On this Day in History ... 16th September

16 Sep is in September.

1398 Thomas Mowbray Duel

1513 Battle of Flodden

1665 Battle of Vågen

1701 Death of King James II

1916 Battle of the Somme

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 16th September

On 16 Sep 1343 Philip "Noble" III King Navarre (age 37) died. His son Charles "Bad" II King Navarre (age 10) succeeded II King Navarre.

On 16 Sep 1380 King Charles V of France (age 42) died. His son Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 11) succeeded VI King France: Capet Valois.

Before 16 Sep 1398 the future Henry IV (age 31) reported to King Richard II (age 31) that Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 30) had made a treasonous remark regarding Richard's rule. Richard II proposed a duel of honour at Gosford Green Caludon Coventry [Map], neat Mowbray's home Caludon Castle.

On 16 Sep 1398 the future Henry IV (age 31) spent the night at Baginton Castle [Map], the home of his friend William Bagot. Thomas Mowbray (age 30) spent the night at his home Caludon Castle [Map].

On 16 Sep 1400 Owain ap Gruffudd "Glyndŵr" Mathrafal Prince Powys (age 41) was appointed Prince Powys.

Ellis' Letters S1 V1 Letter XXXII. 16 Sep 1513. Queen Catherine (age 27) to King Henry VIII (age 22)th, after the Battle of Flodden Field. A. D. 1513.

[MS. COTTON. VESP. F. in. fol. 15. Orig.]


MY Lord Howard (age 70) hath sent me a Lettre open to your Grace, within oon of myn, by the whiche ye shal see at length the grete Victorye that our Lord hath sent your subgetts in your absence; and for this cause it is noo nede herin to trouble your Grace with long writing, but, to my thinking, this batell hath bee to your Grace and al your reame the grettest honor that coude bee, and more than ye shuld wyn al the crown of Fraunce; thankend bee God of it: and I am suer your Grace forgetteth not to doo this, which shal be cause to send you many moo suche grete victoryes, as I trust he shal doo. My husband, for hastynesse, wt Rogecrosse I coude not sende your Grace the pece of the King of Scotts (deceased) cote [coat] whiche John Glyn now bringeth. In this your grace shal see how I can kepe my premys, sending you for your baners a Kings cote. I thought to sende hymself (deceased) unto you, but our Englishemens herts wold not suffre it. It shuld have been better for hym to have been in peax than have this rewards. Al that God sendeth is for the best.

My Lord of Surrey (age 40), my Henry, wold fayne knowe your pleasur in the buryeng of the King of Scotts (deceased) body, for he hath writen to me soo. With the next messanger your grace pleasur may bee herin knowen. And with this I make an ende: prayng God to sende you home shortly, for without this noo joye here can bee accomplisshed; and for the same I pray, and now goo to our Lady at Walsyngham [Map] that I promised soo long agoo to see. At Woborne [Map] the xvj. day of Septembre.

I sende your grace herin a bille founde in a Scottisshemans purse of suche things as the Frenshe King sent to the said King of Scotts to make warre against you, beseching your a to sende Mathewe hider assone this messanger commeth to bringe me tydings from your Grace.

Your humble wif and true servant

KATHERINE (age 27).

Letters and Papers 1528. 16 Sep 1528. Love Letters VI. 4742. Henry VIII (age 37) to Anne Boleyn (age 27).

"The reasonable request of your last letter, with the pleasure also that I take to know them true, causeth me to send you now these news. The Legate which we most desire arrived at Paris on Sunday or Monday last past, so that I trust by the next Monday to hear of his arrival at Calais, and then I trust within a while after to enjoy that which I have so longed for to God's pleasure and our both comfort. No more to you at this present, mine own darling, for lack of time, but that I would you were in mine arms or I in yours, for I think it long since I kissed you. Written after the killing of an hart, at 11 of the clock, minding with God's grace tomorrow mytely tymely to kill another, by the hand of him which I trust shortly shall be yours.-Henry R.".

On 16 Sep 1541 Walter Devereux 1st Earl Essex was born to Richard Devereux (age 28) and Dorothy Hastings (age 25). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.78%.

On 16 Sep 1562 John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt (deceased) was buried at All Saints Church, Turvey [Map].

A curious monument to John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt (deceased) and Elizabeth Vere Baroness Mordaunt with effigies that appear correct for the time of death, Elizabethan Period, whereas the surrounding monument appears a hundred years later. The carving of his head and torso also appear somewhat out of date. No explanation for his missing right foot. Sculpted by T Kirkby.

Elizabeth Vere Baroness Mordaunt: she was born to Henry Vere. Before 1508 John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt and she were married. In 1529 John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt was created 1st Baron Mordaunt. She by marriage Baroness Mordaunt. Before 1561 she died.

What appear to be Harpies supporting the monument.

The Mordaunt Crest has changed to a Blackamoor's Head.

On 16 Sep 1607 Princess Mary Stewart (age 2) died of pneumonia at the Stanwell Park Stanwell, Surrey home of Thomas Knyvet 1st Baron Knyvet (age 62) in whose care she had been placed. As soon as Mary died, the Earl of Worcester (age 57), the Earl of Leicester (age 43) and the Earl of Totnes (age 52) went to Hampton Court Palace [Map], to inform the Queen (age 32) of her daughter's death. Seeing the three men before her, Queen Anne realized what had happened and spared the men the task of telling her.

On 16 Sep 1622 Richard Sackville 5th Earl Dorset was born to Edward Sackville 4th Earl Dorset (age 31) and Mary Curzon Countess Dorset (age 32) at Dorset House.

Pepy's Diary. 16 Sep 1665. At noon to dinner to my Lord Bruncker (age 45), where Sir W. Batten (age 64) and his Lady come, by invitation, and very merry we were, only that the discourse of the likelihood of the increase of the plague this weeke makes us a little sad, but then again the thoughts of the late prizes make us glad.

On 16 Sep 1678 Henry St John 1st Viscount Bolingbroke was born to Henry St John 1st Viscount St John (age 25) and Mary Rich (age 40).

Evelyn's Diary. 16 Sep 1685. The next morning setting out early, we ariv'd soon enough at Winchester [Map] to waite on the King (age 51), who was lodg'd at the Dean's (Dr. Meggot). I found very few with him besides my Lords Feversham (age 44), Arran [Note. Not clear which Earl of Arran], Newport (age 65), and the Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 48). His Ma* (age 51) was discoursing with the Bishops concerning miracles, and what strange things the Saludadors would do in Spaine, as by creeping into heated ovens without hurt, and that they had a black crosse in the roofe of their mouthes, but yet were commonly notorious and profane wretches; upon which his Majesty (age 51) further said, that he was so extreamly difficult of miracles, for feare of being impos'd upon, that if he should chance to see one himselfe, without some other witness, he should apprehend it a delusion of his senses. Then they spake of ye boy who was pretended to have a wanting leg restor'd him, so confidently asserted by Fr. de Sta Clara and others. To all which the Bishop added a greate miracle happening In Winchester to his certaine knowledge, of a poor miserably sick and decrepit child (as I remember long kept unbaptiz'd), who immediately on his baptism recover'd; as also of yc salutary effect of K. Charles his Ma*s father's blood, in healing one that was blind.

Evelyn's Diary. 16 Sep 1685. There was something said of the second sight happening to some persons, especialy Scotch; upon which his Ma*, and I think Lord Arran, told us that Mons a French nobleman, lately here in England, seeing the late Duke of Monmouth come into yc play-house at London, suddenly cried out to somebody sitting in the same box, Voila Monsieur comme il entre sans tete. Afterwards his Ma* (age 51) spoke of some reliques that had effected strange cures, particularly a piece of our Bl. Saviour's Crosse, that heal'd a gentleman's rotten nose by onely touching; and speaking of the golden crosse and chaine taken out of the coffin of St. Edward the Confessor at Westmr*, by one of the singing men, who, as the scaffolds were taking down after his Ma*s coronation, espying a hole in the tomb, and something glisten, put his hand in, and brought it to the Deane, and he to the King; his Maty began to put the Bishop in mind how earnestly the late King (his brother) call'd upon him, during his agonie, to take out what he had in his pocket. I had thought, said the King, it had ben for some keys, which might lead to some cabinet that his Ma* would have me secure; but, says he, you well remember that I found nothing in any of his pockets but a crosse of gold, and a few insignificant papers; and thereupon he shew'd us the crosse, and was pleas'd to put it into my hand. It was of gold, about three inches long, having on one side a crucifix enamell'd and emboss'd, the rest was grav'd and garnish'd with goldsmiths' work, and two pretty broad table amethists (as I conceiv'd), and at the bottom a pendant pearle; within was inchas'd a little fragment, as was thought, of the true Crosse, and a Latine inscription in gold and Roman letters. More company coming in, this discourse ended. I may not forget a resolution which his Ma* made, and had a little before enter'd upon it at ye Council Board at Windsor or Whitehall, that the Negroes in the Plantations should all be baptiz'd, exceedingly declaiming against that impiety of their masters prohibiting it, out of a mistaken opinion that they would be ipso facto free; but his Ma* persists in his resolution to have them christen'd, wch piety ye Bishop blessed him for.

Evelyn's Diary. 02 Sep 1701. The death of King James (age 67), happening on the 15th of this month, N. S., after two or three days' indisposition, put an end to that unhappy Prince's troubles, after a short and unprosperous reign, indiscreetly attempting to bring in Popery, and make himself absolute, in imitation of the French, hurried on by the impatience of the Jesuits; which the nation would not endure.

On 16 Sep 1701 King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 67) died at Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines. He was buried in the Church of the English Benedictines.

After 16 Sep 1743. Monument to George Savile 7th Baronet (deceased) by William Barlow at Church of St Michael and All Angels, Thornhill [Map].

On 16 Sep 1791 Anne Palk Lady Wrey (deceased) was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. Sacred to the Memory of ANNE The Lady of Sir BOURCHIER WREY (age 34) Baronet, and Daughter of Sir ROBERT PALK (age 73) Baronet, of Haldon House in this County who died the 5th day of September 1791, Aged 27 Years, leaving three infant children. Her Heart was pure and her manners unaffected. Her constant study was to know her Duty, and her greatest pleasure to discharge it, An affectionate Wife, a tender Parent, gentle, friendly, and benevolent. Taken from the World in the Prime of Years by a severe and lingering illness. She submitted to the will of Heaven with patient Resignation. Learn from her example that Virtue Is the loveliest ornament of Beauty!

Sculpted by W Youngs, Barum.

Anne Palk Lady Wrey: Around 1764 she was born to Robert Palk 1st Baronet and Anne van Sittart Lady Palk at Madras aka Chennai, India. On 14 Mar 1786 Bourchier Wrey 7th Baronet and she were married. She by marriage Lady Wrey of Trebitch in Cornwall. On 05 Sep 1791 Anne Palk Lady Wrey died.

On 16 Sep 1824 Louis XVIII King France (age 68) died. His brother King Charles X of France (age 66) de jure XVIII King France: Capet Valois Bourbon.

On 16 Sep 1853 May Prinsep Baroness Tennyson was born to Charles Robert Prinsep (age 64).

On 16 Sep 1872 Edith Amelia Ward Baroness Wolverton was born to William Ward 1st Earl of Dudley (age 55) and Georgina Moncrieffe Countess Dudley (age 26).

On 16 Sep 1916 Guy Baring (age 43) was killed in action during the Battle of the Somme. Seventeen officers and six-hundred and ninety other ranks went into battle, but only three officers survived (one injured) and two-hundred and twenty-one other ranks. Baring was buried in Citadel New Military Cemetery

Time Team Series 1 Episode 4: The Fortress in the Lake was filmed between 16 Sep 1993 and 18 Sep 1993. It was originally shown on 06 Feb 1994.

Locations: Llangorse Lake, Breconshire [Map], St Paulinus' Church, Llangorse [Map].

Category: Time Team Early Medieval.

Time Team:

Tony Robinson (age 47), Presenter

Mick Aston (age 47), Bristol University Landscape Archaeologist

Carenza Lewis (age 30), Royal Commission on Historic Monuments

Phil Harding (age 44), Wessex Archaeological Trust Field Archaeologist

Robin Bush (age 50), Archivist.

Victor Ambrus (age 58), Historical Illustrator

John Gator, Chris Gaffney, Geophysics

Damian Goodburn, Ancient Woodworking Specialist

Mark Redknap, National Museum of Wales

Techniques: Magnetometry

Sources: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 916, Book of Llandaff Chapter 4 Section 7: Llan Cors, Book of Llandaff Chapter 8

Historical Figures: King Elised of Brecknock, Æthelflæd Lady of the Mercians.

Outcomes: Reconstructed Iron Age boat made from 3.5 tonnes of oak; a copy of an original discovered in Llangorse Lake in Brecon Museum. Metal working on site, shale ring. Boundary Ditch.

Channel 4 Episode

Births on the 16th September

On 16 Sep 1294 Elizabeth Brampton was born to Brian Brampton at Brompton Brian, Herefordshire.

On 16 Sep 1295 Elizabeth Clare Lady Verdun was born to Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford (age 52) and Joan of Acre Countess Gloucester and Hertford (age 23). She a granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 16 Sep 1415 Elizabeth Beauchamp 3rd Baroness Bergavenny was born to Richard Beauchamp 1st Earl of Worcester (age 19) and Isabel Despencer Countess Warwick and Worcester (age 15) at Hanley Castle, Worcestershire. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Around 16 Sep 1526 William Fitzwilliam was born to William Fitzwilliam (age 36) in Milton, Northamptonshire.

On 16 Sep 1541 Walter Devereux 1st Earl Essex was born to Richard Devereux (age 28) and Dorothy Hastings (age 25). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.78%.

On or before 16 Sep 1588 Francis Drake 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Drake of Buckland Abbey in Devon and Elizabeth Gregory.

On 16 Sep 1597 Thomas Carey was born to Edmund Carey (age 39) and Mary Crocker.

On 16 Sep 1615 Henry Skipwith 2nd Baronet was born to Henry Skipwith 1st Baronet (age 26) and Ann Kemp Lady Skipwith (age 24).

On 16 Sep 1622 Richard Sackville 5th Earl Dorset was born to Edward Sackville 4th Earl Dorset (age 31) and Mary Curzon Countess Dorset (age 32) at Dorset House.

On or before 16 Sep 1630 Mary Capell Duchess Beaufort was born to Arthur Capell 1st Baron Capell Hadham (age 22) and Elizabeth Morrison Baroness Capell Hadham (age 19) at Little Hadham, Hertfordshire [Map].

On 16 Sep 1652 Humphrey Ferrers was born to John Ferrers (age 23).

On 16 Sep 1678 Henry St John 1st Viscount Bolingbroke was born to Henry St John 1st Viscount St John (age 25) and Mary Rich (age 40).

On 16 Sep 1700 Frances Norcliffe Lady Wray was born to Fairfax Norcliffe of Langton in Yorkshire and Mary Hesketh.

On 16 Sep 1740 John Eden 4th Baronet was born to Robert Eden 3rd Baronet (age 22).

On 16 Sep 1762 Edmund Mark Winn 7th Baronet was born to Thomas Winn (age 48).

On 16 Sep 1765 Harry Burrard-Neale was born to William Burrard.

On 16 Sep 1774 Frederick Fitzroy was born to Augustus Henry Fitzroy 3rd Duke Grafton (age 38) and Elizabeth Wrottesley Duchess Grafton (age 28). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Sep 1785 Charles Vere Ferrars Townshend was born to George Townshend 2nd Marquess Townshend (age 32) and Charlotte Mainwaring Ellerker Countess of Leicester (age 14).

On 16 Sep 1786 Elizabeth Sophia Ashburnham was born to George Ashburnham 3rd Earl Ashburnham (age 25) and Sophia Thynne (age 22).

On 16 Sep 1786 Elizabeth Hoare was born to Henry Hoare (age 36).

On 16 Sep 1800 Richard Henry Liulphus Savile was born to John Lumley-Savile 7th Earl Scarborough (age 39) and Anna Maria Herring Viscountess Lumley.

On 16 Sep 1802 Louisa Bosville Bosville Macdonald was born to Godfrey Bosville Macdonald (age 26) and Louisa Maria La Coast Hanover (age 20). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 16 Sep 1808 Andrew Fountaine was born to Andrew Fountaine (age 38) and Hannah Penrice.

On 16 Sep 1810 Sidney Herbert 1st Baron Herbert Lea was born to George Augustus Herbert 11th Earl Pembroke 8th Earl Montgomery (age 51) and Yekaterina Semyonovna Vorontsova Countess Pembroke and Montgomery (age 25).

On 16 Sep 1821 Alexander Russell was born to John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 55) and Georgiana Gordon Duchess Bedford (age 40). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Sep 1826 William Neville 1st Marquess Abergavenny was born to William Neville 4th Earl Abergavenny (age 34) and Caroline Leeke Countess Abergavenny.

On 16 Sep 1837 Reverend Athelstan Corbet was born to Richard Corbet (age 33).

On 16 Sep 1837 King Pedro V of Portugal was born.

On 16 Sep 1849 Charlotte Anne Dick-Lauder was born to John Dick-Lauder of Fountainhall 8th Baronet (age 36).

On 16 Sep 1851 Dora Bourne Royds was born to Henry Royds of Elm House in Wavertree (age 29) and Margaret Bourne (age 24). She was baptised on 01 Nov 1851 at Holy Trinity Church, Wavertree [Map].

On 16 Sep 1853 May Prinsep Baroness Tennyson was born to Charles Robert Prinsep (age 64).

On 16 Sep 1867 Frederick Edward Grey "Fritz" Ponsonby was born to Henry Ponsonby (age 41) and Mary Elizabeth Bulteel (age 34).

On 16 Sep 1872 Edith Amelia Ward Baroness Wolverton was born to William Ward 1st Earl of Dudley (age 55) and Georgina Moncrieffe Countess Dudley (age 26).

On 16 Sep 1884 Francis D'Arcy Godolphin Osborne 12th Duke of Leeds was born to Sidney Francis Godolphin Osborne (age 49) and Margaret Dulcibella Hammersley (age 23).

On 16 Sep 1887 Margueurite de Fontaine Drever Joicey was born to James Joicey 1st Baron Joicey (age 41) and Marguerite Smyles Drever Baroness Joicey (age 34).

On 16 Sep 1907 Ann Prunella Beckett was born to William Gervase Beckett 1st Baronet (age 41) and Mabel Theresa Duncombe (age 30). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.32%.

On 16 Sep 1915 Christopher Beckett 4th Baron Grimthorpe was born to Ralph Beckett 3rd Baron Grimthorpe (age 24) and Mary Alice Archdale Baroness Beckett.

On 16 Sep 1918 Aleathea Dykes Spicer was born to Dykes Spicer 2nd Baronet (age 37).

On 16 Sep 1941 Elizabeth Anne Ramsay Countess Scarborough was born to Simon Ramsay 16th Earl of Dalhousie (age 26).

Marriages on the 16th September

After 16 Sep 1566 Robert Carr (age 55) and Ann Tailboys (age 73) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 16 Sep 1581 Samuel Backhouse (age 26) and Elisabeth Borlase were married.

On 16 Sep 1609 Gilbert Gerard 2nd Baron Gerard and Eleanor Dutton (age 12) were married.

Before 16 Sep 1615 Henry Skipwith 1st Baronet (age 26) and Ann Kemp Lady Skipwith (age 24) were married.

After 16 Sep 1630 John Culpepper 1st Baron Culpeper (age 30) and Judith Culpeper (age 24) were married. They were second cousins.

After 16 Sep 1651 Chichester Wrey 3rd Baronet (age 23) and Anne Bourchier Countess Middlesex (age 20) were married. She by marriage Lady Wrey of Trebitch in Cornwall. She the daughter of Edward Bourchier 4th Earl Bath and Dorothy St John Countess Bath. They were fourth cousins.

On 16 Sep 1673 Thomas Wharton 1st Marquess Wharton (age 25) and Anne or Nan Lee (age 14) were married.

Before 16 Sep 1700 Fairfax Norcliffe of Langton in Yorkshire and Mary Hesketh were married.

On 16 Sep 1724 John Verney (age 24) and Abigail Harley (age 25) were married.

On 16 Sep 1797 David William Murray 3rd Earl of Mansfield (age 20) and Frederica Markham Countess Mansfield (age 23) were married. She by marriage Countess Mansfield in Middlesex. She the daughter of Archbishop William Markham (age 78). He the son of David Murray 2nd Earl Mansfield and Louisa Cathcart 2nd Countess Mansfield (age 39).

On 16 Sep 1799 William O'Brien 2nd Marquess Thomond (age 34) and Rebecca Trotter Marchioness Thomond (age 24) were married.

Before 16 Sep 1808 Andrew Fountaine (age 38) and Hannah Penrice were married.

On 16 Sep 1820 Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck (age 38) and Mary Lowther (age 35) were married. She the daughter of William Lowther 1st Earl Lonsdale (age 62) and Augusta Fane Countess Lonsdale (age 58). He the son of William Cavendish-Bentinck 3rd Duke Portland and Dorothy Cavendish 3rd Duchess Portland.

On 14 Aug 1850 or 16 Sep 1850 George Cavendish-Bentinck (age 29) and Prudence Penelope Cavendish-Bentinck nee Leslie (age 23) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

On 16 Sep 1858 Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Bradford (age 33) and Amy Emily Sarah Fitzroy were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 16 Sep 1884 Sidney Francis Godolphin Osborne (age 49) and Margaret Dulcibella Hammersley (age 23) were married. The difference in their ages was 25 years.

On 16 Sep 1885 Charles John Darling 1st Baron Darling (age 35) and Mary Caroline Greathed Baroness Darling (age 21) were married.

On 16 Sep 1940 David Niven (age 30) and Primula Susan Rollo (age 22) were married.

On 16 Sep 1950 Prince George Valdemar Carl Axel of Denmark (age 30) and Anne Ferelith Bowes-Lyon (age 32) were married at Glamis Castle. As a consequence of the marriage being between a divorced person whose spouse was still living the Church of England opposed the marriage and ordered the withdrawal of the Scottish Episcopal clergyman. The Queen (age 50) stated that she would join the wedding party only for the reception and would remain in an adjoining drawing room while the ceremony took place. He a great x 5 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

Deaths on the 16th September

On 16 Sep 984 (or possibly, 985, 986 or 987) Edith of Wilton (age 21) died at Wilton Abbey [Map].

On 16 Sep 1275 Roger de Montalt 1st Baron Montalt (age 37) died at Mold Castle, Flintshire [Map]. Baron Montalt extinct. His brother inherited Castle Rising Castle [Map].

On 16 Sep 1280 Henry Wittelsbach (age 18) died.

On 16 Sep 1295 William Saye (age 41) died at West Greenwich, Kent.

On 16 Sep 1343 Philip "Noble" III King Navarre (age 37) died. His son Charles "Bad" II King Navarre (age 10) succeeded II King Navarre.

On 16 Sep 1345 John Montfort IV Duke Brittany (age 50) died at Hennebont. His son John Montfort V Duke Brittany (age 6) succeeded V Duke Brittany 1221 Dreux. Mary Plantagenet Duchess Brittany by marriage Duchess Brittany 1221 Dreux.

On 16 Sep 1362 Elizabeth Lisle (age 54) died at Hereford [Map].

On 16 Sep 1380 King Charles V of France (age 42) died. His son Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 11) succeeded VI King France: Capet Valois.

After 16 Sep 1453 Margaret Boyd (age 33) died.

On 16 Sep 1485 Thomas Fermor alias Ricards (age 60) died.

On 16 Sep 1507 Anne Babington (age 52) died.

On 16 Sep 1507 Walter Herbert (age 55) died.

On or after 16 Sep 1541 Dorothy Hastings (age 25) died.

On or before 16 Sep 1547, the date she was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map], Eleanor Manners Countess Bath (age 44) died.

On 16 Sep 1566 Edward Dymoke (age 58) died.

On 16 Sep 1582 Edward Unton (age 48) died. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Faringdon. The inscription on his monument ... Here lyeth Sir Edward Unton, Knight of the Noble Order of the Bathe, whoe married Anne Countess of Warwick (age 44), daughter of Edwarde Seymer Duke of Somersett and Protector of England, by whome he had ffive sonnes, whereof 3 died younge in the life of their father; Two, namelye Edwarde (age 26) and Henry (age 24) onely, survyved and succeeded him, the one after the other in their father's inheritance; and two daughters, Anne (age 27) married to Sir Valentine Knightley (age 27), Knight, and Scissil (age 21) married to John Wentworth (age 18), Esquire.

On 16 Sep 1607 Princess Mary Stewart (age 2) died of pneumonia at the Stanwell Park Stanwell, Surrey home of Thomas Knyvet 1st Baron Knyvet (age 62) in whose care she had been placed. As soon as Mary died, the Earl of Worcester (age 57), the Earl of Leicester (age 43) and the Earl of Totnes (age 52) went to Hampton Court Palace [Map], to inform the Queen (age 32) of her daughter's death. Seeing the three men before her, Queen Anne realized what had happened and spared the men the task of telling her.

On 16 Sep 1612 Alphonse Maurice Habsburg Spain died.

Before 16 Sep 1630 Philippa Snelling died. She was buried on 16 Sep 1630 at Hollingbourne, Kent.

On or before 16 Sep 1635 William Skeffington 1st Baronet died. He was buried at St Michael on Greenhill Church, Lichfield on 16 Sep 1635. His son John Skeffington 2nd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baronet Skeffington of Fisherwick in Staffordshire.

On 16 Sep 1641 Louis I Duke Nemours (age 26) died unmarried. His brother Charles Amadeus Duke of Nemours (age 17) succeeded Duke Nemours.

On 16 Sep 1652 Audrey Boteler Countess Chichester died.

On 16 Sep 1670 Admiral William Penn (age 49) died.

On 16 Sep 1677 John Washington (age 45) died at Washington Parish. He was buried at Westmoreland County.

On 16 Sep 1700 Thomas Morgan (age 36) died of smallpox. John Morgan of Tredegar (age 29) inherited Tredegar House, Monmouthshire and estates worth £7000.

On 16 Sep 1701 King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 67) died at Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines. He was buried in the Church of the English Benedictines.

On 16 Sep 1704 Ann Kidder died.

On 16 Sep 1713 Arthur Ingram (age 84) died.

On 16 Sep 1720 Dudley Cullum 3rd Baronet (age 62) died. His first cousin Jasper Cullum 4th Baronet (age 46) succeeded 4th Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.

On 16 Sep 1723 Gustavus Hamilton 1st Viscount Boyne (age 81) died.

On 16 Sep 1725 Antoine Charles 4th Duke Gramont (age 53) died.

On 16 Sep 1735 Mariana Barnewall (age 73) died.

On 16 Sep 1743 George Savile 7th Baronet (age 65) died. His son George Savile 8th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 8th Baronet Savile of Thornhill.

On 16 Sep 1746 Thomas Davers (age 57) died of yellow fever in Jamaica.

On 16 Sep 1759 Charles Boyle (age 30) died.

On 16 Sep 1760 Arthur van Sittart (age 68) died.

On 16 Sep 1769 Elizabeth Berkeley Lady Germain died.

On 16 Sep 1775 Allen Bathurst 1st Earl Bathurst (age 90) died. His son Henry Bathurst 2nd Earl Bathurst (age 61) succeeded 2nd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst in Sussex, 2nd Baron Bathurst. Tryphena Scawen Countess Bathurst Sussex (age 44) by marriage Countess Bathurst of Bathurst in Sussex.

On 16 Sep 1800 Richard Vernon (age 74) died.

On 16 Sep 1824 Louis XVIII King France (age 68) died. His brother King Charles X of France (age 66) de jure XVIII King France: Capet Valois Bourbon.

On 16 Sep 1826 Martha Matilda Somerville died.

On 16 Sep 1839 Robert Hawgood Crew (age 77) died.

On 16 Sep 1852 Charles Weld-Forester (age 40) died.

On 16 Sep 1854 Patrick Wilson Bannerman (age 59) died.

On 16 Sep 1859 Spencer Perceval (age 64) died.

On 16 Sep 1860 María Francisca "Paca" Palafox Duchess Veragua Duchess Berwick Duchess Alba (age 35) died at Paris [Map].

On 16 Sep 1872 Constance Emily Ashley-Cooper (age 26) died.

On 16 Sep 1875 Lucy Graham Countess Powis (age 81) died.

On 16 Sep 1877 Alice Charlotte Arabin died.

On 16 Sep 1882 Charles John Kemeys-Tynte (age 82) died.

On 16 Sep 1889 Bishop John Mackarness (age 68) died.

On 16 Sep 1895 Miles Stapleton 10th Baron Beaumont (age 45) died without male issue. Baron Beaumont abeyant between his two infant daughters Mona Stapleton 11th Baroness Beaumont and Baroness Howard (age 1) and Ivy Mary Stapleton, the latter being born three weeks after his death.

On 16 Sep 1896 Mary Haywood died.

On 16 Sep 1896 Henry Rice (age 83) died.

On 16 Sep 1910 Mary Sophia Nevile (age 90) died at Brussels [Map].

On 14 Sep 1914 or 16 Sep 1914 Captain John Banks Jenkinson (age 33) was killed in action. The 3rd Infantry Brigade was in position to the north-west of the village of Vendresse during what would become known as the Battle of the Aisne and he was out in front of the leading battalions carrying out a reconnaissance when he was killed as they advanced from the Marne to the slopes above the Aisne. He was buried at Vendresse Plot I. C. 17.

On 16 Sep 1916 Guy Baring (age 43) was killed in action during the Battle of the Somme. Seventeen officers and six-hundred and ninety other ranks went into battle, but only three officers survived (one injured) and two-hundred and twenty-one other ranks. Baring was buried in Citadel New Military Cemetery

On 16 Sep 1918 John Alexander Miller 3rd Baronet (age 50) died. Baronet Miller of Manderston in Berwickshire extinct.

On 16 Sep 1918 Alexander George Thynne (age 45) died.

On 16 Sep 1926 John Marsham (age 84) died.

On 16 Sep 1927 Henrietta Louisa Horatia St John-Mildmay (age 75) died.

On 16 Sep 1932 Marie Karoline Glücksburg (age 88) died.

On 16 Sep 1943 Henry Wellesley 6th Duke Wellington (age 31) was killed during an attempt to take Pimple Hill. He was buried where he lay. He was unmarried and without issue. His uncle Gerald Wellesley 7th Duke Wellington (age 58) succeeded 7th Duke Wellington, 11th Earl Mornington, 11th Viscount Wellesley of Dangan Castle, 7th Viscount Wellington of Talavera. Dorothy Violet Ashton Duchess Wellington (age 54) by marriage Duchess Wellington.

On 16 Sep 1967 Commander Richard Herbert Mack (age 71) died.

On 16 Sep 2003 John Leigh 5th Baron Leigh (age 68) died. His son Christopher Leigh 6th Baron Leigh (age 42) succeeded 6th Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.

On 16 Sep 2008 Elizabeth Ivy Percy (age 92) died.