On this Day in History ... 15th January

15 Jan is in January.

1245 First Council of Lyon

1460 January Raid on Sandwich

1478 Marriage of Richard Duke of York and Anne Mowbray

1559 Coronation of Elizabeth I

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 15th January

On 15 Jan 935 Rudolph aka Raoul I King West Francia (age 45) died.

On 15 Jan 1245 Archbishop Boniface Savoy (age 38) was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury at Lyon, France [Map] by Pope Innocent IV during the First Council of Lyon.

On 15 Jan 1432 Alfonso "The African" V King Portugal was born to Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 40) and Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.40%.

Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 15 Jan 1460. But the Erle of Warwycke (age 31) come unto Sondewyche [Map], and there he toke the Lord Rivers (age 55) with his ladye (age 45), the lady and Duchyes of Bedfordeb and brought them to Calys, for he was commaundyd to have londyd at C[a]lys by the King, but he was brought there sonner then him lekyd.

Note b. Jaquetta (age 45), widow of the Regent Bedford. She was the daughter of Peter of Luxemburg, Count of St. Pol, and soon after her first husband's death married Sir Richard Woodville (age 55), who was created Baron Rivers by Henry VI. in 1448, and Earl Rivers by Edward IV. (who was his son-in law) in 1466.

On 15 Jan 1460 Yorkist forces commanded by John Dynham 1st Baron Dynham (age 27) and Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 31) raided Sandwich, Kent [Map] capturing a number of Lancastrian ships. In addition, the Woodville family: Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 55), his wife Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford (age 45) and their son Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 20) were captured.

On 15 Jan 1478 Edward IV's youngest son Richard of Shrewsbury (age 4) and Anne Mowbray (age 5) were married at St Stephen's Chapel in Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Norfolk. She the daughter of John Mowbray 4th Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth Talbot Duchess Norfolk (age 35). He the son of King Edward IV of England (age 35) and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 41). They were second cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

The ceremony was attended by Edward's daughters Elizabeth (age 11), Mary (age 10) and Cecily (age 8).

The day before Thomas Howard (age 35) was knighted.

In 1483 Parliament changed the succession so Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 4) would continue to enjoy her inheritance (she died in 1481) effectively dis-inheriting William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 52) (who was subsequently created Earl and Marquess), and who accepted a payment of £34,000, and John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 53), who was subsequently created Duke of Norfolk, possibly in compensation.

Thomas Frowyk (age 55) was created Knight of the Bath.

See Woodville Marriages.

Letters. 15 Jan 1513. Armour. Indenture, made 15 Jan. 4 Henry VIII., between Mr. Thomas Wolsy (age 39), clk., councillor, and John Daunce, in the King's name, on the one part, and Robert Bolte, of London, mercer, on the other part, for delivery of 3,000 harnesses (described), at 16s., by 30 April next, at the Tower. Signed at the head by the King and at the foot by Daunce.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1554. [The xv day of January, the lord mayor, and the] aldermen whent to Westmynster [to the court, and] my lord chanseler mad a protestacyon [to them, and to] othur pepyll, that the quen('s) (age 37) grace ys myndyd [to marry] with the prynche of Spayne (age 26), and the reme [realm] for to have [great] benefett commyng in to the rayme [realm]; and that he not [to meddle with the public affairs of the State] thyngs, butt her consell of thys reame sh ....

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1559. The xv day was the crounasyon of quen Elsabeth (age 25) at Westmynster abbay [Map], and theyr all the trumpettes, and knyghtes, and lordes, and haroldes of armes in ther cotte armurs; and after all they in ther skarlett, and all the bysshopes in skarlett, and the Quen, and all the fottmen waytyng a-pone the quene, to Westmynster hall; ther mett all the byshoppes, and all the chapell with iij crosses, and in ther copes, the byshoppes mytered, and syngyng Salve festa dyes; and all the strett led with gravell, and bluw cloth unto the abbay, and raylled on evere syd, and so to the abbay to masse, and ther her grasse was crounyd; and evere offeser rede against she shuld go to dener to Westmynster hall [Map], and evere offeser to take ys offes at serves a-pone ther landes; and my lord mare (age 50) and the althermen.

On 15 Jan 1559 Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 25) was crowned I King England by Bishop Owen Oglethorpe (age 52) at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Margaret Audley Duchess Norfolk (age 19) carried the train. Archbishop Nicholas Heath (age 58) censed. Edward Dymoke (age 51) attended as the Queen's Champion. Thomas Howard 4th Duke of Norfolk (age 22), Francis Talbot 5th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 59), Henry Fitzalan 19th Earl of Arundel (age 46), Thomas Cecil 1st Earl Exeter (age 16) and William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 58) attended.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1562. The xv day of January the Quen('s) (age 28) grace cam to Beynard Castyll [Map] to the yerle of Penbroke (age 61) to dener, and mony of here consell, and tared soper, and at nyght there was grett chere and a grett bankett [banquet], and after a maske, and here grace tared all nyght.

Memorials of affairs of state in the reigns of Q Elizabeth and K James I Volume 2 Dudley Carleton to Mr Winwood Jan 1605. The King (age 38) is gone to Huntington where he will stay till towards Candlemas. The Queen (age 30) goes to Greenwich, Kent [Map] this Week, to give Whitehall some Ayre against that time; and presently after the King goes back sur ses brisees, and the Queen returns to Greenwich to lay down her great Belly, which is iook'd for about three Months hence.

On 15 Jan 1634 Edward Barkham (age 64) died. His eldest son Edward Barkham 1st Baronet (age 42) inherited all his estates excepy Waynflete which were inherited by his younger son Robert Barkham (age 35). In 1652 Jane Crouch (age 79) died.

Church of St George, South Acre [Map].

A very rich and stately altar monument, of marble and alabaster, ornamented with several deaths heads, bones, &c. in basso-relievo, on this rests a large black marble slab, supported at each corner by a column of black marble of the Dorick order; on this slab lies a mat or bass of alabaster, curiously carved; and on that lie the statues of Sir Edward Barkham and his lady, on their backs, in their full length and proportions in alabaster, Sir Edward in armour, and (what is somewhat incompatible) with his scarlet gown and golden chain about his neck, as Lord Mayor of London, over his armour; so that the statuary was of the same opinion with the Roman orator, Cedant arma togœ (Let the arms yield to the toga or Let the sword yield to the toga); he has also a book in his right hand, and rests his head on a cushion: his lady is in a dress agreeable to the age she lived in, her hands across, and rests her head on a cushion; at the head and foot of this monument are the effigies of two sons (Edward Barkham 1st Baronet (age 42) and Robert Barkham (age 35)) and three daughters (Elizabeth Barkham Lady Garrard, Margaret Barkham (age 29) and Jane Barkham (age 38) Note. one daughter Susan Barkham had predeceased her father) all kneeling on cushions. To this monument is a wall-piece of the same materials, on the summit of which is this shield, argent, three pallets gules over all a chevron or, Barkham; and under it this motto, diligentia, fortunæmater (fortune, prosper through diligence, care, economy); on each side of this, is a figure; that on the right hand representing Victory, with a laurel crown in her right hand, and on the pedestal that supports her, Barkham impaling quarterly 1&4, arg. on a pale sable three crosses pattee, or, in a bordure engrailed of the 2d, Crouch; in the 2&3 arg. on a chevron sable three helmets closed, or, Scot: the figure on the left hand is, a skeleton representing death, and on the pedestal the arms of Crouch and Scott quarterly, and by these figures are two hour-glasses with wings.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1679. I went with my Lady Sunderland (age 33) to Chelsea, and dined with the Countess of Bristol (age 59) [her mother] in the great house, formerly the Duke of Buckingham's, a spacious and excellent place for the extent of ground and situation in a good air. The house is large but ill-contrived, though my Lord of Bristol, who purchased it after he sold Wimbledon to my Lord Treasurer (age 46), expended much money on it. There were divers pictures of Titian and Vandyke, and some of Bassano, very excellent, especially an Adonis and Venus, a Duke of Venice, a butcher in his shambles selling meat to a Swiss; and of Vandyke, my Lord of Bristol's picture, with the Earl of Bedford's at length, in the same table. There was in the garden a rare collection of orange trees, of which she was pleased to bestow some upon me.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1689. I visited the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71), where I found the Bishops of St. Asaph (age 61), Ely (age 51), Bath and Wells (age 51), Peterborough (age 61), and Chichester (age 65), the Earls of Aylesbury (age 33) and Clarendon, Sir George Mackenzie (age 53), Lord-Advocate of Scotland, and then came in a Scotch Archbishop, etc. After prayers and dinner, divers serious matters were discoursed, concerning the present state of the Public, and sorry I was to find there was as yet no accord in the judgments of those of the Lords and Commons who were to convene; some would have the Princess (age 26) made Queen without any more dispute, others were for a Regency; there was a Tory party (then so called), who were for inviting his Majesty (age 55) again upon conditions; and there were Republicans who would make the Prince of Orange (age 38) like a Stadtholder. The Romanists were busy among these several parties to bring them into confusion: most for ambition or other interest, few for conscience and moderate resolutions. I found nothing of all this in this assembly of Bishops, who were pleased to admit me into their discourses; they were all for a Regency, thereby to salve their oaths, and so all public matters to proceed in his Majesty's (age 55) name, by that to facilitate the calling of Parliament, according to the laws in being. Such was the result of this meeting.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1689. I found by the Lord-Advocate (age 53) that the Bishops of Scotland (who were indeed little worthy of that character, and had done much mischief in that Church) were now coming about to the true interest, in this conjuncture which threatened to abolish the whole hierarchy in that kingdom; and therefore the Scottish Archbishop (age 55) and Lord-Advocate (age 53) requested the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71) to use his best endeavors with the Prince (age 55) to maintain the Church there in the same state, as by law at present settled.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1689. The great convention being assembled the day before, falling upon the question about the government, resolved that King James (age 55) having by the advice of the Jesuits and other wicked persons endeavored to subvert the laws of the Church and State, and deserted the Kingdom, carrying away the seals, etc., without any care for the management of the government, had by demise abdicated himself and wholly vacated his right; they did therefore desire the Lords' concurrence to their vote, to place the crown on the next heir, the Prince of Orange (age 38), for his life, then to the Princess (age 26), his wife, and if she died without issue, to the Princess of Denmark (age 23), and she failing, to the heirs of the Prince (age 55), excluding forever all possibility of admitting a Roman Catholic.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1689. Note. The reference to Prince is somewhat abiguous. It may refer to King William III of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 38).

John Ashton Edmund Elliot Richard Graham 1691. On Fryday, the 2d day of this Sessions, my Lord Preston (age 41), John Ashton and Edmund Elliot, were all Arrained for High Treason, my Lord Preston (age 41) was Tryed on Saturday by the name of Sir Richard Graham, Mr. Ashton on Monday. The Indictments against them consisted of Two Parts, the First of which set forth, That they had a Treasonable Design carrying on to Depose the King and Queen, and to Subvert and Alter the Government of the Kingdom of England, and to raise War and Rebellion in the same; which said Traiterous and Wicked Designs and Purposes to bring to pass, they did, on the 29th of December last, Meet and Conspire together, with several other Traitors not yet discovered, and did Compose several Treasonable Letters, Notes and Memorandums in writing, which set forth the most effectual way and means how they might Dethrone and Depose our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord and Lady the King (age 40) and Queen (age 28), and further describing therein how the Affairs of this Kingdom stood, and of what Strength and Force our Shipping was; as also the Fortifications of several Sea-Port-Towns within this Kingdom. The Second Part was their adhering to the Kings's Enemies: And to that end, that they might Acquaint Lewis the French King of the same, they did hire a Boat and Embarque themselves in order to Transport themselves and Pacquet of Treasonable Letters into France, agreeing to pay for their said Passages the Sum of One hundred Pound; and, in order to their Treasonable Voyage, they had made their Passage as far as below Gravesend [Map], but were then Taken by Captain Billop, who Cruised abroad to search for them.

After this the Evidence for the King (age 40) being called, gave an Account particularly from Step to Step, how cunningly and subtilly they managed this horrid Conspiracy, by hiring the Smack called the Thomas and Elizabeth, to convey them secretly into France; in order to which they took Water in a Skuller at Surrey-Stairs, and went on Board the aforesaid Vessel, which lay in the River of Thames over against the Tower [Map]: From thence they set Sail down the River, till coming within the View of the George Frigate, lying in Long-reach, they desired the Master of the Smack to hide them under the Quarter-Hatches; which was done, they having some Fear of being discovered: There they remained till past that Danger, and then came up; but when they were within Sight of Gravesend [Map] they hid again, and a little below it Captain Billop came aboard them, under Pretence of Pressing the Masters two Men, who were assistants to him; but indeed his Design and real Intention was to find out those Traytors, which, upon Search, he found lying along under the Hatches; and after their being haled up he search'd them, and found a Pacquet of Treasonable Papers in Mr. Ashton's Bosom: which he with the Prisoners carried before my Lord Nottingham; who examined the Papers, and after being examined by the Cabinet Council they were committed to the Tower. The Evidence was very full and plain against them both, much to the same effect and purport: The Letters being also Read against them in Court, were adjudged to be of no less Import than High-Treason. Upon the whole they had nothing material to offer in their Defence; so after a very long hearing, they were both found Guilty of High Treason. Edmond Elliot was ordered to remain till further order.

After 15 Jan 1717 Daines Barrington was born to John Shute aka Barrington 1st Viscount Barrington (age 39) and Anne Daines Viscountess Barrington (age 27).

On 15 Jan 1724 Philippe V King Spain (age 40) Abdicated. His son Louis I King Spain (age 16) succeeded I King Spain. Louise Élisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 14) by marriage Queen Consort Spain. Louis reigned for seven months before he died after which Phillipe was re-instated as King.

On 15 Jan 1771 Arthur Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 26) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 29).

On 15 Jan 1781 Henry Cheere 1st Baronet (age 78) died. His son William Cheere 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Cheere of St Margaret's in Westminster.

On 15 Jan 1815 Amy "Emma Hart Lady Hamilton" Lyon (age 49) died.

On 15 Jan 1853 James Collinson (age 27)entered Hodder Place near Stonyhurst, the Jesuit College in Lancashire, as a novitiate to train for the priesthood. Collinson discontiued his studies some time between September 1854 and January 1855 without completing his religious training and resumed his painting career.

On 15 Jan 1917 William Frend De Morgan (age 77) died. He was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking.

William Frend De Morgan: On 16 Nov 1839 he was born. On 05 Mar 1887 he and Evelyn Pickering aka de Morgan were married.

Births on the 15th January

On 15 Jan 1432 Alfonso "The African" V King Portugal was born to Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 40) and Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.40%.

On or before 15 Jan 1591, the date of her baptism at St Martin in the Fields [Map], Elizabeth Anton was born to George Anton of Lincoln and Unamed Tailor m George Anton.

On 15 Jan 1596 Henry Carey 2nd Earl Monmouth was born to Robert Carey 1st Earl Monmouth (age 36) and Elizabeth Trevannion Countess Monmouth (age 33) at Denham, Buckinghamshire.

Before 15 Jan 1610 Sidney Godolphin was born to William Godolphin (age 43).

On 15 Jan 1656 John Margetson was born to Archbishop James Margetson (age 56) and Anne Bonnett.

On 15 Jan 1682 John Gray 10th Lord Gray was born to John Gray 9th Lord Gray (age 21).

On 15 Jan 1703 John Brydges was born to James Brydges 1st Duke Chandos (age 30) and Mary Lake (age 34).

On 15 Jan 1703 Henriette Louise Bourbon Condé was born to Louis Bourbon Condé (age 34) and Louise Françoise Bourbon (age 29). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Around 15 Jan 1707 Frances Coningsby was born to Thomas Coningsby 1st Earl Coningsby (age 50) and Frances Jones Countess Coningsbury (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.56%.

On 15 Jan 1716 Elizabeth Berkeley was born to James Berkeley 3rd Earl Berkeley (age 36) and Louisa Lennox Countess Berkeley (age 21). Louisa Lennox Countess Berkeley (age 21) died in childbirth She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Jan 1717 William Wildman Barrington 2nd Viscount Barrington was born to John Shute aka Barrington 1st Viscount Barrington (age 39) and Anne Daines Viscountess Barrington (age 27).

After 15 Jan 1717 John Barrington was born to John Shute aka Barrington 1st Viscount Barrington (age 39) and Anne Daines Viscountess Barrington (age 27).

After 15 Jan 1717 Daines Barrington was born to John Shute aka Barrington 1st Viscount Barrington (age 39) and Anne Daines Viscountess Barrington (age 27).

After 15 Jan 1717 Samuel Barrington was born to John Shute aka Barrington 1st Viscount Barrington (age 39) and Anne Daines Viscountess Barrington (age 27).

On 15 Jan 1720 William Fitzwilliam 1st and 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam was born to John Fitzwilliam 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam (age 35) and Anne Stringer.

On 15 Jan 1728 William Egerton was born to Scroop Egerton 1st Duke Bridgewater (age 46) and Rachel Russell Duchess Bridgewater (age 21).

On 15 Jan 1744 Admiral John Holloway was born at Wells, Somerset [Map].

On 15 Jan 1744 Kenneth Mackenzie 1st Earl Seaforth was born to Kenneth Mackenzie Lord Fortrose (age 27).

On 15 Jan 1747 Baldwin Leighton 6th Baronet was born to Baldwin Leighton (age 30).

On 15 Jan 1748 George Fitzgerald was born to James Fitzgerald 1st Duke Leinster (age 26) and Emilia Mary Lennox Duchess Leinster (age 16). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Around 15 Jan 1757 John Chardin Musgrave 7th Baronet was born to Philip Musgrave 6th Baronet (age 46).

On 15 Jan 1769 Wilhelm Hesse-Kassel was born to Charles Hesse-Kassel (age 24) and Louise Oldenburg (age 18). He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.89%.

On 15 Jan 1770 John Edwards 1st Baronet was born to John Edwards.

On 15 Jan 1771 Arthur Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 26) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 29).

On 15 Jan 1776 William Frederick Hanover 2nd Duke Gloucester and Edinburgh was born to William Henry Hanover 1st Duke Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 32) and Maria Walpole Duchess Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 39) at Palazzo Teodoli, via del Corso. He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 15 Jan 1811 Matthew Blakiston 4th Baronet was born to Matthew Blakiston 3rd Baronet (age 27).

On 15 Jan 1820 Mary Sophia Nevile was born.

On 15 Jan 1825 Colonel Frederick Palmer was born to Reverend Henry Palmer (age 45).

On 15 Jan 1826 Caroline Amelie Oldenburg was born to Christian August Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 27) and Louise Sophie Danneskiold Samsøe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 15 Jan 1830 Reverend George Francis Coke was born to George Coke (age 33) and Anne-Elizabeth Hodgson (age 27).

On 15 Jan 1841 Thomas Bowles was born illegitimately to Thomas Milner Gibson (age 34) and Susannah Bowles.

On 15 Jan 1854 Lyonel Felix Carteret Eugene Tollemache 4th Baronet was born to Ralph Tollemache (age 27) and Caroline Tollemache (age 25). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 15 Jan 1882 Margaret "Daisy" Windsor was born to Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 31) and Luise Margarete Hohenzollern Duchess Connaught (age 21). She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 15 Jan 1903 Katharine Tennant Baroness Elliot of Harwood was born to Charles Tennant 1st Baronet (age 79) and Marguerite Agaranthe Miles (age 35).

On 15 Jan 1914 FitzWalter Brook Plumptre 21st Baron FitzWalter was born to George Beresford Plumptre (age 44) and Mary Augusta Plumptre (age 40). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

Marriages on the 15th January

Before 15 Jan 1151 Elias Anjou 2nd Count Maine (age 36) and Philippa Chateaudun Countess Maine were married. She the daughter of Routrou "The Great" Chateaudun III Count Perche and Matilda Fitzroy Countess Perche. He the son of Fulk "Young" King Jerusalem and Ermengarde La Flèche De Baugency Countess Anjou. They were half fourth cousins. She a granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 15 Jan 1478 Edward IV's youngest son Richard of Shrewsbury (age 4) and Anne Mowbray (age 5) were married at St Stephen's Chapel in Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Norfolk. She the daughter of John Mowbray 4th Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth Talbot Duchess Norfolk (age 35). He the son of King Edward IV of England (age 35) and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 41). They were second cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

The ceremony was attended by Edward's daughters Elizabeth (age 11), Mary (age 10) and Cecily (age 8).

The day before Thomas Howard (age 35) was knighted.

In 1483 Parliament changed the succession so Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 4) would continue to enjoy her inheritance (she died in 1481) effectively dis-inheriting William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 52) (who was subsequently created Earl and Marquess), and who accepted a payment of £34,000, and John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 53), who was subsequently created Duke of Norfolk, possibly in compensation.

Thomas Frowyk (age 55) was created Knight of the Bath.

See Woodville Marriages.

On 15 Jan 1533 Henry Neville of Chevet (age 23) and Dorothy Dawnay (age 18) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 15 Jan 1542 Alderman Humphrey Baskerville (age 25) and Jane Packington (age 22) were married in Bassishaw Ward.

On 15 Jan 1601 Henry Hastings 5th Earl Huntingdon (age 14) and Elizabeth Stanley Countess Huntingdon (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Ferdinando Stanley 5th Earl of Derby and Alice Spencer Countess Derby (age 51). They were fourth cousins. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Before 15 Jan 1656 William Ashburnham and Elizabeth Paulett (age 26) were married.

On 15 Jan 1696 William Wheeler 3rd Baronet (age 42) and Teresa Widdrington were married by the Chaplain to the Portuguese Envoy at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On or after 15 Jan 1697, the date of the licence, William Jessop of Broom Hall, Sheffield (age 32) and Mary Darcy were married.

Before 15 Jan 1788 Valentine Browne 1st Earl of Kenmare (age 34) and Charlotte Dillon Countess Kenmare were married. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Jan 1795 Stephen Thomas Cole (age 30) and Elizabeth Henrietta Smith-Stanley (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Edward Smith-Stanley 12th Earl of Derby (age 42) and Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Derby (age 41).

On 15 Jan 1798 Francis Lindley Wood 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Anne Buck Lady Wood were married. She by marriage Lady Wood of Barnsley in Yorkshire.

Before 15 Jan 1811 Matthew Blakiston 3rd Baronet (age 27) and Lucy Mann Lady Blakiston were married. She by marriage Lady Blakiston of the City of London.

On 15 Jan 1827 William Worsley 1st Baronet (age 34) and Sarah Philadephia Cayley Baroness Worlsley (age 25) were married. They were first cousins.

On 15 Jan 1827 George Barrington (age 32) and Caroline Grey (age 27) were married. She the daughter of Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 62) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 50). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Jan 1855 Charles Parry Hobhouse 3rd Baronet (age 30) and Edith Lucy Turton were married.

On 15 Jan 1873 Edward Henry Legge (age 38) and Cordelia Twysden Molesworth were married. He the son of William Legge 4th Earl Dartmouth and Frances Barrington Countess Dartmouth. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Jan 1936 Edmund Castell Bacon 14th and 13th Baronet (age 32) and Priscilla Dora Ponsonby (age 23) were married.

Deaths on the 15th January

On 15 Jan 935 Rudolph aka Raoul I King West Francia (age 45) died.

On 15 Jan 1151 Elias Anjou 2nd Count Maine (age 36) died.

On 15 Jan 1204 Gerald Fitzgerald 1st Lord Offaly (age 54) died. His son Maurice Fitzgerald 2nd Lord Offaly (age 10) succeeded 2nd Lord Offaly.

On 15 Jan 1249 Archambaud "Young" Dampierre died at Cyprus.

On 15 Jan 1345 Roberto Orsini Count (age 50) died.

On 15 Jan 1422 Nicholas Bayntun (age 41) died.

On 15 Jan 1422 Charlotte Bourbon (age 34) died.

On 15 Jan 1436 Bishop Robert Fitzhugh died.

On 15 Jan 1448 Thomas Dacre (age 38) died.

On 15 Jan 1452 Henry Vavasour (age 72) died. His son Henry Vavasour (age 31) de jure 11th Baron Vavasour.

On 15 Jan 1471 Nicholas Hussey 7th Baron Hussey (age 54) died. Baron Hussey abeyant.

On 15 Jan 1504 Richard Pole (age 42) died.

On 15 Jan 1522 Richard Woodruffe (age 75) died.

On 15 Jan 1522 Bishop Richard Fitzjames died.

On 15 Jan 1525 Eitel Friedrich III Hohenzollern (age 31) died.

On 15 Jan 1535 Ralph Shirley (age 53) died at Staunton Harold, Leicestershire [Map].

On 15 Jan 1538 James Butler 10th Baron Dunboyne (age 48) died.

On 15 Jan 1543 Roger Lewknor (age 74) died at Trotton.

On 15 Jan 1548 Humphrey Tyrrell (age 48) died at Thornton Hall Thornton.

On 15 Jan 1559 Henry Palmer (age 63) died.

On 15 Jan 1568 Mary Carew died.

On 15 Jan 1569 Catherine Carey (age 45) died at Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map].

On 15 Jan 1584 Thomas Walsingham (age 58) died at Scadbury Park, Chislehurst.

Before 15 Jan 1604 Thomas Foljambe died.

On 15 Jan 1612 Eleanor Radclyffe died.

On 15 Jan 1619 Thomas Clinton 3rd Earl Lincoln (age 48) died at Tattershall Castle [Map]. His son Theophilus Clinton 4th Earl Lincoln (age 19) succeeded 4th Earl Lincoln, 12th Baron Clinton.

On 15 Jan 1627 William Temple (age 57) died.

On 15 Jan 1634 Edward Barkham (age 64) died. His eldest son Edward Barkham 1st Baronet (age 42) inherited all his estates excepy Waynflete which were inherited by his younger son Robert Barkham (age 35). In 1652 Jane Crouch (age 79) died.

Church of St George, South Acre [Map].

A very rich and stately altar monument, of marble and alabaster, ornamented with several deaths heads, bones, &c. in basso-relievo, on this rests a large black marble slab, supported at each corner by a column of black marble of the Dorick order; on this slab lies a mat or bass of alabaster, curiously carved; and on that lie the statues of Sir Edward Barkham and his lady, on their backs, in their full length and proportions in alabaster, Sir Edward in armour, and (what is somewhat incompatible) with his scarlet gown and golden chain about his neck, as Lord Mayor of London, over his armour; so that the statuary was of the same opinion with the Roman orator, Cedant arma togœ (Let the arms yield to the toga or Let the sword yield to the toga); he has also a book in his right hand, and rests his head on a cushion: his lady is in a dress agreeable to the age she lived in, her hands across, and rests her head on a cushion; at the head and foot of this monument are the effigies of two sons (Edward Barkham 1st Baronet (age 42) and Robert Barkham (age 35)) and three daughters (Elizabeth Barkham Lady Garrard, Margaret Barkham (age 29) and Jane Barkham (age 38) Note. one daughter Susan Barkham had predeceased her father) all kneeling on cushions. To this monument is a wall-piece of the same materials, on the summit of which is this shield, argent, three pallets gules over all a chevron or, Barkham; and under it this motto, diligentia, fortunæmater (fortune, prosper through diligence, care, economy); on each side of this, is a figure; that on the right hand representing Victory, with a laurel crown in her right hand, and on the pedestal that supports her, Barkham impaling quarterly 1&4, arg. on a pale sable three crosses pattee, or, in a bordure engrailed of the 2d, Crouch; in the 2&3 arg. on a chevron sable three helmets closed, or, Scot: the figure on the left hand is, a skeleton representing death, and on the pedestal the arms of Crouch and Scott quarterly, and by these figures are two hour-glasses with wings.

On 15 Jan 1658 George Chudleigh 1st Baronet (age 80) died. His son George Chudleigh 2nd Baronet (age 46) succeeded 2nd Baronet Chudleigh of Ashton in Devon.

On 15 Jan 1663 Elizabeth West (age 89) died.

On 15 Jan 1672 Bishop John Cosins (age 77) died.

On 15 Jan 1678 Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 61) died.

On 15 Jan 1683 Philip Warwick (age 73) died.

On 15 Jan 1700 Bennet Sherard 2nd Baron Sherard (age 78) died. His son Bennet Sherard 1st Earl Harborough (age 25) succeeded 3rd Baron Sherard of Leitrim.

On 15 Jan 1713 John Cotton 2nd Baronet (age 66) died. His son John Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 24) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cotton of Landwade in Cambridgeshire.

On 15 Jan 1719 Dorothy Spelman (age 84) died.

On 15 Jan 1723 Henry O'Brien died.

On 15 Jan 1729 Samuel Pytts (age 55) died.

On 15 Jan 1733 Elizabeth Haslewood Viscountess Hatton died.

On 15 Jan 1741 John Vaughan 2nd Viscount Lisburne (age 46) died. His brother Wilmot Vaughan 3rd Viscount Lisburne succeeded 3rd Viscount Lisburne and 3rd Baron Fethard of Feathered in Tipperary.

On 15 Jan 1742 Diana Vere Duchess St Albans (age 63) died.

On 15 Jan 1750 Elizabeth Rushout Countess Northampton died. She was buried in Blockley, Gloucestershire.

On 15 Jan 1757 Catherine Montagu (age 95) died.

On 15 Jan 1778 Diana Sambrooke died.

On 15 Jan 1781 Infante Mariana Victoria of Spain (age 62) died.

On 15 Jan 1781 Henry Cheere 1st Baronet (age 78) died. His son William Cheere 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Cheere of St Margaret's in Westminster.

On 15 Jan 1787 Anne Howard (age 44) died.

On 15 Jan 1792 Thomas Cave 7th Baronet (age 25) died without issue. His uncle Charles Cave 8th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 8th Baronet Cave of Stanford in Northamptonshire.

On 15 Jan 1795 Lucius O'Brien 3rd Baronet (age 63) died.

On 15 Jan 1795 Frances Wyndham Countess Romney (age 39) died.

On 15 Jan 1812 William Cavendish (age 29) died.

On 15 Jan 1812 Diana Dashwood (age 66) died at Clifton.

On 15 Jan 1815 Amy "Emma Hart Lady Hamilton" Lyon (age 49) died.

On 15 Jan 1835 Susan Caroline Eliot (age 33) died.

On 15 Jan 1836 William John Gore (age 68) died.

On 15 Jan 1837 Amelia Hume Baroness Farnborough (age 64) died at Bromley Hill Place, Kent.

On 15 Jan 1840 Margaret "Peggy" Pitches Countess Coventry (age 80) died.

On 15 Jan 1841 Mary Douglas died.

Before 15 Jan 1855 Laura Paxton (age 16) died. She was buried on 15 Jan 1855 at St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].

On 15 Jan 1864 Arthur Lennox (age 57) died.

On 15 Jan 1869 Henry Ellis (age 91) died.

On 15 Jan 1872 Gowran Charles Vernon (age 46) died.

On 15 Jan 1873 Maud Allgood (age 3) died.

On 15 Jan 1882 Charles Brownlow 2nd Baron Lurgan (age 50) died.

On 15 Jan 1884 William Henry Hare Hedges-White 3rd Earl Bantry (age 82) died. His son William Henry Hare Hedges-White 4th Earl Bantry (age 30) succeeded 4th Earl Bantry.

On 15 Jan 1886 Richard Durant (age 74) died.

On 15 Jan 1891 Edward Baldwin Courtenay 12th Earl Devon (age 54) died. His uncle Henry Hugh Courtenay 13th Earl Devon (age 80) succeeded 13th Earl Devon.

On 15 Jan 1895 Charlotte Elizabeth Bertie (age 82) died.

On 15 Jan 1907 Alice Anne Lambton Countess Morton (age 75) died.

On 15 Jan 1917 William Frend De Morgan (age 77) died. He was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking.

William Frend De Morgan: On 16 Nov 1839 he was born. On 05 Mar 1887 he and Evelyn Pickering aka de Morgan were married.

On 15 Jan 1929 Reginald Chetwynd-Talbot (age 87) died.

On 15 Jan 1930 Patrick James Graham Blake 5th Baronet (age 68) died. His son Cuthbert Patrick Blake 6th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 6th Baronet Blake of Langham in Suffolk. Florence Wilhelmina Lidiard "Kitty" Apps Lady Blake (age 43) by marriage Lady Blake of Langham in Suffolk.

On 15 Jan 1936 Henry Forster 1st Baron Forster (age 69) died.

On 15 Jan 1942 Randal Mowbray Thomas Berkeley 8th Earl of Berkeley (age 76) died without issue. Earl Berkeley and 8th Viscount Dursley extinct. Berkeley Castle [Map] was inherited by his 13th cousin Captain Robert George Wilmot Berkeley.

On 15 Jan 1948 John Vernou Bouvier Jr (age 81) died.

On 15 Jan 1951 Emily Harriett Jemima Baird (age 89) died.

On 15 Jan 1968 Randal Smith 2nd Baron Bicester (age 70) died in a car accident. His nephew Angus Smith 3rd Baron Bicester (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baron Bicester of Tusmore in Oxfordshire.

On 15 Jan 1974 Edward Herbert 5th Earl of Powis (age 84) died. His brother Christian Herbert 6th Earl of Powis (age 69) succeeded 6th Earl Powis.