On this Day in History ... 22nd June

22 Jun is in June.

1239 Christening of Edward I

1402 Battle of Bryn Glas

1402 Battle of Nesbit Moor

1476 Battle of Morat

1483 The Princes of the Tower described as Illegitimate

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1535 Execution of Bishop Fisher and Thomas More

1644 Battle of Oswestry

1660 June Creation of Baronets

1662 Trial and Execution of Henry Vane "The Younger"

1664 Great Plague of London

1679 Popish Plot

1684 Rye House Plot

1685 Argyll's Rising

1911 Coronation of George V

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 22nd June

On 22 Jun 1283 Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 44) and Owain ap Dafydd Aberffraw (age 8) were captured at Nanhysglain Bangor [Map]. Dafydd (age 44), seriously wounded in the struggle, was brought to King Edward's (age 44) camp at Rhuddlan [Map] that same night. Dafydd (age 44) was taken from here to Chester [Map] and then on to Shrewsbury, Shropshire [Map]. Dafydd (age 44) and Dafydd's wife Elizabeth de Ferrers (age 43), their daughter Gwladys, infant niece Gwenllian ferch Llywelyn (age 1), and Dafydd's six illegitimate daughters were also taken prisoner at the same time.

On 22 Jun 1402 George Dunbar 10th Earl March (age 64) commanded a force of around 200 men from the Berwick garrison who defeated a Scottish army of around 400 men at Nisbet during the Battle of Nesbit Moor. Patrick "Younger" of Hailes Hepburn (age 50) was killed. John Cockburn, Thomas Haliburton, John Haliburton and Robert Lawedre were captured.

On 22 Jun 1402 Owain ap Gruffudd "Glyndŵr" Mathrafal Prince Powys (age 43) defeated the army of Edmund Mortimer (age 25) at Knighton, Radnorshire [Map], who was captured, at the Battle of Bryn Glas.

King Henry IV of England (age 35) made no attempt to ransom Edmund Mortimer (age 25) and, as a consequence, Edmund Mortimer (age 25) changed his allegiance, and subsequently married Owain's (age 43) daughter.

Walter Devereux (age 41) died from wounds.

On 22 Jun 1427 Lucrezia Tornabuoni was born to Francesco di Simone Tornabuoni in Florence, Italy.

On 22 Jun 1483 Ralph Shaa preached the bastardy of Edward IV's children by Elizabeth Woodville, including Edward V, and who were therefore ineligible to be King, at St Paul's Cross [Map].

On 22 Jun 1528 William Carey (age 28) died of sweating sickness. He was buried at Compton Wynyates [Map].

Before 22 Jun 1535 Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 47) presided over the trial of Bishop John Fisher (age 65) and Thomas More (age 57) both of whom refused to take the Oath Of Supremacy. The judges including Anne Boleyn's father Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 58). Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 50) brought Richard Rich 1st Baron Rich (age 38) as a witness who testified that Thomas More (age 57) had denied that the King was the legitimate head of the Church. However, Richard Southwell (age 32) to the contrary.

The jury took, somewhat unsurprisingly, only fifteen minutes to conclude Thomas More (age 57) was guilty. He was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered; the King (age 43) commuted this to beheading.

Spanish Chronicle Chapter 18. How Thomas More and the Bishop of Rochester died.

How the Bishop of Rochester and Chancellor More were sentenced has already been told. At that very time, the Pope, to see whether they would obey him, sent a cardinal's hat to this Bishop, whom he knew to be a very learned man. When the King knew it he was in a very great rage, and on the very day the Bishop was sentenced to death the cardinal's hat arrived. The King ordered both their heads to be cut off, so they brought them out of the Tower both together to the scaffold, which is just near the Tower. It was quite a sight to see the great number of people, for it was a good long while before the prisoners arrived, and, when they came, there were over five hundred halberdiers with them. The first to ascend was the Bishop, and when he saw so many people he gave them his blessing, and would have liked to preach a sermon to them, but he was not allowed to say anything. Then the good Bishop, seeing they would not let him talk, said these words: "Worthy people who are here, I beg you to pray to God for my soul, and also pray that He will lead your King on a better road than at present." Then the guards retired, and the holy man knelt and said to the executioner, "Do thy duty." Then he placed his head upon the block after having said a prayer in Latin, and when he had finished, the executioner struck off his head in three blows, and he rendered up to God the soul that was His already.1

Note 1. Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, was beheaded 22nd June, 1535, and Sir Thomas More some days afterwards.

Hall's Chronicle 1535. 22 Jun 1535 Also the twenty-second day of the same month John Fisher Bishop of Rochester (age 65) was beheaded, and his head set upon London bridge [Map]. This bishop was of very many men lamented, for he was reported to be a man of great learning, and a man of very good life, but therein wonderfully deceived, for he maintained the Pope to be Supreme Head of the Church, and very maliciously refused the King’s title of Supreme Head. It was said that the Pope, for that he held so manfully with him and stood so stiffly in his cause, did elect him a Cardinal, and sent the Cardinals hat as far as Calais, but the head it should have stood on, was as high as London Bridge or ever the hat could come to Bishop Fisher, and then it was too late and therefore he neither ware it nor enjoyed his office. This man as I said was accomplished learned, yea, and that very notably learned, and yet have you heard how he was deceived with Elizabeth Barton that called herself the Holy Maid of Kent, and no doubt so was he in the defence of that usurped authority, the more pity. Wonderful it is that a man being learned should be so blind in the scriptures of God that prove the supreme authority of Princes so manifestly.

On 22 Jun 1535 Bishop John Fisher (age 65) was beheaded on Tower Hill [Map].

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 22 Jun 1535. Allso, the 22th of June, beinge Tewsday, John Fisher (age 65), Bishopp of Rochester, was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and the residue of his execution pardoned; his bodie was buried within Barkinge churche [Map] yeardb next the Towre of London, and his head was sett on London Bridge.

Note b. Bishop Fisher's body was taken up out of Barking churchyard [Map], and re-buried with Sir Thomas More, both in the Tower. — Stow, p. 672.

Letters and Papers 1535. 22 Jun 1535. Add. MS. 8,715, f. 80 b. B. M. 910. Bishop of Faenza to M. di Fossumbrone, Papal Nuncio with the Emperor.

The Admiral (age 43), who was at Calais with the Duke of Norfolk (age 62), returned six days ago without having concluded the marriage of the duke of Angoulême with the last daughter (age 1) of the King, which was spoken of as certain on both sides, or anything else that one can hear of; but the capitulation and the old friendship remain. The cause was the exorbitant demand of the English that the French king should bind himself to maintain Henry's marriage against the Pope and any determination of the Council; and finally they wished him to act in Church matters as had been done in England. They are very anxious about Fisher (age 65). The English who were at Calais say that he will not come out of prison; that he is 90 years of age, and very ill, giving him 25 years more than he has; and that he cannot live more than a month; so that it is easily seen that in this their actions correspond with the others. The cardinal of Paris set out four days ago for Rome. * * *

Ital., pp. 2, modern copy. Headed: A Mons. di Fossumbrone, Nuntio di Sua Santita all a Maesta Casarea. D'Amien, alli 22 di Giugno 1535.

Letters and Papers 1535. 22 Jun 1535. Add. MS. 8,715, f. 76 b. B. M. 909. Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio.

The Admiral (age 43), who was 22 days at Calais, returned on the 17th, though it was said everywhere that he would go on to England. Mons. de Ricciafort (age 32) (Rochford), the brother of the new Queen (age 34), came here for eight days, but, as far as could be seen, did nothing. It is only from his relation to the Queen that he is employed, for the King has very few to trust in. All business passes through the hands of people who depend on the new Queen, and must therefore be settled according to her purpose. This was the case in the negociations with the Admiral (age 43), which were broken off on account of his refusal to allow the duke of Angoulême to go to England until the girl was old enough to be married, and because he would not declare in any way against the Church, or in favour of the King's second wife (age 34) (ne voler difendere in alcun modo contro la chiesa o declaratione del concilio la causa della seconda moglie1). Every one knows that the alliance (parentado) has not been concluded, as both sides confidently affirmed it would be, but that the ambassadors separated very ill satisfied, and the English are guarding Calais more carefully than they have done, even when the French were there in greater numbers. However, both sides affirm the friendship to be firmer than ever. The French king and Council say that their respect to the Holy See and the Pope has been the principal cause of their not coming to some other understanding (ad altro ristretto) with the king of England, who is a most bitter enemy of the Church, and so firm in his opinion that he intends to die in it, and tries to have this kingdom for company. The Duke of Norfolk (age 62), according to the Admiral (age 43), affirms that he would sooner die than see any change as regards the King or the new Queen; which is not unlike what the writer has heard in other ways of Norfolk, viz., that this breaking off might reasonably have been expected, matters depending very much on his dexterity, and the affairs of England being commonly managed more than barbarously. For he, being one of the greatest men in the kingdom, and having sons, and the Duke of Richmond (age 16) for his son-in-law, might hope one day to have that daughter for one of his sons, or, if disorders ensued, to get the rule into his own hands. The French lords are not too well contented with the English, who, since Norfolk's return, have despatched a courier, and show themselves displeased that nothing was concluded at Calais. The Admiral (age 43), though he takes Fisher's (age 65) case much to heart, has great fears for his life, especially as the Pope says in the brief that the created him a cardinal to make use of him in the Council. He says also that the English pretended that he could not live much more than a month, being a valetudinarian of 90; which shows what they mean to do with him, reckoning him 25 years older than he is, although they declare there is no hope in any case of his coming out of prison. These are truly the most monstrous things seen in our time. The French make great account with the Pope of not listening to anything proposed to them by the English which might turn to the damage of the Holy See.

Ital., pp. 9, modern copy. Headed: In Amoien, al Sig. M. Ambrogio, alli 12 (sic) ut supra.

2. An extract copy from the original is in the Vatican transcripts, dated Amiens, 22 June 1535. Pp. 3.

Note 1. nor want to defend the cause of the second wife in any way against the church or declaration of the council

On 22 Jun 1610 William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 22) and Arabella Stewart (age 35) were married in secret at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. For having married without permission King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 44) had Arabella Stewart (age 35) imprisoned in Sir Thomas Perry's House Lambeth, Surrey and he in the Tower of London [Map]. She the daughter of Charles Stewart 5th Earl Lennox and Elizabeth Cavendish Countess Lennox. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 22 Jun 1644 Francis Newport 1st Earl Bradford (age 24) was captured during the Battle of Oswestry fighting for the Royalists.

In Jun 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration ...

6th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) and John Talbot of Lacock (age 29) were knighted.

7th Geoffrey Palmer 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Palmer of Carlton in Northampton

7th Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 54) was created 1st Baronet Bridgeman of Great Lever in Lancashire.

7th John Langham 1st Baronet (age 76) was created 1st Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

11th Henry Wright 1st Baronet (age 23) was created 1st Baronet Wright of Dagenham. Ann Crew Lady Wright by marriage Lady Wright of Dagenham.

13th Nicholas Gould 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Gould of the City of London.

14th Thomas Allen 1st Baronet (age 27) was created 1st Baronet Allen of Totteridge in Middlesex.

18th Thomas Cullum 1st Baronet (age 73) was created 1st Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.

19th Thomas Darcy 1st Baronet (age 28) was created 1st Baronet Darcy of St Osith's.

22nd Robert Cordell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Cordell of Long Melford.

22nd John Robinson 1st Baronet (age 45) was created 1st Baronet Robinson of London. Anne Whitmore Lady Robinson (age 48) by marriage Lady Robinson of London.

25th William Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 47) was created 1st Baronet Bowyer of Denham Court. Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 43) by marriage Lady Bowyer of Denham Court.

25th Thomas Stanley 1st Baronet (age 63) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Alderley in Cheshire.

26th Jacob Astley 1st Baronet (age 21) was created 1st Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.

27th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire. Olympia Tufton Lady Ashby (age 36) by marriage Lady Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire.

28th Oliver St John 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.

29th Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland. Anne Leslie Lady Delaval by marriage Lady Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland.

30th Andrew Henley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Henley of Henley in Somerset.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jun 1662. Coming home to-night, I met with Will. Swan, who do talk as high for the Fanatiques as ever he did in his life; and do pity my Lord Sandwich (age 36) and me that we should be given up to the wickedness of the world; and that a fall is coming upon us all; for he finds that he and his company are the true spirit of the nation, and the greater part of the nation too, who will have liberty of conscience in spite of this "Act of Uniformity", or they will die; and if they may not preach abroad, they will preach in their own houses. He told me that certainly Sir H. Vane (deceased) must be gone to Heaven, for he died as much a martyr and saint as ever man did; and that the King (age 32) hath lost more by that man's death, than he will get again a good while. At all which I know not what to think; but, I confess, I do think that the Bishops will never be able to carry it so high as they do.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jun 1664. At noon to the 'Change [Map] and Coffee-house, where great talke of the Dutch preparing of sixty sayle of ships. The plague grows mightily among them, both at sea and land. From the 'Change [Map] to dinner to Trinity House, Deptford [Map] with Sir W. Rider and Cutler, where a very good dinner. Here Sir G. Ascue (age 48) dined also, who I perceive desires to make himself known among the seamen.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jun 1665. Up pretty betimes, and in great pain whether to send my another into the country to-day or no, I hearing, by my people, that she, poor wretch, hath a mind to stay a little longer, and I cannot blame her, considering what a life she will through her own folly lead when she comes home again, unlike the pleasure and liberty she hath had here. At last I resolved to put it to her, and she agreed to go, so I would not oppose it, because of the sicknesse in the towne, and my intentions of removing my wife. So I did give her money and took a kind leave of her, she, poor wretch, desiring that I would forgive my brother John (age 24), but I refused it to her, which troubled her, poor soul, but I did it in kind words and so let the discourse go off, she leaving me though in a great deal of sorrow.

Pepy's Diary. 22 Jun 1668. Thence to the Harp and Ball I to drink, and so to the Coffee-house in Covent Garden [Map]; but met with nobody but Sir Philip Howard (age 37), who shamed me before the whole house there, in commendation of my speech in Parliament, and thence I away home to dinner alone, my wife being at her tailor's, and after dinner comes Creed, whom I hate, to speak with me, and before him comes Mrs. Daniel about business....[Note. Missing text "and yo did tocar su cosa with mi mano"] She gone, Creed and I to the King's playhouse, and saw an act or two of the new play ["Evening's Love"] again, but like it not. Calling this day at Herringman's, he tells me Dryden (age 36) do himself call it but a fifth-rate play.

Evelyn's Diary. 22 Jun 1679. There were now divers Jesuits executed about the plot, and a rebellion in Scotland of the fanatics, so that there was a sad prospect of public affairs.

Evelyn's Diary. 22 Jun 1684. Last Friday Sir Tho. Armstrong (deceased) was executed at Tyburn [Map] for treason, without tryal, having ben outlaw'd and apprehended in Holland, on the conspiracy of the Duke of Monmouth (age 35), Lord Russell, &c. which gave occasion of discourse to people and lawyers, in reguard it was on an outlawry that judgment was given and execution.

Evelyn's Diary. 22 Jun 1685. Argyle (age 56) taken in Scotland and executed, and his party dispers'd.Argyll's Rising.

On 22 Jun 1801 John Francis (age 20) and Mary Evetts (age 21) were married at Thornham, Norfolk.

On 22 Jun 1881 Henry Page Croft 1st Baron Croft was born to Richard Benyon Croft (age 38) and Anne Elizabeth Page (age 38) at Fanhams Hall.

On 22 Jun 1907 Helen Diana Bridgeman was born to Orlando Bridgeman 5th Earl Bradford (age 33) and Margaret Cecilia Bruce Countess Bradford (age 24).

On 22 Jun 1909 Beatriz Bourbon was born to Alfonso XIII King Spain (age 23) and Victoria Eugénie Mountbatten Queen Consort Spain (age 21). She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 22 Jun 1911 Cecilie Glücksburg Grand Duchess was born to Andrew Glücksburg (age 29) and Princess Alice of Battenburg (age 26). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 22 Jun 1911 George V King United Kingdom (age 46) was crowned V King of the United Kingdom. Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 44) was crowned Queen Consort England Scotland and Ireland.

Dorothy Margaret Browne (age 23) bore Queen Mary's train.

Edward Knollys 2nd Viscount Knollys (age 16) carried the King's train

After 22 Jun 1958. Church of the Holy Trinity Embleton [Map]. Memorial to Constance Grey (deceased).

Constance Grey: On 31 Jan 1872 she was born to Lieutenant Colonel George Henry Grey and Harriet Jane Pearson. Before 22 Jun 1958 E B C Curtis and she were married. On 22 Jun 1958 Constance Grey died.

Births on the 22nd June

On 22 Jun 1370 John Duke of Görlitz was born to Charles IV King Bohemia Holy Roman Emperor Luxemburg (age 54) and Elizabeth Pomerania Holy Roman Empress Luxemburg (age 23).

Around 22 Jun 1378 Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford was born to Thomas Hungerford and Joan Hussey (age 29) at Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset.

Around 22 Jun 1394 Philip Valois Orléans Count Vertus was born to Louis Valois Duke Touraine I Duke Orléans (age 22) and Valentina Visconti (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.38%.

On 22 Jun 1427 Lucrezia Tornabuoni was born to Francesco di Simone Tornabuoni in Florence, Italy.

On 22 Jun 1450 Eleanor Trastámara was born to Ferdinand I King Naples (age 27) and Isabella Clermont Queen Consort Naples (age 26).

On 22 Jun 1569 Robert Scrope was born to Adrian Scrope (age 45) and Ursula Ludlow (age 22) at Hambledon, Buckinghamshire.

On or before 22 Jun 1578 Katherine Knyvet was born to Thomas Knyvet 4th Baron Berners (age 39) and Muriel Parry (age 30). On 22 Jun 1578 she was baptised at Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk.

On 22 Jun 1593 John Gell 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Gell (age 61) and Millicent Sacheverell in Hopton Hall [Map].

On 22 Jun 1657 Elizabeth Hill was born to Rowland Hill (age 34).

On 22 Jun 1734 James Cocks was born to John Cocks of Castleditch in Eastnor in Herefordshire and Mary Cocks. Coefficient of inbreeding 12.50%.

On 22 Jun 1767 Brook William Bridges 4th Baronet was born to Brook Bridges 3rd Baronet (age 33) and Fanny Fowler (age 20).

On 22 Jun 1787 George Gough-Calthorpe 3rd Baron Calthorpe was born to Henry Gough-Calthorpe 1st Baron Calthorpe (age 38) and Frances Carpenter Baroness Calthorpe (age 26).

On 22 Jun 1808 Henry Delves Broughton 9th Baronet was born to Henry Delves Broughton 8th Baronet (age 31) and Mary Pigott Lady Broughton (age 20).

On 22 Jun 1820 Charles Pechell was born to Samuel George Pechell of Bereleigh, Hampshire (age 29) and Caroline Thoyts

On 22 Jun 1824 Henry John Milbank was born.

On 22 Jun 1826 Charles Russell 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Russell 2nd Baronet (age 43).

On 22 Jun 1842 Reverend Spencer Compton Hamilton-Spencer-Smith was born to Spencer-Smith (age 36) and Frances Anne Seymour.

On 22 Jun 1858 Charles Francis Boothby 11th Baronet was born to Reverend Brooke William Boothby 9th Baronet (age 49) and Martha Serena Boothby. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 22 Jun 1872 Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Hassard Montgomery was born.

On 22 Jun 1881 Henry Page Croft 1st Baron Croft was born to Richard Benyon Croft (age 38) and Anne Elizabeth Page (age 38) at Fanhams Hall.

On 22 Jun 1886 John Holford Parker was born to Albert Parker 3rd Earl Morley (age 43) and Margaret Holford Countess Morley (age 31).

On 22 Jun 1891 Leverne Elton Reade was born to George Compton Reade 9th Baronet (age 45) and Melissa Ray Lady Reade.

On 22 Jun 1896 Elizabeth Mary Theodora Hughes Lady Shaw was born to Robert Heywood Hughes 12th Baronet (age 30).

On 22 Jun 1907 Helen Diana Bridgeman was born to Orlando Bridgeman 5th Earl Bradford (age 33) and Margaret Cecilia Bruce Countess Bradford (age 24).

On 22 Jun 1909 Beatriz Bourbon was born to Alfonso XIII King Spain (age 23) and Victoria Eugénie Mountbatten Queen Consort Spain (age 21). She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 22 Jun 1911 Cecilie Glücksburg Grand Duchess was born to Andrew Glücksburg (age 29) and Princess Alice of Battenburg (age 26). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 22 Jun 1912 Caroline Mathilde Saxe Coburg Gotha was born to Charles Edward Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 27) and Viktoria Adelheid Glücksburg (age 26). She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Marriages on the 22nd June

On 22 Jun 1382 John Ros 5th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 13) and Mary Percy Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 15) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ros Helmsley. He the son of Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 47) and Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond (age 41). They were third cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

After 22 Jun 1401 Nicholas Bayntun (age 20) and Joan Roches (age 14) were married.

After 22 Jun 1549 Richard "The Great Black Knight of the North" Cholmeley (age 34) and Catherine Clifford Baroness Scrope Bolton (age 36) were married. She the daughter of Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland and Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 22 Jun 1558 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 30) and Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess of Northumberland. She the daughter of Henry Somerset 2nd Earl of Worcester and Elizabeth Browne Countess of Worcester (age 56). They were third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 22 Jun 1578 Thomas Knyvet 4th Baron Berners (age 39) and Muriel Parry (age 30) were married.

On 22 Jun 1596 William Cockayne (age 35) and Mary Morris Countess Dover (age 31) were married.

On 22 Jun 1610 William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 22) and Arabella Stewart (age 35) were married in secret at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. For having married without permission King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 44) had Arabella Stewart (age 35) imprisoned in Sir Thomas Perry's House Lambeth, Surrey and he in the Tower of London [Map]. She the daughter of Charles Stewart 5th Earl Lennox and Elizabeth Cavendish Countess Lennox. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 22 Jun 1612 Alexander Seton aka Montgomerie 6th Earl Eglinton (age 24) and Anne Livingstone Countess Eglinton were married. She the daughter of Alexander Livingston 1st Earl Linlithgow and Helen Hay. He the son of Robert Seton 1st Earl Winton and Margaret Montgomerie Countess Winton. They were half third cousins.

On 22 Jun 1695 Basil Feilding 3rd Earl Desmond 4th Earl Denbigh (age 27) and Hester Firebrace Countess Desmond and Denbigh (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess Desmond and Countess Denbigh. He the son of William Feilding 2nd Earl Desmond 3rd Earl Denbigh and Mary Carey Countess Desmond and Denbigh.

On 22 Jun 1731 Robert Lowther (age 49) and Katherine Pennington were married. They were first cousin twice removed.

Before 22 Jun 1740 Henry Gough 1st Baronet (age 32) and Catherine Harpur Lady Gough were married. Catherine Harpur Lady Gough by marriage Lady Gough-Calthorpe of Edgbaston in Warwickshire.

On 22 Jun 1749 Gilbert Heathcote 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Margaret Yorke Lady Heathcote (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (age 58) and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke.

On 22 Jun 1754 Brinsley Butler 2nd Earl Lanesborough (age 26) and Jane Rochfort Countess Lanesborough (age 16) were married. She by marriage Countess Lanesborough. She the daughter of Robert Rochfort 1st Earl of Belvedere (age 46) and Mary Molesworth. He the son of Humphrey Butler 1st Earl Lanesborough.

Before 22 Jun 1776 William Byron (age 26) and Juliana Elizabeth Byron were married having eloped to Gretna Green, Dumfrieshire. They were first cousins.

On 22 Jun 1782 Charles Jenkinson 1st Earl Liverpool (age 53) and Catherine Bisshopp Countess Liverpool (age 37) were married at her house in Hertford Street.

On 22 Jun 1801 John Francis (age 20) and Mary Evetts (age 21) were married at Thornham, Norfolk.

On 22 Jun 1809 Admiral John Beresford 1st Baronet (age 43) and Mary Molloy were married. He the illegitmate son of George de la Poer Beresford 1st Marquess Waterford.

On 22 Jun 1814 Stapleton Cotton 1st Viscount Combermere (age 40) and Caroline Greville Viscountess Comberemere (age 25) were married. She by marriage Baroness Combermere.

On 22 Jun 1819 Charles Pascoe Grenfell (age 29) and Georgiana Frances Molyneux were married. She the daughter of William "Lord Dashalong" Molyneux 2nd Earl Sefton (age 46) and Maria Margaret Craven Countess Sefton. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 22 Jun 1830 Captain Orlando George Gunning-Sutton (age 31) and Mary Dorothea Seymour were married.

On 22 Jun 1830 Captain Alexander Wadham Wyndham (age 30) and Emma Trevelyan (age 29) were married.

On 22 Jun 1832 Archibald Acheson 3rd Earl Gosford (age 25) and Theodosia Brabazon Countess Gosford (age 21) were married. She the daughter of John Brabazon 10th Earl Meath (age 60). He the son of Archibald Acheson 2nd Earl Gosford (age 55) and Mary Sparrow Countess Gosford.

On 22 Jun 1848 George Glyn 2nd Baron Wolverton (age 24) and Georgiana "Giana" Maria Tufnell Baroness Wolverton (age 23) were married. No issue.

On 22 Jun 1864 Henry John Milbank (age 40) and Susan Georgina Osborne (age 34) were married. She the daughter of George Godolphin Osborne 8th Duke Leeds (age 61) and Harriet Emma Arundel Stewart Duchess Leeds.

On 22 Jun 1875 John Wodehouse 2nd Earl Kimberley (age 27) and Isabel Geraldine Stracey Countess Kimberley were married. He the son of John Wodehouse 1st Earl Kimberley (age 49) and Florence Fitzgibbon Countess Kimberley (age 50).

Before 22 Jun 1881 Richard Benyon Croft (age 38) and Anne Elizabeth Page (age 38) were married.

On 22 Jun 1918 Major Charles Henry Greville (age 29) and Louise Gwendoline Glyn (age 26) were married.

On 22 Jun 1927 Charles Fitzroy 5th Baron Southampton (age 23) and Margaret Drake Baroness Southampton were married. She by marriage Baroness Southampton.

On 22 Jun 1957 Woodrow Lyle Wyatt Baron Wyatt of Weeford (age 38) and Moorea Hastings (age 29) were married They were divorced in 1966. She married again on 11 Jan 1967. She the daughter of Francis Hastings 16th Earl Huntingdon (age 56) and Cristina Casati Stampa di Soncino Countess Huntingdon.

Before 22 Jun 1958 E B C Curtis and Constance Grey (age 86) were married.

Deaths on the 22nd June

On 22 Jun 209 (or 251 or 304) St Alban was beheaded.

On 22 Jun 1101 Roger I King Sicily (age 70) died. On 22 Jun 1101 His son Roger II King Sicily (age 5) succeeded II King Sicily.

On 22 Jun 1343 Aymon "Peaceful" Savoy Count Savoy (age 51) died. His son Amadeus "Green Count" Savoy VI Count Savoy (age 9) succeeded VI Count Savoy.

On 22 Jun 1402 George Dunbar 10th Earl March (age 64) commanded a force of around 200 men from the Berwick garrison who defeated a Scottish army of around 400 men at Nisbet during the Battle of Nesbit Moor. Patrick "Younger" of Hailes Hepburn (age 50) was killed. John Cockburn, Thomas Haliburton, John Haliburton and Robert Lawedre were captured.

On 22 Jun 1402 Owain ap Gruffudd "Glyndŵr" Mathrafal Prince Powys (age 43) defeated the army of Edmund Mortimer (age 25) at Knighton, Radnorshire [Map], who was captured, at the Battle of Bryn Glas.

King Henry IV of England (age 35) made no attempt to ransom Edmund Mortimer (age 25) and, as a consequence, Edmund Mortimer (age 25) changed his allegiance, and subsequently married Owain's (age 43) daughter.

Walter Devereux (age 41) died from wounds.

On 22 Jun 1490 John Cockayne (age 61) died.

On 22 Jun 1493 John Home of Coldingknows (age 40) died.

On 22 Jun 1498 Elizabeth Hopton Countess of Worcester (age 71) died at Hopton Castle, Shropshire [Map].

On 22 Jun 1528 William Carey (age 28) died of sweating sickness. He was buried at Compton Wynyates [Map].

On 22 Jun 1532 William Spencer (age 36) died at Brington, Northamptonshire. He was buried at Brington, Northamptonshire.

On 22 Jun 1535 Bishop John Fisher (age 65) was beheaded on Tower Hill [Map].

On 22 Jun 1549 John Scrope 8th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 39) died. His son Henry Scrope 9th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 15) succeeded 9th Baron Scrope of Bolton.

On 22 Jun 1588 Henry Capell (age 62) died.

On 22 Jun 1599 William Fitzwilliam (age 72) died.

On 21 or 22 Jun 1604 Johnathan Trelawny (age 35) died, while Parliament was in session. The Journal of the House of Commons records that the House was informed of his death the following day: he "being suddenly suffocated with a flux of blood, which came by breaking a vein with vehement coughing, and was said to found sick and dead within quarter of an hour"; the House of Commons voted to attend his funeral at St Clement Danes Church [Map], an unusual mark of respect.

On 22 Jun 1632 James Whitelocke (age 61) died at Fawley Court, Buckinghamshire [Map].

On 22 Jun 1634 Elizabeth Carey Baroness Savile (age 64) died.

On 22 Jun 1639 Philip Augustus Habsburg Spain Archduke Austria (age 1) died.

Before 22 Jun 1670 Clifford Clifton (age 44) died. On 22 Jun 1670 Clifford Clifton (age 44) was buried at Clifton, Nottinghamshire.

On 22 Jun 1680 Elisabeth Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 1) died of smallpox at Gotha.

On 22 Jun 1685 Thomas Dangerfield (age 35) died.

On 22 Jun 1699 Josiah Child (age 68) died.

On 22 Jun 1714 Penelope Evelyn Lady Alston (age 41) died. She was buried on 28 Jun 1714 at Long Ditton, Surrey.

On 22 Jun 1723 Admiral George Delaval (age 56) died. He was buried at Church of our Lady Seaton Delaval [Map] on 04 Jul 1723. His nephew Francis Blake Delaval (age 30) inherited Seaton Delaval Hall [Map] which had yet to be completed. By 1729 the house was completed according to Vanbrugh's original plan at an estimated cost of £10,000.

On 22 Jun 1725 Susan Murray (age 26) died in childbirth.

On 22 Jun 1731 Edward Howard 8th Earl Suffolk (age 59) died. His brother Charles Howard 9th Earl Suffolk (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Suffolk. Henrietta Hobart Countess Suffolk (age 42) by marriage Countess Suffolk.

On 22 Jun 1740 Catherine Harpur Lady Gough died.

Before 22 Jun 1742 Edward Griffin 3rd Baron Griffin (age 48) died.

On 22 Jun 1759 Zachary Hamlyn (age 82) died. He was buried at All Hallows' Church Woolfardisworthy [Map]. He has a monument at All Saints Church Clovelly, Devon with the inscription: "To the memory of Zachary Hamlyn Esq. late of Lincoln's Inn and of Court in this parish who departed this life June 22d MDCCLIX in the LXXXII year of his age. Whose body lies interred in the parish church of Woolfardisworthy [Map]. He was a sincere Christian, a tender and beneficent relation, a faithfull and kind friend an inoffensive and chearfull companion. Exemplarily modest, diligent, capable, communicative, he acquired a handsome fortune not only unenvied but with the esteem and love of all who had the pleasure of knowing him". His great-nephew James Hammett aka Hamlyn 1st Baronet (age 24) inherited his estates including the manor of Clovelly, Devon, and adopted his surname and arms.

On 22 Jun 1763 Jemima Harpur died.

On 22 Jun 1764 John Philipps 6th Baronet (age 64) died. His son Richard Philipps 1st Baron Milford (age 20) succeeded 7th Baronet Philips of Picton Castle.

On 22 Jun 1767 Charles Bond 4th Baronet (age 32) died unmarried. Baronet Bond of Peckham extinct.

On 22 Jun 1776 William Byron (age 26) died.

On 22 Jun 1791 Catharine Sawbridge (age 60) died.

On 22 Jun 1807 Anatasia Lawson died.

On 22 Jun 1808 Edward Foley (age 61) died.

On 22 Jun 1816 Frances Bromley (age 75) died.

On 22 Jun 1831 Augusta Campbell (age 71) died.

On 22 Jun 1836 Phillis Byam Wollaston died.

On 22 Jun 1840 Thomas Reynolds-Moreton 1st Earl Ducie (age 63) died. His son Henry Reynolds-Moreton 2nd Earl Ducie (age 38) succeeded 2nd Earl Ducie. Elizabeth Dutton Countess Ducie (age 33) by marriage Countess Ducie.

On 22 Jun 1853 Captain John Twisden (age 85) died.

On 22 Jun 1858 Richard Butler (age 64) died.

On 22 Jun 1862 Colonel Herbert Watkin Williams-Wynn (age 40) died.

On 22 Jun 1865 William Wright aka Lawson 1st Baronet (age 69) died. His son John Lawson 2nd Baronet (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baronet Lawson of Brough Hall in Yorkshire.

On 22 Jun 1879 William Twysden 8th Baronet (age 90) died. His nephew Louis John Francis Twysden 9th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 9th Baronet Twysden of Roydon in Kent. Helen Bazalgette Lady Twysden (age 50) by marriage Lady Twysden of Roydon in Kent.

On 22 Jun 1884 John Thomas Dutton (age 73) died.

On 22 Jun 1893 Vice-Admiral George Tryon (age 61) died when his flagship HMS Victoria sank after colliding with HMS Camperdown during manoeuvres off Tripoli, Lebanon. 358 lives were lost.

On 22 Jun 1896 Prudence Penelope Cavendish-Bentinck nee Leslie (age 69) died at Spanish Place, Manchester Square.

On 22 Jun 1904 Richard Boyle 9th Earl Cork (age 75) died at Berkeley Square, Mayfair. His son Charles Spencer Boyle 10th Earl Cork (age 42) succeeded 10th Earl Cork.

On 22 Jun 1919 Algitha Frederica Lumley Baroness Bolton (age 71) died.

On 22 Jun 1931 Oliver Madox Heuffer (age 54) died.

On 22 Jun 1940 Ethel Jemima Ponsonby Baroness Raglan (age 83) died.

On 22 Jun 1958 Constance Grey (age 86) died.

On 22 Jun 1960 Colonel Hugo Meynell (age 50) died.

On 22 Jun 1989 William Fletcher-Vane 1st Baron Inglewood (age 80) died.

On 22 Jun 2010 Robin Bush (age 67) died. He was buried at St Nicholas' Church, Corfe.

On 22 Jun 2011 Edward Canning Beaumont (age 81) died.

On 22 Jun 2021 Hugh Lowther 8th Earl Lonsdale (age 72) died. His half brother William Lowther 9th Earl Lonsdale (age 63) succeeded 9th Earl Lonsdale, 10th Viscount Lowther, 10th Baron Lowther.