On this Day in History ... 18th November
18 Nov is in November.
Events on the 18th November
On 18 Nov 1313 Constance Burgundy Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon (age 23) died.
On 18 Nov 1416 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 39) was created 1st Duke Exeter by King Henry V of England (age 30) for the remainder of his natural life for 'his service to the king and the realm on both sides of the seas'. At the time the only other dukes were the King's brothers.
After 18 Nov 1434. St Mary's Church, Ewelme [Map]. Monument to Thomas Chaucer (deceased) and Maud Burghesh (age 55).
The Arms in two rows left to right ...
Top Row:
2 York Arms. Possibly Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 19) impaled Neville Arms
3 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter 1377 1426 Arms
4 Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk 1300 1338 Arms impaled Neville Arms
5 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter 1377 1426 Arms (again?)
6 Stafford Arms impaled Neville Arms
7 Montacute and Monthermer Arms impaled Chaucer Modern Arms.
Bottom Row:
1 Beauchamp Arms quartered with Beaumont Arms; Earl Warwick reflecting the Beauchamp family having inherited the Earldom of Warwick through marriage to Isabel Maudit who was the sister of William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick who died without issue. Isabel Maudit and William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick were the children of William Maudit and Alice Beaumont. Alice Beaumont inherited the Earldom of Warwick when her half-niece Margaret Beaumont 7th Countess Warwick died.
2 Courtenay Arms impaled Beaufort Arms
3 Montacute and Monthermer Arms impaled Mohun Arms
4 Montacute and Monthermer Arms quartered Neville Arms
5 De La Pole Arms quartered Chaucer Modern Arms
6 Despencer Arms impaled Chaucer Modern Arms
7 Mohun Arms impaled Chaucer Modern Arms. John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster.
Chronicle of Gregory 1441. 18 Nov 1441. And on the Satyrday next folowyng was Roger Bulbroke hanggyde, and drawe, and quarteryde at Tyburne.
On 18 Nov 1441, Saturday, Roger Bolingbroke was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map].
On 18 Nov 1463 John Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 26) died of plague.
On 18 Nov 1553 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 38) was elected Dean of Durham.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1554. The sam day was consecratyd nuw [bishops], on bysshope of Brystow (age 59), and a-nodur byshope of Lycheffeld and Coventre (age 50).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1554. The xviij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the nuw bysshope of Lynckolne, doctur White (age 44), late the warden of Wynchaster.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1557. [The xviij day of November died the lord Bray, within the Black-friars, near Ludgate]; the wyche he gatt ys deth [at St. Quintin's.]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1557. The xviij day of November cam tydynges from the yerle of Northumberland (age 29) owt of Skottland that the [Scots] and our men mett and ther fowth, and ther was taken and ... of the Skotts, att a place callyd (blank).
On 18 Nov 1605 Bishop Lancelot Andrewes (age 50) was installed Bishop of Chichester at Chichester Cathedral [Map].
On 18 Nov 1615 Gervase Helwys (age 54), the gaoler Richard Weston, widow of a London doctor Mrs Anne Turner, and an apothecary James Franklin were found guilty as "accessories before the fact done" and sentenced to death.
On 18 Nov 1616 or 19 Nov 1616 Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole (age 38) died. He was buried in St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map]. Jacobean Period. Two-stage altar tomb in alabaster and black marble with miniature effigies in the lower stage, inscription panels and shield of Chicheley Arms impaled, supporting a recumbent effigy in armour. Tassets.
Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole: On 28 Mar 1578 he was born to Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole and Anne Bourne. He was baptised 15 Apr 1578. On 29 Apr 1607 Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole was knighted. On 18 Jun 1607 he and Dorothy Kempe were married.
On 18 Nov 1637 Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor (age 29) succeeded III Holy Roman Emperor. Maria Anna of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 31) by marriage Holy Roman Empress.
Evelyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1649. I went with my father-in-law (age 44) to see his audience at the French Court, where next the Pope's Nuncio, he was introduced by the master of ceremonies, and, after delivery of his credentials, as from our King, since his father's murder, he was most graciously received by the King of France and his mother, with whom he had a long audience. This was in the Palais Cardinal.
Evelyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1659. Mr. Gunning (age 45) celebrated the wonted Fast, and preached on Phil. II 12, 13.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1662. Thence walked home, and my wife came home, having been abroad to-day, laying out above £12 in linen, and a copper, and a pot, and bedstead, and other household stuff, which troubles me also, so that my mind to-night is very heavy and divided. Late at my office, drawing up a letter to my Lord Treasurer (age 55), which we have been long about, and so home, and, my mind troubled, to bed.
On 18 Nov 1662 Anne Élisabeth Bourbon was born to Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 24) and Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 17.28%.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1663. At my office till late, and then came Mr. Hollyard (age 54) so full of discourse and Latin that I think he hath got a cupp, but I do not know; but full of talke he is in defence of Calvin and Luther. He begun this night the fomentation to my wife, and I hope it will do well with her.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1663. He gone, I to the office again a little, and so to bed. This morning I sent Will with my great letter of reproof to my Lord Sandwich (age 38), who did give it into his owne hand. I pray God give a blessing to it, but confess I am afeard what the consequence may be to me of good or bad, which is according to the ingenuity that he do receive it with. However, I am satisfied that it will do him good, and that he needs it: MY LORD, I do verily hope that neither the manner nor matter of this advice will be condemned by your Lordship, when for my defence in the first I shall allege my double attempt, since your return from Hinchinbroke, of doing it personally, in both of which your Lordship's occasions, no doubtfulnesse of mine, prevented me, and that being now fearful of a sudden summons to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], for the discharge of some ships there, I judge it very unbecoming the duty which every bit of bread I eat tells me I owe to your Lordship to expose the safety of your honour to the uncertainty of my return. For the matter, my Lord, it is such as could I in any measure think safe to conceal from, or likely to be discovered to you by any other hand, I should not have dared so far to owne what from my heart I believe is false, as to make myself but the relater of other's discourse; but, sir, your Lordship's honour being such as I ought to value it to be, and finding both in city and court that discourses pass to your prejudice, too generally for mine or any man's controllings but your Lordship's, I shall, my Lord, without the least greatening or lessening the matter, do my duty in laying it shortly before you. People of all conditions, my Lord, raise matter of wonder from your Lordship's so little appearance at Court: some concluding thence their disfavour thereby, to which purpose I have had questions asked me, and endeavouring to put off such insinuations by asserting the contrary, they have replied, that your Lordship's living so beneath your quality, out of the way, and declining of Court attendance, hath been more than once discoursed about the King (age 33). Others, my Lord, when the chief ministers of State, and those most active of the Council have been reckoned up, wherein your Lordship never used to want an eminent place, have said, touching your Lordship, that now your turn was served, and the King had given you a good estate, you left him to stand or fall as he would, and, particularly in that of the Navy, have enlarged upon your letting fall all service there. Another sort, and those the most, insist upon the bad report of the house wherein your Lordship, now observed in perfect health again, continues to sojourne, and by name have charged one of the daughters for a common courtizan, alleging both places and persons where and with whom she hath been too well known, and how much her wantonnesse occasions, though unjustly, scandal to your Lordship, and that as well to gratifying of some enemies as to the wounding of more friends I am not able to tell. Lastly, my Lord, I find a general coldness in all persons towards your Lordship, such as, from my first dependance on you, I never yet knew, wherein I shall not offer to interpose any thoughts or advice of mine, well knowing your Lordship needs not any. But with a most faithful assurance that no person nor papers under Heaven is privy to what I here write, besides myself and this, which I shall be careful to have put into your owne hands, I rest confident of your Lordship's just construction of my dutifull intents herein, and in all humility take leave, may it please your Lordship, Your Lordship's most obedient Servant, S. P.
On 18 Nov 1664 Heneage Finch 1st Earl Aylesford (age 15) was educated at Christ Church College, Oxford University.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1664. Up and to the office, and thence to the Committee of the Fishery at White Hall, where so poor simple doings about the business of the Lottery, that I was ashamed to see it, that a thing so low and base should have any thing to do with so noble an undertaking. But I had the advantage this day to hear Mr. Williamson (age 31) discourse, who come to be a contractor with others for the Lotterys, and indeed I find he is a very logicall man and a good speaker. But it was so pleasant to see my Lord Craven (age 56), the chaireman, before many persons of worth and grave, use this comparison in saying that certainly these that would contract for all the lotteries would not suffer us to set up the Virginia lottery for plate before them, "For", says he, "if I occupy a wench first, you may occupy her again your heart out you can never have her maidenhead after I have once had it", which he did more loosely, and yet as if he had fetched a most grave and worthy instance. They made mirth, but I and others were ashamed of it.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1664. Thence home well pleased with this accident, and so home to my office, where late, and then to supper and to bed. This day I had a letter from Mr. Coventry (age 36), that tells me that my Lord Brunkard (age 44) is to be one of our Commissioners, of which I am very glad, if any more must be.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1664. Thence to the 'Change [Map] and thence home to dinner, and thence to the office a good while, and thence to the Council chamber at White Hall to speake with Sir G. Carteret (age 54), and here by accident heard a great and famous cause between Sir G. Lane (age 44) and one Mr. Phill. Whore, an Irish business about Sir G. Lane's endeavouring to reverse a decree of the late Commissioners of Ireland in a Rebells case for his land, which the King (age 34) had given as forfeited to Sir G. Lane, for whom the Sollicitor did argue most angell like, and one of the Commissioners, Baron, did argue for the other and for himself and his brethren who had decreed it. But the Sollicitor do so pay the Commissioners, how four all along did act for the Papists, and three only for the Protestants, by which they were overvoted, but at last one word (which was omitted in the Sollicitor's repeating of an Act of Parliament in the case) being insisted on by the other part, the Sollicitor was put to a great stop, and I could discern he could not tell what to say, but was quite out.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1665. About nine of the clock, I went on shore, there (calling by the way only to look upon my Lord Bruncker (age 45)) to give Mrs. Williams (age 4) an account of her matters, and so hired an ill-favoured horse, and away to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to my lodgings, where I hear how rude the souldiers have been in my absence, swearing what they would do with me, which troubled me, but, however, after eating a bit I to the office and there very late writing letters, and so home and to bed.
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1666. Back home in my Lord Bruncker's (age 46) coach, and there W. Hewer (age 24) and I to write it over fair; dined at noon, and Mercer with us, and mighty merry, and then to finish my letter; and it being three o'clock ere we had done, when I come to Sir W. Batten (age 65); he was in a huffe, which I made light of, but he signed the letter, though he would not go, and liked the letter well. Sir W. Pen (age 45), it seems, he would not stay for it: so, making slight of Sir W. Pen's putting so much weight upon his hand to Sir W. Batten, I down to the Tower Wharfe [Map], and there got a sculler, and to White Hall, and there met Lord Bruncker, and he signed it, and so I delivered it to Mr. Cheving (age 64)1, and he to Sir W. Coventry (age 38), in the cabinet, the King (age 36) and councill being sitting, where I leave it to its fortune, and I by water home again, and to my chamber, to even my Journall; and then comes Captain Cocke (age 49) to me, and he and I a great deal of melancholy discourse of the times, giving all over for gone, though now the Parliament will soon finish the Bill for money. But we fear, if we had it, as matters are now managed, we shall never make the best of it, but consume it all to no purpose or a bad one. He being gone, I again to my Journall and finished it, and so to supper and to bed.
Note 1. William Chiffinch, pimp to Charles II and receiver of the secret pensions paid by the French Court. He succeeded his brother, Thomas Chiffinch (who died in April, 1666), as Keeper of the King's Private Closet (see note, vol. v., p. 265). He is introduced by Scott into his "Peveril of the Peak"..
Pepy's Diary. 18 Nov 1666. Lord's Day. Up by candle-light and on foote to White Hall, where by appointment I met Lord Bruncker (age 46) at Sir W. Coventry's (age 38) chamber, and there I read over my great letter, and they approved it: and as I do do our business in defence of the Board, so I think it is as good a letter in the manner, and believe it is the worst in the matter of it, as ever come from any office to a Prince.
Evelyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1679. I dined at my Lord Mayor's (age 50), being desired by the Countess of Sunderland (age 33) to carry her thither on a solemn day, that she might see the pomp and ceremony of this Prince of Citizens, there never having been any, who for the stateliness of his palace, prodigious feasting, and magnificence, exceeded him. This Lord Mayor's acquaintance had been from the time of his being apprentice to one Mr. Abbot, his uncle [Note. His mother's brother], who being a scrivener, and an honest worthy man, one who was condemned to die at the beginning of the troubles forty years past, as concerned in the commission of array for King Charles I had escaped with his life; I often used his assistance in money matters. Robert Clayton, then a boy, his nephew, became, after his uncle Abbot's death, so prodigiously rich and opulent, that he was reckoned one of the wealthiest citizens. He married a free-hearted woman, who became his hospitable disposition; and having no children, with the accession of his partner and fellow apprentice, who also left him his estate, he grew excessively rich. He was a discreet magistrate, and though envied, I think without much cause. Some believed him guilty of hard dealing, especially with the Duke of Buckingham (age 51), much of whose estate he had swallowed, but I never saw any ill by him, considering the trade he was of. The reputation and known integrity of his uncle, Abbot, brought all the royal party to him, by which he got not only great credit, but vast wealth, so as he passed this office with infinite magnificence and honor.
Evelyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1688. It was now a very hard frost. The King (age 55) goes to Salisbury to rendezvous the army, and return to London. Lord Delamere (age 36) appears for the Prince (age 38) in Cheshire. The nobility meet in Yorkshire. The Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71) and some Bishops, and such Peers as were in London, address his Majesty to call a Parliament. The King invites all foreign nations to come over. The French take all the Palatinate, and alarm the Germans more than ever.
After 18 Nov 1834. St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map]. Monument to Philip Yorke 3rd Earl of Hardwicke (deceased).
Altar tomb with shaped ends and recumbent effigy in Garter robes with Leg Garter, all in white marble; the ends of the tomb chest are carved with arms and heraldic emblems; signed 'R. WESTMACOTT, JUNR, A.R.A. (age 35) 1844'.
After 18 Nov 1835 George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon (age 55) was buried at All Saints Church, Sudbury [Map].
George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon: On 04 Dec 1779 he was born to Henry Venables-Vernon 3rd Baron Vernon and Elizabeth Rebecca Anne Sedley. On 25 Aug 1802 George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon and Frances Maria Warren Baroness Vernon were married. On 27 Mar 1829 Henry Venables-Vernon 3rd Baron Vernon died at Sudbury. His son George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon succeeded 4th Baron Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire. Frances Maria Warren Baroness Vernon by marriage Baroness Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire. On 18 Nov 1835 George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon died. His son George Venables-Vernon aka Warren 5th Baron Vernon succeeded 5th Baron Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire.
On 18 Nov 1851 Ernest Augustus King Hanover (age 80) died. His son George V King Hanover (age 32) succeeded V King Hanover, 2nd Duke Cumberland and Teviotdale. Marie Saxe Altenburg Queen Consort Hanover by marriage Queen Consort Hanover.
On 18 Nov 1852 Arthur Wellesley 1st Duke Wellington was buried at St Paul's Cathedral [Map].
On 18 Nov 1865 Charles Henry Dillon 14th Viscount Dillon (age 55) died. His brother Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon (age 54) succeeded 15th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo.
Monument to Charles Henry Dillon 14th Viscount Dillon in All Saints Church, Spelsbury [Map] sculpted by Charles Francis Fuller (age 36).
Charles Henry Dillon 14th Viscount Dillon: On 20 Apr 1810 he was born to Henry Augustus Dillon Lee 13th Viscount Dillon at Dublin.
Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon: In 1811 he was born to Henry Augustus Dillon Lee 13th Viscount Dillon. After 18 Nov 1865 Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon died. After 18 Nov 1865 His brother Arthur Edmund Denis Dillon 16th Viscount Dillon succeeded 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo.
Before 18 Nov 1897. Ellis William Roberts (age 36). Portrait Henry Doulton (age 77).
Henry Doulton: On 25 Jul 1820 he was born. On 18 Nov 1897 he died.
The London Gazette 30180. Downing Street, 12th July, 1917.
The King has been pleased to cause Letters Patent, dated 11th May, 1917, to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, constituting the office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand, in substitution for Letters Patent dated 18th November, 1907, constituting the office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the said Dominion.
His Majesty has also been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool (age 47), G.C.M.G., M.V.O., to be Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand
On 18 Nov 1936 Alonso María Orléans Galliera (age 24) died.
Births on the 18th November
After 18 Nov 1356 Piers Mauley was born to Piers Mauley 4th Baron de Mauley (age 25) and Elizabeth Meinhill Baroness Darcy Knayth and Haversham (age 25) at Mulgrave Castle.
On 18 Nov 1584 Gaspar de Crayer was born.
On 18 Nov 1662 Anne Élisabeth Bourbon was born to Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 24) and Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 17.28%.
On 18 Nov 1668 Frederick William Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg was born to Ernest Günther Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 59) and Auguste Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.27%.
On 18 Nov 1668 Frederick William Oldenburg was born to Ernest Günther Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 59) and Auguste Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.27%.
On or before 18 Nov 1680 Edmund Bacon 6th Baronet was born to Robert Bacon 5th Baronet (age 28). He was baptised on 18 Nov 1680 at Little Walsingham, Norfolk.
Around 18 Nov 1685 Edmund Prideaux 5th Baronet was born to Edmund Prideaux 4th Baronet (age 16).
Before 18 Nov 1707 George Trevelyan 3rd Baronet was born to John Trevelyan 2nd Baronet (age 37) and Susanna Warren Lady Trevelyan (age 32).
On 18 Nov 1709 Henry Loftus 1st Earl of Ely was born to Nicholas Loftus 1st Viscount Loftus (age 22) and Anne Ponsonby.
On or before 18 Nov 1744 William Robert Kemp 9th Baronet was born to William Kemp 8th Baronet (age 26). He was baptised on 18 Nov 1744.
On 18 Nov 1745 Thomas Noel 2nd Viscount Wentworth was born to Edward Noel 1st Viscount Wentworth (age 30).
On 18 Nov 1757 Thomas Taylour 1st Marquess of Headfort was born.
On 18 Nov 1761 Frances Whichcote was born to Christopher Whichcote 4th Baronet (age 23).
On 18 Nov 1778 William Stuart was born to John Stuart 1st Marquis of the Isle of Bute (age 34) and Charlotte Jane Windsor Marchioness Bute (age 32).
On 18 Nov 1794 Lionel Tollemache 8th Earl Dysart was born to William Manners aka Tollemache 1st Baronet (age 28) and Catherine Rebecca Gray Lady Manners (age 28).
On 18 Nov 1813 Cecil Brooke Boothby was born to William Boothby 8th Baronet (age 31) and Frances Jenkinson Lady Boothby.
On 18 Nov 1820 Luise Glücksburg was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 35) and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 31). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 18 Nov 1835 Emma Harriet Wilson 12th Baroness Berners was born to Reverend Robert Wilson (age 34) and Harriet Crump. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.
On 18 Nov 1846 Henry Northcote 1st Baron Northcote was born to Stafford Henry Northcote 1st Earl Iddesleigh (age 28) and Cecilia Frances Farrer Countess Iddesleigh.
On 18 Nov 1888 Richard Legh 3rd Baron Newton was born to Thomas Wodehouse Leigh 2nd Baron Newton (age 31) and Evelyn Caroline Davenport Baroness Newton.
On 18 Nov 1907 William James Harris 6th Earl Malmesbury was born to James Edward Harris 5th Earl Malmesbury (age 34) and Dorothy Gough-Calthorpe Countess of Malmesbury (age 22).
On 18 Nov 1954 Guy David Innes-Kerr 10th Duke Roxburghe was born to George Victor Robert John Innes-Kerr 9th Duke Roxburghe (age 41) and Margaret Elizabeth Mcconnel Duchess Roxburghe (age 35).
On 18 Nov 1955 William Henry Smith 5th Viscount Hambleden was born to William Smith 4th Viscount Hambleden (age 25).
On 18 Nov 1964 Nicholas Timothy Knatchbull was born to John Knatchbull 7th Baron Brabourne (age 40) and Patricia Mountbatten 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (age 40). He a great x 3 grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
Marriages on the 18th November
On 18 Nov 1356 Piers Mauley 4th Baron de Mauley (age 25) and Elizabeth Meinhill Baroness Darcy Knayth and Haversham (age 25) were married. She by marriage Baroness Haversham. They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Before 18 Nov 1406 William Fitzhugh 4th Baron Fitzhugh (age 7) and Margery Willoughby Baroness Fitzhugh (age 9) were married.
On 18 Nov 1561 Thomas Wharton 1st Baron Wharton (age 66) and Anne Talbot Baroness Braye and Wharton (age 37) were married. She by marriage Baroness Wharton. The difference in their ages was 29 years. She the daughter of Francis Talbot 5th Earl of Shrewsbury and Mary Dacre. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 18 Nov 1657 Thomas Belasyse 1st Earl Fauconberg (age 30) and Mary Cromwell Countess Fauconberg (age 20) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Faunconberg.
Before 18 Nov 1662 James Langham 2nd Baronet (age 42) and Mary Alston were married.
Around 18 Nov 1662 James Langham 2nd Baronet (age 42) and Elizabeth Hastings were married. She the daughter of Ferdinando Hastings 6th Earl Huntingdon and Lucy Davies Countess Huntingdon (age 49). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Before 18 Nov 1706 William Thomas 1st Baronet (age 65) and Barbara Springet were married.
On 18 Nov 1781 Heneage Finch 4th Earl Aylesford (age 30) and Louisa Thynne Countess Aylesford (age 21) were married. She by marriage Countess Aylesford. She the daughter of Thomas Thynne 1st Marquess of Bath (age 47) and Elizabeth Bentinck Marchioness Bath (age 46). He the son of Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Aylesford and Charlotte Seymour Countess Aylesford (age 51).
On 18 Nov 1794 Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 30) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 18) were married. She the daughter of William Ponsonby 1st Baron Ponsonby of Imokilly in County Cork (age 50) and Louisa Molesworth Countess Fitzwilliam (age 45). He the son of Charles Grey 1st Earl Grey (age 65) and Elizabeth Grey Countess Grey (age 50).
On 18 Nov 1798 Nathaniel Curzon 2nd Baron Scarsdale (age 46) and Félicité Anne Josephe de Wattines Lady Scarsdale (age 33) were married.
On 18 Nov 1809 Henry Vane 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 21) and Sophia Paulett Duchess of Cleveland (age 24) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She the daughter of John Paulett 4th Earl Paulett (age 53) and Sophia Pocock Countess Paulett. He the son of William Henry Vane 1st Duke Cleveland (age 43) and Catharine Margaret Powlett Countess Darlington. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 18 Nov 1826 Francis Dugdale Astley 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Emma Dorothea Lethbridge Lady Astley were married.
On 18 Nov 1835 Colonel John Sydney North (age 31) and Susan North 10th Baroness North (age 38) were married. She the daughter of George Augustus North 3rd Earl Guildford and Susan Coutts Countess Guilford.
On 18 Nov 1841 Francis Wheler 10th Baronet (age 40) and Elizabeth Bishop Lady Wheler were married at Lucknow.
On 18 Nov 1911 Alan Ian Percy 8th Duke Northumberland (age 31) and Helen Gordon-Lennox Duchess Northumberland (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Charles Gordon-Lennox 7th Duke Richmond (age 65) and Isabel Sophie Craven Duchess Richmond. He the son of Henry George Percy 7th Duke Northumberland (age 65) and Edith Campbell Duchess Northumberland (age 62).
Deaths on the 18th November
On 18 Nov 1305 John Capet II Duke Brittany (age 66) died. His son Arthur Capet Duke Brittany (age 44) succeeded 3rd Duke Brittany 1221 Dreux.
On 18 Nov 1313 Constance Burgundy Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon (age 23) died.
On 18 Nov 1341 Eleanor Beauchamp Baroness Fitzwarin (age 63) died at Thornbury, Gloucestershire.
On 18 Nov 1401 Thomas Ughtred 2nd Baron Ughtred (age 76) died. His grandson Thomas Ughtred 3rd Baron Ughtred (age 17) succeeded 3rd Baron Ughtred.
On 18 Nov 1463 John Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 26) died of plague.
On 18 Nov 1559 Bishop Ralph Baines (age 55) died.
On 18 Nov 1559 Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 85) died in Lambeth Palace [Map].
Before 18 Nov 1561 Eleanor Stapleton Baroness Wharton died at the Tower of London [Map].
On 18 Nov 1563 William Dacre 3rd Baron Dacre Gilsland 7th Baron Greystoke (age 70) died. His son Thomas Dacre 4th Baron Dacre Gilsland 8th Baron Greystoke (age 36) succeeded 4th Baron Dacre Gilsland, 8th Baron Greystoke.
On 18 Nov 1590 George Talbot 6th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 62) died. He was buried at Sheffield Cathedral [Map]. His son Gilbert Talbot 7th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 37) succeeded 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, 7th Earl Waterford, 12th Baron Furnivall, 16th Baron Strange Blackmere, 13th Baron Talbot. Mary Cavendish Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford (age 34) by marriage Countess of Shrewsbury Countess Waterford.
On 18 Nov 1591 Elizabeth Stewart 2nd Countess Moray (age 26) died.
On 18 Nov 1601 Agnes Howard Marchioness Winchester (age 66) died.
On 18 Nov 1627 Frances Meautys Countess of Sussex (age 42) died.
Before 18 Nov 1689 Baptist Edward Wray 8th Baronet (age 42) died. His uncle Drury Wray 9th Baronet (age 56) succeeded 9th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.
On 18 Nov 1691 John Brookes 1st Baronet (age 55) died. He was buried at St Martin le Grand Church, York. His son James Brookes 2nd Baronet 1675-1742 (age 16) succeeded 2nd Baronet Brookes of York in Yorkshire.
On 18 Nov 1706 William Thomas 1st Baronet (age 65) died. Baronet Thomas of Folkington in Sussex extinct.
On 18 Nov 1719 Compton Felton 5th Baronet (age 69) died. Baronet Felton of Playford in Suffolk extinct.
On 09 Nov 1731 Love Dring Lady Reade (age 76) died. She was buried on 18 Nov 1731 in the Brocket Chapel at St Elthreda's Church, Bishop's Hatfield.
On 18 Nov 1732 Bridget Gage Viscountess Fauconberg (age 57) died.
On 18 Nov 1777 Thomas Foley 1st Baron Foley (age 61) died. His son Thomas Foley 2nd Baron Foley (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baron Foley of Kidderminster in Worcestershire. Henrietta Stanhope Baroness Foley (age 21) by marriage Baroness Foley of Kidderminster in Worcestershire.
On 18 Nov 1785 Louis Philippe "The Fat" Bourbon I Duke Orléans (age 60) died. His son Louis Philippe II Duke of Orléans (age 38) succeeded II Duke Orléans.
On 18 Nov 1806 John Mordaunt 7th Baronet (age 72) died. On 18 Nov 1806 His son Charles Mordaunt 8th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 8th Baronet Mordaunt of Massingham Parva.
On 18 Nov 1822 Anne Brown Lady Trelawny died.
On 18 Nov 1834 Philip Yorke 3rd Earl of Hardwicke (age 77) died. He was buried in St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map]. His nephew Charles Yorke 4th Earl of Hardwicke (age 35) succeeded 4th Earl Hardwicke, 4th Viscount Royston. Susan Liddell Countess Hardwicke (age 24) by marriage Countess Hardwicke.
On 18 Nov 1835 George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon (age 55) died. His son George Venables-Vernon aka Warren 5th Baron Vernon (age 32) succeeded 5th Baron Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire.
On 18 Nov 1835 Captain John Edmund George Parker 4th Baronet (age 46) died. His brother Admiral Charles Christopher Parker 5th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 5th Baronet Parker of Bassingbourn in Essex.
On 18 Nov 1839 Hans Blackwood 3rd Baron Dufferin and Claneboye of Ballyleidy and Killyleagh in County Down (age 81) died. His son Price Blackwood 4th Baron Dufferin and Claneboye of Ballyleidy and Killyleagh in County Down (age 45) succeeded 4th Baron Dufferin and Claneboye of Ballyleidy and Killyleagh in County Down, 5th Baronet Blackwood of Killyleagh in County Down.
On 18 Nov 1851 Ernest Augustus King Hanover (age 80) died. His son George V King Hanover (age 32) succeeded V King Hanover, 2nd Duke Cumberland and Teviotdale. Marie Saxe Altenburg Queen Consort Hanover by marriage Queen Consort Hanover.
On 18 Nov 1851 John Cope 11th Baronet (age 83) died without issue. His fifth cousin once removed William Henry Cope 12th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 12th Baronet Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.
On 18 Nov 1852 Louisa Duncombe Countess Eldon (age 45) died.
On 18 Nov 1858 Barbara Yelverton Marchioness Hastings (age 48) died.
On 18 Nov 1861 Charlotte Stuart Countess Canning (age 44) died at Calcutta, India in the arms of her husband Charles Canning 1st Earl Canning (age 48).
On 18 Nov 1864 Theodosia Harriett Elizabeth Vyner (age 30) died.
On 18 Nov 1865 Charles Henry Dillon 14th Viscount Dillon (age 55) died. His brother Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon (age 54) succeeded 15th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo.
Monument to Charles Henry Dillon 14th Viscount Dillon in All Saints Church, Spelsbury [Map] sculpted by Charles Francis Fuller (age 36).
Charles Henry Dillon 14th Viscount Dillon: On 20 Apr 1810 he was born to Henry Augustus Dillon Lee 13th Viscount Dillon at Dublin.
Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon: In 1811 he was born to Henry Augustus Dillon Lee 13th Viscount Dillon. After 18 Nov 1865 Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon died. After 18 Nov 1865 His brother Arthur Edmund Denis Dillon 16th Viscount Dillon succeeded 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo.
After 18 Nov 1865 Theobald Dominick Dillon 15th Viscount Dillon (age 54) died. After 18 Nov 1865 His brother Arthur Edmund Denis Dillon 16th Viscount Dillon (age 53) succeeded 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo.
On 18 Nov 1873 John Yonge Akerman (age 67) died.
On 18 Nov 1888 William Courtenay 11th Earl Devon (age 81) died at Powderham Castle [Map]. His son Edward Baldwin Courtenay 12th Earl Devon (age 52) succeeded 12th Earl Devon.
On 18 Nov 1893 Robert Grosvenor 1st Baron Ebury (age 92) died. His son Robert Grosvenor 2nd Baron Ebury (age 59) succeeded 2nd Baron Ebury.
On 18 Nov 1918 William Vavasour 3rd Baronet (age 71) died. His son Leonard Pius Vavasour 4th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 4th Baronet Vavasour of Hazlewood in Yorkshire.
On 18 Nov 1926 Grace Bernal Duchess St Albans (age 78) died.
On 18 Nov 1928 Pamela Wyndham Viscountess Grey (age 57) died.
On 18 Nov 1967 Henry Hotham 7th Baron Hotham (age 68) died. His son Henry Durand Hotham 8th Baron Hotham (age 27) succeeded 8th Baron Hotham of South Dalton in Yorkshire, 18th Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.
On 18 Nov 1969 Joseph Patrick Kennedy (age 81) died.
On 18 Nov 1976 Christopher Addison 2nd Viscount Addison (age 71) died. His brother Michael Addison 3rd Viscount Addison (age 62) succeeded 3rd Viscount Addison of Stallingborough in Lincolnshire, 3rd Baron Addison of Stallingborough in Lincolnshire.
On 18 Nov 1985 George James Augustine Prévost 5th Baronet (age 75) died. His son Christoper Gerald Prévost 6th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 6th Baronet Prevost of Belmont in Hampshire.