On this Day in History ... 8th January
08 Jan is in January.
1107 King Edgar of Scotland Dies King Alexander I Succeeds
1297 Marriage of Princess Elizabeth and John of Holland
1536 Death of Catherine of Aragon
Events on the 8th January
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 08 Jan 871. And about four nights after this, King Ethered (age 24) and Alfred (age 22) his brother fought with all the army on Ashdown, and the Danes were overcome. They had two heathen kings, Bagsac and Healfden, and many earls; and they were in two divisions; in one of which were Bagsac and Healfden, the heathen kings, and in the other were the earls. King Ethered (age 24) therefore fought with the troops of the kings, and there was King Bagsac slain; and Alfred (age 24) his brother fought with the troops of the earls, and there were slain Earl Sidrac the elder, Earl Sidrac the younger, Earl Osbern, Earl Frene, and Earl Harold. They put both the troops to flight; there were many thousands of the slain, and they continued fighting till night.
On 08 Jan 871 King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex (age 22) defeated the Viking army led by Halfdan Ragnarsson at the Battle of Ashdown in Berkshire. Bagsecg Viking was killed.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1107. This year died Maurice, Bishop of London, and Robert, Abbot of St. Edmund's bury, and Richard, Abbot of Ely. This year also died the King Edgar in Scotland (age 33), on the ides of January, and Alexander (age 29) his brother succeeded to the kingdom, as the King Henry (age 39) granted him.
On 08 Jan 1107 King Edgar I of Scotland (age 33) died. His brother King Alexander I of Scotland (age 29) succeeded I King Scotland.
On 08 Jan 1297 John Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 13) and Princess Elizabeth of Rhuddlan Countess Essex, Hereford and Holland (age 14) were married at Ipswich, Suffolk [Map]. She by marriage Countess Holland. The wedding was attended by her sister Margaret Plantagenet Duchess Brabant (age 21), her father King Edward I (age 57), her brother Edward (age 12) and her future second husband Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 21). She the daughter of King Edward I of England (age 57) and Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England. He the son of Floris Gerulfing V Count Holland and Beatrix Dampierre.
Calendars. 08 Jan 1308 King Edward II of England (age 23) To the Sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Noveray, of Burton, lately elected in the late King's reign, who is insufficiently qualified.
Memorandum, that on Sunday before the Feast of St Vincent the Martyr [22 Jan], at Dover, Kent [Map] in the King's chamber in the Priory of St Martin, Dover [Map], in the evening (crepsusculo noctis), in the presence of William Inge, knight, William de Melton and Adam de Osgoodby, clerks, Bishop John Langton, the King's Chancellor, delivered under his seal to the said King his great seal; and the King received the said seal in his own hands, and delivered it to Sir William Melton (age 33) to be carried with him in the wardrobe beyond sea; and the King straightaway delivered by his own hand another seal of his shortly before made anew at London for the government of the realm in the King's absence in a red bag (bursa) sealed with the seal of William Inge to the chancellor. With which seal the chancellor caused writs to be sealed, after the King's passage, in the hospital of Domus Dei, under the testimony of Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 24) then Keeper of the realm of England, on the Monday next following, on which day the King in the early morning (summo mane) passed the sea at Dover, Kent [Map].
On 08 Jan 1345 Philip Duke Valois (age 8) and Blanche Évreux Queen Consort France (age 14) were married. She the daughter of Philip "Noble" III King Navarre and Joan Capet II Queen Navarre (age 32). He the son of King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France (age 51) and Joan "Lame" Burgundy Queen Consort France (age 51). They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
Calendars. 08 Jan 1458. Grant to the king’s brother, Jasper, earl of Pembroke (age 26), and to John, earl of Shrewsbury (age 40), of the keeping of all possessions in England, Wales and the marches thereof late of Edmund, earl of Richmond, in the king’s hands by his death and the minority of Henry, his son and heir, except his possessions in Lincolnshire, to hold from his death during Henry’s minority, and so from heir to heir. By K. ete.
Annales of England by John Stow. 08 Jan 1536. The eight of Januarie dyed Ladie Katherine Dowager at Kymbalton, ad was buryed at Peterborowe.
Hall's Chronicle 1536. 08 Jan 1536. And the eighth day of January following died the Princess Dowager (deceased) at Kimbolton and was buried at Peterborough. Queen Anne (age 35) wore yellow for the mourning.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Jan 1555. The viij day of January the prynsse of Pyemon (age 26) whent by water to the Towre with my lord Admerall (age 45) and my lord Clynton, and dyvers odur, and he was shud evere plasse ther, and ther wher grett shutyng of gones.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Jan 1558. The viij day of January was sett up at Wyndsore [Map] the yerle of Sussex (age 33) the depute of Yrland ys baner of armes, and ys elmett, crest, mantylle, and ys sword for ys stallasyon of the garter.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Jan 1560. The viij day of January was bered at sant Botulf with-owt Algatt [Map] my lade Darce, the wyff of ser Arthur Darce (age 65) knyght; and so the chyrche and the quer wher hangyd with blake and armes, and so browth to the chyrche with xxx [priests] and clarkes syngyng, and ther was ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux (age 50) and master Somersett in ther ryche cottes; [then] cam the mornars, in gownes and cottes; then came ... that bare a pennon of armes, and the corse, with a ryche palle; there was a C [100] in blake, and xxiiij [24] men and women pore had gownes; and master Juell (age 37) byshope of Salysbere dyd pryche; and the(re) was a communyon; and all the morners offered; and after a grett dolle of money; and, all done, to the plasse to dener, for ther was a grett dener, and there were vij [7] dosen of skochyons of armes.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Jan 1560. The sam day of January dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the nuw byshope of London, master Gryndalle (age 41).
The Elizabethan Stage by E K Chambers Volume 3 The Twelve Goddesses 08 Jan 1604. 1604. The true discription of a Royall Masque. Presented at Hampton Court, vpon Sunday night, being the eight of Ianuary, 1604. And Personated by the Queenes most Excellent Majestie, attended by Eleuen Ladies of Honour. Edward Allde.[278]
The Vision of the 12 Goddesses, presented in a Maske the 8 of Ianuary, at Hampton Court: By the Queenes most Excellent Maiestie, and her Ladies. T. C. for Simon Waterson. [A preface to Lucy, Countess of Bedford, is signed by Daniel, who states that the publication was motived by 'the unmannerly presumption of an indiscreet Printer, who without warrant hath divulged the late shewe ... and the same very disorderly set forth'. Lady Bedford had 'preferred' Daniel to the Queen 'in this imployment'.]
See Collections.
Editions by Nichols, James, i. 305 (1828), E. Law (1880), and H. A. Evans (1897, English Masques).
The maskers, in various colours and with appropriate emblems, were twelve Goddesses, and were attended by torchbearers (cf. Carleton, infra); the presenters, 'for the introducing this show', Night, Sleep, Iris, Sibylla, and the Graces; the cornets, Satyrs.
The locality was the Hall at Hampton Court. At the lower end was a mountain, from which the maskers descended, and in which the cornets played; at the upper end the cave of Sleep and, on the left (Carleton), a temple of Peace, in the cupola of which was 'the consort music', while viols and lutes were 'on one side of the hall'.
The maskers presented their emblems, which Sibylla laid upon the altar of the temple. They danced 'their own measures', then took out the lords for 'certain measures, galliards, and corantoes', and after a 'short departing dance' reascended the mountain.
his was a Queen's mask, danced, according to manuscript notes in a copy of the Allde edition (B.M. 161, a. 41) thought by Mr. Law to be 'in a hand very like Lord Worcester's' (vide infra), and possibly identical with the 'original MS. of this mask' from which the same names are given in Collier, i. 347, by the Queen (Pallas), the Countesses of Suffolk (Juno), Hertford (Diana), Bedford (Vesta), Derby (Proserpine), and Nottingham (Concordia), and the Ladies Rich (Venus), Hatton (Macaria), Walsingham (Astraea), Susan Vere (Flora), Dorothy Hastings (Ceres), and Elizabeth Howard (Tethys).
Anticipations of masks at Court during the winter of 1603-4 are to be found in letters to Lord Shrewsbury from Arabella Stuart on 18 Dec. (Bradley, ii. 193), 'The Queene intendeth to make a Mask this Christmas, to which end my Lady of Suffolk and my Lady Walsingham hath warrants to take of the late Queenes best apparell out of the Tower at theyr discretion. Certain Noblemen (whom I may not yet name to you, because some of them have made me of theyr counsell) intend another. Certain gentlemen of good sort another'; from Cecil on 23 Dec. (Lodge, iii. 81), 'masks and much more'; and from Sir Thomas Edmondes on 23 Dec. (Lodge, iii. 83):
'Both the King's and Queen's Majesty have a humour to have some masks this Christmas time, and therefore, for that purpose, both the young lords and chief gentlemen of one part, and the Queen and her ladies of the other part, do severally undertake the accomplishment and furnishing[279] thereof; and, because there is use of invention therein, special choice is made of Mr. Sanford to direct the order and course for the ladies';
also in the letters of Carleton to Chamberlain on 27 Nov. (Birch, i. 24; Hardwicke Papers, i. 383), 'many plays and shows are bespoken, to give entertainment to our ambassadors', and 22 Dec. (S. P. D. Jac. I, v. 20; Law, 9):
'We shall have a merry Christmas at Hampton Court, for both male and female maskes are all ready bespoken, whereof the Duke [of Lennox] is rector chori of th' one side and the La: Bedford of the other.'
I suppose Mr. Sanford to be Henry Sanford, who, like Daniel, had been of the Wilton household (cf. Aubrey, i. 311) and may well have lent him his aid.
The masks of lords on 1 Jan. and of Scots on 6 Jan. are not preserved. The latter is perhaps most memorable because Ben Jonson and his friend Sir John Roe were thrust out from it by the Lord Chamberlain (cf. ch. vi). Arabella Stuart briefly told Shrewsbury on 10 Jan. that there were three masks (Bradley, ii. 199). Wilbraham's Journal (Camden Misc. x), 66, records:
The masks of lords on 1 Jan. and of Scots on 6 Jan. are not preserved. The latter is perhaps most memorable because Ben Jonson and his friend Sir John Roe were thrust out from it by the Lord Chamberlain (cf. ch. vi). Arabella Stuart briefly told Shrewsbury on 10 Jan. that there were three masks (Bradley, ii. 199). Wilbraham's Journal (Camden Misc. x), 66, records:
But the fullest description was given by Carleton to Chamberlain on 15 Jan. (S. P. D. Jac. I, vi. 21, printed by Law, 33, 45; Sullivan, 192).
'On New yeares night we had a play of Robin goode-fellow and a maske brought in by a magicien of China. There was a heaven built at the lower end of the hall, owt of which our magicien came downe and after he had made a long sleepy speech to the King of the nature of the cuntry from whence he came comparing it with owrs for strength and plenty, he sayde he had broughte in cloudes certain Indian and China Knights to see the magnificency of this court. And theruppon a trauers was drawne and the maskers seen sitting in a voulty place with theyr torchbearers and other lights which was no vnpleasing spectacle. The maskers were brought in by two boyes and two musitiens who began with a song and whilst that went forward they presented themselves to the King. The first gave the King an Impresa in a shield with a sonet in a paper to exprese his deuice and presented a jewell of 40,000£ valew which the King is to buy of Peter Van Lore, but that is more than euery man knew and it made a faire shew to the French Ambassadors eye whose master would have bin well pleased with such a maskers present but not at that prise. The rest in theyr order deliuered theyr scutchins with letters and there was no great stay at any of them saue only at one who was putt to the interpretacion of his deuise. It was a faire horse colt in a faire greene field which he meant to be a colt of Busephalus race and had this virtu of his sire that none could mount him but one as great at lest as Alexander. The King made himself merry with threatening to send this colt to the stable and he could not breake loose till he promised to dance as well as Bankes his horse. The first measure was full of changes and seemed confused but was well gone[280] through with all, and for the ordinary measures they tooke out the Queen, the ladies of Derby, Harford, Suffolke, Bedford, Susan Vere, Suthwell th' elder and Rich. In the corantoes they ran over some other of the young ladies, and so ended as they began with a song; and that done, the magicien dissolved his enchantment, and made the maskers appear in theyr likenes to be th' Erle of Pembroke, the Duke, Monsr. d'Aubigny, yong Somerset, Philip Harbert the young Bucephal, James Hayes, Richard Preston, and Sir Henry Godier. Theyr attire was rich but somewhat too heavy and cumbersome for dancers which putt them besides ther galliardes. They had loose robes of crimsen sattin embrodered with gold and bordered with brood siluer laces, dublets and bases of cloth of siluer; buskins, swordes and hatts alike and in theyr hats ech of them an Indian bird for a fether with some jewells. The twelfe-day the French Ambassador was feasted publikely; and at night there was a play in the Queens presence with a masquerado of certaine Scotchmen who came in with a sword dance not vnlike a matachin, and performed it clenly.... The Sunday following was the great day of the Queenes maske.'
This Carleton describes at length; I only note points which supplement Daniel's description.
'The Hale was so much lessened by the workes that were in it, so as none could be admitted but men of apparance, the one end was made into a rock and in several places the waightes placed; in attire like savages. Through the midst from the top came a winding stayre of breadth for three to march; and so descended the maskers by three and three; which being all seene on the stayres at once was the best presentacion I have at any time seene. Theyre attire was alike, loose mantles and petticotes but of different colors, the stuffs embrodered sattins and cloth of gold and silver, for which they were beholding to Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe.... Only Pallas had a trick by herself for her clothes were not so much below the knee, but that we might see a woman had both feete and legs which I never knew before.'
He describes the torchbearers as pages in white satin loose gowns, although Daniel says they were 'in the like several colours' to the maskers. The temple was 'on the left side of the hall towards the upper end'. For the 'common measures' the lords taken out were Pembroke, Lennox, Suffolk, Henry Howard, Southampton, Devonshire, Sidney, Nottingham, Monteagle, Northumberland, Knollys, and Worcester.
'For galliardes and corantoes they went by discretion, and the yong Prince was tost from hand to hand like a tennis bal. The Lady Bedford and Lady Susan tooke owt the two ambassadors; and they bestirred themselfe very liuely: speceally the Spaniard for the Spanish galliard shewed himself a lusty old reueller.... But of all for goode grace and goode footmanship Pallas bare the bell away.'
The dancers unmasked about midnight, and then came a banquet in the presence-chamber, 'which was dispatched with the accustomed confusion'.
Carleton also mentions the trouble between the Spanish and French ambassadors, which is also referred to in a letter of O. Renzo to G. A. Frederico (S. P. D. Jac. I, vi. 37; cf. Sullivan, 195), and is the subject of several dispatches by and to the Comte de Beaumont[281] (King's MSS. cxxiv, ff. 328, 359v, 363, 373, 381, 383v, 389; cf. Reyher, 519, Sullivan, 193-5). was the object of the Court not to invite both ambassadors together, as this would entail an awkward decision as to precedence. Beaumont was asked first, to the mask on 1 Jan. He hesitated to accept, expressing a fear that it was intended to ask De Taxis to the Queen's mask on Twelfth Night, 'dernier jour des festes de Noël selon la facon d'Angleterre et le plus honnorable de tout pour la cérémonie qui s'y obserue de tout temps publiquement'. After some negotiation he extracted a promise from James that, if the Spaniard was present at all, it would be in a private capacity, and he then dropped the point, and accepted his own invitation, threatening to kill De Taxis in the presence if he dared to dispute precedence with him. On 5 Jan. he learnt that Anne had refused to dance if De Taxis was not present, and that the promise would be broken. He protested, and his protest was met by an invitation for the Twelfth Night to which he had attached such importance. But the Queen's mask was put off until 8 Jan., a Scottish mask substituted on 6 Jan., and on 8 Jan. De Taxis was present, revelling it in red, while Anne paid him the compliment of wearing a red favour on her costume.
Reyher, 519, cites references to the Queen's mask in the accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber and of the Office of Works. E. Law (Hist. of Hampton Court, ii. 10) gives, presumably from one of these, 'making readie the lower ende with certain roomes of the hall at Hampton Court for the Queenes Maiestie and ladies against their mask by the space of three dayes'.
Allde's edition must have been quickly printed. On 2 Feb. Lord Worcester wrote to Lord Shrewsbury (Lodge, iii. 87): 'Whereas your Lordship saith you were never particularly advertised of the mask, I have been at sixpence charge with you to send you the book, which will inform you better than I can, having noted the names of the ladies applied to each goddess; and for the other, I would likewise have sent you the ballet, if I could have got it for money, but these books, as I hear, are all called in, and in truth I will not take upon me to set that down which wiser than myself do not understand.
Note 278. Henslowe Papers, 139.
Note 279. James IV, 106, 605, 618, 1115.
Note 280. Looking Glass, 152, 1756.
On 08 Jan 1604 the Masque of the Twelve Goddesses was performed in the Great Hall at Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map]. The performers included:
Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 29) played Pallas.
Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 40) played Juno.
Frances Howard Duchess Lennox and Richmond (age 25) played Diana.
Lucy Harrington Countess Bedford (age 24) played Vesta.
Elizabeth Vere Countess Derby (age 28) played Proserpine.
Margaret Stewart 1st Countess Nottingham (age 13) played Concordia.
Penelope Devereux Countess Devonshire (age 41) played Venus.
Elizabeth Cecil Lady Hatton (age 26) played Macaria.
Audrey Shelton Lady Walsingham (age 35) played Astraea.
Susan Vere Countess Montgomery (age 16) played Flora.
Dorothy Hastings (age 25) played Ceres.
Elizabeth Howard Countess Banbury (age 21) played Tethys.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 08 Jan 1616. Upon the 8th went to see Lady Raleigh (age 50) at the Tower [Map].
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 08 Jan 1617. Upon the 8th we came from London to Knole. This night my Lord (age 27) and I had a falling out about the land.
On 08 Jan 1621 Mountjoy Blount 1st Earl Newport (age 24) took part in a Masque before King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 20) staged by James Hay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 41) at Essex House.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1660. Sunday. In the morning I went to Mr. Gunning's (age 46), where a good sermon, wherein he showed the life of Christ, and told us good authority for us to believe that Christ did follow his father's trade, and was a carpenter till thirty years of age. From thence to my father's (age 58) to dinner, where I found my wife (age 19), who was forced to dine there, we not having one coal of fire in the house, and it being very hard frosty weather. In the afternoon my father (age 58), he going to a man's to demand some money due to my Aunt Bells my wife (age 19) and I went to Mr. Mossum's (age 43), where a strange doctor made a very good sermon. From thence sending my wife (age 19) to my father's (age 58), I went to Mrs. Turner's (age 37), and staid a little while, and then to my father's (age 58), where I found Mr. Sheply, and after supper went home together. Here I heard of the death of Mr. Palmer, and that he was to be buried at Westminster [Map] tomorrow.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1661. My wife and I lay very long in bed to-day talking and pleasing one another in discourse. Being up, Mr. Warren came, and he and I agreed for the deals that my Lord is to, have. Then Will and I to Westminster, where I dined with my Lady. After dinner I took my Lord Hinchinbroke and Mr. Sidney to the Theatre [Map], and shewed them "The Widdow", an indifferent good play, but wronged by the women being to seek in their parts. That being done, my Lord's coach waited for us, and so back to my Lady's, where she made me drink of some Florence wine, and did give me two bottles for my wife. From thence walked to my cozen Stradwick's, and there chose a small banquet and some other things against our entertainment on Thursday next. Thence to Tom Pepys and bought a dozen of trenchers, and so home. Some talk to-day of a head of Fanatiques that do appear about Barnett, but I do not believe it. However, my Lord Mayor, Sir Richd. Browne (age 59), hath carried himself very honourably, and hath caused one of their meeting-houses in London to be pulled down.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1662. I rose and went to Westminster Hall [Map], and there walked up and down upon several businesses, and among others I met with Sir W. Pen (age 40), who told me that he had this morning heard Sir G. Carteret (age 52) extremely angry against my man Will that he is every other day with the Commissioners of Parliament at Westminster, and that his uncle was a rogue, and that he did tell his uncle every thing that passes at the office, and Sir William, though he loves the lad, did advise me to part with him, which did with this surprise mightily trouble me, though I was already angry with him, and so to the Wardrobe by water, and all the way did examine Will about the business, but did not tell him upon what score, but I find that the poor lad do suspect something.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1663. Dined at home; and there being the famous new play acted the first time to-day, which is called "The Adventures of Five Hours", at the Duke's house, being, they say, made or translated by Colonel Tuke (age 48), I did long to see it; and so made my wife to get her ready, though we were forced to send for a smith, to break open her trunk, her mayde Jane being gone forth with the keys, and so we went; and though early, were forced to sit almost out of sight, at the end of one of the lower forms, so full was the house. And the play, in one word, is the best, for the variety and the most excellent continuance of the plot to the very end, that ever I saw, or think ever shall, and all possible, not only to be done in the time, but in most other respects very admittable, and without one word of ribaldry; and the house, by its frequent plaudits, did show their sufficient approbation.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1667. So home and to supper, and then saw the catalogue of my books, which my brother had wrote out, now perfectly alphabeticall, and so to bed. Sir Richard Ford (age 53) did this evening at Sir W. Batten's (age 66) tell us that upon opening the body of my Lady Denham (deceased) it is said that they found a vessel about her matrix which had never been broke by her husband (age 52), that caused all pains in her body. Which if true is excellent invention to clear both the Duchesse (age 29) from poison or the Duke (age 33) from lying with her.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1668. Thence home to the office, and so with my Lord Brouncker (age 48) and his mistress, Williams, to Captain Cocke's (age 51) to dinner, where was Temple [Map] and Mr. Porter, and a very good dinner, and merry.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1668. Thence with Lord Brouncker (age 48) to White Hall to the Commissioners of the Treasury at their sending for us to discourse about the paying of tickets, and so away, and I by coach to the 'Change [Map], and there took up my wife and Mercer and the girl by agreement, and so home, and there with Mercer to teach her more of "It is decreed", and to sing other songs and talk all the evening, and so after supper I to even my journall since Saturday last, and so to bed.
Pepy's Diary. 08 Jan 1669. Up, and with Colonel Middleton, in his coach, and Mr. Tippets to White Hall; and there attended the Duke of York (age 35) with the rest, where the Duke was mighty plain with the Treasurers, according to the advice my Lord Brouncker (age 49) and I did give him the other night, and he did it fully; and so as, I believe, will make the Treasurers carefull of themselves, unless they do resolve upon defying the Duke of York (age 35).
Roger Whitley's Diary. 08 Jan 1690. Wednesday, went to Parliment dined at Prior's Winehouse with 2 Mainwarings, Andrews, Hussey &c; went to the Committe; called on Roger at the Rummer Tavern, parted past 9.
Calendars. 08 Jan 1693. Whitehall. The Earl of Nottingham to the Commissioners of the Treasury. The King has appointed Capt. George St. Loe to be one of the Commissioners of Prizes, with the same salary and allowance that 01 Jan 1693. Whitehall. [Jan. 9.]
Before 08 Jan 1694 Jacob Huysmans (age 61) (attributed). Described as a Portrait of Thomas Strickland (age 72).
On 08 Jan 1707 Louis Bourbon Duke Brittany was born to Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 24) and Maria Adelaide Savoy (age 21). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.
On 08 Jan 1774 Dodington Montagu (age 80) died in a house fire.
The Gentleman's Magazine Volume 59 Part 1 Page 392. 08 Jan 1789. On the 8th of January last, I published, in the Bath Chronicle, a short account of an extraordinary barrow, or tumulus, which had been recently discovered in the neighbourhood of my residence. This I did in hope of attracting the attention of some gentleman who, from knowledge in ancient history, might have been able to give the publick information, or probable conjecture at least, relative to this new species of sepulchral monument. To invite investigation, I subjoined my address; and happy should I have been in giving every information or assistance my locality afforded me to such an one. But as no such investigation has been made by any one of competent abilities, I venture to obtrude, rather than suffer so curious a discovery to pass back into the regions of oblivion, without that respect which, I am persuaded, its singular construction demands.
The London Gazette 15881. 08 Jan 1806. The Remains of the late Right Honorable Horatio Viscount and Baron Nelson, K. B. Vice-Admiral of the White Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, were conveyed from the Royal Hospital of Greenwich [Map] […] to the Admiralty. His body was accompanied by four mourning barges on a procession on the River Thames. Located in the third barge, his body was "Covered with a large Sheet, and a Pall of Velvet adorned with Six Escocheons.".
On 08 Jan 1815 Edward "Ned" Pakenham (age 36) was killed at New Orléans during the Battle of New Orléans.
After 08 Jan 1826. Memorial to Vere Fane (deceased) at St Nicholas' Church, Fulbeck.
Vere Fane: In 1807 he was born illegitimately to General Henry Fane and Isabella Gorges. On 08 Jan 1826 Vere Fane drowned when the brig of war Algernine sank off Hydra in the Grecian Archipelago with the loss of all on board.
The London Gazette 18540. Whitehall, January 8, 1829.
The King has been pleased to direct letter patent to be passed under the Great Seal, declaring that the Honourable Harriet-Anne Curzon (age 41) (wife of the Honourable Robert Curzon (age 54)), being one of the two surviving daughters [Note. the other being Katharine Anabella Bisshop Lady Brooke-Pechell (age 37)] and coheirs of the body of Cecil, late Baron Zouche of Haryngworth and shall be Baroness Zouche of Haryngworth and shall have and enjoy the said ancient Barony of Zouche of Haryngworth, to her and the heirs of her body in as full and ample manner as the said Cecil Baron Zouche of Haryngworth, or any of his ancestors, Barons Zouche of Haryngworth, held and enjoyed the same.
After 08 Jan 1845. Memorial to John Cæsar Hawkins (deceased) at St Mary's Church, Elton.
John Cæsar Hawkins: On 20 Dec 1805 he was born to John Cæsar Hawkins 3rd Baronet and Charlotte Cassandra Surtees. On 07 Apr 1836 John Cæsar Hawkins and Louisa Georgiana Letitia Ricketts were married. On 08 Jan 1845 John Cæsar Hawkins died.
On 08 Jan 1847 Prince George Hanover 2nd Duke Cambridge (age 27) and Sarah Fairbrother (age 32) were married at St John's Church, Clerkenwell [Map]. The marriage was in contravention of the 1772 Royal Marriages Act by which he was required to seek the permission of the monarch. The marriage was considered illegal. He the son of Adolphus Hanover 1st Duke Cambridge (age 72) and Princess Augusta Hesse-Kassel Duchess Cambridge (age 49). He a grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 08 Jan 1864 Prince Albert Victor "Eddy" Windsor was born to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 22) and Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 19) at Frogmore House Frogmore Estate Home Park Windsor, Berkshire.
After 08 Jan 1869. Memorial to Commander Charles Randle Egerton (deceased) at St Mary's Church, Rostherne, Tatton [Map].
The London Gazette 27873. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 8th day of January, 1906.
PRESENT, The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council
This day the Right Honourable Cecil George Savile, Earl of Liverpool; the Right Honourable Osbert Cecil (age 34), Earl of Sefton; the Right Honourable William (age 33), Earl Beauchamp, K.C.M.G.; Richard Knight Causton (age 62), Esquire, M.P.; Thomas Shaw, Esquire, K.C.; Thomas Burt, Esquire, M.P., and Sir Balthazar Walter Foster (age 65), M.P., were, by His Majesty's command, respectively sworn of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their places at the Board accordingly.
W. FitzRoy.
On 08 Jan 1915 Charles Chetwynd-Talbot (age 32) died of pneumonia.
After 08 Jan 1921. Memorial at St John Lee Church, Hexham [Map] to Rector Christian Paul Sherman.
After 08 Jan 1926. Memorial at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map] to William Bourchier Sherard Wrey (deceased).
William Bourchier Sherard Wrey: On 02 Apr 1865 he was born to Henry Bourchier Toke Wrey 10th Baronet and Marianne Sarah Sherard Lady Wrey. On 03 Jun 1897 William Bourchier Sherard Wrey and Flora Bathurst Grieve were married. There was no issue from the marriage. On 08 Jan 1926 William Bourchier Sherard Wrey died. His ashes were buried at sea.
Time Team Series 2 Episode 1: Lord of the Isles was filmed between 24 Jun 1994 and 26 Jun 1994 was filmed. It was originally shown on 08 Jan 1995.
Location: Finlaggan, Islay [Map]
Category: Time Team Prehistory, Time Team Early Medieval.
The Time Team:
Tony Robinson (age 48), Presenter
Mick Aston (age 48), Bristol University Landscape Archaeologist
Carenza Lewis (age 31), Royal Commission on Historic Monuments
Phil Harding (age 44), Wessex Archaeological Trust Field Archaeologist
Robin Bush (age 51), Archivist
Victor Ambrus (age 59), Historical Illustrator
John Gator, Chris Gaffney, Geophysics
Stewart Ainsworth (age 43), Landscape Archaeologist
David Caldwell, Director of Excavations
Kate Bonner, Excavation Team
Sally Ann Chandler, Period Clothing Expert
Donald Macfadian, Finlaggan Trust
Simon Mears, GPS System
Historical Figures: King Somerled of Argyll
Sources: Chronicle of Man and the Isles, A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland by Martin Martin, A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland by Martin Martin.
Outcomes: Partly complete Glass Bead, Replica aketon, possible mesolithic site, possibly stone rows aligned to Paps of Jura.
Births on the 8th January
On 08 Jan 1313 James Audley 2nd Baron Audley of Heighley was born to Nicholas Audley 1st Baron Audley of Heighley (age 23) and Joan Fitzmartin Countess Lincoln at Heighley Castle, Staffordshire [Map].
On 08 Jan 1629 William Hickman 2nd Baronet was born to Willoughby Hickman 1st Baronet (age 25).
On 08 Jan 1640 Elisabeth Dorothea Saxe Gotha was born to Ernest "The Pious" Saxe Gotha I Duke Saxe Gotha (age 38) and Elisabeth Sophie Saxe Altenburg Duchess Saxe Gotha (age 20) at Coburg. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.17%.
On 08 Jan 1670 Brooke Boothby was born to William Boothby 1st Baronet (age 32) and Hill Brooke (age 34).
On 08 Jan 1670 Alexander Stewart 4th Earl Galloway was born to Alexander Stewart 3rd Earl Galloway and Mary Douglas Countess Galloway.
On 08 Jan 1691 George Charles Hesse-Kassel was born to Charles I Landgrave Hesse-Kassel (age 36) and Maria Amalia of Courland Landgravine Hesse-Kassel (age 37). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.66%.
On 08 Jan 1707 Louis Bourbon Duke Brittany was born to Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 24) and Maria Adelaide Savoy (age 21). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.
Before 08 Jan 1715 Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet was born to Joseph Moyle (age 35) and Catherine Copley. On 08 Jan 1715 he was baptised at St Paul's Church, Covent Garden.
On 08 Jan 1716 Frederick Murray was born to John Murray 1st Duke Atholl (age 55) and Mary Ross Duchess Atholl (age 28).
On 08 Jan 1735 George de la Poer Beresford 1st Marquess Waterford was born to Marcus Beresford 1st Earl Tyrone (age 40) and Catherine Power Countess Tyrone (age 33).
On 08 Jan 1742 Henry Burgh 1st Marquess Clarincade was born to John Smith Burgh 11th Earl Clanricarde (age 21) and Hester Amelia Vincent Countess Clanricarde.
On 08 Jan 1777 Caroline Pelham was born to Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Baron Yarborough (age 27) and Sophia Aufrère Baroness Yarborough.
On 08 Jan 1779 Henry Joseph Tichborne 8th Baronet was born to Henry Tichborne 7th Baronet (age 22).
On 08 Jan 1797 Arthur Chichester 1st Baron Templemore was born to Spencer Stanley Chichester (age 21) and Anne Harriet Stewart (age 28) at Westminster [Map].
On 08 Jan 1798 Frederick Vincent 11th Baronet was born to Henry Dormer Vincent (age 47) and Isabella Hervey (age 37).
On 08 Jan 1802 Hugh Williams 3rd Baronet was born to John Williams 1st Baronet (age 40) and Margaret Williams Lady Williams (age 33).
On 08 Jan 1811 Ernest Brudenell-Bruce 3rd Marquess Ailesbury was born to Charles Brudenell 1st Marquess Ailesbury (age 37) and Henrietta Maria Hill at Warren's Hotel St James' Square.
On 08 Jan 1836 Lawrence Alma-Tadema was born.
On 08 Jan 1845 Mary Katherine Gordon was born to Charles Gordon 10th Marquess Huntly (age 53) and Maria Antoinetta Pegus Marchioness Huntly (age 24).
On 08 Jan 1849 Henry Monck 5th Viscount Monck was born to Charles Stanley Monck 4th Viscount Monck (age 29) and Elizabeth Louise Mary Monck. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.
On 08 Jan 1851 William Randall McDonnell 6th Earl of Antrim was born to Mark Kerr aka McDonnell 5th Earl of Antrim (age 36) and Jane Macan Countess of Antrim (age 26).
On 08 Jan 1856 Arthur Cornwallis Ponsonby was born to Walter William Brabazon Ponsonby 7th Earl Bessborough (age 34) and Louisa Susan Cornwallis Eliot Countess Bessborough (age 30).
On 08 Jan 1864 Prince Albert Victor "Eddy" Windsor was born to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 22) and Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 19) at Frogmore House Frogmore Estate Home Park Windsor, Berkshire.
On 08 Jan 1865 Hugh Molesworth-St Aubyn 13th Baronet was born to St Aubyn Hender Molesworth-St Aubyn 12th Baronet (age 31).
On 08 Jan 1872 Frederick Roberts was born.
On 08 Jan 1882 Lilian Mordaunt was born to Charles Mordaunt 10th Baronet (age 45) and Mary Louisa Cholmondeley Lady Massingham Parva (age 30).
On 08 Jan 1882 Albert Archibald Primrose 6th Earl Rosebery 2nd Earl Midlothian was born to Archibald Philip Primrose 5th Earl Rosebery 1st Earl Midlothian (age 34) and Hannah Rothschild Countess Camden (age 30) at Dalmeny House, Dalmeny.
On 08 Jan 1906 Elizabeth Harris Baroness Cottesloe was born to James Edward Harris 5th Earl Malmesbury (age 33) and Dorothy Gough-Calthorpe Countess of Malmesbury (age 20).
On 08 Jan 1911 Anthony Devas was born.
On 08 Jan 1914 Gordon Hope Hope-Morley 3rd Baron Hollenden was born to Claude Hope-Morley (age 26).
On 08 Jan 1955 Charles Gordon-Lennox 11th Duke of Richmond and Lennox 6th Duke of Gordon was born to Charles Gordon-Lennox 10th Duke of Richmond and Lennox 5th Duke of Gordon (age 25).
On 08 Jan 1970 Marke Hill-Trevor 5th Baron Trevor was born to Charles Edwin Hlll Trevor 4th Baron Trevor (age 41).
Marriages on the 8th January
On 08 Jan 1297 John Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 13) and Princess Elizabeth of Rhuddlan Countess Essex, Hereford and Holland (age 14) were married at Ipswich, Suffolk [Map]. She by marriage Countess Holland. The wedding was attended by her sister Margaret Plantagenet Duchess Brabant (age 21), her father King Edward I (age 57), her brother Edward (age 12) and her future second husband Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 21). She the daughter of King Edward I of England (age 57) and Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England. He the son of Floris Gerulfing V Count Holland and Beatrix Dampierre.
On 08 Jan 1345 Philip Duke Valois (age 8) and Blanche Évreux Queen Consort France (age 14) were married. She the daughter of Philip "Noble" III King Navarre and Joan Capet II Queen Navarre (age 32). He the son of King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France (age 51) and Joan "Lame" Burgundy Queen Consort France (age 51). They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
Around 08 Jan 1426 Alexander Gordon 1st Earl Huntley and Egidia Hay were married.
Before 08 Jan 1449 Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 64) and Maud Stanhope 4th Baroness Cromwell Baroness Willoughby of Eresby were married. She by marriage Baroness Willoughby de Eresby.
On 08 Jan 1601 Robert Pierrepont 1st Earl Kingston (age 16) and Gertrude Talbot Baroness Pierrepont Holme Pierrepoint (age 20) were married at Overton Longueville.
On 08 Jan 1634 Charles Herbert (age 15) and Mary Villiers Duchess Lennox Duchess Richmond (age 12) were married. The marriage was short-lived with his dying a year later. She re-married in Aug 1637 to James Stewart 4th Duke Lennox 1st Duke Richmond (age 21). She the daughter of George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham and Katherine Manners Duchess Buckingham (age 31). He the son of Philip Herbert 4th Earl Pembroke 1st Earl Montgomery (age 49) and Susan Vere Countess Montgomery.
On 08 Jan 1655 George Trevelyan 1st Baronet (age 20) and Mary Willoughby Lady Trevelyan were married.
On 08 Jan 1673 John Manners 1st Duke Rutland (age 34) and Catherine Noel Duchess Rutland (age 16) were married. He the son of John Manners 8th Earl of Rutland (age 68) and Frances Montagu Countess Rutland. They were half first cousin twice removed.
On 08 Jan 1685 Conyers Darcy 2nd Earl Holderness (age 63) and Elizabeth Freschville Countess Holderness (age 51) were married. He the son of Conyers Darcy 1st Earl Holderness (age 85) and Grace Rokeby Countess Holderness.
Before 15 Feb 1687 Brigadier-General Henry Trelawny (age 29) and Rebecca Hals (age 26) were married. She a co-heiress of her brother Matthew Hals (d.1684) of Efford, from whom she inherited the manor of Efford. They had two sons and three daughters. Some sources describe the date of their marriage as 08 Jan 1690 which is inconsistent with the dates of birth of their two eldest children Harry Trelawny 5th Baronet and Mary Trelawny.
On 08 Jan 1692 Charles Lennox 1st Duke Richmond (age 19) and Anne Brudenell Duchess Richmond (age 21) were married. She by marriage Duchess Richmond. He the illegitmate son of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland and Louise Kéroualle 1st Duchess Portsmouth (age 42).
On 08 Jan 1732 Richard Bulkeley 5th Viscount Bulkeley and Jane Owen Viscountess Bulkeley were married. She by marriage Viscountess Bulkeley of Cashel in Tipperary.
On 08 Jan 1839 Thomas James Agar aka Agar-Robartes 1st Baron Robartes (age 30) and Juliana Pole-Carew Baroness Robartes (age 26) were married.
On 08 Jan 1847 Prince George Hanover 2nd Duke Cambridge (age 27) and Sarah Fairbrother (age 32) were married at St John's Church, Clerkenwell [Map]. The marriage was in contravention of the 1772 Royal Marriages Act by which he was required to seek the permission of the monarch. The marriage was considered illegal. He the son of Adolphus Hanover 1st Duke Cambridge (age 72) and Princess Augusta Hesse-Kassel Duchess Cambridge (age 49). He a grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 08 Jan 1873 Harry Chichester 2nd Baron Templemore (age 51) and Victoria Elizabeth Ashley-Cooper Baroness Templemore (age 35) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She by marriage Baroness Templemore of Templemore in Donegal. She the daughter of Anthony Ashley-Cooper 7th Earl Shaftesbury (age 71) and Emily Caroline Catherine Frances Cowper Countess Shaftesbury.
On 08 Jan 1898 Osbert Molyneux 6th Earl Sefton (age 26) and Helena Mary Bridgeman Countess Sefton (age 22) were married. She the daughter of George Cecil Orlando Bridgeman 4th Earl Bradford (age 53) and Ida Frances Annabella Lumley Countess Bradford (age 49). He the son of William Molyneux 4th Earl Sefton and Cecil Emily Jolliffe (age 60).
On 08 Jan 1916 Alfred Fitzroy 8th Duke Grafton (age 65) and Susanna Mary Mctaggart Stewart Duchess Grafton were married. He the son of Augustus Charles Lennox Fitzroy 7th Duke Grafton (age 94) and Anne Balfour. He a great x 5 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
Deaths on the 8th January
On 08 Jan 871 King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex (age 22) defeated the Viking army led by Halfdan Ragnarsson at the Battle of Ashdown in Berkshire. Bagsecg Viking was killed.
On 08 Jan 1079 Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 70) died at Messines.
On 08 Jan 1107 King Edgar I of Scotland (age 33) died. His brother King Alexander I of Scotland (age 29) succeeded I King Scotland.
On 08 Jan 1268 William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick (age 48) died. His nephew William Beauchamp 9th Earl Warwick (age 31) succeeded 9th Earl Warwick. Maud Fitzjohn Countess Warwick (age 30) by marriage Countess Warwick.
On 08 Jan 1542 John Hastings 15th Baron Hastings (age 10) died. Baron Hastings abeyant between his two sisters Anne Hastings (age 13) and Elizabeth Hastings (age 9).
On 08 Jan 1628 William Twysden 1st Baronet (age 62) died. His son Roger Twysden 2nd Baronet (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baronet Twysden of Roydon in Kent.
On 08 Jan 1642 Galileo Galilei (age 77) died.
Before 08 Jan 1652 Jane Sackville Viscountess Montague (age 79) died.
On 08 Jan 1674 Justus van Egmont (age 73) died.
On 08 Jan 1699 John Morton 2nd Baronet (age 71) died. Baronet Morton of Milbourne St Andrew in Dorset extinct.
On 08 Jan 1705 Peter Killigrew 2nd Baronet (age 71) died. Baronet Killigrew of Arwennick in Cornwall extinct.
On 08 Jan 1707 John Dalrymple 1st Earl of Stair (age 58) died.
On 08 Jan 1723 Lucy Douglas Countess Nithsdale (age 79) died.
On 08 Jan 1723 Charles Hotham 4th Baronet (age 60) died. His son Charles Hotham 5th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 5th Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.
On 08 Jan 1724 Mary Preston Marchioness Powis died.
On 08 Jan 1739 Thomas Lombe (age 53) died. He left a fortune of £120,000, bequeathed equally to his widow Elizabeth Turner and his two daughters, Hannah Lombe Lady Clifton and Mary Turner Lombe Countess Launderdale.
On 08 Jan 1743 William Capell 3rd Earl Essex (age 45) died. His son William Anne Capell 4th Earl Essex (age 10) succeeded 4th Earl Essex.
On 08 Jan 1758 George Augustus Yelverton 2nd Earl of Sussex (age 30) died. His brother Henry Yelverton 3rd Earl of Sussex (age 29) succeeded 3rd Earl of Sussex, 4th Viscount Longueville, 18th Baron Grey of Ruthyn, 7th Baronet Yelverton of Easton Maudit in Northamptonshire.
On 08 Jan 1764 James Murray 2nd Duke Atholl (age 73) died. His nephew John Murray 3rd Duke Atholl (age 34) succeeded 3rd Duke Atholl, 4th Marquess Atholl, 5th Earl Atholl, 6th Earl Tullibardine. Charlotte Murray Duchess Atholl (age 32) by marriage Duchess Atholl. His daughter Charlotte Murray Duchess Atholl (age 32) succeeded 8th Baroness Strange Knockin.
On 08 Jan 1765 William Pynsent 2nd Baronet (age 86) died having outlived his three daughters and his son, none of whom had issue. Baronet Pynsent of Erthfont extinct. He left his estate to William "The Elder" Pitt 1st Earl Chatham (age 56) who was no relation and who he had never met. Pitt erected the Burton Pynsent Monument nearby at a cost of £2,000.
On 08 Jan 1766 Thomas Foley 2nd Baron Foley (age 63) died without issue. Baron Foley extinct. The estates of Great Witley, Worcestershire were inherited by his second cousin once-removed Thomas Foley (age 49) who was created 1st Baron Foley of the second creation.
On 08 Jan 1770 John Michael Rysbrack (age 75) died in Vere Street Marylebone [Map].
On 08 Jan 1771 Marmaduke Langdale 4th Baron Langdale (age 86) died. His son Marmaduke Langdale 5th Baron Langdale succeeded 5th Baron Langdale of Holme in Yorkshire.
On 08 Jan 1779 Dinah Frankland Countess Lichfield (age 60) died.
On 08 Jan 1798 Ralph Milbanke 5th Baronet (age 73) died. His son Ralph Milbanke aka Noel 6th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 6th Baronet Milbanke of Halnaby in Yorkshire.
On 08 Jan 1799 George Rich 6th Baronet (age 70) died. Baronet Rich of London extinct. His niece, Mary Frances Rich (age 43), daughter of his brother Robert Rich 5th Baronet, had married Charles Bostock aka Rich 1st Baronet (age 47) who would subsequently adopt the surname of Rich and be created 1st Baronet Rich of Shirley House in Hampshire.
On 08 Jan 1805 Thomas Pelham 1st Earl Chichester (age 76) died. His son Thomas Pelham 2nd Earl Chichester (age 48) succeeded 2nd Earl Chichester, 3rd Baron Pelham of Stanmer in Sussex and 7th Baronet Pelham of Laughton. Mary Henrietta Juliana Osborne Countess Chichester (age 28) by marriage Countess Chichester.
On 08 Jan 1813 Anne Elizabeth Rawdon Countess Ailesbury (age 60) died.
On 08 Jan 1813 John Byng 5th Viscount Torrington (age 69) died. His son George Byng 6th Viscount Torrington (age 45) succeeded 6th Viscount Torrington.
On 08 Jan 1816 Edward Crofton 3rd Baronet (age 37) died. His son Edward Crofton 2nd Baron Crofton (age 9) succeeded 3rd Baronet Crofton of The Mote in Roscommon. Georgina Paget Lady Crofton (age 15) by marriage Lady Crofton of The Mote in Roscommon.
On 08 Jan 1830 Anne Dashwood Countess Galloway (age 87) died.
On 08 Jan 1834 William Strickland 6th Baronet (age 80) died. His son George Strickland 7th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 7th Baronet Strickland of Boynton in Yorkshire.
On 08 Jan 1840 Flora Mure-Campbell Marchioness of Hastings (age 60) died. Her son George Augustus Francis Rawdon-Hastings 2nd Marquess Hastings (age 31) succeeded 7th Earl Loudon.
On 08 Jan 1846 Granville Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Granville (age 72) died. His son Granville Leveson-Gower 2nd Earl Granville (age 30) succeeded 2nd Earl Granville, 2nd Viscount Granville. Marie Louise Pelline de Dalberg Lady Acton (age 33) by marriage Countess Granville.
On 08 Jan 1849 Charlotte Campbell Lady Gage (age 80) died.
On 08 Jan 1854 General William Carr Beresford 1st Viscount Beresford (age 85) died. Viscount Beresford of Beresford in Staffordshire and Baron Beresford of Albuera and Dungarvan in the County of Waterford extinct.
On 08 Jan 1858 George Finch-Hatton 5th Earl Nottingham 10th Earl Winchilsea (age 66) died at Haverholme Priory, Lincolnshire [Map]. His son George Finch-Hatton 6th Earl Nottingham 11th Earl Winchilsea (age 42) succeeded 6th Earl Nottingham, 11th Earl Winchilsea, 11th Viscount Maidstone, 12th Baronet Finch of Eastwell in Kent. Constance Henrietta Paget Countess Nottingham Winchilsea (age 34) by marriage Countess Nottingham.
On 08 Jan 1858 Henry Fox-Strangways 3rd Earl of Ilchester (age 70) died. His brother William Fox-Strangways 4th Earl of Ilchester (age 62) succeeded 4th Earl Ilchester, 4th Baron Ilchester and Stavordale of Redlynch in Somerset, 4th Baron Strangways of Woodford in Dorset, 4th Baron Ilchester of Ilchester in Somerset. Sophia Penelope Sheffield Countess Ilchester (age 16) by marriage Countess Ilchester.
On 08 Jan 1860 Joseph Gott (age 74) died at Rome, Italy [Map].
On 08 Jan 1871 Maria Susanna Cotton Lady King died.
On 08 Jan 1876 Harriet Canning Marchioness Clanricarde (age 71) died.
On 08 Jan 1880 Georgiana Beauclerk Lady Cholmeley (age 71) died.
On 08 Jan 1908 Edward Berkeley Mansel 12th Baronet (age 68) died without issue at which time the Baronetcy reverted to the line of those who had previously erroneously succeeded to when Courtenay Cecil Mansel 13th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 13th Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe.
On 08 Jan 1929 James Somerville 2nd Baron Meredyth and Athlumney (age 63) died without issue. Baron Athlumney of Somerville and Dollarstown in County Meath and Baron Meredyth of Dollardstown in County Meath extinct. Baronet Somerville of Somerville in County Meath dormant.
On 08 Jan 1958 John Stanhope Reade 11th Baronet (age 61) died. His brother Clyde Nixon Reade 12th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 12th Baronet Reade of Barton in Berkshire.
On 08 Jan 1982 Wykeham Cornwallis 2nd Baron Cornwallis (age 89) died. His son Fiennes Cornwallis 3rd Baron Cornwallis (age 60) succeeded 3rd Baron Cornwallis of Linton in Kent.
On 08 Jan 1986 Basil Fitzherbert 14th Baron Stafford (age 59) died. His son Francis Fitzherbert 15th Baron Stafford (age 31) succeeded 15th Baron Stafford.
On 08 Jan 2003 Patrick Pery 6th Earl of Limerick (age 72) died. His son Edmund Pery 7th Earl of Limerick (age 39) succeeded 7th Earl Limerick.
On 08 Jan 2020 David Bernard Montgomery 2nd Viscount Montgomery (age 91) died. His son Henry David Montgomery 3rd Viscount Montgomery (age 65) succeeded 3rd Viscount Montgomery of El Alamein.