On this Day in History ... 14th August

14 Aug is in August.

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1557 Battle of St Quentin

1662 St Marcellus' Flood

1666 St James' Day Battle

1727 General Election

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 14th August

On 14 Aug 1040 King Duncan I of Scotland (age 39) was killed in action by the army of King Macbeth of Scotland (age 35). King Macbeth of Scotland (age 35) succeeded King Scotland.

On 14 Aug 1414 Guy Montfort Baron Laval (age 29) died of plague following his return from the Holy Land.

On 14 Aug 1433 King John I of Portugal (age 81) died at Lisbon [Map]. His son Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 41) succeeded I King Portugal.

Calendars. 14 Aug 1483 Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) was appointed Chief Butler of England. King Richard III of England (age 30). Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to the king's kinsman Francis Lovell (age 27), knight, Viscount Lovel, the king's chamberlain, of the office of Chief Butler of England, void by the death of Anthony, late earl Rivers, receiving fees of 100l yearly from the customs and prises of wines and other issues of his office, with all other profits. By p.s.

Manuscripts of J Eliot Hodgkin. 14 Aug 1514. Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 37) to Margaret of Austria (age 34), Governor of the Netherlands. Greenwich.

My dearest and most revered lady, with as humble a heart as I can, I commend myself to your kind favor. It will please you to know that the sister of the King, my master, Madame Marie, Queen of France, has asked to have my daughter, the little Boleyn [Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 13)], with her. My very revered lady, my daughter is presently with you at your court, and I could not and would not refuse this request. So, my very revered lady, I humbly beseech you to grant my daughter permission to return to me with my people, whom I have sent to you for this purpose. My very revered lady, I feel very much obliged to your kind favor because of the great honor you have bestowed on my daughter. Although I cannot deserve it, I do not desire anything else but to be able to do some service that is agreeable to you, which I hope to do now and in the future, God willing. I pray to God that He may grant you the full accomplishment of your noble and good desires. Written below my sign manual at the royal court of Greenwich in England, the 14th day of August in the year 1514. Your most humble servant, Sir Thomas Boleyn.

Ma treschiere et tres redoubtee dame dans sy humble cuer quil mest possible a votre bonne grace me recommande. II vous playra a savoir comment ia seur du Roy mon maistre madame marie Reyne fyancee de France ma requyse davoir avecques elle ma fille la petitte Boulain laquelle ma tresredoubtee dame est a present avecques vous en votre court a laquelle requeste je nay peult ne sceut refuzer nullement sy est ma tresredoubtee dame que je vous supplie treshumblement quil vous plaise de donner et octroyer congiet a ma fille de povoir retourner pardevers moy avecques mes gens lesquelz jay envoyet devers vous a ceste cause ma tresredoubte dame je me tiens fort obligiet envers votre bonne grace a cause de la grant honneur que fait aves a ma fille et que ne mest possible a desservir devers votre bonne grace non obstant que je ne dezire aultre chose synon que je vous puisse faire auleun service agreable ce que jespere de faire encores cy en apres au plaisir de dieu auquel je prie ma tres redoubtee dame quil vous doinst lentier aecomplissement de vos nobles et bon desirs escript desouhz mon signe manuel a la court royalle de Grynewiths en engleterre, le xiiii jour daoust anno xv° et xiiii. Votre treshumble serviteur, Sr Thomas Boleyn."

Letters and Papers 1528. 14 Aug 1528. R. O. 4633. The Sweating Sickness.

Number of the persons who died with the plague, or otherwise, in the city of London, from 5 to 12 Aug. Also, of the parishes clear from the infection.

ii. Similar list for the 14th Aug.

Pp. 10. Endd.: "So appeareth there be dead within the city of London, of the plague and otherwise, from the 6th day of this month of August to the 14th day, which be 8 days complete, the full number of 152 persons. And this day se'night your mastership shall be certified of the number that shall chance to depart in the meantime. Yours, as I am bound, John Champeneys."

Letters and Papers 1535. 14 Aug 1535. Titus, B. xi. 425. B. M. St. P. i. 439. 90. Sir Thomas Audeley, Chancellor, to Cromwell.

Has put the following Irish Acts in order:—The Supreme Head of the Church in Ireland; the King's Succession; the declaration of treasons; licenses and dispensations; the annates and election and consecration of bishops; appeals in spiritual matters to be made to the King, and not the bishop of Rome; first-fruits, which does not extend to abbots and priors, for this time; Kildare's attainder; subsidy; resumption of the lands of the duke of Norfolk and his coparceners, the earl of Shrewsbury, the heirs general of the earl of Ormond, and divers abbots and priors in England. Wishes him to ask the King whether that Act is to be set forth without declaring his pleasure to the Duke, Earl, and heirs general of the earl of Ormond. Has seen the Act made in Ponynges' time, and delivered it again to Mr. Gostwyk. Does not take that Act as they take it in Ireland, but has made a short Act that everything done in this Parliament shall be effectual, notwithstanding that or any other Act. These Acts should be sent to Ireland with a letter ordering the Deputy and Council to return a transumpt under the seal of Ireland. Asks whether the commission to hold the Parliament is to be made to the Deputy alone or to others, and what day it is to begin. Asks him to remind the King of the barons he wished to make to increase the number of temporal lords. They shall be all ready written by Monday next. Does not think the Acts of heresy and submission of the clergy necessary for that land, for the Statute of Henry IV. was never put in execution; and as to the submission, after the laws for the spiritual jurisdiction are ratified here in England by the 32 assigned by the King, and confirmed by Parliament here, it were necessary they should be received in Ireland by authority of Parliament there. Advises that the Acts of probate of testament, mortuaries, and pluralities of benefices should be spared at this time. The Earl of Wiltshire (age 58) has asked that the Act for the Earl of Ossory may be deferred till he and his coparcener Selenger may search their evidences, and declare what prejudice they might take. If the King wishes the Act to go forward, he should write to the Earl, and cause him to make a sufficient proviso. The King might also order the Deputy to take a bond from the earl of Ossory not to take any advantage of the Earl of Wiltshire (age 58) by the Act.

Sends a commission of oyer and determiner concerning the prior of Wurcetter and his monk. Thinks the words spoken in March last by the monk touching appeals will hardly bear treason but misprision, for there is no express mention of the King nor Queen. The words spoken of the King and Queen at Christmas or before February would have been treason if they had been spoken since February 1.

It were best to have them indicted truly upon the fact, and then let them remain in ward till further opinions be known.

Christchurch, in London, Saturday, the eve of the Assumption. Is going to Colchester on Tuesday; there is so great death in London.

Hol. Add: Chief Secretary.

On 14 Aug 1539 Ralph Sacheverell (age 33) died at Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire [Map]. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map].

On 27 Jun 1538 Cecilia Durance (age 30) died. She was buried at Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map].

Decorated Gabled Headress. Lancastrian Esses Collar with Big Esses with Tudor Rose Pendant. Possibly second hand monuments. Gabled Headress.

Ralph Sacheverell: Ralph Sacheverell and Cecilia Durance were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. Ralph Sacheverell and Anna Unknown were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. In 1506 he was born to Richard Sacheverell Baron Hungerford, Botreaux and Moleyns and Mary Hungerford Baroness Hastings, 4th Baroness Hungerford, 5th Baroness Botreaux and 2nd Baroness Moleyns at Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire.

Cecilia Durance: In 1508 she was born to John Durance at Isham, Northamptonshire.

Diary of Edward VI. 14 Aug 1550. There came divers advertisments from Chamberlain, embassadour with the quene of Hungary (age 44)1, that there very intent was to take away the lady Mary (age 34), and so to begin an outward warr, and an inward conspiracy; insomuch that the quene said Scipperus was but a coward, and, for feare of one gentleman that came downe, durst not goe furth with his entreprice to my lady Mary (age 34).

Note 1. The emperor's (age 47) sister, regent of the Netherlands.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Aug 1557. The xiiij day of August cam tydynges from beyond the see that the Kyng (age 30) our master had taken mony nobull men of France gohyng to vetell Sant Qwynten, the constabull of Fransse and a vj m. presonares taken, and vj .. cartes and wagens laden with tresur and vetell, at a plasse callyd Sant Qwynten, and ther my lord Hare Dudley (deceased) was slayn at the wynnyng of ytt.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 14 Aug 1619. The 14th my Coz. Mary and I had a bitter falling out.

On 14 Aug 1621 Maria Margaret Habsburg Spain was born to Philip IV King Spain (age 16) and Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.39%.

Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. nan went the 14 to Mr harrys in Surry, august.

Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. the 14 august Sr christofer yelverton (age 43) went to peckham.

Evelyn's Diary. 14 Aug 1654. Went by Newark-on-Trent [Map], a brave town and garrison. Next, by Wharton House, belonging to the Lord Chaworth, a handsome seat; then by Home, a noble place belonging to the Marquis of Dorchester (age 48), and passed the famous River Trent, which divides the South from the North of England; and so lay that night at Nottingham [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1660. To the Privy Seal, and thence to my Lord's, where Mr. Pim, the tailor, and I agreed upon making me a velvet coat. From thence to the Privy Seal again, where Sir Samuel Morland (age 35) came in with a Baronet's grant to pass, which the King had given him to make money of. Here he staid with me a great while; and told me the whole manner of his serving the King in the time of the Protector; and how Thurloe's bad usage made him to do it; how he discovered Sir R. Willis, and how he hath sunk his fortune for the King; and that now the King hath given him a pension of £500 per annum out of the Post Office for life, and the benefit of two Baronets; all which do make me begin to think that he is not so much a fool as I took him to be. Home by water to the Tower, where my father, Mr. Fairbrother, and Cooke dined with me. After dinner in comes young Captain Cuttance of the Speedwell, who is sent up for the gratuity given the seamen that brought the King over. He brought me a firkin of butter for my wife, which is very welcome. My father, after dinner, takes leave, after I had given him 40s. for the last half year for my brother John (age 19) at Cambridge. I did also make even with Mr. Fairbrother for my degree of Master of Arts, which cost me about £9 16s. To White Hall, and my wife with me by water, where at the Privy Seal and elsewhere all the afternoon. At night home with her by water, where I made good sport with having the girl and the boy to comb my head, before I went to bed, in the kitchen.

Evelyn's Diary. 14 Aug 1662. This afternoon, the Queen-Mother (age 52), with the Earl of St. Alban's (age 57) and many great ladies and persons, was pleased to honor my poor villa with her presence, and to accept of a collation. She was exceedingly pleased, and staid till very late in the evening.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1662. Up early and to look on my works, and find my house to go on apace. So to my office to prepare business, and then we met and sat till noon, and then Commissioner Pett (age 52) and I being invited, went by Sir John Winter's (age 62) coach sent for us, to the Mitre [Map], in Fenchurch street, to a venison-pasty; where I found him a very worthy man; and good discourse. Most of which was concerning the Forest of Dean, and the timber there, and iron-workes with their great antiquity, and the vast heaps of cinders which they find, and are now of great value, being necessary for the making of iron at this day; and without which they cannot work: with the age of many trees there left at a great fall in Edward the Third's time, by the name of forbid-trees1, which at this day are called vorbid trees.

Note 1. TT. Possibly forbidden trees. Trees that were felled in a great storm of 1362 which miners were forbidden from taking.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1664. Lord's Day. After long lying discoursing with my wife, I up, and comes Mr. Holliard (age 55) to see me, who concurs with me that my pain is nothing but cold in my legs breeding wind, and got only by my using to wear a gowne, and that I am not at all troubled with any ulcer, but my thickness of water comes from my overheat in my back. He gone, comes Mr. Herbert, Mr. Honiwood's man, and dined with me, a very honest, plain, well-meaning man, I think him to be; and by his discourse and manner of life, the true embleme of an old ordinary serving-man.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1665. Thence by agreement to Sir J. Minnes's (age 66) lodgings, where I found my Lord Bruncker (age 45), and so by water to the ferry, and there took Sir W. Batten's (age 64) coach that was sent for us, and to Sir W. Batten's (age 64), where very merry, good cheer, and up and down the garden with great content to me, and, after dinner, beat Captain Cocke (age 48) at billiards, won about 8s. of him and my Lord Bruncker (age 45). So in the evening after, much pleasure back again and I by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], where supped with my wife, and then to bed betimes, because of rising to-morrow at four of the clock in order to the going out with Sir G. Carteret (age 55) toward Cranborne to my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 17) in his way to Court.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1665. Up, and my mind being at mighty ease from the dispatch of my business so much yesterday, I down to Deptford, Kent [Map] to Sir G. Carteret (age 55), where with him a great while, and a great deale of private talke concerning my Lord Sandwich's (age 40) and his matters, and chiefly of the latter, I giving him great deale of advice about the necessity of his having caution concerning Fenn, and the many ways there are of his being abused by any man in his place, and why he should not bring his son in to look after his business, and more, to be a Commissioner of the Navy, which he listened to and liked, and told me how much the King (age 35) was his good Master, and was sure not to deny him that or any thing else greater than that, and I find him a very cunning man, whatever at other times he seems to be, and among other things he told me he was not for the fanfaroone1 to make a show with a great title, as he might have had long since, but the main thing to get an estate; and another thing, speaking of minding of business, "By God", says he, "I will and have already almost brought it to that pass, that the King (age 35) shall not be able to whip a cat, but I must be at the tayle of it". Meaning so necessary he is, and the King (age 35) and my Lord Treasurer (age 58) and all do confess it; which, while I mind my business, is my own case in this office of the Navy, and I hope shall be more, if God give me life and health.

Note 1. Fanfaron, French, from fanfare, a sounding of trumpets; hence, a swaggerer, or empty boaster.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1666. Thanksgiving Day1. Up, and comes Mr. Foley and his man, with a box of a great variety of carpenter's and joyner's tooles, which I had bespoke, to me, which please me mightily; but I will have more. Then I abroad down to the Old Swan [Map], and there I called and kissed Betty Michell, and would have got her to go with me to Westminster, but I find her a little colder than she used to be, methought, which did a little molest me.

Note 1. A proclamation ordering August 14th to be observed in London and Westminster, and August 23rd in other places, as a day of thanksgiving for the late victory at sea over the Dutch, was published on August 6th.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Aug 1666. So I away not pleased, and to White Hall, where I find them at Chappell, and met with Povy (age 52), and he and I together, who tells me how mad my letter makes my Lord Peterborough (age 44), and what a furious letter he hath writ to me in answer, though it is not come yet. This did trouble me; for though there be no reason, yet to have a nobleman's mouth open against a man may do a man hurt; so I endeavoured to have found him out and spoke with him, but could not.

Calendars. 14 Aug 1666. 20 leagues from land. 132. Duke of Albemarle (age 57) to the King. Thanks for his gracious letter. Prince Rupert (age 46) and he think it their greatest honour to serve His Majesty. They are sailing for Solebay [Map] with a fair wind, and hope to find provisions, having sent to Comr. Taylor to forward them. Wishes to clear a gallant man falsely accused, Sir Jeremiah Smith, who had more men killed and hurt, and his ship received more shot than any in the fleet. There is not a more spirited man serves in the fleet. A vessel is taken laden with masts and iron. Endorsed, "Received 16th August." [2 pages.] Encloses, 132. 1. Account of the masts, de., on the above ship.

On 14 Aug 1671 John Lewis 1st Baronet (age 56) died without male issue. Baronet Lewis of Ledstone extinct. His daughters Elizabeth Lewis Countess Huntingdon (age 17) and Mary Lewis Countess Scarsdale (age 13) inherited his estates.

He and his wife Sarah Foote Lady Lewis (age 43) were buried at All Saints Church, Ledsham [Map]. Hand On Skull. Sculpted by Thomas Cartwright (age 36).

Elizabeth Lewis Countess Huntingdon: In 1654 she was born to John Lewis 1st Baronet. Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jun 1670. Came the Earl of Huntington and Countess, with the Lord Sherard, to visit us. On 19 Feb 1672 Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon and she were married. She by marriage Countess Huntingdon. He the son of Ferdinando Hastings 6th Earl Huntingdon and Lucy Davies Countess Huntingdon. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. In 1688 she died.

Mary Lewis Countess Scarsdale: In 1658 she was born to John Lewis 1st Baronet. On 11 Feb 1672 Robert Leke 3rd Earl Scarsdale and she were married. He the son of Nicholas Leke 2nd Earl Scarsdale and Frances Rich Countess Scarsdale. On 27 Jan 1681 Nicholas Leke 2nd Earl Scarsdale died. His son Robert Leke 3rd Earl Scarsdale succeeded 3rd Earl Scarsdale, 3rd Baron Deincourt of Sutton, 3rd Baronet Leke of Sutton in Derbyshire. She by marriage Countess Scarsdale. In 1684 she died.

On 14 Aug 1687 Maria Anna Savoy was born to Victor Amadeus King Sardinia (age 21) and Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia (age 17) at Turin. She a great granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.95%.

On 14 Aug 1688 Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia was born to Frederick I King Prussia (age 31) and Sophia Charlotte Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 19). He a great x 2 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.96%.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 14 Aug 1690. Thursday, Hanson of the Quire & Brock, came to see the butler (about 10) I dranck a glasse of ale to them (having met them in the garden, & left them in the buttry; MainwarinG. & my sonne (age 39) retorned from Chester past 10; & Huson from Manchester in the afternoone.

On 14 Aug 1724 Anne Cochrane Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 18) died in childbirth.

On 14 Aug 1727 Thomas Frankland 3rd Baronet (age 42) was elected MP Thirsk.

On 14 Aug 1727 Stephen Cornwallis (age 23) was elected MP Eye.

On 14 Aug 1727 Louise Elisabeth of France was born to Louis XV King France (age 17) and Marie Leszczyńska Queen Consort France (age 24). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.

After 14 Aug 1775. St Margaret's Church, Wrenbury [Map]. Monument to Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet (deceased) and Elizabeth Abigail Cotton Lady Cotton (age 62).

Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet: Around 1705 he was born to Thomas Cotton 2nd Baronet and Philadelphia Lynch Lady Cotton. In or before 1739 Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet and Elizabeth Abigail Cotton Lady Cotton were married. She by marriage Lady Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire. On 27 Aug 1748 Robert Salusbury Cotton 3rd Baronet died. His brother Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire. On 14 Aug 1775 Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet died. His son Robert Salusbury Cotton 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire.

Elizabeth Abigail Cotton Lady Cotton: In 1713 she was born to Rowland Cotton. Combermere Papers. 1745. Sir Thomas was succeeded by his son Sir Robert who married Lady Betty Tollemache daughter of the Earl of Dysart and dying in 1748 without issue was succeeded by his brother Lynch. He married his cousin Miss Cotton of Ethwall and died in 1775 leaving behind him besides other issue Robert who succeeded him and was the father of Lord Combermere Roland an Admiral in the Royal Navy and father of General Sir Willoughby Cotton GCB at one time Commander in Chief at Bombay; Lynch; George, Dean of Chester; Thomas; William; Richard, an officer in the Army killed in action; Henry; and Calveley, Captain 1st Life Guards who married Miss Lockwood by whom he had Major General Sir Sidney Cotton KCB Admiral Frank Cotton and Major General Sir Arthur Cotton Kt., Madras Engineers, celebrated for his irrigation labours in India. On 04 Jan 1777 Elizabeth Abigail Cotton Lady Cotton died.

On 14 Aug 1782 Bishop Shute Barrington (age 48) was elected Bishop of Salisbury.

Castern. On the 14th of August we opened a barrow, six miles north of Pickering, twenty-seven yards round the base, and four feet six in central elevation, by digging as usual from the north to the middle. After clearing away a layer of sand, large stones appeared, their position indicating that they were intentionally placed to guard the interments which were discovered on removing them. These were the calcined remains of probably two persons, enclosed in two fine sepulchral urns, embedded in sand and covered by a flat stone, which was too short to extend over the mouths of both. The bones were accompanied by a neat lance-head of flint, near two inches long, and two circular-ended flints, which had been calcined. The urns are respectively ten and eleven inches high: the former has a border of diagonal lines, occasionally crossed by others in the contrary direction; the latter is bordered by a simple pattern of a single chevrony line, running between two horizontal ones. They are both of coarse material and workmanship.

Brushfield. On the 14th of August, we excavated another barrow, near to that containing the Saxon thegn, having a tolerably perfect appearance, and crossed by two walls; but after much labour, we found that the whole of the centre had been disturbed as low as the natural surface; we consequently met with nothing more satisfactory than a piece of unburnt human skull, a few calcined bones, and some pieces of bone of different animals.

New Inns. On the 14th of August we opened the companion barrow, which was about the same size, by turning over much of the centre, when we found nothing but three pieces of late pottery, apparently of Romano-British ware; but on the 20th of December we again made an excavation on the eastern side of the mound, where it was partly constructed of loose stones, and there found the greatest part of the skeleton of an ox, accompanied by a few rats' bones and some more pieces of the same kind of earthenware.

The London Gazette 21349. 14 Aug 1852. Office of Ordnance, 14th August 1852.

Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

Sir Claude William Champion de Crespigny (age 34), Bart, to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 13th August 1852.

Daniel Robert Scratton, Esq. to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 13th August 1852.

John Bagshaw, Esq. to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 13th. August 1852.

On 28 Jun 1853 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 81) died. His son Francis Charles Charteris 9th Earl of Wemyss (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Wemyss, 2nd Baron Wemyss of Wemyss in Fife. Louisa Bingham Countess Wemyss (age 55) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

His obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban Volume XL reads as follows:

THE EARL OF WEMYSS AND MARCH June 28 At Gosford House East Lothian in his 81st year the Right Hon Francis Wemyss Charteris Wemyss sixth Earl of Wemyss and Lord Elcho and Methel 1633 Baron Wemyss of Elcho 1628 Earl of March Viscount of Peebles and Lord Niedpath, Lyne and Munard 1697 all dignities in the peerage of Scotland Baron Wemyss of Wemyss co Fife 1821 and Lord Lieutenant of Peebleshire.

He was born on the 15th April 1772 the only son of Francis Lord Elcho son and heir apparent of the fifth Earl by Miss Susan Tracy Keck one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte the second daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck esq of Great Tew co Oxford by Lady Susan Hamilton fourth daughter of James fourth Duke of Hamilton and first Duke of Brandon KG and KT.

In early life his lordship had a commission in the army and from 1793 to 1797 was aide de camp to his grand uncle Lord Adam Gordon Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland He quitted the army in 1797.

His father Lord Elcho died on the 20th June 1808 and his grandfather on the 24th August following whereupon he succeeded to the Earldom of Wemyss and its attendant titles. On the death of William fourth Duke of Queensberry in Dec 1810 he inherited the barony of Niedpath and the extensive property which had belonged to his Grace in the county of Peebles in pursuance of the terms of the marriage contract of the first Earl of March his Grace's grandfather. He also succeeded to the dignities of Earl of March, Viscount of Peebles and Lord Douglas of Niedpath, Lyne and Munard the patent of creation being to Lord William Douglas et heredes masculos de ejus corpore quibus deficientibus alios ejus hæredes masin culos et talliæ contentos in ejus infeofa mentis terrarum et dominii de Niedpath.

His Lordship was created a peer of the united kingdom by the title of Baron Wemyss at the Coronation of King George IV by patent dated 17 Jul 1821. He supported the Conservative party in parliament but took but little interest in politics.

He married May 31 1794 Margaret fourth daughter of Walter Campbell esq of Shawfield by his first wife Eleanor daughter of Robert Kerr of Newfield eldest son of Lord Charles Kerr second son of Robert first Marquess of Lothian. By that lady who died in 1850 he had issue two sons and nine daughters 1 Francis his successor (age 56) 2 Lady Eleanor married in 1820 to Walter Frederick Campbell of Woodhall co Lanark (age 55) esq eldest son of Colonel John Campbell by Lady Charlotte (age 78) daughter of John fifth Duke of Argyle and died in 1832 3 the Hon Walter died 1818 4 Susan who died in infancy 5 Lady Margaret married in 1824 to Lieut Colonel John Wildman and died in 1825 6 Lady Katharine married in 1824 to her cousin George Harry Lord Grey of Groby who died in 1835 and she died in 1844 leaving issue the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington (age 26) and Lady Margaret Milbanke 7 Lady Charlotte (age 58) married in 1825 to Andrew Fletcher esq of Salton Castle East Lothian 8 Lady Louisa Antoinetta (age 58) married in 1832 to William Forbes esq of Callendar co Stirling late MP for Stirlingshire 9 Lady Harriet (age 58) married in 1829 to Sir George Grant Suttie Bart 10 Lady Jane and 11 Lady Caroline. The present Earls (age 56) in 1796 married in 1817 Lady Louisa Bingham (age 55) fourth daughter of Richard 2d Earl Lucan by whom he has issue Francis Lord Elcho (age 34) four other sons and daughters.

On 14 Aug 1862 Prince Henry Hohenzollern was born to Frederick III King Prussia (age 30) and Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 21). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Henry Chaplin A Memoir: 2 Family and Social Life Part II. August 14 [1876].

I've had a great deal of talk about you to-day for I found an Uncle and Aunt of mine at my brother's, William and Lady Jane Ellice. He was one of my guardians, and she brought up my sister (age 30).1 They are the best and kindest of people. I have more than affection for both of them, and I painted your picture in colours to them, which made them think, as I do, that I am one of the luckiest men in the world. Some day you'll make their acquaintance, I hope, and I am sure you will like them both.

Note 1. Helen Matilda Chaplin (age 30) married, 1866, William Pleydell Bouverie (age 35), Viscount Folkestone, afterwards 5th Earl of Radnor.

The London Gazette 28870. 14 Aug 1914. 4th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment; the announcements of the resignations of Lieutenant Arthur Silver and Second Lieutenant John H. M., The Marquis of Granby (age 27), which appeared in the London Gazettes of the 23rd June, 1914, and 14th July, 1914, respectively, are cancelled.

After 14 Aug 1916. St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map]. Memorial to Andrew Pepys Cockerell, 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Battalion The Kings Royal Rifle Corps, who was killed in action aged nineteen on 14 Aug 1916 at Mametz Wood.

After 14 Aug 1925. Monument to Reverend John Otter Stephens (deceased) at St Oswald's Church, Blankney.

Reverend John Otter Stephens: On 26 Apr 1832 he was born. In 1879 he was appointed Rector of St Oswald's Church, Blankney which office he held until 1903. On 16 Jun 1887 he and Emma Charlotte Leslie-Melville were married. On 14 Aug 1925 he died.

Births on the 14th August

On 14 Aug 1473 Margaret York Countess of Salisbury was born to George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 23) and Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence (age 21) at Farleigh Hungerford Castle [Map]. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.41%.

On 14 Aug 1499 John de Vere 14th Earl of Oxford was born to George de Vere (age 56) and Margaret Stafford (age 49).

On 14 Aug 1597 Margaret Spencer was born to Robert Spencer 1st Baron Spencer (age 27) and Margaret Willoughby (age 30).

On 14 Aug 1621 Maria Margaret Habsburg Spain was born to Philip IV King Spain (age 16) and Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.39%.

On 14 Aug 1653 Christopher Monck 2nd Duke Albemarle was born to George Monck 1st Duke Albemarle (age 44) and Anne Clarges Duchess Albermarle (age 34) seven months after his parents were married.

On 14 Aug 1677 William Twysden 5th Baronet was born to William Twysden 3rd Baronet (age 41).

On 14 Aug 1687 Maria Anna Savoy was born to Victor Amadeus King Sardinia (age 21) and Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia (age 17) at Turin. She a great granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.95%.

On 14 Aug 1688 Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia was born to Frederick I King Prussia (age 31) and Sophia Charlotte Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 19). He a great x 2 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.96%.

On 14 Aug 1688 Mary Osborne Duchess Beaufort was born to Peregrine Osborne 2nd Duke Leeds (age 29) and Bridget Hyde Duchess Leeds (age 26).

On 14 Aug 1694 James Hamilton 1st Earl Clanbrassil was born to James Hamilton and Anne Mordaunt (age 28).

On 14 Aug 1720 Frederick Hesse-Kassel was born to William Hesse-Kassel (age 38) at Kassel.

On 14 Aug 1722 John Dyke Acland 7th Baronet was born to Hugh Acland 6th Baronet (age 25) and Cicely Wroth.

On 14 Aug 1727 Louise Elisabeth of France was born to Louis XV King France (age 17) and Marie Leszczyńska Queen Consort France (age 24). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.

On 14 Aug 1743 Mary Aston Lady Blount was born to James Aston 5th Baronet (age 20) and Barbara Maria Talbot (age 23).

On 14 Aug 1747 August Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Duke Frederick III of Saxe Coburg Altenburg III (age 48) and Luise Dorothea Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 37) at Gotha.

On 14 Aug 1749 Thomas Egerton 1st Earl Wilton was born to Thomas Egerton 6th Baronet (age 28).

On 14 Aug 1769 Richard Barry 7th Earl Barrymore was born to Richard Barry 6th Earl Barrymore (age 24) and Amelia Stanhope Countess Barrymore (age 20). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 14 Aug 1779 Hans Francis Hastings 12th Earl Huntingdon was born to George Hastings (age 44) and Sarah Fowler.

On 14 Aug 1785 George Allanson-Winn was born to George Winn aka Allanson-Winn 1st Baron Headley (age 60) and Jane Blennerhassett.

On 14 Aug 1797 Anne Legge was born to George Legge 3rd Earl Dartmouth (age 41) and Frances Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 36).

On 14 Aug 1801 Lewen Powell Glyn 3rd Baronet was born to George Glynn 2nd Baronet (age 62).

On 14 Aug 1806 Harriot Mary Anne Bloomfield was born to Benjamin Bloomfield 1st Baron Bloomfield (age 38).

On 14 Aug 1810 George Harris 3rd Baron Harris was born to William Harris 2nd Baron Harris (age 28).

On 14 Aug 1819 Agénor 10th Duc de Gramont was born to Antoine Héraclius Agénor 9th Duc de Gramont (age 30).

On 14 Aug 1824 William Parker 2nd Baronet was born to Admiral William Parker 1st Baronet (age 42) and Frances Anne Biddulph (age 40).

On 14 Aug 1846 Giuseppe Calì was born in Valetta, Malta.

On 14 Aug 1862 Prince Henry Hohenzollern was born to Frederick III King Prussia (age 30) and Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 21). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 14 Aug 1928 Richard La Touche Colthurst 9th Baronet was born to Richard St John Jefferyes Colthurst 8th Baronet (age 41).

On 14 Aug 1931 George Ponsonby was born to Vere Brabazon Ponsonby 9th Earl Bessborough (age 51).

Marriages on the 14th August

Before 14 Aug 1418 John Scrope 4th Baron Scrope of Masham (age 30) and Elizabeth Chaworth Baroness Scrope Masham (age 27) were married. She by marriage Baroness Scrope of Masham. They were fourth cousins.

Before 14 Aug 1535 Thomas Vaux 2nd Baron Vaux Harrowden and Elizabeth Cheney Baroness Vaux Harrowden (age 30) were married. She by marriage Baroness Vaux Harrowden. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 14 Aug 1671 John Lewis 1st Baronet (age 56) and Sarah Foote Lady Lewis (age 43) were married.

On 14 Aug 1684 Thomas Tufton 6th Earl of Thanet (age 39) and Catherine Cavendish Countess Isle Thanet (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess of Thanet. The difference in their ages was 20 years. She the daughter of Henry Cavendish 2nd Duke Newcastle upon Tyne (age 54) and Frances Pierrepont Duchess Newcastle upon Tyne (age 53). He the son of John Tufton 2nd Earl of Thanet and Margaret Sackville Countess Isle Thanet.

On 14 Aug 1693 Uvedale Corbet 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Mildred Cecil Baroness Hotham were married. She the daughter of James Cecil 3rd Earl Salisbury and Margaret Manners Countess of Salisbury.

On 14 Aug 1762 John Stewart 7th Earl Galloway (age 26) and Charlotte Mary Greville (age 17) were married. She the daughter of Francis Greville 1st Earl Brooke Warwick Castle 1st Earl Warwick (age 42) and Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Brooke Warwick Castle and Warwick (age 42). He the son of Alexander Stewart 6th Earl Galloway (age 68) and Catherine Cochrane Countess Galloway (age 53).

On 14 Aug 1800 Brook William Bridges 4th Baronet (age 33) and Eleanor Foote (age 29) were married. She by marriage Lady Bridges of Goodneston in Kent.

On 14 Aug 1828 John Barker aka Barker-Mill 1st Baronet (age 24) and Jane Swinburne Lady Barker-Mill (age 30) were married at Keynsham, Somerset.

On 14 Aug 1855 John William Cradock-Hartopp 4th Baronet (age 26) and Charlotte Frances Howard Lady Cradock-Hartopp were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 14 Aug 1860 Sackville George Lane-Fox 15th Baron Darcy of Knayth 12th Baron Conyers (age 32) and Mary Curteis were married.

On 14 Aug 1948 Angus Josslyn Gore-Booth 8th Baronet (age 28) and Rosemary Myra Vane were married.

Deaths on the 14th August

On 14 Aug 1040 King Duncan I of Scotland (age 39) was killed in action by the army of King Macbeth of Scotland (age 35). King Macbeth of Scotland (age 35) succeeded King Scotland.

On 14 Aug 1196 Henry "Blind" Namur IV Count Luxemburg I Count Namur (age 84) died. His daughter Erminsende Namur Countess of Bar (age 9) succeeded Countess Luxemburg.

On 14 Aug 1241 Matilda Lusignan Countess Hereford and Essex (age 31) died.

On 14 Aug 1297 Frederick Hohenzollern Burgrave Nuremburg (age 77) died. His son Frederick Hohenzollern (age 10) succeeded IV Burgrave Nuremberg.

On 14 Aug 1369 William Boteler 3rd Baron Wem and Oversley (age 59) died. Baron Wem and Oversley abeyant between his two daughters Alice Boteler (age 29) and Elizabeth Boteler Baroness Ferrers Wem (age 24).

On 14 Aug 1390 John Fitzalan Baron Maltravers 2nd Baron Arundel (age 25) died. He was buried at Missenden Abbey [Map]. His son John Fitzalan 13th Earl of Arundel (age 5) succeeded 3rd Baron Arundel.

On 14 Aug 1433 King John I of Portugal (age 81) died at Lisbon [Map]. His son Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 41) succeeded I King Portugal.

On 14 Aug 1620 Katherine Dudley Countess Huntingdon (age 82) died.

On 14 Aug 1671 John Lewis 1st Baronet (age 56) died without male issue. Baronet Lewis of Ledstone extinct. His daughters Elizabeth Lewis Countess Huntingdon (age 17) and Mary Lewis Countess Scarsdale (age 13) inherited his estates.

He and his wife Sarah Foote Lady Lewis (age 43) were buried at All Saints Church, Ledsham [Map]. Hand On Skull. Sculpted by Thomas Cartwright (age 36).

Elizabeth Lewis Countess Huntingdon: In 1654 she was born to John Lewis 1st Baronet. Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jun 1670. Came the Earl of Huntington and Countess, with the Lord Sherard, to visit us. On 19 Feb 1672 Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon and she were married. She by marriage Countess Huntingdon. He the son of Ferdinando Hastings 6th Earl Huntingdon and Lucy Davies Countess Huntingdon. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. In 1688 she died.

Mary Lewis Countess Scarsdale: In 1658 she was born to John Lewis 1st Baronet. On 11 Feb 1672 Robert Leke 3rd Earl Scarsdale and she were married. He the son of Nicholas Leke 2nd Earl Scarsdale and Frances Rich Countess Scarsdale. On 27 Jan 1681 Nicholas Leke 2nd Earl Scarsdale died. His son Robert Leke 3rd Earl Scarsdale succeeded 3rd Earl Scarsdale, 3rd Baron Deincourt of Sutton, 3rd Baronet Leke of Sutton in Derbyshire. She by marriage Countess Scarsdale. In 1684 she died.

On 14 Aug 1698 Margaret Burke Lady Muskerry died.

On 14 Aug 1724 Anne Cochrane Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 18) died in childbirth.

On 14 Aug 1728 Ernest Augustus Hanover 1st Duke of York and Albany (age 53) died at Osnabrück, Lower Saxony. Duke York and Albany extinct.

On 14 Aug 1771 Andrew Agnew 5th Baronet (age 83) died. His son Stair Agnew 6th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 5th Baronet Agnew of Lochnaw in Wigtownshire.

On 14 Aug 1782 Rebecca May Lady Hoskyns died.

On 14 Aug 1814 Barbara St Aubyn Lady Molesworth (age 84) died.

On 14 Aug 1818 Jane Biddulph Lady Biddulph (age 91) died.

On 28 Jun 1853 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 81) died. His son Francis Charles Charteris 9th Earl of Wemyss (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Wemyss, 2nd Baron Wemyss of Wemyss in Fife. Louisa Bingham Countess Wemyss (age 55) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

His obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban Volume XL reads as follows:

THE EARL OF WEMYSS AND MARCH June 28 At Gosford House East Lothian in his 81st year the Right Hon Francis Wemyss Charteris Wemyss sixth Earl of Wemyss and Lord Elcho and Methel 1633 Baron Wemyss of Elcho 1628 Earl of March Viscount of Peebles and Lord Niedpath, Lyne and Munard 1697 all dignities in the peerage of Scotland Baron Wemyss of Wemyss co Fife 1821 and Lord Lieutenant of Peebleshire.

He was born on the 15th April 1772 the only son of Francis Lord Elcho son and heir apparent of the fifth Earl by Miss Susan Tracy Keck one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte the second daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck esq of Great Tew co Oxford by Lady Susan Hamilton fourth daughter of James fourth Duke of Hamilton and first Duke of Brandon KG and KT.

In early life his lordship had a commission in the army and from 1793 to 1797 was aide de camp to his grand uncle Lord Adam Gordon Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland He quitted the army in 1797.

His father Lord Elcho died on the 20th June 1808 and his grandfather on the 24th August following whereupon he succeeded to the Earldom of Wemyss and its attendant titles. On the death of William fourth Duke of Queensberry in Dec 1810 he inherited the barony of Niedpath and the extensive property which had belonged to his Grace in the county of Peebles in pursuance of the terms of the marriage contract of the first Earl of March his Grace's grandfather. He also succeeded to the dignities of Earl of March, Viscount of Peebles and Lord Douglas of Niedpath, Lyne and Munard the patent of creation being to Lord William Douglas et heredes masculos de ejus corpore quibus deficientibus alios ejus hæredes masin culos et talliæ contentos in ejus infeofa mentis terrarum et dominii de Niedpath.

His Lordship was created a peer of the united kingdom by the title of Baron Wemyss at the Coronation of King George IV by patent dated 17 Jul 1821. He supported the Conservative party in parliament but took but little interest in politics.

He married May 31 1794 Margaret fourth daughter of Walter Campbell esq of Shawfield by his first wife Eleanor daughter of Robert Kerr of Newfield eldest son of Lord Charles Kerr second son of Robert first Marquess of Lothian. By that lady who died in 1850 he had issue two sons and nine daughters 1 Francis his successor (age 56) 2 Lady Eleanor married in 1820 to Walter Frederick Campbell of Woodhall co Lanark (age 55) esq eldest son of Colonel John Campbell by Lady Charlotte (age 78) daughter of John fifth Duke of Argyle and died in 1832 3 the Hon Walter died 1818 4 Susan who died in infancy 5 Lady Margaret married in 1824 to Lieut Colonel John Wildman and died in 1825 6 Lady Katharine married in 1824 to her cousin George Harry Lord Grey of Groby who died in 1835 and she died in 1844 leaving issue the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington (age 26) and Lady Margaret Milbanke 7 Lady Charlotte (age 58) married in 1825 to Andrew Fletcher esq of Salton Castle East Lothian 8 Lady Louisa Antoinetta (age 58) married in 1832 to William Forbes esq of Callendar co Stirling late MP for Stirlingshire 9 Lady Harriet (age 58) married in 1829 to Sir George Grant Suttie Bart 10 Lady Jane and 11 Lady Caroline. The present Earls (age 56) in 1796 married in 1817 Lady Louisa Bingham (age 55) fourth daughter of Richard 2d Earl Lucan by whom he has issue Francis Lord Elcho (age 34) four other sons and daughters.

On 14 Aug 1877 Blanche Mary Boyd died at Boulogne sur Mer [Map]. Her son Henry Cyril "Toppy" Paget 5th Marquess Anglesey (age 2) was fostered by her sister Edith Marion Boyd until he was eight years old. She, Edith, subsequently married Gustavce Coquelin, brother of Toppy's putative father Benoît Constant Coquelin (age 36).

On 14 Aug 1905 Simeon Solomon (age 64) died in the dining-room of St Gile's Workshouse, Bloomsbury [Map] from complications brought on by alcoholism. He was buried at Willesden Cemetery.

"Inquest." The Times, 18 August 1905:

Mr. Walter Schroder held an inquest at St. Giles's Coroner's Court yesterday regarding the death of Simeon Solomon, aged 63, bachelor, an oil-painter, who was described as of the pre-Raphaelite school and at one time an associate of Rossetti and Burne-Jones. Solomon, according to his cousin, Mr. G. J. Nathan, of late years had led an intemperate and irregular life. The witness last saw him alive in May, when he gave him an outfit of clothes and money. He also gave him a commission for a drawing which was never executed. People highly placed in society would have liked him to paint pictures for them, but he could not be relied on to execute any commission. Other evidence showed that Solomon had been "off and on" an inmate of St. Giles's Workhouse during the past five years. On Wednesday, May 24 last, after the visit to his cousin, he was found lying on the footpath in Great Turnstile, High Holborn. He complained of illness and was conveyed to King's College Hospital, whence he was transferred to St. Giles's Workhouse. He was then suffering from bronchitis and alcoholism. He remained in the house, and on Monday morning last suddenly expired in the dining hall from, as Dr. A. C. Allen, the medical officer testified, heart failure consequent on aortic disease of that organ and other ailments. The jury returned a verdict accordingly. It was stated that a picture by the deceased recently sold at Christie's realised 250 guineas and that in former days several of his paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy.

On 14 Aug 1910 William Archer Amherst 3rd Earl Amherst (age 74) died without issue as a result of an operation he received three months prior for a throat infection at Montreal Park, Sevenoaks. His brother Hugh Amherst 4th Earl Amherst (age 54) succeeded 4th Earl Amherst, 5th Baron Amherst of Montreal in Kent.

On 14 Aug 1914 Eleanor Warren Lady Leighton (age 73) died.

On 14 Aug 1921 Edward Feetham Coates 1st Baronet (age 68) died. His son Edward Clive Milnes-Coates 2nd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 2nd Baronet Milnes Coates of Helperby Hall in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Celia Hermione Crewe Milnes Lady Milnes-Coates (age 37) by marriage Lady Milnes Coates of Helperby Hall in the North Riding of Yorkshire.

On 14 Aug 1937 James Ian Macpherson 1st Baron Strathcarron (age 57) died. His son David William Anthony Blyth Macpherson 2nd Baron Strathcarron (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baron Strathcarron of Banchor in Invernessshire.

On 14 Aug 1971 John Randolph Leslie 3rd Baronet (age 85) died. His son John Leslie 4th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 4th Baronet Leslie of Glaslough in County Monaghan.