountess Arbuthnot. They were first cousins.

Before 30 Jun 1673 George Purefoy and Catherine Willoughby (age 51) were married.

On 30 Jun 1677 Thomas Vernon 2nd Baronet (age 1) and Mary Kirke (age 31) were married. The difference in their ages was 30 years; she, unusually, being older than him.

On 30 Jun 1737 Alexander Stewart (age 39) and Mary Cowan were married.

On 30 Jun 1742 James Aston 5th Baronet (age 19) and Barbara Maria Talbot (age 22) were married at Twickenham, Richmond.

On 30 Jun 1752 Bysshe Shelley 1st Baronet (age 21) and Mary Catherine Michell (age 18) were married.

On 30 Jun 1779 Baron Gustaf Adam von Nolcken (age 45) and Mary Roche (age 35) were married.

On 30 Jun 1788 John Grant (age 68) and Charlotte Bouverie (age 55) were married.

On 30 Jun 1789 Anthony James Radclyffe 5th Earl of Newburgh (age 32) and Anne Webb Countess Newburgh (age 26) were married. She by marriage Countess of Newburgh. He the son of James Radclyffe 4th Earl of Newburgh and Barbara Kemp Countess Newburgh. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 30 Jun 1789 William Markwick aka Eversfield (age 50) and Mary Date of Southampton were married.

On 30 Jun 1798 Edward Smith-Stanley 13th Earl of Derby (age 23) and Charlotte Margaret Hornby Countess Derby were married. He the son of Edward Smith-Stanley 12th Earl of Derby (age 45) and Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Derby.

On 30 Jun 1821 Charles Christopher Pepys 1st Earl of Cottenham (age 40) and Charlotte Maria Wingfield were married at St George's Church, Bloomsbury.

On 30 Jun 1863 Gerard Noel (age 39) and Augusta Mary Lowther were married. He the son of Charles Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 81) and Arabella Hamlyn-Williams.

On 30 Jun 1864 Francis John Thynne (age 34) and Edith Marcia Caroline Sheridan (age 27) were married.

On 30 Jun 1879 John Collier (age 29) and Marian "Mady" Huxley (age 20) were married. They had one child. He would marry her sister Emma aka Ethel Huxley (age 13) ten years later; Married to Two Siblings.

Before 30 Jun 1897 Wray William Mills Hunt and Annie Paxton (age 55) were married.

On 30 Jun 1908 John Cavendish Lyttelton 9th Viscount Cobham (age 26) and Violet Leonard Viscountess Cobham were married.

Deaths on the 30th June

On 30 Jun 888 Archbishop Æthelred died.

On 30 Jun 1337 Eleanor Clare Baroness Zouche Mortimer (age 44) died.

On 30 Jun 1349 John Burghesh (age 27) died at Ewelme, Oxfordshire.

On 30 Jun 1359 Giles Erdington of Shawbury (age 58) died.

On 30 Jun 1390 John Chidiock 4th Baron Fitzpayn (age 41) died. His son John Chidiock 5th Baron Fitzpayn (age 15) succeeded 5th Baron Fitzpayn.

On 30 Jun 1420 Margaret Beauchamp (age 44) died.

On 30 Jun 1468 Eleanor Talbot (age 32) died.

Before 30 Jun 1471 Elizabeth Montgomerie (age 32) died.

On 30 Jun 1480 Eleanor Brandon died.

On 30 Jun 1527 William Waldegrave (age 62) died.

On or before 30 Jun 1528 John Stanley (age 18) died of sweating sickness; probably, the sweating sickness given there was an outbreak at the time. See Letters 1528 1440.

On 30 Jun 1528 William Compton (age 46) died of sweating sickness. His son Peter Compton (age 5) became a ward of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 55).. In his will he left Anne Stafford Countess Huntingdon (age 45) a life interest in property in Leicestershire and founded a chantry where prayers would be said daily for her soul.

On 30 Jun 1537 Thomas Darcy 1st Baron Darcy Templehurst (age 70) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. In 1539 he was postumously attainted; Baron Darcy of Darcy aka Templehurst forfeit.

On 30 Jun 1556 Henry Fitzalan (age 18) died.

On 30 Jun 1570 Richard Fortescue (age 53) died.

Around 30 Jun 1571 Mary Sackville (age 47) died.

On 30 Jun 1575 Charles Laurence Habsburg Spain (age 1) died.

On 30 Jun 1577 Frances Vere Countess of Surrey (age 60) died at Soham. She was buried at St Mary and All Saints Church, Fotheringhay [Map].

On 30 Jun 1590 Roger Townshend (age 46) died.

Before 30 Jun 1593 Jane Howard Countess of Westmoreland died.

On 30 Jun 1660 William Oughtred (age 86) died.

On 30 Jun 1665 Captain Edward Grove died.

On 30 Jun 1673 Catherine Willoughby (age 51) died.

On 30 Jun 1685 Archibald Campbell 9th Earl Argyll (age 56) was beheaded on the Maiden (an early gullotine) in Edinburgh [Map] for his part in Argyll's Rising. His son Archibald Campbell 1st Duke Argyll (age 26) succeeded 10th Earl Argyll. Elizabeth Tollemache Duchess Argyll (age 25) by marriage Countess Argyll.

On 30 Jun 1695 Devereux Knightley (age 19) died.

On 30 Jun 1698 William Cheyne 2nd Viscount Newhaven (age 40) died. Viscount Newhaven extinct. He was buried at Drayton Beauchamp, Buckinghamshire.

On 30 Jun 1698 Charles Cheyne 1st Viscount Newhaven (age 72) died. He was buried at Chelsea Old Church. His son William Cheyne 2nd Viscount Newhaven (age 40) succeeded 2nd Viscount Newhaven.

On 30 Jun 1699 George Morison (age 53) died.

On 30 Jun 1714 Edward Russell (age 71) died.

On 30 Jun 1731 Judge Francis Bernard (age 68) died.

On 30 Jun 1736 Valentine Browne 5th Baronet (age 41) died. Thomas Browne 6th Baronet (age 10)

On 30 Jun 1739 William Archer (age 62) died.

On 30 Jun 1741 Henrietta Kerr (age 88) died.

On 30 Jun 1743 Mary Godolphin died.

On 30 Jun 1744 Anna-Catherina Vernon died

On 30 Jun 1753 Edward Bayly died.

On 30 Jun 1753 George Strode of Parnham died. On 14 Sep 1746 Catherine Brodrepp died. Monument in Church of St Mary, Beaminster [Map]. Classical Period.

Probably by Peter Scheemakers (age 62), erected by Thomas Strode, brother of George, with reclining figures of a man and woman on a sarcophagus and on either side standing allegorical figures one with a cornucopia the other an anchor, above is an achievement-of-arms.

George Strode of Parnham: he was born to Thomas Strode of Parnham. George Strode of Parnham and Catherine Brodrepp were married.

Catherine Brodrepp: she was born to Richard Brodrepp of Maperton.

Thomas Strdode of Parnham: he was born to Thomas Strode of Parnham.

On 30 Jun 1754 Catherine Musgrave (age 80) died.

On 30 Jun 1758 Ann Wrey (age 39) died.

On 30 Jun 1760 Vere Isham (age 74) died.

On 30 Jun 1785 Elizabeth Girlie (age 84) died. She was buried at Church of St Katharine's by the Tower [Map].

On 30 Jun 1795 Stewart Douglas died.

On 30 Jun 1797 William Haggerston aka Constable (age 74) died.

On 30 Jun 1810 Charles Fitzgerald 1st Baron Lecale (age 54) died at Ardglass Castle, Ardglass, County Down.

On 30 Jun 1811 Edward Dering 7th Baronet (age 54) died. His son Edward Dering 8th Baronet (age 3) succeeded 8th Baronet Dering of Surrenden Dering in Kent.

On 30 Jun 1819 Marmaduke William Constable aka Constable-Maxwell (age 59) died.

On 30 Jun 1823 Robert Langton Bankes (age 76) died.

On 30 Jun 1825 Mary Kinnersley died.

In 30 Jun 1829 Elizabeth Anne Creutzer (age 71) died.

On 30 Jun 1830 Mary Sparrow Countess Gosford (age 53) died.

On 30 Jun 1842 Jane Paget Countess Galloway (age 67) died.

On 30 Jun 1842 Thomas Coke 1st Earl of Leicester (age 88) died. His son Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 19) succeeded 2nd Earl of Leicester.

On 30 Jun 1855 James Alexander 3rd Earl Caledon (age 42) died.

On 30 Jun 1868 Louisa Elizabeth Graves died.

On 30 Jun 1868 Frances Marsham (age 89) died.

On 30 Jun 1872 Thomas Shiffner (age 75) died.

On 30 Jun 1873 Jane Delves Broughton (age 51) died.

On 30 Jun 1876 Mary Catherine Stanhope Countess Beauchamp (age 32) died.

On 30 Jun 1880 General George Augustus Frederick Paget (age 62) died.

On 30 Jun 1880 Edward Strutt 1st Baron Belper (age 78) died at Eaton Square, Belgravia. His son Henry Strutt 2nd Baron Belper (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baron Belper. Margaret Coke Baroness Belper (age 28) by marriage Baroness Belper.

On 30 Jun 1885 Reverend Henry Gunning 4th Baronet (age 87) died. His son George Gunning 5th Baronet (age 56) succeeded 5th Baronet Gunning of Eltham in Kent.

On 30 Jun 1897 Wray William Mills Hunt died.

On 30 Jun 1906 Harriet Julia Frances Ponsonby (age 75) died.

On 30 Jun 1914 Albert Edward Godolphin Osborne (age 48) died.

On 30 Jun 1917 Antonio de la Gándara (age 55) died.

On 30 Jun 1934 Thomas Charles Musgrave (age 58) died.

On 30 Jun 1956 Henry James Francis Cavendish (age 62) died.

On 30 Jun 1962 Helene Adelheid Viktoria Marie Glücksburg (age 74) died.

On 30 Jun 1963 Florence Cecilia Keppel Countess Cork (age 92) died.

On 30 Jun 1965 Ernest Vaughan 7th Earl of Lisburne (age 73) died.

On 30 Jun 1973 Nancy Mitford (age 68) died.

On 30 Jun 1973 Harold Augustus Wernher 3rd Baronet (age 80) died.

On 30 Jun 1991 Pamela Margaret Stanley (age 81) died.

On 30 Jun 1992 Massey Lopes 2nd Baron Roborough (age 88) died. His son Henry Massey Lopes 3rd Baron Roborough (age 52) succeeded 3rd Baron Roborough of Maristow in Devon, 6th Baronet Lopes of Maristow-House in Devon.

On 30 Jun 2012 Michael Abney-Hastings 14th Earl of Loudoun (age 69) died.