On this Day in History ... 23rd February

23 Feb is in February.

1421 Coronation of Catherine of Valois

1447 Death of Humphrey of Lancaster

1462 Vere Plot to Murder Edward IV

1511 Birth and Death of Prince Henry

1533 Marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

1554 Execution of Lady Jane Grey and her Faction

1661 Charles II Continues to Reward those who Supported His Restoration

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 23rd February

On 23 Feb 1216 Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex (age 25) was killed in a tournament. His brother William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex succeeded 3rd Earl Essex.

On 23 Feb 1258 Bishop Walter Branscombe (age 38) was elected Bishop of Exeter.

On 23 Feb 1421 Catherine of Valois (age 19) was crowned Queen Consort England at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 36) was appointed Chief Butler of England. James I (age 26) attended, and was honoured by sitting immediately on the queen's left at the coronation banquet.

On 20 Feb 1447 Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 56) was arrested on a charge of treason by John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 37), Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 44), Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 41), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 47) and Ralph Boteler 6th and 1st Baron Sudeley (age 58).

On 23 Feb 1447 Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 56) died at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk [Map]. He was possibly poisoned although more likely he died from a stroke. He was buried at St Alban's Cathedral [Map]. Duke Gloucester, Earl Pembroke extinct. His death left England with no heir to the throne in a direct line. Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 35) became heir presumptive until the birth of Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales six years later.

Chronicle of Gregory 1447. 23 Feb 1447. Ande at Schroffe tyde nexte aftyr there was ordaynyd a Parlyment at Synt Edmondys Bury [Map]; ande att the comyng of the goode Duke Umfray, some tyme Duke of Glouceter (age 56), uppon the Satyrday anon as he was a lyght of his hors he was a-restyde of dyvers lordys for treson by commaundement of the kyng (age 25), and men said at that tyme. And uppon the Thursseday next folowynge he dyssesyd ande passyde out of this wrecchide and false trobely worlde. And he is buryde at Syn Albonys.

On 23 Feb 1462 William Tyrrell (age 54), John Montgomery and Thomas Tuddenham (age 60) were beheaded at Tower Hill [Map].

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 01 Jan 1511. This yeare, Prince Henrie, the Kings (age 19) first sonne, was borne at Richmonde [Map] on Newe Yeares dayeb, and on St. Mathie's day [Note. 23 Feb] after the saide Prince died, and was buried at Westminster [Map].

Note b. On the 1st January, 1510 [Note. 1511 if years are adjusted to begin on 01 Jan.]

Note c. Or rather St. Mathias' eve, February 23. Hall, howerer, says that this Prince died on "the 22 Feb. being the Even of Saint Mathy," which would seem to show that St. Mathias' day was sometimes kept on the 23rd, instead of the 24th February, in which case our text is correct.

Letters and Papers 1533. 23 Feb 1533. Vienna Archives. 180. Chapuys (age 43) to Charles V.

As the Queen sees that the obstinacy of the King increases daily, and the appearances of disorder in view of the new marriage, she is compelled to employ your aid. Since my last of the 15th, the King does not cease to press the archbishops of Canterbury and York, the bishops of London, Winchester, and Lincoln, and many others, Italians as well as English, to subscribe a document he has drawn up to his taste, of a very strange nature, as you will see. The archbishop of York and the bishop of Winchester have not yet agreed to do so. The elect of Canterbury (age 43) has made no difficulty about it, and has even solicited it, as if it were his own business; and if it be true, as I am told today on good authority, that he has gone to give the Queen special notice of it, he has given good earnest of maintaining the opinion of the King in this divorce without variation. He has married (esposé) the King to the Lady (age 32), in presence of the father (age 56), mother (age 53), brother (age 30), and two of her favorites, and one of his priests. If it be so, the King has taken the best means of preventing him from changing his opinions when raised to his dignity, as the archbishop of York has done. It is very probable either that the said elect has solemnised these espousals, or has promised to do so for certain considerations, as I have written to your Majesty, especially as since he has been elected he has dared to say openly that he would maintain, on pain of being burned, that the King might take the Lady to wife. The bruit continues, that in order to accomplish the said marriage the King waits for nothing else except the bulls of the elect; and for this purpose he has commanded those who have the charge of it to summon a provincial synod for the 16th. It is said that the King means to demand money for a war with Scotland, and to make harbours on the coast; and the better to colour the matter, the king of France has sent him a master architect. The French ambassador had intended to visit me, but was prevented by company, and proposes to do so tomorrow. It is said that Melanchthon is in one of the King's lodgings, and has been there for eight days, but it is kept such a secret that I can find no one who knows the certainty of it. The King has written for him expressly, I think merely for the Queen's affair, for he favors her, and because he pretends and wishes to have in his hands all ecclesiastical ordinances,—not only the synodical ones of this kingdom, but the papal as well. And in order the better to conduct the affair, last year he induced the prelates, by menaces and devices, to submit to whatever should be decided by 40 persons, of whom one half should be appointed by himself, and the other by the prelates, and himself above all. For this reformation, or rather deformation, it seems he could find no fitter instrument than Melanchthon, so as to give the utmost possible trouble to the Pope, that his previous boasts might not be without effect.

Letters 1536. 23 Feb 1536. Faustina, C. iii. 456. B. M. 345. Vice Chancellor and University of Cambridge to the Queen (age 35).

Thank her for her gentle and loving acceptance of their letters delivered to her in the West country, and for her promotion of their petition to the King for the remission of tenths and first-fruits due to him from the University. This yearly charge would greatly diminish the number of scholars in every college.

Beg her to consider what the Vice-Chancellor, the bearer, will show her on this subject, and to speak for them to the King. From Cambridge in our Regent House, 23 Feb.

Add. Endd.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 23 Feb 1554. 23 Feb 1554. Frydaye the 23 of February Lorde Gray, Duke of Suffolke (age 37), was beheaded at the Towerhill [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Feb 1559. The xxiij day dyd pryche afor the quen (age 25) Gryndalle (age 40).

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1660. Thursday, my birthday, now twenty-seven years. A pretty fair morning, I rose and after writing a while in my study I went forth. To my office, where I told Mr. Hawly of my thoughts to go out of town to-morrow. Hither Mr. Fuller comes to me and my Uncle Thomas too, thence I took them to drink, and so put off my uncle. So with Mr. Fuller (age 52) home to my house, where he dined with me, and he told my wife and me a great many stories of his adversities, since these troubles, in being forced to travel in the Catholic countries, &c. He shewed me his bills, but I had not money to pay him. We parted, and I to Whitehall, where I was to see my horse which Mr. Garthwayt lends me to-morrow. So home, where Mr. Pierce comes to me about appointing time and place where and when to meet tomorrow. !So to Westminster Hall [Map], where, after the House rose, I met with Mr. Crew (age 62), who told me that my Lord was chosen by 73 voices, to be one of the Council of State. Mr. Pierpoint (age 52) had the most, 101, and himself the next, too. He brought me in the coach home. He and Mr. Anslow (age 45) being in it. I back to the Hall, and at Mrs. Michell's shop staid talking a great while with her and my Chaplain, Mr. Mumford, and drank a pot or two of ale on a wager that Mr. Prin (age 60) is not of the Council. Home and wrote to my Lord the news of the choice of the Council by the post, and so to bed.

In early 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded of further tranche of those who supported his Restoration ...

On 02 Jan 1661 Henry Bedingfield 1st Baronet (age 46) was created 1st Baronet Bedingfield of Oxburgh in Norfolk.

On 10 Jan 1661 Andrew Rutherford 1st Earl Teviot was created 1st Baron Rutherford with special remainder to his heirs and assignees whatsoever, and that under what provisions, restrictions, and conditions the said Lord Rutherford should think fit.

On 23 Jan 1661 John Cole 1st Baronet (age 41) was created Baronet Cole of Newland.

On 23 Feb 1661 Edward Smythe 1st Baronet (age 41) was created 1st Baronet Smythe.

On 04 Mar 1661 Compton Reade 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet Reade of Barton in Berkshire. Mary Cornwall Lady Reade (age 31) by marriage Lady Reade of Barton in Berkshire.

On 10 Mar 1661 Brian Broughton 1st Baronet (age 42) was created 1st Baronet Broughton of Broughton in Staffordshire.

On 20 Mar 1661 Thomas Rich 1st Baronet (age 60) was created 1st Baronet Rich of Sonning in Berkshire.

On 29 Mar 1661 Robert Cholmondeley 1st Viscount Cholmondeley (age 21) was created 1st Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells in County Meath.

On 30 Mar 1661 James Butler 1st Duke Ormonde (age 50) was created 1st Duke Ormonde by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30). Elizabeth Preston Duchess Ormonde (age 45) by marriage Duchess Ormonde.

On 30 Mar 1661 John Fettiplace 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire. Anne Wenman Lady Fettiplace (age 31) by marriage Lady Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1661. This my birthday, 28 years. This morning Sir W. Batten (age 60), Pen, and I did some business, and then I by water to Whitehall, having met Mr. Hartlibb (age 61) by the way at Alderman Backwell's (age 43). So he did give me a glass of Rhenish wine at the Steeleyard, and so to Whitehall by water. He continues of the same bold impertinent humour that he was always of and will ever be. He told me how my Lord Chancellor (age 52) had lately got the Duke of York (age 27) and Duchess, and her woman, my Lord Ossory's and a Doctor, to make oath before most of the judges of the kingdom, concerning all the circumstances of their marriage. And in fine, it is confessed that they were not fully married till about a month or two before she was brought to bed; but that they were contracted long before, and time enough for the child to be legitimate1. But I do not hear that it was put to the judges to determine whether it was so or no.

Note 1. The Duke of York's (age 27) marriage took place September 3rd, 1660. Anne Hyde was contracted to the Duke at Breda, November 24th, 1659.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1661. Then by link home, and there to my book awhile and to bed. I met to-day with Mr. Townsend, who tells me that the old man is yet alive in whose place in the Wardrobe he hopes to get my father, which I do resolve to put for. I also met with the Comptroller (age 50), who told me how it was easy for us all, the principal officers, and proper for us, to labour to get into the next Parliament; and would have me to ask the Duke's letter, but I shall not endeavour it because it will spend much money, though I am sure I could well obtain it. This is now 28 years that I am born. And blessed be God, in a state of full content, and great hopes to be a happy man in all respects, both to myself and friends.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1663. This morning came my Lord Windsor (age 36) to kiss the Duke's (age 29) hand, being returned from Jamaica. He tells the Duke (age 29), that from such a degree of latitude going thither he begun to be sick, and was never well till his coming so far back again, and then presently begun to be well. He told the Duke (age 29) of their taking the fort of St. Jago, upon Cuba, by his men; but, upon the whole, I believe that he did matters like a young lord, and was weary of being upon service out of his own country, where he might have pleasure. For methought it was a shame to see him this very afternoon, being the first day of his coming to town, to be at a playhouse.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1663. Thence to my Lord Sandwich (age 37), who though he has been abroad again two or three days is falling ill again, and is let blood this morning, though I hope it is only a great cold that he has got. It was a great trouble to me (and I had great apprehensions of it) that my Lord desired me to go to Westminster Hall [Map], to the Parliament-house door, about business; and to Sir Wm. Wheeler (age 52), which I told him I would do, but durst not go for fear of being taken by these rogues; but was forced to go to White Hall and take boat, and so land below the Tower at the Iron-gate [Map]; and so the back way over Little Tower Hill [Map]; and with my cloak over my face, took one of the watermen along with me, and staid behind a wall in the New-buildings behind our garden, while he went to see whether any body stood within the Merchants' Gate, under which we pass to go into our garden, and there standing but a little dirty boy before the gate, did make me quake and sweat to think he might be a Trepan1. But there was nobody, and so I got safe into the garden, and coming to open my office door, something behind it fell in the opening, which made me start. So that God knows in what a sad condition I should be in if I were truly in the condition that many a poor man is for debt: and therefore ought to bless God that I have no such reall reason, and to endeavour to keep myself, by my good deportment and good husbandry, out of any such condition.

Note 1. TT. Trickster.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1663. By and by took coach, and to the Duke's house, where we saw it well acted, though the play hath little good in it, being most pleased to see the little girl dance in boy's apparel, she having very fine legs, only bends in the hams, as I perceive all women do. The play being done, we took coach and to Court, and there got good places, and saw "The Wilde Gallant", performed by the King's house, but it was ill acted, and the play so poor a thing as I never saw in my life almost, and so little answering the name, that from beginning to end, I could not, nor can at this time, tell certainly which was the Wild Gallant. The King (age 32) did not seem pleased at all, all the whole play, nor any body else, though Mr. Clerke (age 40) whom we met here did commend it to us. My Baroness Castlemaine's (age 22) was all worth seeing tonight, and little Steward (age 15). Mrs. Wells (age 21) do appear at Court again, and looks well; so that, it may be, the late report of laying the dropped child to her was not true.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1663. So to bed. This day I was told that my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 22) hath all the King's Christmas presents, made him by the peers, given to her, which is a most abominable thing; and that at the great ball she was much richer in jewells than the Queen (age 24) and Duchess (age 25) put both together.

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Feb 1665. I was invited to a great feast at Mr. Rich's (a relation of my wife's (age 30), now reader at Lincoln's Inn); where was the Duke of Monmouth (age 15), the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 66), Bishops of London (age 33) and Winchester (age 66), the Speaker of the House of Commons (age 48), divers of the Judges, and several other great men.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1666. Up betimes, and out of doors by 6 of the clock, and walked (W. Howe with me) to my Lord Sandwich's (age 40), who did lie the last night at his house in Lincoln's Inne Fields. It being fine walking in the morning, and the streets full of people again. There I staid, and the house full of people come to take leave of my Lord, who this day goes out of towne upon his embassy towards Spayne. And I was glad to find Sir W. Coventry (age 38) to come, though I know it is only a piece of courtshipp. I had much discourse with my Lord, he telling me how fully he leaves the King (age 35) his friend and the large discourse he had with him the other day, and how he desired to have the business of the prizes examined before he went, and that he yielded to it, and it is done as far as it concerns himself to the full, and the Lords Commissioners for prizes did reprehend all the informers in what related to his Lordship, which I am glad of in many respects. But we could not make an end of discourse, so I promised to waite upon (him) on Sunday at Cranborne, and took leave and away hence to Mr. Hales's (age 66) with Mr. Hill (age 36) and two of the Houblons, who come thither to speak with me, and saw my wife's picture, which pleases me well, but Mr. Hill's (age 36) picture never a whit so well as it did before it was finished, which troubled me, and I begin to doubt the picture of my Lady Peters my wife takes her posture from, and which is an excellent picture, is not of his making, it is so master-like. I set them down at the 'Change [Map] and I home to the office, and at noon dined at home and to the office again.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1667. At noon home to dinner, and then to the office again very close at it all the day till midnight, making an end and writing fair this great letter and other things to my full content, it abundantly providing for the vindication of this office, whatever the success be of our wants of money. This evening Sir W. Batten (age 66) come to me to the office on purpose, out of spleen (of which he is full to Carcasse!), to tell me that he is now informed of many double tickets now found of Carcasses making which quite overthrows him. It is strange to see how, though I do believe this fellow to be a rogue, and could be contented to have him removed, yet to see him persecuted by Sir W. Batten (age 66), who is as bad himself, and that with so much rancour, I am almost the fellow's friend. But this good I shall have from it, that the differences between Sir W. Batten (age 66) and my Lord Bruncker (age 47) will do me no hurt.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1668. Thence with G. Carteret (age 58) to White Hall, where I, finding a meeting of the Committee of the Council for the Navy, his Royal Highness there, and Sir W. Pen (age 46), and, some of the Brethren of the Trinity House, Deptford [Map] to attend, I did go in with them; and it was to be informed of the practice heretofore, for all foreign nations, at enmity one with another, to forbear any acts of hostility to one another, in the presence of any of the King (age 37) of England's ships, of which several instances were given: and it is referred to their further enquiry, in order to the giving instructions accordingly to our ships now, during the war between Spain and France. Would to God we were in the same condition as heretofore, to challenge and maintain this our dominion! Thence with W. Pen homeward, and quite through to Mile End [Map], for a little ayre; the days being now pretty long, but the ways mighty dirty, and here we drank at the Rose, the old house, and so back again, talking of the Parliament and our trouble with them and what passed yesterday. Going back again, Sir R. Brookes (age 31) overtook us coming to town; who hath played the jacke with us all, and is a fellow that I must trust no more, he quoting me for all he hath said in this business of tickets; though I have told him nothing that either is not true, or I afeard to own. But here talking, he did discourse in this stile: "We",-and "We" all along,-"will not give any money, be the pretence never so great, nay, though the enemy was in the River of Thames again, till we know what is become of the last money given"; and I do believe he do speak the mind of his fellows, and so let them, if the King (age 37) will suffer it. He gone, we home, and there I to read, and my belly being full of my dinner to-day, I anon to bed, and there, as I have for many days, slept not an hour quietly, but full of dreams of our defence to the Parliament and giving an account of our doings. This evening, my wife did with great pleasure shew me her stock of jewells, encreased by the ring she hath made lately as my Valentine's gift this year, a Turky stone' set with diamonds: and, with this and what she had, she reckons that she hath above £150 worth of jewells, of one kind or other; and I am glad of it, for it is fit the wretch should have something to content herself with.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1668. Thence by coach, with Brisband, to Sir G. Carteret's (age 58), in Lincoln's Inn Fields, and there dined: a good dinner and good company; and after dinner he and I alone, discoursing of my Lord Sandwich's (age 42) matters; who hath, in the first business before the House, been very kindly used beyond expectation, the matter being laid by, till his coming home and old Mr. Vaughan (age 64) did speak for my Lord, which I am mighty glad of. The business of the prizes is the worst that can be said, and therein I do fear something may lie hard upon him; but, against this, we must prepare the best we can for his defence.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and, being desired by a messenger from Sir G. Carteret (age 58), I by water over to Southwarke [Map], and so walked to the Falkon, on the Bank-side, and there got another boat, and so to Westminster, where I would have gone into the Swan [Map]; but the door was locked; and the girl could not let me in, and so to Wilkinson's in King Street, and there wiped my shoes, and so to Court, where sermon not yet done I met with Brisband; and he tells me, first, that our business of tickets did come to debate yesterday, it seems, after I was gone away, and was voted a miscarriage in general. He tells me in general that there is great looking after places, upon a presumption of a great many vacancies; and he did shew me a fellow at Court, a brother of my Lord Fanshaw's (age 36), a witty but rascally fellow, without a penny in his purse, that was asking him what places there were in the Navy fit for him, and Brisband tells me, in mirth, he told him the Clerke of the Acts, and I wish he had it, so I were well and quietly rid of it; for I am weary of this kind of trouble, having, I think, enough whereon to support myself.

Pepy's Diary. 23 Feb 1669. Up: and to the Office, where all the morning, and then home, and put a mouthfull of victuals in my mouth; and by a Hackney-coach followed my wife and the girls [Barbara Pepys and Elizabeth Pepys], who are gone by eleven o'clock, thinking to have seen a new play at the Duke of York's (age 35) house. But I do find them staying at my tailor's, the play not being to-day, and therefore I now took them to Westminster Abbey, and there did show them all the tombs very finely, having one with us alone, there being other company this day to see the tombs, it being Shrove Tuesday; and here we did see, by particular favour, the body of Queen Katherine of Valois; and I had the upper part of her body in my hands, and I did kiss her mouth, reflecting upon it that I did kiss a Queen1, and that this was my birth-day, thirty-six years old, that I did first kiss a Queen. But here this man, who seems to understand well, tells me that the saying is not true that says she was never buried, for she was buried; only, when Henry the Seventh built his chapel, it was taken up and laid in this wooden coffin; but I did there see that, in it, the body was buried in a leaden one, which remains under the body to this day.

Note 1. Pepys's attachment to the fair sex extended even to a dead Queen. The record of this royal salute on his natal day is very characteristic. The story told him in Westminster Abbey appears to have been correct; for Neale informs us ("History of Westminster Abbey", vol. ii., p. 88) that near the south side of Henry V.'s tomb there was formerly a wooden chest, or coffin, wherein part of the skeleton and parched body of Katherine de Valois, his Queen (from the waist upwards), was to be seen. She was interred in January, 1457, in the Chapel of Our Lady, at the east end of this church; but when that building was pulled down by her grandson, Henry VII, her coffin was found to be decayed, and her body was taken up, and placed in a chest, near her first husband's tomb. "There", says Dart, "it hath ever since continued to be seen, the bones being firmly united, and thinly clothed with flesh, like scrapings of tanned leather". This awful spectacle of frail mortality was at length removed from the public gaze into St. Nicholas's Chapel [Map], and finally deposited under the monument of Sir George Villiers, when the vault was made for the remains of Elizabeth Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, in December, 1776. B.

On 09 Feb 1672 Maria Anna Antonia Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 31) and Margaret Theresa Habsburg Holy Roman Empress (age 20). She died on 23 Feb 1672 aged two weeks. Coefficient of inbreeding 30.98%.

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Feb 1673. The Bishop of Chichester (age 59) preached before the King (age 42) on Coloss. II 14, 15, admirably well, as he can do nothing but what is well.

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Feb 1684. I went to Sir John Chardine (age 40), who desired my assistance for the engraving the plates, the translation, and printing his History of that wonderfull Persian. Monument neere Persepolis, and other rare antiquities, which he had caus'd to be drawne from the originals in his second journey into Persia, which we now concluded upon. Afterwards I went with Sr Christ' Wren to Dr Tenison (age 47), where we made the drawing and estimate of the expence of the Library, to be begun this next Spring neere the Mewes. Greate expectation of the Prince of Orange's (age 33) attempts in Holland to bring those of Amsterdam to consent to the new levies, to which we were no friends, by a pseudo-politic adherence to the French interest.

After 23 Feb 1730. Monument to Katherine late wife of Roland Hunt Rector of Stoke Doyle. Church of St Rumbold, Stoke Doyle [Map].

In 23 Feb 1738 Edmund Quincy (age 56) died of smallpox.

On 23 Feb 1803 Alexandrine Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William II King Prussia (age 32). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

23 Feb 1821. Joseph Severn (age 27). Portrait of John Keats (age 25) on his deathbed.

Greville Memoirs. 23 Feb 1832. At Court yesterday; long conversation with Melbourne, and in the evening with Charles Wood (age 31) and Richmond, who is more alarmed about the Peers. Melbourne had got an idea that Lord Harrowby's letter, which had been reported if not shown to the Government, had done a great deal of harm, inasmuch as it set forth so strongly the same arguments to the Tories to show them the danger of letting Peers be made that Durham and Co. make use of as an argument for the same. I promised to show it him, and replied that they could not expect Lord Harrowby to do anything but employ the arguments that are most likely to take effect with these people, but they are not put in an offensive manner. Melbourne said that the King is more reconciled to the measure, i.e. that they have got the foolish, old man in town and can talk him over more readily. A discussion last night about the propriety of making a declaration to-day in the House of Lords, when the Duke of Rutland presents a petition against Reform. The Archbishop will not decide; there is no moving him. Curious that a Dr. Howley, the other day Canon of Christ Church, a very ordinary man, should have in his hands the virtual decision of one of the most momentous matters that ever occupied public attention. There is no doubt that his decision would decide the business so far. Up to this time certainly Harrowby and Wharncliffe (age 55) have no certainty of a sufficient number for the second reading; but I think they will have enough at last.

On 23 Feb 1852 Edward Smith-Stanley 14th Earl of Derby (age 52) was appointed Prime Minister.

On 23 Feb 1862 Adelaide Barrington (age 23) died from childbirth. She had given birth to Captain Charles Barrington Balfour three days before.

Births on the 23rd February

On 23 Feb 1262 Henry Wittelsbach was born to Henry Wittelsbach I Duke Lower Bavaria I Duke Bavaria (age 26) and Elizabeth Duchess Bavaria (age 26). He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 23 Feb 1620 Francis Newport 1st Earl Bradford was born to Richard Newport 1st Baron Newport (age 32) and Frances Leveson Baroness Gower at Wroxeter, Shropshire [Map].

On 23 Feb 1620 Andrew Newport was born to Richard Newport 1st Baron Newport (age 32) and Frances Leveson Baroness Gower at Wroxeter, Shropshire [Map].

On 23 Feb 1633 Samuel Pepys was born to John Pepys Tailor (age 32) and Margaret Kite in Salisbury Court, Fleet Street. He was baptised at St Bride's Church by James Palmer (age 51).

On 23 Feb 1642 Christian Saxe Gotha was born to Ernest "The Pious" Saxe Gotha I Duke Saxe Gotha (age 40) and Elisabeth Sophie Saxe Altenburg Duchess Saxe Gotha (age 22) at Gotha. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.17%.

On 23 Feb 1666 Nichola Sophia Hamilton Lady Beresford was born to Hugh Hamilton 1st Viscount of Glenawly (age 66) and Susanna Balfour (age 26).

On 09 Feb 1672 Maria Anna Antonia Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 31) and Margaret Theresa Habsburg Holy Roman Empress (age 20). She died on 23 Feb 1672 aged two weeks. Coefficient of inbreeding 30.98%.

On 23 Feb 1726 James Wemyss was born to James Wemyss 5th Earl of Wemyss (age 26) and Janet Charteris.

On or before 23 Feb 1732 Christiana Nixon 1st Baroness Donoughmore was born to Abraham Nickson of Munny in Wicklow.

On 23 Feb 1738 William East 1st Baronet was born.

On 23 Feb 1740 Wharton Emerson aka Amcotts 1st Baronet was born to Alexander Emerson.

On 23 Feb 1748 Mary Montagu was born to John Montagu 4th Earl Sandwich (age 29) and Dorothy Fane Countess Sandwich (age 30).

On 23 Feb 1750 Catherine Glücksburg was born to Peter August Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck (age 52) and Natália Nikolaievna Golovine Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck.

On or before 23 Feb 1757, the day he was baptised at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map], Bourchier Wrey 7th Baronet was born to Bourchier Wrey 6th Baronet (age 43) and Ellen Thresher Lady Wrey (age 26).

On 23 Feb 1758 Mary Churchill Countess Cadogan was born to Charles Churchill (age 44) and Maria Walpole (age 19).

On 23 Feb 1776 Samuel Young 1st Baronet was born.

On 23 Feb 1779 Charles Jenkinson 10th Baronet was born to Colonel John Jenkinson (age 45) and Frances Barker.

On 23 Feb 1803 Alexandrine Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William II King Prussia (age 32). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 23 Feb 1805 Edward Blackett 6th Baronet was born to William Blackett 5th Baronet (age 46).

On 23 Feb 1817 George Frederick Watts was born.

On 23 Feb 1823 Fanny Catherine Lonsdale Baroness Beckett was born to Bishop John Lonsdale (age 35) and Sophia Bolland.

On 23 Feb 1824 Astley Paston Paston-Cooper 3rd Baronet was born to Astley Paston Cooper 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Elizabeth Harriet Rickford Lady Cooper (age 21).

On 23 Feb 1826 Captain Edward Cecil Bisshopp 12th Baronet was born to George Bisshopp 9th Baronet (age 34) and Catherine Elizabeth Sproule.

On 23 Feb 1849 Maria Gray Countess of Home was born to Captain Charles Conrad Grey posthumously.

On 23 Feb 1860 William Robert Williams 3rd Baronet was born to Frederick Martin Williams 2nd Baronet (age 30) and Mary Christian Law Lady Williams.

On 23 Feb 1861 Drummond Cunliffe Smith 4th Baronet was born to Charles Cunliffe Smith 3rd Baronet (age 33).

On 23 Feb 1871 Robert Arthur Ward was born to William Ward 1st Earl of Dudley (age 53) and Georgina Moncrieffe Countess Dudley (age 24).

On 23 Feb 1889 was born to (age 49).

On 23 Feb 1928 David Fitzroy 11th Duke Beaufort was born to Henry Robert Fitzroy (age 30) and Bettine Violet Malcolm (age 27). He was educated at Eton College [Map].

On 23 Feb 1943 James Assheton Frankland 18th Baron Zouche was born to Major Thomas William Assheton Frankland 11th Baronet (age 40) and Pamela Kay-Shuttleworth Lady Frankland (age 27).

Marriages on the 23rd February

On 23 Feb 1365 Leopold "The Just" Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 13) and Viridis Visconti Duchess Austria (age 13) were married. She by marriage Duchess Austria. He the son of Albert Habsburg II Duke Austria and Johanna Pfirt Duchess Austria.

Before 23 Feb 1416 Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 42) and Marie Valois Duchess Cleves (age 23) were married. She the daughter of John "Fearless" Valois Duke Burgundy (age 44) and Margaret Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy (age 53). He the son of Adolph La Marck and Margaret Jülich Countess Cleves and Mark (age 66). She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

On 23 Feb 1489 Engelbert La Marck Count Nevers (age 26) and Charlotte Bourbon Vendôme were married. He the son of John La Marck I Duke Cleves and Elizabeth Valois Duchess Cleves.

On 23 Feb 1595 Thomas Playters 1st Baronet (age 29) and Anne Browne Lady Playters (age 31) were married. They had eight sons and ten daughters.

After 23 Feb 1679 Edward Conway 1st Earl Conway (age 56) and Elizabeth Booth Countess Conway were married.

On 21 or 23 Feb 1789 Joseph Strutt (age 30) and Charlotte Fitzgerald 1st Baroness Rayleigh (age 30) were married. She the daughter of James Fitzgerald 1st Duke Leinster and Emilia Mary Lennox Duchess Leinster (age 57). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 23 Feb 1826 Charles Fitzroy 3rd Baron Southampton (age 21) and Harriet Stanhope Baroness Southampton were married. She by marriage Baroness Southampton. They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 23 Feb 1830 Frederick Spencer 4th Earl Spencer (age 31) and Elizabeth Georgiana Poyntz Countess Spencer (age 30) were married. He the son of George John Spencer 2nd Earl Spencer (age 71) and Lavinia Bingham Countess Spencer (age 68). They were second cousins.

On 23 Feb 1911 John Standish Surtees Prendergast 6th Viscount Gort (age 24) and Corinna Katherine Medlicott Vereker (age 19) were married. They were second cousins.

On 23 Feb 1939 Thomas Edward Anson 4th Earl Lichfield (age 55) and Violet Margaret Dawson-Greene Countess Lichfield were married. She by marriage Countess Lichfield. He the son of Thomas Francis Anson 3rd Earl Lichfield and Mildred Coke Countess Lichfield (age 85).

Before 23 Feb 1943 Major Thomas William Assheton Frankland 11th Baronet (age 40) and Pamela Kay-Shuttleworth Lady Frankland (age 27) were married. She by marriage Lady Frankland of Thirkleby in Yorkshire.

On 23 Feb 1943 William Humble Eric Ward 3rd Earl of Dudley (age 49) and Frances Laura Charteris Duchess of Marlborough (age 27) were married. She by marriage Countess of Dudley of Dudley Castle in Staffordshire. The difference in their ages was 21 years. He the son of William Humble Ward 2nd Earl of Dudley.

Deaths on the 23rd February

On 23 Feb 1216 Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex (age 25) was killed in a tournament. His brother William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex succeeded 3rd Earl Essex.

On 23 Feb 1369 Henry Tailboys Baron Kyme (age 34) died.

On 20 Feb 1447 Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 56) was arrested on a charge of treason by John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 37), Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 44), Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 41), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 47) and Ralph Boteler 6th and 1st Baron Sudeley (age 58).

On 23 Feb 1447 Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 56) died at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk [Map]. He was possibly poisoned although more likely he died from a stroke. He was buried at St Alban's Cathedral [Map]. Duke Gloucester, Earl Pembroke extinct. His death left England with no heir to the throne in a direct line. Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 35) became heir presumptive until the birth of Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales six years later.

On 23 Feb 1473 Arnold Egmont 1st Duke Guelders (age 62) died. His son Adolf Egmont 2nd Duke Guelders (age 35) succeeded 2nd Duke Guelders.

On 23 Feb 1583 Lucy Somerset Baroness Latimer Snape (age 59) died.

On 23 Feb 1657 Nicole Lorraine Duchess Lorraine (age 48) died.

On 23 Feb 1709 William Wheeler 3rd Baronet (age 55) died. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Leamington Hastings. His son Trevor Wheler 4th Baronet (age 11) succeeded 4th Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster.

On 23 Feb 1713 Nichola Sophia Hamilton Lady Beresford (age 47) died.

On 23 Feb 1752 John Campbell 2nd Earl Breadalbaine and Holland (age 89) died. His son John Campbell 3rd Earl Breadalbaine and Holland (age 55) succeeded 3rd Earl Breadalbaine and Holland. Arbella Pershall Countess Breadalbaine and Holland by marriage Countess Breadalbaine and Holland.

On 23 Feb 1768 Henry Hoghton 5th Baronet (age 90) died without issue. His nephew Henry Hoghton 6th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 6th Baronet Hoghton of Hoghton Tower in Lancashire.

On 23 Feb 1768 Mary Webb Duchess Somerset (age 71) died.

On 23 Feb 1770 Bennet Sherard 3rd Earl Harborough (age 60) died. His brother Robert Sherard 4th Earl Harborough (age 57) succeeded 4th Earl Harborough, 4th Viscount Sherard, 6th Baron Sherard of Leitrim, 4th Baron Sherard of Harborough. Jane Reeve Countess Harborough (age 29) by marriage Countess Harborough.

On 23 Feb 1774 Marmaduke Asty Wyvill 7th Baronet (age 33) died.

On 23 Feb 1797 Berney Brograve 1st Baronet (age 70) died. His son George Berney Brograve 2nd Baronet (age 25) succeeded 2nd Baronet Brograve of Worstead House in Norfolk.

On 23 Feb 1805 Frances Catherine Gounter Nicoll Countess Dartmouth (age 72) died.

On 23 Feb 1821 John Keats (age 25) died.

On 23 Feb 1852 Catherine Charlotte Gore Baroness Carbery (age 85) died.

On 23 Feb 1857 Compton Domvile 1st Baronet (age 82) died. His son Charles Compton Domvile 2nd Baronet (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baronet Domvile of Templeogue and Santry House in the County of Dublin.

On 23 Feb 1929 Richard Knight Causton 1st Baron Southwark (age 85) died at 12 Devonshire Place, Marylebone. Baron Southwark of Southwark in London extinct. His estate probated in the London Registry at £21282 12s 2d.

On 23 Feb 1958 Ethel Finch-Hatton Lady Gunning died.

On 23 Feb 1983 Arthur Gore 8th Earl of Arran (age 72) died. His son Arthur Gore 9th Earl of Arran (age 44) succeeded 9th Earl Arran.

On 23 Feb 2000 John Henry Guy Neville 5th Marquess Abergavenny (age 85) died. His nephew Christopher Neville 6th Marquess Abergavenny (age 44) succeeded 6th Marquess Abergavenny, 10th Earl Abergavenny, 10th Viscount Neville, 6th Earl Lewes, 26th Baron Bergavenny, 24th Baron Bergavenny. Venetia Maynard Marchioness Abergavenny (age 42) by marriage Marchioness Abergavenny.

On 23 Feb 2021 Jennifer Lowther Countess Lonsdale (age 88) died.