On this Day in History ... 2nd January

02 Jan is in January.

1315 Funeral of Piers Gaveston

1539 Anne of Cleves Arrival at Calais

1644 Trial and Execution of the Hothams

1651 Manx Rebellion

1661 Charles II Continues to Reward those who Supported His Restoration

1861 Frederick William IV King Prussia Dies William I King Prussia Succeeds

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 2nd January

On 02 Jan 1241 Bishop Nicholas Farnham was elected Bishop of Durham. At first he wanted to decline the office, but Bishop Robert Grosseteste (age 73), Bishop of Lincoln persuaded him to accept.

After 02 Jan 1402. St Andrew's Church, Blickling [Map]. Memorial brass to Nicholas Dagworth of Blickling.

Nicholas Dagworth of Blickling: Around 1395 he and Eleanor Rossall were married. On 02 Jan 1402 he died without issue. His widow Eleanor Rossall sold the Blickling, Norfolk estates and around 1409 married a second time John Mortimer.

On 02 Jan 1497 Bishop Richard Fitzjames was elected Bishop of Rochester.

On 02 Jan 1514 Bishop William Smyth (age 54) died at the Bishop of Lincoln's Palace, Buckden [Map]. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Letters and Papers 1539. 02 Jan 1539. Anne of Cleves,

"The coming of the lady Anne's Grace from Dissildorf, in the land of Venberghe (von Berg?), to Calise."

Setting forth the stages between Düsseldorf and Antwerp, where she was met by the English merchants four miles outside the town, in 50 velvet coats with chains of gold, and received inside the town, with 80 torches burning in the daylight, and brought to the English lodging, where they kept open household one day for her and her train. Next day, the English merchants brought her on her way to Stekyn (the first stage on the way to Gravelines) and gave her a gift.

ii. The stages from Antwerp to Gravelines, where she was received by the captain with a shot of guns. Next morning, 11 Dec. 31 Henry VIII., she arrived within the English pale at Calais between 7 and 8 a.m., and was received by the lord Deputy, the lieutenant of the Castle, the Knight Porter, and the marshal of Calais, Sir George Carow, captain of Resbanke, and the captain of the Spears, well appointed with great horses, and with them the men of arms, in velvet coats and gold chains, and all the archers in the King's livery well appointed; "and so brought her towards Calais, a gentleman of arms of the King's and another of hers riding together." Within a mile of Calais she was received by the earl of Southampton, lord Admiral, with the lord Wm. Howard, Sir Fras. Brian, the lord Grey of Wilton, the lord Hastings, lord Clifford, lord Herbert, lord Tailbush, Sir Thos. Seymour, Sir Henry Knyvett, Mr. Gregory Cromwell, with "xxiiij" (qu. four score?) gentlemen in coats of satin damask and velvet, besides the said lords, who wore three collars of cloth of gold and purple velvet and chains of gold, and 200 yeomen, &c., in the King's colours, red and blue cloth. "Then the King's ships of (i.e. off) Newland as she came by them let 200 shots of guns," after which the town of Calais shot 300 pieces of ordnance. When she came to the Lantern Gate she stayed and viewed the King's ships, the Lion and the Sweepstake, decked with 100 banners of silk and gold, wherein were 200 master gunners and mariners and 31 trumpets, "and a double drum that was never seen in England before"; and so her Grace entered into Calais. At her entry, 150 pieces of ordnance let out of the said two ships made such a smoke that one of her train could not see another. "Where stood in order on both sides the streets, like a lane, with 500 soldiers in the King's livery of the retinue of Calais, and the mayor of Calais with his brethren, and the commons of Calais, and the merchants of the Staple, stood in like manner in array, and made a lane wherethrough she passed to her lodging." There the mayor and his brethren came to her and gave her 50 sovereigns of gold, and the mayor of the Staple, 60. Next morning "she had a gun shot, justing and all other royalty that could be devised in the King's garrison;" and kept open household there for the 15 days that she remained. On 27 Dec., St. John's Day, she took ship, and landed at the Downs, between 6 and 7 p.m., where she was met by the duke and duchess of Suffolk, who, with their train, accompanied her to Deal Castle. There she banquetted, and proceeded to Dover, where she tarried till Monday, and then set forth to Canterbury, where she was received by the Archbishop with other bishops and the gentlemen of Kent. On Tuesday she went to Sittingborne, and the "other" day, being New Year's Even, to Rochester, where she was received by the duke of Norfolk, accompanied by lord Dacres of the South, lord Mountjoy, the barons of the Exchequer, Sir Roger Towneshend, Sir Edw. Beningfield, Sir John Jermy, Sir Edm. Knyvett, Sir Edw. Wyndham, Sir Thos. Jermyn, Sir Jas. Bullyn, Sir Wm. Paston, Sir Fras. Lovill, Sir Th. Straunge, Sir John Clere, Sir Wm. Conysby, Mr. Ric. Southwell, Mr. Philip Calthrope, Mr. Robt. Townesend, H. Hubbert, Thos. Gibbon, Thos. Thursby, Erasmus Paston, Edm. Lumner, Thos. Tyndale, and Ralph Symons. There she remained New Year's Day; on which day the King, only with certain of his Privy Council, came and banquetted with her, and departed again to Greenwich. On Friday she removed to Dartford, and on Saturday, 3 Jan., she marched forwards to the Blackheath till she came to Shots hill (a misreading of Shoters hill), at the foot whereof was a very gorgeous tent or pavilion, "and there her Grace entered and shifted her, and tarried a certain space banquetting." Whereof hearing, the King marched through the park to meet her, in this manner:—First the trumpets blowing, then His Grace's chaplains, two and two in order, then the counsellors learned with other his counsel at large, as the Attorney, Solicitor, and Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster, Dr. Peter, Mr. Peter Van, Sir John Williams, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Wm. Essex, Sir John Dancy, Sir Brian Tuke, the Treasurer of the Tenths, Mr. Ric. Pollard, the Treasurer, Solicitor, Attorney, and Chancellor of the Augmentations, Mr. Wriothesley, Mr. Amnor (Almoner), and Comptroller of the Household. Then the King's privy chamber, the grooms first, and then Philip Hobby, Maurice Bercley, Th. Paston, Ric. Morison, Rauf Sadler, Ant. Knyvet, Peter Mutus, Ric. Crumwell, John Wellisborne, Thos. Culpeper, Ant. Deny, Sir Ant. Selenger, Sir Ric. Long, and Sir Thos. Henage. Then barons, bishops, earls, and dukes in their degrees, as the mayor of London and my lord Parr, the lords St. John and Hongerford, Mordaunt and Borough, Wentworth and Windsor, Tailbush and Sturton, Clynton and Ferrers, Morley and Delaware, Cliffe (qu. Clifford?) and Nevill, Bulbecke and Maltravers; the bishops of St. Asse and St. David's, Hereford and Lincoln, Durham and Winchester; the earl of Essex, the earls of Arundel and Surrey, of Hertford and Sussex, lord Russel, lord Sands and the earl of Oxford, the lord Crumwell and the lord Chancellor, the earl of Southampton and the duke Philip, the ambassadors of France and of the Emperor. Then the lord marquis Dorset bearing the sword before the King. The King. Next, the Master of the Horse leading the horse of estate, next the children of honour, and then the captain of the Guard, with the Guard following.

Whifflers appointed for order keeping: Sir Giles Stranguish, Sir Wm. Parr, Sir John Horsey, Sir Auth. Hongerford, Sir Wm. Barington, Sir John Brudge, Sir John Gifford, Sir Humph Foster, Sir John Sentlow, Sir John Villers, Sir Nic. Poyniz, Sir John Marcam, Edm. Littleton and Chas. Wingfeld.

Names of esquires and knights, but first, the 50 "gentlemen called Pensioners, which all stood from the park pale upon the heath to the meeting places (sic) after their degrees, &c., the King passing through, &c." Pensioners:—Sir Ric. Page, lieutenant, Sir Humph. Ratclif, Sir Osborn Ychingham, Sir John Nevill, Edw. Hastings, H. Stranguish, John Wingfeld, Edm. Brudges, John Chamborne, W. Long, Th. Morgan, W. Blount, W. Herbert, Ric. Breme, John Banester, Fras. Knollis, Henr. Jeringham, Gawen Carow, John Zowtche, Peter Carow, Edm. Skipwith, Palmer of Gloucester, Ric. Freston, Thos. Mantill, John Candish, Th. Ashley, W. Stafford, John Dramer, Th. Horne, W. Pelham, Giles Pole, Hen. Markeham, And. Flamoke, John Gresham, W. Calawey, T. Sacvile, Ric. Fremingham, Edw. Gruston, W. Skipwith, Edw. Vaughan, Ed. Bellingham, T. Bollis, T. Palmer, Rauf Vane, W. Ellerker, J. Portnare, Chr. Ludcote, Nic. Arnolds, Edm. Harvy, George Zoweche.

Knights:—Sirs Humph. Forster, John Gadge, Thos. Speyke, Hugh Poullet, Hen. Long, John Sent John, Th. Rotheram, Wm. Wyndisor, Robt. Dormer, Rauf Verney, T. Lonvile, Ant. Lee, John Nores, Th. Arundell, Ed. Willoughbie, T. Poynings, Giles Capell, Wm. Newenham, John Rainsford, T. Darcy, Clement Hurleston, Ed. Tame, John Seneclere, T. Toye, John Mordaunt, John Welsh, John Hurleston, Walter Denys, Hen. Parker, Griffith Doone, Philip Butler, Nich. Sterley, T. Tresham, Walter Stoner, T. Griffith, Robt. Kyrkham, John Byron, John Harcote, George Darcy, Ric. Padge, John Danet, Ric. Shurley, Wm. Ganinge, Arth. Hopton, Humph. Wingfield, Wm. Walgrave, Th. Parmeston, John Willoughbie, George Somerset, John Jernyngham, Thos. Lysle, Wm. Barcley, Peter Philpot, Wm. Gifford, Mich. Lister, Ant. Windisor, Edm. Gorge, Hen. Capell, John Newton, John Fulford, Walter Smith, Humph. Ferreis, John Russell, Edm. Walsingham, Edw. Brey, Percival Hert, Ric. Manering, T. Trenchard, Giles Alington, Robt. Payton, W. Gastoigme (sic), Wm. Fitzwilliam, W. Drewry, Th. Germyn, Th. Eliot, John Brown, John Hampden, John Rogers, W. Weste, Ri. Chameley, Fras. Dawtry, W. Fylding, Geo. Throgmerton, Humph. Browne.

Esquires:—Ant. Kyngston, Geo. Harper, Robt. Tyrwit, Leonard Rede, Robt. Drewry, T. Gifford, Rauf Lane, Edm. Knightley, Geo. Gifford, T. Edgare, Fras. Pigot, Robt. Cheynie, Edm. Fetiplace, T. Essex, W. Hide, Ric. Brudges, Alex. Humpton, Reynold Williams, Ed. Fabian, T. Vachell, Chr. Ashton, J. Yate, John Winchcombe (age 50), Roger Sturton, J. Zowtche, Robt. Coker, Robt. Byngham, George Troublefeld, John Wentwurth, John Tyrell, John Brown, Edw. Grene, Robt. Mordant, J. Christynmas, Ant. Coke, J. Becwit, Fras. Clovil, Edw. Tyrell, Hen. Appleton, W. Ayelif, Humph. Tyrell, Guy Crafford, Ric. Higham, J. Pontis, Nic. Wekis, T. Tame, Robt. Wyttney, T. Whyttyngton, Jas. Clifford, George Baneham, Arth. Porter, Ric. Tracy, Rauf Norwood, John Prout, J. Newdigate, J. Denton, John Haryngton, J. Damester, J. Skynner, J. Morrel, J. Shelley, J. Bracket, J. More, T. Nevill, Robt. Cheseman, Ant. Catesby, Ric. Catisby, Ant. Cope, F. Brudnell, T. Cave, Leonard Chamberlain, T. Carter, T. Waneman, Humph. Ashfeld, Ed. Sapcots, Ant. Colley, Leonard Brown, Chr. More, T. Heron, Oliver Sent John, J. Sacvile, J. Palmer, J Covert, J. Tetcher, J. Parker, J. Harman, John Pollet, J. Kingsmill, J. Spring, J. Sands, Nic. Gainisford, Roger Bellingham, Robt. Oxinbridge, T. Ashbury, T. Darell, Ant. Pelham, Ant. Rouse, Robt. Crane, Lionel Talmach, Robt. Garnesh, Ric. Candish, T. Sands, Nic. Titchborne, Nic. Uppeton, Robt. Puttyngham, Ric. Pexsale, J. Stowell, J. Rodeney, W. Wroughton, T. Yorke, Ed. Montpeson, J. Erneley, Robt. Long, J. Boneham, J. Chabe, T. Aprice, J. Pie, W. Lucye, J. Gascoigne, W. Willington, Fowlke Grevill, J. Grevill, Ed. Conway, Raignold Digby, Robt. Acton, T. Acton, — Chawmond, Young Wigeston, Ant. Sowthwell, H. Wyngfeld, G. Morgan, young Ferres, young Selenger, Robt. Markeham, — Basset, — Johnson, and Robt. Throgmerton.

In a modern hand, pp. 11.

Memorials of affairs of state in the reigns of Q Elizabeth and K James I Volume 2 Dudley Carleton to Mr Winwood Jan 1605. The next Day the King plaid in the Presence, and as good or ill Luck seldom comes alone, the Bridegroom (age 20), that threw for the King, had the good Fortune to win £1000 which he had for his Pains; the greatest part was lost by my Lord of Cranborne (age 13).

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 02 Jan 1619. The 2-3-4-5th I sat up and had many ladies come to see me, and much other company, and so I passed the time.

My Lord (age 29) went often to the Court abroad and on Twelfth Eve lost 400 pieces playing with the King.

In Dec 1644 Parliament decided to execute the Hothams, father and son, John Hotham 1st Baronet (age 55) and John Hotham (age 34).

On 01 Jan 1645 John Hotham (age 35) was beheaded for treason by Parliamentarians at Tower Hill [Map]. His father was executed the next day.

On 02 Jan 1645 John Hotham 1st Baronet (age 55) was beheaded for treason by Parliamentarians; his son having been executed the previous day. His grandson John Hotham 2nd Baronet (age 12) succeeded 2nd Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.

Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. 02 Jan 1645. The 2 of Janu Sr Jo: hothum (age 55) (father to Mr hothum) was beheaded on tower hill [Map].

Between Sep 1651 and Nov 1651 a rebellion against the Royalist leader of the Isle of Man James Stanley 7th Earl of Derby (age 44) who had been captured at the Battle of Worcester. His wife Charlotte Thouars Countess Derby (age 51) resisted the rebels with the aid of Philip Musgrave 2nd Baronet (age 44) and Illiam Dhone (her husband's Receiver General). The Countess eventually surrendered after hearing of her husband's death. Illiam Dhone changed sides and worked with Parliamentarian soldiers to achieve a bloodless coup. Illiam Dhone was eventually arrested by the Earl's son Charles Stanley 8th Earl of Derby (age 23) and execy=uted by firing squad at Hango Hill on 02 Jan 1663.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1660. Thence I went to the Temple [Map] to speak with Mr. Calthropp (age 36) about the 60l. due to my Lord, but missed of him, he being abroad. Then I went to Mr. Crew's (age 62) and borrowed 10l. of Mr. Andrewes (NOTE. Possibly John Andrews Timber Merchant) for my own use, and so went to my office, where there was nothing to do. Then I walked a great while in Westminster Hall [Map], where I heard that Lambert (age 40) was coming up to London; that my Lord Fairfax (age 47) was in the head of the Irish brigade, but it was not certain what he would declare for. The House was to-day upon finishing the act for the Council of State, which they did; and for the indemnity to the soldiers; and were to sit again thereupon in the afternoon. Great talk that many places have declared for a free Parliament; and it is believed that they will be forced to fill up the House with the old members. From the Hall [Map] I called at home, and so went to Mr. Crew's (age 62) (my wife (age 19) she was to go to her father's), thinking to have dined, but I came too late, so Mr. Moore and I and another gentleman went out and drank a cup of ale together in the new market, and there I eat some bread and cheese for my dinner. After that Mr. Moore and I went as far as Fleet-street [Map] together and parted, he going into the City, I to find Mr. Calthrop (age 36), but failed again of finding him, so returned to Mr. Crew's (age 62) again, and from thence went along with Mrs. Jemimah home, and there she taught me how to play at cribbage. Then I went home, and finding my wife (age 19) gone to see Mrs. Hunt, I went to Will's, and there sat with Mr. Ashwell talking and singing till nine o'clock, and so home, there, having not eaten anything but bread and cheese, my wife (age 19) cut me a slice of brawn which I received from my Lady; which proves as good as ever I had any. So to bed, and my wife (age 19) had a very bad night of it through wind and cold.

In early 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded of further tranche of those who supported his Restoration ...

On 02 Jan 1661 Henry Bedingfield 1st Baronet (age 46) was created 1st Baronet Bedingfield of Oxburgh in Norfolk.

On 10 Jan 1661 Andrew Rutherford 1st Earl Teviot was created 1st Baron Rutherford with special remainder to his heirs and assignees whatsoever, and that under what provisions, restrictions, and conditions the said Lord Rutherford should think fit.

On 23 Jan 1661 John Cole 1st Baronet (age 41) was created Baronet Cole of Newland.

On 23 Feb 1661 Edward Smythe 1st Baronet (age 41) was created 1st Baronet Smythe.

On 04 Mar 1661 Compton Reade 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet Reade of Barton in Berkshire. Mary Cornwall Lady Reade (age 31) by marriage Lady Reade of Barton in Berkshire.

On 10 Mar 1661 Brian Broughton 1st Baronet (age 42) was created 1st Baronet Broughton of Broughton in Staffordshire.

On 20 Mar 1661 Thomas Rich 1st Baronet (age 60) was created 1st Baronet Rich of Sonning in Berkshire.

On 29 Mar 1661 Robert Cholmondeley 1st Viscount Cholmondeley (age 21) was created 1st Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells in County Meath.

On 30 Mar 1661 James Butler 1st Duke Ormonde (age 50) was created 1st Duke Ormonde by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30). Elizabeth Preston Duchess Ormonde (age 45) by marriage Duchess Ormonde.

On 30 Mar 1661 John Fettiplace 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire. Anne Wenman Lady Fettiplace (age 31) by marriage Lady Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire.

Evelyn's Diary. 02 Jan 1661. The Queen-Mother (age 51), with the Princess Henrietta (age 16), began her journey to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], in order to her return into France.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1661. This day I lent Sir W. Batten (age 60) and Captn. Rider my chine of beef for to serve at dinner tomorrow at Trinity House, Deptford [Map], the Duke of Albemarle (age 52) being to be there and all the rest of the Brethren, it being a great day for the reading over of their new Charter, which the King hath newly given them.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1662. Sir Richd. Fanshaw (age 53) is come suddenly from Portugall, but nobody knows what his business is.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1662. An invitation sent us before we were up from my Lady Sandwich's (age 37), to come and dine with her: so at the office all the morning, and at noon thither to dinner, where there was a good and great dinner, and the company, Mr. William Montagu (age 44) and his Lady (but she seemed so far from the beauty that I expected her from my Lady's talk to be, that it put me into an ill humour all the day, to find my expectation so lost), Mr. Rurttball and Townsend and their wives.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1665. Then to the Hall, and there agreed with Mrs. Martin, and to her lodgings which she has now taken to lie in, in Bow Streete, pitiful poor things, yet she thinks them pretty, and so they are for her condition I believe good enough. Here I did 'ce que je voudrais avec' her most freely, and it having cost 2s. in wine and cake upon her, I away sick of her impudence, and by coach to my Lord Bruncker's (age 45), by appointment, in the Piazza, in Covent-Guarding; where I occasioned much mirth with a ballet I brought with me, made from the seamen at sea to their ladies in town; saying Sir W. Pen (age 43), Sir G. Ascue (age 49), and Sir J. Lawson (age 50) made them. Here a most noble French dinner and banquet, the best I have seen this many a day and good discourse.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1666. Up by candlelight again, and wrote the greatest part of my business fair, and then to the office, and so home to dinner, and after dinner up and made an end of my fair writing it, and that being done, set two entering while to my Lord Bruncker's (age 46), and there find Sir J. Minnes (age 66) and all his company, and Mr. Boreman and Mrs. Turner (age 43), but, above all, my dear Mrs. Knipp, with whom I sang, and in perfect pleasure I was to hear her sing, and especially her little Scotch song of "Barbary Allen"1 and to make our mirthe the completer, Sir J. Minnes (age 66) was in the highest pitch of mirthe, and his mimicall tricks, that ever I saw, and most excellent pleasant company he is, and the best mimique that ever I saw, and certainly would have made an excellent actor, and now would be an excellent teacher of actors.

Note 1. The Scottish ballad is entitled, "Sir John Grehme and Barbara Allan", and the English version, "Barbara Allen's Cruelty". Both are printed in Percy's "Reliques", Series III.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1667. After them, I, with several people, among others Mr. George Montagu (age 44), whom I have not seen long, he mighty kind. He tells me all is like to go ill, the King (age 36) displeasing the House of Commons by evading their Bill for examining Accounts, and putting it into a Commission, though therein he hath left out Coventry (age 39) and I and named all the rest the Parliament named, and all country Lords, not one Courtier: this do not please them. He tells me he finds the enmity almost over for my Lord Sandwich (age 41), and that now all is upon the Vice-Chamberlain (age 57), who bears up well and stands upon his vindication, which he seems to like well, and the others do construe well also.

On 02 Jan 1667 Marie Thérèse Bourbon was born to Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 28) and Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 17.28%.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Jan 1668. Up, and with Sir J. Minnes (age 68) by coach to White Hall, and there attended the King (age 37) and the Duke of York (age 34) in the Duke of York's (age 34) lodgings, with the rest of the Officers and many of the Commanders of the fleete, and some of our master shipwrights, to discourse the business of having the topmasts of ships made to lower abaft of the mainmast; a business I understand not, and so can give no good account; but I do see that by how much greater the Council, and the number of Counsellors is, the more confused the issue is of their councils; so that little was said to the purpose regularly, and but little use was made of it, they coming to a very broken conclusion upon it, to make trial in a ship or two. From this they fell to other talk about the fleete's fighting this late war, and how the King's ships have been shattered; though the King (age 37) said that the world would not have it that about ten or twenty ships in any fight did do any service, and that this hath been told so to him himself, by ignorant people. The Prince (age 48), who was there, was mightily surprised at it, and seemed troubled: but the King (age 37) told him that it was only discourse of the world. But Mr. Wren (age 39) whispered me in the eare, and said that the Duke of Albemarle (age 59) had put it into his Narrative for the House, that not above twenty-five ships fought in the engagement wherein he was, but that he was advised to leave it out; but this he did write from sea, I am sure, or words to that effect: and did displease many commanders, among others, Captain Batts, who the Duke of York (age 34) said was a very stout man, all the world knew; and that another was brought into his ship that had been turned out of his place when he was a boatswain, not long before, for being a drunkard. This the Prince took notice of, and would have been angry, I think, but they let their discourse fall: but the Duke of York (age 34) was earnest in it. And the Prince said to me, standing by me, "God damn me, if they will turn out every man that will be drunk, they must turn out all the commanders in the fleete. What is the matter if he be drunk, so when he comes to fight he do his work? At least, let him be punished for his drunkenness, and not put out of his command presently". This he spoke, very much concerned for this idle fellow, one Greene. After this the King (age 37) began to tell stories of the cowardice of the Spaniards in Flanders, when he was there, at the siege of Mardike and Dunkirke; which was very pretty, though he tells them but meanly.

On 02 Jan 1668 Edward Conway 1st Earl Conway (age 45) was elected Fellow of the Royal Society.

On 02 Jan 1740 Elizabeth "Lady Betty" Hastings was buried at All Saints Church, Ledsham [Map]. Marble monument by Peter Scheemakers (age 49) with statues of her half-sisters Anna Hastings and Frances Hastings either side representing Piety and Prudence.

Anna Hastings: she was born to Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon and Mary Frances Fowler Countess Huntingdon. On 04 Jul 1750 Anna Hastings died.

Frances Hastings: she was born to Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon and Mary Frances Fowler Countess Huntingdon. On 10 Feb 1750 Frances Hastings died.

On 02 Jan 1772 William Fitzherbert (age 60) committed suicide.

On 02 Jan 1789 Charles Wolfram Cornwall (age 53) died. Memorial in the Church of the Holy Cross, Winchester [Map] sculpted by John Francis Moore (age 44).

Charles Wolfram Cornwall: On 15 Jun 1735 he was born. In 1789 he was appointed Speaker of the House of Commons which position he held until his death in 1789.

John Francis Moore: Around 1745 he was born. In 1809 he died in Wells Street.

On 02 Jan 1861 Frederick William IV King Prussia (age 65) died. His brother William I King Prussia (age 63) succeeded I King Prussia.

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 02 Jan 1863. Friday. 16 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea.

My dear Rose (age 43)

I have asked Whistler to dinner Thursday next at 6. Will you meet him?


D G Rossetti (age 34)

Next Wednesday will do well for the Deed of Partnership

Births on the 2nd January

On 02 Jan 1572 John Donne was born.

Before 02 Jan 1586 Francis Annesley 1st Viscount Valentia was born to Robert Annesley. On 02 Jan 1586 Francis Annesley 1st Viscount Valentia was baptised.

On 02 Jan 1602 Thomas Twisden 1st Baronet was born to William Twysden 1st Baronet (age 36) and Anne Finch Lady Twysden (age 27).

On or before 02 Jan 1627 Frances Foljambe Lady Glentworth was born to Francis Foljambe 1st Baronet (age 37) and Elizabeth Wray Lady Walton. She was baptised at Chesterfield [Map] on 02 Jan 1627.

On or before 02 Jan 1632 Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex was born to Arthur Capell 1st Baron Capell Hadham (age 23) and Elizabeth Morrison Baroness Capell Hadham (age 21). He was christened 02 Jan 1632.

On 02 Jan 1652 Gilbert Heathcote 1st Baronet was born to Gilbert Heathcote and Ann Dickens (age 22) at Chesterfield [Map].

On 02 Jan 1667 Marie Thérèse Bourbon was born to Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 28) and Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 17.28%.

Before 02 Jan 1684 John Dutton 2nd Baronet was born to Ralph Dutton 1st Baronet (age 39) and Mary Barwick Lady Dutton. He was baptised on 02 Jan 1684.

On 02 Jan 1688 John Chichester 4th Baronet was born to Arthur Chichester 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Elizabeth Drewe.

On 02 Jan 1695 Robert Salusbury Cotton 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Cotton 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Philadelphia Lynch Lady Cotton (age 19).

On 02 Jan 1700 Fitzroy Henry Lee was born to Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 36) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 35). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 02 Jan 1703 George Cholmondeley 3rd Earl Cholmondeley was born to George Cholmondeley 2nd Earl Cholmondeley (age 37) and Elisabeth van Ruytenburgh Baroness Newborough and Newburgh (age 23).

On 02 Jan 1717 Edward Seymour 9th Duke of Somerset was born to Edward Seymour 8th Duke of Somerset (age 21) and Mary Webb Duchess Somerset (age 20).

On 02 Jan 1722 Charlotte Elizabeth Abdy was born to William Abdy 4th Baronet (age 32).

On 02 Jan 1736 Raby Vane was born to Henry Vane 1st Earl Darlington (age 31) and Grace Fitzroy Countess Darlington (age 38). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 02 Jan 1760 Charles Long 1st Baron Farnborough was born.

On 02 Jan 1775 Charles Tollemache was born to John Manners (age 44) and Louisa Tollemache 7th Countess Dysart (age 29).

On 02 Jan 1777 Richard Charles Blunt was born to Charles William Blunt 3rd Baronet (age 46) and Elizabeth Peers Lady Blunt.

On 02 Jan 1780 Berkeley Thomas Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 35) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 38).

On 02 Jan 1784 Ernest Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha was born to Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 33) and Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 26).

On 02 Jan 1818 Andrew Agnew 8th Baronet was born to Andrew Agnew 7th Baronet (age 24).

On 02 Jan 1825 Charles Parry Hobhouse 3rd Baronet was born to Henry William Hobhouse (age 33).

On 02 Jan 1885 Cuthbert Patrick Blake 6th Baronet was born to Patrick James Graham Blake 5th Baronet (age 23).

On 02 Jan 1909 Major Thomas Mitford was born to David Freeman-Mitford 2nd Baron Redesdale (age 30) and Sydney Bowles (age 29).

Marriages on the 2nd January

After 02 Jan 1495 Thomas Butler 7th Earl Ormonde (age 69) and Lora Berkeley Countess Ormonde were married. She by marriage Countess Ormonde. He the son of James "White Earl" Butler 4th Earl Ormonde and Joan Beauchamp Countess Ormonde. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England.

On 02 Jan 1640 John Reade 1st Baronet (age 24) and Susanna Style Lady Reade were married.

Before 02 Jan 1645 Edward Barrett 1st Baron Barrett (age 63) and Catherine Fenn Baroness Barrett were married. She by marriage Baroness Barrett of Newburgh.

Before 02 Jan 1645 Edward Barrett 1st Baron Barrett (age 63) and Jane Carey were married. They were half first cousin once removed.

On 02 Jan 1655 Thomas Leventhorpe 4th Baronet (age 19) and Mary Bedell (age 20) were married.

Before 02 Jan 1684 Ralph Dutton 1st Baronet (age 39) and Mary Barwick Lady Dutton were married. She brought £10,000 to the marriage.

On or after 02 Jan 1686 Henry Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 22) and Mary Catesby Countess Uxbridge were married.

Before 02 Jan 1688 Arthur Chichester 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Elizabeth Drewe were married.

On 02 Jan 1694 James Scott (age 19) and Henrietta Hyde Countess Dalkeith (age 17) were married. She by marriage Countess Dalkeith. She the daughter of Lawrence Hyde 1st Earl Rochester (age 51) and Henrietta Boyle Countess Rochester. He the son of James Scott 1st Duke Monmouth 1st Duke Buccleuch and Anne Scott Duchess Monmouth and Buccleuch (age 42). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 02 Jan 1695 Thomas Cotton 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Philadelphia Lynch Lady Cotton (age 19) were married. They had nine sons and six daughters.

On 02 Jan 1699 Benedict Calvert 4th Baron Baltimore (age 19) and Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 19) were married. She by marriage Baroness Baltimore of Longford in Leinster. She the daughter of Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 35) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 34). She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 02 Jan 1704 Frederick William I Duke Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 28) and Sophie Charlotte Hesse-Kassel Duchess Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 25) were married. She by marriage Duchess Mecklenburg Schwerin. She the daughter of Charles I Landgrave Hesse-Kassel (age 49) and Maria Amalia of Courland Landgravine Hesse-Kassel (age 50). They were fourth cousins.

On or after 02 Jan 1711 , the date of their marriage license, John Guise 3rd Baronet (age 34) and Anne Russell Lady Guise were married. She by marriage Lady Guise of Elmore in Gloucestershire. His second marriage, her third.

On 02 Jan 1723 Francis Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 25) and Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (age 22) were married. She by marriage Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld. He the son of John Ernest Saxe Coburg Saalfeld IV Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 64) and Charlotte Johanna Waldeck Wildungen Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld. They were first cousin once removed.

On 02 Jan 1757 Robert Nugent 1st Earl Nugent (age 48) and Elizabeth Drax Countess Berkeley and Nugent (age 37) were married.

On 02 Jan 1769 Brownlow Bertie 5th Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (age 39) and Mary Anne Layard (age 36) were married. He the son of Peregrine Bertie 2nd Duke Ancaster and Kesteven and Jane Brownlow Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven.

On 02 Jan 1815 George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron (age 26) and Anne Isabella Noel Baroness Byron 11th Baroness Wentworth (age 22) were married at Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire. She by marriage Baroness Byron of Rochdale in Lancashire. The service was conducted by her cousin Thomas Noel (age 41) who was Rector of Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire.

On 02 Jan 1867 George Grimston Craven 3rd Earl Craven (age 25) and Evelyn Laura Barrington Countess Craven (age 18) were married. She by marriage Countess Craven in Yorkshire. He the son of William Craven 2nd Earl Craven and Emily Mary Grimston Countess Craven (age 50). He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 02 Jan 1917 George Nathaniel Curzon 1st Marquess Kedleston (age 57) and Grace Elvina Hinds Marchioness Curzon Kedleston (age 31) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ravensdale of Ravensdale in Derbyshire, Baroness Scarsdale. The difference in their ages was 26 years.

On 02 Jan 1938 Pownoll Pellew 9th Viscount Exmouth (age 30) and Maria Luisa Urquilo were married.

Deaths on the 2nd January

On 02 Jan 1449 Joan Saveuse Countess Eu died.

On 02 Jan 1514 Bishop William Smyth (age 54) died at the Bishop of Lincoln's Palace, Buckden [Map]. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

On 02 Jan 1565 Joan Fitzgerald Countess Ormonde and Ossory (age 56) died.

In Dec 1644 Parliament decided to execute the Hothams, father and son, John Hotham 1st Baronet (age 55) and John Hotham (age 34).

On 01 Jan 1645 John Hotham (age 35) was beheaded for treason by Parliamentarians at Tower Hill [Map]. His father was executed the next day.

On 02 Jan 1645 John Hotham 1st Baronet (age 55) was beheaded for treason by Parliamentarians; his son having been executed the previous day. His grandson John Hotham 2nd Baronet (age 12) succeeded 2nd Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.

On or before 02 Jan 1645 Edward Barrett 1st Baron Barrett (age 63) died without issue. He was buried on 02 Jan 1645. Baron Barrett of Newburgh extinct.

On 02 Jan 1666 John Holles 2nd Earl de Clare (age 70) died. His son Gilbert Holles 3rd Earl de Clare (age 32) succeeded 3rd Earl Clare. Grace Pierrepont Countess de Clare (age 33) by marriage Countess Clare.

On 02 Jan 1683 Thomas Twisden 1st Baronet (age 81) died. His son Roger Twisden 2nd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 2nd Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent. Margaret Marsham Lady Twisden by marriage Lady Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent.

On 02 Jan 1685 Harbottle Grimston 2nd Baronet (age 81) died. His son Samuel Grimston 3rd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 3rd Baronet Grimston of Bradfield. Anne Tufton Lady Grimston (age 31) by marriage Lady Grimston of Bradfield.

On 02 Jan 1694 Henry Booth 1st Earl Warrington (age 41) died. His son George Booth 2nd Earl Warrington (age 18) succeeded 2nd Earl Warrington, 3rd Baron Delamer, 4th Baronet Booth of Dunham Massey.

On 02 Jan 1696 Anne Wentworth Baroness Rockingham (age 66) died.

On 02 Jan 1730 David Colyear 1st Earl Portmore (age 74) died. His son Charles Colyear 2nd Earl Portmore (age 29) succeeded 2nd Earl Portmore.

On 02 Jan 1746 Elizabeth Delves (age 67) died. Her son Brian Broughton-Delves 4th Baronet inherited Doddington Hall, Cheshire [Map].

On 02 Jan 1759 Rowland Alston 4th Baronet (age 79) died. His son Thomas Alston 5th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 5th Baronet Alston of Odell in Bedfordshire.

On 02 Jan 1775 St George Ussher aka St George 1st Baron Saint George (age 60) died. Baron Saint George of Hatley St George extinct.

On 02 Jan 1781 Henrietta Stanhope Baroness Foley (age 25) died.

On 02 Jan 1792 Edward Seymour 9th Duke of Somerset (age 75) died. On 02 Jan 1792 His brother Webb Seymour 10th Duke of Somerset (age 73) succeeded 10th Duke Somerset, 8th Baronet Seymour of Berry Pomeroy.

On 02 Jan 1801 Edward Stratford 2nd Earl Aldborough (age 65) died at Belan House. He was buried at St Thomas' Church, Dublin. His brother John Stratford 3rd Earl Aldborough (age 61) succeeded 3rd Earl Aldborough, 3rd Viscount Aldborough of Belan in Kildare, 3rd Baron Baltinglass of Wicklow. Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Aldborough (age 44) by marriage Countess Aldborough.

On 02 Jan 1802 George Rodney 2nd Baron Rodney (age 48) died. His son George Rodney 3rd Baron Rodney (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baron Rodney of Rodney Stoke in Somerset.

On 02 Jan 1809 John Denis Browne 1st Marquess of Sligo (age 52) died. His son Howe Browne 2nd Marquess of Sligo (age 20) succeeded 2nd Marquess of Sligo.

On 02 Jan 1828 Henrietta Vernon Countess Grosvenor (age 92) died.

Around 02 Jan 1835 James Harington 9th Baronet (age 46) died. His son John Edward Harington 10th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 10th Baronet Harington of Ridlington in Rutlandshire.

On 02 Jan 1842 General Lionel Smith 1st Baronet (age 63) died. His wife died three days later. His son Lionel Eldred Smith-Gordon 2nd Baronet (age 8) succeeded 2nd Baronet Smith of Jamaica.

On 02 Jan 1861 Frederick William IV King Prussia (age 65) died. His brother William I King Prussia (age 63) succeeded I King Prussia.

On 02 Jan 1892 Harriet Baring Marchioness Bath (age 87) died.

On 02 Jan 1912 Mary Frances Grosvenor Countess Macclesfield (age 90) died.

On 02 Jan 1920 Frederick Dutton 5th Baron Sherborne (age 79) died. His nephew James Dutton 6th Baron Sherborne (age 46) succeeded 6th Baron Sherborne.

On 02 Jan 1945 George James Ernest Lewis 3rd Baronet (age 34) died. Baronet Lewis of Portland Place in Marylebone extinct.

On 02 Jan 1963 John Hampden Mercer-Henderson 8th Earl Buckinghamshire (age 56) died unmarried at Edward VII's Royal Hospital, Marylebone. His second cousin Vere Hobart-Hampden 9th Earl of Buckinghamshire (age 61) succeeded 9th Earl Buckinghamshire, 9th Baron Hobart, 13th Baronet Hobart of Intwood in Norfolk.