On this Day in History ... 11th July

11 Jul is in July.

1302 Battle of the Golden Spurs aka Courtrai

1469 Marriage of George Duke of Clarence and Isabel Neville

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1665 Great Plague of London

1708 Battle of Oudenarde

1708 Siege of Lille

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 11th July

On 11 Jul 937 Rudolph "Pious" II King Burgundy II King Italy (age 57) died. His son Conrad I King Burgundy (age 12) succeeded I King Burgundy.

On 11 Jul 1119 Archibishop Ralph d'Escures suffered a stroke. He was left partially paralysed and unable to speak clearly from that time until his death three years later.

On 11 Jul 1174 Almaric I King Jerusalem (age 38) died. His son Baldwin IV King Jerusalem (age 13) succeeded IV King Jerusalem.

Chronica Majora. Around 11 Jul 1236. In this year, about the feast of St. Benedict, the emperor (age 41) sent a handsome present to the king of England (age 28), consisting of eighteen valuable horses, and three mules laden with silks and other costly presents. He also sent some valuable horses and other desirable things to Earl Richard (age 27), the king's brother.

On 11 Jul 1274 King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland was born to Robert Bruce Earl Carrick (age 31) and Marjorie Carrick 3rd Countess Carrick (age 21) at Turnberry Castle.

On 11 Jul 1302 John Hainault was killed.

On 11 Jul 1302 the army of Flanders unexpectedly defeated the army of France at Kortrijk during the Battle of the Golden Spurs aka Courtrai. Robert Artois II Count Artois (age 51), Raoul II de Clermont (age 57), Raoul Nesle and Godfrey Reginar were killed.

Jacques Chatillon was killed.

Memoirs of Philip de Commines Book 3 Chapter IV. The Earl of Warwick finding himself too weak to oppose King Edward, having first given instructions to his private friends what they were to do in his absence, put to sea with the Duke of Clarence (age 1), who had married his daughter1, and was then of his faction, notwithstanding that he was brother to the king; and carrying with them their wives and children, and a great number of forces, he appeared before Calais. There were at that time several of the earl's servants in the town, and one in the quality of his lieutenant, Lord Wenlock (age 51)2, who, instead of receiving him, fired his great guns upon him.

Note 1. Isabella, daughter of the Earl of Warwick (age 22), and Anne Beauchamp (age 25), his wife, was born at Warwick Castle [Map] on the 5th of September, 1451. She was married at Calais on the 11th of July, 1469.

Note 2. John, Lord Wenlock (age 51), Chief Butler of England, was appointed Lieutenant of Calais in 1470, and was killed at the battle of Tewkesbury on the 4th of May, 1471.

Warkworth's Chronicle 1469. 11 Jul 1469. And in the ix. yere of the regne of Kynge Edwarde, at myssomere, the Duke of Clarence (age 19) passede the see to Caleis to the Earl of Warwick (age 40), and there weddede his doughter (age 17) by the ArcheBishop of Yorke (age 37) the Earl of Warwick (age 40) brothere, and afterwarde come overe ayene.

On 11 Jul 1469 George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 19) and Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence (age 17) were married by Archbishop George Neville (age 37) at the Église Notre-Dame de Calais [Map] witnessed by Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 40). She by marriage Duchess Clarence. She the daughter of Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 40) and Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess Warwick (age 42). He the son of Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 54). They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Letters and Papers 1518. 11 Jul 1518. R. O. 4308. Pace (age 36) to WOLSEY.

It was fortunately devised between the King and Wolsey that the King should leave Woodstock at this time, as two persons are dead of the sickness: more are infected, one of them a servant to a yeoman of the King's guard. Tomorrow the King and Queen will lodge at Ewelme, and not stop by the way, as the place appointed for their lodging is infected. Very few of the household will follow, but lodge at Wallyngton. "The Duke of Southfolke arrived here yesternight, and this morning he did speak with me very effectually of one the same matter which I have declared unto your grace in time past, viz. of faithful amity to be established between your grace and him, confirming with solemn oaths, in most humble manner, the most faithful love and servitude that he intendeth to use towards your grace during his life in all manner of cases touching your honor. And he said that he doubted but little but this thing should come to good pass if such persons did not let it, by untrue and evil relation." Pace (age 36) gave a general answer. Woodstock, 11 July.

Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace.

Letters and Papers 1528. 11 Jul 1528. R. O. St. P. I. 315. 4497. HENNAGE to WOLSEY.

Received your letter this morning at 4, and showed it to the King as soon as he was up. His Highness is glad to hear of your health, and recommends you, as the plague is near, to remove to Anworth, thence to Dicton, and so to Easthampstead. He is not best content with the election of the abbess of Wilton, as you will learn by Dr. Bell's letters, for of all women he would not have had her, nor Caryys eldest sister. He has showed Mr. Herytage such buildings as he desires at Tittenhanger [Map], and is sorry for the death of Mr. Redman, his mason. 11 July. Signed and sealed.

P. 1. Add. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1528. 11 Jul 1528. R. O. 4501. Sir Edward Guldeford (age 54) to Wolsey.

On Sunday last, 5 July, Roger Horne, of Kenerton, and John Bell, of Apuldre, came to me at Hallden, and showed me the lewd sayings of Sir John Crake, parish priest of Brensett in Romney Marsh. Sends a bill of it. Has committed the priest to Maidstone gaol until Wolsey's pleasure be known, as it was not meet to trouble him with strangers in the time of this plague. Has been ill of it himself. Would be glad to have one of the late Sir Wm. Compton's (deceased) offices. Hallden, 11 July. Signed.

P. 1. Add. Endd.

On 11 Jul 1535 Joachim "Nestor" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg (age 51) died.

Diary of Edward VI. 11 Jul 1550. The bishop of London (age 50), the secretary Petre (age 45), mr. Cicel, and Goderik, wer commaundid to make certein articles according to the lawis, and put them in the submission.2

Note 2. See "the copy of the last articles sent to the bishop of Winchester," in Foxe (edit. Cattley), vi. 82.

Diary of Edward VI. 11 Jul 1551. It [the Sweating Sickness] grue so much, for in London the 10 day ther died 70 in the liberties, and this day 120, and also one of my gentlemen, another of my gromes, fell sike and died, that I removed to Ampton court [Map] with very few with me.

Note. The epidemic called the sweating sickness, which remains a mystery today, had visited England before but this was the last major outbreak to occur, and thereafter vanished.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1559. The xj day of July ther was mad a plasse [for the queen's] pensyoners to rune with-owt a tyltt with spayrers [spears]. [There were three] chalengers, my lord of Urmon (age 27), and ser John Paratt (age 30), and master [North], and ther wher (blank) deffenders boyth with spares [spears] and sw[ords.] Abowt v [5] of the cloke at after-non the Quen('s) (age 25) grace [came,] and the inbassadurs, and dyver lordes and lades stode [over the] gatt for to se; and after thay rane one chassy[ng the other], and after the Quen('s) grace cam down in-to the parke [and] toke her horse, and rod up to the bankett howse, [with] the inbassadurs and the lordes and lades, and so to soper [and] a maske, and after a grett bankett, and after grett castyng [of fire] and shutyng of gunes tyll xij [12] at nyght.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 11 Jul 1616. Upon the 11th Ralph brought me word that it could not be buried at Appleby so I sent Rivers away presently who got their consents. About 5 o'clock came my Coz. William Howard and 5 or 6 of his. About 8 we set forward, the body going in my Lady’s own coach with 4 horses and myself following it in my own coach with two horses and most of the men and women on horseback so as there was about 4o in the company and we came to Appleby about 4 an hour after eleven and about 12 the body was put into the ground. About 3 o’clock in the morning we came home, where I shew’d my Coz. Howard the letter I writ to my Lord (age 27).

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 10 Jul 1617 and 11 Jul 1617. The 10th and 11th I spent in perusing that and other writings, the award being as ill for me as possible.

Note 1. About this time there was a great stir about my Lady Hatton's daughter—my Brother Sackville undertaking to carry her away with men and he had and horses; and he had another squabble about a man arrested in Fleet Street. After this he went to the Spa and left my Sister Sackville to keep my Sister Beauchamp company.

Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1654. Was the Latin sermon, which I could not be at, though invited, being taken up at All Souls, where we had music, voices, and the orbos, performed by some ingenious scholars. After dinner, I visited that miracle of a youth, Mr. Christopher Wren (age 30), nephew to the Bishop of Ely. Then Mr. Barlow (age 46) (since Bishop of Lincoln), bibliothecarius of the Bodleian Library, my most learned friend. He showed us the rarities of that most famous place, manuscripts, medals, and other curiosities. Among the MSS. an old English Bible, wherein the Eunuch mentioned to be baptized by Philip, is called the Gelding: "and Philip and the Gelding went down into the water", etc. The original Acts of the Council of Basil 900 years since, with the bulla, or leaden affix, which has a silken cord passing through every parchment; a MS. of Venerable Bede of 800 years antiquity; the old Ritual secundum usum Sarum exceeding voluminous; then, among the nicer curiosities, the "Proverbs of Solomon", written in French by a lady, every chapter of a several character, or hand, the most exquisite imaginable; an hieroglyphical table, or carta, folded up like a map, I suppose it painted on asses' hide, extremely rare; but, what is most illustrious, there were no less than 1,000 MSS. in nineteen languages, especially Oriental, furnishing that new part of the library built by Archbishop Laud, from a design of Sir Kenelm Digby (age 51) and the Earl of Pembroke (age 33). In the closet of the tower, they show some Indian weapons, urns, lamps, etc., but the rarest is the whole Alcoran, written on one large sheet of calico, made up in a priest's vesture, or cope, after the Turkish and Arabic character, so exquisitely written, as no printed letter comes near it; also, a roll of magical charms, divers talismans, and some medals.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1660. With Sir W. Pen (age 39) by water to the Navy office, where we met, and dispatched business. And that being done, we went all to dinner to the Dolphin, upon Major Brown's invitation. After that to the office again, where I was vexed, and so was Commissioner Pett (age 49), to see a busy fellow come to look out the best lodgings for my Lord Barkley (age 58), and the combining between him and Sir W. Pen (age 39); and, indeed, was troubled much at it. Home to White Hall, and took out my bill signed by the King, and carried it to Mr. Watkins of the Privy Seal to be despatched there, and going home to take a cap, I borrowed a pair of sheets of Mr. Howe, and by coach went to the Navy office, and lay (Mr. Hater, my clerk, with me) at Commissioner Willoughby's' house, where I was received by him very civilly and slept well.

On 11 Jul 1662 Maximilian Wittelsbach II Elector Bavaria was born to Ferdinand Maria Wittelsbach (age 26) and Henriette Adelaide Savoy.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1663. Thence, it raining as hard as it could pour down, home to the Hillhouse, and anon to supper, and after supper, Sir J. Minnes (age 64) and I had great discourse with Captain Cox and Mr. Hempson about business of the yard, and particularly of pursers' accounts with Hempson, who is a cunning knave in that point. So late to bed and, Mr. Wayth being gone, I lay above in the Treasurer's (age 56) bed and slept well. About one or two in the morning the curtains of my bed being drawn waked me, and I saw a man stand there by the inside of my bed calling me French dogg 20 times, one after another, and I starting, as if I would get out of the bed, he fell a-laughing as hard as he could drive, still calling me French dogg, and laid his hand on my shoulder. At last, whether I said anything or no I cannot tell, but I perceived the man, after he had looked wistly upon me, and found that I did not answer him to the names that he called me by, which was Salmon, Sir Carteret's clerk, and Robt. Maddox, another of the clerks, he put off his hat on a suddaine, and forebore laughing, and asked who I was, saying, "Are you Mr. Pepys?" I told him yes, and now being come a little better to myself, I found him to be Tom Willson, Sir W. Batten's (age 62) clerk, and fearing he might be in some melancholy fit, I was at a loss what to do or say. At last I asked him what he meant. He desired my pardon for that he was mistaken, for he thought verily, not knowing of my coming to lie there, that it had been Salmon, the Frenchman, with whom he intended to have made some sport. So I made nothing of it, but bade him good night, and I, after a little pause, to sleep again, being well pleased that it ended no worse, and being a little the better pleased with it, because it was the Surveyor's clerk, which will make sport when I come to tell Sir W. Batten (age 62) of it, it being a report that old Edgeborough, the former Surveyor, who died here, do now and then walk.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1665. At 6 o'clock up and to Westminster (where and all the towne besides, I hear, the plague encreases), and, it being too soon to go to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), I to the Harp and Ball, and there made a bargain with Mary to go forth with me in the afternoon, which she with much ado consented to.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1665. So I to the Duke of Albemarle's (age 56), and there with much ado did get his consent in part to my having the money promised for Tangier, and the other part did not concur. So being displeased with this, I back to the office and there sat alone a while doing business, and then by a solemn invitation to the Trinity House, Deptford [Map], where a great dinner and company, Captain Dobbin's feast for Elder Brother. But I broke up before the dinner half over and by water to the Harp and Ball, and thence had Mary meet me at the New Exchange, and there took coach and I with great pleasure took the ayre to Highgate, and thence to Hampstead, much pleased with her company, pretty and innocent, and had what pleasure almost I would with her, and so at night, weary and sweaty, it being very hot beyond bearing, we back again, and I set her down in St. Martin's Lane, and so I to the evening 'Change [Map], and there hear all the towne full that Ostend is delivered to us, and that Alderman Backewell (age 47)1 did go with £50,000 to that purpose. But the truth of it I do not know, but something I believe there is extraordinary in his going. So to the office, where I did what I could as to letters, and so away to bed, shifting myself, and taking some Venice treakle, feeling myself out of order, and thence to bed to sleep.

Note 1. Among the State Papers is a letter from the King (age 35) to the Lord General (dated August 8th, 1665): "Alderman Backwell (age 47) being in great straits for the second payment he has to make for the service in Flanders, as much tin is to be transmitted to him as will raise the sum. Has authorized him and Sir George Carteret (age 55) to treat with the tin farmers for 500 tons of tin to be speedily transported under good convoy; but if, on consulting with Alderman Backwell (age 47), this plan of the tin seems insufficient, then without further difficulty he is to dispose for that purpose of the £10,000 assigned for pay of the Guards, not doubting that before that comes due, other ways will be found for supplying it; the payment in Flanders is of such importance that some means must be found of providing for it" (Calendar, Domestic, 1664-65, pp. 508, 509).

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1666. Thence to Westminster Hall [Map] and there staid a while, and then to the Swan [Map] and kissed Sarah, and so home to dinner, and after dinner out again to Sir Robert Viner (age 35), and there did agree with him to accommodate some business of tallys so as I shall get in near £2000 into my own hands, which is in the King's, upon tallys; which will be a pleasure to me, and satisfaction to have a good sum in my own hands, whatever evil disturbances should be in the State; though it troubles me to lose so great a profit as the King's interest of ten per cent. for that money.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1666. Thence to Westminster, doing several things by the way, and there failed of meeting Mrs. Lane, and so by coach took up my wife at her sister's, and so away to Islington [Map], she and I alone, and so through Hackney, and home late, our discourse being about laying up of some money safe in prevention to the troubles I am afeard we may have in the state, and so sleepy (for want of sleep the last night, going to bed late and rising betimes in the morning) home, but when I come to the office, I there met with a command from my Lord Arlington (age 48), to go down to a galliott at Greenwich, Kent [Map], by the King's particular command, that is going to carry the Savoy Envoye over, and we fear there may be many Frenchmen there on board; and so I have a power and command to search for and seize all that have not passes from one of the Secretarys of State, and to bring them and their papers and everything else in custody some whither. So I to the Tower, and got a couple of musquetiers with me, and Griffen and my boy Tom and so down; and, being come, found none on board but two or three servants, looking to horses and doggs, there on board, and, seeing no more, I staid not long there, but away and on shore at Greenwich, Kent [Map], the night being late and the tide against us; so, having sent before, to Mrs. Clerke's and there I had a good bed, and well received, the whole people rising to see me, and among the rest young Mrs. Daniel, whom I kissed again and again alone, and so by and by to bed and slept pretty well,

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1666. By and by called to wait on the Duke (age 32), the King (age 36) being present; and there agreed, among other things, of the places to build the ten new great ships ordered to be built, and as to the relief of prisoners in Holland. And then about several stories of the basenesse of the King of Spayne's (age 4) being served with officers: they in Flanders having as good common men as any Prince in the world, but the veriest cowards for the officers, nay for the generall officers, as the Generall and Lieutenant-generall, in the whole world. But, above all things, the King (age 36) did speake most in contempt of the ceremoniousnesse of the King of Spayne (age 4), that he do nothing but under some ridiculous form or other, and will not piss but another must hold the chamber-pot.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Jul 1666. Up, and by water to Sir G. Downing's (age 41), there to discourse with him about the reliefe of the prisoners in Holland; which I did, and we do resolve of the manner of sending them some. So I away by coach to St. James's, and there hear that the Duchesse (age 29) is lately brought to bed of a boy.

Before 11 Jul 1671 Adriaen Hanneman (age 68). Portrait of Anthony Ashley-Cooper 1st Earl Shaftesbury (age 49).

Before 11 Jul 1671 Adriaen Hanneman (age 68). Portrait of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 41).

On 11 Jul 1673 Penelope Barkham (age 8) died. She was buried at Church of St George, South Acre [Map]. Inscription: Hic jacet Penelope, filia Domini Edwardi Barkham Baronetti (age 45), et Franciscæ (age 40) uxor is sue, qui quidem Penelope, Ætate Puellula, sed Prudentiâ, Pietate, Virtute Matrona omnibus satis, Parentibus nimis, et Deo maxime chara, terras reliquit, ad Nuptias Agni vocata Julij 11, 1673, Annoq; Ætatis suæ, Octavo.

Penelope Barkham: In 1665 she was born to Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet and Frances Napier Lady Barkham.

Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet: In 1628 he was born to Edward Barkham 1st Baronet and Francis Berney. On 28 Jun 1660 Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet and Frances Napier Lady Barkham were married. She by marriage Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 02 Aug 1667 Edward Barkham 1st Baronet died. He was buried at Church of St George, South Acre. His son Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk. Frances Napier Lady Barkham by marriage Lady Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk. In 1688 Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet died. His brother William Barkham 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk.

Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1675. In this journey, went part of the way Mr. James Graham (age 26) (since Privy Purse to the Duke (age 41)), a young gentleman exceedingly in love with Mrs. Dorothy Howard (age 24), one of the maids of honor in our company. I could not but pity them both, the mother not much favoring it. This lady was not only a great beauty, but a most virtuous and excellent creature, and worthy to have been wife to the best of men. My advice was required, and I spoke to the advantage of the young gentleman, more out of pity than that she deserved no better match; for, though he was a gentleman of good family, yet there was great inequality.

Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1689. The Countess of Sunderland (age 43) afterward told me that it extended as far as Althorpe [Map] at the very time, which is seventy miles from London. It did no harm at Deptford [Map], but at Greenwich [Map] it did much mischief.

Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1689. I dined at Lord Clarendon's, it being his lady's wedding day, when about three in the afternoon there was an unusual and violent storm of thunder, rain, and wind; many boats on the Thames were overwhelmed, and such was the impetuosity of the wind as to carry up the waves in pillars and spouts most dreadful to behold, rooting up trees and ruining some houses.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 11 Jul 1690. Friday, Huson, & Tomkinson went to Shotwick, Cheshire past 9; after dinner Mainwaring & Bidolph went to Utkinton, Cheshire; my sonne (age 39), Lloyd & Jack Whitley went also abroad; retorned late.

Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1691. I dined with Mr. Pepys (age 58), where was Dr. Cumberland (age 59), the new Bishop of Norwich [Note. Should be John Moore Bishop], Dr. Lloyd (age 54) having been put out for not acknowledging the Government. Cumberland [Note. John Moore Bishop 1646-1707] is a very learned, excellent man. Possession was now given to Dr. Tillotson (age 60), at Lambeth, by the Sheriff; Archbishop Sancroft was gone (age 74), but had left his nephew to keep possession; and he refusing to deliver it up on the Queen's message (age 29), was dispossessed by the Sheriff, and imprisoned. This stout demeanor of the few Bishops who refused to take the oaths to King William (age 40), animated a great party to forsake the churches, so as to threaten a schism; though those who looked further into the ancient practice, found that when (as formerly) there were Bishops displaced on secular accounts, the people never refused to acknowledge the new Bishops, provided they were not heretics. The truth is, the whole clergy had till now stretched the duty of passive obedience, so that the proceedings against these Bishops gave no little occasion of exceptions; but this not amounting to heresy, there was a necessity of receiving the new Bishops, to prevent a failure of that order in the Church. I went to visit Lord Clarendon in the Tower, but he was gone into the country for air by the Queen's (age 29) permission, under the care of his warden.

On 11 Jul 1708 Arnold Keppel 1st Earl Albermarle (age 38) was present at Oudenaarde during the Battle of Oudenarde.

John Wallop 1st Earl Portsmouth (age 18) fought as a volunteer.

After 11 Jul 1708 Arnold Keppel 1st Earl Albermarle (age 38) distinguished himself at Lille during the Siege of Lille.

Avebury by William Stukeley. 11 Jul 1723. Table XXVII. Silbury Hill [Map] July 11. 1723. A. The Roman road. B. the Snakes head or hakpen.

On 11 Jul 1723 William Stukeley (age 35) drew Silbury Hill [Map] and wrote that a skeleton and bridle had been discovered during tree planting on the summit. The feature noted 'B' or the Snakes Head or Hakpen is The Sanctuary [Map].

On 11 Jul 1751 Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway was born to Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 31). She a granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 11 Jul 1771 Karoline Amalie Hesse-Kassel Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg was born to William Elector of Hesse (age 28) and Electress Wilhelmina Caroline Oldenburg (age 24). She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.89%.

On 11 Jul 1818 King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 52) and Queen Adelaide of England (age 25) were married at Kew, Surrey. She by marriage Duchess Clarence and St Andrews. The difference in their ages was 26 years. He the son of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 80).

Cansisk's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 1 Old St Pancras Churchyard. Churchyard St Pancras Old Church [Map]. Sacred to the Memory of Mr. John Williams, Linen Draper, of Oswestry, Salop, Who fell a victim to the Cholera on the 11th July, 1832, in the 28th year of his age. He was a kind and affectionate husband, and tender Father, and his Memory will be long cherished by all who knew him. Kind angels, watch this sleeping dust, Till Jesus comes to raise the just. May he awake in sweet surprise, And in his Saviour's image rise.

Diary of Ford Madox Brown. 11 Jul 1849. Emma (age 20) came by 12, painted in the veil & afterwards the face from Emma the (ladye with ye red Head Dress1) (7 hours work).

Note 1. A reference to his painting Lear and Cordela.

On 11 Jul 1918 Second Lieutenant Edward Valentinee Austin was killed in action during a bombing raid. His formation of four machines from 98 Squadron was attacked by fourteen enemy machines over France at 7:30am. Austin was an observer/ gunner in a De Haviland D H 9 but was hit by anti-aircraft battery shrapnel. Despite this he kept firing and shot down a second enemy aircraft. He then collapsed from loss of blood and was dead before his plane touched down.

Births on the 11th July

On 11 Jul 1238 Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales was born to Gruffydd ap Llewellyn Aberffraw (age 40) and Senana ferch Caradog (age 40). He a great grandson of King John "Lackland" of England.

On 11 Jul 1274 King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland was born to Robert Bruce Earl Carrick (age 31) and Marjorie Carrick 3rd Countess Carrick (age 21) at Turnberry Castle.

On 11 Jul 1662 Maximilian Wittelsbach II Elector Bavaria was born to Ferdinand Maria Wittelsbach (age 26) and Henriette Adelaide Savoy.

On 11 Jul 1663 James Ogilvy 1st Earl Seafield 4th Earl Findlater was born to James Ogilvy 3rd Earl Findlater.

On 11 Jul 1710 John Morgan 4th Baronet was born to Thomas Morgan 3rd Baronet (age 25).

On 11 Jul 1751 Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway was born to Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 31). She a granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 11 Jul 1759 Sarah Bazett Countess Essex was born to William Bazett of St Helena.

On 11 Jul 1766 John Grey Egerton 8th Baronet was born to Philip Egerton of Oulton (age 28) and Mary Eyles-Styles (age 21). He was born John Egerton. He adopted the name Grey when he succeeded to the Baronetcy in 1814. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 11 Jul 1768 Charles Forster Goring 7th Baronet was born to Harry Goring 6th Baronet (age 29).

On 11 Jul 1771 Karoline Amalie Hesse-Kassel Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg was born to William Elector of Hesse (age 28) and Electress Wilhelmina Caroline Oldenburg (age 24). She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.89%.

On 11 Jul 1774 Somerset Lowry-Corry 2nd Earl Belmore was born to Armar Lowry-Corry 1st Earl Belmore (age 34) and Margaret Butler (age 26) at Sackville Street Dublin.

On 11 Jul 1794 Humphrey St John-Mildmay was born to Henry Paulet St John-Mildmay 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Jane Mildmay.

On 11 Jul 1797 Dean Francis Close was born in Frome, Somerset [Map].

On 11 Jul 1810 Arthur Trollope was born to John Trollope 6th Baronet (age 44) and Anne Thorold.

On 11 Jul 1833 Dean Herbert Mortimer Luckock was born to Reverend Thomas George Mortimer Luckock and Harriet Chune at Great Barr, Staffordshire.

On 11 Jul 1834 James Abbott McNeill Whistler was born to George Washington Whistler (age 34) and Anna McNeill (age 29) at Lowell.

On 11 Jul 1839 Henry Charles Manners-Sutton 4th Viscount Canterbury was born to John Manners-Sutton 3rd Viscount Canterbury (age 25) and Georgiana Tompson Viscountess Centerbury.

On 11 Jul 1859 Charles Edwin Lowther was born to Henry Lowther 3rd Earl Lonsdale (age 41).

On 11 Jul 1866 Irene Hesse Darmstadt was born to Prince Louis Hesse Darmstadt IV Grand Duke (age 28) and Princess Alice Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 23). She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 11 Jul 1871 Alfred Ernest Yorke was born to John Manners Yorke 7th Earl of Hardwicke (age 30).

On 11 Jul 1880 William Leveson-Gower 4th Earl Granville was born to Granville Leveson-Gower 2nd Earl Granville (age 65) and Sophia Castila Rosamund Campbell Countess Granville (age 32).

On 11 Jul 1884 Olga Hanover was born to Ernest Augustus Hanover 3rd Duke Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 38) and Thyra Glücksburg Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 30). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 11 Jul 1904 Daphne Vivian Marchioness Bath was born to George Vivian 4th Baron Vivian (age 26) and Barbara Cicely Fanning Baroness Vivian at Westminster [Map].

On 11 Jul 1908 Malcolm Douglas-Pennant 6th Baron Penrhyn was born to Frank Douglas-Pennant 5th Baron Penrhyn (age 42) and Alice Nellie Cooper.

On 11 Jul 1943 Francis Michael Blake 3rd Baronet was born to Francis Edward Colquhoun Blake 2nd Baronet (age 49).

Marriages on the 11th July

After 11 Jul 1231 Theobald IV King Navarre (age 30) and Margaret Bourbon Queen Consort Navarre (age 14) were married. She by marriage Countess Champagne. He a great x 3 grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 11 Jul 1352 John "Sans Terre" Artois 1st Count of Eu (age 30) and Isabeau Melun Countess Eu (age 24) were married. She by marriage Countess Eu. She the daughter of John Melun 1st Count Tancarville (age 62). He the son of Robert III Artois and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry III of England.

On 11 Jul 1372 Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York (age 31) and Isabella of Castile Duchess York (age 17) were married at Wallingford, Oxfordshire [Map]. She by marriage Countess Cambridge. She being the younger sister of Constance (age 18) who had married Edmund's older brother John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 32) a year before. An example of Marriage of Two Sets of Siblings. She the illegitmate daughter of Peter "Cruel" I King Castile and Maria Padilla. He the son of King Edward III of England (age 59) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England.

Before 11 Jul 1398 Henry Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham (age 25) and Phillipe Bryan Baroness Scrope Masham Baroness Devereux were married. She by marriage Baroness Scrope of Masham. They were third cousin once removed.

On 11 Jul 1469 George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 19) and Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence (age 17) were married by Archbishop George Neville (age 37) at the Église Notre-Dame de Calais [Map] witnessed by Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 40). She by marriage Duchess Clarence. She the daughter of Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 40) and Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess Warwick (age 42). He the son of Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 54). They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 11 Jul 1603 Richard Drake (age 68) and Ursula Stafford (age 50) were married.

On 11 Jul 1637 William Russell 1st Duke Bedford (age 20) and Anne Carr Countess of Bedford (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 50) and Frances Howard Countess Essex and Somerset. He the son of Francis Russell 4th Earl Bedford (age 44) and Catherine Brydges Countess Bedford (age 57).

On 20 Jul 1639, some sources say 11 Jul 1639, Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 18) and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 21) were married at Penhurst Rother. She by marriage Baroness Spencer Wormleighton. Her long-term suitor, she was the 'Sacharissa' of his poems, Edmund Waller (age 33) wrote a letter to the bride's sister (age 12) on the occasion of the wedding. She the daughter of Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 43) and Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 41).


In this common joy at Penshurst, I know none to whom complaints may come less unseasonably than to your ladyship, the loss of a bedfellow being almost equal to that of a mistress; and therefore you ought at least to pardon, if you consent not to the imprecations of, the deserted, which just Heaven no doubt will hear. May my lady Dorothy (age 21), if we may yet call her so, suffer as much, and have the like passion for this young lord, whom she has preferred to the rest of mankind, as others have had for her; and may his love, before the year go about, make her taste of the first curse imposed upon womankind, the pains of becoming a mother. May her first born be none of her own sex, nor so like her but that he may resemble her lord as much as herself. May she that always affected silence and retirement have the house filled with the noise and number of her children, and hereafter of her grandchildren; and then may she arrive at that great curse, so much declined by fair ladies, old age; may she live to be very old and yet seem young; be told so by her glass, and have no aches to inform her of the truth; and when she shall appear to be mortal, may her lord not mourn for her, but go hand in hand with her to that place where we are told there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage, that being there divorced we may all have an equal interest in her again! My revenge being immortal, I wish all this may befall her posterity to the world's end and afterwards! To you, madam (age 12), I wish all good things, and that this loss may in good time be happily supplied with a more constant bedfellow of the other sex. Madam, I humbly kiss your hands, and beg pardon for this trouble, from

Your ladyship's

most humble servant,

E. Waller.

On 11 Jul 1678 William Caulfeild 2nd Viscount Charlemont (age 23) and Anne Margetson (age 21) were married at St Michan's Church, Dublin. His sister Alice Caulfeild Baroness Carpenter (age 17) had married her brother John Margetson (age 22) six months before.

On 11 Jul 1715 Philip Parker 3rd Baronet (age 33) and Martha East Lady Parker were married. She by marriage Lady Parker of Arwarton in Suffolk.

On 16 Apr 1780 or 11 Jul 1780 Antoine 8th Duke Gramont (age 24) and Aglae de Polignac "Guichette" Duchess Gramont (age 11) were married at the Palace of Versailles. She the daughter of Jules 1st Duke of Polignac (age 33) and Yolande Martine Gabrielle Polastron Duchess Gramont (age 30). He the son of Antoine 7th Duke Gramont (age 58).

On 11 Jul 1818 King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 52) and Queen Adelaide of England (age 25) were married at Kew, Surrey. She by marriage Duchess Clarence and St Andrews. The difference in their ages was 26 years. He the son of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 80).

On 11 Jul 1822 Thomas Webb 6th Baronet (age 43) and Martha Matilda Somerville were married. She by marriage Lady Webb of Odstock in Wiltshire.

Before 11 Jul 1831 Marcus Somerville 4th Baronet and Elizabeth Geale Countess Fortescue were married.

On 11 Jul 1899 Hugh Cholmondeley 3rd Baron Delamere (age 29) and Florence Ann Cole Baroness Delamere (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Lowry Cole 4th Earl Enniskillen (age 53). He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 11 Jul 1901 Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert Redvers Heathcote 8th Baronet (age 46) and Mabel Frances Silvertop Lady Heathcote were married.

On 11 Jul 1911 Thomas Edward Anson 4th Earl Lichfield (age 27) and Evelyn Maud Keppel Countess Lichfield (age 24) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. He the son of Thomas Francis Anson 3rd Earl Lichfield (age 55) and Mildred Coke Countess Lichfield (age 57). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 11 Jul 1953 Alexander Wallace Fielding (age 34) and Daphne Vivian Marchioness Bath (age 49) were married.

On 11 Jul 1959 Hugo Philipps 3rd Baron Milford and Mary Makins (age 24) were married.

Deaths on the 11th July

On 11 Jul 937 Rudolph "Pious" II King Burgundy II King Italy (age 57) died. His son Conrad I King Burgundy (age 12) succeeded I King Burgundy.

On 11 Jul 1004 Theobald Blois II Count Blois (age 19) died. His brother Odo Blois II Count Blois (age 21) succeeded II Count Blois.

On 11 Jul 1174 Almaric I King Jerusalem (age 38) died. His son Baldwin IV King Jerusalem (age 13) succeeded IV King Jerusalem.

On 11 Jul 1183 Otto Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 66) died. His son Louis Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 9) succeeded I Duke Bavaria.

On 11 Jul 1231 Agnes of Beaujeu Countess Savoy died.

After 11 Jul 1266 Mary or Marie Lusignan Countess Derby (age 24) died.

On 11 Jul 1302 the army of Flanders unexpectedly defeated the army of France at Kortrijk during the Battle of the Golden Spurs aka Courtrai. Robert Artois II Count Artois (age 51), Raoul II de Clermont (age 57), Raoul Nesle and Godfrey Reginar were killed.

Jacques Chatillon was killed.

On 11 Jul 1509 William II Landgrave of Hesse (age 40) died. His son Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 4) succeeded I Landgrave Hesse.

On 11 Jul 1535 Joachim "Nestor" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg (age 51) died.

On 11 Jul 1603 Richard Drake (age 68) died.

On 11 Jul 1648 Anne Crouch Baroness Montagu (age 75) died.

On 11 Jul 1661 Kildare Digby 2nd Baron Digby (age 30) died. His son Robert Digby 3rd Baron Digby (age 7) succeeded 3rd Baron Digby of Geashill in County Offaly.

On or before 11 Jul 1671 Adriaen Hanneman (age 68) died. He was buried on 11 Jul 1671 .

On 11 Jul 1673 Penelope Barkham (age 8) died. She was buried at Church of St George, South Acre [Map]. Inscription: Hic jacet Penelope, filia Domini Edwardi Barkham Baronetti (age 45), et Franciscæ (age 40) uxor is sue, qui quidem Penelope, Ætate Puellula, sed Prudentiâ, Pietate, Virtute Matrona omnibus satis, Parentibus nimis, et Deo maxime chara, terras reliquit, ad Nuptias Agni vocata Julij 11, 1673, Annoq; Ætatis suæ, Octavo.

Penelope Barkham: In 1665 she was born to Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet and Frances Napier Lady Barkham.

Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet: In 1628 he was born to Edward Barkham 1st Baronet and Francis Berney. On 28 Jun 1660 Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet and Frances Napier Lady Barkham were married. She by marriage Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 02 Aug 1667 Edward Barkham 1st Baronet died. He was buried at Church of St George, South Acre. His son Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk. Frances Napier Lady Barkham by marriage Lady Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk. In 1688 Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet died. His brother William Barkham 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk.

On 11 Jul 1700 William Williams 1st Baronet (age 66) died. He was buried at Llansilin. His son William Williams-Wynn 2nd Baronet (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baronet Williams of Gray's Inn.

On 11 Jul 1785 Elizabeth Delaval Baroness Audley (age 28) died.

On 11 Jul 1787 Nicholas Read (age 54) died. His will was read the next day.

On 11 Jul 1831 Marcus Somerville 4th Baronet died. His son William Meredyth Somerville 1st Baron Meredyth and Athlumney (age 29) succeeded 5th Baronet Somerville of Somerville in County Meath.

On 11 Jul 1843 Louisa Cathcart 2nd Countess Mansfield (age 85) died. Her grandson William David Murray 4th and 3rd Earl Mansfield (age 37) succeeded 3rd Earl Mansfield in Nottinghamshire.

On 11 Jul 1892 John Wilson aka Wilson-Patten 1st Baron Winmarleigh (age 90) died. Baron Winmarleigh of Winmarleigh in Lancashire extinct.

On 11 Jul 1899 Janetta Hughan Duchess Rutland (age 62) died at Homburg, Saarland.

On 11 Jul 1918 William John Lydston Poulett 7th Earl Poulett (age 34) died in the flu pandemic. His son George Poulett 8th Earl Poulett (age 9) succeeded 8th Earl Poulett, 11th Baron Poulett.

On 11 Jul 1931 Jean-Louis Forain (age 78) died.

On 11 Jul 1931 Giovanni Boldini (age 88) died.

On 11 Jul 1938 John Harvey Blunt 9th Baronet (age 65) died. His son John Lionel Reginald Blunt 10th (age 30) succeeded 10th Baronet Blunt of the City of London.

On 11 Jul 1951 Charles Cospatrick Douglas-Home 13th Earl of Home (age 77) died.

On 11 Jul 1956 Dorothy Violet Ashton Duchess Wellington (age 66) died.

On 11 Jul 2012 Henry Saxon Tate 5th Baronet (age 80) died. His son Edward Nicholas Tate (age 46) succeeded 6th Baronet Tate of Park Hill in Streatham in London. Edward Nicholas Tate (age 46) has not successfully proven his succession and is therefore not on the Official Roll of the Baronetage, with the baronetcy considered 'Vacant'.