On this Day in History ... 2nd December

02 Dec is in December.

1307 Tournament at Wallingford

1529 Henry VIII Creates New Peerages

1546 Arrest of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk and his son Henry

1551 Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

1688 Glorious Revolution

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 2nd December

On 02 Dec 1022 Alfonso "Noble" V King Leon (age 28) and Urraca Jiménez Queen Consort Leon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Leon. She the daughter of García Sánchez "Tremulous" II King Pamplona and Jimena Fernández Bermúdez Queen Consort Pamplona. He the son of Bermudo "Gouty" II King Galicia II King Leon and Elviro Garcia Queen Galicia. They were half first cousins.

On 02 Dec 1022 Elvira González Queen Consort Leon (age 26) died.

On 02 Dec 1307 King Edward II of England (age 23) held a tournament to celebrate Piers Gaveston's (age 23) recent wedding. Gaveston (age 23) took the opportunity to humiliate the older nobility including John Warenne 7th Earl of Surrey (age 21), Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 31) and Edmund Fitzalan 9th Earl of Arundel (age 22) further increasing his unpopularity.

After 02 Dec 1307 Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 23) exiled as a result of the nobilty forcing King Edward II of England (age 23) to do so.

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 02 Dec 1450. And that same day, the aftyr non, the Duke of Yorke (age 39) roode - thoroughe London. And he made to be cryde in dyvers placys that whatb maner a man that robbyd or ryfylde any persone schulde have as hastely jewys as the said man hadde. And uppon Thursday nexte folowynge the King come fro Westemyster, ryddyng thoroughe London; and whythe the Duke of Yorke (age 39), and the moste dele in substans of alle the lordys in this londe, with her retenowys of fensabylle men ; whyche was a gay and a gloryus syght if hit hadde ben in Fraunce, but not in Ingelonde, for it boldyd some mennys hertys that it causyd aftyr many mannys dethe. Wher was or is the defaute I wotte not, &c.

Note b. what repeated in the MS.

Calendars. 02 Dec 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to the king's (age 19) kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 34), of the office of the constable of the Tower of London, with the accustomed fees.

On 01 Dec 1529 ...

Andrew Windsor 1st Baron Windsor (age 62) was created 1st Baron Windsor of Stanwell in Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth Blount Baroness Windsor (age 60) by marriage Baroness Windsor of Stanwell in Buckinghamshire.

John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 64) was created 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford. Anne Grey Baroness Hussey Sleaford by marriage Baroness Hussey of Sleaford.

On 02 Dec 1529 ...

Thomas Wentworth 1st Baron Wentworth (age 28) was created 1st Baron Wentworth. Margaret Fortescue Baroness Wentworth (age 27) by marriage Baroness Wentworth.

Thomas Burgh 7th Baron Cobham 5th Baron Strabolgi 1st Baron Burgh (age 41) was created 1st Baron Burgh. Agnes Tyrwhitt Baroness Cobham, Strabolgi and Burgh (age 48) by marriage Baroness Burgh. This is regarded as a new creation rather than a continuation of the previous creation Baron Burgh since Thomas's father was never summoned to Parliament due to his insanity. Some sources refer to Thomas as the 3rd Baron Burgh.

On 04 Dec 1529 Edmund Braye 1st Baron Braye (age 45) was created 1st Baron Braye.

The History of England under Henry VIII 1546. 02 Dec 1546. The first that manifested himself was Sir Richard Southwel (age 43), who (Dec. 2.) said that he knew certain things of the earl, that touched his fidelity to the king: the earl, before the Lord Chancellor Wriothesley (age 40), the Lord St. John, the Earl of Hertford, and others, vehemently (Dec. 2.) affirmed himself a true man, desiring to be try'd by justice, or else offering himself to fight in his shirt with Southwel: but the lords for the present only committed them. The duke this while, hearing his son was in trouble, sends (Dec. 3. 4.) to divers of his friends to know the cause, and particularly to the Bishop of Winchester: those letters yet (it is probable) fell into the king's council's hands; but could not preserve him from being involved in his son's fortune: so that (Dec. 12.) he was sent for, and the same day, not long after his son, committed to the Tower. Divers persons also were examined concerning his affairs. Mrs. Elizabeth Holland being disposed, confess'd, that the duke had told her, that none of the king's council loved him, because they were no noblemen born themselves; as also because he believ'd too truly in the sacrament of the altar. Moreover, that the king loved him not, because he was too much lov'd in his country; but that he would follow his father's lesson, which was. that the less others set by him, the more he would set by himself. As also, that the duke complain'd that he was not of the most secret (or, as it is there term'd, the privy) council. And that the king was much grown of his body, and that he could not go up and down the stairs, but was let up and down by a device. And that his majesty was sickly, and could not long endure; and the rea.lm like to be in an ill case thro' diversity of opinions. And that if he were a young man, and the realm in quiet, he would ask leave to see the vernacle; which he said, was the picture of Christ given to women by himself as he went to death. As touching his arms, that she had not heard the duke speak of his own, but of his son's, that he liked them not, and that he had gather'd them, himself knew not from whence; and that he placed the Norfolk's arms wrong, and had found fault with him: and therefore that she should take no pattern of his son's arms to work them with her needle in his house, but as he gave them. Furthermore, she confess'd that the Earl of Surrey lov'd her not, nor the Dutchess of Richmond him; and that she addicted herself much to the said dutchess.

Mary Dutchess of Richmond being examin'd, confess'd that the duke her father wou'd have had her marry Sir Thomas Seymour, brother to the Earl of Hertford, which her brother also desir'd, wishing her withal to endear her self so into the king's favour, as she might the better rule here as others had done; and that she refused: and that her father would have had the Earl of Surrey to have matched with the Earl of Hertford's daughter, which her brother likewise heard of (and that this was the cause of his father's displeasure) as taking Hertford to be his enemy. And that her brother was so much incens'd against the said earl, as the duke his father said thereupon, his son would lose as much as he had gather'd together.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 02 Dec 1551. Item the nexte day was the lorde Gray with dyvers other that ware in the tower [Map] was browte unto Westmester unto the starre chamber, and sent home agayne.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 02 Dec 1554. The ij day of Desember dyd com to Powlles all prestes and clarkes with ther copes and crosses, and all the craftes in ther leverey, and my lorde mayre and the althermen, agaynst my lord cardenall('s) (age 54) commyng; and at the bysshopes of London plase my lord chansseler and alle the bysshopes tarehyng for my lord cardenall (age 54) commyng, that was at ix of the cloke, for he landyd at Beynard Castell [Map]; and ther my lord mayre reseyvyd hym, and browgth ym to the Powllse, and so my lord chanseler (age 71) and my lord cardenall (age 54) and all the byshopes whent up in-to the[choir] ]with ther meyturs; and at x of the cloke the Kyng('s) (age 27) grace cam to Powlles to her mase with iiij C. of gaard, on C. Englys, on C. HeAlmen, on C. Spaneards, on C. of Swechenars [Switzers], and mony lords and knyghtes, and hard masse. Boyth the quen('s) chapell and the kynges and Powlles qwer [choir] song.

Note. P. 77. The cardinal's coming to St. Paul's. A fuller account of this solemnity will be found in Stowe, p. 625. Like his predecessor Wolsey, Pole went in procession "with a cross, two pillars, and two poleaxes of silver borne before him."

After 21 Feb 1581. Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. Elizabethan Period monument to Robert Keilway (deceased). This memorial is attributed by Pevsner to Nicholas Johnson and by others to Nicholas Stone. Made of various marbles, a large standing wall monument of 1580, richly decorated and with a recumbant and kneeling figures of the whole family, in an aedicule, capped by obelisk, arms, etc.

His son-in-law John Harington 1st Baron Harington (age 41).

His daughter Anne Keilway Baroness Harington (age 27).

His grandson Kelwey who died aged 21 weeks.

His grand-daughter Lucy Harrington Countess Bedford (age 1).

His feet resting on a horse with its head turned back.

A Harpy. The begin to appear at the end of the 16th Century - see All Saints Church, Turvey [Map].

The same armorial on both sides include Harrington Arms, Keilway Arms

His arms quartered 1: Keilway Arms.

A separate wall mounted monument to Robert Keilway (age 84) with the inscription "Here lies Robert Keylway a distinguished esquire among civilians (whilst he lived), renowned for talent, learning and virtue, who loved retirement, lived as a Christian and died in the Lord on the 21st of February 1581 in the year of our Salvation, 1580, and the 84th year of his age. He left Anne (age 27) his sole heiress and only dearly loved daughter married to John Harrington of Exton, Knt (age 41), whom he had always affectionately loved as a son and friend, by which Anne (age 27) the said John (age 41) had during the life of the aforesaid Robert (deceased) two children, a son, Kelwey, who died Dec. 2nd, 1570, 21 weeks old, and lies buried here with his grandfather, and also a daughter Lucy (age 1) still surviving, and may God grant her a long life. To pay, therefore, a just tribute to so dear and affectionate a parent and to leave to posterity an evidence of their deep gratitude, the said John (age 41) and Anne (age 27) have raised this. Monument and dedicated to their father, Keylwey, and their son Keylwey (to their lasting memory if it so please God) and design it, if God will, as a sepulchre for themselves also".

After 02 Dec 1608. St Vincent's Church, Caythorpe [Map]. Memorial to Charles Hussey of Honington (deceased).

Charles Hussey of Honington: Around 1535 he was born to Robert Hussey and Jane Stydolf. Before 10 Oct 1585 Charles Hussey of Honington and Ellen Birch were married. On 02 Dec 1608 Charles Hussey of Honington died.

Evelyn's Diary. 02 Dec 1666. Dined with me Monsieur Kiviet (age 39), a Dutch gentleman-pensioner of Rotterdam, who came over for protection, being of the Prince of Orange's (age 16) party, now not welcome in Holland. The King (age 36) knighted him for some merit in the Prince's (age 16) behalf. He should, if caught, have been beheaded with Monsieur Buat, and was brother-in-law to Van Tromp, the sea-general. With him came Mr. Gabriel Sylvius, and Mr. Williamson (age 33), secretary to Lord Arlington (age 48); M. Kiviet (age 39) came to examine whether the soil about the river of Thames would be proper to make clinker bricks, and to treat with me about some accommodation in order to it.

On 02 Dec 1680 William Ellis (age 71) died. He was buried at Nocton, North Kesteven where he has a monument attributed to William Stanton (age 41).

William Ellis: In 1609 he was born.

Evelyn's Diary. 02 Dec 1688. Dr. Tenison (age 52) preached at St. Martin's [Map] on Psalm xxxvi. 5, 6, 7, concerning Providence. I received the blessed Sacrament. Afterward, visited my Lord Godolphin (age 43), then going with the Marquis of Halifax (age 55) and Earl of Nottingham (age 41) as Commissioners to the Prince of Orange (age 38); he told me they had little power. Plymouth, Devon [Map] declared for the Prince (age 38). Bath, Somerset [Map], York [Map], Hull [Map], Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map], and all the eminent nobility and persons of quality through England, declare for the Protestant religion and laws, and go to meet the Prince (age 38), who every day sets forth new Declarations against the Papists. The great favorites at Court, Priests and Jesuits, fly or abscond. Everything, till now concealed, flies abroad in public print, and is cried about the streets. Expectation of the Prince (age 38) coming to Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. The Prince of Wales and great treasure sent privily to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], the Earl of Dover (age 52) being Governor. Address from the Fleet not grateful to his Majesty (age 55). The Papists in offices lay down their commissions, and fly. Universal consternation among them; it looks like a revolution.

Evelyn's Diary. 02 Dec 1697. Thanksgiving Day for the Peace, the King (age 47) and a great Court at Whitehall [Map]. The Bishop of Salisbury (age 54) preached, or rather made a florid panegyric, on 2 Chron. ix. 7, 8. The evening concluded with fireworks and illuminations of great expense.

On 02 Dec 1792 Joseph Yorke 1st Baron Dover (age 68) died without issue. Baron Dover extinct. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].

Inscription panel surmounted by a sarcophagus with flanking trophies and small medallions of arms in the apron; signed 'J. Bacon Sculptor (age 52): London 1798'

On 02 Dec 1797 William Owen (age 28) and Lener Leaf were married.

After 02 Dec 1813 Ellen Thresher Lady Wrey (age 82) was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. Beneath this Marble are also deposited the earthly Remains of Ellen Lady Wrey (deceased), Relict of Sir Bourchier Wrey Baronet, She died at the venerable Age of eighty, affectionately regretted by her surviving family, and closing on the 2d of December 1813, a Life of habitual piety, active Benevolence & every christian Virtue, in the humble hope, through her Redeemers merits. Immortality.

Ellen Thresher Lady Wrey: In 1731 she was born. In 1755 Bourchier Wrey 6th Baronet and she were married at Corsham, Wiltshire. She by marriage Lady Wrey of Trebitch in Cornwall. On 02 Dec 1813 she died.

On 02 Dec 1826. Bourchier Wrey 7th Baronet (deceased) was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. SACRED to the memory of SIR BOURCHIER WREY Baronet, who through life maintained a character equally revered and beloved. Intelligent, upright, and benevolent he discharged with integrity the public duties of his station; whilst in the more amiable relations of society, suavity of manners, and goodness of heart procured him universal esteem. As a friend, he was social and sincere: as a parent, anxious and kind. Thus regarded by all, he expired on the 20th day of November 1826, in the 70th year of his age. He was twice married; first to Anne, the daughter of Sir Robert Palk, Bart. of Haldon House in this county, by whom he left two sons and a daughter. And secondly, to Anne, the daughter of John Osborne Esqre of Monksmill, in the county of Gloucester, by whom also he left one son and a daughter.

On 02 Dec 1849 Queen Adelaide of England (age 57) died.

02 Dec 1861. Statue to Charles William Vane 3rd Marquess Londonderry in Durham Marketplace unveiled on 02 Dec 1861 in a ceremony involving the rifle volunteers of Seaham, Sunderland and Durham City. Among those in attendance was the future prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli (age 56). When the Marquis of Londonderry died in 1854, his widow set up a subscription committee to raise money for a statue of him. The artist commissioned was Rafaelle Monti (age 43).

Rafaelle Monti: In 1818 he was born in Milan. In 1881 he died.

02 Dec 1910. Bassano Ltd. Photograph of Algernon George de Vere Capell 8th Earl of Essex (age 26), Mary Eveline Stewart Freeman and their son Reginald George de Vere Capell 9th Earl of Essex (age 4).

Mary Eveline Stewart Freeman: she was born to William Russell Stewart Freeman. On 28 Sep 1905 Algernon George de Vere Capell 8th Earl of Essex and she were married. He the son of George Capell 7th Earl of Essex and Ellenor Harriet Maria Harford. In 1925 Algernon George de Vere Capell 8th Earl of Essex and Mary Eveline Stewart Freeman were divorced. On 30 Oct 1955 she died.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1913 V38 Pages 1-11. Between 8 and 9 o'clock on the morning of December 2nd, 1911, one of the standing stones at Avebury fell. The stone is one of the two remaining stones of the three which are believed to have once formed a kind of cell, or cove, on the northern side of the Beckhampton, or western avenue, that issued from the great circle of Avebury. The third stone fell and was broken up many years ago. The group was known as "Longstone Cove [Map]," or the "Long- stones," but the two remaining stones are now sometimes spoken of locally as " Adam and Eve." The cove is described by Stukeley2 as consisting of two stones set at an angle to each other outside the avenue, the other stone that Stukeley regarded as the third member of the cove group, being at the same time one of the stones of the avenue. This latter stone is the smaller of the two now remaining, known as "Eve"; the larger one, "Adam," which fell in 1911, being one of the two original outstanding stones of the cove.

Note 1. These notes, so far as they relate to the discovery of the skeleton and drinking cup, were printed in Man, Vol. xii., No. 12, Dec, 1912, pp. 200 — 203, and the Society is indebted to the Council of the Royal Anthropological Institute for the loan of the two blocks which illustrate the paper.

Note 2. The Rev. W. C. Lukis, in a report on Stonehenge and Abury, printed in Proc. Soc. Ant., IX., 131, says (p. 155) of the Longtones Cove, "Stukeley says this cove is 'composed of three stones like that most magnificent one we described in the centre of the northern temple at Abury [Map]. They are set upon the arc of a circle regarding each other, with an obtuse angle,' and are placed on the north side of the avenue, one of the stones of that side making the back of the Cove.... Twining saw two stones only in 1723, therefore Stukeley saw no more; and his knowledge of a third stone must be derived from Aubrey, whose sketch given in his 'Monumenta Britannica' shows how unfaithful his drawings are as to the form and position of the stones. It is altogether an assumption on Stukeley's part that one of the stones of the Cove was one of the supposed avenue.... My own opinion is that these stones are the remains of a large circle — a monument entirely distinct from Avebury."

The Era 1899 Dec 02 Page 13. 02 Dec 1913. Review of Rip Van Wincle. Produced at the Princess of Wales's Theatre, Kennington, on Monday, Nov. 27th starring Sylvia Storey (age 24) as Little Meenie.

After 02 Dec 1926. Hasting's Chapel St Helen's Church Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire [Map]. Monument to Major Hubert James Cecil Rostron (deceased).

Major Hubert James Cecil Rostron: On 14 Feb 1875 he was born to Simpson Rostron of Beddington in Surrey. On 20 Sep 1916 he and Isabel Jacqueline Rawdon-Hastings were married. On 02 Dec 1926 he died.

Births on the 2nd December

Before 02 Dec 1457 Alexander Culpepper was born to John Culpepper (age 33) and Agnes Gaynsford (age 31) at Goudhurst, Kent. Based on his mother's death in 1457.

Before 02 Dec 1457 Walter Culpepper was born to John Culpepper (age 33) and Agnes Gaynsford (age 31). Based on his mother's death in 1457.

On 02 Dec 1565 Toby Caulfeild 1st Baron Caulfeild was born to Alexander Caulfeild of Great Milton in Oxfordshire.

On 02 Dec 1661 Nicholas L'Estrange 4th Baronet was born to Nicholas L'Estrange 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Mary Coke (age 44).

On 02 Dec 1678 Edmund Winn was born to Edmund Winn 2nd Baronet (age 34).

On 02 Dec 1774 Lieutenant-Colonel Philip James Cocks was born to Charles Cocks 1st Baron Somers (age 49) and Anne Pole (age 22).

On 02 Dec 1777 Jane Elizabeth Coke was born to Thomas Coke 1st Earl of Leicester (age 23) and Jane Dutton (age 24).

On 02 Dec 1782 Gerard Thomas Noel was born to Gerard Edwardes aka Noel 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Diana Middleton 2nd Baroness Barham (age 20).

On 02 Dec 1782 Thomas Digby Aubrey 7th Baronet was born to Richard Aubrey (age 38) and Frances Digby (age 30).

On 02 Dec 1804 Reverend Capel Molyneux was born to Captain John Molyneux (age 35).

On 02 Dec 1814 George Cadogan was born to George Cadogan 3rd Earl Cadogan (age 31).

On 02 Dec 1824 Lydia Sophia Dashwood was born to Vice Admiral William Bateman Dashwood (age 34).

On 02 Dec 1827 William Burges was born.

On 26 Jul 1841 Thomas Brocklebank of The Roseote in Heswall in Cheshire was born to Ralph Brocklebank of Childwall Hall. He was baptised on 02 Dec 1841 at St Augustine's Church, Liverpool.

On 02 Dec 1844 Frederick Hambleton Custance was born to Colonel Hambleton Francis Custance (age 35) and Frances Bacon (age 36).

On 02 Dec 1844 Gavin Fullarton Robison was born to James Cockburn Robison (age 38) and Mary Newbigging (age 38).

On 02 Dec 1845 Robert James Graham 10th Baronet was born to Edward Graham 9th Baronet (age 25). He was baptised on 31 Dec 1845 at St Pancras Old Church [Map].

On 02 Dec 1855 Reverend Edward Wynne Jervis Bankes was born to John Scott Bankes (age 29).

On 02 Dec 1865 Charles Malcolm was born.

On 02 Dec 1866 George Bridger Shiffner was born to George Croxton-Shiffner 4th Baronet (age 47).

On 02 Dec 1878 Clementine Isabel Maude was born to Captain Cornwallis Maude (age 26) and Eva Henrietta Brooke.

On 02 Dec 1938 Richard Carew Pole 13th Baronet was born to John Carew Pole 12th Baronet (age 36).

Marriages on the 2nd December

On 02 Dec 1022 Alfonso "Noble" V King Leon (age 28) and Urraca Jiménez Queen Consort Leon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Leon. She the daughter of García Sánchez "Tremulous" II King Pamplona and Jimena Fernández Bermúdez Queen Consort Pamplona. He the son of Bermudo "Gouty" II King Galicia II King Leon and Elviro Garcia Queen Galicia. They were half first cousins.

On 02 Dec 1630 John Carey 2nd Earl Dover (age 22) and Abigail Cockayne Countess Dover (age 20) were married. She the daughter of William Cockayne and Mary Morris Countess Dover (age 65). He the son of Henry Carey 1st Earl Dover (age 50) and Judith Pelham Countess Dover.

Before 02 Dec 1669 John Godden of Stoke Newington in Middlesex and Judith Mouse were married.

On 02 Dec 1669 James Herbert of Coldbrook Park (age 25) and Judith Mouse were married.

On 02 Dec 1683 George Verney 20th Baron Latimer 12th Baron Willoughby (age 24) and Margaret Heath Baroness Latimer and Willoughby were married.

On 02 Dec 1690 John Ernest Saxe Coburg Saalfeld IV Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 32) and Charlotte Johanna Waldeck Wildungen Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld were married at Maastricht. She by marriage Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld. He the son of Ernest "The Pious" Saxe Gotha I Duke Saxe Gotha and Elisabeth Sophie Saxe Altenburg Duchess Saxe Gotha.

Before 02 Dec 1700 Charles Spencer 3rd Earl of Sunderland (age 25) and Anne Churchill Countess Sunderland (age 17) were married. She the daughter of John Churchill 1st Duke of Marlborough (age 50) and Sarah Jennings Duchess of Marlborough (age 40). He the son of Robert Spencer 2nd Earl of Sunderland (age 59) and Anne Digby Countess Sunderland (age 54).

On 02 Dec 1764 George Robinson 5th Baronet (age 34) and Dorothea Chester Lady Robinson were married.

On 02 Dec 1771 Henry Dashwood aka Peyton 1st Baronet (age 35) and Frances Rous Lady Peyton were married.

On 02 Dec 1773 James Cecil 1st Marquess Salisbury (age 25) and Mary Amelia Hill Marchioness Salisbury (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Wills Hill 1st Marquess Downshire (age 55) and Margaretta Fitzgerald.

On 02 Dec 1780 Henry St John 13th Baron St John (age 22) and Emma Maria Elizabeth Whitbread Baroness St John Bletso were married. She by marriage Baroness St John of Bletso.

On 02 Dec 1783 Samuel Smith (age 29) and Elizabeth Frances Turnor (age 27) were married.

On 02 Dec 1797 William Owen (age 28) and Lener Leaf were married.

On 02 Dec 1819 Charles Orlando Bridgeman (age 28) and Eliza Caroline Chamberlain (age 20) were married. He the son of Orlando Bridgeman 1st Earl Bradford (age 57) and Lucy Elizabeth Byng Countess Bradford (age 53).

On 02 Dec 1856 Frederick Charles George Fitzclarence (age 30) and Adelaide Augusta Willhelmina Sidney were married. He the son of George Fitzclarence 1st Earl Munster and Mary Wyndham Countess Munster. They were first cousins. He a grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom. She a granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 02 Dec 1858 Wilbraham Tollemache 2nd Baron Tollemache (age 26) and Emma Georgiana Stewart (age 18) were married. She the daughter of Randolph Stewart 9th Earl Galloway (age 58) and Harriet Blanche Somerset Countess Galloway (age 47).

On 02 Dec 1905 Thomas William Coke 4th Earl of Leicester (age 25) and Marion Gertrude Trefusis Countess Leicester (age 23) were married. He the son of Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester (age 57) and Alice Emily White Countess Leicester (age 50).

On 02 Dec 1922 Henry Robert Fitzroy (age 24) and Bettine Violet Malcolm (age 22) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

On 02 Dec 1923 Brigadier Valentine Cecil Cavendish (age 27) and Violet Helen Boucher were married.

On 02 Dec 1958 William Bingham Compton 6th Marquess Northampton (age 73) and Elspeth Grace Whitaker Marchioness Northampton (age 54) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Northampton. He the son of William George Spencer Scott Compton 5th Marquess Northampton and Mary Florence Baring Marchioness Northampton.

Deaths on the 2nd December

On 02 Dec 1022 Elvira González Queen Consort Leon (age 26) died.

On 02 Dec 1079 Mabel Belleme was murdered.

On 02 Dec 1330 John de Thwenge (age 69) died.

Before 02 Dec 1340 Thomas Scrope died.

Before 02 Dec 1457 Agnes Gaynsford (age 31) died at Goudhurst, Kent.

On 02 Dec 1457 Agnes Roper (age 57) died.

On 02 Dec 1469 Piero di Cosimo de Medici (age 53) died.

Before 02 Dec 1474 William Middleton of Stockeld (age 73) died.

On 02 Dec 1496 Margaret Peake (age 62) died.

On 02 Dec 1515 William Knyvet (age 75) died at Wymondham, Norfolk [Map].

On 02 Dec 1557 John Winchcombe aka Smallwood aka Jack of Newbury (age 68) died at his home on Northbrook Street, Newbury. He was buried at St Nicholas' Church, Newbury on 08 Dec 1557.

On 02 Dec 1558 Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll (age 51) died. His son Archibald Campbell 5th Earl Argyll (age 24) succeeded 5th Earl Argyll.

On or before 02 Dec 1559 James Sutton Clerk of the Green Cloth died.

On 02 Dec 1568 Margery Golding Countess of Oxford (age 42) died.

On 02 Dec 1574 Humphrey Stafford (age 47) died.

On 02 Dec 1577 Anne Cresacre (age 66) died.

On 02 Dec 1596 William Lenthall (age 44) died.

On 02 Dec 1608 Charles Hussey of Honington (age 73) died.

On 02 Dec 1624 Thomas Pelham 1st Baronet (age 84) died. His son Thomas Pelham 2nd Baronet (age 27) succeeded 2nd Baronet Pelham of Laughton.Mary Wilbraham Lady Pelham (age 34) by marriage Lady Pelham of Laughton.

On 02 Dec 1624 Anthony Shirley (age 78) died at Preston Manor Brighton.

On 02 Dec 1626 Martha Stanley (age 56) died.

Before 02 Dec 1628 Francis Mansel 1st Baronet (age 71) died. His will was admiinstered on 02 Dec 1628. His son Walter Mansel 2nd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe.

On 02 Dec 1638 Elizabeth Cave (age 77) died.

On 02 Dec 1650 Charlotte Marguerite Montmorency Princess Condé (age 56) died.

On 02 Dec 1654 Elizabeth Ravenscroft (age 25) died.

On 02 Dec 1667 Henry Winchcombe 1st Baronet (age 25) died. His son Henry Winchcombe 2nd Baronet (age 8) succeeded 2nd Baronet Winchcombe of Bucklebury in Berkshire.

On 02 Dec 1680 William Ellis (age 71) died. He was buried at Nocton, North Kesteven where he has a monument attributed to William Stanton (age 41).

William Ellis: In 1609 he was born.

On 02 Dec 1689 George Speke (age 66) died.

On 02 Dec 1691 Isabel Douglas Countess Queensberry (age 49) died.

On 02 Dec 1723 Philippe Bourbon II Duke Orléans (age 49) died. His son Louis Bourbon Duke Orléans (age 20) succeeded Duke Orléans.

On 02 Dec 1742 Thomas Willoughby (age 48) died.

On 02 Dec 1771 Robert Wilmot died.

On 02 Dec 1773 Reverend Richard Wilmot (age 81) died.

On 02 Dec 1790 John Bourke 1st Earl Mayo (age 90) died. His son John Bourke 2nd Earl of Mayo (age 61) succeeded 2nd Earl Mayo, 2nd Viscount Mayo of Monycrower in Mayo, 2nd Baron Naas of Naas in Kildare. Mary Leeson Countess Mayo (age 56) by marriage Countess Mayo.

On 02 Dec 1791 Henry Flood (age 59) died.

On 02 Dec 1792 Joseph Yorke 1st Baron Dover (age 68) died without issue. Baron Dover extinct. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].

Inscription panel surmounted by a sarcophagus with flanking trophies and small medallions of arms in the apron; signed 'J. Bacon Sculptor (age 52): London 1798'

On 02 Dec 1807 Tryphena Scawen Countess Bathurst Sussex (age 76) died.

On 02 Dec 1813 Ellen Thresher Lady Wrey (age 82) died.

On 02 Dec 1814 Louisa Martha Stratford (age 35) died in Sri Lanka.

On 02 Dec 1849 Queen Adelaide of England (age 57) died.

On 02 Dec 1858 Anthony Henry Ashley-Cooper (age 51) died at Clewer, Berkshire.

On 02 Dec 1893 Elizabeth Catherine Gubbins Duchess St Albans (age 75) died in St Leonards On Sea.

On 02 Dec 1894 Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar William Wallace Dering (age 46) died.

On 02 Dec 1909 Algernon Greville-Nugent 2nd Baron Greville (age 68) died. His son Charles Beresford Fulke 3rd Baron Greville (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baron Greville of Clonyn in Westmeath. Olive Agnes Grace Baroness Greville (age 33) by marriage Baroness Greville of Clonyn in Westmeath.

On 02 Dec 1914 John Crichton 4th Earl Erne (age 75) died.

On 02 Dec 1915 Richard Seymour Guinness (age 89) died.

On 02 Dec 1916 Wyndham Harry Payne-Gallwey (age 61) died.

On 02 Dec 1925 Edwyn Hoskyns 12th Baronet (age 74) died. His son Edwyn Clement Hoskyns 13th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 13th Baronet Hoskyns of Harewood in Herefordshire.

On 02 Dec 1926 Major Hubert James Cecil Rostron (age 51) died.

On 02 Dec 1928 John Hubert Ward (age 58) died.

On 02 Dec 1928 Sophia Strutt Lady Le Marchant (age 83) died.

On 02 Dec 1996 Henry Milles 5th earl Sondes (age 56) died. Earl Sondes, Viscount Throwley, Baron Sondes extinct.

On 02 Dec 2006 Elizabeth Mary Bromley (age 87) died.

On 02 Dec 2012 Betty Marjorie Anson (age 95) died.