On this Day in History ... 25th November

25 Nov is in November.

1120 Sinking of The White Ship

1233 Battle of Monmouth

1487 Coronation of Elizabeth of York

1542 Battle of Solway Moss

1611 Nov 1611 Creation of Baronets

1641 Treaty of London

1677 Marriage of William of Orange and Princess Mary Stewart

1696 Plot to Assassinate King William III

1963 Funeral of John F Kennedy

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 25th November

On 25 Nov 1034 King Malcolm II of Alba (age 80) died.

On 25 Nov 1120 the White Ship left Barfleur, Basse Normandie, with a party of young Normans. King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 52) had left earlier on another ship. A mile out the White Ship foundered on a submerged rock. William Adelin Normandy Duke Normandy (age 17), his half-siblings Richard Fitzroy (age 19) and Matilda Fitzroy Countess Perche, William Bigod (age 27), Lucia Mahaut Blois Countess Chester, brothers Geoffrey Aigle and Engenulf Aigle, half-brothers Richard Avranches 2nd Earl Chester (age 26) and Ottiwel Avranches, brothers Ivo Grandesmil and William Grandesmil and Geoffrey Ridel were all drowned.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 25 Nov 1120. And in this expedition were drowned the king's (age 52) two sons, William (age 17) and Richard (age 19), and Richard, Earl of Chester (age 26), and Ottuel his brother, and very many of the king's (age 52) household, stewards, and chamberlains, and butlers, and men of various abodes; and with them a countless multidude of very incomparable folk besides. Sore was their death to their friends in a twofold respect: one, that they so suddenly lost this life; the other, that few of their bodies were found anywhere afterwards.

Flowers of History 1233. Of the fierce battle between the marshal and the Poictevins.

In the same year the marshal (age 42), on one of his foraging incursions into the territories of his enemies, came to the town of Monmouth [Map], which was hostile to him, where he ordered his army to proceed on their expedition, whilst he with a hundred of his fellow knights turned aside towards the castle of that place to examine its condition, as he purposed to besiege it in a few days ; but as he was riding round the walls of the town, he was seen by Baldwin de Guisnes (age 33), to whom the king had entrusted the charge of that castle [Map] together with several Poictevins, and understanding that the marshal was there with only a few followers for the purpose of examining the castle, he sallied out with a thousand brave and well-equipped soldiers, and pursued him at full speed, designing to make him and his followers prisoners and bring them into the town. The earl Marshal's companions however, when they saw the impetuous advance of the enemy, advised him to consult their safety by flight, saying that it would be rash for such a few of them to engage with such a number of the enemy ; to which the marshal replied that he had never as yet turned his back on his enemies in battle, and declared that he would not do so now, and exhorted them to defend themselves bravely and not to die unavenged. The troops from the castle then rushed fiercely on them and attacked them with their lances and swords [Battle of Monmouth]: a severe though very unequal conflict then ensued, yet although there were only a hundred of the marshal's party to oppose a thousand of their adversaries, they fought for a great part of the day. But Baldwin de Guisnes with twelve of his stoutest and best armed soldiers made au attack on the marshal in persor, and endeavoured to take him prisoner and carry him off to the castle ; he however kept them at a distance, brandishing his sword right and left, and struck down whoever came within reach, either killing them or stunning them hy the force of his blows, and although engaged single-handed against twelve enemies, defended himself for a length of time. His enemies at length, not daring to approach him, killed the horse he rode with their lances ; but the marshal, who was well practised in the French way of fighting, seized one of the knights who was attacking him by the feet, and dragged him to the ground, and then quickly mounting his adversary's horse, he renewed the battle. The knight Baldwin was ashamed that the marshal defended himself single-handed against so many of his enemies for such a time, and made a desperate attack on him, and seizing his helmet, tore it from his head with such violence, that blood gushed forth from his mouth and nostrils ; he then seized the marshal's horse by the bridle, and endeavoured to drag it with its rider towards the castle, whilst others assisted him by impelling the marshal on from behind. The latter however, sweeping his sword behind him, struck two of his enemies to the earth stunned, but could not then release himself from their grasp. At this juncture however a cross-bowman amongst the marshal's company, seeing his lord in danger, discharged an arrow from his bow, which, striking Baldwin, who was dragging the marshal away, in the breast, entered his body, notwithstanding his armour, and he fell to the earth believing himself mortally wounded ; his companions on seeing this, left the marshal, and went to raise Baldwin nora the ground, for they thought that he was dead.

Flowers of History 1233. After this battle the marshal with Gilbert Basset, Richard Siward, and his other proscribed confederates, laid ambuscades for the Poictevins who held charge of the king's castles, so that whenever any of them went out foraging, they were attacked, and no quarter was given them: the consequence of which was, that the whole atmosphere in that part of the country was tainted by the numbers of dead foreigners who lay about in the roads and other places.

On 25 Nov 1314 John "Empty Coat" I King Scotland (age 65) died at Château de Hélicourt.

On 25 Nov 1410 Isabel de Lingen (age 40) was granted a Royal License to found a Collegiate Church at St Bartholemew's Church, Tong [Map] by King Henry IV of England (age 43) at a cost of £40.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 25 Nov 1487. This yeare the Queene was crowned.f

Note f. At Westminster on the 25th November, 1487.

On 25 Nov 1542 Thomas Wharton 1st Baron Wharton (age 47) commanded the English forces at Battle of Solway Moss at Solway Moss, Cumberland [Map]. John Thynne (age 27) fought. Of the Scottish army Malcolm Fleming 3rd Lord Fleming (age 48), Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 27) and Laurence Oliphant 3rd Lord Oliphant fought.

William Graham 3rd Earl Menteith (age 42) was captured. He was ransomed in 1453.

William Cunningham 4th Earl Glencairn (age 49) was captured and committed to the custody of Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 69). He was released on payment of a ransom of a thousand pounds and subscribing by his own hand to support Henry VIII's (age 51) project of a marriage between the young King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 5) and the Mary Queen of Scots.

Malcolm Fleming 3rd Lord Fleming (age 48) was captured.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 Nov 1554. The sam day, the wyche was Sonday, at after-non, the Kyngs (age 27) grace and my lord Fuwater [Probably Henry Radclyffe 2nd Earl of Sussex (age 47)] and dyvers Spaneards dyd ryd in dyvers colars, the Kyng in red, and som [in] yellow, sum in gren, sum in whyt, sum in bluw, and with targets and canes in ther hand, herlyng of rods on at a-nodur, and thrumpets in the sam colars, and drumes mad of ketylles, and banars in the sam colars.

On 25 Nov 1623 Margaret Maria Catherine Habsburg Spain was born to Philip IV King Spain (age 18) and Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 21). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.39%.

On 25 Nov 1638 Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England was born to John IV King Portugal (age 34) and Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal (age 25) in Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Vila Viçosa.

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Nov 1641. I returned to London; and, on the 25th, saw his Majesty (age 41) ride through the City after his coming out of Scotland, and a Peace proclaimed, with great acclamations and joy of the giddy people.

Pepy's Diary. 25 Nov 1660. Lord's Day. In the forenoon I alone to our church, and after dinner I went and ranged about to many churches, among the rest to the Temple [Map], where I heard Dr. Wilkins' a little (late Maister of Trinity in Cambridge). That being done to my father's (age 59) to see my mother who is troubled much with the stone, and that being done I went home, where I had a letter brought me from my Lord to get a ship ready to carry the Queen's (age 51) things over to France, she being to go within five or six days. So to supper and to bed.

Pepy's Diary. 25 Nov 1666. This being St. Catherine's day, the Queene (age 57) was at masse by seven o'clock this morning; and Mr. Ashburnham (age 62) do say that he never saw any one have so much zeale in his life as she hath: and, the question being asked by my Baroness Carteret (age 64), much beyond the bigotry that ever the old Queen-Mother (age 57) had.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1677. The Queen's (age 38) birthday, a great ball at Court, where the Prince of Orange (age 27) and his new Princess (age 15) danced.

On 25 Nov 1681 Mary Luttrell was born to Francis Luttrell (age 22).

On 25 Nov 1696 Michael Biddulph 2nd Baronet (age 42) and Richard Dowdeswell of Pull Court, Bushley, Worcestershire (age 43) voted for the attainder of John Fenwick 3rd Baronet (age 51).

After 25 Nov 1710. St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Monument to Henry Boothby 2nd Baronet (deceased) and Gore Boothby (age 12).

Henry Boothby 2nd Baronet: Around 1682 he was born to Francis Boothby. On 24 Mar 1707 William Boothby 1st Baronet died at Ashbourne Hall, Derbyshire. His grandson Henry Boothby 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Boothby of Broadlow Ash in Derbyshire.

Gore Boothby: Before 24 Jul 1698 he was born to William Boothby 3rd Baronet. On 24 Jul 1698 Gore Boothby was baptised at St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne. Before 19 Aug 1730 Gore Boothby died. He was buried at St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne.

On 25 Nov 1732 Robert Clements 1st Earl Leitrim was born to Nathaniel Clements (age 27) and Hannah Gore.

On 25 Nov 1743 William Henry Hanover 1st Duke Gloucester and Edinburgh was born to Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales (age 36) and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 23). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 25 Nov 1803 Joseph Wilton (age 81) died.

On 25 Nov 1841 Francis Leggatt Chantrey (age 60) died at his home 13 Eccleston Street Pimlico [Map].

After 25 Nov 1841. Church of St James the Great, Norton [Map]. Monument to Francis Leggatt Chantrey (deceased).

On 25 Nov 1845 Charlotte Lucy Beatrix Egerton (deceased) was buried at St Mary's Church, Rostherne [Map] sculpted Richard Westmacott (age 70).

Charlotte Lucy Beatrix Egerton: On 13 Sep 1824 she was born to Wilbraham Egerton and Elizabeth Sykes. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%. On 10 Nov 1845 Charlotte Lucy Beatrix Egerton drowned in Rostherne Mere Rostherne Tatton the evening before her wedding day, or possibly died after a short illness. Her death certificate states "Bronchitis and exhaustion after 12 days" - information provided by CB Newham.

On 25 Nov 1856 Ernest William Beckett 2nd Baron Grimthorpe was born to William Beckett-Denison (age 30) and Helen Duncombe (age 25).

After 25 Nov 1879. Memorial to Frances Matilda Irby (deceased) at St Nicholas Church, Whiston [Map].

Frances Matilda Irby: On 07 Mar 1810 she was born to George Irby 3rd Baron Boston and Rachel Ives Drake Baroness Boston. On 25 Nov 1879 Frances Matilda Irby died.

On 25 Nov 1885 Alfonso XII King Spain (age 27) died. On 17 May 1886 His son Alfonso XIII King Spain succeeded posthumously XIII King Spain when he was born some seven months later.

After 25 Nov 1891. Carlisle Cathedral [Map]. Monument to Bishop Harvey Goodwin (deceased) sculpted by William Hamo Thornycroft (age 41).

Bishop Harvey Goodwin: On 09 Oct 1818 he was born in King's Lynn, Norfolk. In Oct 1869 Bishop Harvey Goodwin was elected Bishop of Carlisle. On 25 Nov 1891 he died in Bishopthorpe York whilst on a visit to William Maclagan, Archbishop of York.

On 25 Nov 1907 Pamela Mitford was born to David Freeman-Mitford 2nd Baron Redesdale (age 29) and Sydney Bowles (age 27).

On 25 Nov 1963 the funeral of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (deceased) was held.

Births on the 25th November

On 25 Nov 1274 Catherine Courtenay Countess Valois was born to Philip Courtenay (age 31).

On 25 Nov 1350 Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster was born to Giles "Payne" Roet (age 40).

On 25 Nov 1537 Elizabeth Baldry Baroness Rich Leez was born to George Baldry (age 27).

On 25 Nov 1587 Gervase Clifton 1st Baronet was born to George Clifton and Winifred Thorold (age 19).

On or before 25 Nov 1604, the date she was baptised at St Mary the Virgin Church, Bromfield, Ann Waties was born to Edward Waties of Ludlow and Martha Fox.

On 25 Nov 1623 Margaret Maria Catherine Habsburg Spain was born to Philip IV King Spain (age 18) and Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 21). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.39%.

On or before 25 Nov 1637 Thomas Chiffinch was born to Thomas Chiffinch Keeper of the King's Closet (age 37). On 25 Nov 1637 he was baptised at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 25 Nov 1638 Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England was born to John IV King Portugal (age 34) and Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal (age 25) in Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Vila Viçosa.

On 25 Nov 1654 Thomas Vernon was born to Richard Vernon of Hanbury Hall (age 39).

On 25 Nov 1681 Mary Luttrell was born to Francis Luttrell (age 22).

On or before 25 Nov 1697 Trevor Wheler 4th Baronet was born to William Wheeler 3rd Baronet (age 43) and Teresa Widdrington. He was baptised at All Saints' Church, Leamington Hastings on 25 Nov 1697.

On 25 Nov 1705 Meriel Leicester was born to Francis Leicester 3rd Baronet (age 41).

On 25 Nov 1719 George Crowe was born to Christopher Crowe (age 38) and Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 40). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Nov 1720 John Proby 1st Baron Carysfort was born to John Proby (age 22) and Jane Leveson-Gower (age 16).

On 25 Nov 1732 Robert Clements 1st Earl Leitrim was born to Nathaniel Clements (age 27) and Hannah Gore.

On 25 Nov 1743 Mary Beauclerk was born to Henry Beauclerk (age 42) and Martha Lovelace. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Nov 1743 William Henry Hanover 1st Duke Gloucester and Edinburgh was born to Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales (age 36) and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 23). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 25 Nov 1749 Henry George Liddell 5th Baronet was born to Thomas Liddell (age 34) and Margaret Bowes (age 42).

On 25 Nov 1751 Amelia Egerton was born to Bishop John Egerton (age 29) and Anne Sophia Grey. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 25 Nov 1772 Elizabeth Penelope Mcdouall Crichton was born to Patrick Mcdouall Crichton 6th Earl Dumfries (age 46).

Before 25 Nov 1792 Christopher Willoughby 2nd Baronet was born to Christopher Willoughby 1st Baronet (age 44) and Martha Evans Lady Willoughby (age 25).

On 25 Nov 1806 Charles Fieschi Heneage Gentleman Usher was born.

On 25 Nov 1810 Francis Cholmeley was born.

On 25 Nov 1827 Frederick Richard Chichester was born to George Chichester 3rd Marquess Donegal (age 30) and Harriet Anne Butler Marchioness Donegal (age 28).

On 25 Nov 1832 George Orby Wombwell 4th Baronet was born to George Wombwell 3rd Baronet (age 40) and Georgiana Hunter.

On 25 Nov 1840 Robert Osbaldeston-Mitford was born.

On 25 Nov 1856 Ernest William Beckett 2nd Baron Grimthorpe was born to William Beckett-Denison (age 30) and Helen Duncombe (age 25).

On 25 Nov 1861 Archibald John Marjoribanks was born to Dudley Marjoribanks 1st Baron Tweedmouth (age 40) and Isabella Hogg.

On 25 Nov 1868 Ernest Louis Hesse Darmstadt Grand Duke was born to Prince Louis Hesse Darmstadt IV Grand Duke (age 31) and Princess Alice Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 25). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 25 Nov 1871 Simon Fraser 14th Lord Lovat was born to Simon Fraser 13th Lord Lovat (age 42).

On 25 Nov 1873 Katherine Mary Cole was born to Lowry Cole 4th Earl Enniskillen (age 27).

On 25 Nov 1876 Victoria Melita Windsor was born to Prince Alfred Windsor (age 32) and Maria Holstein Gottorp Romanov (age 23). She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 25 Nov 1891 Margery Joan Shirley was born to Walter Shirley 11th Earl Ferrers (age 27) and Mary Jane Moon Countess Ferrers.

On 25 Nov 1900 Anne Catherine Tredick Wendell Countess Carnarvon was born to Jacob "Jake" Wendell (age 31) and Marian Fendall (age 30).

On 25 Nov 1907 Pamela Mitford was born to David Freeman-Mitford 2nd Baron Redesdale (age 29) and Sydney Bowles (age 27).

On 25 Nov 1937 Zinnia Rosemary Denison was born to Hugo Denison 4th Earl of Londesborough and Marigold Lubbock Countess Londesborough (age 34). She was born posthumously her father having died six months before her birth.

Marriages on the 25th November

Before 25 Nov 1057 Sancho Jiménez (age 19) and Constanza Unknown were married. He the son of García III King Pamplona.

Before 25 Nov 1316 William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley (age 31) and Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 8) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ros Helmsley. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 25 Nov 1467 Humphrey Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 43) and Mabel Parr Baroness Dacre of Gilsland were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 25 Nov 1467 Walter Blount 1st Baron Mountjoy (age 51) and Anne Neville Duchess Buckingham (age 59) were married. She by marriage Baroness Mountjoy. She the daughter of Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland and Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

After 25 Nov 1467 Richard Scrope (age 25) and Eleanor Washbourne were married at the Chapell of Sheriff Hutton Castle [Map].

On 25 Nov 1479 William Graham 1st Earl Montrose (age 15) and Annabella Dummond Countess Montrose (age 16) were married.

Before 25 Nov 1495 Thomas Radclyffe of Derwentwater (age 72) and Margaret Parr were married.

On 25 Nov 1532 George Pierrepont (age 22) and Elizabeth Babington (age 22) were married.

On 25 Nov 1558 Thomas White (age 66) and Joan Trelake were married.

On 25 Nov 1585 Patrick Gray 6th Lord Gray (age 20) and Mary Stewart Lady Gray (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Robert Stewart 1st Earl Orkney (age 52) and Jean Kennedy Countess Orkney. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 25 Nov 1596 Thomas West 3rd Baron De La Warr (age 19) and Cecily Shirley Baroness De La Warr were married.

On 25 Nov 1602 John Peyton of Doddington (age 23) and Alice Peyton (age 16) were married. They were second cousin once removed.

Before 25 Nov 1612 Edward Fitzherbert and Bridget Caryll were married.

Before 25 Nov 1637 Thomas Chiffinch Keeper of the King's Closet (age 37) and Dorothy Thanet were married.

After 25 Nov 1666 James Campbell 2nd Earl Loudon (age 46) and Margaret Montgomerie (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 28 years. She the daughter of Hugh Montgomerie 7th Earl Eglinton (age 53) and Mary Leslie Countess of Eglinton. He the son of John Campbell 1st Earl Loudon.

On 25 Nov 1705 Robert "Beau Handsome" Fielding (age 55) and Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 64) were married bigamously. She the daughter of William Villiers 2nd Viscount Grandison and Mary Bayning Countess Anglesey.

On 25 Nov 1710 Richard Granville (age 32) and Hester Temple 1st Countess Temple (age 20) were married.

On 25 Nov 1741 Clotworthy Skeffington 1st Earl Massereene (age 26) and Anne Eyre Countess Massereene (age 24) were married.

On 25 Nov 1751 George Strickland 5th Baronet (age 22) and Elizabeth Letitia Winn (age 18) were married.

On 25 Nov 1787 Richard Caton (age 24) and Mary "Polly" Carroll (age 17) were married at Annapolis, Maryland.

On 25 Nov 1788 Robert Lindsay (age 34) and Elizabeth Dick were married. He the son of James Lindsay 5th Earl Balcarres and Anne Dalrymple Countess Balcarres (age 61).

On 25 Nov 1800 Francis Almeric Spencer 1st Baron Churchill (age 20) and Frances Fitzroy Baroness Churchill Wychwood (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Augustus Henry Fitzroy 3rd Duke Grafton (age 65) and Elizabeth Wrottesley Duchess Grafton (age 55). He the son of George Spencer 4th Duke of Marlborough (age 61) and Caroline Russell Duchess of Marlborough (age 57). They were second cousins. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Nov 1802 Thomas Marlborough Pryor (age 25) and Hannah Hoare (age 23) were married.

On 25 Nov 1809 James Hamilton (age 23) and Harriet Douglas Countess Aberdeen (age 17) were married. He the son of John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn (age 53) and Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn.

In On 25 Nov 1817 or 25 Dec 1817 Hercules Robert Pakenham (age 36) and Emily Stapleton (age 13) were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

On 25 Nov 1833 Richard Samuel Guiness (age 36) and Katherine Jenkinson were married at the residence of the British ambassador to France, in Verdun.

On 25 Nov 1909 Clement Freeman-Mitford and Helen Alice Wyllington Ogilvy (age 19) were married. She the daughter of David Ogilvy 11th Earl of Airlie and Mabell Gore Countess Airlie (age 43). They were first cousins.

On 25 Nov 1918 Michael John Erskine-Wemyss (age 30) and Victoria Alexandrina Violet Cavendish-Bentinck (age 28) were married. She the daughter of William Cavendish-Bentinck 6th Duke Portland (age 60). He a great x 2 grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 25 Nov 1955 John Francis Baring 7th Baron Ashburton (age 27) and Susan Renwick (age 25) were married.

Deaths on the 25th November

Before 25 Nov 875 Teutberga Arles died.

On 25 Nov 1034 King Malcolm II of Alba (age 80) died.

On 25 Nov 1047 King Magnus "The Good" of Norway (age 23) died.

On 25 Nov 1120 the White Ship left Barfleur, Basse Normandie, with a party of young Normans. King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 52) had left earlier on another ship. A mile out the White Ship foundered on a submerged rock. William Adelin Normandy Duke Normandy (age 17), his half-siblings Richard Fitzroy (age 19) and Matilda Fitzroy Countess Perche, William Bigod (age 27), Lucia Mahaut Blois Countess Chester, brothers Geoffrey Aigle and Engenulf Aigle, half-brothers Richard Avranches 2nd Earl Chester (age 26) and Ottiwel Avranches, brothers Ivo Grandesmil and William Grandesmil and Geoffrey Ridel were all drowned.

On 25 Nov 1314 John "Empty Coat" I King Scotland (age 65) died at Château de Hélicourt.

On 25 Nov 1321 Nicholas Segrave (age 65) died.

On 25 Nov 1375 Margaret Everingham (age 44) died.

On 25 Nov 1392 John Villiers of Brooksby (age 69) died.

On 25 Nov 1402 Catherine Mauley Countess Suffolk (age 72) died.

On 25 Nov 1416 John Villiers (age 36) died.

Around 25 Nov 1416 Roger Leche of Chatsworth (age 55) died.

On 25 Nov 1431 Walter Fitzwalter 7th Baron Fitzwalter (age 31) drowned at sea in a storm whilst returning from France.

Elizabeth Fitzwalter Baroness Dinham 8th Baroness Fitzwalter (age 1) succeeded 8th Baroness Fitzwalter. Note. Chronicle of Gregory 1432 states 24 Nov 1432 or, more specifically, "on Syn Kateryn ys eve" - St Katherine's feast day is 25 Nov.

On 25 Nov 1462 John Stourton 1st Baron Stourton (age 62) died. His son William Stourton 2nd Baron Stourton (age 36) succeeded 2ndBaron Stourton.

On 25 Nov 1483 Richard Fiennes 7th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 68) died.

On 25 Nov 1485 Henry Strange of Hunstanton (age 53) died.

On 25 Nov 1495 Thomas Radclyffe of Derwentwater (age 72) died.

On 25 Nov 1501 Walter Kerr Lord of Cessford (age 56) died.

On 25 Nov 1510 Thomas Cockfield (age 90) died in Drinkstone, Suffolk.

On 25 Nov 1533 Philip of Savoy Duke Nemours (age 43) died. His son Jacques of Savoy 2nd Duke of Nemours (age 2) succeeded Duke Nemours.

On 25 Nov 1547 John Greville (age 56) died.

On 25 Nov 1551 Roger Townshend (age 73) died at Raynham, Norfolk [Map].

On 25 Nov 1555 Richard Ogle of Pinchbeck (age 75) died.

On 25 Nov 1560 Andrea Doria (age 93) died.

On 25 Nov 1564 Isabel or Elizabeth Stewart Countess Lennox (age 69) died.

Around 25 Nov 1573 Giles Alington (age 33) died.

On 25 Nov 1591 Audrey Tyrrell died.

On 25 Nov 1612 Edward Fitzherbert died.

On 25 Nov 1627 Elisabeth Sofie (age 28) died.

On 25 Nov 1670 John Lovelace 2nd Baron Lovelace (age 54) died. His son John Lovelace 3rd Baron Lovelace (age 29) succeeded 3rd Baron Lovelace.

On 25 Nov 1680 Allen Brodrick (age 57) died unmarried.

Before 25 Nov 1710 Henry Boothby 2nd Baronet (age 28) died. His uncle William Boothby 3rd Baronet (age 46) succeeded 3rd Baronet Boothby of Broadlow Ash in Derbyshire.

On 25 Nov 1710 Henry Boothby 2nd Baronet (age 28) was buried in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map].

On 25 Nov 1711 Mary Offley (age 41) died.

After 25 Nov 1716 Frances Boothby (age 20) died.

On 25 Nov 1718 Elizabeth Tulse (age 57) died at Croydon Palace.

On 19 Nov 1733 Mary Somerset Duchess Ormonde (age 69) died. On 25 Nov 1733 she was buried in the Duke of Ormonde Vault, King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey.

On 25 Nov 1750 Henrietta Johnstone (age 68) died.

On 25 Nov 1761 John Kemp 5th Baronet (age 60) died. His nephew John Kemp 6th Baronet (age 7) succeeded 6th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk.

On 25 Nov 1791 Charlotte Cam died.

On 25 Nov 1798 John Dawson 1st Earl Portarlington (age 54) died. His son John Dawson 2nd Earl Portarlington (age 17) succeeded 2nd Earl Portarlington.

On 25 Nov 1803 Joseph Wilton (age 81) died.

On 25 Nov 1804 Barbara St John Countess Coventry died.

On 25 Nov 1805 Charlotte Smith-Stanley (age 29) died.

On 25 Nov 1821 Reverend Thomas Bigsby (age 65) died.

On 25 Nov 1826 Chichester Fortescue (age 49) died.

On 25 Nov 1828 George Joseph Stanhope (age 22) died at Rio de Janeiro.

On 25 Nov 1841 Francis Leggatt Chantrey (age 60) died at his home 13 Eccleston Street Pimlico [Map].

On 25 Nov 1850 Ann Warren (age 83) died.

On 25 Nov 1853 Caroline Anne Stanhope (age 62) died.

On 25 Nov 1861 John Finch (age 68) died.

On 25 Nov 1862 Harriet Cavendish Countess Granville (age 77) died.

On 25 Nov 1863 Agnes Beresford Lady Fitzherbert (age 78) died.

On 25 Nov 1864 David Roberts (age 68) died.

On 25 Nov 1869 Pamela Fitzgerald Lady Campbell (age 73) died.

On 25 Nov 1879 Frances Matilda Irby (age 69) died.

On 25 Nov 1885 Alfonso XII King Spain (age 27) died. On 17 May 1886 His son Alfonso XIII King Spain succeeded posthumously XIII King Spain when he was born some seven months later.

On 25 Nov 1886 Eleanor Chandos-Pole (age 43) died.

On 25 Nov 1887 John William Maule Ramsay 13th Earl Dalhousie (age 40) died. His son Arthur Ramsay 14th Earl Dalhousie (age 9) succeeded 14th Earl Dalhousie.

On 25 Nov 1888 Anne Hay Mackenzie Duchess Sutherland (age 59) died at Stafford House St James'.

On 25 Nov 1889 George Patrick Evans 7th Baron Carbery (age 79) died without issue. His brother William Charles Evans 8th Baron Carbery (age 77) succeeded 8th Baron Carbery. Victoria Cecil Baroness Carbery (age 46) by marriage Baroness Carbery.

On 25 Nov 1891 Bishop Harvey Goodwin (age 73) died in Bishopthorpe York whilst on a visit to William Maclagan, Archbishop of York.

On 25 Nov 1893 Henry Wyndham West (age 70) died.

On 25 Nov 1900 James Heron Walker 3rd Baronet (age 35) died.

On 25 Nov 1908 Major Robert Cranmer Trollope (age 56) died.

On 25 Nov 1913 Berkeley Charles Sydney Paget (age 69) died.

On 25 Nov 1913 Edith Florence Ashley-Cooper (age 66) died.

On 25 Nov 1923 William Stuckley Gresley (age 71) died.

On 25 Nov 1930 Major George Henry Edwardes (age 53) died.

On 25 Nov 1932 Bishop Henry Montgomery (age 85) died.

On 25 Nov 1945 Henry Charles Augustus Fitzroy (age 71) died.

On 25 Nov 1946 Mabel Laura Egerton (age 76) died.

On 25 Nov 1957 George Glücksburg (age 88) died.

On 25 Nov 1958 Mary Carolyn Campbell Cuyler Lady Egerton (age 86) died.

On 25 Nov 1972 Francis Henry Manners 4th Baron Manners (age 75) died.

On 25 Nov 1976 David John Smith (age 69) died.

On 25 Nov 2009 Maureen Therese Josephine Noel Baroness Dormer (age 92) died.

On 25 Nov 2013 Elizabeth Wellesley (age 94) died.

On 25 Nov 2023 Ursula James (age 99) died.