On this Day in History ... 5th July

05 Jul is in July.

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1483 Richard III Rewards his Supporters

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1643 Battle of Lansdowne

1648 Battle of Willoughby Field

1839 Death of Flora Hastings

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 5th July

On 05 Jul 1321 Joan of the Tower Queen Consort Scotland was born to King Edward II of England (age 37) and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 26) at the Tower of London [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.16%.

On 05 Jul 1324 Charles IV King France I King Navarre (age 30) and Joan Évreux Queen Consort France (age 14) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Louis I Count Évreux and Margaret Artois Countess Évreux. He the son of Philip "The Fair" IV King France and Joan Blois I Queen Navarre. They were half first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 05 Jul 1450. And uppon the morowe the Sonday at hyghe mas tyme a lette to be heddyd a man of Hampton, a squyer, the whyche was namyd Thomas Mayne. And that same evyn Londyn dyd a rysse and cam out uppon them at x [of] a the belle, beyng that tyme her captaynys the goode olde lorde Schalys (age 53) and Mathewe Goughe. Ande from that tyme unto the morowe viij of belle they were ever fyghtynge uppon London Brygge [Map], ande many a man was slayne and caste in Temys, harnys, body, and alle; and monge the presse was slayne Mathewe Goughe and John Sutton aldyrman. And the same nyght, a-non aftyr mydnyght, the Captayneof Kentte dyde fyre the draught brygge of London; and be-fore that tyme he breke bothe Kyngys Bynche [Map] ande the Marchelsy [Map], and lete out alle the presoners that were yn them.

On 05 Jul 1483 John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) was created 1st Duke Norfolk by King Richard III of England (age 30). Margaret Chedworth Duchess Norfolk (age 47) by marriage Duchess Norfolk.

His son Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40) was created 1st Earl Surrey. Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey (age 39) by marriage Countess Surrey.

William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 57) was created 1st Earl Nottingham.

John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 58) and William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 57) were heirs to the vast Mowbray estates that had been inherited by Anne Mowbray 8th Countess Norfolk who had been married to Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9).

Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke York 1473-'s father King Edward IV of England had legislated that in the event of Anne's death his son Richard would continue to benefit from the inheritance; she died in 1481.

Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) was created 1st Viscount Lovell. Anne Fitzhugh Viscountess Lovell by marriage Viscountess Lovell. [Note. Some sources place his created on 01 Jan 1483 although the source for that is unknown. ]

On 05 Jul 1522 Margaret Habsburg Spain was born illegitimately to Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 22) and Johanna Maria van der Gheynst.

Letters and Papers 1528. 05 Jul 1528. R. O. St. P. I. 308. 4467. Hennege To Wolsey.

When the King was advertised this morning that you intended to visit him, he begged you to defer your coming till the times are more propitious. He is glad to be so nigh to you, and is well contented with the air and site of this your place. He wishes general processions to be made through the realm for good weather and for the plague. Tittenhanger [Map], Sunday. Signed. Add. Endd.

On 05 Jul 1554 Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 26) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 26). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Jul 1557. [The v day of July the King (age 30) took shipping at Dover, Kent [Map]] towarde Callys [Map], on hys jornay [toward Flanders].

On 05 Jul 1631 Edmund Waller (age 25) and Anne Banks were married in defiance of orders of the Privy Council of England and the Court of Aldermen of the City of London whose ward she was. Her father had left her £8000 when he died a year earlier. The Aldermen made a complaint to the Star Chamber, seeking that for the offence of marrying Anne without the court's permission the whole of the Banks fortune should be forfeited to the City of London, but they were denied such an outcome by a pardon from King Charles (age 30), who took a more tolerant view of the matter. Waller was then summoned to appear before the Court of Aldermen in December 1631, when he agreed to make a jointure of £1,000 a year to his wife, also giving her the power to spend £2,000 of her inheritance, and the Court accepted this proposal but fined him 500 marks.

On 05 Jul 1640 Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Aston 1st Baronet (age 39) and Anne Willoughby Lady Aston (age 26).

On 05 Jul 1643 the Battle of Lansdowne was an inconclusive battle between a Royalist army commanded by Ralph Hopton 1st Baron Hopton (age 47) and a Parliamentary Army commanded by William Waller (age 46) at Lansdown Hill, Bath. The two commanders being old friends.

Edward Leke was killed.

Bevil Grenville (age 48) was killed at the at the head of the Cornish infantry as it reached the top of Lansdown Hill. He received a blow to the head with a pole-axe and was taken to the rectory at nearby Cold Ashton, Gloucestershire where he died.

On 05 Jul 1718 Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford was born to Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Baron Conway (age 39) and Charlotte Shorter at Chelsea.

Stonehenge by William Stukeley. The year following, in order to prosecute this inquiry, by my Lord's order, I begun upon a barrow north of Stonehenge, in that group south of the cursus. 'Tis one of the double barrows there: and the more easterly, and lower of the two: likewise somewhat lefs. It was reasonable to believe, this was the sepulture of a man and his wife: and that the lesser was the female: and so it prov'd, at lead: a daughter. We made a large cut on the top from east to weft. After the turf taken off, we came to the layer of chalk, as before, then fine garden mould. About three foot below the surface, a layer of flints, humouring the convexity of the barrow. These flints are gather'd from the surface of the downs in some places, especially where it has been plow'd. This being about a foot thick, rested on a layer of soft mould another foot: in which was inclos'd an urn full of bones. This urn was of unbak'd clay, of a dark reddish colour: crumbled into pieces. It had been rudely wrought with small mouldings round the verge, and other circular channels on the outside, with several indentures between, made with a pointed tool, as depicted in Plate XXXII. where I have drawn all the forts of things found in this barrow. The bones had been burnt, and crowded all together in a little heap, not so much as a hat crown would contain. The collar bone, and one fide of the underjaw are grav'd in their true magnitude. It appears to have been a girl of about 14 years old, by their bulk and the great quantity of female ornaments mix'd with the bones, all which we gather'd. Beads of all forts, and in great number, of glass of divers colours, mold yellow, one blak. Many single, many in long pieces notch'd between, so as to resemble a string of beads, and these were generally of a blue colour. There were many of amber, of all shapes and sizes, flat squares, long squares, round, oblong, little and great. Likewise many of earth, of different shapes, magnitude and colour, some little and white, many large and flattish like a button, others like a pully. But all had holes to run a firing thro', either thro' their diameter, or fides. Many of the button fort seem to have been cover'd with metal, there being a rim work'd in them, wherein to turn the edge of the covering. One of these was cover'd with a thin film of pure gold. These were the young lady's ornaments. And had all undergone the fire: so that what would easily consume fell to pieces as soon as handled. Much of the amber burnt half thro'. This person was a heroin, for we found the head of her javelin in brass. At bottom are two holes for the pins that fastened it to the staff. Besides, there was a sharp bodkin, round at one end, square at the other, where it went into a handle. I still preserve whatever is permanent of these trinkets. But we recompos'd the ashes of the illustrious desunct:, and cover'd them with earth. Leaving visible marks at top, of the barrow having been open'd, to dissuade any other from again disturbing them: and this was our practice in all the rest.

Table XXXII. Female Celtic ornaments found in a barrow north of Stonehenge which I opened 05 Jul 1723 among burnt bones, all drawn as big as the Life.

On 02 Nov 1791 Charles Yorke (age 29) died. On 05 Jul 1795 Mary York (age 27) died. Both buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].

Charles Yorke: Before 05 May 1762 Bishop James Yorke and Mary Maddox were married. Some sources describe the date as 29 Jun 1762 which is inconsistent with the date of birth of their first child Charles Yorke, 05 May 1762, as described on his gravestone at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole. She the daughter of Isaac Maddox Bishop. He the son of Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke. On 05 May 1762 he was born to Bishop James Yorke and Mary Maddox.

Mary York: On 11 Oct 1767 she was born to Bishop James Yorke and Mary Maddox.

On 05 Jul 1793 Alexander Roslin (age 74) died.

On 05 Jul 1839 Flora Elizabeth Rawdon-Hastings (age 33) died. She had suffered a swelling in her abdomen. She refused an examination. Rumours were spread, by among others the future Queen Victoria (age 20), that she was pregnant. When Lady Flora (age 33) did finally consent to an examination she was found to an advanced cancerous liver tumour, and had only months left to live. The future Queen Victoria (age 20) visited Lady Flora on 27 Jun 1839 eight days before her death.

Ringham Low. On the 5th of July, we opened another cist on the south side of the wall, which will be seen from the plan to cross the mound at Ringham Low [Map]. This (No. 4 on the Plan) when emptied, exhibited a fine and perfect specimen of primeval architecture, measuring in

Length 9ft

Width at east end 5ft 6in

Ditto at west end 2ft 6in

Depth 4ft

Six stones only were used in its structure, no pavement having been laid down. We left it in the same perfect state as we found it, having discovered only a few human bones, and a roughly chipped block of hard stone, which were embedded without order in a layer of stiff clay, immediately above the natural rock on which, the chamber was based; and a little charcoal at a higher level near the west end.

All the enclosures have been made by large slabs of limestone from the immediate vicinity, set on edge in narrow channels cut in the natural soil to the required shape of the chamber, and then secured in their respective positions by small stones firmly wedged between their sides and the solid earth. The tumulus in which they are distributed is composed of a vast accumulation of stones of all sizes, and is of irregular shape, as will be seen from the plan; its size may be stated as about 50 yards by 30, and its average height 4 feet.

Letters of James McNeill Whistler 1863. UPTON & BRITTON, SOLICITORS. 51, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, LONDON, W. C.

5th July 1889.


As you have taken no notice of our last letter to you of the 31st May last we beg to inform you that unless we hear from you by Wednesday next that you are prepared to come to some amicable arrangement with our Client Sir Henry Meux (age 33) regarding the unfinished Portrait of Lady Meux (age 37) [Probably Portrait of Lady Meux in Furs] for which you have been paid our instructions are to commence legal proceedings against you without further Notice.

Yours faithfully.

Upton & Britton

Mr. J. Mc. Whistler (age 54)

13. Tite Street, Chelsea.

On 05 Jul 1940 Arthur Stockdale Cope (age 82) died.

Births on the 5th July

On 05 Jul 1321 Joan of the Tower Queen Consort Scotland was born to King Edward II of England (age 37) and Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 26) at the Tower of London [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.16%.

On 05 Jul 1522 Margaret Habsburg Spain was born illegitimately to Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 22) and Johanna Maria van der Gheynst.

On 05 Jul 1554 Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 26) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 26). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

On 05 Jul 1602 Judith Honywood Lady Pelham was born to Robert Honywood (age 27).

Before 05 Jul 1616 John Bennet 1st Baron Ossulston was born to John Bennet (age 53) and Dorothy Crofts (age 28). On 05 Jul 1616 John Bennet 1st Baron Ossulston was baptised.

On 05 Jul 1640 Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Aston 1st Baronet (age 39) and Anne Willoughby Lady Aston (age 26).

On 05 Jul 1645 Henry Wood was born to Robert Wood.

On 05 Jul 1682 Thomas Palmer 4th Baronet was born to Herbert Palmer (age 53).

On 05 Jul 1700 William ffolkes1700-1773 was born to Martin Folkes (age 59) and Dorothy Hovell.

On 05 Jul 1718 Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford was born to Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Baron Conway (age 39) and Charlotte Shorter at Chelsea.

On 05 Jul 1730 Edward Digby 6th Baron Digby was born to Edward Digby (age 37) and Charlotte Fox.

On 05 Jul 1743 Jean Gray Countess Moray was born to John Gray 11th Lord Gray (age 27).

On 05 Jul 1753 Charles Hamilton 8th Earl Haddington was born to Thomas Hamilton 7th Earl Haddington (age 32) and Mary Lloyd Countess Rothes.

On 05 Jul 1764 Thomas Hislop 1st Baronet was born.

On 05 Jul 1765 Robert Wilmot 3rd Baronet was born to Robert Mead Wilmot 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Mary Woolett (age 30).

On 05 Jul 1786 Charles Alfred Stothard was born to Thomas Stothard (age 30) and Rebecca Watkins.

On 05 Jul 1791 George Bisshopp 9th Baronet was born to Edward Bisshopp and Jane Atkinson.

On 05 Jul 1792 Thomas Michael Greenhow was born.

On 05 Jul 1793 Alexander Hood 2nd Baronet was born to Alexander Hood (age 35).

On 05 Jul 1805 Robert Fitzroy was born to Charles Fitzroy (age 40) and Frances Stewart (age 28).

On 05 Jul 1811 Caroline Hamond was born to Philip Hamond of High House in West Acre in Norfolk (age 29) and Anne Packe (age 34).

On 05 Jul 1832 Sophia Mary MacNab of Dundurn Castle was born to Colonel Allan Napier MacNab 1st Baronet (age 34) and Mary Elizabeth Stuart (age 20).

On 05 Jul 1843 Bishop Mandell Crichton was born at Carlisle, Cumberland [Map].

On 05 Jul 1848 Major Walter Pleydell-Bouverie was born to Edward Pleydell-Bouverie (age 30) and Elizabeth Anne Balfour (age 28).

On 05 Jul 1853 Dorothy Ann Joicey was born to George Joicey (age 39) and Dorothy Gowland (age 37).

On 05 Jul 1853 Alfred Edward Cunliffe was born to David Cunliffe (age 38).

On 05 Jul 1869 Francis Burdett 8th Baronet was born to Francis Burdett 7th Baronet (age 56).

On 05 Jul 1871 Edward Paulet Stracey 7th Baronet was born to Edward Henry Gervase Stracey 6th Baronet (age 32) and Mary Gertrude des Voeux Lady Stracey.

On 05 Jul 1873 Rodolph Ladeveze Adlercron was born to George Rothe Ladeveze Adlercron and Aloÿse Blanche Lilias.

On 05 Jul 1878 Alexandra De Vere Beauclerk was born to William Amelius Aubrey Beauclerk 10th Duke St Albans (age 38) and Grace Bernal Duchess St Albans (age 30).

On 05 Jul 1890 Isabel "Nellie" Larnach Marchioness Abergavenny was born to James Walker Larnach and Isabel Lettice Theodosia Boyle (age 31).

On 05 Jul 1910 Arthur Gore 8th Earl of Arran was born to Arthur Gore 6th Earl of Arran (age 41) and Maud Jacqueline Marie Beauclerk van Kattendyke Countess of Arran.

On 05 Jul 1941 Michael Harris 9th Baron Harris was born to Antony Harris (age 26).

Marriages on the 5th July

On 05 Jul 1324 Charles IV King France I King Navarre (age 30) and Joan Évreux Queen Consort France (age 14) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Louis I Count Évreux and Margaret Artois Countess Évreux. He the son of Philip "The Fair" IV King France and Joan Blois I Queen Navarre. They were half first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Before 05 Jul 1372 Thomas Poynings 2nd Baron Poynings (age 23) and Blanche Mowbray Baroness Poynings were married. She by marriage Baroness Poynings. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 05 Jul 1551 Richard Perry and Margaret Parr (age 31) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 05 Jul 1631 Edmund Waller (age 25) and Anne Banks were married in defiance of orders of the Privy Council of England and the Court of Aldermen of the City of London whose ward she was. Her father had left her £8000 when he died a year earlier. The Aldermen made a complaint to the Star Chamber, seeking that for the offence of marrying Anne without the court's permission the whole of the Banks fortune should be forfeited to the City of London, but they were denied such an outcome by a pardon from King Charles (age 30), who took a more tolerant view of the matter. Waller was then summoned to appear before the Court of Aldermen in December 1631, when he agreed to make a jointure of £1,000 a year to his wife, also giving her the power to spend £2,000 of her inheritance, and the Court accepted this proposal but fined him 500 marks.

On 05 Jul 1635 Richard Boyle 2nd Earl Cork 1st Earl Burlington (age 22) and Elizabeth Clifford Countess Burlington (age 21) were married at Skipton Castle [Map]. She by marriage Countess Burlington. She the daughter of Henry Clifford 5th Earl of Cumberland (age 44) and Frances Cecil Countess Cumberland (age 42). He the son of Richard Boyle 1st Earl Cork (age 68) and Catherine Fenton Countess Cork.

On 05 Jul 1663 Jun 1663 William Castle of Rotherhithe (age 34) and Martha Batten (age 26) were married.

On 05 Jul 1688 William Glynne 2nd Baronet (age 25) and Mary Evelyn Lady Bicester aka Bisseter (age 12) were married.

Before 05 Jul 1709 Jacob Turner (age 66) and Mary Knightley (age 54) were married.

On 05 Jul 1715 Algernon Seymour 7th Duke of Somerset (age 30) and Frances Thynne Duchess Somerset (age 16) were married. He the son of Charles Seymour 6th Duke of Somerset (age 52) and Elizabeth Percy Duchess Somerset (age 48). They were third cousin once removed.

On 05 Jul 1739 William Ponsonby 2nd Earl Bessborough (age 35) and Caroline Cavendish Countess Bessborough (age 20) were married. His younger brother John Ponsonby (age 26) would marry her younger sister Elizabeth Cavendish (age 13) four years later. She the daughter of William Cavendish 3rd Duke Devonshire (age 40) and Catherine Hoskyns Duchess Devonshire (age 40). He the son of Brabazon Ponsonby 1st Earl Bessborough (age 60) and Sarah Margetson.

On 05 Jul 1773 John Leveson-Gower (age 32) and Frances Boscawen (age 27) were married. He the son of John Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Gower and Mary Tufton Countess Gower.

On 05 Jul 1787 Edward Place and Anne Gordon were married. She the daughter of George Gordon 3rd Earl Aberdeen (age 65) and Catherine Elizabeth Hanson Couness Aberdeen (age 57).

Before 05 Jul 1791 Edward Bisshopp and Jane Atkinson were married.

On 05 Jul 1794 Henry Conyngham 1st Marquess Conyngham (age 27) and Elizabeth Denison Marchioness Conyngham (age 25) were married.

On 05 Jul 1795 Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 27) and Caroline Elizabeth Villiers Duchess Argyll (age 20) were married. She the daughter of George Bussy Villiers 4th Earl Jersey (age 60) and Frances Twysden (age 42). He the son of Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 51) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 53).

On 05 Jul 1823 Henry Lascelles 3rd Earl Harewood (age 26) and Louisa Thynne Countess Harewood (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Thynne 2nd Marquess of Bath (age 58) and Isabella Elizabeth Byng Marchioness Bath (age 49). He the son of Henry Lascelles 2nd Earl Harewood (age 55) and Henrietta Sebright Countess Harewood.

On 05 Jul 1827 John Kennedy Erskine (age 25) and Augusta Fitzclarence (age 23) were married. She the illegitmate daughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 61) and Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan". He the son of Archibald Kennedy 1st Marquess of Ailsa (age 57) and Margaret Erskine Marchioness Ailsa (age 55).

On 05 Jul 1832 Henry Vyner (age 26) and Mary Gertude Robinson (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Thomas de Grey 2nd Earl de Grey (age 50). They were third cousin once removed.

On 05 Jul 1859 Charles Compton 3rd Marquess Northampton (age 43) and Theodosia Harriett Elizabeth Vyner (age 25) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Northampton. He the son of Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton and Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton.

On 05 Jul 1869 Charles Augustus Stanhope 8th Earl Harrington (age 25) and Eva Elizabeth Carrington Countess Harrington (age 22) were married. He the son of Charles Stanhope 7th Earl of Harrington (age 59). He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 05 Jul 1898 John Michael Fleetwood Fuller 1st Baronet (age 33) and Norah Jacintha Phipps Lady Fuller (age 19) were married.

On 05 Jul 1950 David Fitzroy 11th Duke Beaufort (age 22) and Caroline Jane Thynne 11th Duchess Beaufort (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Henry Frederick Thynne 6th Marquess of Bath (age 45) and Daphne Vivian Marchioness Bath (age 45).

Deaths on the 5th July

On 05 Jul 1375 Charles Valois Archbishop of Lyons (age 38) died. His brother Peter Valois II Count Alençon (age 35) succeeded II Count Alençon. Marie Chamaillart Countess Alençon by marriage Countess Alençon.

On 05 Jul 1417 John Fitzwilliam (age 39) died at Emley Wakefield.

On 05 Jul 1417 Eleanor Green died.

On 05 Jul 1449 John Montgomery died at Faulkbourne.

On 05 Jul 1461 Otto I Wittelsbach I Count Palatine (age 70) died.

On 05 Jul 1468 Alfonso Trastámara (age 14) died.

On 05 Jul 1474 Eric II Duke of Pomerania (age 56) died.

On 05 Jul 1483 Judge Richard Choke (age 63) died.

On 05 Jul 1487 Francis Lorraine died.

After 05 Jul 1495 William Vavasour (age 46) died.

On 05 Jul 1518 John Skipwith of South Ormsby (age 65) died.

On 05 Jul 1565 John Guildford (age 58) died.

On 05 Jul 1593 Dorothea Oldenburg (age 23) died.

On 05 Jul 1595 William Purefoy of Hollingbourne and Shalstone (age 71) died.

On 05 Jul 1613 John Caryll (age 59) died.

On 05 Jul 1613 Mary Fermor (age 58) died.

On 05 Jul 1635 John Darcy 3rd Baron Darcy Aston (age 63) died. Baron Darcy of Aston extinct.

On 05 Jul 1643 the Battle of Lansdowne was an inconclusive battle between a Royalist army commanded by Ralph Hopton 1st Baron Hopton (age 47) and a Parliamentary Army commanded by William Waller (age 46) at Lansdown Hill, Bath. The two commanders being old friends.

Edward Leke was killed.

Bevil Grenville (age 48) was killed at the at the head of the Cornish infantry as it reached the top of Lansdown Hill. He received a blow to the head with a pole-axe and was taken to the rectory at nearby Cold Ashton, Gloucestershire where he died.

On 05 Jul 1645 Anne Wyndham was killed defending Parnham House Parnham, Dorset by a soldier under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax during the Civil War.

On 05 Jul 1661 Robert Pepys of Brampton died.

On 05 Jul 1667 Susan Crane (age 37) died.

On 05 Jul 1670 Henri Bourbon Condé (age 2) died.

On 05 Jul 1695 Henry North 2nd Baronet (age 60) died unmarried. Baronet North of Mildenhall in Suffolk extinct. His nephew Thomas Hanmer 4th Baronet (age 17), son of his sister Peregrina North, inherited his estates.

Before 05 Jul 1703 John Eyles died. On 05 Jul 1703 John Eyles was buried in St Helen's Church Bishopsgate.

On 05 Jul 1709 Jacob Turner (age 66) died.

On 05 Jul 1732 George Brudenell 3rd Earl Cardigan (age 46) died. His son George Brudenell aka Montagu 1st Duke Montagu (age 19) succeeded 4th Earl Cardigan. Mary Montagu Duchess of Montagu (age 21) by marriage Countess Cardigan.

On 05 Jul 1734 Anne Preston Baroness Clifford died.

On 05 Jul 1761 John Girle (age 59) died.

On 05 Jul 1765 Charles Powlett 5th Duke Bolton (age 47) committed suicide at Grosvenor Square, Belgravia shooting himself in the head with a pistol. His brother Harry Powlett 6th Duke Bolton (age 44) succeeded 6th Duke Bolton, 11th Marquess Winchester, 11th Earl Wiltshire, 11th Baron St John. Katherine Lowther Duchess of Bolton (age 29) by marriage Duchess Bolton.

On 05 Jul 1767 James Stuart 8th Earl of Moray (age 59) died. His son Francis Stuart 9th Earl of Moray (age 30) succeeded 9th Earl Moray. Jean Gray Countess Moray (age 24) by marriage Countess Moray.

On 05 Jul 1783 Richard Croftes (age 43) died.

On 05 Jul 1785 Charles Colyear 2nd Earl Portmore (age 84) died. On 05 Jul 1785 His son William Charles Colyear 3rd Earl Portmore (age 40) succeeded 3rd Earl Portmore. Mary Leslie Countess Portmore (age 31) by marriage Countess Portmore.

On 05 Jul 1786 Robert Henley 2nd Earl Northington (age 39) died unmarried. Earl Northington extinct.

On 02 Nov 1791 Charles Yorke (age 29) died. On 05 Jul 1795 Mary York (age 27) died. Both buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].

Charles Yorke: Before 05 May 1762 Bishop James Yorke and Mary Maddox were married. Some sources describe the date as 29 Jun 1762 which is inconsistent with the date of birth of their first child Charles Yorke, 05 May 1762, as described on his gravestone at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole. She the daughter of Isaac Maddox Bishop. He the son of Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke. On 05 May 1762 he was born to Bishop James Yorke and Mary Maddox.

Mary York: On 11 Oct 1767 she was born to Bishop James Yorke and Mary Maddox.

On 05 Jul 1793 Alexander Roslin (age 74) died.

On 05 Jul 1806 Arthur Dillon (age 84) died.

On 05 Jul 1816 Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan" (age 54) died.

On 05 Jul 1828 Son Ponsonby died.

On 05 Jul 1839 Flora Elizabeth Rawdon-Hastings (age 33) died. She had suffered a swelling in her abdomen. She refused an examination. Rumours were spread, by among others the future Queen Victoria (age 20), that she was pregnant. When Lady Flora (age 33) did finally consent to an examination she was found to an advanced cancerous liver tumour, and had only months left to live. The future Queen Victoria (age 20) visited Lady Flora on 27 Jun 1839 eight days before her death.

On 05 Jul 1844 Frances Mary Mosley (age 77) died.

On 05 Jul 1862 Emily Augusta Patmore nee Andrews (age 38) died.

On 05 Jul 1875 John Hodgkin1800-1875 (age 75) died.

On 05 Jul 1886 Elizabeth Joanna Weyland Countess Verulam (age 61) died.

On 05 Jul 1888 Thomas Noel-Hill (age 41) died.

On 05 Jul 1888 Charles Trollope (age 79) died.

On 05 Jul 1890 William Henry Chetwynd (age 78) died at his home Longdon Hall, Rugeley.

On 05 Jul 1896 Mary Rose Florence Bligh (age 28) died.

On 05 Jul 1898 John Manners-Sutton (age 75) died at Kelham, Nottinghamshire.

On 05 Jul 1911 Maria Pia of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 63) died.

On 05 Jul 1913 John Richard Clayton (age 85) died at Broomfield House, 11 Fairfax Road, Hampstead.

On 05 Jul 1913 Arthur Lyttelton (age 56) died.

On 05 Jul 1928 Lavinia Louisa Bertie (age 85) died.

On 05 Jul 1935 Alice Sophia Cunningham Lady Acland (age 86) died.

On 05 Jul 1938 Count László Széchenyi de Sárvár-Felsővidék (age 59) died.

On 05 Jul 1940 Arthur Stockdale Cope (age 82) died.

On 05 Jul 1957 Charles Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis 21st Baron Clinton (age 94) died. Baron Clinton abeyant between his daughters Harriet Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis (age 69) and Fenella Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis (age 67). The abeyance was terminated when Gerard Nevile Mark Fane-Trefusis 22nd Baron Clinton (age 23), grandson of Harriet Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis (age 69), succeeded as 22nd Baron Clinton.

On 05 Jul 1971 Frank Thomas le Fleming 10th Baronet (age 82) died. His son William Kelland le Fleming (age 49) succeeded 11th Baronet Fleming of Rydal in Cumbria.

On 05 Jul 1978 Charles Arthur Cooke 11th Baronet (age 72) died. His son David Cooke 12th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 12th Baronet Cooke of Wheatley Hall in Yorkshire.

On 05 Jul 1986 Elizabeth Mary Theodora Hughes Lady Shaw (age 90) died.