On this Day in History ... 1st June

01 Jun is in June.

1283 Treaty of Rheinfelden

1532 Coronation of Anne Boleyn

1536 Marriage of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour

1536 Execution of George Boleyn, Brereton, Norris, Smeaton and Weston

1610 Prince Henry invested as Prince of Wales and Earl Chester

1663 Blood's Plot

1666 Four Days' Battle

1916 Battle of Jutland

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 1st June

On 01 Jun 1283 the Treaty of Rheinfelden was the first treaty to determine the Habsburg order of succession.

Hall's Chronicle 1522. 01 Jun 1522. The morrow after, these princes removed to Sytingborne [Map], and the next day to Rochester [Map], where the Bishop (age 52) received them with the whole Covent, and on Monday they came to Gravesende [Map] by one of the clock, where they took their barges, and there were thirty barges appointed, for the strangers, and so by six of the clock they landed at Grenewiche [Map], the same Monday, the second day of June, where the Emperor (age 22) was of the King newly welcomed, and al his nobility, and at the hall door the Queen (age 36) and the Prynces (age 6), and all the Ladies received and welcomed him: and he asked the Queen (age 36) blessing (for that is the fashion of Spain, between the aunt and the nephew) the Emperor (age 22) had great joy to see the Queen his aunt, and in especially his young cousin German [first-cousin] the lady Mary (age 6). The Emperor was lodged in the King’s lodging, which was so richly hanged, that the Spaniards wondered at it, and specially at the rich cloth of estate: nothing lacked that might be gotten, to cheer the Emperor and his lords, and all that came in his company, were highly feasted.

The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 01 Jun 1532. Also all the pavements of the cyte from Charyncrosse to the towre was ouer couerde and caste with grauell. And the same Saturday beyng Whytson euen the mayre with all the aldermen and the craftes of the cyte prepared aray in a good order to stande and receyue her and with rayles for euery crafte to stande and leane from prease of people. The mayre mette the quenes grace at her comyng forthe of ye towre and all his bretherne and aldermen standyng in chepe. And upon the same Saturday the quene came forth from the towre towarde Westmynster in goodly aray as here after foloweth. She passed the stretes first with certayne straungers then horses trapped with blewe sylke and them selves in blewe veluet with white fethers acompanyed two and two. Lykewise squiers knights barons and baronetts knightes of the bath clothed in vyolet garmentes edged with armyns lyke iuges. Than folowyng the juges of the lawe and abbottes. All these estats were to the nombre of two hundred cople with more two and two accompanyed. And than folowed bysshops two and two: and tharch bysshops of Yorke and Caterbury the ambassaders of Fraunce and Venyce the lorde mayre with a mace mayster garter the kyng of heraudes and the kings cote armour upon him with the offycers of armes apoyntyng euery estate in their degre. Than folowed two aunciente knights with olde fassion hattes poudred on their heedes disgysed who dyd represent the duke of Normandy and of Guyen after an olde custome: the lorde constable of Englande for the tyme beyng the duke of Suffolke the lorde Willyam Hawarde the deputie for the tyme to the lorde marshall duke of Norfolke. Than folowed the qucnes grace in her lytter costly and rychly besene with a ryche canape ouer her which bare the lordes of the fyue portes : after her folowyng the mayster of her horse with a whyte spare palfray ledde in his hande rychly apoynted. Than folowed her noble ladyes of estate rychly clothed in crymosyn poudred with armyns to the nobre of twelve. Than the mayster of the garde with the garde on both sydes of the strets in good aray and all the constables well besene in veluet and damaske cotes with whyte stanes in their handes settynge euery man in araye and orner in the stretes untyll she came to Westminster. Than folowed four ryche charyottes with ladyes of honour after than folowed thirty ladyes and gentylwomen r(ich)ly1 garnysshcd and so the seruyng men after them. And a(s)2 t she was departed from ye towne a meruaylous great shot of gonnes was there fyred and shot. So this moste noble company passed till her grace came to fanchurch where was a pagent fayre and semly with certayne chyldren which saluted her grace with great honour and prayse after a goodly fassyon : and so passed forthe to Grase churche where was a ryght costly pagent of Apollo with the nyne muses amonge the mountaynes syttyng on the mount of Pernasus and euery of them hauynge theyr instruments and apparayle acordyng to the descryption of poets and namely of Uirgyll with many goodly verses to her great prayse and honour. And so she passed forth through gracyous3 strete unto leaden hall where was buylded a sumptuous and a costly pagent in maner of a castell wherein was fasshyoned an heuenly roufe and under it vpon a grene was a roote or a stocke whereout spronge a multytude of whyte roses and reed curyously wrought so from the heuenly roufe descended a whyte faucon and lighted upon the said stocke and roote and incontynent descended an angell with goodly armony hauynge a close crowne bytwene his handes and set it on the faucons heed : and on the said flour sate saynt Anne in the hyest place on that one syde her progeny with scripture that is to wete the thre Marys with theyr issue that is to vnderstande : Mary the mother of Christ Mary Solome the mother4 of Zebedee with the two chyldren of them also Mary Cleophe with her husbande Alphee with their four chyldren on the other syde with other poetycall verses sayd and songe with a balade in englisshe to her great prayse (and)5 honour and to al her progeny also. And so she passed (for)th5 from thence through cornehill and at the condyt was a sumptuous pagent of the thre graces : and at the comynge of the quenes grace a poete declared the nature of all those thre ladyes and gave hye prayses vnto the quene. And after his preamble fynysshed every lady partyculer spake great honour and hye prayse of the quenes grace : And so she passed forth with all her nobles tyll she came in chepe and at the great condyt was made a costly fountayne whereout ranne whyte wyne claret and reed great plenty all that after noone : and ther was great melody with speches. And so passed forthe through chepe to the standarde whiche was costly and sumptuously garnisshed with gold and asure with armes and stories wher was great armony and melody : and so passed she forth by the crosse in chepe whiche was newe garnisshed and so through chepe towarde the lesser condyt. And in the mydwaye bytwene the recorder of London receyved her afore the Aldermen with great reuerence and honour salutynge her grace with a louyng and humble preposycion presentynge her grace with a ryche and costly purse of golde and in it a thousande marke in golde coyne gyuen vnto her as a free gyfte of honour : to whom she gaue great thankes bothe with herte and mynde. And so her grace passed a lytell further and at the lesser condyt was a costly and a ryche pagent where as was goodly armonye of musyke and other mynstrels with syngyng : And within that pagent was fyue costly seates wherin was set these fyue personages that is to wete Juno Pallas Mercury and Venus and Parys hauyng a ball of golde presentyng it to her grace with certayne verses of great honour and chyldren syngyng a balade to her grace and prayse to all her ladyes and so passed forth to Poules gate where was a proper and a sumptuous pagent that is to wete ther sat three fayre ladyes virgyns costly arayde with a fayre rounde trone ouer their heedes where aboute was written this. Regina Anna prospere precede et regna that is in englysshe Quene Anne prospere precede and reygne. The lady that sate in the myddes hauynge a table of golde in her hande wrytten with letters of asure. Ueni arnica coronaberis. Come my loue thou shallbe crowned. And two aungels hauyng a close crowne of golde bytwene their handes. And the lady on the ryght hande had a table of syluer wherein was writte. Domine dirige gressos meos. Lorde god dyrecte my wayes. The other on the lyfte hande had in another table of syluer written thus. Confide in domino. Trust in god. And vnder theyr fete was a longe rol wherin was written this. Regina Anna nouum regis de sanguine natum cum paries populis aurea secla tuis. Quene Anne whan you shalte beare a newe sone of the kynges bloode there shalbe a golden worlde vnto thy people. And so the ladyes caste ouer her heede a multytude of wafers with rose leaues and about the wafers were written with letters of gold this posay6. And so her grace passed forth into Poules chyrchyarde and at the eest ende of the chyrch agaynst the schole was a great scaffblde whereon stode the nombre of two hundred chyldren well befene who receyued with poetes verses to her noble honour whan they had fynisshed she sayd Amen with ioyful smylyng countenaunce and so passed forth thrugh the longe chyrchyarde and so to Ludgate whiche was costly and sumptuously garnysshed with golde colours and asure with swete armony of ballades to her greate prayse and honour with dyuerse swete instrumentes. And thus her grace came thorowe the cyte with great honour and royaltye and passed thorowe Flete strete tyll she came to the Standarde and condyth where was made a fayre toure with foure tourrettes with fanes there within great plenty of swete instrumentes with chyldren syngyng the standarde of mason warke costly made with ymages and aungels costly gylted with golde and asure with other colours and dyuerse fortes of armes costly set out shall there contynue and remayne and within the standarde a vyce with a chyme. Also there ranne out of certayne small pypes great plenty of wyne all that afternoone. And so her grace passed through the cyte to temple barre and so to Charyng crosse and so thorowe Westmynster into Westmynster hall where that was well and rychly hanged with cloth of Arras with a meruaylous ryche cupborde of plate and there was a voyde7 of spyce plates and wyne. And that done the quenes grace withdrewe her in to the whyte hall for that nyght and so to Yorke place by water.

Note 1. In the original copy, in the British Museum, the corner is torn off after the letter "r" but the three missing letters are of course "ich."

Note 2. The missing letter is as evidently "s."

Note 3. Gracechurch Street.

Note 4. Wife.

Note 5. Torn away.

Note 6. The posy is not given in the original.

Note 7. Collation.

On 01 Jun 1533 the six months pregnant Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 32) was crowned Queen Consort England by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 43) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. See Coronation of Anne Boleyn.

John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 62) bore the Crown. Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 16) carried the Salt. Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 46) rode in the procession. William Coffin (age 38) was appointed Master of the Horse. Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 50) served as Lord Sewer. Henry Parker (age 20) and William Coffin (age 38) were knighted. Thomas Berkeley 6th Baron Berkeley (age 28), Thomas Stanley 2nd Baron Monteagle (age 26) and Henry Capell (age 27) were created Knight of the Bath. Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 46) rode in the procession. Arthur Hopton (age 44) attended.

Thomas More (age 55) refused to attend. Shortly thereafter, More was charged with accepting bribes, but the charges had to be dismissed for lack of any evidence.

Anne Braye Baroness Cobham (age 32) was the attendant horsewoman.

Charles Wriothesley (age 25) attended.

Hall's Chronicle 1533. 01 Jun 1533. The order and sitting at diner.

While the Queen was in her chamber, every lord and other that ought to do service at coronation did prepare them according to their duty, as the duke of Suffolk High Steward of England which was richly apparelled, his doublet and jacket set with orient pearl, his gown of crimson velvet embroidered, his courser trapped with a cloth trapper head and all to the ground of crimson velvet set full of letters of gold of goldsmith’s work having a long white rod in his hand, on his left hand rode the Lord William, deputy for his brother as Earl Marshal with the Marshal’s rod, whose gown was crimson velvet, and his horse trapper purple velvet cut on white satin embroidered with white lions. The Earl of Oxford was High Chamberlain, the Earl of Essex carver, the Earl of Sussex sewer, the Earl of Arundel chief butler on who twelve citizens of London did give their attendance at the cupboard. The Earl of Derby Cupbearer, the Viscount Lisle Panter, the Lorde of Burgayne chief larder, the Lord Bray almoner for him and his coperteners, and the Mayor of Oxford kept the buttery bar, and Thomas Wyatt was chief eurer for sir Henry Wyatt his father. When all thing was ready, the Queen under her canopy came to the Hall and washed and sat down in the midst of the table under the cloth of estate. On the right side of the chair stood the Countess of Oxford widow, and on the left side stood the Countess of Worcester all the dinner season, which diverse times in the dinner time did hold a fine cloth before the Queen’s face when she list to spit or do otherwise at her pleasure. At the tables end sat the Archbishop of Canterbury on the right hand of the Queen, and in the midst between the Archbishop and the Countess of Oxford stood the Earl of Oxford with a white staff all diner time, and at the Queen’s feet under the table sat two gentlewomen all dinner time. When all these things were thus ordered came in the Duke of Suffolk and the Lord William Howard on horseback and the Sergeants of Arms before them, and after them the Sewer, and then the Knights of the Bath bringing in the first course which was twenty-eight dishes beside subtleties and ships made of wax marvellous gorgeous to behold, all which time of service the trumpets standing in the window at the nether end of the hall played melodiously. When her grace was served of two dishes, then the Archbishop service was set down, whose Sewer came equal with the third dish of the Queen’s service on his left hand. After that the Queen and the Archbishop was served, the Barons of the Portes began the table on the right hand next the wall, next them at the table sat the masters and clerks of the chancery, and beneath them at the table other doctors and gentlemen. The table next the wall on the left hand by the cupboard was begun by the Mayor and Aldermen the chamberlain and the counsel of the City of London, and beneath them sat substantial merchants, and so downward other worshipful persons. At the table on the right hand in the midst of the hall sat the Lord Chancellor and other temporal Lords on the right side of the table, in their circots. And on the left side of the same table, sat Bishops and Abbots in their Parliament robes, beneath them sat the Judges, Servantes, and the King’s Counsel, beneath the Knights of the Bathe. At the table on the left hand, in the middle part, sat Duchesses, Marquesses, Countesses, Baronesses, in their robes, and other ladies in circots, and gentle women in gowns. All which ladies and gentle women, sat on the left side of the table a long, and none on the right side: and when all were thus set, they were incontinent served and so quickly, that it was marvel, for the servitors gave such good attendance, that meat or drink ne anything else needed not to be called for, which in so great a multitude was marvel. As touching the fare there could be devised, no more costlier dishes nor subtleties. The Mayor of London was served with, twenty-three dishes at two courses, and so were all his brethren, and such as sat at his table. The Queen had at her second course, twenty-four dishes, and thirty at the third course: and between the two last courses, the Kings of Arms cried arges [?], in three parts of the hall and after stood in their place, which was in the bekins [?] the King’s Bench. And on the right hand, out of the Cloister of St Stephen’s, was made a little closet, in which the King with diverse Ambassadors, stood to behold the service. The Duke of Suffolk and the Lord William, rode oftentimes about the hall, cheering the lords, ladies, and the Mayor and his brethren. After they all had dined, they had wafers and Hippocras, and then they washed, and were commanded to rise, and to stand still in their places, before the table or on the forms until the Queen had washed: when she had taken wafers and Hippocras, the table was taken up, and the Earl of Rutland brought up the surnap, and laid it at the Lord’s end, which immediately was drawn, and cast by Master Rode, Marshal of the hall: and the Queen washed, and after the Archbishop, and after the surnap was drawn of, she arose and stood in the midst of the Hall place: to whom the Earl of Sussex in a goodly spice plate, brought a void of spice and comfits. After him the Mayor of London, brought a standing Cup of gold, set in a Cup of assay of gold, and after that she had drunk, she gave the Mayor the Cup, with the Cuppe of assay, because there was no leyar [?], according to the claim of the city, than King him and all his brethren, of their pain. Then she under her Canopy, departed to her Chamber, and at the entry of her Chamber, she gave the Canopy with bells and all, to the Barons of the Portes, according to their claim, with great thanks. Then the Mayor of London bearing his Cup in his hand, with his brethren went through the hall to their barge, and so did all other noble men and gentlemen, for it was six of the clock.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 01 Jun 1533. Memorandum, the first dale of June,d Queene Anne (age 32) was brought from Westminster Hall to the Abbey of Sainct Peeter's [Map] with procession, all the monkes of Westminster going in rytch copes of golde with 13 abbotts mitred; and after them all the Kinges Chappell in rych copes with fower bushopps and tow archbishopps mittred, and all the Lordes going in their Perliament roabes,e and the crowne borne afore her by the Duke of Suffolke (age 49), and her tow scepters by tow Earles, and she herself going under a rytch canapie of cloath of golde, apparailed in a kirtell of crymson velvett powdred with ermyns, and a robe of purple velvett furred with powdred ermines over that, and a rich cronett with a calla of pearles and stones on her hedde, and the olde Dutches of Norfolke (age 56)b bearing upp her traine in a robe of scarlett with a cronett of golde on her bonett, and the Lorde Boroughe,c the Queenes Chamberlaine, staying the traine in the middes; and after her tenne ladies following in robes of scarlett furred with ermins and rounde cronettes of golde on their heades; and next after theim all the Queenes maides in gownes of scarlett edged with white lettushe furre; and so was shee brought to Sainct Peeters Church [Map] at Westminster, and their sett in her seate riall, which was made on a high scaffolde before the highe aulter; and their shee was anoynted and crowned Queene of Englande by the Archbishopp of Canterberied1 and the Archbishoppe of Yorke, and so sate crowned in her seate riall all the masse, and offred also at the said masse; and the masse donne, they departed everie man in their degrees to Westminster Hall [Map], she going still under the cannapie crowned with towe septers in hir handes, my Lorde of Wilshire, her father,e1 and the Lorde Talbottf leadinge her, and so theire dynned; wheras was made the most honorable feast that hath beene seene.

The great hall at Westminster was rytchlie hanged with rych cloath of Arras, and a table sett at the upper ende of the hall, going upp twelve greeses,a2 where the Queene dyned; and a rytch cloath of estate hanged over her heade; and also fower other tables alongest the hall; and it was rayled on everie side, from the highe deasse in Westminster Hall to the scaffold in the church in the Abbaj.

And when she went to church to her coronation their was a raye cloath,b2 blew, spreed from the highe dessesc of the Kinges Benche unto the high alter of Westminster, wheron she wente.

Note B. the Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 23), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

And when the Queenes grace had washed her handes, then came the Duke of Suffolke (age 49), High Constable that daie and stewarde of the feast, ryding on horsebacke rytchlie apparailed and trapped, and with him, also ridinge on horsebacke, the Lorde William (age 23) Howarde as deputie for the Duke of Norfolke (age 60) in the romthd2 of the Marshall of Englande, and the Queenes servicee2 following them with the Archbishopps, a certaine space betwene which was bornef2 all by knightes, the Archbishopp sitting at the Queenes borde, at the ende, on her left hande.g2 The Earle of Sussex (age 50) was sewer, the Earle of Essex carver, the Earle of Darbie (age 24) cuppbearer, the Earle of Arrondell (age 57) butler, the Viscount Lisle (age 69) pantler, the Lord Gray almoner.

Att one of the fower tables sate all the noble ladies all on one side of the hall, at the second table the noble men, at the thirde table the Major of Londonh2 with the Aldermen, att the fowerth table the Barons of the Fortes with the Masters of the Chauncerie. The goodlie dishes with the delicate meates and the settles which were all gilt, with the noble service that daie done by great men of the realme, the goodlie sweete armonie of minstrells with other thinges were to long to expresse, which was a goodlie sight to see and beholde.

And when shee had dined and washed her handes she stoode a while under the canopie of estate, and behelde throwghe the hall, and then were spices brought with other delicates, which were borne all in great high plates of gold, wherof shee tooke a litle refection, and the residue geavinge among the lordes and ladies; and that donne she departed up to the White Hall, and their changed her apparell, and so departed secreetlie by water to Yorke Place [Map], which is called White Hall, and their laie all night.

Note d. Whitsanday. Compare this with the account of the receiving and coronation of Anne Boleyn in MS. Harleian. Cod. 41, arts. 2-5, and MS. Harleian. 543, fol. 119.

Note e. Henry's (age 41) first wife, Katharine of Aragon (age 47), was crowned with him, and a magnificent ceremony was ordained for her successful rival Anne Boleyn, but none of the other wives of Henry were honoured with a coronation.

Note a. A caul was a kind of net in which women inclosed their hair.

Note b. Grandmother (age 56) of Anne Boleyn, being widow of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, whose daughter Elizabeth (age 53) married Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 56), afterwards Earl of Wiltshire, the father of Anne.

Note. b, immediately above, appears to be a mistake? The grandmother of Anne Boleyn was Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey, first wife of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk. He, Thomas, married secondly his first wife's first cousin Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk (age 56) who must be the old Duchess of Norfolk referred to since Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey died in Apr 1497.

Note c. Thomas, Lord Bnrgh of Gainsboroogh (age 45).

d1. In Sir Henry Ellis's Collection of Original Letters occurs a very interesting letter written by Cranmer to the English ambassador at the Emperor's court, giving his own account of the pronouncing of sentence on Katharine and of the coronation of Anne Boleyn (age 32).

e1. Anne Boleyn's father (age 56) had been created Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond on the 8th December, 1529.

a2. Steps or stain, Latin gressus.

b2. Striped cloth.

Note c. Desks.

d2. Room.

e2. Suite.

f2. Occupied.

g2. Stow expressly states that Archbishop Cranmer sat on the right hand of the Queen at the table's end. Ed. 1631, p. 567.

h2. Sir Stephen Pecocke.

Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. 01 Jun 1533. Nowe than on Soundaye was the Coronacion, which allso was of such a maner.

In the mornynge ther assembled withe me at Westminster Churche the bysshop of Yorke, the Bishop of London (age 58), the Bishop of Wynchester (age 50), the Bishop of Lyncoln (age 60), the Bishop of Bathe, and the Bishop of Saint Asse (age 58), the Abbote of Westminstre with x or xij moo Abbottes, whiche all revestred ourselfs in our pontificalibus, and, soo furnysshed, withe our Crosses and Crossiers, procedid oute of th' Abbey in a procession unto Westminstre Hall, where we receyved the Queene (age 32) apareled in a Robe of purple velvet, and all the ladyes and gentillwomen in robes and gownes of scarlet accordyng to the maner vsed before tyme in such besynes: and so her Grace sustayned of eche syde with ij to bysshops, the Bysshope of London (age 58) ande the Bysshop of Wynchester (age 50), came furthe in processyon unto the Churche of Westminster, she in her here, my Lord of Suffolke (age 49) berying before herr the Crowne, and ij to other Lords beryng also before her a Ceptur and a white Rodde, and so entred up into the highe Alter, where diverse Ceremoneys used aboute her, I did sett the Crowne on her hedde, and then was songe Te Deum, &c. And after that was song a solempne Masse, all which while her grace sjatt crowned upon a scaffold whiche was made betwene the Highe Alter and the Qwyer in Westminstre Churche; which Masse and ceremonyes donne and fynysshed, all the Assemble of noble men broughte her into Westminstre Hall agayne, where was kepte a great solempne feaste all that daye; the good ordre therof were to longe to wrytte at this tyme to you. But nowe Sir you may nott ymagyn that this Coronacion was before her mariege, for she was maried muche about sainte Paules daye last, as the condicion therof dothe well appere by reason she ys nowe sumwhat bygg with chylde. Notwithstandyng yt hath byn reported thorowte a greate parte of the realme that I (age 43) maried her; whiche was playnly false, for I myself knewe not therof a fortenyght after yt was donne. And many other thyngs be also reported of me, whiche be mere lyes and tales.

Other newys have we none notable, but that one Fryth, whiche was in the Tower in pryson, was appoynted by the Kyngs grace to be examyned befor me, my Lorde of London, my lorde of Wynchestre, my Lorde of Suffolke, my Lorde Channcelour, and my Lorde of Wylteshere, whose opynion was so notably erroniouse, that we culde not dyspache hym but was fayne to leve hym to the determynacion of his Ordinarye, whiche ys the bishop of London. His said opynyon ys of suche nature that he thoughte it nat necessary to be beleved as an Article of our faythe, that ther ys the very corporall presence of Christe within the Oste and Sacramente of the Alter, and holdethe of this poynte muste after the Opynion of Oecolampadious. And suerly I myself sent for hym iij or iiij tymes to perswade hym to leve that his Imaginacion, but for all that we could do therin he woulde not applye to any counsaile, notwithstandyng nowe he ys at a fynall ende with all examinacions, for my Lorde of London hathe gyven sentance and delyuerd hym to the secular power, where he loketh every daye to goo unto the fyer. And ther ys also condempned with hym one Andrewe a taylour of London for the said self same opynion.

And thus farr you well, from my manor of Croydon the xvij. daye of June.

Note a. Hall, Chron. edit. 1809. p. 794. Holinsh. edit. 1808. vol. iii. p. 777.

Note b. Queen Elizabeth was born on September the 7th. 1533.

Note c. Stow, Ann. edit. 1631. p. 562.

Note d. Herb. Life of Hen. VIII. edit. 1649. p. 341. Bumet in his History of the Reformation has likewise fallen into this error.

Note e. Lingard's Hist Engl. 1st. edit. vol. iv. p. 190.

a1. re-journying.

a2. shaums.

b2. all day.

Hall's Chronicle 1533. 01 Jun 1533. Sonday being Whit Sunday the first day of June and the day of her Coronation.

On Sunday the Mayor clad in crimson velvet and with his collar and all the Aldermen and Sheriffs in Scarlet and the counsel of the city took their barge at the Crane by seven of the clock and came to Westminster where they were welcomed and brought into the hall by Master Treasurer and other of the King’s house, and so gave their attendance till the Queen should come forth. Between eight and nine she came into the Hall and stood under the clothe of estate, and then came in the King’s Chapel and the monks of Westminster all in rich copes and many Bishops and Abbots in copes and mitres which went into the midst of the hall, and there stood a season. Then was there a ray clothe spread from the Queen’s standing in the hall through the palace and sanctuary, which was railed on both sides to the high Altar of Westminster. After that the ray clothe was cast, the Officers of Armes appointed the order accustomed. First went gentlemen, then esquires, then knights, then the Aldermen of the city in their cloaks of scarlet, after them the Judges in their mantles of scarlet and coifs. Then followed the Knights of the Bathe being no Lords, every man having a white lace on his left sleeve. Then followed Barons and Viscounts in their parliament robes of scarlet. After them came Earles, Marquesses and Dukes in their robes of estate of crimson velvet furred with ermine powdered according to their degrees. After them came the Lord Chancellor in a robe of scarlet open before bordered with lettice: after him came the King’s Chapel and the monks solemnly singing with procession, then came Abbots and Bishops mitred, then Sergeants and Officers of Armes, then after them went the Mayor of London with his mace and garter in his coat of arms. Then went the Marquess Dorset in a robe of estate which bare the sceptre of gold, and the Earl of Arundel which bare the rod of Ivory with the Dove both together. Then went alone the Earl of Oxford High Chamberlain of England which bare the crown, after him went the duke of Suffolk in his robe of estate also for that day being High Steward of England, having a long white rod in his hand, and the Lord William Howard with the Rod of the Marshalship, and every Knight of the Garter had on his collar of the order. Then preceded forth the Queen in a circot and robe of purple velvet furred with ermine in her hair coif and circlet as she had the Saturday, and over her was borne the canopy by four of the five [Cinque] Portes all crimson with points of blue and red hanging on their sleeves, and the Bishops of London and Winchester bare up the lappets of the Queen’s robe. The Queen’s train which was very long was borne by the old Duchess of Norfolk (age 56) after her followed ladies being Lord’s wives which had circots of scarlet with narrow sleeves, the breast all lettice with bars of borders according to their degrees. And over that they had mantels of scarlet furred, and every mantle had lettice about the neck like a neckerchief likewise powdered, so that by the powderings their degree was known. Then followed ladies being Knight’s wives in gowns of scarlet with narrow sleeves without trains only edged with lettice, and likewise had all the Queen’s gentlewomen. When she was thus brought to the high place made in the midst of the church between the choir and the high altar she was set in a riche chair. And after that she had rested a while she descended down to the High Altar and there prostrate herself while the Archbishop of Canterbury said certain collettes: then she rose and the bishop anointed her on the head and on the breast, and then she was led up again, where after diverse Orisons said, the Archbishop set the crown of Saint Edward on her head, and then delivered her the sceptre of gold in her right hand, and the rod of Ivory with the Dove in the left hand, and then all the choir sang Te Deum, §c. Which done the bishop took of the crown of Saint Edward being heavy and set on the crown made for her, and so went to Masse. And when the offertory was begun she descended down and offered being crowned, and so ascended up again and sate in her chair till Agnus. And then she went down and kneeled before the altar where she received of the Archbishop the holy sacrament and then went up to her place again. After that Masse was done she went to Saint Edwardes shrine and there offered, after which offering done she withdrew her into a little place made for the nuns on the one side of the choir. Now in the mean season every Duchess had put on their bonnets a corona of gold wrought with flowers, and every Marquesses put on a demy Coronal of gold, every Countess a plain circlet of gold wrought with flowers, and every King of Armes put on a crown of copper and gilt all which were worn till night. When the Queen had a little reposed her the company returned in the same order that they set forth, and the Queen went crowned and so did the Ladies aforesaid. Her right hand was sustained by the Earl of Wiltshire (age 56) her father, and her left hand by the Lord Talbot deputy for the Earl of Shrewsbury and Lord Furnival his father. And when she was out of the Sanctuary and appeared within the palace the trumpets played marvellous freshly, and so she was brought to Westminster Hall, and so to her withdrawing chamber, during which time the Lords, Judges, Mayor and Aldermen put of their robes, Mantels and Cloaks, and took their hoods from their necks and cast them about their shoulders, and the Lords sat only in their circots and the Judges and Aldermen in their gowns. And all the Lords that served that day served in their circots and their hoods about their shoulders. Also, diverse officers of the King’s house being no Lords had circots and hoods of scarlet edged with miniver, as the Treasurer, Controller and Master of the Jewel House, but their circots were not gilt.

Letters 1536. 01 Jun 1536. Corpus Reform. iv., 1036. 1035. Melancthon to Wolfgang Bock.

Has not a copy of Bucer's opinion, and it is not fit that it should be published yet, as nothing is yet settled about agreement. The matter is to be referred to more on both sides. He may tell the Prince that there is good hope of concord, and that Bucer declared the same opinion that he had previously written to the people of Munster (Monasterienses), and which some people in Silesia have followed. Thinks the word of revocation should be avoided; there are many serious things. Does not wish him to disturb lightly the Prince's mind. Hopes the Prince will be pleased with Bucer's declaration. The last queen of England (deceased) has been beheaded in May for adultery, with others. Lat.

Letters 1536. 01 Jun 1536. Corpus Reform. iii., 90. 1033. Melancthon to John Agricola Islebiensis.

She (Anne Boleyn (deceased)) is said to have had connexion with her own brother (deceased) and others, and to have conspired the death of the King and another prince [Henry Fitzroy 1st Duke Richmond and Somerset (age 16)]. Her brother (deceased) and father (age 59) have been arrested with her, as well as some bishops who were cognisant of her plans. See how dreadfully this calamity will dishonour the King. Such evil has the divorce brought. The daughter of the former Queen has been restored to her former dignity. What a great change has suddenly been made. Lat.

Letters 1536. 1 June [1536]. Otho. C. x. 278. B.M. Hearne's Sylloge, 147. 1022. Princess Mary (age 20) to [Henry VIII.]

Begs as humbly as child can for his daily blessing—her chief desire in this world. Acknowledges all her offences since she had first discretion to offend till this hour, and begs forgiveness. Will submit to him in all things next to God, "humbly beseeching your Highness to consider that I am but a woman, and your child, who hath committed her soul only to God, and her body to be ordered in this world as it shall stand with your pleasure." Rejoices to hear of the marriage between his Grace and the Queen (age 27) now being. Desires leave to wait upon the latter and do her Grace service. Trusts to Henry's mercy to come into his presence. As he has always shown pity, "as much or more than any prince christened," hopes he will show it to his humble and obedient daughter. Prays God to send him a prince. Hounsdon, 1 June.

Hol., mutilated.

On 01 Jun 1610 Prince Frederick (age 16) was created Prince of Wales and 1st Earl Chester. Peregrine Bertie (age 26) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

In May 1622 Barbara Villiers Countess Suffolk was born to Edward Villiers (age 37) and Barbara St John. She was baptised at Westinster Abbey on 01 Jun 1622.

Pepy's Diary. 01 Jun 1663. So home to supper and to bed. This day I hear at Court of the great plot which was lately discovered in Ireland, made among the Presbyters and others, designing to cry up the Covenant, and to secure Dublin Castle and other places; and they have debauched a good part of the army there, promising them ready money1. Some of the Parliament there, they say, are guilty, and some withdrawn upon it; several persons taken, and among others a son of Scott's, that was executed here for the King's murder. What reason the King (age 33) hath, I know not; but it seems he is doubtfull of Scotland: and this afternoon, when I was there, the Council was called extraordinary; and they were opening the letters this last post's coming and going between Scotland and us and other places. Blessed be God, my head and hands are clear, and therefore my sleep safe.

Note 1. This was known as "Blood's Plot", and was named after Colonel Thomas Blood (age 45), afterwards notorious for his desperate attack upon the Duke of Ormond (age 52) in St. James's Street (1670) and for his robbery of the crown jewels in the Tower (1671). He died August 24th, 1680.

Pepy's Diary. 01 Jun 1664. Up, having lain long, going to bed very late after the ending of my accounts. Being up Mr. Hollyard (age 55) came to me, and to my great sorrow, after his great assuring me that I could not possibly have the stone again, he tells me that he do verily fear that I have it again, and has brought me something to dissolve it, which do make me very much troubled, and pray to God to ease me.

Evelyn's Diary. 01 Jun 1666. Being in my garden at 6 o'clock in the evening, and hearing the great guns go thick off, I took horse and rode that night to Rochester, Kent [Map]; thence next day toward the Downs and seacoast, but meeting the Lieutenant of the Hampshire frigate, who told me what passed, or rather what had not passed, I returned to London, there being no noise, or appearance at Deal, Kent [Map], or on that coast of any engagement. Recounting this to his Majesty (age 36), whom I found at St James' Park [Map], impatiently expecting, and knowing that Prince Rupert (age 46) was loose about three at St. Helen's Point at N. of the Isle of Wight, it greatly rejoiced him; but he was astonished when I assured him they heard nothing of the guns in the Downs, nor did the Lieutenant who landed there by five that morning.

From 01 Jun 1666 to 04 Jun 1666 the English and Dutch fleets engaged in battle. The English lost ten ships and 1000 men. The Dutch lost four ships and 1500 men.

On 01 Jun 1666 William Berkeley (age 27) was killed.

The Gloucester took part.

01 Jun 1759. Kew Bridge [Map] is a bridge over the River Thames. The original bridge was constructed before 1759. The first bridge was built by Robert Tunstall of Brentford who previously owned the ferry on the site. The bridge was inaugurated on 1 June 1759 by the Prince of Wales (age 20) driving over it with his mother (age 39) and a number of other royals, and was opened to the public three days later.

On 01 Jun 1759 John Fane 10th Earl of Westmoreland was born to John Fane 9th Earl of Westmoreland (age 31) and Augusta Bertie (age 27).

Thomas Bateman 1824. June 1st, 1824, an ineffectual attempt was made to open the immense tumulus [Map] forming part of the temple of Arbor Lowe [Map]. A deeper cutting was made in the same direction as the one made by Major Rooke in 1782, which was equally abortive; the only articles found by the Major being the almost universal rats' bones and part of a stag's horn; on the later attempt nothing occurred but one human tooth and some animal bones.

Derbyshire Archaeological Journal Volume 30 1908 Page 155. [Fol. 43.] June 1st and 2nd 18241.

The large barrow [Gib Hill Barrow [Map]] situate 4 or 500 yds. from Arborlow, in a field called Gib hill [Map], belonging to Mr. Thos. Bateman of Middleton by Youlgreave, was opened by Mr W. Bateman (age 37), and myself, by driving a level through the S.E. side to the centre. The first covering which was about 2 yard in depth consisted of loose stones and earth, (but not so stoney as the Arborlow) under which a thin layer of tuft stone. Beneath this was a stratum similar to the first of about 1½ yards in thickness with a second thin bed of tuft stone. To this succeeded a stiff reddish brown clay, completely saturated with what we supposed to be animal matter, and having evident marks of fire. This clay was laid on the natural soil, about 1½ yds. in thickness, and 3 or 4 yards in diameter, and was throughout its whole circumference full of burnt bones and charcoal, disposed apparently in layers. A stratum of tuft stone which we supposed had been changed into a yellow ochry substance by the action of the fire, was placed under this; beneath which we penetrated to the solid rock 5 or 6 yds. in perpendicular height from the summit of the mount. We carefully examined the clayey stratum but could find no traces of an urn having ever been deposited; we found in the clay a small arrow head of flint, and a stone of somewhat peculiar shape, much broken, which might have been made use of as a hatchet2, some pieces of burnt bones (whether human or not cannot be ascertained) and a (very) few bones of rats were found3.

The mount has, no doubt, been raised over the funeral pile of some family, in which the bodies were entirely consumed, perhaps before the introduction of urn burial. The tumulus has evidently been connected with the adjoining temple by a small rampire of earth which runs Southward from the vallum of the Arborlow, round this barrow to the Westward; but may not be coeval with the original foundation of the temple. The remains found are in the possession of Mr. W. Bateman of Middleton.

One of the men employed in this excavation stated positively that he and a John Broomhead, had, under the direction of Mr. B. Thornhill, of Stanton, dug down into the centre of this barrow many years before, when they found the bones of a human hand, and several Coins, some of which were silver, and that on their arrival at some large stones, they desisted. The coins were taken away by Mr. Thornhill. The stones appear to have been considerably above the stratum of burnt bones, &c. mentioned. On Mr. Bateman's application to Mr. Thornhill on the subject, he denied having any recollection of opening the barrow at all.

Samuel Mitchell (age 21) Junior.

Note 1. Vestiges, pp. 31-2, and briefly in Ten Years' Diggings, pp. 17-20, in both of which the above exploration is attributed to Mr. W. Bateman only. These pages in Ten Years' Diggings record the opening of this great-barrow by Mr T. Bateman, January 10th-17th, 1848, when a huge cist containing burnt human bones and a vase were found near the summit.

Note 2. "A battered celt of basaltic stone"- Ten Years' Diggings, p. 20. In addition to the "finds" enumerated above, a small iron fibula was found in the upper part of the mound.

Note 3. Mr. Mitchell's account of the opening of this barrow is valuable, as his description of the construction is more detailed antl explicit than that of Vestiges, p. 31. The exploration of 1848 proved that the upper portion of the mound had been raised over four small ones of clay, placed square-wise. The present writer has recently suggested that these may simply represent the mode of constructing a square mound like that near the south-west side of the great circle at Dove Holes [Map], and that the upper material of stones and earth represents a subsequent enlarging of the barrow when the cist was introduced (Reliquary, 1908). Derbyshire has supplied other examples of barrows which have been raised or otherwise enlarged upon the occasion of later burials.

On 01 Jun 1831 John Jackson (age 53) died.

On 01 Jun 1838 Edith Somerset Countess Londesborough was born to Henry Somerset 7th Duke Beaufort (age 46) and Emily Frances Smith Duchess Beaufort (age 38).

On 01 Jun 1856 Herbert Gustav Schmalz aka Carmichael was born to Gustave Schmalz and Margaret Carmichael. His father was the German Consul to England. He studied at the South Kensington Art School and the Royal Academy of Arts, where he studied with Frank Dicksee (age 2), Stanhope Forbes and Arthur Hacker.

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. On 01 Jun 1858 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 30) wrote to William Bell Scott (age 47):

I am in the stunning position this morning of expecting the actual visit, at ½ past 11, of a model whom I have been longing to paint for years - Miss Herbert (age 27) of the Olympic Theatre - who has the most varied and highest expression I ever saw in a woman's face, besides abundant beauty, golden hair, etc. Did you ever see her? O my eye! she has sat to me now and will sit to me for Mary Magdalene in the picture I am beginning. Such luck!'.

From 31 May 1916 to 01 Jun 1916 the Battle of Jutland was fought between the British and German fleets.

Births on the 1st June

On 01 Jun 1134 Geoffrey Plantagenet Count Nantes was born to Geoffrey Plantagenet Duke Normandy (age 20) and Empress Matilda (age 32) at Rouen, France [Map] or Argentan. He a grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

Around 01 Jun 1289 Guy de Bryan was born.

On 01 Jun 1358 Maurice Berkeley was born to Thomas Berkeley 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 26) and Katherine Botetort (age 18).

On 01 Jun 1438 Thomas Bryan was born.

On 01 Jun 1451 Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney was born to William Daubeney (age 27) and Alice Stourton (age 19).

On 01 Jun 1464 Thomas Bryan was born to Thomas Bryan (age 26).

On 01 Jun 1527 John Pitt was born.

On 01 Jun 1569 Sophia Oldenburg was born to Duke Adolph Oldenburg of Holstein-Gotorp (age 43) and Christine Hesse (age 25).

On 01 Jun 1572 Thomas Clifford was born to Anthony Clifford (age 44) at Ugbrooke House Chudleigh, Devon.

On or before 01 Jun 1585 Martha Herrick was born to Robert Herrick of St Martin's, Leicester. She was baptised on 01 Jun 1585.

Around 01 Jun 1589 Edward Radclyffe 2nd Baronet was born to Francis Radclyffe 1st Baronet (age 24) and Isabel Grey (age 29).

In May 1622 Barbara Villiers Countess Suffolk was born to Edward Villiers (age 37) and Barbara St John. She was baptised at Westinster Abbey on 01 Jun 1622.

On or before 01 Jun 1623 Rowland Hill was born to Rowland Hill of Hawkestone (age 30). He was baptised 01 Jun 1623.

On 01 Jun 1673 Louise Françoise Bourbon was born illegitimately to Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 34) and Françoise Athénaïs Marquise Montespan (age 32).

On 01 Jun 1722 John Parr was born.

On 01 Jun 1723 Richard Savage Nassau was born to Frederick Nassau (age 41) at St Osyth's, Essex.

On 01 Jun 1731 Richard Temple 7th Baronet was born to Peter Temple 6th Baronet (age 36).

On 01 Jun 1742 David Erskine 11th Earl of Buchan was born to Henry Erskine 10th Earl of Buchan (age 32) and Agnes Steuart.

On 01 Jun 1759 John Fane 10th Earl of Westmoreland was born to John Fane 9th Earl of Westmoreland (age 31) and Augusta Bertie (age 27).

On 01 Jun 1769 Brooke Henry Bridges was born to Brook Bridges 3rd Baronet (age 35) and Fanny Fowler (age 22).

On 01 Jun 1769 Urania Anabella Wallop was born to John Wallop 2nd Earl Portsmouth (age 26) and Urania Fellowes (age 27).

On 01 Jun 1780 Frances Fitzroy Baroness Churchill Wychwood was born to Augustus Henry Fitzroy 3rd Duke Grafton (age 44) and Elizabeth Wrottesley Duchess Grafton (age 34). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 01 Jun 1782 William Fitzroy was born to Augustus Henry Fitzroy 3rd Duke Grafton (age 46) and Elizabeth Wrottesley Duchess Grafton (age 36). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 01 Jun 1804 Alexander Murray 6th Earl Dunmore was born to George Murray 5th Earl Dunmore (age 42) and Susan Hamilton Countess Dunmore (age 30). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.30%.

On 01 Jun 1827 George Frederick Dawson was born to Lionel Charles Dawson (age 37) and Elizabeth Nugent.

On 01 Jun 1827 Elizabeth King was born to John James King (age 32).

On 01 Jun 1828 William James Stillman was born at Schenectady.

On 01 Jun 1832 Judith Agnes Boothby was born to Reverend Charles Boothby (age 46).

On 01 Jun 1833 Reverend Robert Henniker was born to Aldborough Brydges John Henniker (age 36).

On 01 Jun 1838 Edith Somerset Countess Londesborough was born to Henry Somerset 7th Duke Beaufort (age 46) and Emily Frances Smith Duchess Beaufort (age 38).

On 01 Jun 1855 Edmund Bernard Fitzalan Howard 1st Viscount Fitzalan Derwent Derby was born to Henry Granville Fitzalan 14th Duke of Norfolk (age 40) and Augusta Mary Minna Catherine Lyons Duchess Norfolk (age 33).

On 01 Jun 1856 Herbert Gustav Schmalz aka Carmichael was born to Gustave Schmalz and Margaret Carmichael. His father was the German Consul to England. He studied at the South Kensington Art School and the Royal Academy of Arts, where he studied with Frank Dicksee (age 2), Stanhope Forbes and Arthur Hacker.

On 01 Jun 1858 Arnold Keppel 8th Earl Albermarle was born to William Keppel 7th Earl Albermarle (age 26) and Sophia Mary MacNab of Dundurn Castle (age 25).

On 01 Jun 1885 Edward Devereux Tollemache was born to Hamilton James Tollemache (age 33) and Mabel Hanbury (age 26).

On 01 Jun 1907 Richard Charles Geers Cotterell 5th Baronet was born to John Richard Geers Cotterell 4th Baronet (age 40) and Evelyn Gordon-Lennox (age 35).

On 01 Jun 1913 George Edwin Douglas Duntze 6th Baronet was born to George Puxley Duntze 5th Baronet (age 39).

On 01 Jun 1939 Robert Edgcumbe 8th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe was born to George Edgecumbe (age 32).

Marriages on the 1st June

Before 01 Jun 1358 Thomas Berkeley 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 26) and Katherine Botetort (age 18) were married. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King John "Lackland" of England.

Before 01 Jun 1402 Thomas Mowbray 4th Earl Norfolk 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 16) and Constance Holland Countess Norfolk and Nottingham (age 15) were married. She by marriage Countess Norfolk, Countess Nottingham. She the daughter of John Holland 1st Duke Exeter and Elizabeth Lancaster Duchess Exeter (age 39). He the son of Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk (age 36). They were third cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 01 Jun 1470 Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 37) and Joan Welles 9th Baroness Willoughby of Eresby were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

After 01 Jun 1580 James Douglas 8th of Cavers and Margaret Cranstoun were married.

On 01 Jun 1601 Henry Montagu 1st Earl Manchester (age 38) and Catherine Spencer (age 15) were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years.

On 01 Jun 1662 William Douglas 9th Earl Morton and Grizel Middleton Countess Morton were married. She by marriage Countess Morton. She the daughter of John Middleton 1st Earl Middleton (age 54) and Grizel Durham Countess Middleton. He the son of Robert Douglas 8th Earl Morton and Elizabeth Villiers Countess Morton.

On or after 01 Jun 1696, the date of the licence, William Barnesley (age 47) and Jane L'Estrange (age 30) were married.

Before 01 Jun 1723 Frederick Nassau (age 41) and Elizabeth "Bessy" Savage Countess Barrymore were married. She the daughter of Richard Savage 4th Earl Rivers.

On 01 Jun 1728 John Dutton 2nd Baronet (age 44) and Mary Keck Lady Dutton were married with a settlement of £20000. She by marriage Lady Dutton of Sherborne in Gloucestershire.

On 01 Jun 1732 Charles Hanbury Williams (age 22) and Frances Coningsby (age 25) were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly. She the daughter of Thomas Coningsby 1st Earl Coningsby and Frances Jones Countess Coningsbury.

On 01 Jun 1780 Alexander Lindsay 6th Earl Balcarres (age 28) and Elizabeth Bradshaigh Dalrymple Countess Balcarres were married. She by marriage Countess Balcarres. They had five children He the son of James Lindsay 5th Earl Balcarres and Anne Dalrymple Countess Balcarres (age 53). They were first cousins.

On 01 Jun 1791 William Cockburn 6th Baronet and Elizabeth Anne Creutzer (age 33) were married.

On 01 Jun 1793 Archibald Kennedy 1st Marquess of Ailsa (age 23) and Margaret Erskine Marchioness Ailsa (age 21) were married. He the son of Archibald Kennedy 11th Earl Cassilis (age 73).

On 01 Jun 1794 Charles Edmonstone 2nd Baronet (age 30) and Emma Wilbraham-Bootle were married.

On 01 Jun 1801 Charles Des Voeux 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Christina Hird were married.

After 01 Jun 1811 Thomas Lyon Bowes 11th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 38) and Eliza Northcote were married. He the son of John Lyon 9th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne and Mary Bowes Countess Strathmore.

On 01 Jun 1818 General Thomas Bradford (age 40) and Mary Ann Atkinson were married.

On 01 Jun 1818 Adolphus Hanover 1st Duke Cambridge (age 44) and Princess Augusta Hesse-Kassel Duchess Cambridge (age 20) were married. She by marriage Duchess Cambridge. The difference in their ages was 23 years. He the son of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 79) and Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England (age 74). They were second cousins. She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 01 Jun 1827 Arthur Charles Legge (age 26) and Maria Josepha Holroyd Baroness Stanley Alderley were married. She the daughter of John Baker Holroyd 1st Earl Sheffield and Abigail Way Countess Sheffield. He the son of George Legge 3rd Earl Dartmouth and Frances Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 66).

On 01 Jun 1851 Edward Frederick Leveson-Gower (age 32) and Margaret Compton (age 21) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She the daughter of Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton and Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton. He the son of Granville Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Granville and Harriet Cavendish Countess Granville (age 65).

Before 01 Jun 1856 Gustave Schmalz and Margaret Carmichael were married. She the daughter of James aka John Wilson Carmichael (age 55) and Mary Sweet (age 52).

On 01 Jun 1858 Henry Frederick Thynne (age 25) and Ulrica Frederica Jane Seymour (age 25) were married. She the daughter of Edward Adolphus Seymour 12th Duke of Somerset (age 53) and Jane Georgiana Sheridan Duchess Somerset (age 48). He the son of Henry Frederick Thynne 3rd Marquess of Bath and Harriet Baring Marchioness Bath (age 54).

On 01 Jun 1875 William Randall McDonnell 6th Earl of Antrim (age 24) and Louisa Grey Countess of Antrim (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Antrim 2C. He the son of Mark Kerr aka McDonnell 5th Earl of Antrim and Jane Macan Countess of Antrim (age 50).

On 01 Jun 1886 Charles Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis 21st Baron Clinton (age 23) and Jane Grey McDonnell Baroness Clinton (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Mark Kerr aka McDonnell 5th Earl of Antrim and Jane Macan Countess of Antrim (age 61). They were second cousin once removed.

On 01 Jun 1889 Alfred John Mulholland (age 32) and Mabel Charlotte Saunderson were married.

On 01 Jun 1891 George Keppel (age 25) and Alice Frederica Edmonstone aka Keppel (age 23) were married at St Paul's Church, Knightsbridge. He the son of William Keppel 7th Earl Albermarle (age 59) and Sophia Mary MacNab of Dundurn Castle (age 58). He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 01 Jun 1893 Herbert Charles Arthur Langham 13th Baronet (age 23) and Ethel Sarah Emerson-Tennent Lady Langham (age 21) were married.

On 01 Jun 1920 Alfred Charlemagne Lambart and Anne Belcher were married.

On 01 Jun 1926 Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Gerald Ritson (age 46) and Kitty Edith Blanche Ogilvy (age 39) were married. She the daughter of David Ogilvy 11th Earl of Airlie and Mabell Gore Countess Airlie (age 60).

Before 01 Jun 2018 John Julius Cooper 2nd Viscount Norwich (age 88) and Mary Makins (age 83) were married.

Deaths on the 1st June

On 01 Jun 1146 Ermengarde Anjou Duchess Brittany and Aquitaine (age 78) died.

On 01 Jun 1220 Henry Bohun 1st Earl Hereford (age 44) died in the Middle East. His son Humphrey Bohun 2nd Earl Hereford 1st Earl Essex (age 16) succeeded 2nd Earl Hereford.

On 01 Jun 1235 Piers Fitzherbert (age 72) died.

On 01 Jun 1306 Brian Fitzalan 1st Baron Fitzalan of Bedale (age 32) died.

On 01 Jun 1306 Alan Fitzalan of Bedale (age 68) was killed by Payn le Keu in self-defense in Ingham, Norfolk.

On 01 Jun 1308 John Arden (age 42) died at Alvanley Helsby.

On 01 Jun 1315 Joan D'Engayne Baroness Welles and Ughtred died.

On or after 01 Jun 1322 Ferdinando de la Cerda (age 47) died.

Around 01 Jun 1347 Guy de Bryan (age 58) died.

On 01 Jun 1378 Marmaduke Constable (age 68) died.

On 01 Jun 1399 Margery Bacon (age 63) died.

On 01 Jun 1426 Ida Grey (age 58) died.

On 01 Jun 1434 Władysław II Jagiełło (age 82) died.

On 01 Jun 1438 Margaret Tuchet (age 40) died.

On 01 Jun 1445 Jacques Savoy died at Geneva.

On 01 Jun 1449 Muriella Keith Duchess Albany (age 91) died.

On 01 Jun 1458 Richard Darcy (age 33) died at Upsall.

On 01 Jun 1469 Eleanor Fitzalan died.

On 01 Jun 1505 Ralph Harbottle (age 42) died.

On 01 Jun 1518 John Egerton (age 65) died.

On 01 Jun 1543 Admiral Philippe Chabot (age 51) died.

On 01 Jun 1548 Bridget Baldry (age 32) died.

On 01 Jun 1560 Anthony Hussey (age 64) died.

On 01 Jun 1599 Gilbert Lyttelton (age 59) died.

On 01 Jun 1601 William Willoughby (age 49) died.

On 01 Jun 1617 Martha Garrard (age 31) died.

On 01 Jun 1623 Jane Legard (age 55) died.

After 01 Jun 1641 Anne Burgh died.

On 01 Jun 1650 Thomas Erle (age 29) died.

On 01 Jun 1653 Admiral Richard Deane (age 42) died.

On 01 Jun 1657 John Gorges (age 64) died.

From 01 Jun 1666 to 04 Jun 1666 the English and Dutch fleets engaged in battle. The English lost ten ships and 1000 men. The Dutch lost four ships and 1500 men.

On 01 Jun 1666 William Berkeley (age 27) was killed.

The Gloucester took part.

On 01 Jun 1676 George Hamilton Comte d' Hamilton was killed in action while commanding Luxembourg's rear-guard at the Col de Saverne .

On 01 Jun 1677 Mary Montgomerie Countess Winton died.

On 01 Jun 1678 Eleanor Polkston (age 85) died.

Before 01 Jun 1691 John Evelyn of Wotton (age 39) died. He was buried on 02 Jun 1691 at Wotton Church.

On 01 Jun 1715 Mary Bourne (age 57) died.

On 01 Jun 1716 Reverend John Moore died.

On 01 Jun 1726 Richard Middlemore (age 69) died.

On 01 Jun 1730 Nicholas Crispe 4th Baronet (age 12) died unmarried. His uncle Charles Crispe 5th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 5th Baronet Crispe of Hammersmith in Middlesex.

On 01 Jun 1769 Frances Poole Viscountess Palmerston (age 40) died.

On 01 Jun 1772 Charles Denis died.

On 01 Jun 1794 Alicia Carpenter Countess Egremont (age 68) died.

On 01 Jun 1798 Dorothy Hobart (age 73) died.

On 01 Jun 1811 Mary Louisa Elizabeth Rodney Carpenter (age 28) died.

On 01 Jun 1821 John Dalrymple 6th Earl of Stair (age 72) died without issue. His first cousin John Dalrymple 7th Earl of Stair (age 36) succeeded 7th Earl of Stair.

On 01 Jun 1825 Elizabeth Murray (age 65) died.

On 25 May 1828 Frank Abney-Hastings (age 34) was wounded in an attempt to reclaim Missolonghi. On 01 Jun 1828 Frank Abney-Hastings (age 34) died from his injuries in Zakynthos. Greece held a national funeral in honor of him. He was laid to rest beneath the arsenal of Poros, today a Hellenic Naval Academy, and his heart is preserved in the Anglican Church in Athens. Multiple monuments in Greece were built in his honor, and several streets were named after him.

On 01 Jun 1829 Thomas Stapleton (age 37) died.

On 01 Jun 1829 William Burroughs 1st Baronet (age 76) died. Baronet Burroughs of Castle Bagshaw in County Wicklow extinct.

On 01 Jun 1831 John Jackson (age 53) died.

On 01 Jun 1856 Elizabeth Frederica Hervey died.

On 01 Jun 1873 Georges Demètre Bibesco (age 69) died.

On 01 Jun 1876 William Jolliffe 1st Baron Hylton (age 75) died. His son Hedworth Joliffe 2nd Baron Hylton (age 46) succeeded 2nd Baron Hylton of Hylton in County Durham.

On 01 Jun 1879 Elizabeth Finch died.

On 01 Jun 1879 George Charles Mostyn (age 49) died.

On 01 Jun 1885 Charles Fieschi Heneage Gentleman Usher (age 78) died.

On 01 Jun 1903 Julius Glücksburg (age 78) died.

On 01 Jun 1905 Harriet Jane Pearson (age 66) died.

On 01 Jun 1911 Dudley Amelius Hervey (age 62) died.

On 01 Jun 1952 Margery Joan Shirley (age 60) died.

On 01 Jun 1970 Lucy Littleton (age 93) died.

On 01 Jun 1984 Mary Theresa Montagu-Douglas-Scott (age 80) died.

On 01 Jun 1991 Daphne Crommelin Russell (age 70) died.

On 01 Jun 2018 John Julius Cooper 2nd Viscount Norwich (age 88) died. His son Jason Cooper 3rd Viscount Norwich (age 59) succeeded 3rd Viscount Norwich of Aldwick in Sussex.

On 01 Jun 2020 Charles Theodore Gunning 9th Baronet (age 84) died. His brother John Robert Gunning 10th Baronet (age 75) de jure 10th Baronet Gunning of Eltham in Kent. As of Jan 2023 the Official Roll of the Baronetage describes the baronetcy as Vacant.