On this Day in History ... 22nd January

22 Jan is in January.

871 Battle of Basing

1188 Death of Ferdinand II King Leon

1382 Marriage of Richard II and Anne of Bohemia and her Coronation

1536 Funeral of Catherine of Aragon

1552 Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

1554 Wyatt's Rebellion

1649 Trial of Charles I

1662 Trial and Execution of the Regicides

1715 General Election

1816 Creation of Irish Earls

1901 Death of Queen Victoria

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 22nd January

On 22 Jan 871 King Æthelred of Wessex (age 24) was defeated by the Viking army at the Battle of Basing at Old Basing, Hampshire [Map].

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Around 22 Jan 871. Within a fortnight of this, King Ethered (age 24) and Alfred (age 22) his brother fought with the army at Basing; and there the Danes had the victory.

Assers Life of Alfred 871. 22 Jan 871. 40. Battle of Basing.89 After90 fourteen days had elapsed King Æthelred (age 24) and his brother Alfred (age 22) joined their forces, and marched to Basing91 to fight with the heathen. Having thus assembled, battle was joined, and they held their own for a long time, but the heathen gained the victory, and held possession of the battle-field. After this fight, another army of heathen came from beyond sea, and joined them.

Note 89. From the Chronicle.

Note 90. Before this sentence occurs the following in the Latin: Quibus cum talia præsentis vitæ dispendia alienigenis perperam quærentibus non sufficerent. This may represent a sentence in the author's draft that was intended, owing to change of construction, to be omitted (Stevenson).

Note 91. In Hampshire.

On 22 Jan 1188 Ferdinand II King Leon (age 51) died. His son Alfonso IX King Leon (age 16) succeeded IX King Leon.

On 22 Jan 1382 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England (age 15) was crowned Queen Consort England by Archbishop William de Courtenay (age 40) (even though he had not received his Pall from the Pope.)

After 22 Jan 1502 John Strelley (age 46) was buried at All Saints' Church, Strelley [Map]. Monument to John Strelley (deceased) and Sanchia Willoughby (age 50). Fluted Period. Described as the finest alabaster monument in the country. Chellaston alabaster. Bobbed hair to the shoulder. Feet resting on a Lion, two fine Bedesmen, one male, one female;possibly Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Great helm with Saracen's Head Crest, strangled as denoted by the tongue out. Extended mantling. Four arms above the effigies represent, from left to right: Strelley impaled Kempe - his father Robert Strelley and his mother Isabel Kempe, Strelley Arms impaled Willoughby - John and his wife, Strelley impaled Pierrepoint - John's paternal great-grandfather Nicholas Strelley and great-grandmother Elizabeth Pierrepoint.

Letters 1536. 22 Jan 1536. R.O. 151. Richard Ryche (age 39) to Cromwell.

In your letter I see it is the King's pleasure that we should be ruled by the advice of Mr. Controller when he repairs to Kimbolton, and declare to him our proceedings since I left London. Please let Mr. Controller know how the household is to be ordered, after the interment of the Princess Dowager. The gentlewomen claim divers apparel as given them by the lady Dowager, and the officers divers stuff as their fees. It would not be honorable to take the things given in her lifetime. Kimbolton, Saturday, 22 Jan.

Send letters to my lord Audley, the master of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Warram, the prior of Martin; to be here at the beginning of the term that we may proceed in the assurance of the King's exchanges with them. Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.

Letters 1536. Between 22 Jan 1536 and 29 Jan 1536. R. O. St. P. II. 302. 185. Dame Anne Skeffington to Queen Anne Boleyn (age 35).

Her husband, Sir William Skeffyngton, died on 31 Dec. Asks her intercession in favor of the petition she will show to Cromwell. She and her children are clearly undone by her husband's service. Dublin. 26 Jan. Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the Queen's most excellent highness. Endd.: Dame Anne Skevyngton, a letter and certain articles.

Diary of Edward VI. 22 Jan 1552. The duke of Somerset (age 52) had his head cat of apon Towre hill [Map] betwene eight and nine a cloke in the morning.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Jan 1552. The xxij of January, soon after eight of the clock in the morning, the duke of Somerset (age 52) was beheaded on Tower hill [Map]. There was as] grett compeny as have bene syne .. the kynges gard behynge there with ther ha[lbards, and a] M [Note. 1000]. mo with halbards of the prevelege of the Towre, [Ratcliffe,] Lymhowsse, Whytchapell, Sant Kateryn, and Strettford [Bow], as Hogston, Sordyche; and ther the ij shreyfs behyng th[ere present] seyng the execusyon of my lord, and ys hed to be [smitten] of, and after shortely ys body was putt in to a coffin, [and carried] in to the Towre, and ther bered in the chyrche, of [the north] syd of the qwyre of sant Peters [Map], the wyche I beseeche [God] have mercy on ys sowlle, amen! And ther was [a sudden] rumbelyng a lytyll a-for he ded, as yt had byn [guns] shuttyng [Note. shooting] and grett horsys commyng, that a M [Note. 1000]. fell [to the] grond for fere, for thay that wher at the on syd [thought] no nodur butt that one was kyllyng odur, that [they fell] down to the grond on apon anodur with ther halb[ards], they thought no nodur butt that thay shuld .... sum fell in to [the] dyche of the Towre and odur plasys, ... and a C. [Note. 100] in to the Towre-dyche, and sum ran a way for [fear.]

Note. The duke of Somerset's execution. A narrative of this, with the last speech delivered by the duke, somewhat different from that in Stowe, has been printed from the Cottonian charters, by Sir Henry Ellis, in his Second Series of Original Letters, vol. ii. p. 215.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 22 Jan 1552. Item the xxij. day of the same monyth was be[heddyd] at the Towre hyll [Map] before viij. a clocke Edwarde deuke of Somersett (age 52) [erle of Hertjforde and unkyll unto the kynges (age 14) grace]. And also there was a commandment thorrow London that alle howsolders with their servantes shulde kepe their howses unto it was ....

Annales of England by John Stow. 22 Jan 1552. The 22 of January Edward duke of Somerset (age 52) was beheaded on the tower hill [Map]. The same morning early the consables of every warde in London (according to a precept directed from the counsell to the Mayor) streightly charged every householde of the same citie not to depart any of them out of their houses before ten of the clocke of that Day, meaning thereby to restraine the great number of people, that otherwise were like to have bene at the said execution: notwithstanding by seven aclock the tower hill [Map] was covered with a great multitude, repairing from all parts of the citie, as well as out of the suburbs, and before 8 of the clocke the duke was brought to the scaffold inclosed with the kings gard, the sherifs officers, the warders of the Tower, & other with halbards: the Duke being ready to have been executed, suddenly the people were driven into a great feare, few or none knowing the cause: wherfore I thinke it good to write what I saw concerning that matter.

Thee people of a certaine hamlet, which were warned to be there by 7. of the clocke to give their attendance on the liuetenant, now came through the posterne, & perceiving the D. (age 52) to be alreadie on the scaffold, the foremost began to run, crying to their followes to fellow fall after, which suddennes of there men being weaponed with bils and halbards thus running, caused the people which first saw them, to thinke some power had come to have rescued the duke from execution, and therefore to crie away, away, whereupon the people ran some one way some another, many fell into the tower ditch, and they which tarried thought some pardon had been brought, some saide it thundered, some that a great rumbling was in the earth under them, some that the ground moved, but there was no such matter, more than the trampling of their feete, which made some noise.

On 22 Jan 1552 Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 52) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. He was buried at St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map]. Duke Somerset, Earl Hertford, Viscount Beauchamp forfeit. His great-grandson William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset was restored to the titles in 1660.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1551. 22 Jan 1552. Fryday, the 22 of January, 1551-[2], Edward Seimer (age 52), Duke of Somersett, was beheaded at the Tower Hill [Map], afore ix of the clocke in the forenone, which tooke his death very patiently, but there was such a feare and disturbance amonge the people sodainely before he suffred, that some tombled downe the ditch, and some ranne toward the houses thereby and fell, that it was marveile to see and hear; but howe the cause was, God knoweth.

On 22 Jan 1554 the conspirators met at Allington Castle [Map].

Henry Isley (age 54) attended.

On 22 Jan 1561 Francis Bacon 1st Viscount St Alban was born to Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper (age 50) and Anne Cooke (age 34).

On 22 Jan 1571 Robert Bruce Cotton 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Cotton (age 27) and Elizabeth Shirley (age 31) in Denton.

On 22 Jan 1592 Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France (age 37) died.

On 22 Jan 1621 John Ramsay 1st Earl Holderness (age 41) was created 1st Earl Holderness by King James I (age 54).

Evelyn's Diary. 22 Jan 1649. The villany of the rebels proceeding now so far as to try, condemn, and murder our excellent King (age 48) on the 30th of this month, struck me with such horror, that I kept the day of his martyrdom a fast, and would not be present at that execrable wickedness; receiving the sad account of it from my brother George (age 31), and Mr. Owen, who came to visit me this afternoon, and recounted all the circumstances.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jan 1662. Thence to the Hall, where I heard the House had ordered all the King's murderers, that remain, to be executed, but Fleetwood (age 44) and Downes (age 53).

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jan 1664. Up, and it being a brave morning, with a gaily to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and there both at the Ropeyard [Map]e and the other yarde did much business, and thence to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to see Mr. Pett (age 53) and others value the carved work of the "Henrietta" (God knows in an ill manner for the King (age 33)), and so to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there viewed Sir W. Petty's (age 40) vessel; which hath an odd appearance, but not such as people do make of it, for I am of the opinion that he would never have discoursed so much of it, if it were not better than other vessels, and so I believe that he was abused the other day, as he is now, by tongues that I am sure speak before they know anything good or bad of her. I am sorry to find his ingenuity discouraged so.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jan 1669. Up, and with W. Hewer (age 27) to White Hall, and there attended the Duke of York (age 35), and thence to the Exchange [Map], in the way calling at several places on occasions relating to my feast to-morrow, on which my mind is now set; as how to get a new looking-glass for my dining-room, and some pewter, and good wine, against to-morrow; and so home, where I had the looking-glass set up, cost me £6 7s. 6d. And here at the 'Change [Map] I met with Mr. Dancre (age 44), the famous landscape painter, with whom I was on Wednesday; and he took measure of my panels in my dining-room, where, in the four, I intend to have the four houses of the King (age 38), White Hall, Hampton Court [Map], Greenwich, Kent [Map], and Windsor. He gone, I to dinner with my people, and so to my office to dispatch a little business, and then home to look after things against to-morrow, and among other things was mightily pleased with the fellow that come to lay the cloth, and fold the napkins, which I like so well, as that I am resolved to give him 40s. to teach my wife to do it.

After 22 Jan 1669. Church of the Virgin Mary Stoneleigh [Map]. Monument to Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley (deceased) and her daughter. A large elaborate memorial in black and white marble erected in 1668. Has two recumbent female figures under a canopy supported on eight Ionic columns and on either side an angel with trumpet holding back curtains. Possibly sculpted by William Wright of Charing Cross.

Evelyn's Diary. 26 Dec 1688. The Peers and such Commoners as were members of the Parliament at Oxford, being the last of Charles II meeting, desire the Prince of Orange (age 38) to take on him the disposal of the public revenue till a convention of Lords and Commons should meet in full body, appointed by his circular letters to the shires and boroughs, 22d of January. I had now quartered upon me a Lieutenant-Colonel and eight horses.

Between 22 Jan 1715 and 09 Mar 1715 the 1715 General Election was held. The election had been caused by George I's (age 54) succession. The Whig party, which supported George I (age 54), won an overwhelming majority.

John Rushout 4th Baronet (age 29) was elected MP Malmesbury.

Leonard Smelt (age 32) was elected MP Northallerton.

Thomas Frankland 3rd Baronet (age 30) was elected MP Thirsk.

George Carpenter 1st Baron Carpenter (age 57) was elected MP Whitchurch.

On 22 Jan 1716 Richard Winch died. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Branston [Map]. The description of his being a Baronet on his grave slab appears to be a mistake since his brother Humphrey Winch 1st Baronet was the Baronet.

Richard Winch: he was born to Onslow Winch of Everton, Bedfordshire and Judith Burgoyne.

After 22 Jan 1733. Monument at Saint Michael and All Angels Church, Great Witley [Map] to Thomas Foley 1st Baron Foley (deceased) sculpted by John Michael Rysbrack (age 38).

On 22 Jan 1788 George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron was born to John "Mad Jack" Byron (age 31) and Catherine Gordon 13th of Gight Gordon (age 23).

On 22 Jan 1816 two new Irish Eardom's were created ...

Richard White 1st Earl Bantry (age 48) was created 1st Earl Bantry. Margaret Anne Hare Countess Bantry by marriage Countess Bantry.

Richard Butler 1st Earl Glengall (age 40) was created 1st Earl Glengall.

On 22 Jan 1915 Micah Salt (age 68) died. He was buried at Buxton Cemetery. His gravestone is a replica of the Anglo-Saxon cross in Eyam Cemetery.

On 22 Jan 1920 Richard J C Atkinson was born.

Births on the 22nd January

On 22 Jan 1355 William Dampierre was born to William "Rich" Dampierre I Marquis Namur (age 31) and Jeanne Hainault Marquis Namur. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry III of England.

On 22 Jan 1522 Charles Valois was born to King Francis I of France (age 27) and Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France (age 22). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.50%.

On 22 Jan 1561 Francis Bacon 1st Viscount St Alban was born to Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper (age 50) and Anne Cooke (age 34).

On 22 Jan 1571 Robert Bruce Cotton 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Cotton (age 27) and Elizabeth Shirley (age 31) in Denton.

On 22 Jan 1650 William Massingberd 2nd Baronet was born to Henry Massingberd 1st Baronet (age 41).

Before 22 Jan 1663 Mary O'Brien Countess Kildare was born to Henry O'Brien (age 21).

On 22 Jan 1663 Katherine O'Brien Countess Clarendon was born to Henry O'Brien (age 21).

On 22 Jan 1703 Thomas Twisden 4th Baronet was born to Thomas Twisden 3rd Baronet (age 33).

On 22 Jan 1719 Henry Paget 2nd Earl Uxbridge was born to Thomas Catesby Paget (age 30) and Elizabeth Egerton.

On 22 Jan 1724 Heinrich Reuss was born.

On 22 Jan 1724 Heinrich XXIV Count Reuss of Ebersdorf was born.

On 22 Jan 1752 Robert Smith 1st Baron Carrington was born to Abel Smith (age 34).

On 22 Jan 1761 Henry Agar 2nd Viscount Clifden was born to James Agar aka Agar-Ellis 1st Viscount Clifden (age 26) in Gowran Castle, Gowran, County Kilkenny.

On 22 Jan 1786 Guy Campbell 1st Baronet was born.

On 22 Jan 1788 George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron was born to John "Mad Jack" Byron (age 31) and Catherine Gordon 13th of Gight Gordon (age 23).

In 1791 Anne Molyneux was born to Thomas Molyneux of Newsham House in West Derby in Lancashire (age 37) and Ann Watson. She was baptised on the 22 Jan 1787 at Ormskirk.

On 22 Jan 1797 Charlotte Grimstead was born to Joseph Valentine Grimstead.

On 22 Jan 1809 Thomas Fletcher Fenton Boughey 3rd Baronet was born to John Fletcher aka Boughey 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Henrietta Dorothy Chetwode.

On 22 Jan 1812 Evelyn Shirley was born to Evelyn Shirley (age 23).

On 22 Jan 1815 Anne Clegg Viscoutess Hill was born to Joseph Clegg of Peplow Hall, Shropshire.

On 22 Jan 1816 Laura Russell Marchioness Normanby was born to Captain Robert Russell.

On 22 Jan 1823 Constance Henrietta Paget Countess Nottingham Winchilsea was born to Henry Paget 2nd Marquess Anglesey (age 25) and Eleanora Campbell.

On 22 Jan 1826 Thomas Baring 1st Earl Northbrook was born to Francis Baring 1st Baron Northbrook (age 29) and Jane Grey (age 21).

On 22 Jan 1831 Prince Frederick Christian Oldenburg was born to Christian August Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 32) and Louise Sophie Danneskiold Samsøe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg at Augustenborg, Als Island. He a great x 3 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 22 Jan 1852 Hamilton James Tollemache was born to John Jervis Tollemache 1st Baron Tollemache (age 46) and Minnie Duff Baroness Tollemache.

On 22 Jan 1853 Bishop Charles Gore was born to Charles Alexander Gore (age 41) and Augusta Lavinia Priscilla Ponsonby (age 38).

On 22 Jan 1857 George Leopold Bryan aka Bellew 4th Baron Bellew was born to Edward Joseph Bellew 2nd Baron Bellew (age 26) and Augusta Mary Bryan (age 23).

On 22 Jan 1863 Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Paston Mack was born to John Mack of Paston Hall (age 64).

On 22 Jan 1869 Olivia Caroline Amelia Taylour was born to Thomas Taylour (age 24) and Alice Maria Hill (age 26).

On 22 Jan 1874 Hilda Brunner Viscountess Dillon was born to John Brunner 1st Baronet (age 31) and Salome Davies.

On 22 Jan 1889 Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bowes Elliott-Cooper VC was born.

On 22 Jan 1917 Bruce Shand was born to Philip Morton Shand (age 29) and Edith Marguerite "Margot" Harrington (age 23).

On 22 Jan 1920 Richard J C Atkinson was born.

On 22 Jan 1924 Christopher Henry Pease 2nd Baron Wardington was born to John William Beaumont Pease 1st Baron Wardington (age 64) and Dorothy Charlotte Forster Baroness Wardington (age 32).

Marriages on the 22nd January

On 22 Jan 1260 John Capet II Duke Brittany (age 21) and Beatrice Plantagenet (age 17) were married. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 52) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 37). He the son of John "The Red" Capet I Duke Brittany (age 42) and Blanche "Navarre" Blois Duchess Brittany (age 34). They were half second cousin twice removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 22 Jan 1404 Guy Montfort Baron Laval (age 19) and Anne 13th de Laval Baroness Laval (age 19) were married. He subsequently changed his forename from Jean to Guy, Guy being a Laval family forename. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Before 22 Jan 1467 John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 42) and Margaret Chedworth Duchess Norfolk (age 31) were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 22 Jan 1518 Thomas Fettiplace (age 57) and Elizabeth Norreys were married.

After 22 Jan 1518 Thomas Fettiplace (age 57) and Elizabeth Carew were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 22 Jan 1618 Richard Young 1st Baronet (age 38) and Martha Forth were married. Lady Martha, brought with her a substantial estate - Young was later reputed to be worth £1,000 p.a., - and six months later she also transferred to him £2,000 worth of stock in the East India Company.

On 22 Jan 1685 William Blackett 1st Baronet (age 27) and Julia Conyers were married at Cathedral Church St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne [Map]. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward IV of England.

On 22 Jan 1782 Edward Hay (age 25) and Elizabeth Wagstaff were married at Calcutta, India.

On 22 Jan 1824 Edmund Pollexfen Bastard (age 39) and Anne Jane Rodney were married.

On 22 Jan 1847 Reverend Brabazon Lowther (age 35) and Ellen Jane Legh (age 16) were married. He her step-uncle ie brother of her step-mother Maud Lowther who had married her father Thomas Legh (age 50) on 03 Oct 1843.

On 22 Jan 1851 Gavin James Douglas (age 20) and Margaret Moore were married.

On 22 Jan 1863 Alexander Entwisle Ramsay 4th Baronet (age 26) and Octavia Haigh Lady Ramsay were married.

On 22 Jan 1889 Edgar Gascoyne-Cecil 1st Viscount Cecil (age 24) and Eleanor Lambton Viscountess Cecil (age 21) were married. She the daughter of George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton 2nd Earl Durham and Beatrix Frances Hamilton Countess Durham. He the son of Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil 3rd Marquess Salisbury (age 58). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 22 Jan 1891 George Herbert Shakerley 4th Baronet (age 27) and Evelyn Mary France-Hayhurst Lady Shakerley (age 21) were married.

Before 22 Jan 1892 Alexander Francis Charles Gordon-Lennox (age 66) and Emily Towneley (age 57) were married. He the son of Charles Gordon-Lennox 5th Duke Richmond and Caroline Paget Duchess Richmond. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Deaths on the 22nd January

On 22 Jan 1051 Archbishop Ælfric died.

On 22 Jan 1188 Ferdinand II King Leon (age 51) died. His son Alfonso IX King Leon (age 16) succeeded IX King Leon.

On 22 Jan 1242 Gilbert Gaunt (age 62) died.

On 22 Jan 1341 Louis Bourbon I Duke Bourbon (age 62) died. His son Peter Bourbon Duke Bourbon (age 30) succeeded Duke Bourbon.

On 22 Jan 1488 Robert Cheney (age 67) died.

On 22 Jan 1502 John Strelley (age 46) died.

On 22 Jan 1509 Everard Digby (age 63) died.

On 22 Jan 1511 Jeanne Bourbon Duchess Bourbon (age 46) died.

On 22 Jan 1518 Elizabeth Norreys died.

On 22 Jan 1525 Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle (age 45) died.

On 22 Jan 1533 Thomas Berkeley 5th Baron Berkeley (age 61) died. His son Thomas Berkeley 6th Baron Berkeley (age 28) succeeded 6th Baron Berkeley.

On 22 Jan 1552 Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 52) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. He was buried at St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map]. Duke Somerset, Earl Hertford, Viscount Beauchamp forfeit. His great-grandson William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset was restored to the titles in 1660.

On 22 Jan 1557 Archibald Douglas 6th Earl Angus (age 68) died at Tantallon Castle. His nephew David Douglas 7th Earl Angus (age 42) succeeded 7th Earl Angus.

On 22 Jan 1575 James Hamilton 2nd Earl Arran (age 59) died. His son James Hamilton 3rd Earl Arran (age 43) succeeded 3rd Earl Arran.

On 22 Jan 1592 Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France (age 37) died.

On 22 Jan 1609 Thomas Wingfield died.

On 22 Jan 1638 Nathaniel Knightley (age 43) died.

On 22 Jan 1651 William Acton 1st Baronet (age 81) died. Baronet Acton of the City of London extinct.

On 22 Jan 1656 Thomas Francis of Savoy 1st Prince of Carignano (age 59) died.

On 22 Jan 1669 Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley (age 91) died in the parish St Giles in the Fields Church, Camden [Map]. She was buried at Church of the Virgin Mary Stoneleigh [Map]. Duke Dudley extinct since it was created for life only.

Around 22 Jan 1671 Katherine Packer of Shelingford Lady Gell (age 46) died.

On 22 Jan 1673 Mary Moders (age 31) was hanged at Tyburn [Map].

On 22 Jan 1685 John Petre 5th Baron Petre (age 55) died. His brother Thomas Petre 6th Baron Petre (age 52) succeeded 6th Baron Petre.

On 22 Jan 1686 Johanna Magdalena of Saxe-Altenburg (age 30) died.

On 22 Jan 1692 James Long 2nd Baronet (age 75) died. His grandson Robert Long 3rd Baronet (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baronet Long of Westminster in London.

After 22 Jan 1692 Robert Long 3rd Baronet (age 19) died. His brother Giles Long 4th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 4th Baronet Long of Westminster in London.

On 22 Jan 1700 Henry Newton (age 82) died.

On 22 Jan 1701 Henry Newton aka Puckering 3rd Baronet (age 82) died without male issue. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Warwick [Map]. Baronet Newton aka Puckering of Charlton in Kent extinct.

On 22 Jan 1709 Henry Herbert 1st Baron Chirbury (age 54) died. His son Henry Herbert 2nd Baron Chirbury succeeded 2nd Baron Herbert Chirbury.

On 22 Jan 1711 Mary Offley (age 61) died.

On 22 Jan 1716 Richard Winch died. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Branston [Map]. The description of his being a Baronet on his grave slab appears to be a mistake since his brother Humphrey Winch 1st Baronet was the Baronet.

Richard Winch: he was born to Onslow Winch of Everton, Bedfordshire and Judith Burgoyne.

On 22 Jan 1719 Mary Thompson Countess Anglesey died.

On 22 Jan 1719 Mary Webb Countess Waldegrave (age 24) died.

On 22 Jan 1721 Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 41) died at Woodford Hall, Essex.

On 22 Jan 1730 Robert Douglas 12th Earl Morton (age 69) died. His brother George Douglas 13th Earl Morton (age 68) succeeded 13th Earl Morton.

On 22 Jan 1733 Thomas Foley 1st Baron Foley (age 59) died. His son Thomas Foley 2nd Baron Foley (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baron Foley.

On 22 Jan 1736 Mary Kerr Marchioness Douglas (age 62) died.

On 22 Jan 1761 Edward Wortley-Montagu (age 82) died.

On 22 Jan 1794 John Stuart (age 26) died.

On 22 Jan 1795 Paul Methuen (age 71) died.

On 22 Jan 1795 Isabella Byron Countess Carlisle (age 73) died.

On 22 Jan 1809 George Henry Compton Cavendish (age 24) died.

On 22 Jan 1809 Edward William Waldegrave (age 21) drowned at sea off Falmouth, Cornwall.

On 22 Jan 1816 Thomas Ridley of Park End (age 82) died.

In 22 Jan 1816 Drummond Smith 1st Baronet (age 76) died with remainder to the heirs male of his niece Augusta, daughter of his eldest brother Joshua Smith (age 81). His great nephew Charles Joshua Smith 2nd Baronet (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baronet Smith of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.

On 22 Jan 1820 Charles Mordaunt (age 86) died.

On 22 Jan 1821 Margaret Coke Lady Hunloke (age 70) died.

On 22 Jan 1822 Judith Noel (age 71) died.

On 22 Jan 1823 John Henry Newbolt (age 54) died.

On 22 Jan 1828 Joan Glassel (age 53) died.

On 22 Jan 1841 Jacquetta Baring Lady Northcote (age 72) died.

On 22 Jan 1843 Bridget Willington (age 53) died.

On 22 Jan 1852 Maria Benyon Viscountess Midleton died.

On 22 Jan 1855 Frances Basset 2nd Baroness Basset (age 73) died. Baron Basset Stratton extinct.

On 22 Jan 1856 Henry Beauclerk (age 43) died.

On 22 Jan 1858 Louis II Grand Duke of Baden (age 33) died. His brother Frederick Grand Duke of Baden (age 31) succeeded I Grand Duke of Baden.

On 22 Jan 1861 Henry Vyner (age 55) died.

On 22 Jan 1866 Colonel Charles Allix (age 83) died. He was buried at St Martin's Church, Ancaster [Map]. Frederick William Allix (age 49) inherited Willoughby Hall.

On 22 Jan 1873 Evelyn Elizabeth Vernon (age 43) died.

On 22 Jan 1880 Henry Charles Blake 4th Baronet (age 85) died. His grandson Patrick James Graham Blake 5th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 5th Baronet Blake of Langham in Suffolk.

On 22 Jan 1884 Victor Alexander Grosvenor (age 30) died.

On 22 Jan 1892 Alexander Francis Charles Gordon-Lennox (age 66) died.

On 22 Jan 1897 Octavia Sophia Bosville Bosville Macdonald (age 78) died.

On 22 Jan 1899 William Henry Paulett 6th Earl Paulett (age 71) died. His son William John Lydston Poulett 7th Earl Poulett (age 15) succeeded 7th Earl Poulett, 10th Baron Poulett.

The sixth earl's eldest son William Turnour Thomas Poulett (age 49) claimed the title. On 27 Jul 1903 the House of Lords determined the dispute in favour of William John Lydston Poulett 7th Earl Poulett (age 15) somewhat contrary to the principle that the child of a woman born in wedlock was the child of her husband

Report made from the Committee of Privileges:

That the Petitioner, William Turnour Thomas Poulett (age 49), claiming to be Viscount Hinton of Hinton St. George and Earl Poulett, both in the Peerage of England, hath not made out his claim to the dignities, titles, and honours of Viscount Hinton of Hinton St. George and Earl Poulett.

That the Petitioner, Rosa Countess Poulett, formerly the wife and now the widow of William Henry, sixth Earl Poulett, as a testamentary guardian of her infant son William John Lydston (age 15), claiming to be Viscount Hinton of Hinton St. George, in the county of Somerset, and seventh Earl Poulett, both in the Peerage of England, hath made out her claim that the said William John Lydston Poulett (age 15) should be declared to be by right entitled to the dignities, titles, and honours of 299Viscount Hinton of Hinton St. George and Earl Poulett.

Read, and agreed to; and resolved and adjudged accordingly; and Resolution and Judgment to be laid before His Majesty by the Lords with White Staves.

On 22 Jan 1906 James Percy Miller 2nd Baronet (age 41) died without issue. His brother John Alexander Miller 3rd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baronet Miller of Manderston in Berwickshire.

On 22 Jan 1907 Mary Sime Greig (age 44) died.

On 22 Jan 1912 Elizabeth Selina Potts (age 65) died.

On 22 Jan 1915 Micah Salt (age 68) died. He was buried at Buxton Cemetery. His gravestone is a replica of the Anglo-Saxon cross in Eyam Cemetery.

On 22 Jan 1915 Charles Ottiwell Duncombe Shafto (age 61) died.

On 22 Jan 1918 Selina Rice Trevor Countess Longford (age 81) died.

On 22 Jan 1924 Archibald William Hicks-Beach (age 64) died.

On 22 Jan 1925 Susan Elizabeth Lascelles (age 64) died.

On 22 Jan 1935 Charles Twysden Hoare (age 83) died.

On 22 Jan 1944 Lieutenant Victor Matthew Gordon Ives (age 22) was killed in action at

On 22 Jan 1954 Margaret Hohenzollern (age 81) died.

On 22 Jan 1963 Nadejda Mikhailovna Torby Marchioness Milford Haven (age 66) died.

On 22 Jan 1968 Bishop Percy Herbert (age 82) died.

On 22 Jan 1986 Nerissa Jane Irene Bowes-Lyon (age 66) died.

On 22 Jan 1995 John Stanier Waller 7th Baronet (age 77) died.

On 22 Jan 1995 Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald died.

On 22 Jan 2010 Dermot de Trafford 6th Baronet (age 85) died. His son John Humphrey de Trafford 7th Baronet (age 59) succeeded 7th Baronet de Trafford.

On 22 Jan 2017 Katharine Margaret Alice Ormsby-Gore (age 96) died.